THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY DECEMBER 16 1906 D NEWS C 1 A pretty wedding took place on YUdnesday when Miss Annie Graft daughter of Mr and Mrs J Graft of 1H Seventh street southeast was mar- red to Joseph A Lash of Mansfield Oho The ceremony performed IT the parsonage of the Rev Dr Schro der at Fourth and 1C streets The bride was attired in champagne crepe do chnp She was attended by Miss Marie Hiward The best man was Robert Mc athran A reception was held at the too of the bride and groom 90S North Carolina avenue southeast where they wil be at home after January 1 Benefit for Churc- ht Marks Dramatic Club gave a suc c ssful entertainment at the Pythian Temple Tuesday evening The hall was fued Dancing followed The enter txiroent was for the benefit of the new r arlsh hall of St Marks Church Dr Power Lectures Thr Rev Dr Frederick D Power of tfcc Vermont Avenue Christian Church gave an interesting lecture on Monday evening at the Mens Club of Trinity M fi Church Firth and C streets southeast Dr Power recently returned front Palestine and his subject was The Land and the Book A L SJmp san and William SoaMtetburg eilos and the Peoples Mission Orch- tra furnished music I GiseCoberth Miss Rosie L Glee of 1U8 Fourth etrect southeast was married Saturday Elwood H Coberth at the brides residence The Rev Hez Swem pastor of the Second Baptist Church south east officiated bride wore a gown cf ulte silk and tulle vail and carried brlt al roses Eva Smith was maid of v and wore white silk and car- ried roses George Schaffer was best rem and E G Speakman played the ve4 iing march They will at 113 1 vUfth street southeast Edchre Club Entertains Tlc Trolley Euchre Club enter twined Saturday by Besets Stinle at her home BOO Rant Capitol street I Izc3 were won by Miss Bess leivere Miss Stinle Robert Krelter and George Orsscy Others present were Misses Alma Gostln Alice Meyer and Minnie lisnaale Harry Hamilton William William Kemper and Harry p cod Woodmens Election ruri o America hold its annual election cf cffi Thursday at M Pennsylvania avenue southeast Those chosen are Cj nsel H H Millard adviser B C Wheeler clerk Henry Nolan banker J II Durand escort Joseph Kuttner watchman J E Reese sentry E J Lancaster manager J K Duncan A vl team was organized and new unl ordered for its members Mrs Koontzs Will Tilt will of Mrs Jane Koontz leaves her residence 300 Fourth street south Ct to her daughters Margaret Jane Knontz and Catherine W Koontz as long as both remain unmarried Should tvry marry the property will be sold tTJ divided among her six children The testatrix directs the property at 3- frjiirth street southeast to be aold and ucr icbts to be paW The personal es- J tat1 is to be distributed among Anna j I tPonnell M J Koontx and C W- Ivoontz Mr and Mrs Arnold Hosts Sir and Mrs Joseph A Arnold of rarltol Hill entertained a number of iucir friends on the twentyfifth rrsary of their marriage The house was decorated with orchids and holly CTJJ American Beauty roses presented to Mrs Arnold by Mr Arnolds office nciatcs Mrs Arnold wore white garnitures of pearls and garnet Put was sedated in receiving by Mrs time Carr of Asheville N C who was gowned in Persian blue silk and treliJJa Assisting in dining room were Mrs G P and Mrs G V Saar Abracadabra Club A large attendance of and inters were present at the meeting of Abracadabra Club at the residence- of Mrs Velma C Barber M East Cap itrtl street Wednesday An essay on then Island of Panay was read by II C Kirk and a sketch of Eugene Field by Mrs C N Ide Doth papers were followed by discussions Notes and Personals Cart James W Broatch has been from marine Barracks southeast- t uuty at marine barracks Boston Mr McMormlck of Seventh and B southeast who hast been critl rally ill at his home is slowly im proving A housewarmlnc on Tues- day c embers of the C E Society in Southeast Washington at its new quarters 650 I street A large number cf members were present John C Barrows has announced the warring of his daughter Miss Norah Barrows to Robert Collins The took place at Alexandria Va The rnurlt will reside at ISM Half street southeast Vie Metropolitan Presbyterian Chrlt Endeavor Society of Southeast cld a business meeting Wednesday A was given by Paymaster Adee Faturday aboard the Mayflower at the nay yard Mrs Martin wife of Pay- master I B Martin U S N helped t ttieive Among guests were the younger officers of the hosts service Th Ladles Auxiliary Carnation Camp N O A are a tail to be held at the Naval Hall Fourth street and Pennsylvania avenue southeast In January Mr ard Mrs Richer of t Hill have as their guests Mrs For- ester and daughter Hilda of Drayden Aid J tiss Sadie Bohanon who has been vls- tinp Mrs Vest Russell at the Georgia ilats southeast lots returned to her in Southern Maryland Th Washinctonlans gave a at National Rifles Armory W Sl ngt 1t was t The on r reside was A no Talbot Camp Modern Wood fins r as the members t e streets hell Han tea dane sang Miss Miss rruon ors tee ann r lace- d wore Conway t or- dered > wta > mar- riage Ioyal Cap l Mme Jay ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < i i The ladles In charge of the bazaar held at the Masonic Hall last week for the purpose of raising funds to clear the debt of Plnkney Memorial Church have announced that 500 was cleared The amount was sufficient to pay the entire indebtedness of the congregation Supper was serovd on the first two evenings This department was in charge of Magruder Welch Owens Lewis Berger Lunhardt An der and McCormick The closing evening was given ovor to tableaux under the direction of Mrs John Baker The Wounded Soldlor was pre- sented by Alfred Baker Dr H W Wil- son Miss Rosalie Carr and Miss Doro thy Gait In The Bachelors Roverle Dr J R Thompson assumed the principal role Others taking