the vascularization of the rat pancreas and the effect ofischaemja ...

[ 257 ] THE VASCULARIZATION OF THE RAT PANCREAS AND THE EFFECT OF ISCHAEMJA ON THE ISLETS OF LANGERHANS BY D. J. ADAMS AND R. G. HARRISON Department of Anatomy, University of Liverpool The pancreas develops as diverticula from the embryonic alimentary canal at the junction of the fore- and mid-guts, and derives its arterial supply from branches of both the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries. An investigation of the extent of vascularization of the pancreas from each of these sources by means of arteriography and planned interruption of pancreatic vessels, with a view to correlating this with the development of the pancreas, would be of great interest. The anastomoses between pancreatic vessels, however, are most efficient and consequently it was decided that a study of the details of these anastomoses and of the histological and physiological responses of the pancreas to ischaemia, with particular reference to the development of adequate collateral arterial channels, would yield information of some value. MATERIAL AND METHODS Albino rats, fed on a uniform diet of rat cake (Lever's Cattle Foods, Ltd., Petingtcn Cheshire), were used for the investigation. The normal arterial pattern was determined in thirty rats and the venous drainage in five. Immediately after killing each rat by an overdose of chloroform, a cannula was introduced into the thoracic aorta, and either 20 % bismuth oxychloride suspension or 10 % 'Chlorbismol' (May and Baker) injected. The venous drainage was examined after injecting a rice starch-gelatine mixture through the portal vein, by Scharrer's (1940) method. The vessels were observed in situ and then after removal of the stomach, duo- denum, transverse colon and spleen together with the pancreas. The application of the Spalteholtz technique to the exsected viscera was carried out in the majority of animals. Radiographic examination, using a fine grain film (Kodaline) has been a valuable aid to elucidating the vascular pattern. As a method of investigating the degree of anastomosis between pancreatic arteries, and determining the functional value of individual vessels, planned interruption of these arteries was carried out. One hundred and fifteen animals were used for this study. The splenic artery was interrupted at its origin in fifty-one rats and the pancreas and its vessels examined after periods of 1 day to 112 days. In fourteen animals the superior pancreatico-duodenal, the inferior pancreatico- duodenal and the splenic arteries were interrupted, and the pancreas examined after intervals of 3-21 days. The splenic, gastro-duodenal, inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries were divided in twenty-two rats, and the effect observed after intervals of 1-21 days.

Transcript of the vascularization of the rat pancreas and the effect ofischaemja ...

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[ 257 ]



BY D. J. ADAMS AND R. G. HARRISONDepartment of Anatomy, University of Liverpool

The pancreas develops as diverticula from the embryonic alimentary canal at thejunction of the fore- and mid-guts, and derives its arterial supply from branches ofboth the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries. An investigation of the extent ofvascularization of the pancreas from each of these sources by means of arteriographyand planned interruption of pancreatic vessels, with a view to correlating this withthe development of the pancreas, would be of great interest. The anastomosesbetween pancreatic vessels, however, are most efficient and consequently it wasdecided that a study of the details of these anastomoses and of the histological andphysiological responses of the pancreas to ischaemia, with particular reference tothe development of adequate collateral arterial channels, would yield informationof some value.


Albino rats, fed on a uniform diet of rat cake (Lever's Cattle Foods, Ltd., PetingtcnCheshire), were used for the investigation.The normal arterial pattern was determined in thirty rats and the venous drainage

in five. Immediately after killing each rat by an overdose of chloroform, a cannulawas introduced into the thoracic aorta, and either 20 % bismuth oxychloridesuspension or 10% 'Chlorbismol' (May and Baker) injected. The venous drainagewas examined after injecting a rice starch-gelatine mixture through the portal vein,by Scharrer's (1940) method.The vessels were observed in situ and then after removal of the stomach, duo-

