The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called...


Transcript of The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called...

Page 1: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide
Page 2: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

The Widow at Zarephath

God had sent a drought to punish Israel for their wickedness, and the brook nearby where the prophet Elijah had been camping had dried up, as had his food supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide for him while he continued his ministry.

La Vedova di Sarepta

Dio ha mandato la siccità per punire Israele per la sua malvagità; il ruscello vicino al quale si era accampato il profeta Elia si era seccato, la sua fonte di cibo s’era interrotta. Dio gli disse di andare in una cittadina chiamata Sarepta, dove avrebbe incontrato una vedova di buon cuore e piena di fede in Dio, che si sarebbe occupata di lui mentre continuava il suo ministero.

Page 3: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

As Elijah approached the city, he met a woman gathering sticks by the town gate and felt that she was the one God had told him about. Tired and hungry, he asked her for some water and a piece of bread.

She stared at him in disbelief and explained that she didn’t have any bread left, and only enough flour and oil to bake a last loaf for herself and her son. She expected this would be their final meal before starving to death.

Mentre si avvicinava alla città, Elia incontrò una donna che raccoglieva rami secchi vicino alle porte e sentì che era quella di cui aveva parlato Dio. Stanco e affamato, le chiese un po’ d’acqua e un pezzo di pane.

Lei lo fissò incredula e spiegò che non le rimaneva niente, tranne un po’ farina e di olio per fare un ultima pagnotta per sé e per suo figlio. Si aspettava che fosse l’ultimo pasto prima di morire di fame.

Page 4: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

Elijah then asked an impossible favor of her: “First, bake a loaf for me and then one for your son and yourself.” Then he assured her that God would bless this sacrificial and unselfish deed: “There will always be flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!” The widow did as Elijah requested, and sure enough, the Bible records that from that point on, her flour and oil never ran out, and there was sufficient food for her and her son throughout the famine. God kept His promise.

A quel punto Elia le chiese un favore impossibile: «Prima fai una pagnotta per me, poi per te e per tuo figlio». Le assicurò che Dio avrebbe benedetto quel sacrificio altruista: «La farina nel vaso non si esaurirà e l’olio nel vasetto non calerà, fino al giorno che il Signore manderà la pioggia sulla terra». La vedova fece come le aveva chiesto e di fatto la Bibbia dice che da quel momento la farina e l’olio non si esaurirono e ci fu cibo a sufficienza per lei e per suo figlio durante il resto della carestia. Dio mantenne la sua promessa.

Page 5: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

Gesù dà da mangiare a cinquemila uomini

Gesù partì in barca per recarsi in un luogo isolato, lontano da tutti, ma la gente venne a saperlo e seguirono Gesù a piedi, venendo da varie città. Quando Gesù vide tutta quella folla, ebbe compassione di loro e si mise a guarire i malati.

Verso sera, i discepoli si avvicinarono a Gesù e gli dissero: "È già tardi e questo luogo è isolato. Lascia andare la gente in modo che possa comprarsi da mangiare nei villaggi.

Gesù disse loro: "Non hanno bisogno di andar via: dategli voi qualcosa da mangiare. "

Jesus feeds 5,000 people

Jesus went to a remote area to be alone, but the crowds heard where He was headed and followed on foot from many towns. When Jesus saw the huge crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick.

It was getting late in the day, and Jesus' disciples were concerned that the crowd did not have any food. Jesus told His disciples to feed the crowd.

Page 6: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

Andrea che era fratello di Simon Pietro, disse: "C'è qui un ragazzo che ha cinque pagnotte d'orzo e due pesci arrostiti. Ma non è nulla, per tanta gente!"

Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said, “Here is a boy with five loaves of barley bread and two little fish. But that is not enough for so many people.”

Jesus took the fish and loaves of bread and gave thanks for them. Then he gave them to the people who were waiting to eat. Everyone at their fill; afterward, the disciples collected twelve baskets of leftover food.

Gesù prese i cinque pani e i due pesci, alzò gli occhi al cielo e disse la preghiera di benedizione. Poi spezzò i pani e li diede ai discepoli; e i discepoli li diedero alla folla.Tutti mangiarono e ne ebbero abbastanza!

Page 7: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

The Widow’s Offering

Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts.

L’offerta della vedova

Gesù andò a sedersi vicino al tesoro del Tempio e guardava la gente che metteva i soldi nelle cassette delle offerte. C'erano molti ricchi i quali buttavano dentro molto denaro.

Page 8: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “This poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. They have plenty, and they gave only what they did not need. This woman is very poor, but she gave all she had.”

Venne anche una povera vedova e vi mise soltanto due monetine di rame. Allora Gesù chiamò i suoi discepoli e disse: 'Io vi assicuro che questa vedova, povera com'è, ha dato un'offerta più grande di quella di tutti gli altri! Infatti gli altri hanno offerto quel che avevano d'avanzo, mentre questa donna, povera com'è, ha dato tutto quel che possedeva, quel che le serviva per vivere'.

Page 9: The Widow at Zarephath · 2020. 6. 20. · supply. God told him to travel to a town called Zarephath where he would meet a widow with a good heart and faith in God who would provide

Image Credits:

Image 1: Pixabay

Image 2: foreground © Aurora Productions; background designed by brgfx via Freepik

Images 3-4: © Aurora Productions

Images 5-6: Art by Didier Martin

Images 7-8: Pixabay

Text from the Bible and Activated magazine. Used by permission.