File: 18G Di.B THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE INSTALLATION RESTORATION PROGRAM FINAL REMEDIAL ACTION OPERATION WORK PLAN FOR OPERABLE UNIT 2- (JULY 2005 - JUNE 2006) Prepared for: EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA Contract No. F41624-03-D-8596-0031 July 2005 This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited without the prior approval of Eeleson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FWjPA, (907) 377-2116.


File: 18GDi.B





Prepared for:

EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKAContract No. F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eeleson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FWjPA, (907) 377-2116.




Prepared for:

Elelson Air Force Base, Alaska

Contract No. F41624-03-D-8596-0031

Prepared By:

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.3544 International Street

Fairbanks, AK 99701

July 2005

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.


This document has been prepared for the United States Air Force (USAF) by EAEngineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. (EA) to aid in the implementation of periodicenvironmental monitoring under the USAF Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Thelimited objectives of this document and the ongoing nature of the IRP, along with theevolving knowledge of site conditions and chemical effects on the environment and,human health, must be considered when evaluating this document, since subsequentfacts may become known that may make this document premature or inaccurate.

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1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDJuly 2005 0U12 Operations Work Plan Update, July 2005 to June 2006



6. AUTHOR (5) Mark Wilkinson, Jeryl Kolb (EA Engineening)


EA Engineering, Science and Tech., Inc. REPORT NUMBER3544 International StreetFairbanks, AK 99701 A/


Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE)HO AFCEEIERO-AK (Mr. Deven Daicher) Nt/A10471 20ThSTE 317Elmendorf Air Force Base. AK 99506-4402



HO AFCEEIERD, Brooks Air Force Base, TX

354 CES/CE VR, Eielson Air Force Base. AK

State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Fairbanks, AK

United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Sea ttle, WA

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 word)Remedial Action Work Plan for continued operation, maintenance, and process monitoring at 01.12 remedial sites. The remedial action at these sitesconsists of bioventing for treatment of fuel-contaminated soils and product recovery, ________________


-Eielson Air Force Base-0U2 Remediation Operation and Monitoring Activities

____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ _ __ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ 16. PRICE CODE



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Final 0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelsan AFBContract P4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page i


LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................. iiiLIST OF TABLES............................................................................... inLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................... iv

1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Eielson AFB Location and Description .............................................. 1-11.2 Applicable Regulations ............................................................... 1-5

2. 2005 PROGRAM RATIONALE AND SCOPE OF WORK .............................. 2-1

2.1 2005 0U2 Source Areas ............................................................. 2-1

2.1.1 Source Area ST13/DP26 E-4 Diesel Fuel Spill/E-10 Tank SludgeBurial Pit...................................................................... 2-1 Site Setting and Summary of Previous Work ...................... 2- Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring.......................... 2- Source Area 5T1 3/DP26 2003 Product Recovery ................. 2-4

2.1.2 Source Area ST1 0/SS14 E-2 POL Storage/E-2 Railroad JP-4 Spill Area.. 2-8 Site Setting and Summary of Previous Work ...................... 2- Source Area ST1 O/S51 4 2003 Operations, Maintenance,

and Monitoring...................................................... 2- Source Area ST1 O/551 4 2003 Building 6225 SVE System

Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring........................ 2-10

3. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENTS ........................... 3-1

3.1 Project Scope and Objectives....................................................... 3-13.2 Project Organization and Responsibility ........................................... 3-13.3 Quality Assurance Objectives for Measurement Data............................. 3-13.4 Sampling Procedures ............................................................... 3-13.5 Sample Custody ........................................ :............................ 3-13.6 Calibrations Procedures for Field Test Equipment ................................ 3-13.7 Analytical Procedures ............................................................... 3-23.8 Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting ........................................ 3-23.9 Internal Quality Control Checks..................................................... 3-23.10 Performance and System Audits.................................................. 3-23.1 1 Laboratory Preventive Maintenance .............................................. 3-23.12 Procedures to Assess Data Precision, Accuracy, and Completeness .......... 3-23.13 Corrective Action................................................................... 3-23.14 Quality Assurance Reports ........................................................ 3-2

4. FIELD SAMPLING PLAN................................................................. 4-1

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Final 01.2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page ii


4.1 Field Operations..................................................................... 4-14.2 Environmental Sampling ............................................................ 4-1

4.2.1 Building and Stack Air Samples ............................................. 4-14.2.2 Sample Handling............................................................. 4-14.2.3 Sample Custody ............................................................. 4-24.2.4 Quality Control Samples..................................................... 4-24.2.5 Sample Analysis Summary .................................................. 4-2

4.3 Field Measurements ................................................................ 4-2

4.3.1 Product Measurements and Removal....................................... 4-2 Well Inspection...................................................... 4- Determination of Water Level/Liquid Thickness................... 4-3

4.3.2 Respiration Testing .......................................................... 4-34.3.3 Pressure Testing............................................................. 4-34.3.4 Equipment Calibration ....................................................... 4-34.3.5 Equipment Maintenance..................................................... 4-44.3.6 Decontamination............................................................. 4-4

4.4 Product Recovery ............... .................................................... 4-44.5 Remediation System Decommissioning............................................ 4-44.6 Record Keeping ..................................................................... 4-44.7 Investigation Derived Waste........................................................ 4-44.8 Site Safety and Management....................................................... 4-5

5. References................................................................................5-1

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Final 0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F4 1624-03-tJ-8596-0031I

July 2005Page ill



Figure 1-1 Eielson AFB Location ........................................................ 1-3

Figure 1-2 Source Area Locations, Eielson AFB3, Alaska .............................. 1-4

Figure 2-1 Bioventing System Layout, ST1 3/DP26, Elelson AFB, Alaska ............ 2-5

Figure 2-2 Bioventing System Areas of Influence, ST1 3/SP26, Ejelson AFB,Alaska ........................................................................ 2-6

Figure 2-3 Redesigned Air Injection Point, ST13/DP26, Eielson AFB3, Alaska........2-7

Figure 2-4 ST10/SS14: Soil Vapor Extraction System Layout, Eielson AFB,Alaska ....................................................................... 2-12

Figure 2-5 Bioventing System Layout, ST1O/SS14, Eielson AFB, Alaska........... 2-13

Figure 2-6 Bioventing System Areas of Influence, ST1O/SS14, Eielson AFB,Alaska ....................................................................... 2-14


Table 2-1: 0U12 Remedial Action Objectives for Groundwater and Soil ............... 2-1

Table 4-1: Sample and Analysis Summary.............................................. 4-2


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Final 0U2 Remedia/ Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F41I624-03-D-8596-003I

