The WITCH of Blackbird Pond - Wikispaces · 1 The WITCH of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George...

1 The WITCH of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare modified by Steve King

Transcript of The WITCH of Blackbird Pond - Wikispaces · 1 The WITCH of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George...

Page 1: The WITCH of Blackbird Pond - Wikispaces · 1 The WITCH of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare modified by Steve King



of Blackbird


by Elizabeth George Speare

modified by Steve King

Page 2: The WITCH of Blackbird Pond - Wikispaces · 1 The WITCH of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare modified by Steve King


Chapter One

It was mid-April in 1687. Kit Tyler was on a ship coming

to America. She could see land and was told it was

Connecticut. This was the first time she had seen America.

The captain’s son, Nat, was talking to her about the new

land. This was his home. And they talked about the trip.

Kit was proud that she had not been sick and that she had

kept her balance. She felt like a good sailor. Kit had lived

on an island called Barbados. She was very comfortable

with the ocean.

At that moment she saw Nat’s mother getting ready to go

ashore. The ship was too big to dock in the harbor so they

would take small boats to shore.

Kit asked if she could go ashore even though she was not

home, yet. You see, she was going to live with her aunt and

uncle who lived up the river, but she really wanted to set

foot on America.

Nat’s mom and Dad, Nat, Kit and some sailors went

ashore. The mother stayed but the others were coming back

with some new passengers.

The new passengers were a man and his wife and their little

girl. There was also a tall young man with long hair and a

big black hat.

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As their boat headed toward the big ship, the little girl

began to cry. She had dropped a wooden doll and they

could all see it floating on top of the water. Kit told the

captain to turn the boat around so they could pick it up. He

just ignored her.

Kit thought for just a second and then jumped into the

water. The water was very cold, but Kit was a strong

swimmer. She caught her breath and picked up the doll.

Then she heard another splash. It was Nat. She started

laughing as she watched him trying to swim. She passed

him easily and got back in the boat.

Then Kit saw the anger and shock in the faces of the others.

She realized she had made a big mistake. But then she saw

the look in the little girl’s eyes. She looked at Kit with


Later, Kit and the young man with the long hair were

talking. He told her that he was going to her new town to

become a preacher. He had heard of her aunt and uncle but

had never met them.

He tried to warn her that the people of Wethersfield would

be surprised by her.

Nat came up and told her that she was to eat supper with

the little girl and her family. He also told her that the little

girl’s mother thought Kit was a witch. She said no woman

could keep afloat in the water unless she was a witch.

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Kit was very angry, but also a little nervous. The preacher,

John Holbrook, was not laughing. He was afraid that others

would think Kit was a witch, too. He advised her to stop

swimming. Kit took their advice and said she would not go

near the freezing river again.

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Chapter Two

It took the ship nine days to get to Kit’s new home. It

seemed that everything went wrong. The other passengers

were blaming Kit for all the problems. They wouldn’t let

their little girl be near Kit.

The only one who took time to talk to her was John

Holbrook. He was always reading. But he would mark his

place and stop to talk with her. He told Kit that he would

really like to go to Harvard. (Harvard is a college in New

England) But he was not a very rich man and did his

learning another way.

Kit didn’t like to talk about money. She had always been

around costly and beautiful things. She tried to tell John

what her childhood had been like. It was very different

from his.

Kit’s parents had died when she was young. She had lived

alone with her grandfather. She was very happy and free on

the island. Now her grandfather was dead and she was

going to live with her aunt and uncle. She had never met

them but she’d been told her aunt was always laughing.

John warned her that her Aunt Rachel had been away from

England for many years.

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It was hot on the ship and Kit was so tired of the slow trip.

She heard Nat and some friends swimming in the river. She

wanted to jump in but she remembered his warning.

Later, he spoke to her again. He was friendly until she

complained of the ”smelly ship”. He started to talk to her

of the slaves that were on ships from her home in

Barbados. And he was glad that his father’s ship had a

smell of horses instead of slaves.

She didn’t know why they couldn’t be friends. It seemed

they were always having something to argue about.

John Holbrook seemed to argue with her a lot, too. He was

surprised to find that she also knew how to read. And

shocked to find out she had read plays. He had been taught

only to read books that told of God.

She could see that John was uneasy about being her friend

as well.

They arrived in Wethersfield. Kit saw the little girl whose

name was Prudence. She told her she hoped to see her

often since they would be living in the same town.

But the little girl’s mother began to shout at Kit. ”I want

you to leave my child alone. We do not like strangers in

our town, especially someone like you.”

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John Holbrook gave a quick good bye and went looking for

his new teacher. Then Captain Eaton walked up and Kit

knew she would have to tell him the true story.

Her aunt and uncle were not there to meet her because they

did not know she was coming. She was sure they still lived

in Connecticut because of a letter she’d gotten. And she

was sure they wanted her because they were relatives.

The captain was angry because he believed they would be

waiting for her. He did not want to be responsible for a

young lady all alone. He made Nat help her with her

luggage and they went looking for her aunt and uncle.

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Chapter Three

As they walked through the town Kit was getting very

unhappy. This was not a nice city with fine buildings, but a

small town with small shacks.

They got directions to her family’s home. She felt better

when she saw it. It was much bigger than the cabins they

had passed.

The door to the house opened and a woman stood in the

doorway. She gasped and said, ”Margaret!” when she saw

Kit on the steps.

Kit cried, ”No, Aunt Rachel. I’m Kit, Margaret’s


”Oh my dear child, how wonderful!” said her aunt.

Kit thanked the captain and said good-by to Nat who

warned her again about swimming witches.

Kit went in with her aunt and met her uncle and cousins.

