THE UNION CJO.U N1,Y STANDARD Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union Oounty. ····---- · VOL. XXII. NO. 43 WESTFIELD, U N IO N COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 4, J06. $1.50 Per Ycur. Single Copy 3. '"BEE HIVE," New Jersey'• Shoppln Centre. NEWA. Some of the Many Points that Make "Bee Hive" Sewing lacbines Best Sold on the Fairest Part Paymenl Plan-No II Club" Fee. .JUST �AD the following goml fea!ur (not hull nil ) 1n11l yon wii!IJ�in to l'enlizc why llw "Hw Hive" sewing mnchilw hnsHo Jllltll,\' �iluwh friends nlllllhnt it is the heHt mnde. We luwc tesimnuials, too, fl'llm Jllll'clmscra who luwc used it fUI' yeurs. IT WILT, niNO <Ire•g(lK with tho lllllO or other mnturinl, eithor Kmtl' lopK, ;oointH, H<lllllrUH or Ktrnight. !'l' WJU, GA1'HE1t nne! HOW onnt tho SlllllO time. IT WILL MAim 11lll0ro oln•tio stitch tl11m lillY other mnchlno. J'l' WI LL IAKI� plmtted trimming, clthor scallol or stmight, mul HOW on t1 luuul mlgo·stitchlng tho bnml, nt ouo oporutlon. 11' SEWS from !nco to lcnthcr wlthont clmnglng stitch or tonHiou. 11' WILl , lAim wi<lo 11ml ' unr row hums, nml hom� all khuls of gs, suob l wft nmrino, or gꝏds tlitllcult on other mnuhiucs. !1' WILI; SBW n !JtLmlnml rufllo on n dross skirt, stitching mulpi]ling nt tho hettd o[ tho !Jam!, nt ono omtion. •' . . . IT WILT, AI<E J>lcntctl trimming nml so on n t the mo time. !1' WILL AK•; Jolmttcd trimming, either setdloiJtl or stndght nml sow on lljlipiug_a�t 1!10 HILUm ti . mo. l'r WILl, MAim n knife plcnting. 1'1' WILl, 'fHN A H1 IUJtl stitch 011 tmmiug nt ouo operation. 1'1' WILL DO VEf,LING, bilL� or strui ght, on llY cotton or wꝏlen IH. IT WILI, GA'l'HEit amd sew on 11 IJ�twl, with piping botweon ntlllo nut\ balul,-nt uuu O}lurntiou. Ptice� Way Beiow Those of E1cluslre Dealers $15.00, 18.001 20.00, 23.00 25 00. No Branch Stores 707 t 7ZI Broad St., Newark �·�.1Y:r::n�e�t,�. &WAl\K'WBSTFJIU,O OARB PA¸ OUR tOORS, REPORT OF THEC ONDITIO OF THE PLAINFIELD TRUST C OMPANYATTHECLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 6, 1906 ASSETS, ·Luans ani! Tnvctmcn\s.$1,72fl,OSG 88 Bnnking House and Lol. · G2,(i-IO l�lll'flitlll'C td Jfix!UJ'CS· B, ]nlcrcsL AccJ'llcd....... 7,2·17 07 Cash . .. .. .. .. .... . , 255,G77 20 $2, 057 ,G5l 15 LIABILITIEI. Cnpitnl Stock . ... . · ·· . . $ 1,0. Surplus and Profits.... 13,874 ·17 Interest Accrued . . . ·.. . 7, 12G 53 Duposits .... . ; ........ 1,814,05015 . $2,057 ,5J i ), T. WANG A. V. EELY HENRY A. McGEB ,T. ,IIBHBER'l' OASE EDWARD F. FJ�IOKER'f rmlmt Viti·Prt•sidml Vit·Pr�sMml Slefo•/ary Ass'l StenJfJ' 3% paid on nccounts subject to check. Mall Ordrs Filled Will lbke Them Hustle. I he gy[JSY moth has rcnche<l Con· necUcut now, and the )t eOJlle or tho · Land of Steady llahlts will hnve to liustle 'round to save their wooden nutmeg trees.-Doston Globe. Conderate aby, Mr. Karper-1 saw that baby of Popley's ycsternaY and 1 admire t h o yo ungster Immensely. Heavily Insured. ' The Wanamaker ramlly In Phllndepbla carries a total or ,3,855,000 Ill llfe lnsurante, probly more than any otlocr In the world. Alpine Telephone. It aly Is about to begin tho construe• tlo n of a telephone service In Alpine alt itudes for the use or climbers who vu assistance. Mrs. Karper-Mr. Popley Ia always showing It o. "Yes but yesterday It wouldn't show �ff amy of Its trlclts lor Po;oicy at all . That's why I admh·e lt.' '- Phlladclphla Press. Remar�able Bulls. This renrkal!le collection or "bulls" recently nppearcd In n No Zealand newspaper In a criticis m or "King Dick" Seddon, tbe premier: "Setldon Is still sitting 011 the rail with his car to the ground, walling to se . e which way \_ he cat will jum x•.'' WESTFIELD CHURCH NEWS. I. 0. S. RECEPTION DANCE. WESTFIELD CLUB DOOMED. THE STANDARD CALENDAR. NU'I'I•:N AIIUIJ'I' 'I'IH: NI•:VIm,\1, ANNII,\1, KUeJ,\1, 1-:\'l'lN'I' IH:toll UINIIANUII-:N'I' ,\'1' AN l•l,\111.\' Ut;t�CUII N ,,'I'IUNH. �IU� J),\ \' , u; JI'J', J),\ 'I' I� IN J�.Y 1• l?f:'J'J�U, 'l'h� l'nljlll Nu�Jitl!l• Nn•t Nu!l!lilf" "' hn "'Ill l•r�·IU!h··MIU't!llll Hllrvh�n.. N1111tlllf NL'hnnl nnal l'rurnr '"'"'II"� 'l'u11lm1, Nu'l'� :-'l'hn \1tml llltUI ' ur Mt!l'VI(lt� In tllll !J\•uml dmi'I!IU' will l•u fUJ«l In thu Oli\II'HII OJt·-�:tury ltlllKU two, Hov. o. J. a ClllW<Klll, Jlll�tor, will prtmda lr1 lhu lln)ltlst Church <lll Suucluy llll Hunclny nt both HUJ' I'iuuH, OouJIJillllou will hu oltscrl'ml iu tho morning mul llU\\' mcmhor ruceh·o1l. COitKrtlUlhUIJtl Cllurcl•Communion will bu ohurl'ctl nt t!JO Cougrcgut!ouu! Church on Snualuy moru· iUH. Hu\', If. If. Unurusuy, jlrtHior, wlll prunch huth moruiug nut! oyuning. llulr 'l'rlultl' Churcl" l�I'Ory Suuclny lliiiHHOH nt 8:+0 auul J O:IU , . A oinK.� of forty·li\'O ehiltlrou will ro· culvo Fir·Ht Holy Otmmmn!ononSumlny, �luy fl, niH! BiKhop 0 'Oouuor will au!· miniHtor Coutirnmtlou lotubay, �Iuy 7, nt 7:30 1'· 111. 'fho rupniring analtlccarntiug of Holy 'l'rinity Church w!ll Lo tlono aluriug tho month of Mny. I!lhociit fJiiurcb. Dr. John U. Wright, pnstor, will (>rmwh In tho luth01ll•� Church Sumlny morniug 111111 o\'OJJing. Sjcinl muKic will be rontlerc<lnt tho o\·onin sorviuo. Nu\'orli A\'tlUUt! llltlltid Church. Son•iciJS on Sunday ut the N uw Y �rlt Avouuo Bllptist Cbnrch wil! hu <L• usunl, in ulmrgo of tw pnstor, Rov. P.. Ross, t,lt 11 u. 111. aml 8 p. 111. nt 8:UO n. Ill. l'n!h\·lnriuu Cllun�la. Dr. W. I. Stcnus, JIIL�tor, wil! prcnch at both sor\•ice in thu Prushyteriuu Ohnruh on nmlny. At• l lllhlllllnllf• Ill' to IIIII ll>tllll Hill loti• urd ul'thn Ur�nulrn!lou••Numhl!r ol' IIIII ul''l'nll'tl Jll!lUIII•" l'rmont, 'l'hu fourteunth llllllllitl J'UUOJlllnnllllll alnnuu, f( lvun hy tho IJJtJIJJIJIII'H of tim I, 0. ,, tho' olti<JKI lll'JLlii1Jttlon o! !tK uhnr· not<•r lit tmi ·n, wns hcltl<lt tho Wtmtlloltl Oinh Iinll nn Mmuluy nvunhl. 'l'ho nf· flair Is nlwnys uno of tlw lrilllnnL soclnl uyoniH of tho HllllKOil !u WestUol<l, 1111!1 tlmt ho Mmulny uvuulng lu no wlsu <limlni•hu<ltho ropnt ntlnn of tlau "In h. Pro!', Jlnrr)' l!storvnlt fuishutl thu mnslo for tim tlnnco progrnmauo of twou· ty muubors mul o�tR. Hofre.�hmontH wore scrl'oll lwtwcun tho tenth anHl cluvonth tlitiiCos. 'l'lm list of 1 •ntroucsscs is ns follows: �IrH, 'l'hum!Oo . 13ushnoi i , �Irs. Ge orge T , Ontttmulun, �Irs. Hnlmrt-, W. Ilnr<lun, Mr. Chns. ll. Kimlmll, Mrs. Jlnrry A. KniHht, Mrs. Arthur H. H . MoO!ly,MrK. Uoytl 'rhomjoKon. 'hu following com· mittecs wore in ohnrgo of tho nr rnugc· nwnts: RecoJttiou Connuittuc, A. D. 'rnttlo, W. J. Bnort, ,Jr., A. B. Smith, F. P. Condit: Iuvitntion Connniltce, W. ,J, Bert, ,Jr. , Seymour Ferris, F. P. Cotl!llt; Rofrushmout Committee, A. B. Smith, W. J, BoHcrt, A. D. Tuttle; Docorntion Cmumitleo, F. P. Oon<llt, H. W. nr<lou, H. V. Hotfmnu, John Mo- Cormiel<, J,loy<l Thompson, F. S. 'ng· gnrt •. , Anion� those pi'Csent were Ir, nml lrH. Geor gu W. '!'unison, Ir. 1tl ro. 0. R. Swmaey, Mr. nncl Mrs. F. H. Uugerer, Mr. tuul �Irs. Pam! Q. O!iyor, Mr. nual lrs. YauNess DoLnmnter, Mr. and �Irs. . g, J{ulgiJt, Ir. ami Mrs. Wm. . DII\1K, IJ·. 11ml Mrs. A. L. Russell, lr. nml Mrs. Hurry Clarke, Mr. nml Mrs, 'l'heo<loro D. Bunce, :Mr. nml Mrs. ;r. B. Wilson, awl rs. f,loy<l 'l'bompson, Mr. awl Mrs. It. W. Hnren, Ir. auul lrK. George •r. Ornt· tmulon, Dr. uml Mrs. '. A. J(inch ; rs. H. K ymon< !, Mt·s. W . T. gort, Mrs. J,, A. [ltcl)oullltl, Mrs. I?. S. Smith, lisses Jlli,Jtlluth Stil!num, Bossie Smith, l�ll li W0!lwaml, Hv11 Olnrk, of Firmdcln Cnnncil cnntinuus to proviclo l!,tLII ) \'Oocl, lthul ,Cogor, lnir "\Villimns entortuinmctlt nl' tho IIJ'Kt o rt lcr at itK o[ N ow Y!llc, Harriet Hnln, Amm me tiltJS. No (; , hl l 'hLy, , nigh� t . hu Prutluh, BoHRiu l�t·uuch, l��tullo Hugu- lwlws 11 1 HfHUJ JJJ\'Jtecl : I�t_o Semor 1111111, fuꝃJ KimlJttH, Flormwe .TOIJCS of clnKK o . f tho !ugh s chꝏl will rouclor tho llrooldyn, Mnrio Simpson, nhol 1'ice, followmg programme: G. Nimmons, Gntec Ilnrtlon, Elhel PA!tT I. S mith, J,ncy Worth, Smlio Still, .Jose· I. High Schl Orchost. pbiuu l. Oliver, uise HnKKell, MisK 2. Hecitlltion-Hclon Sawitz. Hmtmuum of Brooklyu , iss Beth a. Violin Sulo-Hnrul<l 'Volch. lorehous u, Iiss moisu PhillijiS, !cssrs. .J. Seneca Qmutcttc, y,P. A. DelAt 1tlontuiHne, C. 'Vctin, . Hecitntion-Loniso Bnl wr. 0. D. Smith, w. K. Bmbleton, J. H. A. P,mr . Willinms, Hn11')' Illllo, Olmoucc B. 'l'ip· 1. High School OI·chost. putt- , Gcrgo H. Blltko, George V. 2. Seneca Qnnrtctto. HnJsoy, l�tur Oroayu, Frml Nimmons, :1. 'l'hcDllrkoyWoO<l·tlonlcr-nfnrco l'rucst Alpers, Willimn B. Olau·ko, R in ouo act. B. Cnrlmrry, Spm1cer Gales, H. · l. luno clnet-luiso Baker nnal Hogemau, W. B. 'l'nttle, Jr. , .Tabu Barr, BclunHncltclt. �'orJ is, W. ,T. Bogert, F. P. Couclit, S. 5. High School Orchcst. Fe rris, lt. . Hotl'uum, l�. A . Tones, '1'. f,eOicm·, .T. IcCurmicl<, A. 13. Smith, H. 'l'hompson, A. D. 'l'uttlc, linn's Club l•!lect Ocnrs. The Men's Clnh of tho Prosbytcrinn Church holt! Its nnnnnl nweting mul oloctiou ol' oll!co on Moucltt)' night, atml clcctetl the fo11owing ofllcerK : Prosi- dont, Dr. •r; R. Ha1rvoy; vico·prosicl 011�, c:L. Howe ; sccre�ary, W. R. r,yutlo ; treasuro1·, Willinm Sissorson : oxecnlivu committee, in aultlition to otliccrs-G. B. Dickerson, Dr . T. -. Hnrriso n, Si<lney L. Knilfon, FrankS. Mnciiarg nnd T. F. W oosidc. Interesting reports were ren<l by tho retiring otllcors. CASTOR IA For Infants and Chilen The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the A /� Slgn"\ + oof IN THE ATTIC Every woman knows what a boon a good light In the attic or storeroom means. EvenduringthedaY time those places are often dark. An Electric light solves the problem. It Is safe, always ready, and the current used may be Infinitesimal by the installation of small candle power lamps In the out�of�the�way places. UNITED ELECTRIC COMPANY llo•IKnllli<lliH llntolnlluK 11111 , l l <l lnh<! l'hlp l•l•t IIIIIIhllynl:lull I• Nul Nuw 1!.• fiiOh'f'llf••l,twlc uf lllh�tr'k( finn ufUw f�UIIt1Ie 'l'lmt tlau Wostllul<l Oinl• IK rapia lly nun ring <IIKiutlon Is uow ollomlly cun· CIJ<lo<l hy most, of those in n JMIHitiun to know. lt11slgnntinus l mt•u huon coming in Hll fnst of Into thnt It i• only na;ncstlun of tlnw wlrurJ tlw uluh will hnvu to ulus11 Its ci<>�rs. A lllllllliJUr of tlw gn\'l!rnlug !Jolll'<llufurmetlll SusuAilll riiJlrusunltiYo thnt It Is uotuttucstlou of insull'onuy nt prcsout, for tho cluh is fully uhlu to meet It• ob!igutlouK nt this tlmu, hut tho fulling off in moau!JUrshlp tlml tho luclt uf now nnmos be!ug proposiJI! will H<Xlll rmlncc tho iucomu to n HOJH}J rtiug umcmut . 'l'ho immotlintu cnuKo o[ tho ol ub'K con· llitiou t� lmrcl oxpluiu. Ouo of tlw memh.,rs lti<llt wns cluo to tho fuct thut 110 ouo felt sufllcioutly intc rostml lu Its wolfuro to tuko tho lmul in maunJguriul nctlvity. 'l'ilo IUJ!Iunl meeting is to be hol<l 'l'ncKoluy uvoniug, but no otllco cun be ulcctccl lJCcnnsc thu nmniuatimiH luwc !lot boon ma<lo hy tho nomitmtlug committee within tho time spuuifiu<l in thoconstitntlon. 1'ho mmittee IIJII"'int· eel fur thnt purpose hnvo prnctiuully u11 eclinc to sort'e bLlltso they ul<l gut no ouo ngreo to nccept otlico. 'fho club hns n goual )Jlunt, nml it wns first prosetl hy sumo to nllow tho IJres· cut or�tni1Jition to alissolvo muter ICHUI prcuclingH, aml then re-orgnniru on a <lill ' ctent busis. Tht� i<leu, however, it is now mulorst, hns lJCcn uhamlone1l. .TtL�t whnt l novolop ut the muetiug Tncsclay night cnu not bo prmliutell. Possibly somo jJrOjsitiou for muintuiu· ing the orgnnimtion muy bo uuule, hut it iK consitlcre<l tlouhtfnl. It is &Jill tho touuis court will ho kept up this seaon in nuy m•cnt. If tho clu!J clislmus tlw touuis cntlnrsiusts will relit tho court on their owu 11ccmmt. llnst� Jlullnt Jlce�·cnllou ••ark. 'rho mnungemout of the l»tso Lllll team now plll�initt Hccrcntl Pllrl< greny <lusiro thnt tho public show its nwrecition of the ofi'orts to luwo !Jnl! lwro thb season by turniug out to the gnmos in lnrger numlm·s tlmn lnst Saturday's nt· tcmlnuce. 1. 'he AU BrooldyuK, tho op- ponents o[ tho "ustllul<ls" lnst wcclt, uro cousi<lcretl one of tho fnstcst Komi· profꝏsiounl tcnms in Brꝏklyn; hut there were not onough people pr esent to KcO tho oxcel!uut b�lme put up by t he humo team to o ucourago tho lmrs. Levy, tho pitclwr for Wcstfiel<l, is con· sidororl ono of tho best in this scctiou of tim eouut: 1111<\ whou ho gets <lowu to worl< is simply 11 woutlur. With,l1is hig six·foot frame he cnu put the hall m·er with such tJ•emeJulous spoe<l tlmt it tnlws nil of hi cntcher Fritz'K weight to holt! him. Fritz, the catcher, is am ol< llcngucr, llll<l still ClUJ cntch ns row of them cam. rꝏlts, tirst biL,e, is n 'tnick, sure plttycr1 uml luts uuthiugpuss him. Campoli, secowl bnRe, pllt ys nud throws to Um;es with rnro precision. Fino, thirrl bnse, is n quick, husky piny. or, Gnrwl's star mnn lnst year. HJU'l'Y Gilmore t•m·er short stop. He is a home player un cun put up S good at b�lme UK nny that haYu been on WeKtcl<l teams. Geiger, Jo[t lielclor, is + sure nmla fino J.Jtter, another hig husky boy. Eichler, the centro lioldor, is a star, nnd compnros with nuy in the business. I;,·m·y lly that cnmo to him 011 Snturny u·as cnught witb out skill. At tlw hilt he is probably the best 011 tho tcnm. His fine rlri\ · c m·cr left ficlcl fonctJ wns un- J'urtuamtcly jnst ont.<i<lo the foul line. Smith, in right llohl, completes the linu-np. rl,IIO "All Stars" of Nuwurli will bo the contesting nine to·morro\)' nftcmꝏn. Uob. I•�U,inunous 'J'o 1Jm1,irc. '!'he bnsoll s�nsoh will he hiUblrnte<l on n grnml st•nle in Plniulichl Saturday, wheu the Plnintlel<l team will 01n tho KensmJ with tho All Cnhnns, the chum· pions of tho Onbll Leagno: It will be the first nppcnncc of C!lbnu stnrs in tho Unitec!Stntesthis sei\n. Preceding the g1une, tho jnunnt, mnhlomntic af the Union County chnmpionship will ho Wtmg to the breeze, by "Bob11 Fitz- :imtnons, who will bo nssiHte<lby a num- her of pnlJiic otlluinlsofP!ninllul<l. Fitz- simmons willrtlw tL�sist ",Tuck" Merrily in nmpiring tho gnmc by PIL�··ng j111lg· mcnt on bnso clLouisions. Plninllcl will present its stro!lgost line n n��liust tho Cnh1mH, "Willio" Doognu on tho slab, IUI<l "Jnck" O'Neill hohincl tho bnt. 'fho gumo will Hhll't ut 3:4 P. +1. rrol· . loy cars.nut clircct to tho gronmls. :nl&ult!ccl C1lrc for J•ileN. Itching, Blincl, Blce; ling, Protnuling Piles. Dggists nrc authori• re· fum\ money if Pnzo Ointment fnils to curo in 6 to H days. 5. HarS- Musio TLJ\'<II''K Club nnlc•rtulmncut1 Wu•lllul<l Ululo llull, H:lo p.m. Ryli- H, H. fl. MaUJAfotlJUr, D. D., r,, r,, D., 11 Amurien'� Orunt Plnuo AlllOIIK tho NutlonH. " l'ro•hyturlnn Ohureh, Hay 14- Mnu 'H ],.nuu o[ Muthrallst Ohuroh wil l hol<l lm•iut•HH uaentlu�·, uftor· wunl hcln eutortlllnutl by JMICion, tlw llhulk nrtlst. �roreas1ona1 trector. UR· E. T. WHEAON, HlJiliH:ON m:NTJH'f, Arcnuum HullllhJJ, WJ�s·rt•'JEI,D, N.J. DR· E. a. sTow£, (JHJHUPODlHT, li li!IK!k lluJI(lJ!I�, PlntnUdd, N. J 'rdi'Jillmw -w. Otllc JicJ U to I� 11. . 1 tu JJ. m. A1.1. Js;•rnuM�!NTH �T•:mr.tZED FOR THE LITTLE COOKS. Encourap the lla to �n a- to Cook and Tch lom •t and Carul WaJI Nearly every little 1lrl nn to cook. At" a very small enol she c be outfitted with little puns, rollin pin and pastry board. If oolble pro· Yide her wltb a low shell 1+ the try and have a stock or our, sugar, fruits, mixed spices and l thing• needed In making cakes, p, broad, etc., especially for her. Sho should be taught to keep her utensils ln per· feet order and cleanliness. Mother will have to show her how to measure and compound the various articles and regulate the hen! of the oven for her. The following recipes have en In usc for years and the material Uvd In each article Is so small that II the little cook should have an occional· !allure,· the ,.loss In material would be slight. A spoonful Is the unit ol measure usud and In sugar or our a spoonful means a heaping one. A pinch of anylng Is all one can take between the thumb and fore finger. LAYER OF PLAIN LOAF CAKE. Sift three tablesponfuls fiour and one level teaspoon baking powder tgether Into n pan ready for use. Put one tablespoon soft butter and two ta· blespoons white sugar Into a mixing bowl and stir with a tablespoon until smooth and creamy. Then add two tablespoons sweet mllk, stir agatn, add two tablespoons of the sifted our mix well, stir In one well·beatcn egg and one-half teaspoon vanilla, then the rest or the ſtour, and turn In three well·greased pans. Three or five. pound lard pall covers make nice jelly ttns. Dakc In a quick oven and turn out, bottom side up upon a clean cloth, and spread wtth whatever ſtlllng pr ferred. THREE GOOD FILLINGS. Bent the white of one eg Utll stiff. then ndd slowly two tablespoons each of sugar and grated cocoanut and spread between the layers and on tho lop, For a chocolate lllng place a small bowl or cup In a kettle of bollng water and In It put one-half square of chocolate, one and one-halt tablespoons sugar and stir until melt· ed; then add one tablespoon milk and a few drops of vanilla. Boll ſtve min- utes, stirring well. Spread between the layers. For a cream tilling st1+ together one teaspoon flour, one table- spoon sugar and one·hal! weiJ.beaten egg. Add four tablespoons milk and a lew drops of vanilla. Place In a van of boiling water and stir until thick. Spread between the "layers and glaze the top with baH the well-beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. FRUIT CAKE. Make a cake like the aTe, oml!· tlng one·haH tablespoon of sugar and ndding one tablespoon molasses, one· halt teaspoon mixed allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, and one table- spoon each or finely chopped citron, raisins and· currants. Bake slowly In one loaf.-Orange Judd Farmer. Queer Fishing ln Chinn, When the water of the Canton river Is low the Chmese catch the gobles which lie on the mud. They use a board rour or five feet long nnd a foot broad, slightly turned up at tho front end, where a piece of wood Is provide d for a hand rest. They rest one knee on the sledge and propel themselves along the mud w1U1 their other root. Motors ln Naples, Automobiles, says the British con- s ul at Naples, are coming rapidly Into use In Naplss, and will soon be ado p t . ed as public carr iage s. The use or motor boats has spread yery much at Naples. It will soon bo "all up" with the "merry boatmnn nnd his boat)' ou tbo Bay ol Naples. as well as with the gondolier on the canals of Venice,


