the Visitor - Welcome to First Baptist Church of Ithaca · Baptist Covenant and Code of Ethics; •...

Contents Debbie Allen to be ordained at FBC on Nov. 5th 1 Help Envision WIGS at Your Neighborhood Meeting 1 First Baptist Celebrates 20th AWAB Anniversary 1 Message from Rev. Debbie Bennett Reynolds 2 Sunday School Offering: “The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere” 2 Worldwide Communion Celebrated 2 Installation Service for Debbie Bennett Reynolds 3 Thanks from CC Team, Mariam Keita and Pastor Andre 4 Church Friends Helping One Another 4 AWAB Statement of Welcome and Affirmation 4 Priscilla Walker’s Journey to Discovery 5 Church Receives Grant... 5 Youth Participate in Feed My Starving Children 5 Invitation to Debbie Allen’s Ordination Service 5 Keep in Our Prayers 6 Staff / Elected Leaders / Ministry Teams 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Coming Events Oct. 29: Reformation Sunday Nov 4: West African Dinner Night 7-9 pm Community Room Nov 5: All Saints Sunday Nov 5: Ordination of Debbie Allen 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church Nov 19: Pledge Sunday Nov 19: ACT’s Multi-faith Thanskgiving Service at St. Catherine of Sienna at 3 pm October, November, December Neighborhood Meetings the Visitor 607-273-5800;; email: [email protected] October 2017 First Baptist Church First Baptist Church Celebrates 20th AWAB Anniversary Twenty years ago, following months of discussion, discernment, deliberation and a congregational vote, First Baptist Church joined the fledgling group of the Association for Welcoming and Affirming Baptists and affirmed its position of embracing and celebrating persons of all sexual orientations (the LGBTQ community), also persons from all family and religious backgrounds and configurations, racial, and cultural identities, ages, and differing abilities. At the October 22nd worship service, Shella Chace read from the AWAB charter and the AWAB candle was lit to honor this commitment. Jose Zanfordino reflected on her journey. (See page 4 for FBC’s 1997 full Statement of Welcome and Affirmation) Mark Lawrence, Pastor Debbie with a young friend light the AWAB candle celebrating First Baptist Church’s 20 years with AWAB on Sunday, October 22nd. After seven years of preparation and study at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, and fulfillment of all the rigorous requirements for ordination (see below), Debbie Allen will be ordinated as a minister of the American Baptist Church on Nov. 5th at 2 p.m., at First Baptist Church. Please plan on joining in the celebration of this momentous event in the life of First Baptist and Debbie. Debbie’s Ordination Requirements Preached at First Baptist (May, 2014) and the congregation voted to license her for ministry; Met with an Ordination Review Committee to discuss the nature of her calling to ministry; Met with a mentor once a month; Underwent an extensive psychological exam; Completed a course on Baptist Beliefs and Polity; Completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE); Completed require- ments for M.Div.; Wrote Ordination paper, and met with Ordination Review Committee to discuss paper on which they voted; Signed an agreement to abide by the American Baptist Covenant and Code of Ethics; Met with a Permanent Council to respond to questions about her Ordination paper. Vote taken by clergy/lay in region to approve her ordination; Planned Ordination Service Each member or friend of First Baptist will be invited to a neighborhood meeting in the coming weeks to meet with Pastor Debbie in a small group setting and to help envision WIGS - Wildly Important Goals for First Baptist. What are our aspirations for First Baptist this next year and over the next three years? Since FBC members and friends are widely dispersed, “neighborhood” is broadly defined, and there will be overlap among the “neighborhoods.” If you cannot attend your nearest meeting, please do contact the host of another neighborhood meeting to attend that meeting. A list of meetings yet to held is in the sidebar on the next page. Help Envision WIGS at Your Neighborhood Meeting Page 1 Debbie Allen Debbie Allen to Be Ordained at FBC on Nov. 5th

Transcript of the Visitor - Welcome to First Baptist Church of Ithaca · Baptist Covenant and Code of Ethics; •...