She sat and ate breakfast with them. Corn bread and water.


Her uncle was going out to work in the fields when he saw

Kit’s luggage. She had seven trunks. ”Why would you

bring so much just for a visit?”

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Kit looked him in the eye and told him, ”I am not here to

visit. I have come to stay. I did not dare to write to you

because I was afraid you would tell me not to come.”

Her uncle and aunt told her they would never have refused

her, but her uncle thought she should have told them so

they could think about it. The uncle was not happy.

He wanted to know about her grandfather and if she had

money from him. Kit told them her grandfather had lost

most of his money, and she had had to sell her slave girl to

have money for the trip to America.

Her uncle said, ”Humph!” He brought in her trunks and

looked at them with disapproval. Her aunt put her arm

around Kit and told her she had done the right thing.

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Chapter Four

As her uncle left the women began to get back to normal.

Rachel started to clean the table. She wrapped up the

leftover corn bread to take to Widow Brown.

”Forgive me for leaving you, Katherine, but I’ll be back in

no time at all.”

Her daughter Judith was not happy. She knew that Rachel

would stay and do chores for the poor lady.

Mercy asked Judith, ”What would you expect her to do?

The Bible tells us to care for the poor and the widows.”

Judith did not want her mother to wear herself out caring

for others. Judith also did not want to start on her own

chores. She looked at Kit’s trunks and asked about the


Kit told her they were full of dresses, petticoats and

slippers and such. Didn’t Judith and Mercy have the same


Mercy laughed. She could not imagine all the special

clothes, but Judith could. She wanted to see them right

now, even though Mercy said they should get to work.

Kit was surprised at how excited they were at seeing her

clothes. She felt very generous. She gave each of the girls

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a pair of gloves. Judith put them on right away. Mercy

touched them and set them aside.

Then Judith began looking at the dresses and Kit told her to

try one on. Judith looked beautiful in a bright blue dress.

She loved it and Kit said it could be hers.

Kit and Judith began looking for a gift for Mercy. Judith

found a blue shawl and Kit placed it on Mercy’s shoulders.

She loved it. She thought it was as soft as a kitten’s fur. But

she didn’t think it would be okay to take it.

Just then Aunt Rachel returned. She saw Judith in the blue

dress and looked at her with fear and excitement. Kit said

that Aunt Rachel must have looked just as beautiful

because her grandfather had told her so. Judith and Mercy


Kit wanted her aunt to try on something. She pulled out a

bonnet and placed it on her aunt. Aunt Rachel looked

young and pretty. Her daughters stared in disbelief. ”Oh,

Mother! Wear that on Sunday!”

But suddenly Aunt Rachel turned pale. She could see her

husband standing in the doorway.

”What is the meaning of this?” he demanded.

”The girls were watching Katherine unpack. Why are you

home so early?” said his wife.

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Matthew Wood was not happy. He made Judith give the

dress back to Kit. He said there was no need for fancy

clothes for his family. He wouldn’t let them keep the

gloves or the bonnet, either.

Rachel asked if Mercy could keep the shawl. She said it

would keep her warm and was not showy. He permitted

that and thanked Kit.

Kit was furious, but she held her tongue and started putting

clothes away. Judith was in tears but put the blue dress

back in the trunk. There was silence after the door shut.

There were still chores to do. Kit was surprised to find out

there were no servants. She offered to help. She and Mercy

were cleaning the wool. This was a job that Judith hated,

but Mercy and Judith were able to visit.

Mercy told Kit it was right to come to them. Kit felt she

could trust Mercy and told her the real reason she had to

leave the island. There was a man who Grandfather owed

money. He didn’t want Kit to give him money. He wanted

her to marry him.

That was why Kit had left her island in such a hurry.

Mercy told her she was right. She should never go back.

She would have to show Uncle Matthew how useful she

would be. They worked the rest of the day. There was food

to prepare, dishes to clean, and she and Judith made soap.

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Toward evening they gave her the easiest task they could

think of. Kit was to make the corn pudding. She was

supposed to add corn meal to the boiling water a little bit at

a time. Kit did not have patience. She ended up pouring

the corn meal all at once.

That was the family’s supper. They had one big lump to

eat. They ate in silence.

The candles were lit. Uncle Matthew began reading from

the Bible while the women started their knitting. Kit tried

to listen but she was very tired. Finally the prayer was over

and the knitting stopped.

Kit headed for bed, but she remembered that she would

need a fresh dress in the morning. She overheard words

that she was not supposed to hear.

Judith did not want to share her bed. She was not happy

with Kit and the work she had done. She wished her cousin

was a boy. Aunt Rachel agreed. A boy would have helped

Uncle Matthew.

Kit stayed on one side of the bed and tried to hide her tears

and her sobs from Judith.

Suddenly, she sat straight up. ”What was that?”

”Oh, just a wolf,” said Judith. ”Wait until you hear a whole

pack of them.

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Chapter Five

It was Sabbath morning and the Meeting House bell was

ringing. Kit was wearing a bright flowered dress and a

bonnet with white feathers. Uncle Matthew did not want

her to go to Meeting with such fancy clothes.

Kit did not want to go anyway. She had always gone to the

Church of England, but there was no such church in this

town. There was no other dress for her to wear and no other

church to attend.

They headed for town.

Kit was shocked to see a pillory, a whipping post and

stocks right in the middle of town. This was not like her

home at all.

In the church, there was silence. The service was very

plain. The benches were hard. Kit looked at the people

around her. She was surprised to see some were dressed

like her. But most were very plain. She saw some black

faces. They must be slaves.

Kit decided it was a test of sitting still. It was after two

hours when the sermon ended. Kit stood for the final prayer

and then walked out with her family.

