The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D.) 1904 … · 2017. 12. 17. · crystal and...

iTTT »» mm/mm*, mmummm BMMStBWlWIg Kt:A" Watch Crystals. L carry an immense stock of watch crystals and it's seldom, indeed, that there is a size I can't supply. I have them all sizes—thick and thin. If yon need a crystal and live out of town send me your watch bezel by mail. Enclose a quarter and I'll send it back by return mail with a well fitting- crystal. Paul V. McCoy, Jeweler, Leland Hotel, - Mi not, N. D. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA Edwards- Wood MAIN OFFICE Filth and Robert Sta., ST. PAUL. MINN. Co (INCORPORATED) 0CALCR8 IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions jtought and sold tor cash or carried on re&aooabla pi a reins, upon which there will be a charge ft H L- rain, % on stocks and H 00 flax. Write for our market letter. eoMMiuioi nmt Ship Your Graft) To Us BEST FACILITIES. PROMPT KITOM. LIBERAL ADVANCES. OULUTH ° WINNIPEG BRANCH OFFICE, Opera House Block, MINOT, N. D. 'Phone 116. SAM READY MONEY Sam Ready Money is a Belgian, a beautiful dark Bay. with small stripiod face. 10 years old. and weighs 1490 pounds. He has a good head and eye. tine large neck, full wide breast, smooth strong back, lo ns and hip. heavy stifles, large bone with smooth legs and extra good feet. Has a good disposition and is 'an excel- lent breeder. Sam Ready Money will make the following season on the neX of sec. 31. twp. 159. rge. 32. TERMS—Season service. $5 cash. To insure a colt to stand and suck $10. Money due when mare is parted with or moved from the neigh- borhood. Not responsible for accidents. Mares cared for at reasonable rates. No business trans- acted on Sunday. NICK M. BEHM, Owner. Lansford, N. D. Closing out of Ready-made Clothing j ^ AT COST I 0 0 <> # <> At the Big Store at Surrey. A complete line of good shoes at a big discount, also hats, caps and all kinds of dry goods. These goods are all staple but will be sold. Come in and inspect them, then yon will know bet- ter the bargains I offer. We will not be undersold in groceries. Our expenses are not as large as that of others, therefore we can save you money. NYHUS & BERG, Surrey, N. D a City Meat Market Is the place to buy your.. M EATS. Everything First Class and at Reasonable Rates. Highest price paid for Hides and Poultry J. H. TOMPKINS, North 2nd Nat. Bank. Minot, N. D NOTICB OF SALK, MORTGAGE FORE- CLOSURE. Notice is hereby jjiven that that certain mortgage executed and deliverod by Willis M. White,(mortgagor, to A. D. Murphy, mortgagee, dated the 23th day of February, 1903, and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of the county of Ward and state of North Da- kota on the 19th day of March. 1903, at 9 o'clock a. m. and recorded in book "M" of mortgages on page 189. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in snch mortgage and hereinafter de- scribed at the front door of the court house in the city of Minot in said county and state at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 8th day of October, 190*, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be seld to satisfy the same are de- scribed as follows: The southeast quarter of section 9, in township 138 north, of range 83 west of the fifth principal meridian, Ward County. North Dakota. There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale the som of forty-two and 90-100 dollars. Dated the 3lst day of August, 1901. A. D. MURPHT, Mortgagee. JOHN J. BATES. Attorney for Mortgagee. 