July 2005Page iv


ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental ConservationAFCEE (U.S.) Air Force Center for Environmental Excellenceamsl above mean sea levelAST above ground storage tank

bgs below ground surfaceBTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes

CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ActCOR Contracting Officer's Representative

EA EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.Eielson AFB Eielson Air Force BaseERPIMS Environmental Restoration Program Information Management System

OF ~~FahrenheitFFA Federal Facilities Agreement

GIS Geographic Information SystemGPS Global Positioning System

hp horsepowerHQ Headquarters

IRA Interim Remedial ActionIRP Installation Restoration Program

kg kilogram

L literLEL lower explosive limit

mg milligram

NAPL non-aqueous phase liquidNIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNMAM NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods

OIT Organic Incineration Technologies, Inc.O&M Operations and MaintenanceOU Operable Unit01-l Operable Unit 10U2 Operable Unit 2

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Final 0L12 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page v


PID photo ionization detectorPOC paint of contactPOL petroleum, oil, and lubricant

% ~~~percent

QA quality assuranceQAPP Quality Assurance Project PlanQC quality control

RI/FS Remedial Investigation/Feasibility StudyROD Record of Decision

scfmn standard cubic feet per minuteSVE soil vapor extractionSWMP Sitewide Monitoring Program

Ag/L micrograms per LiterUSAF United States Air ForceUSEPA United States Environmental Protection AgencyUST underground storage tank

WG water gauge

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Final OUI/0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 1-I


Eielson Air Force Base (Elelson AFB) is restoring environmentally impacted sites under theComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CEROLA) and inaccordance with a Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA). The FFA, signed by the United StatesAir Force (USAF), United States Environmental Protection Agency (UISEPA), and the AlaskaDepartment of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), specifies the framework and schedule forenvironmental cleanup efforts at Eielson AFB. The impacted sites have been incorporated intosix Operable Units (OUs) and one Sitewide OU. Records of Decision (ROD)s have beencompleted for each OU that are in various stages of remedial action. This Remedial ActionWork Plan only describes operations and maintenance for one OU, 0U2. Previous versions ofthis document included operations and maintenance for OU1. Remedial systems at O~L weredecommissioned, primarily in 2002 and 2003, as the USAF and Regulatory Project Managersdetermined that remedial goals were achieved (sites ST20 and ST48), or were accomplished tothe maximum extent practicable (sites SS50-52).

0U2 consists of a group of seven source areas where petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL)compounds have been released to soil and groundwater. The 0U2 source areas are locatedwithin both industrial areas and undeveloped portions of Eielson AFB. Impact at the 0U2 siteshas been investigated in detail since 1986. Non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) has beendetected in groundwater episodically at some 0U2 source areas. All the source areas haveaquifers consisting of relatively permeable sand and gravel, with the water table generallypresent at less than 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). The water table surface fluctuatesapproximately 2 feet annually, resulting in a smear zone of the NAPL. The selected remediesinclude bioventing to remediate the fuel source in the soil and removal of free product wherepossible.

The 0U2 ROD, signed inl1994, recommended remedial action at four sites: STIO,S5T13,S5514,and DP26. The recommended remedial action included NAPL recovery, bioventing, andgroundwater monitoring. Remedial action was initiated in 1995 and is ongoing. Theremediation systems have been maintained and monitored by contractors and Eielson AFBpersonnel. Product recovery is also currently conducted at site S537 and is included in thediscussion on sites 5T1 3/DP26, as site SS37 is directly downgradient.

1.1 Elelson AFB Location And Description

The population of the Fairbanks North Star Borough is approximately 82,000 people.Communities near Eielson AFB, commonly referred to in this document as the Base, includeMoose Creek and Salcha. Moose Creek abuts the northern Base boundary, and the Salchaarea abuts the southern Base boundary. The Base and surrounding area are located in theTanana River Valley (Figure 1 -1).

Eielson AFB is a major employer in the Fairbanks area. The Base employs approximately2,900 military personnel and 500 civilians. The total population residing on Eielson AFB isapproximately 5,150. Residential and occupational populations are primarily concentrated inthe developed portion of the Base. Ongoing functions on the developed portion of the Baseconsist of work, school, and recreational activities. The Base contains three elementary schoolsand one junior'/senior high school. There is one childcare center, one medical center, and adental clinic.

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Final OUJIOU2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 1-2

The developed portion of the Base is built on alluvial sediments. The topography is generallyflat and featureless, with elevations averaging about 550 feet above mean sea level (amnsl). Theundeveloped east and northeast sides of the Base are built on bedrock hills with elevations ashigh as 1, 125 feet amsl. Two-thirds of the Base is covered with alluvial soils that contain adiscontinuous permafrost layer. Figure 1-2 illustrates Elelson AFB and the majority of the Basesource areas. Half of the potentially agricultural soils are currently used for recreationalfacilities, ammunition storage areas, the Arctic Survival Training School, and other USAFdevelopment.

Significant wildlife frequents Eieison AFB, and the Base supports a variety of recreational andhunting opportunities. No resident threatened or endangered species live on the Base. Theclimate is sub-arctic, as Fairbanks experiences generally dry, short summers with up to22 hours of daylight in late June, and long, cold, dark winters. Fieldwork is conducted primarilyduring the summer when the vadose zone is thawed, and daylight hours are long. The summerfield season is generally between 15 April and 15 October.

A shallow, unconfined aquifer comprised of sediments, underlies the developed portion of theBase. The unconfined aquifer consists of 200 to 300 feet of alluvial sand and gravel that overlielow-permeability bedrock. The alluvial aquifer is characterized by high transmissivity andrelatively flat groundwater gradients. Groundwater in the developed portion of the Base lies atLapproximately 6tolO feet bgs, with seasonal fluctuations of approximately 2feet. The highestgroundwater elevations occur during May and early June, when the spring thaw occurs.Groundwater flow direction in the shallow aquifer was characterized as part of the SitewideRemedial Investigation, and trends toward the north-northwest, parallel with the flow of theTanana River. Surface water bodies and extraction from Base supply wells influence localgroundwater gradients. Groundwater is the principal source of potable and non-potable water atthe Base and in nearby communities.

The eastern portion of the Base is underlain by fractured, crystalline bedrock that acts as anaquifer. The bedrock aquifer is not as well characterized as the alluvial aquifer, though it isknown to have a more variable hydraulic conductivity and groundwater gradient than the alluvialaquifer. Near the Ski Hill facility, depth to the bedrock aquifer ranges between 50 and 200 feetbgs.

