The Worship of God The Scripture -

November 7, 2013 Worship at Lake Shore The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost The Worship of God November 10, 2013 “It’s Good to Give Up!” Rabbi Gordon Fuller The Scripture Exodus 25:1-2, 8; Deuteronomy 14:22; Deuteronomy 15: 4-8 November is Pledge Month at Lake Shore If you didn’t pick up your copy of the proposed 2014 budget Wednesday night, one will be mailed to you on Thursday. Called Business Meeting Wednesday, November 20 6:30 p.m. to vote on new deacons and committees as well as consider the budget for 2014. The final budget vote will be during worship on Sunday, November 24. Rabbi Gordon Fuller Will Be Our Guest Proclaimer in Worship Rabbi Fuller Gordon Fuller has been the spiritual leader of Congregation Agudath Jacob in Waco since July, 2004. Originally from Detroit, Rabbi Fuller has a B.A. in Human Development from Northwestern University and an M.A. in Social Work from The University of Chicago. “Rabbi Gordy” has over 20 years’ experience in Jewish education in many different Jewish settings. He has been in Texas since 1990, first serving as the Education Director of Congregation Shearith Israel in Dallas, followed by one year with Temple Kol Ami of Flower Mound, and then seven years with the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas as the Director of the Jewish Education Department. Currently Rabbi Fuller is president of the Greater Waco Interfaith Conference; he has served on the board since 2004. One of the group’s annual programs is the Holocaust Remembrance Day which will be hosted at Agudath Jacob in April. He is also currently on the board of Avance and will become chair of the board in January. He sits on the Mayor’s Leadership Board for the Prosper Waco initiative and is a past board member and chair of Caritas. He is co-author of Coping with Adversity. He and his wife Sharon, who is Senior Park Planner for the City of Waco – Parks and Recreation, have two children, Evan and Eliana, and four grandchildren. Evan and his family live in Maryland; Eliana and her family live in Pearland.

Transcript of The Worship of God The Scripture -

November 7, 2013

Worship at Lake Shore The Twenty-fifth Sunday

after Pentecost

The Worship of God November 10, 2013

“It’s Good to Give Up!” Rabbi Gordon Fuller

The Scripture Exodus 25:1-2, 8; Deuteronomy 14:22;

Deuteronomy 15: 4-8

November is Pledge

Month at Lake Shore

If you didn’t pick up your copy

of the proposed 2014 budget

Wednesday night, one will be

mailed to you on Thursday.

Called Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 20 6:30 p.m.

to vote on new deacons and committees as well as consider

the budget for 2014. The final budget vote

will be during worship on Sunday, November 24.

Rabbi Gordon Fuller Will Be Our Guest Proclaimer in Worship Rabbi Fuller Gordon Fuller has been the spiritual leader of Congregation Agudath Jacob in Waco since July, 2004. Originally from Detroit, Rabbi Fuller has a B.A. in Human Development from Northwestern University and an M.A. in Social Work from The University of Chicago. “Rabbi Gordy” has over 20 years’ experience in Jewish education in many different Jewish settings. He has been in Texas since 1990, first serving as the Education Director of Congregation Shearith Israel in Dallas, followed by one year with Temple Kol Ami of Flower Mound, and then seven years with the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas as the Director of the Jewish Education Department. Currently Rabbi Fuller is president of the Greater Waco Interfaith Conference; he has served on the board since 2004. One of the group’s annual programs is the Holocaust Remembrance Day which will be hosted at Agudath Jacob in April. He is also currently on the board of Avance and will become chair of the board in January. He sits on the Mayor’s Leadership Board for the Prosper Waco initiative and is a past board member and chair of Caritas. He is co-author of Coping with Adversity. He and his wife Sharon, who is Senior Park Planner for the City of Waco – Parks and Recreation, have two children, Evan and Eliana, and four grandchildren. Evan and his family live in Maryland; Eliana and her family live in Pearland.

Family Self-Sufficiency coordinator: an urgent need for an important role at Lake Shore, beginning in January

One of Lake Shore’s oldest ministries, Family Self-Sufficiency, just celebrated 23 years in partnership with us. On the third Thursday of the month, eight months of the year, we host 40-50 guests for supper and provide childcare while parents and caregivers meet in a support group sponsored by the Waco Housing Authority. We have maintained a strong commitment to the success of the program as its clients move toward educational improvement, and from public housing to self-sufficiency. Faith Kopplin, who has been an outstanding coordinator for a dedicated team of Lake Shore volunteers for almost a decade, says she “needs to pass the baton” to someone else, beginning with the January 2014 meeting. Anyone who serves with Self-Sufficiency in any capacity, quickly realizes what a difference one night a month can make — in the lives of our guests at church, yes, but just as much, what a difference our guests make in our lives. If you are interested in finding out more details about serving as coordinator or serving in another way, please contact [email protected].