THE UNION CJO.UN1,Y STANDARD Has the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union Oounty.

c-"····----·�� VOL. XXII. NO. 43 WESTFIELD, U NION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 4, JCJ06. $1.50 Per Y cur. Single Copy 3�:.

'"BEE HIVE," New Jersey'• Shopplnll Centre. NEWARK.

Some of the Many Points that Make

"Bee Hive" Sewing lacbines Best

Sold on the Fairest Part Paymenl Plan-No II Club" Fee. . JUST HI�AD the following goml fea!urctl (not hull o£ nil) 1n11l yon

wii!IJ�Ilin to l'enlizc why llw "Hw Hive" sewing mnchilw hnsHo

Jllltll,\' �iluwh friends nlllllhnt it is the heHt mnde. We luwc test·

imnuials, too, fl'llm Jllll'clmscra who luwc used it fUI' yeurs.

IT WILT, niNO <Ire•• gQ()(lK with tho lllllllO or other mnturinl, eithor Kmtl'

lopK, ;oointH, H<lllllrUH or Ktrnight.

!'l' WJU, GA1'HE1t nne! HOW onnt tho SlllllO time.

IT WILL MAim 11lll0ro oln•tio stitch tl11m lillY other mnchlno.

J'l' WILL 1\IAKI� plmtted trimming, clthor scallope�l or stmight, mul HOW on

t1 luuul mlgo·stitchlng tho bnml, nt ouo oporutlon.

11.' SEWS from !nco to lcnthcr wlthont clmnglng stitch or tonHiou.

11' WILl, !llAim wi<lo 11ml 'unr row hums, nml hom� all khuls of goods, suob

lUI wft nmrino, or goods tlitllcult on other mnuhiucs.

!1' WI LI; SBW n !JtLmlnml rufllo on n dross skirt, stitching mulpi]ling nt tho hettd o[ tho !Jam!, nt ono opcmtion.

•' . . . IT WILT, 1\IAI<E J>lcntctl trimming nml sow· on nt the samo time.

!1.' WILL !I[AK•; Jolmttcd trimming, either setdloi){Jtl or stndght nml sow on lljlipiug_a�t 1!10 HILUm

l'r WILl, MAim n knife plcnting. 1'1' WILl, 'f!JHN A HK!\1 IUJtl stitch 011 tl'immiug nt ouo operation.

1'1' WILL DO VEf,LING, bilL� or struight, on tillY cotton or woolen t;Q()(IH.

IT WILI, GA'l'HEit amd sew on 11 IJ�twl, with piping botweon ntlllo nut\

balul,-nt uuu O}lurntiou.

Ptice� Way Beiow Those of E1cluslre Dealers $15.00, 18.001 20.00, 23.00 25 00.

No Branch Stores

707 t() 7ZI Broad St., Newark

��·�.1Y.:r::n�e�t,������. li&WAl\K'WBSTFJIU,O OARB PAB8 OUR tOORS,






·Luans ani! Tnvc:;tmcn\s.$1,72fl,OSG 88

Bnnking House and Lol. · G2,(i-IO 00 l�lll'flitlll'C tUld Jfix!UJ'CS· B,(]{)() 00 ]nlcrcsL AccJ'llcd....... 7,2·17 07 Cash . .. .. . . .. .... . , 255,G77 20

$2,057 ,G5l 15


Cnpitnl Stock . .... · · · . . $ 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits.... 13T!,874 ·17

Interest Accrued . . . ·.. . 7, 12G 53

Duposits ..... ; ........ 1,814,05015 . $2,057 ,(j5J lii


rmitlmt .. Viti·Prt•sidml

Vitll·Pr�sMml Slefo•/ary

Ass'l StenlfJfJ'

3% paid on nccounts subject to check.

Mall Ordt:rs Filled

Will lbke Them Hustle. I '!'he gy[JSY moth has rcnche<l Con· necUcut now, and the )t eOJlle or tho· Land of Steady llahlts will hnve to liustle 'round to save their wooden nutmeg trees.-Doston Globe.

Considerate :Uaby, Mr. Karper-1 saw that baby of

Popley's ycsternaY and 1 admire tho youngster Immensely.

Heavily Insured. ' The Wanamaker ramlly In Phllndel·

pbla carries a total or ,3,855,000 Ill llfe lnsurante, probably more than any otlocr In the world.

Alpine Telephone. Italy Is about to begin tho construe•

tlon of a telephone service In Alpine altitudes for the use or climbers who v.eeu assistance.

Mrs. Karper-Mr. Popley Ia always

showing It orr. "Yes but yesterday It wouldn't

show �ff amy of Its trlclts lor Po;oicy at all. That's why I admh·e lt.''­Phlladclphla Press.

Remar�able Bulls. This rernnrkal!le collection or

"bulls" recently nppearcd In n No\V Zealand newspaper In a criticism or "King Dick" Seddon, tbe premier: "Setldon Is still sitting 011 the rail with his car to the ground, walling to se.e which way \_he cat will jumx•.''


NU'I'I•:N AIIUIJ'I' 'I'IH: NI•:VIm,\1, ANNII,\1, KUeJ,\1, 1-:\'l'lN'I' IH:toll UINIIANU:III-:N'I' ,\'1' AN l•l,\111.\' Ut;t�CUII N ,,'I'IUNH. �IU� J),\ \' ,'J u; JI'J', J),\ 'I' I� IN J�.Y 1• l?f:'J'J�U,

'l'h� l'nljlll Nu�Jitl!l• Nn•t Nu!l!lilf" "' hn "'Ill l•r�·IU!h··MIU't!llll Hllrvh�n"' .. N1111tlllf NL'hnnl nnal l'rurnr '"'"'II"� 'l'u11lm1, Nu'l'� :-'l'hn \1t4tml llltUI'li ur Mt!l'VI(lt� In tllll

tt!J\•uml dmi'I!IU'li will l•u futUJ«l In thu Oli\II'HII OJt·-�:tury ltllllfiKU two,

Hov. o. J. a r<!ClllW<Klll, Jlll�tor, will prtmda lr1 lhu lln)ltlst Church <lll Suucluy llll Hunclny nt both HUJ'I'iuuH, OouJIJillll· lou will hu oltscrl'ml iu tho morning mul llU\\' mcmhor ruceh·o1l.

COitKrtl&;UlhUIJtl Cllurcl•• Communion will bu oh•url'ctl nt t!JO

Cougrcgut!ouu! Church on Snualuy moru· iUH. Hu\', If. If. Unurusuy, jlrtHior, wlll prunch huth moruiug nut! oyuning.

llulr 'l'rlultl' Churcl" l�I'Ory Suuclny lliiiHHOH nt 8:110 auul J O:IU

1\, JU. A oinK.� of forty·li\'O ehiltlrou will ro·

culvo Fir·Ht Holy Otmmmn!ononSumlny, �luy fl, niH! BiKhop 0 'Oouuor will au!· miniHtor Coutirnmtlou 1\lotubay, �Iuy 7, nt 7:30 1'· 111.

'fho rupniring analtlccarntiug of Holy 'l'rinity Church w!ll Lo tlono aluriug tho month of Mny.

.MI!lhociiJo.t fJiiurcb. Dr. John U. Wright, pnstor, will

(>rmwh In tho llluth01ll•� Church Sumlny morniug 111111 o\'OJJing. Sj)()cinl muKic will be rontlerc<lnt tho o\·oninp; sorviuo.

Nuu· \'orli A\'tlUUt! llltlltid Church. Son•iciJS on Sunday ut the N uw Y �rlt

Avouuo Bllptist Cbnrch wil! hu <L• usunl, in ulmrgo of t.lw pnstor, Rov. P.W". Ross, t,lt 11 u. 111. aml 8 p. 111. nt 8:UO n. Ill.

l'n!l'lh\·lnriuu Cllun�la. Dr. W. I. Stcnus, JIIL�tor, wil! prcnch

at both sor\•ice:-; in thu Prushyteriuu Ohnruh on i;nmlny.