Contents • Debbie Allen to be ordained at FBC on Nov. 5th 1• Help Envision WIGS at Your Neighborhood Meeting 1• First Baptist Celebrates 20th AWAB Anniversary 1• Message from Rev. Debbie Bennett Reynolds 2• Sunday School Offering: “The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere” 2• Worldwide Communion Celebrated 2• Installation Service for Debbie Bennett Reynolds 3• Thanks from CC Team, Mariam Keita and Pastor Andre 4• Church Friends Helping One Another 4• AWAB Statement of Welcome and Affirmation 4• Priscilla Walker’s Journey to Discovery 5• Church Receives Grant... 5• Youth Participate in Feed My Starving Children 5• Invitation to Debbie Allen’s Ordination Service 5• Keep in Our Prayers 6• Staff / Elected Leaders / Ministry Teams 6

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Coming Events • Oct. 29: Reformation Sunday• Nov 4: West African Dinner Night 7-9 pm Community Room • Nov 5: All Saints Sunday• Nov 5: Ordination of Debbie Allen 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church• Nov 19: Pledge Sunday• Nov 19: ACT’s Multi-faith Thanskgiving Service at St. Catherine of Sienna at 3 pm• October, November, December Neighborhood Meetings

the Visitor 607-273-5800;; email: [email protected]

October 2017 First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church Celebrates 20th AWAB AnniversaryTwenty years ago, following months of discussion, discernment, deliberation and a congregational vote, First Baptist Church joined the fledgling group of the Association for Welcoming and Affirming Baptists and affirmed its position of embracing and celebrating persons of all sexual orientations (the LGBTQ community), also persons from all family and religious backgrounds and configurations, racial, and cultural identities, ages, and differing abilities.

At the October 22nd worship service, Shella Chace read from the AWAB charter and the AWAB candle was lit to honor this commitment. Jose Zanfordino reflected on her journey. (See page 4 for FBC’s 1997 full Statement of Welcome and Affirmation)

Mark Lawrence, Pastor Debbie with a young friend light the AWAB candle celebrating First Baptist Church’s 20 years with AWAB on Sunday, October 22nd.

After seven years of preparation and study at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, and fulfillment of all the rigorous requirements for ordination (see below), Debbie Allen will be ordinated as a minister of the American Baptist Church on Nov. 5th at 2 p.m., at First Baptist Church. Please plan on joining in the celebration of this momentous event in the life of First Baptist and Debbie.

Debbie’s Ordination Requirements • Preached at First Baptist (May, 2014) and the

congregation voted to license her for ministry; • Met with an Ordination Review Committee to

discuss the nature of her calling to ministry;• Met with a mentor once a month;• Underwent an extensive psychological exam;

• Completed a course on Baptist Beliefs and Polity;

• Completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE);

• Completed require-ments for M.Div.;

• Wrote Ordination paper, and met with Ordination Review Committee to discuss paper on which they voted;

• Signed an agreement to abide by the American Baptist Covenant and Code of Ethics;

• Met with a Permanent Council to respond to questions about her Ordination paper. Vote taken by clergy/lay in region to approve her ordination;

• Planned Ordination Service

Each member or friend of First Baptist will be invited to a neighborhood meeting in the coming weeks to meet with Pastor Debbie in a small group setting and to help envision WIGS - Wildly Important Goals for First Baptist. What are our aspirations for First Baptist this next year and over the next three years?

Since FBC members and friends are widely dispersed, “neighborhood” is broadly defined, and there will be overlap among the “neighborhoods.” If you cannot attend your nearest meeting, please do contact the host of another neighborhood meeting to attend that meeting. A list of meetings yet to held is in the sidebar on the next page.

Help Envision WIGS at Your Neighborhood Meeting

Page 1

Debbie Allen

Debbie Allen to Be Ordained at FBC on Nov. 5th

Who We Are at First Baptist

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~First Baptist Church, a member of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists, is a community centered in Christ, bound by grace, and called to model God’s vision of inclusive love.

Our ministry begins at First Baptist as we move beyond all barriers of race, gender, sexual orientation, background and creed to be a community of faithful worship. God’s ministry continues through the lives of each person who carries his or her faith back into the world.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First BaptistNeighborhood

Meetings: Josie Zanfordino & Adrienne McNair – Monday evening, 131 East Green St., (to be rescheduled)

Sue Eymann & Tony Lister – Monday evening, 30 October, 1606 Trumansburg Road

Marlene Sack and Judy Kennison – Monday evening, 6 November, 222 Taryton St.

Julie & Tim Dean – Monday evening, 20 November, 508 South Albany St.