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People came up to meet her. They were sure she must be

grateful to her uncle and aunt for letting her live with them.

She saw Mrs. Cruff, Prudence’s mother, talking to some

ladies and they all gave her mean looks. Kit smiled at

Prudence and then looked up to see John Holbrook, the

ministry student, coming toward her.

”I’m glad to see you in Meeting,” he said. ”You must have

found the sermon uplifting.”

Kit said nothing and John went on. He was serious. Judith

came up and agreed with John. John looked at her with

surprise and respect.

Next, Kit was introduced to their neighbor, Mistress

Ashby. This lady wore fancy clothes and had a son named

William. When she smiled at William, he froze in his


As they walked home, Judith asked Kit about John

Holbrook. Kit wanted to know more about William. Uncle

Matthew gave them a stern look.

Judith explained that the tiny houses around the Meeting

House were Sabbath houses. They were for the people who

had to travel far for Sabbath. They could stay and have a

meal before the second service.

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”The second service?” asked Kit. ”I won’t do it. I can’t sit

through all that again.” But she saw her uncle and she

knew that she would.

She wondered why she had ever come to this hateful place.

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Chapter Six

They had just finished dinner with Reverend Bulkeley and

John Holbrook. It had taken them four days to get ready.

The kitchen had been cleaned from top to bottom.

The Reverend had enjoyed his dinner. He also enjoyed

talking to Kit about her grandfather who had been knighted

by the king. He liked people who were loyal to the king.

Uncle Matthew was angry. He felt loyal to the king, but he

did not like the new governor sent by the king. He wanted

to fight for a free government in Connecticut.

The two men argued about revolution. Aunt Rachel was

very upset. It was mercy who got them to stop by asking to

hear Reverend Bulkeley read from the Bible.

Instead, the reverend handed the Bible to John Holbrook.

He told him to read a part that talked about change. It upset

Uncle Matthew again, but he did not speak. .

Kit liked the sound of John’s voice. His words were much

easier to listen to then those of her uncle. When they began

the evening prayer she peeked up and saw that her cousin,

Judith, was also peeking. Judith was looking very closely

at John.

During the prayer, Reverend Bulkeley asked for blessings

for Mercy. He mentioned her illness. Kit was very

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surprised. She knew that Mercy could not walk, but she

was very important in this family. She did her chores. She

could get her father out of his angry moods. She stood

behind her mother. Kit felt that Mercy was very strong, not


When the prayer was over, Aunt Rachel said good-bye to

their guests. She told John he was welcome to come back.

John looked at Judith when he said thank you.

Uncle Matthew said that the reverend would never be

invited back to their house.

Then Uncle Matthew remembered something else.William

had asked if he could come and visit Kit. Judith was upset,

but Rachel said they couldn’t refuse. His father was rich.

He was also loyal to the king.

Uncle Matthew and Aunt Rachel went up to bed. Then

Judith and Mercy began to tell Kit about William. His

father had already set aside land for William and his wife,

as soon as he chose a wife.

Judith and Mercy let it slip. They thought that Judith was

going to be the wife. Kit could see now why Judith was so

angry. She said, ”I won’t see him. I’ll tell Uncle Matthew

that he can’t come to visit.”

”No!” said Judith. ”I don’t want William anyway. I have

decided I want to marry John Holbrook.”

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Chapter Seven

William Ashby had come to visit. He sat across from Kit

and stared at her. They had sat like that for the last half

hour. It seemed like Kit was supposed to do all the talking.

The family was in the other room talking. Kit would have

liked being with them. Even if it was for prayers. Just then

there was a knock on the door. John Holbrook had come to


Aunt Rachel brought everyone together to pop corn. With

the family all together she got to hear William speak much

more. She was impressed. She had a lot more respect when

she heard him stand up to her uncle about being loyal to the


When John Holbrook agreed with William then Uncle

Matthew left without even saying good night. A little later

the two men said good night.

Kit thought that was the end of that. But her aunt and her

cousins knew that William had chosen her as his bride. He

had said he was going to start building his house. That’s

how they knew.

Kit was upset. How could he want to marry her when they

could not even talk.

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But they were right. William came back the next Saturday

and the next and the next. Kit decided she had better learn

to knit so she would have something to do while he stared

at her.

William was fine. He did not seem to want anything other

than to sit and watch her. He did not give her jobs to do, he

did not expect anything of her. She began to look forward

to his visits.

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Chapter Eight

One morning in June, Matthew took Judith and Kit to do

weeding in the onion field. They had finally made Kit a

good work dress, plain, not fancy. It was easier for Kit, and

it made Judith seem nicer.

The two girls headed out to the Great Meadows. This was

where the onions had been planted. Kit fell in love with

this spot. It reminded her of home. It was big and green and

stretched out like the ocean.

Kit saw a little house near a pond. Judith told her that it

belonged to Widow Tupper. People thought she was a

witch. She lived there all alone with her cats.

Judith really didn’t believe in witches, but she didn’t like

Widow Tupper. Kit looked at the lady as she stirred a kettle

with a long stick. It was probably just soap, but Kit hurried


They pulled up the weeds. Kit was not very good at it and

had to be careful not to touch onions. What was Sir Francis

Tyler’s granddaughter doing? If she married William

Ashby, would she have to pick weeds for him. She didn’t

think so.

They finished their work and went home for lunch. Kit

found out that Reverend Bulkeley wanted her to help

Mercy teach school this summer. John Holbrook couldn’t

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have told him that she could read. So how did they find


The schoolmaster would test her and then she and Mercy

would get paid for teaching. Kit would be useful. Now

maybe they wouldn’t wish she were a boy.

