The Washington herald.(Washington D.C.) 1922-07-01 [p...

RESIDENTS OF WASHINGTON to Tto R«ra44 Cb*rch Pag« in w*ac« UMoaeMonu of Mrrieti U thm Services tomorrow in tl)e CI) ureses of hashing ton. J VBITORS TO WAsmcra BAPTIST i ICTH «HO O 5TREFT8 II Jaat Ak*n Scott Circle FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DR. HBXRT ALLEN TITPER, MINISTER * 11 a. -A MINISTERS MONlMENTAL 8 p. ».-ME71CO AND MEXICANS! Stalled MENDACITY tlir*«fh varied. thrilling and p«n»oii»l exn«rleae*«.*' Old Ceafr»(it(oMl rIbvImc with m goai leader. Com® aad help slBg. Hammer Merrleea mm hoar only. 8 to 7:45 p. m..B. T. P. U.. led by Newly Elect- and Installed officers. CHI RCH DOOR. CORDIAL WELCOME AT THE HOME CHURCH IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 16th St and Columbia Road. T* be die National Baptist Memorial to Religions Liberty. GOVE GRIFFITH JOHNSON, Pastor. . :*» A. Bible School with T P. M..Young People's Meet- elasses for all ages. E. H. De- Welcome All! Qroot. Superintendent. It a- m..Morning Worship S P. M.Evening Patriotic with sermon by the Pastor. The Service. Sermon by the Pastor Lord's Supper and Welcome to on "Tbe Story o* Religious Lib- New Members. erfy" (with pictures). Thursday Evening, 8 p. ra..Prayer and Fellowship Meeting. SrXMER PREACHERS July and 23: Dr. LOREN A. CLEVENQER, of Massachusetts. July 30 and Aug. 6: Dr. ROBERT T. CRAIG, of Iowa. August 13: Dr. T. CLAGETT SKINNER, of South Carolina. August 20 and 27: Dr. JOHN JETER HURT, of North Carolina. September 3 and 10: Dr. ALX.YN K. FOSTER, of New York. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. FIFTH BAPTIST -VV'w. t>r. W. H. Baylor, of Baltimore, wttl preach at 11 and 7:45. Com¬ munion. S. S., 9:30. Chapel S. S.. *.*. B. T. T. V.. «. S. S. Picnic and Excursion to Marshall Hall. July 12. WELCOME. WEST WASHINGTON BAPTIST 81 tt aad IT its. aw. (Owietowa). William *. Flaanafaa. Pait.r. tl a. m.."Open Window*." «:00 p. m.."A Profitable Submlailoa.'* 0:45 a. m..Sunday School. CHURCH OF THE REAL WELCOMB. Temple Baptist Church Tenth and N Sts. N. W. DR. J. J. MUIR, PASTOR 11 s. m.."Free Indeed." 8 p. m..Preaching. "Driven to Alternative!." Bible School, 9:30 a. m. C. L, 7 p. m. A HOME FOR STRANGERS. P»h*«rrfilth *a»ialPk Street., 1 ClWOruiRcr, F. Paul Lanfhorns, Pastor. COMMUNION SERVICE at 11 o'clock Sermon by Paator. Sunday School: 9:30. Classes for all. Evening Service. 7:45. Sermon by pastor. E Hex Swem Pa"t6r- <*>y special E.. mz jwera request) "How I was kept from going on the stave!" 8 p. m., cool house; easy chairs (men like them); special music; large or¬ gan. 11 a. m.. "Why Baptists Are Peculiar." Centennial Bapt. Ch.f 7th & Eye n. e- MARYLAND AVE. BAPTIST MD. AVE. * 14th !f. K. REV. H. MARTIN I.AWAOX, Pastor. Services Sunday: 11 a. m..Preaching. 2:30 p. m..Christian Healing Service. 7:45 p. m..Evening Service. AIjL welcome. CHRISTIAN -[Columbia Heights Christian Church Park Road, West of 14th St. N. W. REV. BENJAMIN HURON MELTON, Pastor. 9:30 a. m..Bible School for all ages. 11:00 a. m..Sermon by the pastor. 8:00 p. m..Sermon by the pastor. Everybody Welcome CHURCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) 14th Street and Meridian Place N. W. W. S. LONG. Minister. REVIVAL MEETINGS Every Day at 7:45 p. m. Sundays 11 a. m and 7:45 p. m. Conducted by T. B. LARIMORE, of California. Evangelist, Author and Preacher of National Reputation. YOU SHOULD HEAR THESE GREAT BIBLE SERMONS. Ninth Street Christian Church 9th and D Sts. Northeast Rev. George A. Miller, Pastor. 3l a. m..The pastor will preach on.: 'OPINIONS AND CONVICTIONS' p. m..Sermon bv the pastor. "A LARGER LIFE" Good music at both services. A cordial welcome to the public. VERMONT AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Vermont Ave., \orfh of N St. Rev. Earle Wllfley, LL. D., Pastor. 9:45 a. m..Bible School. E. A. Gongwer, Supt. 11 a. m..Morning worship; ser¬ mon by pastor. MF1*AX9 OF COD." 6:15 p. m..Young People's Tea. 7:00 p. m..C. E. Meetings. 8 p. m..Evening Service. Patriotic Readings, Recitations and Music. Thursday. 8 P. M..Mid-Week Prayer Service. WELCOME PARK VIEW CHRISTIAN Park Road. East of Georrla At*. Bar. Walter P. Smith, Miaistar. SUNDAY SERVICES. 9:45 a. in..Bible School. 11 s. m.- "The Challenge of Opportsnity*' 6 p. ra..Senior C. E. Society. 7:45 p. m.. Playing Pair With God." H Street Christian Church Slz«k and H Sts. S. W. P. A. CAVE, Patter. #i4.% a. m,.Bible School. 11 a. m..Sermon by the Pastor. 7 ». a..r. E. aaeetlag. TiSO p. m..Organ Recital. K p. m Sermon by the Paatar. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES OP CHRIST. Scientist. Branches of The Mother Chareh. The Pirst Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Columbia road and Euclid st. SECOND CHURCH OP CHBIST, SCIENTIST N. E. Masonic Temple. 8th and F N. E. THIRD CHURCH OP CHBIST, SCIENTIST. Masonic Temple. 13th and N, Y. are. POUBTH CHUBCH OP CHBIST. SCIENTIST The Arcade. 14th at. aad Park road. "GOD" 8ERVICES: Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL.11 a. m. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS, o'clock. BEADING BOOMS. 1919 P ST N.W., Boom CM. Hours, 9:00 to 9:30 (except Wednesday. 9:00 to 7. and Sundays and holidays, 2:S0 to 5;30 COLOBADO BLDG.. 14th and G sts Hours. 10 to 9 (Wedneaday*. 10 to 7, and Sundays and holidays. 2:30 to 5:30). 141 EAST CAPITOL ST.. Hours, 11 to 8 (except Wednesdays, 11 to 6; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30. Closed holl- , daya). the ABCADE. 14th and Park read (Sooond Floor). 