The Wolfish Stalker Part 7

Over the next month Mike soon found his routine of normality again, it was a lot easier in regards to things like school and his social life with what few friends he did have. The more unusual things he now had to add to his life included his relationship with his boyfriend Derek. They had gotten a little more serious with him including staying out and camping with each other in the woods. Derek had taken a lot of time to persuade Mike about this and he only agreed when Bobby and Dimetri came with them for extra protection. He did enjoy this immensely and Derek knew it meant a lot to him. The other thing that Mike had been doing a lot recently was his new hobby/pastime of Kendo. He had been training every other day with the Kendo stick made of bamboo, the special wood that could hurt Moon-Born. Mike still found strange that a type of wood could hurt big and powerful wolf-like creatures but the proof had presented itself to him one afternoon. Dimetri and he were practicing as they had been doing a lot recently and Mike had been a little more forceful on his attack but Mike accidently scraped his arm which was unprotected. The searing in his flesh had looked extremely painful as soon as he had hit Dimetri. Dimetri had scoffed it off saying “Don’t worry mate, it’ll heal up in a few hours” he joked with Mike but he still felt extremely bad that he had hurt one of his own friends. He vowed to be more careful but Derek and Dimetri still took the fun out of him for it. Mike was now able to defend himself quite well with the Kendo stick, it would be at least a year before he would be able to use it fluently but he was now certain that as long as he had it the black wolf wouldn’t get his way with him so easily. Not when he could burn any part of his body with a mere touch. The Kendo stick, despite its simplicity was one of the best weapons he could have asked for. He wasn’t sure he would get a chance to use the stick anytime soon though because for the last month ever since the last attack Derek had not left him alone for long amounts of time. He didn’t have to worry about Mike at home because no Moon-Born, no matter how crazed would attack someone at their home and expose their existence to the

Transcript of The Wolfish Stalker Part 7

Page 1: The Wolfish Stalker Part 7

Over the next month Mike soon found his routine of normality again, it was a lot easier in regards to things like school and his social life with what few friends he did have. The more unusual things he now had to add to his life included his relationship with his boyfriend Derek. They had gotten a little more serious with him including staying out and camping with each other in the woods. Derek had taken a lot of time to persuade Mike about this and he only agreed when Bobby and Dimetri came with them for extra protection. He did enjoy this immensely and Derek knew it meant a lot to him.

The other thing that Mike had been doing a lot recently was his new hobby/pastime of Kendo. He had been training every other day with the Kendo stick made of bamboo, the special wood that could hurt Moon-Born. Mike still found strange that a type of wood could hurt big and powerful wolf-like creatures but the proof had presented itself to him one afternoon. Dimetri and he were practicing as they had been doing a lot recently and Mike had been a little more forceful on his attack but Mike accidently scraped his arm which was unprotected. The searing in his flesh had looked extremely painful as soon as he had hit Dimetri.

Dimetri had scoffed it off saying “Don’t worry mate, it’ll heal up in a few hours” he joked with Mike but he still felt extremely bad that he had hurt one of his own friends. He vowed to be more careful but Derek and Dimetri still took the fun out of him for it.

Mike was now able to defend himself quite well with the Kendo stick, it would be at least a year before he would be able to use it fluently but he was now certain that as long as he had it the black wolf wouldn’t get his way with him so easily. Not when he could burn any part of his body with a mere touch. The Kendo stick, despite its simplicity was one of the best weapons he could have asked for.

He wasn’t sure he would get a chance to use the stick anytime soon though because for the last month ever since the last attack Derek had not left him alone for long amounts of time. He didn’t have to worry about Mike at home because no Moon-Born, no matter how crazed would attack someone at their home and expose their existence to the public. Derek had left him a few times but never where he could be attacked. For this Mike was very thankful.

He was almost completely at ease with strange things he found out about Derek, and almost even with the wolf form in general. Derek had let him see his wolf form a few times and they had even played a few times. He had really enjoyed these times as he remembered that this beast, this wolf was his boyfriend, as different from most normal wolves as humans were from gorillas. Mike thought about the reference and laughed.

Mike was sitting in class doodling most of the lesson, it was on history with Ms. Debbie. She did her best with the material but to be honest her voice done nothing for it. It was nothing that she could help, they simply had to endure it. The time was five minutes to four, almost time to get home. It was Friday at last and he could go home and spend the weekend with his friends. His Mum had noticed this remarkable change in his personality with hanging out with not only Kyle but his new friends also.

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Kyle had been pretty much the same ever since he came back but he had insisted on the details of what was wrong with him. Mike had said that he thought it might have been food poisoning but he wasn’t sure. He suspected that Kyle might know more than he was letting on but he let it slip and they became fast friends again and he was in a happy mood most of the time. The one thing that seemed to be letting him down was the fact that Amanda was very unhappy.

She was getting bossed around more and more by her Father despite telling him to leave her and her Mother alone. He had refused and had even been granted permission to spend time legally with his daughter by the courts. His lawyers were able to prove that he wasn’t a bad Father, guess it was nice to be rich in that respect but it had been putting a large strain on Amanda’s relationship with Kyle and through Kyle Mike. He wished there was something that he could do for them but it wasn’t his place to interfere. Strangely Giovanni Granger would sometimes come to the school to pick up Amanda and he would always ask how Mike was doing. It freaked him out a little but he was always nice to his face despite the problems he caused for his two friends.

Mike cast it out of his mind when he left usually. “Hey Mikey, you up for coming clothes shopping and then out for dinner” asked Kyle as soon as the bell rang for the end of the day. Everyone had their books in their bags and now heading out eager to get away from the stench of the school for one week.

Mike got his books into his bag and then looked up to Kyle hovering over him. He was sure that Kyle was going to dinner with Amanda and probably wanted to get something new to wear. “Yeah why not Kyle it, sounds like fun man” said Mike a little sarcastically as he gave the thumbs up from his bag. Mike didn’t like clothes shopping that much. He then got to his feet and both of them went to the front door of the school. Sure enough standing there waiting for him was Derek.

