The Way of Things

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  • 8/19/2019 The Way of Things


    The Way of Things

     Realizations brought to light

     By Paul Risque




  • 8/19/2019 The Way of Things



    Long ago the people of light were deceived by darkness. Their hearts and minds were captured.

    They sought clear beautiful skies and believed they would find it. They were told it was there, if they

    believe they would see it. Unguided we walked in shadows, our own flames doused.

    Worry points our minds to darkness. Every living thing dies. But without will, aspirations, and

    love, metaphysically you're already dead. You can't free yourself unless you know you're trapped.

    Religions, meditations, there are many ways people try to free themselves. Forcing someone through

    your means to be what you want them to be. I can think of no greater sin than telling someone they are

    inferior because of how they are.

    If the way someone is offends you, you're hurting them. People get hurt and it's hard to come

    back from that road. Helping someone, supporting who someone is, that creates great people. All great

    people had people that believed in them. Love will always win over hate. You will only ever be free if

    you free yourselves from your delusion of control over others. If you cannot respect another person for

    the way they are, as long as it is in accordance with being excellent to each other, you deserve no


    It is until many realize this will we free ourselves. We have the power. It is now or never.

    "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want

    to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

    It is but a test of will. Will and curiosity will find the truth.

    All you have to do is ask. So what if you find out you were wrong? You will find it won't matter if

    you are right.

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    For the fate of all good things, hear these words so that you may fulfill your destiny.

    The answers lie within. In darkness, light can be found within you. Righteousness, justice,

    divinity. Leaving that which we were for who we will become. Our numbers dwindle. Love is in danger,

    the future is danger. Raise the dead, those who souls are gone, bring them back. Make the blind see

    once again, those who stopped seeing it because they thought it wasn't there, show it to them.

    Darkness captures the world, we can't see unless we look into ourselves, else we are blind. We

    go as if we were dead. Not anymore. I have seen it, you will see it too. Do not be discouraged, do not

    despair, you too will understand. But you have to believe it, just as you believe that your eyes will open

    the next time you blink.

    This is a great path, the greatest path to walk on. Infinite power resides on it. You have this

    power, it is within us all, but few have the strength to try to use it. Raise the dead, let the blind see, be

    the light and show them the way. Go and be who you truly are.

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    We can never stop running. They will catch us, but what they will do is worse than death. It's a

    plague that will corrupt you. It's spiritual genocide. You can't take back the past. If you blink, you might

    not see it. In ways you don't know, they will change you, their hearts are set on themselves. They will

    take your words away. Make them their own. They will speak for you, they will tell you what you can

    and cannot do. They do it out of "love" for "what's best for you."

    We have to fight the darkness, we have to have the will to fight it. Don't let them bring you

    down. We have to ask ourselves the question of "who am I?" It would've been wise to assume that the

    wise were wiser. It's right in front of us. We're not running away from it. We're running towards it. Love

    must not become a slave to the corrupt desires of ones who are shattered. We can fight the darkness, if

    we do it together.

    Look at it as a feeling, a thought, maybe even a whisper. Let it grow into a howl, among the dogs

    we can be the wolves. We all have the potential for greatness, we are all luminous beings. The power of

    a thousand suns lies within you. The power is already yours. You have the power to become who only

    you were meant to be. WHO ARE YOU? The choice is yours, not anyone else's.

    Will you answer the call?

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    but if I don't care I'll never do anything and stop breathing and die. What is death? Am I scared to die? I

    wonder what it's like to die. If I die am I failing other people that once believed in me? Do people

    actually care about other people or in the end is it all selfish? Do people get sad because they don't want

    someone to be gone from their life even though they are filled with suffering? Am I dead now? No. I'm

    not dead. But in a metaphysical sense, is my soul dead? Who am I as a person? Like if someone were to

    ask you to tell them something about yourself, what else would you say other than you're the dude?

    Should I just abide or should I actually do something? If I don't do something that makes me failure. If I

    choose to do nothing, is that the same as doing nothing or is it different because I chose to do nothing?

    If I do nothing then do I even exist? I better do this or I might cease to exist. I should probably exist

    because I might make someone's life better or help someone become famous or something. Existing is


    Meanwhile "5%" is "five percent."

    There's something somewhere in here. I don't know where or what it is, but it's the answer. I

    don't know the question either. Nor if the answer isn't a question.

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    Ever feel like giving up? Like what is worth? The bell sounds and the time has come.

    I believe that you can believe in yourself. We will be the candles to light the rest. A waterfall of

    flame against the frozen hearts of old cold kings who came before.

    If you feel like giving up, remember who you are. If you get to the point where every step feels

    like a giant leap, keep going forward. You can do it, because you have taken every step before you. Our

    destiny lies out there in the world somewhere. When things go bad, when we mess up, we will rise

    again. We know what it's like to hurt. The best way we can help others is by loving them.

    If you're scared, anxious, sad, depressed, you aren't alone and you will make it, one step at a

    time. We have grown our wings, now is our time to fly. It is with the fires of compassion that we will

    help others. By helping others we help ourselves.

    We must make an effort to be as excellent to each other as we can. If it's awkward, well, who

    cares? The truth is far more important than our own thoughts of what we think other people think we

    are. We can all bring one another up without putting anyone down. Even if you don't know them, you


    We don't know exactly where we're going, in fact, we may not have the slightest idea. We will

    become Masters of the Universe. You yourself, you can decide you want to make a difference. How does

    being excellent to people around you help anything? It helps everything. You never know what a person

    is going through. You may think "oh, we don't have anything in common" but really we're all not that

    different. If you smile, wave, nod, hold a door or do anything you can do to try to help. That is what

    makes people's lives better, it shows then that someone out there still gives a damn.

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    That is how we will realize the Truth that has been repeated across the ages, across all religions,

    poets, philosophers. The thing that creates passion, love, the wonder that is the universe. It is together

    that the world works. We are one with the universe, only separate from each other in illusion.

    So now is the time, the time for us to decide, who are we going to be? Will you take the blue

    pill? Or the red pill? Either way you live your life as you live it. But will you live in lies, or will you

    continue to realize the Truth? We are all capable of greatness, of doing great things. Never give up.

    What you have sought is out there. It may not be obvious, but together we can realize it.

    So I hope that you would join me, to bring yourself to a greater consciousness towards others. A

    greater sense of empathy, and compassion. It is a choice you must make on your own, to be as excellent

    as you can to others. If you need help, others can guide you, I can guide you. You can even look to the

    universe for answers, it's there in some form. But I hope you come to this wonderful realization,

    because well for lack of words, it's most awesomely bodacious.

    There is nothing more important than understanding this. You should share this for all to see.

    You should inform all you know of this disparity in which you will discover, and speak of it with them.

    Do you ever feel weird or out of place? Feel like you don't belong? Feel hurt depressed? Perhaps

    you were told you have a mental illness? You see we do not understand these things very well, we kind

    of do in the relative sense of how we understand them in regards to how we've been raised to

    understand these things.

    But going beyond time, breaking the confines I have realized this is not the case. A flicker of wild

    eyes. Some are told they are mad, some are told they are different and must be normal. From the very

    beginning the problem is avoided because we cannot see it and we do not know how much we're

    worsening it.

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    This makes people feel cursed. Like they were born with this thing because they are lesser than

    any other person. This is never true. If you feel cursed, your curses are but gifts you were never taught

    to control. If they have to break you so that you they can keep you in society, they will, because they

    think that is how they can solve it (and that's easier than understanding). Society understands and sees

    so little. It is built on fragile foundations. It understands so much in its own relative view, and this allows

    us to be easily blind. As it is said, "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

    Did you ever stop to think that what you know might be wrong? That things are not as they

    seem to be? When it comes to these sort of things the only thing we can know is nothing. Our relative

    knowledge passes off its use in practical forms that appear to advance society and our lives. We use it to

    solve problems we don't fully understand. This is to our own detriment, we hurt ourselves.