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Final OUI/0U.2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 1-5

1.2 Applicable Regulations

Eielson AFB has been utilized for military operations since its establishment in 1944. Themission has been to train and equip personnel for close air support of ground troops in an arcticenvironment. Eielson AFB operations include industrial areas, aircraft maintenance andoperations, an active runway and associated facilities, residential and recreational facilities, andadministrative offices.

Soil and groundwater at the Base have been impacted from operations associated with EielsonAFB carrying out its defense mission. These impacts have occurred through the release offuels and solvents, and from the disposal of refuse in landfills. Initially, these impacts wereevaluated under the USAF Installation Restoration Program (IRP). The four-phase IRP wasinitiated in 1982 with a Phase 1 records search to identify past disposal sites containingcontaminants that might pose a hazard to human health or the environment. Under the IRP, theUSAF identified potential areas of contamination at Eielson AFB. Potential source areasincluded old landfills, storage and disposal areas, fueling system leaks, and spill areas.

In November 1989 Eielson AFB was listed on the National Priorities List of federal Superfundsites by the USEPA. The USAF, USEPA, and the ADEC signed the FFA for Eielson AFB inMay 1991. The FFA identified 60 potential sources of contamination. Seven additional sourceareas (WP34, LF43, SS46, SS59, SSO1, SS02, and SS67) were not included in the FFA.Source areas WP34, LF43, SS46, and SS59 were closed out prior to the FFA. Source areasSSO1 and SS02 are not located on Eielson AFB. Source area SS67 was added after the FFA.Source areas SS01 and SS02 were later combined under SSO1, which brings the total numberof source areas to 66.

Of the 66 source areas, 61 were addressed in a ROD document. The 60 potential source areasidentified in the FFA were addressed in a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS), orthrough a source evaluation report, and were included in RODs for OUs 1 through 6. Anadditional source area, SS67, was addressed in the Sitewide RI/FS, and included in theSitewide ROD. Source areas WP34, LF43, SS46, SS59, and SS01 were not addressed in anyof the ROD documents.

The RODs for OL~s 1 through 6 and the Sitewide OU were signed by the USEPA, ADEC, andthe USAF. RODs for OUl, 0U2, and 0U6 were signed in 1994. OUs 3, 4. and 5 werecombined under the 0U3,45 ROD, which was signed in 1995. The final ROD under the FFA,the Sitewide ROD, was signed in 1997. Amendments to the 0U2 ROD and the 0U3,4,5 RODwere completed and signed in 1998. Of the 61 source areas addressed in the RODs, 20 weredesignated for further action/long term monitoring with Institutional Controls.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under the Freedom ofInformation Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited without the prior approval ofElelson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final OU1/01U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F41I624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 1-6

Interim Remedial Actions (IRAs) were initiated at 0U2 sites during the RI/FS process. The IRAsincluded construction and operation of free product recovery and bioventing systems. The IRAswere documented in Remedial Design documents as required by the FFA. The RemedialDesign documents called for minor modifications and continued operation of the existingremedial systems. The 0U2 ROD approved the design modifications and recommendedcontinued operation of the systems. Since then additional upgrades and repairs have beenmade to the remedial systems.

This document is an addendum to previous 0U2 Remedial Action Work Plans, and includeschanges that reflect subsequent modifications to each remedial system. This documentaddresses the proposed remedial action field activities for the 2005 performance period.

This document proposes modification/replacing bioventing injection points at source areas ST13and DP26, replacing soil vapor monitoring points, and continued remedial progress monitoringand NAPIL recovery activities at 0U12 during the 2005 performance period. Section 1 of thisdocument provides background information. Section 2 provides site-specific operation andmonitoring activities for the 2005 field season. Section 3 addresses amendments to the 1995Remedial Action Work Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Section 4 providesamendments to the Field Sampling Plan based on modifications to each system, subsequent tothe 1995 Remedial Action Work Plan.

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Final OUfl/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Elelson AFBContract F41 624413-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-1


2.1 2005 0U12 Source Areas

As stated in previous Remedial Action Work Plans, monitoring will be conducted toensure integrity and safety of the systems and will be used to track progress relative tocleanup goals. The systems will be maintained, as required, via routine maintenanceschedules. All necessary security and utility clearances will be obtained prior to work ateach site.

The 2005 field season activities at 0U12 are based on the 1997 0U12 Remedial ActionWork Plan-Addendum 2, and interim remedial action work conducted since 1995. Fieldwork in 2005 will focus primarily on two sites, ST1 3/DP26 and ST10O/SS1 4. Work will be

F ~~carried out in accordance with the detailed procedures in the Final Operations andMaintenance (O&M) Manual, Eielson AFB. Alaska, 0U2 Remedial Design document(AGRA 1997). The work scope includes environmental monitoring and maintenance ofthe bioventing systems. The Remedial Design specified the use of the observationalmethod, where the remediation system was designed and built using simplified designcriteria based on the best current knowledge of field conditions. The system will bemonitored to check actual performance against objectives, and system modifications willbe implemented as needed to improve performances. System modifications will beincorporated into the O&M Plans.

The 0U2 Remedial Action Objectives for groundwater and soil established in the 0U2ROD are presented in the following table:

Table 2-1: 0U2 Remedial Action Objectives for Groundwater and Soil

Constituent OUI Groundwater RAO 0U2 Soil RAO_________________ ~(ggIL) (mgikg)

Benzene 5 0.2Toluene 1,000 80

Ethylbenzene 700 140Xylenes (total) 10,000 760

Notes:RAO = Remedial Action Objectivemg/kg = milligrams per kilogrampgiL = micrograms per literRAOs were established in the 0U2 ROD (USAF 1994c; USAF 1996)

2.1.1 Source Area STI3IDP26 E-4 Diesel Fuel SpillIE-lO Tank Sludge Burial Pit Site Setting and Summary of Previous Work

Source Area STi 3 is a diesel spill site, located near the fuel outlets, along the southeastend of the main taxiway. DP26 is located directly east of ST13 and has been used forfuel storage and dispensing since the Base was established. Spills and leaks from

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final O/0U,10,2 Remedial Action Work, Elelson AFSContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-2

fueling equipment resulted in petroleum product being released into the groundwater. In1988 Tank 300, a large above ground storage tank (AST), was replaced (site 0IP26).Impacted soil within the containment berm was excavated to the top of groundwater andclean fill was placed in the excavation. Two 25,000-gallon, leaking underground storagetank (UST)s were taken out of service (site ST1 3) in 1990 and were removed in 1994. In1994 the fuel hydrant system was upgraded. The upgrades included removal of ten25,000-gallon USTs, one 3,000-gallon UST, and one 1,000-gallon UIST. demolition ofBuilding 1240, installation of a new fuel UST near Tank 300, and installation of4,000 feet of new utilidlor. Approximately 10,250 cubic yards of fuel-impacted soil wereremoved from the site.

