The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and...

-ii-«r- I ^" W I II II li pfci « •'•"^'' '' 7M"^«'~9J»ll« •••l'.'^"' VOLUME XLVIU NO. 51 ANTRIM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1, 1931 Qualify, Service and Satufaction I. G. A. SPECIALS! November 13tli to i9th NATIONAL LG.A. COFFEE SALE Coffee DeLuxe lb. 39c T Blend lb. 29c •G' B l e n d ............. ,.; ,^ ........ . l b . 24c . 'A' Blend ........ lb. 19c Instant Liqaid C o f f e e . , . , , ..... ,...,. 8 oz. bottle SSc Oven-Bailed Beans ahd P o r K .......... -3 lg. cans 50c Fancy Apple Butter ...... qt. jar 17c Luchy Strike Cigarettes 2 pKgs. 27c Toasted Whole Wheat Cereal ...... . ... ,pKg. 19c Angelas Tiny Imported S a r d i n e s ........... can I9c American Sardines, new pacK... . .. 2 cans 13c Fancy Cut Wax Beans.. .""No. 2 can 16c Fancy Red Raspberrie.s ................ No. 2 can 25c Ammonia, full strength,. ........ ,..,,.qt. bottle 21c Prepared Spaghetti. .2 cans I7c Fancy Cane and Maple Syrup .... .. ;... lg. jug 21c Pancake Flour. .2 pRgs. 19c Star Chocolate Drops. 2 lbs. 29c Pure Barley Malt Syrup ............. 2 lg. cans 87c Richfield Tree-Ripened Pears ... ... . lg. can 21c Fancy Cocoa.. -. ..., .... , full lb. can 17c Haine Crosby C o r n ................. 3 No. 2 cans 29c 0[eBI & MEIGH Odd Fellows Block WILLIAM F. CLARK AUTHORIZED AGENT Tel. 64 3 ANTRIM. N. H. ASBESTOLINE A Super Grade Protective Coating for Metal, Gravel and Composition jR,oofs. Semi - Plastic and Brusli Applied. 10 Year Guarantee if used according to directions. Oil Stoves at a Discount for Cash. IK B(V- IVIAIL. HILLSeOIIDGUllRltNTY SAVIIIGS eni Incorporated 1889 HILLSBORO, NEW HAMPSHIRE A Representative of the Hillsboro Sanks Is in Antrim Thursday tnorning of each weelc DEPOSITS made durine the first throe business days of the montb draw interest from the firet day of the month HOURS: 9 to 12, 1 to 3, S (turday 8 to 12 Safe Deposit Boxes for hent $2.00 a Year 5 GENTS A COPY Gaa the Antrim Red Cross Chapter Increase Its Membership to Two Hundred for This Year ? .1931 niarks the fiftieth anniversary at the American Red Cross. Throughout the couptrj' chapters have been celebrat- ing this annivjtrsary year in various ways and in so doing have aroosed nsw en- thusias.-n for the woi-k which has been ^"'!'y*^. °'!^-''y ,'•"". National^ and Local Organizations. ' ' . . . The National Organization has cele- brated itS' Semt-Centennial by bringing to a .-uccessful concIiislon the greatest ! relief program of all' time,—the,, great drought disasters of. 1930-31. I In Antrim, we Had our part In this re- lief work, and we are justly proud of the response made to the call for funds;..aU of us were glad to hslp in the relief of those so. so'rely afflicted. While we stage no pageant, ha\"e no banquets.- or in any public manner cele- , biate thio anniversary, we are just as sincerely happy ovier the achievements of this afty years of ser\'ice as are those more budly demonstrative. We are going to celebrate. in a mora practical manner by again enrolling among its membership, and we are going to try to have all non-members join the ranks;, we are going to make this a real RED OROSS YEAR. In our community the Red Cross is really our community chest.—looking af- tT the various charitable needs insofar as Its limited resources will allow'.' Its' f J lids, are acquired through membership of which constitute a fund f?.- Ic'cal iLse. In addition ALL money .d;,nated is.Tetained at home_ These are tho bast of reasons why you should en- roll in tiie Red Cross, and in addition your iL-gular dues donate what you c:m. " • During the present year the income of the. Local Branch, aside fru.-n drought 'iMliof. which totaled S308i was $84, ahd j'.Vf have expended appro-v.^-nately S130. jOi thy amount expended close to $100 Wii tor the benefit of children, who ware .'•Jireriiig from physical defects, which if :io: corrected would ha-.'e placed them at a great disadvantage in tiieir studies and work. j New Hampshire, has been first in per .c:ip;ra membership for .three, years; we ..'.-•'•I'l help to maintain thi.- .standing. New i Hr-mpshire has a membership cf 29.855:. 'U:'.'! iielp boost this to 39.000., Antrim has a membership of 162. 1.3, members per 100 population above the average for the state. Let's boost this to 200 members, JOIN: Book Week Will Be Observed in Antrim Nov. 15 to 2,1 with Special Program and Contest .The theme for Book Week this year is "Round the World in Books." A spe- cial program will be broadcast Wednesday Nov. 18, over WABC. frcm 2.30 to 3.00. May Lamberton Becker, literary editor of St. Nicholas, will conduct a round-the- world book cruise and will introduce three •wei.l-knswn' authors, wlio.'n' young people will enjoy hearing. There v.'ill bj story ho-urs during the w;eek at Library hall. These stories are for all children in town, school age. Tilrs. Bulterriold will be ready Tuesday for the ist grade, at 2..30, ai-.d ciit 2ad gradt at 3.30. Thursday, at 3.30. Mrs. Harriman will entertain the 3rd and 4th gr:ide.s. Saturcii.y. Miss McKay will moet the 5t;-. and et'r. grades at.3.00: .ind at 4.30, Miss Carlson will give a talk to the "th and 8lh grad-s. and to the pupiU of tha Hijh School. . The children, under direction of Mi.-.^ Mc-v^er, arc making book plate design.^, which will be on di.splay at the librar.v. N'.'W E±'is, both for adulL.? and children, will b- ready for circulation N.jv. 15. CONTEST Each line of jumbled .letters contaiiv- !he title of a book of fiction. Search it otit. I. Rfy.stoamw. . 2. Newtnloltile. 3. D'enpro. •i. Tobbaaccgggrmssiwiphcetha. 5 words .i. Kobjoghule. ,':. Mr'stekeserehelu. 7.' Runlieb. 3. TiUnolltaruncferdo. 3 word.'i. 9. Willdothecalf. 10. Boornosonusric! II. Hionavc. 12. Sanliosimtiitocfolls. ' 13. RL!ii,p.ahribn. 14. Di'hii. I.V T:;;aaai'ceeecc'.vni'.ndd.vhhouuuIssrg 6 wcrrd.-. IC. DL^i.T;saiiiuai'i. 17. Mv.->jk. 18. .Iiiilic-ototwtu.'. 13. Natroppe-. 20. Ni^vorc'atiwdos. 21. T,niio>vee. . 22. Linjtndci.sonyca. 23. Sis; •i.'waxhlvriv.Mir:;. 24. P-iUdpt-kin. 2.1. Fatbo.dyrobo.say. An.<i'.vi-".5 win be ,5;r.-en next w^ek. Annual Guest Night of Molly Aiken Chapter. D.A.R., Held with Banquet and Entertainment On Friday evening last, the sLxtii oi Noyember, Molly ..iiker Chapter.' D. A, R.. held their annual Gentleman's Nigii:. with a banquet and entertainment at :;•.£• Baptist vestry. T h e plan foUc-.vcd v.-;.- much the same a.'i in previous yc.i:>. members of the organization invuir.;; their gentlemen and friends, Around bO were present to partake of the banqu,;; served at 6 o'clock, consisting of coi:: .sliced ham, escalloped potitocs, .«al.u; roils, apple pie, ico cream ani coiT;-, Tile tables were nicely arranged and d.\-- orated with green and red borries. S.-r- vice wa5 excellent and a .•splendid supp'; wa-s: enjoj'cd; The ••entertainment part of the progra:v. was furnished by instrumental pieces fr.,:r. the Wahnolah orchestra, of HilbbJrx vocal trio, readings, fiuto .solo, and a one- act pla.v. Tiw irio W.1S n m p j s f d of M;>. •Buttcrfiuk!. M:-.v. ~tn:v^y and Mr. Boyd: tho r,.'adin2,- wrr,. by .Mr.-. W. H. Hurlin: the ono-.ict pl.-iy by Mrs. H;:rl:n and Carrol Nichc'ls: Mr<. Folkcr was acom- panisi for ;:u' ;rio in •'.-.•.•-.i- .^ovcral .-(-'cc- ;,tlon.s: .ir.d M ^ Hi'.l wns the flute .'io:oi~t. The t.ibl'.'.-. -iw-re cloarcd aii.d ,1,1 continued to occ-'ipy their .""at,' wliilo ";;c- r:-.tert:ii:> 'mc;U "va.s qi'.on in ;!ie !.:\mi' -oor.'). Ev;>ry numht^r o:i the program rrc.;!'.-ed the I hearty of all irro.vnt. The quot.'it.ion for thr November Sth j.T.cetins. in the D. A: R. year byok. brough; to the minds nf .i few on tins occa-^lon: "Tiie gentle n-.urmj;r of ;h';r voices tell that friends l-.ave rriet mce What Thomas Edison Said About Prohibition and How It Has Helped the American People our readers may be Interested u; know that the great Thomas' E. Edison, rc- cccntly deceased, was a consistent friend of and believer tn prohibition. Signi- ficantly the great press agencies rcfraiiKd from referring to this in their long arti- cles about the wizard inventor, followlnc his death. They often refer to the atti- tude of prominent men when that atti- tute Is hostile to prohibition. Mr. Edison was asked the followins questions in, an interview and his answer: are given: Que.^tlon One—Do you approve of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Con.s:'- tution of the TJnited States? If so, wh.. ^ Mr. Edison's Answer—Yes, it is neccs- sa^r aid to permit practical entorcemcns of proWWtloa all over the cotmtry. Question Two—Has it helped the in- dustrial and economic life of America ai home and strengthened the industrial standing of our nation .I' Mr. Edison'.s An.<nvcr—Yes. and to n greater extent than realiwd. Question Three—In your .judgment ar-.- children better fod anrt clothed and edu- cated since the coming of n.itional pro- hibition than they were before? Mr. EdUson's Answer—In my judgment I would ."-ay decidedly yes. In support of this opinion and in. th:s ronncction let me eite my experience a.' a manufacturer, which Is .<iimilar to that of other manu- facturers. On pny day.', before prohibi- tion, hundreds of palc-f,i>.d women, shabbily dressed, some with faded shawls around their hcad.s appe.ired at our fac- tcry in West, Orange, They were waiting A't 'the M a i a St. Soda Shop Big Bargain in Flashligfits $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Eveready, Yale and Whichester 2 and 3 Cell Flashlights, complete with bulb and batteries, marked down to $1.00 each. Take advantage of this sale and own a good flashlight or buy them for Christmas presents. See them in the show window. At the Maia St, Soda Shop JEWELHY We shall have on sale this weeK a show case full of new Jewelry; many pieces suitable for Christmas Gifts. Every article is waranted and from one of the largest Jewelry houses and most reliable manu- facturers in that line. M. E . D A N I ELS K-egistered Drug^gist Antrim, New Hampshire Two Piece Wool Knitted Suits $2,95 _ Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible Prices. SilK and Wool Hose $1.00. Dance Sets 65 cents to $1.15. Broadcloth Sleeping Pajamas $1.75. Spencer Corsetiere Service, Garments Designed for the Individual Sun Dry Cleaning—Heaso.nabie Prices, Guaranteed Work ANNA'S GONVENIENCE SHOPPE Elm Street - - Antrim, N. H. The Village Shop Now Open in Jameson Block We Invite You to Call and See Our Nice Line of Gifts, Framed Pictures, Lamps and Shades, Glassware, Pottery, Greeting Cards, etc. PHOTOGRAPHY A . . . . Portraits and Groupes TaKen in Your Homes . . . . Picture Frames Made to Order . . . . Enlargements from your Favorite Films. E. D. PUTNAM, Photographer Jameson BlocK, Antrim ; to get some of their husband's money before thcy got to a saloon. Within a y«ar after the amendment nol a single •voman appeared. Surely wc Americans <;.) not want a retum, of this state oi .-.Hairs. tJndoubtcdly the condiiion of the mi'ihcr indicates the condition of thc child. Although thoy .vc perhaps a littio better off than she because she .will do anything, oven to give up ot hcr life. 'lO p;,Hcct them. Question Four—What attitude should tho womanhood of America hold toward prohibition and why? Mr. Edison's Ai)s^-er—Wcmian is cu.?- todlan of the home and children, fehe certainly., If a normal woman, does not desire the introduction of narcotics into her home 'which in m,iny case's changes a human rnan into a brute. ' Question Five—Are the boy« ahd gliH of America more likely to develop a high- er degree of physical and mental fitness and become in every way better and more useful citizifes under national prohlUUo:! of liquor traffic or under the old licensed .system or any form of state or govern- ment control? I Mr. Edi.sOTi's An.<!wer—Yes. thcy cer- , tainly cannot develop on alcohol or ottier narcotics. • j Question Six—Should the Eighteenth ; Amendment be retained as a blessing to jour American homes today and to tbeae cf future generations? Mr. Edison's ' Answer—Yes. Enforce-* jment is getting more practical day hy jday. We are now attacking the iMge I .-ranufacturcrs right in our midst instead of men with flasks and home brew.

Transcript of The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and...

Page 1: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible

-i i-laquor- I ^ W I I I II li pfci laquo bullbull^ 7M^laquo~9Jraquolllaquo bull bull bull l ^


Qualify Service and Satufaction

I G A SPECIALS November 13tli to i9th

NATIONAL LGA COFFEE SALE Coffee DeLuxe lb 39c T Blend lb 29c bullG B lend ^ l b 24c

A Blend mdash mdash lb 19c Instant Liqaid Coffee 8 oz bottle SSc

Oven-Bailed Beans ahd PorK -3 lg cans 50c Fancy Apple Butter qt jar 17c Luchy Strike Cigarettes 2 pKgs 27c Toasted Whole Wheat Cereal pKg 19c Angelas Tiny Imported Sardines can I9c American Sardines new pacK 2 cans 13c Fancy Cut Wax Beans No 2 can 16c Fancy Red Raspberries No 2 can 25c Ammonia full strength q t bottle 21c Prepared Spaghetti 2 cans I7c Fancy Cane and Maple Syrup lg jug 21c Pancake Flour 2 pRgs 19c Star Chocolate Drops 2 lbs 29c Pure Barley Malt Syrup 2 lg cans 87c Richfield Tree-Ripened Pears lg can 21c Fancy Cocoa - full lb can 17c Haine Crosby C o r n 3 No 2 cans 29c

0[eBI amp MEIGH Odd Fellows Block


ASBESTOLINE A Super Grade Protective

Coating for Metal Gravel and Composition jRoofs

Semi - Plastic and Brusli Applied

10 Year Guarantee if used according to directions

Oil Stoves at a Discount for Cash

I K B(V- I V I A I L

HILLSeOIIDGUllRltNTY SAVIIIGS e n i Incorporated 1889


A Representat ive of the Hillsboro Sanks Is in Antrim

Thursday tnorning of each weelc

DEPOSITS made dur ine the first throe business days of the

montb draw in teres t from the firet day of the month

H O U R S 9 to 12 1 to 3 S (turday 8 to 12

Safe Deposit Boxes for h e n t bull bull $ 2 0 0 a Year

5 GENTS A COPY Gaa the Antrim Red Cross Chapter Increase Its Membership to Two Hundred for This Year

1931 niarks the fiftieth anniversary at the American Red Cross Throughout the couptrj chapters have been celebratshying this annivjtrsary year in various ways and in so doing have aroosed nsw en-thusias-n for the woi-k which has been ^y^ deg^-y bull National^ and Local Organizations

The National Organization has celeshybrated itS Semt-Centennial by bringing to a -uccessful concIiislon the greatest

relief program of a l l timemdashthe great bull drought disasters of 1930-31 I In Antrim we Had our part In this reshylief work and we are justly proud of the response made to the call for fundsaU of us were glad to hslp in the relief of those so sorely afflicted

While we stage no pageant hae no banquets- or in any public manner cele-

biate thio anniversary we are just as sincerely happy ovier the achievements of this afty years of serice as are those more budly demonstrative

We are going to celebrate in a mora practical manner by again enrolling among its membership and we are going to try to have all non-members join the ranks we are going to make this a real RED OROSS YEAR

In our community the Red Cross is

really our community chestmdashlooking af-t T the various charitable needs insofar as Its limited resources will allow Its f J lids are acquired through membership Cicaone-half of which constitute a fund f- Iccal iLse In addition ALL money dnated isTetained at home_ These are tho bast of reasons why you should enshyroll in tiie Red Cross and in addition

your iL-gular dues donate what you c m bull

During the present year the income of the Local Branch aside fru-n drought

iMliof which totaled S308i was $84 ahd jVf have expended appro-v^-nately S130 jOi thy amount expended close to $100 Wii tor the benefit of children who ware bullJireriiig from physical defects which if io corrected would ha-e placed them at a great disadvantage in tiieir studies and work

j New Hampshire has been first in per cipra membership for three years we

-bullbullIl help to maintain thi- standing New i Hr-mpshire has a membership cf 29855 U iielp boost this to 39000 Antrim has a membership of 162 13 members per 100 population above the average for the s t a t e L e t s boost this to 200 members J O I N

Book Week Will Be Observed in Antrim Nov 15 to 21 with Special Program and Contest

The theme for Book Week this year is Round the World in Books A speshycial program will be broadcast Wednesday Nov 18 over WABC frcm 230 to 300 May Lamberton Becker literary editor of St Nicholas will conduct a round-the-world book cruise and will introduce three bullweil-knswn authors wlion young people will enjoy hearing

There vill b j story ho-urs during the week at Library hall These stories bull are for all children in town school age Tilrs Bulterriold will be ready Tuesday for the ist grade at 230 ai-d ciit 2ad gradt at 330 Thursday at 330 Mrs Harriman will entertain the 3rd and 4th grides Saturciiy Miss McKay will moet the 5t- and etr grades at300 ind at 430 Miss Carlson will give a talk to the th and 8lh grad-s and to the pupiU of tha Hijh School

The children under direction of Mi- Mc-v^er arc making book plate design^ which will be on display a t the librarv NW Eplusmnis both for adulL and children will b - ready for circulation Njv 15

CONTEST Each line of jumbled letters contaiiv-

he title of a book of fiction Search it otit

I Rfystoamw 2 Newtnloltile

3 Denpro bull

bulli Tobbaaccgggrmssiwiphcetha 5 words i Kobjoghule Mrstekeserehelu 7 Runlieb 3 TiUnolltaruncferdo 3 wordi 9 Willdothecalf 10 Boornosonusric II Hionavc 12 Sanliosimtiitocfolls 13 RLiipahribn 14 Dihii

IV TaaaiceeeccvninddvhhouuuIssrg 6 wcrrd-

IC DL^iTsaiiiuaii 17 Mv-gtjk

18 Iiiilic-ototwtu 13 Natroppe- 20 Ni^vorcatiwdos 21 Tniiogtvee 22 Linjtndcisonyca 23 Sis bulliwaxhlvrivMir 24 P-iUdpt-kin 21 Fatbodyrobosay Anltivi-5 win be 5r-en next w^ek

Annual Guest Night of Molly Aiken Chapter DAR Held with Banquet and Entertainment

On Friday evening last the sLxtii oi Noyember Molly iiker Chapter D A R held their annual Gentlemans Nigii with a banquet and entertainment at bullpoundbull Baptist vestry The plan foUc-vcd v--much the same ai in previous ycigt members of the organization invuir their gentlemen and friends Around bO were present to partake of the banqu served at 6 oclock consisting of coi sliced ham escalloped potitocs laquoalu roils apple pie ico cream a n i coiT- Tile tables were nicely arranged and d--orated with green and red borries S-r-vice wa5 excellent and a bullsplendid supp wa-s enjojcd

The bullbullentertainment part of the prograv was furnished by instrumental pieces frr the Wahnolah orchestra of HilbbJrx

vocal trio readings fiuto solo and a one-act plav Tiw irio W1S nmpjsfd of Mgt bullButtcrfiuk M-v ~tnv^y and Mr Boyd tho radin2- wrr by Mr- W H Hurlin the ono-ict pl-iy wis by Mrs Hrln and Carrol Nichcls Mrlt Folkcr was a c o m -panisi for u rio in bull-bullbull-i- ^ovcral -(-cc-

tlons ird M ^ Hil wns the flute iooi~t The tibl- -iw-re cloarcd aiid 11 continued to occ-ipy their at wliilo c- r-tertiigt

mcU vas qion in ie mi -oor) Evgtry numht^r oi the program rrc-ed the

I hearty apprT-il of all irrovnt The quotition for thr November Sth

jTcetins in the D A R year byok was brough to the minds nf i few on tins occa-^lon Tiie gentle n-urmjr of h r voices tell that friends l-ave rriet m c e

What Thomas Edison Said About Prohibition and How It Has Helped the American People

o u r readers may be Interested u know that the great Thomas E Edison rc-cccntly deceased was a consistent friend of and believer tn prohibition Signishyficantly the great press agencies rcfraiiKd from referring to this in their long artishycles about the wizard inventor followlnc his death They often refer to the att ishytude of prominent men when that atti-tute Is hostile to prohibition

Mr Edison was asked the followins questions in an interview and his answer are given

Que^tlon OnemdashDo you approve of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Cons-tution of the TJnited States If so wh ^

Mr Edisons AnswermdashYes it is neccs-sa^r aid to permit practical entorcemcns of proWWtloa all over the cotmtry

Question TwomdashHas it helped the inshydustrial and economic life of America ai home and strengthened the industrial standing of our nation Ijroid

Mr Edisons AnltnvcrmdashYes and to n greater extent than realiwd

Question ThreemdashIn your judgment ar--children better fod anrt clothed and edushycated since the coming of nitional proshyhibition than they were before

Mr EdUsons AnswermdashIn my judgment I would -ay decidedly yes In support of this opinion and in ths ronncction let me eite my experience a a manufacturer which Is ltiimilar to that of other manushyfacturers On pny day before prohibishytion hundreds of palc-figtd women shabbily dressed some with faded shawls around their hcads appeired at our fac-tcry in West Orange They were waiting

At the M a i a St Soda Shop

Big Bargain in Flashligfits $150 $175 and $200 Eveready Yale and

Whichester 2 and 3 Cell Flashlights complete with bulb and batteries marked down to $100 each

Take advantage of this sale and own a good flashlight or buy them for Christmas presents See them in the show window

At the Maia St Soda Shop


We shall have on sale this weeK a show case full of new Jewelry many pieces suitable for Christmas Gifts Every article is waranted and from one of the largest Jewelry houses and most reliable manushyfacturers in that line


K - e g i s t e r e d D r u g ^ g i s t Antrim New Hampshire

Two Piece Wool Knitted Suits $295 _ Chiffon Satin and Silh Crepe Jersey SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses all at Lowest Possible Prices

SilK and Wool Hose $100 Dance Sets 65 cents to $115 Broadcloth Sleeping Pajamas $175

Spencer Corsetiere Service Garments Designed for the Individual

S u n D r y CleaningmdashHeaso nab ie Prices Guaranteed Work

ANNAS GONVENIENCE SHOPPE Elm Street - - A n t r i m N H

The Village Shop Now Open in Jameson Block

We Invite You to Call and See Our Nice Line of Gifts Framed Pictures Lamps and Shades Glassware Pottery Greeting

Cards etc


Portraits and Groupes TaKen in Your Homes Picture Frames Made to Order Enlargements from

your Favorite Films

E D PUTNAM Photographer Jameson BlocK Antrim

to get some of their husbands money before thcy got to a saloon Within a ylaquoar after the amendment nol a single bullvoman appeared Surely wc Americans lt) not want a retum of this state oi -Hairs tJndoubtcdly the condiiion of the miihcr indicates the condition of thc child Although thoy vc perhaps a littio better off than she because she will do anything oven to give up ot hcr life lO pHcct them

Question FourmdashWhat attitude should tho womanhood of America hold toward prohibition and why

Mr Edisons Ai)s^-ermdashWcmian is cu-todlan of the home and children fehe certainly If a normal woman does not desire the introduction of narcotics into her home which in miny cases changes a human rnan into a brute

Question FivemdashAre the boylaquo ahd gliH of America more likely to develop a highshyer degree of physical and mental fitness and become in every way better and more useful citizifes under national prohlUUo of liquor traffic or under the old licensed

system or any form of state or governshyment control

I Mr EdisOTis AnltwermdashYes thcy cer- tainly cannot develop on alcohol or ottier bull narcotics bull

j Question SixmdashShould the Eighteenth Amendment be retained as a blessing to jour American homes today and to tbeae cf future generations

Mr Edisons AnswermdashYes Enforce- jment is getting more practical day hy jday We are now attacking the iMge I -ranufacturcrs right in our midst instead of men with flasks and home brew


Uncle Sams New Embassy in Tokyo STAGE COACH gt TALES

By E C T A y L O R

This is the first and I sc ius lve photosrapli of the new American-embassj- on Reinan-zaka (Belnan hlll) A k ^ bull n v -okvo Tlgt^ oW emba^V buU^ were destroyed in the earthquake and flre of September 1923 The

ambassador Sv Cameron Forbes returned from his American vacation bull bull bull


Acts as Living Receipt for an Atlas bull 4gt -bull bull 1 mdash mdash ^

bull bull bull bull I bull bull


Riley Figures in Dramatic Tale of Early Chicago

Chicasomdashror forty-two years Chl-cnsos map department has poslaquoelaquosed a llvinsbreathing receipt for the atshylas of the Town of Take annexed lu ]ltlt0 Tlie receipt is John IX Uilev ivho will soon celilinito his silver anshyniversary as chief ot thedepartment

Back of tills lies a series of events dramatic roinaniic humorous and trajric In ISS Chicagos area was only laquo pquare miles In that year the iiTca of celebrating the anniversarj- of Coshylumbus dioeovery of America became a lively issue among American cities

Chicago wanted that exposition but lacked the land upon which to staRC it Carter Harrison was mayor He called together a group of m e n of courage and vision and they plimiied subtly and big

Immediately began a campaii-ii nmldst five great communities surshyrounding Chicago which resulted in the nnnesation in lSltn of part of the Town of Cicero anil all of the Townof Iake Town of TofTerson Aillase of Hyde Iark and City of Igtiike View

With imly SO square miles of terrishytorj- Cliicugo annexed more than VV2 square wiles Meanwiiile Carter Ilar-risoii had lieen defeated for re-election and Do Witt CreJKor had became mayor of Chicaso

Lands Great Exposition Mayor Cregipr as-enil)od a special

tnainlond of live wires and tliey went to Wiisliiiii-tim nin^arin before congress Tliey niTiTCd nuire luiul tlmn any otlier city liad to ojTort a liberal bank rull splendid iirKUiiiciits regarding location and traiDiportatioii and tliey brought tlie Worlds Columshybian exiiosition to thicngo

I5ut in the meantime Tolin P UiUy engineer and draftsman chief of tligt map department of the Town of Lake had been bavins his trouhles When the Town of Iake was annexed it bc-came^his duty to deliver i t j atlas to the City of Chicago

Chief of Clilcagos map department at that time was the Haron Koderiek von Manstein of Germany

Baron von Mansteln was a bit canshytankerous and extremely stubborn anlti dignified When Tohn D Hiley nrriveil at the city hall witli the atlas of th Town of Lnke the baron wiis in a inul humor Mr IJiley requested a receipt The baron said no and liavin-- snid no his dinity would net ponliit liini to back up Stalemate

Riley would not part with the atbis without a receipt The-baron woiiUl not give a recciigtt So back wont Itiloy to the Town of Ilaquoike Wlmt t do What to do Chliuso had to iiave till atlas

A Living Receipt Hah Idea Kiley lialtl nirido tbe

atlas He was the only imin who knew wbat it was all nimiit Ho vis needed in Ciiicnsos niip depart ment Would the Biiron von Mnlttfin iiigt-point John D Kiley ns an aide in CUi-bullagolt map department Certainly lie would witii pleasure

Graciously the baron appointed lolm


One Fat Man Worth Six Head of Cattle |

Home ItalymdashIn Liberia a fat man is worth at leaist laquois head of cattle Father J lins Irish priest of the Lyons African Missions tltild the Cathshyolic missionary news agency Fides when recounting his adshyventures as a missionary in the cannilial parts of West Africa

Father Collins has lived amoiig savage and cannibal tribes for many years arid said

that cannibalism still prcgtvails in parts of Africa thougii it Is $ dylnK out

n nil(i his special aide Graciously Uiloy accepted the appointment brotight along the atlas of the Town of Lake and became its living breathiug and cliucklins receipt

Twenty-five yctirs ago John D Riley bpcame chief o f the department and is still the living receipt for the atlas of the Town of Lake

Carter Harrison was again elected mayor of Cliicaso in isYZ seryins tliroughout the worlds fair of lSi) And on October 2S lSiY just at tlie close of the grent Iolumliian exposhysition ho was assassinated Tliats the trasedy

Cliiciisos area today is 210 scimire miles Il-eparins for tlie KKCJworlds ir the city needs more land upon wliicli to stii0 the exposiiloii So this lime ltliicaso is making Hie land in Lnke Micliisim Tliats more drama

Tlie Chinese nationalist government announced that Dr W W Yen had been appointed the new Chinese minshyister to the United States Doctor Yeni known as one of the ablest of Chinese diplomats is a foriner premier of tlie oid Peiping government

Claimi Oldest Mill Site South rervkk Miiiie-rTliis vil-

Inso lins tliraquo oldest iiiill site in -mer- ici i ri ie tirst mill estnlilished In the new world stood beside tlie Nowlclia-waniik river It was hullt in lOti

Ex-King Alfonso Living Quietly in a Hotel

F o r m e r K i n g P a s s e s T i m e L i k e F r e n c h B o u r g e o i s

FontainebleaumdashSafely tucked away from political troubles King or ex-King Alfonsoof Spainmdashhe has not yet announced wbether he really did abdishycate or notmdashotherwise known as the duke of Toledo ts living quietly in exile in a first-class hotel at Fontaine-hleau facing the historic chateau where Nnpoloon took his leave for the iiiliospitalilo Island of St Helena

Witli a flock of courtiers and a few faithful friends such as llio duchess of Victoria the duke and duchess of Lereia the duchess of Santonin and the marquess de Torres lfonso is livshying here poarefiillv like an ordinary Fretuh bourgeois in tliis quiet sub-nrlmii town However he has kept twenty Spanish domestics wlio folshylnwed him in exile including six cliiiurreurs wbo drive his luxurious aushytomobiles

Tbe members of the royal family ire occupying severnl do luxe apart-iiiotits on the first floor of Hie Hole Sjivoy The queen receives ber vis-itorsln a large salon beautifully deco ruled In pure Louis XVI style In her spare time she reads the latest books

or takes long walks in the forest Siie nlso goes to Iaris occasionaUy in an automobile to visit tlie couturiers and do a little shopping on the Rue de la Pais with her ladies of honor

The king devotes most of his time witii his secretary to the reading of hundreds of letters which he receives every day from all parts of the world He gets up very early and takes a walk in the forest with his children Once in a wliile they take long autoshymobile rides In the country They reshycently visited Rheims Chartres and Nemours

Huge Project of Soviet Russia

Russian Timber Regions to Get Improved Food

MoscowmdashThe authorities have 1ust taken measures to improve tlie food situation in the norUiem timber reshygions

Tlie national co-operative organia- tion Centrosoyuz has assisned liO-iXX) ruides for vegetable warehouses in rchnnsel Vologda Kotlas and other timber centers ^t tbe laquoamc time it ordered the Immediate openshying of a chain of food shops throughshyout the region

Fifty new tea houses and forty reshyfreshment stands nre part of the new feeding facilities ordered for the tim-her districts

T h e B a n d i t s N e m e s i s

J MliliS C U R R Y was the most noted of all thfe stage coach ^rivers on

the old Baraboo-Kllbourn line when Wisconsin wus little more than a wilshyderness and the roads were quagmires and rough rocky trails through the forests

Tall and fearless Currys word was law along the stage lihe and his fearshylessness and the respect In which the new Inliahitnnts of the comitry held him proved the undoing of one of the most desperate bandits aud gunmen In the old Northwest

Currys stretch of the road was miles of sandy trail north of Baraboo He drove coaches over this route from ISOO until the Chicago amp North Westshyern railroad extended its line from KUbourn to Bamboo In 1871 During

the last nine years of this period he owned the stage couch line but conshytinued to drive through the bad secshytion

In the late COs the entire countryshyside lived In fear of Pat Wlldrlck one of the most noted bandits In the hisshytory of the American frontier Tat was leader of a band of lawless- men who stooped to any crime to do his bidding

Baraboo was already a thrfvlng com- munity and the railroad line ran to Kilbourn Currys stage coiich line made ils chief revenue by carrying money from the railhead at Kllbourn tb towns along the route but princishypally to the bank at Baraboo The people trusted Curry so greatly that they never thought of having their packages of money Insured and many a farmer or housewife would turn money over to him after stopping his coach along the road and have him pay their bins or buy things for them at Kllbourn or Baraboo

Curry received 50 cents for each $1000 cash he transported across the country One night he was handed $12000 to he carried to the Terrell Thomas bank at Baraboo Just as he was leaving two strangers crawled inshyto the stage coach sat In the rear bulljeats apd conversed In whispers

As the stage crossed the river and entered a section thick with pine woods the two strangers continued to talk in low tones

Curry recalled that Pat Wlldrlck and his gang some time hefofe had atshytacked S S Gates and his wife near the same spot and while the authorishyties were hunting Pat a pal of the liandit chief had murdered Gates at this same spot pn the road

Curry whipped up his horses fully convinced tiiat besides the Sl2000 In cash he was carrying two of Pats bandit gang He expected to be atshytacked ilt any moinent bull

rriving at Baraboo Curry breathed a sigh of relief Tliere he learned that tiie two strangers were law-abidshying persons who talked low as a matshyter of habit

The entire countryside was uneasy when Pat was at large and Curry was constantly on the lookout for the bandit

Pat once escttped from the Baraboo jail and posses searched the woods for niiles around for him As Curry drove his stage coach peacefully along the road near OsChner park he spied the bandit leader hiding In the woods He drove along for a short distance as though nothing unusual hnppened until he met some of the posse He called to them nnd led them hack to Pats hiding place The bandit was speedily recaptured As Pat was hurshyried back to the Baraboo jail he shouted to Curry

Young man Ill see you later The Irish bandit had a habit of

keeping his word and Curry and all of Baraboo knew what he meant by saying he would see him later

Curry was wary thereafter but the Irish bandit must have realized that It would be danserous for him to atshytack the stage coach driver as Curry was well guarded constantly from the dTy of the throat by friends who liked the driver At any rate Curry was the one man in the whole ^countryside whom Pat did not dare raise a liand against

Pats career ended soon after that at the end of a rope in the hands of a mob at Portage Wis

(S) 1581 Western NewraquopanlaquorXhlon^



An Irish doctor was motoring along a lonely road Suddenly he came apon a girl In distress She was standing beside a nevv two-seater The doctor pulled up

Can 1 help you In any way he said gallantly

The girl smiled through her tears bullIts this petrol Indicator she

eald You seei-Its standing at the half-way mark but for the life of me I cant reraembfer If It means half full or half empty


l i X G E S S a d d isthe commpn cause of indigestion It results ui pain and sourness abbut two hours after eat^ ing The quick corrective is an alkali wnich neutralizes acid The best corrective is Phillips Milk of Magshynesia It has remained standard with

physicians in the 50 years since i ts invention

One spoonful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many

t imes its volume in acid Harmless and tasteless and yet its action is quick You will never rely on crude methods once you Ieam how quickly this method acU Be sure to get the genuine

The ideal dentifnce for dean teeth and healthygums is Phillips Dental Magnesia a supenor toothshypaste that safeguards against acid-mouth

1 know your wife balled you out last night

No sir youre wroiig this time Shes got a had cold and cant speak above a whisper

The Remorseful Gossip Sometimes 1 wonder wbetiier there

Is any truth In the old saying Be good and you will be happy

Whats the trouble I made up my mind the other day

that I would he truthful and obliging 1 answered every question anybody asked me

And told the esact truth Yes And none of the people 1 told

bullthe truth about how speak to me

Alib Tommy Is a small boy on whose

skin the sumaer breezes and suti have brought out much pigment

NeighbormdashTommy how did get so many freckles

TonimvmdashThera aint freckles been goin swimmin every day them spots are Just my iron constishytution rustin on memdashBorder Cities Star


Ive nnd

Whampt a Mani Before we were married you used

to call me your angel Tes r remember Now you call me nothing That shows my self-controVmdash

Vart Hem Stockholm

To Classify Blood Stains ClassiricatiOn of blood stains Is beshy

ing made by a German expert as an aid in crime detection He believes that eventually the stains on the clothing of a suspect may be classishyfied so that it quickly Will be matched with that of the victim While courts have recogiiized bloort

bullstains bullwere made by human blood or not there has heeh no test which will accurately determine the blood group ot stains which have thoroughshyly dried The expert believes he will supply this deficiency

Drink Away that heavy

drowsy feeling Wlfcn constipatloD a l e n a l i bring baek the flush ef Kealth to your face by flushing the bowels thorouehly Acup or two

ofGarfieldTeawiUcleanbeaway unhealthy stagnant waste reshynew ttae feeUng of energy aodpep

ti4t iht ittairttt drttsgat I

I GARFIELD TEA a^Qtaiuraijpoundto^hgte0nnk

The Larger the Better I have no use for small oil paintshy

ings the liirge canvases are to my liking

Are you a newspaper art critic No-^a frame maker

THAT JGGUGH the safe easy way before

_ worse troubles follow Take


The tried home remedy for breaking up colds relieving throat trotibles healing and soothing mdash quick relief for coughing and hoarseness

30e at alldrttreiiti Uio PItei ToothMho Drop


Ontario To-wn Iraquo Taken Over by Army of Skunks

Orllla OntmdashOrilla has a problem a smelly and distasteful one It con-c(rnn skunks Not one skunk nor two nor three but an army of iheia-

The skunks have^ Invaded the water front preventing owners from entershying their boathotises and have apshyproached the town hall