denum, transverse colon and spleen together with the pancreas. The application ofthe Spalteholtz technique to the exsected viscera was carried out in the majority ofanimals. Radiographic examination, using a fine grain film (Kodaline) has beena valuable aid to elucidating the vascular pattern.As a method of investigating the degree of anastomosis between pancreatic

arteries, and determining the functional value of individual vessels, plannedinterruption of these arteries was carried out. One hundred and fifteen animalswere used for this study. The splenic artery was interrupted at its origin in fifty-onerats and the pancreas and its vessels examined after periods of 1 day to 112 days.In fourteen animals the superior pancreatico-duodenal, the inferior pancreatico-duodenal and the splenic arteries were interrupted, and the pancreas examined afterintervals of 3-21 days. The splenic, gastro-duodenal, inferior pancreatico-duodenaland inferior pancreatic arteries were divided in twenty-two rats, and the effectobserved after intervals of 1-21 days.

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D. J. Adams and R. G. HarrisonThe remaining animals were subjected to interruption of the splenic and superior

pancreatico-duodenal arteries (two rats); the splenic and inferior pancreatico-duodenal arteries (three rats); the gastro-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries(two rats); the superior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries (onerat); the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery (ten rats); and the splenic vein (tworats). Eight rats were used as controls.The pancreas was examined in all rats, either after arteriography and dissection or

by histological methods.

RESULTSArterial pattern

The pancreas in the rat is of a diffuse dendritic type, extending from the duodenalloop into the gastro-splenic omentum. The chief part of this duodenal pancreasfollows the curve of the gut but extends to a variable degree in its wide mesentery,increasing in extent with age. The tail is the thickest part of the pancreas.The arterial and venous patterns have been described previously by Greene (1935).

Her observations on venous drainage have been confirmed in this investigation, andtherefore only a brief reference will be made to venous pattern. It is necessary,however, to describe the arterial supply in greater detail, with particular referenceto anastomotic channels.The arterial supply is derived from two sources only, the coeliac and superior

mesenteric arteries (P1. 1, fig. 1). Both arteries are unpaired and arise from theventral surface of the aorta. The coeliac artery is at the level of the crus of thediaphragm and has a short trunk (less than 05 cm. in length), which extendsdownwards and to the left. Of the two arteries, the superior mesenteric is the larger;arising below the coeliac artery it crosses to the right, ventral to the inferior venacava, the superior mesenteric vein, and the beginning of the portal vein; it thencourses downwards and forwards in the dorsal surface of the pancreas, closelyapplied to it and lying inferior to the transverse colon.The coeliac artery divides into three branches, the splenic, the left gastric and the

hepatic arteries. The splenic artery is the largest branch and appears to be a directcontinuation of the coeliac artery; it passes downwards and to the left behind thestomach and ends by dividing into five to seven splenic branches, its terminalportion running on to the greater curvature of the stomach as the left gastro-epiploic artery. Throughout its course the splenic artery is embedded in the dorsalsurface of the pancreas. The first splenic branch arises close to the coeliac artery andruns towards the inferior pole of the spleen; its course is parallel to that of the parentvessel but inferior to it. At the origin of this vessel there are always two or morelymph nodes which are a useful guide during operative procedures. A smaller andinconstant artery occasionally arises above these nodes and runs towards thecardiac opening of the stomach. A slender arterial loop (the 'splenic loop') joinsthe proximal third of the splenic artery to the junction of the proximal and middle,or middle and distal thirds. This loop is only evident after ligature and division ofthe main trunk (P1. 1, fig. 2).The left gastric artery at its origin turns immediately towards the cardiac opening

of the stomach, from which it branches to supply both surfaces. One small branch


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Va8cularization of rat pancreasleaves the artery just below the division and runs along the lesser curvature towardsthe pylorus and the first part of the duodenum (P1. 1, fig. 1). This vessel is of someimportance since, after ligature and division of either the gastro-duodenal or thesuperior pancreatico-duodenal arteries, it dilates and provides an anastomosisbetween the latter artery and the right gastro-epiploic artery as it crosses theduodenum.From its origin the hepatic artery turns to the right and passes upwards and