Derek smiled as he seen him come out of the school. It was scary to consider that he could probably have smelled him coming from his scent alone. That would be a very cool ability to have, Mike considered for a second. Mike turned to Kyle and then said “I’ll be a second” and then made his way to Derek.

Derek continued smiling as he seen Mike approach. “Hey Mikey boy, where you off to?” asked Derek as he looked at Mike’s bag to make sure he had the Kendo stick with him. Sure enough on Mike’s bag it was there wrapped up on the small chance that Dimetri, Bobby or Derek accidently hit it. Mike had thought that it might have been useful to find the rouge Moon-Born on the extremely small chance that it was someone at the school.

Mike looked back at Kyle who was looking out at the car park. “I’m heading to town with Kyle to help him pick out something to wear with his dinner date, then I’m going to get dinner with him” said Mike as he seen the look on Derek’s face. He had hidden it a second later but Mike had noticed it.

“Don’t worry man, I’ll see you for a while later and maybe I can take care of this” he said putting his eyeballs down toward Derek’s crotch while had suddenly became hard. Derek did well to hide it though.

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“I’m sure you will Mikey” said Derek as he gave him a sly smile and adjusted his pants. “You go have fun” he said to Mike as he did a quick nod and then headed toward his car. Mike wondered if Derek ever went home in his wolf form through the forest or if he simply went home in one of his Dad’s cars.

Mike looked for a second longer and then turned back to Kyle and then both of them turned to go into town. Kyle drove his jeep on the road like a “granny” as Mike had described it.

Derek had simply said that he preferred not to cause an accident. “You never know what might come out on the road” he said to Mike.

Mike simply rolled his eyes and then settled back into the seat. He had been taking the ugly jeep to school most mornings with Kyle to show that they were still good friends despite the time he had been spending with Derek.

He had simply told Kyle that he had gotten to know the three jocks and that it wasn’t as much about protecting him anymore. Kyle had not believed him at first but all four of them had hung out a few times, Kyle endured it but he just couldn’t bring himself to like the jocks like Mike did.

It wasn’t that he didn’t get on with the jocks, he just felt a little uneasy around them. It was a hard situation to describe.

“Well, at least go up a gear so that we can get there sometime before school tomorrow?” said Mike which seemed like more of a question than anything else.

“Alright, god your worse than my Mum” said Kyle as he adjusted the stick and made the car go a little faster. As he did He looked at Mike for a split second and then asked “What?”

Mike had a small grin on his face as he looked out the mirror at the color of the jeep. “Have you ever thought of getting this thing a paint job man? It’s not the best color I could think of” said Mike as he grinned at Kyle.

Kyle went a little red and then said “I kind of like it, green isn’t the worst color in the world” and then looked a little taken aback.

Mike simply said “Geez, don’t take it personally man. I was just making a joke” and then rolled his eyes. “But you do have to admit it sticks out” he said with a small smile.

Kyle smiled as well as this but continued looking where he was going. “Yeah, maybe we’ll see” he said.

The rest of the journey was silent until they got into town and started exploring the town. They spent the better part of an hour and a half until they came across the perfect suit, or at least what Kyle viewed as perfect for dinner with Amanda at the weekend. Mike thought it was a strange color but he let it slide.

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As they left the store with Kyle’s suit in bag they were picking somewhere to eat. “I think we should go for some Chinese” said Kyle as he pointed to the Chinese store they had went to a few weeks ago.

Mike scoffed and then said “For what, so we can get food poisoning. No way half the stuff in there smells like it was alive when they served it” and then pointed to another place. This one was an Italian restaurant. “Now there is real food, not the cat food they serve in that place” he said.

Both of them continued arguing for a little over five minutes before finally deciding on a small burger place a little further up the road. “Fine then, burgers are neutral” said Kyle as he finally relented.

He and Mike headed toward the place that Mike had motioned to.

As they were headed there Kyle looked behind them for no obvious reason but as he did Mike noticed that there was a limo headed toward them. Mike didn’t know anyone who was rich enough to own one but obviously Kyle did. He groaned as it stopped right beside them.

“Boy’s, how are you this evening?” asked the voice of Mr. Granger, Amanda’s Father. He seemed nice enough to Mike’s face as he always did.

“Fine sir.....” said Mike not knowing what else to say to the much older man.

Kyle was polite in his speech but Mike could tell that he wasn’t too thrilled by the meeting. “Good Mr. Granger, how can we help you?” asked Kyle trying not to let his frustration show.

“Well, I’m just heading back to the old house outside of town for something to eat” he said as he looked left and right as if looking for someone. Mike followed his gaze but could not see anyone either.

“So are we, were heading for the small burger place down the road” said Kyle as he pointed to it.

However as he did Mr. Granger’s face seemed to perk up at the sound of this and then in his friendliest voice he said “Well why didn’t you say so? Why don’t you two come with me and we can get something to eat together?” he asked as he gestured for the driver to open the door.

As the driver flicked a switch the other door opened in the limo. Mike couldn’t help but gaze at how big it was. It was massive, how could one person own it all.

Kyle looked at Mike who in turn looked back at him. Mike knew that Mr. Granger had a hold on Amanda and her Mother and he was sure not going to do anything that he and Kyle would regret.

“Sure, why not Mr. Granger dinner with you might be more fun” said Mike in a fake cheer voice. Kyle stared daggers at him as Mr. Granger closed the window.

“Perfect, dinner is always better with company” said Mr. Granger from within the car.

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Mike made a motion to Derek to get into the car and then to his wallet which held a picture of Amanda. Kyle made a very sour face but silently went into the car.