One entered ah unflhlshed seiner and halted constrtiction

The striped cats have rid the town of ratsj but residents say they would rather have the rats than the odors

r iew Of what when completed will be the largest hydroelectric plant in V -iTi-M It is being constructed by the Soviet Rosslan government at

SnelnroitVoy on the Dnelper river laquo id It is espected It will be finished in 1 9 ^ The dam U Been In the Uickground bull

C l a i m s S m a l l e s t P e s t Ofiiee Passaconaway N HmdashThis town

claims the smallest post office In the nation Ita floor space measures only 4 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 8 inches Postmaster W R Kimball admits hes a bit cramped especially during the Christmas rush J

Married Seheel Teachers - The Office of Kducatlon says that there are no state laws prohibiting married women from teaching In the public school In a recent sur-e5 made by the National Education asshysociation of l iraquo2 cities having a population of over 2000 of the numshyber which reported 30 per cent emshyploy married woman teachers Twenshyty-nine per cent of the cities require a woman to stop teaching as soon as she marries- while 25gt4 per cent reshyquire that the woman resign at the end of the year If she marries during tlie year

Good NewsF NEW

Buddy tiow bi h is this hotel So higli sir that we havea lunch

counter in each elevator

HOTEIFORREST West 49th St Just oftBWAY

Anncunces Fall Rates


J u s t G u e s s i n g TeachermdashWhat inakes some clouds

black William WillinromdashKxhaust from the airships mdashChicago Daily News

Co-Operist ioB a s N e e d e d Maidens werent so bold In the old

days perhaps but a lad who could drop the reins on the dashboard didnt need so much co-operation-Los Anshygeles Times

P l a n e t a r y D i s t a n c e s The planet whose orbit Is nearest

that of the earth Is Venus The mean distances of the several planets from the sun are as follows In millions of miles Mercury 3C Venus C72 Earth 929 Mars 1415 Jupiter 4S33 Sf^turn 8861 Uranus 17828 Neptune 27084

Our satellite the moon is our nearshyest neighbor In space her average distance from us being 29000 miles The moons volnme Is about l-49th and her mass about l-81laquot laquogtat of thr earth

T h e W r o n g M o v e Young Wir(^mdashVes 1 learned to cobk

while my husband was In Europe FriendmdashWas he pleased when he got

back home WifemdashWell Im not sure-^he went

to Europe again right away

Tea Talk MalslemdashRo you married yonr emshy

ployer How long did you work for hlni

OaislemdashJust long enough tu get him

250 $ 0 mdash Single laquo|^BDaubl

300 large sunlit rooms each with private both shower and circuloting ice water RADIO IN EVERY ROOM

iust Around fhe Corner from 5 0 Theofres

Within walking distance pf all placesofamusemeot aod interest


Club Breakfast bull bull bull bull 25 Special Luncheon bull bull bull tS Full Course Dinner $100

All meals served in your room without extra charge

yfrila or wIra rtttrvOliont to JAM^ A FLOOD Moneger


Enforced Economy -RlpsnortmdashA friend of mine hasnt

spent a penny in years ShnshemmdashWhat are you talking

about RlpsnortmdashIts true But hell be out

of Jall nest week

In the Orchard VisitormdashWhats the matter with

your little brother Biggest TotmdashMother told him not to

eat more than three apples and he cant count

WAgtTEIgtmdashMEN AXn WOMEN to laquoraquo11 bullwonder Klft boxes liberal commission To ftvolrt ilclay tmnil Jl for sample boa Wonder Box Co Fitchburg Mass ^

llotfnrds Native Herbs eml 0raquoN give Inshystant relief tor ooUH Catarrh Headacnrs Asthma Hay Kever and Sinus Money hacK guarantee Price 50 centraquo C H Hol-ford 815 Sth Ave SEMinneapolis Minn

Deceptive Method of nonxnlne orovln Woman Has No Sout Greatest louph provoker or dime coin Mareue Rosrn-blaquorlaquo HD K 146th St Brltnraquo New York

Christmaa Canl Saleraquopcigtlr Wunted Oreat money makerSl lgtox 50cRerrli with order NATION-WIDB r m N T I S t SAtPa CO

Room 409 489 Fifth Araquoraquobdquo Xew York

Opemtors this locality tnr revolutionary equipment Salary laquo80 lraquohngt Ricctrle Re-searcM Iah Corp Powers HMraquo it T C

W N U BOSTON NO 45^531


bull nlaquoiraquotraquoii^ t^^fffamssim


SUCH IS UFEmdashEducated Enough By Charles Sughroe

BOV WAS I _ TOraquoraquof FiVE iSEVEWS AMD



HE lts M OMiiT eouKir j |

Putt ing t h e N e c k Into the Collar

By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK X Dean of Men Universityof

Illiaois V X

Charles was having his portrait PAlnted and as he moved from one

0 01 to another trying to keep the

b l o o d circulating through tis limbs

as he stood he was Interested In the nropress of the artist The face he imagihed would be the most difficult After that had the proper expression worked out and the natural flesh tints applied he supposed that the

rest was a matter that any tyro might fix up

One of the most dlflicult things the painter said is to get the neck to come up firmly and easily against the collar

It made me think of Moses our old Stay horse One of the most difficult tasks I had as a boy on the farm was to get Moses to bring his neck up against the collar firmly and easily I tried all sorts of devices with only

Indifferent results I understand exshyactly what the artist had In mind

In other things besides portrait painting and the driving of a lazy horse r havenoticed difficulty in makshying the artistic union between the-neck and the collar bull Gibson has been

greatly concerned about his sons progress In college and he had an Interview with me not long ago to see If I could suggest any remedy or reason for the situation It Isntdifshyficult It Is simply another case of an unsatisfactory and inartistic adshyjustment of tlie neck and the collar The boy is lazy lie wont work he never has worked

Hawley is past middle life He is

Ohio State Captain

recognized everywhere as a man who has made a great success of his pro-fejsslon Those who know him say that when the time came to begin work-in the morning Hawley was al- ways there enthusiastic and eager for the days task He never watched the clock to see how time waraquo passing he wasnt afraid of work It was in reality one of the great enjoyments of his life that there was work to do and that he was privileged to do I t There was no Inartjstlc union between Hawleys neck and the collar

ltcopy 1931 Western Newspaper IJnlon)

MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Claquot tt ooaM sad OM bull bull dirlaquoelltl Fla partklas of laquoelaquo4 bull u s Mal oa luttil raquoII dalKU WKh aa pinnba Mvar bullpou Ua mt freckled diupoear Skii ia thaa MlaquoS bullad vevatjr Yovr faea looka yeara youacer MareoliMd bulltai lltriacgt out the hkldaa beauty of your akia T e nmere^llrrHlUet ttaa oa ouaaa Powdaaad Sasolita eiminiisoa^hsUpial aitthfcaajTitdJji^^

Census Shows Radio Taught 3800 Music

Washington-^Radlo has tanght more than 3800 school- children how to play band and orchestnil Instrushyments- Six half-hour broadcast lesshysons accomplished instruction in all major Instruments except the drum according to a report to the federal office of education by Joseph E Mad-dy professor of music at the Univershysity of Michigan Two ten-year-old girls were amo^g the successful pupils and several adults also tuned In for Instruction the report said

Add New Ocea^ Lane to Old Routes


i Rose OFiiRlCHO ROUS IfSilflH-rOA

ftdom fHB oeseRT IN lthif)RCraquoOf mieR

(WMU Serv ice )

Stu Uolcoinb captain and fullbatl of tlie Oliio Stiie team is rated as one of the stronRest players in the Wostern Conference this ycir

Hoosier Owns Early Model Typewriter

Huntington IndmdashWiliiam Ieeler living here has ^hat he believes to be the llrst typewriter built in the United States With the original mashychine Peeler belipvcs he has the first typewritten letter sent through the United States mails

The letter was written by his fashyther Abner Peeior Tiinb 10 1SC6 It was addressed to ills wife at their home in Webster Citv Iowa At the time Peeler was traveling by stnger coach to Wishington D Cbdquo to obtain a patent on the machine

The model Peeler took to Washingshyton he found to be too large to come under the patent law He returned to his home nnd spent two yoars makshying improvements

On his second trip to the Capital he leamed that the Idea hnd beon dushyplicated and sold for S4000 Peeler however was paid $1500 for Improveshyments

Wisconsin Calf Found With Heart in Throat

Mvgatts WismdashA calf that had its heart in its tliroat when sold by the owner to Chris Madsen local cattle buyer was exhibited by him here Madsen noticed a pulsating protrusion on the front of its throat and called a veterinary who said that the calf wns in good health despite its freakshyish heart

Hudson Bay Trail Will Have but Short Season

Washington-r-The passage this aushytumn of the first commercial cargo of Wheat from Churchill the newly opened port on Hudson bay bull to Lonshydon lays down the latest and protgt-ably the northernmost steamer lane of Imiiortanpe that will ever cross the Atlantic ocean according to a bulletin from the Natlonal Geographic society

Tbe long-heldIdea of the existence of a passage north of the continent open enough to be used by freight ships has been proved erroneous anil the Hudson bay country is therefore the region farthest north from which careoes are likely to originate It Is pointed out The Hudson bay steamer route is free from ice in its western third for only a short period late each suiiniior and early each fall but beshycause ships using the route can reach bullIfW or more niiles closer to the grent Canadian wlieat fields than by the St Lawrence-Grcnt Lakes routo It is beshylieved that tlie newest steamer lane will be crowded with sliip each seashyson

FirstOcean Trail V constant northern progression of

shipping lanes across tlie Atlantic can be noted since Columbus ted the way between the Old and New worlds continues the bulletin That famous triiil-blazing trip first skirted the nonhwestem shbuider of Africa to the Cinary Islands and then led almost dne west a little nortli of the Tropic of Cancer the landfall at Wating isshyland From this experimental voyage Columbus learned something of tiie life of the land in the West Indies and on his next voyage he continued souiliwestward from the Canaries to the larger West Indian islands

Ttils diagonal line which tlie great ndiiiiral traced from near the southern tip of Spain to the ntiiips became the earliest of the freight and passen-ier lanes in the Atlantic

South of the Spanlsh ship lane tlie Portuguese estJiblished a route be-iween tiie mother country and the cistern coast of Prazil This Is stili Ine of tlie inajor tlantic lanes

Radiate From Britain Except a few less heavily traveled

sliipping routes sueh as those between Iortugal and the mouth of the ma-7)n Prance and Kroneli (Juinna and Holland and Igtiitch ltulana the trans-itlantic trnflic lnnes have been traced northof tlie old Spmislrocean high-vny One evtends from the Strait of I Mbmltar to New Vork and on to other eastern American ports Practically

all the rest radiate from tlie British isles or the mouth of the Knglish chanshynel as the ribs of an (gt^ened fan radishyate from its handle

In all the world there Is notrans-ocean shipping lane vrith a concentrashytion of freight passenger and mail traffic approaching that which moves between the English channel and New York Approximately one-half of the worlds total tramp and liner tonnage is engaged In exchanging commodities across these waters The Pacific is still a lightly traveled ocean as comshypared to the Xorth Atlantic

Man has becn busy tracing shipping routes across the oceans for thousands of vears They have been shifting lines Over-and over again well estabshylished ocean highways have been abandoned or almost deserted ibecause of political economic or engineering developments

Placing the Blame President Piitterstm of the Nashy

tional Casli Kegister conipany critishycized Kussia on his return from Europ^

Stalin he said blames foreign capitalism for the int and misery lCUssia is undorguiog now Stalin Is liite Mrs Johnson

Who broke vour mantel mirror Mrs Johnson said pound neighbor

My hubby dear said Mrs John-ison He ducked

With Unbelted Waist


The best way to prevent colic doctors say Is to avoid gas In stomshyach and bowels by keeping the entire Intestinal tract open free from waste But remember this a tiny babys tender little organs cannot stand harsh treatment They must be gently urged This Is just the time Castoria can help most Castoria you know Is made specially for bashybies and children It is a pure vegeshytable preparation perfectly harmless It contains no harsh drugs no narshycotics For j-ears It has-helped mothshyers through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with digestive upsets colds and fever Keep genuine Castoria on hand with tb^ name

C A S T O R I A C H I L D R E N c n t F O R 1 7

Two dresses whicli make a isuecess of an unbelid waist are the coat dreSs whieh ties on the side The latter is made in African brown canton crepe with the neckline and cuffs outlined in Algerian red says the Woinans Home Companion Tlie large square-cut reshyvers are a feature which makes it not only fashionable but sure to flatter the figuro There is orglnality In the sasli which appears bnly at the back where it passes thnjugli a slit in the yoke -V coat dress is the perfect costume for street wear

Compressed Air Runs an Automobile

Beavers Stop Water W h e e l Wellsboro PamdashA water wheel Inshy

stalled for electric power at the Old Mil pond wa blocked within two hours by a colony of beavers The beavers carried sticks and mud to the mouth of the Intake providing the wheel with Its water power and blocked It effectlvply

Kew Bombing Record Is Made by Army Aviators

Wasliington^A bull record for accurshyacy in aerial bombing w-as establislied during the recent tests at I-anglcy field Virginia the Wnr department has announced V homhing team comshyposed of Iieut Hobert T Cronau (pilot) and Lieut Merrill D Burnside (observer) scored l$Oi points out t)f laquo possible 2000

VithoHgh the bombing tests have boen held annually at Langley field sinre Iiiil this years score was far higher than nny previous one

Cronau is from Kewance 111 and Burnside from hero


Texets Boasts Fastest Air Passenger Service

Tallas TexasmdashCruising at ISO miles an hour and occasionally speedshying up to 2Xi mile an hour the worlds fastest passenger carrying air service Is operated between Houston and Oklahoma City and San Antonio end TtilKa by the Bowen system Spe^ cially OnlU Ltfckheeds with retract-ithle lanlt^tng gear kr^ used on the two Unta Each plane carries s is passengt^ra in addItlaquogtB to the pilot

A 0old dioger gitneratly follows a finger wave with a aea lp treatment

Phone Call Restores Memory of Missing Man

Pptoitmdash Ions distance telephone call sen-ed recently to bring back tlie memory of a man who hid been In the hospitiil in Detroit for five daylaquo as an amnesia patient He had i)een found on the steps of a Woodward avenue church iind his picture was printed in a Detroit newspaper wliicb mnde its wny to Kiclimond Vlti where a brother bntipened to seo it

The nirhniond mnn called the hosshypital in Detroit and asked to tilk with tlie victim of loss of memory When the eonnigtc[ion was made lie siid Hello (lyde this Is your brother Illchard sienking Tlio pashytient remained silent for a moment then his face briiditened Triilhe re-momhered who he wis He had dis-Tppcnred from his home in Iliehmond ten ltlays proviously after an oporashytion

In Good ConAtibn At the opening of school there was

a great deal of buying and selling or used toxtbooks Many advertiseshyments aippe^red on blackboards sei-tirig forth the attractive features of respective books Tlie usual induceshyment to purchasers was a low price but one pupil advertised as follows For sale English Book I Good Shipe Never UsedmdashExchange

A Pare Herb Laxatiye Not a harsh st imulator of t h e Bowels but a hene^ eial pure-quality Herb Lasative which has beea successfuUy

Used for Over 80 Years as a quick ntitural relief froin constipation mdash the evil which so often causes i l l n e s s C l e a n s e y o u r system by taking gt

DnlhiesElixir The True Faniily Lazative

I had terrible headaches and I suffered for years before Dr Trues Elisir was recomshymended to memdashMrs Nellie Woodsford East Boston

FamUr size 128 otber sizes Mle ft Me

Compressed air as motive )iiyvr Lr Ihc iiiitoiiiobilc is linrinltsoii In an amazing demonstration conducted at 1 s Angeles a itaiidiird aiitoinoliiic chassis powered with a newly dcve lc id comprcsscii air Mi)tor wliizzed around the city streets at not a cent cc- to ihe driver for fuel The ensinc Is the result of six yeirs of resoarcli niic vo k by lioy 1 Moyers Vvho states one filling of the tank will run the car f r r(HTiftiles IJesenihling in general appearance a radial airplane niotor the engine is niounied In an upright position In the same manner as a gasoline engine in siandard niotor cars It retjulres no cooling system no Ignition svstem no carburetor or the hunshydreds of movinj parts included In a gusoline motor The driver operates but one lever That Is the air throttle Ii 1 led to 500 pounds nir pressure the engine throttle ts opened and the car picks up speed quickly and smoothly the only sound emitted being a slight hiss of the air from the exhaust valves Aa thie air goes through the engltie forcing pistons np and down on the

same principal as that employed hy gisollne explosions most of It Is re-cfiaptared and recompressed by a conirresser built as a part of the engine

Toledo Man Makes Life-Saving Profession

ToleIo OiiiomdashIifclt=iTing is a proshyfession to Ooorse Itaitz who has save(l fourteen from wtory grnvei

He WIS four when he saved his own but lie dopv-nt count that Although he couldnt swimhe kept a cool head md paddled hrinely to shore aftor liis rtft had oeitumcd

Wlien he wns ten he rescued a plav-mite who luinMed into a creek and left it to fJcor-e to drag him ouf Ceorie not only dragged his voung fnend fo dry Innd but worked over him for an hour restoring respiration Wiion tlio coroner arrived he found tlio corpse sitting up very mnch alive although bedraggled From then on it has been one rescue after anshyother ^

Mere Men Seek Divorces

Lorain OhiomdashCommon pieas Judge w B Thompson said that a few years ago a majority of divorces were sought by women bnt that now he divorce trend finds more men ask-

mg legal aeparaUon in his conrt than women

Adventurers Extolled The cNiircoiiiii lniliiid Wii-

mide by ridventurcrs imt hy its go erniiiciu is -ittriiiuieil to Gel Clijirlcs Cnnlnn lirci- known s s

Cliincse ltoldiiri lcgt w-is killed in tlO ilofense of Kiirtini

Mothers bull bull bull W^fcb Childrens COLDS Cq W O N head eolds often settle

in throat and chest where they may becomedantcrous Dont takea chancemdashIt the first sniffle rub on Childrens Musteroleoncc cicry Itotsr for five hours bullraquo

Childrens Musterole is just good old Jiluitcrolc you have known so long in milder form

This famous Mend of oil of mustard camphor menthol and other inRrcdicnts bring relief naturally Musterole gets action because i is asdcntificcotnrer-trrifonmdashnot just a salvemdashit peneshytrates and stimulates blood circulation kelps to draw out infection and pain

mdash Keep full strength Musterole on hand for adulw and_ thc mildermdashChildrens Musterole for little tots All druegics



mm L



C F Butterfield

My Assortment of

Gents Furnishings BootSv Shoes

Rubbers - Is Complete and Priced Right

Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Sodas

Daily Papjers and Magazines

Sbr Xntrtm Sraquo|Uttlrr Published Every Wednesday Atemoon

Antrim Locals Subscription Price $200 per year

Advertising Kate on Applicatioo


Wednesday Nov 11 1931 Lraf DUtuiee TelephoM

Notices ol Coneeru Lectures EntenaiBmenu etc te which u admission lee Is eharced or Izomwhich a Revenue is derived must be pald^r by the line Reveiiue is derived must be paldlor as advertiseueaU

Cards oi Thanks are inserted at sec- each Resolutions oi ordinary lenfth $ieo Obituary poetry and Usu el flowets charged lor at

advertising rates also wi)l be charged at this same rate list oi presents at a wedding

Foreign Advertisins Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION

Entered atthe Postoffice at Antrim N H as see ondltlass matter

Govered Roasters The Sort That Save All the Juices and Flavor and Do the Roast or Bird to a Perfect Tempting Brown

They Go a Long Way Toward Mahing Tongh Meat Tender

WEAREVER ALUMINUM With adjustable ventilators and lift

out rack oval and square shapes $375 to $575

REEDS ENAMEL With adjustable ventilators and lift out tray

for the juices Self basting SIOO to $400

SAVORY EN AMEL Oval and dome shaped $175 to $250

SAVORY BLACK Round 50 cents to 75 cents

The Worlds Three Best Lines of Roasters

Sizes For a Small Roast or a Big TurKey

Add a Lot to Your ThanKsgiving or Christmas Dinner

If you cannot call write or telephone 154-W

Mrs R H Tibbals was a recent vliltr with friends in Dover this state

Miss Edith Sawyer Is stopping in Conshycord where she is attending Business Colshylege

Mr and Mrs H E Wilson recently entertained relatives from Danielson Conn

Born at Peterborough hospital Novem- i ber 6 a daughter to Mr anS Mrs Harold Miner

Mrs Benjamin Smith ol Wobu-ii Mass has been a guest of Mr and Mrs rchie N Nay

Mr and Mrs E A Bigelow of Winshychester Mass spent the week-end at their summer home at the Center

Miss Dorothy daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur W Whippie is improving satisfactorily from her recentserious ill-

It Ststnds ^c$tween Humanity and Oppression

Antrim Locals

EMERSON amp SON Milfoid

Eyes Examined ^ | ^ Glasses Fitted


Of Nashlaquoa will ba in Antrim Every Thursday Call Antrim Pharmacy for Appointments

Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President

and Red Cross RitK-Iamation by the Governor

Thf presidential proolamaion ca We approach Jie season gthii uc

cording to cunom daing from i- ir-bulllerlng of thc first harvest by o orc-athers in the new -irid a day - JC bulljart to give thanks even amid i-rd-

siips to ilmighry G d far yur ttigtora bull nd spiritual blessing- It ha V hallowed trafliticn or ho cii mie- deg bullbull=

1156th rate to proclaim nnjany a nsiorai

(iay of thank-givins bull Our couitrj- ha aa for laquorrnitjdr bullo the Almighty Wc have b-cn bullviriely 1 essed with abundai-t harvfvi- Wc lave been spared fr m poltlcnct and

bull alamitles Our instiJtion havo irvcd bullle people Kno-wiedgc ha3 mu ipiied

nd our lives are enriched with igt appli-

ation Education has advAncelt the

-calth Of our people lias tacreased Wc ave dweU in peace with all mci Ths Measure of parsing a-iverslty wliiih has ome upon us should deepen tho -plrit-

bull al life of the people quicken their ym-jathles and spirit of sacrifice for others and strengthen their courage

Many cf our neighbors are in need Irom cauises beyond their control and

tiie compassion of the people thro-ighout tc nation should so assure their scirity ever this winter that they too may have fill cause to participate in this day of gratitude to the Almighty_

Now therefore r Herbert Hoover President of the United Stetes of Ameri-a do hereby designate Thursday Nov 6 1931 laquos raquo naaonal Day of Tlianks-rivlng aDd reeommend that our people rest from their daHy labors and In their homes and accustomed places of worsh^

cive dcvoj thaiiks for the blessings bull viiicii a Merciful Father has bestowed

bulljpon J

In Aitness whereof I have hereunto bullbullet Tiy iiand and caused the iea of thc onited Staes to be aihxcd

Done at tne city of Washington this hid day of November in the year of

icomc I ltJr Lord 1931 and of the Independen Crlted States of America the

For Sale^One car iSarage Apply at Reporter Office for further particushylars bull ^^bull

Mr and Mrs Herbert Warren were in Somerville Mass on Saturday last guests of-Mr and Mrs J Edgar Armstrong

Richard Johnson Robert Caughey Arthur Prescott and Mias Margaret Pratt were at their respective homes here for the week-end from the schools whiph they are attending

Mr and Mrs H W Johnson and daughter Miss Helen Johnson were in Boston on Saturday last They had as a companion fpr the day Miss Isashybel Butterfield daughter of Mr and Mrs B G Butterfield

Mrs T F Madden left town On Tuesday of this week for Washington D C where she expects to spend the winter with her sons Rexford and Donald Madden Mr and Mrs Geo Hildreth took her to the Capitol city by automobile

Twelve members of Waverley Lodge of Odd Fellows went to Marlow last Wednesday evening to attend a disshytrict meeting with the Marlow Lodge The Keene Lodge conferred a degree All who attended enjoyed a most pleasant evening

Wm M Myers Post No 50 AL will hold an Armistice Ball on Frishyday evening Nov 13 at the Town hall Antrim This is the Legions twelfth annual and it Is planned to make this the best social event they have yet heldr Music will be furnishshyed by Zaza Ludwig and his Vodvil Band of Manchester which pleased so many a year ago Further particshyulars on poUers

On Friday evening of this week at Grange hall Mrs John G Winant of Concord wife of Gov Winant will give an illustrated lecture on her travshyels in India Africa and parts of Eushyrope The pictures which will be shown Mrs yinant had taken herself while on a motor trip through these countries her talk givea a clear and concise picture of conditions abroad No admission fee will be charged but a collection will be taken This enshytertainment is sponsored by the Imshyprovement Society of the No Branch Cemetery Association than which a more worthy object can hardly be found Although other attractions are scheduled for this evening it is hoped that a goodly number of our people will svail themselves of this unusual opportunity to hear a splendid lecshyture

Mrs John Bobertsoa of Shrew-sbury Mass has been spending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs C H Tewte-bury

Mrs Austin Paige and young daughshyter Coastaace have been bullvisiting with Mr and Mrs Henry Newhall in Peppershyell Mass

Mrs Sophia E Robinson has been spendii^ a season in Arlington Heights Mass with her son and wife-Mr and Mrs Fred W Robinson

Kenry A Hurlin was at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital in Concord last week for an operation and treatment He is reported as getting along nicely

Energetic Men in Every townand village can earn big money selling seeds Exshyperience unnecessary Steady work

Write for particulars COBB CO Franklin Mass adv 4t

Mrs C3 D Tibbetts was a speaker on Rock Gardens at the November meetshying ofthe Gaiden Club held at the Hillsshyboro Center club house recently The flub has 42 metnbers

Mrs C F Downes received the sad inshytelligence on Thursday morning that her brother Dr Oeorge T Holt of Bangor Maine who had previously suffered a paralytic shock had died Dr Holt was an optometrist of many years experience His age was 63 years

WANTED All kinds of livebull poultry Truck sent Get our prices before you sell Ready to and laying red rock and leghorn pullets for -sale James C Farshymer So Newbury N H Telephone Bradford 14-11 Adv bull44-lOt

The Reporter editor was favored the past week with a message from J W Chadwlck former owner of the Hillsboro Messenger who now resides at Boulder Colorado He tells of one C F Nesshymith a resident of Boulder living right in the shaUcA of the Rochies whose peoshyple originated in Antrim

Miss Pauline Mayo

Miss Mayo who is to be here on Sunshyday Nov 22 is giving interpretations of the great modern dramas She does not lecture nor tel the story of the play but actually impersonates the various characshyters making many forget that only one person in bull speaking and transporting them in imagination to the very scene of the actioii and into the presence of the character) Miss Mayo studies each play she presenis as it is being produced in the th3atre in New york and each is given witi special permission She has appeared this season in all sections of New York and New England and has reshyceived splendid commendation

Signed) Herbert Hoover

Ncr ember 11 to 26 are the dates for c annuai membership caunpalgn of the

American Rod Cross ivhich this year has attained is 50th anniversary

During the past j ar thc Red Croslt has added to lis splendid record the efficient handling of the difficult drought relief situation one of the greatest peace time isslgnments the wgai^ization ever has completed Today the industrial condishytions make increased demahds upon Its welfare actlrities To meet them the first essential te the larger supply ot fund hich more members will furnish

Wc in New Hampltthirc have had our own experience vrith Red Cross efficiency in thc emergencies of disastrous flood and flre and in the regular routine ot lus work for community welfare and proshygress With this knowledge in our minds and with appreciation of the need for even more genercAJS support of Red Cross work let us all join promptly and heartshyily in the endeavor to give New Hampshyshire a larger membership at the end of this campaign

JOHN G WINANT laquof Oovemor


Wed and Thurs Nov 11 and 12

The Bad Girl James Dunn and Sally Eilers

Fri and Sat Nov 13 and 14

The Brat with Sally ONeil

Shyline Thomas Meighan and Maureen


Mon and Tues Nov 16and 17

Woman of Experienoe Helen Twelvetrees and Lew Cody

Wed and Thurs Nov 18 and 19

Street Scene with Sylvia Sidney

Married Sikty-Seven Years

Gountry-Town America

Goed to Market with

The country-town market is worth going after and this newspaper is a medium of direct intensive and certain appeal to the people of this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Caslmer Haefeli who celebrated their 61th wedding annivershysary at their home at 106 Hinckley street NorthampvOn Mass were former Antrim residents This elderly couple Mr Haeshyfeli being 86 years old and his wife 90 are in excellent health for people of their years

Mr and Mrs Haefeli were married in Mumliswil Switzerland their native town October 24 1864 In 1892 the famshyily emigrated to this country and lived in New Hampshire for 10 years until moving to ^Northampton where they have lived since 1902 Mr Haefeli is a cutlery worker and was employed by the Goodshyell Company many years bull

Twelve children were bom to Mr and Mrs Haefeli eight of whom are now livshying They are Caslmer Haefeli Jr and Mrs Mary Bader of Peterborough Mrs Joseph Pluri of Antrim Mrs Carl Saner of Springfleid Mass Mrs Daniel Donoshyvan of Northampton Mass Mrs Rose Wallace and Mrs Jacob Diemond of Bay State Northampton and K N Haefeli at home

Baldwin Apples

Various grades In large or small quantities with modest prices at P PEARSONS Orchards in HanCoek N H Adv

In this paper every week


JANUARY 1 1932

When this date arrives it is the desire of the Publisher of the Antrim Reporter to have all its Suhscrihers brought up to where they will be known as in the Cash iu Advance list Many of the subscriptions expire with that date and they are always renewed which very much pleashyses the Publisher 1here are those however which unintentionally or otherwise are careless and let their subscriptions lay too long to be included in this desirable list To this latter class of subscribers we are addressing more parshyticularly these few words It is hoped that durshying the next several weeksmdashprevious to Janushyary 1 1932mdashthat bur subscribers who need this admonition will arrange to pay up all arrearshyages so that a perfectly clean slate bullwill be started with the new year

The second class privileges of the Postoffice department are sucli that it is necessary to mainshytain a cash in advance list and this is a large reason why it is necessary to do so Our subshyscribers are urged to assist us in putting into effect this desired proposition

In doing as the Publisher wishes the Subshyscribers will be the ones benefitted for it will be possible to give better service and all will feel assured that they are very materially assisting the Publisher in issuing a representative local


Again we say to our subscribers To the strictly cash in advance and all patrons who are practically such wo are indeed grateful and tender to you our heartfelt thanks and to our more careless subscribers who in many bullways are just as desirable we tender our thanks and ask that all arrearages be paid during the next few weeks VVe feol that the loyalty of our subshyscribers in this matter will equal the loyalty of the Publisher and together we may all continue to publish from our Antrim office a local newsshypaper egual to any in a town our siz6

Our interests are mutual and the assistance of all is required to get the most out of an orshygan which is designed to benefit everybody It cant be done without the kind of cooperation we are speaking of

And in closing this brief statement to our subscribers with an appeal which we hope will be prompt and satisfactory and which will be taken in the same spirit in which it is given we are

Your faithful servant


The Antrim Reporter


I Benningtone ^SSSSSSttWSSSSttitiampt^

rii rit

Congregational Church Rev J W Logan Pastor

Sunday School 1200 m Preaching service a t 1100 am Christian Endeavor at 6 pm

Benevolent Society meets this week Thuraday at 2 oclock

There^will be a Food Sale in the chapel on Friday afternoon at three oclock see posters

Miss Rachel Wilson of the Deagt coness hospital Boston was at home recently for a week end

idrs Frank Seayer attended the Antrim-Boston party b Boston last Saturday evening going down with frienda from Boston

Miss Marion Diemond will serve as president of her class at Plymouth Normal having been elected to that ofiice by iei classmates

Miss Bernice Robertson is at Con cord taking up her work of study for nnrse having lost many weeks on acshycount of illness After a while she will return to New York

Hev Herbert Wells of Greenville took as his text Bear Ye One An-others Burdens and So Fulfil the Law of Christ at the Congregational church on Sanday morniiig and gave an interesting sermon

A Uance will be given in the town hall In this place on Thanksgiving night Thursday evening November 26 with mUsiq by the Tavern Orehestra of seven pieces There will be niixed dances and a prize waltz For other particulars read posters

The November meeting of the Woshymans Club which will be held in Auxiliary hall at 230 pm on Tuesshyday the 17th will have as speaker Mrs Maro Brooks of Hancock music Mr Brooks Hostesses Mrs Hattie Weston Mrs Martha Weston Mrs Mary L Knight Mrs Cornelia Logan Mrs Lizzie Sargent

The 46th anniversary of the Misshysionary Society vhich was held oh Thursdsiy last at 730 pm in the Congregational chapel was a very pleasant evening very nnusual to say there were 46 present some coming froni Antrim Center cburch Mrs English of Manchester gave a shdrt talk on World Service Refreshments of cake and coffee were served during the social hour

On last week Monday evening a largo gatheriiig witnessed the joint installation of the Sons of Union Vetshyerans and the Auxiliary Those preshysent were Dept Senior Commander Charles H Estes of Alton an honor ed guest Dept Junior Vice Comshymander Charles 0 Smith of East Jaflrey Mrs Charles 6 Smith East Jaffrey Auxiliary Dept Chaplain G E Whitney Sons of Veterans Dept Chaplain Keene Mrs Rose Howard Auxiliary Dept President Alton Mrs Maude Russell Auxiliary Dept Inshystalling Officer Keene Jackson Carr S Oi V Installing Oflicer Hillsboro Other gueats were Mrs Jackson Carr Hillfiboro Howard Stevens Hillsboro Andrew Crooker Hillsboro Mrs Eva Flandero Alton Frank Howard Alshyton Mrs Maude MacLean East Jaf frey Mrs poundssie Neaves Keene Mrt Mabie Bean Keene Mrs Ina Stwee-ney Keene Mrs Russell E Radclif gt Keene Mrs T B Bourasse Keene Mr and Mrs Lester Townsend Keene A bountiful and delicious supper was served to conclude the evening Mrs Abbe Diemond was chairman of the sijpper coinmittee

Tax Collectors Notice

Tha Tax Collector will be at the Selectmens Office Bennington every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 ocloik for the purpose of receiving Taxes

J H BALCH Collector

Am Legion Aox Officers

The new officers of the Legion Auxshyiliary were installed into their resjicc-tive chairs on Monday evening a t the homo of Mrs C W Prentiss by Mrs Francis Maaz of Nashua the Alternate Director After the instalshylation a social time yas enjoyed with refreshments

PresidentmdashMrs Arleen White l s t Vice PresmdashMrs Mildred

briskie 2i Vice PresmdashMrs Esther

landjr SecretarymdashMrs Mae Perkins TreasurermdashMrs Ruth Heath ChaplainmdashMrs Gladys Phillips Historianmdash^Mrs Wilma Nolan Slaquorgeant at ArmsmdashMrs Gertrude

Bon ler Mae L Perkins Sec



Nail Schedule in Effect tember 28 1931


Mails Cloie 039 am 955 a m 400 pm

Going South

Leave Station 654 am

1010am 415 pm

Going North 7-21 a m 736 am 328 pm 343 pm

Mail ccnnecting with Keene train arriving at Elmwood railroad station at 627 pm leavea Antrim at 540 pm and arrives at about 645 pm

OfRce Closes at 730 pm


Farnbhed by the Pastors the Different Churchies


The Boston bull Antrim Party Held Last Saturday

Evening November 7 Proves Most Snccessful

Presbyterian Church Rev VVilliam-Patteraon Paator

Thtlrsdsy November 12 bullMid-week service a t 730 pm We

shall study Romans 7 7-25 The regular Sunday School Workshy

ers Conference will follow this ser-VJCCi

Sunday November 15 Morninj worship at 1045 Sermon

by the pastor Bible school meets at 12 noon

^YPSCE meets in this church at 6 ocjock p m Topit^ Wha t is tbe Purpose of Life Leader Mrs Emshyma Goodell

Methodist Episcopal Rev Chas Tilton DD Pastor

Thursday November 12 Social service of songi scripture and

testimony at 730 pm Theme Righteousness

Sunday November 15 Morning worship at 1045 oclock

There will be a general pulpit exshychange on tbe Southern District Miss M V Granger will preach in this church and Dr Tilton in Keene

Sunday school at 1215 oclock Union evening service at 7 oclock

iu this church Subject of sermon A Misplaced Ethphasis

h s disappointing to call f6r a copy of The Reporter and not get one Betshyter (ubaeribe for a yearmdash$200

A LESSON IN FAITH Miss Pauline Mayo of New York City

will present A Lesson in Faith by Marie A Foley at tht Methodist Episcoshypal Church on Sunday morning Noshyvember 22 at 1045 oclock A Lesson in Ptth is a one-act play which in included oTi the list of Sermon-Plays It is a sury of thrt time of Christ which is ap-pl cable to -ll times and places as it de-pits realistjlally the contrast between the h-sh obsUijicy of the unbeliever and the beuty arid olessings of simple faith

iiie scene is laid in a Judean village arl the aeontakes place in the house of Huldah vith whom lives her aged and infrm father and Joel a lame boy Huldah is al unbeliever and ridicules the fa h of the boy Joel who believes ferventshyly that JCSLScould ht-al him A blind stinger pa-ses lgty learns the circum-sttinces and olTers to remain with the ag-d father while the boy seeks Christ Wth the liff sacriflfice of true faith the bo comes running back crying that bi-idness ij much worse than lameness and insisting that the blind man go The blind man goes and meets a Stranger on the road and the climax comes in the joy of sight restored arid the lame made to walk while the unbeliever Huldah has not even f bullen Christ The parts are ticjcn reverently and tenderly by Miss Miyc and he Christ appears by implishycation and he words of the characters in the play

Baptist Rev H Tibbals Pastor

Friday November 13 Annual (hurch Roll Call Supper

will be s^r-ed at 630 All members of the pan-haee invited and urged to remain throughout the evening

Sunday November 15 Mornint worship at 1045 Rev

H H Aiipelman representing the Lords Dagt League of New Hampshysliire will be the speaker The passhytor will be away on vacation

Church school at 12 oclock noon Cruaadcii at 430 oclock

Little Stone Church on the Hill Antrim Center

Rev J W Logan Pastpr

Sunday school at 9 am ^ Sunday norning worship at 945

For Sale

Desirable two-tenement house oh West Streltt in good repair near censhyter of village Price reasonable for a cash sale For other particulars inshyquire at REPORTER OFFICE Adv Antrim N H

lluzzey Farniture Exchange

Buying and Selling Second-hand -bullumiture is a specialty with me Will make price right whether buyshying or selling CARL H MUZZBY Pbone 37-3 Antrim NH Adv