10 to 8:30 week days; also 7 to 9 p. ». (except Wednesdays). CONGREGATIONAL. FIRST in the HEART of the CITY p Tenth and G Streets Northwest JASON NOBLE PIERCE, Minister. Dr. J. PERC1VAL HUGET, of Brooklyn, Eloquent Pastor of the world's Largest Congregational Church. II a. m. and 8 p. m. Come and hear one of America's greatest preachers. EPIPHANY G, Near 14th St. JAMES E. FREEMAN, D. D. Rector. E. Browning ii. Preach n a. m. and Rev. R. L. Wolven AT S P. M. EPISCOPAL St. John's Church 16th aad H Streets Services: 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. Preacher: Re*. Edward Slater Dun- lap, M. A. * "Y" Men to Fill Pulpits. Gaorg, Culbertson. of the Y. M. C. A. stafT, will supply the pulpit of the Ecklngton Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning, and the Christian Church, Fifteenth street. In the evening. William A. Elsen- berger, also of the "Y" staff, will occupy the pulpit of the Western Presbyterian Church in the morn¬ ing. LUTHERAN. LUTHER PUCE MEMORIAL CHURCH (Tkosuu Circle) c. M. DIFFE.NDERFKR, Paster. Ifefta T. E. XcIms, A. B. Welfare See, a. m..Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m..Bible School. 1!:00 a. m..Holy Communion. Ti39 p. m..Christian Endeavor. Pa¬ triotic Services. Mr. A. D. Spang- lef# Past Pres. D. C. Chapter S. A. R. presiding1. Address Mr. S. M. Ely, Pre* D. C. Chapter. S. A. R. Special music of patriotic character by' choir. Cool room. Fine program. ^Gootl Music. Come. Tkia CkOefc Welcomes Yes. I CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH New Jersey ave. bet. M and N sts. (Missouri Syno4.) J. FREDERICK WENCHEL, Pastor "The Spiritual Lesson of Birds and Flowers" the 11 A. M 8. S. and Bible Claaa. 10:16 a. m. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Oner «tk aad E Sts. lf.W. Mtaaaarl gyaad Rev. H. Sekroeder. Paatar. SERVICES 10:30 A. M..German. Nt 11:30 Serrice. 9:45 A. M..Sunday School and Bible ClaM. Walpslc wdl dcKribM fife u "i c.'dy I* hh a tragedy to fcfaa wfca faaia." Tha facing* af mat p< tfcek pMiiaphy, aid fa tints af Jwfrwy awl tbm to laak far caaialittaa keyoad lb tttaf* «f aai false** nHgi. alaac caa adeqsataijr afM, aad cka ii wpacUHy ca«dacl>« to the refifMo* tpkt CUNO H. RUDOLPH, District Church of Christ (Disciples) FOURTEENTH AND MERIDIAN PLACE N. W. The Church of Christ Disciples was purchased in 1918 from mem¬ bers of Gurley Memorial Presbyterian Church, wht erected the edifice in 1915 in memory of John Gurley. Members o{ the Christian Church now owning the church desired a location nearer Fourteenth street and chose the above site when the oroiwty was available. The main field of activity of the Church of Christ Disciples, is philanthropic. The form of service is extremely simple, and includes vocal music of the congregation only. The term reverend is not used in designating the preachers of this body but rather are they known as evangelists or ministers. The present minister is W. S. Long. CHURCH NOTES BAPTIST. Centennial."How I Was Kept From Going on the Stage!" Pastor E. Hez Swem (by special request) relates his unusual story Sunday night. 8 o'clock, after special music. Centennial Baptist Church, Seventh and I" streets northeast The 11 a. m. subject is "Why Baptists Are Peculiar!" The auditorium is delight¬ fully cool and chairs add to the com¬ fort of the auditors. Flftk.In the absence of Dr. John E. Brfggs. who will preach In New York City for the next two Sun¬ days. Dr. W. H. Baylor, the corres¬ ponding secretary of the Baptist Mission Board of Maryland will preach »t both services Sunday and admtnister the Lord's Supper at the close of the morning service. Tealeytown.Dr. J. C. Hazel, of Florida, will preach at the Tenley- town Baptist Church at both serv¬ ices Sunday. Ffrat-. The pastor will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. on "A Minister's Monumental Mendacity." and at 8 p. m. on "Mexico and Mexicans," studied through varied thrilling and personal experiences. The newly elected and installed B. Y. f. U. officers will have charge of the meet¬ ing of the society at 6 to 7:45, with social and refreshments. Preaching services during the summer are one hour only. iMnaaael.At the Tmmanuel Bap¬ tist Church, to be the National Baptist Memorial, Pastor Gove G. Johnson preaches morning: and evening. The Lord's Supper will be observed at the close of the morning service, with the hand of fellowship to new members. At night there will be a patriotic service with pictures and the pastor will epeak on "The Story of Religious Liberty." The summer preachers are announced as follows: July 9, the pastor; Jul/ It and 23, Dr. Loren A. Clevenger, of Massachusetts; July 30 and August «. Dr. Robert T. Craig, of Iowa; August 13, Dr. T. Clagett Skinner, of Columbia. 