The talk up to the house was very light, or so Mike viewed it but Derek did not say very much to either of them unless he was asked a question. To his surprise Mike talked a little bit more than he meant to toward Mr. Granger. He was an extremely intelligent man in a lot of fields, from mathematics to computer technologies and even biology. It was kind of refreshing for Mike to have a conversation with someone smarter than himself.

When they arrived through the gates, which were monitored by both cameras and security personal Mike could not help but awe. The house, or what he thought was a house was bigger than his house and his friend’s houses put together. All of them and their families could move in there and still have room.

When the limo was in the garage Mike, Kyle and Mr. Granger made their way through the house. It took them nearly a full ten minutes to make their way to the dining room. Mike could not help but gawk all the way through. Each room was plain white but beautifully decorated with paintings which were works of art in their own right. Each also had either beautiful floors, or was covered by carpet of varying colors. The floors and carpets were the very best that money could buy. Some even had suits of armor.

“So how many rooms do you have in this house?” asked Mike as he kept on staring up at the chandeliers in each room. He felt like he had stepped into a palace.

Mr. Granger simply said “Well there is about 98 give or take one or two” and then opened the door for them to finally enter the dining hall.

Mike was amazed once again as he entered through the grand door. The hall could easily seat about 40 people easily. It was obvious that this room was designed to be used for a lot of big events where important guests were involved. Which made Mike wonder why they used this room?

“OK Kids, what are you going to have?” asked Mr. Granger as he sat at the head of the table with Kyle and Mike sitting at either side of him.

Mike was a little intimidated to answer at first until Kyle simply said “I’ll have a chicken salad” and then put a napkin on his neck as a cook pushed in his chair.

Someone was about to do the same for Mike when Mike did it for himself explaining “I don’t honestly need someone to put in my chair for me. Thanks though” and then put his hands on his knees waiting. “I’ll have a chicken salad myself” said Mike feeling slightly small.

Mr. Granger looked at Mike and then said “Are you sure, that’s what you want. We keep a lot more than just chicken here you know. Try again” and he looked at Mike as if daring for him to ask for something else.

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Mike was not sure what to do but eventually said “OK then, what about some lasagne?” he asked and watched as Mr. Granger smiled.

“Coming right up” he said as he looked at a cook who was waiting for the order. “OK, one chicken salad, one Lasagne and a large stake for me” he said. At once the cook headed off into the kitchen.

Nobody said anything for near enough ten minutes as Mr. Granger kept on looking at his phone for what Mike guessed was E-mail. He wasn’t sure though it might have been texting.

“So how is Amanda doing?” asked Mr. Granger to Kyle who seemed to get a very stiff back all of a sudden.

“She seemed to be alright at school today” said Kyle as he kept on looking down at the table without looking up. Mike found this quite strange as normally Kyle was very polite to people when talking. Or at least he would usually enjoy a good joke.

Kyle did not seem to have any of this with Mr. Granger. Could he possibly be as bad as Kyle had said? Or Amanda had said while agreeing with her Mother? He didn’t seem like a bad person, a little eccentric but not bad. There must have been something more to it. Although it was not really any of his business to know anything about it.

“.....and you are getting very good with chemistry” said Mr. Granger as he finished his conversation with Kyle. They must have been talking while Mike was in Coo Coo Land.

Mr. Granger finally noticed Mike’s bag that he brought with him and eyed the Kendo stick. “I see you have taken up Kendo?” said Mr. Granger in a questioning voice.

Mike put his hand down to it and then said “Ummm yes, it’s a bit of a pastime for me to learn to.....defend myself” said Mike trying to bend the truth. It wasn’t a lie he had told but he didn’t want to say anything more than that.

Mike passed it to Mr. Granger who took the cover off and then put it up to his eyes. He studied it for a second and then said “Kendo, a very interesting sport to take up. Japanese in origin if I remember correctly and requires a lot of discipline” he said as he handed it back. “My family used to do it also, and owned a dojo in Japan for over 200 years. It got sold off though as my wife and Amanda don’t do anything like that and I certainly don’t have the time for anything” he said. Just at that moment dinner arrived.

Mike was greeted by what he could only describe as a “Boat Plate” of Lasagne. It was easily one of the biggest he had ever had and one of the nicest. It seemed his Mum had a bit of competition. He looked over to Kyle who seemed to have taken to eating it in silence.

Mr. Granger ate rather gracefully and slowly, as if he didn’t want to spill anything over himself. Mike actually wondered if he had ever ate messy before like when he was a child.

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When dinner was over Mr. Granger’s driver took them back into town and dropped them off at Kyle’s car. It was quite quiet until they were actually back in town away from anyone related to Mr. Granger.

Kyle seemed to have a sour look on his face the whole time. “Mikey, did you have to suck up to him so much?” he whined slightly.

Mike looked guilty but simply said “Come on man, I didn’t want to sit in silence all the time on the way there. Although I didn’t expect the guy to be as smart as he is” he looked into the air and nearly hit into a mail box. Kyle pulled him out the way.

“Yeah, he didn’t get to be where he is by being a dumb ass mule” said Kyle as he rolled his eyes and then pressed the button to unlock his car. Kyle got into one side and Mike into the other and rolled the car into life. “Mike please try not to talk to him if you can help it. He isn’t as nice a guy as you would like to believe. He blackmails Amanda into spending time with him and I don’t even know what he would do if she or her mother were to refuse” said Kyle looking extremely angry at this point.

Mike understood perfectly why, he wasn’t used to being powerless to someone else. Kyle might not have the muscles of Bobby but he could easily keep up with Dimetri and Derek, if they weren’t Moon-Born. He wasn’t someone to mess with. “I’m sorry man, I won’t talk to him again if I can help it but I accepted dinner because I didn’t want to start trouble” said Mike explaining everything.

Kyle nodded before saying “I know man, good call but something has to be done about this and soon” he said. This was pretty much the last thing he said the whole trip back.