Another Antrim Party has passed into history as being one of the most enjoyable social events of 1931 and while the remark th is was the hest party eve r was beard this same thought has been expressed at every previous party which proves their popularity

After leaving the elevator at the third floor of the YWCA building it was not necessary to inquire which room for the babble of voices reshysounding through the halls was direcshytion enough and such chattering It mtist have been a pleasure even to strangers could they have witnessed the cordial greetings hand-shakesand happy faces meeting those from near and far many of whom were attendshying their first Antrim Party and too some faces were difficult to recognize at first so many years had elapsed since the last meeting

Oneof the pleasures as well as amusements Of the evening waslookshying through the assortment of picshytures which different ones brought taken years ago from childhood thro the periods of school years and it was often difficult to recognizeeven yourshyself in the group One lady bad a very keen memory for names and faces probably due to the fact that most of the boys and girls had been her pupils and doubtless the esca-i pedes of those same pupils had made deep impression

The president presented a short but very enjoyable program which Opened with the Antrim Song written by Pot te r Spaulding and sung for the first time at the 1930 party followshying which was a sOlo by Ethel Ellin- I wood Roeder sung in her usual pleas-1 ing way Blanche Cooley Derby gave two humorous readings which were | well reeeived Ethel L Muzzey read j one of Po t t e r Spauldihgs poems i from his Antr im Album It was again a pleasure to listen to Mr and j Mrs Neil C Robinson in one of their ^ delightful vaudeville sketches of an- bull ecdotes song piano and saxaphone music And too was much appreci- ated the poem recited by Martha Whit-1 temore Cummings which she gave years ago at a school function in An-i trim Lastly came a letter read by Lena Seaver Greetings from the Goodwin famiiy in Santa Monica Calif Mrs Goodwin (Hattie) spoke of former Antrimites now living in California whom she occasionally sees recalled some happenings of sehooi days also said she had hoped

Antrim Locals i f trade ^

FARMSmdashAnd Village Property for sale Carl Johnson Real Estate Agent Hillsboro NH Advtf

Two men froth the State Tax Comshymissions office in Concord -vere in town one iiiy last on business

The committee for the Wnshin^ in Bi-centennial Observance will mc^t in Selectmens room on Monday evenjrv^ Nov 16

Mr and Mrs Alfred Hales of Watertown Mass spent the week end with their daughter Mrs Henry Miner

The regular monthly supper will be held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon of this week at 6 oclock

Married Nov 8 in the par^ics study of tho Baptist church by V v R H Tibbals Stanley C Austin u Annie C Bartlett both of Antrim

The regular monthly meetinp nd supper of the Mission Circle will lie held at tbe Presbyterian church on Wednesday Sov 18 supper at 6

Mr and Mrs John Wingite nri son bf Medford Mass visited in he family of Harold Minor on Suniiy and also visited their daughter Mis Miner at Peterboro hospital

Frank S Corlew of lrnnkie Mass and G Russell Gilbert of Newton Mass were guesta it diier on Saturdny last of Mr and Mrs il E Wilson They were on tiit bull igt to play a round of golf at the Currier Golf Club in Peterboro

Miss Vera M Locke a teachtr in Keene formerly of Antrim was cne of the nineNew Hampshire tenciTS Who received a prize in a recent conshytest conducted bythe New Hampraquohrc State Teachers Association for the purpose of stimulating the mnilting antl giving of objective tests by teachers

The editor of The Reporter acknowshyledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at thc instalshylation of officers of Franklin Lodie AFampAM at Masonic hall Graffin Mass Nov 19 Corydon R iNoh-ols a former High school pnpo gtal here is tie incoming Worshipful -ias-ter and his father Ralph W Nch-ols is the outgoing Worshipful Masshyter this father and son combination it a very onuaual happening

Presented to Reporter Readers in Concise Form

T-j Ka riiis irdicitc tha the DLOWTIlt vi urganizo th next ii-tiii pjgtL- of ri5re-enatvcs Tiiey vii uii aslaquoaiv tin re raquolloiiOiUbull f-f liic uri dtfgtlti)i and of course Clrvt i Coicii thai i-v dopros-so L~ )c-wriL tiuy vyi have somo iob na v jiands lti tli wiii siys aa cxjhaagi

To tin ojriMs it is just a- much of an eyc-soro to sjo all ihc trto cu down bv he sido of the road as to -see the side rf ad -ilt -w heai ltT inucli about Tht re a- raav )lcrs vliLrr tlo beaushyty of hc i ac-- iias bwa iimovcd an-Yiy bv bullbullbull iai)a cgtf -iiaco aad otur tr-raquo il iiiy ri-r i woil- -eem that -bullbullbull o bull - c lu iiavo bccii ift if a litt bull jUri^vcat id bitn oNci^is^d

Cut a irttii- iiator Dad I Waljii ou till Iila Ma - rotary clib liL- tiiou^li rliace^ cf aiiv ciao i-i Lic IStli ^in^Tu-ln were rather re-a0- djo to p^La ovrwliclivins-y iJO-poiii-MOii rcgtiosoaation in the i rit aaci I)i--o lio-vcvcr l i aid he t v^ a bare tavorablc majority - ibulli e nad Sraatc tlirrc was a o- lo- of nyAlifyia tir Vo^tcaci rt tl bullbull bullbull aic iioiir coatca bullviaiui bullbulli bullbullbull -bull pound ica i t i u a -

bullgt at io- kePia oa ooili idoi

Marid bull oaiea wlio are rgtr can be suiX)ltd ov iei gtsbaad-lt will be drnppci fr-jni oinploynicrt roll about Jaiuary 1 it has been aiiiioincod by thc United Life - bullcideat Iiuia-aace compshyany c Coaod Coinpiny oilicials stitca thai ltom reducticn ia operiling cxae i- nrccsltary and thai il was beshylieved legtlts iadsiigt would result from di)eniar with- thc services of married womea than from aay other economy mea-sure tliat cotild be taken Approxishymately 10 igtosoas will be alTLVicd by the company new - jolicy and it if undershystood that siojid vacancies thus created ih the ffirc have to be filled unmarshyried wc-nen wir be giveil preference

Mrs Velson Kiilier is in charge of the First National Store this week in the absence of Mr Austin the regular manager

to be present at this party but owing j to the depression it was not possible to make it this year

A night letter was sent Mrs Good-j win telling how much her letter was | enjoyed and our hope that she might be with us next year bull j

bull Then came light refreshments and more visiting

Letters of regret were received from Mr Charles Gorham Brooklyn NY MrH J J Nims Miss Gertrude Jameshyson Milford N H Miss Fannie Burnham Sanford Me and a few others whose names we are unable to recall

Between 70 and 75 were present Coming from a distance were noticed Miss Charlotte E Balch Mrs Gladys Colby Phillips Mrs Cora B Hunt Mr and Mrs Archie NayMrs Ethel Koeder Miss Alice Cuddihy Antrim iMrs Lena Seaver Bennington Mias Angie Craig Miss Mary Anthoine Nashua Mrs Eleanor Perkiris Lowshyell Mass Mr ahd Mrs Ned Woodshybury Winchester N H Mrs Gershytrude Fifield arid two daughter Ruth and Lucille Mrs John Bullard Miss Ella Bullard Mrs Warner Hartwell Ashland and Laconia Mrs Erwin Cummings Lyndeboro Mrs John Dodge Haverhill Mass Mr and Mrs Neil Robinson Gilbertville Mass Mrs Olive Matthews Hillsshyboro Mr and Mrs Scott Emery Peterborough

The Antrim people living near Bosshyton wish to express their atipreciation of the efforts made by those living so far away to be one of us at this annual party some of whom have been present for several years It is this getting tcfeijther which makes the parties so popular and delightful

A vote of appreciation wes extended Mr Eldredge editor of the Antrim Reporter and Mrs B J Wiir kinisbn correspondent for the Petershyborough Tratiscript for the publicity given ahd for the new names and addresses sent the committee Edwin Whittemore president and Forrest Appleton secretary should be conshygratulated on the success of this party and the newly elected president for 1932 Leroy Vose will put across jusl as successful a party for next year 50 everyone will want to come for

Shciuid auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot Anri days of auld lang syne

One of the Party

BIGGESTBUY for your money


You cant beat a Philco I A comshyplete line of bi-perforininlt niodete kt the lowest prices ever offered Buy your new 1932 Philco NOW

9 t u b e LOWBOY Equipped with Philcos new automatic volume rontrot oversixe electro-dynamic speaker and manj- other big Hhileo feashytures

$ ( (bull7S

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from $-295 tubet

bull bull bull bull 1

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Iscs pentode tubeeleclro-dynamii speaker and three tuninj ccndensersi

COMPLEi E with 5 tube

Easy Terms Pltilco Baliinceii Ttibi-i beilir llif pfrforniaiice of any radio

P A U L G T R A X L E R Radio reg Electric Servicie Ben nington N H

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LAKE ICE You can always depend on ICE to heep your food fresh

and pure as pure clean ICE protects health

Under any and all conditions you can depend on having daily deliveries of ICE from

Millard A Edwards Antrim TELEPHONE 75


The riiiMaro Jlt- T D nris agod 82 brother of Mr- Lviii n-i-dson of Francestovr bull-bull) di-d Vtdrda at his liome here --- -v(x oi rhjsdav aftc-r-nooii at 2 otock a tu Hi3is funeral home hc Mnji

The irual nu--i of Ocir H grange No 32 P i H rva heli Us Thursshyday cveni Tile f)iovi5 o r yere elected M-er Rochivy HliN ii-eer Harry Mil- bullecUrcr Andrew Clarlc steward C-x^bull Pe- a-s-a stew- ard ArtliurMern chaplain E-ie Petshytee treasurer t o r a Lord trcasurcr Pearl Abbott gilekeeiier Kenneth Merrill Ceres Grace Trufant Pomona Mary Milshyler Flora Minn M(Kii-i lady a--i ist-ant laquo0iru -i I ii- jsecutlve committee for tiirgte year- Rcli rd McshyKnight




Hillsborough s-- Court of ProbTte

To tbc hotraquo a t law if the esta te of Enos Veino late of Denninpton in said Cotiity rtcceascd tetnte and to all othf-rs interested there in

Whereas Lillian 1 Flcmig exshyecutrix of the inst will and tt- i tament of said rieceaser Ilas tlled in the Proshybate Ofcfgt for said County tlic final account of her ailniini-tration of said es ta te

You gtre hereby cirl to appear at a Court of lTiihie to in hnllen r-t Manshychester --^ -bullbull vbullflit on tle 15th day of IJecomln-r next to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said executrix it ordered to serve this citation by causing the pame to be published once each weekfor three iBUccessivc weeks in the Antrim Reshyporter a newspaper printed at Antrim in said County the last publication to be at least Stvvn days before said Court

Given at Nashua in said County the lifth day of November AD 1931

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN


To the heirs at law of the estate of Ainie J Munhall late of Antrim in said County deceased intestate

jand to ali others interested therein Whereas Mary E Munhall adminshy

istratrix of the estate of said deceasshyed has filed in the Probate Office for sad County the final account of her administration of said estate

You are hereby cited to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Peshyterborough in said County on the 27th day of Noviember ihst to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said administratrix is ordered to serve this citation by causing the same to be published once each week for three successive weeks in-the Anshytrim Reporter a newspaper printed in Antrim in said County the last pubshylication to be at least seven days beshyfore said Court

Given at Nashua in said County this second day of November AD la ^ l

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN



The Subscriber gives notice that she ha^ been duly appointed Vdministratlx

li thc Estate of Willie A Tandy-Jate oX jAiii Nc^ Hampshire in -Jic County of ii-lx)rouh deceased j An persons irdebtcd to said Estate are [requested to make payment atid all havshyin claims to pifci^nl them for adjustshyment

Dated October 22 1931 ELIZABETH T TESKSS

Kor Your lob and Book P r i n t i n g

P a t r o n i z e t h e R E P O K T E R P R E S S

A n t r i m N H

DRIVE IN Let us grease your car the A L E M I T E W A Y

Flush yoar Differential and Transmissioa and flll with new grcaise

F R E E Crank Case and Flushing Service bull

A L A Service Phone 113

Frank J Boyd Hillsboro

For Sale

Folly Accredited COWS can graquo in anybodys herd in any state Bbigt steins Guernseys Jerseysand Ayr shires Presh and springers

Fred L Proetor Antrim M B


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

Loiver Prices Netu


CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

CX326 125 0327 125


75 Ilaquo00 160

bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 2: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible


Uncle Sams New Embassy in Tokyo STAGE COACH gt TALES

By E C T A y L O R

This is the first and I sc ius lve photosrapli of the new American-embassj- on Reinan-zaka (Belnan hlll) A k ^ bull n v -okvo Tlgt^ oW emba^V buU^ were destroyed in the earthquake and flre of September 1923 The

ambassador Sv Cameron Forbes returned from his American vacation bull bull bull


Acts as Living Receipt for an Atlas bull 4gt -bull bull 1 mdash mdash ^

bull bull bull bull I bull bull


Riley Figures in Dramatic Tale of Early Chicago

Chicasomdashror forty-two years Chl-cnsos map department has poslaquoelaquosed a llvinsbreathing receipt for the atshylas of the Town of Take annexed lu ]ltlt0 Tlie receipt is John IX Uilev ivho will soon celilinito his silver anshyniversary as chief ot thedepartment

Back of tills lies a series of events dramatic roinaniic humorous and trajric In ISS Chicagos area was only laquo pquare miles In that year the iiTca of celebrating the anniversarj- of Coshylumbus dioeovery of America became a lively issue among American cities

Chicago wanted that exposition but lacked the land upon which to staRC it Carter Harrison was mayor He called together a group of m e n of courage and vision and they plimiied subtly and big

Immediately began a campaii-ii nmldst five great communities surshyrounding Chicago which resulted in the nnnesation in lSltn of part of the Town of Cicero anil all of the Townof Iake Town of TofTerson Aillase of Hyde Iark and City of Igtiike View

With imly SO square miles of terrishytorj- Cliicugo annexed more than VV2 square wiles Meanwiiile Carter Ilar-risoii had lieen defeated for re-election and Do Witt CreJKor had became mayor of Chicaso

Lands Great Exposition Mayor Cregipr as-enil)od a special

tnainlond of live wires and tliey went to Wiisliiiii-tim nin^arin before congress Tliey niTiTCd nuire luiul tlmn any otlier city liad to ojTort a liberal bank rull splendid iirKUiiiciits regarding location and traiDiportatioii and tliey brought tlie Worlds Columshybian exiiosition to thicngo

I5ut in the meantime Tolin P UiUy engineer and draftsman chief of tligt map department of the Town of Lake had been bavins his trouhles When the Town of Iake was annexed it bc-came^his duty to deliver i t j atlas to the City of Chicago

Chief of Clilcagos map department at that time was the Haron Koderiek von Manstein of Germany

Baron von Mansteln was a bit canshytankerous and extremely stubborn anlti dignified When Tohn D Hiley nrriveil at the city hall witli the atlas of th Town of Lnke the baron wiis in a inul humor Mr IJiley requested a receipt The baron said no and liavin-- snid no his dinity would net ponliit liini to back up Stalemate

Riley would not part with the atbis without a receipt The-baron woiiUl not give a recciigtt So back wont Itiloy to the Town of Ilaquoike Wlmt t do What to do Chliuso had to iiave till atlas

A Living Receipt Hah Idea Kiley lialtl nirido tbe

atlas He was the only imin who knew wbat it was all nimiit Ho vis needed in Ciiicnsos niip depart ment Would the Biiron von Mnlttfin iiigt-point John D Kiley ns an aide in CUi-bullagolt map department Certainly lie would witii pleasure

Graciously the baron appointed lolm


One Fat Man Worth Six Head of Cattle |

Home ItalymdashIn Liberia a fat man is worth at leaist laquois head of cattle Father J lins Irish priest of the Lyons African Missions tltild the Cathshyolic missionary news agency Fides when recounting his adshyventures as a missionary in the cannilial parts of West Africa

Father Collins has lived amoiig savage and cannibal tribes for many years arid said

that cannibalism still prcgtvails in parts of Africa thougii it Is $ dylnK out

n nil(i his special aide Graciously Uiloy accepted the appointment brotight along the atlas of the Town of Lake and became its living breathiug and cliucklins receipt

Twenty-five yctirs ago John D Riley bpcame chief o f the department and is still the living receipt for the atlas of the Town of Lake

Carter Harrison was again elected mayor of Cliicaso in isYZ seryins tliroughout the worlds fair of lSi) And on October 2S lSiY just at tlie close of the grent Iolumliian exposhysition ho was assassinated Tliats the trasedy

Cliiciisos area today is 210 scimire miles Il-eparins for tlie KKCJworlds ir the city needs more land upon wliicli to stii0 the exposiiloii So this lime ltliicaso is making Hie land in Lnke Micliisim Tliats more drama

Tlie Chinese nationalist government announced that Dr W W Yen had been appointed the new Chinese minshyister to the United States Doctor Yeni known as one of the ablest of Chinese diplomats is a foriner premier of tlie oid Peiping government

Claimi Oldest Mill Site South rervkk Miiiie-rTliis vil-

Inso lins tliraquo oldest iiiill site in -mer- ici i ri ie tirst mill estnlilished In the new world stood beside tlie Nowlclia-waniik river It was hullt in lOti

Ex-King Alfonso Living Quietly in a Hotel

F o r m e r K i n g P a s s e s T i m e L i k e F r e n c h B o u r g e o i s

FontainebleaumdashSafely tucked away from political troubles King or ex-King Alfonsoof Spainmdashhe has not yet announced wbether he really did abdishycate or notmdashotherwise known as the duke of Toledo ts living quietly in exile in a first-class hotel at Fontaine-hleau facing the historic chateau where Nnpoloon took his leave for the iiiliospitalilo Island of St Helena

Witli a flock of courtiers and a few faithful friends such as llio duchess of Victoria the duke and duchess of Lereia the duchess of Santonin and the marquess de Torres lfonso is livshying here poarefiillv like an ordinary Fretuh bourgeois in tliis quiet sub-nrlmii town However he has kept twenty Spanish domestics wlio folshylnwed him in exile including six cliiiurreurs wbo drive his luxurious aushytomobiles

Tbe members of the royal family ire occupying severnl do luxe apart-iiiotits on the first floor of Hie Hole Sjivoy The queen receives ber vis-itorsln a large salon beautifully deco ruled In pure Louis XVI style In her spare time she reads the latest books

or takes long walks in the forest Siie nlso goes to Iaris occasionaUy in an automobile to visit tlie couturiers and do a little shopping on the Rue de la Pais with her ladies of honor

The king devotes most of his time witii his secretary to the reading of hundreds of letters which he receives every day from all parts of the world He gets up very early and takes a walk in the forest with his children Once in a wliile they take long autoshymobile rides In the country They reshycently visited Rheims Chartres and Nemours

Huge Project of Soviet Russia

Russian Timber Regions to Get Improved Food

MoscowmdashThe authorities have 1ust taken measures to improve tlie food situation in the norUiem timber reshygions

Tlie national co-operative organia- tion Centrosoyuz has assisned liO-iXX) ruides for vegetable warehouses in rchnnsel Vologda Kotlas and other timber centers ^t tbe laquoamc time it ordered the Immediate openshying of a chain of food shops throughshyout the region

Fifty new tea houses and forty reshyfreshment stands nre part of the new feeding facilities ordered for the tim-her districts

T h e B a n d i t s N e m e s i s

J MliliS C U R R Y was the most noted of all thfe stage coach ^rivers on

the old Baraboo-Kllbourn line when Wisconsin wus little more than a wilshyderness and the roads were quagmires and rough rocky trails through the forests

Tall and fearless Currys word was law along the stage lihe and his fearshylessness and the respect In which the new Inliahitnnts of the comitry held him proved the undoing of one of the most desperate bandits aud gunmen In the old Northwest

Currys stretch of the road was miles of sandy trail north of Baraboo He drove coaches over this route from ISOO until the Chicago amp North Westshyern railroad extended its line from KUbourn to Bamboo In 1871 During

the last nine years of this period he owned the stage couch line but conshytinued to drive through the bad secshytion

In the late COs the entire countryshyside lived In fear of Pat Wlldrlck one of the most noted bandits In the hisshytory of the American frontier Tat was leader of a band of lawless- men who stooped to any crime to do his bidding

Baraboo was already a thrfvlng com- munity and the railroad line ran to Kilbourn Currys stage coiich line made ils chief revenue by carrying money from the railhead at Kllbourn tb towns along the route but princishypally to the bank at Baraboo The people trusted Curry so greatly that they never thought of having their packages of money Insured and many a farmer or housewife would turn money over to him after stopping his coach along the road and have him pay their bins or buy things for them at Kllbourn or Baraboo

Curry received 50 cents for each $1000 cash he transported across the country One night he was handed $12000 to he carried to the Terrell Thomas bank at Baraboo Just as he was leaving two strangers crawled inshyto the stage coach sat In the rear bulljeats apd conversed In whispers

As the stage crossed the river and entered a section thick with pine woods the two strangers continued to talk in low tones

Curry recalled that Pat Wlldrlck and his gang some time hefofe had atshytacked S S Gates and his wife near the same spot and while the authorishyties were hunting Pat a pal of the liandit chief had murdered Gates at this same spot pn the road

Curry whipped up his horses fully convinced tiiat besides the Sl2000 In cash he was carrying two of Pats bandit gang He expected to be atshytacked ilt any moinent bull

rriving at Baraboo Curry breathed a sigh of relief Tliere he learned that tiie two strangers were law-abidshying persons who talked low as a matshyter of habit

The entire countryside was uneasy when Pat was at large and Curry was constantly on the lookout for the bandit

Pat once escttped from the Baraboo jail and posses searched the woods for niiles around for him As Curry drove his stage coach peacefully along the road near OsChner park he spied the bandit leader hiding In the woods He drove along for a short distance as though nothing unusual hnppened until he met some of the posse He called to them nnd led them hack to Pats hiding place The bandit was speedily recaptured As Pat was hurshyried back to the Baraboo jail he shouted to Curry

Young man Ill see you later The Irish bandit had a habit of

keeping his word and Curry and all of Baraboo knew what he meant by saying he would see him later

Curry was wary thereafter but the Irish bandit must have realized that It would be danserous for him to atshytack the stage coach driver as Curry was well guarded constantly from the dTy of the throat by friends who liked the driver At any rate Curry was the one man in the whole ^countryside whom Pat did not dare raise a liand against

Pats career ended soon after that at the end of a rope in the hands of a mob at Portage Wis

(S) 1581 Western NewraquopanlaquorXhlon^



An Irish doctor was motoring along a lonely road Suddenly he came apon a girl In distress She was standing beside a nevv two-seater The doctor pulled up

Can 1 help you In any way he said gallantly

The girl smiled through her tears bullIts this petrol Indicator she

eald You seei-Its standing at the half-way mark but for the life of me I cant reraembfer If It means half full or half empty


l i X G E S S a d d isthe commpn cause of indigestion It results ui pain and sourness abbut two hours after eat^ ing The quick corrective is an alkali wnich neutralizes acid The best corrective is Phillips Milk of Magshynesia It has remained standard with

physicians in the 50 years since i ts invention

One spoonful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many

t imes its volume in acid Harmless and tasteless and yet its action is quick You will never rely on crude methods once you Ieam how quickly this method acU Be sure to get the genuine

The ideal dentifnce for dean teeth and healthygums is Phillips Dental Magnesia a supenor toothshypaste that safeguards against acid-mouth

1 know your wife balled you out last night

No sir youre wroiig this time Shes got a had cold and cant speak above a whisper

The Remorseful Gossip Sometimes 1 wonder wbetiier there

Is any truth In the old saying Be good and you will be happy

Whats the trouble I made up my mind the other day

that I would he truthful and obliging 1 answered every question anybody asked me

And told the esact truth Yes And none of the people 1 told

bullthe truth about how speak to me

Alib Tommy Is a small boy on whose

skin the sumaer breezes and suti have brought out much pigment

NeighbormdashTommy how did get so many freckles

TonimvmdashThera aint freckles been goin swimmin every day them spots are Just my iron constishytution rustin on memdashBorder Cities Star


Ive nnd

Whampt a Mani Before we were married you used

to call me your angel Tes r remember Now you call me nothing That shows my self-controVmdash

Vart Hem Stockholm

To Classify Blood Stains ClassiricatiOn of blood stains Is beshy

ing made by a German expert as an aid in crime detection He believes that eventually the stains on the clothing of a suspect may be classishyfied so that it quickly Will be matched with that of the victim While courts have recogiiized bloort

bullstains bullwere made by human blood or not there has heeh no test which will accurately determine the blood group ot stains which have thoroughshyly dried The expert believes he will supply this deficiency

Drink Away that heavy

drowsy feeling Wlfcn constipatloD a l e n a l i bring baek the flush ef Kealth to your face by flushing the bowels thorouehly Acup or two

ofGarfieldTeawiUcleanbeaway unhealthy stagnant waste reshynew ttae feeUng of energy aodpep

ti4t iht ittairttt drttsgat I

I GARFIELD TEA a^Qtaiuraijpoundto^hgte0nnk

The Larger the Better I have no use for small oil paintshy

ings the liirge canvases are to my liking

Are you a newspaper art critic No-^a frame maker

THAT JGGUGH the safe easy way before

_ worse troubles follow Take


The tried home remedy for breaking up colds relieving throat trotibles healing and soothing mdash quick relief for coughing and hoarseness

30e at alldrttreiiti Uio PItei ToothMho Drop


Ontario To-wn Iraquo Taken Over by Army of Skunks

Orllla OntmdashOrilla has a problem a smelly and distasteful one It con-c(rnn skunks Not one skunk nor two nor three but an army of iheia-

The skunks have^ Invaded the water front preventing owners from entershying their boathotises and have apshyproached the town hall

One entered ah unflhlshed seiner and halted constrtiction

The striped cats have rid the town of ratsj but residents say they would rather have the rats than the odors

r iew Of what when completed will be the largest hydroelectric plant in V -iTi-M It is being constructed by the Soviet Rosslan government at

SnelnroitVoy on the Dnelper river laquo id It is espected It will be finished in 1 9 ^ The dam U Been In the Uickground bull

C l a i m s S m a l l e s t P e s t Ofiiee Passaconaway N HmdashThis town

claims the smallest post office In the nation Ita floor space measures only 4 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 8 inches Postmaster W R Kimball admits hes a bit cramped especially during the Christmas rush J

Married Seheel Teachers - The Office of Kducatlon says that there are no state laws prohibiting married women from teaching In the public school In a recent sur-e5 made by the National Education asshysociation of l iraquo2 cities having a population of over 2000 of the numshyber which reported 30 per cent emshyploy married woman teachers Twenshyty-nine per cent of the cities require a woman to stop teaching as soon as she marries- while 25gt4 per cent reshyquire that the woman resign at the end of the year If she marries during tlie year

Good NewsF NEW

Buddy tiow bi h is this hotel So higli sir that we havea lunch

counter in each elevator

HOTEIFORREST West 49th St Just oftBWAY

Anncunces Fall Rates


J u s t G u e s s i n g TeachermdashWhat inakes some clouds

black William WillinromdashKxhaust from the airships mdashChicago Daily News

Co-Operist ioB a s N e e d e d Maidens werent so bold In the old

days perhaps but a lad who could drop the reins on the dashboard didnt need so much co-operation-Los Anshygeles Times

P l a n e t a r y D i s t a n c e s The planet whose orbit Is nearest

that of the earth Is Venus The mean distances of the several planets from the sun are as follows In millions of miles Mercury 3C Venus C72 Earth 929 Mars 1415 Jupiter 4S33 Sf^turn 8861 Uranus 17828 Neptune 27084

Our satellite the moon is our nearshyest neighbor In space her average distance from us being 29000 miles The moons volnme Is about l-49th and her mass about l-81laquot laquogtat of thr earth

T h e W r o n g M o v e Young Wir(^mdashVes 1 learned to cobk

while my husband was In Europe FriendmdashWas he pleased when he got

back home WifemdashWell Im not sure-^he went

to Europe again right away

Tea Talk MalslemdashRo you married yonr emshy

ployer How long did you work for hlni

OaislemdashJust long enough tu get him

250 $ 0 mdash Single laquo|^BDaubl

300 large sunlit rooms each with private both shower and circuloting ice water RADIO IN EVERY ROOM

iust Around fhe Corner from 5 0 Theofres

Within walking distance pf all placesofamusemeot aod interest


Club Breakfast bull bull bull bull 25 Special Luncheon bull bull bull tS Full Course Dinner $100

All meals served in your room without extra charge

yfrila or wIra rtttrvOliont to JAM^ A FLOOD Moneger


Enforced Economy -RlpsnortmdashA friend of mine hasnt

spent a penny in years ShnshemmdashWhat are you talking

about RlpsnortmdashIts true But hell be out

of Jall nest week

In the Orchard VisitormdashWhats the matter with

your little brother Biggest TotmdashMother told him not to

eat more than three apples and he cant count

WAgtTEIgtmdashMEN AXn WOMEN to laquoraquo11 bullwonder Klft boxes liberal commission To ftvolrt ilclay tmnil Jl for sample boa Wonder Box Co Fitchburg Mass ^

llotfnrds Native Herbs eml 0raquoN give Inshystant relief tor ooUH Catarrh Headacnrs Asthma Hay Kever and Sinus Money hacK guarantee Price 50 centraquo C H Hol-ford 815 Sth Ave SEMinneapolis Minn

Deceptive Method of nonxnlne orovln Woman Has No Sout Greatest louph provoker or dime coin Mareue Rosrn-blaquorlaquo HD K 146th St Brltnraquo New York

Christmaa Canl Saleraquopcigtlr Wunted Oreat money makerSl lgtox 50cRerrli with order NATION-WIDB r m N T I S t SAtPa CO

Room 409 489 Fifth Araquoraquobdquo Xew York

Opemtors this locality tnr revolutionary equipment Salary laquo80 lraquohngt Ricctrle Re-searcM Iah Corp Powers HMraquo it T C

W N U BOSTON NO 45^531


bull nlaquoiraquotraquoii^ t^^fffamssim


SUCH IS UFEmdashEducated Enough By Charles Sughroe

BOV WAS I _ TOraquoraquof FiVE iSEVEWS AMD



HE lts M OMiiT eouKir j |

Putt ing t h e N e c k Into the Collar

By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK X Dean of Men Universityof

Illiaois V X

Charles was having his portrait PAlnted and as he moved from one

0 01 to another trying to keep the

b l o o d circulating through tis limbs

as he stood he was Interested In the nropress of the artist The face he imagihed would be the most difficult After that had the proper expression worked out and the natural flesh tints applied he supposed that the

rest was a matter that any tyro might fix up

One of the most dlflicult things the painter said is to get the neck to come up firmly and easily against the collar

It made me think of Moses our old Stay horse One of the most difficult tasks I had as a boy on the farm was to get Moses to bring his neck up against the collar firmly and easily I tried all sorts of devices with only

Indifferent results I understand exshyactly what the artist had In mind

In other things besides portrait painting and the driving of a lazy horse r havenoticed difficulty in makshying the artistic union between the-neck and the collar bull Gibson has been

greatly concerned about his sons progress In college and he had an Interview with me not long ago to see If I could suggest any remedy or reason for the situation It Isntdifshyficult It Is simply another case of an unsatisfactory and inartistic adshyjustment of tlie neck and the collar The boy is lazy lie wont work he never has worked

Hawley is past middle life He is

Ohio State Captain

recognized everywhere as a man who has made a great success of his pro-fejsslon Those who know him say that when the time came to begin work-in the morning Hawley was al- ways there enthusiastic and eager for the days task He never watched the clock to see how time waraquo passing he wasnt afraid of work It was in reality one of the great enjoyments of his life that there was work to do and that he was privileged to do I t There was no Inartjstlc union between Hawleys neck and the collar

ltcopy 1931 Western Newspaper IJnlon)

MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Claquot tt ooaM sad OM bull bull dirlaquoelltl Fla partklas of laquoelaquo4 bull u s Mal oa luttil raquoII dalKU WKh aa pinnba Mvar bullpou Ua mt freckled diupoear Skii ia thaa MlaquoS bullad vevatjr Yovr faea looka yeara youacer MareoliMd bulltai lltriacgt out the hkldaa beauty of your akia T e nmere^llrrHlUet ttaa oa ouaaa Powdaaad Sasolita eiminiisoa^hsUpial aitthfcaajTitdJji^^

Census Shows Radio Taught 3800 Music

Washington-^Radlo has tanght more than 3800 school- children how to play band and orchestnil Instrushyments- Six half-hour broadcast lesshysons accomplished instruction in all major Instruments except the drum according to a report to the federal office of education by Joseph E Mad-dy professor of music at the Univershysity of Michigan Two ten-year-old girls were amo^g the successful pupils and several adults also tuned In for Instruction the report said

Add New Ocea^ Lane to Old Routes


i Rose OFiiRlCHO ROUS IfSilflH-rOA

ftdom fHB oeseRT IN lthif)RCraquoOf mieR

(WMU Serv ice )

Stu Uolcoinb captain and fullbatl of tlie Oliio Stiie team is rated as one of the stronRest players in the Wostern Conference this ycir

Hoosier Owns Early Model Typewriter

Huntington IndmdashWiliiam Ieeler living here has ^hat he believes to be the llrst typewriter built in the United States With the original mashychine Peeler belipvcs he has the first typewritten letter sent through the United States mails

The letter was written by his fashyther Abner Peeior Tiinb 10 1SC6 It was addressed to ills wife at their home in Webster Citv Iowa At the time Peeler was traveling by stnger coach to Wishington D Cbdquo to obtain a patent on the machine

The model Peeler took to Washingshyton he found to be too large to come under the patent law He returned to his home nnd spent two yoars makshying improvements

On his second trip to the Capital he leamed that the Idea hnd beon dushyplicated and sold for S4000 Peeler however was paid $1500 for Improveshyments

Wisconsin Calf Found With Heart in Throat

Mvgatts WismdashA calf that had its heart in its tliroat when sold by the owner to Chris Madsen local cattle buyer was exhibited by him here Madsen noticed a pulsating protrusion on the front of its throat and called a veterinary who said that the calf wns in good health despite its freakshyish heart

Hudson Bay Trail Will Have but Short Season

Washington-r-The passage this aushytumn of the first commercial cargo of Wheat from Churchill the newly opened port on Hudson bay bull to Lonshydon lays down the latest and protgt-ably the northernmost steamer lane of Imiiortanpe that will ever cross the Atlantic ocean according to a bulletin from the Natlonal Geographic society

Tbe long-heldIdea of the existence of a passage north of the continent open enough to be used by freight ships has been proved erroneous anil the Hudson bay country is therefore the region farthest north from which careoes are likely to originate It Is pointed out The Hudson bay steamer route is free from ice in its western third for only a short period late each suiiniior and early each fall but beshycause ships using the route can reach bullIfW or more niiles closer to the grent Canadian wlieat fields than by the St Lawrence-Grcnt Lakes routo It is beshylieved that tlie newest steamer lane will be crowded with sliip each seashyson

FirstOcean Trail V constant northern progression of

shipping lanes across tlie Atlantic can be noted since Columbus ted the way between the Old and New worlds continues the bulletin That famous triiil-blazing trip first skirted the nonhwestem shbuider of Africa to the Cinary Islands and then led almost dne west a little nortli of the Tropic of Cancer the landfall at Wating isshyland From this experimental voyage Columbus learned something of tiie life of the land in the West Indies and on his next voyage he continued souiliwestward from the Canaries to the larger West Indian islands

Ttils diagonal line which tlie great ndiiiiral traced from near the southern tip of Spain to the ntiiips became the earliest of the freight and passen-ier lanes in the Atlantic

South of the Spanlsh ship lane tlie Portuguese estJiblished a route be-iween tiie mother country and the cistern coast of Prazil This Is stili Ine of tlie inajor tlantic lanes

Radiate From Britain Except a few less heavily traveled

sliipping routes sueh as those between Iortugal and the mouth of the ma-7)n Prance and Kroneli (Juinna and Holland and Igtiitch ltulana the trans-itlantic trnflic lnnes have been traced northof tlie old Spmislrocean high-vny One evtends from the Strait of I Mbmltar to New Vork and on to other eastern American ports Practically

all the rest radiate from tlie British isles or the mouth of the Knglish chanshynel as the ribs of an (gt^ened fan radishyate from its handle

In all the world there Is notrans-ocean shipping lane vrith a concentrashytion of freight passenger and mail traffic approaching that which moves between the English channel and New York Approximately one-half of the worlds total tramp and liner tonnage is engaged In exchanging commodities across these waters The Pacific is still a lightly traveled ocean as comshypared to the Xorth Atlantic

Man has becn busy tracing shipping routes across the oceans for thousands of vears They have been shifting lines Over-and over again well estabshylished ocean highways have been abandoned or almost deserted ibecause of political economic or engineering developments

Placing the Blame President Piitterstm of the Nashy

tional Casli Kegister conipany critishycized Kussia on his return from Europ^

Stalin he said blames foreign capitalism for the int and misery lCUssia is undorguiog now Stalin Is liite Mrs Johnson

Who broke vour mantel mirror Mrs Johnson said pound neighbor

My hubby dear said Mrs John-ison He ducked

With Unbelted Waist


The best way to prevent colic doctors say Is to avoid gas In stomshyach and bowels by keeping the entire Intestinal tract open free from waste But remember this a tiny babys tender little organs cannot stand harsh treatment They must be gently urged This Is just the time Castoria can help most Castoria you know Is made specially for bashybies and children It is a pure vegeshytable preparation perfectly harmless It contains no harsh drugs no narshycotics For j-ears It has-helped mothshyers through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with digestive upsets colds and fever Keep genuine Castoria on hand with tb^ name

C A S T O R I A C H I L D R E N c n t F O R 1 7

Two dresses whicli make a isuecess of an unbelid waist are the coat dreSs whieh ties on the side The latter is made in African brown canton crepe with the neckline and cuffs outlined in Algerian red says the Woinans Home Companion Tlie large square-cut reshyvers are a feature which makes it not only fashionable but sure to flatter the figuro There is orglnality In the sasli which appears bnly at the back where it passes thnjugli a slit in the yoke -V coat dress is the perfect costume for street wear