Mercy listened and then she explained. ’They only wanted

a boy so that Uncle Matthew would have help. They had a

son who was older than me. The two of us got a fever. I got

well, except for my leg. The boy had died.”

”There was another boy born after Judith. He was very tiny

because he was born early. They took him to church to be

baptized when he was three days old. It was freezing. He

died soon. Father has never been the same.”

Kit would try hard to understand her uncle.

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Chapter Nine

Kit and Mercy had begun their school. Kit was teaching the

primer readers and Mercy was teaching the beginners.

Kit was supposed to teach by having the kids repeat

sermons like this:

Good children must,

Fear God all day,

Parents obey,

No false thing say,

By no sin stray.

Kit knew her grandfather would never let her learn from

this kind of book. She tried to remember how her

grandfather would teach her. She wrote some words and

gave them to Timothy Cook. He read:

Timothy Cook

Jumped over the brook.

Then she did one for a little girl: Charity Hughes Has new

red shoes.

The children loved her way of teaching. They had loved

her from the first day and she loved them. They liked her

pretty clothes and they brought her flowers. They argued

over who got to sit next to her.

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Mercy taught the children with patience. She never raised

her voice and they all listened to her.

Kit used tricks to keep them learning and behaving. One

way was by telling them stories at the end of their lessons.

She only had the Bible, but she could choose stories from


This day she was going to tell the story about the Good

Samaritan. Suddenly, she had an idea. ”You all know this

story. Instead of me reading, let’s pretend that it is

happening right now.”

”Peter will be the man walking and three of you can be the

robbers.” And so she went. Mercy was a little worried. She

had never seen this before, but Kit convinced her that since

it was in the Bible it was okay.

The only problem was who she chose for the parts. The

three robbers got carried away and soon their were screams

and children chasing each other. Kit and Mercy could not

stop them.

Just then the Reverend John Woodbridge and the

schoolmaster came in. They wanted to know what had


When Kit explained, they turned and looked at Mercy.

They held her responsible. They sent the children home

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and told them not to come back. They would tell their

parents if the school was going to continue.

Kit stepped in. She told them to take her job, but not

Mercy’s. They did take her job, but they still weren’t sure

about Mercy. Kit saw the tears coming down Mercy’s

cheeks. She couldn’t stand the pain she had caused. She ran

out of the house and headed to the Great Meadow. There

she fell down in the grass and sobbed.

She looked up and saw the old woman looking at her. ”You

were right to come here. This place will always make you

feel better.” It was the witch.

Kit wasn’t sure what to do. She felt better. She wasn’t

afraid of the lady. She knew she should go back home but

she went with the lady to her hut. She ate a small corncake

that had blueberries in it an she drank goat’s milk.

Kit found out the lady had lived here for many years. She

had come to this place with her husband. People would not

give them land because they were branded. They had built

their house by the pond because no one else did.

The lady made Kit feel so much better. She showed her a

piece of coral that a sailor had given her. It reminded Kit of

her island. She showed Kit a bulb that had come from far

away. ”I never thought it would grow here, but it just

wouldn’t give up,” said the woman.

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Kit got the message. She said good-by to the woman and

headed out to see the schoolmaster.

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Chapter Ten

Mercy was amazed at Mercy’s news. Mr. Kimberley had

agreed to give Kit one more chance. Mercy didn’t think the

schoolmaster ever changed his mind.

”Maybe I was bewitched,” joked Kit. She told Mercy and

Aunt Rachel about seeing the lady in the meadow, the one

everyone called a witch.

Aunt Rachel told her not to have anything to do with the

Widow Tupper because she was a Quaker. That was why

she had a brand on her forehead. In Boston they even

hanged some Quakers. Kit would not agree to stay away

from Hannah Tupper. She liked the little lady and didn’t

want her to be lonely.

She wondered if she could talk to William about her.

Would he understand or would he be shocked by her? She

still didn’t know him very well even though he came to see

her every Saturday and some days in between.

She would like to tell John Holbrook. He also came to visit.

The family thought he was there to court Judith. He never

said so, but he would go on walks alone with her. Judith

was in love, but told no one.

Kit waited two weeks before going to see Mrs. Tupper. She

was walking home with Judith. Judith tried to talk her out

of it, but Kit was determined.

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Hannah was sitting at her spinning wheel when Kit came

in. Kit told her about getting to teach again. Kit wasn’t

telling stories or doing plays anymore. The schoolmaster

wanted her to be serious and not have fun. Hannah asked

her if she could still smile.

”You’re right. I have been so afraid that I’d do something

wrong that I have forgotten to smile,” said Kit. ”But Mercy

smiles all the time and she still keeps order.”

Kit pulled the kitten into her lap and watched Hannah work

the yarn. She felt warm and happy.

Hannah was good at spinning wool and making thread.

People would pay her to make thread. Then she could pay

her taxes. And she could pay her fines for not going to


They talked about being a Quaker. Kit would like to pay a

fine and stay away from the Meetings, but Hannah told her

there was more to being a Quaker. Before she could tell her

more, another visitor came to the door.

It was Nathaniel Eaton, the captain’s son. This was

Hannah’s friend who had brought the coral. He had brought

another gift for Hannah. This time it was a barrel of


Nathaniel had met Hannah the same way that Kit had. He

had been crying in the meadow when he was eight years

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old. His father had told him he had to leave the ship and go

to school. Hannah had given him blueberry cake and a

kitten and some confidence. He talked his father into

teaching him right on the ship.

It was time for supper and Kit had to go home. Nat

continued to tease her but also asked her to keep an eye on

his friend Hannah Kit never knew what to expect from him.