Browyn Evans & Sara Shenk - Tuesday evening, 28 November, 89 Hickory Rd

Tina and Steve Hilsdorf - Wednesday evening 6 December, 2146 Danby Rd.

There will also be meetings at Longview on Nov. 1st and Kendal on November 8th.

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October, 2017Dear Friends,

WIGS - Wildly Important Goals: this clever and provocative phrase is a part of the invitation the Cabinet is bringing to us as a congre-gation. What are our aspirations for First Baptist this next year and over the next three years? As I met with the Stewardship Team and the Cabinet and now have begun the Neighborhood Meet-ings and meeting with a couple other Ministry Teams, the con-versations have been rich and stimulating. There are lots of ideas, lots of hopes, lots of aspirations for First Baptist Church in Ithaca. I am curious and eager to see what will emerge from all these many conversations over the coming weeks. I hope all of you will become involved in this process of envisioning and discerning together. I urge you to share your ideas and aspirations for our future together. Join in the brainstorming!

But, I hope we will do more than brainstorm. As I reflect on this process, I realize that we are talking about our calling from God. What are we as First Baptist being called to be and do? Where is God leading us? What are the gifts we have as a com-munity and how is God calling us to use those gifts to be in ministry in our commu-nity? Our process needs to involve prayer and spiritual discernment. Let’s commit to be in prayer together, asking what God wants for us in the coming year and in the next three years and beyond.

We have many gifts and resources in our church family. Our community and our world has many needs. Frederick Buechner’s definition of call may help guide us. “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” What might that tell us as we consider where God is calling us at this time in the life of First Baptist?

I’m energized by and hopeful about the conversations we are having. God is at work in us and among us! Let’s brainstorm, let’s pray, and let’s discern together where God is calling us!


Debbie Bennett Reynolds

Reverend Debbie Bennett Reynolds

Passing the Cup: Lou Carlucci passes the cup to Liz Wilkinson on World-wide Communion Sunday Oct. 1st.

Page 2

Sunday School Offering: “The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere”Who is Jesus Christ? What does it mean to call ourselves “Christian?” What is the journey of following Jesus about for us today? Adult Education for the next several weeks will be using a curriculum of short videos from some prominent writers and theologians such as Greg Boyles, Rowan Williams, Brene Brown, and Richard Rohr to prompt our conversation about these questions. Bring your questions, bring your experiences, and join the conversation!

We are also working to get video of Dr. William Barber’s recent speech in Binghamton for us to watch together and discuss the “People’s Campaign” that is being organized for 2018.

Worldwide Communion Sunday Celebrated Oct. 1stWoldwide Communion Sunday was celebrated On Oct. 1st at FBC by highlighting its global theme through attire and presentation of the communion elements.

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Covenant for Shared MinistryMicah 6:8, Romans 12: 4-18, Ephesians 4: 16-20

Minister: God has told you, First Baptist Church in Ithaca, what is good; and what does the Lord require of youPeople: but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Moderator: For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function,People: so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.Pastor: We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; People: the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.Moderator: Let our love be genuine; let us hate what is evil and hold fast to what is good; let us love one another with mutual affection and outdo one another in showing honor. Let us not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, and serve the Lord.People: We will rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, and persevere in prayer. We will contribute to the needs of the saints and extend hospitality to strangers.Moderator: Let us bless those who persecute us; bless and do not curse them.People: We will rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.Pastor: Let us live in harmony with one another; not being haughty, but associating with the lowly; not claiming to be wiser than we are. We will not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.People: If it is possible, so far as it depends on us, we will live peaceably with all.Minister: I pray that, according to the riches of God’s glory, God may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through God’s Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.Pastor: I pray that we may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.All: Now to our God who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to God be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.

Longtime friend Nancy Osborne reading the scripture.

Installation Service forDebbie Bennett Reynolds

October 8th, 2017First Baptist Church, Ithaca

Photos by Judy Kennison

Rev. Amy Greene preaching on “Better Parts”

Mom Helen Reynolds presents Debbie with a stole.

Community room setup for reception

Debbie and Mark Lawrence join in singing a hymn

Boutonnière for husband Bill from Anne Farrell

Communion Table

Reverends Amy Greene, Debbie Bennett Reynolds & Alan Newton

Executive Minister of the Rochester Genesee Association of American Baptist Churches Alan Newton, the Rev. Amy Greene, chaplain at the Clevland Clinic, and Debbie’s longtime friend Nancy Osborne came to First Baptist on October 8th to participate in the joyful installation service of the Reverend Debbie Bennett Reynolds as Pastor of First Baptist.