Remedial design and fieldwork to implement a bioventing system were conducted in1995. The system was constructed to include air injection below the water table. Theinjected air passes through the smear zone and into unsaturated vadlose zone soils dueto pressure gradients. At site STi13/DP26, the bioventing system consists of twoequipment shelters: "Ca and "D". Each shelter contains a RotronTM 10-horsepower (hp)regenerative blower rated to a maximum flow of 184 standard cubic feet per minute(scfm) with 250 inches of water gauge (WG). The blowers are connected to15 bioventing wells through horizontal piping (Figures 2-1 & 2-2).

Included in the ST1 3/DP26 site is the product recovery system at the 795 Utilidor. .Thissystem was installed as the result of complaints by Eielson AFB maintenance personnelexperiencing hydrocarbon vapors while working in this portion of the utilidlor system.The product recovery system, consisting of a diaphragm recovery pump operated by anelectric air compressor, was installed in November 1997 (AGRA 1998).

The product recovery system near the 795 Utilidlor was upgraded during the 1999 fieldseason. A shed was added to the recovery system to protect the air compressor fromextreme weather. The system operated without incident throughout the operating year.Approximately 250 gallons of NAPL were recovered and transported to the Eielson AFB

Hazardous Waste Facility between July 1999 and June 2002. Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring

A bioventing system was constructed at site ST13/DP26 during the 1995 field seasonthat included air injection below the water table. The injected air passed through thesmear zone and into unsaturated vadose zone soils due to pressure gradients. Thebioventing systems air injection points at the site will be replaced during 2005 with newinjection points with screens straddling the water table, as was previously successful atthe O1-l bioventing systems (Figure 2-3). The new screening will further enhanceremediation and prolong injection point function by adding oxygen directly to the vadosezone soils. This will reduce the potential for increasing pressure within the current airinjection points.

In addition, all existing soil vapor monitoring points at the site will be decommissionedand replaced during 2005. Several existing soil vapor monitoring point seals leak orhave suspected short-circuiting from air injection points. Replacing the soil vapormonitoring points enhances the ability to detect current biodegradation rates.

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Final OUI/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Eiel son AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-3

Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates will be collected at all re-installed airinjection points and monitoring points for integration into a Base Geographic InformationSystem (GIS).

System maintenance will be conducted to ensure integrity and safety of the system andto maximize remediation at the site. O&M checks will be performed on a weekly basisand will consist of the following activities:

* Equipment and piping will be examined for damage or blockage.

* The system will be checked and adjusted to ensure parameters are withinoperating specifications.

a Line flows will be adjusted to maintain equalized flow throughout distributionlines.

a Readings and observations will be recorded in a bound field notebook.

During each site visit, the blower will be checked for normal operation. If signs ofabnormal operation are noted, the flows and pressures will be adjusted in an effort toremedy the problem. If attempts are unsuccessful, the system will be shut down and re-started. System piping will be examined for leaks. If leaks are detected, the leakingline(s) will be shut off until properly sealed. Internal and external air inlets will bechecked for blockage and cleaned as necessary.

System parameters including flows, pressures, and temperatures will be measured andadjusted to the normal operating ranges recommended in the O&M Manual.Temperatures will be maintained using various controls. The heater and exhaust fanthermostats will be set to maintain an ambient shelter temperature of appmoximately70 degrees Fahrenheit (OF). During winter months, the cooling loop will remain closedand the interior inlet opened. During summer months, the cooling loop will be openedand the exterior air inlet opened. If line pressure exceeds the specified limit, thepressure relief valve will be opened or the line flows decreased. Line flows will also beadjusted to equalize flow throughout the system, maximizing remedial effects at the site.If a parameter is out of range and cannot be adjusted to within specified limits, thesystem will be shut down and re-started following the start-up procedures in the O&MManual.

Periodic maintenance at the site will include cleaning the equipment shelter andchanging the blower air filter. Monitoring wells at or near the site will be gauged usingan interface probe to determine the thickness of any floating product. Manual productremoval will be performed with pumps, bailers, check valves, or other equipment,following the guidelines in Section 4.4. Recovery structures may include productrecovery wells, monitoring wells, or injection points screened beneath the water table.

An evaluation will be conducted in Spring 2005 to check for frost heaving or otherdamage. Site evaluations will consist of a visual inspection of the air injection and vapormonitoring wells to verify that well seals and monuments have not been compromisedduring the winter months. The inspections will also include monitoring of air delivery into

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final OUI/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Eielson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-031

July 2005Page 2-4

the injection wells and looking for evidence of short-circuiting around the wells. Inaddition to frost heave effects, the wells are typically compromised by snow removaland/or construction activities. Damaged wells will be repaired and refurbished to bringperformance into accordance with the system design. An air pressure/leak test will beperformed at least once per year to verify piping system integrity between the wellheadsand blower units. Maintenance activities performed at the site will be documented in thefield logbook.

System operation will be evaluated by conducting an annual pressure test to determinethe air distribution pattern. Pressure tests will consist of measuring air pressures andoxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations at each soil vapor monitoring point. Theresults will be evaluated to ensure that adequate air is moving through the subsurfacesoils. If the soil vapor monitoring points are insufficient to adequately monitor airmovement, then either additional monitoring points will be installed or a tracer test will beconducted.

Remedial progress monitoring at the site will consist of respiration testing, which isscheduled for September 2005. Respiration testing will be used to evaluatehydrocarbon biodegradation rates in the vadose zone following the proceduresdescribed in Section 4.3.2. The respiration rate will be compared to background rates todetermine if the site closure procedures should be initiated. If the respiration rate isgreater than three times the background rate, system operation will continue asscheduled. If the rate is less than three times the background rate, a plan will bedeveloped to initiate site closure. Source Area STI 3IDP26 2003 Product Recovery

The product recovery system near the 795 Utilidor will be operated continuously andmonitored on a weekly basis. The product recovery drum will be gauged for volume andcompared to previous readings to record net change. The submersible pump will beadjusted as needed to maximize product recovery. The air compressor will be servicedas required to ensure minimal condensation build up in the storage tank. The recoveredproduct will be transferred to a containment drum and product will be taken to theEielson AFB Hazardous Waste Facility by truck.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.