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Chapter Eleven

It was the middle of summer and the heat made it hard for

the children to be in school. It was hard for Kit too. But not

for Mercy. Kit wondered how she could be so patient.

As Kit looked at the children practice reading, she saw

some movement by the doorway. No one was there but

there was a small bunch of flowers sitting on the doorstep.

Kit looked toward the trees and saw Prudence Cruff. She

had brought the flowers for Kit. Prudence wanted to learn

how to read, but her mother wouldn’t let her. Kit told her

she would teach her when no one was watching. They

could meet in the meadows.

Kit met Prudence in the afternoon and brought her a

hornbook for reading. It was silver and red satin, the most

beautiful thing Prudence had ever seen. After their lesson

Prudence gave it back.

Kit wanted her to keep it as a present, but the little girl

knew her mother wouldn’t let her keep it. She wanted Kit

to keep it for her.

Kit saw this as a chance to have Prudence meet Hannah.

The little girl was very scared. Kit told her to stop thinking

of the little old lady as a witch. The little girl trusted Kit

and followed her to the little house.

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Hannah welcomed her visitors. She had just gotten four

new kittens, too. Prudence held a kitten and watched

Hannah find a safe place for the hornbook. Prudence

showed what she had learned from Kit and the old lady

gave the little girl a piece of blueberry cake.

When Kit and Prudence were walking home the little girl

asked why everyone called Hannah a witch. Kit explained

that they were afraid of things they don’t understand.

Prudence wasn’t afraid anymore. She wanted to be

Hannah’s friend.

After Kit said good-bye she worried. Was it a good idea to

bring Prudence into her secret world? She knew Prudence

needed a friend, but her mother frightened her.

That night William came to visit. All he could talk about

was his new house. Kit didn’t want to hear every detail, but

Judith was very interested.

John Holbrook was there also. He would read aloud to the

group. Tonight he was reading poetry. Kit was watching

Mercy listen to the poem. Mercy had a glow on her face as

she kept her eyes on John’s face. Kit knew what that look

meant. Mercy was in love with John Holbrook.

Kit glanced around. No one else had noticed.

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Chapter Twelve

School was over but there was still a lot of work to do. It

was time to harvest the onions and dry apples. Kit was

working in the fields and had no time to see Prudence or


One sunny day they had been working on candles and Aunt

Rachel gave her the afternoon free to rest. Kit started to run

out the door. Her aunt asked her where she was going. Kit

said nothing. Her aunt knew and gave her a piece of

leftover apple tart to take to the widow.

When Kit got to Blackbird Pond she found Nat Eaton there

chopping wood for Hannah. Next he was going to repair

holes in her roof. Kit wanted to help. She got big armfuls

of grass and helped spread them on the roof. Nat fastened

them in place.

When they were done they sat and let the sun warm them.

Kit had worked as hard as a slave but felt good. She felt

glad to be alive. Nat asked her if she was sorry she had

come to live with her aunt and uncle. ”Sometimes I am,”

she said. ”It’s so different here. Sometimes I don’t fit in.”

Nat told her about a bird he had seen in Jamaica. It was

yellow green with bright red patches. He had wanted to

bring it on the ship to give to his grandmother. His father

had explained that it was meant to live down in Jamaica.

Kit reminded him of that bird.

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Now they were sitting on a rooftop with straw in their hair.

Had she turned into a crow? ”No,” said Nat. ”But they are

doing their best to make you into a sparrow.”

Kit was looking at Nat in a different way. They could talk

seriously without the teasing. Now they were talking about


Nat was telling her about a play he read that told about a


”The Tempest?” Kit asked excitedly. ”It was my favorite.”

Then they talked about the King of England and how

people in America felt. Nat told her there were two sides to

loyalty. The king must be loyal to his people as well.

It was time for supper. Kit had to run off. Nat wanted to

make sure that Kit would keep visiting.

Hannah said good-bye. ”My visitors are always in a hurry.

Thee and Nat and even Prudence.”

Nat walked with Kit and asked her about Prudence. When

they got to her home, Uncle Matthew was waiting. So was

William. She knew she could only tell the truth.

”I’ve been helping fix Hannah Tupper’s roof. I’m sorry I’m

late. This is Nathaniel Eaton. I helped him.”

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The family nodded at Nat. William just stared at him and

Nat stared back. Nat apologized to Kit’s uncle and then he


Uncle Matthew told Kit she could never help Hannah or

visit her again. ”She never goes to Meeting so she cannot

have our help,” he said.

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Chapter Thirteen

Judith was telling Kit about a husking bee. It sounded like

work to Kit, but to Judith it was a party. There would be

music and cakes and a lot of fun. All the young people

would be there.

Kit stopped to see Hannah just for a quick visit. Hannah

told her that Prudence kept stopping by. She was worried

about the little girl.

On her way home she was stopped by John Holbrook. Kit

told him where she had been. John warned her that it was

not a good idea. He even called the widow a witch.

Kit tried to explain how Hannah was helping her and how

lonely the old woman was. John listened. Then he talked to

her about the fine house that William was building for her.

Kit asked John if he was going to the husking bee. ”Will

Mercy be there?” he asked. Kit was thrilled. John wanted

to marry Mercy. Kit told him to tell her tonight. Then she


Oh no. Kit had forgotten all about Judith.

That night they were ready to go to the bee when John

arrived. John told Judith he was going to stay with Mercy.

He had to talk to her father. Judith gasped. ”Oh Father,”

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she said. ”You know what he’s going to ask. Tell him it’s


John didn’t get a chance to explain. Judith was too happy.

Even her parents were pleased. John couldn’t say anything

and Kit couldn’t either.

