The Witcher - · The Witcher Level Proficiency Bonus Features Signs...

The Witcher A Homebrew Class for D&D 5th Edition based on Sapkowski and CDProjekt's works by Yollo the Dwarf

Transcript of The Witcher - · The Witcher Level Proficiency Bonus Features Signs...

The WitcherA Homebrew Class for D&D 5th Edition

based on Sapkowski and CDProjekt's works

by Yollo the Dwarf

The Witcher

In a world where beasts, monsters and terrible

creatures are an ever-present threath, people

needed someone to protect them. During the ages,

some groups of hunters gathered and founded

training schools, where they taught the tricks of the

trade. But as more and more powerful monsters

appeared, it became clear simply relying on

knowledge and skills wasn't enough to defeat such

creatures and keep people safe.

As such, these schools started researching alchemy and

magic, amplifying their hunters' arsenal. Their greatest

discovery was the art of creating strong mutagenic

substances, who gave those who survived the treatment

abilities surpassing those of normal people.

Paid but DespisedA witcher is a trained monster hunter who kills creature for

coin. Some travel the land in search for bounties, other

may serve a lord or a community under constant threath

for a stable salary.

Nonetheless, witchers have no place to call home but the

place they trained in. The mutations they go under take toll

on their body, marking them and drawing the attention of

the others. Often seen as nothing but glorified hunters who

profit from the existence of monsters, they are scorned by

the common folk and usually only looked at as necessary

and unwanted employees by those who whire them.

Class FeaturesAs a witcher you gain the following class features

Hit PointsHit Dice: 1d10 per witcher level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your

Constitution modifier per witcher level after 1st

ProficienciesArmor: Light armor, medium armor

Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons

Tools: alchemical supplies

Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence

Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,

Arcana, Athletics, Stealth, Insight, Intimidation,

Investigation, Nature, Perception, Survival

EquipmentYou start with the following equipment, in addition to the

equipment granted by your background:

(a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons

(a) five daggers or (b) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts

(a) studded leather armor or (b) chainmail

(a) an explorer's pack or (b) an adventurer's pack

alchemical supplies

Witcher SchoolYou have been taught the trade by someone who walked

the pathof the witcher before you. Usually, witchers are

trained in isolated and forgotten schools, where ancient

techniques and traditions are passed onto the next

generation of monster hunters and strange mutagens are

administered to the young trainees, altering their


At 1st level, you choose one from the following schools:

School of the Bear, School of the Cat, School of the Griffin,

School of the Viper, School of the Wolf.

Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at

7th, 13th, and 20th level.

Monster HunterYou have a deep knowledge of various creatures and

monsters and how to hunt them. When you attack a non-

humanoid, non-celestial creature, you deal extra damage

equal to your proficiency modifier.

SignsAt 2nd level, you can harness the arcane forces of nature

and release them to generate magical effects by tracing

special signs in the air with your fingers.

You can use this feature a number of times as shown in

the Signs Uses column in your Witcher Class Table. You

recover all expended uses after a long rest. Using a sign

requires 1 action, unless noted differently.

Most signs require the targets to make a saving throw.

You use your Wisdom modifier for the purpose of

determining your signs saving throw DC.

Sign Save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your

Intelligence modifier

Signs DescriptionAard. All creatures in a 6-meter/20-foot line must make a

Strenght saving throw. On a failed save, they are pushed

back by 3 meters/10 feet.

Axii You cast charm person.

Igni. You cast burning hands.

Quen. When hit are hit by an attack, you can use your

reaction to create a shield of static energy around your

figure, gaining resistance against bludgeoning, piercing and

slashing damage dealt by that attack. You must use the sign

before knowing the damage you suffer by the attack.

Somme. You cast sleep.

Yrden. You conjure a luminescent 3-meter/10-foot radius

circle on the ground, within 3 meters/10 feet of you. A

creature must attempt a Wisdom saving throw when it

enters the sign’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its

turn there. On a failed save, it is affected by the slow spell

as long as it remains in its area of effect. The sign lasts as

long as you mantain Concentration, up to 1 minute. Using

another sign breaks Concentration.

Witcher's alchemyAt 3rd level, you gain the ability of crafting potent

mutagens, weapon oils and bombs. After you finish a short

or long rest, you can choose to either drink one mutagen,

apply one oil on a weapon of your choice or craft two uses

of a bomb of your choice.

1THE WITCHER - by Yollo the Dwarf

The Witcher

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Signs Uses

1° +2 Witcher School, Monster Hunter ─2° +2 Signs 2

3° +2 Witcher's Alchemy 2

4° +2 Ability Score Improvement 2

5° +3 Extra Attack 2

6° +3 Favorite Tricks 3

7° +3 Witcher School Feature 3

8° +3 Ability Score Improvement 3

9° +4 Improved Alchemy, Expert Hunter 4

10° +4 Favorite Tricks 4

11° +4 Fast Reflexes 4

12° +4 Ability Score Improvement 4

13° +5 Witcher School Feature 5

14° +5 Favorite Tricks 5

15° +5 Superior Alchemy 5

16° +5 Ability Score Improvement 6

17° +6 Mutagen Improved Resistance 6

18° +6 Favorite Tricks 6

19° +6 Ability Score Improvement 6

20° +6 Witcher School Feature 7

You must spend 10 minutes during which you need access

to your alchemical supplies to use this feature. The saving

throw DC of your bombs is equal to your sign saving throw


All effects of mutagens and oils ends whenever you use

this feature to create another mutagen, oil or bomb.

