The Verilog Language

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Transcript of The Verilog Language

  • 8/10/2019 The Verilog Language


    The Verilog Language

    Originally a modeling language for a very efficientevent-driven digital logic simulatorLater pushed into use as a specification language

    for logic synthesisNow, one of the two most commonly-usedlanguages in digital hardware design (VHDL is theother)

    Virtually every chip (FPGA, ASIC, etc.) isdesigned in part using one of these two languages

    Combines structural and behavioral modeling


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    How Verilog Is Used

    Virtually every ASIC is designed using eitherVerilog or VHDL (a similar language)Behavioral modeling with some structuralelementsSynthesis subset

    Can be translated using Synopsys Design Compileror others into a netlist

    Design written in VerilogSimulated to death to check functionalitySynthesized (netlist generated)Static timing analysis to check timing

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    Structural Modeling

    When Verilog was first developed (1984) mostlogic simulators operated on netlistsNetlist : list of gates and how theyre connected

    A natural representation of a digital logic circuitNot the most convenient way to express testbenches

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    Structural: Logic isdescribed in terms ofVerilog gate primitivesExample:not n1(sel_n, sel);and a1(sel_b, b,sel_b);and a2(sel_a, a, sel);or o1(out, sel_b,sel_a);

    Dataflow: Specify

    output signals interms of inputsignals

    Example:assign out = (sel &a) | (~sel & b);


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    Structural modelling Dataflow modelling

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    Behavioral contd..

    Behavioral: Algorithmically specify the behavior ofthe design

    Example:if (select == 0) begin

    out = b;end

    else if (select == 1) beginout = a;end




    outBlack Box 2x1 MUX

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    Dataflow modelling

    Uses continuous assignment statementFormat: assign [ delay ] net = expression;Example: assign sum = a ^ b;

    Delay: Time duration between assignmentfrom RHS to LHS

    All continuous assignment statements executeconcurrently

    Order of the statement does not impact thedesign

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    Data flow modelling contd..


    `timescale 1ns/100ps

    module HalfAdder (A, B, Sum, Carry);input A, B; output Sum, Carry;assign #3 Sum = A B;assign #6 Carry = A & B;


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    Delay can be introducedExample: assign #2 sum = a ^ b; #2 indicates 2 time -unitsNo delay specified : 0 (default)

    Associate time-unit with physical time`timescale time-unit/time-precisionExample: `timescale 1ns/100 ps


    `timescale 1ns/100ps1 Time unit = 1 nsTime precision is 100ps (0.1 ns)10.512ns is interpreted as 10.5ns

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    Two Main Components ofVerilog

    Concurrent, event-triggered processes(behavioral)

    Initial and Always blocksImperative code that can perform standard data

    manipulation tasks (assignment, if-then, case)Processes run until they delay for a period of time orwait for a triggering event

    Structure (Plumbing)Verilog program build from modules with I/OinterfacesModules may contain instances of other modulesModules contain local signals, etc.

    Module configuration is static and all run concurrently

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    Data types

    Net Types: Physical Connection betweenstructural elements

    Register Type: Represents an abstract storage

    element.Default Values

    Net Types : zRegister Type : x

    Net Types: wire, tri, wor, trior, wand, triand,supply0, supply1

    Register Types : reg, integer, time, real, realtime

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    Two Main Data Types

    Nets represent connections between thingsDo not hold their valueTake their value from a driver such as a gate or othermodule

    Cannot be assigned in an initial or always block

    Regs represent data storageBehave exactly like memory in a computerHold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial oralways blockNever connected to somethingCan be used to model latches, flip-flops, etc., but do notcorrespond exactlyShared variables with all their attendant problems

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    Data types contd..