They headed for the party. John and Judith. Kit and

William. William wanted to talk to Kit. He wanted to ask

her to marry him.

Kit said, ”Please don’t ask me yet. I do not want to get

married so soon.”

William said, ”The house will be ready in the spring.

That’s when I’ll ask for your answer.”

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Chapter Fourteen

It was October and Kit loved the new colors of the trees.

Judith wanted her to hurry to the dock. A trading ship was

arriving. Judith wanted to see what was coming.

It was the Dolphin. She saw Nat Eaton and waited for him.

Nat asked her to take a package to Hannah Tupper. Then

he told her they had brought some fancy windows for

William Ashby and his bride.

Nat wanted to know why Kit hadn’t told him. Why had he

worried about her? She turned red. She told him it was not

definite but Nat was upset.

When they got back to the house Aunt Rachel was waiting.

The men were all down at the blacksmith’s. There was

news from the governor.

When Uncle Matthew came back he looked very tired. It

was the news they did not want to hear. A new governor

was coming to take over in Connecticut.

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Chapter Fifteen

There were many men in their home that night. Kit could

hear the angry voices. She was proud and surprised that

William was with the group until Judith told her that he

thought like Uncle Matthew now. When had he turned

against the king?

The men were not happy with the new governor. They

would have to pay for their land again. They would have to

pray to the Church of England. Uncle Matthew did not

want shooting but some of the men did.

The next afternoon Judith and Kit went to see the arrival of

the new governor. There were many people waiting and

many of them were angry. The captain of the soldiers

warned them that they must show respect to the new


The people watched as the soldiers came off the ship.

Seventy men in red coats came out. Then came Governor

Andros riding a fine horse with his fancy clothes. The

people greeted him in silence.

That night it was hard to sleep. Uncle Matthew was very

anxious and worried.

There was a knock at their door. William had brought

news. He told them that he had been at a meeting with the

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governor. The king had ordered that Connecticut become a

part of Massachusetts.

During the talk the candles had blown out and in the

darkness the Charter had disappeared. The Charter is what

the people counted on to show their freedom. William said

he did not know who took it but that it was safe.

Uncle Matthew relaxed. He told his family that there would

be hard times. But when the hard times were over, they

would have the charter to help them as free men.

Judith and Kit went back to bed. Kit giggled. ”I know

where the Charter is,” she said. ”The spirits took it.”

It was All Hallows Eve. This was the night when witches

ride on their brooms and the spirits do strange things.

Judith didn’t believe in that thinking. They went to sleep.

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Chapter Sixteen

The governor had declared that there would be no

Thanksgiving until he chose a date. There would not be a

celebration because of some trouble on All Hallows Eve.

Some sailors from the Dolphin had gone to William

Ashby’s new house and put pumpkins in the windows. The

pumpkins were carved to look like monsters and they had

candles in them.

”Jack-o-lanterns!” said Kit and Judith.

Uncle Matthew did not think it was funny.The three young

men would be put in stocks for all to see. Kit was sure she

would know one of them.

Lecture day was two days away. That was the day for

public punishment. Kit went to the Meeting House alone.

She could see the sailors sitting in the stocks. One of them

was Nat.

She watched as people shouted at the three. She saw

someone throw an apple core and bounce it off Nat’s head.

She felt terrible. She walked toward Nat and tried to help.

He told her to go away. Nat was not bothered by the stocks

but he was bothered by Kit seeing him.

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She went on to the Meeting house but did not go in. She

thought she would go home and stay with Mercy. Kit

needed to see Hannah. Hannah would make her feel better.

When Kit got to the cottage Hannah told her not to worry.

She had been in the stocks before. It wasn’t that bad.

Hannah wanted to know about William. Nat hadn’t

mentioned him before and neither had Kit.

Kit told her that William wanted to marry her. Then she

would be able to escape Uncle Matthew’s house. Hannah

warned Kit that without love it would not be an escape.

Prudence stopped by. They opened the package that Nat

had given Kit to give to Hannah. Kit and Prudence would

make the cloth into a dress for Hannah.

Kit told Hannah she was worried about Prudence and what

would happen if she was found with Hannah. Hannah

didn’t have the answer.

Prudence did. She said she had to come. She would take

any punishment as long as she could visit Hannah.

Kit let it drop. She wouldn’t stop the little girl. She brought

out a present she had for Prudence. It was a quill pen. It

was time to teach her to write.

The three friends had a wonderful time. The little girl

learned quickly and was very happy. ”I wish I could live

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here with you and the kitten,” said Prudence. Hannah

smiled. She wished it too.

Soon it was time to leave. Kit worried again. What was the

answer to their problem?

When she got home, she saw Judith had been crying. John

had joined the militia as a doctor. It was a way for him to

get away from Dr. Bulkeley and be true to what he


Judith wasn’t happy, but Mercy told her she should be

proud of John.

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Chapter Seventeen

Five days after John left Judith became sick. Within two

days sixteen others in the town had come down with the

same fever. A doctor had come from Hartford to bleed her.

The fever had to run its course.

Kit got the fever but it didn’t last long. She had been fed

lots of fruit and sunshine as a little girl. It helped her heal


One day Kit heard Mercy coughing. She had gotten the

fever too. Mercy got very sick. The doctor came and bled

her twice. Still she didn’t get better. Aunt Rachel wanted to

call for Dr. Bulkely but Uncle Matthew had said he would

never let the preacher in their house.

Mercy was getting weaker. Uncle Matthew took out his

Bible. He was getting his coat when there was a knock at

the door. It was Dr. Bulkely. ”We have to put our politics

aside,” said the preacher. ”Mercy is like a daughter to me.

