The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny...

45 The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 1812-1870 SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny SECTION 2 - Expansion Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at

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Page 1: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

The Westward

Movement and

Manifest Destiny:


SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny

SECTION 2 - Expansion

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Page 2: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,


• Manifest Destiny

• Oregon and the Overland Trail

• The Mormon Exodus

• The Mexican Borderlands

• The Tyler Years

• The Western Frontier

• Moving West

• Annexing Texas

• Polk's Presidency

• Women in the Expansion

SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny

The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

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Page 3: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• The concept of Manifest Destiny, coined by a newspaper editor, justified

American expansion across the continent.

• Manifest Destiny was a phrase that meant that expansion across the

American continent was both obvious and inevitable.

• While many writers focus primarily upon American expansionism when

discussing Manifest Destiny, others see in the term a broader expression of

a belief in America's "mission" in the world, which has meant different

things to different people over the years.

Manifest Destiny

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John L. O'Sullivan

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 4: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• The Oregon Trail ran for approximately 2,000 miles from Missouri, Iowa, or

Nebraska and ended in the Oregon Territory.

• The initial route of the Oregon Trail was scouted by fur traders and


• Each year, as more and more settlers brought wagon trains along the trail,

new cutoff routes were discovered that made the route shorter and safer.

• The Overland Trail was used by the Overland Stage Company.

• Both the Oregon and the Overland Trail became obsolete when the

completion of the Transcontinental Railroad made traveling west safer,

easier, and cheaper.

Oregon and the Overland Trail

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The Oregon Trail

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 5: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• The Mormon Trail was the 1,300-mile route that members of The Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints used to travel west between 1846 and

1868, in order to escape persecution in the east and establish their own

independent communities.

• Since its founding in 1830, members of the Church of Latter Day Saints

(LDS) were often harshly treated by their neighbors, partially due to their

religious beliefs.This caused them to move from Ohio to Missouri, and then

to Illinois, where they built the city of Nauvoo.

• In 1846 religious tensions reached their peak, and in 1848 mobs burned the

Latter-day Saint temple in Nauvoo, Illinois.

• The Mormon exodus began in 1846 when, in the face of these conflicts,

Brigham Young (Joseph Smith's successor as President of the Church)

decided to abandon Nauvoo and to establish a new home for the church in

the Great Basin.

• The route was followed by the initial migratory group in 1846, and ended

when the Mormons found a place to settle in the Salt Lake Valley, outside

the territory of the United States.

The Mormon Exodus

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Westward LDS Exodus

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 6: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• The U.S. inherited Texas' border dispute with Mexico after it annexed Texas

and admitted it to the Union as the 28th state.

• The Republic of Texas believed that its southern border extended to the Rio

Grande; Mexico believed the border extended only to the Nueces River.

• Texas never controlled the territory of current-day New Mexico, though it

attempted to conquer that land in the Santa Fe Expedition of 1841.

The Mexican Borderlands

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Comancheria prior to 1850

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 7: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• John Tyler frequently used the language of manifest destiny to promote

expansionist policies.

• Tyler applied the Monroe Doctrine to Hawaii, forbidding Great Britain from

exerting influence there, and paved the way for the annexation of Hawaii as

a state many years later.

• While Tyler knew that re-election was unlikely, he worked to convert his

political defeat into a success for the annexation of Texas, thereby securing

his political legacy.

The Tyler Years

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John Tyler, c. 1841

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 8: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Many of the mining towns of the Old West were hard places filled with

fighting men.

• Deadwood, South Dakota, was one of the most famous of the towns, and

was home to Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane briefly, until Hickock was


• Tombstone, Arizona, was another such hard mining town, attracting the

Earp brothers, who were famous gunfighters.

• Gambling and other illegal activities were central features of most mining


The Western Frontier

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The Poker Game by Charles M. Russell

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 9: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• The federal government played a key role in opening the American west.

• The government helped westward expansion by forcing Native Americans

off their lands, supporting and protecting settlers with federal troops,

surveying the land with federal engineers, and managing land transitions

with federal bureaucracy.

• The federal government also greatly aided the transportation of settlers by

supporting canal and river infrastructure and making steamships possible.

Moving West

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Thomas Jefferson

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 10: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• After the Republic of Texas won independence from Mexico on 1836, there

were a series of U.S. attempts to annex Texas, which ultimately succeeded

in 1845.