A couple of hours later Mike was knocking on Derek’s door. His father was the one who answered and then looked puzzled by Mike coming to the door at 9 at night. “I’m sorry Mr. Bradshaw, I just needed to talk to Derek for a minute or two is he here?” asked Mike.

Derek’s Dad nodded a few times and then said “Come on in Mike, do you want anything to drink” and then went into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Derek came down the stairs. He looked pleased when he seen Mike while his Dad came in and handed them a couple of drinks and had one himself. Both Mike and Derek drunk with his Dad while they made a bit of polite conversation. After this Mike and Derek went up to Derek’s room.

Mike entered the room he had only been in a couple of times. It was about the same size as Mike’s room but a little differently shaped. He had a bed which had a basic black design on it, a shelf full of different trophies, the majority of which were football but he also had a couple of family photos on them. Derek also had a desk and a couple of chairs which he used for studying, this seemed to be the closest thing to study material that he had. He also had punching bag that he used for keeping fit.

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Overall Mike preferred his own room since it did have a lot more in it and he felt his had more character in it. However he respected Derek for his own since it showed what he was like as a person. He knew that Derek probably didn’t spend as much time here as Mike did in his own room since Derek probably spent more time outside either in sports, with his friends or in his Moon-Born form. He didn’t however say anything to Derek.

However his thoughts were soon interrupted as Derek sat on the bed next to Mike and grabbed him into a kiss. It wasn’t like most of Derek’s other kisses, this one was a little more gentle for Mike since he had not been feeling his best over the last month. Both of them continued this for a few minutes as Derek listened out for anybody coming up the stairs. Truthfully he could hear even his Father talking down the stairs to his Mum and even the cars going by on the road outside. His hearing was part boon, part curse. Sometimes he simply heard too much, more than he meant to. It did take a lot of time to learn to focus on one thing at a time instead of hearing things all over.

Mike began to feel Derek’s hard body under his hand as he went under Derek’s hard T-shirt. Derek did the same to Mike’s body, although he had an easier time playing with Mike’s body than the other way around. However Derek’s hand went somewhere that Mike didn’t expect. Derek’s hand began to trace Mike’s body down to his pants.

He slowly began to unzip them as the two were still kissing. “Fuck Mikey, you make me hard every time” said Derek as he said it in a very hoarse voice, as if he had nothing to drink all day. Mike just simply mumbled into Derek’s mouth as he resumed kissing him. Slowly Derek took down Mike’s pants and his boxer shorts and then made his way into his dick.

At the touch Mike groaned slightly as Derek felt the head and then began to stroke it gently and then began to go faster with it. As Derek broke the kiss he put his head down to Mike’s dick and took it into his mouth. He didn’t even struggle to get it into his mouth as he slowly bobbed his head up and down.

He tried to be quiet but it was becoming a very hard struggle as he felt Derek put a lot of pleasure on his dick. Derek sucked his dick like a pro, it began to suspect that Derek had some experience in a past life or something. However he soon enough stopped and began kissing him again. Mike soon heard Derek unzipping his own jeans and pulling down his own pants. Mike needed no telling, it was his own turn.

Mike soon put his lips down to Derek’s own dick. Mike licked the head of Derek’s dick as he heard Derek moan slightly. It was obvious that Derek was not as easy going as Mike was with it. Mike got to sucking Derek’s dick licking it up and down slowly as first, but then going faster and faster as he knew Derek liked it. Mike sucked him like this for a good five minutes occasionally coming up to kiss Derek.

Eventually Mike felt Derek begin to tremor more than he was already and he was greeted by a large load of Derek’s cum. Derek must have had a good three loads on him that he deposited in Mike’s throat. Mike took it all and swallowed it. He didn’t usually do that for any guy in the past but he did so for Derek.

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Derek sat in bliss for a few minutes until he took a turn again sucking Mike until he came. Derek swallowed Mike’s load as well, something which he had said he didn’t usually do. Mike liked him for this because it felt so “fucking good” as Mike often described it.

In the aftermath of the sucking session Mike and Derek simply lay on Derek’s bed and looked at each other. Both of them smiling and not saying a word. “So Derek, where did you live before you moved here?” asked Mike as he put his hand on his boyfriend’s side. Derek did the same for Mike.

“I lived in New York actually Mikey, I still have a few family that live there” he said as he looked into the air, as if trying to remember what he was going to say. “My family decided to move out here, well.......because of me” said Derek as his smile faded. He seemed to be recalling a painful memory which Mike took as a sign to hug him.

Derek hugged him for a second before saying “I had a troubled experience in my old neighbourhood and school. I was always....out of control...” he said as he recalled the time he had accidentally punched another 14 year old into the fence and left a mark on his shoulders and back. “I had trouble controlling my temper, mostly down to me being Moon-Born. Our genes usually kick in during puberty but I was a little early with it. Mine started kicking in at around 12. Which made me get into a lot of trouble at school” he said.

“I’m sorry to hear that Derek, but why did that make you move out here?” asked Mike trying to get to the bottom of his question. He could tell that Derek was recalling this quite painfully.

“After my parents found out.....what I was going to become instead of freaking they took action and set off here. They knew that the fresh air and the openness we have here would help me” said Derek as he smiled at Mike. “Plus, I found a few other things I didn’t expect to either, my two best friends......and you Mikey” he said as he kissed Mike again.

Mike doubted that Derek would be like this with him in public but he found it nice to know that Derek could be like that with him. It made him feel like Derek truly cared for him.

“That must have been hard but....I’m glad you’re here” said Mike as he smiled a caring smile.

Derek smiled also but it was that smile that Derek usually did when he was plotting something sneaky. “Well now it’s the weekend Mikey, you know you could stay here tonight” said Derek.