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Flqur. 2-3; Redestgned Air fnjoictlon Poi~t. ST13/0P26. E?.ltorn APE, AtnkoI~hs documnent contafins infrpntfor thot Is EX~EMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under the Fr*edo of infltonnor Act, 5 U.S.C. 552..E~enmplio 5 appries. Furthff distrilbutfn is p~ohbtbted.1 ut thtpo opovloEoIo A Foc lasPub~ fo &5f/A 97 37-21

Final OUI/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Elelson AFSCon tract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-8

2.1.2 Source Area STIOISSI4 E-2 POL StoragelE-2 Railroad JP-4 Spill Area Shte Seffing and Summary of Previous Work

Source Area ST1O/SS14 includes a bulk-fuel storage facility, Spruce Lake, and arailroad area, located in the southeast portion of the developed Base. The combinedsource areas include areas of NAPL and dissolved fuel compounds released from the

tnsand associated piping.

A bioventing system was constructed at site ST10/551 4 during the 1995 field season,and included air injection below the water table. The injected air passed through thesmear zone and into unsaturated vadose zone soils due to pressure gradients. At thesite, the bioventing system consists of two equipment shelters: "A" and "B". Eachshelter contains a Rotron~m 1 0-hp regenerative blower operating at a maximum flow of184 scfrn with 250 inches WG. The blowers are connected to 18 bioventing wells viahorizontal piping.

The ST1O/SS14 bioventing system was upgraded in 1996 in response to reports ofhydrocarbon vapors inside Building 6225. Three, 4-inch horizontal soil vapor extraction(SVE) lines and two 1 -inch air injection lines were installed under the buildingfoundation. The air injection lines were installed to provide positive pressure under thebuilding slab to assist the extraction lines in removing vapors. However, because the4-inch extraction lines adequately remove hydrocarbon vapors, the injection lines havenot been used. Associated mechanical and control components include a Rotron'm7.5-hp explosion proof regenerative blower capable of a maximum rated flow of345 scfm with 97 inches WG. The system exhausts through a 12-foot tall stack to theatmosphere (Figure 2-4).

During the summer of 2003, a plume delineation investigation was conducted atSTi10/SS14. The data collected during the delineation determined the current lateralextent of the 1 00 (micrograms per liter (lggIL) benzene contour north of the E-2 fuelingfacility. Data derived from general O&M, field investigations, and the delineation wereutilized to redesign the system that is currently operating on the site.

The bioventing system at ST10/SS14 was re-designed and constructed in 2005 to coverthe current lateral plume extent. The bioventing system expansion included installing sixadditional air injection points and separate lateral air supply lines. Lateral air supply lineinstallation included a minimum 24 inches of soil cover for frost protection (Figures 2-5 &2-6). The air supply lines connect to the manifold in the existing bioventing systemblower assembly located in Shed B.

In addition, all existing air injection points were replaced with new injection points withscreens straddling the water table, as was previously successful in the O1-1 bioventingsystems (Figure 2-3). The new screening further enhances remediation and prolongsinjection point function by adding oxygen directly to the vadose zone soils, and reducesthe potential for increasing pressure within the current air injection points.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-21 16.

Final OU1/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Etae son AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031I

July 2005Page 2-9

GPS coordinates were collected at all new and reinstalled air injection points, monitoringpoints, and helium tracer test locations for integration into Base GIS.

Former air injection point 1 OVW07 was not replaced as the injection point was removedprior to installation of an AST. Existing air injection points 1 OVW1 1 and 1 OVW1 2 couldnot be located during previous site evaluations as the points are currently sealed underasphalt. Injection points 10\VW1 1 and 1COVW1 2 were not replaced as they are locatedwithin the trailing edge of the benzene plume. Source Area STIOISS14 2003 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring

Monitoring tasks will be conducted to ensure integrity and safety of the system and tomaximize remediation at the site. O&M checks will be performed on a weekly basis andwill consist of the following activities:

* Equipment and piping will be examined for damage or blockage.

* The system will be checked and adjusted to ensure parameters are withinoperating specifications.

*Line flows will be adjusted to maintain equalized flow throughout distributionlines.

*Readings and observations will be recorded in a bound field notebook.

During each site visit the blower will be checked for normal operation. If signs ofabnormal operation are noted, such as excessive noise or vibration, the flows andpressures will be adjusted in an effort to remedy the problem. If attempts areunsuccessful, the system will be shut down and re-started. System piping will beexamined for leaks. If leaks are detected, the leaking line(s) will be shut off until properlysealed. Internal and external air inlets will be checked for blockage and cleaned ifnecessary.

System parameters including flows, pressures, and temperatures will be measured andadjusted to the normal operating ranges recommended in the O&M Manual.Temperatures will be maintained using various controls. The heater and exhaust fanthermostats will be set to maintain an ambient shelter temperature of approximately70 OF. During winter months, the cooling loop will remain closed and the interior inletopened. During summer months, the cooling loop will be opened and the exterior airinlet opened. If line pressure exceeds the specified limit, the pressure relief valve will beopened or the line flows decreased. Line flows will also be adjusted to equalize flowthroughout the system, maximizing remedial effects at the site. If a parameter is out ofrange and cannot be adjusted to within specified limits, the system will be shut down andre-started following the start-up procedures in the O&M Manual. Periodic maintenancewill include cleaning the equipment shelter and changing the blower air filter. Monitoringwells at or near the site will be gauged using an interface probe to determine thepresence and thickness of floating product. Manual product removal will be performedwith power pumps, bailers, check valves or other equipment as considered appropriatefollowing the guidelines in Section 4.4. Recovery structures may include product

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final OUI/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Eielson AFBContract F41 624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-1 0

recovery wells, monitoring wells, or injection points screened beneath the water table.

An evaluation will be conducted in Spring 2005 to check for frost heaving or otherdamage. Site evaluations will consist of a visual inspection of the air injection and vapormonitoring wells to verify that well seals and monuments have not been compromisedduring the winter months. The inspections will also include monitoring of air delivery intothe injection wells and looking for evidence of shodt-circuiting around the wells. Inaddition to frost heave effects, the wells are typically compromised by snow removaland/or construction activities. Damaged wells will be repaired and refurbished to bringperformance into accordance with the system design. An air pressure/leak test will beperformed at least once per year to verify piping system integrity between the wellheadsand blower units. Maintenance activities performed at the site will be documented in thefield logbook.

System operation will be evaluated by conducting an annual pressure test to determinethe air distribution pattern. Pressure tests will consist of measuring air pressures andoxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations at each soil vapor monitoring point. Theresults will be evaluated to ensure that adequate air is moving through the subsurfacesoils. If the soil vapor monitoring points are insufficient to adequately monitor airmovement, then either additional monitoring points wilt be installed or a tracer test will beconducted.