At•llllhlllllnllf• Ill' to IIIII ll>tllll Hill loti• urd ul'thn Ur�nulr.n!lou••Numhl!r ol' IIIII ul''l'nll'tl Jll!lUIII•" l'rmont, 'l'hu fourteunth llllllllitl J'UUOJlllnnllllll

alnnuu, f(lvun hy tho IJJtJIJJIJIII'H of tim I, 0. f:l,, tho' olti<JKI lll'l(JLlii1Jttlon o! !tK uhnr· not<•r lit tmi·n, wns hcltl<lt tho Wtmtlloltl Oinh Iinll nn Mmuluy nvunhll(. 'l'ho nf· flair Is nlwnys uno of tlw l•rilllnnL soclnl uyoniH of tho HllllKOil !u WestUol<l, 1111!1 tlmt hol<l Mmulny uvuulng lu no wlsu <limlni•hu<ltho ropntnt lnn of tlau "In h. Pro!', Jlnrr)' \Vl!storvnlt furnishutl thu mnslo for tim tlnnco progrnmauo of twou· ty muubors mul o�trnR. Hofre.�hmontH wore scrl'oll lwtwcun tho tenth anHl cluvonth tlitiiCos.

'l'lm list of 1•ntroucsscs is ns follows: �IrH, 'l'hum!OI'o 1'. 13ushnoii, �Irs. George T, Ontttmulun, �Irs. Hnlmrt-, W. Ilnr<lun,

Mr�<. Chns. ll. Kimlmll, Mrs. Jlnrry A. KniHht, Mrs. Arthur H. H. MoO!ly,MrK. Uoytl 'rhomjoKon. 'l'hu following com· mittecs wore in ohnrgo of tho nrrnugc· nwnts: RecoJttiou Connuittuc, A. D. 'rnttlo, W. J. Bnp;ort, ,Jr., A. B. Smith, F. P. Condit: Iuvitntion Connniltce, W. ,J, Bogert, ,Jr., Seymour Ferris, F. P. Cotl!llt; Rofrushmout Committee, A. B. Smith, W. J, BoHcrt, A. D. Tuttle; Docorntion Cmumitleo, F. P. Oon<llt, H.

W. Ilnr<lou, H. V. Hotfmnu, John Mo­Cormiel<, J,loy<l Thompson, F. S. 'l'ng· gnrt •. ,

Anion� those pi'Csent were 1\Ir, nml lllrH. Georgu W. '!'unison, l\Ir. 1UJtl l\Iro. 0. R. Swmaey, Mr. nncl Mrs. F. H. Uugerer, Mr. tuul �Irs. Pam! Q. O!iyor, Mr. nu al :llrs. YauNess DoLnmnter, Mr. and �Irs. II. g, J{ulgiJt, 1\Ir. ami Mrs. Wm. It. DII\1K, !IIJ·. 11ml Mrs. A. L. Russell, 1\lr. nml Mrs. Hurry Clarke, Mr. nml Mrs, 'l'heo<loro D. Bunce, :Mr. nml Mrs. ;r. B. Wilson, i'ofao. awl 1\Irs. f,loy<l 'l'bompson, Mr. awl Mrs. It. W . Hnrtlen, 1\Ir. auul :illrK. George •r. Ornt· tmulon, Dr. uml Mrs. Jo'. A. J(inch ; 1\Irs. H. K Haymon<!, Mt·s. W . • T. llugort, Mrs. J,, A. :il[ltcl)oullltl, Mrs. I?. S. Smith, :illisses Jlli,Jtlluth Stil!num, Bossie Smith, l�llli W001lwaml, Hv11 Olnrk, of

Firmdcln Cnnncil cnntinuus to proviclo l!,tLII)\'Oocl, l�thul ,Cogor, 1\lnir "\Villimns

entortuinmctlt nl' tho IIJ'Kt ort lcr at itK o[ No w Y!ll·lc, Harriet Hnln, Amm me�tiltJ.IS. No�(; �, hl�l'SfhLy,

,nigh� t

.hu Prutluh, BoHRiu l�t·uuch, l��tullo Hugu­

lwlws 11 1"0 HfHUJ JJJ\'Jtecl: I�t_o Semor 1111111, 1\.fuOOJ KimlJttH, Flormwe .TOIJCS of clnKK o

.f tho !ugh s chool will rouclor tho llrooldyn, Mnrio Simpson, 1\Inhol 1.'ice,

followmg programme: G. Nimmons, Gntec Ilnrtlon, Elhel PA!tT I. Smith, J,ncy Worth, Smlio Still, .Jose·

I. High School Orchostrn. pbiuu l\l. Oliver, Louise HnKKell, MisK 2. Hecitlltion-Hclon Sawitz. Hmtmuum of Brooklyu , :i\Iiss Beth a. Violin Sulo-Hnrul<l 'Volch. �lorehousu, i\Iiss moisu PhillijiS, ll!cssrs. .J. Seneca Q.mutcttc, y,P. A. DelAt 1tlontuiHne, C. l!-'. 'Vc:itin, ii. Hecitntion-Loniso Bnlwr. 0. D. Smith, w. K. Bmbleton, J. H. A.

P,mr II. Willinms, Hn11')' Illllo, Olmoucc B. 'l'ip· 1. High School OI·chostrn. putt-, Gc'!lrgo H. Blltko, George V. 2. Seneca Qnnrtctto. HnJsoy, l�ostur Oroayu, Frml Nimmons, :1. 'l'hcDllrkoyWoO<l·tlonlcr-nfnrco l'rucst Alpers, Willimn B. Olau·ko, R

in ouo act. B. Cnrlmrry, Spm1cer Gales, :F\ H. ·l. l>iuno clnet-l.<Juiso Baker nnal Hogemau, W. B. 'l'nttle, Jr., .Tabu Barr,

BclunHncltclt. �'orJ•is, W. ,T. Bogert, F. P. Couclit, S. 5. High School Orchcstrn. Ferris, lt. \'. Hotl'uum, l�. A . • Tones, '1'.

f,eOicm·, .T. i\IcCurmicl<, A. 13. Smith,

H. 'l'hompson, A. D. 'l'uttlc, linn's Club l•!lect OUicnrs.

The Men's Clnh of tho Prosbytcrinn Church holt! Its nnnnnl nweting mul oloctiou ol' oll!cors on Moucltt)' night, atml clcctetl the fo11owing ofllcerK : Prosi­dont, Dr. •r; R. Ha1rvoy; vico·prosicl 011�, c:L. Howe ; sccre�ary, W. R. r,yutlo ; treasuro1·, Willinm Sissorson : oxecnlivu committee, in aultlition to otliccrs-G. B. Dickerson, Dr . • T. 13. Hnrriso n, Si<lney L. Knilfon, FrankS. Mnciiarg nnd T. F. Woo<lsidc. Interesting reports were ren<l by tho retiring otllcors.

CASTOR IA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the A .//�

Slgn"\111'oof ��

IN THE ATTIC Every woman knows what a

boon a good light In the attic or storeroom means. EvenduringthedaY time those places are often dark. An Electric light solves the problem. It Is

safe, always ready, and the current used may be Infinitesimal by the installation of small candle power lamps In the out�of�the�way places.


llo•IKnllli<lliH llntolnlluK 11111 ,ll <llnh<!l'•hlp l•l•t IIIIIIhllynl:lull I• Nul Nuw 1!.• fiiOh'f'llf••l,twlc uf lllh�tr'k( finn ufUw f�UIIfilt1JIIe

'l'lmt tlau Wostllul<l Oinl• IK rapially nun ring <IIKHOiutlon Is uow f(ollomlly cun· CIJ<lo<l hy most, of those in n JMIHitiun to know. lt11slgnntinus l mt•u huon coming in Hll fnst of Into thnt It i• only na;ncstlun of tlnw wlrurJ tlw uluh will hnvu to ulus11 Its ci<>�rs. A lllllllliJUr of tlw gn\'l!rnlug !Jolll'<llufurmetlll SusuAilll riiJlrusunlu· tiYo thnt It Is uotuttucstlou of insull'onuy nt prcsout , for tho cluh is fully uhlu to meet It• ob!igutlouK nt this tlmu, hut tho fulling off in moau!JUrshlp tlml tho luclt uf now nnmos be!ug proposiJI! will H<Xlll rmlncc tho iucomu to n HOJHIU}Jpurtiug umcmut .

'l'ho immotlintu cnuKo o[ tho olub'K con· llitiou t� lmrcl to oxpluiu. Ouo of tlw memh.,rs lllti<llt wns cluo to tho fuct thut 110 ouo felt sufllcioutly intcrostml lu Its wolfuro to tuko tho lmul in maunJguriul nctlvity. 'l'ilo IUJ!Iunl meeting is to be hol<l 'l'ncKoluy uvoniug, but no otllcon; cun be ulcctccl lJCcnnsc thu nmniuatimiH luwc !lot boon ma<lo hy tho nomitmtlug committee within tho time spuuifiu<l in thoconstitntlon. 1.'ho committee IIJII"'int· eel fur thnt purpose hnvo prnctiuully u11 cleclinccl to sort'e bL'Cilltso they cuul<l gut no ouo to ngreo to nccept otlico.

'fho club hns n goual )Jlunt, nml it wns first proposetl hy sumo to nllow tho IJres· cut or!,�tni1Jition to alissolvo muter ICHUI proccuclingH, aml then re-orgnnir.u on a <lill'ctent busis. Tht� i<leu, however, it is now mulorstood, hns lJCcn uhamlone1l. .TtL�t whnt will novolop ut the muetiug Tncsclay night cnu not bo prmliutell. Possibly somo jJrOjlOsitiou for muintuiu· ing the orgnnimtion muy bo uuule, hut it iK consitlcre<l tlouhtfnl.

It is &Jill tho touuis court will ho kept up this seau;on in nuy m•cnt. If tho clu!J clislmucls tlw touuis cntlnrsiusts will relit tho courtl'i on their owu 11ccmmt.

llnst� Jlullnt Jlce�·cnllou ••ark.

'rho mnungemout of the l»tso Lllll team now plll�inJfitt Hccrcntlim Pllrl< grently <lusiro thnt tho public show its nwrecin· tion of the ofi'orts to luwo !Jnl! lwro thb season by turniug out to the gnmos in lnrger numl.Jm·s tlmn lnst Saturday's nt· tcmlnuce. 1.'he AU BrooldyuK, tho op­ponents o[ tho "\Vustllul<ls" lnst wcclt, uro cousi<lcretl one of tho fnstcst Komi· profoosiounl tcnms in Brooklyn; hut there were not onough people present to KcO tho oxcel!uut b�lme put up by the humo team to o ucourago tho lmrs.

Levy, tho pitclwr for Wcstfiel<l, is con· sidororl ono of tho best in this scctiou of tim eouutry: 1111<\ whou ho gets <lowu to worl< is simply 11 woutlur.

With,l1is hig six·foot frame he cnu put the hall m·er with such tJ•emeJulous spoe<l tlmt it tnlws nil of hiJ; cntcher Fritz'K weight to holt! him. Fritz, the catcher, is am ol<llcngucr, llll<l still ClUJ cntch ns row of them cam. llroolts, tirst biL,e, is n 'tnick, sure plttycr1 uml luts uuthiugpuss him. Campoli, secowl bnRe, plltys nud throws to Um;es with rnro precision. Fino, thirrl bnse, is n quick, husky piny. or, GnrwOO<l's star mnn lnst year. HJU'l'Y Gilmore t•m·erl'l short stop. He is a home player uncl cun put up tiS good at b�lme UK nny that haYu been on WeKtficl<l teams. Geiger, Jo[t lielclor, is 11 sure nmla fino J.Jtter, another hig husky boy.

Eichler, the centro lioldor, is a star, nnd compnros with nuy in the business. I;,·m·y lly that cnmo to him 011 Sntur<lny u·as cnught witb grout skill. At tlw hilt he is probably the best 011 tho tcnm. His fine rlri\·c m·cr left ficlcl fonctJ wns un­J'urtuamtcly jnst ont.<i<lo the foul line.

Smith, in right llohl, completes the linu-np. rl,IIO "All Stars" of Nuwurli will bo the contesting nine to·morro\)' nftcmoon.

Uob. I•�U'I.,.,inunous 'J'o 1Jm1,irc.

'!'he bnsobnll s�nsoh will he hiiiUb'llrnte<l on n grnml st•nle in Plniulichl Saturday, wheu the Plnintlel<l team will 011en tho KensmJ with tho All Cnhnns, the chum· pions of tho Onbll Leagno: It will be the first nppcnrnncc of C!lbnu stnrs in tho Unitec!Stntesthis sei\SOn. Preceding the g1une, tho jllJnunnt, mnhlomntic af the Union County chnmpionship will ho tiWtmg to the breeze, by "Bob11 Fitz­:.;imtnons, who will bo nssiHte<lby a num­her of pnlJiic otlluinlsofP!ninllul<l. Fitz­simmons willrtlw tL�sist ",Tuck" Merrily in nmpiring tho gnmc by PIL�··ng j111lg· mcnt on bnso clLouisions. Plninllclcl will present its stro!lgost line n(l n��liust tho Cnh1mH, "Willio" Doognu on tho slab, IUI<l "Jnck" O'Neill hohincl tho bnt. 'fho gumo will Hhll't ut 3:4ii P. 111. •rrol·. loy cars.nut clircct to tho gronmls.

;\ t':nl&rnult!ccl C1lrc for J•ileN.

Itching, Blincl, Blce;ling, Protnuling Piles. Dntggists nrc authori•.etl to re· fum\ money if Pnzo Ointment fnils to curo in 6 to H days. 50c.

HarS-Musio TLJ\'<II''K Club nnlc•rtulmncut1

Wu•lllul<l Ululo llull, H:lo p.m. lfRyli-

HO\', H. fl. MaUJAfotlJUr, D. D., r,, r,, D., 11 Amurien'� Orunt Plnuo AlllOIIK tho NutlonH. " l'ro•hyturlnn Ohureh,

Hay 14-Mnu 'H ], o[ Muthrallst Ohuroh

will hol<l lm•iut•HH uaentlu�·, uftor· wunl hclnl( eutortlllnutl by l:iJMICion, tlw llhulk nrtlst.

�roreas1ona1 '!Dtrector\!. UR· E. T. WHEA'lON,

HlJiliH:ON m:NTJH'f, Arcnuum HullllhJJ.(,

WJ�s·rt•'JEI,D, N.J. DR· E. a. sTow£,

(JHJHUPODlHT, lilliJI!IK!k lluJI(lJ!I�.e, PlntnUdd, N. J

'rdi'Jillmw am-w. Otllcl! JicJut'tl U to I� 11. tu. 1 tu li JJ. m.

A1.1. Js;.•rnuM�!NTH �T•:mr.tZED

FOR THE LITTLE COOKS. Encourap the Chll<IHa to �n a­

to Cook and Teach Tllom lf•t and Careful WaJI.

Nearly every little 1lrl nnta to cook. At" a very small enol she can be outfitted with little puns, rollin��: pin and pastry board. If }lOoolble pro· Yide her wltb a low shell 111 the pan· try and have a stock or !lour, sugar, fruits, mixed spices and all thing• needed In making cakes, plea, broad, etc., especially for her. Sho should be taught to keep her utensils ln per· feet order and cleanliness. Mother will have to show her how to measure and compound the various articles and regulate the hen! of the oven for her.

The following recipes have h<len In usc for years and the material U118d In each article Is so small that II the little cook should have an occasional· !allure,· the ,.loss In material would be slight. A spoonful Is the unit ol measure usud and In sugar or tlour a spoonful means a heaping one. A pinch of anylng Is all one can take between the thumb and fore finger.

LAYER OF PLAIN LOAF CAKE. Sift three tablesponfuls fiour and

one level teaspoon baking powder to· gether Into n pan ready for use. Put one tablespoon soft butter and two ta· blespoons white sugar Into a mixing bowl and stir with a tablespoon until smooth and creamy. Then add two tablespoons sweet mllk, stir agatn, add two tablespoons of the sifted llour mix well, stir In one well·beatcn egg and one-half teaspoon vanilla, then the rest or the ftour, and turn Into three well·greased pans. Three or five. pound lard pall covers make nice jelly ttns. Dakc In a quick oven and turn out, bottom side up upon a clean cloth, and spread wtth whatever ftlllng pre­ferred.

THREE GOOD FILLINGS. Bent the white of one egll' Ulltll stiff.

then ndd slowly two tablespoons each of sugar and grated cocoanut and spread between the layers and on tho lop, For a chocolate 1\lllng place a small bowl or cup In a kettle of boll· lng water and In It put one-half square of chocolate, one and one-halt tablespoons sugar and stir until melt· ed; then add one tablespoon milk and a few drops of vanilla. Boll ftve min­utes, stirring well. Spread between the layers. For a cream tilling st111 together one teaspoon flour, one table­spoon sugar and one·hal! weiJ.beaten egg. Add four tablespoons milk and a lew drops of vanilla. Place In a van of boiling water and stir until thick. Spread between the "layers and glaze the top with baH the well-beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar.