8. C.; August 20 and 27, Di. John Jeter Hurt, of Wilmington, N. C.; September 3 and 10, Dr. Allyn K. Foster, of New York. Metropolitan Sunday evening there will be a patriotic service with martial music, patriotic songs and an address by the pastor, who will preach oh "The Man With a Country." The Lord's Supper will be administered in the morning, preceded by a meditation on "Why Commune?" Temple.The pastor. Dr. J. J. Muir, will have for his topics of dis¬ course in the morning "Free Indeed," in the evening "Driven to Alterna¬ tives." Following the morning serv¬ ice the ordinance of the Lord's Sup¬ per will be observed. B. Y. P. r. Convention Jaly 6, 7. K The B. Y. P. U. Convention of Vir¬ ginia meets in .its annua! session at Virginia Beach, Va.. July <| 7, 8. Del¬ egates from the 700 B. Y. P. U.'s are coming in large numbers and every indication is that it will be the largest in the history of B. Y. P. U. work in the State. Cecil H. Bailey, of Richmond, Va., is president of the organization. Some of the speakers to address the con¬ vention are Dr. Henry Allen Tupper, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Washington. D. C.; Rev. R. A. Kelly. Louisville, Ky.; Rev. P. R. Wagner, Rockvllte, Md.; Miss Jessie Burrell, Columbia. Mo.; Mr. W. J. Kendrick. Richmond. Va. Rev. E. J. Wright. B. Y. P. U. Field Secretary of the Baptist State Mis¬ sion Board, Richmond, Va., reports n most successful year among the B. Y. P. U.'s in the State during the past year. One hundred and forty new unions have been organised, bringing the total number of organisations in the ^State to 700, with a combined membership of 25.000. Fourteen district associations have B. Y. P. U. conventions, where the young people are very active in the work. There are eleven city associa¬ tions reporting the best year in their history. , CHRISTIAN. CONGREGATIONAL. Ffrat The preacher tomorrow will be Dr. J. Percival Huget, pastor of the world's largest Congregational Church, the Tompkins Avenue Con¬ gregational Church, of Brooklyn. N. Y. As president of the Congregational Home Missionary, Church Building and Sunday School Extension socle- j| ties. Dr. Huget has recently returned from a speaking tour through the W est. Last March Dr. Huget conducted a |: preaching mission In the First Con- gregational Church, where his power as a speaker, his masterly ability In the use of poetry and his brilliancy as a preacher drew large crowds to hear him. Dr. Huget will speak at 11 a. m and at 8 p m. METHODIST. -Bishop W. B. Beau- champ, recently elected director of Foreign Missions at Hot Springs, Va., has been assigned to Belgium, Poland and Csecho-Slovakla, where he will assume charge of all mis- slonary activities for his denomina¬ tion. In that fleld. Bishop Beauchamp will speak at Epworth M E. Church 8outh to¬ morrow night. Petwertk . Petworth Methodist Episcopal Church has arranged a very fine patriotic service for to¬ morrow evening. Address of the evening will be given by United States Senator William H. King, and Gen. Washington Gardner. Commissioner of Pensions, will pre- side The musical service will be in charge of Charles E. Wire, di- rector, and solos will be given by Mrs. Paul G. Russell, soprano, and B. Y. Morrison, basso. The Pet- worth Citizens' Association has been extended a special Invitation to at¬ tend. T. M. C, A, Adjutant R. L. Cralnger, of the Volunteers of America, will be the speaker at the Y. M. C. A. meeting in Lincoln .Park Sunday afternoon. Capt. G. Lw Myers will he in charge of the musical program. The meet- Ings begin promptly at 4 o'clock, and the public Is Invited. Dismiss BergdoU. Suit To Recover Property Owing to the fact that the govern- ment was unable to determine how much of the $1,500,000 worth of cash and negotiable paper seised by the Alien Property Custodian belonged to Mrs. Emma C. BergdoU. of Philadel¬ phia, and what part belonged to her fugitive son, Orover C. BergdoU, the mother's flght in Equity Court here to recover the property was lost yes¬ terday. The dismissal of the suit, according to Justice Bailey, was without preju¬ dice, and Mrs. BergdoU may again fie suit on behalf of herself and her EVANGELIST, 79, LEADS REVIVAL Kvaaeeltat T. B. Larlmore. T. B. Luimm, of B^riwlfy, Calif* u AM veteran of Soathera CiaMtfatr. la bow roadartla* . revival at the Chareh af Chriat at 14th street aad MerMtaa Place, Horthwmt. Mr. Urlaiw wfll be jeara .M Jalr Mth aad haa beea preaehlaa: far ante than half a eaataryi he .till ratalaa remark - able Tl(«r aa« aerfeet ailfr, aa« la fcaawi Malar ta California a* a preacher, aathor. ¦reat titles H. B. bat la ability. He never METHODIST. Mount Vernon Place Church THE REPRESENTATIVE CHURCH (M. L a.rch Wk.) 11 * ' Ninth and Massachusetts Avenue. CLOV1S C. CHAPPELL PASTOR M. LEO RIPPY. ASST PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9M A. M. CLASSES FOR ALL 11 i 8:15 p. m. by Dr. CHAPPELL Subject: THE CHURCH OF THE DEVIL'S CAPITAL' (TMH ti I briM 1 T m»u< aa ntr rt "JUNIOR CHURCH," SUNDAY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM.SERMON BT THE AS¬ SISTANT PASTOR. REV. ML LEO RIPPT. by Dr. CHAPPELL Snbject: HUSBANDS AND WIVES." *' rot TV« "last Married," "itm Is Man; m "Waatias ta Marry" . '»li Organ recital at 7:4$. by Mr. Shure. Special music at services in main auditorium by Quartet and Chorus Choir direction of R. Deane Shure. Bally TMta MM* Oattam. Masle MM* at mm. Oaly a UaUted .7 f McKENDREE Mass. Are. N. W., Bet Mb aad lOtb Streets (The Red Brick CWh) CHAS. A. SHREVE, Pa .IKDAT.11 a. m. Public Worship. Bummm by th S p. m..Evangelistic Meeting Conducted by the Pastor. -Tk» Doable t What Iran Christ ORera ta Sla-SM Saala (There is alwaya an Altar Servlca and Prayer for those need In* help) Tl'ESDA YS.I to t:i« p. m. Service and Prayer for the Healing of the Sick. THI RSDAYR-r-8 P m. Prayer Meeting. FRIDAYS.I p. m. PENTECOSTAL MEETING. (Everybody from Everywhere Invited to this Meeting) EVERYBODY WCLCOIB ALL THE TISiK. EPWORTH RHODE ISLAND AVENUE M. P. CHURCH R. I. Aft. M RIY. O. L ¦ ... R, W. PETWORTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Graat Cfrele «M Jlfw Haapikire Aveaae. (Petworth Bus Line raised the Door) G. ELLIS WILLIAMS. Mtalster. SiSS a. m..Sunday School. 