• Mexico encouraged the settlement of Anglo-Americans in its northern


• Those settlers eventually grew to have disagreements with the Mexican

government, and won their independence in 1836.

• The first overtures to annex the new Republic of Texas to the United States

began in 1837, but the United States declined, believing it would bring

about war with Mexico.

• Texas's annexation to the United States was ultimately accomplished in


Annexing Texas

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Proposed Boundaries of Texas

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 11: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• James K. Polk named the annexation of Oregon, Texas, and California as

main goals of his one-term presidency.

• Polk's envoy negotiated the purchase of Oregon from Great Britain in 1846

at the 49th parallel, not the 54th parallel as many had wanted.

• After the annexation of Texas, border disputes led to war with Mexico.

• The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo led to the addition of California to the

United States.

Polk's Presidency

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Manifest Destiny

Page 12: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Women held many responsibilities during the westward expansion, such as

managing the movement of households overland, establishing social

activities in pioneer settlements, and sharing the hard labor of farming new


• Frontier life was highly social, and women participated in many activities

with their neighbors such as barn raisings, corn huskings, and quilting


• Eventually, frontier towns attracted women who worked as laundresses and

seamstresses, and organized church societies and other reform


Women in the Expansion

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Homesteading family

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Page 13: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,


• Expansion and the Mexican-American War

• The Politics of Expansion

• The Mexican-American War, 1846-1848

• Victory in Mexico

• The California Gold Rush

SECTION 2 - Expansion

The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Expansion and the Mexican-American War

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Page 14: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• After the War of 1812, Americans moved west in great numbers.

• Many immigrants were attracted to move west by the possibility of owning

their own land in America.

• Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families,

hunters, and trappers.

Expansion and the Mexican-American War

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American Progress by John Gast

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Expansion and the Mexican-American War

Page 15: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Manifest Destiny was the belief that Americans were destined and entitled

to expand across the continent.

• Manifest Destiny was used by Democrats to further their political goals, and

opposed by Whigs.

• The United States and Great Britain disagreed over the border of the

Oregon Territory.

• Annexation of the Republic of Texas led to the Mexican-American War,

which was hotly debated among politicians.

The Politics of Expansion

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Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way

by Emanuel Luetze

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181... > Expansion and the Mexican-American War

Page 16: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Conflict with Mexico began when the United States annexed Texas as a

state in 1845.

• Mexico claimed that the new border was the Nueces River, while the

U.S.contested that the border was the Rio Grande.

• Fighting began when a detachment of U.S.cavalry was attacked near the Rio


• Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott led armies to a series of military

successes that culminated in the capture of Mexico City.

The Mexican-American War, 1846-1848

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Battle of Monterrey

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Page 17: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• After American armies occupied Mexico City, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was

negotiated and the United States gained additional lands.This treaty gave the U.S. control

of Texas, established the border at the Rio Grande, and ceded other Mexican lands to the

United States in the southwest.

• In return, Mexico received $18,250,000—less than half the amount the U.S. had attempted

to offer Mexico for the land before the opening of hostilities.

• In the U.S., increasingly divided by sectional rivalry, the war was a partisan issue and an

essential element in the origins of the American Civil War.Most Whigs in the North and

South opposed it; most Democrats supported it.

• Southern Democrats, animated by a popular belief in Manifest Destiny, supported it in

hope of adding slave-owning territory to the South and avoiding being outnumbered by

the faster-growing North.

• Northern antislavery elements feared the rise of a Slave Power; Whigs generally wanted

to strengthen the economy with industrialization, not expand it with more land.

• The war was one of the most decisive events for the U.S. in the first half of the 19th

century.While it marked a significant waypoint for the nation as a growing military power,

it also served as a milestone especially within the U.S. narrative of Manifest Destiny.

Victory in Mexico

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The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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Page 18: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Gold was first discovered at Sutter's Mill on January 24, 1848.

• Gold was first gathered using simple techniques such as panning, but as

more people arrived, expensive infrastructure was needed to mine.

• Hundreds of thousands came to California, creating boom towns overnight.

The California Gold Rush

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Page 20: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

Key terms

• annexation Annexation is the permanent acquisition and incorporation of some territorial entity into another geo-political entity

(either adjacent or non-contiguous).

• annexation Annexation is the permanent acquisition and incorporation of some territorial entity into another geo-political entity

(either adjacent or non-contiguous).