During the service Debbie’s mother-in-law Helen Reynolds presented Debbie with a new stole with JOY appliquéd to both sides.

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AFFIRMATIONThis congregation of First Baptist Church of Ithaca, NY, is a community bound by grace, centered in Christ, and called to model God’s vision of inclusive love. Joyfully, we embrace people from all family configurations, religious backgrounds, racial and cultural identities, ages, differences in abilities, and sexual orientations. We celebrate this diversity, and the vast array of gifts, talents, and time each individual brings to our church life. All who enter First Baptist are valued and encouraged to grow and to serve as God leads.

We are led both by God’s vision, and by God’s call for justice. We recognize that gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender persons have suffered many forms of oppression, including the effective exclusion from many churches. It is in keeping with our understanding of Scripture, our experience of God’s Spirit, and our American Baptist heritage of religious liberty and soul freedom that we, the congregation of First Baptist Church, publicly and officially declare ourselves to be a Welcoming and Affirming Congregation of the American Baptist Churches, I doing so, we reaffirm the following: • All persons, regardless of

their sexual orientation, are welcomed into this faith community and into membership;

• All members are expected and encouraged to participate and share in all aspects of the life and ministry of FBC Church;

• All loving family configutrations are affirmed, honored, and supported, as we share in one another’s joys and sorrows, celebrate life’s significant passages and care for each other through life’s difficulties.

May God be with us on our journey. Peace to all.

Dog Pen Brigade: Friends joined to put up Marlene and Judy’s dog, Sandy’s fenced in dog pen.

The Christian Concern team, Mariam Keita and Pastor Andre Thera thank you again for your support of their children’s William and Joke’s educational needs. We were again able to send $900 to the family to pay for tuition, fees, clothing, book bags, transportation, school supplies and books throughout the academic year for both Jokebed and William (see photo). This support is enormous in terms of ensuring a good education for their William and Joke and relief from financial worry allows them to focus on their ministry.

Mariam created and runs a neighborhood pre-school for any children who wish to come, no matter their religion. In addition she also has her usual involvement and leadership responsibilities in the church.

Andre not only pastors a large church in Bamako and assists at the Bamako seminary but also goes into the interior of Mali, at some personal risk, to train village pastors, and be a visiting preacher. Each summer he is involved in running or speaking at several Christian youth camps across the country. Our support of their children’s education helps to make their important work in Mali possible.

Church Friends Helping One Another

Garden Brigade: Church friends transplanted plants from their old house to their new home.

One is not long at First Baptist Church before they meet Judy Kennison and Marlene Sack. The couple has spent countless hours working for the church in virtually every capacity. Currently, Marlene sings in the choir, is a member of the New Creation Singers, a Trustee and the Financial Secretary. Judy is our current Vice-Moderator, was on the recent Search Committee and recently penned a grant for $5,000 that the church received to refurbish the Saint Catherine window. When the couple recently moved to their brand new retirement home, 30 friends, most from First Baptist, came out in force to help them move. Judy and Marlene wish to thank all involved.

Mail Box: Tony Cotraccia and Marlene put up the new mailbox.

A Big Thank You from the CC Team, Mariam & Pastor André! By Bill Phelan

William and Jokebed Keta

Page 5


First Baptist Church has been notified that the church will receive a matching $5,000 grant from the New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Sacred Sites program to restore the Saint Catherine window in the sanctuary of the church. The group made a site visit to assess the window before awarding the grant. The curator commented that it is quite unusual to see woman figures in stained glass windows.

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Amy Beigel organized an FBC youth team for participation in the annual Ithaca Mobile Pack, a service/learning event. FMSC is a national non-profit that organizes local efforts to pack and deliver food to people in developing countries world-wide. An assembly-line technique ensures that nutritious dry ingredients (rice, soy, vegetables, etc.) are packed for effective delivery.

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Priscilla Walker’s Journey to Discovery By Susan Eymann

Priscilla Walker is joyous. Her life is full. After nine moves in the 22 years she has lived in Ithaca, she has now successfully downsized to a 750 square-foot Breckenridge Place apartment using Feng Shui to create her comfortable living space. Priscilla now helps others, her clients, achieve the same. She is also engaged in doing something close to her heart - facilitating writing for local groups. Fun in Writing is what she calls her project of helping others express themselves through words.

