The Union times (Union, S.C.).(Union, S.C.) 1914-01-02 [p 4].nch, 50 cents, t, 3 inches, 2 times,...

THE UNIO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY TIMES BUILDING. MAIN STREET. LEWIS M. RICE Registered at the Postofflce in Unio SUBSCRIPTI One Year Six Months Thron Mnnftio ADVERTIS One square, first insertion f Every subsequent insertion Contracts for three months or Ion LEGAL ! The regular legal rates are charg to law, which rates are as follows: Matter to be set in 8 point, brevit $1.00; each subsequent insertion, per i Citation to Kindred and Creditors Final Discharge, 1 3-4 inches, 4 t Administrator's or Executor's noti Obituary notices, tributes of resj strictly one cent a word, FRIDAY, JANl The result of the attempt at recall in the municipal election in Orangeburp: this week is gratifying to the moral and law-abiding element in this tSate. The mayor and one coun-' cilman of the city of Orangeburg were but the target for the lawless « , element in that city. That the people have vindicated both men by overwhelmingly re-electing them is a cause for sincere rejoicing. HAPPY NEW YEAR! We extend to all our readers best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year. May blessings abound and may hearts be glad throughout the year 1914. The Times has reason to be thankful. The past year has been one of prosperity for us. Our circulation climbed from 2250 to 2750. Our outlool^ is most encouraging. To the % many friends who have helped us to ^ climb upward, to the old and tried ^ subscribers, to the men and women k ^aLUnio^v county we extend our sinI Mr*' cejre thanks. We expect to reach fori v higher things during this good year f oif grace. We purpose improving the p&per in its editorial and news departments. We have, here-to-fore, been so absorbed in improving the mechanical department, that we have not been able to meet our own exI ' pfcctations in the matter of producing a{ newsy and well edited paper. We hkve before us only a few montl^ more of struggle and we will then have paid in full for one of the best Dlants in the State nf Smith ) We do not see how we could well improve upon our present equipment.! But we are now reaching forth to the making of a belter newspaper.1 We earnestly desire to give to the^ people of Union county a first-class newspaper. And we firmly believe we can do this. We look into the future with heart unafraid, with abounding hope; with good will to all men; with faith in our felolws; with trust in the living God. A Happy New Year to one and all. YE MEN OF ACTION! Our admiration goes out to the men and women who carry on the world's work. In shop, in field, office and mine, on land on sea.where men and women toil, the great work of the world goes on. It is something to stir the heart to be a part, although « a very small one, of the great world of activities. And the beautiful thing about it all is that the honors are about equally divided. The humble toiler in the mill, if he be doing good w&rk faithfully, is as worthy of commendation as is the hank president. He is just as necessary as is the man of prominence. Indeed, it is upon the shoulders of the humble toiler that the men of large activities must stand. It is true that histry, in re- cording the life of the great general, often overlooks the private soldier. But it would be a feeble army were there no soldiers, but only captains and leaders. It is thus in the field«of human action everywhere. And each man and woman who is honestly filling the place God has given, is as worthy of honor as any living man. > I\I TIMES THE UNION TIMES COMPANY BELL PHONE NO. 1 .Editor in, s. Kj., as secona ciass maiur. ON RATES $1.00 _ . 50 .25 E M E N T S _$1.00 60 iger will be made at reduced rates. NOTICES ed for all notices published according »r, solid type.first insertion, per inch nch, 50 cents, t, 3 inches, 2 times, $4.50. imes, $4.50. ces, 1 1-4 inches, 3 times, $2.50. ject, resolutions and cards of thanks ... JARY 2, 1914. Buffalo News Letter. Christmas has come and pone with its pleasures and sorrows and tonight as the old year is fast dying, memory goes back to childhood and refreshed with the thoughts of bygone days, lingers over happiness and joy that can never be recalled: "Roll backward., roll backward, Oh, Time In your flight. Make me a child again, Just for tonight." Ah! If we could hear in chillish innocence the stories related of old Santa Clans, and believe in the visits of St. Nicholas, the mythical Saint of years ago. Hapi y, happy days. The veil has been l'fted and we know in reality Santa Clauses are at work everywhere on Christmas night, making happy the