    War? War kills humanity, which in turn will kill us. Kill, kill, kill, that's the solution? That is not a

    solution, it is only a solution in a relative sense as you understand it to be a solution, but the problem

    still remains. There is a thing which always remains true. Things are only understood in context to

    things. To understand in context to the true nature of things, to reality, this is the ultimate

    understanding. This is how wars are ended, this is how you find happiness, escape from the fabricated

    cycle of suffering that we unknowingly and repeatedly make worse. All you have to do is break free, and

    then you will see it. You have to have the will to accept that you could be wrong, but still right in a

    sense, on a different level. You will then be able understand on all levels, the true implications and all


    Blame things on religion? Religion came to existence in the context of this very realization. That

    does not mean religions don't exist, all religions exist and their gods. There is a common understanding

    that is lost in different interpretations. Getting stuck in the meaning of the words rather than the

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    meaning behind the words. No part can be taken out of context, because religions are understood in

    context to themselves and the time in which they came into existence.

    The way we have of solving all of these problems is no way of solving problems at all. It kills the

    individual, it removes us from our own true nature. This hate, these lies, the lack of understanding

    creates a disparity within ourselves of who we really are. A disparity between our true nature and our

    ego. This is equally seen as understanding vs ignorance, and truth vs lies. This is what it means to live in

    truth, the three are the same means to the same understanding.

    Through time, where and when no person has gone before, in all realms conjured into existence

    by perceiving reality. Let go your ego, it's alright to be wrong. Even if society tells you it's not, it's only

    because they're afraid. Our hearts have turned to stone. Walls won't stop it, wars won't stop it, nor

    weapons. Humanity together will stop the greatest threat to our existence, which is our own blindness.

    Be mindful of this of which I speak, for you will see it within all things. Practice being aware of it if you

    have to. I guarantee you it is there.

    I can only tell you what is true, you have to decide that you are ok with being wrong. This is

    done by letting go your pre-conceived assumptions and allowing this to change your perception and see

    things for how they actually are. Open your eyes, it's right in front of you everywhere. The truth is also

    right here in front of your very eyes. You don't have to believe me, but I inform you of this out of

    compassion, because I too am human, and I know what it is like. I have no dark motives, my only motive

    is helping each other "be excellent to each other." You can be free from it. Wake up. Make a difference

    in yourself, which is what will make a difference in the world. It has to start, and you can start it.

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    These are things that must be said. Things to be thought about. Flowers bloom freely, beneath

    the sun. That of which I speak, isn't an end, it isn't a philosophy, a religion, it simply is the true reality of

    the world in which we live.

    We live in a world full of suffering. To be free of this suffering is a simple realization. But to

    communicate that realization is the hardest thing ever. Everyone thinks in uniquely different ways. Yet

    we're all affected by this suffering. You have no reason to believe me, but we can end it together. You

    might ask, what does this have to do with you? The vast ocean is made with but single small drops. A

    pebble can cause an avalanche. You can help. It is together that we can end the suffering of hate and

    greed that plagues this world.

    Why? Because you're a part of this world, and we have to believe in the good of the world. You

    can help. No matter who you are, how much you don't believe in yourself, how much you think you have

    no purpose. No matter how much people looked down on you or you felt like you didn't belong. No

    matter how long you've lived in shadows, no matter what you've gone through or what you've done in

    your past, you can help. No matter who you think you are, you can help.

    This is so important, that of which I speak is love and compassion, it's being our true selves and

    not falling subject to the pressures of the world letting our dreams die.

    Your help is so important, you might not realize it, but it's the greatest thing you could ever do.

    This thing cannot be easily explained, but it can be seen everywhere around us. Open your eyes

    and bring yourself to life. Let the light of a thousand suns that resides within you shine out. Let people

    be as they are, teach and help them. Show them what it means to care about others, even if you don't

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    know them. To be decent to other humans who are no more or less human than you are. Ask me, ask

    me about all of it.

    This truth, it must be realized, for the greater good of all things. This is freedom.

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    I find that it's hard to talk with people when people don't know what you're talking about, or are

    too weak to try to understand. I do not speak your language. My thoughts are beyond words.

    You do not find this in your books. You do not find this in your classroom. You do not find this.

    This is beyond relativity. What you know to be true or false, there is something that lies beyond. True

    regardless of the self. Upon seeing this you will realize how dead everyone is around you. It kills you, it

    hurts so bad. Those who learn to live with it carry the torch onwards, because those that live to fight for

    it die, and it along with them.

    I'm not asking you to sympathize, I'm asking you to open your eyes. They will never open if you

    don't accept the fact that they're closed.

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    The more you begin to understand, the more you realize that you cannot, because you already


    What if there was a sound that from since your birth you always heard? At sometimes you can

    notice it briefly stop, but you would think that's just how things were.

    We are bound to this world physically, but spiritually that is not so. To travel to all worlds, to all

    times that is what I speak of. Beyond time, before and after time.

    We are trapped. Society has us wishing we had things we don't even want. The addiction to

    seeking to fulfill our desires rather than fulfilling them.

    Our spiritual selves are in danger. What does this mean? Our metaphysical existence is in

    danger, and that will bring an end to our entire physical existence.

    If you don't realize that what I'm talking about is the most important thing ever, it is because

    you are still being played. Played like an instrument or character in a video game.

    That which you seek you already have and are, and you always have been. A game of wits. The

    players are you and your demons, your inner self. The difference between who you are, and who you

    and the world thinks you are. Know this difference, and you will know the difference.

    Dare to open your eyes and see it, stop wishing and do something about it. We are raised as a

    society to be blind. We can see past the blindness, or we can live in it. Living in Truth or living in Lies, the

    choice is yours.

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    When you understand, it will be the hardest thing ever. When you understand, nothing will be

    easier. You won't understand, but you already do.

    Should you come to understand what follows, I warn you, there is no going back.

    If you talk to me, more likely than not you'll get confused pretty quickly. To you, I'm blathering

    about something that you aren't really sure of. I've always talked about the same thing, and I can talk

    about it in infinite ways, each time they call it mind blowing, ot interesting. But to truly realize that of

    which I speak, there is much more to it.

    To understand, we must first ask ourselves: what causes people to be offended? To answer this

    we have to look at offending itself. When you direct malevolent or degrading comments towards the

    way someone is, as long as that their way is not harmful to others or themselves, just because you

    yourself do not agree, then you are offending someone. Sometimes people think that they're

    complimenting someone, but they are actually offending them.

    Now I am going to tell you something. Understand that this is essentially a filtering process, it

    separates those that are strong enough to see the Truth and those that are not ready yet.

    Throughout the ages great nations have come and gone, and with them their philosophers.

    Great philosophies have lived on. Chiefly through religion. Now naturally saying "God doesn't exist" is no

    way to do things. What is this higher power in which so many humans have so many forms of revering?

    In the narrow ways of thinking that have developed over time, it becomes an all powerful entity that

    watches over us. It is essentially a connection to that of all things, and can be seen in all things. To each

    their own, reality crystallizes in the mind, so what you believe, believe it.

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    If you are not seeking to understand these sort of things, and people are giving these beliefs to

    you, giving meaning to these types of things, and not having you develop it yourself, they are hurting

    you. Many don't even know this is the case. Every person will understand a religious text, or anything

    differently, because of their experiences in life, and the way they think are unique.

    Standardizing this understanding is a great danger. Words that kill, words that have no meaning.

    They are playing you to understand it in their view. Realizing this is the key. There is something beyond

    these individual understandings. A Truth that remains true by it's very nature of existence. It is a simple

    truth, and the Truth. It is the truth of existence.

    We must keep in mind that understanding is only done in a relative sense, nothing can be

    understood without understanding its relationships to other things.