FRUIT CAKE. Make a cake like the aboTe, oml!·

tlng one·haH tablespoon of sugar and ndding one tablespoon molasses, one· halt teaspoon mixed allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, and one table­spoon each or finely chopped citron, raisins and· currants. Bake slowly In one loaf.-Orange Judd Farmer.

Queer Fishing ln Chinn, When the water of the Canton river

Is low the Chmese catch the gobles which lie on the mud. They use a board rour or five feet long nnd a foot broad, slightly turned up at tho front end, where a piece of wood Is provided for a hand rest. They rest one knee on the sledge and propel themselves along the mud w1U1 their other root.

Motors ln Naples, Automobiles, says the British con­

sul at Naples, are coming rapidly Into use In Naplss, and will soon be adopt. ed as public carriage s. The use or motor boats has spread yery much at Naples. It will soon bo "all up" with the "merry boatmnn nnd his boat)' ou tbo Bay ol Naples. a s well as with the gondolier on the canals of Venice,

2 TH E UN I ON CoUNTY STA N DA R D, F IU I M Y , � I i\ Y ·f. ( 1)1)(1, ------- --===--===·c==-"':=== �:-=.::::.:=:.:::.::::;,;·.;,_::;.:.; ;;;;·-=·"-- ..;._._. __ _ ' ' . ·•· - ,._:: . . ;��;;..::.. - � ;_�:__:�.::....-- . .. � ·- .: ... -.::..;,.·:�. �·· �-




WAS pa i d i n I nd ustrial Cttsh Oivi= dends to Pruden tial Pol icy=hold ..

e rs i n New J e rsey last yea r. The pol .. icies d id not cal l fot· t h is a m oun t, but The Prudential 's idea of l i bera l ity and just ice d id .

SOME ODD WATER WHEELS They Are Employed In Various COWl·

tries to Utilize Power of Cm'l'euts.

The people of Syl'la und Tlfll> malto their streams do things that Amm·l­caos do not seem to h ave lenl'llt.!li tho secre t of persuading tho wah!!' cont'!H .. �� ut thlB country to Jlerfurm, �ay:; ll.Jo New York Tribune.

At Tillis tho nutl\'eS have !carne� how to utilize tho power or tho cur· rent ot the R!l·er Kur wilhout bui ld· log dams, What they hUI'e accom­plished possibly might be dune by an .American farmer liYlng o n t h e banks of u rupld morlng stream and desiring a small, cheap power. 'l'he Cauca ... slans build floats on the surface of the rh•er, Into them ut'e set water wheels. The whole affair ls rastenc!l to the bank In such a wuy that it will rlso and tall Wllh auy change iu the !crcl of the surface or the river, so that tho power Is about constant all the time.

In Hama the ancient "entering In of ·Hamath.'' the Srrlnns ha ,.e uccom­)JIIshed a feat that mal<es one think of lifting one's self o\'er n fance by tugging at one's bootstraps, 'fhey hn\'e harnessell the hlstol'ic Oronte,, or Nnhr el .Asi, n.s the Syrians call it, ·!nlo the work of lifting Itself many fe&t toward the zeullh and trained it thus to water lhelr fruitful garllens and orchards.

As for size the water wheels which do this work are as to other water wheels what Nlagarn Is to other water­falls. As one stum!s by one o[ these great wooden frames revoll'lng upon Its wooden axle and loolts up tLt lis perimeter 40 feet above one tlllnks It large and Is astonished when he turns his gaze upstream to see that relallve­ly It Is not a groat wheel, for In the distance looms up one GO feet In height. Even then he Is not preparCL! for tho spectacle of one 90 feet in <llameter, grunting around on Its cumbersome n:r.le just outside the town.


QH :�l��;�: A �:·It·�� ;���Xt'.;��� ;;i·, !�-!r' N �.��,: u.t.��:'''��!·

:.;oot·t l a .;\ \"t'IIUt• 111111 �:ll"'l l\11111 �1 1'•••·1 . l"t·i'l'il'l '�, ���.:::h�;�l \t',\: �����· \.i�·.�;t!(�;j'l��-1,y (;�·�;::��:�. �.�_"·j�";:�: wh•·l'•·ull t'ln·b-t!nn ��·lt•li•'P llt••t•nltll'•• t'llll Itt• oltlllhh·il . ..\ II HI'P \\'t•l,•oU\1 ',

-----------�-----:.,--,----::: u• ��:.\�.{EN,:�:::�.'��:' 1c'i1,:��� �� :.�!�,:� t :!��:�.','.�.uu;��::

.lulllt•"' It Tlanl"• ;t•t l l , 11. J)., P1i:-tu1' I�IH1•1'1tus. :O:mid:t\' i'l't l\l'hhal! �t'l'\'it ·t� Ill JU.:PI II. Ill, Ullll i , l;t J t .. iu. :-'lllltlll\':"'•·hou\HI I'! I t'l'ltll'k l lt·tll'l'lll J111l�"l ')' ll l l 1 "lh lJ.." wl�llll'"' lny 1'\'t•l\lll� at s p. 111. �.\ h1·at·ty Wl•lt•ttlllt' to nil.

}f1 1 ��·�� ... 1 \�� >·�; ��·l� ��� ��.�� ;,��.� :�\�' �·.�·�!P.:·lt�·�,�t t��:: rt• .. h1t ·tw• ·. lif• gllll r'l 1'4'1 •t . �nn1llll"" /'01·1'\"it·l ..: : l'mnt· :\!1•1 '1111� lU n. m. l '1't'lll'hil.l1! \ll.:H u. 1 1 1 . �ulitlar St•huol l� u't']IH'Ii. Y"nllt.: l'• ·' �,11t:� l'l'll,\'1'1' )it·l·t in�-:" i p.m. Pn•a1·h· in� � p. m. )lit\ 1\"1•••1;: Jll'l\Yt'l' llll'l'tin�. Wnhlt•,;. 1IH,\" � I '· 111. Yllll lll't' t'ltl'ilittl l�· tnrittocl tu nltt•Ut\ nil th··�l ' :-t•J'\'It•t•,.;,

'" E'rH.onJ�'r J�PI:-.I'OP.Ar. (�HUlH'H, HI '\'• .l'l .1. H. Wril!ltt. fl. n . . Pu�tor, H":-:it\1'!11'1'•

t�n[uu Plw• ... �mul11\' Hli ii'Hhlt.: l"it•rdt•t• IU.!kl u\•],, ·Jc :-'m11lur l"••hmol :.!.:11.1 1'· m. Yo\\111.: l'mp), .'..; )ll·t·litlg at j � t'l'I�H·h. b\'l'lliiiJl :-it•l'\'it•t• �.INi o\·lu·l\. t'la:-o." 1 1 \ 1 '1 ·1111�. '1'1\1':-llny ''''�'!Iiili! nt " � �·,·bH·I• ({l·n•·ml l'l'a\'1'1' )Jt·,.tlnl!, Wl'lhU':"tlnr P\'t'llim::-' ut S o'l')t ol'l\. Al l !<it•at� lll't' fl'l·t•, ·

W1· I'XII·ntl ,.,,11 a ht ·al'l \. \\""l'lt-1 111!1' to th1':"1• :-1'1'\'h•t .. .", If u;.t i1h'lllill1·1l \,·ith uuy 11th"r 1'1111· �:;;·,�;:�i' :1,�11�\

;:1 .��1,'l:'a1;.h �� t: :�;���;�;;�';' .. ,� n:l' ��:;�1 i�JJ�! imilt• yon 1 1 1 um\.:1• 1 hi.•whlll't'h ,ruur hom ...

s'J'.( .,rt� ,v,'.{t �.�.���'i:����7:�:�1' �;�;., ... r:��{�:;N�:��t :\" . • T., Ht•\', Will. 1 bl'ar .Tnrvi:o, Hl .. ·tut•, 1'1-sicll·lll't' II� :"\1•1·th lll'lflt(l :-ill't•t•t. :-il'l'\'l•·l� : Knlttlll,\', 1.:u llllll l l u. m. uncl � ��. 111. ttrttluy,.., : !I.:!IJ u. m. u111l I.-lit Jl. J\l, Hoi:• l 'ltllllll\llliuu l�\'1 '1',\" :inntluy nt i.aa 11• m. th·st :'u111lnv In 1111mth ut I I u. m. Huh· tlnv:-o U.:� I n, 111. :-;i.mcltl)' ;it•hool 11.·1.) u. m, '1'ht; dnln·h ,., ·nts nt'l' fl't·•·, nntl all H1'1 ' Wl ')t•�>llll',

l_>HF:->BY'"I'EBI..\:-oi cHeW'H-H•·Y, W. I . . �lt·llll .. , D. TJ., Jlll�"tur. t-\i·l'vi•·t·s : �nlllhl)'

111.:111 a. Jll, ·"·1 •1 p. 1 1 1 . �•win! :\lc·d ill;.:s-'\ l'lllll';'l· tlnv Prnvt'l ':"tl t·l·tlu:, 111. : ;ituuht)', Yunnt.: 1'•� '1 '11''; )It-din� j,t)'ll t•· m. ;-;nnllny :-;,•hun\ 1:! fll, A. X. Pit-1":'()11, :-;npt·l·inh•lul••ul. St t·ungPI'S mmlt· !11 1'1"1'1 nl hum•··

LAND OF PARIS CABMEN. The I'lac� to Whicl> They Return

with Their Savings to End Their Days,

o {) ��:; ��:� ��,J' ;.!, � ;.� !.� ��.�:�· · x ��·� ;: :;�:, ������·;u�: :: t :� � � t Hf,·r1n�o: �i"IIKi tu �:-t,tUI tu�nrulll'l', :tt1•t•ll'l sh•ltrul W.�;lt, t';;��:·���·�����: ;:;t

11ti�·., ,;,�� �i·�;.��� �� �·· ;�� 1 :�: w1.�t'�.·��� hury, t 'ltiPf Huu�wl'. ,J . W. \\�,,\1, Hn•ut11ittt.: ;--;, ... ,.,.tury.

�-, 1 1�f:��t�1�. �l.:�:,�; �!,',�{·· ri.:;:.t \!' '��! u �:t;::����� �:�i � ·:��.:��.���� ���·!.�:; ,. ,:��·. �� \\·,�� ·���.:s A�.::;·::::�: 1�\ .J!.������: K l i . IJunl'ut'l) , �:11 1 lltt11l1•\' .A \'t'll\11 ', (1ullu·lul': l l 1 •o1't.:l' W. PPI'II , :!s Fil'.·d �1 1'1'd, �t'l'l'l'hll'Y•

]_J' ·x.�.�:.�� �t�.�� �� J7;f.:\' !fl;uV�!t��� � :;;,wt;��; ��� 1:: ;.i!t::�!���N.1 ;(:'Uh� •. \;·.

11)i . Yj. ii� .. '.:!f-�1,\'.:::���'N,�.���n',�: lal'un�:t hut thi• Mtnmw:-t f'l•ult•l'llnl n.:o�suciltllon. ·

'\T ���;1::��.!::\i�ptct:�:�,�:!:���!�·s m��·t :,1111W1;1{��::: ;1;�.� �·�\!l ��\·:.:� 1 1 .�:��·;N r :N: :1 �� !��, ',�:, ���������.'�" ��� �������� �� i llunndul ln l .... t ... �;.twill ;-;Jwilcl, �n·t·l·tu1'\'•

NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. (:onl!l�lPtl tu .ll u a·t�h ��, I UOH.

Tl'nln� lt·m·t• w��tlll•ld fut' Nt•\\' Yttt'lc , Nl'\\'• uric Hllt1 1Wwltt·lh nl :J.Is,, tl. l l , j,(}M, i.:�\ r.:l!l, j,i,..,, H. I:!, s.:�a. �.t:i, H.i1i, !1.� 1 , HJ.:ttt, l l . l l u. m. l:?.U, t:?.r�l, I.:.'H, :!.i1!+, :trt.",, .J.:!I, .,,,..�"'· u.tJ;\ u na,, 11.m. ::::if 'n1. 1 i;�.' &;,l�'i .r��.���;�v��;t,t'1;.r.�: \T.r,�i�·�.�:!�1�: �}: tu.:�l l '· m. !•'or l'lahlflt·hl J.;iT. ii.H'i,, S.U!I, ll.Ut� ltl.·lll, ll .il'!, u. m. !:!.W, •t.:ll.J, l.ilt, :!.l.'i, :!.:'IJ . •lJ.J.I, :I.III, 1. 111, ·l .:!:1, -l,it.!, ;,,:!:1, i1.i1'!, •\i1.'(,!, n.:!'.!, ti.:!H, i'fi.-1\t, j.l�J. i.:!l. 'j,i)j, S.:!i, ll.:!ti, 11.:1.'1, Ill. I:!, I I .I;I I'· lll. 1:!.·1� ���l:,t bt:���:�:�:·�.�;f:�i. l};��::!�::rf�):·;1;�it:l,'s:',��. ��o.::�: l i .UI, ll.lil tl. lll. l.Uinl�-tht. Jo'• 11· Phtlntll'l}lhlu, ttr�"', N.tlll, U.Utl u. 111. �.IS, ().�M, i.21, S. l l , !L:l'l p. tn. I:Ui'\ ui�tht . For Ht·mlint.: llllll HnTI'i!<ilttu·�. l'"dlM, \l.t.ltl 11. m. l .iJk��·!!i!��;·,.�\�hJ�,111�1�::il�ll�\:1!!;,�j,f1 \\rH\inm . .; lltt't, 5,U1l, S.IJ�l, !1.:!11 H, lll. 1.51, -l.:-1�, j,,ij }�. JU, !,Uti n\ght , :-inntluv .... l.5i 1'· 111. J.Utl nl�ht.

!•'or l�nslull, lMhlt·lu ·m, Allt·ntfl\\'11,"', (S.on 1:!rJ�;:��;:�'l:fi�·.::N}�j ;:�·��::i,J , fl.:.'tl p. m. Smtthty!'i,

Jo'or W"illu.,..;lmrl'l' aut! :-it•1'llllton, rt.liX, \I.tJII n. tu , t .rlk .�·i;.!,\�·,.���:,�:"t�'�!�.W'i����;·::�gi, H�r .. -: ·��· �·,:r1 ��\::!: 11'i�:�.:'tN,�·��·n:� Oity, H.r,r ll. m. L:!\1 P· m. :;nn· tl•n·s, II.(Uu. 111, Ill:�·: I���;: ·� fi,,ll�;:u, �·,·}:; t ������?·, n1tl 1�;. 1:::� 'U.rJI1h.l'}� p. 111. Htd Hnuk only. Snwluys, 11.0:1 11. m: U.t:J Jl. m. •:-iattmlnr� lllth·. tEXt!l')ll ::;lllttl'll,tys. 'J'hl'nttt.:h III'IU'ts lu ltli JIOinls nt lll\\'1-sl rntf'l'l t't��'ft

'1!1.1�1�11l,t1\lt ::tltl!�:���!�·:t�,\':.11 In tuh'llllCt• tu t h1• W. li. III>:;J,Im, Y1t•l• l'l't':'llth•ltt. 0, �t. BUH'l', th•nel'lll llfnn'J.l'1'. U1•11'l Pm •. '!, AJ.l't.




5unday School Lmon lor May 6, 1906 SJIGChlllt l'f�'I•IU"tl for Thla l'n�•er,

J .t·:l'41'11 tN •n;X'I'.· Mutt, l:I :�I · :IU, �li··ta. Mt•IIIIII'Y \'l'l'tll', :�t.