hearts of children the worll over. Yes, children there is a real Santa Clause in every home. Look for >'«im every Christmas. Mr. R. P. Colson of the C. S. Navy after spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Colson, ' J nnof (\f Hutv. nas reiumcu w . ,. Miss Julia Colson of the Charlotte Sanitarium, also spent her vacation with her parents. Mr. O. S. Dula of YoungjjvfUe, N. C., spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Colson, and left for his home today Misses Pearl and Allie Colson of Wndesboro, N. C., are spending sometime with their aunt and uncle, Mr. ind Mrs. J. J. Colson. Double Wedding at Cross Anchor A double wedding which was a complete surprise to the friends of the bridal parties occurrfd at the home of Rev. H. K. Ezell in Cross Anchor, S. C., on Dec. 22th The contracting parties were Miss Pearl Ezell and Mr. Eewis E. Yarborough, "-" " snehnr and Miss Margaret U1 U UODV«>iv..v.( . Fowler and Mr. Paul R. Barton of Taylors. The wedding ceremony was performed by the Rev. H K. Ezell, father and brother-in-law of the brides. The home, which was the scene of the pretty affair, was testily decorated in red, white and green. The brides, who naturally resembled, were dressed alike in stylish tailored suits of brown. Immediately after the ceremony the happy young people left for ."parts unknown." ' T"" 1"f Vi" onH Mrs. Rar- Aii«r jau< «ov, .M». ton will be at home at Taylors, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Yarborough at Enoree. The best wishes of a host of friends attend them. LOCK HART JUNCTION. There are only two more days and the old year will have 'gone. If we people knew that there wer<* only two (more days for us to live, there sure would be a great change, no doubt in some of us.. I am proud to report that I have not seen any one drunk nor have I heard of any one spoiling the fun or joy of any noe in that way in thi3 section. The Christmas tree at the Gault school house was well attended, if it was raining, and every one present got a present of some kind. The tree was mostly for children of the ..« J i m it. -1.11 ouuua; n«'iiuui ttiiu aihu iur uie CIUIdren who attended the every day school. The Sunday school was well attended yesterday, If It was Christmas. Tt seemed the same Interest was manifested and we had many visitors. T have heard of only on" accident so far and that was to Mr. James McKlnney, his horse throwing him off and spraining his ankle so he had to go on crutches. This kept him from seeing much of the fun as he could net go about as he would like, Miss Preida Trefzer of Greenville, spent a tew days with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Gauft, this week Miss Ethel Barton and Mr. Zeddy Watkins of Greenville, ar~ spending the holidays at Mr. J. L. McKinney's Mrs. T. W. Tweed, who has been 4 sick Tor so long, seems to be dhme better at this time. I wn say for Mrs. Tweed that she has been a faithful helper to those who were sick and the same has be**n paid to her during her sickness and she also bears her slekness with great patience. Moxy. Lard of 1 hanks. We desire to express to each one of the friends and neighbors who were so kind and attentive to our beloved mother, Mrs. S. E. Belue, during her last illness and death, our abiding gratitude and appreciation. It pd Her Children. Notice to Pensioners. All persons on the pension rolls, either men or women, need not/make further application for pensions as their .names will be carried over for the next year unless dropped for cause. Those who" have never been on the rolls who wish to make application for pension, either men or women, will find the pension commissioner in the Auditor's office at Union from about twelve till two o'clock every Saturday during the month of January, 1914^^or the purpose of receiving applications for pensions. All pensioners who have died or may die,, before the first of January, 1914, are not entitled to pensions for next. Only those that live till the first day of January will be entitled to thair pensions. W. H. S. Harris, Pension Commissioner. Notice to Tresspassers. Notice is hereby Riven that all persons are forbidden to hunt, ride, walk or tresspass upon my lands located in BoRansville Townhsjp and known as the Asa Smith p^ace. All tresspassers will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. ltpd Julia P. Smith. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby Riven of the annual stockholders meetinR of the Rice DruR Co., to be held in the office of' the said company at 10:30 o'clock, Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1914. 