backwards towards the porta hepatis. As it crosses behind the pylorus and passesjust above the first part of the duodenum it sends a branch forwards which runsmedial to the ductus choledochus. This is the gastro-duodenal artery, which isembedded in the dorsal surface of the pancreas. It is a short vessel, less than0-5 cm. in length, and divides into the superior pancreatico-duodenal and rightgastro-epiploic arteries. The latter runs along the greater curvature of the stomachand anastomoses with its fellow of the left side. The superior pancreatico-duodenalartery follows that portion of the pancreas which lies under cover of the first partof the duodenum and passes in its substance to the right, where it anastomoses withthe superior division of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery at the junction ofthe first and second parts of the duodenum.Of the two pancreatic branches of the superior mesenteric artery, the inferior

pancreatico-duodenal and the inferior pancreatic arteries, the former is the larger.These arteries may arise singly or by a common stem; if the latter, the origin is fromthe inferior aspect of the superior mesenteric artery. Usually the inferior pan-creatico-duodenal artery arises alone from the superior aspect of the superiormesenteric artery; it runs upwards and to the right, dorsal to the transverse colon,at the superior border of which it bifurcates into superior and inferior divisions.The inferior division runs along the medial border of the second part of the duo-denum to the junction of the second and third parts where it anastomoses with theinferior pancreatic artery.

In the head of the pancreas slender vessels form a delicate branching networkjoining the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery to the superior division of theinferior pancreatic artery. These filigree branches are more evident in matureanimals (over 180 g. in weight), i.e. those with a pancreas ramifying widely in theduodenal mesentery, and are presumably more effective as anastomotic channelsafter ligature and division of the main pathways. Fine vessels contributing to thisnetwork arise from the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery before it divides.The inferior pancreatic artery passes downwards and to the right to anastomose

with the inferior division of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery.

Venous drainageSeveral veins issuing from the spleen unite and run parallel with the splenic

artery. The left gastro-epiploic vein, passing along the greater curvature of thestomach towards the hilum of the spleen, joins radicles of the splenic vein issuingfrom the hilum to form the origin of the splenic vein. Into this vein run pancreaticveins from the tail of the pancreas and also the short gastric veins which drainthe fundus of the stomach. The coronary vein passes dorsal to the stomach, drainingthe area supplied by the left gastric artery, and enters the splenic vein.


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D. J. Adam8 and R. G. HarrisonApart from receiving such tributaries as the middle colic, the inferior mesenteric,

the right colic, the ileo-colic and a series of intestinal veins, the superior mesentericvein also receives the inferior pancreatico-duodenal vein which drains the head andbody of the gland.The area supplied by the gastro-duodenal artery is drained by the pyloric vein.

Starting below the pylorus by the union of small radicles it runs from left to rightand in its course is joined by the superior pancreatico-duodenal vein. A shortdistance above the splenic vein and just below the liver the pyloric vein enters theportal vein.

In the dorsal surface of the head of the gland and in the duodenal mesentery thesplenic and superior mesenteric veins unite to form the portal vein. It lies superiorto the superior mesenteric artery and passes upwards to the liver.

The collateral circulation as shown follQwing experimental arterial interruptionAs early as 2 days after interruption of the splenic artery and injection with

'Chlorbismol' a fine tortuous vessel, lying within the substance of the pancreas, isseen joining the right gastro-epiploic artery to the splenic loop. Additional sub-sidiary arterial anastomoses to the tail are provided from the left gastro-epiploicartery. These anastomotic channels are still present as long as 16 weeks followingoperation.Three days following interruption of the gastro-duodenal artery two new channels

are clearly visible (Text-fig. 1). The first of these is the vessel seen after interruptionof the splenic artery; the second is a branch from the left gastric artery whichanastomoses with the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery. These two channels canbe seen 3 weeks after operation.