Compressed Air Runs an Automobile

Beavers Stop Water W h e e l Wellsboro PamdashA water wheel Inshy

stalled for electric power at the Old Mil pond wa blocked within two hours by a colony of beavers The beavers carried sticks and mud to the mouth of the Intake providing the wheel with Its water power and blocked It effectlvply

Kew Bombing Record Is Made by Army Aviators

Wasliington^A bull record for accurshyacy in aerial bombing w-as establislied during the recent tests at I-anglcy field Virginia the Wnr department has announced V homhing team comshyposed of Iieut Hobert T Cronau (pilot) and Lieut Merrill D Burnside (observer) scored l$Oi points out t)f laquo possible 2000

VithoHgh the bombing tests have boen held annually at Langley field sinre Iiiil this years score was far higher than nny previous one

Cronau is from Kewance 111 and Burnside from hero


Texets Boasts Fastest Air Passenger Service

Tallas TexasmdashCruising at ISO miles an hour and occasionally speedshying up to 2Xi mile an hour the worlds fastest passenger carrying air service Is operated between Houston and Oklahoma City and San Antonio end TtilKa by the Bowen system Spe^ cially OnlU Ltfckheeds with retract-ithle lanlt^tng gear kr^ used on the two Unta Each plane carries s is passengt^ra in addItlaquogtB to the pilot

A 0old dioger gitneratly follows a finger wave with a aea lp treatment

Phone Call Restores Memory of Missing Man

Pptoitmdash Ions distance telephone call sen-ed recently to bring back tlie memory of a man who hid been In the hospitiil in Detroit for five daylaquo as an amnesia patient He had i)een found on the steps of a Woodward avenue church iind his picture was printed in a Detroit newspaper wliicb mnde its wny to Kiclimond Vlti where a brother bntipened to seo it

The nirhniond mnn called the hosshypital in Detroit and asked to tilk with tlie victim of loss of memory When the eonnigtc[ion was made lie siid Hello (lyde this Is your brother Illchard sienking Tlio pashytient remained silent for a moment then his face briiditened Triilhe re-momhered who he wis He had dis-Tppcnred from his home in Iliehmond ten ltlays proviously after an oporashytion

In Good ConAtibn At the opening of school there was

a great deal of buying and selling or used toxtbooks Many advertiseshyments aippe^red on blackboards sei-tirig forth the attractive features of respective books Tlie usual induceshyment to purchasers was a low price but one pupil advertised as follows For sale English Book I Good Shipe Never UsedmdashExchange

A Pare Herb Laxatiye Not a harsh st imulator of t h e Bowels but a hene^ eial pure-quality Herb Lasative which has beea successfuUy

Used for Over 80 Years as a quick ntitural relief froin constipation mdash the evil which so often causes i l l n e s s C l e a n s e y o u r system by taking gt

DnlhiesElixir The True Faniily Lazative

I had terrible headaches and I suffered for years before Dr Trues Elisir was recomshymended to memdashMrs Nellie Woodsford East Boston

FamUr size 128 otber sizes Mle ft Me

Compressed air as motive )iiyvr Lr Ihc iiiitoiiiobilc is linrinltsoii In an amazing demonstration conducted at 1 s Angeles a itaiidiird aiitoinoliiic chassis powered with a newly dcve lc id comprcsscii air Mi)tor wliizzed around the city streets at not a cent cc- to ihe driver for fuel The ensinc Is the result of six yeirs of resoarcli niic vo k by lioy 1 Moyers Vvho states one filling of the tank will run the car f r r(HTiftiles IJesenihling in general appearance a radial airplane niotor the engine is niounied In an upright position In the same manner as a gasoline engine in siandard niotor cars It retjulres no cooling system no Ignition svstem no carburetor or the hunshydreds of movinj parts included In a gusoline motor The driver operates but one lever That Is the air throttle Ii 1 led to 500 pounds nir pressure the engine throttle ts opened and the car picks up speed quickly and smoothly the only sound emitted being a slight hiss of the air from the exhaust valves Aa thie air goes through the engltie forcing pistons np and down on the

same principal as that employed hy gisollne explosions most of It Is re-cfiaptared and recompressed by a conirresser built as a part of the engine

Toledo Man Makes Life-Saving Profession

ToleIo OiiiomdashIifclt=iTing is a proshyfession to Ooorse Itaitz who has save(l fourteen from wtory grnvei

He WIS four when he saved his own but lie dopv-nt count that Although he couldnt swimhe kept a cool head md paddled hrinely to shore aftor liis rtft had oeitumcd

Wlien he wns ten he rescued a plav-mite who luinMed into a creek and left it to fJcor-e to drag him ouf Ceorie not only dragged his voung fnend fo dry Innd but worked over him for an hour restoring respiration Wiion tlio coroner arrived he found tlio corpse sitting up very mnch alive although bedraggled From then on it has been one rescue after anshyother ^

Mere Men Seek Divorces

Lorain OhiomdashCommon pieas Judge w B Thompson said that a few years ago a majority of divorces were sought by women bnt that now he divorce trend finds more men ask-

mg legal aeparaUon in his conrt than women

Adventurers Extolled The cNiircoiiiii lniliiid Wii-

mide by ridventurcrs imt hy its go erniiiciu is -ittriiiuieil to Gel Clijirlcs Cnnlnn lirci- known s s

Cliincse ltoldiiri lcgt w-is killed in tlO ilofense of Kiirtini

Mothers bull bull bull W^fcb Childrens COLDS Cq W O N head eolds often settle

in throat and chest where they may becomedantcrous Dont takea chancemdashIt the first sniffle rub on Childrens Musteroleoncc cicry Itotsr for five hours bullraquo

Childrens Musterole is just good old Jiluitcrolc you have known so long in milder form

This famous Mend of oil of mustard camphor menthol and other inRrcdicnts bring relief naturally Musterole gets action because i is asdcntificcotnrer-trrifonmdashnot just a salvemdashit peneshytrates and stimulates blood circulation kelps to draw out infection and pain

mdash Keep full strength Musterole on hand for adulw and_ thc mildermdashChildrens Musterole for little tots All druegics



mm L



C F Butterfield

My Assortment of

Gents Furnishings BootSv Shoes

Rubbers - Is Complete and Priced Right

Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Sodas

Daily Papjers and Magazines

Sbr Xntrtm Sraquo|Uttlrr Published Every Wednesday Atemoon

Antrim Locals Subscription Price $200 per year

Advertising Kate on Applicatioo


Wednesday Nov 11 1931 Lraf DUtuiee TelephoM

Notices ol Coneeru Lectures EntenaiBmenu etc te which u admission lee Is eharced or Izomwhich a Revenue is derived must be pald^r by the line Reveiiue is derived must be paldlor as advertiseueaU

Cards oi Thanks are inserted at sec- each Resolutions oi ordinary lenfth $ieo Obituary poetry and Usu el flowets charged lor at

advertising rates also wi)l be charged at this same rate list oi presents at a wedding

Foreign Advertisins Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION

Entered atthe Postoffice at Antrim N H as see ondltlass matter

Govered Roasters The Sort That Save All the Juices and Flavor and Do the Roast or Bird to a Perfect Tempting Brown

They Go a Long Way Toward Mahing Tongh Meat Tender

WEAREVER ALUMINUM With adjustable ventilators and lift

out rack oval and square shapes $375 to $575

REEDS ENAMEL With adjustable ventilators and lift out tray

for the juices Self basting SIOO to $400

SAVORY EN AMEL Oval and dome shaped $175 to $250

SAVORY BLACK Round 50 cents to 75 cents

The Worlds Three Best Lines of Roasters

Sizes For a Small Roast or a Big TurKey

Add a Lot to Your ThanKsgiving or Christmas Dinner

If you cannot call write or telephone 154-W

Mrs R H Tibbals was a recent vliltr with friends in Dover this state

Miss Edith Sawyer Is stopping in Conshycord where she is attending Business Colshylege

Mr and Mrs H E Wilson recently entertained relatives from Danielson Conn

Born at Peterborough hospital Novem- i ber 6 a daughter to Mr anS Mrs Harold Miner

Mrs Benjamin Smith ol Wobu-ii Mass has been a guest of Mr and Mrs rchie N Nay

Mr and Mrs E A Bigelow of Winshychester Mass spent the week-end at their summer home at the Center

Miss Dorothy daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur W Whippie is improving satisfactorily from her recentserious ill-

It Ststnds ^c$tween Humanity and Oppression

Antrim Locals

EMERSON amp SON Milfoid

Eyes Examined ^ | ^ Glasses Fitted


Of Nashlaquoa will ba in Antrim Every Thursday Call Antrim Pharmacy for Appointments

Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President

and Red Cross RitK-Iamation by the Governor

Thf presidential proolamaion ca We approach Jie season gthii uc

cording to cunom daing from i- ir-bulllerlng of thc first harvest by o orc-athers in the new -irid a day - JC bulljart to give thanks even amid i-rd-

siips to ilmighry G d far yur ttigtora bull nd spiritual blessing- It ha V hallowed trafliticn or ho cii mie- deg bullbull=

1156th rate to proclaim nnjany a nsiorai

(iay of thank-givins bull Our couitrj- ha aa for laquorrnitjdr bullo the Almighty Wc have b-cn bullviriely 1 essed with abundai-t harvfvi- Wc lave been spared fr m poltlcnct and

bull alamitles Our instiJtion havo irvcd bullle people Kno-wiedgc ha3 mu ipiied

nd our lives are enriched with igt appli-

ation Education has advAncelt the

-calth Of our people lias tacreased Wc ave dweU in peace with all mci Ths Measure of parsing a-iverslty wliiih has ome upon us should deepen tho -plrit-

bull al life of the people quicken their ym-jathles and spirit of sacrifice for others and strengthen their courage

Many cf our neighbors are in need Irom cauises beyond their control and

tiie compassion of the people thro-ighout tc nation should so assure their scirity ever this winter that they too may have fill cause to participate in this day of gratitude to the Almighty_

Now therefore r Herbert Hoover President of the United Stetes of Ameri-a do hereby designate Thursday Nov 6 1931 laquos raquo naaonal Day of Tlianks-rivlng aDd reeommend that our people rest from their daHy labors and In their homes and accustomed places of worsh^

cive dcvoj thaiiks for the blessings bull viiicii a Merciful Father has bestowed

bulljpon J

In Aitness whereof I have hereunto bullbullet Tiy iiand and caused the iea of thc onited Staes to be aihxcd

Done at tne city of Washington this hid day of November in the year of

icomc I ltJr Lord 1931 and of the Independen Crlted States of America the

For Sale^One car iSarage Apply at Reporter Office for further particushylars bull ^^bull

Mr and Mrs Herbert Warren were in Somerville Mass on Saturday last guests of-Mr and Mrs J Edgar Armstrong

Richard Johnson Robert Caughey Arthur Prescott and Mias Margaret Pratt were at their respective homes here for the week-end from the schools whiph they are attending

Mr and Mrs H W Johnson and daughter Miss Helen Johnson were in Boston on Saturday last They had as a companion fpr the day Miss Isashybel Butterfield daughter of Mr and Mrs B G Butterfield

Mrs T F Madden left town On Tuesday of this week for Washington D C where she expects to spend the winter with her sons Rexford and Donald Madden Mr and Mrs Geo Hildreth took her to the Capitol city by automobile

Twelve members of Waverley Lodge of Odd Fellows went to Marlow last Wednesday evening to attend a disshytrict meeting with the Marlow Lodge The Keene Lodge conferred a degree All who attended enjoyed a most pleasant evening

Wm M Myers Post No 50 AL will hold an Armistice Ball on Frishyday evening Nov 13 at the Town hall Antrim This is the Legions twelfth annual and it Is planned to make this the best social event they have yet heldr Music will be furnishshyed by Zaza Ludwig and his Vodvil Band of Manchester which pleased so many a year ago Further particshyulars on poUers

On Friday evening of this week at Grange hall Mrs John G Winant of Concord wife of Gov Winant will give an illustrated lecture on her travshyels in India Africa and parts of Eushyrope The pictures which will be shown Mrs yinant had taken herself while on a motor trip through these countries her talk givea a clear and concise picture of conditions abroad No admission fee will be charged but a collection will be taken This enshytertainment is sponsored by the Imshyprovement Society of the No Branch Cemetery Association than which a more worthy object can hardly be found Although other attractions are scheduled for this evening it is hoped that a goodly number of our people will svail themselves of this unusual opportunity to hear a splendid lecshyture

Mrs John Bobertsoa of Shrew-sbury Mass has been spending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs C H Tewte-bury

Mrs Austin Paige and young daughshyter Coastaace have been bullvisiting with Mr and Mrs Henry Newhall in Peppershyell Mass

Mrs Sophia E Robinson has been spendii^ a season in Arlington Heights Mass with her son and wife-Mr and Mrs Fred W Robinson

Kenry A Hurlin was at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital in Concord last week for an operation and treatment He is reported as getting along nicely

Energetic Men in Every townand village can earn big money selling seeds Exshyperience unnecessary Steady work

Write for particulars COBB CO Franklin Mass adv 4t

Mrs C3 D Tibbetts was a speaker on Rock Gardens at the November meetshying ofthe Gaiden Club held at the Hillsshyboro Center club house recently The flub has 42 metnbers

Mrs C F Downes received the sad inshytelligence on Thursday morning that her brother Dr Oeorge T Holt of Bangor Maine who had previously suffered a paralytic shock had died Dr Holt was an optometrist of many years experience His age was 63 years

WANTED All kinds of livebull poultry Truck sent Get our prices before you sell Ready to and laying red rock and leghorn pullets for -sale James C Farshymer So Newbury N H Telephone Bradford 14-11 Adv bull44-lOt

The Reporter editor was favored the past week with a message from J W Chadwlck former owner of the Hillsboro Messenger who now resides at Boulder Colorado He tells of one C F Nesshymith a resident of Boulder living right in the shaUcA of the Rochies whose peoshyple originated in Antrim

Miss Pauline Mayo

Miss Mayo who is to be here on Sunshyday Nov 22 is giving interpretations of the great modern dramas She does not lecture nor tel the story of the play but actually impersonates the various characshyters making many forget that only one person in bull speaking and transporting them in imagination to the very scene of the actioii and into the presence of the character) Miss Mayo studies each play she presenis as it is being produced in the th3atre in New york and each is given witi special permission She has appeared this season in all sections of New York and New England and has reshyceived splendid commendation

Signed) Herbert Hoover

Ncr ember 11 to 26 are the dates for c annuai membership caunpalgn of the

American Rod Cross ivhich this year has attained is 50th anniversary

During the past j ar thc Red Croslt has added to lis splendid record the efficient handling of the difficult drought relief situation one of the greatest peace time isslgnments the wgai^ization ever has completed Today the industrial condishytions make increased demahds upon Its welfare actlrities To meet them the first essential te the larger supply ot fund hich more members will furnish

Wc in New Hampltthirc have had our own experience vrith Red Cross efficiency in thc emergencies of disastrous flood and flre and in the regular routine ot lus work for community welfare and proshygress With this knowledge in our minds and with appreciation of the need for even more genercAJS support of Red Cross work let us all join promptly and heartshyily in the endeavor to give New Hampshyshire a larger membership at the end of this campaign

JOHN G WINANT laquof Oovemor


Wed and Thurs Nov 11 and 12

The Bad Girl James Dunn and Sally Eilers

Fri and Sat Nov 13 and 14

The Brat with Sally ONeil

Shyline Thomas Meighan and Maureen


Mon and Tues Nov 16and 17

Woman of Experienoe Helen Twelvetrees and Lew Cody

Wed and Thurs Nov 18 and 19

Street Scene with Sylvia Sidney

Married Sikty-Seven Years

Gountry-Town America

Goed to Market with

The country-town market is worth going after and this newspaper is a medium of direct intensive and certain appeal to the people of this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Caslmer Haefeli who celebrated their 61th wedding annivershysary at their home at 106 Hinckley street NorthampvOn Mass were former Antrim residents This elderly couple Mr Haeshyfeli being 86 years old and his wife 90 are in excellent health for people of their years

Mr and Mrs Haefeli were married in Mumliswil Switzerland their native town October 24 1864 In 1892 the famshyily emigrated to this country and lived in New Hampshire for 10 years until moving to ^Northampton where they have lived since 1902 Mr Haefeli is a cutlery worker and was employed by the Goodshyell Company many years bull

Twelve children were bom to Mr and Mrs Haefeli eight of whom are now livshying They are Caslmer Haefeli Jr and Mrs Mary Bader of Peterborough Mrs Joseph Pluri of Antrim Mrs Carl Saner of Springfleid Mass Mrs Daniel Donoshyvan of Northampton Mass Mrs Rose Wallace and Mrs Jacob Diemond of Bay State Northampton and K N Haefeli at home

Baldwin Apples

Various grades In large or small quantities with modest prices at P PEARSONS Orchards in HanCoek N H Adv

In this paper every week


JANUARY 1 1932

When this date arrives it is the desire of the Publisher of the Antrim Reporter to have all its Suhscrihers brought up to where they will be known as in the Cash iu Advance list Many of the subscriptions expire with that date and they are always renewed which very much pleashyses the Publisher 1here are those however which unintentionally or otherwise are careless and let their subscriptions lay too long to be included in this desirable list To this latter class of subscribers we are addressing more parshyticularly these few words It is hoped that durshying the next several weeksmdashprevious to Janushyary 1 1932mdashthat bur subscribers who need this admonition will arrange to pay up all arrearshyages so that a perfectly clean slate bullwill be started with the new year

The second class privileges of the Postoffice department are sucli that it is necessary to mainshytain a cash in advance list and this is a large reason why it is necessary to do so Our subshyscribers are urged to assist us in putting into effect this desired proposition

In doing as the Publisher wishes the Subshyscribers will be the ones benefitted for it will be possible to give better service and all will feel assured that they are very materially assisting the Publisher in issuing a representative local


Again we say to our subscribers To the strictly cash in advance and all patrons who are practically such wo are indeed grateful and tender to you our heartfelt thanks and to our more careless subscribers who in many bullways are just as desirable we tender our thanks and ask that all arrearages be paid during the next few weeks VVe feol that the loyalty of our subshyscribers in this matter will equal the loyalty of the Publisher and together we may all continue to publish from our Antrim office a local newsshypaper egual to any in a town our siz6

Our interests are mutual and the assistance of all is required to get the most out of an orshygan which is designed to benefit everybody It cant be done without the kind of cooperation we are speaking of

And in closing this brief statement to our subscribers with an appeal which we hope will be prompt and satisfactory and which will be taken in the same spirit in which it is given we are

Your faithful servant


The Antrim Reporter


I Benningtone ^SSSSSSttWSSSSttitiampt^

rii rit

Congregational Church Rev J W Logan Pastor

Sunday School 1200 m Preaching service a t 1100 am Christian Endeavor at 6 pm

Benevolent Society meets this week Thuraday at 2 oclock

There^will be a Food Sale in the chapel on Friday afternoon at three oclock see posters

Miss Rachel Wilson of the Deagt coness hospital Boston was at home recently for a week end

idrs Frank Seayer attended the Antrim-Boston party b Boston last Saturday evening going down with frienda from Boston

Miss Marion Diemond will serve as president of her class at Plymouth Normal having been elected to that ofiice by iei classmates

Miss Bernice Robertson is at Con cord taking up her work of study for nnrse having lost many weeks on acshycount of illness After a while she will return to New York

Hev Herbert Wells of Greenville took as his text Bear Ye One An-others Burdens and So Fulfil the Law of Christ at the Congregational church on Sanday morniiig and gave an interesting sermon

A Uance will be given in the town hall In this place on Thanksgiving night Thursday evening November 26 with mUsiq by the Tavern Orehestra of seven pieces There will be niixed dances and a prize waltz For other particulars read posters

The November meeting of the Woshymans Club which will be held in Auxiliary hall at 230 pm on Tuesshyday the 17th will have as speaker Mrs Maro Brooks of Hancock music Mr Brooks Hostesses Mrs Hattie Weston Mrs Martha Weston Mrs Mary L Knight Mrs Cornelia Logan Mrs Lizzie Sargent

The 46th anniversary of the Misshysionary Society vhich was held oh Thursdsiy last at 730 pm in the Congregational chapel was a very pleasant evening very nnusual to say there were 46 present some coming froni Antrim Center cburch Mrs English of Manchester gave a shdrt talk on World Service Refreshments of cake and coffee were served during the social hour

On last week Monday evening a largo gatheriiig witnessed the joint installation of the Sons of Union Vetshyerans and the Auxiliary Those preshysent were Dept Senior Commander Charles H Estes of Alton an honor ed guest Dept Junior Vice Comshymander Charles 0 Smith of East Jaflrey Mrs Charles 6 Smith East Jaffrey Auxiliary Dept Chaplain G E Whitney Sons of Veterans Dept Chaplain Keene Mrs Rose Howard Auxiliary Dept President Alton Mrs Maude Russell Auxiliary Dept Inshystalling Officer Keene Jackson Carr S Oi V Installing Oflicer Hillsboro Other gueats were Mrs Jackson Carr Hillfiboro Howard Stevens Hillsboro Andrew Crooker Hillsboro Mrs Eva Flandero Alton Frank Howard Alshyton Mrs Maude MacLean East Jaf frey Mrs poundssie Neaves Keene Mrt Mabie Bean Keene Mrs Ina Stwee-ney Keene Mrs Russell E Radclif gt Keene Mrs T B Bourasse Keene Mr and Mrs Lester Townsend Keene A bountiful and delicious supper was served to conclude the evening Mrs Abbe Diemond was chairman of the sijpper coinmittee

Tax Collectors Notice

Tha Tax Collector will be at the Selectmens Office Bennington every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 ocloik for the purpose of receiving Taxes

J H BALCH Collector

Am Legion Aox Officers

The new officers of the Legion Auxshyiliary were installed into their resjicc-tive chairs on Monday evening a t the homo of Mrs C W Prentiss by Mrs Francis Maaz of Nashua the Alternate Director After the instalshylation a social time yas enjoyed with refreshments

PresidentmdashMrs Arleen White l s t Vice PresmdashMrs Mildred

briskie 2i Vice PresmdashMrs Esther

landjr SecretarymdashMrs Mae Perkins TreasurermdashMrs Ruth Heath ChaplainmdashMrs Gladys Phillips Historianmdash^Mrs Wilma Nolan Slaquorgeant at ArmsmdashMrs Gertrude

Bon ler Mae L Perkins Sec



Nail Schedule in Effect tember 28 1931


Mails Cloie 039 am 955 a m 400 pm

Going South

Leave Station 654 am

1010am 415 pm

Going North 7-21 a m 736 am 328 pm 343 pm

Mail ccnnecting with Keene train arriving at Elmwood railroad station at 627 pm leavea Antrim at 540 pm and arrives at about 645 pm

OfRce Closes at 730 pm


Farnbhed by the Pastors the Different Churchies


The Boston bull Antrim Party Held Last Saturday

Evening November 7 Proves Most Snccessful

Presbyterian Church Rev VVilliam-Patteraon Paator

Thtlrsdsy November 12 bullMid-week service a t 730 pm We

shall study Romans 7 7-25 The regular Sunday School Workshy

ers Conference will follow this ser-VJCCi

Sunday November 15 Morninj worship at 1045 Sermon

by the pastor Bible school meets at 12 noon

^YPSCE meets in this church at 6 ocjock p m Topit^ Wha t is tbe Purpose of Life Leader Mrs Emshyma Goodell

Methodist Episcopal Rev Chas Tilton DD Pastor

Thursday November 12 Social service of songi scripture and

testimony at 730 pm Theme Righteousness

Sunday November 15 Morning worship at 1045 oclock

There will be a general pulpit exshychange on tbe Southern District Miss M V Granger will preach in this church and Dr Tilton in Keene

Sunday school at 1215 oclock Union evening service at 7 oclock

iu this church Subject of sermon A Misplaced Ethphasis

h s disappointing to call f6r a copy of The Reporter and not get one Betshyter (ubaeribe for a yearmdash$200

A LESSON IN FAITH Miss Pauline Mayo of New York City

will present A Lesson in Faith by Marie A Foley at tht Methodist Episcoshypal Church on Sunday morning Noshyvember 22 at 1045 oclock A Lesson in Ptth is a one-act play which in included oTi the list of Sermon-Plays It is a sury of thrt time of Christ which is ap-pl cable to -ll times and places as it de-pits realistjlally the contrast between the h-sh obsUijicy of the unbeliever and the beuty arid olessings of simple faith

iiie scene is laid in a Judean village arl the aeontakes place in the house of Huldah vith whom lives her aged and infrm father and Joel a lame boy Huldah is al unbeliever and ridicules the fa h of the boy Joel who believes ferventshyly that JCSLScould ht-al him A blind stinger pa-ses lgty learns the circum-sttinces and olTers to remain with the ag-d father while the boy seeks Christ Wth the liff sacriflfice of true faith the bo comes running back crying that bi-idness ij much worse than lameness and insisting that the blind man go The blind man goes and meets a Stranger on the road and the climax comes in the joy of sight restored arid the lame made to walk while the unbeliever Huldah has not even f bullen Christ The parts are ticjcn reverently and tenderly by Miss Miyc and he Christ appears by implishycation and he words of the characters in the play

Baptist Rev H Tibbals Pastor

Friday November 13 Annual (hurch Roll Call Supper

will be s^r-ed at 630 All members of the pan-haee invited and urged to remain throughout the evening

Sunday November 15 Mornint worship at 1045 Rev

H H Aiipelman representing the Lords Dagt League of New Hampshysliire will be the speaker The passhytor will be away on vacation

Church school at 12 oclock noon Cruaadcii at 430 oclock

Little Stone Church on the Hill Antrim Center

Rev J W Logan Pastpr

Sunday school at 9 am ^ Sunday norning worship at 945

For Sale

Desirable two-tenement house oh West Streltt in good repair near censhyter of village Price reasonable for a cash sale For other particulars inshyquire at REPORTER OFFICE Adv Antrim N H

lluzzey Farniture Exchange

Buying and Selling Second-hand -bullumiture is a specialty with me Will make price right whether buyshying or selling CARL H MUZZBY Pbone 37-3 Antrim NH Adv

Another Antrim Party has passed into history as being one of the most enjoyable social events of 1931 and while the remark th is was the hest party eve r was beard this same thought has been expressed at every previous party which proves their popularity

After leaving the elevator at the third floor of the YWCA building it was not necessary to inquire which room for the babble of voices reshysounding through the halls was direcshytion enough and such chattering It mtist have been a pleasure even to strangers could they have witnessed the cordial greetings hand-shakesand happy faces meeting those from near and far many of whom were attendshying their first Antrim Party and too some faces were difficult to recognize at first so many years had elapsed since the last meeting

Oneof the pleasures as well as amusements Of the evening waslookshying through the assortment of picshytures which different ones brought taken years ago from childhood thro the periods of school years and it was often difficult to recognizeeven yourshyself in the group One lady bad a very keen memory for names and faces probably due to the fact that most of the boys and girls had been her pupils and doubtless the esca-i pedes of those same pupils had made deep impression

The president presented a short but very enjoyable program which Opened with the Antrim Song written by Pot te r Spaulding and sung for the first time at the 1930 party followshying which was a sOlo by Ethel Ellin- I wood Roeder sung in her usual pleas-1 ing way Blanche Cooley Derby gave two humorous readings which were | well reeeived Ethel L Muzzey read j one of Po t t e r Spauldihgs poems i from his Antr im Album It was again a pleasure to listen to Mr and j Mrs Neil C Robinson in one of their ^ delightful vaudeville sketches of an- bull ecdotes song piano and saxaphone music And too was much appreci- ated the poem recited by Martha Whit-1 temore Cummings which she gave years ago at a school function in An-i trim Lastly came a letter read by Lena Seaver Greetings from the Goodwin famiiy in Santa Monica Calif Mrs Goodwin (Hattie) spoke of former Antrimites now living in California whom she occasionally sees recalled some happenings of sehooi days also said she had hoped

Antrim Locals i f trade ^

FARMSmdashAnd Village Property for sale Carl Johnson Real Estate Agent Hillsboro NH Advtf

Two men froth the State Tax Comshymissions office in Concord -vere in town one iiiy last on business

The committee for the Wnshin^ in Bi-centennial Observance will mc^t in Selectmens room on Monday evenjrv^ Nov 16

Mr and Mrs Alfred Hales of Watertown Mass spent the week end with their daughter Mrs Henry Miner

The regular monthly supper will be held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon of this week at 6 oclock

Married Nov 8 in the par^ics study of tho Baptist church by V v R H Tibbals Stanley C Austin u Annie C Bartlett both of Antrim

The regular monthly meetinp nd supper of the Mission Circle will lie held at tbe Presbyterian church on Wednesday Sov 18 supper at 6

Mr and Mrs John Wingite nri son bf Medford Mass visited in he family of Harold Minor on Suniiy and also visited their daughter Mis Miner at Peterboro hospital

Frank S Corlew of lrnnkie Mass and G Russell Gilbert of Newton Mass were guesta it diier on Saturdny last of Mr and Mrs il E Wilson They were on tiit bull igt to play a round of golf at the Currier Golf Club in Peterboro

Miss Vera M Locke a teachtr in Keene formerly of Antrim was cne of the nineNew Hampshire tenciTS Who received a prize in a recent conshytest conducted bythe New Hampraquohrc State Teachers Association for the purpose of stimulating the mnilting antl giving of objective tests by teachers

The editor of The Reporter acknowshyledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at thc instalshylation of officers of Franklin Lodie AFampAM at Masonic hall Graffin Mass Nov 19 Corydon R iNoh-ols a former High school pnpo gtal here is tie incoming Worshipful -ias-ter and his father Ralph W Nch-ols is the outgoing Worshipful Masshyter this father and son combination it a very onuaual happening

Presented to Reporter Readers in Concise Form

T-j Ka riiis irdicitc tha the DLOWTIlt vi urganizo th next ii-tiii pjgtL- of ri5re-enatvcs Tiiey vii uii aslaquoaiv tin re raquolloiiOiUbull f-f liic uri dtfgtlti)i and of course Clrvt i Coicii thai i-v dopros-so L~ )c-wriL tiuy vyi have somo iob na v jiands lti tli wiii siys aa cxjhaagi

To tin ojriMs it is just a- much of an eyc-soro to sjo all ihc trto cu down bv he sido of the road as to -see the side rf ad -ilt -w heai ltT inucli about Tht re a- raav )lcrs vliLrr tlo beaushyty of hc i ac-- iias bwa iimovcd an-Yiy bv bullbullbull iai)a cgtf -iiaco aad otur tr-raquo il iiiy ri-r i woil- -eem that -bullbullbull o bull - c lu iiavo bccii ift if a litt bull jUri^vcat id bitn oNci^is^d

Cut a irttii- iiator Dad I Waljii ou till Iila Ma - rotary clib liL- tiiou^li rliace^ cf aiiv ciao i-i Lic IStli ^in^Tu-ln were rather re-a0- djo to p^La ovrwliclivins-y iJO-poiii-MOii rcgtiosoaation in the i rit aaci I)i--o lio-vcvcr l i aid he t v^ a bare tavorablc majority - ibulli e nad Sraatc tlirrc was a o- lo- of nyAlifyia tir Vo^tcaci rt tl bullbull bullbull aic iioiir coatca bullviaiui bullbulli bullbullbull -bull pound ica i t i u a -

bullgt at io- kePia oa ooili idoi

Marid bull oaiea wlio are rgtr can be suiX)ltd ov iei gtsbaad-lt will be drnppci fr-jni oinploynicrt roll about Jaiuary 1 it has been aiiiioincod by thc United Life - bullcideat Iiuia-aace compshyany c Coaod Coinpiny oilicials stitca thai ltom reducticn ia operiling cxae i- nrccsltary and thai il was beshylieved legtlts iadsiigt would result from di)eniar with- thc services of married womea than from aay other economy mea-sure tliat cotild be taken Approxishymately 10 igtosoas will be alTLVicd by the company new - jolicy and it if undershystood that siojid vacancies thus created ih the ffirc have to be filled unmarshyried wc-nen wir be giveil preference

Mrs Velson Kiilier is in charge of the First National Store this week in the absence of Mr Austin the regular manager

to be present at this party but owing j to the depression it was not possible to make it this year

A night letter was sent Mrs Good-j win telling how much her letter was | enjoyed and our hope that she might be with us next year bull j

bull Then came light refreshments and more visiting

Letters of regret were received from Mr Charles Gorham Brooklyn NY MrH J J Nims Miss Gertrude Jameshyson Milford N H Miss Fannie Burnham Sanford Me and a few others whose names we are unable to recall

Between 70 and 75 were present Coming from a distance were noticed Miss Charlotte E Balch Mrs Gladys Colby Phillips Mrs Cora B Hunt Mr and Mrs Archie NayMrs Ethel Koeder Miss Alice Cuddihy Antrim iMrs Lena Seaver Bennington Mias Angie Craig Miss Mary Anthoine Nashua Mrs Eleanor Perkiris Lowshyell Mass Mr ahd Mrs Ned Woodshybury Winchester N H Mrs Gershytrude Fifield arid two daughter Ruth and Lucille Mrs John Bullard Miss Ella Bullard Mrs Warner Hartwell Ashland and Laconia Mrs Erwin Cummings Lyndeboro Mrs John Dodge Haverhill Mass Mr and Mrs Neil Robinson Gilbertville Mass Mrs Olive Matthews Hillsshyboro Mr and Mrs Scott Emery Peterborough

The Antrim people living near Bosshyton wish to express their atipreciation of the efforts made by those living so far away to be one of us at this annual party some of whom have been present for several years It is this getting tcfeijther which makes the parties so popular and delightful

A vote of appreciation wes extended Mr Eldredge editor of the Antrim Reporter and Mrs B J Wiir kinisbn correspondent for the Petershyborough Tratiscript for the publicity given ahd for the new names and addresses sent the committee Edwin Whittemore president and Forrest Appleton secretary should be conshygratulated on the success of this party and the newly elected president for 1932 Leroy Vose will put across jusl as successful a party for next year 50 everyone will want to come for

Shciuid auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot Anri days of auld lang syne

One of the Party

BIGGESTBUY for your money


You cant beat a Philco I A comshyplete line of bi-perforininlt niodete kt the lowest prices ever offered Buy your new 1932 Philco NOW

9 t u b e LOWBOY Equipped with Philcos new automatic volume rontrot oversixe electro-dynamic speaker and manj- other big Hhileo feashytures

$ ( (bull7S

Neir 5 7 tube mo $36iO complete laquo

9 anrt 11 fielt to tetlh

from $-295 tubet

bull bull bull bull 1

89 CCDIPLETE w i t h 9 tubes -till) RABY GRAND

Iscs pentode tubeeleclro-dynamii speaker and three tuninj ccndensersi

COMPLEi E with 5 tube

Easy Terms Pltilco Baliinceii Ttibi-i beilir llif pfrforniaiice of any radio

P A U L G T R A X L E R Radio reg Electric Servicie Ben nington N H

^ P H I L C O - T h e - W o r l d s Largest Selling Radio

LAKE ICE You can always depend on ICE to heep your food fresh

and pure as pure clean ICE protects health

Under any and all conditions you can depend on having daily deliveries of ICE from

Millard A Edwards Antrim TELEPHONE 75


The riiiMaro Jlt- T D nris agod 82 brother of Mr- Lviii n-i-dson of Francestovr bull-bull) di-d Vtdrda at his liome here --- -v(x oi rhjsdav aftc-r-nooii at 2 otock a tu Hi3is funeral home hc Mnji

The irual nu--i of Ocir H grange No 32 P i H rva heli Us Thursshyday cveni Tile f)iovi5 o r yere elected M-er Rochivy HliN ii-eer Harry Mil- bullecUrcr Andrew Clarlc steward C-x^bull Pe- a-s-a stew- ard ArtliurMern chaplain E-ie Petshytee treasurer t o r a Lord trcasurcr Pearl Abbott gilekeeiier Kenneth Merrill Ceres Grace Trufant Pomona Mary Milshyler Flora Minn M(Kii-i lady a--i ist-ant laquo0iru -i I ii- jsecutlve committee for tiirgte year- Rcli rd McshyKnight




Hillsborough s-- Court of ProbTte

To tbc hotraquo a t law if the esta te of Enos Veino late of Denninpton in said Cotiity rtcceascd tetnte and to all othf-rs interested there in

Whereas Lillian 1 Flcmig exshyecutrix of the inst will and tt- i tament of said rieceaser Ilas tlled in the Proshybate Ofcfgt for said County tlic final account of her ailniini-tration of said es ta te

You gtre hereby cirl to appear at a Court of lTiihie to in hnllen r-t Manshychester --^ -bullbull vbullflit on tle 15th day of IJecomln-r next to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said executrix it ordered to serve this citation by causing the pame to be published once each weekfor three iBUccessivc weeks in the Antrim Reshyporter a newspaper printed at Antrim in said County the last publication to be at least Stvvn days before said Court

Given at Nashua in said County the lifth day of November AD 1931

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN


To the heirs at law of the estate of Ainie J Munhall late of Antrim in said County deceased intestate

jand to ali others interested therein Whereas Mary E Munhall adminshy

istratrix of the estate of said deceasshyed has filed in the Probate Office for sad County the final account of her administration of said estate

You are hereby cited to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Peshyterborough in said County on the 27th day of Noviember ihst to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said administratrix is ordered to serve this citation by causing the same to be published once each week for three successive weeks in-the Anshytrim Reporter a newspaper printed in Antrim in said County the last pubshylication to be at least seven days beshyfore said Court

Given at Nashua in said County this second day of November AD la ^ l

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN



The Subscriber gives notice that she ha^ been duly appointed Vdministratlx

li thc Estate of Willie A Tandy-Jate oX jAiii Nc^ Hampshire in -Jic County of ii-lx)rouh deceased j An persons irdebtcd to said Estate are [requested to make payment atid all havshyin claims to pifci^nl them for adjustshyment

Dated October 22 1931 ELIZABETH T TESKSS

Kor Your lob and Book P r i n t i n g

P a t r o n i z e t h e R E P O K T E R P R E S S

A n t r i m N H

DRIVE IN Let us grease your car the A L E M I T E W A Y

Flush yoar Differential and Transmissioa and flll with new grcaise

F R E E Crank Case and Flushing Service bull

A L A Service Phone 113

Frank J Boyd Hillsboro

For Sale

Folly Accredited COWS can graquo in anybodys herd in any state Bbigt steins Guernseys Jerseysand Ayr shires Presh and springers