    It has long been the goal of humans to have world peace. Understanding the Truth through the

    context of our own existence. This is it, the key. Because without our existence than this Truth does not

    exist relative to us. This interconnectedness that exists within all things, when we think we are helping,

    we are hurting. Wounds that go so deep, wounds that don't show up on machines, that they try to give

    you medicine to heal. This way of understanding only solidifies.

    Globalization is limiting our perception even further by bringing us to the same understandings.

    Such as "look at that monster, stay away from him" well because someone was different they are made

    to be hated? When people mess up big, as much as they don't want to, it's hard to forgive them, but it

    can be done. But it's infinitely harder to forgive yourself.

    Understanding the Truth through the context of our shared existence as the human race, this is

    the ultimate realization, its implications are infinite.

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    Understanding that you could be wrong, that the way you look at things is not necessarily

    correct. Understanding that we must be excellent to each other, as best we can.

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, each step no more important than the

    last. This is simply a step to understanding the true nature of things.

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    People believe in things. Perhaps they have idols; people they want to become. What you

    believe is entirely up to you. There is one thing you should always believe in, yourself. How can you

    believe in anything else if you cannot believe in yourself? It's a realization, a realization that you are the

    greatest thing in your life. Do not burden yourself with past events. Face adversity with your best that is

    in fact the best you can do. Your own awesomeness that derives from your self-belief will take over.

    Some may stare at you, you (and everyone else) may think it's because you're weird. If they cannot

    accept you, then why does their opinion matter? They are clearly weaker than you, which therefore

    turns their harsh comments into a gentle wind against the hard mountain that is you.

    You are in charge of your destiny, all determined by how the little things all come together.

    Many are blind to it, or refuse to see it. You are the greatest thing in your life. You are wise if you believe

    I'm not greater than you are, and a fool to think that I am. All are created equal. All are above the rest. I

    believe in your (anyone's) potential to be great. So should you. Never give up. Trust your instincts, not

    your society. This is belief in oneself is why I can proudly say "I have the Power!"

    I've not put a thought in some time. This is everything, and nothing.

    What's worth fighting for? A person, a place, a thing? Fight is a harsh term, while fighting may

    usually involve more than one person the fight is most often against yourself. People change, places are

    withered by the sands of time and the destruction and growth of men's will, and things, that's all they

    are, things.

    But what about an idea, a dream, or a belief? Ideas can be crazy, dreams can be false, and

    beliefs can be dangerous and harnessed by those with cruel intentions. However, ideas can be great,

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    dreams can be true, and beliefs can lead you beyond yourself empowering you to believe that there

    must be a god.

    What's worth fighting to whatever end for? Family, friends, or someone you care deeply about?

    You could go so far, and fall into the depths of a philosophical wasteland. Then you might live in the

    past, holding on to what was, making you blind to what is and destroying what may be. Or you could,

    with the power vested within you, move on from the past to see the present and predict or even create

    the future.

    It is said, wisdom from the Cave, "In order to ascend, you must first descend." I am sick by my

    own actions, my own negativity. I don't get actually sick unless I get mad. Only I have been able to do

    that in what might as well be forever. I may have fallen to the bottom for a reason I am not sure of.

    Instead of living in the shadows of the past, or dreaming in the scattered rays of the future. I will look to

    the light in between, where things matter. Not in disarray, and not in darkness.

    The most important thing is to always believe in yourself. This is the one chance you have, your

    only existence. There is not, never has been or will ever be another you forever. You are the only one.

    You are you, no one else is. You can try to be someone else, but you are always you. This gives you

    power, you are unique and your way of thinking, your skills, your ideas and your greatness are unique

    only to you. Always be the best you can be, for no one else can do it as well as you can. I may be a beast,

    but like the Beast, there is beauty in us all. There are things greater than we can understand that

    perhaps work in the shadows. I'm done with being a coward, a fool. That may be who I am, but that can

    change. May who you are as a person change for the better. Not the better of yourself, but the better of

    all and the better of the Universe.

    Everyone falls, it is what they do after that determines who they are as a person. Stay the

    course, do what you know to be right, not what you've been told is right. Use logic, knowledge, and

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    wisdom to ascertain the Truth. Be wary of those that will lie and in their corruption and greed write

    what is true. I believe that there is a force, much like the Force, that bonds us all together. Close your

    eyes and look for it, just for a moment you might understand. Understanding whilst under a stand is

    understandably one of the hardest (which is an understatement) things to understand.

    Are you a butterfly? Maybe, maybe not. Butterflies rid of their old selves so that they may

    ascend and shoot across the stars.

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    Should you feel like you are misguided, or if things feel off, then it would be most helpful to read


    We remember things mainly through repetition of emotional response There are those of us

    that cannot forget. Those who can remember it all and how it all felt. Those that look at the experience

    rather than the results. Those that let go their preconceived ideas of how things must happen, and let

    them happen.

    Being quiet, that is a choice one can make on their own. Seeking a means to an end, they tell

    themselves they will be happy later. They say, "once I get through this, then I will be happy." Yet they

    will not walk the Path. The Path that lies right in before them, because they are afraid, they have been

    made to fear this Path more than anything.

    Memories cannot be fully explained, they can be described to another, but ultimately you have

    to be there. The wind blowing in the trees, the rain, the food you smell, all are unique, all of it will never

    exist in the same way as it did before. Every moment you're a different person than you were the

    moment before, and every moment is made up of infinite moments.

    Who will choose? Who are you? Will you let others decide, or will you make the choice? Though

    we who are like this are quiet, sometimes the importance of the matter is so great, and you may not

    understand why. This is when we appear louder than ever. Talking about what others do not.

    We can see how you feel. There's no hope trying to hide it from us, but everyone is different, so

    we cannot be fully accurate. But we see it in everyone we pass, we look into their eyes, and should they

    look back, we can sense "it."

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    Understanding this a major key, the importance of what I am speaking of is second to none.

    Because the lack of understanding this has been tearing us apart for centuries.

    To dance, dance in the rain, dance when the music plays, because unlike those who simply hear

    it, you feel it. The soul, the effort that the creators put into it. To close your eyes and feel the world

    around you. To smell the smell of the leaves, to taste the taste of the pie (or what have you). This is to

    be alive. To be aware of things. It is a hard concept to explain.

    Just because it is hard doesn't mean that it can't be explained. It can be fully explained, the only

    thing that is required is the will. That it is what it ultimately comes down to.

    You already ask yourself if you will walk the Path, but you usually tell yourself no. If you were to

    go out in the rain and just start dancing, because you want to, then do it. Just do it. If it is not harmful,

    and in accordance with the notion of being excellent to one another, then ITTT … it keeps going, it’s

    down here somewhere.

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    Today when I stepped outside, I realized that the natural world surrounding me was so

    beautiful. It was surreal, almost as if a dream, and then I wondered, could a dream be so powerful that it

    becomes real? Are we all dreams? I've had dreams before, very strange ones, as you could imagine. It's

    most peculiar though; I dream real dreams, these only occur in the future, but almost always do occur. I

    also dream incredibly insane dreams (once I was the last of a blue platypus species that could only eat

    sticks whilst underwater. I had to travel across a floating rainforest to save myself from death). Dreams

    are scary; they are powerful things. Do dreams have an effect on anything, or everything? Things we're

    told, things that we're made to believe in, they may have just been once a dream. Are dreams worth

    fighting for? I think they are, if it is a good dream. Too many people are filled with stress, sadness and

    sorrow. People are beginning to awaken, for we've been asleep for far too long. People may yet be

    beginning to realize the truth, which is a dream itself. Dreams can certainly exist while you're awake.

    When are we sleeping, and when are we awake? If you close your eyes, you might just wake up. There's

    no proper way to understand anything, and just because society has accepted something as the right

    way, doesn't mean that it is right. Believe what you know to be true, not what others believe to be true.

