The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government.

The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government. Rule of law

Transcript of The widely-shared beliefs, values, and norms that citizens share about their government.

• Abundant and fertile land

• Countless opportunities to acquire land/make living

• Lack of feudal society

• Independent spirit


• Representative Sample

• Random Sampling

• Respondent’s Knowledge

• Objective Wording

• Accuracy: Straw Poll

Process in which people acquire their political beliefs

• Strongest

• Fairly equal influence of mother and father

• When differ, associate with closest parent

• Impact of growing number of Independents

• Higher income More conservative and supportive of Republicans

• Lower incomes- More liberal and supportive of Democrats

2. Income

(ideology: conservative/liberal)

• Conflicting results

• College students today v. past.

• College students more liberal than general population

• Most prestigious- most liberal

Whites: More conservative (more Republican)

Blacks: More liberal (strongest support of Democratic Party) >90%

Hispanics: Cubans v. Mexican Americans


Set of beliefs and values that shape a person’s view

• Limited role of govt.

• Govt. seen as chief threat to liberty

• Protect property rights

1. Classic Liberalism

• Expanded role of govt. (New Deal)

• Corporations seen as chief threat to liberty

• Need govt. to “smooth out the rough edges of capitalism”

• Role: protect people’s well being

• Reagan/Bush 41/ Bush 43

• Strength in formally “Solid South”

• Emphasis on private sector to solve problems, not government

• Strong support for tax cuts

• More social control

• Property restrictions (Andrew Jackson)

• Race: 15th Amendment

• Women: 19th Amendment

• Income: 24th Amendment

• Literacy: Voting Rights Act of 1965

• Minimum age of 21: 26th Amendment

Impact of expansion

Less voting power per person

• Registration (motor voter Bill)

• Long Ballot: Excessive number of issues to vote on

• Type of election: General, Primary, midterm, state

• Difficulty in obtaining absentee ballots

• Too many elections: Ballot fatigue

• Weekday, non-holiday voting

(Voting is a linkage institution)

• Education: Level is highest predictor

• Income: High vs. Low

• Age: 18-24 lowest 45 and up highest

• Race: White vs. minorities

• Cross-cutting cleavages

• Religious Involvement

In your opinion, what is the single most influential reason for not voting?