( J I ) ) , I IJ•: S 'I'I•:X'l',-"\\'hnliiUt'\'111" n 1111111 t�uwt•tll, llml 11lmll lw niHu J'tilll'·" t lul , 0:7,

'l'I�I I•!.-AUlU1llll, A , U. ��. thu �lllllU IIK hLU1 /t

·j�1':!�·( .'1·!.-on t�hol'll 11r J.,ul'u ul On11lou, �����:��.�:w .. ,.':�·�;'.,;\..'"':�;d::.'�'�\'�i·:s,·..:�. - N,�,� 'l'PMtUIIII'IIt Jtll'tlll'u uf Uu\'!1: !\tntt . .f : l , J:t:l\li J.uku 22:31: J1 1hn l3:�i :! cur. � : J i i l � :a, I I : l·!ph. G : t t : l 'I'J a,,�. :!:1)1; � '1'1111. �:�?i I l �t.t, it:�'�, l'i Itt!\', �:lu: l:!:tl : �t1 : t ·:l, 7·10. t.:uiiiJi tllll . "li to llt·hl h• thu wul'11l" with � 1:11: M1�tt: h : J l i 1 3 :ii1•33; �ll: l:t; Murl( JtJ;lltj Jnhn IU. �:�

: 3:Ju: Al!l" J : b ; "''''· r. :u. �\n,.;PI»: J ,':1(�) 1. :�: l h•h. J : J I ; Mu ll. lb:IUi 4:11; �·1 :S l ; 1 �0,1 · .�·3• 1 1 : 111; Col. 2:18; Uu\', ��:!'!, lli Alllll. �b.;:;,�· On)' ur judJ.{IIH'll l : :\ltttl. lti:�'1 i l'hUJIK . .. 1,

�5; :; l'uJ', f,;IU; :.! 'l'lm. ·1 : 1 : � l't�l. !l:l i lh!\': :u:1� 1:1. '1'111: tlcfitnwllull ur tltu tlll'r.� .

��� u1·1,; 11m. U:�4; IU:16, 17; :\lui, ":1; .Malt. :1.!0, i:l\�

. 1�;��· �:Pi1�0J;iU forth." Hctwr, ''sul

bcl'uru Lhotn," RH nun Bprends IL tntml. I.Jefol'l.! nlt:i gucslJ, "Tho ldnwlom ot lll'nvon I• !lkmwtl until." A tJUI'IIlnxlng hln<lnmrc lo tho lli'OWih of lho king. dom mny be !IIHcei"IICd by ron•hlcrlnll n nut uncommon occUI'rouL'O hy Which

!he growth u[ wheal In 11 llehl wun hln­

tlerod. "Oooll Hel!d," Pm·e tleCd or the �1'11111 he wl•lae<l Itt t•nl•o, uuml<ed with tiel•il uf nny nthor ldtHl.

Y. �5. " \\'hilt! men 1dcpl." Du1·lug tho night, or while 1houc In chllrgu or

the Uut•u were forgetful, 11l�ncmy sowed l•re�." A moa·o < l lnbollcnl device for wreultlng vengennco U}IOU tlll ono· my can HClU'I!ely Uc 1nmglltell. '"l'ares," L'he orlgtual has a parltdo tntllcutlng

that this sowing wus uvcr, or, on lop

or, what. hnd }lrevlom;;ly hmm sown. V, 2ti. "llrought forlh rrult." De­

�uu lo !wad. Not until tl111l singe or growlh wus roached did uuy r!lf!m·cucu between the two lthals or slaoots up-prar.

Y. 27. "Didst thou not sow?" A form or quostlou, assuming that nn nl­lll'lnntll'e answer I• expected. ' "Whence bath It tua•cs'l" A few sta·ny taros would huvo cauued no SUI'lll'lse ami would hnve been carefully wee(tOLl out, a; they nrc In thal lund lo th is day; but such nn abundance of them was found In this llcld that even the serv­:mts questioned the udvlsnblllty of lhls.

Y. 20. "Nay • • . lest ye root up the whea l." The roota of the two sorts of !>Innis were by th is time so lnlcrwlnetl !hut any attempt at separation would he •urc to canse death to the wheat.

v. ao. 10The harvest." 'l'ho tlmn for Cllltlng the rlt>ened grain. "Gather . . • lla·st the lures." 'l'hls woul<l be a muller or uo small di!Hcully. "llurn them." Tills woul d be dono In nn oven.

v. 3U. "'Then , , • Into the house," It seems probltb!o that the mullltull.e dispersed (Rev. Vcr.) because JestlH, having left the boat, went at once wilb the twelve nnd other cnrncst dis­ciples Into the house-Ills own or thlll of some lllsclple-!rom which l lo llnd come when He set out for this Wlllk lo l ho sen. "Declure (eX(>Inlu) . . . the }Hl.rablc." 'l'hls rcquc:.:;t was E''r'l ... deuce lhar. the heau'ls or tltese, hlw good groun1l, were cngcr lo l'Ucclre and retain the trllth. Jesus had as­sured them (V, 11), as He assures us, that to those Who earneslly desire nod seek lo understand SJ>Irllunl truth, I t will be made !>lain. "Of the lures or the Jlel<l." 'J'hey hurl Belzerl the char­aclcrlsllc feature or the leaching, us their words show.

V. :17, 38. "He lhnt soweth • . • the Son or Man." Jesus uses or l!lmselr

.... � ............................... " .......... .... I :unn m· 'l'elcltllone OI'IICI'N ••rmna•U,. Irlllecl, ALL GOODS DELIVERED FR I::t: OF CHARGE. SAMPLES


· - - · - ------ 1 Ln Newark's Best Cloak I a nd Suit Department. I

I April Reduction Sale of Women's and Misses' Cloth

Tailor-Made Suits.

Tho5e of ou r patrons who have waited u n t i l AI ·TER EASTER wi l l now find us ready to dispose of the balance of Surr STocK at BARGAIN PRICES. '

our The

suit stock is som ewhat broken, but there i s every s i;..:e, and you are apt to find just what you are look ing for at a great saving on your purchase.

Handsome Tailor-made Suits for Spring and Summer wear-Coat and Eton Suits-in colors and blad::-Suits worth up to 1 ).oo, all marked for 9 60 a choice at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chiffon Panama Coat Suits in pretty gray mix· tures and finest qu:tlity black-exquisitely l ined and tailorecl::-Women:s and Misse�· sizes-actual 14 98 value z_, )o, we h,1ve them mat ked . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

• THE DAV I D STRAUS CO. I ·•· NEllll �RK. N . J. +. ( .....................................................

I I f You want clean

COHL Buy of J. E. Good man & Son,

Ash B rook, N. J . Tel. 46 W ; Cranford. . Life ln llama for some people Is lllr.e the liking cf others for ol11·cs, n n acquired taste, hecuuse o f these Ycry water wheels, Accoa·dlng as one reels about It, It Is a musical city or one fill­ed with norve�rncklng groans. Day and night without ceasing these massive, slow revolving •truclua·cs utter speech. For those who have acquired a taste for their companlcusblp the never­ceasing tones are soothing, rcsemllling the ocean roar or a slow fu;>:no J>lnred on some cyclopean organ. Tho diapa­son tones are <leeper and lomler than the deepest organ stop. Now they nrc In unison, now repeating the theme, one a!ler another, now for a brief mo· ment In a sublime harmony never to be forgotten, according to one traveler, then once more together In a tre­mendous chorus. The sounds are de· scribed no a slow movement up the scale, followed with a heayy drop to t.he keynote as: Do ml sol , do do do: do •ol In, do do do. Tl>l s unceasing Sisyphean music, It Is said, has been going on lor a, century at least.

1t Is a J>ecullnrlty o! Paris, which c1·ery I' IHilor who !mows enough t•'rcm:h to tell one dialect from auot1wl' mu•t have nullce�. that nearly al l l'ar-1� cubmen tcuno from the same Illll't o[ tho country. The same thing IH ll'Ue of cual merehunts and or deniers Ju roa!;lCll chestnuts, who como from A u \·ergne; ul' the goalllCH'dS, WhO hawk their mill\ ui.Jout tho streets, Who uro Breton pca!:lants, an<l of many other ll'ades.

The cau llril'ers' land Is probably little known to Englishmen. It Is down iu the A\'eyt·ou , and H.odcz is Its mpi1 &'.1, a tiny v1l lage, where the worst hmg"lHtHO und the best hearts in nll France are to be found. 'fhe eldest or each family In rto!lez L•lws the land and the palel'nal cotlngc, '.rhc old follrs 1 1 1•e with him tmlll thei r death. und ll1c younget· sons go to Paris anti <lri1·e caus.

:l!li-Snlllmit ll\'otltlll aml Pnrk street. a2�-UtU'IILH' Tlighluntl ll!Hl .Mouutaiu A\'OIIUUH,

·IIIH-Bim st reet nwl Kimlntll n\·onno. f.ti!I-Broatl unrl �[itlllluHex stre11ts. n:m -Oumherltuul !-31". ttwl Sunth .Avo. 7BS-Cut·mn· Olnl'lc null UlmrltJ:; H!:.;, 8H:J-li'iru Dupnrt mont houHe.

UU-Uul'lleJ' of Nor! h aml l�'muth Ave· unes.

.A rter �tHuliug iu an alarm stnntl I WILl' th11 cull lmx am til :tl'l'il'nl of lli>!HII'ntus.

an accept2d �fosslanlc title. "'J'hc ticltl • • . the world," We are npt to n:ar- � �ow our concent lon of tho llold. 'l'ho whole of th is llln lm·la! globe on which we live, with nil Its races o!' men, Is the licit!. God lo1•es to cui Umte. "Good seed • . . chii!Jreu or the Klng<lom." In the e:u·!ler parable lhe goo<l seed re(H'esentC<I the word of God. Here It rept•esents those who lm\'o J'ucei \•ell. the Word Into their hearts. Not nil read God's tl'lllh from the lllhle, hut

The Big Bargain Sale. The One Most Talked Of. G lasses==THAT FIT.

Judjie-Not. iWhen some one sings a little sang, • And asks you what you thJnk abuut it, "'Do not reply, wlth race drnwn long, ... .,lt may be good, but yet I doubt lti" · For every simple note that swelh;

With hope, nnd joy, a.ncl gladness ringing, jWill reach some heart where sorro\V ' An£����:· lhero Its voice of singing. When some one does a l ittle deed,

And you, Jlerchanoe, observe the nctlon, Do not conclude with thoughtless sJl�ed

That It will gnh1 no sweet attJ•u.ctlon; 'For bl9ssed deeds, lUte balls or snow,

Kept ro11!ng CJn through life's rough weather,

Enlarge their fullness as they go, Until they blnU the world together.

jWhon some one lifts a whlsperecl nrn}'Cr From mother's knee, or gilded nltar,

'Doubt not thnt God Is wnlllng thm·e To heal' tho lips that liMp, or fntwr:

But know, 0 mun, ao pl'ouU and JJl lnd, So full of doubt uwl cold mlsgh·lng,

These little gellHI, wltlc!J all Jllflr find, �I Jla�:g�Urtb a hea\•cn, aml life worlh 11\'-

-John Philo Tro\'r'brlllge, In Boston Trnn­!._ script, .

\\•i l l Cure Confolnm \)tfun. A. A. Herren of !<'inch, Ark., write<:

"Foley's Honey nml Tar is the lJCst pre­paration for conglu:;, eo1rls nnrl luug

trouble. I know that it has cured con· sumption in the first stages."

For ycm·s IIley drive nbout In all wealhers, scmplng togetJar,r son !Jy son tllllil thc}r lun•e g:u·neJ'ed enough to go home und Jli.IY for their board and lndglng fo1• the remalndet· o[ the!r day•. They ;;o wllh the elde1• b1•other to a notary on the first !lay or their l'etut·n homo, nnd sign a deed by whlcJ, lie Is buun!l tn lwr.p them fo1· lhe l'e­mnlnder of theh• !lays In Idleness In return for thelt· suvlngs,

There Is nn ol!l priest In Do!lcr. who thoroughly undOI'fitnntls ltls floc]{, He never nslrs them to enter the church, but chnts wllh tl>em outside It, nn!l prear.}Jes informal sermons as ·he thinks flt. A lew !lays ago a dep<:DI­llon of the men took him a plaster statuette of St. Flacre (falsely be· !Ieveii to be the cabmen's patron saint) whose ralm-for St. Flncre wns really n gardener-they hud cut away, nn!l substituted a tiny cabman's whip.

Dignity Vindicated, The Boston <llstrlct attorney bus

just rescued from jail a l ittle l>Oy who was serving a 30-day sentence : for throwing a snowbal l nt n wealthy Dos­tonlnn. The cold !llgnlty a[ the gi·eat man wus so disturbed llmt It Is a won. der the little boy was not executed.

No Wonder. Winston Chua·chlll, the English ntl·

thor, lms !Jrought upon himself much amused criticism by a ponderous, II courteous, phrase which lte mmd Ja a I pol itical argument. He referred to th� untruthful statement of an opponent _as a "termlnolar;lcn.l lnexactltnde."

II' l•:s'l'liu;I,JI I'US'I' 11 1-'1•'11;1�. r�. ,.r, ,VIII'r.\1\t:ll, Pu�tmnsb.'l'. A. 1\. U ,\ 1.�:. A-;�t. nml :\tuut�\' Onh!l' (Jll!l'h. W�1. )f. 'fnWNio l·!\', Ut•Jll'l'nl bdh't'l'J' Uh•1·1t, l•'mm \\'1!'t:'N:u, Ult•J'h. H.\11\'f-:Y .r. Ultf-:l-:�wtulu, Olt::l'k, Olllt�t· Olll'll t'l'um 7 u. m. ltJ i 11. 111. t•xt�t!Jit on Suhtl'tlny:.;. O!Ut�u l lllt!ll :imulu�·s l'ur huhh�l'l-l ut r�tH�h lloXl� (J'I)IIl \} It/ ·l u'eluclc,

AI!HIY.AT, AND DI>PA!t'rUHB 01<' �IA!LS. J•l•nm Nt!\\' YnJ•lc, l�1�t, Hunth 111111 Huuthl\'1':-lt, nJrl'll l'nt••ldh•t!1'Y nt. 7.0U untl S.2it u. m. a.:!U 1uul fl.Jii ]I, Jll,

MAlL� OLO!'\re. l•�o1• N11\\' Yt)]'lt, Phllullt.•lphhl, 'J'1'1mton tlw

NoJ•tltl!llSl, South, Hontln\'t�t. nntl wny slu1tluu:-� E·���.��rlr.;�;;:N�l ��·;;:r T�;L�·:�.����S'���!I�:l!INit!:�;� nt 'j.liO JI.I Il. llllll -I.IIO J). IIl. I .

�IOUN'l'AINSIDE. .Arl'i\'uat 'i.:KJ u. m, llllll ·I.:!O p, m, Clo.o;l! nt tt, m. nml ri.BO p. 111.

all judge ot It from the lives ot' Chris­tians. Jesus Is called the "Woa·d" of God (John 1 ) , and surely each Uhl·ls­Unn should work ont In Ills life lhe truth which his ho:u

·t receives, :ut<l

lhus Jmss on lhc llem•cnty 1"!1LheJ•'s message to others. "Children of the wlcl<ed one." Sttch ns huvc so yteld-e<l their llearls to evil lnlluences that they exhibit ehaa•aeterlsllcs ol wlcl<ed­ness In their lives (John S:H).

V. �9,. "The 'enemy is the dcvll," Jesus always recognized the devil ns a t'cal _ person. uTho end of the world." The end or this present age. 'fhe word here translated "world" Is not the one thus rendered In V. 38. 'J'lmt refers to the physical world; tills, to the ·com-pletion or nn ern. "Uenjle>·s nrc the Fo1uy'� Honey anrl 'l,n.r coutni ns no angels." God's messengers·· or another

opiutes, n111l will not coustitmte like ncar: order than man. ly ull othm· cough mo<licincs. Hofmro ' V. 40, 41. "Tares gathered nod sn!Jstitutes. Sohl by l•'rntchuy & Hath a burned." The burning ot the tares wny. pictured the <final destruction or all evil." "Al l ' that orrends." Lller,ll!y,

"cause stumbllng".:...thnt Is, whatever causes any to fnll Into sin. Each o! us Is either n step.plll!l-Stone hel)nng others to rise Godward, or a stumbling­block.

Practlcnl Points. V. 24. We sliould contlnnally work, watch and pray !or the coming or the lleavcnly Kingdom ,upon 'earth,-.\lntt. ti; 10. . , . · V. 25. When men arc' splrltna!ly drowsy Is Salnn's opportunlty.-.Mnrl< 14: 3�. ' .. ' V. 26. Evil may-" he : hlddeai ,or dis-, gulscd for D. time, bUt 'JI1USt nt last appear In Its true ehnracter.-�htlt. 7: 16. ' V. 28. The ilevll Is the source o!

•vll.-1 John :J: 8; John a: H. v. 38 • • Jesus longs ii>"d·o· iiood io the

whole human race -2 Pet. 3 : 9,


VAIL. Old Stantl, I 03 Park Ave nue, Plai nfield, N . l.

J. S. I RVING CO .. DEALIRS I N Coat Lumber,

dulding Matanals, Mouldings and Kindling wood. FarltiiZIIS . For Lawn Garden and Field,

Office and Yard---Central Ave •• near R. R. Crossin«, Wastfielf Otdors by Mail Will Receive Prompt AttentTon, CBLEPHONE L9 A.