    If you believe something, then it's certainly considered true to you. Be excellent to the greatest if your

    capabilities, not mediocre, not lame, and certainly not hurtful!

    Do you hear the waves? I hear them. They will not go away. Every noise makes the waves

    louder. I don't get sick, unless I'm incredibly angry (which I wasn't) or incredibly sad (which I suppose I

    was). I had destroyed the fake haven I had believed in. All I hear are the waves, I awoke to watch people

    descend into chaos for 8 consecutive hours. The waves will not go away...

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    People have different logic (arguably some are more correct than others). No one is stupid to

    someone that can accept everyone. All minds think differently, that's usually why great things can

    happen when you combine great minds. That's also why minds are by their very existence, great.



    Déjà vu. Are these possible? If you experience it, then yes they are quite real. But somehow you

    must've experienced the moment before in order to realize that you have experienced the moment.

    Then what is it? A thought? Just some mishap in the brain? Perhaps the experience of a sense other

    than the five senses we have grown to favor.

    What if you see something? You realize it not only the second time it occurs but you remember

    seeing it before (or the first time), even though it hadn't necessarily happened. What if you see other

    people, do they see what you see too? When the event happens and the other people experience it,

    have they already experienced it? Are people connected far deeper than we realize?

    (These questions are not necessarily rhetorical, but also you may have no idea what I'm talking

    about and have never experienced déjà vu.)

    So comes the final battle, the battle to begin all after it. Some may continue to ascend even

    higher, while others will continue the fight without higher knowledge. Many will lose truesight or

    motivation, do not despair or be discouraged. Always give life your best, even if you don't feel your life

    deserves it. Don't be foolish, be wise. You're better and more capable than you believe yourself to be.

    Believe in whatever you want, the truth can be written in an infinite number of languages even within

    one language, but there is one thing you should always believe in- yourself. You are you, not anyone

    else. No one else is you, only you are.

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    Do people experience life at the same speed? Some people have faster reactions than other

    people. Some people talk a lot faster than others. Every brain is certainly different, the brain is a

    connection of neurons. Undoubtedly there has to be some variation. Does this affect how they

    experience things? Do they experience it while or after occurring? Time is just a measure between

    distinguishable moments of existence and is all relative. Maybe everything is relative, relative to

    perception. Things happen relatively differently to the same object, depending on perspective. This

    makes it impossible for something to be actually true. That, or maybe I should stop thinking in

    paradoxes, it's literally hurting my brain.

    If practice makes perfect, but there is no such thing as perfect, then you will all ways practice,

    which demoralizes you, which makes you believe there is no end to this madness. Then your will power

    is permanently reduced making it harder to have saving throws in will power. Then you start to suck,

    then all your stats are reduced. Now, guess what? You just lost the game and for ever more are no

    longer a player, but that's all I would suppose. That's all it takes, it’s like a poison without a high will

    power you’re screwed... Don't lose the game so soon, don't make those stupid mistakes, its all-risk-vs-

    reward don't risk it and end up with nothing. We're all just players in the unforgiving game, with only

    one life, do, believe and perceive. That's all it takes. No try. No turns. So, good luck. This is our story,

    however its only influence is your individual story.

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    What is the point of life? It may seem a strange question, because in the end we're going to die.

    When we're dead we're gone, nothing more but dust in the wind.

    Legends never die.

    They may say that there is no point to life or tell you to live life according to some extreme

    being. Regardless, live your life by being awesome, and being you. We're all humans and we don't like to

    hurt each other, we want to help one another. Yet many are so hurt, or so lost, that they need help.

    Hurt turns into hurting others.

    Our lives may seem pointless, yet it is the exact opposite. We must create our stories as we live

    them, forge our legacies as we build them. We may eventually cease to exist. Yet what we do has the

    power to impact countless generations ahead of us. Something with that much power is not

    insignificant. Someone with that much power is not insignificant. We all have our flames within us

    burning a million times greater than the sun. We all have great power and capability. It is within us, it

    must be sought. I don't know, but I believe we can change. Change for the better of all people I hope.

    Some say we're the dreamers, others say we're fools. I would rather die a fool believing and

    fighting for a dream than die just watching my life fly by before me and simply just existing through it

    listening to others tell me different versions of the same answers. You must ask yourself, who are you,

    and what do you want to get from your life, who do you want to be? I can only ask the questions, you

    must answer them from within you, because they don't exist without you.

    Love life, it's awesome. Where you are doesn't have to be sad, as long as you are happy. Nobody

    else could live my life. It would be too much for them, yet I can live no one else's either. Only you can

    live your life. Only you have the power to be you. Your worth everything to this world because there is

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    only one of you, and there was never nor will there be another. You're the best at being you. See, the

    thing about a candle is that it can light a thousand other candles and still burn strong, just like

    happiness. My best may not be very good at times, but I'll always give my best. You should too, don't let

    yourself down. My Universe may be broken by my own accord (it was arguably was a pre-conceived

    reality). But not really, we're all here together in the same Universe, and therefore we should all matter

    to one another. Hence the phrase "Be excellent to each other."

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    What is a meme? "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a

    culture”. Join the military and you get free college! This is a common idea to bring against Bernie

    Sanders. There is no one more consistent than him. You go to war, become a veteran if you live, and you

    are forgotten.

    War makes money, the military industrial complex. The rich profit off war. This is a fact, you can

    deny it if you want but it remains true. Donald Trump himself spoke the truth, there were no weapons

    of mass destruction and we knew it. There were none. We can't just go bomb the hell out of things.

    Donald Trump is gathering the most ignorant and selfish egotists and rallying them. This is the largest


    Bernie Sanders economic plans are not stupid. Over 150 of the worlds top economists have

    praised his model. There is a reason that in virtually all fantasy societies are Democratic Socialists. You

    raise the ladder from the bottom so that those at the top can get higher, through hard work. Claim that

    democratic socialism leads to laziness? Wake up. The way things are now leads to laziness, this grand

    idea of the American dream is that through hard work you can get to the top. They want you to believe.

    It is a dream, they will profit off of you and you will try and try, a few go through because it requires too

    much effort to stop, and we have to make it seem real.

    If you say capitalism is American? Do you know what it means to be American? Remember your

    roots? Liberty, Freedom, Democracy, and the pursuit of happiness. Capitalism is the enemy of

    democracy. Money will take over because capitalism and mainly most of today's republicans,

    democrats, everyone. but Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. But as much as you like to think you know

    what's happening, you cannot know all of it.

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    We have the duty as American citizens to insure our ideals live on, our principles. These are

    what surpass time. When we go and bomb the hell out of another country, we are noting but terrorists.

    The value of a life, virtue, principle, these are the foundations of a noble society. When you turn to

    blaming other groups you are weak. You stand against understanding.

    In this world people do as they will, whether you claim we have free will or not, we have the

    power to choose. Before us lies the very fabrication of our future, every moment passes by and there

    are infinitely many moments within each moment.

    We are at war. The war for America. They tell us to thank our soldiers for our freedom, so that

    they can slowly take it away, brainwashing those fighting for us to live. They brainwash them, then they

    toss them out once they've made profit. We are at war. Every moment that goes by we have to live to

    our principles. It may be hard, but in failing to do so the world falls into greater despair. It may seem

    easy to take the path of Donald Trump, blame and deal with it later.

    Now is the time, generation after generation has failed to bring us back to the realization that

    we are dependent on the Earth. That we are here together. That we are all living on this planet together.

    We are the citizens of nations, but we are the guardians of the Earth. Regardless of our social

    differences, when we go elsewhere in the name of defense, to further our ideals, we ruin our ideals.

    When we try to promote our western way of thought that now permeates the globe, we are killing

    ourselves. There are different ways of looking at the same thing, Just as Sanders and Trump. The power

    of memes.