    Net Type: Wirewire [ msb : lsb ] wire1, wire2,


    wire Reset; // A 1-bit wirewire [6:0] Clear; // A 7-bit wire

    Register Type: Regreg [ msb : lsb ] reg1, reg2,

    Example reg [ 3: 0 ] cla; // A 4-bit registerreg cla; // A 1-bit register

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    Restricted data types

    Data Flow and Structural ModelingCan use only wire data typeCannot use reg data type

    Behavioral ModelingCan use only reg data type (within initial andalways constructs)Cannot use wire data type

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    An array of registers

    reg [ msb : lsb ] memory1 [ upper : lower ] ;

    Examplereg [ 0 : 3 ] mem [ 0 : 63 ];// An array of 64 4-bit registers

    reg mem [ 0 : 4 ];// An array of 5 1-bit registers

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    Compiler directives

    `define (Similar to #define in C) used to defineglobal parameter

    Example:`define BUS_WIDTH 16

    reg [ `BUS_WIDTH - 1 : 0 ] System_Bus;`undef Removes the previously defined directive

    Example:`define BUS_WIDTH 16

    reg [ `BUS_WIDTH - 1 : 0 ] System_Bus;

    `undef BUS_WIDTH

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    Four-valued Data

    Verilogs nets and registers hold four -valued data

    0, 1Obvious

    ZOutput of an undriven tri-state driverModels case where nothing is setting a wires value


    Models when the simulator cant decide the value Initial state of registersWhen a wire is being driven to 0 and 1 simultaneouslyOutput of a gate with Z inputs

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    Arithmetic(Unary )RelationalBitwiseLogicalEquality

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    Nets and Registers

    Wires and registers can be bits, vectors, andarrays

    wire a; // Simple wiretri [15:0] dbus; // 16-bit tristate bus tri #(5,4,8) b; // Wire with delay reg [-1:4] vec; // Six-bit register trireg (small) q; // Wire stores a small

    charge integer imem[0:1023]; // Array of 1024 integers reg [31:0] dcache[0:63]; // A 32-bit memory

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    Modules and Instances

    Basic structure of a Verilog module:

    module mymod(output1, output2, input1, input2);

    output output1;output [3:0] output2;input input1;input [2:0] input2; endmodule

    Verilog convention listsoutputs first

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    Instantiating a Module

    Instances of

    module mymod(y, a, b);

    look like

    mymod mm1(y1, a1, b1); // Connect-by-position

    mymod (y2, a1, b1),(y3, a2, b2); // Instance names

    omitted mymod mm2(.a(a2), .b(b2), .y(c2)); // Connect-by-name

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    Gate-level Primitives

    Verilog provides the following:

    and nand logical AND/NAND or nor logical OR/NORxor xnor logical XOR/XNORbuf not buffer/inverter bufif0 notif0 Tristate with low enablebifif1 notif1 Tristate with high enable

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    Delays on Primitive Instances

    Instances of primitives may include delays

    buf b1(a, b); // Zero delaybuf #3 b2(c, d); // Delay of 3buf #(4,5) b3(e, f); // Rise=4, fall=5buf #(3:4:5) b4(g, h); // Min-typ-max

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    User-Defined Primitives

    Way to define gates and sequential elementsusing a truth tableOften simulate faster than using expressions,collections of primitive gates, etc.Gives more control over behavior with X inputsMost often used for specifying custom gate


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    An UDP can contain only one output and up to 10inputs.Output port should be the first port followed byone or more input ports.

    All UDP ports are scalar, i.e. Vector ports are notallowed.UDPs can not have bidirectional ports.The output terminal of a sequential UDP requires

    an additional declaration as type reg.It is illegal to declare a reg for the output terminalof a combinational UDP

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    A Carry Primitive

    primitive carry(out, a, b, c);output out;input a, b, c;table

    00? : 0;0?0 : 0;?00 : 0;11? : 1;1?1 : 1;

    ?11 : 1;endtableendprimitive

    Always have exactly oneoutput

    Truth table may includedont-care (?) entries

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    A Sequential Primitive

    Primitive dff( q, clk, data);output q; reg q;input clk, data;table// clk data q new-q

