The Watchmen

The Voice of Manifestation Monthly Newsletter Edition APRIL 2010 We have entered a time of the maturing of the watchman anointing. This is an intense time and we must not stop watching. - Chuck D. Pierce ARMOR BEARERS "When Moses hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady till sunset." Exodus 17:12 NIV


Manifestations Worldwide highlights our leadership team. This month we feature the Apostle's Armor Bearer

Transcript of The Watchmen

Page 1: The Watchmen

The Voice of Manifestation Monthly Newsletter Edition APRIL 2010

“ We have entered a time of the

maturing of the watchman

anointing. This is an intense

time and we must not stop


“ - Chuck D. Pierce


"When Moses hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur

held his hands up - one on one side, one on the other - so that his hands remained steady till sunset."

Exodus 17:12 NIV

Page 2: The Watchmen

Habakkuk 2:1-31 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I

shall answer when I am reproved.

2And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

3For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will

surely come, it will not tarry.

How vision is caught / Why vision is so important:

How corporate church vision impacts your home and personal life:

1. Connects you to something bigger than self to serve 2. Gives your personal vision [seed] a soil to be planted in 3. Corporate vision is how God teaches you to come to the end of yourself 4. Incorporates your home into a greater realm of provision [God’s Distribution System]

As you consider the implications of our magnificent corporate vision, may your faith soar, as you believe God for blessing, favor, fullness, and increase in your personal lives as well.

Vision & Partnership

There is power in connecting to God ordained vision. Vision gives our time here on earth an


Vision empowers us to defy the things that encumber the world, such as recessions. Vision that is from God will

be financed by God!

Godly vision: always reveals His plans or promises to transition a person or a people from

something to something.

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Getting to know our partners in India! I pray that through this page, “International Cuisine”, you will be

encourage to learn more about our partners “Across the country

and around the world”.

Through my job I met a woman from India, that after having a

long conversation with her, of course food and cooking was a

part of the discussion, I was entreated to search the web for

more information about the Indian culture. I found interesting

information about India cuisine that I would like to share with

you all. I encourage you to try some of these recipes. They are

very easy to cook and are similar to our cooking style.

Indian Cuisine is known by the use of spices, herbs and vegeta-

bles. Spices are typically heated in a pan with ghee (clarified

butter originated in South Asia) or cooking oil before being

added to a dish. Lighter spices are added last, and spices with

strong flavor should be added first. Curry is not a spice, but a

term which refers to any side dish in Indian Cuisine. A Curry

typically contains several spices blended together. Herbs plants

are valued for flavor. Scent herbs are perennials such as thyme or

lavender, while others are biennials such as parsley or annuals

like basil, and some are shrub (rosemary) or trees (bay laurel).

Some herbs like those in the mint family are used for culinary

purposes. Vegetables any edible part of a plant with a savory fla-


There are several Indian market stores here in Tampa where you

be able to purchase these spices.

Cabbage with Peas

(Bund Gobi and Mater)

Ingredients: 4 cups of cabbage slice into fine long shreds (discard the stalk and thick stems)

1 1/4 cup frozen peas

2 tablespoons oil

Pinch of asafetida (hing)

1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)

1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds (rai)

2 green chilis half the way slit

1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric (haldi)

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (lal mirch)

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon sugar

2 tablespoons chopped cilantro (hara dhania)

Directions: Heat the oil on medium high in a saucepan. Test the heat by

adding one cumin seed to the oil; if seed cracks right away

oil is ready. Add asafetida, cumin seeds, and mustard seeds

after seeds crack add green peas and green chilies, stir for a

few seconds. Add the cabbage, turmeric, cayenne pepper,

sugar, and salt. Cover the pan and let it cook on medium

heat for about 10 minutes until the cabbage is tender. Stir it.

Next add the lemon and cilantro. It is suggested to serve hot.

Yesmin Negron

Page 5: The Watchmen

Happy Birthday to ALL our

partners born in April

Happy Birthday to ALL our

partners born in April

Baby Dedication Time!!!!!

Page 6: The Watchmen

It was on that third day

He was risen with all power

After spending that final hour

His nail pierced hands and feet

As a reflection of His love without defeat

On that third day

As the Angel of the Lord descended bright

The great stone he rolled away

The earthquake shook hard as the keepers

feared his light

On that third day

Mary and all were left in dismay

Remembering what Jesus said

After death I shall resurrect

On that third day

You shall see me in Galilee

At my feet will you worship

Your intercessor I now shall be

On that third day

Your sins were buried when I died

So that you may live, now that I am alive

With obedience I swallowed all pride.