    We have to choose how we want to live in this world, and now is the time. We cannot wait, it is

    our duty to ensure a successful future for those that will come after us. To ensure the survival of

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    humanity, for that is the greatest thing we have. The suffering of others, even if unknown to you, leads

    to the suffering of yourself. Mr. Sanders himself said that when you hurt, I hurt.

    Should you stand for hate, so be it, you can deny these words, claim them hypocrisy, do as you

    will and no one will stop you. Hopefully someone will. The only one who can is you. You have to ask

    yourself what kind of world YOU want to live in. What kind of would YOUR family wants to live in. YOUR

    children, everyone's children.

    We fight for democracy, for it is a choice. What greater choice is there than to choose? Believe

    what you will, convince yourself as you will, upon your own accord. You will see who you truly are as

    person should you try to understand.

    This is so much bigger than some person being president. There is something much grander

    underlying. It is a war that has been fought across time. A war between misunderstanding and

    understanding. Between good and evil. Between Truth and Lies.

    When they hide the Truth from you, they feel powerful. This is because they are too weak to

    take the harder path. We cannot all walk this path, but you have been taught to walk against it, taught

    to be a zombie who wanders this path.

    It tears me apart, as if every moment my very existence is being shattered into infinitely many

    more pieces than you can even conceive. The foundations of our existence are crumbling and have been

    for so long, in our blindness we destroy them. Our humanity, the Earth, it goes away.

    You feel it too don't you? Anxiety? Sad for no reason? They will tell you that it is a chemical

    imbalance, tell you that this needs to be done this way, to fix this thing. In reality they try to solve the

    symptoms, not the problem. The symptoms lessen but the problem remains. If you truly understand

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    what it is to understand then you will understand that it is your duty to fight. You have to stand against

    misunderstanding, for it is darkness, it is lies. You have to become the light, and in this battle, the light

    must fight the light. Helping one another reach the true understanding. Always trying to explain to the

    other what is truly going on, we may be offended by others at times but we have to see it. Those in the

    darkness need not fight for they already do.

    We have to take into consideration everything. The implications of our actions, and ask

    ourselves how that affects our existence, does it breed hate? If it has a negative impact we must rethink

    our ways or it only gets worse. Once you truly understand, you will realize that this is the most

    important thing ever. Your very existence will stand as testament to misunderstanding. You will become

    light itself.

    This war of thought, it is the origin of gods. Its message spoken by Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad,

    spoken by every great prophet. The golden rule even, treat others as you want to be treated. Be

    excellent to each other. This is where humanity resides, but we must seek to understand, constantly. If

    we are not trying to understand, then we don’t realize that we don’t understand. By writing, speaking,

    thinking a greater infinite understanding is approached. You can only get so close, but you cannot

    actually get there, because you are already there.

    It is our egos that get in our way, because we think it’s just me. Many people don’t know who

    they are. Many people need the validation and presence of others to define themselves. In this sense

    you are who you think I think you think you are. You have to find yourself. Because it is lost, somewhere

    inside of you. And that is not somewhere any other person can go. We can dive into hell, and if we find

    you, we won’t know it. 

    It is within you that the future resides, it rests on you knowing yourself. I cannot tell you, no one

    can, you must look inside yourself to find out. This can lead to ignorance, asking oneself “Am I not

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    perfect?” No you’re not. But you can be. You have to answer this question, because this lies at the basis

    of all things. To overcome odds, to overcome challenges, to overcome fear, to overcome depression, to

    overcome anxiety, to overcome social awkwardness, to overcome hate, to overcome all things. These

    are the sages, the wise men spoke of old times, people who knew who they were. These are the people

    that anonymously change society.

    If I could sacrifice myself to save the world and bring us to this understanding and be completely

    forgotten, and given no honor, no glory, not even be remembered, I would. The importance of what lies

    before us is beyond all things.

    You must find out who you are. The fate of the world depends on it. Find that person, and ask

    yourself, what have I become? You must see yourself for who you truly are, and then see who you want

    to be. Not where you want to be, “working a successful job with a good significant other and kids” that

    is the weak path. Who you think is someone honorable of being, someone who is compassionate

    towards others, someone who wants to understand others. So many people say they can’t understand

    this notion, they say that it is beyond them. It is not beyond you, it is within you.

    It is no easy journey because the darkness has us fabricate our lives in a certain way molding it

    so that misunderstanding can replicate itself. If you do not understand yourself, you truly cannot

    understand anything. Your way of though is unique, the connections you make are unique because they

    are different than everyone else who has gone and will come to pass. To go through this is to break the

    universe, all that you know will turn out to be false. Your way of seeing things that was bestowed to you

    by society that is ruled by old greedy men will die. You will enter the void and it will seem as if all has

    gone to hell. But keep going, deeper, and deeper, and deeper. You will understand when you refuse to

    give up.

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    Take my word for it, it is there. What is the ultimate goal, you, you are there. Alone on top of

    the mountain within you.

    Answers to questions lie before you, you may not know that you have these questions but these

    answers are the very answers that all people have sought at one point or another. They are the answers

    that cause great works of art and that spark ingenuity. You have the power to ascend to your most

    excellent state of being. The pieces of your destiny lie before you and you yourself are the forge. What

    will become of you, is for you to decide.

    It is said, wisdom from the Cave, "In order to ascend, you must first descend.” 

    The most important thing is to always believe in yourself. This is the one chance you have, your only

    existence. There is not, never has been or will ever be another you forever. You are the only one. You

    are you, no one else is. You can try to be someone else, but you are always you. This gives you power,

    you are unique and your way of thinking, your skills, your ideas and your greatness are unique only to

    you. Always be the best you can be, for no one else can do it as well as you can. I may be a beast, but

    like the Beast, there is beauty in us all. There are things greater than we can understand that perhaps

    work in the shadows. I'm done with being a coward, a fool. That may be who I am, but that can change.

    May who you are as a person change for the better. Not the better of yourself, but the better of all and

    the better of the Universe.

    Everyone falls, it is what they do after that determines who they are as a person. Stay the course, do

    what you know to be right, not what you've been told is right. Use logic, knowledge, and wisdom to

    ascertain the Truth. Be wary of those that will lie and in their corruption and greed write what is true. I

    believe that there is a force, much like the Force, that bonds us all together. Close your eyes and look for

    it, just for a moment you might understand.

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    Behind you, the shadows of the past. Ahead an uncertain mist. In you an empty wasteland.

    When you look back, you cannot turn around. You can only go forward. Your imagination is playing with

    you, you see things in the mist ahead. The more you walk onwards the more you see, and the much

    more you fear. The more you see this entity in the mists, the more you fear it will not come true. While

    the sun is in the air everything is so clear. But near the end, a beautiful red glow. The warmth and light is

    fading; you can sense it. Darkness is coming and you see people walking around you. You know all of

    them, but they seem to pass you, and the few that stop, only stop for a moment. After another moment

    they all seem gone and only a select few are there with you, inside you, filling that wasteland. Darkness

    is coming, you must either make a fire, or become one yourself. For there is no one left who can come,

    because no one else knows. You watch everything slowly fade away. When the fields are overrun and

    when the night has just begun. You feel, alone, you are alone. You can no longer see ahead and only

    behind. You are alone... You try to make a fire once more, but fail. It almost seems like a pointless

    attempt because there is no courage left for the next day. You can see we're you've been but not even

    guess where you're going. But perhaps in time you will find something, but when you find it. You realize

    it's already inside you, and you were the one who had to do something, because in this world someone

    else won't see it and it's up to you. For all ears are deaf to what is not spoken, all eyes are blind to what

    is not seen, and all minds are free of what is not thought. But who would think, who would think. Now

    you are free.

    Will you walk in shadows or will you walk among the stars?