Remedial progress monitoring at the site will consist of respiration testing that isscheduled for September 2005. Respiration testing will be used to evaluatehydrocarbon biodegradation rates in the vadose zone following the proceduresdescribed in Section 4.3.2. The respiration rate will be compared to background rates todetermine if the site closure procedures should be initiated. If the respiration rate isgreater than three times the background rate, system operation will continue asscheduled. If the rate is less than three times the background rate, a plan will bedeveloped to initiate site closure. Source Area STIOISS14 2003 Building 6225 SVE System Operations,Maintenance, and Monitoring

O&M checks will be performed on a weekly basis. Flows, pressures, and airtemperatures in the system will be measured and adjusted as required to ensure properoperation of the system.

SVE exhaust samples will be collected on a quarterly basis and analyzed for benzene,toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) at an approved laboratory. SVE exhaustsamples will be collected from a sampling port using two, 1-Liter (L) Tedlart m samplebags. The positive-pressure port on the stack will be opened and allowed to purge forone minute prior to sample collection. After sample collection, a photoionization detector(PlO), or equivalent, will be used to measure the hydrocarbon concentration in the SVEexhaust.

Air samples within Building 6225 will be collected each quarter and analyzed for BTEXusing the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methoddescribed in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) 1501. The calibrated

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final OU1/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Eielson AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 2-11

pump will be placed 1.5 meters off the floor, in the breathing zone, and run for 2 hours.A 12-L sample will be collected into a sorbent charcoal tube and submitted to anapproved laboratory for analysis.

The analytical results from both samples will be reported to Base EnvironmentalCompliance by letter. The letter will state if any BTEX compounds were detected inBuilding 6225, and report the daily benzene and total BTEX emission rates for the stack.Attachments to the letter will include copies of the analytical results and tables ofhistorical results.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.


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Final OUJI/0U2 Remedial Action Work, Elelson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 3-1


3.1 Project Scope And Objectives

The site-specific Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (USAF 1995d) approved forthis project is provided in the 1995 OUl Remedial Action Work Plan. Previous versionsof this document included O&M for OUl and 0U2. This Remedial Action Work Plan onlydescribes O&M for 0U2, but references the QAPP for OUl as remedial actions aresimilar for both OUs.

The approved, site-specific QAPP as amended for the 2005 Remedial Action fieldwork isprovided in the following sections.

3.2 Project Organization And Responsibility

The following key project personnel are identified for the 2005 Remedial Actionfieldwork:

Delivery Order Manager: Joel Lazzeri, PG .IEASenior Technical Manager: Joel Lazzeri, P.G.IEASite Manager: Mark Wilkinson/EASite Safety and Health Officer: Melissa Shippey/EA.

3.3 Quality Assurance Objectives For Measurement Data

The quality assurance (QA) objectives for measurement of data are provided in theapproved 1995 OUl Work Plan (USAF 1995d).

3.4 Sampling Procedures

The sampling procedures are provided in the approved 1995 OUl Work Plan (USAF1 995d).

3.5 Sample Custody

The sample custody procedures are provided in the approved 1995 OUl Work Plan(USAF 1995d).

3.6 Calibration Procedures For Field Test Equipment

The calibration procedures and frequency for field test equipment are provided in the

approved 1995 OU'l Work Plan (USAF 1995d).

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

Final OU1/0U,2 Remedial Action Work, Eie/son AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2006Page 3-2

3.7 Analytical Procedures

The analytical procedures and QA/quality control (QC) procedures provided in theapproved 1995 OUI Work Plan (USAF 1995d) are superceded by the Air Force Centerfor Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) QAPP Version 4.0.01 (AFCEE 2005). Theselected analytical laboratory shall submit and receive approval for any variances to theAFCEE QAPP Version 4.0.01.

3.8 Data Reduction, Validation, And Reporting

The data reduction, validation, and reporting requirements are provided in the approved1995 OUlI Work Plan (USAF 1995d) with the exception that electronic data reporting inthe Environmental Restoration Program Information Management System (ERPIMS)format is not required. Data files compatible with Access software format will begenerated.

3.9 Internal Quality Control Checks

Internal QC check requirements shall be consistent with the criteria established in theAFCEE QAPP Version 4.0.01.

3.10 Performance And System Audits

System audit and performance requirements are provided in the approved 1995 O1-1lWork Plan (USAF 1995d).

3.11 Laboratory Preventive Maintenance

Laboratory preventive maintenance shall be in accordance with the AFCEE QAPPVersion 4.0.01.

3.12 Procedures To Assess Data Precision, Accuracy, And Completeness

Procedures to assess the precision, accuracy, and completeness of laboratory data shallbe in accordance with the AFCEE QAPP Version 4.0.01.

3.13 Corrective Action

Laboratory corrective actions shall be in accordance with the AFCEE QAPPVersion 4.0.01.

3.14 Quality Assurance Reports

QA reports shall be in accordance with the AFCEE QAPP Version 4.0.01.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Pubiic Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Betason AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 4-1


This Work Plan addendum contains the requirements and procedures to collect air andsoil vapor samples to monitor and evaluate 0U2 remedial systems at Elelson AFB. Thepurpose of the Field Sampling Plan is to provide sufficient detail to allow an experiencedfield team unfamiliar with the project to collect high quality samples as required.

4.1 Field Operations

Primary sampling tasks performed under the 2005 Remedial Action Work Plan willinclude respiration tests and quarterly building and stack sampling. Additional tasks willinclude gauging of product recovery wells, pressure testing of soil vapor monitoringpoints, and the decommissioning of SVE and bioventing remediation systems. Notesdescribing daily field activities will be kept in a bound field notebook. The samplingprocedures to be implemented during the field season are described in the followingsections.

4.2 Environmental Sampling

Environmental sampling at 0U2 source areas include; air sampling in Building 6225, airsampling from the site ST1O/SS14 SVE system, and groundwater monitoring. Airsampling for Building 6225 and the site STIO/SS14 SVE system is further discussedbelow. Groundwater monitoring is conducted under the Sitewide Monitoring Program(SWMP), and is not included as environmental sampling under this Work Plan.

4.2.1 Building and Stack Air Samples

Air samples will be collected from within Building 6225 (source areas ST1O/SS14) for aminimum of two hours using a calibrated air sampling pump and a charcoal samplingtube. The sampling pump will be placed at a height of approximately 1.5 meters in theworker-breathing zone. Pump operation switches will be secured to avoid an inadvertentshut down of the equipment.

