THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love...

WALDENSIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2019 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Two years ago after the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, I engaged in dialogue with local pastors about hosting a worship service in our sanctuary designed to witness against racism in our community. We continued that last year and are now planning to have our third annual Service of Witness Against Racism in our sanctuary scheduled for Monday evening, September 9, 2019, at 7:00 pm. During the past two years racism has increased, and yet in that same time, a growing desire to work towards the goal of racial harmony has taken root across our nation. The early August 2019, mass shooting of shoppers in a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, was accompanied by a manifesto of racial hatred by the killer. The rise in similar hate crimes in this country by white supremacists and other hate groups is growing in both size and frequency of incidents in our country. Historians and sociologists have written extensively on the unresolved racial tensions at work in our society today. A response of silence by the good people of this nation only emboldens these hate groups and their crimes. One of the best ways to address these issues and grow beyond the level of tension and hatred that exists is for citizens from different racial ethnic groups to engage in an honest dialogue with each other around the historical and social tensions that remain unresolved throughout this nation. I am well aware that a once a year worship service will not resolve these issues, even amongst those who attend, but it is a starting point to further the dialogue and get to know our neighbors and allies in our communities whose paths we do not usually cross. This year things are different. The interest level for attending this service has grown beyond the handful of churches that were invited last year, leadership from the Morganton Area Ministerial Association has indicated an interest in participating with us. We are doing a better job of promoting this event, and I would encourage each of you to participate in this worship service on Monday evening, September 9, at 7:00 pm in our sanctuary as we seek to grow in understanding and racial harmony and say no to the racial hatred that remains an active part of our society. Faithfully yours, Kevin Frederick Wednesday Afternoon Adult Education Course Begins September 4, at 5:00 pm We will start out with a six- to eight- week discussion of The Witness of Religion in an Age of Fear by Michael Kinnamon. With the rise in mass shootings, and with the chaos of natural disasters, social and political unrest and a rapidly changing culture, where do we find the confidence and conviction to live life without being consumed by fear? Come explore these issues and others as we consider the role of our faith in addressing ongoing events in the world around us. We will take the time that the discussion of these issues takes. When we finish that series, we will move on to a discussion of the second book entitled Stuck, The Places We Get Stuck and The God Who Sets Us Free by Jennie Allen. This is a workbook approach that enables us to explore this theme from a deeply personal approach. All adults and youth who are interested in these topics are encouraged to attend. The class sessions are 45 minutes in length followed by dinner in Pioneer Hall. WA L D E N S I A N H E R A L D -Current News About Your Church - (828) 874-2531 Wednesday Night Together activities resume on September 4.

Transcript of THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love...

Page 1: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate




FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Two years ago after the riots in

Charlottesville, Virginia, I engaged

in dialogue with local pastors about

hosting a worship service in our

sanctuary designed to witness

against racism in our community.

We continued that last year and are

now planning to have our third

annual Service of Witness Against

Racism in our sanctuary scheduled

for Monday evening, September 9,

2019, at 7:00 pm.

During the past two years racism

has increased, and yet in that same

time, a growing desire to work

towards the goal of racial harmony

has taken root across our nation.

The early August 2019, mass

shooting of shoppers in a Walmart

in El Paso, Texas, was accompanied

by a manifesto of racial hatred by

the killer. The rise in similar hate

crimes in this country by white

supremacists and other hate groups

is growing in both size and

frequency of incidents in our

country. Historians and sociologists

have written extensively on the

unresolved racial tensions at work in

our society today. A response of

silence by the good people of this

nation only emboldens these hate

groups and their crimes. One of the

best ways to address these issues

and grow beyond the level of tension

and hatred that exists is for citizens

from different racial ethnic groups

to engage in an honest dialogue with

each other around the historical and

social tensions that remain

unresolved throughout this nation. I

am well aware that a once a year

worship service will not resolve

these issues, even amongst those

who attend, but it is a starting point

to further the dialogue and get to

know our neighbors and allies in our

communities whose paths we do not

usually cross.