10-3 TWO MEN ROW IN BOAT 275 MILES Arrive in Minot From Souris, Man., After an Enjoyable Joumcy—The First Time the Trip had Been Made Since 1880. W. J. Barclay, editor of the Souris Plaindealer, Souris, Man., and Rev. J. S. Muldrew, B. A., arrived in Minot Wednesday dirty and tired, the result of rowing 275 miles down the river Mouse, in a little flat bottomed, home made boat. The "men left their homes September 5, and made about thirty miles a day when they worked real hard. It was hard work too, for the river is so full of fish dame, contrary to the law of course. Mr. Barclay states that even in Ward county there are dozens of farmers who are guilty of breaking the law, but unless a game warden made the trip as he did, it would be hard to detect the dams. The dams are made with a box in the middle to catch all of the fish, when once in cannot -wim back. The men camped out at night in a tent and often slept the slee of the just'inXthe farmers' hay- stacks. They nad their guns and killed ducks, owls, mud hens, musk rats, and other wild game. The river is very crooked, they being required to row about three times as far as Souris is from here. They intended row- ing to where the Mouse flows into the Assiniboia but they mis- calculated, and abandoned their boat here. This is the first time this trip has been accomplished since 1880. Then two coal barges loaded with coal from the Este- van mines made the trip, going to Winnipeg. The Estevan mines were being boomed then. The men made a rude sail and when the wind was right, had an easy time. They passed through some fine country, and were especially pleased with Ward county. Cleansing Williston. A gil l named Tillie Christianson was arrested Tuesday night along with a human wreck who plays the piano at Rose Dow's place in Williston and yesterday morning the man paid a fine of $14.50, and the girl was given uLtil the afternoon to pack herself out of that city, so she went west on the 2 o'clock train yesterday The man will probably shake the dust of Williston from his feet as soon as he can sober up sufficient- ly to get out. To the Voters of Ward County. At the request of my friends I hereby announce myself as an in- dependent candidate for the of- fice of Sheriff of Ward county. 1 lave lived in Ward county for a period of 18 years, and this is the first time I have sought an office. If the voters see fit to elect me I will give the office my whole attention. Yours truly, WM. ALLEN, Surrey, N. D. Coughs up a Gold Ring. Miss Bertha Rosen, a young 1 lady from Iierthold, taking treat- ment at the hospital, swallowed a 14 caret gold ring, man's size some days ago, presumably while asleep, for phe knew nothing of the fact until one day last week she was taken with a violent vomiting spell when she coughed up the ring. She thot someone lad stolen the piece of jewelry. She feels no worse for herstranpe and rather dangerous experience. Farm For Sale. For Sale—122 acre farm in Todd county, Minn., 24 acres under plow, 10 acres meadow, balance timber. Pasture easily cleared. Good log buildings. One and a half miles to school and church. Price $2,200, purchaser assume $800 mortgage running four years 6 per cent interest. Balance cash, or will exchange equity for improved North Dakota land. Correspondence solicited. C. E. Peterson, 9-21 Little Sauk, Minn. Dip Cattle at White Earth. I)r. Cohenour, in the U. S. ser- vice. superintended the dipping of 1,000 head of stockers at White Earth last week. The cattle belonged to R. J. Wilson and were not troubled with scab. The law however required that they should be dipped. Whea yon acetf aa abstract, order fram J. E. McKeaac, who hat the aaly caaplete act el abstract* la Wart coaaty. 23-tf Around the State* The enrollment in the Williston school is 205. John Gilbert of Norwich has started a sheep ranch. The Fargo Forum has added more telegraphic news and is a much better paper. The editor of the White Earth Record is having a hard time locating himself politically. The News [thinks Devils Lake has about as much use of a Democratic paper as a cat has of two tails. Young Perry from Stony Creek was shot in the face with a shot f un in the hands of a ^chicken unter, but will pull through. Dr. Windell and Dr. Whittmore performed an operation on Mr. Wola of White Earth for gangrenous appendicitus. The S atient is in a precarious con- ition. A Minot man sent $1.00 in answer to an advertisement of a 400-page book