Air samples from the STIO/SSI4 SVE system stack will be collected using Tedlar~msample bags. The positive-pressure port on the stack will be opened and allowed topurge for one minute prior to sample collection. Two bags will be filled and submitted foranalysis as a contingency for damage during shipping. After sample collection, acalibrated PID or equivalent will be used to measure the hydrocarbon concentration inthe SVE exhaust.

4.2.2 Sample Handling

Field samples will be labeled, recorded on a chain-of-custody form, packaged, andshipped to the analytical laboratory. Samples may be stored in the Fairbanks office untilfinal packing for shipment. TedlarTm bag samples will be wrapped in bubble wrap orplaced in foam packs for shipment. Charcoal tubes will be sealed in sealable plasticbags for shipment. The samples will be analyzed for selected constituents specified on

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 appiies. Further distribution is prohibited without

the prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F41 624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 4-2

the accompanying chain-of-custody form. The types of sample containers, minimumvolumes, preservations, holding times, and method of analyses are described in theAFCEE QAPP Version 4.0.01.

4.2.3 Sample Custody

Sample numbers will be recorded on the chain-of-custody form along with the collectiontime and date. The chain-of-custody form will be sealed in a clear plastic bag andattached to the inside lid of the shipping container. Containers will be sealed securelywith custody seals attached. Copies of the chain-of-custody form and the shipping airbill will be maintained by the Site Manager and faxed to the Senior Technical Manager ordesignee for review. The air bill number will also be recorded on the chain-of-custodyform. The chain-of-custody forms will be kept as part of the permanent sampling record.

4.2.4 Quality Control Samples

QC samples will not be required for air samples.

4.2.5 Sample Analysis Summary

Table 4-1 summarizes the type and number of samples to be collected.

Table 4-1: Sample and Analysis Summary

Samples for Laboratory Analysis

Parameer Anaytical Building Stack SampleMethod Sample



4.3 Field Measurements

4.3.1 Product Measurements and Removal Well Inspection

The outer protective monument, well casing, and the well cap/seal will be inspected forany signs of damage or tampering. If there is evidence of damage or tampering, or if alock is missing, the information will be recorded in the field notebook and reported to theBase point of contact (FCC).

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 4-3 Determination of Water Level/Liquid Thickness

The well cap or expandable seal will be removed and wells will be gauged to measurewater depth and product thickness. Measurements will be read to the nearest 0.01 footwith an electric sounder such as an interface probe or equivalent. Water depth, productdepth, and measuring point description (top of casing, if possible) will be recorded in thefield notebook. Water level indicator probes will be decontaminated after measuringeach monitoring well by washing with AlconoxTm detergent solution and rinsing withdeionized or distilled water. An additional methanol rinse may be used if free product isencountered in the well. Rinse liquids will be collected and stored in a 5-gallon bucketand handled as investigative derived waste.

4.3.2 Respiration Testing

Annual respiration tests will be performed in late summer at each bioventing system.Testing will begin by verifying that each soil vapor monitoring point is oxygenated. Onceverified, the system will be shut down. After a minimum of two hours, a Gasrech~m GTSeries instrument will be used to measure the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygenat each soil vapor monitoring point. Hydrocarbon concentrations and percent lowerexplosive limit (LEL) readings will also be recorded. A second reading will be recordedthat same day to determine if the oxygen concentration is falling faster than 5 percentper day. If the rate is slower than 5 percent per day, a single reading will be taken atapproximately the same time for the next 6 days. If the change in oxygen concentrationexceeds 5 percent per day, more frequent readings will be required.

The respiration test will be conducted using an electric powered vacuum pump. Thepump will be connected to nylon or polyethylene tubing. The tubing will be equippedwith a T-valve to allow purging of the soil gas or connection to the Gas Tech~minstrument for vapor measurement. Sampling will begin by purging three to five casingvolumes of soil gas. Vapor flow will then be diverted to the Gas TechT' instrument andmeasurements recorded in a bound field notebook. If water is encountered, the pumpwill immediately be shut off and no reading will be taken. The instrument will becalibrated daily prior to the collection of samples.

4.3.3 Pressure Testing

Pressure testing will be conducted at each soil vapor monitoring location to evaluate thecondition of the point. Tests will be performed prior to respiration testing or if damage issuspected. Pressures will be measured using magnehelic gauges and recorded in abound field notebook.

4.3.4 Equipment Calibration

Field equipment will be calibrated at the beginning of each day according to the

manufacturer's instructions. Calibration data will be recorded in a bound field notebook.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Elelson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-211 6.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFSContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 4-4

4.3.5 Equipment Maintenance

All field equipment will be stored or maintained in proper working condition at either the

Fairbanks office or the site trailers.

4.3.6 Decontamination

The portion of the interface probe that comes into contact with floating product orgroundwater will be decontaminated after gauging each well. The probe and tape will bedecontaminated between wells by scrubbing with an AlconoxTM detergent solution, andrinsing with tap water and then distilled or deionized water. An additional methanol rinsemay be used when deemed necessary.

4.4 Product Recovery

Product removal will be performed using bailers, check valves, peristaltic pumps, orother means preventing the collection of water. Product will be removed from variousstructures including product recovery wells, monitoring wells, soil vapor monitoringpoints, or injection points screened beneath the water table. Recovered product will bestored in drums and disposed of through the Eielson AFB Hazardous Waste Facility.

4.5 Remediation System Decommissioning

Decommissioning of any monitoring points or injection wells will be conducted inaccordance with ANl/AWWA Standard Al100-97, Appendix H, per the ADEC regulation18AAC8O.015 'Well Protection, Source Water Protection, and Well Decommissioning".

4.6 Record Keeping

Field personnel will maintain field notes in a bound field notebook documenting samplingdates and locations as well as daily events, weather conditions, observations, fieldmeasurements, and any other pertinent information relating to field activities.

4.7 Investigation Derived Waste

Investigation derived waste will consist of recovered product from site 5T1 3/DP26, andany rinse liquids generated from decontamination procedures. Recovered product willbe stored in a 55-gallon drum located at the 795 Utilidor system. The drum will belabeled to indicate that the contents are flammable, petroleum product. The label willalso identify the Base P00. The drum will be in good condition, be secured, and haveadequate secondary containment. Eielson AFB Hazardous Waste Facility personnel willremove recovered product once the drum is full. All rinse liquids will be properlycharacterized and disposed of by Organic Incineration Technologies, Inc. (OIT) in Moose

Creek, Alaska.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Elelson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 4-5

4.8 Site Safety And Management

All field team members wili abide by the Health and Safety Plan that will be kept on site.In addition, field team members will receive a weekly safety briefing. In case of anemergency the Base POC, and the EA Health and Safety Officer will be notified.