This year things are different. The

interest level for attending this

service has grown beyond the

handful of churches that were

invited last year, leadership from

the Morganton Area Ministerial

Association has indicated an interest

in participating with us. We are

doing a better job of promoting this

event, and I would encourage each

of you to participate in this worship

service on Monday evening,

September 9, at 7:00 pm in our

sanctuary as we seek to grow in

understanding and racial harmony

and say no to the racial hatred that

remains an active part of our


Faithfully yours,

Kevin Frederick

Wednesday Afternoon Adult Education Course Begins

September 4, at 5:00 pm We will start out with a six- to eight-week discussion of The Witness of Religion in an Age of Fear by Michael Kinnamon. With the rise in mass shootings, and with the chaos of natural disasters, social and political unrest and a rapidly changing culture, where do we find the confidence and conviction to live life without being consumed by fear? Come explore these issues and others as we consider the role of our faith in addressing ongoing events in the world around us. We will take the time that the discussion of these issues takes. When we finish that series, we will move on to a discussion of the second book entitled Stuck, The Places We Get Stuck and The God Who Sets Us Free by Jennie Allen. This is a workbook approach that enables us to explore this theme from a deeply personal approach. All adults and youth who are interested in these topics are encouraged to attend. The class sessions are 45 minutes in length followed by dinner in Pioneer Hall.



-Current News About Your Church -

(828) 874-2531

Wednesday Night Together activities resume on

September 4.

Page 2: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate


Circle 2 September 9 10:00am Marie Mitchell - Meet at church to

carpool to Lake James Circle 4 September 9 12:00pm Lu Griffin Circle 5 September 9 7:00pm Pam Pons Circle 7 September 9 2:00pm Nancy McFadden

The Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team will not meet in September.


Sunday, September 1st

2:00 PM Christian Action

Tuesday, September 3rd

6:00 PM Diaconate

Thursday, September 5th 10:30 AM Jett Set

Sunday, September 8th

1:30 PM Worship 4:00 PM Outreach

Tuesday, September 10th 6:30 PM Personnel

Wednesday, September 11th 3:00 PM Communications Thursday, September 12th 10:00 AM Fellowship

Sunday, September 15th 12:00 PM Missions 4:00 PM Stewardship/Finance

Sunday, September 22nd 6:00 PM Session

SEPTEMBER WORSHIP September 1 8:30am Connections 10:55am Traditional Worship Hymn Sing Sunday

September 8 8:30am Connections 10:55am Traditional Worship

September 15 8:30am Connections 10:55am Traditional Worship

September 22 8:30am Connections 10:55am Traditional Worship September 29 8:30am Connections 10:55am Traditional Worship

Christian sympathy is extended to Jill Fletcher and family in the loss of her mother, Carolyn Franklin, on July 22; to Linda and Glenn Harvey in the loss of their son, Jeff Harvey, on July 26; and to Brenda Wellborn and family in the loss of her stepfather, John Henry Truesdale, on August 16.

All men are invited once again

to the Waldensian Winery for

conversation and fellowship on

Thursday evening, September

26, from 4pm-6pm (the fourth

Thursday of each month). This

is a drop-in event. Remember to

bring a snack to share!

If you would be willing to

be a Church Mouse

Sponsor for the 2019-

2020 year, please contact

Rita in the church office.

If you have a college

student who is interested

in participating in the

Church Mouse Program,

please have them fill out

the enclosed form in this


Church Office Closed

Monday, September 2

Page 3: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate



Thursday, September 5


in Pioneer Hall

Please call the church office

(874-2531) to sign up.


The Presbyterian Women’s

service project for September is

providing themed baskets for the

auction in October at Black

Mountain Home for Children.

More information will be given to

each circle at a later date.



