The Wrongway Legacy: 4.2

Welcome to the Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part two! We saw Lavender meet a new friend in the form of Mark Davison, Austin began flirting with the Greek House placeholder, Aphrodite and Robin live in a new Greek House with Hercules, who tried to fix his friendship with Lavender unsuccessfully. Lavender then went out to a bar and drank a lot. Meanwhile, Rose was about to send the Wronglands to a publisher, while Forrest and Meadow planned to sneak out to a bar, where they found Lavender. They called on Hex to help them all out, and Lavender threw up in his car. Meadow started talking with a mysterious new guy named Henry, Lavender went to apologise to Hex, Hercules stole Aphrodite's key to Ralph's house, and let himself, determined to find out more. Also, I'm rebuilding my downloads folder, which is why some sims have different CC now. On with the chapter ->

Transcript of The Wrongway Legacy: 4.2

Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.2

Welcome to the Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part two!

We saw Lavender meet a new friend in the form of Mark Davison, Austin began flirting with the Greek House placeholder, Aphrodite and Robin live in a new Greek House with Hercules, who tried to fix his friendship with Lavender unsuccessfully. Lavender then went out to a bar and drank a lot. Meanwhile, Rose was about to send the Wronglands to a publisher, while Forrest and Meadow planned to sneak out to a bar, where they found Lavender. They called on Hex to help them all out, and Lavender threw up in his car. Meadow started talking with a mysterious new guy named Henry, Lavender went to apologise to Hex, Hercules stole Aphrodite's key to Ralph's house, and let himself, determined to find out more.

Also, I'm rebuilding my downloads folder, which is why some sims have different CC now. On with the chapter ->

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.2

Rosie-Posie sighed, gazing out across the Emperor's waters, “This is no time to be resting.”

William closed his eyes, and turned his attention to the cool spray falling from the rocks. After fleeing the Shadow Soldiers, a break and a moment to relax should have been a given right. Archa sat in the shallows, her feelings echoing Will's.

“Princess, Will and I will take the first watch. You and Charm should get some sleep.”

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“She's panicking, isn't she?” Will asked Archa, discreetly. Archa responded with a nod of her head.

“Wouldn't you? Her entire kingdom, all she's ever known, is in danger, and what are we doing? Relaxing in the shallows of an Emperor's lake.”

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In the shade, away from the cool edge of Emperor's waters, Rosie-Posie had laid in the grass, Charm keeping a guardian's eye on the surroundings.

“What am I going to do, Charm? We cannot run forever.”

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“I don't want to run forever,” Rosie-Posie murmured, distantly, “I don't want to be alone.”

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“Read the next part, Ginger, I have to know what happens!” David Ottomas cried, as Ginger finished reading another chapter of a new book they had bought, Rescuing the Wronglands.

“Calm down, Davie, I'm sure it'll all be fine!”

“But...what if it's not?” David gasped, “Keep reading!”

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“Chapter eighteen,” Ginger read, clearly, “the charming solution.”

David interrupted before she could continue, “Oh, I hope this is the part where they win back the kingdom.”

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Nearby, Rose watched Ginger read the next part to David, the pair of them completely oblivious to the fact she was the mind behind the world they wanted to be saved.

“Wow,” Rose muttered to herself, “people care about the Wronglands.”

With a growing sense of pride, Rose continued to listen, pleased with the reactions of her readers.


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After a day of shopping in a nearby shopping district with Meadow and Henry, Forrest realised he was bored. Truly bored. Rubix was a quiet little town, and had very little to offer Forrest that he found interesting.

It didn't help that his best friend, Meadow, was getting much closer to Henry, and further away from Forrest himself.

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“We have to do this again sometime,” Meadow laughed, “or how about we drive up to the city sometime and visit your mother?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Well, after we're settled at uni, of course,” Meadow's giggle faded. She was worried about moving to the university, “we leave tomorrow.”

“I'm sure it's going to be great fun,” Henry smiled, encouragingly. He was slightly younger than Meadow and Forrest, and he wasn't able to go to university yet, “just don't meet some guy while you're there, okay?”

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“Why not?” Meadow asked, shyly, though she had an idea of what Henry was about to say.

“Have I ever told you how pretty you are, Meadow?” Henry questioned, “How beautiful you are on the inside, too.”

Though Henry's sweet words brought a smile to her face, Meadow looked Henry in the eye, “I don't want a relationship this close to uni. How about we wait and see how we feel when we're both there?”

Henry said nothing, but answered Meadow with a nod.