Interruption ofthe splenic, superior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatico-duodenal arteries, followed by injection 7 days later, reveals many new channels(P1. 1, fig. 2). The tail of the pancreas is supplied by the coeliac artery through thesplenic loop. Anastomoses from the left gastric artery run across the fundus of thestomach to join the splenic artery at its middle and distal thirds. To supply the areapresumably rendered ischaemic by division of the superior and inferior pancreatico-,duodenal arteries the inferior pancreatic artery dilates and extends along the medialside of the duodenum to the level of division of the inferior pancreatico-duodenalartery. There are a number of fine vessels in this area which join one another andeventually form a single channel which anastomoses with the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery, above the site of ligature. No anastomosing channels are seenabout the origin of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery or even in its first part,i.e. before passing dorsal to the transverse colon. Finally the branch of the leftgastric artery to the right gastro-epiploic artery dilates and anastomoses markedlywith the latter. Three weeks after operation these channels are still visible.

Seven days after ligature and division of the splenic, the gastro-duodenal, theinferior pancreatico-duodenal and the inferior pancreatic arteries, there is a retro-grade filling of vessels beyond the sites of interruption particularly in those animalsinjected after an interval of 6 or more days (PI. 2, fig. 3). Anastomoses are clearlypresent in the pancreatic tail between the hepatic and splenic arteries, the leftgastric and splenic arteries, and the right gastro-epiploic and splenic arteries. All


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Vascularization of rat pancreasthese vessels are fine and slender but together form a firm anastomosis. In the bodyof the pancreas delicate branches unite the left gastric and right gastro-epiploicarteries to the superior pancreatico-duodenal. Twigs from the hepatic artery also jointhe superior pancreatico-duodenal artery. The inferior pancreatico-duodenal andinferior pancreatic arteries supplying the head of the pancreas are clearly visible;

Right gastro- Newly formed Superior pancreatico-epiploic artery anastomotic vessel o' duodenal artery

mese. t. ; uodena.... ......a

ep5+o~~~~~~~~~Heaiartlery; Coeliac Intestinal

_ ~~~ ~~axis vessels

..~ ~ ~~~atr feio

Text-fig. 1. A diagram of the vascular channels supplying the rat pancreas as seen 3 days afterligature and division of the gastro-duodenal artery. A and B in the figure represent the sitesof ligature of this vessel. The fine, tortuous anastomotic vessel joining the right gastro-epiploic artery to the splenic loop, which also becomes obvious following interruption of thesplenic artery, is clearly shown. Also shown is the newly formed anastomotic vessel whichappears following interruption of the gastro-duodenal artery.

fine channels extend from the middle colic close to its origin and reach the secondand third parts of the duodenum. The terminal branches of the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery and the superior division of the inferior pancreatico-duodenalartery are not evident. Three weeks after operation these anastomoses can still beseen.

The effect of experimental arterial interruption on the pancreasTo determine the efficiency of the anastomosing channels, histological examina-

tion of the pancreas has been carried out following interruption of various arteries.Following formol-saline fixation, Ehrlich's haematoxylin and eosin was used, andafter fixation in Helly's fluid, Gomori's (1989) method for a and / cells of the isletsof Langerhans.

After interruption of the splenic artery and observation at intervals from 1 dayto 16 weeks there are no macroscopic changes. Histologically the acini remain


Page 6: the vascularization of the rat pancreas and the effect ofischaemja ...

262 D. J. Adams and R. G. Harrisonunchanged, but histograms of the diameter of the islets of Langerhans (Text-figs. 2and 3) suggest that the islets of the operated animals show an increase in diameter.




240 Control



> 180

', 160

2 140

120100 _80 _60


20 _

0 20 40 60 80 100 120140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320Size of islets (j)

Text-fig. 2. Histogram of the maximum diameters of the islets of Langerhans in four control rats,260 islets being measured in the pancreas of each rat. Each rat was subjected to a shamabdominal operation, in which the pancreas was only handled, 3 days previously.