Join us Sunday, September 8th as we begin a new Sunday School year with a continental breakfast in the breezeway. We will also start a new class at the Sunday Morning Cafe in the Tron House.


Safety and Sanitation, Keep It Simple

The single most preventable action to food borne illness is washing your hands. Plain old soap and water will do, water as hot as you can stand. When you are washing your hands, sing the" ABC" song or the" Happy Birthday" song twice, 15-20 seconds, and don't forget your thumbs. That is sanitation.

Safety is preventing accidents:

* cut away from your body

* wash sharp knives first and put away, don't leave in soapy dish water

* use a step ladder to get to high places

* heavy pots, appliances and equipment down low

* clean up spills immediately

You are probably doing these things already. Pass it on and point it out to your children and grandchildren. Bon appetite! - Coron Jordan

Visit our YouTube channel to

find videos of each week’s

10:55am worship service:

Sept. 1 Mark Pons Sept. 2 Pattie Perrou Kenneth Stettler Sept. 3 Jewell Bounous David Demiter Sept. 4 John Bowles Gaston Garrison Temo Garrou Rick Pons Corey Smith Sept. 5 Bruce Cannon Roger Heavner Sept. 6 Jane Burris Dart Matt Mitchell Jeff Reichard Sept. 7 Chip Black Sept. 9 Eleanor Bonner Wes Garrou Jack Heilman Sept. 10 Tammy Morrow Gabriel Sarver Rosemary Spence Sept. 12 Alan Griffin Sept. 13 Ruby Adams Catherine Gilleland John Connor Lafferty Larry Sarver Sept. 14 Zachary Hefner Sam Jones Sept. 15 Robin French Sept. 16 Lauren Church Sam Frederick Sept. 17 Rob Martinat Sept. 20 Boone Cleaver Sept. 21 Marianne Cannon Bo Mitchell Sept. 22 Jeannine Garrou Sept. 23 Amanda Adams Jessica Anderson Linda Morse Yates Palmer Sept. 24 Linsey Hudson Spence Sept. 25 Don Waldrop Sept. 26 Ted Carothers Jo Smith Moore Jennifer Neale Sept. 27 Louise Glasbrook Thomas Burke Mahorney Sept. 29 Kristen Church Emma Johnson Clara Reichard Sept. 30 Susan Stevenson

Page 4: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

Here we go! I will be so glad for us to get back to sharing music weekly. The lighter music schedule of summer has given the renewal we need, and I am grateful for that, too. On Wednesday, September 4, our WPC Friends afternoon schedule begins for elementary students. That includes 45 minutes of music for 3


th grade and 20

minutes of music for those through 2nd

grade. We will continue to sing, play Orff instruments, and learn some circle music games that James, Lilah and Piper learned at Montreat this summer. These groups will sing in worship and a couple of times on Wednesday evenings as supper is winding down. Stay tuned for those dates! Another children's music opportunity happens on Sunday mornings from 10:00-10:15 as part of the Children's Church program. That is for preschool through 5

th graders, and I

look forward to continuing to sing with them. Connections Band is already rehearsing on Thursdays at 6:00 in Pioneer Hall. We're learning some new songs this fall and look forward to sharing them with the 8:30 Connections service each Sunday. Our Handbell Choir will ring in the sanctuary each Wednesday from 6:00- 6:45 beginning September 4. We need a couple more ringers for larger bells. Will you help? Chancel Choir gets back to weekly rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4, from 7:00-8:15. On Saturday, September 14, we are headed to Rumple Memorial Presbyterian in Blowing Rock for our retreat, to get started on Advent/Christmas music. That same day, the choir from Rumple will come down to WPC to have a retreat here.