Similarly, a bomb becomes inert when you do so.

You can use a bomb as an action, throwing it up to 18

meters/60 feet.

MutagensBlizzard. You can take the Dash and Disengage actions as

a bonus action.

Cat. You gain darkvision in a 18 meters/60 feet range. If

you aldready possess darkvision, you increase your

darkvision range by 18 meters/60 feet instead.

Golden Oriole. Choose one damage type between acid,

cold, fire, lightning and poison. You become resistance to

that damage type.

Petri's Filter. You regain a number of expended signs

equal to your Intelligence modifier when you complete a

short rest.

Swallow. When you have less than half your total hit

points, you regain a number hit points equal to your

Constitution modifier (minimum 1) at the start of each of

your rounds. The effect of this mutagen ends if you drop to

0 hit points, if you heal up to your total hit points or after 1


Thunderbolt. Your AC increases by 1.

Willow. You are immune to being frightened and charmed.

BombsDimeritium Bomb. It explodes, releasing particles of an

anti-magic substance in a 3-meter/10-foot sphere that lasts

for 1 minute. All creatures in the area must make a

Concentration check whenever they try to cast a spell or

use a magical ability. A strong wind disperses the particles.

Dragon's Dream. It creates a cloud of flammable gas in a

sphere of 4,5-meter/15-foot radius that lasts 1 minute. If

anything ignites it, the gas explode, and any creature in the

area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a

failed save, they suffer 5d6 fire damage, or half as much on

a successful save. The gas lasts until ignited, until the effect

ends or if it is dispersed by strong wind.

Samum. It explodes in a 3-meter/10-foot sphere, releasing

a loud bang and extremely bright light. Creatures in the

area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,

they are blinded until the start of your next round.

OilsBlack Blood. When you hit with the affected weapon, all

healing on the target is prevented until the start of your

next round.

Hunter's Coating. The weapon deals an additional 1d8

acid damage against a creature type chosen at oil creation.

2THE WITCHER - by Yollo the Dwarf

Ability Score ImprovementWhen you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th. 16th, and

19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice

by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice

by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20

using this feature.

Extra attackBeginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of

once, whenever you take the Attack action.

Favorite TricksAt 6th level, you choose any combination of two signs,

mutagens, bombs or oils as your favorite witcher tricks. You

gain the respective improvements. You choose another two

favorite tricks at 10th, 14th and 18th levels.

SignsAard. On a failed save, creatures also fall prone.

Axii. You cast charm monsters.

Igni. You cast burning hands as if cast with a 4th-level slot.

Quen. When you are hit by a melee attack and use this

sign, the attacker suffers half the damage dealt (before

applying resistance).

Somme. You cast sleep as if cast with 4th-level slot.

Yrden. When you use this sign, you can choose a number

of creatures equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier to

automatically succeed on its saving throws.

MutagensBlizzard. You can also make one melee weapon attack as a

bonus action after you take the Attack action on your turn.

Cat. You also gain advantage on Perception checks.

Golden Oriole. You choose two damage types from the list

and gain resistance to both.

Petri's Filter. If you roll Initiative and have no sign use left,

you regain one.

Swallow. When the mutagen's effect is active, you regain

an additional 5 hit points at the start of each of your


Thunderbolt. Your AC increases by 2.

Willow. You also become immune to being paralyzed,

petrified and stunned.

BombsDimeritium Bomb. Creatures have disadvantage on the

Constitution saving throw.

Dragon's Dream. The cloud can be ignited twice before


Samum. On a failed save, a creature is also stunned.

Weapon OilsBlack Blood. The weapon gain the same quality as a

vicious weapon.

Hunter's Coating. The weapon's additional damage

increases by 1d8.

Expert HunterAt 9th level, you have advantage on Intelligence checks to

recall specific informations about creatures, and on

Survival checks to track creatures.

Improved AlchemyAt 9th level, you can create any combinations of up to two

different mutagens, bombs or weapon oils whenever you

use witcher's alchemy feature.

Fast ReflexesAt 11th level, you have advantage on Initiative checks.

Superior AlchemyAt 15th level, you can create any combinations of up to

three mutagens, bombs or weapon oils whenever you use

witcher's alchemy feature.

Mutagen Improved EnduranceAt 17th level, you are immune to illness and being


Witcher SchoolsEach of the Witcher Schools has honed its own hunting

and combat styles. After centuries of improving their own

techniques, kept secret from outsiders, a trainee Witcher

slowly learns how to become the ultimate monster hunter.