part wore Mrs Hugh Latimer and the Misses Helen McCor mick Eva Moron Evelyn Lowls and Alice Carr In Janice Merediths Toast to George Washington Mrs R G Whiting and Mrs C Gelb the Misses Lucy Mayo Emily Baker and Messrs Courtney Gelb and Frank GRIt participated The entertainment concluded with a Colonial march by twentyfive of the younger boys and girls New Athletic Club An athletic club has been organized among the young men of Brentwood Two meetings have been held at the residence of R A Vanllorn at which times plans were discussed for the maintenance of permanent headquar- ters Capt R A VanHorn has donated- a lot upon whisk to erect a building and the men are now canvassing- for funds toward the proposed Notes and Personals Th Christmas dance at Maryland Agricultural College was hold Friday evening The Ilyattsvllle Gas and Electric Com- pany has rented an office In Rogers Row where the local superintendent- E G Bucklin will have lids headquar- ters A special meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening for the purpose of fixing the assessment of property on the south side of Johnson avenue to defray the expenses of the sidewalk recently constructed- A committee has been appointed by the council to Interview Sydney E Mudfl relative to the creation of a new at Hyattsvllle Th committee follows Dr Charles A Wells J A Blundon Arthur Carr William Gulata Charles Earl Roger Bellls W W Smith The ladies of the Brentwoed Methodist Episcopal Church have or- ganized with the purpose of establish- ing a branch of the Epworth League Meetings are being held regularly on Sunday afternoon Mrs J W Cinder of locust recovering from a severe attaek of Miss Lois McGee who has been vis- iting for several weeks at Fairmont W Va has returned to her home at River Dr George MeGraw of Cleveland is visiting Col and Mrs J S McGee Albert Turner of Woodvill has re turned after spending a week with his sister Zits Charles H Welsh Johnson avenue Mrs Frank Lied of Baltimore is also a guest of Mrs Welsh The Sleepy Hollow Club was enter- tained Thursday evening by John Wads at Firwood Mr and Mrs James Parran and son of southern Maryland are guests of Capt and Mrs 1C W Silvester of Col Park Miss Florence Bowen Is also guest at the home of Mrs Silvester Miss Vivian Edwards spent the latter of the week with McDonnell College Park Miss Ada Gllliland of Washington a of Miss Smith Friday and the Christmas dance at the Agricultural College Miss Sarah Knight Is visiting her sis Mrs George Calvert jr of College Mead meB young young pneumonia wa att nded I o yatgwifl struc- ture post- men avenue I ale Miss nest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ On Monday last a recaption was given by the club in honor of Mrs Marlon Wlllot Miss Margaret Trower of North avenue southeast who has been suffering with a bruised ankle the re- sult of being run over by a wagon is much better Born to Mr and Mrs Ollvera pf Fifth street southeast twins Mrs Robert Otterback ef 722 A street southeast entertained a few friends at her home Friday evening Dr Francis Petrola of SS3 Pennsyl- vania avenue southeast accompanied by Dr H Herbert left this week for a trip through West Virginia Bert Saufman the drummer at Chases Theater who has been 111 at home 061 Fensylvania avenue has recovered The Ladies Guild of the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church Fourth and B streets southeast recently presented Mrs Joseph Arnold president of the guild with a handsome silver tea ser- vice The East Washington Baptist Church has elected the following Christian Kn- dcavor officers President R L Jenkins vice president Jesse Sweeney treasurer KIrby Jenkins recording sec reary Miss Stnrkwather corre sponding secretary Miss Agusta Shell horn WHATS WORN INSIDE Yeti linen dusters Panama hats palm leaf fans wore decidedly out of fashion yesterday style of the moment was fur coats with a couple of hot Scotches worn inside York Herald Teresa i 5 Caro- lina and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > a meeting held last Monday In the residence of Frank McHugh the Phunny Phellows Club made arrangements for a smoker and dance to be given during Christmas week at the town hall The affair will be In honor of Charlws and Stanley Dyer two of the mem bers of the club wb attend the Uni versity of Virginia The lecture delivered by Dr Michael P Smith C S P at the McMahon Hall last Tuesday night was largely attended by the student body and also by a number from Brookland He gave a his torical summary of the old missions along the Pacific coast and a talk with views on the San Francisco earthquake Messrs Burr Bros are making ar- rangements to establish a branch of the United States Savings Bank In Brookland At a recent meeting of King David Lodge No 38 the following officers were elected R A Cronshaw master Charles E MoIster senior warden William H Mc CniA junior warden M b Mull secre tary Charles E Baldwin treasurer William O Firovea senior deacon I S Pennypacker junior deacon W C Parry senior steward Laird L Neal junior steward O Hammerbacher mar- shal John D Bloodgood chaplain and Thomas J Jones tiler Rhode Island avenue Is being graded and macadamized from Fourteenth street to Brentwood road With the completion of the orldge at the Balt- imore and Ohio railroad trades a shorter route will be available Mrs O Wetzel Is spending few days at the home of her daughter In Cedarvllle Md Miss Aura Mlddlekauff has as her guest Miss Emma Heyser of Jacks Mountain Pa H I Jackson who has boon visiting his brother Mr E S Jackson of 2703 Twelfth street has returned to his home In Philadelphia Mr and Mrs Thomas C Carmlok and son are the guests of Mr and Mrs Thomas Cannlck of Newton street Miss May Stroman who has been visiting in Fairfax Court House Va has returned home The Rev Father