containing in- formation valuable to sports and prohibited in some countries. He got a thirty-cent bible. The Williston Herald says that the Williams county race track will be one of the fastest tracks in the state. That's all right, but how about the horses that will kick up the dust on the track? Some of the papers are trying to make a little fun of the fact that the Mohall Flyer developed a hot box at Deerinfc. The Flyer is all right .and made a record last summer of 49 miles in 4G minutes making three stops. Thos. White's livery barn was struck by lightning at Westhope. A man who was sleeping in the barn awoke and unfastened all of the horses which ran out of the burning structure, but later ran in again and were burned to death. PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Nehemiah Davis, Late Receiver of U. S. Land Office. PARGO, NORTH DAKOTA. ATTORNEYATLAW. Office: Second National Bank bide., MINOT, N. D. Nellie Puller, Denver—"My face was full of pimples and black-heads. Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea has driven them away. People hardly know me. I'm looking fine." 35 cents. Tea or tablet. A. S. BLAKEY. Salesmen wanted—To look after our interest in Ward and adjacent counties.- Salary or commission. Address the Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. Taken up—At my home Section 17, 156-82 August 29. A buckskin mare, weight about 750 pounds, branded O L and B T on left hip. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Jonn W. Board man, 9-21 Minot, N. D. INJURED WHILE WALK- ING IN HER SLEEP E. L. Sutton, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Genera Law Practice. Land Office Business. Office over P. P. Lee's. MINOT. N. D. Mrs, G. Flora, while in a somnanibulent state, walked off the rear platform of a Soo passenger coach at the depot in this city Thursday night, strik- ing her head and shoulders. She was rendered unconscious and remained so for nearly two hours. She was with her husband, travel- ing from Moosejaw, Can., to her home in Estherville, la. At Mi- not the couple intended changing cars, taking the Great Northern. She was aroused from a sound sleep but did not really awaken when the couple started for the platform. After the accident, she was taken to the Leland hotel, and Dr. Crokat was called. She was able to resume her jour- ney Friday morning. John E. Greene, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Practices in all the State and Federal Courts. Real Estate Law a Specialty. Offices: LeSueur Block. MINOT. N. D. Jas. Johnson, ... .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.... Final Proofs and Contests Defended. MINOT, N. DAK. M. J. Barrett, LAWYER. Office second floor Second National Bank building. MINOT, - NORTH DAKOTA. JOHN J. COYLE, Attorney-at-Law, Final Proofs, Loans, And Deeded Lands, Fire and Hail Insurance. Next door to Land Office, MINOT - - - NORTH DAKOTA. L. W. GAMMONS. GEO. A. MCGEE, U. S. Com. Gammons & McGee, LAWYERS, MINOT, - . . NORTH DAKOTA. L. W. TORGESON Lawyer. LESUEUR BUILDING. General Law and LandlOfflce Practice. FILINGS AND FINALJPROOFS. Minot, - - N. D. Phone Hi. QREENLEAF & LEIGHTON, Lawyers. Special attention to litigated cases. MINOT, N. D. A RTHTJK LESUECR BENJ* H.' BRADFORD LeSUEIJR & BRADFORD, Attorneys and Counsellors. Suite 1 LeSueur B1U. MINOT, N. D. C. A. JOHNSON R. A. NESTOS | Collections Real Estate Flual Proofs j JOHNSON A NESTOS, Attorney s-at-Law. Contest Cases Prosecuted aud Defended MINOT, N. DAK. Moaey to loan on your farm, I have it- terms of payment easy—Rates low as the lowest. I can save you money.—J. E. Mo Koane. 23-tf J. W. Rode buys school and township warrants. tf L. S. Mallory, Architect, Mi- not, N. D. tf Da boons and squirrels at A. S. lilakey's. Repair Shop and Bicycle Hospital. 