• Army Corps of Engineers The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, also sometimes shortened to CoE) is a U.S.

federal agency under the Department of Defense.It is a major Army command made up of some 38,000 civilian and military

personnel, making it the world's largest public engineering, design, and construction management agency.

• barn raisings A barn raising describes a collective action of a community, in which a barn for one of the members is assembled

collectively by members of the community.

• boom town A community that experiences sudden and rapid growth.

• Brigham Young (1801–1877) An American leader in the Latter-Day Saint movement and a settler of the Western United States.

• Calamity Jane Martha Jane Canary (May 1, 1852 – August 1, 1903), better known as Calamity Jane, was an American

frontierswoman and professional scout, best known for her claim of being an acquaintance of Wild Bill Hickok, but also for

having gained fame fighting Native Americans.

• canal An artificial waterway, often connecting one body of water with another

• Compromise of 1850 The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five bills, passed in September 1850, which defused a four-

year confrontation between the slave states of the South and the free states of the North regarding the status of territories

acquired during the Mexican-American War (1846–1848).

• Daniel Boone Daniel Boone (November 2, 1734 [O.S. October 22] – September 26, 1820) was an American pioneer, explorer,

and frontiersman whose frontier exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States.

• exceptionalism The belief that the United States does not conform to an established norm,

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Page 21: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• expansionism The policy, of a nation, of expanding its territory or its economic influence.

• forty-niner A miner who took part in the California gold rush of 1849.

• James K. Polk James Knox Polk (November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th President of the United States (1845–


• John Tyler John Tyler (March 29, 1790 – January 18, 1862) was the 10th President of the United States (1841–1845), after

being the 10th Vice President of the United States (1841).

• manifest destiny The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the

nation was destined to expand toward the West.

• manifest destiny The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the

nation was destined to expand toward the West.

• manifest destiny The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the

nation was destined to expand toward the West.

• manifest destiny The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the

nation was destined to expand toward the West.

• Mexican Cession A historical name in the United States for the region of the present day southwestern United States that

Mexico ceded to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

• Mexican-American War The Mexican–American War, also known as the First American Intervention, the Mexican War, or the

US–Mexican War, was an armed conflict between the United States of America and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of

the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.

• Mexican-American War The Mexican–American War, also known as the First American Intervention, the Mexican War, or the

US–Mexican War, was an armed conflict between the United States of America and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of

the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution.

• Nauvoo A small city in Hancock County, Illinois, and former home of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS


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Page 22: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Oregon Territory The Territory of Oregon was an organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed from August

14, 1848, until February 14, 1859, when the southwestern portion of the territory was admitted to the Union as the State of


• Oregon Trail The Oregon Trail was a 2,000-mile (3,200 km) historic east-west wagon route and emigrant trail that connected

the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon and locations in between.

• Overland Trail The Overland Trail (also known as the Overland Stage Line) was a stagecoach and wagon trail in the American

West during the 19th century.

• panning Gold panning, or simply panning, is a form of traditional mining that extracts gold from a placer deposit using a pan.

• prostitution Engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable


• Republic of Texas The Republic of Texas was an independent sovereign state in North America which existed from March 2,

1836 to February 19, 1846.

• Republic of Texas The Republic of Texas was an independent sovereign state in North America which existed from March 2,

1836 to February 19, 1846.

• Republic of Texas The Republic of Texas was an independent sovereign state in North America which existed from March 2,

1836 to February 19, 1846.

• Rio Grande The Rio Grande (known in Mexico as the Río Bravo del Norte, or simply Río Bravo) is a river that flows from

southwestern Colorado in the United States to the Gulf of Mexico.

• Salt Lake Valley Salt Lake Valley is a 500-square-mile (1,300 km2) valley in Salt Lake County in the north-central portion of the

U.S. state of Utah.

• Sam Houston (1793 – 1863) A nineteenth-century American statesman, politician, and soldier.He is best known for his leading

role in bringing Texas into the United States.

• steamship A ship or vessel propelled by steam power.

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Page 23: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

• Texas Santa Fe Expedition The Texas Santa Fe Expedition was a commercial and military expedition to secure the Republic of

Texas's claims to parts of Northern New Mexico for Texas in 1841.

• Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears is the name given to the forced relocation and movement of Native American nations from

southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

• Transcontinental Railroad In the U.S., a transcontinental railroad is a continuous rail line that travels across the country and

connects the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast.