Fred L Proetor Antrim M B


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

Loiver Prices Netu


CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

CX326 125 0327 125


75 Ilaquo00 160

bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

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I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 3: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible

bull nlaquoiraquotraquoii^ t^^fffamssim


SUCH IS UFEmdashEducated Enough By Charles Sughroe

BOV WAS I _ TOraquoraquof FiVE iSEVEWS AMD



HE lts M OMiiT eouKir j |

Putt ing t h e N e c k Into the Collar

By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK X Dean of Men Universityof

Illiaois V X

Charles was having his portrait PAlnted and as he moved from one

0 01 to another trying to keep the

b l o o d circulating through tis limbs

as he stood he was Interested In the nropress of the artist The face he imagihed would be the most difficult After that had the proper expression worked out and the natural flesh tints applied he supposed that the

rest was a matter that any tyro might fix up

One of the most dlflicult things the painter said is to get the neck to come up firmly and easily against the collar

It made me think of Moses our old Stay horse One of the most difficult tasks I had as a boy on the farm was to get Moses to bring his neck up against the collar firmly and easily I tried all sorts of devices with only

Indifferent results I understand exshyactly what the artist had In mind

In other things besides portrait painting and the driving of a lazy horse r havenoticed difficulty in makshying the artistic union between the-neck and the collar bull Gibson has been

greatly concerned about his sons progress In college and he had an Interview with me not long ago to see If I could suggest any remedy or reason for the situation It Isntdifshyficult It Is simply another case of an unsatisfactory and inartistic adshyjustment of tlie neck and the collar The boy is lazy lie wont work he never has worked

Hawley is past middle life He is

Ohio State Captain

recognized everywhere as a man who has made a great success of his pro-fejsslon Those who know him say that when the time came to begin work-in the morning Hawley was al- ways there enthusiastic and eager for the days task He never watched the clock to see how time waraquo passing he wasnt afraid of work It was in reality one of the great enjoyments of his life that there was work to do and that he was privileged to do I t There was no Inartjstlc union between Hawleys neck and the collar

ltcopy 1931 Western Newspaper IJnlon)

MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Claquot tt ooaM sad OM bull bull dirlaquoelltl Fla partklas of laquoelaquo4 bull u s Mal oa luttil raquoII dalKU WKh aa pinnba Mvar bullpou Ua mt freckled diupoear Skii ia thaa MlaquoS bullad vevatjr Yovr faea looka yeara youacer MareoliMd bulltai lltriacgt out the hkldaa beauty of your akia T e nmere^llrrHlUet ttaa oa ouaaa Powdaaad Sasolita eiminiisoa^hsUpial aitthfcaajTitdJji^^

Census Shows Radio Taught 3800 Music

Washington-^Radlo has tanght more than 3800 school- children how to play band and orchestnil Instrushyments- Six half-hour broadcast lesshysons accomplished instruction in all major Instruments except the drum according to a report to the federal office of education by Joseph E Mad-dy professor of music at the Univershysity of Michigan Two ten-year-old girls were amo^g the successful pupils and several adults also tuned In for Instruction the report said

Add New Ocea^ Lane to Old Routes


i Rose OFiiRlCHO ROUS IfSilflH-rOA

ftdom fHB oeseRT IN lthif)RCraquoOf mieR

(WMU Serv ice )

Stu Uolcoinb captain and fullbatl of tlie Oliio Stiie team is rated as one of the stronRest players in the Wostern Conference this ycir

Hoosier Owns Early Model Typewriter

Huntington IndmdashWiliiam Ieeler living here has ^hat he believes to be the llrst typewriter built in the United States With the original mashychine Peeler belipvcs he has the first typewritten letter sent through the United States mails

The letter was written by his fashyther Abner Peeior Tiinb 10 1SC6 It was addressed to ills wife at their home in Webster Citv Iowa At the time Peeler was traveling by stnger coach to Wishington D Cbdquo to obtain a patent on the machine

The model Peeler took to Washingshyton he found to be too large to come under the patent law He returned to his home nnd spent two yoars makshying improvements

On his second trip to the Capital he leamed that the Idea hnd beon dushyplicated and sold for S4000 Peeler however was paid $1500 for Improveshyments

Wisconsin Calf Found With Heart in Throat

Mvgatts WismdashA calf that had its heart in its tliroat when sold by the owner to Chris Madsen local cattle buyer was exhibited by him here Madsen noticed a pulsating protrusion on the front of its throat and called a veterinary who said that the calf wns in good health despite its freakshyish heart

Hudson Bay Trail Will Have but Short Season

Washington-r-The passage this aushytumn of the first commercial cargo of Wheat from Churchill the newly opened port on Hudson bay bull to Lonshydon lays down the latest and protgt-ably the northernmost steamer lane of Imiiortanpe that will ever cross the Atlantic ocean according to a bulletin from the Natlonal Geographic society

Tbe long-heldIdea of the existence of a passage north of the continent open enough to be used by freight ships has been proved erroneous anil the Hudson bay country is therefore the region farthest north from which careoes are likely to originate It Is pointed out The Hudson bay steamer route is free from ice in its western third for only a short period late each suiiniior and early each fall but beshycause ships using the route can reach bullIfW or more niiles closer to the grent Canadian wlieat fields than by the St Lawrence-Grcnt Lakes routo It is beshylieved that tlie newest steamer lane will be crowded with sliip each seashyson

FirstOcean Trail V constant northern progression of

shipping lanes across tlie Atlantic can be noted since Columbus ted the way between the Old and New worlds continues the bulletin That famous triiil-blazing trip first skirted the nonhwestem shbuider of Africa to the Cinary Islands and then led almost dne west a little nortli of the Tropic of Cancer the landfall at Wating isshyland From this experimental voyage Columbus learned something of tiie life of the land in the West Indies and on his next voyage he continued souiliwestward from the Canaries to the larger West Indian islands

Ttils diagonal line which tlie great ndiiiiral traced from near the southern tip of Spain to the ntiiips became the earliest of the freight and passen-ier lanes in the Atlantic

South of the Spanlsh ship lane tlie Portuguese estJiblished a route be-iween tiie mother country and the cistern coast of Prazil This Is stili Ine of tlie inajor tlantic lanes

Radiate From Britain Except a few less heavily traveled

sliipping routes sueh as those between Iortugal and the mouth of the ma-7)n Prance and Kroneli (Juinna and Holland and Igtiitch ltulana the trans-itlantic trnflic lnnes have been traced northof tlie old Spmislrocean high-vny One evtends from the Strait of I Mbmltar to New Vork and on to other eastern American ports Practically

all the rest radiate from tlie British isles or the mouth of the Knglish chanshynel as the ribs of an (gt^ened fan radishyate from its handle

In all the world there Is notrans-ocean shipping lane vrith a concentrashytion of freight passenger and mail traffic approaching that which moves between the English channel and New York Approximately one-half of the worlds total tramp and liner tonnage is engaged In exchanging commodities across these waters The Pacific is still a lightly traveled ocean as comshypared to the Xorth Atlantic

Man has becn busy tracing shipping routes across the oceans for thousands of vears They have been shifting lines Over-and over again well estabshylished ocean highways have been abandoned or almost deserted ibecause of political economic or engineering developments

Placing the Blame President Piitterstm of the Nashy

tional Casli Kegister conipany critishycized Kussia on his return from Europ^

Stalin he said blames foreign capitalism for the int and misery lCUssia is undorguiog now Stalin Is liite Mrs Johnson

Who broke vour mantel mirror Mrs Johnson said pound neighbor

My hubby dear said Mrs John-ison He ducked

With Unbelted Waist


The best way to prevent colic doctors say Is to avoid gas In stomshyach and bowels by keeping the entire Intestinal tract open free from waste But remember this a tiny babys tender little organs cannot stand harsh treatment They must be gently urged This Is just the time Castoria can help most Castoria you know Is made specially for bashybies and children It is a pure vegeshytable preparation perfectly harmless It contains no harsh drugs no narshycotics For j-ears It has-helped mothshyers through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with digestive upsets colds and fever Keep genuine Castoria on hand with tb^ name

C A S T O R I A C H I L D R E N c n t F O R 1 7

Two dresses whicli make a isuecess of an unbelid waist are the coat dreSs whieh ties on the side The latter is made in African brown canton crepe with the neckline and cuffs outlined in Algerian red says the Woinans Home Companion Tlie large square-cut reshyvers are a feature which makes it not only fashionable but sure to flatter the figuro There is orglnality In the sasli which appears bnly at the back where it passes thnjugli a slit in the yoke -V coat dress is the perfect costume for street wear

Compressed Air Runs an Automobile

Beavers Stop Water W h e e l Wellsboro PamdashA water wheel Inshy

stalled for electric power at the Old Mil pond wa blocked within two hours by a colony of beavers The beavers carried sticks and mud to the mouth of the Intake providing the wheel with Its water power and blocked It effectlvply

Kew Bombing Record Is Made by Army Aviators

Wasliington^A bull record for accurshyacy in aerial bombing w-as establislied during the recent tests at I-anglcy field Virginia the Wnr department has announced V homhing team comshyposed of Iieut Hobert T Cronau (pilot) and Lieut Merrill D Burnside (observer) scored l$Oi points out t)f laquo possible 2000

VithoHgh the bombing tests have boen held annually at Langley field sinre Iiiil this years score was far higher than nny previous one

Cronau is from Kewance 111 and Burnside from hero


Texets Boasts Fastest Air Passenger Service

Tallas TexasmdashCruising at ISO miles an hour and occasionally speedshying up to 2Xi mile an hour the worlds fastest passenger carrying air service Is operated between Houston and Oklahoma City and San Antonio end TtilKa by the Bowen system Spe^ cially OnlU Ltfckheeds with retract-ithle lanlt^tng gear kr^ used on the two Unta Each plane carries s is passengt^ra in addItlaquogtB to the pilot

A 0old dioger gitneratly follows a finger wave with a aea lp treatment

Phone Call Restores Memory of Missing Man

Pptoitmdash Ions distance telephone call sen-ed recently to bring back tlie memory of a man who hid been In the hospitiil in Detroit for five daylaquo as an amnesia patient He had i)een found on the steps of a Woodward avenue church iind his picture was printed in a Detroit newspaper wliicb mnde its wny to Kiclimond Vlti where a brother bntipened to seo it

The nirhniond mnn called the hosshypital in Detroit and asked to tilk with tlie victim of loss of memory When the eonnigtc[ion was made lie siid Hello (lyde this Is your brother Illchard sienking Tlio pashytient remained silent for a moment then his face briiditened Triilhe re-momhered who he wis He had dis-Tppcnred from his home in Iliehmond ten ltlays proviously after an oporashytion

In Good ConAtibn At the opening of school there was

a great deal of buying and selling or used toxtbooks Many advertiseshyments aippe^red on blackboards sei-tirig forth the attractive features of respective books Tlie usual induceshyment to purchasers was a low price but one pupil advertised as follows For sale English Book I Good Shipe Never UsedmdashExchange

A Pare Herb Laxatiye Not a harsh st imulator of t h e Bowels but a hene^ eial pure-quality Herb Lasative which has beea successfuUy

Used for Over 80 Years as a quick ntitural relief froin constipation mdash the evil which so often causes i l l n e s s C l e a n s e y o u r system by taking gt

DnlhiesElixir The True Faniily Lazative

I had terrible headaches and I suffered for years before Dr Trues Elisir was recomshymended to memdashMrs Nellie Woodsford East Boston

FamUr size 128 otber sizes Mle ft Me

Compressed air as motive )iiyvr Lr Ihc iiiitoiiiobilc is linrinltsoii In an amazing demonstration conducted at 1 s Angeles a itaiidiird aiitoinoliiic chassis powered with a newly dcve lc id comprcsscii air Mi)tor wliizzed around the city streets at not a cent cc- to ihe driver for fuel The ensinc Is the result of six yeirs of resoarcli niic vo k by lioy 1 Moyers Vvho states one filling of the tank will run the car f r r(HTiftiles IJesenihling in general appearance a radial airplane niotor the engine is niounied In an upright position In the same manner as a gasoline engine in siandard niotor cars It retjulres no cooling system no Ignition svstem no carburetor or the hunshydreds of movinj parts included In a gusoline motor The driver operates but one lever That Is the air throttle Ii 1 led to 500 pounds nir pressure the engine throttle ts opened and the car picks up speed quickly and smoothly the only sound emitted being a slight hiss of the air from the exhaust valves Aa thie air goes through the engltie forcing pistons np and down on the

same principal as that employed hy gisollne explosions most of It Is re-cfiaptared and recompressed by a conirresser built as a part of the engine

Toledo Man Makes Life-Saving Profession

ToleIo OiiiomdashIifclt=iTing is a proshyfession to Ooorse Itaitz who has save(l fourteen from wtory grnvei

He WIS four when he saved his own but lie dopv-nt count that Although he couldnt swimhe kept a cool head md paddled hrinely to shore aftor liis rtft had oeitumcd

Wlien he wns ten he rescued a plav-mite who luinMed into a creek and left it to fJcor-e to drag him ouf Ceorie not only dragged his voung fnend fo dry Innd but worked over him for an hour restoring respiration Wiion tlio coroner arrived he found tlio corpse sitting up very mnch alive although bedraggled From then on it has been one rescue after anshyother ^

Mere Men Seek Divorces

Lorain OhiomdashCommon pieas Judge w B Thompson said that a few years ago a majority of divorces were sought by women bnt that now he divorce trend finds more men ask-

mg legal aeparaUon in his conrt than women

Adventurers Extolled The cNiircoiiiii lniliiid Wii-

mide by ridventurcrs imt hy its go erniiiciu is -ittriiiuieil to Gel Clijirlcs Cnnlnn lirci- known s s

Cliincse ltoldiiri lcgt w-is killed in tlO ilofense of Kiirtini

Mothers bull bull bull W^fcb Childrens COLDS Cq W O N head eolds often settle

in throat and chest where they may becomedantcrous Dont takea chancemdashIt the first sniffle rub on Childrens Musteroleoncc cicry Itotsr for five hours bullraquo

Childrens Musterole is just good old Jiluitcrolc you have known so long in milder form

This famous Mend of oil of mustard camphor menthol and other inRrcdicnts bring relief naturally Musterole gets action because i is asdcntificcotnrer-trrifonmdashnot just a salvemdashit peneshytrates and stimulates blood circulation kelps to draw out infection and pain

mdash Keep full strength Musterole on hand for adulw and_ thc mildermdashChildrens Musterole for little tots All druegics



mm L



C F Butterfield

My Assortment of

Gents Furnishings BootSv Shoes

Rubbers - Is Complete and Priced Right

Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Sodas

Daily Papjers and Magazines

Sbr Xntrtm Sraquo|Uttlrr Published Every Wednesday Atemoon

Antrim Locals Subscription Price $200 per year

Advertising Kate on Applicatioo


Wednesday Nov 11 1931 Lraf DUtuiee TelephoM

Notices ol Coneeru Lectures EntenaiBmenu etc te which u admission lee Is eharced or Izomwhich a Revenue is derived must be pald^r by the line Reveiiue is derived must be paldlor as advertiseueaU

Cards oi Thanks are inserted at sec- each Resolutions oi ordinary lenfth $ieo Obituary poetry and Usu el flowets charged lor at

advertising rates also wi)l be charged at this same rate list oi presents at a wedding

Foreign Advertisins Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION

Entered atthe Postoffice at Antrim N H as see ondltlass matter

Govered Roasters The Sort That Save All the Juices and Flavor and Do the Roast or Bird to a Perfect Tempting Brown

They Go a Long Way Toward Mahing Tongh Meat Tender

WEAREVER ALUMINUM With adjustable ventilators and lift

out rack oval and square shapes $375 to $575

REEDS ENAMEL With adjustable ventilators and lift out tray

for the juices Self basting SIOO to $400

SAVORY EN AMEL Oval and dome shaped $175 to $250

SAVORY BLACK Round 50 cents to 75 cents

The Worlds Three Best Lines of Roasters

Sizes For a Small Roast or a Big TurKey

Add a Lot to Your ThanKsgiving or Christmas Dinner

If you cannot call write or telephone 154-W

Mrs R H Tibbals was a recent vliltr with friends in Dover this state

Miss Edith Sawyer Is stopping in Conshycord where she is attending Business Colshylege

Mr and Mrs H E Wilson recently entertained relatives from Danielson Conn

Born at Peterborough hospital Novem- i ber 6 a daughter to Mr anS Mrs Harold Miner

Mrs Benjamin Smith ol Wobu-ii Mass has been a guest of Mr and Mrs rchie N Nay

Mr and Mrs E A Bigelow of Winshychester Mass spent the week-end at their summer home at the Center

Miss Dorothy daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur W Whippie is improving satisfactorily from her recentserious ill-

It Ststnds ^c$tween Humanity and Oppression

Antrim Locals

EMERSON amp SON Milfoid

Eyes Examined ^ | ^ Glasses Fitted


Of Nashlaquoa will ba in Antrim Every Thursday Call Antrim Pharmacy for Appointments

Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President

and Red Cross RitK-Iamation by the Governor

Thf presidential proolamaion ca We approach Jie season gthii uc

cording to cunom daing from i- ir-bulllerlng of thc first harvest by o orc-athers in the new -irid a day - JC bulljart to give thanks even amid i-rd-

siips to ilmighry G d far yur ttigtora bull nd spiritual blessing- It ha V hallowed trafliticn or ho cii mie- deg bullbull=

1156th rate to proclaim nnjany a nsiorai

(iay of thank-givins bull Our couitrj- ha aa for laquorrnitjdr bullo the Almighty Wc have b-cn bullviriely 1 essed with abundai-t harvfvi- Wc lave been spared fr m poltlcnct and

bull alamitles Our instiJtion havo irvcd bullle people Kno-wiedgc ha3 mu ipiied

nd our lives are enriched with igt appli-

ation Education has advAncelt the

-calth Of our people lias tacreased Wc ave dweU in peace with all mci Ths Measure of parsing a-iverslty wliiih has ome upon us should deepen tho -plrit-

bull al life of the people quicken their ym-jathles and spirit of sacrifice for others and strengthen their courage

Many cf our neighbors are in need Irom cauises beyond their control and

tiie compassion of the people thro-ighout tc nation should so assure their scirity ever this winter that they too may have fill cause to participate in this day of gratitude to the Almighty_

Now therefore r Herbert Hoover President of the United Stetes of Ameri-a do hereby designate Thursday Nov 6 1931 laquos raquo naaonal Day of Tlianks-rivlng aDd reeommend that our people rest from their daHy labors and In their homes and accustomed places of worsh^

cive dcvoj thaiiks for the blessings bull viiicii a Merciful Father has bestowed

bulljpon J

In Aitness whereof I have hereunto bullbullet Tiy iiand and caused the iea of thc onited Staes to be aihxcd

Done at tne city of Washington this hid day of November in the year of

icomc I ltJr Lord 1931 and of the Independen Crlted States of America the

For Sale^One car iSarage Apply at Reporter Office for further particushylars bull ^^bull

Mr and Mrs Herbert Warren were in Somerville Mass on Saturday last guests of-Mr and Mrs J Edgar Armstrong

Richard Johnson Robert Caughey Arthur Prescott and Mias Margaret Pratt were at their respective homes here for the week-end from the schools whiph they are attending

Mr and Mrs H W Johnson and daughter Miss Helen Johnson were in Boston on Saturday last They had as a companion fpr the day Miss Isashybel Butterfield daughter of Mr and Mrs B G Butterfield

Mrs T F Madden left town On Tuesday of this week for Washington D C where she expects to spend the winter with her sons Rexford and Donald Madden Mr and Mrs Geo Hildreth took her to the Capitol city by automobile

Twelve members of Waverley Lodge of Odd Fellows went to Marlow last Wednesday evening to attend a disshytrict meeting with the Marlow Lodge The Keene Lodge conferred a degree All who attended enjoyed a most pleasant evening

Wm M Myers Post No 50 AL will hold an Armistice Ball on Frishyday evening Nov 13 at the Town hall Antrim This is the Legions twelfth annual and it Is planned to make this the best social event they have yet heldr Music will be furnishshyed by Zaza Ludwig and his Vodvil Band of Manchester which pleased so many a year ago Further particshyulars on poUers

On Friday evening of this week at Grange hall Mrs John G Winant of Concord wife of Gov Winant will give an illustrated lecture on her travshyels in India Africa and parts of Eushyrope The pictures which will be shown Mrs yinant had taken herself while on a motor trip through these countries her talk givea a clear and concise picture of conditions abroad No admission fee will be charged but a collection will be taken This enshytertainment is sponsored by the Imshyprovement Society of the No Branch Cemetery Association than which a more worthy object can hardly be found Although other attractions are scheduled for this evening it is hoped that a goodly number of our people will svail themselves of this unusual opportunity to hear a splendid lecshyture

Mrs John Bobertsoa of Shrew-sbury Mass has been spending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs C H Tewte-bury

Mrs Austin Paige and young daughshyter Coastaace have been bullvisiting with Mr and Mrs Henry Newhall in Peppershyell Mass

Mrs Sophia E Robinson has been spendii^ a season in Arlington Heights Mass with her son and wife-Mr and Mrs Fred W Robinson

Kenry A Hurlin was at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital in Concord last week for an operation and treatment He is reported as getting along nicely

Energetic Men in Every townand village can earn big money selling seeds Exshyperience unnecessary Steady work

Write for particulars COBB CO Franklin Mass adv 4t

Mrs C3 D Tibbetts was a speaker on Rock Gardens at the November meetshying ofthe Gaiden Club held at the Hillsshyboro Center club house recently The flub has 42 metnbers

Mrs C F Downes received the sad inshytelligence on Thursday morning that her brother Dr Oeorge T Holt of Bangor Maine who had previously suffered a paralytic shock had died Dr Holt was an optometrist of many years experience His age was 63 years

WANTED All kinds of livebull poultry Truck sent Get our prices before you sell Ready to and laying red rock and leghorn pullets for -sale James C Farshymer So Newbury N H Telephone Bradford 14-11 Adv bull44-lOt

The Reporter editor was favored the past week with a message from J W Chadwlck former owner of the Hillsboro Messenger who now resides at Boulder Colorado He tells of one C F Nesshymith a resident of Boulder living right in the shaUcA of the Rochies whose peoshyple originated in Antrim

Miss Pauline Mayo

Miss Mayo who is to be here on Sunshyday Nov 22 is giving interpretations of the great modern dramas She does not lecture nor tel the story of the play but actually impersonates the various characshyters making many forget that only one person in bull speaking and transporting them in imagination to the very scene of the actioii and into the presence of the character) Miss Mayo studies each play she presenis as it is being produced in the th3atre in New york and each is given witi special permission She has appeared this season in all sections of New York and New England and has reshyceived splendid commendation

Signed) Herbert Hoover

Ncr ember 11 to 26 are the dates for c annuai membership caunpalgn of the

American Rod Cross ivhich this year has attained is 50th anniversary

During the past j ar thc Red Croslt has added to lis splendid record the efficient handling of the difficult drought relief situation one of the greatest peace time isslgnments the wgai^ization ever has completed Today the industrial condishytions make increased demahds upon Its welfare actlrities To meet them the first essential te the larger supply ot fund hich more members will furnish

Wc in New Hampltthirc have had our own experience vrith Red Cross efficiency in thc emergencies of disastrous flood and flre and in the regular routine ot lus work for community welfare and proshygress With this knowledge in our minds and with appreciation of the need for even more genercAJS support of Red Cross work let us all join promptly and heartshyily in the endeavor to give New Hampshyshire a larger membership at the end of this campaign

JOHN G WINANT laquof Oovemor


Wed and Thurs Nov 11 and 12

The Bad Girl James Dunn and Sally Eilers

Fri and Sat Nov 13 and 14

The Brat with Sally ONeil

Shyline Thomas Meighan and Maureen


Mon and Tues Nov 16and 17

Woman of Experienoe Helen Twelvetrees and Lew Cody

Wed and Thurs Nov 18 and 19

Street Scene with Sylvia Sidney

Married Sikty-Seven Years

Gountry-Town America

Goed to Market with

The country-town market is worth going after and this newspaper is a medium of direct intensive and certain appeal to the people of this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Caslmer Haefeli who celebrated their 61th wedding annivershysary at their home at 106 Hinckley street NorthampvOn Mass were former Antrim residents This elderly couple Mr Haeshyfeli being 86 years old and his wife 90 are in excellent health for people of their years

Mr and Mrs Haefeli were married in Mumliswil Switzerland their native town October 24 1864 In 1892 the famshyily emigrated to this country and lived in New Hampshire for 10 years until moving to ^Northampton where they have lived since 1902 Mr Haefeli is a cutlery worker and was employed by the Goodshyell Company many years bull

Twelve children were bom to Mr and Mrs Haefeli eight of whom are now livshying They are Caslmer Haefeli Jr and Mrs Mary Bader of Peterborough Mrs Joseph Pluri of Antrim Mrs Carl Saner of Springfleid Mass Mrs Daniel Donoshyvan of Northampton Mass Mrs Rose Wallace and Mrs Jacob Diemond of Bay State Northampton and K N Haefeli at home

Baldwin Apples

Various grades In large or small quantities with modest prices at P PEARSONS Orchards in HanCoek N H Adv

In this paper every week


JANUARY 1 1932

When this date arrives it is the desire of the Publisher of the Antrim Reporter to have all its Suhscrihers brought up to where they will be known as in the Cash iu Advance list Many of the subscriptions expire with that date and they are always renewed which very much pleashyses the Publisher 1here are those however which unintentionally or otherwise are careless and let their subscriptions lay too long to be included in this desirable list To this latter class of subscribers we are addressing more parshyticularly these few words It is hoped that durshying the next several weeksmdashprevious to Janushyary 1 1932mdashthat bur subscribers who need this admonition will arrange to pay up all arrearshyages so that a perfectly clean slate bullwill be started with the new year

The second class privileges of the Postoffice department are sucli that it is necessary to mainshytain a cash in advance list and this is a large reason why it is necessary to do so Our subshyscribers are urged to assist us in putting into effect this desired proposition

In doing as the Publisher wishes the Subshyscribers will be the ones benefitted for it will be possible to give better service and all will feel assured that they are very materially assisting the Publisher in issuing a representative local


Again we say to our subscribers To the strictly cash in advance and all patrons who are practically such wo are indeed grateful and tender to you our heartfelt thanks and to our more careless subscribers who in many bullways are just as desirable we tender our thanks and ask that all arrearages be paid during the next few weeks VVe feol that the loyalty of our subshyscribers in this matter will equal the loyalty of the Publisher and together we may all continue to publish from our Antrim office a local newsshypaper egual to any in a town our siz6

Our interests are mutual and the assistance of all is required to get the most out of an orshygan which is designed to benefit everybody It cant be done without the kind of cooperation we are speaking of

And in closing this brief statement to our subscribers with an appeal which we hope will be prompt and satisfactory and which will be taken in the same spirit in which it is given we are

Your faithful servant


The Antrim Reporter


I Benningtone ^SSSSSSttWSSSSttitiampt^

rii rit

Congregational Church Rev J W Logan Pastor

Sunday School 1200 m Preaching service a t 1100 am Christian Endeavor at 6 pm

Benevolent Society meets this week Thuraday at 2 oclock

There^will be a Food Sale in the chapel on Friday afternoon at three oclock see posters

Miss Rachel Wilson of the Deagt coness hospital Boston was at home recently for a week end

idrs Frank Seayer attended the Antrim-Boston party b Boston last Saturday evening going down with frienda from Boston

Miss Marion Diemond will serve as president of her class at Plymouth Normal having been elected to that ofiice by iei classmates

Miss Bernice Robertson is at Con cord taking up her work of study for nnrse having lost many weeks on acshycount of illness After a while she will return to New York

Hev Herbert Wells of Greenville took as his text Bear Ye One An-others Burdens and So Fulfil the Law of Christ at the Congregational church on Sanday morniiig and gave an interesting sermon

A Uance will be given in the town hall In this place on Thanksgiving night Thursday evening November 26 with mUsiq by the Tavern Orehestra of seven pieces There will be niixed dances and a prize waltz For other particulars read posters

The November meeting of the Woshymans Club which will be held in Auxiliary hall at 230 pm on Tuesshyday the 17th will have as speaker Mrs Maro Brooks of Hancock music Mr Brooks Hostesses Mrs Hattie Weston Mrs Martha Weston Mrs Mary L Knight Mrs Cornelia Logan Mrs Lizzie Sargent

The 46th anniversary of the Misshysionary Society vhich was held oh Thursdsiy last at 730 pm in the Congregational chapel was a very pleasant evening very nnusual to say there were 46 present some coming froni Antrim Center cburch Mrs English of Manchester gave a shdrt talk on World Service Refreshments of cake and coffee were served during the social hour

On last week Monday evening a largo gatheriiig witnessed the joint installation of the Sons of Union Vetshyerans and the Auxiliary Those preshysent were Dept Senior Commander Charles H Estes of Alton an honor ed guest Dept Junior Vice Comshymander Charles 0 Smith of East Jaflrey Mrs Charles 6 Smith East Jaffrey Auxiliary Dept Chaplain G E Whitney Sons of Veterans Dept Chaplain Keene Mrs Rose Howard Auxiliary Dept President Alton Mrs Maude Russell Auxiliary Dept Inshystalling Officer Keene Jackson Carr S Oi V Installing Oflicer Hillsboro Other gueats were Mrs Jackson Carr Hillfiboro Howard Stevens Hillsboro Andrew Crooker Hillsboro Mrs Eva Flandero Alton Frank Howard Alshyton Mrs Maude MacLean East Jaf frey Mrs poundssie Neaves Keene Mrt Mabie Bean Keene Mrs Ina Stwee-ney Keene Mrs Russell E Radclif gt Keene Mrs T B Bourasse Keene Mr and Mrs Lester Townsend Keene A bountiful and delicious supper was served to conclude the evening Mrs Abbe Diemond was chairman of the sijpper coinmittee

Tax Collectors Notice

Tha Tax Collector will be at the Selectmens Office Bennington every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 ocloik for the purpose of receiving Taxes

J H BALCH Collector

Am Legion Aox Officers

The new officers of the Legion Auxshyiliary were installed into their resjicc-tive chairs on Monday evening a t the homo of Mrs C W Prentiss by Mrs Francis Maaz of Nashua the Alternate Director After the instalshylation a social time yas enjoyed with refreshments

PresidentmdashMrs Arleen White l s t Vice PresmdashMrs Mildred

briskie 2i Vice PresmdashMrs Esther

landjr SecretarymdashMrs Mae Perkins TreasurermdashMrs Ruth Heath ChaplainmdashMrs Gladys Phillips Historianmdash^Mrs Wilma Nolan Slaquorgeant at ArmsmdashMrs Gertrude

Bon ler Mae L Perkins Sec



Nail Schedule in Effect tember 28 1931


Mails Cloie 039 am 955 a m 400 pm

Going South

Leave Station 654 am

1010am 415 pm

Going North 7-21 a m 736 am 328 pm 343 pm

Mail ccnnecting with Keene train arriving at Elmwood railroad station at 627 pm leavea Antrim at 540 pm and arrives at about 645 pm

OfRce Closes at 730 pm


Farnbhed by the Pastors the Different Churchies


The Boston bull Antrim Party Held Last Saturday

Evening November 7 Proves Most Snccessful

Presbyterian Church Rev VVilliam-Patteraon Paator

Thtlrsdsy November 12 bullMid-week service a t 730 pm We

shall study Romans 7 7-25 The regular Sunday School Workshy

ers Conference will follow this ser-VJCCi

Sunday November 15 Morninj worship at 1045 Sermon

by the pastor Bible school meets at 12 noon

^YPSCE meets in this church at 6 ocjock p m Topit^ Wha t is tbe Purpose of Life Leader Mrs Emshyma Goodell

Methodist Episcopal Rev Chas Tilton DD Pastor

Thursday November 12 Social service of songi scripture and

testimony at 730 pm Theme Righteousness

Sunday November 15 Morning worship at 1045 oclock

There will be a general pulpit exshychange on tbe Southern District Miss M V Granger will preach in this church and Dr Tilton in Keene

Sunday school at 1215 oclock Union evening service at 7 oclock

iu this church Subject of sermon A Misplaced Ethphasis

h s disappointing to call f6r a copy of The Reporter and not get one Betshyter (ubaeribe for a yearmdash$200

A LESSON IN FAITH Miss Pauline Mayo of New York City

will present A Lesson in Faith by Marie A Foley at tht Methodist Episcoshypal Church on Sunday morning Noshyvember 22 at 1045 oclock A Lesson in Ptth is a one-act play which in included oTi the list of Sermon-Plays It is a sury of thrt time of Christ which is ap-pl cable to -ll times and places as it de-pits realistjlally the contrast between the h-sh obsUijicy of the unbeliever and the beuty arid olessings of simple faith

iiie scene is laid in a Judean village arl the aeontakes place in the house of Huldah vith whom lives her aged and infrm father and Joel a lame boy Huldah is al unbeliever and ridicules the fa h of the boy Joel who believes ferventshyly that JCSLScould ht-al him A blind stinger pa-ses lgty learns the circum-sttinces and olTers to remain with the ag-d father while the boy seeks Christ Wth the liff sacriflfice of true faith the bo comes running back crying that bi-idness ij much worse than lameness and insisting that the blind man go The blind man goes and meets a Stranger on the road and the climax comes in the joy of sight restored arid the lame made to walk while the unbeliever Huldah has not even f bullen Christ The parts are ticjcn reverently and tenderly by Miss Miyc and he Christ appears by implishycation and he words of the characters in the play

Baptist Rev H Tibbals Pastor

Friday November 13 Annual (hurch Roll Call Supper

will be s^r-ed at 630 All members of the pan-haee invited and urged to remain throughout the evening

Sunday November 15 Mornint worship at 1045 Rev

H H Aiipelman representing the Lords Dagt League of New Hampshysliire will be the speaker The passhytor will be away on vacation

Church school at 12 oclock noon Cruaadcii at 430 oclock

Little Stone Church on the Hill Antrim Center

Rev J W Logan Pastpr

Sunday school at 9 am ^ Sunday norning worship at 945

For Sale

Desirable two-tenement house oh West Streltt in good repair near censhyter of village Price reasonable for a cash sale For other particulars inshyquire at REPORTER OFFICE Adv Antrim N H

lluzzey Farniture Exchange

Buying and Selling Second-hand -bullumiture is a specialty with me Will make price right whether buyshying or selling CARL H MUZZBY Pbone 37-3 Antrim NH Adv

Another Antrim Party has passed into history as being one of the most enjoyable social events of 1931 and while the remark th is was the hest party eve r was beard this same thought has been expressed at every previous party which proves their popularity

After leaving the elevator at the third floor of the YWCA building it was not necessary to inquire which room for the babble of voices reshysounding through the halls was direcshytion enough and such chattering It mtist have been a pleasure even to strangers could they have witnessed the cordial greetings hand-shakesand happy faces meeting those from near and far many of whom were attendshying their first Antrim Party and too some faces were difficult to recognize at first so many years had elapsed since the last meeting

Oneof the pleasures as well as amusements Of the evening waslookshying through the assortment of picshytures which different ones brought taken years ago from childhood thro the periods of school years and it was often difficult to recognizeeven yourshyself in the group One lady bad a very keen memory for names and faces probably due to the fact that most of the boys and girls had been her pupils and doubtless the esca-i pedes of those same pupils had made deep impression

The president presented a short but very enjoyable program which Opened with the Antrim Song written by Pot te r Spaulding and sung for the first time at the 1930 party followshying which was a sOlo by Ethel Ellin- I wood Roeder sung in her usual pleas-1 ing way Blanche Cooley Derby gave two humorous readings which were | well reeeived Ethel L Muzzey read j one of Po t t e r Spauldihgs poems i from his Antr im Album It was again a pleasure to listen to Mr and j Mrs Neil C Robinson in one of their ^ delightful vaudeville sketches of an- bull ecdotes song piano and saxaphone music And too was much appreci- ated the poem recited by Martha Whit-1 temore Cummings which she gave years ago at a school function in An-i trim Lastly came a letter read by Lena Seaver Greetings from the Goodwin famiiy in Santa Monica Calif Mrs Goodwin (Hattie) spoke of former Antrimites now living in California whom she occasionally sees recalled some happenings of sehooi days also said she had hoped

Antrim Locals i f trade ^

FARMSmdashAnd Village Property for sale Carl Johnson Real Estate Agent Hillsboro NH Advtf

Two men froth the State Tax Comshymissions office in Concord -vere in town one iiiy last on business

The committee for the Wnshin^ in Bi-centennial Observance will mc^t in Selectmens room on Monday evenjrv^ Nov 16

Mr and Mrs Alfred Hales of Watertown Mass spent the week end with their daughter Mrs Henry Miner

The regular monthly supper will be held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon of this week at 6 oclock

Married Nov 8 in the par^ics study of tho Baptist church by V v R H Tibbals Stanley C Austin u Annie C Bartlett both of Antrim

The regular monthly meetinp nd supper of the Mission Circle will lie held at tbe Presbyterian church on Wednesday Sov 18 supper at 6

Mr and Mrs John Wingite nri son bf Medford Mass visited in he family of Harold Minor on Suniiy and also visited their daughter Mis Miner at Peterboro hospital

Frank S Corlew of lrnnkie Mass and G Russell Gilbert of Newton Mass were guesta it diier on Saturdny last of Mr and Mrs il E Wilson They were on tiit bull igt to play a round of golf at the Currier Golf Club in Peterboro

Miss Vera M Locke a teachtr in Keene formerly of Antrim was cne of the nineNew Hampshire tenciTS Who received a prize in a recent conshytest conducted bythe New Hampraquohrc State Teachers Association for the purpose of stimulating the mnilting antl giving of objective tests by teachers

The editor of The Reporter acknowshyledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at thc instalshylation of officers of Franklin Lodie AFampAM at Masonic hall Graffin Mass Nov 19 Corydon R iNoh-ols a former High school pnpo gtal here is tie incoming Worshipful -ias-ter and his father Ralph W Nch-ols is the outgoing Worshipful Masshyter this father and son combination it a very onuaual happening

Presented to Reporter Readers in Concise Form

T-j Ka riiis irdicitc tha the DLOWTIlt vi urganizo th next ii-tiii pjgtL- of ri5re-enatvcs Tiiey vii uii aslaquoaiv tin re raquolloiiOiUbull f-f liic uri dtfgtlti)i and of course Clrvt i Coicii thai i-v dopros-so L~ )c-wriL tiuy vyi have somo iob na v jiands lti tli wiii siys aa cxjhaagi