11 KM a. ai..Holy Communion. SiOS p. m..Patriotic 8ervice. Washington Gardner. Com¬ missioner of Penaiona. Pre¬ siding. Adreaa by Seaater Wllltaai H. Klas. Soloist. Mra. Paul G. Russell. soprano; Mr. B. T. Morrison. baaso. UNION M. L CHURCH SBtk 0t. Off Pa. Art. DR. JAMBS La M'LAIX, PASTOR .iM a. m..Sunday School. 11 a. aa*.Preaching by tha Pas¬ tor. T p. m,.Epworth League. . p. aa..Preaching by the Pastor. All Arc Cartflally S>l«taH AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CHAPEL ml Masa. Ave. aad Ml St. lSear Wlaewaala Aw. MilS a. sk.Ssaiar Sekael II a- ¦/.Olelie Serrlee. PREACHER, REV. C. WARD LP .TAPPORD. M. A. " Sabjeelt PORGIVE\ESS OP IIM.« T P. M..EPWORTH I.EAC1K Sunday. U 1 a aad I p m_ service with set awe by pastar Thursday. I p. a. Prayer Meet Ins. 8. S.. . C. E_ 7. the nirmcs wrrn a Mission DEW THOIOHT. ralty.Viva M January will lec¬ ture at the Unity Auditorium IW Homer Buildlag. Sll Thirteenth street northwest. Sunday avenlna. at t o'clock. This will be the last lee- ture Mrs January will five before islni on her vacation. Wednesday evening nt t a'rlock will be a special lecture on tb< subject of tied Our Supply ~ Frlday afternoon at 4 o'clock l> a special healing meeting Th't meeting la well attended and man> are getting splendid reeuHe Come snd bring your friends. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT Ceraer 18th mmd fS Street. . REV. CHARLES WOOD, D. D. Minister. REV. HOWARD D. TALBOTT, Sl'NDAT, J 1 11 X 1112. la a. aa..Meeting of the Bible Classes. a p. ¦.-MEIICO AXIS MEXICANS: sendied 11 lOO a. as..Morning worahip. Sermon by Rev. Talbott. Talbott. Sabjeeti *Tfc» DdM of Strength.* .tlS p. aa..Toung Peoples' Social Hour and Special Musical Service with Org Vesper Service. cello. Vlolla and Barlton. ALL WELCOME. New York Avenue Presbyterian Church New Ye* Are., 13tb and H Sts. DR. WALLACE RADCLIFFE, Pastar Emeries. Rev. Reginald Rowland, B. D. Assistant 9:30 a. .Bible School. U a. m..Public Worship. Rev. Ford C. Ottman, D. D., of Stamford, Conn., will speak. 6:45 p. m..C. E. Vesper Service. THE LINCOLN PEW. REFORMED GRACE UNIVERSALIST =f i FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH (Chvcb of Oar Father) t 13th and L Streets N. W. 11 a. m..Public worship, with sermon. 7 p. m..Young Peoples 'Christian Union. Mhs-'Tha Rev. Dr. H. P Pox, pastor of Hamllne M. K. Church. Ninth and P streets northwest will deliver a lecture tomorrow evening on tha subject, "Patriotism aad the Coal Operators " Dr. Fox haa Just returned from an extended visit to the eoal flelda of Weat Virginia, tha aoene of very recent coal mining strikes aad other uprisings While ther, Dr Fox held general cenveraatlona with attorneys for the proaeouron and the defenae. with mine op¬ erator and with the prtaonera During tha lecture Dr. Pox will deacrlba the working conditions la the coal flelde and the cnueea for misunderstandings between miners and operatora. Kewdry.Dr. Herbert F. Ran¬ dolph will lecture on the Oberatn- mergau Paeeton Play. Illnatrated with scenes In the life of these famous peaaaats Dr Randolph witnessed tha play la 1S16. which Is belag enacted this summer la the morning the aermon topic win be "The Gentleness of God." VARIOUS SERVICES. btenutMBal Bible Stadeats' Pythian Temple Amdltorlnsa lass ath st. n. w. Ills P. M..Leetsia by MR. C. P. FISHER. Subject -THE SORMM> COMETH AND THE NIGHT ALSO." The Public Specially Invited. S p. m. Monthly CongregaUonal Meeting. 7:10 p. m., Bible 8tudy fteata Free. Ma Calleetlss. PRESBYTERIAN rhareh Covenant.Rev. Howard D. Talbott will preach at both aerv- Icaa of the Church of the Covenant. His evening subject will be "The Debt of Strength- The evening service Is largely a musical servtcs under the direction of Mr. Claude Robeaon. The completion of the choir per¬ sonnel for the coming season has been announced. Claude Robeson haa been engaged as director of the evening choir to succeed the late Sydney Lloyd Wrlghtson. The solo quartet which will supplement the work of the evening choir Is com¬ posed of Miss Ruth Peter, soprano: Miss Ritchie McLean. contralto: Ross Farrar, tenor, and' Herman Fakler. bass. Harvsy Murray, the organist of the Church, will pre¬ side at the organ at all of the serv¬ ices and will be in charge of the music far the morning and after¬ noon services. For the morning services the music will be aa pre¬ viously.congregational with Frank Reaaida as precentor. At the after¬ noon services the music will be given by strings, harp and apodal soloists. Mrs. Howard Blandy. ac- companlst For the Rubinstein Club, will be at the piano for th.e evening services. During the summer the music for the evenfng service will be given Rev. 6. Lynl Can Be Seen Dally In His Studio In the HalL Meeting Sunday evening at S o'clock la Society Hall. SSS O street northwest. Lecture and spirit messages on Tuesday evealng at t o'clock. 8pee- lal message seance and questions answered. by MlSa Estelle Thomae. violinist; Richard Lorleberg, "cellist, and the sololata of the solo quartet. Arthur llayo will subatltute in the morn- lnga and Mr. Robeaon In tha eve¬ nings for Hr. Murray during his vacation. Hew Yeek Ansae Her. Paad C. Ottman. D D.. formerly of Stam¬ ford, ContL. now of New Tork City, will preach at the New Tork A venue Proabyterlan Churth at 11 a. m. Dr. Ottman is president of the Board of Church Erection, a well known lecturer and leader of prophetic conferences aad has several volumes rf Peeked sermons to his credit. »t. *. w. Mai. J. C. MeGoOk SERVICES TOMORROW AT 3 ud 8 P. M. >. I Oatpa TH Spa at. as. L St. K. w.