Albert E. Decker. FJ RST-CLASS RIGS.

Special Accommodations for Boarding Horses. ,


THE UNION COUNTY STAN DA RD, FRI J>AY, MAY 4, 1906. ::====-=�=:::;:;:=::;:=:=:::=:�=��.;: � .. �4 .. ::;�""""'11'.:11��. -�- H�o���s������R����A�N�D�H�EA�'-r�H��1- -=-=-=lL�e�t�UUs Send You The H A H N E & C .O . newar�'' scort Btalllllll.

Auton1oblle Apparel f\nd f\pproprlate Furnl8hln&8.

I'IIIII.J O :-; t on• i:-; Lhc S late iH cqui ppctl m; we r11·e to fH i pply the n t t tomol • i l i :-; t I ....., wi th th i ng-R lhnt wi l l con t l·i bu tu to h is comfol't and p l emHi l'O, We mai n t a i n the only com pletely stocked dopm·Lmcnt fo1· the Ralo o f r� u tobi l c cloth ing a n d suppl ies i n Nuw:u·k.

Wo soli ovorythh•R from gogglos to tlros. Wo 11rosout Homo of tho �ost foreign lllllito.K wh�Hu •I>DOlaltios nro sought by flli>hlo!l!lblo l'uilts, 1111101111 UWIII 0, Strom ot l!'UH, l'or!R. 0Kunr Jlunrl!tnos, Uo)lullhllgon, Alfrml Dunhill, J.oJutun , llfnny of tho gnrmontH we Hcll nro mado R)>ooll\lly for UN, Prloos Rro alwnys matlorl\to,

MEN'S AND WOMEN'S DUST AND RAINPROOF COATS . Or Jiuon, OlllllilbrRy, �IJIJrniu cloth, moJmJr, llOilg001 IICIIt mJxtureK, or"venutto, lllll'blll')' cloth, Hilk, rubber Kllk 1111<l J>hllu rubu�r, iu throo·quartor 1111<l full Juugth, somu witb <Mnoimbio hooriH ; Jlrluos mugo from $1 .SO to SSO.OO.

LEATHER COATS FOR MHN. llf!lrlu of tho host t'ronolt nnrl Mexican kid, single und doublo.brOI&stod, as wull liS Norfolk styles, In tnu

;uul blnolt, llno•l with VouutiRn cloth ; Hl1.o 30 to 4�, at $8, $ 10, $UI.SO. !III! Ui• to $21. AUTO CAPS.

l�or mou and womou In tho ueweot styleH llll<l matorials, iuoludhig black, tnn Rn<l suodo lonthor, llueu, 1uolmlr, cmvouctlo, mixture�, silk, rubber silk, Wl\torproof, ll11rbary cloth 1\Uil pongee \ l>ricas boiug nt $ J .J5 uud go as high ns $5.


For men nnrl women, illn<lo of goat-sklu and Imported kid, In hili and bluck ; all sizes, $ l .Z5 to $5


l<'or men 1\tul women : other stiyos nlso at pricos begiunlug nt :ase and going to $J. 50, LAP ROBES.

or mauy sorts, iuchuling the colobrntml Hiley RohoH in Huon, crnvouotto fubric.l, mohair, rubber Rille lltlll l•lnht rnbbor nt pricos rliiiJ::ilig f•om $1.ZS to $ 15,00,

8 Day Clock -Of llonvy turned brass with lumvy beveled pinto Klass : wiurls, roKnlatos nml sets . •

S �rom tho �ut�ido : absolutelv. dust Rll<l wntcr proof : nwlo to stuml the $6.50 jar• of cars : ru11B 8 dnys w•th ouo wmrhng : spoolal pnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . , Other Olocks at $1:a.oo and $,

A t H -A very pop11lar doublo·twisto•l horn, llnishod ill brass with oval shaped bell : spe!l � . . . . . ���, 1.����. ������. ��1•1� .: . ��·::�1•0,t�, �i

.t�•. ��:1.'��1.', t.�� .���. �:���'.;. :���.����. 1.'�i

.�� , ��:�� $6.50 Auto Calliopes or Orchestral Chime I�orus : f�r a !aug while sol<! at i£25 ; uow to $J 0.50 he RCI<l at tho extmonhuary pnce of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .

Hahne & Co. , Broad, N10w and

lfnlsey Sts. Newark, N . J . Cures Biliousness, Sick DR IN D C l e a n s e s the system Headache, Sour Stom· thoroughly and clears

ach, Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of

C h ro n i c Constipation. La at'tve Fra'lt Syrup pimples and blotches.

Pleasant to take X It is guaranteed For .Sale by FRUTCHEY & HATHAWAY.


Mol't Aooompll•hnd and lllttlll' JW. HUilN Q�noi'AII)'-DU•y·Worlur

T11k�8 R D-11)' Ro1t, C O S M O P O L I T A N M A G A Z I N E J,t�t UA thou bo ruaHonallle In our

lnrlnlu••nm 111 hntll homo work 1111<1 JIIJyHii!lli Ullihll'll, J'OUlUiilhOI'JnK ll)Ways thnL wldln it iu wull within our JIOW· Ol' to ovui'Work, to IJr<lllk dowu, to do· stroy our l•hyslcal hualth and uvun lllu lts<Jlf, It muy bo hoyond ou r ll<IW· er or tlln JH>wor of tho most Bkllled RJIOOilll iHt to llllil!l Ill> and rnRtnrn, Kmtvlnu lhiH In mind, lot us so worlt 111111 llinY, I'I'SL Dlld RIU<l)', UH to <IQVPIOI! mlli ll nn•i IJU1ly In IIUI'fout hnl'mm;y, , i'OOI', tl i'l !rl , OV<IrWni'IUII) !IIOIIJor, do YOII <!Onlllillil! thnt YOU "H)IUIJIY C�IIIIOl

Three Months, free 'J'hl'llli JJIIllllhH' fl'OO l i'lll) fur IIUil'!ll)'

tl<lllllhll( )'11111' 11111111 1 ,

Nu IIIIIIIIIY,-IIU liiUI•J',-IInlhliiU 11111. )'IIIII' IU) IlJ'<IHH I ill thu UUII<Jh"l) IIUIII>UI I o

I I', 11l'in 1' thi'I<II IIIUIIIIIK1 l.i'hLI, yon WlMh to hnv11 tl111 111111(111-illll Hllt)!JII•d 1-lll!troiy I<<II IIK,-111111 Lhu Vll)JiliK I'O<HJlVUI) Will CUKL yuu 11ul hlug.

Yun 111'11 tu lm lhll llXOlltKlVII jn!ll!ll·

'l'hu t:f iHliOI'Ill.l'l'AN, l'urlhm•moro, h11N juKf. h••l(ll!l 111111 ol' tl 1u llloot J'<lill!lrknhlll 11XpfiHIIH I II'UI' IIIhilll )lllli) hy ll CUIIlliiii JlUI'· 11ry ll lll�nziuu,-••'1'1111 'l'ro11Hol! uf thu Huu· 11tu," !Jy J:luvlrl Umluuu l'hllllrtn,

It wi ll lxt •ll·ioLiy II!I (KIHKibiu, <lurhllf tJJiH H<Jl'liiH, fill' IlK tu iiiHII r<J i!OWH•KIIlllli llllrl.')lnlffli'H II I.'O)lj' of J.ll!l llllll.fll�ll!ll1 hut,

roRt-you 1111vn no thno 'l" llollevo mn, ,11111 t hm·u'il hu 1m <JIUIHtlouH, uu I JUih· you Jmvn limo II' you will IJuL think hilug,-uulhing,

Wo 1lu f.!Uiil'llilf.oll l lmt nil r<,n.JuJ'H wiJU illlVI11 lliillrJI' tlliK K)HIOIIII niTUI', iiJ>JiliO<l <ll• root to tho ollien fur copl<JK, will r<wulvo r<'KIIIhrly tho ;nugnzhw <lurliig thiH hrii• linn! HllrlllH uf m·tieiu�.

Wu'ii hmu lhu !louis!un nii to yon. An-will fl to lm Ho-nn<l mako It RO, "Orton the nwKt hiiHY JJOOJ!Io lln<l tho moRt limn for I'OSl, nnd !hoy not only nccom(JIIHh mnro wo;•k In R dny thiUI tholl' nelgh hoi'H tlo, but hnvo a chanco to Hnnt<!ll n qnl<!t ;·est IJcslricR and rro­!Jiil'liliY ludull!n In u bit of play of an C!VonlnA', for we 11Q'rown UJlH11 noed n "llllly t lmo" a.� bnrlly as our children.

If, ni'tor thrun uumtha' loKI you 1hul yun Jwurl tho UuHM<ll'OJ,J'I'MI1 Jut IIH HUilfl yon tho IIIIIJ.(IIZiuo fur thu full )'<'nr,

llo snro to ruurl thiK most Rr�thlug ur iiiJ )XJJitfenJ IIX)KiKUriiH,

l�vcrythlng dci>Dnds more or leAs UJ>on system, nnd If you sYstemntlzo )'our homo wo l'it ·ns your hnBbo.nrl dace Ills huHIIIOHB yoll will bo BUTJiTIHcd to Qnd how much mo;·o time you will hnvo to set nalrlo for your own-all yours for re•t nnd rccrcutlon.

Now, as to lwusoworlt bulnJ: hnrd on you, It ncml not be If you will let you rself grow fond of It and then ro· fUSe to OV(H'!}O,

It 11ccrl 11ot tiro yon if yon can but learn to move more quickly and wltb the assu;·nuco of every movement meaning Bomothlng gainer!, every step counting for aomcthl11g done. Indeed, believe me, It Is tho weary, half·henrt· ctl, lagging ,step that wears upon body, brain nnrl nerves: thnt cnusee the feet to ache, the legs to swell, and tho tired arms to feel like lead by bed time.

The spirit in which one attacke 11 plcco of work counts !or much , Will you not stn;·t yours to-morrow with n twice glnd heart? Glad that you arc able to worl!, and glad tl!at there Is worlt for yon to do.

When you move from dinlng-rootn to ltlteiJCn, walk wtth a firm, elastic trend (not jarring the spine and creat­Ing headache, backncho and nerve strain by walitlng on the heels). Practice the easy, erect carriage as you go singing about your work, and then almost every move you make will count as a step toward a better physlrnl condition.

When you stand to wash your dishes or mnke your bread, keep the spine erect, bending forward from the hips, Instead of curving tho spine and cramping the circulation In the whole abdominal cavil)/: for you will thus avoid not only many backaches, but Indigestion, and often constipation as well, by Insuring good breathing raclii· ties while you work.

'l'hnt'K 11ll thoru IK to It, • • •

Hnll!!llnhllr, though, thntlu rmuling tho Uo�liOl'UI.I'l'.\N, you ruiL!lillK UllU ur thuullieKt hlgh·UI!UiH liiiii(IIZhiOH JiUhliKhll<l tn-liny in Amorlcn.

Snell umluont 1111<1 grc11t IIHlll lmvo in tlw }na.t contrihntu<l to tho I'>JIIl!Htlon uf tho UoH�IOI'OJ.ITA!i '"'' l'ruslrluut HmJStJ· yuJt, �lnrlt 'l'wniu, PreHidunt l�liut, .Tuim Wunmuukur, Uount 'l'oiHtol, llunry \Vut­torsou, ,JuH. Whitcomb JUluy, etc,, etc,, utu.

* • • 'rho followlug list of umiuont contrn,.

orr;-htltull fr·om muoug u huwlrml oth· urs-will ludiuato the rmunrlmlJly high stnndnr!l thnt will bu mulutuinurl by tho Oos�!OPoi.I1'A!i <luring 11100-�'IO'I'ION:

• • • Wo thorougl1ly l10ll11VU th 11tuvory lutol·

lll(!!llt rmul11r will not ouly tuku hut no· llllliy \\'IIIII tho tJoKIIOI'DI,f1'A N, HhuuJr\ hu OIWU Hllll tho liiiii(UZhlll itHu)f,

Awl thllt'H wl;y wo olfer 11 tllreo 1111111th•' l'ruu trial at our expunHo. We leavo tiUJ rloclslrm ll!itlr.,)y upou tho Iller· it of thu IUOilthly.

If yon don 't liltn thu threo !llonths m· colv.,.l, yon may Htop thu llll)XJr, nut! the coi•lus rucolvc<l won't uo•t you 11 ceut.

'rho oll'cr IH clear, t>lnlu, Htmightror· wnr<l,

Yon nre to hu the only judge.

Wu are goiug to luuvo It all to your de· ciBlon.

Couhl uuyth!ng be moro fnir? Sir Gilbert Purkor, Alfred floury Lewis, Booth Tarkh;gton . ART: Fru<lerlc Rem- Fill out to-•lny the coupon lJelow-place ington, Hont'i Luuo!i, Frnuk Vurbuuk. in lllt uuvolupo-roumil to us-aud ru·

SPIWIAL: Hunry Wntturson, E!lwiu cuive threo JJIOnths' tost free. �[arlduuu, Elhcrt HubLurrl, But nn1il tboco .t)JO!l to·duy-to·morrow

No fiuer nrrny of tnlont coulrl JlOHHibly will uuver oomo. bo olfere<l than tho liBt of worlrl specilll· cos.ll<li'OI.I'I'AN MAGAZINtl

ists uamc<l nhovo. l 7Hil JJIUI.\ IIW ,\ \', Ntl\1' YOJtK, "Homo" mngnziuo i• tho 'koy·uotc lo , .......................................................................................... ,

tho OosJ!OI'OLITAS, ' i coKllOJ'OI.I'I',\ N >J .HU if.INE, I In no souse is tho 00Sl!OPOJ.ITAS 11 ! 1 7Sil llltOA llWAY 1 N tlW \'OitK, smnll, chonp,IO-pnge mnil oroler mouthly. ! I accept. your libeml off or of threu

It is, to tho coutmry, a grent 240-l•lgc j months' free trinl subscription to the Cos- I illustrated home�juo. j :\I.OPOI.ITAS', ns nd\·ertised in the UNION i i Cou�"fY STA!ii>AJW, Wcsttlcld, N. J. If 1

Its mlitorinl policy aims nt oyory ph1L�O i nt tho cu•l of three months I rlo not like I of clenn, wholesome homo life. \ tho mngnzino, I will let you know and 1

An nlmndnncc of bright stories, full of i lull'e tho pnJ�� •liseoutiuuc<l,uwler which ! full, lifo nud nctiou, will interest every j cowlitiom, 1t Js umlerstood, th�1t tho co)>· ! member of tho f�mily. · i ius receive< I sh"ll cost mo uotlnug. Oth- 1 i urwiHo ron umr son me the Oos�lDPOI.I· ; Topics of tho day nrc trcate<l snnolr, j 'rAN for 11 full yc;n· 1uul bill be at the reg- ! 11yoxports of iuternutiounl r.oJ:ntn-polit- : ulnr suhscriptiou pdeo of only one <Iollar. I ical rcfonn,ilJtcrnntimml nllunt-5,cconmn· i \Vl'ite lllaiuly.

The si nging during work hours Is

excellent exercise !or the throat and lungs, and whistling will, If perslstad in, tend to fill the ugly hollows to the right and left ot the base of tho throat-those deep holes over the ll<!l· larhoncs-for whistling Is fine exercise for the apices of the lungs, and hence 1 advise It as a good gymnastic exer. clso for womcn.-Ohlcngo Inter Ocea11.

ics,s ocial J>rolJicms,-au<l u humlrcrl oth· j or timc�r topics of which c1•ery iutolli· ; N<tmc , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . gent mun or womcn mnHtUo informed. I

'rhc Oos�lOl'OI.ITA� nlsonft'or<ls nunsnnl ! Street ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " · · " ' ' ' " " ' · " " ' ' ' "rlmutugcs ror the rerming nu•l mlucuuvo i, c· I .. lt.y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! \'nlnu of nrt,-Remington, Lnnos, 'b,o. i gurty, Ycrhook, ure only n fow ol'tho l State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . masters represented. __ .............. __ ....... ..................................... ..


A few drops of elder vinegar rubbed Into the hands after washing clothes will Jtccp them smooth nud take away t11o spongy feeling they always have a rter being In water for a goad while.

Boys Must Not Smoke. Betrothed Babies, Bristol, England, wheru one ot the rn some narts · of West Africa the

Icebergs sometimes l[l.!lt tor 20<1 years.

The normal lire of a mouse Is three )'ears.

Place reliance In th� drawing quail· ty or a graceful pose.

Talk about the extent o! their ward· robe In public places.