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Forrest, meanwhile, gazed out at the empty landscape, wishing there was something interesting to look at.

Glancing up at the sky, he spotted a star, “I want to see more of the world. I want to get out of Rubix, even if it's just for a little while.”

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“I wonder how Mum would feel about that,” Forrest sighed, “especially as I'm supposed to go to university tomorrow.”

He carried on staring at the vast emptiness around them, until Meadow and Henry decided it was time to finish the drive home.


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For the first time in years, Grace was painting. Art was always her mother's passion, but in recent times, Grace had found it was a soothing distraction.

Maybe Cassidy painted to get over Grace's kidnapping as a baby. Grace would never know now – it was way too late to ask. Her parents were gone, and her only remainder of her husband was the gold band she still wore round her ring finger.

Thinking about all of the people she no longer could talk to, Grace carefully set down her paintbrush.

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And promptly began sobbing. Soon she would be all alone.

She was too busy wiping away the tears to hear Forrest wander in, too upset to care that it was a strange hour of the night for either of them to be up.

“Mum?” Forrest called, coolly. He promised himself he wouldn't cry seeing his mother's tears.

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Grace forced herself to smile as she turned around to face Forrest, “Shouldn't you be in bed? You have an early start tomorrow.”

“I couldn't sleep,” Forrest answered, truthfully.

“Why not?” Grace asked, concerned. Forrest shrugged and sighed.

“A few reasons, really. Everyone has spent their entire lives in Rubix. Absolutely everyone.”

“Not true. I went to Twikkii Island for a few days. Your grandfather went to university in the desert!”

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“Neither of those appeal to me, Mum. Sure, Twikkii would be nice to see, you guys need me,” Forrest bit his lip, “ and it's miles away from home. I don't want to leave you on your own.”

“Sweetie, if you want to do something with your life, don't you dare let me, or anyone, get in your way.”

“You don't mind me just wanting to go and see what the horizon brings?”

“I have no trouble with it,” Grace smiled, proudly, “the uni might do, though.”

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“I suppose it is a bit late to pull out of the university...” Forrest drifted off, thoughtfully.

“I can sort it out. Or Hex can. Maybe even Lavender. One of us will fix it so you don't have to go.”

“That's great!” Forrest replied, with a bright smile.

“So what brought on this sudden change of heart? You were okay with going to the university until now.”

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“A lot of thinking,” Forrest replied, “I just got thinking. Meadow's way too preoccupied with Henry now to miss my company, and the others are much older. They won't even notice I'm not there.”

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“I'm sure they would notice you're not there,” Grace smiled, encouragingly, “but you don't want to be there, and it's your choice.”

“Are you sure you're going to be okay living by yourself? The house is...silent. It's horrible.” Forrest shuddered – he hated silence, it was uneasy and restless.

“I'll be fine, Forrest. Don't change your plans to suit me. Besides, Lavender will be home soon enough,” Grace changed the subject, “you need to go to bed if you're planning on going anywhere tomorrow.”

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“I'm proud of you, Forrest,” Grace said, pulling him into a hug, “you and your sisters.”

Forrest smiled, “I know. You'll be even prouder when I bring home a way to bring Dad back.”

Grace decided it was too late at night to argue with Forrest about it. She knew Orlando wasn't coming back – there was only one resurrection allowed a generation, and Elizabeth had been brought back beforehand. Still, Grace let Forrest have his dream, and just hugged him tighter.


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The next day, the two heiresses were back in Rubix for a meeting with Hex. He had called for the girls to come and visit, in order to discuss details of heirship.

“So I was speaking to your mother, Lavender, and we agreed that the family needs a positive event. Something to look forward to.”

“I agree,” Robin smiled, “an escape from the troubles.”

“Did you come up with an idea?” Lavender questioned.

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“A formal dinner, when you two are welcome to bring the people you intend to marry.”

Robin's eyes widened in shock, “Wait, we're talking weddings already?”

“You're heiresses, and almost seniors. The pressure is on, I'm afraid.” Hex apologised.

Lavender smiled a little, “I guess I should have expected that the pressure for weddings would come around soon.”

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“How long have we got until the formal dinner?” Lavender questioned.

“It's going to be in the middle of your senior year, because it was the only time we could make sure all of the family could be there.”

“All of the family won't be there,” Lavender pointed out, “Forrest can't be.”

“No, but everyone else will. It's all arranged.” Hex figeted, nervously. He wasn't sure how the girls were going to react.

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“I'm sure it's fine,” Robin said, though she was thinking about how she had no one to introduce to the family, “is my family invited?”