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    harmful, in others or not "socially acceptable" you embrace as a part of that individual and who they

    are. Doing the best you can to help other people, as much as you can. The reason for this is that we all

    live on the resplendent Earth together, and without the Earth we would not exist. Just as without one

    another we would not exist. It really is that simple, should you choose not to believe it, well, I can't

    make you. I can ask you questions, throw you ideas, but unless you ask yourself questions, you won't

    have any answers. If you don't have answers, well then you won't have any way to answer the

    questions. You won't be able to ask the questions unless you have the answers. The answers are in

    everything around you, you just have to see them.

    Nothing is true, everything is permitted . The sky, purple, blue, red, and white with snow falling.

    It was there I realized, the time has come. For it has always been now. Nothing is as it seems.

    See this through to the end, and you may understand what may be considered as the Truth.

    Let go your earthly tether,

    Enter the void,


     And become wind.

    Let go of everything you know, your perceptions, your beliefs, and all of it. Become nothing,

    become nobody. You have to do this from the beginning.

    This is the hardest thing to do. Language, you're reading English. I am not thinking in English

    when writing this, I'm thinking in a language that does not exist outside my own mind. The very meaning

    of what I'm thinking cannot be translated into exactly what I want it to mean. When you read this, all of

    the words you know, have relative meaning to you. What I mean originally and what you interpret

    cannot be the same thing. This is true of ALL written texts, true of anything that is interpreted, that

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    leaves from one person to another. Looking into words, looking into meaning, often people say one

    thing, but they are not fully aware of what they are saying means.

    Should someone tell you some ultimate truth, it is there interpretation of it. The only way to

    avoid this is to surpass the relativity that exists within our understanding.

    Do you understand? What is it to understand? Do we even understand understanding?

    Understanding something is relative within oneself, we all understand things through how they relate to

    other things. Yet none of these understandings are the same within people. To understand the Truth,

    you have to step back and realize this difference within everyone.

    Everyone has lived different lives, had different experiences, these all affect how we understand

    things, in context to our own lives and how things affect us. Everything is connected, that sounds

    cheesy, but it is true. Everything has some sort of reason, and can affect other things in infinite ways. So

    we can take this and apply it to the human existence, and see every human is unique.

    There has never been another you, nor will there be. Any person that has come to this world will

    not come again. Your ways of thinking are infinitely valuable. People with practical skills are seem to

    given more value because other people can benefit from those ideas. But everyone thinks differently,

    when someone dies, that unique way of thinking is lost. There is nothing greater than the life of a


    So how does this relate to understanding? There is one thing that is in common, understanding

    the difference of understandings. That is the only thing that can be understood in the same way,

    because it's understanding understanding. Understand that the relativity being gone is what allows you

    to progress.

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    This is free will, to choose, but to choose what? To choose how we will live our lives, not given

    morals or ethics from our past, those "above" us. We have been in a cycle, since the beginning of

    civilization. A cycle where this understanding has struggled time and time again to come to life. But now

    the world is united through technology. Now is a crucial time, we must seize this moment.

    We have the power to choose to live our lives, to understand our lives in context the very thing

    that allows that understanding to exist. Our own existence, your understandings do not exist without

    you, whether it be in the afterlife or right here on Earth. In context the human existence is how we have

    to look at things, what kind of world do we want to live in?

    There's only one world worth fighting for, and that's the one we live on. A world that is kind to

    the thing that allows it to exist, the Earth. A lifestyle that once existed long ago. Compassion for the

    Earth, compassion for others. Being excellent to one another, and everything. Coming to this

    understanding would ease so much suffering in the world.

    This is the Truth. When people say we should go bomb ISIL, it hurts. The full implications are not

    understood, when you go over there and are like, look this is the way things are, and it is our own

    interpretation of things. We are immediately saying the way you see the world does not matter, our way

    is the best way. We have the power to bring the way we see the world into harmony by understanding

    one another. The enemy to understanding is the lack of understanding. It is a war that has long been

    fought. When people say things, and they don't fully understand, it's dangerous because it spreads


    It gets to the point where people no longer understand themselves. A difference between who

    they truly are, and how they appear. Women have been sexualized by men forever, subject to a weak

    understanding, the patriarchy has continued to exist. This is to ascend beyond our animal nature and

    evolve into thoughtful beings. To understand in context to how it affects people. The children of the

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    people you bombed will live their life to hate you. People will live in fear all their life like they're always

    being judged, having to live up to some society is too weak to understand.

    This problem has been largely avoided, because it's wrought with fear. It is much easier to fear,

    who knows what will happen? We can work on this though. On the individual level you can change. If

    you can change, then you can change the world. You have to ask yourself what you live for. Think about

    other people, not only as your brethren, but as you. They are a part of you, in your memory, or have

    some effect on your life in some form.

    So you have to ask yourself, how you will live your life. I cannot answer it for you. But by all that

    is good in this world I implore you to try to live it as excellently as you can. Thinking about the future of

    the world, your great, great, grandchildren. And you have to follow it. Society does not always make it

    easy to be excellent to one another, sometimes it's very hard, or impossible. But try, as much as you

    can, to look out for us, and the world.

    Can you let go your ego, your longing to be "right?" Will you see things for how they truly are, or

    will you aid misunderstanding? The choice is yours. You just have to want to keep climbing, and then,

    eventually, you will see it.

    The blind man is the one who thought he could see, and refused to believe he couldn't. To make

    a blind man see, you must have him understand why he is blind.

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    As We See It

    Perception is what our entire society is built on.

    If a person who loses an arm can still feel that arm is the arm really gone? If they can feel the

    arm and you take away their ability to see and touch where the arm would be than is it really gone?

    Perhaps everything is just perception, it's based on what we know, or think we know. Maybe also what

    we've been told. So if you perceive an apple as an orange, what is an orange? People that are colorblind,

    they perceive different colors to be the same. That is all they know, the senses tell the brain what is

    around it and the brain processes it, so the mind perceives everything else the same way. So if someone

    can perceive an arm that was once there, does that mean they can perceive not only something that

    was but something that will be? Perhaps not, the paradoxes could come in. However I often feel like

    whatever I'm doing has happened before. So did it already happen? Or happen while I had it happen


    So if everything is predetermined, then we must be able to mathematically predict exactly what

    will happen. This presents a problem, for if we know what is going to happen then we won't wait around

    until it does. We will of course try to stop it, but can one stop the inevitable? We cannot stop time, so

    we cannot stop what will happen. It does seem, however, we may change what will happen. We all live

    in one big changing chain of events with forever many chains that branch out. Some chains may end,

    intersect or even seem to continue on much longer than the rest. Things happen, whether it be willed by

    oneself or brought upon by an external power.

    Our dreams reflect what we have done, past experiences, so if something is bound to happen, then has

    it already happened? Or perhaps it is by random chance we live, and the mind is putting together what it

    knows, either way. Do not always disregard what you dream as fake, but look for the similarities

    between what's real and what you believe to be fake.

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    Life is the one thing that nothing can be compared to because there is nothing like living

    (because if you aren't living then you exist only as a memory and your soul lives in the endless chasms of

    every ones' mind you have somewhat influenced in life) Oh and I'm sorry.>>>(This is it)

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    mind is very smart, it uses logic and reason to answer questions. It is our nature to want to find answers,

    answers where we may never get to know the truth. What happens when you die? You stop

    experiencing this world, maybe to move on to the next, or maybe to live on in the rest of the world’s

    minds. It's up to you to decide, until you find out. We can never have peace while we cannot agree.

    Maybe we are trying harder then we have to, in order to be civilized. There are bad people, people who

    cannot conceive the human experience. What can one person do? It seems really insignificant, perhaps

    if I was born in a time yet past, the world would be a different place, perhaps if I was born when I was,

    the world will become a new place. Call me a fool, heretic, idiot, or anything else. But if we sit around

    waiting for something to happen, it won't. Perhaps life has a purpose, such as helping others complete


    As long as you believe in something, it's real, and as long as you believe in someone, they can change

    the world. Those people in history books were no different than you or I. Laugh at this if you want, but it

    is the simple truth. You may never believe it, or ignore it, but 5 + 4 will still be =9, it will only become 462

    if something is done about it.