    (01) 0 : ? : 0; // Latch a 0(01) 1 : ? : 1; // Latch a 1 (0x) 1 : 1 : 1; // Hold when d and q both 1 (0x) 0 : 0 : 0; // Hold when d and q both 0 (?0) ? : ? : -; // Hold when clk falls

    ? (??) : ? : -; // Hold when clk stable endtableendprimitive

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    Continuous Assignment

    Another way to describe combinational functionConvenient for logical or datapath specifications

    wire [8:0] sum;wire [7:0] a, b;wire carryin;

    assign sum = a + b + carryin;

    Define bus widths

    Continuous assignment:permanently sets thevalue of sum to bea+b+carryinRecomputed when a, b, orcarryin changes

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    `include "udp_body.v" module udp_body_tb(); reg b,c;

    wire a;udp_body udp (a,b,c); initial begin$monitor(" B = %b C = %b A = %b",b,c,a); b = 0; c = 0;#1 b = 1;

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    #1 b = 0; #1 c = 1; #1 b = 1'bx;

    #1 c = 0; #1 b = 1; #1 c = 1'bx;

    #1 b = 0;#1 $finish;endmodule

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    B = 0 C = 0 A = 0 B = 1 C = 0 A = 1B = 0 C = 0 A = 0

    B = 0 C = 1 A = 1B = x C = 1 A = 1 B = x C = 0 A = x

    B = 1 C = 0 A = 1 B = 1 C = x A = 1B = 0 C = x A = x

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    Initial statement is used for initialization ofsequential UDPs. This statement begins withthe keyword 'initial'. The statement that follows

    must be an assignment statement that assignsa single bit literal value to the output terminalreg

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    primitive udp_initial (a,b,c); output a; input b,c; reg a; // a has value of 1 at start of sim initial a = 1'b1; table

    // udp_initial behaviourEndtable endprimitive

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    symbols interpretation logic

    ? 0,1,X ? Means the variablecan be 0 or 1 or X

    b 0,1 Same as ?, but X is not

    includedf (10) Falling edge on an input

    r (01) Rising egde on an input

    p (01) or( 0X) or (X1) or(1z) or (z1)

    Rising edge including Xand Z

    n (10) Or(1x) or(x0) or(0z)or (z0)

    Falling edge including xand Z

    * (??) All transitions

    - No change No change

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    Level sensitive sequential

    primitive udp_latch(q, clk, d) ; output q;

    input clk, d;reg q;

    table //clk d q q+0 1 : ? : 1 ;0 0 : ? : 0 ;

    1 ? : ? : - ;endtableendprimitive

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    Edge sensitive UDPs

    In level-sensitive behavior, the values of the inputsand the current state are sufficient to determinethe output value.

    Edge-sensitive behavior differs in that changes inthe output are triggered by specific transitions ofthe inputs.

    All transitions that should not affect the output

    must be explicitly specified. Otherwise, they willcause the value of the output to change to x. If theUDP is sensitive to edges of any input, thedesired output state must be specified for alledges of all inputs

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    primitive udp_sequential(q, clk, d); output q; input clk, d; reg q;

    table // obtain output on rising edge of clk // clk d q q+ (01) 0 : ? : 0 ; (01) 1 : ? : 1 ; (0?) 1 : 1 : 1 ; (0?) 0 : 0 : 0 ;

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    // ignore negative edge of clk (?0) ? : ? : - ; // ignore d changes on steady clk ? (??) : ? : - ; endtable endprimitive

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    With initial block

    primitive udp_sequential_initial(q, clk, d); output q;input clk, d; reg q;initial begin q = 0; endtable

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    Initial and Always Blocks

    Basic components for behavioral modelinginitial

    begin imperative statements


    Runs when simulation startsTerminates when control reachesthe endGood for providing stimulus


    imperative statements end

    Runs when simulation startsRestarts when control reaches theendGood for modeling/specifyinghardware

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    Initial and Always

    Run until they encounter a delay

    initial begin#10 a = 1; b = 0;