To tin ojriMs it is just a- much of an eyc-soro to sjo all ihc trto cu down bv he sido of the road as to -see the side rf ad -ilt -w heai ltT inucli about Tht re a- raav )lcrs vliLrr tlo beaushyty of hc i ac-- iias bwa iimovcd an-Yiy bv bullbullbull iai)a cgtf -iiaco aad otur tr-raquo il iiiy ri-r i woil- -eem that -bullbullbull o bull - c lu iiavo bccii ift if a litt bull jUri^vcat id bitn oNci^is^d

Cut a irttii- iiator Dad I Waljii ou till Iila Ma - rotary clib liL- tiiou^li rliace^ cf aiiv ciao i-i Lic IStli ^in^Tu-ln were rather re-a0- djo to p^La ovrwliclivins-y iJO-poiii-MOii rcgtiosoaation in the i rit aaci I)i--o lio-vcvcr l i aid he t v^ a bare tavorablc majority - ibulli e nad Sraatc tlirrc was a o- lo- of nyAlifyia tir Vo^tcaci rt tl bullbull bullbull aic iioiir coatca bullviaiui bullbulli bullbullbull -bull pound ica i t i u a -

bullgt at io- kePia oa ooili idoi

Marid bull oaiea wlio are rgtr can be suiX)ltd ov iei gtsbaad-lt will be drnppci fr-jni oinploynicrt roll about Jaiuary 1 it has been aiiiioincod by thc United Life - bullcideat Iiuia-aace compshyany c Coaod Coinpiny oilicials stitca thai ltom reducticn ia operiling cxae i- nrccsltary and thai il was beshylieved legtlts iadsiigt would result from di)eniar with- thc services of married womea than from aay other economy mea-sure tliat cotild be taken Approxishymately 10 igtosoas will be alTLVicd by the company new - jolicy and it if undershystood that siojid vacancies thus created ih the ffirc have to be filled unmarshyried wc-nen wir be giveil preference

Mrs Velson Kiilier is in charge of the First National Store this week in the absence of Mr Austin the regular manager

to be present at this party but owing j to the depression it was not possible to make it this year

A night letter was sent Mrs Good-j win telling how much her letter was | enjoyed and our hope that she might be with us next year bull j

bull Then came light refreshments and more visiting

Letters of regret were received from Mr Charles Gorham Brooklyn NY MrH J J Nims Miss Gertrude Jameshyson Milford N H Miss Fannie Burnham Sanford Me and a few others whose names we are unable to recall

Between 70 and 75 were present Coming from a distance were noticed Miss Charlotte E Balch Mrs Gladys Colby Phillips Mrs Cora B Hunt Mr and Mrs Archie NayMrs Ethel Koeder Miss Alice Cuddihy Antrim iMrs Lena Seaver Bennington Mias Angie Craig Miss Mary Anthoine Nashua Mrs Eleanor Perkiris Lowshyell Mass Mr ahd Mrs Ned Woodshybury Winchester N H Mrs Gershytrude Fifield arid two daughter Ruth and Lucille Mrs John Bullard Miss Ella Bullard Mrs Warner Hartwell Ashland and Laconia Mrs Erwin Cummings Lyndeboro Mrs John Dodge Haverhill Mass Mr and Mrs Neil Robinson Gilbertville Mass Mrs Olive Matthews Hillsshyboro Mr and Mrs Scott Emery Peterborough

The Antrim people living near Bosshyton wish to express their atipreciation of the efforts made by those living so far away to be one of us at this annual party some of whom have been present for several years It is this getting tcfeijther which makes the parties so popular and delightful

A vote of appreciation wes extended Mr Eldredge editor of the Antrim Reporter and Mrs B J Wiir kinisbn correspondent for the Petershyborough Tratiscript for the publicity given ahd for the new names and addresses sent the committee Edwin Whittemore president and Forrest Appleton secretary should be conshygratulated on the success of this party and the newly elected president for 1932 Leroy Vose will put across jusl as successful a party for next year 50 everyone will want to come for

Shciuid auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot Anri days of auld lang syne

One of the Party

BIGGESTBUY for your money


You cant beat a Philco I A comshyplete line of bi-perforininlt niodete kt the lowest prices ever offered Buy your new 1932 Philco NOW

9 t u b e LOWBOY Equipped with Philcos new automatic volume rontrot oversixe electro-dynamic speaker and manj- other big Hhileo feashytures

$ ( (bull7S

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from $-295 tubet

bull bull bull bull 1

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Iscs pentode tubeeleclro-dynamii speaker and three tuninj ccndensersi

COMPLEi E with 5 tube

Easy Terms Pltilco Baliinceii Ttibi-i beilir llif pfrforniaiice of any radio

P A U L G T R A X L E R Radio reg Electric Servicie Ben nington N H

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LAKE ICE You can always depend on ICE to heep your food fresh

and pure as pure clean ICE protects health

Under any and all conditions you can depend on having daily deliveries of ICE from

Millard A Edwards Antrim TELEPHONE 75


The riiiMaro Jlt- T D nris agod 82 brother of Mr- Lviii n-i-dson of Francestovr bull-bull) di-d Vtdrda at his liome here --- -v(x oi rhjsdav aftc-r-nooii at 2 otock a tu Hi3is funeral home hc Mnji

The irual nu--i of Ocir H grange No 32 P i H rva heli Us Thursshyday cveni Tile f)iovi5 o r yere elected M-er Rochivy HliN ii-eer Harry Mil- bullecUrcr Andrew Clarlc steward C-x^bull Pe- a-s-a stew- ard ArtliurMern chaplain E-ie Petshytee treasurer t o r a Lord trcasurcr Pearl Abbott gilekeeiier Kenneth Merrill Ceres Grace Trufant Pomona Mary Milshyler Flora Minn M(Kii-i lady a--i ist-ant laquo0iru -i I ii- jsecutlve committee for tiirgte year- Rcli rd McshyKnight




Hillsborough s-- Court of ProbTte

To tbc hotraquo a t law if the esta te of Enos Veino late of Denninpton in said Cotiity rtcceascd tetnte and to all othf-rs interested there in

Whereas Lillian 1 Flcmig exshyecutrix of the inst will and tt- i tament of said rieceaser Ilas tlled in the Proshybate Ofcfgt for said County tlic final account of her ailniini-tration of said es ta te

You gtre hereby cirl to appear at a Court of lTiihie to in hnllen r-t Manshychester --^ -bullbull vbullflit on tle 15th day of IJecomln-r next to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said executrix it ordered to serve this citation by causing the pame to be published once each weekfor three iBUccessivc weeks in the Antrim Reshyporter a newspaper printed at Antrim in said County the last publication to be at least Stvvn days before said Court

Given at Nashua in said County the lifth day of November AD 1931

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN


To the heirs at law of the estate of Ainie J Munhall late of Antrim in said County deceased intestate

jand to ali others interested therein Whereas Mary E Munhall adminshy

istratrix of the estate of said deceasshyed has filed in the Probate Office for sad County the final account of her administration of said estate

You are hereby cited to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Peshyterborough in said County on the 27th day of Noviember ihst to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said administratrix is ordered to serve this citation by causing the same to be published once each week for three successive weeks in-the Anshytrim Reporter a newspaper printed in Antrim in said County the last pubshylication to be at least seven days beshyfore said Court

Given at Nashua in said County this second day of November AD la ^ l

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN



The Subscriber gives notice that she ha^ been duly appointed Vdministratlx

li thc Estate of Willie A Tandy-Jate oX jAiii Nc^ Hampshire in -Jic County of ii-lx)rouh deceased j An persons irdebtcd to said Estate are [requested to make payment atid all havshyin claims to pifci^nl them for adjustshyment

Dated October 22 1931 ELIZABETH T TESKSS

Kor Your lob and Book P r i n t i n g

P a t r o n i z e t h e R E P O K T E R P R E S S

A n t r i m N H

DRIVE IN Let us grease your car the A L E M I T E W A Y

Flush yoar Differential and Transmissioa and flll with new grcaise

F R E E Crank Case and Flushing Service bull

A L A Service Phone 113

Frank J Boyd Hillsboro

For Sale

Folly Accredited COWS can graquo in anybodys herd in any state Bbigt steins Guernseys Jerseysand Ayr shires Presh and springers

Fred L Proetor Antrim M B


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

Loiver Prices Netu


CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

CX326 125 0327 125


75 Ilaquo00 160

bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 4: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible



C F Butterfield

My Assortment of

Gents Furnishings BootSv Shoes

Rubbers - Is Complete and Priced Right

Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Sodas

Daily Papjers and Magazines

Sbr Xntrtm Sraquo|Uttlrr Published Every Wednesday Atemoon

Antrim Locals Subscription Price $200 per year

Advertising Kate on Applicatioo


Wednesday Nov 11 1931 Lraf DUtuiee TelephoM

Notices ol Coneeru Lectures EntenaiBmenu etc te which u admission lee Is eharced or Izomwhich a Revenue is derived must be pald^r by the line Reveiiue is derived must be paldlor as advertiseueaU

Cards oi Thanks are inserted at sec- each Resolutions oi ordinary lenfth $ieo Obituary poetry and Usu el flowets charged lor at

advertising rates also wi)l be charged at this same rate list oi presents at a wedding

Foreign Advertisins Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION

Entered atthe Postoffice at Antrim N H as see ondltlass matter

Govered Roasters The Sort That Save All the Juices and Flavor and Do the Roast or Bird to a Perfect Tempting Brown

They Go a Long Way Toward Mahing Tongh Meat Tender

WEAREVER ALUMINUM With adjustable ventilators and lift

out rack oval and square shapes $375 to $575

REEDS ENAMEL With adjustable ventilators and lift out tray

for the juices Self basting SIOO to $400

SAVORY EN AMEL Oval and dome shaped $175 to $250

SAVORY BLACK Round 50 cents to 75 cents

The Worlds Three Best Lines of Roasters

Sizes For a Small Roast or a Big TurKey

Add a Lot to Your ThanKsgiving or Christmas Dinner

If you cannot call write or telephone 154-W

Mrs R H Tibbals was a recent vliltr with friends in Dover this state

Miss Edith Sawyer Is stopping in Conshycord where she is attending Business Colshylege

Mr and Mrs H E Wilson recently entertained relatives from Danielson Conn

Born at Peterborough hospital Novem- i ber 6 a daughter to Mr anS Mrs Harold Miner

Mrs Benjamin Smith ol Wobu-ii Mass has been a guest of Mr and Mrs rchie N Nay

Mr and Mrs E A Bigelow of Winshychester Mass spent the week-end at their summer home at the Center

Miss Dorothy daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur W Whippie is improving satisfactorily from her recentserious ill-

It Ststnds ^c$tween Humanity and Oppression

Antrim Locals

EMERSON amp SON Milfoid

Eyes Examined ^ | ^ Glasses Fitted


Of Nashlaquoa will ba in Antrim Every Thursday Call Antrim Pharmacy for Appointments

Thanksgiving Proclamation by the President

and Red Cross RitK-Iamation by the Governor

Thf presidential proolamaion ca We approach Jie season gthii uc

cording to cunom daing from i- ir-bulllerlng of thc first harvest by o orc-athers in the new -irid a day - JC bulljart to give thanks even amid i-rd-

siips to ilmighry G d far yur ttigtora bull nd spiritual blessing- It ha V hallowed trafliticn or ho cii mie- deg bullbull=

1156th rate to proclaim nnjany a nsiorai

(iay of thank-givins bull Our couitrj- ha aa for laquorrnitjdr bullo the Almighty Wc have b-cn bullviriely 1 essed with abundai-t harvfvi- Wc lave been spared fr m poltlcnct and

bull alamitles Our instiJtion havo irvcd bullle people Kno-wiedgc ha3 mu ipiied

nd our lives are enriched with igt appli-

ation Education has advAncelt the

-calth Of our people lias tacreased Wc ave dweU in peace with all mci Ths Measure of parsing a-iverslty wliiih has ome upon us should deepen tho -plrit-

bull al life of the people quicken their ym-jathles and spirit of sacrifice for others and strengthen their courage

Many cf our neighbors are in need Irom cauises beyond their control and

tiie compassion of the people thro-ighout tc nation should so assure their scirity ever this winter that they too may have fill cause to participate in this day of gratitude to the Almighty_

Now therefore r Herbert Hoover President of the United Stetes of Ameri-a do hereby designate Thursday Nov 6 1931 laquos raquo naaonal Day of Tlianks-rivlng aDd reeommend that our people rest from their daHy labors and In their homes and accustomed places of worsh^

cive dcvoj thaiiks for the blessings bull viiicii a Merciful Father has bestowed

bulljpon J

In Aitness whereof I have hereunto bullbullet Tiy iiand and caused the iea of thc onited Staes to be aihxcd

Done at tne city of Washington this hid day of November in the year of

icomc I ltJr Lord 1931 and of the Independen Crlted States of America the

For Sale^One car iSarage Apply at Reporter Office for further particushylars bull ^^bull

Mr and Mrs Herbert Warren were in Somerville Mass on Saturday last guests of-Mr and Mrs J Edgar Armstrong

Richard Johnson Robert Caughey Arthur Prescott and Mias Margaret Pratt were at their respective homes here for the week-end from the schools whiph they are attending

Mr and Mrs H W Johnson and daughter Miss Helen Johnson were in Boston on Saturday last They had as a companion fpr the day Miss Isashybel Butterfield daughter of Mr and Mrs B G Butterfield

Mrs T F Madden left town On Tuesday of this week for Washington D C where she expects to spend the winter with her sons Rexford and Donald Madden Mr and Mrs Geo Hildreth took her to the Capitol city by automobile

Twelve members of Waverley Lodge of Odd Fellows went to Marlow last Wednesday evening to attend a disshytrict meeting with the Marlow Lodge The Keene Lodge conferred a degree All who attended enjoyed a most pleasant evening

Wm M Myers Post No 50 AL will hold an Armistice Ball on Frishyday evening Nov 13 at the Town hall Antrim This is the Legions twelfth annual and it Is planned to make this the best social event they have yet heldr Music will be furnishshyed by Zaza Ludwig and his Vodvil Band of Manchester which pleased so many a year ago Further particshyulars on poUers

On Friday evening of this week at Grange hall Mrs John G Winant of Concord wife of Gov Winant will give an illustrated lecture on her travshyels in India Africa and parts of Eushyrope The pictures which will be shown Mrs yinant had taken herself while on a motor trip through these countries her talk givea a clear and concise picture of conditions abroad No admission fee will be charged but a collection will be taken This enshytertainment is sponsored by the Imshyprovement Society of the No Branch Cemetery Association than which a more worthy object can hardly be found Although other attractions are scheduled for this evening it is hoped that a goodly number of our people will svail themselves of this unusual opportunity to hear a splendid lecshyture

Mrs John Bobertsoa of Shrew-sbury Mass has been spending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs C H Tewte-bury

Mrs Austin Paige and young daughshyter Coastaace have been bullvisiting with Mr and Mrs Henry Newhall in Peppershyell Mass

Mrs Sophia E Robinson has been spendii^ a season in Arlington Heights Mass with her son and wife-Mr and Mrs Fred W Robinson

Kenry A Hurlin was at the Margaret Pillsbury hospital in Concord last week for an operation and treatment He is reported as getting along nicely

Energetic Men in Every townand village can earn big money selling seeds Exshyperience unnecessary Steady work

Write for particulars COBB CO Franklin Mass adv 4t

Mrs C3 D Tibbetts was a speaker on Rock Gardens at the November meetshying ofthe Gaiden Club held at the Hillsshyboro Center club house recently The flub has 42 metnbers

Mrs C F Downes received the sad inshytelligence on Thursday morning that her brother Dr Oeorge T Holt of Bangor Maine who had previously suffered a paralytic shock had died Dr Holt was an optometrist of many years experience His age was 63 years

WANTED All kinds of livebull poultry Truck sent Get our prices before you sell Ready to and laying red rock and leghorn pullets for -sale James C Farshymer So Newbury N H Telephone Bradford 14-11 Adv bull44-lOt

The Reporter editor was favored the past week with a message from J W Chadwlck former owner of the Hillsboro Messenger who now resides at Boulder Colorado He tells of one C F Nesshymith a resident of Boulder living right in the shaUcA of the Rochies whose peoshyple originated in Antrim

Miss Pauline Mayo

Miss Mayo who is to be here on Sunshyday Nov 22 is giving interpretations of the great modern dramas She does not lecture nor tel the story of the play but actually impersonates the various characshyters making many forget that only one person in bull speaking and transporting them in imagination to the very scene of the actioii and into the presence of the character) Miss Mayo studies each play she presenis as it is being produced in the th3atre in New york and each is given witi special permission She has appeared this season in all sections of New York and New England and has reshyceived splendid commendation

Signed) Herbert Hoover

Ncr ember 11 to 26 are the dates for c annuai membership caunpalgn of the

American Rod Cross ivhich this year has attained is 50th anniversary

During the past j ar thc Red Croslt has added to lis splendid record the efficient handling of the difficult drought relief situation one of the greatest peace time isslgnments the wgai^ization ever has completed Today the industrial condishytions make increased demahds upon Its welfare actlrities To meet them the first essential te the larger supply ot fund hich more members will furnish

Wc in New Hampltthirc have had our own experience vrith Red Cross efficiency in thc emergencies of disastrous flood and flre and in the regular routine ot lus work for community welfare and proshygress With this knowledge in our minds and with appreciation of the need for even more genercAJS support of Red Cross work let us all join promptly and heartshyily in the endeavor to give New Hampshyshire a larger membership at the end of this campaign

JOHN G WINANT laquof Oovemor


Wed and Thurs Nov 11 and 12

The Bad Girl James Dunn and Sally Eilers

Fri and Sat Nov 13 and 14

The Brat with Sally ONeil

Shyline Thomas Meighan and Maureen


Mon and Tues Nov 16and 17

Woman of Experienoe Helen Twelvetrees and Lew Cody

Wed and Thurs Nov 18 and 19

Street Scene with Sylvia Sidney

Married Sikty-Seven Years

Gountry-Town America

Goed to Market with

The country-town market is worth going after and this newspaper is a medium of direct intensive and certain appeal to the people of this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Caslmer Haefeli who celebrated their 61th wedding annivershysary at their home at 106 Hinckley street NorthampvOn Mass were former Antrim residents This elderly couple Mr Haeshyfeli being 86 years old and his wife 90 are in excellent health for people of their years

Mr and Mrs Haefeli were married in Mumliswil Switzerland their native town October 24 1864 In 1892 the famshyily emigrated to this country and lived in New Hampshire for 10 years until moving to ^Northampton where they have lived since 1902 Mr Haefeli is a cutlery worker and was employed by the Goodshyell Company many years bull

Twelve children were bom to Mr and Mrs Haefeli eight of whom are now livshying They are Caslmer Haefeli Jr and Mrs Mary Bader of Peterborough Mrs Joseph Pluri of Antrim Mrs Carl Saner of Springfleid Mass Mrs Daniel Donoshyvan of Northampton Mass Mrs Rose Wallace and Mrs Jacob Diemond of Bay State Northampton and K N Haefeli at home

Baldwin Apples

Various grades In large or small quantities with modest prices at P PEARSONS Orchards in HanCoek N H Adv

In this paper every week


JANUARY 1 1932

When this date arrives it is the desire of the Publisher of the Antrim Reporter to have all its Suhscrihers brought up to where they will be known as in the Cash iu Advance list Many of the subscriptions expire with that date and they are always renewed which very much pleashyses the Publisher 1here are those however which unintentionally or otherwise are careless and let their subscriptions lay too long to be included in this desirable list To this latter class of subscribers we are addressing more parshyticularly these few words It is hoped that durshying the next several weeksmdashprevious to Janushyary 1 1932mdashthat bur subscribers who need this admonition will arrange to pay up all arrearshyages so that a perfectly clean slate bullwill be started with the new year

The second class privileges of the Postoffice department are sucli that it is necessary to mainshytain a cash in advance list and this is a large reason why it is necessary to do so Our subshyscribers are urged to assist us in putting into effect this desired proposition

In doing as the Publisher wishes the Subshyscribers will be the ones benefitted for it will be possible to give better service and all will feel assured that they are very materially assisting the Publisher in issuing a representative local


Again we say to our subscribers To the strictly cash in advance and all patrons who are practically such wo are indeed grateful and tender to you our heartfelt thanks and to our more careless subscribers who in many bullways are just as desirable we tender our thanks and ask that all arrearages be paid during the next few weeks VVe feol that the loyalty of our subshyscribers in this matter will equal the loyalty of the Publisher and together we may all continue to publish from our Antrim office a local newsshypaper egual to any in a town our siz6

Our interests are mutual and the assistance of all is required to get the most out of an orshygan which is designed to benefit everybody It cant be done without the kind of cooperation we are speaking of

And in closing this brief statement to our subscribers with an appeal which we hope will be prompt and satisfactory and which will be taken in the same spirit in which it is given we are

Your faithful servant


The Antrim Reporter


I Benningtone ^SSSSSSttWSSSSttitiampt^

rii rit

Congregational Church Rev J W Logan Pastor

Sunday School 1200 m Preaching service a t 1100 am Christian Endeavor at 6 pm

Benevolent Society meets this week Thuraday at 2 oclock

There^will be a Food Sale in the chapel on Friday afternoon at three oclock see posters

Miss Rachel Wilson of the Deagt coness hospital Boston was at home recently for a week end

idrs Frank Seayer attended the Antrim-Boston party b Boston last Saturday evening going down with frienda from Boston

Miss Marion Diemond will serve as president of her class at Plymouth Normal having been elected to that ofiice by iei classmates

Miss Bernice Robertson is at Con cord taking up her work of study for nnrse having lost many weeks on acshycount of illness After a while she will return to New York

Hev Herbert Wells of Greenville took as his text Bear Ye One An-others Burdens and So Fulfil the Law of Christ at the Congregational church on Sanday morniiig and gave an interesting sermon

A Uance will be given in the town hall In this place on Thanksgiving night Thursday evening November 26 with mUsiq by the Tavern Orehestra of seven pieces There will be niixed dances and a prize waltz For other particulars read posters

The November meeting of the Woshymans Club which will be held in Auxiliary hall at 230 pm on Tuesshyday the 17th will have as speaker Mrs Maro Brooks of Hancock music Mr Brooks Hostesses Mrs Hattie Weston Mrs Martha Weston Mrs Mary L Knight Mrs Cornelia Logan Mrs Lizzie Sargent

The 46th anniversary of the Misshysionary Society vhich was held oh Thursdsiy last at 730 pm in the Congregational chapel was a very pleasant evening very nnusual to say there were 46 present some coming froni Antrim Center cburch Mrs English of Manchester gave a shdrt talk on World Service Refreshments of cake and coffee were served during the social hour

On last week Monday evening a largo gatheriiig witnessed the joint installation of the Sons of Union Vetshyerans and the Auxiliary Those preshysent were Dept Senior Commander Charles H Estes of Alton an honor ed guest Dept Junior Vice Comshymander Charles 0 Smith of East Jaflrey Mrs Charles 6 Smith East Jaffrey Auxiliary Dept Chaplain G E Whitney Sons of Veterans Dept Chaplain Keene Mrs Rose Howard Auxiliary Dept President Alton Mrs Maude Russell Auxiliary Dept Inshystalling Officer Keene Jackson Carr S Oi V Installing Oflicer Hillsboro Other gueats were Mrs Jackson Carr Hillfiboro Howard Stevens Hillsboro Andrew Crooker Hillsboro Mrs Eva Flandero Alton Frank Howard Alshyton Mrs Maude MacLean East Jaf frey Mrs poundssie Neaves Keene Mrt Mabie Bean Keene Mrs Ina Stwee-ney Keene Mrs Russell E Radclif gt Keene Mrs T B Bourasse Keene Mr and Mrs Lester Townsend Keene A bountiful and delicious supper was served to conclude the evening Mrs Abbe Diemond was chairman of the sijpper coinmittee

Tax Collectors Notice

Tha Tax Collector will be at the Selectmens Office Bennington every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 ocloik for the purpose of receiving Taxes

J H BALCH Collector

Am Legion Aox Officers

The new officers of the Legion Auxshyiliary were installed into their resjicc-tive chairs on Monday evening a t the homo of Mrs C W Prentiss by Mrs Francis Maaz of Nashua the Alternate Director After the instalshylation a social time yas enjoyed with refreshments

PresidentmdashMrs Arleen White l s t Vice PresmdashMrs Mildred

briskie 2i Vice PresmdashMrs Esther

landjr SecretarymdashMrs Mae Perkins TreasurermdashMrs Ruth Heath ChaplainmdashMrs Gladys Phillips Historianmdash^Mrs Wilma Nolan Slaquorgeant at ArmsmdashMrs Gertrude

Bon ler Mae L Perkins Sec



Nail Schedule in Effect tember 28 1931


Mails Cloie 039 am 955 a m 400 pm

Going South

Leave Station 654 am

1010am 415 pm

Going North 7-21 a m 736 am 328 pm 343 pm

Mail ccnnecting with Keene train arriving at Elmwood railroad station at 627 pm leavea Antrim at 540 pm and arrives at about 645 pm

OfRce Closes at 730 pm


Farnbhed by the Pastors the Different Churchies


The Boston bull Antrim Party Held Last Saturday

Evening November 7 Proves Most Snccessful

Presbyterian Church Rev VVilliam-Patteraon Paator

Thtlrsdsy November 12 bullMid-week service a t 730 pm We

shall study Romans 7 7-25 The regular Sunday School Workshy

ers Conference will follow this ser-VJCCi

Sunday November 15 Morninj worship at 1045 Sermon

by the pastor Bible school meets at 12 noon

^YPSCE meets in this church at 6 ocjock p m Topit^ Wha t is tbe Purpose of Life Leader Mrs Emshyma Goodell

Methodist Episcopal Rev Chas Tilton DD Pastor

Thursday November 12 Social service of songi scripture and

testimony at 730 pm Theme Righteousness

Sunday November 15 Morning worship at 1045 oclock

There will be a general pulpit exshychange on tbe Southern District Miss M V Granger will preach in this church and Dr Tilton in Keene

Sunday school at 1215 oclock Union evening service at 7 oclock

iu this church Subject of sermon A Misplaced Ethphasis

h s disappointing to call f6r a copy of The Reporter and not get one Betshyter (ubaeribe for a yearmdash$200

A LESSON IN FAITH Miss Pauline Mayo of New York City

will present A Lesson in Faith by Marie A Foley at tht Methodist Episcoshypal Church on Sunday morning Noshyvember 22 at 1045 oclock A Lesson in Ptth is a one-act play which in included oTi the list of Sermon-Plays It is a sury of thrt time of Christ which is ap-pl cable to -ll times and places as it de-pits realistjlally the contrast between the h-sh obsUijicy of the unbeliever and the beuty arid olessings of simple faith

iiie scene is laid in a Judean village arl the aeontakes place in the house of Huldah vith whom lives her aged and infrm father and Joel a lame boy Huldah is al unbeliever and ridicules the fa h of the boy Joel who believes ferventshyly that JCSLScould ht-al him A blind stinger pa-ses lgty learns the circum-sttinces and olTers to remain with the ag-d father while the boy seeks Christ Wth the liff sacriflfice of true faith the bo comes running back crying that bi-idness ij much worse than lameness and insisting that the blind man go The blind man goes and meets a Stranger on the road and the climax comes in the joy of sight restored arid the lame made to walk while the unbeliever Huldah has not even f bullen Christ The parts are ticjcn reverently and tenderly by Miss Miyc and he Christ appears by implishycation and he words of the characters in the play

Baptist Rev H Tibbals Pastor

Friday November 13 Annual (hurch Roll Call Supper

will be s^r-ed at 630 All members of the pan-haee invited and urged to remain throughout the evening

Sunday November 15 Mornint worship at 1045 Rev

H H Aiipelman representing the Lords Dagt League of New Hampshysliire will be the speaker The passhytor will be away on vacation

Church school at 12 oclock noon Cruaadcii at 430 oclock

Little Stone Church on the Hill Antrim Center

Rev J W Logan Pastpr

Sunday school at 9 am ^ Sunday norning worship at 945

For Sale

Desirable two-tenement house oh West Streltt in good repair near censhyter of village Price reasonable for a cash sale For other particulars inshyquire at REPORTER OFFICE Adv Antrim N H

lluzzey Farniture Exchange

Buying and Selling Second-hand -bullumiture is a specialty with me Will make price right whether buyshying or selling CARL H MUZZBY Pbone 37-3 Antrim NH Adv

Another Antrim Party has passed into history as being one of the most enjoyable social events of 1931 and while the remark th is was the hest party eve r was beard this same thought has been expressed at every previous party which proves their popularity

After leaving the elevator at the third floor of the YWCA building it was not necessary to inquire which room for the babble of voices reshysounding through the halls was direcshytion enough and such chattering It mtist have been a pleasure even to strangers could they have witnessed the cordial greetings hand-shakesand happy faces meeting those from near and far many of whom were attendshying their first Antrim Party and too some faces were difficult to recognize at first so many years had elapsed since the last meeting

Oneof the pleasures as well as amusements Of the evening waslookshying through the assortment of picshytures which different ones brought taken years ago from childhood thro the periods of school years and it was often difficult to recognizeeven yourshyself in the group One lady bad a very keen memory for names and faces probably due to the fact that most of the boys and girls had been her pupils and doubtless the esca-i pedes of those same pupils had made deep impression

The president presented a short but very enjoyable program which Opened with the Antrim Song written by Pot te r Spaulding and sung for the first time at the 1930 party followshying which was a sOlo by Ethel Ellin- I wood Roeder sung in her usual pleas-1 ing way Blanche Cooley Derby gave two humorous readings which were | well reeeived Ethel L Muzzey read j one of Po t t e r Spauldihgs poems i from his Antr im Album It was again a pleasure to listen to Mr and j Mrs Neil C Robinson in one of their ^ delightful vaudeville sketches of an- bull ecdotes song piano and saxaphone music And too was much appreci- ated the poem recited by Martha Whit-1 temore Cummings which she gave years ago at a school function in An-i trim Lastly came a letter read by Lena Seaver Greetings from the Goodwin famiiy in Santa Monica Calif Mrs Goodwin (Hattie) spoke of former Antrimites now living in California whom she occasionally sees recalled some happenings of sehooi days also said she had hoped

Antrim Locals i f trade ^

FARMSmdashAnd Village Property for sale Carl Johnson Real Estate Agent Hillsboro NH Advtf

Two men froth the State Tax Comshymissions office in Concord -vere in town one iiiy last on business

The committee for the Wnshin^ in Bi-centennial Observance will mc^t in Selectmens room on Monday evenjrv^ Nov 16

Mr and Mrs Alfred Hales of Watertown Mass spent the week end with their daughter Mrs Henry Miner

The regular monthly supper will be held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon of this week at 6 oclock

Married Nov 8 in the par^ics study of tho Baptist church by V v R H Tibbals Stanley C Austin u Annie C Bartlett both of Antrim

The regular monthly meetinp nd supper of the Mission Circle will lie held at tbe Presbyterian church on Wednesday Sov 18 supper at 6

Mr and Mrs John Wingite nri son bf Medford Mass visited in he family of Harold Minor on Suniiy and also visited their daughter Mis Miner at Peterboro hospital

Frank S Corlew of lrnnkie Mass and G Russell Gilbert of Newton Mass were guesta it diier on Saturdny last of Mr and Mrs il E Wilson They were on tiit bull igt to play a round of golf at the Currier Golf Club in Peterboro

Miss Vera M Locke a teachtr in Keene formerly of Antrim was cne of the nineNew Hampshire tenciTS Who received a prize in a recent conshytest conducted bythe New Hampraquohrc State Teachers Association for the purpose of stimulating the mnilting antl giving of objective tests by teachers

The editor of The Reporter acknowshyledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at thc instalshylation of officers of Franklin Lodie AFampAM at Masonic hall Graffin Mass Nov 19 Corydon R iNoh-ols a former High school pnpo gtal here is tie incoming Worshipful -ias-ter and his father Ralph W Nch-ols is the outgoing Worshipful Masshyter this father and son combination it a very onuaual happening

Presented to Reporter Readers in Concise Form

T-j Ka riiis irdicitc tha the DLOWTIlt vi urganizo th next ii-tiii pjgtL- of ri5re-enatvcs Tiiey vii uii aslaquoaiv tin re raquolloiiOiUbull f-f liic uri dtfgtlti)i and of course Clrvt i Coicii thai i-v dopros-so L~ )c-wriL tiuy vyi have somo iob na v jiands lti tli wiii siys aa cxjhaagi

To tin ojriMs it is just a- much of an eyc-soro to sjo all ihc trto cu down bv he sido of the road as to -see the side rf ad -ilt -w heai ltT inucli about Tht re a- raav )lcrs vliLrr tlo beaushyty of hc i ac-- iias bwa iimovcd an-Yiy bv bullbullbull iai)a cgtf -iiaco aad otur tr-raquo il iiiy ri-r i woil- -eem that -bullbullbull o bull - c lu iiavo bccii ift if a litt bull jUri^vcat id bitn oNci^is^d

Cut a irttii- iiator Dad I Waljii ou till Iila Ma - rotary clib liL- tiiou^li rliace^ cf aiiv ciao i-i Lic IStli ^in^Tu-ln were rather re-a0- djo to p^La ovrwliclivins-y iJO-poiii-MOii rcgtiosoaation in the i rit aaci I)i--o lio-vcvcr l i aid he t v^ a bare tavorablc majority - ibulli e nad Sraatc tlirrc was a o- lo- of nyAlifyia tir Vo^tcaci rt tl bullbull bullbull aic iioiir coatca bullviaiui bullbulli bullbullbull -bull pound ica i t i u a -

bullgt at io- kePia oa ooili idoi

Marid bull oaiea wlio are rgtr can be suiX)ltd ov iei gtsbaad-lt will be drnppci fr-jni oinploynicrt roll about Jaiuary 1 it has been aiiiioincod by thc United Life - bullcideat Iiuia-aace compshyany c Coaod Coinpiny oilicials stitca thai ltom reducticn ia operiling cxae i- nrccsltary and thai il was beshylieved legtlts iadsiigt would result from di)eniar with- thc services of married womea than from aay other economy mea-sure tliat cotild be taken Approxishymately 10 igtosoas will be alTLVicd by the company new - jolicy and it if undershystood that siojid vacancies thus created ih the ffirc have to be filled unmarshyried wc-nen wir be giveil preference

Mrs Velson Kiilier is in charge of the First National Store this week in the absence of Mr Austin the regular manager

to be present at this party but owing j to the depression it was not possible to make it this year

A night letter was sent Mrs Good-j win telling how much her letter was | enjoyed and our hope that she might be with us next year bull j

bull Then came light refreshments and more visiting

Letters of regret were received from Mr Charles Gorham Brooklyn NY MrH J J Nims Miss Gertrude Jameshyson Milford N H Miss Fannie Burnham Sanford Me and a few others whose names we are unable to recall

Between 70 and 75 were present Coming from a distance were noticed Miss Charlotte E Balch Mrs Gladys Colby Phillips Mrs Cora B Hunt Mr and Mrs Archie NayMrs Ethel Koeder Miss Alice Cuddihy Antrim iMrs Lena Seaver Bennington Mias Angie Craig Miss Mary Anthoine Nashua Mrs Eleanor Perkiris Lowshyell Mass Mr ahd Mrs Ned Woodshybury Winchester N H Mrs Gershytrude Fifield arid two daughter Ruth and Lucille Mrs John Bullard Miss Ella Bullard Mrs Warner Hartwell Ashland and Laconia Mrs Erwin Cummings Lyndeboro Mrs John Dodge Haverhill Mass Mr and Mrs Neil Robinson Gilbertville Mass Mrs Olive Matthews Hillsshyboro Mr and Mrs Scott Emery Peterborough

The Antrim people living near Bosshyton wish to express their atipreciation of the efforts made by those living so far away to be one of us at this annual party some of whom have been present for several years It is this getting tcfeijther which makes the parties so popular and delightful

A vote of appreciation wes extended Mr Eldredge editor of the Antrim Reporter and Mrs B J Wiir kinisbn correspondent for the Petershyborough Tratiscript for the publicity given ahd for the new names and addresses sent the committee Edwin Whittemore president and Forrest Appleton secretary should be conshygratulated on the success of this party and the newly elected president for 1932 Leroy Vose will put across jusl as successful a party for next year 50 everyone will want to come for

Shciuid auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot Anri days of auld lang syne

One of the Party

BIGGESTBUY for your money


You cant beat a Philco I A comshyplete line of bi-perforininlt niodete kt the lowest prices ever offered Buy your new 1932 Philco NOW

9 t u b e LOWBOY Equipped with Philcos new automatic volume rontrot oversixe electro-dynamic speaker and manj- other big Hhileo feashytures

$ ( (bull7S

Neir 5 7 tube mo $36iO complete laquo

9 anrt 11 fielt to tetlh

from $-295 tubet

bull bull bull bull 1

89 CCDIPLETE w i t h 9 tubes -till) RABY GRAND

Iscs pentode tubeeleclro-dynamii speaker and three tuninj ccndensersi

COMPLEi E with 5 tube

Easy Terms Pltilco Baliinceii Ttibi-i beilir llif pfrforniaiice of any radio

P A U L G T R A X L E R Radio reg Electric Servicie Ben nington N H

^ P H I L C O - T h e - W o r l d s Largest Selling Radio

LAKE ICE You can always depend on ICE to heep your food fresh

and pure as pure clean ICE protects health

Under any and all conditions you can depend on having daily deliveries of ICE from

Millard A Edwards Antrim TELEPHONE 75


The riiiMaro Jlt- T D nris agod 82 brother of Mr- Lviii n-i-dson of Francestovr bull-bull) di-d Vtdrda at his liome here --- -v(x oi rhjsdav aftc-r-nooii at 2 otock a tu Hi3is funeral home hc Mnji

The irual nu--i of Ocir H grange No 32 P i H rva heli Us Thursshyday cveni Tile f)iovi5 o r yere elected M-er Rochivy HliN ii-eer Harry Mil- bullecUrcr Andrew Clarlc steward C-x^bull Pe- a-s-a stew- ard ArtliurMern chaplain E-ie Petshytee treasurer t o r a Lord trcasurcr Pearl Abbott gilekeeiier Kenneth Merrill Ceres Grace Trufant Pomona Mary Milshyler Flora Minn M(Kii-i lady a--i ist-ant laquo0iru -i I ii- jsecutlve committee for tiirgte year- Rcli rd McshyKnight