SouthgfcU pastor of St Anthonys Church has returned after a short visit with friends and relatives in New York city Miss F Jackson a teacher at the Brookland School has been compelled- to abandon her duties at the school owing to lllnefcs Robert Crook manager of the Me tropolitaii lut iranoa Company in Little Rook Ark and George Crook manager of the same company In Wheeling W Va are spending a few days with their uncle Nicholas Crook ilea Annie Markey of Thirteenth and Monroe streets is spending a few weeks with relatives In Germany The Senior Farther Lights of the Brookland Baptist Church will meet next Saturday at the home of Miss Amelia Etz to take up study of Africa Mr and Mrs Minnie Blanch have permanently located in Cincinnati Joseph L Sullivan has been trans ferred from No 17 Engine Company to Ne 11 Engine Company Mr and Mrs Scott of South Brook land moved to the city Officer Houger of the Brookland police force is spending a few weeks in the country David Roach is taking his place Thomas H Crook who has been very 111 at Providence Hospital was able to return to his home Thursday after The Jack and Gill Pleasure Club re- cently gave a birthday surprise party at home of Hermann Klrach 18 L street The evening was spent In games after which the guests Invited to the diningroom where was served Those present were Mrs Hermann KIrsch Mr and rooklro1 C- At V a I Life noon plaYln Mr and Hor- ner a have kiWT ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Mrs Burke Mr and Mrs Fox Mr and Mrs Moore Mr and Mrs Reed Mr and Mrs Ross Mr and Mrs HIckman Mrs E Myers Miss Edna KIrsch and Leroy KIrsch Birthday Reception- A birthday reception was given last Tuesday by Mr and Mrs A Reeves the occasion being the seventeenth birthday of their daughter Miss Mary Reeves- A most delightful evening was spout by the young ladys friends Miss Deane Miller sang a ballad and a mole quartet also sang Entertained for Son Mr and Mrs Charles Smith enter tairfed In honor of their son Ferdinand last Monday evening Those present Misses A Brown H Cole M Coleman H Coombg E Coles S Barnum L Ford D Webb H Young C Perkins D Washington R Smith G Brown F Turner C F Carroll L Martin and several others MuSoLit Entertains The MuSoLlt recently entertained Samuel Coleridge Taylor of London at the Conservatory of Music Ninth and T streets northwest Dr W B Evans president of tHb organization assisted by Brown the secretary arranged a followed by refreshments J Gerald Tyler music and A H Glenn and Nathaniel Guy gave readings Miss White as Hostess Miss Evelyn White entertained a num ber of her friends at her home last Tuesday evening There were about persons present evening was playing progressive games There were in play with a different game at each table Dainty refreshments were served Mrs C White assisted daughter In I musical and program was J 1- o Y rrrri ine ¬ > < Elder I IT Evans spent a few days this week at Jamestown Va Miss Anna of Fredericksburg Va arrived hors Wednesday to resume hr studios at the Washington Training Mrs H E Rogers has returned rom a flying trip to Auburn N JT Mr Dennis and hla bride arrived Tuesday from Cambridge Mass A G Daniels returned to his home Wednesday after spending a few days at the Branch Sanitarium at Iowa Circle Morris Lukens returned Monday from Miss Mubner of Washington visited friends Tuesday- H E Rogers who been VI IB convalescent- D W Roavls resumed his work at the Review and Herald Thursday after a trip to Jamestown Va Born to Mr and Mrs Stmightae a daughter Miss Tate of Va is visiting friends at the local 3 L M Lukens left here to to Wilmington Del to spend ten days Mrs Cobban and daughter Miss Frances arrived here Tuesday from Battle Creek Mich to Cob bans son Mr H H Cobban of Holly avenue Harold La haute is ill at his home on Cedar street Mrs who ha recently return from abroad post graduate course In through here this week on hit way home In California Mrs Wilkinson of this place Thursday at BloominctfaJa The three Mosers Weasels who re- cently arrived here from South Africa Friday for California Miss Mary Cobban left gi Fords after a few days with her mother brother and on Holly avenue Mrs S W Curtfom of Blair road who has ill at her home has recovered Mrs Reavls of visited in this town Tuesday Mrs Cobban who recently visited her- on Harold Cobban left Wednesday to go to Philadelphia nuf rK College Baltimore has o Flda JIG lnI hr we took Berlin t spent been Tucker Evans to- e + Mrs Joseph S James has issued In- vitations to the wedding of her daugh- ter Frances Throckmorton to James Roy Miohou Nicholson of Gloucester county December 26 Kathleen Meroer of Rose Gar- den N Y Js visiting Mss Clara O Graham Mrs Mitchell Smoot w the guest of Mrs Arthur Wheeler Wednesday William W Doup spent a few days this weak with A E Rowedd at West End Mrs P H Smyth gave a Bard party Thursday afternoon Mis Margaret Nino spent Monday i evening In Washington with Miss Marx Pond The members of the Episcopal choir gave a green tee Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Ran The tea wax lowed by a dance later In evening Mr Franklin and family who have boon occupying the Updike house in Washington street moved on Monday- to the Atchlson in Brown avenue Mr and Mrs Charles H Buxton have to Washington to spend the Mr and Mrs Frank Postern and fam- ily have moved into the House in Crest Pans street recently vacated by MlM- Bolte MorrifteM Mrs Frank R Ball of Lowltwvllle was in town visiting her father Dr Franklin Noble B C QuackenbusR Has purchased house belonging to Dougherty now occupied by Mrs Campbell Mrs C N McOroarty accompanied by her son of Denver Col has returned homo after a six moths vMt The Choral Society met Monday night for the last time Christ- mas holidays The Ladle Missionaries Sotfetian of the Con Church with Mrs Helen C