“I’m a writer,” she states proudly as we conversed recently in the comfort of my living room. “I graduated from Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont as a non-traditional student in the early eighties,” she reveals. As she studied and heard the voices of women, her own life began to transform. When she co-facilitated groups for abused women and adolescents at risk, Priscilla recognized their plights and started to understand the dynamics of her own family.

Tough ChildhoodLife was grim on the Tennessee dirt farm where she grew up. There was no room for fun or even for expressions of affection from her parents. Priscilla soon found she could escape by drinking and passing out. “I was like a tumbleweed, drinking and drugging and bouncing around for years, between South America, the U.S. and Canada,” she says.

When she connected with a wonderful therapist in Vermont, her life began to change. She joined Alcoholics Anonymous and has stayed with that group now for 33 years. Moving to Ithaca brought new opportunities and challenges. Her first job was at First Baptist Church under Pastor Wendy Fambro. In subsequent jobs at an audiology center and a high tech corporation, Priscilla discovered that she has a host of skills. “I’m a generalist,” she says. “Put something in front of me, and I’ll do it.”

Another TalentTen years ago, Priscilla joined a couple of writing groups in town and discovered a dormant talent. “It was exciting to learn that I could write,” she confides. Last November, she knew intuitively that she didn’t have to participate in the

groups any longer, but could become a facilitator for others, helping them find and express their own voices. “I identify, I know,” she says of empathizing with what others are experiencing.

Giving Back This isn’t the first time that Priscilla has given back. Five years ago, she volunteered for five months with the Sisters of Saint Teresa in Bogota, Columbia, where she worked with women who had been abandoned in hospitals. The rewards were phenomenal as Priscilla knows she received way more than she gave.

Then four years ago a wonderful reunion occurred. Priscilla reconnected with a son David who she had given up for adoption when she was a teenager and for whom she had searched for years. “We were both looking for one another,” she says. David lives in Louisiana and has four sons, as does Priscilla. In 2016, he invited her to spend three weeks visiting him in South Korea and Japan where he was on work assignments.

Priscilla cannot account for the mysteries that are in her life. Rather, she leaves them in the hands of her Higher Power and is grateful for her pains and her joys. “Be intuitive and see where the moment will take you,” says Priscilla as she embarks on the next phase of her life.

“People actually like me,” she says in almost disbelief. For those who know Priscilla and are drawn in by her buoyant nature, bright smile and infectious laugh, that is not hard to believe at all!

Priscilla Walker

You are invited to an Ordination Ceremony

for Deborah Allento be ordained as a

minister in the American Baptist Church on

Nov. 5th, 2:00 p.m.First Baptist Church

DeWitt Park, Ithaca, NY

Page 6

First Baptist StaffPastor: Rev. Debbie Bennett-ReynoldsSecretary: Shella ChaceOrganist: Christopher Morgan LoyChoir Director: Belinda AdamsYouth and Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Amy Beigel

Childrens and Youth Performing Arts Coordinator: Belinda Adams

Nursery Caregiver: Carol FlemingSunday School Aide: Sarah Zipfel Custodian: David Hopkins

Elected LeadersModerator: Bill Fry Vice Moderator: Judy KennisonMembership Clerk: Tina Hilsdorf Recording Clerks: Rich Barron/Andrea Mooney

Treasurer: David CaugheyAssistant Treasurer: Andrea MooneyFinancial Secretary: Marlene Sack

Board of Trustees Rich Barron (chair); Mark Lawrence, Anne Farrell, Steve Hilsdorf, Baruch Whitehead, Marlene Sack, Susan Eymann, Bill Phelan, Jose Zanfordino, David Caughey (ex offico)

Church Archivist: Linda Caughey

Lay Delegates: Affiliate OrganizationsRochester Genesee Region (2 dele-gates), ABC-USA (2 delegates): Ossie Heath-Crump, Anne Farrell, Debbie Allen, Bronwyn Evans, Mark Lawrence, Rich and Lil BarronACT: Marge Hansel AWAB: Shella Chace, Josie Zanfordino, Baptist Peace Fellowship: Meg Gillard, Cornell Protestant Cooperative Ministry: Julia Dean, Linda Nicholson,