Mike was shocked a little but didn’t let it show on his face, he had never been asked before this to stay over with Derek. He didn’t know how his parents would react. It wasn’t that they would say no, he was old enough to look after himself but it would be more shock than anything since he hadn’t stayed with anyone except Kyle for years. He thought about it for a few minutes before he finally made up his mind.

“Sure Derek, of course if it’s OK with you?” he asked Derek waiting for an answer.

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Derek got off the bed and then sat on one of the chairs and began leaning back on it. “Of course Mikey, I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t want it” he said as he looked at Mike’s face. “You nervous?” he asked to his boyfriend.

Mike looked away but was forced to admit it to both himself and his boyfriend. “Yeah, I kind of am, been ages since I stayed with anyone but Kyle and it wasn’ know like this” he said. He wasn’t unhappy about it, he thought it might be fun actually.

Derek looked at him rather curiously before saying “Well will you?” and let the question hang in the air.

Mike didn’t have to think about it for any amount of time before he said “Yeah Derek, I would love to spend the night with you” and went and kissed him again.

Mike soon enough left Derek for home, he walked the long way home avoiding the forest but he still kept the Kendo Stick handy to make sure he didn’t run into trouble. Mike made his way home at a normal speed. He didn’t want to run there and tire himself out or anything but he didn’t go turtle speed either.

It was dusk now, not completely dark but no light either. Mike finally got to his house and went in. His Mum was the one who greeted him this time. “Mike, is that you?” she asked as Mike made his way into the house.

Dominique was ironing a few shirts that obviously belonged to Mike’s Dad Ethan. She was also making something to eat for he assumed herself. “How was your day with Kyle?” she asked to him. She could tell that Mike was a little upset with the way that Mike’s face had went. “I’m sorry Mike, I didn’t mean to....” she said but Mike cut across her.

“No Mom you didn’t do anything. We went to Mr. Granger’s house for dinner today. Amanda’s Father, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy to me but I think he is manipulating both Amanda and her Mum” said Mike sounding a little confused about the whole thing.

However before their conversation could go any further Mike’s Dad Ethan walked through the door and asked “Who’s manipulating Amanda and her Mother?” and then kissed his wife.

“I see your back” she said smacking him with the newspaper on the table. He went and sat down as Mike continued.

“Amanda’s father, he manipulates Amanda and her Mum so they’ll visit him” he said as he walked to the kitchen fright and got out a bottle of water. Mike didn’t like where this was going but he knew he had to do something to help his friends out.

“What’s the guy’s name?” asked Ethan as he looked at the newspaper and started flicking through it. He eyed anything that caught his interest.

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“His name is Giovanni Granger, owner of a big medicine and biology company somewhere” said Mike trying to remember what he knew about him.

At this Ethan’s eyes perked up and his eyebrow followed. He looked like he suddenly remembered something quite unpleasant. “What was the name.....Giovanni. I’m sure I have heard that name somewhere?” he said as more of a statement to himself than anything else.

“Where?” asked Mike quite bluntly as he was eager for some answers. If it might have been at work then maybe Mike’s Dad could dig up something on Mr. Granger. However he was aware that this could lead to him losing his job so he didn’t voice his opinion. He didn’t however need to.

“I’ll see what I can find on him. You don’t forget a name like that in a hurry” he said as he got up to make a coffee.

“So what are you doing Mike?” asked Dominique as she put the ironing board away and began making something to eat again.

Mike stopped as he was about to exit the room and then he said “I’m....I’m going to stay with Derek tonight” and expected a look of shock. But instead he was greeted by a look of confusion from his Father.

“Who?” he asked as he put down his coffee and looked at Mike.

Mike felt a little uncomfortable with it but he answered. “Derek is my friend from school. I’m going to spend the night so we can go out for a while tomorrow early. I’m not sure what we’re doing maybe fishing” said Mike.

At this his Dad gave him a look of guilt on his face, however he quickly hid it from anyone else. “OK son, go have fun I’ll be working tomorrow anyway. The mayor is having an opening for a new mini-mall on the other side of town” said Ethan to both his wife and son.

Mike found this interesting but excused himself saying “I have to go collect a few things” and then made his way to his room.

While he was there he found the things he was going to take. His toothbrush, his clothes he was going to wear tomorrow, the Kendo stick as well as his laptop. He didn’t usually use the laptop but he thought he might need it for the weekend if he was away.

“Wait, what am I doing?” he asked himself shortly after as he looked as the laptop as he was about to put it in his bag. He was going to enjoy himself he wasn’t going to play on the computer. He soon left it back on the shelf where he got it from. After his bag was packed he made his way down the stairs.

“OK Mike, you have fun” said Dominique as she waved to her son out the window. Mike left through the gate and then made his way back to Derek’s. He walked along the road for a faster way to get

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back considering it was almost 9 o clock now. He wanted to spend the rest of the night with his boyfriend.

Mike walked along, he wasn’t worried about being attacked here. The forest was close by but cars also went by every minute or so. No wolf would willingly expose itself to that.

Mike was about half way to Derek’s minding his own business when he heard something in the bushes. He looked around to see what it was, when he couldn’t see anything he quickly got the kendo stick from his bag and then put it up in front of himself for defence. He wasn’t sure what he was seeing but it if was the wolf he wasn’t going to get have his way so easily.

Mike’s heart continued racing as the sound got closer to him. He heard what sounded like footprints. Sure enough just on the other side of the bushes he seen the eyes of a wolf, however unlike the eyes he feared these eyes were the color of blue. Like Derek’s eyes when he became a wolf.

Slowly but surely the wolf that he knew now to be Derek stepped out of the forest. It was still strange, foreign even for him to be boyfriends to this frightening but gentle creature. Mike approached Derek and put his hand on his snout.

Derek put out his tongue and then licked Mike’s hand leaving a much larger than neseccery tail of slobber behind. “Thanks Derek, my birthday isn’t for a couple of weeks yet remember?” he asked sarcastically. The wolf put out his tongue again but this time Mike was ready and avoided the large lick.