Transcript of The Washington herald.(Washington D.C.) 1922-07-01 [p...

Page 1: The Washington herald.(Washington D.C.) 1922-07-01 [p 6] · RESIDENTS OF WASHINGTON ... hoar only. 8 to 7:45 p.

RESIDENTS OF WASHINGTONto Tto R«ra44 Cb*rch Pag« in

w*ac« UMoaeMonu of Mrrieti U thm Services tomorrow in tl)e CI)ureses of hashing ton. JVBITORS TO WAsmcra





11 a. -A MINISTERS MONlMENTAL 8 p. ».-ME71CO AND MEXICANS! StalledMENDACITY .» tlir*«fh varied. thrilling and p«n»oii»l exn«rleae*«.*'

Old Ceafr»(it(oMl rIbvImc with m goaileader. Com® aad help slBg. Hammer Merrleea mmhoar only.

8 to 7:45 p. m..B. T. P. U.. led by Newly Elect-and Installed officers.


IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH16th St and Columbia Road.

T* be die National Baptist Memorial to Religions Liberty.


. :*» A. *¦ Bible School with T P. M..Young People's Meet-elasses for all ages. E. H. De- Welcome All!Qroot. Superintendent.

It a- m..Morning Worship S P. M.Evening Patrioticwith sermon by the Pastor. The Service. Sermon by the PastorLord's Supper and Welcome to on "Tbe Story o* Religious Lib-New Members. erfy" (with pictures).

Thursday Evening, 8 p. ra..Prayer and Fellowship Meeting.


July 1« and 23: Dr. LOREN A. CLEVENQER, of Massachusetts.July 30 and Aug. 6: Dr. ROBERT T. CRAIG, of Iowa.

August 13: Dr. T. CLAGETT SKINNER, of South Carolina.

August 20 and 27: Dr. JOHN JETER HURT, of North Carolina.

September 3 and 10: Dr. ALX.YN K. FOSTER, of New York.


FIFTH BAPTIST -VV'w.t>r. W. H. Baylor, of Baltimore,

wttl preach at 11 and 7:45. Com¬munion. S. S., 9:30. Chapel S. S..*.*. B. T. T. V.. «. S. S. Picnic andExcursion to Marshall Hall. July 12.


WEST WASHINGTON BAPTIST81 tt aad IT its. aw. (Owietowa).William *. Flaanafaa. Pait.r.

tl a. m.."Open Window*."«:00 p. m.."A Profitable Submlailoa.'*0:45 a. m..Sunday School.


Temple BaptistChurch

Tenth and N Sts. N. W.DR. J. J. MUIR, PASTOR

11 s. m.."Free Indeed."8 p. m..Preaching. "Driven toAlternative!."

Bible School, 9:30 a. m.C. L, 7 p. m.

A HOME FOR STRANGERS.P»h*«rrfilth *a»ialPk Street.,1 ClWOruiRcr, F. Paul Lanfhorns, Pastor.COMMUNION SERVICE at 11 o'clock

Sermon by Paator.Sunday School: 9:30. Classes for all.Evening Service. 7:45. Sermon bypastor.

E Hex Swem Pa"t6r- <*>y specialE.. mz jwera request) "How Iwas kept from going on the stave!"8 p. m., cool house; easy chairs (menlike them); special music; large or¬gan. 11 a. m.. "Why Baptists ArePeculiar." Centennial Bapt. Ch.f7th & Eye n. e-


REV. H. MARTIN I.AWAOX, Pastor.Services Sunday:

11 a. m..Preaching.2:30 p. m..Christian HealingService.7:45 p. m..Evening Service.

AIjL welcome.


-[Columbia Heights Christian ChurchPark Road, West of 14th St. N. W.


9:30 a. m..Bible School for all ages.11:00 a. m..Sermon by the pastor.8:00 p. m..Sermon by the pastor.

Everybody Welcome


14th Street and Meridian Place N. W.W. S. LONG. Minister.

REVIVAL MEETINGSEvery Day at 7:45 p. m. Sundays 11 a. m and 7:45 p. m.

Conducted byT. B. LARIMORE,

of California.Evangelist, Author and Preacher of National Reputation.YOU SHOULD HEAR THESE GREAT BIBLE SERMONS.

Ninth StreetChristian Church9th and D Sts. NortheastRev. George A. Miller, Pastor.3l a. m..The pastor will preach


'OPINIONS AND CONVICTIONS'p. m..Sermon bv the pastor."A LARGER LIFE"

Good music at both services. Acordial welcome to the public.


Vermont Ave., \orfh of N St.Rev. Earle Wllfley, LL. D., Pastor.

9:45 a. m..Bible School. E. A.Gongwer, Supt.

11 a. m..Morning worship; ser¬mon by pastor. MF1*AX9 OF COD."

6:15 p. m..Young People's Tea.7:00 p. m..C. E. Meetings.8 p. m..Evening Service. Patriotic

Readings, Recitations and Music.Thursday. 8 P. M..Mid-Week

Prayer Service.


PARK VIEW CHRISTIANPark Road. East of Georrla At*.Bar. Walter P. Smith, Miaistar.

SUNDAY SERVICES.9:45 a. in..Bible School.11 s. m.- "The Challenge of Opportsnity*'6 p. ra..Senior C. E. Society.7:45 p. m.. Playing Pair With God."

H Street Christian ChurchSlz«k and H Sts. S. W.P. A. CAVE, Patter.

#i4.% a. m,.Bible School.11 a. m..Sermon by the Pastor.7 ». a..r. E. aaeetlag.TiSO p. m..Organ Recital.K p. m Sermon by the Paatar.