1 can fix anything. Bring your broken guns, umbrellas, etc., and get them made good as new. Wheels Rented at Reasonable Rates J. W. Mankins, (Succosso ^ J os. B asuett.) Two doors west of Mercantile Hotel, MINOT, N. D ...THE... White Livery Stable. Telephone to No. 139 It you wish a good rig and a driver will bring it to you. PRICES RIGHT. BEST OF RIGS STYLISH HORSBP. located West of Mercantile Hotel Wm. P. White, Pro PHYSICIANS. DENT/ STS. Dr. J. D. TAYLOR, PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGE0N. Main Street, Minot, N. D. Johnson's Blk. - . Phone 133. Or. W. J. MADDEN. Dc«tl*t Teeth Extracted without pain. OFFICE OVER P. P. L Q. P. Hyndman, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Lee & Larson's. MINOT, - - N. DAK. Dr. M. H. SCH0LBERQ; DENTIST. Office over New York Store. Phone 56. | MINOT. - - - N. D. Dr. E. A. CROKAT, M. D., C. M., L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Surgeon to G. N. R'y. Office and residence over P. P. Lee's store. MINOT, N. DAKOTA. Dr. THOS. STOREY, DENTIST. Rooms 4 and 5, Opera House block, Per- manently located. All work positively guaranteed. Painless extraction. MINOT, Telephone No. 134. D»*. J. T. NEWLOVE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence above Gilroy & Hetherton's meat market. Phone No. 198, MINOT, N. D. Dr. C. F. SWEET, Denlat. Office over New York Store. Phone 56. !u Minot from loth to 30th of each montE," MINOT, - - N. DAK. Dr. J. D. WINDELL, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Entrance Main Street. MINOT, - NORTH DAKOTA. Surgeon for the Gt. Northern. LANDMEN. OPTICIAN. JOHN LYNCH, > Clerk ofltheZDistrict Court Final Proofs and Filings. All business before the Land 'Office given prompt attention. INSURANCE WRITTEN. Main St.. Minot. N. Dak, A. CARR, M. D. Practico limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. OFFICE HOUBS : 9 to 11 a. m., 1 to 4, and 8 p. m. OFFICE IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. MINOT - - NORTH DAKOTA SURVEYORS. TAILORS. E. S. SEVERANCE, Draftsman. M. E. SEVERANCE, City Engineer. SEVERANCE & SON, Surveyors and Civil Enginee MINOT, - NORTH DAKOl^ Minot Tailoring Co. Finest Stock ol Suitings I A Specialty in Found in the City. . . | Making. LADIES' TAILOE-MADE GARMENTS, REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. JERRY ZLEVOR, Man. NASH BUILDING - MAIN STREET. ABSTRACTOR. J. B. McKOANE, Bonded Abstracter for Ward County. Accuracy Guaranteed by Bond. Prompt- ness a Specialty. Office in LeSueur Block. Phone 117. MINOT. - - N. D. J. A. UNDSTROM, Merchant Tailor. Strictly up-to-date stylos; prices reason- able. Got your clothes made to order aud have thom right. Clothes pressod aud scoured. MINOT, N. DAK. LAUNDRY. BLACKSMITH. Elite Steam Lauftd m. HART MAN, Prop. Established 1887. PhoneJ85 MIXOT, NORTH DAKOTA. JOHIN SAUERS, Blacksmith, Plow Work and Horseshoeing-. : : RYDER, - - N. D. JEWELER. J. P. COOPER, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Oldest established jeweler in town|l| Repairing a specialty. Inspector for the G. N. railway for five yearp. MINOT, - - N. DAf AUCTIONEERS. •55r 9F " H. T. DOLLOFF, Auctioneer for Uity of Minot and Ward County. MINOT, N. D. N. A. KENNEDY Well Driller. Drill 4 inch Tubular Wells. Guarantee Wator. Headquarters at J. T. Louderback, lartin Jason's Store, CliYER OF SALES. Years of experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address at Lynch, N. D., or inquire at Independent office. Minot, North Dakota. Reference to CANDO. THOMPSON, KOBSTEK- STATE BANK or CANDO. I H. H. < 1'RED I STATI Grow Clothing Co., Minot. For Dry Lumber Bovey-Shute Lumber Co. We have a large and well-assorted stock to select from. Our prices are as low as the lowest. ^ Call and See Us When "You W^nl Lumber and Building Material. ^ Bovey-Shute Lumber Co. 'Phone 218. B. P. ANDERSON, Agent. Just Arrived March lOth AT R. W. JONES* j* Wood and Coal Yard, One Car Hocking Valley Coal. Two Cars Hard Coal—One N One Stove. One High Grade Blacksmith Coal. Three Cars I nite. Two Cars Dry Jack Pine. Two Cars Baled Hav. F* Cords Dry Stove Wood. : : : : : : : Office: North Grand horks Mercantile Co PHONE 100. - ^ - - - PHOMPT DBLIVE