“Listen you can’t be seen by anyone, you don’t have to worry I’ll be at the house soon enough but I’m not going through that forest” said Mike as he attempted to walk away. Derek on the other hand had another idea though.

As Mike attempted to make his way back to near the road Derek grabbed Mike’s shirt in his jaws being careful not to rip it. Mike squirmed flailing saying “Fuck Derek, what it that all about” but managed to make Derek lose his grip.

This seemed to annoy Derek slightly because he let out a small huff and then locked Mike in his jaws as he grabbed him a second time. As he did he nearly made Mike drop his bag. It was lucky he had managed to wrap up the kendo stick on time.

Mike landed on Derek’s hairy back and then was forced to grab on. “Derek, there is easier ways to travel you know” he said rather sarcastically. He knew that Derek could be forceful when he wanted something.

At this Derek merely made a scoffing sound and then brushing his paw against the ground a few times he began running into the forest ground. Derek made large gashes in the earth as he took off into the forest running for his home. Mike nearly fell off a few times as they ran through as rocket speed. Mike was scared to even open his eyes, however eventually once he did he was even more amazed than he had been before.

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The whole world flew by them at blistering speed, he knew that Derek must have liked it and he wanted to show Mike this as he had said to Derek a good few times that he would like to be able to run that fast.

The whole world continued by as Mike gripped into the fur on the Moon-Born’s back. He could feel most of the movements that Derek made and some of them were gut wrenching, like when he suddenly made a very sharp turn and nearly threw Mike off. It was only luck that Mike was able to hold on.

Derek had to keep looking at the front, as did Mike but he couldn’t help but occasionally see something out the corner of his eye. He wasn’t especially worried about being attacked, although Derek couldn’t tell who the Moon-Born was he would be able to tell if one was near and Dimetri and Bobby weren’t out tonight.

About five minutes later Derek suddenly came to a stop within his street. He was very careful to stick to the shadows so that he wouldn’t be seen in the light or anything. Mike got off his back and then felt his leg cramp slightly as well as his side get sore. He picked up his bag and then looked at Derek again as he began to slip into the shadows. Mike stopped him and then said “You know, I could have walked.....but thanks” he said and then turned to go to Derek’s front door a little down the street.

Derek would have to sneak in the back way and then get into his house.

A couple of minutes later and a few doors down the street Mike found Derek’s door. It wasn’t open and Mike knocked it.

A minute later Mike heard someone open the door, it was Derek’s Father Daniel. “Mike, I take it your here for Derek?” he asked to the young man.

Mike nodded and then said “Yeah, he invited me over to stay for the night, I hope it’s OK?” he presented it almost as a question.

Daniel quickly gestured for him to come in saying “Of course, of course your perfectly welcome here. Especially if you’re having trouble of a car fix nature” said Derek’s Dad with a grin.

Mike smirked as well even though he didn’t find it that funny. He liked people that had a good attitude and could have a laugh. It was one of the things he liked about a few of his friends.

“Mikey!” said Derek quite loudly from the stairs as he came down them and turned the corner. He then gestured for Mike to come to him again while saying “You got here faster than I expected” and then smiled that evil grin again. His Dad must have noticed it because he gave him a rather questioning look.

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“Uhhh a lift....” said Mike not knowing what to say. Mike wasn’t sure if his Dad knew what Derek had done but judging by the way he kept looking he didn’t think so. “Thanks for letting me stay Mr. Bradshaw. I’ll see you later” said Mike as he made his way up to Derek’s room.

Mike was happy to be with Derek for the night. He hadn’t felt so happy for ages. Just being near his boyfriend was enough but now he was getting to spend the night with him. He never thought that the guy he hated just less than two months ago would become his boyfriend. It seemed like some twisted version of reality. Only this was real and he liked it.

For the rest of the night Derek and Mike did quite a few things. Mike showed Derek how to play the guitar a little from what he remembered when he was taught. Derek wasn’t as good as Mike thought he could have been. Maybe he wasn’t meant to play an instrument.

Mike took a little time to learn a little about Football, Mike learned about the different positions, their importance, how to play, run, pass and dozens of different things. Mike wondered how he kept up without his head exploding and he wondered how Derek’s hadn’t yet with all that information.

They took a little time to play the Xbox 360 that Derek had in the family living room when everyone else was sleeping. Derek taught Mike how to play a few of his favourite games like Madden NFL 2012 and GTAIV. Mike liked this because he hadn’t really taken time to play the games consoles before and he did enjoy it. Maybe he should save money and buy one.

When it came time for them to sleep Derek set out the mattress on the floor of his room. Mike didn’t think he would have liked it but after lying on it he changed his mind. He was going to sleep on it. However before long Derek called him up to his bed.

Both of them lay in each other’s arms just kissing slightly and sometimes playing around. Mike truly felt as peace there, like nothing bad could ever happen to either of them.

“Hey Mikey, it’s two weeks to your birthday....” said Derek as if trying to imply something. He felt Mike tense under him a little as if he had sent him an electric shock.

“Yeah I know I have thought about it. I don’t want anything for it though....” he said sounding to Derek like a wet blanket. Mike didn’t like people making a big fuss about him. He had never had that kind of attention and he didn’t want to start now.

Derek laughed slightly and then wiped his eyes. Mike looked at him a little unnerved even though he couldn’t see him too well in the dark. “I’m OK, it’s just that....Well this is why I’m here Mikey. To make you feel good. You do that for me just by being mine. You went out with me and that made me the happiest guy in the world. I’m making your birthday special for you Mikey” said Derek as he kissed him again.

Mike was powerless when he did this and simply moaned slightly. “OK then...I’ll trust you” he said as he lay down. After this Mike fell asleep in Derek’s arms.