We can be honest without malting ourselves hated and shunned because of our hru tal candor,

Coffee aml tea stains, If rubbed with butter and nrterwa1·ds washed In hot soa(>suds, will come out, leaving the table linen quite white and fresh.

Custard lliHidlngs baked in the oven, and otbe;· pnd<llngs or n custardlllte consistency, nre mndo unusually at­tractive if the tops arc J lgiitly sprln· ltlc!l with sugar nnd then glazed by passing . over them a red-hot shovel. If a gns stove Is used, the pudding can bo placed under the flames or the broiler. In about twa minutes or lcs• the sugary top will IJC well glazed, and It will save the trouble of healing a shovel.

gr011tost tolmcco busi nesses fu tbc girls have long engugements. Ou the wo;·lu ts established, has uoo gil'ls whc day or their birth they are betrothed have rcsolyed to J111ve nothing to do to a baby boy a trlfte older than them· with boys who smoke. A Bristol selves, and at the age of 20 they are youngster bas tnltcn the matter to married. The girls know of no other heart, nnd bas Induced 550 other · way or getting a husband, and so they youngsters to pledge themselves not I are quite happy and satisfied. As to smoke. wives they are patterns of obedience, Attentive Is tho name or Britain's lat·

est 25-knot scout ship. ·In England a mun e:m take out an in·

surunce policy ng11lnst twins. 'fhe young king of Spain Is sevor11l

lnchea shorter than his fiancee. Glrarrcs untl unt·Cilters e11ch hnve

tongues nearly two reel In length. Tho British soldier Is now to pos­

sess three shirts Instead of two. A allvor coin remains In currency

for an average period of 27 years. Diamonds have been discovered In

Kintucky-and of tbe tlrst whisky. 'fho Japanese prefer aoft wheat ttour

from the United Stutes to the !lour made In Canada.

Montreal has the largest ftonr mill In the llrltlsh empire. It turns aut 5,000 barrels or tiour u dny.

An Itultun who tried to walk through the Slmplon tu11uel w�s stltteJ by the beat and died.

Drltlsh warships carry 36 out of every hundred o! the totul number of naval guna In existence.

'fhe coach In which the lord mayor or Londoll rides on state occasions bas been In use s!neo 1767,

M. Fullleres' election aa president of the �'rencb republic cost 16,000. Ills salary Ia 120,000 a month.

It Ia stated that at least 20,000 square miles In Liberia are covered with dense rubber·tree foretlts.

Rome bas a water supply of 200,· 000,000 gallona a day: London, ouly 160,000,000, and Paris, 90,000,000,

Boaatful. A Japaneoe, writing 111 the Parfl

L'llluetraUon, says: "Brllllln, evea with her lleet, IB but a trlliiiB.Ieat gul!lt In the far eaot."

Jtcgard It 1>retty to pout when a man ralls to notice compliments,

Speak to men with an nlr ot authori­ty that (lroduces lrrltatlou.

Carry their Jealousy so conspicuous­ly as to bo generally noticed.

u�e !Ire forcible expressions wlllch so easily can be misconstrued.

Show a desire tor an edravngant display at a social assemblage,

Attempt to Coree a man Into heavy hpeudlture every time they aro tuken out,

Give away the pretty little trinkets presented to them as evidence of good feeling.

ORACULAR OBSERVATIONS. Some potters live by means or their

urnlngs. The man of letters cannot take his

e'a It he o'a too n1uch. The fruits or the spirit are absent

from many a family treu. l\lan may want but little here b&­

low, but he often longs !or lt. The smal l boy with his llrst watch

Is having the time ot his life. Every dog has his day, but !be !leas

are 011 him both dny anrl Jllght. It Is n persevering undcrtakor who

accomplishes 1111 he undertakes. Love seems to resemble a bottom·

less pit wher1 some people fall ln. Tbe bravest-looking underwear

sometimes bas a shrinking dlsposl· tlOJl,

Heart Sewn Up.

WhY not give the cheery word, the truthful .word thnt will brighten tho load of a fellow burden bearer.

Do we not deprive the world ·. ot a Joy we might have given when wo do not hasten to s(>ealc . the plensnnt truth?

There are truths which are so joy­ons that It Is only gladness to spoult them-truths which seem to have no unpleasant side at all.

Happiness Is a qualitY or which we might obtain a larger sbare than usual it we determ ined � to d iscover tho pleasing side or the .most unplcas· lng truths.

Now If -one side Is always .more 1 pleasing than tho other, why, tho ques­l uon may be nsltcd Is It not more. han·

orallle to choose a lwuys the pleasant side to present our frlcntls.

There Is always more .than one sltle to a truth. Two sides, · nt lell.!!t cnn be seen, by the most simllio mln1led per· son and those whose minds ore com­plex can readily see many sides to the same question.

Unpleasant truths maY often be sup. preosed without loss of rectlt11de, or If compelled to speal< them, wo may persistently show the pleasing side, and leave the hearer to find out for hlmoelt, If be must know It, that thoro 111 1111 unpleasing slde as well.

lll:otals Won't Mix. Aluminum ami len<! will not nlloy,

They mix when melted, but sopnrnto whell cooling. -----

No Good,

A man whose henri was recently sewn up In the bospltlll at Milan bu been dlschan:ed P"rfectly cured,

He-1 always keep my word. She-Won't nn;vone take

Chips. lt?-

To Cure a Cold in One Day :;� Tab Laxative Bromo ·�uinine TUielt.cB. �� :_�� e.v... Mlllloll �tu��• IIIN ., ,... ., mon����-_...,:TIIIs:.=�llpa:;,;;.tare_._,

-· ---------�

Ye Shades of Mrs, l'nrtlugton. M;•, Da;Jglo-l ltoard that our old frim111 and neighbor hud u very lm· l>resstvo funeral,

Mrs. Mangle-It was so fino It was really un lrnr>oslllon of tho respect people hnd for him. And the minis· ter !>reached such a boimtlful Jlnre· gorlc over the dlseased,-llaltlmore

and the marriages usually turn out a success.

Noted the Red Tie, A Flji chief wit11esssed the recent

opening of the Drltlsb l>arltamallt and · bus written a long description �� "it to his people. In one place he says: '!I snw one at the messengers · the worltlngmen have sent to parliament. The man has a red necktie on. I was Did It over occur to anyone that tho

ashpnn of tho old-fashioned base burn­er could be utilized to cook Boston Lalrc<l beans, Indian pudd ing, or any other rllsh requiring long, slow cook· lug? The nsl;es could be emptied, or course, and the food IJBs to be care­fully covm·ed so that ashes from nbovo sllatt uot drop into thn b11lting dish.

American. . �-� -'' ·

told that was a badge cf a working• man, as It is not the custom of people Too Many for Him. of chlefilke birth to wear red neck•

A traveling man received tho to!· tics," lowing telegram from his wire: "Twins arrived to-night. · More by mall." _ He went nt once · to· the near· est offiCe, anti Sent. the· followtitg rC. ply: "! leave fol' homo to-night. !! more come by mall, send to dead let· ter Otllee.''

'l'he . ·world's Tryst. "'e rtitn would wnlk nlJI'Ond with Spring,

Impatient to begin lli Like other ones sweet, she calls:

"l'm ready In o. minute!"

Never uso tho frying pail If It can be a I'Oi dod. Not only IU'o sweet PO· tntoes better I f . bi·o!led, · but ham has a crispness an� plqunncy which · Crying never gives It, or course, - all good housewives lmow thnt steaks nnd cllOPS are better broiled, b11t they do not !mow what n superior way of cooking It ts , r�r other roods.' For in· w;hr:�������!�:��:�?o:,����ihc clock, stnncc, it ndds n new · and SUIJOrlor Springs dons n robe ot tentlor green. tlnVot• to porte chops. ' A dash of tnlnt pe&·Cumlng.

One. noticed In the toilet room of n And 'when at last she comes to us pnrlor cnr recently little towels 14 So full· do we behold her; Inches square at the most. It · OC· So radiant and beautl(ul,

cut•red to her . to. wonder why similar -�Vucc�I.M'C no heart to scalt1 her. small towels were not Jn usc ln kltch- -·

ens and bathrooms. They are easy 'l'rllVCIIin� 1M UIUIGCTOIIN. to launder, chenp .to buy, nntl answer Oimstnnt motion j11rs tho kidnoyA iuany purposes better than large tow- which nro kept in plnco in the body by els. ' .

doiic11to llthwhmeuts, 1'his is the rct�sou

Foreign Books In China, The desl l'e . for foreign boolts Is so

g;·oat In China to-day · thot the mls· slonary . Is � pressed UJlOn by the crowds, eager to · get his Bibles and othol' !>Ubllcatlons, . and .the press at Shanghai Is six 'months behind in 'Its orders. The Dible In a heathen coun• try will create a demand fer 100 copies, one tract a craving tor num• bet·less "portlons1' of the book..

Scotch In Office. The tour principal personages In the

Drltlsh empire, ranking after royalty, are Scotch-the prime minister, the archblsnop of York, the lord chancel· lor, and the archbishop of Canterbury. The governor general ot India Is of the same race, as are several who hold Important offices In the ministry, such as the cblet secretary and the lord lieutenant of Ireland. If a lamp should be overturned, do

that trnvclcrs, tnlimnon, Rtrect cnr men, not attempt to Pllt ouf the finme with I II l !rive very much, No Bestored Ca.stle tor Him. wnter, for it will simply . spread It; tcmnstcrs !\Ill n .w 10 .< , f ."Yo·u must admit," said the earl, Instead, throw down flour,- oand, gar Anll'or from ld1lnoy disease 1ii some arm. den earth or snit, any .of which .wlll Foley's. Kirlncy Onrc strougthens tho "tltat my-ab-ancestry dates back have the desired eflect; . ld<ltieys· an!l. cures all forms of ki<luoy much farther than your daughter's."

lt the upper Inside edge of the pan nml bludder disea.•c. Goo. E. Hnusnn, · "Yes," replied the girl's rlch old ta· · ther: "we nln 't been able to trace ouu Is well grensed with butter, chocolate, Jocm�otivc. m•gincer, Lima, 0., writes, back any further than a certain rob-milk, cocoa, or anything of . the klnJ ''Constniit vibmtion ofthoongino cansO!l .ber who was hanged In 169t. No'f, will never boil over.-Boston Budget nlo n gront !leal of trollble with my kid; I s'pose YOII have a clear record riAhl and Beacon. 1

lmys, aurl I got no relief until I usee! back to the ape, haven't )'11Jf'-Qj• on Ironing Day. Foley's Ki1lnoy · Cure. " Sol<l by Fmt- cage Record·Heralrl.

For _Ironing days n Oro of clndera choy & H11tbnwny, Druggists. b better tbnn fresh

4 ' 1 ' 1 · 1 E UNION COUNTY STA N DA IH>. FR ID AY, \I t\ y + J •JO(J, _ _ _ .

·-·----- - --- --�

---·;:::'::l'::l l







H::I ::

:\ 1:;;;':::1 1::.,

�����·iH�H�I�O�:'i�:-:::: .. �--�-�--�---�-�- -�--�-�-�;;-;· ����.;- ".;;··,;;· ·.---· · -·····� ........ ������--������������������������������������ .::TH=E=U=N=I O=N=C=-O==U=N T=Y=ST=A=N=D==A R=D=r="= . . \=:'i ::::.1• ::::,. ::1/'l::::"l'=:=,, �.-: ::::, .• ,�,.�� ,:!, �"' I ll .IL\ N " l l l'l' I I ,\ II \' I -

I � ' 1'1" I I!IIIIIIIIII'I'I IIIII'• IIII•IWIIIII IIIII ·' ''1'11 1111'11•• 11' 1 1 1 1 11-11-1 -,,-

·,--·,·:,-,,11111 1 1' • DO YOU . REALIZE P11l1ll"h1�1 1'\'1'1'�' Ft•ldU,\' l 1,\' UPIU III' I'UI IIII U1UIII I'C1 I I Ill 1H niU I I

, , Tile Stumlnnl l'ultll�hln�: Cuucl'l'u, I nc, ·" "'"11' 1 1' 1 1 1111111111111 ul' 111111111 1' Cum• •11''"1 1 " " Nl�hl� 1 ' 11'"'"'''1 1 1 1 '11111111''" 'l'h•• t l l'nlh ul' 1\'lllll l l lt \\', I 'l l t l llol,l' "'"

l�l l f l•J•nl Il l (IJP l'n�t I Hth•1• II( \\'t•,.ttJt•h!, Nt•"' ,l!·r'lo!t•y , UM ttt, •tfltll t ·lnt�"' lltllll l'l', H ! I IIHI ! I I I I''I'IOS �� . . �11 1 ' 1-:11 \' IL\11

P,\\',\ JIJ ,I�· I N ,\f)\'t\ Xt'l'!, !:ItA&, �\ AI!PI.tH.!�, tltn1 1 Mcutt�Nfr,

N. y, lllllco 1,11•crly Htrrol.

(lolu 11111<11 I!TANIJAI/IJ llllfi.IJINif,

1\',.lrlold, N. J, llr•ncll Ulllc•

1'. N . .son�u:�. 7114 Uruad St., Ni!wttrk, N. J .

.Atlvt•rlhdng Untt•�o� J.lur·tll!�!lu�t uu AJ1p11Pnlhtll,

l•'rhlny �lny -1 , 1 111111.

III I I IIIt•, AKIIIII .. . IIt•ll' lltllt•l! Ill hii JII'III't'llll'lll• l'lll'l't•tl Mutllltl,l' Ill hiM hotllt• "" l•:lntl'l' 11 1� t·••Jifll'il•tl l ll 1• •111 11'111 Plt•t•h ·� I IIII I Nfnt·ll•tl, i'!l t'••••l u l'll'l' l l l l 1 1 1 111••• ul' Mlll'l'l'ttl wt•l'll'. 1'\'l'l'l' o•l'l'l ll'l I• lit•l t tll 111111111 lu lnoln•••• ,\1 11 """'hill ul' 1 h11 1 1 11\' ll l'tlllllllli lll'l•l 'l'ill• l'l l ll l 'rtli �1,1·1·11-o•• \1'1 ' 1'11 ltl'hl \\'o•t luo•<· Wllilnm 1•:. ' l'n l l lt•, ,l t•. , ul' W1•<1 illlltl, Ill htHI ).'1·111111• lll'l'llhtl(, 11111 I'<•MIIlllltl lun ul' till I' 1 1n ,ot•llt NIII, <'lltllhll'll•tl li,l' l lr • • ln t l ll'M I 111.,.,.1,1 1 h11 llllttlllltll lun ful' i lw llt•lll1 11'1'11 1 · i'!IIII'<'I' HIIj,..,.l l l l lltllh•ul, 1<:. \\', llhutulll11'• II.' l lnnl\n·t h, I<IIHIIII' l'llil't'i l u• ul' tho• j, Uu1111l)' Uhnh•lllltiiMhlp. l !u I• hM�Iwtl h1l11, ll'll < i nltl'll l'l'lllll l ht• lllhh'lllltl tll'l't'l'l · 1 •1111�1.1 .�nli1111nl 1 lhlll'o•h, ns>lsiPtl h,l' 1q11m 11� l i ll• fnl!lt•n1 Mlll't'I'H<III' Ill ,Juhll 1 ,1 1 , M t•, 1•••11••,1' l'ul o••l nuniii<I IIIWjll lllll llo•l'. l l . 1 1 . l hiPI'II"'·''• pusl tll' . • \ 1111'1!1' M < H id,l' , uf Ui·nnl'ul'll, Wh11 1't•<illll1'11 , Will' II tl11• ,.,..ll(l tnl l l lll , lllllllltl't' 111' l'l'lntul• ni i PIItlo•tl l lw ••·•·rlo-o•s, J ill! 1\uuul,l' Uull l l l l l ih•n I'Pi'IIM!•tl lu lll'l'• 'l <l '1'1111 1 '111 1 1'1' < 'l llltll'll ll'll• lll't•st • l ll lll lhn flll'hllillll( lfK'If llll<l 1 '111111 1,1' ullll'iuiM u11d filM hh•n• t'ul' I hll 1'1'1'1 11'111111 iun ut' t h ll l lt•lll• "''"'fun ho•1ol 111sl tlifllli. �I I·. Ultnllll ll •t'· I i iii I I'MII I I 't'H Ill' Jo'nh•l'll'\1' Ct'ltll ' lt'l',\', uo•t•ut l•· l llll'l)' lliunu mo lll'll1 iln<'•• A l l hu lulu 's hili• 1111' Mllhll')' 111111 l tiiKII' 11'1'1'11 \\'llllllnt Wufl111·, . 1 �ulllll>l)' wu• l lltl'tl i l l 1'1'1(111111' 11\l'l'tllll( u f l llll l'lllllllllt\1'1', whll'h llll!flh•il hul jlll)' l ! l l ' l l l II'IIH III'IIi'l'l'll with· l!nhwny N . • 1 . . ,\pl'il s, � �·!:,, lit• 1'111111 1 wlll lu• lll•ltl I hiM 1 '\'o•u luj!, n t l hu lllllll· ho•l• l lllll ll l'l't'lultl 1'<'''"''1", Hiufl l lf'r l lo,l' 1 1 1 W<•sllit•hl lll I So>:lllt lll hntl l'<•sltll'tl iu'l'll O M'I'I II ill lll•iul<llllll'lt •l's, lu 1-:llmlt<'l l t , 11 J luo i l lll' l l tll llf l l l hi< 1"""''""11111, lll'l1 1 11r11· , .1.,.1. ,f1 1, .1 , l hut l f llll•, i f <• "' 'l'l't't l i l ll• pui•­HIII'I'''"""r I l l �I I'. �1111111)' wlll jll'llhlll tl)' hll o•ol l l\'1'1' 111 thu htl\'11. �I t·. Uhnlnho•r111111 'N 1111 Itt """ I'II JIIII'Ii)' Ill' l l lllllho•r " '"" '"I 1 1 1 \ 1 1 11'11, t'lll l lullllllll IM ilull tht •)' llll't•!•l l 11'fl·nlll l'llllliii iiiiiiNJ,I' fill' hull' II l'l'lltlll',l', hul' i lll(