“Would you like them to be there?” Hex asked.

“It's a long way to come for one night,” Robin replied, thinking of them, “I'm not too bothered if we don't invite them.”

“As long as you're sure about that.”

“I am.”

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They changed the subject after that, but Hex couldn't help but feel worried for the girls. There was the problem of success and failure to think about on top of everything.

But now was not the time to talk about problems. Now was the time to plan matching dresses.


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Hercules was slumped on the floor of the empty room in Ralph's house that had an uneasy silence hanging throughout it.

“This is where they disappeared,” Hercules sighed, “and where he died.”

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Studying the floor with increased interest, Hercules spoke again, his voice a lost whisper in the silence.

“Who am I?” He asked.


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Austin groaned as he lifted himself off the grass, head pounding, getting wet from the light rain. He had fallen over on the way home last night, and hadn't been able to find the energy to move.

“Get up, idiot. Come on, Austin. Get up.”

Looking up, Austin scowled, “Shut up.”

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“You know, there is nothing quite like being on bring-Austin-home duty. You're lucky I found you. Some old lady reported seeing you passed out in her neighbourhood.”

Austin said nothing, sitting up slowly, hand raised to steady himself.

“Austin, if you didn't drink so much, I wouldn't have to bother you like this,” Robin sat down next to him.

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“I had a good night,” Austin smiled, “even if I don't remember a lot of it.”

“Then how can you tell it was a great night?” Robin questioned, and Austin shrugged.

“Fine. I don't know. But I'll tell you this, Flaming Seahorses taste amazing.”

“What is a Flaming Seahorse?”

“A mixture of different juices, really.”

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“I wish you wouldn't drink so much, Austin,” Robin admitted, in a small voice, “it terrifies me.”

“Maybe I'll stop then.” Austin replied.

“Would you?”

“If you asked me to.”

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“I am asking you to.”

“Then I will.” Austin promised, and he watched a grin light up Robin's face. She did ask nicely, he decided. If she wanted him to stop for awhile, then he would.

Simple as, right?


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“So I said I'd give it all up for her,” Austin grinned, “I feel slightly insane, but much better.”

“Great,” came the reply, “and why are you telling me all this?”

“I don't know...I thought you'd want to know...”

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“Austin, we haven't spoken in months, since I realised that you were dating me because you felt sorry for me.”

“I miss my best friend,” Austin admitted, “what do you think of me just giving it all of the drinking and stuff up?”

Aphrodite smiled, “You're either ill, or you're falling for Robin.”

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“Falling for Robin?” Austin repeated, and leaned back in his chair, “I...hmm. I do really like her...but I can't ask her out now. She'd never say yes because of my reputation.”

“So change your reputation, and then ask.”

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“What would I do without you, Aphrodite?” Austin smiled.

“Turn to drinking, as you did before.” Aphrodite laughed, and like that, the two were friends again.


Page 39: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.2

If you were looking for Lavender Wrongway, you would automatically be looking for Mark Davison too, as the pair were inseparable.

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“Don't upstage me now with your awesome singing voice, will you?”

They did everything together. Naturally, this became a talking point for everyone.

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Which was why half the family thought they knew who Mark was on about at his concert.

“She's a huge part of my life, the least she deserves is a song,” Mark gazed discreetly at Lavender, “this is Something Stupid.”

“I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time

To spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance

I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me

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Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two

And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid

Like I love you

I can see it in your eyes That you despise the same old lines

You heard the night before And though it's just a line to you

For me it's true And never seemed so right before

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I practice every day to find some clever lines to say

To make the meaning come through But then I think I'll wait until the evening

gets late And I'm alone with you

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The time is right Your perfume fills my head

The stars get red And oh the night's so blue

And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid

Like I love you I love you...”

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Lavender stood watching, a hint of a smile on her face. No one could tell what she was thinking, but the hopeful expression on her face said a lot.

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“You sound terrible,” Lavender grinned, wandering over to Mark after the concert. He nodded.

“Michelle said she might teach me how to play guitar in time for our big meeting with the music bosses tomorrow.”

“Well, you're not doing so great with it.”

“I know,” Mark set down the guitar, “what can I do for you?”

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“Who was your song dedicated to?” Lavender asked, quietly.

“You couldn't guess?” Mark replied, and Lavender shook her head, “Ah, well, it's about your cousin, actually, Aphrodite...I'm kidding, Lavender. It was about you.”

“You really think I don't have time for you?” Lavender questioned, thinking back to the lyrics.

“No. Some of the lyrics didn't fit completely, but I wanted you to know I've had trouble telling you just how much I love you.”