Raymond Friday Tht Village Improvement Society gave an Tuesday evening at the home of Miss C The program consisted of a piano solo by w vocal solos by Miss Emma Legman and Miss Mary Smoot eaU5Cbar the gone for fey days week the r loss met GertrudeKlbler duet J Garner and ur S Hall and I Miss tot house win- ter a last Mrs after- noon Mrs W Art ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < The W 1C A Debating Society held Its semimonthly meeting this week at the home of Mr sad Mrs Seafeerry Locksmitr The proposition Resolved that the United States should Increase its standing army was discussed The affirmative composed of Arthur Black nay Miss Kate Gaymtell and MUHi Ada Van won The individual hon- ors were awarded to Miss Edna Atwell and Louis Shretter of the negative side Rodger Brown the third speaker of the negative Those composing the W 1C A Debating Society are Seaberry Jesse Longhew William C Glatner George R Remington John C Gus Mathew H Whitley Jane R Cewnaly and MJaoos Kate Gaysnell Ada Van Lorsen Edna Atwell Cora Beth moll Anna Mayhftw Mable Lorsen Emma Right and Mrs Seaberry Lock mwr Miss Carwell Entertains- A number of friends of Miss Edith Carwell were entertained at her home on Brlfftitwood avenue last Friday even ing Games of cards were played and Miss Mlldreit Crano and Mr Jack Sou san received Sect prizes Those present John Cambell Jack gousan Elma Tem per James Gatebett William Waylay Achtlle SmtttMdfi Tole George Rmmerson Clarence Small Arm Anna Melton Mildred Crano Julia Johnson Edith Graves Mable Emma Gettystone May Longiaw and Carwell Notes and Personals The meeting of the Brlgblwood Knockers Club will b hold at the home of Miss Jauneter Goodley The Brfetttwoed Athletic Club held a meeting at its stub rooms Tuesday even- ing and admitted Will Mae and Donald Johnson as members G GUscoe and wife vMtod relatives in Washington last week Mrs Van Loraen of Baltimore who was the guest of Mrs during the holidays re- turned to her home Mr and MM Howard Smerton who were recently married are now in Xew York where they expect to remain for a few wekf Charles Schuech recently visited his ulster Mr Glance C W Gacen and Charles ef Alexandria are in the southern part of Virginia hunting Paul Dexter visited friends in Takoma Park last Saturday Eri Loren L cklilmur Robert and Misses next XeI n nank A gfttic c wag strong Bertha ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Jonathan W Baker has sold his farm pf 13 acres situated near Germantown on the road leading to Galthersbttrg fer K77S to Charles U Small of this county A suit for absolute divorce was fled bi the Supreme Court in Washington on Tuesday last by George T Brashears KiJist Lester M Brashoars They were married at Rockville on December 18 ItOS Sherwood high school near Sandy Spring tills county which was recent- ly closed because of an epidemic of measles and tonotlitis has reopened again On Tuesday the county commis- sioners passed an order opening the old Georgetown road to public travel attar yesterday This road had been closed Leo Harper and Miss Carrie Selby of Gaithersburg this county visited this week and obtained a mar riage license and before returning to their home were married in that city Col and Mrs John T Brady of Kensington have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter Miss Lillian St Claire Brady to Joseph Wheeler Freeman the ceremony te take place December 19 On account of the illness of Mrs Bi J Hartehorne of Kensington president of the County Federation of Womens Clubs the meeting which was to have been hold at Kensington on last Tues- day has been postponed until some time 4 in January Miss Olive Grady daughter of Hiram Grady of place and Thomas Mao WIIHame were married Wednesday evening by the Rev Thomas J Pack rector of Christ Episcopal Church The Rev J Preston Lewis recently of Norfolk Va has accepted a call to preach at Rockville and HyattstOTTS Christian churches Miss Minnie Justine Thaler and John T Lucas wee married here on Novem her SS last by the Rev Thomas J Packard rector of Christ Episcopal Church Both are natives of dria VaNO SMOKE NUISANCE- No said the pessimist dismally I dont expect to get to My luck1 11 be the other place Ill bet you Well replied the optimist even It we do go there we may had that they use hard coal I XO Kvi eJ I last against travel for more than a t i this J r year t Wash- Ington r i d l- aid ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = Tire Welsbach Name Is a Guarantee RILLIANT CHRISTMAS Let this be a Welsbach Christ mas Make your homes light and cheery for the holidays by j using the genuine j PORTABLES Light the clearest and brightest 3 Prices begin at 250 I light in the world Give a Wels L bach Portable Drop Light to your friends No gift would be more acceptable more enduring or more artistic and beautiful and nowhere in Washington will you find such a variety to select from as here Make your selections while you can I choose from the full assortment We will make deliveries when you wish Wed be very glad to Ajl vjt- ofitim have you call and look around W j0 obligation on your THE CHIC LIGHT No more tar light been manufactured by the Welsbach Co There Is not a room In the house It be advantageously used Economical t Price U25 very welcome tile best possible it IT make your store bright and attractive to holiday shoppers It wnl show your merchandise off to the very best advantage In the llbrar Price 125 439 7th St N W PHONE M 2628 of Quality- A PRESENT i Ja iI w e I s b a c h I usefulmore now partyoure t p pu THE DOME LIGHT VELSBACII I ARC ire gITQS light throws the illumination cann t shade as ro lIght for stores It will moncr over dining tables or S WELSBAC STORE II I 1 a I U r e u 4 r l r ry r r 1 u has W1BLSBACfi ooit GAS L111II Thi This sate you u a fleeter o 1 r >


