The Virtual Cell Project Phillip McClean Alan White Brian Slator North Dakota State University.

The Virtual Cell Project Phillip McClean Alan White Brian Slator North Dakota State University
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Transcript of The Virtual Cell Project Phillip McClean Alan White Brian Slator North Dakota State University.

The Virtual Cell Project

Phillip McCleanAlan WhiteBrian Slator

North Dakota State University

Details of the VCell

•Interface•Game Play

VCell Login

The VCell login window is launchedfrom the Virtual Cell Home page byclicking on the “Login & Play” link.It may also be opened from the Site Map page.

Virtual Cell - Introduction

Goal InformationBox – This text box can be accessed fromthe “Information”pull-down menu.

Whenever your labassistant wishes to communicatenew informationconcerning your current goal, theGoal Information Box will appear.

In this case, you must meet with the lab assistant.To do so, youmust click on hisbody.

VCell Instructions

Referenceinformation about organelles, etc. is available through the “Information” pull-down menu.

Instructions fromThe Lab Guy andcommunication messages from other players aredisplayed in the“User to User”communication box.

You may communicate with other players byTyping messages into the communication box.

Click on the Lab Guy icon to move between the Laboratory and the VCell.

The “Tell Lab Guy” box” gives you choices for destinations and allows you to communicate with your lab guy.For example, this selection will send you to the VCell for your next set of experiments.

Transporting from One Place to Another

Performing Experiments

Experimental Results

Choose assays here

Fly around organelles and perform experiments

Choose actions here

To perform experimentsyou must select the assay action from the “Action” pull-down menu.Then choose an assay forthe item for which youwish to test. Once you havedone this, you must clickon an organelle to performthe experiment. In this casethe player is testing forchlorophyll.

You may also type yourown notes.

Deduction of Organelle Identity

Choose organelle to identify here

Successful identification based on experimental results

Choose identify action here

To identify an organelleyou must select the “identify” action fromthe “Action” pull-downmenu. Then choose an object for the item forwhich you wish to test.Once you have donethis, you must clickon an organelle toidentify the this case the playerhas identified thechloroplast.

Guessing Not Allowed

Appropriate experiments are required for identification.

All Goals Completed

Once you have completed all goals for the current level, directions for proceeding to the next level will be given. In this case, you are instructed to return to the lab to get your next assignment. Click on the Lab Guy icon to do so.

Notice that the “Goals Accomplished” list will change once you have completed all goals for the current level.

New Level Instructions

Lab Guy welcomes you back and gives you your next assignment

You arrive in the Lab. Click on the Lab Guy to receive your next instructions.

Educational Role-playing Games

“Learning-by-doing” Experiences

• MultiUser

• Exploration

• Spatially-oriented virtual worlds

• Practical planning and decision making

Information for Instructors

Educational Role-playing Games

“Learning-by-doing” Experiences

• Problem solving

• Scientific method

• Real-world content

• Mature thinking

Advantages of Virtual Worlds

• Collapse virtual time and distance• Allow physical or practical

impossibilities• Participate from anywhere• Interact with other users, virtual

artifacts, and software agents• Multi-user collaborations and

competitive play

Technical Approaches

• Networked, internet-based, client-server

• MultiPlayer

• Simulation-based

• Implemented in Java applets

The VCell VRML Worlds

The CellThe Laboratory

The Virtual Cell

The Laboratory

Mitochondrial Function:Electron Transport Chain Animation Mission

Molecules in motion

Molecule Key

ETC Membrane Complexes

Chloroplast Function:Photosynthasis Mission – A Work in Progress

User in Sub shoots photons to activate photosynthesis

Photosystem Complexes


• Not “multiple choice” recall

• Content specific:

• Problem solving, hypothesis formation, deductive reasoning

Assessment by Scenarios

• Assess computer literacy

• PreTest: Present scenario, students propose course of action or


• Engage in learning experience Control vs Virtual

• PostTest: Present similar scenario, student response

• Analysis of assessment data

Current Implementation

NDSU General Biology Class

600 students total 300 control students 150 alternative (WWW based, but not VCell) students 150 VCell students