200 -

180 -

160 -

1402 120C

V. 100_- 80_

60 -


200(---A %^A^ZU LU 4U 6U 0U 10 ILU 140 16UOU LW LLU0 OU LOULOJW JLU 3of JOUNWs

Size of islets (j)

Text-fig. 3. Histogram of the maximum diameters of the islets of Langerhans in four experimentalrats in which the splenic artery was divided 3 days previously. 260 islets were measured inthe pancreas of each rat. Notice the apparent shift to the right.

This apparent increase is not significant statistically, however, as shown by theapplication of Students 't' test, the findings of which are summarized in Table 1,the rat, and not the islet being the unit of measurement. The az and , cells are

--.-[ I --r--l')ZA '10A ')fV% 'VIA '2AA ILA ion AnA

Page 7: the vascularization of the rat pancreas and the effect ofischaemja ...

Vascularization of rat pancreas 263normal in appearance. Correlated biochemical investigations confirm that theblood-sugar level in the experimental animals does not deviate from the controls.

Following interruption of three or more arteries patchy necrosis occurs throughoutthe pancreas, though it is very limited and by no means extensive. Macroscopicallythe pancreas loses its pink appearance and becomes dusky, suggesting venouscongestion, but there is no obvious oedema or overall shrinkage of the pancreas.By the twenty-fourth day after operation the pancreas has regained its normalcolour.

Table 1. The mean diameter of the islets of Langerhans in #u in four controlrats andfour operated rats 3 days after interruption of the splenic artery

Control Operated76-91 71*60

121*09 124-50109-52 127*2487-09 113-60

X =98-65 X = 109-24S.D. + 19-95 S.D. + 25-77S.E. + 10-01 S.E. + 12-9't' = 0*6364 P = >0-5

Table 2. The number and diameter ofislets and a and ,f cells per islet in 46-705*of histological sections of the rat pancreas, 4#a in thickness, following interruptionofthegastro-duodenal, splenic, inferiorpancreatico-duodenal and inferiorpancreaticarteries

(In each case the control animal was subjected to a sham abdominal operation in which thepancreas was only handled. The maximum diameter of each islet was measured, and the mean ofthese measurements calculated for each pancreas.)

No. of Mean diameter Mean number of Mean number ofdays after No. of of islets in fi cells per islet a cells per islet

Animal operation islets cross-section cross-sectionOperated I 24 390 57 25-8 13-7Control I 24 99 139 34-5 5.4Operated II 28 384 64 27-8 8-7Control II 28 102 121 36-0 5.9Operated III 51 229 70 35-2 5.1Control III 51 61 112 39-9 6-2Operated IV 55 200 92 37.5 7-1Control IV 55 74 144 39-2 6 0

'n(133-6/2)' x 50 x670* The measurementswere made in eachpancreas in an area of 0

where 133-6/2 =the radius of the magnified field on the projection screen.50= the number of fields per single histological section of pancreas examined at random.6 =the number of 1 in 20 histological sections examined.

300= the magnification on the projection screen.

Microscopically there are obvious changes in the acini. Most are normal butothers show either a condensation of zymogen granules or complete disintegrationof the cellular architecture. Fibrosis of the necrotic zones results and organizationoccurs within 6 days. In these areas there are only remnants of the islets, showingvacuolation and degranulation of the a and f, cells; there is no evidence in thesesites of islet regeneration.Twenty-four to twenty-eight days after operation the changes in the islets of

Langerhans in the areas free from necrosis are most striking. In those animals in

Page 8: the vascularization of the rat pancreas and the effect ofischaemja ...