Please let me help.”

”I was just coming to get you,” said Matthew.

Dr. Bulkely had read about a new treatment. He had Kit

slicing and boiling onions. Then he put them on Mercy’s

chest and tried to pull the fever out.When they cooled, he

put a new batch. It helped.The doctor left to help others,

but he said he’d be back.

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A new fear came to Kit. A crowd of people had come to

their door. They wanted Matthew to go with them to get

”the witch”. They were blaming Hannah for all of the

sickness in the village.

Matthew sent them away.He did not blame Hannah for the

fever. Then one of the women in the crowd called Kit a


That’s when Uncle Matthew got very angry and the people


Kit was worried. She asked her uncle what would happen

to Hannah. He said there would be a trial and then she

could prove she was innocent. He didn’t know why Kit

would be worried.

They all went to bed, but Kit had to warn Hannah. She

sneaked out of the house and went to the Meeting House

Square. She heard people talking and shouting. She knew

there was violence coming.

Kit got to Hannah’s house before the crowd. She got the

little old woman to wake up and go with her. Hannah was

frightened. She had heard the sounds of a crowd before.

The two of them were out in the bushes when the people

got to the house. Kit and Hannah heard a gunshot and the

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sound of furniture breaking. Then they saw a flare of light.

The crowd was burning her house.

Kit led Hannah to the river. She didn’t know what to do.

She thought about taking her to her aunt and uncle’s house,

but didn’t know what they would do.

Suddenly she saw the sails of the Dolphin. It was coming

by their town. Kit made sure that Hannah was quiet and

then she swam into the water to find Nat. ”Man

overboard,” someone yelled. ”It’s a girl!”

They brought Kit aboard the ship. She told Nat the whole

story. He came with her to get Hannah. Hannah wouldn’t

go without her cat so Kit and Nat went to find it. Nat told

Kit she should leave too, but Kit thought she would be safe

at home.

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Chapter Eighteen

Kit got in the house and found that Mercy’s fever had

broken. Judith was better too, and the doctor said she could

get up. Aunt Rachel could get some rest.

Kit wanted to thank her uncle. He had stood up to the

crowd and defended Kit. ”I know I’ve been nothing but

trouble,”she said.

”You have proved me wrong,” said her uncle. ”You have

worked as hard as any daughter.

Kit wanted to tell him everything right then but she wanted

to wait until she was sure that Hannah was safe.

At the noon meal there was a knock on the door. It was the

deacon of the church, the constable and Mr.and Mrs.Cruff.

They wanted to see Kit, too.

”We have come to arrest the witch,” they said. They were

talking about Kit. They had found the hornbook in

Hannah’s house and knew they were friends.

Uncle Matthew wanted to keep Kit in their house until they

could have a trial but the constable thought she would be

safer with him.

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The constable led her to a shed behind his house. It had no

windows but light came in between the boards. Kit let the

tears run down her cheeks.

Later the constable came in with some supper and a quilt.

”We’ve never had a girl in here before,” he said. ”I never

would have picked you for a witch.”

He told her that they would probably brand her or cut off

an ear.

Kit had never been in a locked room before. She wanted to

scream, but who would hear her? Who would help her?

John Holbrook? Nat Eaton? What about William? Dear,

dependable William.

It turned out to be Aunt Rachel instead. She came to see

that Kit was all right and to tell her that Mercy’s fever was

almost gone. Kit was sorry that she had brought all this

trouble to her aunt and uncle.

The visit would help Kit to face the next day.

Kit knew that it did not take much to convince these people

that someone was a witch. Look at Hannah. What had she


Kit worried about Prudence. What if they found out that

she had disobeyed? Kit was upset. She should have helped

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Prudence with her chores instead of taking her to her new


But then Kit remembered how nice the last visit had been.

She could remember the sound of the quill, the creak of

Hannah’s chair, and the warmth of the fire. The memories

made her feel at peace again and she was finally able to


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Chapter Nineteen

The sun had been peeking in to the shed for hours before

the constable’s wife opened the door. She had brought her

mush and stayed to talk while the girl ate.

The woman looked at the girl. She didn’t think that Kit was

a witch. She helped Kit comb her hair and wash her face so

she would look better at the trial.

The room was full of men and some of the women who

were friends of Mrs. Cruff. Kit’s uncle sat with the

selectmen. He was very upset and Kit felt ashamed.

The trial began. Adam Cruff was the one who accused her

of being a witch. It was because she was a friend of

Hannah Tupper, an alleged witch. Also she was guilty of

actions that came from the devil and caused illness to fall

on children.

Kit told the truth and said she was a friend of Hannah’s.

Then she was asked if she knew the cat that was a spirit.

Kit said it was an ordinary cat. The judge told her to just

say yes or no.

Witnesses came forward to blame Kit for many things. One

farmer said she had walked by his cows and then they

refused to come in when he called.

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A woman said that Kit had talked to her son and a few

hours later he was sick. Another said that Kit had looked at

her window when she was sewing a jacket and the sleeve

never would fit right.

Uncle Matthew was angry. None of this was real evidence.

Dr. Bulkeley agreed that it was only one person’s word

each time.

Then Mr. Cruff stood up. His wife had been poking him to

make him speak. He brought out the copybook that had

Prudence’s writing in it.

Kit would not tell them it belonged to Prudence. She did

not want the little girl to get in trouble. Mrs. Cruff told

everyone it was a spell and Kit would not say anything. All

the people were sure she was guilty .They wanted to hang


Dr. Bulkeley looked at the book. He could tell that the

writing was like a school lesson. He whispered to the

judge. ”We will hold her for a trial. Court is dismissed,”

said the judge.