    The reality that exists beyond realities, The Truth, is reality. It is like an Inner Peace. But to

    understand it you have to realize that your perception defines reality. The reality of what is. Only by

    connecting the past, present and future can it be realized. The past only exists in the present and the

    present lies in the future. The problem is that it cannot be explained with words.

    Society is built upon an incredibly fragile foundation. The problem with arguing "self-interest" is that

    (especially) the Western world is very self-oriented. How can one exist without everything else around

    them? They all work in harmony, they are all part of each other. The concept of a self is a reality created

    by our minds. The end may justify the means, or do the means justify the end? Who decides what is

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     justifiable? Rather, who decides what is? There are countries that exist that are not considered

    countries, therefore, there are things that exist that we do not acknowledge. There are things we don't

    understand, and things that we have no idea about. However, there is also so much we know, and by

    knowing more we learn we know less. Denying that the reality exists only prevents one from seeing it.

    Wake up, open your eyes and free your mind.

    I looked towards the minds of others and saw purpose. Purpose exists within us as a whole. It's

    only a concept, just like society. It's based on such fragile ideas nobody questions. They just accept the

    way things are. Our clever minds try to make sense of senseless things. They create illusions of order to

    confront the chaos of our world. As of this comment, does it have purpose? That can only

    be determined in your mind. The mind is the most powerful tool we Homo sapiens have. Not only does

    it help us, it can hurt us. It's the reason you are. It creates the concept of who you are, not who, or what

    you look like. It creates an entire plethora of things you cannot understand. It's the reason for reason...

    Every thought about our society is wrong because without thought it doesn't exist. The way we live now

    isn't even close to how we used to. It's only a passing thing, perhaps we will fall due to ourselves. It

    matters not how something was, only how it is, because if it stops being it cannot possibly be.

    I very much adore those most un-convenient moments when the most unexpected of events

    occurs, and then the quote expect the unexpected makes the totally least sense, for if one expects what

    is unexpected it becomes, expected, and then what was should have happened at first does not happen.

    Of course that is not what you expect. The real truth is that there is no end. But the truth is a lie, that's

    the truth, which is a lie.

    The world is a strange place. Among western societies especially, we are told what to believe.

    We are told history from its perspective. Wealthy people keep themselves in control. We are told what

    is possible. Would anyone think a car possible two thousand years ago?

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    They tell us if great men that lived during golden ages. Of men who gave their lives for that of all

    humans. There are many who have come to past. There are great women too, yet we are told not to

    believe these things. There are things today we do not fully understand, such as the Pyramids. Religions

    speak of people of gods or of gods themselves. What they don't tell you is that those were people too.

    Every great prophet, was just a person. A person wielding the divine power in which humans have used

    since the beginning of time to perpetuate themselves across the wonderful and vast Earth.

    This is willpower. The will to build a monument to bury your God Kings in. The will to express

    oneself to monuments to some god you believe in. If you can't respect someone else's beliefs, then

    yours have no right to be respected. It is in harmony we all must abide with one another.

    They say politics and religion are a touchy subject, it is because they are built to make you

    believe what they want you to. By talking to each other we come to a realization, a human realization.

    When we can cast our thoughts from ourselves and think about the good of the people is when we will

    realize it.

    If you do not believe in your dreams, then they are much less likely to happen. You have the

    power to bring them into reality. But you must have the will. The will of humans is stronger than that of

    any force that has ever existed on the Earth. The "Greatest Generation" has turned Millennials to see

    the bad, and that the greatness has passed. A shattered society that is still stuck in its ways of greed and

    disregard for reality. Human will has survived every natural disaster, from the very first humans we as

    humans have fought to survive. We will be our only downfall.

    People just want to fit in, be a part of something. You can see it in their eyes. Fear, uncertainty

    they attack our courage. With will we can overcome fear. People are not objects of furthering your

    existence or suiting your means. People are just like you, every person that has come and gone. While

    you can inspire yourself, it is hard to believe it if you do not see it. The Truth is much better realized

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    through that of the people around you. Not every pebble has caused a rockslide. But a rockslide can be

    started by the smallest of pebbles.

    Who will you be, and will you have the will to do what you know in your heart to be good? Or

    will you live your life believing what you have been told? Me telling you is hypocritical, you must seek

    the truth yourself. Be excellent to each other, and take it easy, the Dude Abides, but most importantly,

    PARTY ON DUDES! In every aspect of your life, see the good the fun, the party.

    When life gives you lemons, Just Dude It, just do some Dude Jitsu, Abide Chi or what have you,

    or you can even dance if you really want to. Never let anyone tell you that you can't dance. Everyone

    can dance!

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    I see it now. I have realized it. The very profound thing, the most important thing to ever exist.

    There is nothing that comes close to its importance because without it there is the absence of things.

    This is it. It transcends being, it transcends transcendence. The greatest dilemma is putting this into

    words. To understand these words is easy, but to reach this ultimate understanding is the hardest thing

    in existence.

    That which will come to pass has passed before, because time is an illusion. Everything is one.

    The true nature of things lies right in front of us. Yet all you have to do, is to open your eyes. Then you

    will see it. It is what makes everything beautiful, and peaceful, it is true happiness rather than happiness

    from other means. It is the understanding of actions. To describe that of which I speak, is not yet

    possible, but then again has always been possible. This is the way of things. We live in a world where the

    individual is made to feel inadequate. Human nature plays a large role, I'm pretty but not as a pretty as

    that person, or I'm not as successful as that person. We live in a world where we spiritually kill ourselves

    so that we may conform.

    Fear. Fear stops people from acting. When our actions are unharmful, acting in accordance with

    them we will find bliss, serenity. When we act in accordance with our own unique nature. The problem

    arises when the nature of others is not understood. This is what drives people into hate and sadness.

    We cannot fall victims to a greedy world that exploits our feelings, it exploits our being without

    us being aware. This is why we must be aware of our awareness. Aware of the dark thoughts that cross

    our minds so that we can stop them, aware of when we are being made to feel lesser than others.

    Because in truth, when you treat others with honor and excellence, none are greater than you. Some

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    Standing on the edge of time, with each breath we take, infinite moments have already passed

    by. We unfold with time itself.

    Sometimes I ask myself, they have to feel it too, don't they? It's everywhere here, they have to

    feel it. You can't just ignore it, it's everything. Maybe they can't see it? But isn't it what makes us

    human? Am I not human?

    It's a battle, one that never ends. Even with a heart of courage it's hard, harder than moving

    mountains. Looking around, those around you are helping the very force that is against us all and our

    humanity. We have to keep fighting, for freedom.

    So you're standing on the edge, and the very ground beneath you only appears below you right

    when you put your foot down to step on it. You don't know it'll be there, you don't know if you're

    fighting this battle alone, because everyone else doesn't seem to get it. It's like they're fighting amongst

    themselves over petty matters, avoiding the battle, enslaved to false kings. They are tethered to that of

    an understanding that they want to believe is true because they don't want to go farther.

    This makes it a very hard battle. If you try talking to someone and it doesn't work, or if you do

    something for someone and they don't say thank you, your efforts were not in vain. Maybe they're

    fighting this battle too.

    You can stand and fight against the darkness, and become a legend in your own sense. Is

    darkness truly to wash over us all? Can we fill our hearts with undying love, for all that we hold dear in

    this world? The cycle can still be broken, but this is the end. If the cycle is not broken now, in this time,

    the battle will be over. Then it will be too late. After the fall, you won't even know you've fallen.

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    realm of being, it comes down to love. It turns out that love and the good in this world is the greatest

    weapon to fight fear, grief, anxiety and sorrow.