Transcript of The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D.) 1904 … · 2017. 12. 17. · crystal and...

Page 1: The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D.) 1904 … · 2017. 12. 17. · crystal and live out of town send me your watch bezel by mail. Enclose a quarter and ... She


»» mm/mm*, mmummm


Watch Crystals.

L carry an immense stock of watch crystals and it's seldom, indeed, that there is a size I can't supply. I have them all sizes—thick and thin. If yon need a crystal and live out of town send me your watch bezel by mail. Enclose a quarter and I'll send it back by return mail with a well fitting- crystal.

Paul V. McCoy, Jeweler,

Leland Hotel, - Mi not, N. D.




Filth and Robert Sta., ST. PAUL. MINN.



Stocks, Grain, Provisions jtought and sold tor cash or carried on re&aooabla pi a reins, upon which there will be a charge ft H o® L- rain, % on stocks and H 00 flax.

Write for our market letter.

eoMMiuioi nmt





Opera House Block, MINOT, N. D. 'Phone 116.

SAM READY MONEY Sam Ready Money is a Belgian, a beautiful

dark Bay. with small stripiod face. 10 years old. and weighs 1490 pounds. He has a good head and eye. tine large neck, full wide breast, smooth strong back, lo ns and hip. heavy stifles, large bone with smooth legs and extra good feet. Has a good disposition and is 'an excel­lent breeder.

Sam Ready Money will make the following season on the neX of sec. 31. twp. 159. rge. 32.

TERMS—Season service. $5 cash. To insure a colt to stand and suck $10. Money due when mare is parted with or moved from the neigh­borhood.

Not responsible for accidents. Mares cared for at reasonable rates. No business trans­acted on Sunday.

NICK M. BEHM, Owner. Lansford, N. D.

Closing out of Ready-made Clothing j ^


< >

# < >

At the Big Store at Surrey. A complete line of good shoes at a big discount, also hats, caps and all kinds of dry goods. These goods are all staple but will be sold. Come in and inspect them, then yon will know bet­ter the bargains I offer.

We will not be undersold in groceries. Our expenses are not as large as that of others, therefore we can save you money.

NYHUS & BERG, Surrey, N. D a

— City Meat Market Is the place to buy your..

M EATS. Everything First Class and at

Reasonable Rates.

Highest price paid for Hides and Poultry


North 2nd Nat. Bank. Minot, N. D


Notice is hereby jjiven that that certain mortgage executed and deliverod by Willis M. White,(mortgagor, to A. D. Murphy, mortgagee, dated the 23th day of February, 1903, and filed for record in the office of the register of deeds of the county of Ward and state of North Da­kota on the 19th day of March. 1903, at 9 o'clock a. m. and recorded in book "M" of mortgages on page 189. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in snch mortgage and hereinafter de­scribed at the front door of the court house in the city of Minot in said county and state at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the 8th day of October, 190*, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be seld to satisfy the same are de­scribed as follows: The southeast quarter of section 9, in township 138 north, of range 83 west of the fifth principal meridian, Ward County. North Dakota.

There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale the som of forty-two and 90-100 dollars.