Here's something new for our music schedule: For those 5

th grade and older

(middle school, high school, college and beyond!), we're going to learn and share the Christmas musical, Arrest These Merry Gentlemen! It is so much fun--a comic story with great characters that still tells the Christmas story we love and need to keep hearing. Come to Pioneer Hall on Sunday, September 8 from 4:30- 5:30 pm to do some short dialogue readings, sing a couple of the songs, hear and participate in the story. You have to be willing to commit to memorizing lines and songs, BEING THERE for rehearsals on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-5:30, and "going for it" to help make this the best it can be--and there is SO. MUCH. TALENT. in this faith community!! Jump in with me! Don't want to sing or act? You can also help with staging, lighting, costumes and props...and our WPC Friends choirs will learn a couple of the songs to join us for the December performance (date/time to be announced soon). I echo Kevin's invitation for all of us to attend the Service of Witness Against Racism in our sanctuary on Monday, September 9 at 7:00pm. We are encouraging congregations throughout our area to come together for this hour to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate our youth to the need for inclusiveness and

unity in our world, please bring your children for at least the first part of this event. "Lift Every Voice And Sing." Every voice. We are called by our Lord to love God and love one another, within these walls and beyond as we continue to "pay forward" now the help that was offered to early Waldensian settlers of Valdese. As always, we hope for and embrace new members of all our musical groups at WPC. Please join us! God is with us (Emmanuel). Laurie Nicholson, Director of Music

Lessons from the young

Never try to baptize a cat. –

- Laura, age 13

Never tell your little brother that

you are not going to do what you

mom told you to do.

- Hank, age 12

Never try to hide a piece of

broccoli in a glass of milk.

- Rosemary, age 7

Never tell your mom her diet’s not


- Michael, age 14

Page 5: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

To view the directory online, go to and follow the prompts under ―Sign In‖ to ―Create a login now.‖ Please remember, you must confirm your email address before you can sign in. In order to be able to get the WPC directory as an app on your cell phone (or tablet), you will need the following: 1. iPhone 5 or newer; Android 4.4 or newer. If you have neither, you may still be able to get it by

contacting Mark Rostan for assistance. 2. Your email address as listed in the directory (if not already listed, send it to Meredith Bleynat

at [email protected] or Mark Rostan at [email protected].) 3. An account in the Apple App store in iTunes, Google Play store or the Amazon Fire App store.

Be sure you know your password for it.

Let us help you add our Church Directory

to your computer and phone…

In the App store look for Instant Church Directory - and install it on your phone (it's free). Enter your user name – it will be your email address as listed in the directory. Create your own password – it must contain all of the following: at least one Upper Case letter, at least one Lower Case letter, one number and one character or symbol (#, &, !, <). Be sure to record this somewhere for future reference. Before you can use the app, you should receive an email requesting confirmation of your information. Once you have the app on your device, open it and look at your entry. Are there any mistakes or updates to add? Do you have an up-to-date photo? You will not be able to make corrections yourself. Send new information and/or photo to Meredith Bleynat ([email protected]) or Mark Rostan ([email protected]) and they will handle it for you.

View our church directory online or via the FREE mobile app today.

Page 6: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

Why I Attend WPC By Linda Nabors

I love both of our worship

services and the music

I love being welcomed with

open arms

I love helping with JETT SET

It is a place to make many


I like that we do community

service projects

Circle meetings are very


We have good food

Words of Thanks Thanks to everyone who volunteered at the Waldensian Heritage Museum on Festival weekend and throughout the summer! We have had a busy season, and I could not do it without the assistance of many of you! Also, thanks to those of you who continually support the museum through donations and bringing guests to tour the museum! Thanks so much! Gretchen Lane-Costner Waldensian Heritage Museum Director



