The Walls Have Eyes



A psychological thriller.

Transcript of The Walls Have Eyes

I was working for the US postal service. I was a mail carrier. I was making my regular deliveries when I noticed an old man looking at me from a large grey house. It was the house at the end of Maple Drive the old rickety one. The house looked like it was leaning to the right. I’d have guessed it was condemned if it wasn’t for the steam coming from the laundry vent and of course the old man staring at me from the top window.

When I caught sight of him from the corner of my eye my hair stood up on end, the same way my hair jumped up when a store dummy or Indian statue…er a western Indian statue caught the corner of my eye just inside a market place entrance.

At first I saw him then took a good hard look at him. His hair was long and white with spots of grey and red. He had a thick long mustache, the ends of which hung down past his chin. He had thick white side burns all on a thin heavily aged face. But

that was not what disturbed me. What really got me were his eyes. They were thick milky white, with charcoal black pupils. His pupils were large and dark, very dark, dark like the night. The sun reflected off his large pupils…it looked like stars in the night sky. I wanted to gaze at him, and started to, but immediately turned my head and got back to work, his eyes met mine and my spine clinched with fear. As I delivered my mail I would take quick peaks up at the window to see if he was still there, each time he was and he was staring at me, directly at me with those huge solar eyes.

So I hurried my work quickly delivering the mail to the rest of the block… finally walking around the corner away from the old mans sight. I felt relieved to be out from under the mans fretful stare. However, I went back to peek around the corner to see if he was still there… he was and his eyes remained fixed on me. It caused me to shiver as I jumped back to my route.

He’s probably just some lonely old fart trying to creep people out for fun I thought, or maybe he wasn’t even looking at me. I thought about it the rest of the day but come night I’d forgot about it.

The next day while walking my route I found him again staring down from his window. This time I laughed to myself and waved up at him, but he did not move or acknowledge my gesture. I thought how rude or maybe he just didn’t see me; maybe he’s looking at something else. Again I hurried my route only this time my fear was joined by horrible annoyment. Once again I peeked around the corner and his eyes were focused on me. I’d wanted to flip him the bird but decided doing so was not a wise career move… A Mailman that flips people off who watch him? So I went on with my day only this time finding it more difficult to get his picture out of my mind. Afterward I drove by and there he was staring right at my truck as I went by.

I think I even had a dream about him that night I can’t really remember I just know I was thinking about him when I woke up. I remember being glad I was just dreaming but I can’t remember why.

That day Maple Drive was exactly the same. His big space eye balls following my every move. This time however one of his neighbors was sitting out on their porch. It was a heavy set man with glasses; he looked like he was just waiting for the mail. I handed him his mail and asked him “excuse me do you know this man up here?” and pointed to the large grey houses top window…except this time no one was there. “Well he was there…do you know the man who lives in this house” I asked him “Actually, I’m new to the area” he said, “I’ve been expecting my first utility bill to come but it hasn’t come yet.” “Well there is some old man who has been watching me deliver the mail for three days now.” “Weird” he said “I didn’t even think

anybody lived there.” Just as he finished saying that I noticed his eyes looked exactly the same as the old mans. Milky white with massive pupils, pupils as dark as nothingness with a glare that looked like stars, stars shimmering in the night.

As that second and a half went by with me staring at his eyes I noticed myself in my mailman uniform reflected off of his glasses, but yet captured within his entrancing dark pupils. As quickly as I was encompassed in his ocular prison I escaped and said “Good Day”, and went on with my route. After I went around the corner I peaked back around Maple Drive to see of he was watching me… but he wasn’t he was nowhere in sight.

I kept thinking about those eyes, both pairs, how similar the looked. They hardly had any color as far as I can guess they were a very dark brown.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I found myself pushing on my eyelids very hard to

create wild shapes within my vision as I had done as a child. All I could see was a starry night, just like the eyes on Maple Drive.

The next day when I came to Maple Drive I expected to see the old man at his window… but he was not there. However, I felt as if I was being watched. As I got closer to the old grey house I saw that there was an out going letter pinned to the outside of the mailbox with a clothes hanger. When I caught sight of it my ears rung and my teeth felt numb or floating like they do after drinking a six pack. It felt as if I was walking through a thick liquid as I paced up the front porch, like a thick pool of blood. Something inside comforted but yet disappointed me that it was a bill or something. Sending out your payment this way just seems like the old person way of doing things.

As I got closer I could see that it was actually a letter. I looked at it, it had no address just a name; Harry Marlin Simmons.

The sight of this caused me to drop my bag. I felt weak in my head and neck and sick… sick the way you feel when you’re really really hungry…I was shocked because that is my name.

Hesitantly I knocked on the door to ask the meaning of this, but no one answered… I took a peak in the window, the glass was really too dirty to tell but the house looked empty. I turned the front door knob just to see if it was open… it was. However, I had no intention of opening it, yet I thought maybe someone was home so I knocked louder and harder on the door. A sound came from the other side of the door it sounded like something had fell off the door, but still no one came. I left the letter on the mail box because there was no address or stamp. How sure could I be that it was for me… opening other peoples mail is a federal offence.