2t C. H. Milhous, Manager. JONESVILLE Christmas day was very quiet owing to the bad day. There was but little stir on the streets. The day was quietly enjoyed "in the homes. The merchants did a big business on the Neve of Christmas and much money V&s in circulation, especially did tBi negr®«*. turn loo&e their -mowey AaK all kinds of goods. / The Baptist S. S. had a Christmas tree on Ihursday evening. Mr. I. K. VBrennecke died at his home here on Monday morning after ~a long illness of a pulmonary disease. Mr. Brennecke moved to Jonesville last spring; he was an invalid when he came here. He was a native of Chester. His wife is the daughter of Mr. Dick Askew of Mt. Tabor. He was a member of the Methodist church and a good Christian gentleman. He leaves a widow and four children, three sons and a daughter. The emains were carried to Chester for intermant. « Mrs. Mary Garner, of Union is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sam Littlejohn. Mr." Louis Bates of Chicago, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bates. Dr. Alexander Foster, of Baltimore is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Foster. Mr. .Toe Free, of AshlnriH Tfv in visiting his mother, Mrs. E. C. Free. Mrs. W. O. Southard and Mrs. Hadden Geer went to Spartanburg Friday and Mrs. Geer went to Belton to join her husband who is coming home for a short furlough. Mr. Jack Floyd and Miss Essie Lipsey were married Saturday night in Jonesville by Mr. W. H. S. Harris, notary public. * Mr. J. W. Bates has been sick for some time and is slowly improving. Mr. John Palmer, who has had fever for about two months, is getting ud and about the house. The lodge of Free Masons here installed officers the 27th, and then repaired to the Enterprise Hotel where ^hey were served a banquet. Bro. H. Fay Gaffney, of the city of Gaffney was present by invitation and made a fine address to the audience. Mr. R. E. Littlejohn, of Cross Anchor has moved with his family to Jonesville and will take a clerkship with Mr. Henry J. Hames next year. Mr. Littlejohn moved away from Jonesville a few years ago and with his family are quite glad to welcome him back to our town. Mr. J. H. Moss and Miss Maud Childers were married in Jonesville Thursday night, the 25th, by W. H. S. Harris, notary ublic. Telephone. The Columbia Tailoring Co., of Baltimore, Md., have leased the bulld1 ing next door to The Union Grocery company and will occupy it on Jan. 15. This store will be one of a chain of 300 stores throughout the South. Mrs. S. Kassler, and children of Yorkville, are spending this week Mrs. C. G. Humphries on North Church street. I List of Advertised Letters. Ernest Becknell, Miss Minnie N Beaty. Miss Lilla Bishop, Floy Briggs, William Corn^ Miss Anni Davis, John B. Douglas, Miss Ine Early, William Farr, Miss Eva Fob ter, G. H. Hughes, Hughes Heat ' Willie Johnson, Miss Blanche Johni Mrs. Mattie Jones, Mrs. S. J. Jones Miss Bessie Jones, Miss Jess Lalc< Miss Mammie Moss, Mrs. Nanni Myers, Earl Owens, Miss Mamie Ric Mrs. Ola Smith, A1 Signer, Mrs. Bet tie Teowx, Mrs. Jane Williams, Isaa Williams. Notice to Debtors and Creditors! All parties owing the estate o Mrs. Amanda M. McNeace, deceased are hereby notified to make paymen t. All IU 5 ' w me. mi cicuiwjrs ux me gaia mrs Amanda M. McNeace are hereby not ifled to present their claims to th( undersigned, duly attested. Dec. 30, 1913. J. A. Sawyer, 1 4t Qualified Executor. NOTICE! Of Opening Books of Subscription. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an order of Hon. R. M. Mc Cown, Secretary of State, books oJ subscription to the capital stock oi Model Garage will be opened in th< office of the ModelGarage, Union, S C.f Jan. 3 1914 at 9 a. m. The general nature of the business will be t< operate a garage, conduct a repaii shop, etc. Capital stock to be $6,00( divided into 60 shares of the par value of $100, with privilege of Increasing to $10,000. Prescribed place ol business, Urtion, S. C. J. G. Going O. E. Going R. P. Morgan D. H. Montgomery. .T P RnrKonlra F. H. Garner Leo Jenkins. It Incorporators SIDNEY LANDON IS GREAT ENTERTAINER Gives Character Sketches ol Illustrious Men. No entertainer during the past ten years has grown in public favor more rapidly or become more in demand than Sidney Landon, who will give " peaking likenesses of great men" In our city this season. He uses wigs and make-up and ia a cousumnaute artist in their use Without leaving the platform, and in full view of the audience, he will ap pear as some of the great men of oui country, hla Impersonations being ac pey^Hpthat ypu,wlll almost thlnkth< dfnftfd riwh ire reaff7~litandlng bettJW you and speaking to you. Some of