Hillsborough s-- Court of ProbTte

To tbc hotraquo a t law if the esta te of Enos Veino late of Denninpton in said Cotiity rtcceascd tetnte and to all othf-rs interested there in

Whereas Lillian 1 Flcmig exshyecutrix of the inst will and tt- i tament of said rieceaser Ilas tlled in the Proshybate Ofcfgt for said County tlic final account of her ailniini-tration of said es ta te

You gtre hereby cirl to appear at a Court of lTiihie to in hnllen r-t Manshychester --^ -bullbull vbullflit on tle 15th day of IJecomln-r next to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said executrix it ordered to serve this citation by causing the pame to be published once each weekfor three iBUccessivc weeks in the Antrim Reshyporter a newspaper printed at Antrim in said County the last publication to be at least Stvvn days before said Court

Given at Nashua in said County the lifth day of November AD 1931

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN


To the heirs at law of the estate of Ainie J Munhall late of Antrim in said County deceased intestate

jand to ali others interested therein Whereas Mary E Munhall adminshy

istratrix of the estate of said deceasshyed has filed in the Probate Office for sad County the final account of her administration of said estate

You are hereby cited to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Peshyterborough in said County on the 27th day of Noviember ihst to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said administratrix is ordered to serve this citation by causing the same to be published once each week for three successive weeks in-the Anshytrim Reporter a newspaper printed in Antrim in said County the last pubshylication to be at least seven days beshyfore said Court

Given at Nashua in said County this second day of November AD la ^ l

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN



The Subscriber gives notice that she ha^ been duly appointed Vdministratlx

li thc Estate of Willie A Tandy-Jate oX jAiii Nc^ Hampshire in -Jic County of ii-lx)rouh deceased j An persons irdebtcd to said Estate are [requested to make payment atid all havshyin claims to pifci^nl them for adjustshyment

Dated October 22 1931 ELIZABETH T TESKSS

Kor Your lob and Book P r i n t i n g

P a t r o n i z e t h e R E P O K T E R P R E S S

A n t r i m N H

DRIVE IN Let us grease your car the A L E M I T E W A Y

Flush yoar Differential and Transmissioa and flll with new grcaise

F R E E Crank Case and Flushing Service bull

A L A Service Phone 113

Frank J Boyd Hillsboro

For Sale

Folly Accredited COWS can graquo in anybodys herd in any state Bbigt steins Guernseys Jerseysand Ayr shires Presh and springers

Fred L Proetor Antrim M B


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

Loiver Prices Netu


CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

CX326 125 0327 125


75 Ilaquo00 160

bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 5: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible


I Benningtone ^SSSSSSttWSSSSttitiampt^

rii rit

Congregational Church Rev J W Logan Pastor

Sunday School 1200 m Preaching service a t 1100 am Christian Endeavor at 6 pm

Benevolent Society meets this week Thuraday at 2 oclock

There^will be a Food Sale in the chapel on Friday afternoon at three oclock see posters

Miss Rachel Wilson of the Deagt coness hospital Boston was at home recently for a week end

idrs Frank Seayer attended the Antrim-Boston party b Boston last Saturday evening going down with frienda from Boston

Miss Marion Diemond will serve as president of her class at Plymouth Normal having been elected to that ofiice by iei classmates

Miss Bernice Robertson is at Con cord taking up her work of study for nnrse having lost many weeks on acshycount of illness After a while she will return to New York

Hev Herbert Wells of Greenville took as his text Bear Ye One An-others Burdens and So Fulfil the Law of Christ at the Congregational church on Sanday morniiig and gave an interesting sermon

A Uance will be given in the town hall In this place on Thanksgiving night Thursday evening November 26 with mUsiq by the Tavern Orehestra of seven pieces There will be niixed dances and a prize waltz For other particulars read posters

The November meeting of the Woshymans Club which will be held in Auxiliary hall at 230 pm on Tuesshyday the 17th will have as speaker Mrs Maro Brooks of Hancock music Mr Brooks Hostesses Mrs Hattie Weston Mrs Martha Weston Mrs Mary L Knight Mrs Cornelia Logan Mrs Lizzie Sargent

The 46th anniversary of the Misshysionary Society vhich was held oh Thursdsiy last at 730 pm in the Congregational chapel was a very pleasant evening very nnusual to say there were 46 present some coming froni Antrim Center cburch Mrs English of Manchester gave a shdrt talk on World Service Refreshments of cake and coffee were served during the social hour

On last week Monday evening a largo gatheriiig witnessed the joint installation of the Sons of Union Vetshyerans and the Auxiliary Those preshysent were Dept Senior Commander Charles H Estes of Alton an honor ed guest Dept Junior Vice Comshymander Charles 0 Smith of East Jaflrey Mrs Charles 6 Smith East Jaffrey Auxiliary Dept Chaplain G E Whitney Sons of Veterans Dept Chaplain Keene Mrs Rose Howard Auxiliary Dept President Alton Mrs Maude Russell Auxiliary Dept Inshystalling Officer Keene Jackson Carr S Oi V Installing Oflicer Hillsboro Other gueats were Mrs Jackson Carr Hillfiboro Howard Stevens Hillsboro Andrew Crooker Hillsboro Mrs Eva Flandero Alton Frank Howard Alshyton Mrs Maude MacLean East Jaf frey Mrs poundssie Neaves Keene Mrt Mabie Bean Keene Mrs Ina Stwee-ney Keene Mrs Russell E Radclif gt Keene Mrs T B Bourasse Keene Mr and Mrs Lester Townsend Keene A bountiful and delicious supper was served to conclude the evening Mrs Abbe Diemond was chairman of the sijpper coinmittee

Tax Collectors Notice

Tha Tax Collector will be at the Selectmens Office Bennington every Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 ocloik for the purpose of receiving Taxes

J H BALCH Collector

Am Legion Aox Officers

The new officers of the Legion Auxshyiliary were installed into their resjicc-tive chairs on Monday evening a t the homo of Mrs C W Prentiss by Mrs Francis Maaz of Nashua the Alternate Director After the instalshylation a social time yas enjoyed with refreshments

PresidentmdashMrs Arleen White l s t Vice PresmdashMrs Mildred

briskie 2i Vice PresmdashMrs Esther

landjr SecretarymdashMrs Mae Perkins TreasurermdashMrs Ruth Heath ChaplainmdashMrs Gladys Phillips Historianmdash^Mrs Wilma Nolan Slaquorgeant at ArmsmdashMrs Gertrude

Bon ler Mae L Perkins Sec



Nail Schedule in Effect tember 28 1931


Mails Cloie 039 am 955 a m 400 pm

Going South

Leave Station 654 am

1010am 415 pm

Going North 7-21 a m 736 am 328 pm 343 pm

Mail ccnnecting with Keene train arriving at Elmwood railroad station at 627 pm leavea Antrim at 540 pm and arrives at about 645 pm

OfRce Closes at 730 pm


Farnbhed by the Pastors the Different Churchies


The Boston bull Antrim Party Held Last Saturday

Evening November 7 Proves Most Snccessful

Presbyterian Church Rev VVilliam-Patteraon Paator

Thtlrsdsy November 12 bullMid-week service a t 730 pm We

shall study Romans 7 7-25 The regular Sunday School Workshy

ers Conference will follow this ser-VJCCi

Sunday November 15 Morninj worship at 1045 Sermon

by the pastor Bible school meets at 12 noon

^YPSCE meets in this church at 6 ocjock p m Topit^ Wha t is tbe Purpose of Life Leader Mrs Emshyma Goodell

Methodist Episcopal Rev Chas Tilton DD Pastor

Thursday November 12 Social service of songi scripture and

testimony at 730 pm Theme Righteousness

Sunday November 15 Morning worship at 1045 oclock

There will be a general pulpit exshychange on tbe Southern District Miss M V Granger will preach in this church and Dr Tilton in Keene

Sunday school at 1215 oclock Union evening service at 7 oclock

iu this church Subject of sermon A Misplaced Ethphasis

h s disappointing to call f6r a copy of The Reporter and not get one Betshyter (ubaeribe for a yearmdash$200

A LESSON IN FAITH Miss Pauline Mayo of New York City

will present A Lesson in Faith by Marie A Foley at tht Methodist Episcoshypal Church on Sunday morning Noshyvember 22 at 1045 oclock A Lesson in Ptth is a one-act play which in included oTi the list of Sermon-Plays It is a sury of thrt time of Christ which is ap-pl cable to -ll times and places as it de-pits realistjlally the contrast between the h-sh obsUijicy of the unbeliever and the beuty arid olessings of simple faith

iiie scene is laid in a Judean village arl the aeontakes place in the house of Huldah vith whom lives her aged and infrm father and Joel a lame boy Huldah is al unbeliever and ridicules the fa h of the boy Joel who believes ferventshyly that JCSLScould ht-al him A blind stinger pa-ses lgty learns the circum-sttinces and olTers to remain with the ag-d father while the boy seeks Christ Wth the liff sacriflfice of true faith the bo comes running back crying that bi-idness ij much worse than lameness and insisting that the blind man go The blind man goes and meets a Stranger on the road and the climax comes in the joy of sight restored arid the lame made to walk while the unbeliever Huldah has not even f bullen Christ The parts are ticjcn reverently and tenderly by Miss Miyc and he Christ appears by implishycation and he words of the characters in the play

Baptist Rev H Tibbals Pastor

Friday November 13 Annual (hurch Roll Call Supper

will be s^r-ed at 630 All members of the pan-haee invited and urged to remain throughout the evening

Sunday November 15 Mornint worship at 1045 Rev

H H Aiipelman representing the Lords Dagt League of New Hampshysliire will be the speaker The passhytor will be away on vacation

Church school at 12 oclock noon Cruaadcii at 430 oclock

Little Stone Church on the Hill Antrim Center

Rev J W Logan Pastpr

Sunday school at 9 am ^ Sunday norning worship at 945

For Sale

Desirable two-tenement house oh West Streltt in good repair near censhyter of village Price reasonable for a cash sale For other particulars inshyquire at REPORTER OFFICE Adv Antrim N H

lluzzey Farniture Exchange

Buying and Selling Second-hand -bullumiture is a specialty with me Will make price right whether buyshying or selling CARL H MUZZBY Pbone 37-3 Antrim NH Adv

Another Antrim Party has passed into history as being one of the most enjoyable social events of 1931 and while the remark th is was the hest party eve r was beard this same thought has been expressed at every previous party which proves their popularity

After leaving the elevator at the third floor of the YWCA building it was not necessary to inquire which room for the babble of voices reshysounding through the halls was direcshytion enough and such chattering It mtist have been a pleasure even to strangers could they have witnessed the cordial greetings hand-shakesand happy faces meeting those from near and far many of whom were attendshying their first Antrim Party and too some faces were difficult to recognize at first so many years had elapsed since the last meeting

Oneof the pleasures as well as amusements Of the evening waslookshying through the assortment of picshytures which different ones brought taken years ago from childhood thro the periods of school years and it was often difficult to recognizeeven yourshyself in the group One lady bad a very keen memory for names and faces probably due to the fact that most of the boys and girls had been her pupils and doubtless the esca-i pedes of those same pupils had made deep impression

The president presented a short but very enjoyable program which Opened with the Antrim Song written by Pot te r Spaulding and sung for the first time at the 1930 party followshying which was a sOlo by Ethel Ellin- I wood Roeder sung in her usual pleas-1 ing way Blanche Cooley Derby gave two humorous readings which were | well reeeived Ethel L Muzzey read j one of Po t t e r Spauldihgs poems i from his Antr im Album It was again a pleasure to listen to Mr and j Mrs Neil C Robinson in one of their ^ delightful vaudeville sketches of an- bull ecdotes song piano and saxaphone music And too was much appreci- ated the poem recited by Martha Whit-1 temore Cummings which she gave years ago at a school function in An-i trim Lastly came a letter read by Lena Seaver Greetings from the Goodwin famiiy in Santa Monica Calif Mrs Goodwin (Hattie) spoke of former Antrimites now living in California whom she occasionally sees recalled some happenings of sehooi days also said she had hoped

Antrim Locals i f trade ^

FARMSmdashAnd Village Property for sale Carl Johnson Real Estate Agent Hillsboro NH Advtf

Two men froth the State Tax Comshymissions office in Concord -vere in town one iiiy last on business

The committee for the Wnshin^ in Bi-centennial Observance will mc^t in Selectmens room on Monday evenjrv^ Nov 16

Mr and Mrs Alfred Hales of Watertown Mass spent the week end with their daughter Mrs Henry Miner

The regular monthly supper will be held at the Congregational church on Friday afternoon of this week at 6 oclock

Married Nov 8 in the par^ics study of tho Baptist church by V v R H Tibbals Stanley C Austin u Annie C Bartlett both of Antrim

The regular monthly meetinp nd supper of the Mission Circle will lie held at tbe Presbyterian church on Wednesday Sov 18 supper at 6

Mr and Mrs John Wingite nri son bf Medford Mass visited in he family of Harold Minor on Suniiy and also visited their daughter Mis Miner at Peterboro hospital

Frank S Corlew of lrnnkie Mass and G Russell Gilbert of Newton Mass were guesta it diier on Saturdny last of Mr and Mrs il E Wilson They were on tiit bull igt to play a round of golf at the Currier Golf Club in Peterboro

Miss Vera M Locke a teachtr in Keene formerly of Antrim was cne of the nineNew Hampshire tenciTS Who received a prize in a recent conshytest conducted bythe New Hampraquohrc State Teachers Association for the purpose of stimulating the mnilting antl giving of objective tests by teachers

The editor of The Reporter acknowshyledges with thanks the receipt of an invitation to be present at thc instalshylation of officers of Franklin Lodie AFampAM at Masonic hall Graffin Mass Nov 19 Corydon R iNoh-ols a former High school pnpo gtal here is tie incoming Worshipful -ias-ter and his father Ralph W Nch-ols is the outgoing Worshipful Masshyter this father and son combination it a very onuaual happening

Presented to Reporter Readers in Concise Form

T-j Ka riiis irdicitc tha the DLOWTIlt vi urganizo th next ii-tiii pjgtL- of ri5re-enatvcs Tiiey vii uii aslaquoaiv tin re raquolloiiOiUbull f-f liic uri dtfgtlti)i and of course Clrvt i Coicii thai i-v dopros-so L~ )c-wriL tiuy vyi have somo iob na v jiands lti tli wiii siys aa cxjhaagi

To tin ojriMs it is just a- much of an eyc-soro to sjo all ihc trto cu down bv he sido of the road as to -see the side rf ad -ilt -w heai ltT inucli about Tht re a- raav )lcrs vliLrr tlo beaushyty of hc i ac-- iias bwa iimovcd an-Yiy bv bullbullbull iai)a cgtf -iiaco aad otur tr-raquo il iiiy ri-r i woil- -eem that -bullbullbull o bull - c lu iiavo bccii ift if a litt bull jUri^vcat id bitn oNci^is^d

Cut a irttii- iiator Dad I Waljii ou till Iila Ma - rotary clib liL- tiiou^li rliace^ cf aiiv ciao i-i Lic IStli ^in^Tu-ln were rather re-a0- djo to p^La ovrwliclivins-y iJO-poiii-MOii rcgtiosoaation in the i rit aaci I)i--o lio-vcvcr l i aid he t v^ a bare tavorablc majority - ibulli e nad Sraatc tlirrc was a o- lo- of nyAlifyia tir Vo^tcaci rt tl bullbull bullbull aic iioiir coatca bullviaiui bullbulli bullbullbull -bull pound ica i t i u a -

bullgt at io- kePia oa ooili idoi

Marid bull oaiea wlio are rgtr can be suiX)ltd ov iei gtsbaad-lt will be drnppci fr-jni oinploynicrt roll about Jaiuary 1 it has been aiiiioincod by thc United Life - bullcideat Iiuia-aace compshyany c Coaod Coinpiny oilicials stitca thai ltom reducticn ia operiling cxae i- nrccsltary and thai il was beshylieved legtlts iadsiigt would result from di)eniar with- thc services of married womea than from aay other economy mea-sure tliat cotild be taken Approxishymately 10 igtosoas will be alTLVicd by the company new - jolicy and it if undershystood that siojid vacancies thus created ih the ffirc have to be filled unmarshyried wc-nen wir be giveil preference

Mrs Velson Kiilier is in charge of the First National Store this week in the absence of Mr Austin the regular manager

to be present at this party but owing j to the depression it was not possible to make it this year

A night letter was sent Mrs Good-j win telling how much her letter was | enjoyed and our hope that she might be with us next year bull j

bull Then came light refreshments and more visiting

Letters of regret were received from Mr Charles Gorham Brooklyn NY MrH J J Nims Miss Gertrude Jameshyson Milford N H Miss Fannie Burnham Sanford Me and a few others whose names we are unable to recall

Between 70 and 75 were present Coming from a distance were noticed Miss Charlotte E Balch Mrs Gladys Colby Phillips Mrs Cora B Hunt Mr and Mrs Archie NayMrs Ethel Koeder Miss Alice Cuddihy Antrim iMrs Lena Seaver Bennington Mias Angie Craig Miss Mary Anthoine Nashua Mrs Eleanor Perkiris Lowshyell Mass Mr ahd Mrs Ned Woodshybury Winchester N H Mrs Gershytrude Fifield arid two daughter Ruth and Lucille Mrs John Bullard Miss Ella Bullard Mrs Warner Hartwell Ashland and Laconia Mrs Erwin Cummings Lyndeboro Mrs John Dodge Haverhill Mass Mr and Mrs Neil Robinson Gilbertville Mass Mrs Olive Matthews Hillsshyboro Mr and Mrs Scott Emery Peterborough

The Antrim people living near Bosshyton wish to express their atipreciation of the efforts made by those living so far away to be one of us at this annual party some of whom have been present for several years It is this getting tcfeijther which makes the parties so popular and delightful

A vote of appreciation wes extended Mr Eldredge editor of the Antrim Reporter and Mrs B J Wiir kinisbn correspondent for the Petershyborough Tratiscript for the publicity given ahd for the new names and addresses sent the committee Edwin Whittemore president and Forrest Appleton secretary should be conshygratulated on the success of this party and the newly elected president for 1932 Leroy Vose will put across jusl as successful a party for next year 50 everyone will want to come for

Shciuid auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot Anri days of auld lang syne

One of the Party

BIGGESTBUY for your money


You cant beat a Philco I A comshyplete line of bi-perforininlt niodete kt the lowest prices ever offered Buy your new 1932 Philco NOW

9 t u b e LOWBOY Equipped with Philcos new automatic volume rontrot oversixe electro-dynamic speaker and manj- other big Hhileo feashytures

$ ( (bull7S

Neir 5 7 tube mo $36iO complete laquo

9 anrt 11 fielt to tetlh

from $-295 tubet

bull bull bull bull 1

89 CCDIPLETE w i t h 9 tubes -till) RABY GRAND

Iscs pentode tubeeleclro-dynamii speaker and three tuninj ccndensersi

COMPLEi E with 5 tube

Easy Terms Pltilco Baliinceii Ttibi-i beilir llif pfrforniaiice of any radio

P A U L G T R A X L E R Radio reg Electric Servicie Ben nington N H

^ P H I L C O - T h e - W o r l d s Largest Selling Radio

LAKE ICE You can always depend on ICE to heep your food fresh

and pure as pure clean ICE protects health

Under any and all conditions you can depend on having daily deliveries of ICE from

Millard A Edwards Antrim TELEPHONE 75


The riiiMaro Jlt- T D nris agod 82 brother of Mr- Lviii n-i-dson of Francestovr bull-bull) di-d Vtdrda at his liome here --- -v(x oi rhjsdav aftc-r-nooii at 2 otock a tu Hi3is funeral home hc Mnji

The irual nu--i of Ocir H grange No 32 P i H rva heli Us Thursshyday cveni Tile f)iovi5 o r yere elected M-er Rochivy HliN ii-eer Harry Mil- bullecUrcr Andrew Clarlc steward C-x^bull Pe- a-s-a stew- ard ArtliurMern chaplain E-ie Petshytee treasurer t o r a Lord trcasurcr Pearl Abbott gilekeeiier Kenneth Merrill Ceres Grace Trufant Pomona Mary Milshyler Flora Minn M(Kii-i lady a--i ist-ant laquo0iru -i I ii- jsecutlve committee for tiirgte year- Rcli rd McshyKnight




Hillsborough s-- Court of ProbTte

To tbc hotraquo a t law if the esta te of Enos Veino late of Denninpton in said Cotiity rtcceascd tetnte and to all othf-rs interested there in

Whereas Lillian 1 Flcmig exshyecutrix of the inst will and tt- i tament of said rieceaser Ilas tlled in the Proshybate Ofcfgt for said County tlic final account of her ailniini-tration of said es ta te

You gtre hereby cirl to appear at a Court of lTiihie to in hnllen r-t Manshychester --^ -bullbull vbullflit on tle 15th day of IJecomln-r next to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said executrix it ordered to serve this citation by causing the pame to be published once each weekfor three iBUccessivc weeks in the Antrim Reshyporter a newspaper printed at Antrim in said County the last publication to be at least Stvvn days before said Court

Given at Nashua in said County the lifth day of November AD 1931

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN


To the heirs at law of the estate of Ainie J Munhall late of Antrim in said County deceased intestate

jand to ali others interested therein Whereas Mary E Munhall adminshy

istratrix of the estate of said deceasshyed has filed in the Probate Office for sad County the final account of her administration of said estate

You are hereby cited to appear at a Court of Probate to be holden at Peshyterborough in said County on the 27th day of Noviember ihst to show cause if any you have why the same should not be allowed

Said administratrix is ordered to serve this citation by causing the same to be published once each week for three successive weeks in-the Anshytrim Reporter a newspaper printed in Antrim in said County the last pubshylication to be at least seven days beshyfore said Court

Given at Nashua in said County this second day of November AD la ^ l

By order of the Court S J DEARBORN



The Subscriber gives notice that she ha^ been duly appointed Vdministratlx

li thc Estate of Willie A Tandy-Jate oX jAiii Nc^ Hampshire in -Jic County of ii-lx)rouh deceased j An persons irdebtcd to said Estate are [requested to make payment atid all havshyin claims to pifci^nl them for adjustshyment

Dated October 22 1931 ELIZABETH T TESKSS

Kor Your lob and Book P r i n t i n g

P a t r o n i z e t h e R E P O K T E R P R E S S

A n t r i m N H

DRIVE IN Let us grease your car the A L E M I T E W A Y

Flush yoar Differential and Transmissioa and flll with new grcaise

F R E E Crank Case and Flushing Service bull

A L A Service Phone 113

Frank J Boyd Hillsboro

For Sale

Folly Accredited COWS can graquo in anybodys herd in any state Bbigt steins Guernseys Jerseysand Ayr shires Presh and springers

Fred L Proetor Antrim M B


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

Loiver Prices Netu


CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

CX326 125 0327 125


75 Ilaquo00 160

bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


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I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

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Page 6: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible


bull imniwt imnnimantMMWiMWMMMi

A Candle in the Wildemess QA Tale of the Beginning nfNew England


by Irving Bacheller WNU Service Copyright by Irving Bacheller

r i i i i i t i i raquo raquo i i i i i i i i i M i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i m n m n i i i i n n m i i m i i i i i i i n n i i i i i i laquo i i n i i i n i i i i m raquo i n i i i n i n n m i l

CHAPTER XIIImdashContinued mdash24mdash bull

bullMiu- tTrot I mil laquolad to hiive heard of tliosc tliiiiissiid Williiini Tliey help tn to uiidergttaiid tlii-s drmiipin iiKiutli of yigttir-i the sadness In your jt-yes and voice

bulll ani like most o f t l i e Othershere she went on Tliey have lived in tershyror aiid tiiiek darkness llglited by the flash of denth tires Some have heard the cry of the martyr Some liave nearly periihi-d of cold iind liuhgor in the first comings and have seen their friends sieken and die for the luck of xvholesotiie food When you com-jilaiii of the sternness of the church folk nnd look at tlioir sober faces I boR of you think of tliese thlnfjs my lioy We are Jltalousof (iur candle In the wildenipss knowiii) how easily It could niilter out We hate the evils that flourish in tliltraquo courts of kinss If we wore not stern wifli thom we should soon he risain a handful uinoiis a people as joilltss as those from whom w lied Vp should brins to these shores not our own kind hut (ilniiors who do not lind it now a com- forlalile plaee liv and by some cuii-nini lualtl in-rliaps (gtf Stuart blood Would ltoiiii aild rally thoin around liiiii and sit ii[p a tliroiic and jiut us iialn in lioiidaue Mr Williams lias charitod that We have (Uirselvcs set up a tjTaiiiiy hut We only di-mand o f

our people virtue and honor and Klaquood faith and fair dfiiling and n proper respeet for the (reator of the worhl lest we all lu- ilrowiied in ltlamnation

I resjieet the ehiinli said William hut I do tliiiik that it shoiihl have

bullmore love and charity for those outshyside its menihership It has estal)-llshed a spiritual aristocracy as stony hearted as that around the throne of our Klnj (Miarles They regard or seem to regard outsiders as enemies fiKlttinsun(ler thelias ot Satan They are not that Tlioy are brother human belnss to be led upward into the ranks by love and sympathy and help and a fornivinf spirit

Near nine oclock that evenin PeKsy and her brother cojno to see William with Important news i p s s y w a s In hiph spirits James Uosewell had reshyturned

He hrought me sreat happinpss said Icssy It wjis shut up in this tiny housing of gold

She hold up the shiiiins locket sayshying I lent It tn Kobert the nisht he wont away lie give it to Koseshyweli to brins to me I found in It a secretmdasha wonltlerful setTot I am the happiest porson In this world He is Hiive Ue is well I had to eome and tell you

In a transjiort of Joy she threw her arms nround William and kissed him

I think that I cin guess the secret he said

I am sure that you can l i e ltitill lovelaquo me and may the cood God keep him The rest I eaiinot tell you now You SW- this little thintr has a secret lock It is liketlie riddle of Samson It holds a mystery No one ean reaHi It save those who know how Kobert would not he denied He laquoot its secret Observe tliiraquo warnins lettered in Greek on its case It says

Only the true lover ean open this And are you goins to Mngiand

Williatn asked Only if God wills it Iessy anshy

sworod It is late und we niiist uo I hop you will soon come to visit ns at Mmindawn That is the nime of our new homltraquo Irom my wimlows I s(-e the risinc of the two kinss of llulit

I sliiill come when the war end- said William

They went away Margaret had gone to hod William sat a long time bullhy the fireside thinking as he Miioked his pipf while the wind vliistleil in the chimney Tlis thinking w a s nioslly of Itobert Shoiitfl he return to in_-land he asked hitnself Iijt ho was going to the war with the Pofjuois and who could tell wliat would rn-ne of that-

bull bull bull Marsnret Hooper felt (hlNforee of

Williams nritnment ahont l l i church and discussed it with licr ys tcrs of (he parish Many fell into his wiy of thinking It cnme to the ears ltif Iohn Winthrop Who forthwith inviied Vi| liam to his house ihe great niaif nnd his wife reeeived the hoy warmly

The sweet and cunhinz hand of Nature has wrought a wondorful work upon you said Winthrop when ihcy were nented hy the fireside Sou have the face of a saint May I ask Just wbat is your criiieism of the church

My position is that of ono Immhly seeking the truth William answered My opinions are privately oxprossod 1 would not create dissension knowing as I dothat thechureh is the mainshystay of law and order ow that you nsk my opinions I give them to you frankly I have bullhad to learn how to forgive and he humble If it has been good for me to le-am those things I conclude that It would be good for the chnrch

He then briefly presented his arshygument as he had done with Marshygaret Hooper

VThe workTon have-started among the poor m i T m a k e the things of your vision poBSJWe Wlnthrop knswcrcd I look forward to a time when tbe

children of every poor man will be educated and led upward to apply their hearts to understanding and the love of all good things This I hope will be (lone ut the public expense That work has already begunmdashthanks to you Next day William went away to the war with his company Two weeks later the town was Ina fever of exshycitement John Samp had arrived with Uobert Heathers and Amps Todshykiil Within half an hour the news had reached a- thousand ears The court wus in session Its seats and anteroom were soon crowded The constable and his prisoner waiting In a hoiise near weie summoned to the court Jolin Samp entered with Robshyert Heathers his wrists nianicled folshylowed by Amos Todkiil Uobert was smiling Governor Vane asked the constable why his prisoner was iii irons bull Your excellltncy he struck me

In a calm voice standing with his hat in his hand Thdklll spoke I hope that you will ask the prisoner why he struck the constable

fiovernor Vane turned to the prisshyoner with n bull look of inriuiry whereshyupon Kohert said Your oxcollencv I struck only hecause in ill temper he called nip a vile iianio

Samp undertook to speak but the governor put him to silence saying A prisoner Is presumed to bo innoshycent until his guilt is proved and if he obeys the ollicer should he treateil with all possihle respect and subjected to no unnecpasary harshness

He turned to Kohert and told him that ho was accused of adultery with Olio Mabel Hartley then deceased on the twelfth of the last October l i e presented the cvldonce against him supported hy the fact that he had (led from the jurisdiction of tho court The governor asked the young man if he wished to take counsel before he pleaded

Kobert answered Vour excel-lency I shall need only the counsel of my own conscience but I have just arrived here I am weary and in need of rest Give me time I pray you to compose mysolf and leave to confer with roy friends

Ills plea was grantd and Kobert was sent to tlie prison house for the night His purpose was to see Wilshyliam if possihle iind be apprised of what had come to pass Amos learned that William had gone out with Capr tain Mason to fight tlie Iequots He learned that Ieggy Weld had built a house on a lake in the deep greenshywood ahout three miles from the edge of the town and w a s there He was tolil that a good path led to it

The spring had eome early and warm It w a s in Ihe moon of the bright lights late in April The buds were coming out Amos got a horse and road to Ieggys Iiouse The early dusk was falling Anios dismounted hitched his horse at a post and entershying the veranda through griy-birkpd spruce columns pulled the hitch-string of the door Ieggy sat w i t h her hrother before a bhizing lire playshying cards

I am Amos Todkiil he said The two rose lo their feet nios

TodklU Iegay Weld ogtcliimed Where is Kohert

1 liale to bring had news to Iara-liise siid Amos in a low tone that relh-eled liii depression I hate it no less than tho gates o hell Itobort ii in lioston prison

For a breath the girl stood looking at him hit liiind upon her breast

In prison she whisiierod Somdash thev have brought him here I will bullo to him at once

She sent a servant to the stable for her horse She turned lo her brother i-aying Henry yoii do luit niltd to LO Todkiil will bo with me iiirouh the forest and there is room for me at the -governors house I shall Wlint to talk with hira before I Uo to t h e p r i s o n

Site stojipiil by the path side Tell me iiuickly how it happens tliit you and Itciliert came to Ioston she Siiid

riiclly mos toid the story of Kose-Wells irati

Well let US make haste she an-gtvi-red It is growing dark

They hastened into Iho illm forest aisle and onward as rapidly us Its rough fooling would allow and were soon in si-lit of the lieacons Tlu governor was at homo Hi siid

Miss Weld lly off your coat and sit riown and tell mo what I can do for you

s soitn IS possible I want to sec Kobert Ilealhers she aiigtverod

In his most gracious iind gonilo manner tho governor spoke these friondiy words I know lliat you have stood for Kohert Heathers In this sorry business while the rest ot us havo had no doubt of his guilt I question your judgment and nlso adshymite the noble quality of your friendshyship My dear I do advise you to keep your liands clean of this matter I would gladly save him if I could but he will I fear go to the gallows You cannot help him You will only inshycrease his wretchedness

Ieggy Weld was In no way discourshyaged by this dark counsel-

Govemor It Is my diity to go William is away and I am the only

friend that he has In this town Sureshyly It Is his right to know what has come to pass In his absence and to reshyceive friendly advict

Have JOU uew evidence New evidence she answered

And it Is of such a nature that I shall ask you to allow me to present-it to the court in-my own way I am a woman and it will be an uncommon proceeding but I shall uot Impose on the dignity or the patience of the bullcourt What I hnvo to siy caff be quickly said and you shali hear ho malicious or improper words

Thegovernor lighted his pipe and said WJiy should not women be heaird In such a democracy as we aim to establish There Is no man in the colony who is the equal of Anna Hutchinson tn wU or diction or In her power to see straight to the heart of a subject I shall call on you for a statement of your case tomorrow morning There are preceltlents in -the procedure of the Knglish courts I shall never forget my fathers vivid account of the remarkibte speech of the great Queen Pess at tlie trial of Mary of the Scots I am sure that we sliall get from you a shining exshyample of what a womah can do

Do not expect me tobe brilliant I am no Anne Hutchinson Rut I promise to be honest and well beshyhaved and I sliall pray God to help me to show the wonien of Boston that cricketing in idle gossip is a pOor kind of businpss to be doing

She could have -said nothing more pleasing to tlie governor Forthwith lie sat down at-his table and hurriedly wrote a note and sent a servant to deliver it to the prison warden

This nian is deafmdash^very deaf said the governor There are tinies when I need such a servant l ie is a most respectahle looking creature and he understands every inovement of my hand I shnll send him into the room

w i t h you and Uobert You can talk bullfreely Ue will not hear you

Peggy was shown to a room heyond the wardens ofllce where prisoners were brouglit to see their counsel and their friends The servant stood erect in a corner his halberd at his side Robert entered Hie was pale and thin but still as straiglit as an arrow The two met in the middle of the room and embraced each other For a moshyment neither spoke

I thought lliat I would be braver than this said Peggy as she wiped her eves Come lot us sit down toshygether

in a cheery tone she told him of Williams refusal to plead aiid of his confinement of the testimony against him of thc cirt-umstances that led to his release of the humiliation-of tlie hempen ropo of his courageous conshyduct -which tiad won the admiration of the community of tlie growing conshyviction that he Kohert Heathers was guilty becatise he had (led from the jurisdiction of tlo court and refused to return to it of Williams going with Captain Mason to fight against the rpquots

Now I nm to he yonr lawyer imd for onco in ynur lifigt I shall ask you to obey my wishes snid Iegsy iou will bo lirought into court tomorrow Vou will of course plead that you are not guilty I tiiinkthat I know itf evidence that will delay action until it can he produced in court I have seen men fiil so often there that I am goiuL- to slte what a woman can accomshyplish with those sturdy iron magisshytrates Their wives have no trouble in nianaiiig thi-m

I liad already determined to plead that 1 am not L-uilty said Kohert I suppose thiit they will hang me I saw my falo in those stern faces on ttiO bench Well I have suffered so many terrors that dying seems easy ad then I have leirned ono thing from tin red men It is fortitude I have si-en ono of them die twenty lUaths without a tiiurmur

IcLgy hehl his hand in hers and snid Wliatever Impjicns toinorrow after yell have pleaded hold your peaio ind let no word pass your lips I-or once- just once I nmst do idl the lilkin I wish that I could sit with yell the wliel iiiiht but we must liotli slt(k eir rest and tho governor is waitshying fer me


Eratmua Almt Box Krasiiiugt iioicd scholar nnd reforni

er of ilie SixlMoiith century witli his frieiul Dean Colct founder of Sf Iauls school visited St Nicholas almshouse in Ihuhind and one of tha hretiocn imlered a holy relic for (hem to kiss as was the custom hefore siiriiikiing suests with holy wiiter writes lovinia Wnlsh in the ISoSton Transcript Thc relic In ihiscaso was a part of a shoo once worn hy St Thomas of (anterbury The ican it secins was not kissing anybodys old shoes He forthwith got hot under hia clerical collar and became rhetoricalshyly hectic

The scholarly Erasmus on the conshytrary was most courteous and to make amends for the deans misbeshyhavior he dropped a goodly sum into the alms bos Ever after this boz was known as Tbe Erasmus Alma Boa

Forgotten HEROES


T h e P e r i l s o f P e a c e

Ti m end of war does not always (ueuo the Comliig of peace That

fact was all too strongly Impressed upon the mind of Col Robert li Withshyers of the ltohfederate army lu April 1SC5 He was commander of the milshyitary prison at Dauville Vatrade where were held more than 0000 Union t ris-oners guarded only by disabled Conshyfederates and men too old und boys too young to serve in the held The colonel himself had been wounded many times and was still partly disshyabled from the last injury

All through the last winter of the Civil war the specter of famine had been ever-present In Danvillemdashfiimlne for the captives their guards and the townspeople Then came the news that Richmond bud surrenderedand a short time later President Davis and bis cabinet passed through the citymdashthe days of the Confederacy were numbered Came nest a detachshyment of Confederate cavalrymen who Informed the colonel that they bad orders to burn the bridges across the river and all the tobacco wareh(mses In Danville Withers protested It Nvould moan a conllagratlou ivhlcb would destroy the town and since the (onfederucyhad collapsed in Virginia there was no military advanttige to su-h ruin Finding his protests un-avplling Colonel Withers declared thiit he would resist such destruction with urmel force and his stand saved the bridges and the warehouses

The nest crisis came aftei the surshyrender at Appitmuttos A large body of paroled soldiers from Lees army arrived in Danville Hungry and 10 rags they became excited at the rushymor thai the warehouses contained the very things fhey needed and they were urged on by people from the surshyrounding country who hoped to sliare In the looL No sooner had Ire broken up the rapidly-gatherlilg mob than some Federal butiimers appeared bull Should they enter it was likely they would release the Federal prisshyoners who were -ciaiiiorlng for their freedom and wliose temper was an uncertain quantity after the prlva-


Make your children

S T U R D Y Scons Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of jrowio^ youngsters infants and expectant mothers Docton bod it gives them a wealth of Vitamin Af or correct growth as well as Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin sd esseatial in building strong healthy booes and teeth Valushyable calcium sala are also in it and its pleasant flavor inakesScotts Emulsion easy for children to take Good for adults toot Scott amp Bowne Bloomfield N J Sale RepresenUtives H F Ritchie amp Co Ine New York

LISTEN -roSeolfj Emuifionj Romaitcti of Uu Sta tram Sundag and Tuudag al 930 PN (pound S T) ertr th CoHuttHa tatie luiwOrk