I went back to my route, turning back to look at the house every so many seconds. No wonder people go postal I thought.

That night I had a dream that something was chasing me and I was running away even though I don’t remember why or who I was running from. When I analyzed my dream… I concluded that I was running from the letter and that I must avoid it no more.

The next day I went on my route ready to grab the letter from the mail box and unlock the secret. But it was gone. Someone is just messing with me I thought. I finished my route and returned to the post office. I decided I should file an unusual incident report in order to share my story. I approached the secretary to request the needed documentation but when doing so I noticed the twinkling stars shining in his large black pupils. I was once again lost from my humanity. I changed my mind on filing the paper work, but for some reason

never got around to calling off, plus along with my growing terror of the grey house on Maple Drive was a curiosity I seldomly have possessed in my life.

The next day I went to work on my route. Up the road I could see flashing light but I couldn’t really make out what it was. As I got closer I realized that it was a little white boy selling lemonade. The flashing light had come from the sun light reflecting off the pitcher of lemonade. The flashing changed when the lemonade splashed around in the pitcher as he shook it.

“I’ll have a glass” I said to the boy. “I saw the reflection of the sun bouncing in and out of your pitcher there from all the way down the road. That ought to attract you some customers” I said jokingly.

“Yes” he said very formally.“I’ve been sitting here entertaining

myself with the notion of splashing the liquid around to cause short and long flashes

of light as to send out a Morse Code message.” The boy explained

“Oh really Morse Code huh?” “I used to know Morse code. When I was your age we used to play with walkie Talkies and some times used to send each other Morse Code massages for run.”

“Do you still know any” the boy asked me

“ I think so” I said. I picked up the pitcher and made the light flash with short flashes of light and long flashes of light to make Morse Code letters.

“What was that” he asked I spelled lemonade” I said “Neat” he said.

The kid then poured me a glass… When he did so I noticed that the splashing liquid continued to make Morse Code letters they were H-A-R-R-Y.

At first I thought simply that’s odd… but quickly a terrifying fear over came me, it just spelled my name. I looked at the kid he was handing me a lemonade. I then noticed

the big starry eyes . It sent a shiver up and down my spine. I had goose bumps all over…. my body felt numb and week.

“This one is free mister” the kid said I took the lemonade and quickly walked up Maple Drive. This time my panic was getting worse I started running through my route, this time with tears coming out of my eyes. I was terrified and I didn’t even know why. When I came to the grey house the man was looking down at me and the letter was in the out going mail again. I couldn’t help it and I went into full blown crying…I was crying from fear, I was crying from confusion I was just plain crying. I ran to my truck and went home. I didn’t even mail the rest I just went home.

Later in the day after I calmed down and returned the rest of my mail to the post office and said I was ill.

That night I decided I needed a vacation and when I got back I would ask for a transfer to another route.

That night I slept like a baby when I awoke I felt fresh and energized. I made one call and was heading out the door with my fish’n gear I was gonna spend a few days alone at my cousins summer cabin up in the woods, to get away on my own for a little while to get my head on strait.

I finally got there right around moon. My cousin always left the key under a fake rock he bought at Wal-Mart for hiding his keys. When I went inside he wasn’t there but I knew he had been there recently because he had caught some big cat fish and put them inside a large fish tank inside the cabin.

That just reminded me how much I wanted to go fishin so I got my stuff and went out to the lake. When I got there, there were a couple boats out on the water with old men fishing so I knew I was in the right spot.

I sat down and cast my line into the water. I got cozy in the summer sun

between two rocks and some cat tails and did what every man really wants to do---nothing.

The fish really weren’t biting, but I noticed that the sun reflected off the small water in the water…and even though I really didn’t want to I noticed that and read a flashing sun reflection Morse Code message. The message said G-O-D S-E-E-S Y-O-U T-H-R-O-U-G-H O-T-H-E-R-S E-Y-E-S.

I immediately started crying I was scared and I was especially scared of God. I don’t know why but I was.

I then looked out on the water and saw the old men on the boats looking right at me with their dark planetarium, God like eyes. The sun began to go down and their eyes lit up with the stars in them.

I began crying and bawling, as I ran back to the cabin. On my way back the sun set and darkness made my run much much worse.

When I got there I was relieved as I slammed the door behind me. I flipped the light switch on and there staring at me with those same horrifying eyes were the cat fish. Finally my fight mode set in for I could take no more.

I picked up the tank and through it through the window. Glass crashed everywhere…water spilled out all over the cabin and one of the cat fish remained flopping on the cabin floor. I picked it up and heaved it out the broken window to join the rest of the insanity outside.

I then ran into the bedroom and locked the door behind me. When I turned around and flipped the light on I screamed with all the fear and anger I had for the same letter that was at the grey house was now laying on the bed.

I wanted to follow my fear and fly away but instead I got mad really mad I picked up the letter and opened it and and…and inside was a small mirror that’s all. I looked at the

mirror and noticed my own eyes looking at me with that same creepy solar glow…I knew I may never escape Gods sight.

So out of my rage and fear I grabbed my fishing knife from my pocket, put it to my eyes and, and… I escaped God.

The End