Scientist.Branches of The Mother Chareh.

The Pirst Church of Christ.Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST. SCIENTIST.Columbia road and Euclid st.


THIRD CHURCH OP CHBIST, SCIENTIST.Masonic Temple. 13th and N, Y. are.

POUBTH CHUBCH OP CHBIST. SCIENTISTThe Arcade. 14th at. aad Park road.


Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.SUNDAY SCHOOL.11 a. m.WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINGS,



Hours, 9:00 to 9:30 (except Wednesday.9:00 to 7. and Sundays and holidays,2:S0 to 5;30

COLOBADO BLDG.. 14th and G stsHours. 10 to 9 (Wedneaday*. 10 to 7, andSundays and holidays. 2:30 to 5:30).

141 EAST CAPITOL ST..Hours, 11 to 8 (except Wednesdays, 11to 6; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30. Closed holl-

, daya).the ABCADE. 14th and Park read (Sooond

Floor).10 to 8:30 week days; also 7 to 9 p. ».(except Wednesdays).


FIRST in the HEART of the CITYp Tenth and G Streets NorthwestJASON NOBLE PIERCE, Minister.

Dr. J. PERC1VAL HUGET, of Brooklyn,Eloquent Pastor of the world's

Largest Congregational Church.II a. m. and 8 p. m.

Come and hear one of America's greatest preachers.

EPIPHANYG, Near 14th St.

JAMES E. FREEMAN, D. D.Rector.E. Browningii. Preach n a. m. and

Rev. R. L. WolvenAT S P. M.


St. John's Church16th aad H Streets

Services: 8 a. m. and 11 a. m.

Preacher: Re*. Edward Slater Dun-lap, M. A. *

"Y" Men to Fill Pulpits.Gaorg, Culbertson. of the Y. M.

C. A. stafT, will supply the pulpitof the Ecklngton PresbyterianChurch tomorrow morning, and theChristian Church, Fifteenth street.In the evening. William A. Elsen-berger, also of the "Y" staff, willoccupy the pulpit of the WesternPresbyterian Church in the morn¬ing.



c. M. DIFFE.NDERFKR, Paster.

Ifefta T. E. XcIms, A. B. Welfare See,

a. m..Holy Communion.9:45 a. m..Bible School.1!:00 a. m..Holy Communion.Ti39 p. m..Christian Endeavor. Pa¬

triotic Services. Mr. A. D. Spang-lef# Past Pres. D. C. Chapter S. A. R.presiding1. Address Mr. S. M. Ely,Pre* D. C. Chapter. S. A. R. Specialmusic of patriotic character by'choir. Cool room. Fine program.

^Gootl Music. Come.Tkia CkOefc Welcomes Yes. I

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCHNew Jersey ave. bet. M and N sts.

(Missouri Syno4.)


"The Spiritual Lesson ofBirds and Flowers"


11 A. M

8. S. and Bible Claaa. 10:16 a. m.


Mtaaaarl gyaadRev. H. Sekroeder. Paatar.

SERVICES10:30 A. M..German.Nt 11:30 Serrice.9:45 A. M..Sunday School

and Bible ClaM.

Walpslc wdl dcKribM fife u "i c.'dy I* hha tragedy to fcfaa wfca faaia." Tha facing* af mat p<tfcek pMiiaphy, aid fa tints af Jwfrwy awltbm to laak far caaialittaa keyoad lb tttaf* «f aaifalse** nHgi. alaac caa adeqsataijr afM, aad ckaii wpacUHy ca«dacl>« to the refifMo* tpkt


Church of Christ (Disciples)

FOURTEENTH AND MERIDIAN PLACE N. W.The Church of Christ Disciples was purchased in 1918 from mem¬

bers of Gurley Memorial Presbyterian Church, wht erected the edificein 1915 in memory of John Gurley. Members o{ the Christian Churchnow owning the church desired a location nearer Fourteenth streetand chose the above site when the oroiwty was available.

The main field of activity of the Church of Christ Disciples, isphilanthropic. The form of service is extremely simple, and includesvocal music of the congregation only. The term reverend is not usedin designating the preachers of this body but rather are they knownas evangelists or ministers.

The present minister is W. S. Long.


Centennial."How I Was KeptFrom Going on the Stage!" PastorE. Hez Swem (by special request)relates his unusual story Sundaynight. 8 o'clock, after special music.Centennial Baptist Church, Seventhand I" streets northeast The 11a. m. subject is "Why Baptists ArePeculiar!" The auditorium is delight¬fully cool and chairs add to the com¬fort of the auditors.Flftk.In the absence of Dr. John

E. Brfggs. who will preach In NewYork City for the next two Sun¬days. Dr. W. H. Baylor, the corres¬ponding secretary of the BaptistMission Board of Maryland willpreach »t both services Sunday andadmtnister the Lord's Supper at theclose of the morning service.Tealeytown.Dr. J. C. Hazel, of

Florida, will preach at the Tenley-town Baptist Church at both serv¬ices Sunday.Ffrat-. The pastor will preach

Sunday at 11 a. m. on "A Minister'sMonumental Mendacity." and at 8p. m. on "Mexico and Mexicans,"studied through varied thrilling andpersonal experiences. The newlyelected and installed B. Y. f. U.officers will have charge of the meet¬ing of the society at 6 to 7:45, withsocial and refreshments. Preachingservices during the summer are onehour only.iMnaaael.At the Tmmanuel Bap¬

tist Church, to be the National BaptistMemorial, Pastor Gove G. Johnsonpreaches morning: and evening. TheLord's Supper will be observed at theclose of the morning service, with thehand of fellowship to new members.At night there will be a patrioticservice with pictures and the pastorwill epeak on "The Story of ReligiousLiberty." The summer preachers areannounced as follows: July 9, thepastor; Jul/ It and 23, Dr. LorenA. Clevenger, of Massachusetts; July30 and August «. Dr. Robert T. Craig,of Iowa; August 13, Dr. T. ClagettSkinner, of Columbia. 8. C.; August20 and 27, Di. John Jeter Hurt, ofWilmington, N. C.; September 3 and10, Dr. Allyn K. Foster, of New York.