Page 1: THE WASHINGTON TIMES DECEMBER D NEWS · THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY DECEMBER 16 1906 D NEWS C 1 A pretty wedding took place on YUdnesday when Miss Annie Graft daughter of Mr and Mrs




A pretty wedding took place onYUdnesday when Miss Annie Graftdaughter of Mr and Mrs J Graft of1H Seventh street southeast was mar-red to Joseph A Lash of MansfieldOho The ceremony performedIT the parsonage of the Rev Dr Schroder at Fourth and 1C streets The bridewas attired in champagne crepe dochnp She was attended by Miss MarieHiward The best man was Robert Mcathran A reception was held at thetoo of the bride and groom 90S NorthCarolina avenue southeast where theywil be at home after January 1

Benefit for Churc-ht Marks Dramatic Club gave a suc

c ssful entertainment at the PythianTemple Tuesday evening The hall wasfued Dancing followed The entertxiroent was for the benefit of the newr arlsh hall of St Marks Church

Dr Power LecturesThr Rev Dr Frederick D Power of

tfcc Vermont Avenue Christian Churchgave an interesting lecture on Mondayevening at the Mens Club of TrinityM fi Church Firth and C streetssoutheast Dr Power recently returnedfront Palestine and his subject was

The Land and the Book A L SJmpsan and William SoaMtetburgeilos and the Peoples Mission Orch-tra furnished music I

GiseCoberthMiss Rosie L Glee of 1U8 Fourth

etrect southeast was married SaturdayElwood H Coberth at the brides

residence The Rev Hez Swem pastorof the Second Baptist Church southeast officiated bride wore a gowncf ulte silk and tulle vail and carriedbrlt al roses Eva Smith was maidof v and wore white silk and car-

ried roses George Schaffer was bestrem and E G Speakman played theve4 iing march They will at 113

1 vUfth street southeast

Edchre Club EntertainsTlc Trolley Euchre Club enter

twined Saturday by Besets Stinleat her home BOO Rant Capitol streetI Izc3 were won by Miss Bess leivereMiss Stinle Robert Krelter and GeorgeOrsscy Others present were MissesAlma Gostln Alice Meyer and Minnie

lisnaale Harry Hamilton WilliamWilliam Kemper and Harry

p cod

Woodmens Election

ruri o America hold its annual electioncf cffi Thursday at M Pennsylvaniaavenue southeast Those chosen areCj nsel H H Millard adviser B C

Wheeler clerk Henry Nolan bankerJ II Durand escort Joseph Kuttnerwatchman J E Reese sentry E JLancaster manager J K Duncan A

vl team was organized and new unlordered for its members

Mrs Koontzs WillTilt will of Mrs Jane Koontz leaves

her residence 300 Fourth street south

Ct to her daughters Margaret JaneKnontz and Catherine W Koontz aslong as both remain unmarried Shouldtvry marry the property will be soldtTJ divided among her six children Thetestatrix directs the property at 3-frjiirth street southeast to be aold anducr icbts to be paW The personal es-

Jtat1 is to be distributed among Anna

j I tPonnell M J Koontx and C W-


Mr and Mrs Arnold Hosts

Sir and Mrs Joseph A Arnold ofrarltol Hill entertained a number ofiucir friends on the twentyfifthrrsary of their marriage The house

was decorated with orchids and hollyCTJJ American Beauty roses presented toMrs Arnold by Mr Arnolds officenciatcs Mrs Arnold wore white

garnitures of pearls and garnetPut was sedated in receiving by Mrstime Carr of Asheville N C who wasgowned in Persian blue silk andtreliJJa Assisting in dining roomwere Mrs G P and Mrs GV Saar

Abracadabra ClubA large attendance of andinters were present at the meeting of

Abracadabra Club at the residence-of Mrs Velma C Barber M East Capitrtl street Wednesday An essay onthen Island of Panay was read by IIC Kirk and a sketch of Eugene Fieldby Mrs C N Ide Doth papers werefollowed by discussions

Notes and PersonalsCart James W Broatch has been

from marine Barracks southeast-t uuty at marine barracks Boston

Mr McMormlck of Seventh and Bsoutheast who hast been critl

rally ill at his home is slowly improving

A housewarmlnc on Tues-day c embers of the C E Societyin Southeast Washington at its newquarters 650 I street A large numbercf members were present

John C Barrows has announced thewarring of his daughter Miss NorahBarrows to Robert Collins The

took place at Alexandria Va Thernurlt will reside at ISM Half streetsoutheast

Vie Metropolitan Presbyterian ChrltEndeavor Society of Southeast

cld a business meeting Wednesday

A was given by Paymaster AdeeFaturday aboard the Mayflower at thenay yard Mrs Martin wife of Pay-master I B Martin U S N helpedt ttieive Among guests were theyounger officers of the hosts service

Th Ladles Auxiliary Carnation CampN O A are atail to be held at the Naval

Hall Fourth street and Pennsylvaniaavenue southeast In January

Mr ard Mrs Richer oft Hill have as their guests Mrs For-ester and daughter Hilda of DraydenAid

J tiss Sadie Bohanon who has been vls-tinp Mrs Vest Russell at the Georgiailats southeast lots returned to her

in Southern MarylandTh Washinctonlans gave a

at National Rifles Armory

W Sl ngt 1t




on r



A no Talbot Camp Modern Wood






t e























l Mme










The ladles In charge of the bazaarheld at the Masonic Hall last week forthe purpose of raising funds to clearthe debt of Plnkney Memorial Churchhave announced that 500 was clearedThe amount was sufficient to pay theentire indebtedness of the congregation