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“You love me?” Lavender repeated, her smile growing.

“Yeah, and I told you the only way I knew how. By singing it.”

“That was the perfect way of telling me.”

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“It sounds really romantic,” Aphrodite commented as Lavender finished telling the story of how she got with Mark.

“I need to do something like that for Robin,” Austin frowned, “but I can't sing. Mark, could you just sing 'hey Robin, Austin loves you' for me?”

“I doubt that'll have the same effect, Austin.” Aphrodite giggled.

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“How about you just tell her?” Lavender suggested, “It's not like you're shy.”

“I know, but I want to get this right.”

“We'll talk about it later, because she's almost here now.”


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“Aphrodite, what do I do?!”

Why do I care? Aphrodite asked herself, I don't care about dates and dancing, why should any of this matter.

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Robin continued, “I mean, if I don't have a date for the ball this weekend, I'll be a failure as an heiress.”

“Well, at least that would solve this stupid curse thing,” Aphrodite responded, earning a glare from Robin as she picked through the dresses in her wardrobe.

“That's not the point, Aphrodite. I need someone for the ball.”

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“I like that dress.” Aphrodite commented, changing the subject.

“It's more you than it is me,” Robin decided, “I need to go shopping. Maybe I'll meet my true love on the way.”


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“What do I do, Aphrodite?” Austin asked.

I swear, if one more person asks me that..., “How about you tell her how you feel, Austin? She's not a mind reader.”

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“But how? That's my problem!”

“Well, don't leave it too late. The fancy heiress party thing is coming up...”

“Oh man, I forgot. I need to find a suit.”

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“Shame you didn't go shopping yesterday. Robin went yesterday, you could have helped her pick a dress.”

Austin closed his eyes, “I will tell her. At some point.”

“Don't leave it too late.”

“I won't.”


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The formal dinner came around quickly than anyone expected it to. Soon enough, Wrongways were putting on their formalwear and heading out to the ballroom.

“Robin! You look great in that dress that matches mine!”

“We look fabulous! I'm so glad we decided to match!”

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Lavender and Robin headed to the top of the staircase, and Lavender folded her arms, ready to wait, “So who did you ask to be your date tonight? You guessed Mark was coming with me, right?”

“Date, hmm?” Robin considered this, “I, er, don't have one...”

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“You know everyone down there is expecting to meet your husband to be, right?” Lavender pointed out, shifting nervously. What if her mother didn't approve of Mark?

“Well, I didn't ask anyone...”

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“What are you going to do, Robin?” Lavender smiled a little, “They're all waiting to meet your partner.”

“I had no one to ask,” Robin tried to be optimistic, but she was sure she was a failure as an heiress.

“I have an idea, I know a guy who likes you...who you'll really like as well.”


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Downstairs, Austin ended a call on his mobile phone. Behind him, Aphrodite smiled.

“Rescue mission?” She asked, her expression unchanged.

“You know me, knight in shining armour,” Austin rolled his eyes, “cover for me while I go save someone?”

“Of course. Good luck.”

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Austin made his way upstairs, until he found Robin, standing by the window, looking beautiful. He smiled.

“Please tell me you're kidding,” Austin said, “please tell me you're not expecting me to walk you down those stairs tonight.”

“I'm deadly serious. See, I didn't ask anyone to be my date tonight.”

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“But if the family sees me with you tonight, they'll expect me to marry you.” Austin's heart pounded at the idea.

“True. But relationships fall apart sometimes. We can find a way out of it, if you want.” Robin offered.

“I don't know what I want anymore,” Austin replied, darkly, “but I'll help you out.”

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“Thanks, Austin, I owe you.”

“Nah, I'm just helping out one of my friends. One of my friends who didn't ask anyone to a family ball in her honour.”

“Shush, you.” Robin laughed, playfully. She knew it was going to be a good evening with Austin on her side.

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“Robin, this is going to have to be very convincing.” Austin pointed out, grinning mischeviously.

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“Oh, right, so a few sneak kisses and some hand-holding,” Robin winked, “I promise I won't tell your latest girl.”

“Actually, I don't have a latest girl.”

“I'm sorry...I didn't mean...”

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“It's fine, Robin,” Austin grinned, “but tonight is about you and me, right?”

Robin swallowed, “Right.”

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Robin and Austin made their way down the stairs after Lavender and Mark, as a supposedly happy couple.

While Robin smiled and greeted the family, Austin pulled a face, They think I'm going to marry her.