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The next morning Derek made Mike and his family and Mike pancakes. Fortunately it was Saturday so they didn’t have to worry about going to school today although they still had homework. They could maybe do it together, which usually meant that Mike would do it and Derek would copy it.

After breakfast Mike and Derek decided to go and spend the day in town since Mike’s Dad was working and his Mum was going to work soon enough. Derek called Dimetri and Bobby to see if they wanted to hang out together. Bobby would be there this afternoon but Dimetri had to be home to see his aunt from Australia.

In the morning Mike and Derek decided to go Go-Karting. They made their way to the centre, grabbed their overalls and helmets and then got onto the course.

Mike soon found out exactly why he would never drive, he crashed five separate times not counting the numerous times that he bumped the car but didn’t stop.

Derek on the other hand had lapped him about five times before he lost count. Derek was obviously very good at driving. Perhaps it was his coordination that made him so good, either way Mike could not resist having a whine about it. “Dick, you could have let me win to make me feel better” said Mike under his breath.

After working up an appetite Derek and Mike decided to get lunch in one of the small cafes in town. They decided on “Tony’s Diner”, a small but cheap place which was a little deserted due to them coming in during the non busy times.

They ordered their food pretty quickly and as usual Derek ordered nearly twice as much as Mike. They both continued to eat pretty much in silence only chatting slightly.

As they ate Mike seen that Bobby had come through the door, Mike noticed him first due to actually facing onto the door. Derek turned and shouted “Get your ass over here, your late mate” said Derek trying to sound like Dimetri and failing quite epically.

This made Bobby smile slightly as he joined them. He put his jacket over the back of the chair and then went and ordered something to eat. When he sat down Mike’s meal and even Derek’s looked slightly small compared with what Bobby had ordered.

When Mike looked at it Bobby noticed and then asked “What?”

Derek sniggered slightly as Mike looked between their two meals and then said “Well your lunch makes mine look totally puny” and then took another chip from his plate.

Bobby smiled at this and then took a bite into one of his burgers.

During the meal Mike looked between the two jocks, he could see that there was a good chemistry between them despite both of them not even knowing each other 2 years.

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“Hey how did you two come to know each other?” asked Mike as he finally finished his plate. He put it to the side and then watched as Derek and Bobby looked at each other genuinely surprised to hear Mike ask such a question. To be honest it was the first time he had seen them look at each other surprised.

Derek was the first one who spoke after Mike had asked the question. He took his lips away from the food for a minute to answer. “Well you know that I moved here last don’t you?” he asked to Mike.

When Mike nodded Derek continued, “Well Dimetri had moved here when he was a baby and I moved here a few short weeks after Bobby did. Bobby moved here because of.....well personal reasons” said Derek as he looked at Bobby. It was obvious that Derek had been told but wasn’t sure if he should tell Mike.

“I moved here shortly after my Mom died, like Derek I had trouble controlling my....Ummm unusual habits like Derek did. I changed after my Mom died and when I did I went and I....found her killers and took their lives like they took my Mother’s” said Bobby looking quite ashamed.

Derek put his hand on Bobby’s shoulder and then said “It’s OK man, you probably saved a lot more people than you had hurt”. He could tell that this was painful for him.

Bobby nodded and then said “I’m OK man, I am OK with it now. Anyway after that my Dad knew I would have to leave and we moved here” he said as he took a drink of cola from his cup. “My Dad knows what I am and some of what I can do. He doesn’t know about Derek of Dimetri but he generally doesn’t worry but I promised I would never kill anyone” said Bobby as he continued finishing his food.

Mike took a bit of time to consider what he had been told, he knew that Bobby was pretty silent of the three of them but he didn’t know why until now. He had been through a lot in his life and like Derek had struggled to control his inner animal. Considering Bobby’s size he found it unnerving to consider ever being on his bad side. The black wolf would be in trouble if they could ever find him again.

When they had finished lunch they spent the afternoon together generally going around the arcade or practicing football. A little later Bobby even took them to where he practiced boxing. When he trained Derek explained the rules to Mike and how it worked. There was a lot more it than he would ever have considered.

When they left the boxing gym a thought occurred to Mike. “Bobby, don’t use your...” he said looking around to make sure nobody was looking at them or listening. “Moon-Born strength when you’re fighting” asked Mike as he thought about it. Technically it would be cheating if he did but Mike didn’t know how anyone could ever prove it.

Bobby and Derek actually started laughing at this out loud, this did draw a few looks from people. When they finally calmed down Mike felt slightly foolish. “Mikey, Moon-Born can control their strength you know if we didn’t we would try to write something down and end up snapping the pen,

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or we would try to push a door and take it off the hinges. No we learn control it’s all a part of the process” said Derek hoping this would explain it.

Bobby however continued where Derek had left off. “Listen Moon-Born have, I guess you would say ummm.....two personalities. One human one and a wolf one, our human ones are the ones we mostly use, with just a tiny bit of the wolf one. If we used too much of the wolf one then we would become like wild animals. It’s one of our toughest challenges” said Bobby as he finished.

This alarmed Mike slightly as he looked at both of them as if he was going to get mauled by either of them in a few seconds. At this once again they both started laughing.

When it was beginning to get dark Bobby said to Derek and Mike “I’m gonna get home I need to help my Dad fix that fucking roof on the shed its pissing me off”.

At this Derek nodded and then said “See you tomorrow man, take it easy”. Mike did a similar one but a bit more polite.

Once Bobby was gone Mike and Derek headed back to Derek’s house. They simply walked back despite Derek saying that they could run home again through the forest. Mike declined on the simple fact that he didn’t want them being seen. A wolf might not be seen but a human and a wolf would draw suspicion.

When they finally got back Derek’s Dad and Mom were away out getting dinner themselves so Mike and Derek played the Xbox for a little while before Mike had to go home. Derek tried to get him to stay the night but Mike had to help his Mom that following day or else she would be at the stall at the old folk’s home herself.