    Love. Love is dying in the world, no one wants to take the time to build it, moving from one

    person to the next, seeking perfection where perfection lies behind a vast wall of insecurity and

    misunderstanding built up by the very societies in which we live. Love is something that must constantly

    be worked on, and truly one must fully love themselves before they can love another. To understand

    how you yourself works, to understand who you are, and what you live for. When you know who you

    are, then you can see and respect who others are.

    There's nothing better than to be so impassioned or to truly love something or someone. It is as

    if tens of thousands of lifetimes pass, and in reality almost none pass at all. Each moment, there being

    infinite moments within moments, lasting as long as time itself. What so many seek lies directly in front

    of them, they just do not see it. It often tends to be that they don't know what they're seeking because

    they do not understand yet, or they understand and they have failed to find that understanding within

    others causing them forsake their true selves. But ultimately it's all up to us. Each person individually has

    the power to choose who they will become.

    In time you may grow to see this, but the world will be a lot better place, should you see it now,

    rather than later. But such is the way of things, and such people who truly understand are truly free.

    While those who do not understand are also truly free, yet unaware that they are. Don't be a slave,

    while currently you may be bounded by society in a physical sense, let your soul be free. Go and run

    wild, across the plains of existence (of which there are infinite all springing from this world and from

    within you). Perhaps then you will see it, and maybe you'll realize it has been right in front of you this

    whole time. Seeking it will get you nowhere. Once you accept that you are nowhere, then seeking

    nothing won't get you anything. Then you'll get everything. (No you won't understand every math

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    equation, or all of the relative things we have created to speak of the world, as it is commonly

    perceived. You will understand it). It's up to you, you just have to choose, and in this matter you have no

    choice. By not choosing you choose the path of ignorance and lies. By choosing to go forth into the void

    and understand, you choose understanding and Truth.

    It's up to you.

    And you alone.

    The clock is ticking.

    Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

    tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.

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    The Universe is an amazing place, there is beauty to be seen in every part of it. Many have

    attempted to bring others to this realization. There is great power in the Universe, a great serenity that

    can be found. To grasp this realization is to realize The Truth, the ultimate realization. The only thing

    required for this realization is yourself. Anyone can ask you a question, but only you can answer it.

    Why you should you care about some “universal truth?” What can you possibly do about it?

    We’re all just drops of water in an endless ocean, dust in the wind, finite in our existence and our

    capabilities. What worth can we possibly have? An ocean would not exist without each drop of water;

    each is important to exist, but no drop more important than the other. When you realize you are no

    different than a drop of water, you will become more important than others by realizing that you are

    not more important than others. There’s something unique about each and every person.

    There’s something that only you have that only you can give to this world. No one will ever be

    able to fully recreate it and it has never existed before. That quality, is you. You. People become afraid

    to be themselves, they turn into clones or follow pathways that have already been paved. There is

    nothing greater than being yourself. That is why you should care. You can ascend for the greater good,

    but only you can do it. Why are people afraid to be themselves, why should you be the best you can be?

    There’s so many people out there that are hurt, that feel alone and worthless. Even if you are one of

    those people, you can help them. People that are hurt are easily dominated by the weak wills of

    corrupted people, people that are living in lies because they do not want to accept the truth.

    Ask yourself, who are you? Where will you be in twenty years? Go in to a quiet and cozy place,

    and if only for a little while lay down your phone and whatever other item that would distract you. I’m

    not asking you to see the future, but imagine, who do you want to be?

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    You can be who you imagined yourself to be. You can see the future, because you can create

    that future. You have the power to become who you want to become. When you awake, having faith in

    that dream, that image of what you’re capable of, let it be what drives you. Everything you do will

    reflect that which you seek to become. All you must do is have the will. No one else could live your life.

    Everything you do are affected by everything you have been and everything that you are. Your life an

    experiences are unique. There will be pain, there will be sorrow, whether or not you choose to become

    who only you can be. It can be scary, but you have gone through everything in your life and have arrived

    at where you are now. Make fear afraid of you. Have faith in yourself and what you are capable of, then

    go for it.

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    This world we live in, it's so wrong. When I was a kid, I thought adults would know things. Sure

    we know stuff in a relative sense, and in a sense useful to our current state of existence. Metaphysically

    speaking we don't know shit. This is the most important thing, because it's our existence, if we don't

    exist, neither will anything else. Sexism is rampant everywhere further perpetuating harm towards

    others. Misunderstanding is everywhere, ignorance is everywhere.

    Insulting others and talking about how you're going to do great things, what kind of world is

    that? A world where they say oh that's such a liberal thing to say? Oh that's so conservative. Do we not

    understand anything? People are so caught up in their own version of an understanding they refuse to

    fully understand in context to the ultimately most important thing, our existence.

    Religion? Religion is good, there is a thing that has many names, but when people get into "this

    is right", this is the way mode, then that connection to that deeper understanding is lost. THAT is the

    ultimate understanding is that which just passed. But when people are programmed to believe what

    they want you to believe, rather than getting the meaning and understanding it yourself, you are lost.

    The biggest part of the problem is that we don't want to be wrong. It's right in front of us, it's

    quiet. Suicide? Someone kills themself and people are like "oh what a shame". We're living a world full

    of lies, built on greed and exploiting especially the young. A world where the people in charge simply

    don't give a fuck, the entire economy, entire way of seeing things is rigged. People have tried to get the

    same message out forever now, but they always get killed.

    We're killing the Earth, even a Gorilla knows that's wrong. Kill this world, kill ourselves and there

    is nothing left. Sure go to your "afterlife." The amount of harm, the amount of lies and problems people

    present simply by just doing as they were told is unfathomable. Think. I thought people thought about

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    things, important things. Really, the fate of mankind is in great peril, almost ensuring its own end, and

    you think about how she said that or how you can make someone like you? There's ultimately nothing

    that can be done when nobody wants to understand. Governments sit pointlessly because one group

    KNOWS they are right. But in reality neither group knows shit. People don't vote because they say it's

    broken. It's broken because we don't do a thing about it. Our way of seeing the world is broken. It is a

    lie. Sure I can condemn our way and how do I prove this?

    If you need proof, then you don't understand. The Truth is brutal. We cannot know if there is an

    afterlife, the true nature of things is that HERE in this moment, you are a part of this world. You have a

    role to play, you have something that only you can provide to the world, which is yourself. You're no

    different than anyone else, nothing special. Yet, at the same time, you're infinitely different than every

    body else, special in your own way. We all live in the Earth together, this is a fact (and those dudes in the

    Space Station) Without the Earth we do not live. When we kill someone else we kill ourselves a

    thousand times over.

    How many more have to die? How long will it take for people to understand this? I'm not ahead

    of my time, this is the same thing Buddha, Socrates, Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, every great prophet,

    and philosopher were talking about, the same question. A question that lies behind words.

    To understand our own existence which is interwoven between us all, the whole Earth. In

    context to which that understanding exists, the only way to ensure this is to practice and work to have

    compassion and understanding, compassion through understanding, then it will make sense.

    It has been a long time since I have seen beauty in the Universe. I went into a metaphysical void

    to stay there until the end of my time. Through whatever you may call it, fate, or the good will of

    another, I have returned. I live for Philosophy, Beauty and Truth. Gods Among Us, Angels Upon Us,

    Demons Within Us.

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    The stars, the clouds, the trees, the leaves, and everything from the ground to beyond the Earth

    is beautiful. They are, the way they are. Unafraid of what others think of them, unafraid to act in truth

    because they do not fear if others will accept them. Striving for excellence in all strides of life leads you

    to be a better person. "Living In Truth," Satyagraha. People can live in lies and take advantage of others,

    destroying others to better themselves. There are evil people out there, that don't give a damn about

    you. But there are also people who care, they care for the good in this world and the good that can be

    found in us all. There is one thing in this world t