Join us as we explore books in our small group setting. These groups are designed to allow readers several weeks to acquire and read the selected books. The format of the book discussions includes provided questions and group discussions in an informal setting. Books are selected from recommendations from group members. All are welcome to participate. Feel free to come when you can and/or come when you are interested in what is being read and discussed. Feel free to come each time, to either or both groups. Please be considerate when borrowing books from the public library and check out only one of our selections at a time. Morning Book Discussion Group – 11am (meets at the Tron House on the last Thursday of month, most months) Thursday, September 26 – The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe Evening Book Discussion Group- 5pm (meets at the Tron House on the third Thursday of month, most months) Thursday, September 19 – The Stockholm Octavo by Karen Inglemann Thursday, October 17 – Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly Thursday, November 21 – Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress: A Novel by Dai Sijie Faith Matters Group – 4pm (meets in Room 200 the fourth Sunday of the month) Sunday, September 29 – Christian Doctrine, Revised Edition (Parts 4 and 5) by Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr. Sunday, October 27 – On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity, and Getting Old by Parker J. Palmer Join us any month! The morning and evening groups meet at the Tron House, behind the museum on St. Germain Avenue. The afternoon group meets in Room 200.

Page 7: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

The Tron House has been going through an awesome renovation! All of the groups who are

using that space have already benefitted from the updates. Each month, we host two book

clubs and one or more Presbyterian Women’s Circles, in addition to our weekly WPC College

group and the WPC Youth! Our Girl Scout troop is even interested in meeting there now!

Page 8: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate
Page 9: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate


It’s hard to believe, but our college students will be packing up and leaving home soon to begin their new year in college. So we need to re-boot our Church Mouse program and help provide for their emotional and spiritual needs while they are away at school.

What is the “Church Mouse” program?

It takes two people to make this program work. One is the individual student and the other is YOU! Each fall we submit the names of our WPC students, and then someone ―adopts‖ them as a secret pal for the school year. Once you choose your student, remember them during the special times of their year, such as birthdays, holidays, test times, etc. by sending them cards, goody packages, and, of course, praying for them daily. Some things you may want to send could include the items listed below, but you are encouraged to be inventive and original in your thinking. If you would like to ask someone else to partner with you in sponsoring your student, please feel free to do so. You are asked to remain anonymous until the end of the school year, and then reveal yourself to them. The element of surprise is part of the fun!

Church Mouse Item Suggestions

Once you get your student’s name and address at school, send out your get-acquainted letter (without revealing your identity) along with your first gift to them—which will be provided by our church and Church Mouse committee.

Students love magazines or paperback books, disposable cameras, stamps, stationary, letters from everyone, bandanas, money for a movie, pizza or video/DVD movie rental, pocket change for a Coke or ice cream, cards of encouragement, cards for their birthday, a small notebook, a goody box with soup, hot chocolate, macaroni and cheese, cookies, candy, etc.

You are encouraged to send a goody box at exam times.

Please make sure that you put the church address on all your mailings so that your identity is secret.

If you are interested in sponsoring a student, please contact the church office (874-2531).

NOTE TO ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS OR PARENTS: Please fill out the form below and return to the church office ASAP!

Name of Student______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student’s Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________________________________


Student’s E-Mail Address________________________________________________________________________________________

Student’s Phone Number (____ )_________________________________________________________________________________

Name of College or University ___________________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parents Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s Phone Number (____)_____________________________ Birth Date of Student _______________________________

Hobbies (ex: sports—favorite team, etc., reading, computers) _________________________________________________________

Favorite Snack (cookies, candies, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________

Favorite Soup/Other Instant Food (ex: macaroni & cheese, soup)_______________________________________________________

Favorite Local Restaurants (Subway, Starbucks, Domino’s)_____________________________________________________________

Nearest Video Store_______________________________________ Favorite Grocery Store______________________________

Favorite Magazine or Books________________________________ School Colors and Mascot ___________________________

Major or Area of Interest__________________________________ Dates of Exams (approximate if possible)_______________


Additional Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 10: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

OCTOBER 20, 2019

Time is fast approaching for the annual fall Waldensian Presbyterian

Bocce Luncheon and Tournament from which proceeds will go to support

the church’s Guatemalan mission team. Bocce teams will consist of two

members, and the entry fee will be $200.00 per team. Please email

Jeanene Burris by Sunday, October 6, at [email protected] to

register your team and send checks payable to Waldensian Presbyterian

Church Mission Committee with a memo of Fall Bocce. A baked

spaghetti lunch will be served beginning at 12:30 at the L.P.D.A. in

Valdese with the tournament following the meal. Donations will be taken

at the door to offset the cost of the meal. Thank you for your support of

our ongoing Guatemalan ministry!