Mike and Derek enjoyed a passionate moment at the door before Derek walked Mike back to his home street, he was still taking no chances in keeping Mike safe. Derek sneaked him a kiss before Mike went into his own house.

When he got home at around half 10 he was shocked to see that his parents weren’t in. He quickly looked around to see if he could see a note or something. He quickly found one on the fridge. “Mike, your Mom and I went out for a meal and a drink because I got home earlier today and don’t have to work tomorrow. There is something to eat in the cupboard if you get hungry. Take care, Dad” said the note. Mike read it once more and absorbed it. It was unusual for his Dad to be in but he didn’t complain. He was entitled to some time off.

Mike quickly went up for a shower and then once it hit half 12 he went to bed after texting Derek. “Night my man x” was the last text that Derek had sent him before he went to sleep.

Over the next few weeks Mike’s dread of his birthday grew. He knew that Derek had something big planned for him in the October weekend off school. His trepidation of it grew nearly every day.

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He had no idea what Derek wanted to do but he had a feeling that he, Mike and Amanda would go out for a meal with each other. No matter how much he tried he could not get Kyle to like Derek or Derek to like Kyle. Kyle simply didn’t trust Derek enough and vice versa. There was no other way around it. Mike guessed that there was just too much resentment on either side for it to happen. It was either his lifelong friend or his boyfriend.

The time counted down until finally the big day was here, Mike arrived at school in the morning after getting a lift from Kyle. Kyle sneaked him a birthday present from himself and Amanda, the first present was a new watch. The one he had been wearing was now falling apart and he needed a new one. The second present was a new cologne set along with a note that Kyle would show him how to use it properly. Mike was grateful but the final present was the one that really caught his interest. He had gotten he and Mike a set of two tickets to go away for a few days to see Linkin Park in New York. Mike was over the moon but he couldn’t believe that Kyle had been able to get them.

“Thanks man, you have no idea how awesome this is going to be” said Mike as he practically drooled over the tickets. He loved Linkin Park that much, it was quite a journey to New York but Mike didn’t mind, his birthday was in the October Weekend break so they would have four days.

“Your welcome man, I just hope you like them” replied Kyle as he took his keys out the car and then slammed the door. Mike did likewise as they went into the school, Mike was excited but he dreaded telling Derek because they were supposed to go away that weekend. Kyle didn’t know of course because he hadn’t told him yet.

The day went surprisingly quick all things considered throughout the day, of course nobody knew that it was his birthday except a few of the teachers. He did however get a surprise when a few of Derek, Bobby and Dimetri’s football buddies said Happy Birthday to him. He guessed that word had either gotten around about he and Derek or the fact that he helped Dimetri out with the trouble he had with science and math.

When it came 4’o clock Mike finally had a chance to meet up with Derek, he had not seen him all day which was strange considering he had met him nearly every day since they first went out. Mike came out the door after almost everyone else as he had stayed back. “Hey Mikey, how was your day?” asked Derek as he stood at the side of the path leaning against the wall and looking at his phone.

Mike smiled at Derek and then said “Hey yourself, where did you go all day?” he asked to his boyfriend jock. Mike adjusted his bag and then went over to where Derek was standing and gave him a quick kiss while he was sure nobody was looking.

“Well looks like our weekend is off huh?” he asked smiling to Mike. He noticed Mike going bright red and looking very ashamed. At this Derek pulled Mike under his arm and ran his knuckles through his hair. Mike tried in vain to get away but to no avail.

“How did you know? I thought you would be angry” asked Mike a little confused as to how Derek knew without even talking to Kyle. He looked very sheepish to Derek but Derek simply seemed to have an everlasting grin.

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“Dumb ass” said Derek as he showed Mike a text from Kyle, Mike was shocked as he read it. “Yeah I’ll get him the tickets, thanks for the suggestion” and then the text ended. Mike didn’t even know how Derek got the number but he was still confused.

“How did you get that, what did you do?” asked Mike to his boyfriend.

Derek pocketed his phone and let his grin slide for a second and then looked around to make sure they weren’t being overheard. “I went to Kyle and talked to him, he was struggling to find a present and so was I but I managed to suggest Linkin Park to him and he looked up and got the tickets” said Derek with a simple explanation. “Just cause I don’t like the guy doesn’t mean I’m gonna make your birthday miserable Mikey” he said as he took Mike in his arms and then said “I would do anything for you”.

Mike felt like the luckiest guy in the world at this moment as he had found out that his boyfriend and his best friend had managed to conspire for his birthday. It really amazed him and he was thankful.

“You are amazing Derek, thanks a lot” said Mike as he kissed him again not really caring who seen.

Derek kissed him back and then said “Were going to go away for the weekend after, which is about 2 weeks from now. It’s not that long to wait” and with that he looked at his phone again for the calendar. “It’ll be fun and I know you’ll enjoy where we’re going but right now you’ll be able to enjoy your concert” said Derek.

Mike took Derek in his arms as they hugged and then stole one more kiss. “So what you up to this weekend Derek” asked Mike as they slowly made their way home the longer way at the side of the road. Mike looked but Derek didn’t say anything at first.

“Well if you want to we can go out for a drink tonight” said Derek as he scratched his head. He knew that Mike didn’t normally drink but he didn’t see any reason not to invite him for something small for his birthday.

Mike thought about it for a few minutes before agreeing with a head nod. “Yeah why not, at the very least it might be good to have Bobby and Dimetri over for a while” said Mike.

At this Derek let loose that evil smile he normally did, he hadn’t done it recently but Mike took it to mean something very bad coming up. “Don’t worry Dimetri and Bobby will be there but there will be more than that” said Derek as he let the smile drop to a more friendly one.

For some strange reason Mike didn’t feel intimidated or terrified but he was curious about it to say the least. Tonight was going to be good, that much he knew.

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