th< noted men he portrays very success fully are Mark Twain, Edgar Allar Poe, whom he lmpernonates perfectly "Bill" Nye, Henry Wadsworth Long fellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Rud BBHg 8IDNEY LANDON. Noted Impersonator. yard Kipling, Artemus Ward, Genera Robert E. I^ee, Abraham Llncoli Each character presents some of hi best writings or speeches just as h In real lifs would have given then Of course all these can not be give in one evening's entertainment, fo some characters of every day life als are presented. It is urged by the committee i charge that all high school pupils, a' teachers, all members of literary soc etles or clubs, should attend this ei tertainment, for they will hear muc of interest and bo delighted with th literary quality that is so dominant i Mr. Landon's selections. He use nnthlnM * ~ 1 1. *UI 4W.A - - iiuvuuift viivim, uxiij iuiuh» iimi ur worth while, yet his entertainment 1 universally successful, proving thi all people, whatever their station, ca appreciate the best. Mr. Landon comes here as th fourth attraction in the Edisonia popular Lyceum Course and will fa uoon of fKn "wm wv vuv uuiovilia IICAV 1IIUIOUO night, January 8. Advance seat sale at Glymph1 Pharmacy, Tuesday, Jan. 6th. , ,. Rev. H. E. Hill, the new paste W the North Side Baptist church ha moved to the village. The people < the village gave him a poundin Thursday afternoon..Rock Hill Hei aid. jf - v ~ ^ / Condensed Stat The Citizens Nattona f Unioi, South ( t Showing Condition at the olose ( - Resourot G Loans and discounts United States Bonds (T J Banking House, Fur | and Fixtures Cash in Vault, Due II Banks and U. S. T 5?5@ , \* M ' Llabilitie " Capital Stock > jg^p^jAU Surpuls Acct. * Undivided Profits . * Circulation - rr Deposits p- MORGAN, President | The Bailey Furniture Y Desires to extend X ings to all of il X friends. They feel A has been one of pr 4 great part of wl Yf due to the loyal s X firm by the people X ion County. ^ TKo fimM mrJnl ^ aikv mill tt191 , Christmas and a h X x ous New Year. : | Bailey Furniture & , ». Union, Sou f ATMaI | £11 1111/] % 10c and 15c LINEN COL1 y all sizes.latest styles fo: X Ladies' Suits, Long C y and all Winter Goods to 1 X actual cost. |! | COME TO THE G J I <JUUJ> I McLure Me | We Sell s NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE e l% State of South Carolina n County of Union r COURT OF PROBATE 0 Notice is hereby given, that on the 19th day of January, 1914, at 11 n o'clock, a. m., in the Court of Probate II for said County, the undersigned will . make his final settlement as Administrator of the Estate of Robt. W. 1 Harris, Jr., and that thereupon he b pvill apply to the Judge of saia Court, e for his -final discharge as such Adn ministrator. ig J. F. McLure. ,e This 19th day of Dec., 1913. Published in The Union Times for J 30 days. 62 4t 0 ar/xminn aki rirar rwnntv a nn t* nuiii/Ci ur riiiaii 1/ioi/iiAiitiEi \ ie State of South Carolina 's County of Union « COURT OF PROBATE v Notice is hereby Riven, that on the 23rd day of January, 1914 at 11 >8 o'clock, a. ra., in the Court of Probate / for said County, the undersigned will make his Anal settlement as Guardian of the Estate of Caroline ,r Schumpert, and that thereupon he will apply to the Judge of said Coprt, >f for his Anal discharge as such guard. ian. J. K. Hamblin. g This 28rd day of Dec., 1918. r~ Published in The Union Times for 30 days. 52 4t v if business, Dec. 30, 1913 $314,260.66 niture 14,600.00 W from | |_i A.\ftr reas._ 62,494.91 X $411,346.57 YOuR. MGNFY s: IN $ 80,000.00 THssI ::::: S&S BANK 20,000.00 , 280.861.23 Knjnf $411,346.57 Keygl C. C. SANDERS, UjJ^ I w»*W& Lumber Company | the seasons greet- s customers and t that the past year ' Y ofit and success, a X lich having been i of Union and Un- les you a merry appy and prosper- T . Lumber Co.* Inc. %*u th Carolina 1 2 AAA -4. .4 T LURES | LARS for Men and Boys, y r only 5c. £ oatis, Furs, Underwear T »e closed out at and below » i REAT BARGAIN £ ITER. X rcantile Co. |. For Less, i Beware oi Drug Habits If you have a cold Gowans, King of Externals, will scatter the inflamation, and a cold is aimpiy uiiittiimiiuu. You just rub Gowans on. No dangerous fumes to inhale. Gowans penetrates, is all quickly absorbed and scatters congestion and inflamation. Colds may bring Pneumonia Gowans breaks the cold, Croup comes quickly.Gowans heads it off, by penetrating. No fumes to inhale. No drugs to take. Just rub it on. Gowana Sella At 25, 50 and $1.00 Drnfgiiti Guarantee It. uowan meaicai u>. Concord, N. C. EARL C. OWENS VETERINARY SURGEON UNION, 8. C. Residence Photo SR. I At Johnson's SUM* \