Page 11: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate


Stated Session Meeting Minutes June 23, 2019

June 23, 2019 A full copy of the Session Minutes is available on the bulletin board across from the Office Manager's office. Detailed committee reports are also available. Some committee highlights will be contained in various parts of this report. However, since Session reports are posted in their entirety, information in this newsletter is presented in an abbreviated format, containing only important motions and other pertinent information. Treasurer's Report (Steve Martinat) Steve reported that total revenues, through May, were $147,518. Total expenses were $196,406 for a shortfall of $48,887. After the approved budget offset of $20,233 the shortfall to date is $28,654. Steve said that pledges, for this time of year, are low. He said that the report is now reconciled, and that the $600 to $900 error reported last month was found and corrected. He said that our auditors, Lowdermilk and Church, reviewed our records during the month, and should have a report in July. He estimated the fee for the audit to be between $3,500 and $4,000. He said that contribution statements should be mailed in July. Steve answered several questions from the Elders. Approved Motions (other than routine): Motion: To accept James M. Ratliff’s architectural fee of $6,300 for the design phase for two new restrooms in Pioneer Hall. Motion: To accept the attached changes in the new Wedding Booklet. Other News The next Presbytery Meeting will be held July 30, 2019, at the Brevard Davidson River Presbyterian Church. Our commissioners to this meeting will be Wes Garrou and Mark Rostan. These commissioners have been previously approved.

Kevin stated that it was time for Session to begin the process of hiring an interim pastor at his planned retirement. He presented information for purchasing a text titled “Interim Ministry in Action” by Norman B. Bendroth. Keven said that this would be a good resource for our search team. He also stated that Rev. Billy Robinson will probably be our liaison with the Presbytery of WNC for this process. Kevin also asked that anyone interested in being on this search team to contact him. Kevin reported that he had spoken with Geno Galando, who works for our landscaping crew, and had lost all of his possessions in a house fire. Kevin said that he was very appreciative of the $2,500 grant from our church, and he had used the money to purchase a stove, refrigerator, and clothes for the family. Carolyn Williams stated that her Nominating Committee has met and has nominees for three Elders and three Deacons. W.T. Sorrell, of the Property Committee, reported that he had met with S&F to discuss the architectural fees for design of restroom renovations in Pioneer Hall. The total quote from the architect, James M. Ratliff, was $6,300. The quote is itemized as follows: Architectural design: $ 2,800 Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical design: $ 3,500 Total design $ 6,300 Mark Rostan, of the Communications Committee, said a small proportion (less than 10% of the families) of the congregation is using the online directory, and we need to encourage the use of the directory. Tamika Garrison, of the Outreach Committee, will probably have a sample of the church highway signs at the next Session meeting. Reporting for the Fellowship Committee, Kevin and Jan mentioned that on June 19, which was our first day of VBS, Laura

Lafferty saw a disabled bus from Sardis Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. The bus, which was at Epic Cycles on Exit 111 on I-40, was carrying a youth group to Montreat. Laura made arrangements to bring the 12 youth and 3 adults to our church and feed them while their bus was being repaired. Jan said that Coran and the kitchen staff, with all the other activities happening at the time, happily fed the group and sent them on their way to Montreat. John Cannon Clerk of Session