Supper was serovd on the first twoevenings This department was incharge of Magruder WelchOwens Lewis Berger Lunhardt Ander and McCormick

The closing evening was given ovorto tableaux under the direction of MrsJohn Baker

The Wounded Soldlor was pre-sented by Alfred Baker Dr H W Wil-son Miss Rosalie Carr and Miss Dorothy Gait

In The Bachelors Roverle Dr J RThompson assumed the principal roleOthers taking part wore Mrs HughLatimer and the Misses Helen McCormick Eva Moron Evelyn Lowls andAlice Carr

In Janice Merediths Toast to GeorgeWashington Mrs R G Whiting andMrs C Gelb the Misses Lucy MayoEmily Baker and Messrs CourtneyGelb and Frank GRIt participated

The entertainment concluded with aColonial march by twentyfive of theyounger boys and girls

New Athletic ClubAn athletic club has been organized

among the young men of BrentwoodTwo meetings have been held at theresidence of R A Vanllorn at whichtimes plans were discussed for themaintenance of permanent headquar-ters Capt R A VanHorn has donated-a lot upon whisk to erect a buildingand the men are now canvassing-for funds toward the proposed

Notes and PersonalsTh Christmas dance at Maryland

Agricultural College was hold Fridayevening

The Ilyattsvllle Gas and Electric Com-pany has rented an office In RogersRow where the local superintendent-E G Bucklin will have lids headquar-ters

A special meeting of the town councilwas held on Monday evening for thepurpose of fixing the assessment ofproperty on the south side of Johnsonavenue to defray the expenses of thesidewalk recently constructed-

A committee has been appointed bythe council to Interview Sydney E Mudflrelative to the creation of a new

at Hyattsvllle Th committeefollows Dr Charles A Wells J ABlundon Arthur Carr William GulataCharles Earl Roger Bellls W WSmith

The ladies of the BrentwoedMethodist Episcopal Church have or-

ganized with the purpose of establish-ing a branch of the Epworth LeagueMeetings are being held regularly onSunday afternoon

Mrs J W Cinder of locustrecovering from a severe attaek of

Miss Lois McGee who has been vis-

iting for several weeks at Fairmont WVa has returned to her home at River

Dr George MeGraw of Cleveland isvisiting Col and Mrs J S McGee

Albert Turner of Woodvill has returned after spending a week with hissister Zits Charles H Welsh Johnsonavenue Mrs Frank Lied of Baltimoreis also a guest of Mrs Welsh

The Sleepy Hollow Club was enter-tained Thursday evening by John Wadsat Firwood

Mr and Mrs James Parran and sonof southern Maryland are guests ofCapt and Mrs 1C W Silvester of Col

Park Miss Florence Bowen Is alsoguest at the home of Mrs Silvester

Miss Vivian Edwards spent the latterof the week with McDonnell

College Park

Miss Ada Gllliland of Washingtona of Miss Smith Friday and

the Christmas dance at theAgricultural College

Miss Sarah Knight Is visiting her sisMrs George Calvert jr of College

Mead meB




waatt nded






















On Monday last a recaption was givenby the club in honor of Mrs MarlonWlllot

Miss Margaret Trower of Northavenue southeast who has been

suffering with a bruised ankle the re-sult of being run over by a wagon ismuch better

Born to Mr and Mrs Ollvera pf Fifthstreet southeast twins

Mrs Robert Otterback ef 722 A streetsoutheast entertained a few friends ather home Friday evening

Dr Francis Petrola of SS3 Pennsyl-vania avenue southeast accompanied byDr H Herbert left this week for atrip through West Virginia

Bert Saufman the drummer at ChasesTheater who has been 111 at home 061Fensylvania avenue has recovered

The Ladies Guild of the MetropolitanPresbyterian Church Fourth and Bstreets southeast recently presentedMrs Joseph Arnold president of theguild with a handsome silver tea ser-vice

The East Washington Baptist Churchhas elected the following Christian Kn-dcavor officers President R LJenkins vice president Jesse Sweeneytreasurer KIrby Jenkins recording secreary Miss Stnrkwather corresponding secretary Miss Agusta Shellhorn

WHATS WORN INSIDEYeti linen dusters Panama hatspalm leaf fans wore decidedly out offashion yesterday style of themoment was fur coats with a couple ofhot Scotches worn inside YorkHerald


i 5









a meeting held last Monday In theresidence of Frank McHugh the PhunnyPhellows Club made arrangements for asmoker and dance to be given duringChristmas week at the town hall Theaffair will be In honor of Charlws

and Stanley Dyer two of the members of the club wb attend the University of Virginia

The lecture delivered by Dr MichaelP Smith C S P at the McMahon Halllast Tuesday night was largely attendedby the student body and also by anumber from Brookland He gave a historical summary of the old missionsalong the Pacific coast and a talk withviews on the San Francisco earthquake

Messrs Burr Bros are making ar-rangements to establish a branch ofthe United States Savings Bank InBrookland

At a recent meeting of King DavidLodge No 38 the following officers wereelected

R A Cronshaw master Charles EMoIster senior warden William H McCniA junior warden M b Mull secretary Charles E Baldwin treasurerWilliam O Firovea senior deacon I SPennypacker junior deacon W CParry senior steward Laird L Nealjunior steward O Hammerbacher mar-shal John D Bloodgood chaplain andThomas J Jones tiler

Rhode Island avenue Is being gradedand macadamized from Fourteenthstreet to Brentwood road With thecompletion of the orldge at the Balt-imore and Ohio railroad trades a shorterroute will be available