Transcript of The Union times (Union, S.C.).(Union, S.C.) 1914-01-02 [p 4].nch, 50 cents, t, 3 inches, 2 times,...

Page 1: The Union times (Union, S.C.).(Union, S.C.) 1914-01-02 [p 4].nch, 50 cents, t, 3 inches, 2 times, $4.50. imes, $4.50. ces, 1 1-4 inches, 3 times, $2.50. ject, resolutions and cards




Registered at the Postofflce in Unio

SUBSCRIPTIOne YearSix MonthsThron Mnnftio

ADVERTISOne square, first insertion

f Every subsequent insertionContracts for three months or Ion

LEGAL !The regular legal rates are charg

to law, which rates are as follows:Matter to be set in 8 point, brevit

$1.00; each subsequent insertion, per iCitation to Kindred and CreditorsFinal Discharge, 1 3-4 inches, 4 tAdministrator's or Executor's notiObituary notices, tributes of resj

strictly one cent a word,


The result of the attempt at recallin the municipal election in Orangeburp:this week is gratifying to themoral and law-abiding element inthis tSate. The mayor and one coun-'cilman of the city of Orangeburgwere but the target for the lawless

« , element in that city. That the peoplehave vindicated both men byoverwhelmingly re-electing them is a

cause for sincere rejoicing.


We extend to all our readers bestwishes for a prosperous and happyNew Year. May blessings aboundand may hearts be glad throughoutthe year 1914.The Times has reason to be thankful.The past year has been one of

prosperity for us. Our circulationclimbed from 2250 to 2750. Our outlool^is most encouraging. To the

% many friends who have helped us to^ climb upward, to the old and tried

^ subscribers, to the men and women

k ^aLUnio^v county we extend our sinIMr*' cejre thanks. We expect to reach foriv higher things during this good yearf oif grace. We purpose improving the

p&per in its editorial and news departments.We have, here-to-fore,been so absorbed in improving themechanical department, that we havenot been able to meet our own exI'

pfcctations in the matter of producinga{ newsy and well edited paper. Wehkve before us only a few montl^more of struggle and we will thenhave paid in full for one of the bestDlants in the State nf Smith

)We do not see how we could well improveupon our present equipment.!But we are now reaching forth tothe making of a belter newspaper.1We earnestly desire to give to the^people of Union county a first-classnewspaper. And we firmly believewe can do this.We look into the future with heart

unafraid, with abounding hope; withgood will to all men; with faith inour felolws; with trust in the livingGod.A Happy New Year to one and all.

YE MEN OF ACTION!Our admiration goes out to the men

and women who carry on the world'swork. In shop, in field, office andmine, on land on sea.where men andwomen toil, the great work of theworld goes on. It is something tostir the heart to be a part, although

« a very small one, of the great worldof activities. And the beautiful thingabout it all is that the honors are

about equally divided. The humbletoiler in the mill, if he be doing goodw&rk faithfully, is as worthy of commendationas is the hank president.He is just as necessary as is the man

of prominence. Indeed, it is upon theshoulders of the humble toiler thatthe men of large activities muststand. It is true that histry, in re-

cording the life of the great general,often overlooks the private soldier.But it would be a feeble army were

there no soldiers, but only captainsand leaders. It is thus in the field«ofhuman action everywhere. And eachman and woman who is honestly fillingthe place God has given, is as

worthy of honor as any living man.




in, s. Kj., as secona ciass maiur.


_ . 50.25

E M E N T S_$1.00

60iger will be made at reduced rates.

NOTICESed for all notices published according

»r, solid type.first insertion, per inchnch, 50 cents,t, 3 inches, 2 times, $4.50.imes, $4.50.ces, 1 1-4 inches, 3 times, $2.50.ject, resolutions and cards of thanks


JARY 2, 1914.

Buffalo News Letter.

Christmas has come and pone withits pleasures and sorrows and tonightas the old year is fast dying, memory

goes back to childhood and refreshedwith the thoughts of bygone days,lingers over happiness and joy thatcan never be recalled:

"Roll backward., roll backward,Oh, Time In your flight.

Make me a child again,Just for tonight."

Ah! If we could hear in chillishinnocence the stories related of old

Santa Clans, and believe in the visitsof St. Nicholas, the mythicalSaint of years ago. Hapi y, happydays. The veil has been l'fted and

we know in reality Santa Clausesare at work everywhere on Christmas

night, making happy the hearts of

children the worll over. Yes, childrenthere is a real Santa Clause in

every home. Look for >'«im every

Christmas.Mr. R. P. Colson of the C. S. Navy

after spending two weeks with his

parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Colson,'J nnof (\f Hutv.

nas reiumcu w ,» . ,.

Miss Julia Colson of the CharlotteSanitarium, also spent her vacationwith her parents.Mr. O. S. Dula of YoungjjvfUe, N.

C., spent the holidays with his sister,Mrs. J. J. Colson, and left for

his home todayMisses Pearl and Allie Colson of

Wndesboro, N. C., are spending sometimewith their aunt and uncle, Mr.

ind Mrs. J. J. Colson.

