The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the...

The World of Advertising

Transcript of The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the...

Page 1: The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.

The World of Advertising

Page 2: The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.




Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.

Page 3: The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.




The old beggar: What did you do to my saying?

The lady: I wrote a saying in different words.

Page 4: The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.



Original: I’m blind. Please help me.

Improved: It’s beautiful day, but I can’t see it.

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Assignment 1-Key termsPublic service announcements (PSAs)Mass mediaBrand advertisingRetail advertisingPolitical advertisingAudienceDirectory advertisingAdvertising mediumDirect-response advertisingBusiness-to-business advertisingInstitutional advertisingPublic service advertisingInteractive advertisingBanner adMarketing communication


大众媒体品牌广告零售广告政治广告受众目录广告广告媒体直接反馈广告企业对企业广告机构广告公益广告互动广告横幅广告 / 旗帜广告 营销沟通

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Assignment 2-Key termsMass communicationPersonal sellingBrand identityBrand imageDirect mailVulnerable group

大众沟通人员推销品牌身份 / 识别品牌形象分别向广大群众投寄的直接邮件 弱势 / 易受影响的群体

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Questions Based on Test AAccording to the article, what is advertising?What are nine major types of advertising?What is retail advertising?What’s the best-known form of directory advertizing?What’s interactive advertising?What are the four roles that advertising plays in business and in society?What are the social roles of advertizingWhat are the three basic functions of advertizing?

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Question: What is the definition of advertising?How do you understand its 6 elements.

Advertizing is paid non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience.

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Six Elements of Advertizing 1 .通常需要支付一定的费用( usually paid for )。2 .由特定的广告主( identified sponsors )所发布。3. 通常要运用说服的技巧( usually persuasive in nature )。4 .传播可以通过各种各样的媒介 (through the various media ) 。4 .要传达给受众某种信息( usually reach a large audience of potential consumers. ) 5 .是非个人的传播( the nonpersonal communication )。

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Advertising is:

structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information,

usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature,

about products (goods, services, and ideas)

by identified sponsors through various media

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广告活动 (advertising campaign)

有时称为“运动”或“战役” . 广告活动包括以下四个重点 : 制作适当的销售信息 , 及时传达给受众 , 选择适当的时机 ,使用合理的成本 , 广告主制定一项能测定的目标后 , 为达到这一目标制定广告战略 , 然后在市场上执行 , 包括 : 广告计划 , 广告制作 , 销售及营销等 .

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Examples of Advertising :A shop wants to attract more customers or clear stocks, so it decides to offer special discounts for a period. It advertises in the daily newspapers to inform the public of its “sale”. A company brings out a new product which is much more economical than the existing ones in its category. If the company cannot advertise the product, it would never be able to enter the market. Any other form of communication would be long drawn out and uneconomical. The Government wants corporates, businessmen and salaried people to pay taxes. It advertises in newspapers, radio and television to reach the target audience.

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Who needs advertising? Companies use advertising to:

- inform people about their products and services to make their brand names familiar to the public.

Companies use advertising to:

- to give the company a “personality” which sets it apart from the others. - to remind customers about their brands at the right time and right place

- to tell the public about improvements in products

- to help their sales force to be more effective

- to reinforce customer confidence in his/her purchase.

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Who needs advertising?Governments and autonomous bodies use advertising to:

- Inform people about their policies - Promote birth control. - Educate the masses on health care. - Prevent panic during natural disasters - Dispel harmful rumors. - Attract foreign investment

Public bodies prefer to use professional advertising agencies because agencies have the creative talent to explain complex issues in a way which makes them interesting, easy to understand and meaningful.

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Advertising Objectives : Informative - create awareness, educate consumers, tackle benefit barriers, building positive image

Persuasive- create preference, induce trials/purchase, shift loyalties, create cognitive dissonance

Reminder- maintain TOM awareness,

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How advertising is charged(Page.116)?

Broadcast media: cost for time

Print media: cost for space

Interactive and support media: time and space

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Classifications of AdvertisingBy Target Audience

By Geographic


By Medium

By Purpose

• Consumer

• Business

• Local (retail)

• Regional

• National

• International

• Print

• Broadcast

(electronic) – Radio – TV

• Out-of-Home( 户外广告 )

• Direct-Mail

• Product

• Nonproduct

• Commercial

• Noncommercial

• Action

• Awareness

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Nice major types of advertizing(P116-117):

Brand advertisingRetail or local advertisingPolitical advertisingDirectory advertisingDirect-response advertisingBusiness-to-Business advertisingInstitutional advertisingPublic Service AdvertisingInteractive Advertising

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Brand advertizing( 品牌广告 ):

Focuses on the development of long-term brand identity and image.