264 D. J. Adams and B. G. Harri8onwhich the gastro-duodenal, the splenic, the inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferiorpancreatic arteries have been ligated, small collections of ft cells can be seen, whichare clearly new islets developing from the acini. In some cases only two or three,f cells can be seen in intimate contact with the acini (PI. 3, fig. 4), which may havespurs and processes of cytoplasm infiltrating between the cells. The ft cells at theperiphery of larger islets are in direct contact with the cells of some of theneighbouring acini (PI. 3, figs. 5 and 6), and acinar nuclei with portions of sur-rounding cytoplasm are passing into adjacent islets or inter-acinar spaces, withmarked change in the staining properties of the cytoplasmic granules, so as to takeon the appearance of f8 cells (PI. 3, fig. 5). There is an absence of a cells in the smallislets, but other larger islets do possess them (PI. 3, fig. 6), often in large numbers.

180170 _Operation xA160 x P


90 J-


20 -------Y


02 4 6 8 10 1214 1618 2022 24 262830 3234 36 3840 4244 4648 50 525s4Days

Text-fig. 4. Graph showing the level of blood-sugar in two rats (A and B) following interruptionof the gastro-duodenal, splenic, inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries,and in a control rat in which the pancreas was only handled at operation.

There is no capsule around the new 'islets' of ft cells, the cells themselves beinghistologically normal. Table 2 summarizes the findings in a quantitative investi-gation of the number and diameter of islets, and the mean number of az and ftcells in each islet.

All of the operated animals show an increase in the number of islets over thecontrol rats; there is also a small decrease in the mean number of ftO cells per islet,but their absolute number is obviously greater than that in the control animals.Operated animals I and II show a uniform slight increase in the number of oz cellsper islet, but the most pronounced change is the marked decrease in the meandiameter of the islets in these two animals, suggesting an increase in the productionof new islets by acino-insular transformation. These changes are transient andslowly normality is approached.

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Vascularization of rat. pancreas 265An investigation designed to determine the relationship between these histo-

logical changes and physiological function was undertaken in order to determinetheir significance. Using a Mantoux syringe, 0 1 ml. of whole blood was removed bycardiac puncture in control and experimental animals following interruption of thegastro-duodenal, the splenic, the inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pan-creatic arteries. An estimation of the blood-sugar was made photo-colorimetricallyby the method of King (1946). Text-fig. 4 shows the result of this investigation.Eighteen to thirty days after operation there is a depression of the level of blood-sugar to 40-60 mg. per 100 ml., coincident with the absolute increase in az and ,t cells.The newly formed , cells are therefore not only microscopically normal but alsofunctional physiologically.

DISCUSSIONFrom the above observations it is evident that there is a firm anastomosis betweenthe superior mesenteric and coeliac arteries. Degenerative changes do not developuntil more than two arteries are divided; even division of the four main arterialpaths (gastro-duodenal, splenic, inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pan-creatic arteries) produces only a temporary disturbance, as shown by the deviationof the blood-sugar level from normal. This is in marked contrast to the resultsobtained following interruption of the testicular (Harrison, 1949; Oettle & Harrison,1952) and adrenal arteries (Harrison, 1951). Haist (1944) claims that the insulincontent of the pancreas increases with age. This factor may well be due to arterio-sclerosis of the blood vessels of the pancreas. Further, it is possible that the scleroticarterial changes in diabetes, which affect not only arteries and arterioles but alsoveins and capillaries (Root, 1949), may be in some measure a compensatorymechanism designed to increase the insulin output of the pancreas. The converse isalso true, for the better the control of diabetes the less likely the incidence ofvascular change (Millard & Root, 1948).

'The reaction of the tissues in different subjects varies with identical operativeprocedures. In some, even with the most gentle manipulation, vasoconstriction ismarked, with at least a temporary circulatory embarrassment of the parts suppliedand drained' (Baker & Evoy, 1942). It is reasonable to suggest, therefore, that atleast some of the immediate post-operative complications associated with surgeryof the abdomen (in particular splenectomy, resection of the head of the pancreasand gastrectomy) follow interference with the blood supply of the pancreas.