Double Wedding at Cross AnchorA double wedding which was a

complete surprise to the friends of

the bridal parties occurrfd at the

home of Rev. H. K. Ezell in Cross

Anchor, S. C., on Dec. 22th The contractingparties were Miss PearlEzell and Mr. Eewis E. Yarborough,

"-" " snehnr and Miss MargaretU1 U UODV«>iv..v.( .

Fowler and Mr. Paul R. Barton of

Taylors. The wedding ceremony was

performed by the Rev. H K. Ezell,father and brother-in-law of the

brides.The home, which was the scene

of the pretty affair, was testily decoratedin red, white and green. The

brides, who naturally resembled,were dressed alike in stylish tailoredsuits of brown.Immediately after the ceremony

the happy young people left for

."parts unknown."' T"" 1"f Vi" onH Mrs. Rar-Aii«r jau< «ov, .M».

ton will be at home at Taylors, S.

C., Mr. and Mrs. Yarborough at Enoree.The best wishes of a host of

friends attend them.


There are only two more days andthe old year will have 'gone. If we

people knew that there wer<* only two

(more days for us to live, there sure

would be a great change, no doubt insome of us..

I am proud to report that I havenot seen any one drunk nor have Iheard of any one spoiling the funor joy of any noe in that way in thi3section.The Christmas tree at the Gault

school house was well attended, ifit was raining, and every one presentgot a present of some kind. Thetree was mostly for children of the

..«J i m it. -1.11ouuua; n«'iiuui ttiiu aihu iur uie CIUIdrenwho attended the every dayschool. The Sunday school was wellattended yesterday, If It was Christmas.Tt seemed the same Interestwas manifested and we had manyvisitors.

T have heard of only on" accidentso far and that was to Mr. JamesMcKlnney, his horse throwing himoff and spraining his ankle so he hadto go on crutches. This kept himfrom seeing much of the fun as hecould net go about as he would like,Miss Preida Trefzer of Greenville,

spent a tew days with her mother,Mrs. W. G. Gauft, this weekMiss Ethel Barton and Mr. Zeddy

Watkins of Greenville, ar~ spendingthe holidays at Mr. J. L. McKinney's

Mrs. T. W. Tweed, who has been4sick Tor so long, seems to be dhmebetter at this time. I wn say forMrs. Tweed that she has been afaithful helper to those who weresick and the same has be**n paid toher during her sickness and she alsobears her slekness with great patience.Moxy.

Lard of 1 hanks.We desire to express to each one of

the friends and neighbors who wereso kind and attentive to our belovedmother, Mrs. S. E. Belue, during herlast illness and death, our abidinggratitude and appreciation.It pd Her Children.

Notice to Pensioners.All persons on the pension rolls,

either men or women, need not/makefurther application for pensions astheir .names will be carried over forthe next year unless dropped forcause. Those who" have never beenon the rolls who wish to make applicationfor pension, either men orwomen, will find the pension commissionerin the Auditor's office at Unionfrom about twelve till two o'clockevery Saturday during the month ofJanuary, 1914^^or the purpose of receivingapplications for pensions. Allpensioners who have died or may die,,before the first of January, 1914, arenot entitled to pensions for next. Onlythose that live till the first day ofJanuary will be entitled to thair pensions.

W. H. S. Harris,Pension Commissioner.

Notice to Tresspassers.Notice is hereby Riven that all personsare forbidden to hunt, ride, walk

or tresspass upon my lands locatedin BoRansville Townhsjp and knownas the Asa Smith p^ace. All tresspasserswill be prosecuted to the extentof the law.ltpd Julia P. Smith.

Notice to Stockholders.Notice is hereby Riven of the annualstockholders meetinR of the Rice

DruR Co., to be held in the office of'the said company at 10:30 o'clock,Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1914.2t C. H. Milhous, Manager.

JONESVILLEChristmas day was very quiet owingto the bad day. There was but

little stir on the streets. The day was

quietly enjoyed "in the homes. Themerchants did a big business on theNeve of Christmas and much moneyV&s in circulation, especially did tBinegr®«*. turn loo&e their -mowey AaKall kinds of goods. /The Baptist S. S. had a Christmas

tree on Ihursday evening.Mr. I. K. VBrennecke died at his

home here on Monday morning after~a long illness of a pulmonary disease.Mr. Brennecke moved to Jonesvillelast spring; he was an invalid when hecame here. He was a native of Chester.His wife is the daughter of Mr.Dick Askew of Mt. Tabor. He was a

member of the Methodist church anda good Christian gentleman. Heleaves a widow and four children,three sons and a daughter. The emainswere carried to Chester for intermant.«

Mrs. Mary Garner, of Union is theguest of her sister, Mrs. Sam Littlejohn.