Dated the 3lst day of August, 1901. A. D. MURPHT, Mortgagee.

JOHN J. BATES. Attorney for Mortgagee. 10-3


Arrive in Minot From Souris, Man., After an Enjoyable Joumcy—The First Time the Trip had Been Made Since 1880.

W. J. Barclay, editor of the Souris Plaindealer, Souris, Man., and Rev. J. S. Muldrew, B. A., arrived in Minot Wednesday dirty and tired, the result of rowing 275 miles down the river Mouse, in a little flat bottomed, home made boat. The "men left their homes September 5, and made about thirty miles a day when they worked real hard. It was hard work too, for the river is so full of fish dame, contrary to the law of course. Mr. Barclay states that even in Ward county there are dozens of farmers who are guilty of breaking the law, but unless a game warden made the trip as he did, it would be hard to detect the dams. The dams are made with a box in the middle to catch all of the fish, when once in cannot -wim back. The men camped out at night in

a tent and often slept the slee of the just'inXthe farmers' hay-stacks. They nad their guns and killed ducks, owls, mud hens, musk rats, and other wild game. The river is very crooked, they being required to row about three times as far as Souris is from here. They intended row­ing to where the Mouse flows into the Assiniboia but they mis­calculated, and abandoned their boat here. This is the first time this trip has been accomplished since 1880. Then two coal barges loaded with coal from the Este-van mines made the trip, going to Winnipeg. The Estevan mines were being boomed then. The men made a rude sail and when the wind was right, had an easy time. They passed through some fine country, and were especially pleased with Ward county.

Cleansing Williston. A gil l named Tillie Christianson

was arrested Tuesday night along with a human wreck who plays the piano at Rose Dow's place in Williston and yesterday morning the man paid a fine of $14.50, and the girl was given uLtil the afternoon to pack herself out of that city, so she went west on the 2 o'clock train yesterday The man will probably shake the dust of Williston from his feet as soon as he can sober up sufficient­ly to get out.

To the Voters of Ward County. At the request of my friends I

hereby announce myself as an in­dependent candidate for the of­fice of Sheriff of Ward county. 1 lave lived in Ward county for a period of 18 years, and this is the first time I have sought an office. If the voters see fit to elect me I will give the office my whole attention.

Yours truly, WM. ALLEN,

Surrey, N. D.

Coughs up a Gold Ring. Miss Bertha Rosen, a young1

lady from Iierthold, taking treat­ment at the hospital, swallowed a 14 caret gold ring, man's size some days ago, presumably while asleep, for phe knew nothing of the fact until one day last week she was taken with a violent vomiting spell when she coughed up the ring. She thot someone lad stolen the piece of jewelry.

She feels no worse for herstranpe and rather dangerous experience.

Farm For Sale. For Sale—122 acre farm in Todd

county, Minn., 24 acres under plow, 10 acres meadow, balance timber. Pasture easily cleared. Good log buildings. One and a half miles to school and church. Price $2,200, purchaser assume $800 mortgage running four years 6 per cent interest. Balance cash, or will exchange equity for improved North Dakota land. Correspondence solicited.

C. E. Peterson, 9-21 Little Sauk, Minn.

Dip Cattle at White Earth. I)r. Cohenour, in the U. S. ser­

vice. superintended the dipping of 1,000 head of stockers at White Earth last week. The cattle belonged to R. J. Wilson and were not troubled with scab. The law however required that they should be dipped.

Whea yon acetf aa abstract, order fram J. E. McKeaac, who hat the aaly caaplete act el abstract* la Wart coaaty. 23-tf

Around the State* The enrollment in the Williston

school is 205. John Gilbert of Norwich has

started a sheep ranch. The Fargo Forum has added

more telegraphic news and is a much better paper.

The editor of the White Earth Record is having a hard time locating himself politically.

The News [thinks Devils Lake has about as much use of a Democratic paper as a cat has of two tails.