Metropolitan Sunday eveningthere will be a patriotic service withmartial music, patriotic songs and anaddress by the pastor, who will preachoh "The Man With a Country." TheLord's Supper will be administered inthe morning, preceded by a meditationon "Why Commune?"Temple.The pastor. Dr. J. J.

Muir, will have for his topics of dis¬course in the morning "Free Indeed,"in the evening "Driven to Alterna¬tives." Following the morning serv¬ice the ordinance of the Lord's Sup¬per will be observed.B. Y. P. r. Convention Jaly 6, 7. KThe B. Y. P. U. Convention of Vir¬

ginia meets in .its annua! session atVirginia Beach, Va.. July <| 7, 8. Del¬egates from the 700 B. Y. P. U.'s arecoming in large numbers and everyindication is that it will be the largestin the history of B. Y. P. U. work inthe State.

Cecil H. Bailey, of Richmond, Va.,is president of the organization. Someof the speakers to address the con¬vention are Dr. Henry Allen Tupper,pastor of the First Baptist Church.Washington. D. C.; Rev. R. A. Kelly.Louisville, Ky.; Rev. P. R. Wagner,Rockvllte, Md.; Miss Jessie Burrell,Columbia. Mo.; Mr. W. J. Kendrick.Richmond. Va.

Rev. E. J. Wright. B. Y. P. U. FieldSecretary of the Baptist State Mis¬sion Board, Richmond, Va., reports nmost successful year among the B. Y.P. U.'s in the State during the pastyear. One hundred and forty newunions have been organised, bringingthe total number of organisations inthe ^State to 700, with a combinedmembership of 25.000.Fourteen district associations have

B. Y. P. U. conventions, where theyoung people are very active in thework. There are eleven city associa¬tions reporting the best year in theirhistory. ,


CONGREGATIONAL.Ffrat The preacher tomorrow

will be Dr. J. Percival Huget, pastorof the world's largest CongregationalChurch, the Tompkins Avenue Con¬gregational Church, of Brooklyn. N. Y.As president of the CongregationalHome Missionary, Church Buildingand Sunday School Extension socle- j|ties. Dr. Huget has recently returnedfrom a speaking tour through theWest.Last March Dr. Huget conducted a |:

preaching mission In the First Con-gregational Church, where his poweras a speaker, his masterly ability Inthe use of poetry and his brilliancyas a preacher drew large crowds tohear him. Dr. Huget will speak at11 a. m and at 8 p m.

METHODIST.-Bishop W. B. Beau-

champ, recently elected director ofForeign Missions at Hot Springs,Va., has been assigned to Belgium,Poland and Csecho-Slovakla, wherehe will assume charge of all mis-slonary activities for his denomina¬tion. In that fleld.Bishop Beauchamp will speak at

Epworth M E. Church 8outh to¬morrow night.Petwertk . Petworth Methodist

Episcopal Church has arranged a

very fine patriotic service for to¬morrow evening. Address of theevening will be given by UnitedStates Senator William H. King,and Gen. Washington Gardner.Commissioner of Pensions, will pre-side The musical service will bein charge of Charles E. Wire, di-rector, and solos will be given byMrs. Paul G. Russell, soprano, andB. Y. Morrison, basso. The Pet-worth Citizens' Association has beenextended a special Invitation to at¬tend.

T. M. C, A,Adjutant R. L. Cralnger, of the

Volunteers of America, will be thespeaker at the Y. M. C. A. meetingin Lincoln .Park Sunday afternoon.Capt. G. Lw Myers will he in chargeof the musical program. The meet-Ings begin promptly at 4 o'clock,and the public Is Invited.

Dismiss BergdoU. SuitTo Recover Property

Owing to the fact that the govern-ment was unable to determine howmuch of the $1,500,000 worth of cashand negotiable paper seised by theAlien Property Custodian belonged toMrs. Emma C. BergdoU. of Philadel¬phia, and what part belonged to herfugitive son, Orover C. BergdoU, themother's flght in Equity Court hereto recover the property was lost yes¬terday.The dismissal of the suit, according

to Justice Bailey, was without preju¬dice, and Mrs. BergdoU may againfie suit on behalf of herself and her


Kvaaeeltat T. B. Larlmore.

T. B. Luimm, of B^riwlfy,Calif* u AM veteran ofSoathera CiaMtfatr. la bowroadartla* . revival at theChareh af Chriat at 14th streetaad MerMtaa Place, Horthwmt.Mr. Urlaiw wfll be T» jeara.M Jalr Mth aad haa beeapreaehlaa: far ante than half aeaataryi he .till ratalaa remark -

able Tl(«r aa« aerfeet ailfr,aa« la fcaawi Malar taCalifornia a* a preacher, aathor.


H.B. bat la

ability. He never



(M. L a.rch Wk.)11 *

' Ninth and Massachusetts Avenue.CLOV1S C. CHAPPELL PASTOR M. LEO RIPPY. ASST PASTOR


8:15 p. m.

by Dr. CHAPPELL Subject: THE CHURCH OF THE DEVIL'S CAPITAL'(TMH ti I briM 1 T m»u< aa ntr rt


by Dr. CHAPPELL Snbject: HUSBANDS AND WIVES." *'rot TV« "last Married," "itm Is Man; m "Waatias ta Marry" . '»li

Organ recital at 7:4$. by Mr. Shure.Special music at services in main auditorium by Quartet and Chorus Choirdirection of R. Deane Shure.

Bally TMta MM*Oattam. Masle MM*at mm. Oaly a UaUted

.7 f

McKENDREEMass. Are. N. W., Bet Mb aad lOtb Streets

(The Red Brick CWh)CHAS. A. SHREVE, Pa

.IKDAT.11 a. m. Public Worship. Bummm by thS p. m..Evangelistic Meeting Conducted by the Pastor.-Tk» Doable t What Iran Christ ORera ta Sla-SM Saala

(There is alwaya an Altar Servlca and Prayer for those needIn* help)Tl'ESDAYS.I to t:i« p. m. Service and Prayer for the Healing ofthe Sick.THI RSDAYR-r-8 P m. Prayer Meeting.FRIDAYS.I p. m. PENTECOSTAL MEETING.

(Everybody from Everywhere Invited to this Meeting)EVERYBODY WCLCOIB ALL THE TISiK.



R. I. Aft. M

RIY. O. L ¦... R,



Graat Cfrele «M Jlfw HaapikireAveaae.