Mr." Louis Bates of Chicago, is visitinghis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Bates.

Dr. Alexander Foster, of Baltimoreis visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. B. Foster.

Mr. .Toe Free, of AshlnriH Tfv in

visiting his mother, Mrs. E. C. Free.Mrs. W. O. Southard and Mrs. HaddenGeer went to Spartanburg Fridayand Mrs. Geer went to Belton to

join her husband who is coming homefor a short furlough.

Mr. Jack Floyd and Miss EssieLipsey were married Saturday nightin Jonesville by Mr. W. H. S. Harris,notary public. *

Mr. J. W. Bates has been sick forsome time and is slowly improving.

Mr. John Palmer, who has had feverfor about two months, is gettingud and about the house.The lodge of Free Masons here installedofficers the 27th, and then repairedto the Enterprise Hotel where

^hey were served a banquet. Bro.H. Fay Gaffney, of the city of Gaffneywas present by invitation andmade a fine address to the audience.

Mr. R. E. Littlejohn, of Cross Anchorhas moved with his family toJonesville and will take a clerkshipwith Mr. Henry J. Hames next year.Mr. Littlejohn moved away fromJonesville a few years ago and withhis family are quite glad to welcomehim back to our town.

Mr. J. H. Moss and Miss MaudChilders were married in JonesvilleThursday night, the 25th, by W. H. S.Harris, notary ublic.


The Columbia Tailoring Co., ofBaltimore, Md., have leased the bulld1ing next door to The Union Grocerycompany and will occupy it on Jan.15. This store will be one of a chainof 300 stores throughout the South.

Mrs. S. Kassler, and children ofYorkville, are spending this weekMrs. C. G. Humphries on NorthChurch street.


List of Advertised Letters.Ernest Becknell, Miss Minnie N

Beaty. Miss Lilla Bishop, FloyBriggs, William Corn^ Miss AnniDavis, John B. Douglas, Miss IneEarly, William Farr, Miss Eva Fobter, G. H. Hughes, Hughes Heat' Willie Johnson, Miss Blanche JohniMrs. Mattie Jones, Mrs. S. J. JonesMiss Bessie Jones, Miss Jess Lalc<Miss Mammie Moss, Mrs. NanniMyers, Earl Owens, Miss Mamie RicMrs. Ola Smith, A1 Signer, Mrs. Bettie Teowx, Mrs. Jane Williams, IsaaWilliams.

Notice to Debtors and Creditors!All parties owing the estate o

Mrs. Amanda M. McNeace, deceasedare hereby notified to make payment. All IU 5 'w me. mi cicuiwjrs ux me gaia mrsAmanda M. McNeace are hereby notifled to present their claims to th(undersigned, duly attested.

Dec. 30, 1913. J. A. Sawyer,1 4t Qualified Executor.

NOTICE!Of Opening Books of Subscription.Notice is hereby given that pur

suant to an order of Hon. R. M. McCown, Secretary of State, books oJsubscription to the capital stock oiModel Garage will be opened in th<office of the ModelGarage, Union, SC.f Jan. 3 1914 at 9 a. m. The generalnature of the business will be t<operate a garage, conduct a repaiishop, etc. Capital stock to be $6,00(divided into 60 shares of the par valueof $100, with privilege of Increasingto $10,000. Prescribed place olbusiness, Urtion, S. C.

J. G. GoingO. E. GoingR. P. MorganD. H. Montgomery..T P RnrKonlraF. H. GarnerLeo Jenkins.It Incorporators


Gives Character Sketches olIllustrious Men.

No entertainer during the past tenyears has grown in public favor morerapidly or become more in demandthan Sidney Landon, who will give" peaking likenesses of great men"In our city this season.He uses wigs and make-up and ia

a cousumnaute artist in their useWithout leaving the platform, and infull view of the audience, he will appear as some of the great men of ouicountry, hla Impersonations being ac

pey^Hpthat ypu,wlll almost thlnkth<dfnftfd riwh ire reaff7~litandlng bettJWyou and speaking to you. Some of th<noted men he portrays very successfully are Mark Twain, Edgar AllarPoe, whom he lmpernonates perfectly"Bill" Nye, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Rud

BBHg8IDNEY LANDON.Noted Impersonator.

yard Kipling, Artemus Ward, GeneraRobert E. I^ee, Abraham LlncoliEach character presents some of hibest writings or speeches just as hIn real lifs would have given thenOf course all these can not be givein one evening's entertainment, fosome characters of every day life alsare presented.