”Wait a minute!” called a voice. Nat had brought Prudence

in to testify. Mrs. Cruff screamed. She didn’t want the child


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Kit didn’t want Prudence to get in trouble. ”It’s my fault.

Leave her alone, she pleaded. ”Please get her out of this

horrible place.”

But Prudence was fine. She held her head up and looked

right at the judge. She was not afraid. The judge asked her

if she knew Kit. Prudence said Kit was her teacher at

Hannah’s house in the meadow. Mrs. Cruff screamed.

Then he showed the copybook to Prudence and asked her

about it. Prudence said it was hers and she wrote her name

in it. Mrs. Cruff said it was a lie. Prudence was too stupid.

The judge gave Prudence a pen. She wrote her name while

her father and everyone else looked on. Mr. Cruff was so

proud. Then the judge asked the girl to read. Mrs. Cruff

said it would be magic spells but Prudence said she could

read the Bible.

Kit was very proud of her student. She listened to her read

and looked up at Nat.

When the little girl was finished everyone was looking at

her parents. Mrs. Cruff was angry and was thinking of a

punishment. She yelled, ”It’s a trick. That girl could never


Mr. Cruff told her to be quiet. He could see now that his

daughter was a smart little girl and could learn as much as

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anyone else. He withdrew the charges and Kit was declared

free and innocent.

But Mrs. Cruff still wasn’t done. She put her anger on Nat.

He had to be arrested because he wasn’t allowed back in


Uncle Matthew said that Nat had helped to see justice done

and should not be punished. The judge agreed but Nat had

already disappeared.

Mr. Cruff came over and told Kit that Prudence would not

be hurt and that next summer she could go to school with

the other children.

The judge told Mrs. Cruff that she could be fined thirty

pounds or spend three hours in the stocks if she said lies

about Kit.

Uncle Matthew took Katherine home.

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Chapter Twenty

On the first day of snow Mercy was able to get out of bed.

Judith was able to go outside. It was the first time Kit had

ever seen snow. She wasn’t sure why Mercy loved it so.

Kit missed the green.The next day Kit felt different. The

whole scene was covered in white. It looked like it was a

pure untouched world.

That evening William came to call. He said he had stayed

away because of the illness in the house. Kit didn’t have

much to say to him. She worked on the spinning wheel and

let Judith do all the talking.

When William was leaving he told Kit that he didn’t hold

anything against her. He was sure the town would give her

a fresh start.

Kit was angry. Hannah and Prudence were her friends and

William thought she should stay away from them. He

worried about having a wife that was full of surprises.And

Kit worried about having a husband that she couldn’t

depend on. She sent William away.

Now the long evenings were without visitors. Kit did not

see William until Thankful Peabody had her wedding. It

was a special feast but, at the wedding, they heard the news

that John Holbrook had been taken as a prisoner. It was

William who caught Judith as she started to faint. He

carried her to his sleigh and took her home.

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In the weeks that followed Judith was filled with sorrow,

but so was Mercy. And Mercy could not let others see her

cry. Kit still wanted to tell Mercy that John had really

loved her.

The months were cold and Kit started to dream of her

island life again. She wanted to go home where green

things were growing. She told Mercy about her beautiful


She felt that she was a burden on the family and was

concerned that her aunt and uncle would be stuck with

three unmarried daughters.All three knew that William and

Judith should be together and Kit wanted to make it


It was March.A fresh storm had brought snow. There was a

knock on the door. A man came in . He went right to

Mercy and and put his head in her lap. It was John.

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Chapter Twenty-One

On a Lecture day in April two wedding plans were

announced John Holbrook and Mercy Wood. William

Ashby and Judith Wood.

John and Mercy were going to live with her parents. John

was studying again with Dr. Bulkeley even though they

had different politics.

William’s house was almost finished. He and Judith were

very content.

Kit was helping with all the preparations. But she was still

planningTo leave. There was no real need for her to stay.

John would help with the planting. Mercy would still be

there to help Rachel.

Kit was in the attic looking through her trunks. She

wondered if the dresses could help her get enough money

to pay her ship fare. Then she saw the green dress that

Judith had loved.

She set it aside for Judith and found a blue flowered one

for Mercy. She would go to her uncle and knew that he

would take them as gifts of love.

Kit would go back to Barbados as a single woman who

must work for a living. She thought she would be a good

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governess for a wealthy family. She liked teaching


One day in April she was walking past Blackbird Pond. It

had flooded and Hannah’s house would have been

destroyed. She was glad her friend had moved and was in a

proper house.

Kit was seeing the beginning of Spring and realized that

Winter would not last forever. She did not want to leave

this place after all. She did not want to miss seeing Judith

in her new house or miss talking to Mercy by the fire. And

she did not want to say good-bye to Nat Eaton.

If she could go with Nat to Barbados that would be okay. If

she could just go up and down the river with Nat, that

would be enough. She realized her love was Nat. And Nat

was New England, too.

Kit stopped planning on leaving. She waited for the next

visit from the Dolphin. Other ships came into the harbor

but not the Dolphin.

Finally, in May, she saw a new boat come into the landing.

It was Nat. They went running to each other. Kit asked

about Hannah. She was fine and happy with Nat’s

grandmother for company.

This new ship was Nat’s. He was now a captain. Kit

thought it was more beautiful than the Dolphin.

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She looked at the name. The WITCH.

But it wasn’t named for Hannah, it was for Kit. Nat wanted

to go see her uncle and ask him to let Kit marry him. They

would have a house here but in winter they could sail


Kit couldn’t wait to see the Witch, but Nat wouldn’t give

in. When he took her on the boat, it would be for keeps.

The End