E.g. Tempo tissue

Page 20: The World of Advertising. 2 Warming-up Instruction Please watch the video clip and interpret the story.


Retail or Local Advertizing( 零售 / 当地的广告 ):

Announces facts about products that are available in nearby stores.Focuses on stimulating store traffic.Refers to a retailer or a manufacturer or distributor.Its purpose is to promote sales directly.

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Political Advertizing

is used by politicians to persuade people to vote for them.

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Directory advertizing

People refer to it to find out how to buy a product or service.

e.g. Yellow page (黄页) Trade directory (贸易目录)Organization directory (组织目录)

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Direct-response advertising:

Uses any advertising medium, including direct mail.The consumer can respond by telephone or mail.

Its purpose is to stimulate a sale directly.

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Business-to-business advertising

The messages only direct at retailer, wholesalers, and distributors, and from industrial purchasers and professionals to other businesses, but NOT to general consumers.E.g.阿里巴巴 (, 汇聪网 (, 环球资源网 (, 中国制造 country has its own main business-to-business platforms.

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Institutional advertising

Focuses on establishing a corporate identity or image.( 塑造公司的身份和形象 )

E.g. McDonald, Tobacco companies, Tianyuan, etc.

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Public service advertising

Communicates a message on behalf of some good cause.Usually free of charge.The media often donate the space and time.

E.g. stopping drunk driving and smoking; preventing child abuse and domestic violence.

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Interactive advertising:

Is delivered to individual consumers having access to computer and internet.

E.g. banner ads

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横幅广告( Banner Ad.)是网络广告最早采用的形式,也是目前最常见的形式。横幅广告又称旗帜广告,它是横跨于网页上的矩形公告牌,当用户点击这些横幅的时候,通常可以链接到广告主的网页。

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Best advertising is done by Satisfied customers.

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Four roles advertising plays.

1. Marketing role2. Communication role3. Economic role4. Societal role

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The marketing role

Marketing Mix

Product Price Place/Distribution

Promotion(Marketing communication)

Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling

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The marketing role


America’s beef consumption declined due to consumers’ concern for health.TV commercial with Robert Mitchum as the factor convinced Americans that beet went along with mom and apple pie.(P.118)

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The communication role

Transmits information to match buyers and sellers.

Informs and transforms the products by creating an image that goes beyond straight forward facts.

E.g. Mandarin Oriental(香港文华东方酒店 )

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Headline: The Harvey Nichols SALE has started

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Who: Women, aged 18-35, who wears bra

What: Wonderbra

When: In the street, on the way to work, on the way to party, etc.

Where: Outdoor billboard, subway

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38Headline: Get much more for much less

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Headline: The Harvey Nichols SALE has started

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Economic role

What are the differences between the two points of view about how advertizing affects an economy?

Point A:Advertising is so persuasive that it decreases the likelihood that a consumer will stitch to alternative product, regardless of the price charged.

Point B:A vehicle for helping consumers assess value through price as well as other elements.Advocates of this school view advertising as a means to objectively provide price information, thereby creating a more rational( 理性的; 理智的 ) economy.Neither perspective has been verified.

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Societal role

Question to ponder:Following trends or leading trends? Reflecting social

values or creating social values? Can advertising manipulate people?

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Societal role

Yes.Arguments: Even if an individual ad cannot control our behavior, the

cumulative effects can be overwhelming.(P.3)Young teenagers are vulnerable to advertising.(P.2)

No.Arguments:Many other factors contribute to the choices we make besides

advertizing.Advertisers are not objective and often slant or omit information

to their benefit.

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Provide Product &Brand Information

Provide Product &Brand Information

Provide IncentivesTo Take Action

Provide IncentivesTo Take Action

Provide Reminders andReinforcement

Provide Reminders andReinforcement

Advertising Performs 3 Basic


Advertising Performs 3 Basic


Functions of Advertising

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What is What is creative creative

strategy? strategy?

See list attached…

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46Headline: Get much more for much less

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Who: Women, aged 18-35, who wears bra

What: Wonderbra

When: In the street, on the way to work, on the way to party, etc.

Where: Outdoor billboard, subway

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Headline: The Harvey Nichols SALE has started

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Find the right balance …


What are the business objectives? Sales? Market

Share? Good Will? Awareness? Change

people’s attitude? Announcement?


Inspiring ?




Beyond time?

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Biggest risk in advertising :

SAFE CONVENTIONAL ADVERTISING IS THE BIGGEST RISK OF ALL It doesn’t get seen. It doesn’t get remembered. It doesn’t cause any reaction. Safe advertising just lies there quietly, hoping no-one will notice it. And no one does. Half my advertising budget is wasted. The problem is I don’t know which half.

- John Wanamaker, Advertising & Retailing Pioneer

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Exercises P.123-125Review Unit 9 and Preview Unit 10