There is no uniform agreement as to the optimum site of ligature of the splenicartery during splenectomy. Ligature of the splenic artery at its origin from thecoeliac axis, not only interrupts blood flow through the short gastric arteries, butdeprives the pancreas of its splenic arterial branches; the above experiments suggestthat this procedure would be unlikely to produce permanent hypoglyeaemia.The concept of acino-insular transformation in the adult differentiated pancreas

has many supporters (Laguesse, 1905; Hughes, 1947; and others). The transforma-tion of acinus cells into islet cells with loss of zymogen granules is clearly seen in therat pancreas following ischaemia, as an exaggeration of the process occurring in thenormal, adult pancreas. This accentuation makes the transformation more obvioushistologically, and is responsible for the increase in number of islets and the decrease

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266 D. J. Adams and R. G. Harrisonin mean diameter of the islets noted in this investigation 24-28 days after theproduction of ischaemia, thus suggesting an increase in the number of newly formedislets. This is confirmed by the coincident depression of blood-sugar. Careful searchfailed to demonstrate formation of islets from anything but acini; no evidence couldbe found, for example, of formation of ,3 cells by proliferation of duct epithelium.In several situations /3 cells could be found being produced from acini in theneighbourhood of a duct (Pi. 3, fig. 7), which appeared normal in histologicalstructure, and showed no connexion with the /3 cells when examined in serialsections. The possibility of coincident processes of genesis of islets, although notcompletely excluded, therefore appears to be less likely in the ischaemic pancreas.


The arterial supply of the pancreas in the albino rat is derived from the artery ofthe fore-gut and the artery of the mid-gut, the coeliac and superior mesentericarteries. The anastomosis between branches of these two vessels is so efficient thatclearly demarcated areas of necrosis corresponding to the territories of arterialdistribution do not result from their interruption. Interruption of all four mainpancreatic arteries does, however, result in an increase in the number of islets ofLangerhans. The newly formed islets are functional and responsible for a transienthypoglycaemia.The clinical implication of these findings is discussed.

This work has been aided by a grant from the Medical Research Council. We wishto thank Mr L. G. Cooper and Miss B. Birkett for their technical assistance.

REFERENCESBAKER, J. W. & Evoy, M. M. (1942). Insult to the testis in herniorrhaphy. Surg. Gynec. Obstet.

75, 285-288.GoMORI, G. (1939). A differential stain for cell types in the pancreatic islets. Amer. J. Path. 15,

497-500.GREENE, EUNICE C. (1935). Anatomy of the rat. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 27, I-XI, 1-370.HAIST, R. E. (1944). Factors affecting the insulin content of the pancreas. Physiol. Rev. 24,

409-444.HARRISON, R. G. (1949). The distribution of the vasal and cremasteric arteries to the testis and

their functional importance. J. Anat., Lond., 83, 267-282.HARRISON, R. G. (1951). A comparative study of the vascularization of the adrenal gland in the

rabbit, rat and cat. J. Anat., Lond., 85, 12-23.HUGHES, H. (1947). Cyclical changes in the islets of Langerhans in the rat pancreas. J. Anat.,

Lond., 81, 82-92.KING, E. J. (1946). Colorimetric method for 'true sugar' in 005 ml. of blood. Micro-Analysis in

Medical Biochemistry, pp. 20-23. London: J. and A. Churchill Ltd.LAGUESSE, M. E. (1905). Ilots endocrines et formes de transition dans le lobule pancrt&atique

(homme). C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 58, 542-544.MILLARD, E. B. & ROOT, H. F. (1948). Degenerative vascular lesions and diabetes mellitus.

Amer. J. dig. Dis. 15, 41-51.OErrTL, A. G. & HARRISON, R. G. (1952). The histological changes produced in the rat testis by

temporary and permanent occlusion of the testicular artery. J. Path. Bact. 64, 273-297.ROOT, H. F. (1949). Diabetes and vascular disease in youth. Amer. J. med. Sci. 217, 545-553.SCHARRER, E. (1940). Arteries and veins in the mammalian brain. Anat. Rec. 78, 173-196.