(Petworth Bus Line raised theDoor)


SiSS a. m..Sunday School.11 KM a. ai..Holy Communion.SiOS p. m..Patriotic 8ervice.

Washington Gardner. Com¬missioner of Penaiona. Pre¬siding. Adreaa by SeaaterWllltaai H. Klas.

Soloist. Mra. Paul G. Russell.soprano; Mr. B. T. Morrison.baaso.

UNION M. L CHURCHSBtk 0t. Off Pa. Art.


.iM a. m..Sunday School.11 a. aa*.Preaching by tha Pas¬


T p. m,.Epworth League.. p. aa..Preaching by the Pastor.All Arc Cartflally S>l«taH


ml Masa. Ave. aad Ml St.lSear Wlaewaala Aw.

MilS a. sk.Ssaiar SekaelII a- ¦/.Olelie Serrlee.PREACHER, REV. C. WARDLP

.TAPPORD. M. A." Sabjeelt


Sunday. U 1 a aad I p m_service with set awe by pastarThursday. I p. a. Prayer Meet

Ins. 8. S.. . C. E_ 7.

the nirmcs wrrn a Mission

DEW THOIOHT.ralty.Viva M January will lec¬

ture at the Unity Auditorium IWHomer Buildlag. Sll Thirteenthstreet northwest. Sunday avenlna. att o'clock. This will be the last lee-ture Mrs January will five beforeislni on her vacation.Wednesday evening nt t a'rlock

will be a special lecture on tb<subject of tied Our Supply ~

Frlday afternoon at 4 o'clock l>a special healing meeting Th'tmeeting la well attended and man>are getting splendid reeuHe Comesnd bring your friends.


CHURCH OF THE COVENANTCeraer 18th mmd fS Street. .


la a. aa..Meeting of the Bible Classes. a p. ¦.-MEIICO AXIS MEXICANS: sendied11 lOO a. as..Morning worahip. Sermon by Rev. Talbott.

Talbott. Sabjeeti *Tfc» DdM of Strength.*.tlS p. aa..Toung Peoples' Social Hour and Special Musical Service with OrgVesper Service. cello. Vlolla and Barlton.


New York AvenuePresbyterian ChurchNew Ye* Are., 13tb and H Sts.


Rev. Reginald Rowland, B. D.Assistant

9:30 a. .Bible School.U a. m..Public Worship.

Rev. Ford C. Ottman, D. D., ofStamford, Conn., will speak.

6:45 p. m..C. E. VesperService.




=f i


(Chvcb of Oar Father)t

13th and L Streets N. W.

11 a. m..Public worship,with sermon.

7 p. m..Young Peoples'Christian Union.

Mhs-'Tha Rev. Dr. H. P Pox,pastor of Hamllne M. K. Church.Ninth and P streets northwest willdeliver a lecture tomorrow eveningon tha subject, "Patriotism aad theCoal Operators "

Dr. Fox haa Just returned froman extended visit to the eoal fleldaof Weat Virginia, tha aoene ofvery recent coal mining strikes aadother uprisings While ther, DrFox held general cenveraatlonawith attorneys for the proaeouronand the defenae. with mine op¬erator and with the prtaoneraDuring tha lecture Dr. Pox willdeacrlba the working conditions lathe coal flelde and the cnueea formisunderstandings between minersand operatora.Kewdry.Dr. Herbert F. Ran¬

dolph will lecture on the Oberatn-mergau Paeeton Play. Illnatratedwith scenes In the life of thesefamous peaaaats Dr Randolphwitnessed tha play la 1S16. whichIs belag enacted this summer lathe morning the aermon topic winbe "The Gentleness of God."

VARIOUS SERVICES.btenutMBal Bible Stadeats'

Pythian Temple Amdltorlnsalass ath st. n. w.

Ills P. M..Leetsia byMR. C. P. FISHER.

Subject-THE SORMM> COMETHAND THE NIGHT ALSO."The Public Specially Invited.

S p. m. Monthly CongregaUonalMeeting.

7:10 p. m., Bible 8tudyfteata Free. Ma Calleetlss.

PRESBYTERIANrhareh Covenant.Rev. Howard

D. Talbott will preach at both aerv-

Icaa of the Church of the Covenant.

His evening subject will be "TheDebt of Strength- The eveningservice Is largely a musical servtcs

under the direction of Mr. ClaudeRobeaon.The completion of the choir per¬

sonnel for the coming season hasbeen announced. Claude Robesonhaa been engaged as director of theevening choir to succeed the lateSydney Lloyd Wrlghtson. The soloquartet which will supplement thework of the evening choir Is com¬posed of Miss Ruth Peter, soprano:Miss Ritchie McLean. contralto:Ross Farrar, tenor, and' HermanFakler. bass. Harvsy Murray, theorganist of the Church, will pre¬side at the organ at all of the serv¬ices and will be in charge of themusic far the morning and after¬noon services. For the morningservices the music will be aa pre¬viously.congregational with FrankReaaida as precentor. At the after¬noon services the music will begiven by strings, harp and apodalsoloists. Mrs. Howard Blandy. ac-companlst For the Rubinstein Club,will be at the piano for th.e eveningservices.During the summer the music for

the evenfng service will be given

Rev. 6. LynlCan Be Seen Dally In His Studio In

the HalLMeeting Sunday evening at S

o'clock la Society Hall. SSS O streetnorthwest.

Lecture and spirit messages onTuesday evealng at t o'clock. 8pee-lal message seance and questionsanswered.

by MlSa Estelle Thomae. violinist;Richard Lorleberg, "cellist, and thesololata of the solo quartet. Arthurllayo will subatltute in the morn-

lnga and Mr. Robeaon In tha eve¬nings for Hr. Murray during hisvacation.Hew Yeek Ansae Her. Paad C.

Ottman. D D.. formerly of Stam¬ford, ContL. now of New Tork City,will preach at the New Tork A venueProabyterlan Churth at 11 a. m. Dr.Ottman is president of the Boardof Church Erection, a well knownlecturer and leader of propheticconferences aad has several volumesrf Peeked sermons to his credit.

»t. *. w.Mai. J. C. MeGoOk


>. I OatpaTH Spa at. as.

L St. K. w.