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“Robin and Austin seem to have made a talking point.” Lavender smiled, wandering over to Mark after greeting her mother.

“It's not just about them, it's about us, too,” Mark paused, and put a hand up to her chin, “have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?”

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The evening wore on, to the toasting. Lavender raised her glass, and raised an eyebrow at Robin, “To the new couples?”

Robin, in return, raised her own glass, “To all the couples, new and old!”

And for good measure, she tucked her arm in Austin's, leaving a smile behind on his face.

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A dinner was supposed to follow the toasting, though the waiter had apologised – the original dinner was burnt, and everyone now had to sit and wait for it to be cooked again.

No one minded too much – it was a chance for family members to catch up.

Will grinned at his half-brother, “A nice seat at the Captain's table, I see.”

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Eli had arrived late to the evening, due to his working hours, and had to quickly take his seat at the table without acknowledging the empty seat laid out for Austin at the main family table.

“Why is Austin sitting in Robin's partner's seat?”

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“This is...different.” Lavender commented, watching the family. Truth be told, she felt isolated, on a separate table with Robin, Austin and Mark.

“Let's never put our kids through one of these.” Austin decided.

Robin blinked, focusing on the family, “Our kids?”

Lavender tried to conceal a smile and turned her attention to Mark.

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“It's still a wonderful idea,” Lavender grinned, “I'm glad you get to be here with me.”

“I wouldn't miss it for the world,” Mark replied, “though I agree with Austin. Let's never throw one of these again.”

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Over at Robin's table, Austin reached a hand out, “Everyone in this room thinks we're madly in love and about to get married, now. Apart from Aphrodite, maybe.”


“So, how about we give it a shot? Give being together a shot?”

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“Let's give it a go,” Robin replied, and placed her hand over Austin's matching his grin, “I guess this means I'm staying after I graduate.”


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“Maybe the solution is not as complicated as we think,” Phillip offered, “look at it this way, both lines were fine until they started mixing, weren't they? I mean, other than a few minor slip-ups.”

Hex's reply was made to the table, and muffled.

“So Robin can't stay after she graduates. We have to send her back to the desert, and make her promise us she won't come back.”

Hex sat up, fear on his face.

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“That means she can't have Austin for a partner.” Hex said.

“I guess so,” Phillip replied, glumly, “but the consequences...of her keeping him...”

“You can't rationalize love, Phillip. It doesn't work.”

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“What am I going to do?” Hex whispered to himself. Clearing his throat, he said to Phillip, “I'm going for a walk. I need to clear my head.”


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“Are you ready to meet my Mother?”

“Why am I meeting your Mum, again? I don't remember the original reason.” Meadow asked.

“I wanted her to meet my best friend.”

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“Henry! It's so nice to see you again!”

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Hex was wandering down the high street, looking for something. Inspiration, a solution, some reason for him not to care, when he saw her.

Kendra. The woman who disappeared from his life.

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Hex couldn't help himself. He wandered over, and took another look at the young man Kendra was hugging.

His son? Possibly.

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Kendra spotted him, “Hex! Hey! How are you!”

“So you leave my life, without a single word, and then show up on the high street with my son?!”

“Um, excuse me, sir, but my father is Grayson Santander. I don't even know who you are.” Henry smiled.

“You told him GRAYSON was his father?!”

“Henry...this is your father.” Kendra replied, quietly.

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“I can't believe you lied to him about his father! I thought I missed you, but you are not the same person who left me.”

“And you're not the same person I left behind, Hex. People change.”

“Do you know what happened after you left, Kendra? Hercules left and I haven't seen him since. My family, if that's what you can call it, was gone. It fell apart.”

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Henry interrupted, “Arguments aside, what does this mean to me?”

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“It means you're next in line. It means you're the next Guardian of the Wrongways.”


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He had found the gun. Ralph's bizarre edit on the technology of a gun. Even though he hadn't been there at the time, Hercules knew it would have been used to terrify anyone involved.

Hercules closed his eyes.

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“I can't bring them back early,” Hercules murmured, “but I can carry on with their unfinished business. I will take my father's place until he can.”


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Mark sat Lavender down in the kitchen, grinning, “To celebrate, I'm going to make you dinner.”

“What are we celebrating?” Lavender asked.

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“The dudes from the music company were impressed, and they want to do some recordings. We're going to Sim City, Lavender!”

“But we're supposed to get married and go home in the next couple of weeks, unless...” Lavender looked at the table.

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“Unless I move up to the city with you...” Lavender said, thoughtfully.------------------------That's it for now!

Thanks for reading! :)