School of the BearBear Witchers focus on their physical strenght to brutally

smash their preys.

Bonus ProficienciesWhen you select this witcher school at 1st level, you gain

proficiency in heavy armor.

Furious StrikeWhen wielding a weapon with two hands, you can reroll its

damage dice if you get 1 or 2 as the result of a roll. You

must keep the new result even if it's 1 or 2.

You must wield a two-handed or versatile weapon to gain

this benefit.

Devastating BlowAt 7th level, when you score a critical hit while wielding a

weapon with two hands, you roll and additional damage

dice (3).

You must wield a two-handed or versatile weapon to gain

this benefit.

Disruptive ImpactAt 13th level, when you hit with a melee attack while

wielding a weapon with two hands, you can try to push or

trip your target as a bonus action. The creature must make

a Strenght saving throw contested by your attack roll. On a

failed save, you can choose to push it back by 3 meters/10

feet or trip it prone. If a creature is at least two size larger

than you, it's immune to this feature.

You must wield a two-handed or versatile weapon to gain

this benefit.

Inhuman StrengthAt 20th level, you double your Strength damage bonus

when wielding a weapon with two hands. In addition,

whenever you score a critical hit, you roll an additional

damage dice (4).

You must wield a two-handed or versatile weapon to gain

this benefit.

3THE WITCHER - by Yollo the Dwarf

School of the CatCat Witchers are nimble and precise hunters, who favor

mobility and quickness over brute force.

Rapid StrikeThe first time you hit with a melee weapon attack during

your turn, you can make another melee weapon attack

against the same target at disadvantage. This attack does

not add your Strenght or Dexterity modifier to its damage.

You must wield a light or finesse weapon to use this


Flashing ParryAt 7th level, when you would be hit by a weapon attack

from a creature you can see, you can expend your reaction

to try and parry it. You add your proficiency modifier to you

AC, and resolve the attack against it.

You can't use this feature if you aren't wielding a melee


EvasionAt 13th level, you can dodge out of the way of certain area

effects, such as a dragon's breath or an ice storm spell.

When you are subject to an effect that allows you to make a

Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you

instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,

and only half damage if you fail.

CounterattackAt 20th level, you can make a total number of reactions per

round equal to your Dexterity modifier.

In addition, whenever you make an attack miss by using

flashing parry, you can spend an additional reaction to

make a melee weapon attack against the attacker.

School of the GriffinThe School of the Griffin has tailored its fighting style

towards hunting monster packs and facing multiple

enemies at a time.

Impenetrable DefenseYou gain a +1 bonus to AC. You cannot be flanked and

enemies do not gain the benefits of Pack Tactics against


BattledanceAt 7th level, all attacks of opportunity against you are made

at disadvantage.

TauntAt 13th level, as a bonus action, you can try provoking all

enemies within 9 meters/30 feet of yourself.

You make a Charisma(Intimidate) check contested by a

Wisdom saving throw, made by any creature of your choice

in the area of effect. If you succeed, they suffer

disadvantage on any attack roll on a target that isn't you

until the start of your next round or until you're

incapacitated. In addition, you reduce all damage you suffer

from attacks by your proficiency modifier until your next


Storm of the BattlefieldAt 20th level, when you take the Attack action, you can

make a single melee weapon attack to hit each creature

within your reach. You make a separate attack roll for each


School of the WolfWolf Witchers are the most versatile of their trade. They

search to find balance between their fighting skill, the use

of signs and the crafting of alchemical creations.

Favorite WeaponChoose a weapon you are proficient with. You deal an extra

1d4 damage with that weapon.

Focused SignAt 7th level, when you cast a sign, you can choose to inflict

disadvantage on its saving throw to all targets. You cannot

use this feature again until you complete a long rest.

Eye of the HunterAt 13th level, once per round, when you hit with a melee

weapon attack, you can double your monster hunter bonus


Master HunterAt 20th level, you gain advantage on saving throws against

spells and any special ability possessed by creatures that

trigger your monster hunter feature.

School of the ViperViper Witchers aren't exclusively monster hunters, but will

instead kill anything they can be paid for, making no

distinction between a wolf pack, a troll or a person.

Sneak AttackOnce per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one

creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the

attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged


You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another

enemy of the target is within 1,5 meters/5 feet of it, that

enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage

on the attack roll. The amount of damage increases as

shown in the Sneak Attack Damage Table.

Sneak Attack DamageLevel Extra Damage

1st─4th 1d6

5th─8th 2d6

9th─12th 3d6

13th─16th 4d6

17th─20th 5d6

Hired BladeAt 7th level, you double the extra damage dealt by hunter's


In addition, when you deal sneak attack damage to a

humanoid or celestial, you add the bonus damage from

your monster hunter feature.

4THE WITCHER - by Yollo the Dwarf

Assassin's StepAt 13th level, you gain advantage on Acrobatics and Stealth


Bloodied HunterAt 20th level, you can add your sneak attack damage on all

melee weapon attacks made with advantage.

5THE WITCHER - by Yollo the Dwarf