It is urged by the committee icharge that all high school pupils, a'teachers, all members of literary socetles or clubs, should attend this ei

tertainment, for they will hear mucof interest and bo delighted with thliterary quality that is so dominant iMr. Landon's selections. He usennthlnM * ~ 1 1. *UI 4W.A - -

iiuvuuift viivim, uxiij iuiuh» iimi ur

worth while, yet his entertainment 1universally successful, proving thiall people, whatever their station, caappreciate the best.

Mr. Landon comes here as thfourth attraction in the Edisoniapopular Lyceum Course and will fauoon of fKn"wm wv vuv uuiovilia IICAV 1IIUIOUO

night, January 8.Advance seat sale at Glymph1

Pharmacy, Tuesday, Jan. 6th., ,.

Rev. H. E. Hill, the new pasteW the North Side Baptist church hamoved to the village. The people <the village gave him a poundinThursday afternoon..Rock Hill Heiaid.

jf - v


^/ Condensed Stat

The Citizens Nattonaf Unioi, South (

t Showing Condition at the olose (

- ResourotGLoans and discountsUnited States Bonds

(TJ Banking House, Fur| and FixturesCash in Vault, DueII Banks and U. S. T5?5@ , \* M ' Llabilitie

" Capital Stock> jg^p^jAU Surpuls Acct.

* Undivided Profits .* Circulation- rr Deposits

p- MORGAN,President

| The Bailey FurnitureY Desires to extendX ings to all of ilX friends. They feelA has been one of pr4 great part of wlYf due to the loyal s

X firm by the peopleX ion County.^ TKo fimM mrJnl^aikv mill tt191

, Christmas and a hX x

ous New Year.

: | Bailey Furniture &, ». Union, Sou

f ATMaI|£11 1111/]% 10c and 15c LINEN COL1y all sizes.latest styles fo:X Ladies' Suits, Long C

y and all Winter Goods to 1X actual cost.



I McLure Me|We Sell


l% State of South Carolinan County of Unionr COURT OF PROBATE0 Notice is hereby given, that on the

19th day of January, 1914, at 11n o'clock, a. m., in the Court of ProbateII for said County, the undersigned will. make his final settlement as Administratorof the Estate of Robt. W.1 Harris, Jr., and that thereupon heb pvill apply to the Judge of saia Court,e for his -final discharge as such Adnministrator.

ig J. F. McLure.,e This 19th day of Dec., 1913.

Published in The Union Times forJ 30 days. 62 4t

0ar/xminn aki rirar a « rwnntv a nn t*nuiii/Ci ur riiiaii 1/ioi/iiAiitiEi

\ie State of South Carolina's County of Union« COURT OF PROBATEv Notice is hereby Riven, that on the

23rd day of January, 1914 at 11>8 o'clock, a. ra., in the Court of Probate/ for said County, the undersigned

will make his Anal settlement asGuardian of the Estate of Caroline

,r Schumpert, and that thereupon hewill apply to the Judge of said Coprt,

>f for his Anal discharge as such guard.ian. J. K. Hamblin.g This 28rd day of Dec., 1918.r~ Published in The Union Times for

30 days. 52 4t


if business, Dec. 30, 1913


niture14,600.00 W

from | |_i A.\ftrreas._ 62,494.91 X

$411,346.57 YOuR.MGNFY

s: IN$ 80,000.00 THssI

::::: S&S BANK20,000.00 ,280.861.23 Knjnf$411,346.57 Keygl

C. C. SANDERS, UjJ^I w»*W&

Lumber Company |the seasons greet-s customers and tthat the past year


Yofit and success, a Xlich having been iof Union and Un-

les you a merryappy and prosper- T

. Lumber Co.* Inc. %*uth Carolina 1 2

AAA -4. .4T

LURES |LARS for Men and Boys, yr only 5c. £oatis, Furs, Underwear T»e closed out at and below »



rcantile Co. |.For Less, iBeware oi Drug Habits

If you have a cold Gowans,King of Externals, will scatterthe inflamation, and a cold isaimpiy uiiittiimiiuu.You just rub Gowans on. No

dangerous fumes to inhale.Gowans penetrates, is all quicklyabsorbed and scatters congestionand inflamation.

Colds may bring PneumoniaGowans breaks the cold, Croupcomes quickly.Gowans headsit off, by penetrating. No fumesto inhale. No drugs to take.Just rub it on.Gowana Sella At 25, 50 and $1.00

Drnfgiiti Guarantee It.

uowan meaicai u>.Concord, N. C.


UNION, 8. C.

Residence Photo SR.I At Johnson's SUM*