Young Perry from Stony Creek was shot in the face with a shot

fun in the hands of a ̂ chicken unter, but will pull through. Dr. Windell and Dr. Whittmore

performed an operation on Mr. Wola of White Earth for gangrenous appendicitus. The

Satient is in a precarious con-ition. A Minot man sent $1.00 in

answer to an advertisement of a 400-page book containing in­formation valuable to sports and prohibited in some countries. He got a thirty-cent bible.

The Williston Herald says that the Williams county race track will be one of the fastest tracks in the state. That's all right, but how about the horses that will kick up the dust on the track?

Some of the papers are trying to make a little fun of the fact that the Mohall Flyer developed a hot box at Deerinfc. The Flyer is all right .and made a record last summer of 49 miles in 4G minutes making three stops.

Thos. White's livery barn was struck by lightning at Westhope. A man who was sleeping in the barn awoke and unfastened all of the horses which ran out of the burning structure, but later ran in again and were burned to death.


Nehemiah Davis, Late Receiver of U. S. Land Office.


Office: Second National Bank bide., MINOT, N. D.

Nellie Puller, Denver—"My face was full of pimples and black-heads. Hollis-ter's Rocky Mountain Tea has driven them away. People hardly know me. I'm looking fine." 35 cents. Tea or tablet. A. S. BLAKEY.

Salesmen wanted—To look after our interest in Ward and adjacent counties.- Salary or commission. Address the Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O.

Taken up—At my home Section 17, 156-82 August 29. A buckskin mare, weight about 750 pounds, branded O L and B T on left hip. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Jonn W. Board man,

9-21 Minot, N. D.



Genera Law Practice. Land Office Business.

Office over P. P. Lee's. MINOT. N. D.

Mrs, G. Flora, while in a somnanibulent state, walked off the rear platform of a Soo passenger coach at the depot in this city Thursday night, strik­ing her head and shoulders. She was rendered unconscious and remained so for nearly two hours. She was with her husband, travel­ing from Moosejaw, Can., to her

home in Estherville, la. At Mi­not the couple intended changing cars, taking the Great Northern. She was aroused from a sound sleep but did not really awaken when the couple started for the platform. After the accident, she was taken to the Leland hotel, and Dr. Crokat was called. She was able to resume her jour­ney Friday morning.


Practices in all the State and Federal Courts.

Real Estate Law a Specialty. Offices: LeSueur Block.


Jas. Johnson, ... .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW....

Final Proofs and Contests Defended. MINOT, N. DAK.

M. J. Barrett, LAWYER.

Office second floor Second National Bank building.


JOHN J. COYLE, Attorney-at-Law, Final Proofs,

Loans, And Deeded Lands, Fire and Hail

Insurance. Next door to Land Office,



Gammons & McGee, LAWYERS,


L. W. TORGESON Lawyer.

LESUEUR BUILDING. General Law and LandlOfflce Practice.


Phone Hi.


Special attention to litigated cases.



LeSUEIJR & BRADFORD, Attorneys and Counsellors.

Suite 1 LeSueur B1U. MINOT, N. D.


| Collections Real Estate Flual Proofs j

JOHNSON A NESTOS, Attorney s-at-Law.

Contest Cases Prosecuted aud Defended MINOT, N. DAK.

Moaey to loan on your farm, I have it-terms of payment easy—Rates low as the lowest. I can save you money.—J. E. Mo Koane. 23-tf

J. W. Rode buys school and township warrants. tf

L. S. Mallory, Architect, Mi­not, N. D. tf

Da boons and squirrels at A. S. lilakey's.

Repair Shop and Bicycle Hospital.

1 can fix anything. Bring your broken guns, umbrellas, etc., and get them made good as new.

Wheels Rented at Reasonable Rates

J. W. Mankins, (Succosso ^ J os. B asuett.)

Two doors west of Mercantile Hotel, MINOT, N. D


White Livery Stable. Telephone to No. 139

It you wish a good rig and a driver will bring it to you.


located West of Mercantile Hotel

Wm. P. White, Pro



Main Street, Minot, N. D.