Atoms Take Journeys Atoms even the heavy atoms of

lead are wanderers Prof J G von Heyesy qf the University of Freishyburg In Breisgau (3ermuny has been Investigating their properties Lead atoms nre constantly In m9tlon even In solid metal he believes In an alloy of lead and gold at a temperashyture half ltagaln as high as that of boiling water the atoms wander thrcugh a space of a hundredth of a cubic Inch in a day When there Is

nothing but lead iu thelump howshyever moving about Is not hearly so ensy in-pure lead an atom can ml-gt grate In one dav through a space o f oiie to two ten-blllibnthsiof a cubic Inch

Wrong Materials The Bride^Why John you said

we oughf to feather our nest from the verj beginning

The GroommdashYes but notwith fox furs

FATIGUE u$f postpone ifi

bullnons~fh-ey bull hud thdUrfed i r rffey gut out of hand Danville would be in the power of a mob whose excesses would know no limits So when the trains bearing the bummers rolled into town It was met by a group of armed men whose determined attitude even thougii their Dumber wus small soon overawed these human vultures and sent them on their Way

The next day the advance guard of the Federal troops appeared und Colshyonel Withers wiis happy to turn- over tothe Union commander the responsishybility for keeping order after the prisshyoners were released So Danville reshymembers fhe name ot Robert E Withshyers whose determination and courage saved If from the perils of peace which were greater than the perils of war

bull bull J u s t i c e A f t e r 2 4 Y e a r s

Tl lE second battle ot Bull Run In the Civil war had been fouglit and

again the Union forces had been d e feated-The news stunned the Noriii especially since the name Hull Run was one which rankled n Its niind aftshyer the Ignominious affair of Iuly 21 ISCl Ruinort of disloyalty and of svmpatliy with the Soat hern cause among certain oflicers In the Union arhiy had been freqiient before the

battle and after It was all over the public wanted a scapegoat

Gen Iohn fope comiuaiider of the Union forces who had been outshysmarted by Stonewall Jtickson and whe had fought a baifle of blunders was ready to furnish such a scapeshygoat He had given Maj Gen Kitz-John Iorter certain orders which as the battle developed were liiipossihie to obey minutoljj So In his report Pope shouldered the blame for the deshyfeat off on to Iorter

Up to this time Iorters record had been a hrilliani one Kut It could not save him from being made the vicshytim of the seeond defeat at Manassas

Ir Vovemher ISOJ be was court-martialed at Waslilngton and In a trial the result of which wiis a foreshygone eonclLsion was found guilty of thlaquo charges disobedience to orders and cowardice In the face of the enshyemy cashiered ahd forever disqualshyified from holding any ollice of trust or profit under tlie government

Iu( Iorter had proved himself a fighting man o n the batllclield and a fighting man he Intended to continue being I-or years he mnde repeated efforts to have his case reo|iened but hisnpppal fell upon dltn( enrs Grnnt whle President refused to intercede and It was not until access was had to the Confederate records of thebatshytle that ncw light was thrown upon the case

A milltiiry board under President Hayes acquitted Iorter of all fault exshycept unwise eritldsm of his superior In May 1SS2 President Arthur remitshyted the sentence hut vetoed a bill proshyviding for the payment of back salary Finally In ISSR a bill was passed by congress and signed by President Cleveland making Porter a colonel ol Infantry In the regular army to rank frotn May H 186L and placing ^Im on the retired Ilst After holding vashyrious dvll offices m New York Por-ter died in Miay 1901 and for a brief moment America recalled the hero of a 24-year Cghf for ^astlce

Ca Itll Wutero ttaatoaott CDIOB)

No I dont have ^nerves You eant have them and hold this sort of position M y head used to throb around three oclock and certain days of course were worse than others

Then I leamed to rely on Bayer Aspirin^ The sure cure for any headache is rest But some

times wc must postpone it Thats when Bayer Aspirin saves the day Two tablets and the nagging pam is gone until you are home And once you are comfortable the pain seldom retumsl

Keep Bayer Aspirin handy Dont put it away or put off taking it If ighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic but it is also a liltle foolish So is sacrificing a nights sleep because youve an annoying cold or irritated throat or grumbling tooth neuralgia neuritis These tablets alvvays relieve They dont depress the heart and may be taken freely That is medical opinion It is a fact established by the last twenty years of medical practice

The onljr caution to be observed is when you are buying aspirin Bayer is genuine Tablets with the Bayer cross are safe

A Joke Returns The old joke about used razor

blades has been exhumed again this time by the publicity engineer for H hew hotel in New York The hotel one learns lias beon built witli speshycial cavities for tlie emeritus blades

A guest need only drop his blade In a slot in the biitliroom and It will sink to eternal rest somewhere in

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CX301A 110 C324 150 C324A 200

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bull80 100


C335 220 160 CX345 140 I IO

euro347 190 X55 CX371A 140 9 0 CX38G 140 IOO

ModcltClothea Stolen A wax model In a lohliy showcase

In Washington DC alfracled more than usual attention when passersby began (o iiotlco she was clad only in stockings Police were hot Hied by the night watchman and learned thaf si thief had stripped flic model after breaking the catch In the glass donr



the ITabric of the building A man can stop at that liotel and shave and experience all tlie for-txistority sensations of a cornerstone layermdash SpokaneSpokosnian-Kevibw

Sectlonally Speaking So youre from tlie South eh

Wiiiit part South DakotamdashCappers Weekly

to her showcase V coat and dross JIS well as several olher garments were iiiissiii

Royal Reception Fiancemdashnd yiiu say dear that If

I ltomo home hue at night after were ^niarried Ill hi troaicd like a king

FianceemdashYes yoiril he kicked out

IHieii Rest Is Broken

Doanfs Pills

Act Promptly When Bladder Irregularities Disturb Sleep

ARE you Imthcred w i t h b l a d d e r irregularities burning scanty

and too frequent passago and get t ing u p a t night Ilccd promptly these

aymptoms Thcy m a y w a m of certain disordered kidney or bladder condit ions

Users e v e r y w h e r e rely o a DoanU PiUs This time-teatgti ed diuretio has been recomlaquo mended for SO year Sold b j a l l d r u g g e t s

A Diaretia for

the Kldneya



stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 7: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible


stationon theSouth Manchurlan Railway

(Prepared by thlaquo Nat iona l fieoKrapblc Society Wa^hlnetoh D C)

IT IS an untisual year In which Manchuria doeis not produce an upset InFar Eastem affairs In 1020 there was friction between

Chinese and Ktissians over the manshyagement of the Chinese Eastern railshyway of northern Manchuriamdashfriction that brought a threat of wnr Kow Manchuria is the scene of grave dim-cultles between lapanese and Chinese and again a railwiy Is rit the bottom of the trouble This time It Is the South Manchuria railway owned and operated by a Japanese corporation In a struggle centering around Uie railrc-id property near Mukden capshyital ot Manchuria both Chinese and Japanese lives have been lost

The world hns grown to expect exshycitement from Manchuria for In that country as In Egypt nnd Mexico It seems that drama never dies From

- hereabouts befot^ Columbus was born rode a Mongol horde to conquer Asia and harass Europe

From here scaling the Great Wnll which tlmld Chinese had raised against them cnme giant Xlanchus to oust the Mings and found a new dynasty at Peiping (Peking)

^ f-rossing the sea In clumsy juhks 1200 years ngo tlie mme bold Manshy

chus took tiger and leopard skins er-mltip and wild ginseng to trade with Japan for silks and brocades Iater when the near-world empire of Kuhlal Khan rolled from the Tiilu to the Danube a Mongol fleet of a thousand ships sailed ngainst the shogun-s onlv to be smashed by Gods Wind on the coast of Kyushu

Here through turbulent yenrs threo ancient empires motmdashthe Hear tlip Iiragon and the Kising Sun Their struggles shook the earth Korea sucshycumbed ahsorhod by the Kising Sun the Dragon motliered Manchuria War mangled the Hoar nnd to the north rose ail evanescent Far Eastern re public

Two Great Events Tot In nil its repertoire of high adshy

venturemdashpolitical martial and eco-iicmiomdashtwoevents loom largest in the stirring story of Manchuria Thoy sway not only the destiny of ancient Manchuria Itself but they nlTect the fortunes and the fliture of Japan flijna and Kussia These events aro tti-i coming of the Russian-built railshyway and the immigration of millions of Chinosp farmers In the last throe ilocades these forces railways and iinniigrants have jumped Manclniria flhead by 1000 yoarsmdashmoved hor from a region of feudal lords bandits and nomad herdsmen to a Innd of huge trade nnd agriculture In many asshypects strangely like part of the Amershyican West

So swiftly thosp changes have romp tli1t very often old and new still clash in oddly visual violpnce Thus now ncross South Manchuria you may riiio n crack triin snSooth shiny and fast HS any Kroaihvay limitpltl or Frisco flyermdasha solid train It Is of -Vmoricaii pullnians draivn hya big Hahhvin loeo-mntivp made In Iliiladelphia^yet from its observation car you may soo peasants pushing wheelbarrows with sails nil themmdasha typo of voliiclo nld in China when Confucius was a baby

Stoam shovels mide In Milwaukee are moving mountains Yankop trno-torlaquo jerking a fleet of plows scurry across the virgin idains past wailed hamlets where yellow men scratch pardon pntehosWith wooden hoes as oin Kible times

Developed by the Railway As parly ns lKit Russia of course

had found her way to the -mur Ry 1lt00 ShP had acquirpd the vast Nfari-time province a veritable empire sirefohlng from the Ussurl rlrer to the Sea of Japan nnd comprising an nrea as big as Mexico Across (his domain In the l fiOa she wns pushing her great Trans-Siberian railway to strike the sen at Vladivostok But as the map shows the original Siberian rofid to reach Vladivostok over Rnsshyslan territory had to run a roundshyabout course along the Amur valley and vin Khabarovsk

Six hundred miles would be saved If the Russians could build directly from Chita on the Siberian road straight southeast across Manchuria (0 reloIn the Trnns-Slberlan system near Pogranlchnava

On the heels then of her friendly gesture In ISO) when Russia aided China to regain the area lost to Japnri at Shimonoseki the Bear asked the Dragon for the right to build a rail- way acro^ Manchurla and by agreeshyment signed September 8 1800 that concession was granted Krom It dntes the rise of modem Manchuria

That Ilne and that original branch of Itnow called the South Manchuria v railway with the economic rights they carried were to do for Manchuria

what the Union Pacific did for the Ameriean West Like magic these new railways were to turn a wild thinly peopled nomad land Into a modern Canaan a granary of the East drawing new settlers at the rate of anywhere from 300000 to 1000000 in a single year

Because of Its conspicious importshyance dnd Its vast Infliience on migrashytion Industry and agriculture It is worth while to review the developshyment of this railway and of ltlaquo exteh-sion the South Manchuria railway

All over the civilized world news-paper readers know this famous line now as the Chinese Eastern railway Ry the terms of the original agreeshyment Signed between China and the Russo-Chinese bank (later the Russo-Aslatic bank) It was to be a joint enterprise The Czars engineers built It and the Russians had charge of its shops maintenance and technical opshyerations buf Chinese were supposed to share eqhally with Russian direcshytors in - its general management When completed In June 1)03 it had cost In excess of 200000000 Of this cost China supplied about $5000000 and shared proportionately In Its proflts

Towns Became Busy Cities When finished the main line of the

(^liihese Eastern ran from Its tershyminus at Manchull bne the north-w-est border of Manchuria to Pogranshylchnaya on tlie eastern houndarv From Harbin now i busy Important city and then a mere fishing village on the Sungarl rivor a brancli line wns dropped south to Dalnv now Dairon on tlie Ray of Korea Most of this section or that part from (hang-ehun soutli to Dairen Is linw know-n as the South Mariohtirlnn railway

Dalny was literilly a magic citv Kuilt quickly by imperial command it was the talk o f t h e Far I ast On this barren thon ompfy point of rocks enginoers architects nnd workshyers of the Czar spent millions of rushybles to build wharves streets husiness blocks nnd houses for a population yet to come magnlficoiit vision thatmdashfile vision of a great seaport terminus of a -lil-mile railway tying Europe fd the Orient

How observers laughed at this amazshying spectaclemdashvast tralnloads of tools food tonts work animals scrapers and building material beliig dumped on a rocky shore of faraway sn to build a city where there were no peoshyple Vet today Palny Dairen is the second or third most important sei-port on all the China coast In Manshychuria something Is always hapshypening

It happened again In 1004 when Tapan fought Russia One saw the holes In the armored sides of escapshying Russian battleshipsmdashholes big enough to lead cows through holes ryadp by Togos guns In Tsushima strait Port -rthur thp impregnable fell ancient Mukden pchopd and shook uiiiler the heaviest gunfire Asia had evor known

Kuropatkin lostmdashand President Roosevelt mediated Tn the peace conference at Portsmouth N 11 Russhysia coded to Japan her lease on the riaotung peninsula and possession on the South Manchuria railway as far north ns Changchun China confirmed this and lator extended Jai)ans lease for a period of 90 years

Rut in Manchuria dmma npver dips Tragedy stark and terribl stalked across the East when Imperial Russia collapsed Refugees by the thousnnds fleeing the horrors of postwar politshyical chaos In Siberia cnmp east to beg borrow or starve In neutral Manchushyrlan towns

After Russias Collapse In this chaos the llles took over

the operation of the Chinese Eastern railwav From their base at Vladishyvostok they needed It to move men and supplies An American engineer fnmous for his work on the Panama canal was In charge Iater the new-ly formed Soviet government took Imshyperial Russias old place as partner with the Chinese In 1024 by anew treaty China enjoved an equal share With the Soviets In the profits of the railwav It was agreed too that China should govern the railway Qne Inhabited now by mnny thousands of whites and that each nation In the Compact should refrain from propa-ganda ngainst the others social and political systcms

That stripped of detalla Is the brief story of the now famous Chinese Eastern railway up to Jnne 11 1020 when it was seized by the Chinese Its Russian personnel arrested causing clouds of war once more to loom orer this stage of so many historic stragshygles This threat of war was later removed when Chinese and Russians again agreed to a joint mnnagenient of the railway


Neats Mother ^ Has Right Idea

w i t h i n a f e w months there will be no more feverish bilshyious headachy conshystipated pale and puny children That prophecy would sureshyly come true If every

mother could see for herself how quickly easilv and barm- lessly the bowels of b-ibles and chilshydren are cleansed regulated given tone and strength by a product wlilch has proved Its merit and reliability to do what Is claimed for It to milshylions of mothers In over fifty years of steadily-Increasing use-- As mothers find but from using It

how children respond to the gentle influence of California Fig Syrup by growing stronger sturdier and more act^e dally they simply have to tell other mothers about It Thatsone of the reasons for Its overwhelming sales bf o w r four million bottles a year bull A Western mother Mrs Neal M Todd 1701 Webt 27th St Oklahoma City Okja fai-s When my son Neal was thr4e years old- he began having constipation -1 decided to give him California FigSyrup nnd In a few daj-s lie was all right ahd looked fine again This pleased me so much that I have used Fig Syrup ever since for all his colds pr Uttle upset spells It always s tops his trouble quick strengthens him makes him eat

Always ask for California Fig Syrup by the tull nnme and see that the carton bears the word Caiitojc-nla Then youll get the genuine



According to Papa TeachermdashName the Seven Wonshy

ders of the world JohnnymdashI dont know but one of

them and that was papa when he was a boy

That AH Joe does your baby ever sny cute

tlijngs We dont want her to say cute

things We Want her to shut up

Seldom Learned However Until Old Age

Tliere Is a man In Now York named Voorhls who is u public figure for two reasons and he has survived ta the age ofone huudroJ and two years Rut a tliird reason to Iionor Illm appeared in a remark liedropiK-d on Ills latest biriliday l ie said There Is always plenty of time

No younger person can fathom the meiiid processes of -the very old We expect a man who litis passed tho century mark to he coinplairiing about how little time he lias left We forget thaf he has been m rear in which to learn (he profound r out the plcntitudeoftlme-

Iittle children seem to feel that there ]s no time at all beyond the present moment They never want to go to bed The promise th-it to-morroiy (hey can renew their de-llghtfur activities means notliing to them Sometimes one tliinks they hav( flashes of intuition whicli tell that they had better cling to the re f of today becausie for them to-mornnv wlll never arrive that tomorshyrow they will have tliomsolve be-como ontirolv dilTerpntbdquo persons (irown to adolescence they wiorrymdash far more than even Iholr iiarents usually realizemdashaboutthe nrevity of life in proportion to all the schenies thnt thoir ariibitlon suggests m midshydle nge the huilicin being comes Into what he fondly believos to Be a state of ripe wisdom of reasoning power It isthen that hemakes his worst bhindors In the matter oftime Ho lo(iks hack ait those vast schemes of his youth half-amused hnlf-regret-ful at thoir ineomplotion He looks nhoail at his shortening span of life If ho is normally ambitious there comes a day when he cries out gtlto much left to do so little time left to do it In And so he bustles nnd frets and scatters bull and generally makes a hash of life

itaeial experience however may in tlie long run supply the deficlenclps of iildividual experience Older- civ

llizatlons as In the Orient or In the Independent villages of Mexico as Stuart Chase describes them know that there Is no great hurry about anything Their people discover in youth wlmt we learn only at the hist We fume ut (heir procnisdnn-tlon We ridicule (heir recurrent word manana-tomorrow Vet per-hapsTlipy nre wiser far than ve and perhaps some day When we get (he dust of thp prtilries out of our eyes and the whir of now machinery out Of our ers and the smell of futile battles out of our nostrils we too shall be saying each to the other There is always plenty of timemdash ludge

Good Health Is Your Natural State

But you cant espcct to enjoy good health If you- are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system Coughs colds bronchitis tonsllitis rheumashytism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked ahd destroyed Jf good health Is to be restored These and many other more serious types of inshyfection may be controlled and good health restoried by chemically deshystroying the germs using B amp M The Penetrating Germicide to stop the bacterial poisoning The B amp M treitmeint Is unlike any othermdashquick and positive in action Your druggist should- have B amp M in stock If he fails to supply you promptly send us his name and $125 and we will ratiil vou a full-size bottle Helpful bookshylet free on reqtiest F E Rollins Co 53 Beverly St Boston Mass (dv)

Tomb 4500 Y e a n Old The Egyiitlun department of antishy

quities announced tlmt discoveries of the highest scientific Importance were made when excavators working at Sakkara on the site of ancient Memphis entered the tomb of Queen Neith daughter of IepI 1 and one of tllp wives of IepI II and found nbout SIX) lines of well preserved Inscripshytions which throw much liglit on the history language and religious beshyliefs of thp old empire

F o r the People

A great modern hotel located just a step from Broadway Adjoining countless tlieatresrailroad terminals piers shopshyping and business centers

1400 ROOMS Each with Bath [Tub and Shower] Servidor and Radio

bull bull bull bull


Single ^3 4 5

ifcoife ^ 4 S 6

Ike Reur HOTEL

NCOLN 4 4 t h to 4$ih Suat aih A T C - N C W York

ROY MOULTON tfonivtr

Li A Matter of Diitanee

Whats your objection to hiking I think they put the milestones

too far apartmdashPassing Show gt bull mdash^iJig loo iar apart mdashrassing snow

Firestone PATENTED CONSTRUCTION g$ves Extra Strength ana Safety

1 H E F i r e s t o n e o i d f i e l d T y p e T ire is a t o u g h r u g g e d t ire all the wny t h r o u g h

I n s i d e a r e t h e special p a t e n t e d c o n s t r u c t i o n features o f G u m - D i p p i n g a n d T w o E x t r a C o r d P l i e s U n d e r t h e T r e a d t h a t g i v e t h e b o d y o f t h e t i r e e x t r a s t r e n g t h a n d safety

O u t s i d e i s a th ick tread o f s l o w - w e a r i n g n o n - o x i d i z i n g r u b b e r wi th a d e e p n o n - s k i d for l o n g t rouble - free s e r v i c e and s u r e t rac t ion Sturdy b l o c k s o f r u b b e r o n t h e s i d e w a l l g u a r d against rut a n d c u r b wear

C o m p a r e th i s g r e a t tire wi th any Spec ia l B r a n d Mail O r d e r T i r e s e i U n g at t h e s a m e p r i c e F i r e s t o n e Serv i ce D e a l e r s h a v e s e c t i o n s for y o u t o i n s p e c t

D r i v e t o t h e F ires tone Sdrv ice D e a l e r n e a r y o u and s e e for y o u r s e l f w h y

F i r e s t o n e s g i v e l o n g e r trouble- free serv ice and g r e a t e r safety



F o n i



F o r d


Fk ItdM

Oldtild tnt (UUi Priea E K gt

14021 4981498

150-20 56O

i 50-21 S69

F o t d _ bdquo Chevrolet Whippet

E r a U n laquo _ I th P l y a o i

C h a n d l e r I gt e S laquo t o Dod(e Durant O r a i n - P I ontiae

i 75-19fr65

475-20 raquo75

Spt -cial

Brand Mail

Drear Tlra

500-19 698

RiMMeTrlt J WUIyraquo-K

NIST] |S bull00-20J710J7 io|xraquo8c

Flreitona OUUU

Trl Cull Prka Pti Pall





gtaBtlna Troa CaSA Price EacA





Botek |525-2l |s S




i 73S X430





BrarM Mill

Ordai riia

FIrastona Sfgttml

IraquoPlaquo Ciraquo Prica Ptr Pllr









JXO 610 XX90









6 3 S 6 3 5 X S 4 0





Ruirk-M Oldnbi le - u b u r n Jordan K M Oardner MKrmon _ _ Oakland ^ 5 0 P e e r l e a S t u d b k r j Chryaler Vikins Kranlcl ia lIudaoD Iltipiti^bl Iwi Sal le Packard Pierlaquoe-A StUlK lt^dil lac U n e o l n PackarrI


Tn Caih Prka Eacn

S9a cial

Bnnd Mill

Or da Tlia





600-(iOO 550-


bull 19 890

bull 1811 20


bull20x147 bull211165 bull 2013 45 2dxS3S


FIrntona OUMo Twa Cim Prka Par Pllr









U47teS3laquo iirgt52a6o 1145X540 1535 2 9 8 0

1 Jtastsns j Give Yon 1 1 Mora Weight


MoraThickness inehea

Morlaquo Non-Skid D e p t h I n e h e a

MerePIiesUnder Tread

Same Width inehea

Sana Price

475-I9 Tira FIraatona OUlfaU


18 00 -


a8i 6

520 $665

ASeacial Brand Hail Ordar Tka





520 laquo665

450lttX Tiro FIretteaa Saethal






475 $485


Ordar Tira



234 1


475 8485




raquo i S

S2i6 3laquolaquo6 60O-S0

FirMtarlaquo oidrlaquoid

Trea Cam Prka


8 1 7 9 5 1 9 7 5 3X95 X5X5

Soaclai iitnl

Mill e dar Tira

$1795 2975 3295 1525

Firntaiw Ov^ao

trv Cltl ^ka Par Pair

bull3490 5790 6370 X990

f-ASpeeial B r a i u P H r laquo i made by a manu-tacturerfor distribntors such as mail order houses oil companies and other onder a name that does not identify the tire nanufacturer to the pobl ic utually because he build his best quality^ tirM li-1n J T degraquotradelaquo- Firestone puu his name on bv ERY tire he makes

D o u b l e G u a r a n t e e mdash E r e r y tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name FIRESTONE and TlaquoV^idegJraquo nnlinaited laquonraquorantee and that of our 25000 Service Dealer and Service Store You are doubly protected

^CM POWERFUL-DEPEHDABLE ^9ndup S p e c i a l C o n s t r u c t i o n f e a t u r e s g i r e F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r i e s m o r e p o w e r a n d

l o n g e r l i fe M a d e by F i r e s t o n e i n t h e e f R c i e n t F i r e s t o n e B a t t e r y F a c t o r y

W i t l t Y o u r D o n t t a k e c h a n c e s o n a d e a d B a t t e r y a n d a s t a U e d c a r S e e y o u r F i r e s t o n e

O l d B a t t e r y Serv i ce D e a l e r t o d a y

xT Listen te thc Vole of lFfrelaquotone Every MoMUsyJjL Ue^i8ht Over eS ltB C eVotlonuiMe eVetworfcjF

O r t i t a laquo Slaquonrlelaquo Storts mtta SorriM DoalMW 8 laquo T 8 T M Itonty tmd 8laquorVt Ton Better

J N ^ J ^ j ^ ^ a U ^ ^ wX

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 8: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible

Live PoultffWanMTOOOT EXPRESS Boston and Manshy

chester Daily bull -bullbull- VV All Loads insured

10 Year of Service Furniture Moving Cotitract Hauling

Egg Transportation 50c case Call Hillsboro 41-12

Advue what you have for sale and get onr net prices

TrucK sent to your door

JAMES C FARMER South Newbory N H

- bull bull - |

Fred C Eaton i Real Estate bull i

HANCOCK N H Tci 33 |

Lake Mountain Village Golonial | F b i t O u S Experienced W -

r and EmDalmeiv F w Srsry C M S

istdj Ass l s tu t

a BiSB eaarlaeaeoi Ma-A a t n a l l H-

J o i RFiiiney Estate Undertaker

ana Farm Froperty


Hillsboro NH House Wiring a Specialty


AKTIWM N H Prices Kigiit Drop rae a

pltstal card

Telephone 37-3

Brick Stone and Cement Work of

- All Kinds

J [FAULKNER M i m Phone Antrtm 56

EZRA R DUTTON Greenfield

Auctioneer Property of ali kinds advertised

and sold on easy terms

Phone Greenfied 12-6

(Sril Engineer bullrreying LOTk ata JJTTBIM N SL

Junius T Hanchett

Attorney at Law Antrim Center N H

Proctor in the Sportsmens Column Says

Speaking of pheasanismdashOe man 1 -ing in Antrim and working in Beaning-taa the other morning counted just 20 male birds in the flelds

WllUam Mi Stone of Francestown j brought down two obcats to have the ears pmiched to collect the sixty dollars bounty Last year he got two kits He is but to get the old pair They were sliot near Pleasant pond

bullWe helped to take the- troiii ou bull I the Greenfield rearln pool and ti-f were a fine lot of fish The count as 715 Ijeautiful fish and one tha ws -luamred was io inches These iroJt bullire very fat AU went into local brooki

Tho Behnlngton Pish and Gsme Cliib have a new rearing poc and they have a good one Last weel Sunday they turned out in full force and turned the cement inti the forms Iflt easy to gel to and ifs an ideal spot Being in-thai town Monday With a truck load of flsh we ran down to the pocl and gave il the pncc over President Brcwn is proud of that pool


When In Need of


Auto Insuranee Call on

WC Hills Antrim N H

James A Elliott ANTRIM NH

Tel 53


STEPHEN CHASE Plastering 1


Satisfactory Worit Guaranteed

o Kox 204 Benningtou N H

The Selectmen will meet at tbelr Rooms in Town Hall block on Tuesshyday evoning of each week to transshyact toivn business


Seleetmen of Antrim

The Golden Rule IS OUR M O T T O

Cuffiei amp l o h f ^ t Morticians


The School Bbard meeU regularly in Town Clerks Room in Town Hall block on the Last Friday Evening in each month at 730 oclock to transshyact School District btisiness and to hear all parties


Antrim School Boerd

At about this time of the year we are thinking of turkey and Thanksgiving It wont be long now Speaking of turkeys you shauld 1sit the turkey farm of Prince Toumanoff at Hancock I dropped in the other day and what a sight 450 beautiful adult turkeys A few white and their crosses but most of them were the pure bronze They are tamer than any poultry 1 ever saw Juit ask the Prince the weight bf a bird and he pick it up and onto the scales he goesand he stands like a veteran to be weighed He hatches alll his pullets and raises them all from the egg None are carried over lite printer The Prince has a very select trade in Boston and he gets a select price Its worth the trip to see this wonderful flock the largest flock in the east

For Sale

Coal is as Cheap Now as it probably will be this year and this is the month to put your supply in tlie bin 1 Quantity of Fresh Fertiliztr

Funeral Home and all Vi-idem E(iuipnient

No distance too far for our service

TeL Hillsboro 71 3 Day or Night

I have for sale the following arti-I wes which are in very good condition that will be sold at a fraction of their coft Tliey should be doing some one some good

Lot Curtains rnost of them in good condition

Two Electric Light Fixtures wrrich have just been replaced by others

Mrs H W Eldredge

If you Want what you want When you want it ==

Get the habit of looking for it always -in the place where you want it to be mdash

the place of the greatest convenience to you

when you want something in a hurry is your

local store By patroiiizing yoar local merchant

laquoonsistently even when yoa are not in a hcrry

yoa maKe it possible for him to serve you better

and whh a more complete line

Buying at home benefits YOU

Make it worth his while for your local merchant to provide--

WHAT you want WHEN yoa want it and WHERE you want i t


Robert Card trapped an otter last week The otter weighed about 15 pounds and measured 44 inches Its fur is a glassy black

Pictures of Grvrge Wstshington have been received for each of the Deering schools and will shortly be framed and hung The pictures were received throjgh ReprSsentative Wason and the ehilcren are scncms him letters of thanks

The work of widening the curve at the fc-ot of Putney Hill is practically fini-sed rnd- the road is now being widened to-bull-vard Iie aummit of the hill at the Fou Ci)rn-rlt Several men have been addcti to the crjw and the project Ls bolng pushed to completion A ledge which stood beside the road near the entrance to the Polins farm has been blasted

The Deering Mens club has issued its program for the season Meetings arc held on the flrst Thursday evening of each mouth November 5 was Farm Bushyreau night whon an agricultural proshygram for the town was precented Other programs will be Sportsmans Night Govcrrifrs Night Historical Night Good Roads Night Poultry Night and Hortishyculture Small Crops and Pests An inshyteresting discussion scheduled is on Adshyvantages and Disadvantage-s of the Sumshymer P-esidents

The officers of the club are President Harold W Weaver rice presidents Arshynold EUsworth Chester MCNally secreshytary Edward Wlllgeroth treasurer Arshythur O Ellsworth


Prof and Mrs L D Peterkin of Camshybridge Mass haye been at their Hanshycock home for several days

Mr and Mrs George Upton of Town-send Mass have been visiting at Mr and Mrs E K Uptons liome

Rc C Leslie Cutrice pastor of our looal church has read his resignation havin accepted a call tc Chelsea Mass

Mr and Mrs A C Hayes of Norway Hill left Sunday for WeUesley Mass Afshyter a short visit they wlU go to Florida for the winter

Tho Hancofjk Womens club meeting on November 11 Included an interesting program The speaker was Mrs William C Chapman of Keene

bullHancock citizens are witnessing some freak of nature Almon HiU picked some wild strawberry blossona G H Fogg has at his home oh NCrway hill a wild tase bush which has several full bloomed roses and several buds

Mrs li M KimbaU observed her 87th birthday Sunday November 1 with an automobile ride with her daughter Mrs LlUa Upton to LoweU Mass where a birthday dinner had beeri prepared by hcr daughter Mrs Harry Duncan

-bull In the death of Charles D Wilds Hanshycock has lost a respected towiisman Mr Wilds was bom in this town in 1879 as a young man he learned the mill and mechanic trade spending many years in Bosim About 10 years ago he pur-chasd thc Willey place and Collidge mil site where he erected a cider and finish mill He leaves a widow two daughters and a son


This baby In a drought stricken section ef West Virginia was one of the ultimate consumers of the foodstuffs given by the American Red Cross in the past year More than 2750000 persons were fed by the organization


Mis Blanche Reynolds of Toston ha-s been a vilaquotcT here for awot-i wiii Mr and Mrs Elywin Smith

Mr and Mrs Ralph Coato if ClTOlnis-ford Mass have beenrecon -fitictts of Mr and Mrs DoiUild Hopkins

Mi Enoch D ruUcr of bull lcbullhs-tcr spetu a day recently wiih ht mother Mrs Mabel Hardy who is confined to her home by illnesltgt

Hebort Wiggin who his bcn visiting

with relatives in Lee for a month lias returned to his home here with hLs sis-J ter Mrs Nellie Atherton 1

Rtv and Mrs Jarrctt who gave thc j Ulustrated lecture here on a recent eve-I ning have returned home a fer several days visit with Rev and Mrs Gustave Schutz bull j

Mr and Mrs Donald Hopkins Mrs i

I Blanche Gage and Mr and Mrs E P Holt attended thc reception to George j E Danforth associate grand patron of i the OES at Nashua one cvonihg last week

Thc annual community dinner of tho Congregational church was held at the j town hall last week Friday and was well i attended The usual churcii business mcc-ing ^-as conducted ni tho afternoon with Dr Cheever as mcrdcrat r aid Mrs Frea Brooks clerk Malcolm Atherton wUl serve as-treasurer and aU commitshytees will continue tbe same as last year

Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross

One of tlie finest triliutcs ever prid tlio Amorifian Hed Cross andits mcnil)cvraquoliip wis that Ijy Chief Jtis-tica Charles IvTns Hughes ot the United States Supreme Court on thd occasion of tho fiftieth birthday anniversary of tlie organization on May 21 of this year Mr Hughes said

Thc American Red Cross represhysents the united voluntary effort of tho American poople in the minisshytry ot mercy It is the flnest and most effective expression of the American heart It knows no par-titanship In the perfection of its cooperation there is no blemish of distinctions by reason pt race br creed or poIiticil philosophy

However we may differ in all tilings else in tho activities ot the Red Cross wc are a united people Xone of our boasted industrial entershyprises surpasses It in efficiency- It movelt with the precision and the discipline ot an army to achieve the noblest of human aims

The American Red Cross is not only first in war but flrst in peace Tho American people rely upon Its ministrations in every groat catasshytrophe It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters When ae we hope war will be no more still tlio Red Cos in lo cnu itless acshytivities of reii-f nnd roliaiilitation will continv) to rnrcticn 5 the or-fianizcd r(jrjrron c- lt-- country

mam^^tTT ti




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 9: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible




Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

I G A COF TBlend bullGBlend - bullABlend Vacuum PacKed

Odd Felbws


i l l Ttie Only Range B

Ligliteil V E No more clumsy tapers Doe

odor You dont even have to take press the switch and presto its lit new feature Self contained Doe lights furnishes its own currgtnt or wood range Burns che n Iuel oi heat atwhatever temperature vou ne heating Costs no more than nn ord

Buy an Aluminum Ri Thanksgiving

Reduced Prices on Ve No 8 Heats 5 to 8 R

t A I ^ K O V



A Representative of thc Hillsbo Thursday moriiing of

DEPOSITS made doring th - firs^ t month draw interest Ire u the 1

HOURS 9 to 12 1 to 3

Safe Depoait Boxes fur Kent

  • RL110375 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110376 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110377 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110378 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110379 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110380 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110381 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110382 Nov 11 1931
  • RL110383 Section
  • RL110384 Section
Page 10: The Village Shop - Chiffon, Satin and Silh Crepe, Jersey, SilK and Wool and Travel Tweed Dresses, all at Lowest Possible


Above-rRed Crow paid the grocery b i l l and mainshytained the heakh and m o r a l e of more than two mil lion drought nif ferers Balanced n tioning and ample provision p r e -vailed^ The Red Cross commanded the services of thousands of volshyunteers It was an impressive demonshystration bf neighshybors helping neighshybors At rightmdash Hot lunches for school children in the drought area

Bits of ^eer at Chtiitmat time mdash 8 0 0 0 0 b o x e s spread good will and h a p p i n e s s round tne woHd An i m p o r t a n t

phase of Junior activities

Mens classes are popular features of Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick

The American Red Crow wa founded in 1881 It is fary Pres-

dential proclamation die National Relief Agency It is chartered by Conshygress headed by the Preadent of Oe United Stues and supported by annual flDLCrflO^TCflTwOSOv^

These membet^ps make possUe a program which includes

Disaster ReKefmdashUOOO catastrophe in fO yearsmdashaU the way from Johnstown lood to Drought

Veteraitsmdash380000 social and finan dal proUem in a year for ex-service men and dieir familic and for the men of the regular Army and Navy

Rrst Aidmdash7J000 certificates awardshyed in a yearmdashthe answer to the annual toll of 100000 deadu from accident

Life-$avingmdash^70000candidttes paas tests in yearmdashone way to prevent the 7000 drownings now occurring each year

Public Health Nursingmdash1340000 viats to patients in 12 month building health in home school and community

Horae HygienemdashT68 Chapters conshyducting this woritmdashteaching tfae family how to care for sickness

Nutrition mdash138000 children and aduh Uught in yearmdashbetter food and better bodies

Junior Red Crossmdash7000000 ichod chadren enrolledmdashHgtreading cheer and good vrill round the worid

Insular and foreign activitiesmdashaided in 12 diiasttrs last year

Volunttcrsmdash110000 in one yearmdash (ever ready in war and in peace

Says Chief Justice Charies Evans Hughes The American Red Cross represents the united volunury ef ort of American people in the ministry of _cy It is thf best and most efectivej expression of the American heart

The annual party for disabled veterans on tfae lawn of thc White House President Hooshyver who is also president of the American Red CroM is interestshyed in all phases of Red Cross

service to both thc sound and the well among soldieni

sailon marines veterans^ and their families

Water Safety methods as Uught by the Red Cross prevent many needshyless deaths from drowning


^ bull v i -

Cumnts fimB Greece wuc uted at theae cookie baked by a-nion and served in sebool l u n e f a e in dKonckt aicas Tbat are 12MObOO Jdnoia in tke worid boond togctkcr by mutual uaderttanding and


A roHiekiiig row cbcerfitty Cw Pobte Hwldr Nurdfcg

thc prindpic Keep wdl hMea wcUr at a baby welfare conference condaeted by die Red 1 ^ ^

Quality Service an


Noveniber 2C Pumpkin fancy Pitted Dates Persian Mincemeat - Peaches California Raisins seeded or seedless- Cheese American full cream Sugar Wafers 3 Kinds Bells Poultry Seasoning - Rubbed Sage fancy- Peaches Richfield treegtnpen Cranberry Sauce strained Spices all Kinds-- Peel Citron Lemon Orange- Fluffy CaKe Flour Walnuts California soft shell Olives stuffed queens Chocolates Betty Allen- BaKing Powder PicKles spur or dill 19c sw Mints Excello bull -Corn fancy Golden Bantctm Ginger Ale SparKling - - -Currants- - Clicquot Sec - Clicquot Ginger Ale Gelatine Dessert 8 flavors Mixed Nuts Standai Mayonnaise Fruit CaKe fancy

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