Presbytery in Brief July 30, 2019

The Presbytery of Western North Carolina gathered to do the work of the church, worship and discernment, on Tuesday, July 30th. The people who are Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church welcomed us into their home, showing hospitality and love to all who attended this gathering of our extended family of faith. After Moderator Rev. Lauren Vanacore opened the meeting with prayer, Stated Clerk Dr. Cam Murchison highlighted the proposed Child/Youth Protection Policy, which will be voted on at a later date. Questions, comments, and potential changes are welcome. In a break from tradition, immediately following the Stated Clerk's report, we broke for lunch. The meal was a delightful reminder that the work of the Church is to gather together and break bread, and the room was filled with the loving conversations of brothers and sisters in Christ from across the Presbytery. We reconvened after lunch to hear a report from Ebenezer School in Malawi. This school currently enrolls over 400 students from preschool to seventh grade. This school is an ongoing ministry of our Presbytery, lifting students, and therefore communities, out of poverty through education.

Page 12: THE WALDENSIAN HERALD · to sing a few hymns, show solidarity with one another, and show the love of Jesus Christ to one another. It's a school night, but to help nurture and educate

Following the recognition of this important missional effort, we turned our hearts and minds to the service of worship. Rev. Noah McIntee preached a sermon on II Samuel 14:28-33 and John 4:31-38, sharing from his experience with UKirk in Cullowhee. We then had a bit of an adventure into Roberts Rules of Order! The General Presbyter Nominating Committee presented a motion asking for approval to focus "...on nominating an installed General Presbyter with skills and aptitude for the transitional work needed, with the flexibility of nominating instead either an interim General Presbyter or a designated General Presbyter if one of these alternatives promises to best accomplish the required transitional work." A substitute motion was presented, and lively and loving discussion ensued. The substitute motion did not replace the main motion, and the main motion was approved. The General Council made a report to the Presbytery, which included formal approval of the Advocate program, which is a new way of maintaining connection throughout our Presbytery. It replaces the old COM Liaison system.

The Committee on Ministry presented several new members of the Presbytery who will be serving congregations across the Presbytery, and one who is honorably retired. They also recommended the approval of Alex McNeill for ordination and validation of his ministry as executive director of More Light Presbyterians. This recommendation was unanimously and enthusiastically approved. First Lenoir also saw their Interim Pastor become their Pastor for a designated term. The afternoon continued with celebrations and information. Christian Education presented online resources, and lifted up the upcoming Pastor's Retreat. The Youth Committee pointed out the applications for the Presbytery Youth Council and showed a video from their recent adventure at Triennium. The Guatemala Partnership highlighted upcoming trips to Guatemala, and that we will soon celebrate 25 years of partnership! The Mission Committee lifted their work, including several upcoming trips. The Peace and Justice Committee exhibited the Matthew 25 initiative and provided a report from two members who recently spent two weeks assisting in a refugee ministry at the U.S./Mexico border. Our beloved General

Presbyter, Bobbi White, reflected on her time in this Presbytery and the many ministries which were hitting major milestones this year. The Teaching Elders and congregations who make up our extended family of faith, the Presbytery of Western North Carolina, will next gather on Saturday, October 26th, at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Asheville, NC. Your Brother in Christ, Rev. Joseph W. Taber IV, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Lowell

Our August Community Assistance Ministry offering

totaled $380. Thanks for your support!

A healthy church

One of the many dynamic churches in Houston, Texas, is St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. St. Stephen’s encourages its members to practice personal disciplines in order to strengthen the church, help the world and grow in the Christian life. Each member is encouraged to:

1. Seek God’s plan through a daily time of listening, prayer and Bible reading.

2. Worship weekly in the church, with emphasis on Holy Communion.

3. Participate regularly in a weekly faith study and prayer fellowship.

4. Regularly give a definite grateful share of one’s income to the spreading of God’s Kingdom through the church and in the world.

5. Do one’s best to exercise ministry in and through the church.

6. Speak and act so that one’s daily life is a witness to the love of God in Christ our Lord.