Contact numbers for the Headquarters (HQ) AFCEE Contracting Officer'sRepresentative (COR), the Base POC, and key contractor personnel are given below:

AFCEE COR: Mr. Deven Daicher, AFCEEIERD, Elmendorf AFB, AlaskaPhone: (907) 552-9618

Eielson AFB POC: Mr. Mike Raabe, 354 CES/CEV, Eielson AFB, AlaskaPhone: (907) 377-1164

Eielson AFB Coordinator: Mr. Dave Beistel, 354 CES/CEV, Ejelson AFB, AlaskaPhone: (907) 377-1678

EA Delivery Order Manager: Joel Lazzeri, P.G., EA Engineering, Hunt Valley, MarylandPhone: (410) 527-2404

EA Technical Manager: Joel Lazzeri, P.G., EA Engineering, Hunt Valley, MarylandPhone: (410) 527-2404

EA Site Manager: Mark Wilkinson, EA Engineering, Fairbanks, AlaskaPhone: (907) 456-4751

Site Safety and Health Officer: Melissa Shippey, EA Engineering, Fairbanks, AlaskaPhone: (907) 456-4751.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Elelson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FWIPA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract F41624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 5-1


18 AAC 80. Drinking Water. 2001. Alaska Administrative Code. September.

AFCEE (Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence). 2005. Quality AssuranceProject Plan, Version 4.0.01. May. HQ Air Force Center for EnvironmentalExcellence, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas.

AGRA, 1997. Operation and Maintenance Manual, Eielson AFB 0U2 Remedial Design,November 1997. Agra Earth and Environmental, Inc., Fairbanks, Alaska.

AGRA, 1998. Utilidor Investigation/Diesel Plume Delineation Study, Eielson AFB,Alaska, Volume 1-Final Report, October 1998. Agra Earth and Environmental,Inc. Fairbanks, Alaska.

Battelle Columbus Division. 1993. Interim Report for Bioventing Field Initiative: EielsonAFB, Alaska, March. Battelle, Columbus, Ohio.

Battelle Columbus Division. 1995. Final Report for Environics TOC Task 3 BioventingFeasibility Study: Eielson AFB, Alaska, March. Battelle, Columbus, Ohio.

Harding Lawson Associates (HLA). 1991. Installation Restoration Program RemedialInvestigations/Feasibility Study, Stage 4. Draft Report for Eielson AFB, Alaska.Volume IV. Prepared by HLA for the Alaskan Air Command, Elmendorf Air ForceBase, Alaska. (As cited in USAF, 1995a.)

IT (International Technology Corporation). 1995. Eielson 0U2 Source Areas 5T1 3/26Treatability Study Informal Technical Informational Report, Draft. Prepared forAFCEE, Brooks AFB, Texas. September.

IT (International Technology Corporation). 1995. Eielson 0U2 Environmental Monitoring1994 Field Activities Report. Prepared for AFCEE, Brooks AFB, Texas. February.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1993. Source Evaluation Report Phase 1. Prepared byPacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. October.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1993. Eielson AFB, Alaska, RI/FS, 0U2 RemedialInvestigation Report, Final. United States Air Force Environmental RestorationProgram. October.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1993. Final Remedial Design for OUl Source Area ST-48. Elelson AFB, Alaska, August. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1994a. Source Evaluation Report, Phase 2Investigation, Limited Field Investigation. Prepared by Pacific NorthwestLaboratory, Richland, Washington. October.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0LJ2 Remedia/ Action Work Plan, Elelson AFBContract $4 1624-03-D-8596-00S1

July 2005Page 5-2

REFERENCES (Continued)

USAF (United States Air Force). 1994b. Ejelson AFB OUl Declaration of the Record ofDecision. September.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1994c. Eielson AFB 0U2 and Other Areas Declarationof the Record of Decision. September.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1994d. Draft Bioventing System Installation andMonitoring Report, Elelson AFB, Alaska. February. Prepared by EA, Lafayette,California.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1994e. Final GUi, Remedial Investigation Report,Ejelson AFB, Alaska, September.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1995a. Sitewide RI/FS, Eielson AFB, Alaska.Volume I, Remedial Investigation. USAF, Environmental Restoration Program.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1995b. Sitewide Remedial Investigation, Eielson AFB,Alaska. Volume IV, Biological Risk Assessment. Prepared by Pacific NorthwestLaboratories, Richland, Washington.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1995c. Sitewide Remedial Investigation Final Report,Eielson AFB, Alaska. Prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory, EnvironmentalManagement Operations, Richland, Washington. August.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1995d. Final OUl Remedial Action Work Plan, EielsonAFB, Alaska. November. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1995e. Final OUl Remedial Design, Eielson AFB,Alaska. November. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1996. Eielson AFB Proposed Record of DecisionAmendments for 0U2 and Operable Units 3, 4, and 5. May.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1997. 1996 Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring ReportFinal, Eielson AFB, Alaska. May. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 1998. 1997 Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring ReportDraft, Eielson AFB, Alaska. February. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 20001' 1999 Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report,Elelson AFB, Alaska. November. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 2001. 2000 Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report,Eielson AFB, Alaska. November. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FW/PA, (907) 377-2116.

0U2 Remedial Action Work Plan, Eielson AFBContract F4 1624-03-D-8596-0031

July 2005Page 5-3

REFERENCES (Concluded)

USAF (United States Air Force). 2002a. Remedial Process Optimization, Phase IITechnical Report, Eielson AFB3, Alaska. February. Prepared by Earth Tech, Inc.,San Antonio, Texas.

p ~~USAF (United States Air Force). 2002b. Remedial Process Optimization Meeting forProposed Shut-down of OU'l Bioventing Systems at source areas ST48, ST20(E-7), and ST20 (E-9). (Eielson AFB, EA, ADEC, USEPA, Earth Tech) 27August.

USAF (United States Air Force). 2003a. 2003-2004 Remedial Action Operation WorkPlan, Eielson AFB3, Alaska. August. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 2003b. 2003 Five-Year ROD Review, Eielson AFB,Alaska. September. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 2004. 2004-2005 Remedial Action Operation WorkPlan, Eielson AFB, Alaska. July. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

USAF (United States Air Force). 2005. 2004 Sitewide Groundwater Monitoring Report,EBelson AFB, Alaska. May. Prepared by EA, Fairbanks, Alaska.

This document contains information that is EXEMPT FROM MANDATORY DISCLOSURE under theFreedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552. Exemption 5 applies. Further distribution is prohibited withoutthe prior approval of Eielson Air Force Base Public Affairs, 354 FWI/PA, (907) 377-2116.