• Treaties of Velasco Documents signed at Velasco, Texas, on May 14, 1836, that intended to conclude the hostilities between

Texas and Mexico and recognize Texas's independence; however, Mexico never ratified them.

• Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The peace treaty, largely dictated by the United States to the interim government of a militarily

occupied Mexico City, that ended the Mexican–American War (1846–48) on February 2, 1848.

• Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The peace treaty, largely dictated by the United States to the interim government of a militarily

occupied Mexico City, that ended the Mexican–American War (1846–48) on February 2, 1848.

• Wild Bill Hickock James Butler Hickok (May 27, 1837 – August 2, 1876), better known as Wild Bill Hickok, was a folk hero of the

American Old West.

• Wyatt Earp Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp (March 19, 1848 – January 13, 1929) was an American investor and law enforcement

officer who served in several Western frontier towns.

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Homesteading family

Many women traveled west with family groups, such as the mother in this 1886 photograph.

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Page 25: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

The Poker Game by Charles M. Russell

In this 1894 painting, Charles Russell captures the spirit of early Western frontier towns.

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The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The first page of the handwritten Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican-American War.

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Page 27: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

Comancheria prior to 1850

Map showing approximately the area, known as Comancheria, occupied by the various Comanche tribes prior to 1850.

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John Tyler, c. 1841

John Tyler, as he looked while President of the United States.

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Proposed Boundaries of Texas

Proposals for Texas's north and west boundaries in an 1850 debate.

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Flag of the Republic of Texas

Texas was an independent republic from 1839-1845, and it flew this flag during that time.

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American Progress by John Gast

American Progress is an allegorical representation of the modernization of the new west.Here Columbia, a personification of t he United States, leads

civilization westward with American settlers, stringing telegraph wire as she sweeps west; she holds a school book.The different stages of economic

activity of the pioneers are highlighted and, especially, the changing forms of transportation.Native Americans and animals f lee into darkness.

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Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way by Emanuel Luetze

American westward expansion is idealized in Emanuel Leutze's famous painting Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way (1861).The title of the

painting, from a 1726 poem by Bishop Berkeley, was a phrase often quoted in the era of Manifest Destiny, expressing a widely held belief that civilization

had steadily moved westward throughout history.

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Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson thought of himself as a man of the frontier and was keenly interested in expanding and exploring the West.

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John L. O'Sullivan

John L. O'Sullivan, sketched in 1874, was an influential columnist as a young man, but is now generally remembered only for h is use of the phrase

"Manifest Destiny" to advocate the annexation of Texas and Oregon.

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The Mormon Trail

Map showing the most common route of Mormon pioneers fleeing west after persecution in Nauvoo, Illinois.

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Westward LDS Exodus

Map showing the westward exodus of the LDS Church between 1846 and 1869.Also shown are a portion of the route followed by the Mormon Battalion

and the path followed by the handcart companies to the Mormon Trail.

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James K. Polk

Daguerreotype of President Polk taken by Mathew Brady on February 14, 1849, towards the end of his presidency.

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The Mexican Cession (in red) was acquired through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.The Gadsden Purchase (in orange) was acquired through

purchase after Polk left office.

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Proclamation of War Against Mexico

Polk's presidential proclamation of war against Mexico.

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A forty-niner, so called because he was one of the men who came to California in 1849, pans for gold.

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Ruts on the Oregon Trail

So many wagons traveled the Oregon Trail that ruts are still visible today along some sections.This photograph was taken in 2008 in Wyoming.

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The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181...

Page 43: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

The Battle of Chapultapec

U.S. forces began their assault on Chapultapec, the main fort protecting Mexico City, on September 12, 1847, with an artillery barrage.

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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181...

Page 44: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

Battle of Monterrey

General Zachary Taylor and the American army defeated the Mexican army during the Battle of Monterrey, which took place from September 21-24,


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The Westward Movement and Manifest Destiny: 181...

Page 45: The Westward SECTION 1 - Manifest Destiny …•Westward expansion was mostly undertaken by groups of young families, hunters,

American Occupation of Mexico City

This 1851 painting by Carl Nebel shows the American occupation of Mexico City, which began after U.S. forces captured the cit y in September 1847.

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Wikipedia. "Mexico nebel." Public domain http://en.w iki/File:Mexico_nebel.jpg View on

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