Mrs O Wetzel Is spending fewdays at the home of her daughter InCedarvllle Md

Miss Aura Mlddlekauff has as herguest Miss Emma Heyser of JacksMountain Pa

H I Jackson who has boon visitinghis brother Mr E S Jackson of 2703Twelfth street has returned to his homeIn Philadelphia

Mr and Mrs Thomas C Carmlok andson are the guests of Mr and MrsThomas Cannlck of Newton street

Miss May Stroman who has beenvisiting in Fairfax Court House Vahas returned home

The Rev Father SouthgfcU pastor ofSt Anthonys Church has returnedafter a short visit with friends andrelatives in New York city

Miss F Jackson a teacher at theBrookland School has been compelled-to abandon her duties at the schoolowing to lllnefcs

Robert Crook manager of the Metropolitaii lut iranoa Company inLittle Rook Ark and George Crookmanager of the same company InWheeling W Va are spending a fewdays with their uncle Nicholas Crook

ilea Annie Markey of Thirteenth andMonroe streets is spending a few weekswith relatives In Germany

The Senior Farther Lights of theBrookland Baptist Church will meetnext Saturday at the home of MissAmelia Etz to take up study ofAfrica

Mr and Mrs Minnie Blanch havepermanently located in Cincinnati

Joseph L Sullivan has been transferred from No 17 Engine Company toNe 11 Engine Company

Mr and Mrs Scott of South Brookland moved to the city

Officer Houger of the Brooklandpolice force is spending a few weeksin the country David Roach is takinghis place

Thomas H Crook who has been very111 at Providence Hospital was ableto return to his home Thursday after

The Jack and Gill Pleasure Club re-cently gave a birthday surprise party at

home of Hermann Klrach 18 L streetThe evening was spent In

games after which the guestsInvited to the diningroom where

was served Those present wereMrs Hermann KIrsch Mr and

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Mrs Burke Mr and Mrs Fox Mr andMrs Moore Mr and Mrs Reed Mrand Mrs Ross Mr and Mrs HIckmanMrs E Myers Miss Edna KIrsch andLeroy KIrsch

Birthday Reception-A birthday reception was given last

Tuesday by Mr and Mrs A Reeves theoccasion being the seventeenth birthdayof their daughter Miss Mary Reeves-A most delightful evening was spout bythe young ladys friends Miss DeaneMiller sang a ballad and a mole quartetalso sang

Entertained for SonMr and Mrs Charles Smith enter

tairfed In honor of their son Ferdinandlast Monday evening

Those present Misses A Brown HCole M Coleman H Coombg E ColesS Barnum L Ford D Webb HYoung C Perkins D Washington RSmith G Brown F Turner CF Carroll L Martin and severalothers

MuSoLit EntertainsThe MuSoLlt recently entertained

Samuel Coleridge Taylor of Londonat the Conservatory of Music Ninth andT streets northwest Dr W B Evanspresident of tHb organization assisted by

Brown the secretary arranged afollowed by refreshments JGerald Tyler music and A HGlenn and Nathaniel Guy gave readings

Miss White as HostessMiss Evelyn White entertained a number of her friends at her home last

Tuesday evening There were aboutpersons presentevening was playing progressivegames There were in playwith a different game at each tableDainty refreshments were served MrsC White assisted daughter In


musical and program was





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Elder I IT Evans spent a few daysthis week at Jamestown Va

Miss Anna of FredericksburgVa arrived hors Wednesday to resumehr studios at the Washington Training

Mrs H E Rogers has returned roma flying trip to Auburn N JT

Mr Dennis and hla bride arrivedTuesday from Cambridge Mass

A G Daniels returned to his homeWednesday after spending a few daysat the Branch Sanitarium at IowaCircle

Morris Lukens returned Monday from

Miss Mubner of Washington visitedfriends Tuesday-

H E Rogers who been VI IB


D W Roavls resumed his work atthe Review and Herald Thursday aftera trip to Jamestown Va

Born to Mr and Mrs Stmightae adaughter

Miss Tate of Va isvisiting friends at the local 3

L M Lukens left here toto Wilmington Del to spend ten days

Mrs Cobban and daughter MissFrances arrived here Tuesday fromBattle Creek Mich to Cobbans son Mr H H Cobban of Hollyavenue

Harold La haute is ill at his home onCedar street

Mrs who ha recently returnfrom abroadpost graduate course Inthrough here this week on hit way

home In California

Mrs Wilkinson of this placeThursday at BloominctfaJa

The three Mosers Weasels who re-cently arrived here from South Africa

Friday for California

Miss Mary Cobban leftgi Fords after a few days with hermother brother and on Hollyavenue

Mrs S W Curtfom of Blair road whohas ill at her home has recovered

Mrs Reavls of visited inthis town Tuesday

Mrs Cobban who recently visited her-on Harold Cobban left Wednesday togo to Philadelphia

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Mrs Joseph S James has issued In-

vitations to the wedding of her daugh-ter Frances Throckmorton to JamesRoy Miohou Nicholson of Gloucestercounty December 26

Kathleen Meroer of Rose Gar-den N Y Js visiting Mss Clara OGraham

Mrs Mitchell Smoot w the guest ofMrs Arthur Wheeler Wednesday

William W Doup spent a few daysthis weak with A E Rowedd at WestEnd

Mrs P H Smyth gave a Bard partyThursday afternoon

Mis Margaret Nino spent Mondayi evening In Washington with Miss MarxPond

The members of the Episcopal choirgave a green tee Saturday eveningat Odd Fellows Ran The tea waxlowed by a dance later In evening

Mr Franklin and family who haveboon occupying the Updike house inWashington street moved on Monday-to the Atchlson in Brown avenue