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Journal of Anatomy, Vol. 87, Part 3

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Journal of Anatomy, Vol. 87, Part 3

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Journal of Anatomy, Vol. 87, Part 3 Plate 3




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Vascularization of rat pancreas 267


Fig. 1. The normal arterial pattern of the rat pancreas as visualized from the anterior aspectfollowing injection with 10 %' Chlorbismol' through the thoracic aorta immediately after deathand radiography on Kodaline film. The viscera were removed from the animal before radio-graphy. The anastomosis between the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery and the superiordivision of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery can be seen. The inferior pancreaticartery, and the anastomosis between this and the inferior division of the inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery, are not shown in the figure. ( x 2.5.)

Fig. 2. The arterial pattern of the rat pancreas, as seen from the posterior aspect, illustrating thecollateral circulation 7 days after ligature and division of the superior pancreatico-duodenal,inferior pancreatico-duodenal and splenic arteries. The vessels were injected with 10 %'Chlorbismol' and radiographed on Kodaline film. The inferior pancreatic artery is now clearlyseen since it has taken over the arterial supply of the part of the pancreas rendered ischaemicby division of the superior and inferior pancreatico-duodenal arteries. ( x 2.)


Fig. 3. Radiograph of the arterial pattern of a rat pancreas 7 days after ligature and division ofthe splenic, gastro-duodenal, inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries.Radiography on Kodaline film after injection of 10 % 'Chlorbismol' through the thoracicaorta. The inferior pancreatic artery is clearly seen because of retrograde filling of this vesselthrough its anastomoses with the inferior pancreatico-duodenal and middle colic arteries.Many fine anastomotic channels are present, and are described in the text. Note the well-marked anastomotic vessel passing from the right gastro-epiploic artery, behind the leftgastric artery to the splenic artery. ( x 5.)

Key to Lettering on Plates 1 and 2A. aorta l.g.e.a. left gastro-epiploic arterya.v. anastomotic vessel from left gastric m.c.a. middle colic artery

artery to right gastro-epiploic artery r.g.e.a. right gastro-epiploic arteryC. colon s.a. splenic arteryc.a. coeliac artery s.a.a. small, inconstant, anastomotic arteryD. duodenum s.m.a. superior mesenteric arteryg.d.a. gastro-duodenal artery SP. spleenh.a. hepatic artery s.p.d.a. superior pancreatico-duodenal arteryi.p.a. inferior pancreatic artery sp.l. splenic loopi.p.d.a. inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery ST. stomachl.g.a. left gastric artery X. site of ligature anddivisionof an artery


The figures on this plate are photomicrographs of histological sections of the pancreas twenty-four (Figs. 4 and 7) and twenty-eight (Figs. 5 and 6) days after ligation of the splenic, gastro-duodenal, inferior pancreatico-duodenal and inferior pancreatic arteries.

Fig. 4. A small collection of ,6 cells in intimate contact with a neighbouring acinus. The f8 cellshave no surrounding capsule, and appear to be produced by transformation of the acinar cells.( x 774.)

Fig. 5. A large islet of Langerhans whose peripheral ,8 cells (at the top and bottom of the islet)appear to be produced by direct transformation from acinar tissue. This islet contains noac cells. ( x 323.)

Fig. 6. A large islet in which the fi cells are in direct contact with acinar cells (at the top left-handcorner of the islet). There are some cells along the right-hand border of the islet (darker cellsin the figure) which have the staining properties of a cells with Gomori's (1939) method.( x 496.)

Fig. 7. Two small collections of f8 cells in the neighbourhood of a duct. Those above the duct in thefigure appear to be in the process of transformation from acini, but have no connexion withthe duct. The fi cells below and to the left of the duct are also in contact with an acinus at onepoint, but there is no indication of active proliferation of duct epithelium, which has a normalhistological appearance. ( x 731.)Anatomy 87 18