Johnson's Blk. - . Phone 133.

Or. W. J. MADDEN. Dc«tl*t

Teeth Extracted without pain. OFFICE OVER P. P. L

Q. P. Hyndman, M. D.,


Office over Lee & Larson's.

MINOT, - - N. DAK.


Office over New York Store. Phone 56. |

MINOT. - - - N. D.

Dr. E. A. CROKAT, M. D., C. M., L. R. C. S., Edinburgh.

Surgeon to G. N. R'y. Office and residence over P. P. Lee's

store. MINOT, N. DAKOTA.


Rooms 4 and 5, Opera House block, Per­manently located. All work positively guaranteed. Painless extraction.

MINOT, Telephone No. 134.


Office and residence above Gilroy & Hetherton's meat market. Phone No. 198,


Dr. C. F. SWEET, Denlat.

Office over New York Store. Phone 56.

!u Minot from loth to 30th of each montE," MINOT, - - N. DAK.


Entrance Main Street. MINOT, - NORTH DAKOTA.

Surgeon for the Gt. Northern.



JOHN LYNCH, > Clerk ofltheZDistrict Court Final Proofs and Filings.

All business before the Land 'Office given prompt attention.

INSURANCE WRITTEN. Main St.. Minot. N. Dak,

A. CARR, M. D. Practico limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and

Throat. OFFICE HOUBS : 9 to 11 a. m.,

1 to 4, and 8 p. m. OFFICE IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK.




E. S. SEVERANCE, Draftsman.

M. E. SEVERANCE, City Engineer.

SEVERANCE & SON, Surveyors and Civil Enginee


Minot Tailoring Co. Finest Stock ol Suitings I A Specialty in Found in the City. . . | Making.




J. B. McKOANE, Bonded Abstracter for Ward County.

Accuracy Guaranteed by Bond. Prompt­ness a Specialty.

Office in LeSueur Block. Phone 117.

MINOT. - - • N. D.

J. A. UNDSTROM, Merchant Tailor.

Strictly up-to-date stylos; prices reason­able. Got your clothes made to order aud have thom right. Clothes pressod aud scoured.




Elite Steam Lauftd m. HART MAN, Prop.

Established 1887. PhoneJ85



Blacksmith, Plow Work and Horseshoeing-. : :

RYDER, - - N. D.


J. P. COOPER, Watchmaker and Jeweler.

Oldest established jeweler in town|l| Repairing a specialty. Inspector for the G. N. railway for five yearp. MINOT, - - N. DAf


H. T. DOLLOFF, Auctioneer for Uity of Minot and

Ward County.


N. A. KENNEDY Well Driller.

Drill 4 inch Tubular Wells. Guarantee Wator.

Headquarters at

J. T. Louderback, lartin Jason's Store, CliYER OF SALES.

Years of experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address at Lynch, N. D., or inquire at Independent office.

Minot, North Dakota.

Reference to




Grow Clothing Co., Minot.

For Dry Lumber

Bovey-Shute Lumber Co. We have a large and well-assorted stock to

select from. Our prices are as low as the lowest. ^

Call and See Us When "You W^nl Lumber and Building Material. ^

Bovey-Shute Lumber Co. 'Phone 218. B. P. ANDERSON, Agent.

Just Arrived March lOth AT

R. W. JONES* j* Wood and Coal Yard,

One Car Hocking Valley Coal. Two Cars Hard Coal—One N One Stove. One High Grade Blacksmith Coal. Three Cars I nite. Two Cars Dry Jack Pine. Two Cars Baled Hav. F* Cords Dry Stove Wood. : : : : : : :

Office: North Grand horks Mercantile Co PHONE 100. - ^ - - - PHOMPT DBLIVE