Mr and Mrs Charles H Buxton haveto Washington to spend the

Mr and Mrs Frank Postern and fam-ily have moved into the House in CrestPans street recently vacated by MlM-Bolte MorrifteM

Mrs Frank R Ball of Lowltwvlllewas in townvisiting her father Dr Franklin Noble

B C QuackenbusR Has purchasedhouse belonging to Dougherty nowoccupied by Mrs Campbell

Mrs C N McOroarty accompaniedby her sonof Denver Col has returnedhomo after a six moths vMt

The Choral Society met Monday nightfor the last time Christ-mas holidays

The Ladle Missionaries Sotfetian ofthe Con Church withMrs Helen C Raymond Friday

Tht Village Improvement Society gavean Tuesday evening atthe home of Miss C Theprogram consisted of a piano solo by


vocal solos by Miss Emma Legman andMiss Mary Smoot




for fey days week



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GertrudeKlbler duet JGarner and ur S Hall andI





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The W 1C A Debating Society heldIts semimonthly meeting this week atthe home of Mr sad Mrs SeafeerryLocksmitr The proposition Resolvedthat the United States should Increaseits standing army was discussed Theaffirmative composed of Arthur Blacknay Miss Kate Gaymtell and MUHi AdaVan won The individual hon-ors were awarded to Miss Edna Atwelland Louis Shretter of the negative sideRodger Brown the third speaker ofthe negative Those composing the W1C A Debating Society are Seaberry

Jesse Longhew William CGlatner George R Remington John CGus Mathew H Whitley Jane RCewnaly and MJaoos Kate Gaysnell AdaVan Lorsen Edna Atwell Cora Bethmoll Anna Mayhftw Mable LorsenEmma Right and Mrs Seaberry Lockmwr

Miss Carwell Entertains-A number of friends of Miss EdithCarwell were entertained at her home

on Brlfftitwood avenue last Friday evening Games of cards were played andMiss Mlldreit Crano and Mr Jack Sousan received Sect prizes Those presentJohn Cambell Jack gousan Elma Temper James Gatebett William WaylayAchtlle SmtttMdfi Tole GeorgeRmmerson Clarence Small ArmAnna Melton Mildred Crano JuliaJohnson Edith Graves MableEmma Gettystone May Longiaw andCarwell

Notes and PersonalsThe meeting of the Brlgblwood

Knockers Club will b hold at thehome of Miss Jauneter Goodley

The Brfetttwoed Athletic Club held ameeting at its stub rooms Tuesday even-ing and admitted Will Mae and DonaldJohnson as members

G GUscoe and wife vMtod relativesin Washington last week

Mrs Van Loraen of Baltimore whowas the guest of Mrs duringthe holidays re-turned to her home

Mr and MM Howard Smerton whowere recently married are now in XewYork where they expect to remainfor a few wekf

Charles Schuech recently visited hisulster Mr Glance

C W Gacen and Charles efAlexandria are in the southern part ofVirginia hunting

Paul Dexter visited friends in TakomaPark last Saturday



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Jonathan W Baker has sold his farmpf 13 acres situated near Germantownon the road leading to Galthersbttrg ferK77S to Charles U Small of thiscounty

A suit for absolute divorce was fledbi the Supreme Court in Washingtonon Tuesday last by George T BrashearsKiJist Lester M Brashoars They weremarried at Rockville on December 18ItOS

Sherwood high school near SandySpring tills county which was recent-ly closed because of an epidemic ofmeasles and tonotlitis has reopenedagain

On Tuesday the county commis-sioners passed an order opening the oldGeorgetown road to public travel attaryesterday This road had been closed

Leo Harper and Miss Carrie Selby ofGaithersburg this county visited

this week and obtained a marriage license and before returning totheir home were married in that city

Col and Mrs John T Brady ofKensington have issued invitations tothe marriage of their daughter MissLillian St Claire Brady to JosephWheeler Freeman the ceremony te takeplace December 19

On account of the illness of Mrs BiJ Hartehorne of Kensington presidentof the County Federation of WomensClubs the meeting which was to havebeen hold at Kensington on last Tues-day has been postponed until some time 4in January

Miss Olive Grady daughter of HiramGrady of place and Thomas MaoWIIHame were married Wednesdayevening by the Rev Thomas J Pack

rector of Christ Episcopal Church

The Rev J Preston Lewis recentlyof Norfolk Va has accepted a call topreach at Rockville and HyattstOTTSChristian churches

Miss Minnie Justine Thaler and JohnT Lucas wee married here on Novemher SS last by the Rev Thomas JPackard rector of Christ EpiscopalChurch Both are natives ofdria


No said the pessimist dismally Idont expect to get to Myluck1 11 be the other place Ill bet you

Well replied the optimist even Itwe do go there we may had that theyuse hard coal


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against travel for more than at





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= ==

Tire Welsbach Name Is a Guarantee


Let this be a Welsbach Christmas Make your homes lightand cheery for the holidays by j

using the genuine j

PORTABLES Light the clearest and brightest 3Prices begin at 250

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choose from the full assortmentWe will make deliveries whenyou wish Wed be very glad toAjl vjt-

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very welcome

tile best possibleit IT make your store bright and attractive to holidayshoppers It wnl show your merchandise off to the verybest advantage

In the llbrar

Price 125

439 7th St N WPHONE M 2628

of Quality-



e I s b a c h





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THE DOME LIGHTVELSBACII I ARC ire gITQS light throws the illuminationcann t shade as rolIght for stores It will moncr over dining tables or







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hasW1BLSBACfiooit GAS L111II Thi This

sate you u afleeter