    #10 a = 0; b = 1;end

    or a wait for an event

    always @(posedge clk) q = d;always begin wait(i); a = 0; wait(~i); a = 1; end

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    Procedural Assignment

    Inside an initial or always block:

    sum = a + b + cin;

    Just like in C: RHS evaluated and assigned toLHS before next statement executes

    RHS may contain wires and regsTwo possible sources for data

    LHS must be a reg cont. assignment may set wire values

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    If a procedure block contains more than onestatement, those statements must be enclosedwithin

    Sequential begin - end blockParallel fork - join block

    When using begin-end, we can give name tothat group. This is called named blocks.

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    Two Procedural Constructs

    initial Statementalways Statement

    initial Statement : Executes only oncealways Statement : Executes in a loopExample:

    initial begin

    Sum = 0;Carry = 0;


    always @(A or B) beginSum = A ^ B;Carry = A & B;


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    module initial_fork_join();reg clk,reset,enable,data;initial begin$monitor("%g clk=%b reset=%b enable=%b data=%b",$time, clk, reset, enable, data);

    fork#1 clk = 0;#10 reset = 0;#5 enable = 0;#3 data = 0;

    join#1 $display ("%g Terminating simulation", $time);$finish;end

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    Imperative Statements

    if (select == 1) y = a;else y = b;

    case (op)2b00: y = a + b; 2b01: y = a b;2b10: y = a ^ b; default: y = hxxxx;


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    Inter-Assignment DelayExample:Sum = A ^ B;#2 Carry = A & B;

    Delayed execution

    Intra-Assignment DelayExample:

    Sum = A ^ B;Carry = #2 A & B;Delayed assignment

    Edge sensitive Event Controls

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    Edge sensitive Event Controls

    Delays execution of the next statement until the specifiedtransition on a signal.syntax : @ (< posedge >|< negedge > signal) < statement >;

    module edge_wait_example();reg enable, clk, trigger;always @ (posedge enable)begintrigger = 0;// Wait for 5 clock cyclesrepeat (5) begin

    @ (posedge clk) ;endtrigger = 1;


    Level Sensitive Even Controls (

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    Level-Sensitive Even Controls (Wait statements )

    Delays execution of the next statement until evaluates to truesyntax : wait (< expression >) < statement >;

    Eg:wait (data_ready == 1) #1 data = data_bus;

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    Discrete-event Simulation

    Basic idea: only do work when somethingchangesCentered around an event queue

    Contains events labeled with the simulated time atwhich they are to be executed

    Basic simulation paradigmExecute every event for the current simulated time

    Doing this changes system state and may scheduleevents in the futureWhen there are no events left at the current timeinstance, advance simulated time soonest event in the


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    Event ControlEdge Triggered Event ControlLevel Triggered Event Control

    Edge Triggered Event Control@ (posedge CLK) //Positive Edge of CLK

    Curr_State = Next_state;

    Level Triggered Event Control@ (A or B) //change in values of A or B

    Out = A & B;

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    For Loops

    A increasing sequence of values on an output

    reg [3:0] i, output;

    for ( i = 0 ; i

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    While Loops

    A increasing sequence of values on an output

    reg [3:0] i, output;

    i = 0;while (I

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    Modeling A Flip-Flop With Always

    Very basic: an edge-sensitive flip-flop

    reg q;

    always @(posedge clk)q = d;

    q = d assignment runs when clock rises:exactly the behavior you expect

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    Blocking vs. Nonblocking

    Verilog has two types of proceduralassignment

    Fundamental problem:In a synchronous system, all flip-flops samplesimultaneouslyIn Verilog, always @(posedge clk) blocks run insome undefined sequence

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    A Flawed Shift Register

    This doesnt work as youd expect:

    reg d1, d2, d3, d4;

    always @(posedge clk) d2 = d1;always @(posedge clk) d3 = d2;always @(posedge clk) d4 = d3;

    These run in some order, but you dont knowwhich

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    Non-blocking Assignments