On that third day

No more sorrow no more pain

For your sins I took the blame

My love and forgiveness you shall gain

When you rest in Jesus name

Written by Sister Jennifer Cole



“Possessing the Spirit of the Writer”

Page 7: The Watchmen

April 2009 was the first time that I had the opportunity to hear Apostle Mark minister the word in

person. A few weeks prior to coming here, a co-worker had allowed me to listen to a couple of

Apostle's CD series. One was titled "Demons at Work.” Which I literally thought was about demons

in the work place. The other one was of "Deliverance 101." I listened to them both over and over.

And as I listened to the series, it had become apparent to me that God had thrown me a life preserver!

There was so much that had happened within that past year. Like the birth of my grandson, the death

of my brother, and at that particular time, I was even without a church home. Not to mention that

after all these years of being single, someone was actually trying to pursue me. Telling me every

thing that my flesh and spirit wanted to hear. He knew how to tap into the spirit realm and he really

knew scripture. But there was just one thing...he was a muslim. I have never had the word of God

challenged so much in my life. But I praise God for that experience. I am determined more than ever

now to KNOW the word.

The very first time that I had visited CFM was the first day of the series titled "The People Piece".

Just what I needed to clear my head and get back on the right track. I decided to stay just until that

series was over. And around that time, I had been praying about having a reverential fear of God. I

had a concern that I may have been taking God's grace and mercy for granted. Wouldn't you know it,

the next series was "The Wisdom Dynamic". Again, so much had happened and I still needed a cov-

ering. However, one night, during Monday Night Manna, Apostle did the altar call saying "if you

need a covering"... I had heard him do this before but this time I felt a sense of urgency to make it to

the altar.

So here we are one year later. We meaning my daughter Crystal, my grandson Isaiah and finally, my

son Allen. Praise God! We ALL made it! I thank God for this ministry and I am looking forward to

pressing towards the mark!

“It's been a year already?”

Sis. Diana Boyce

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On the Cover…… Very often, we run across a picture that is truly a Kodak moment. This is the case with the cover

photo which was captured by our photographer Bro. Felton Sanderson, during the Faith Series.

Narration of the photo is brought to you by Bro. Vincent Shannon.

“A Great Pair -o- Knees” - (Great Pyrenees)

The Armor Bearer: General Jerrald Welch

Is a servant, anointed by God to serve a leader of the Kingdom of God.

Is called to walk with his leader, assisting in any way necessary, to cause his

leader’s "God-Given Vision" to come to pass.

Will intercede for the leader and his family declaring victory on every battlefront.

Stands between his leader and danger both in the spirit and in the natural.

Is humble, faithful, trustworthy and loyal.

“While sitting in the park one day, I

saw the most amazing sight. A little

frail woman with two of the most

amazing pets. They were about three

feet on all fours, yes they were dogs.

Beautiful large dogs called Great

Pyrenees. They usually come in

twos. Guard dogs. The most amaz-

ing thing is this, you will never see

both sitting at the same time. You

will always see one or the other on

guard duty. One will walk the yard

while the other lays down and then

they switch up.”

- Vincent Shannon

Despite his regal and majestic ap-

pearance, the Great Pyrenees is a

keen worker, faithfully guarding his

flocks no matter the weather or ter-

rain. With his intelligence, scenting

ability and excellent sight, he is an

invaluable companion to the shep-

herd. The breed possesses a beauti-

fully thick, weather resistant white

coat that may contain markings of

badger, gray, or various shades of

tan.. The breed takes his name from

the mountain range in southwestern

Europe, where they are used to guard

flocks on a steep slopes. In addition to

its association with the peasant shep-

herd, the Great Pyrenees was also

cherished by the nobility and ap-

pointed French Court dog in the 17th

century –

American Kennel Club

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Student Impact

Speakers 9:30am

April 4, 2010

Lance Tillman

April 11, 2010 Leadership Impact

April 18, 2010

Precious Igbinosun

April 25 2010 Elijah Boston


Elijah Boston—10th Anthony Stabler—14th Jimmanesha Grace—


If its your birthday this month please let a Rally Team member know so they can add your birth-

day to our list!

Page 11: The Watchmen
Page 12: The Watchmen

Don’t miss the next Voice of Manifestation

Worldwide Magazine quarterly prelaunch and

panel discussion!

3102 E. Lake Avenue

Tampa, FL 33610

Ph: 813-241-6919

Fax: 813-217-5460

Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of kingdom life, and to communi-

cate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a refreshing force to

the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of this ministry is to prepare the

way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in part this purpose is accomplished by

retraining the saints as to what their God given roles and responsibilities in the church are.

It is also the vision of this ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been

hindered from moving into position for the latter rains.

This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

Mark Jr. Lady Lisa, Dr. Jones,