A Prayer of Gratitude for Church Programs offered in worship by Sandy Londos, November 3

Dear God, we give thanks to You for You are good, and your steadfast Love endures forever. We come today in deep gratitude for all you provide us in this place -- for our many church programs, the seen and the unseen. Our hearts are full.

For literature, periodicals & books that enhance our faith development and stretch our thinking. For library resources and supplies for both children and adults….

For the beautiful gift of music that continues to deepen our worship experiences….

For candles, for flowers, for bountiful communion tables, for the bread and cups, for trees with lights and Chrismons, for Easter crosses covered in blooms, we stand in awe and gratitude….

For mundane things like publicity so we may invite others on our journey in this place and background checks for volunteers who work with our children, for simple things like coffee on Sunday mornings and towels presented as Deacon begin their commitment to formal service in your name – we give thanks.

For the opportunity to grow in faith and love as we fellowship with others through activities in this “Church that Love Built” – happy pie eaters after our Thanksgiving service, for “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” for our

Care Groups, committees, ministry teams and task groups, for Wednesday Night Suppers, orientation dinners for new members, smorgasbords, and kitchen supplies to supplement events using our kitchen, we are most grateful.

For helping us grow into the fullness of Christ through our education programs, Sunday School classes, Wednesday night seminars, and tokens of our love given at Baptisms and parent-child dedications, we offer sincere thanks.

And perhaps most importantly Lord, we come in deepest gratitude for our Ministries to Children and Youth. These programs nurture and shape the most precious among us as they grow in your love and compassion and mature into followers of your word and path. From cradle to 6th grade, through experiences of Sunday School, Helping Hands, Bridge Builders, Bike-a-Thons, soup bowls, camps, and cookie decorating, our children have learned compassion and care for others. When they “cross the street,” as LSBC Youth, they know that this is a place where they may question and still be OK in your sight. We look around at those who have grown up in this church guided through these programs, who are now themselves leaders, servants –- adults who walk with you daily -- and we know it is very good.

In all these things, we have been most richly blessed. We willingly share our gifts in support of continuation. We are profoundly grateful.


Shoebox Dedication Sunday, November 17

a story from a child who received a shoebox Eight-year-old Amanda lives in the Philippines. Her house was destroyed by a typhoon. Her mother says, “She still keeps the toys neatly arranged in her box. When the children see their gifts, they see how special they are because each gift is beautifully wrapped. supplies, crayons, and toys. They are amazed at what is inside—the school and toys. These are things they have seen on television, but never thought they would own — only in their dreams.”

Children’s Corner Children will pack boxes together Wednesday night, November 13, from 6:30-7:30. If you have extra donations of small toys, toothbrushes, and crayons after you have packed your own shoebox, we will add them to our boxes. Children will help dedicate the boxes in worship Sunday November 17.

Prayers for . . . Barbara and Willie Hobbs’, who are grieving the death of

Conan Reynolds, the brother of their son-in-law Terence Reynolds. Conan died Friday night, November 1. His service will be Monday, November 11, at 2:30 p.m. at St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Fort Worth.

Mary Jane Henderson, Judy Prather’s sister-in-law, who remains in critical care in Wichita Falls, following a bilateral pulmonary embolism and three cardiac arrests. She is off the ventilator and making slow progress.

Bessie Baxter, following her eye surgery in Dallas on Monday. Donna Slette, who is in chemotherapy treatment. Emily Stephens, a sophomore at UT-Austin, and a friend of

several youth at Lake Shore, has had a recurrence of a brain tumor. She and her mother have moved to the Ronald McDonald house at St. Jude’s for treatment.

Celebrations Maggie Gonzales, daughter of Tracy and Mike Gonzales, was

married November 2 to Houston Keek at the home of Reagan and Glenda Ramsower. Her Waco grandparents were Catherine and Burl Davenport.

The Hidden Gifts of Helping How the Power of Giving, Compassion,

and Hope Can Get Us through Hard Times

Wednesday night seminar, November 13

Next Wednesday Stephen G. Post, author of The Hidden Gifts of Helping, will speak at Kayser Auditorium at Baylor at 4:00. The Baylor program is free, but you need to make a reservation at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion or call 710-7555. The Lake Shore program, a follow-up conversation, is also free, but you don’t need to make a reservation! You don’t need to attend the Baylor program to be part of the Lake Shore one. As Professor of Preventative Medicine and Founding Director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics at Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Post speaks widely on the themes of benevolent love and compassionate care at the interface of science, health, spirituality and philanthropy.