    This version does work:

    reg d1, d2, d3, d4;

    always @(posedge clk) d2

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    Nonblocking Can Behave Oddly

    A sequence of nonblocking assignments dontcommunicatea = 1;

    b = a;c = b;

    Blocking assignment:a = b = c = 1


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    Conditional statements

    if StatementFormat:if (condition)

    procedural_statementelse if (condition)



    if (Clk)Q = 0;

    elseQ = D;

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    Case StatementExample 1:

    case (X)2b00: Y = A + B; 2b01: Y = A B;

    2b10: Y = A / B; endcase

    Example 2: case (3b101

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    Variants of case Statements: casex and casez

    casez z is considered as a dont care

    casex both x and z are considered as dontcares

    Example:casez (X)

    2b1z: A = B + C; 2b11: A = B / C;


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    Logic Synthesis

    Verilog is used in two waysModel for discrete-event simulationSpecification for a logic synthesis system

    Logic synthesis converts a subset of the Veriloglanguage into an efficient netlistOne of the major breakthroughs in designing logicchips in the last 20 yearsMost chips are designed using at least some logicsynthesis


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    Logic Synthesis

    Takes place in two stages:

    Translation of Verilog (or VHDL) source to a netlistRegister inference

    Optimization of the resulting netlist to improvespeed and area

    Most critical part of the process Algorithms very complicated and beyond the scope ofthis class: Take Prof. Nowicks class for details

    l i il i G

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    Translating Verilog into Gates

    Parts of the language easy to translateStructural descriptions with primitives

    Already a netlist

    Continuous assignmentExpressions turn into little datapaths

    Behavioral statements the bigger challenge

    Wh C B T l d

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    What Can Be Translated

    Structural definitionsEverything

    Behavioral blocksDepends on sensitivity list

    Only when they have reasonable interpretation ascombinational logic, edge, or level-sensitive latchesBlocks sensitive to both edges of the clock, changes onunrelated signals, changing sensitivity lists, etc. cannot besynthesized

    User-defined primitivesPrimitives defined with truth tablesSome sequential UDPs cant be translated (not latches orflip-flops)

    Wh I T l d

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    What Isnt Translated

    Initial blocksUsed to set up initial state or describe finite testbenchstimuliDont have obvious hardware component

    DelaysMay be in the Verilog source, but are simply ignored

    A variety of other obscure language featuresIn general, things heavily dependent on discrete-eventsimulation semantics

    Certain disable statements Pure events

    R i I f

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    Register Inference

    The main trick

    reg does not always equal latch

    Rule: Combinational if outputs always dependexclusively on sensitivity list

    Sequential if outputs may also depend onprevious values

    R i I f

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    Register Inference


    reg y;always @(a or b or sel)

    if (sel) y = a;else y = b;


    reg q;always @(d or clk)if (clk) q = d;

    Sensitive to changes onall of the variables it reads

    Y is always assigned

    q only assigned when clkis 1

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    R i t I f

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    Register Inference

    The solution is to always have a default case

    always @(a or b)

    case ({a, b})2b00: f = 0; 2b01: f = 1; 2b10: f = 1;

    default: f = 0;endcase

    f is always assigned

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    Many possible sources of conflict

    Synthesis ignores delays (e.g., #10), butsimulation behavior can be affected by themSimulator models X explicitly, synthesis doesnt Behaviors resulting from shared-variable-likebehavior of regs is not synthesized

    always @(posedge clk) a = 1;New value of a may be seen by other @(posedge clk)statements in simulation, never in synthesis

    C d t VHDL

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    Compared to VHDL

    Verilog and VHDL are comparable languagesVHDL has a slightly wider scope

    System-level modelingExposes even more discrete-event machinery

    VHDL is better-behavedFewer sources of nondeterminism (e.g., no sharedvariables)

    VHDL is harder to simulate quickly

    VHDL has fewer built-in facilities for hardwaremodelingVHDL is a much more verbose language

    Most examples dont fit on slides