Anne Farrell Kitchen Cupboard: Amanda Ufford, Sue Hemsath

Tompkins County Workers Center: Bill Abeles

Pastoral Relations/Search CommitteeAmy Chaffee, Bill Abeles, Judy Kenni-son, Tim Dean, Steve Farrell, Tina Hils-dorf, Lou Carlucci, (ex officio Johnson)

Nominating CommitteeLeslie Schultz, Andrea Mooney, Louise Mudrak, Susan Eymann, Rich Barron

Personnel Committee Tony Lister, Julia Dean, Beth Wolfer

Ministry TeamsWorship: Barbara Fry, co-chair; Debbie Allen, co-chair; Andrea Mooney, Bill Abeles, Bill Staffeld, Edie Reagan, Amy Chaffee, Geri Johnson, Susan Eymann

Education: Meg Gillard, Carol Flem-ming, Lou Carlucci, Greta Cotraccia

Christian Concern: Steve Farrell, Louise Mudrak, Baruch Whitehead, Lynne Glase, Bill Phelan, Susan Eymann, Tony Lister, Amanda Ufford, Beth & Matt Wolfer, Dana Murray-Cooper, Adrienne McNair

Stewardship Committee: Steve and Anne Farrell, Alice Grow, Mark Lawrence, Adrienne McNair, Josie Zanfordino, Janet Cotraccia, Bronwyn Evans, Bill Fry, Rich Barron, Tony Lister

Finance & Endowment David Caughey, Marlene Sack, Janet Cotraccia, Judy Kennison, Curt Ufford, Steve Hilsdorf, Bill Fry and Julie Costie

Hospitality Ministry: Anne Farrell: chair; Shella Chace, Meg Gillard, Tina Hilsdorf, Adrienne McNair, Andrea Staf-feld, Ella Dean and Greta Cotraccia

Circle of Care: Coordinators: Amanda Ufford, Sue Hemsath

Flower Committee: Barbara Fry, Mariana Morse, Tina Hilsdorf, Andrea Staffeld

Parable of Talents: Shella Chace, Marlene Sack

DeWitt Park Social Action Coalition and “Green” Ministry: Josie Zanfordino, Louise Mudrak, Lynn Glase, Adrienne McNair, Mariana Morse, Linda Caughey, Judy Kennison, Marlene Sack, Leslie Schultz, Sarah Zipfeld, Tony Lister, Barbara Pease

Facility Planning: Tim Dean, Dan Lamb, Louise Mudrak, Mark Lawrence

Myra’s Ministry: Myra Fincher

Interior Decoration: Barbara Fry, Julie Dean, Tina Hilsdorf, Bill Abeles, Anne Farrell, Andrea Staffeld, Susan Eymann

Visitor — October 2017 Issue Editor, publisher: Susan Eymann Proof readers: Judy Kennison, Tony

Lister Contributors: Pastor Debbie Bennett

Reynolds, Judy Kennison, Marlene Sack, Marge Hansel, Bill Phelan, Priscilla Walker

Photos: Judy Kennison, Bill and Barb Fry, Pastor André Thera, Susan Eymann

Namasté: On October 22nd, the First Baptist choir, under the direction of Belinda Adams, sang an anthem entitled Namasté by Mark Hayes. Before singing the anthem, Rev. Tony Lister introduced the meaning of the Sanskrit/Hindu term Namasté explaining that it means “I bow to the divine in you” and is usually spoken as a greeting or salutation with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards. In her children’s and youth time, Rev. Debbie Bennett Reynolds continued the theme with the children and had them greet one another with Namasté.

Visitor SubmissionsAs we are all called to be ministers, you are each invited to contribute to our Visitor. Please send announce-ments, articles, features, pictures to: [email protected] by Nov. 15. for the next issue.


Please keep in your prayers: • Lil Barron• Emily Young• Nancy Sokol• John Gross• Naomi Hollister• Laurel Lawshae (Jan and Frank Butler’s daughter)• Joan Yarborough and John Laney• The Phelan family• Barbara Lister• David and Geri’s son-in-law Frank• The youth who are trying to find their way

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What does the Lord require of you?

To do justice, Love mercy and Walk humbly with our God Micah 6:8

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Grief and gratitude are kindred souls, each pointing to the beauty of what is transient and given to us by grace.

Patricia Campbell ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~