Labyrinth and Peace Garden Revitalization

The Prayer Labyrinth and Peace Garden are now officially reopened for peace and quiet. A prayer guide will be available soon. Keep an eye out for info on the March 2014 re-dedication. Special thanks to the 30 Baylor student volunteers from Steppin’ Out who came last Saturday to help our team clean up and improve these sacred green spaces.

Many modern Christians steer clear of Halloween, not wanting to “play on the devil’s playground,” as one author writes. A holiday with ties to ancient pagan festivals, celebrating fear and ghoulish décor understandably does not sit well with some. The youth got together on the Sunday night before Halloween to watch the classic Halloween movie Hocus Pocus, starring, as the youth referred to them, Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and “that one girl from Sex in the City.” Afterwards, I talked for a minute about some of the modern Christian takes on Halloween, and asked them what they thought. Should we even be celebrating it? Their answer was thoughtful and affirmative. They pointed out that we’re not worshipping anything other than God, we are not celebrating fear or death, and the only spiritual significance to what we’re doing is that we’re enjoying each other’s company (and confections). That is exactly what happened four nights later. Halloween night, we gathered to create works of art on pumpkin canvases, admire each other’s creative costumes, eat worm shaped hot dogs, play Harry Potter Scene-It, and serve candy to little kids having fun with their parents. We practiced loving one another in that context, and enjoyed each other’s company as a community called together by God. — Zach Helton

Youth News Meals This Week: Breakfast: Murphy Dinner: Wilson Upcoming Events: Fall Retreat 2013 is this weekend, November 8-9.

Meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. on the 8th. Money and health forms must be filled out to go!

There will be no Sunday night activities because of retreat.

5801 Bishop Drive

Waco, TX 76710-2713


254/772-2914 (fax)



Sunday, November 10

9:30—Sunday School

10:45—Worship 4:30—Soulfriends

Monday, November 11 10:00—Staff Meeting

Wednesday, November 13

5:15—Supper 6:00—Children’s Activities 6:20—Seminar 7:30—Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, November 14 8:30—Food Pantry Breakfast 9:00—Food Pantry Opens

Wednesday night supper November 13

Ham with raisin sauce, sweet potatoes, green salad

Children, $2.50; youth & adults, $5.00

Write [email protected] by Monday

noon to add or cancel reservations.

Our Church Staff

Amanda Alumbaugh, Office Manager

Dorisanne Cooper, Pastor

Daniel Farris, Minister of Music

Zachary Helton, Minister to Youth

Gordon & Lula Lawrence, Building Caretakers

Erica Lea, Pastoral Intern

Janya Martin, Organist

Jaime McGlothlin, Minister to Children

Sharlande Sledge, Associate Pastor

Jennifer Sulak,

Director, LSBC Children’s Center

Staff Notes Dorisanne is in Indiana November 4-13 for the fourth of her five monastery visits as part of a Lilly Endowment funded renewal program. “Women Leaders , Systems Theory and Spirituality: The Unique Role of Clergywomen” is the subject of this visit and morning classes in the area of Family Systems Theory will be interspersed with daily prayer times, small group work and spiritual direction.

Volunteers for Sunday, November 10

Infants: Judy Prather Toddlers: Kim Kellison Preschool/K: Andy Powell Ushers: Hope Rouse

Jonathon Pendleton

Weekly Budget Report Your contributions help fund our mission work, church programs, human resources, and physical facilities. Weekly budget needs for our 2013 budget of $475,130 are $9,137.12. This week’s budget receipts were $9,778.00

Year to date needs Year to date received Difference $ 402,033.28 318,274.61 $(83,758.67)

Women’s Bible Study Tuesday, November 12

10:00 a.m. led by Erica Lea

Saturday, November 9, 10:00 a.m.

Judy Prather’s home 2700 Glendale

Call Patty Field 876-2817 for directions or more information. We will make plans for the coming year. All are welcome.

Nativity morning

Please RSVP with [email protected]

by November 17

Food for Families Friday, November 22

This one-day food drive, always on the Friday before Thanksgiving, is the largest in Texas and provides a major source of food for Lake Shore and nine other participating Waco pantries. Without this food, pantries would be hard-pressed to meet the needs of the clients because of the amount and variety of food items donated. Caritas need volunteers for two-hour shifts at H.E.B., encouraging shoppers to contribute non-perishable food. Call Khalilah Warren to volunteer—753-4593, or talk to Buddy Powell. — Caritas Covenant Group

Saturday morning November 23

10:00 —12:00

Led by Barbara Francis

$50 per nativity