1'1'1'1\ln'M J'nUt lt•ul l·�n"m�. Hnt�tlulp l't•rldu•, of \\'ust lf11hl, II"'

tll'gub:ul iun lt'lltlt'l' i n I Jw Hmt�om, iN �aiel Ill hlll'l' IIIIIJII II'I) IIIII hiH (Mllf/ lmJ 11111111· tiu11s fol' t lw l'nt l l l't1, llL't'ut•tliug to t 1 1 11 Xo•w Yurk 'l'l·ihlllll', 'rltu Hlnl',l' is ll11tl tw \\'UU\� to J.:tl hndt to tlu.1 Al'i�t·tHlll�· 1 1 l 'Xf �·t•nl', go In tlw H(liUttn from Uuiou t 'tlll l lt\' ns thu Hlll'l'L' .... Snr to At•lwrmnn , n111l tilltl'i J.wl i n trim for t h o uomiu n t lon for ( im·,•t'IUJJ' i11 WI H. 'l,lwsn nmhitiou� m·o• 1!<'1\l't'Hll�· t l tough t tn ho)ll'tli�nworllty. 011 l ht • utlwr hum!, II is JK>illle<lnut thut H l11t uf !hi ll�� t'Hil )UI]l}IHII ill thu Uli'llll· t illlt'.

Jll'lljM'rl)' 11111.1·, 111111 lhnl I ii ii)' •h1111l11 hn ' "'"" 'l' uwllsldp l !ull<•<'i l ll' uwl l 'ullsluhh•, n•ttlhll•<l hi' him 11 1 11 11 Jut hi!H lll•oll Jlttlol l h'"''"''' 'r 111' f!unriM, .lt l l fl(ll 111' I•:J,., . tf ,. ll, t'ol' \\'IJI'I( ll:ultl lw hint I IWI'tl, l.'ol lllll ltii'IIOIIPI' ol' o\Jipt•nl , 'l'ow ul'lhip< '11111·

'l'htJ Fllllllll'l! Uollllllil h•tJ l't'l'l lllltlllllllh•ll mittl't'JUliJI 111111 Pl't'l'l/1/)rlt'l', ,\I J•, ( 'oll/1· t l tnt. 11111 hill ugnlu.t lhu \\'usl fl11lol Ho•td ull' hnol niii'III'M ' "'''" 11 Ht•pllhlit•llll i l l l'�l'il!ltu UoiiiJlllll)' fol' tW\\'t•t• !U!'!Jlt'l'l itlll JH;lit it•toi, unci \�'lito� llnlllillntt•tl h�· thnt purl,r wm·lt 11tl wit lulruwu mul n JIO\\ onu tt•ncl· !'or �ro\\'IIHhltl t.;ouuuit h•PIIJUII iu 1\l! l!huul 4H't•cl tm· tho mtwrwt udnun,,· tliMhm• ... t•d t�h•t•lt�tl. 1 1 11 toitiJ'\'Ptl fol'OIIP �'PIII' nwl \\'IIH b\' tlw town fol' �ul'h Wol'lt. 'J'Iw l'P)IIIl'l ru·l'lt•c•h•tl J'oa· 11 full 1 1'1'111 ul' thl't•t• ,\'t'lll's, \\:1\ti JU{U)Jh•tl . . u( wh it•h ht� hucl I-IUI'\'111} 1 \\'tl, \\'\11'11 ill

A put itinu lo cllnugc• tltu llltllW ol' :\till- I !IU:\, llw fm'tl l of loc·ul �0\'t'l'lllllt'lll wns tllPHt!X st 1·m�t to l�twlitl n\·t•unu wn:o� l't'llll t•huu.1.w11 rro111 a towu:.;lli)l l o n tuwu, li'J.{· nml t't�ft•JTL'tl In tlw Hmul lJommitlt'l!. isluling ont ot' ollic•t• tlw t hPII 'l'nwn-

'l'lllll Ill ill•t•f>llll/ l'illll' �l'l'lll'li ft•� I I I II t-lnl'1 1 lll ljHJHIJ, \'u11!t Ill riiiW 1'1 11-lt I I )IIIII 1'11111' ilt•ullt I ill• �··••nJ•II I"" ul' I'Pohi1111IH ul' Nnw ,J 11r0111 '" tlt•t""li•••l ••l l lllllll l11o willulmwll l l ll l fl l l111y llrii ii iMfMIIIillll lty thu )'II hill ' l l l l lhlll'f l h•H, """ !lilt 111111111111 IM Hllh,lt•llll•tl ln tltll n IMtr 1!11111 t ', .lilt l< •t·lll l n lll•l•i l lllll'l' 'l'ns hllllllHII<l h,l' l h11 Htnl11 1 1!' Nnw Yurtd 'f'i ll• 1-!nf't• I Jo•JII'"fl i!lllll)lllll,l' iN I'I 'NjHIIIHllthr I l l I iiii llll l hnrftii!H lor J J1 , . mlh•• •lhlll ul' I iiio I I IX

IIIIII i will \"'"I'HIII i iiiJil' wllluh·nw111 1111111 t l tu I l lS IN pult l . 'l'ltHI'II H 111 1 •11 1111 1111' Ill N1111' oh•I'Ht•y1 111111 your >1 '1 '\ l l'fi h•K 111'1' !tltHolllll'f)' Jll'fl'lllu, , ' 1

W HY N OT 11<•111 11 H/1/'1 ' Ill IIII I' 11111'1(1111' 11111! fii•P·fll'fHII' l'll llffH, 111111 lll'llitl all JPI(II I I'IIIIIfliJI•II J IIIIIH )

Boxes to Rent From :&s.oo Per Annum Up,

New Jerser farms f)l l� "l' IHlY 1111,\' 1-'AH�I I l l' ( 'l l i T:\''I'UY

l 'HI II 'I·:WJ'\' unt i l �· 1111 hll\'1 ' "''''II f ltl r l !U· J.,:m'jr.�U�!·�,' .. ':\';;;l� �·�··�'},{ ''10.!\',�·.;.t,J �\N'J; Lister's ,, r .I


F'ol' t•snmplt�� ����·s the'l'rihnuo, unltlH/'1 tllt1 t�llt•rgdh! young- mnn lool<t� out he

will h111'u to jnin tlw h11h•pmulnut rn11ltH to l1u �\H't'L•Ksfnl, for Uniou connty Htl­Jlllhlit•l\11" 111'1\ rnphlly ehnnglug t'ruut , ns WJlS iustum•t•tl l � .. '· lhe uctiuuufthu Pluiu· Jlt•Jtl Ht1publit•uu Uommittvo nt its nwut­il l!( tl11• other night. ll!r. Perld11s lms tilt• t•ousulntiou, however, thut he l'Ui l ulwny� full huck o n hi� position IIH llayor of Wt!otlleld, 1111 ollke he enu t•rohnhly fill tlt l'l!ngh the ycnr Jll l llit' ho so <h•sil·cs.

.1nllll'N P. gnglh;h, .lr., ttppUt\tl l'ul' thP !'!hit� l!oHnttittt�o of' whlt•h llr. Uounul.r po:;itiou uf �owur 1-iUJIHl'iutuwllml. lliN wus ut t1111t timo Uhninuuu. l i t• WIJS upplit'tttlun Wllllt tu thu Houcl Uouuuil- t•lt•t•tt•tl }I,J't'uhoi,J t'l' in IIHI'!, 1 1 1111 nt t hu h'l1, t•otalln:-;inn uf his tt•rnt of two Yt•nt'H i l l \\'. ) [, Qunl'IWIIhU�h IIJlflllt•tl t'ur )11'1'• the sp!'i llg ot' J illlf wns l'll·l'lo•t•l o•ol wit h· 1ui:;siuu to m·c!ct 11 woudun mJ,1Jt lou fu cmt upposit inu, hn\'ing llt't l l l uotniuntt•d his Prns)lPt�l Sl1•t•nt llh\yt�\l� �tm'\�. '1'\h' 1 l,Y I lot h J lltl't it•:-; to tllu o111ctl llll lwhl Ill lll'IJ tlllJllll'l lllellt I t Kill i t \lllthn• eunshlem- tlw Iiiii!! III' hiK <i<·nlh. lu I S i i h11 \\'IlK thm. 111m·rit•tl t c 1::\li�s Ann l�. l{liiHlolJth \\'l 111Stl

I 'BI H·'I'J'," l '"ulutu� hnpnrlunt lnCIII'IIIU· t lnn, llw· llllljl ur NPI\' ·'' '11il•�- . tll'l'lii"ILII' t1• ·�· · 1'1]11 i• l t l 1 11' jul ••I' t h1 • lu-st ll\'Uilllhl• • f'ni'IWi i!l l llll :;tult•, l'h',, l'ff•,

M A IU!U JIOSTI,AIJ), HI CI!NTS, PROPERlY OWNfRS rl::,'.' :�;-�::·.','.'.; Jli'••JII·rl l·�; lm�hu· .... � f '• llllhh·nt ln l ; IIWI!I 'I"I'I l l llll l t'l" 11nl dn·nlnlnl. ,h•f'!-4PY l't•U) t·�lt11 1' ll t-illl'da!h. ��� t•lfii i'!. W 1'u1' Htln·rll"ln�o:, l'h', J\tldn· .. �. Hl·:t•'J'. :-;1-)\'1·!�'1'\'·:H:n�N.

Fertilizers ! �om� th iiiJ.:N nl'l' wurth l i!olhl lu!o{ fuq

Jwt hlu,.; i!o! u-nrlll tllliii 'JCilin.�: u hntll. 'H-H%-Z.Z:_:_�%_:_%-1 :-:_:;_!_�:U·:·::t·ZN%-%

'l'hP \l'o•><tli<·ld l'lui> >'''''l l l " n l u tlll In fol low t lw i >:t>l'i> :tl l H"""'i: t ! it ll l i n t o innot,non.� tlt�!-'lWHHit•, t o ll:-:t• a fnm· ou� plll'n>"•' nf n fa mon" l i l t Ill. 'l'ru{J· in llll'"e tiny,; th<• way of "rgn niw· liom is hard . ' l'ho><l' of flll"i m·,;"• "ocial mHI rcligiom; •·lwl':ll'lt•t· �<·•·In all to he �lmggling to kt'l'Jl I lwir h�id. •i•Jtc ltu�i11�"s l l l'gall iwti"n" nrc more likely to l'l'l ll:till inl :tl'l , fur the . . rPason that lht•y ••xi"t for fliii'­J�Js_es of mnterial ga i n only, :11 1<! arc not dcpL•IHlellt 1111 au,r "''""' uf lopl­tr in their lll<'lll lwl':'hip for t h••i1· ];rosperity. If tl!l'y 111:tkc· uwnt·,l· they achicrctl ll'il' Jliii'P""" ami ill"lll'e tll()h· exi�ll'lll'<'. Of tlw hal! ,J"'-''ll rca��n :; fol' the go·nel·nl ly apatlll't il' nttilmlc tnw:ml Ol'�nnizntiuns l wo may be 811g'gPB! l'<l . lint• t·ln.'" of Jll'o­plo uru too lllli'Y ntnking lllllll<'�·. o1· tryi11g to mnku it , to gir�> nlll·nlion to othm· inll•t·e:;b. "' nolll!'r PI:•"·' of ]JeOple ltnYC lire1l of t lw 11\'<•1'-lll'g:m­imtion of Cl'er.rthing in l i f'l' nnd ul'

\be fnrm of i'ucial and n•ligiuns ><lnl'· e1·y whieh lm� thus l>econw JWCI'nl­tmt. If one i:; fond of l •cl'l-stc:lk Ill' is asked join n becf·steak elul t . Jf ·he has unv rclh:ioll:< feeling:; he is supposed t� define a11tl eon line them

.within the limilH of n particular :;eeL :and joi n thai :;eel. Social l'OIIIUI­'tions ioundetl on the most lml ieruus 'bases, if foundctl on anythin�, lull'e ;become . so arbitrary anti n umerous '!hut a man 's reputation as a gL•nllc­:man is fixed by timc-tablco, duck�, :pu.stebo:ml card� nnd the tai lm·. J n ­•dividualism i n netion an<! belid hn� so long been kept tluwn llwt· n rc:H!: tion is stnrting i n , nnd one of i to el'i­

· dences is the t!rifting n wn�· fro11 1 Ol'­�ntlizntions. ;\lore might be snit!, )mt need not.

===::':::: . , · '!'he . Elizabpth .Jomnal pri11ts the ' following tribute to the c1 111 mcler o!

� Frc�liolder > Wil l iam \\'. Cnnnoly, :.\\•i1�8C lle:1th OCClll'I'Ctl this 1\'Cck ; 'J'he tlcnth of William \\'. ConnoiJ', a member f1'01i1 \\'t•st liclil of the

Board of Chosen .Freeholders, rc­inoi'Cs !rom the senne of l!arthlr ne­livity one whnsc actions t!m·ing · l l t e long life which he was permitted tu enjoy, m:n·k(,d him ns lliW who was deeply in terested in a l l that pct'l:tin­·cd to the wclfn•·e of his fdluu• viti� ietis aiiCI the general jmblic. E:vur,y duty thitt came to him he pcrfunncd conscientiously, nml in pnhlic nfl'n i t·;; as well as in pl'i l':tle walk of citizen­ship he will be mi�Hcrl, as unc wh9 was faithful nn•l 11scful . · He wns mode_st, clwcrlul uiH.I cunstnnL. ll ii; high qtuililics in tJll'cssed 1 1 I I who lw] -the plcasmc of colllact with him , nncl in the d ischmgc ol oftidal duties hii; cnjmhility n11rl fi<lr.lity were recogniz. eel . He did IIIllCh for the ]li'Ogl'cos of

· the town· which lm �O· l!lnny ycnrs · · was his ·home , an1l his :<cn·iccs reml­

m·cd to the county will he en!r rc­mcmbcl·r.rl ns of grcnl mluo. He was one nl the olrltost residents of the county; buL until \'cry recently l tnlv Juid hon1·tr, cnalJli llg him to gil'(• :tt­

. t�ntiOti to e1·cry duty.

The Plainfield Com·ic1··Xews thiuks -Mnyor Pm·ki ns is kyi ng to supplnnt C.· N: Codding· ns tho local len(],,.· here • . Jn an article publishetl l:tsL night it gil'cs n. new rcrsion of voli­ticnl conditions in this town.

A 1listmtl�1l 1\�St !!oiSilltml hill Wollt (o clt•nth Ot't..'UITl'll n l't�w yt•UI'S ng-o, Mr. New Jrmy bnd and lnvtslmenl Co., "I.IZAIIb I ll , N, J. tim F'iuuuce Cunnuiltt!e. . t'nnnoly wnH n'l'ru:dt•t•nt' Puh'\'it�W Ut<m-"'dliugton MortJhmum Htthmitlt!d n l'tl�r\· hu\'iiiJ.;" Ht'l'\'t•tl n� t-:m•h t'\'t•t• �illl't1 ================

)l1'0}10\o\\1tl tlllt\\toat\tm uf \\. l'Ont\ . {rom it,..; ,;l'gaui;�,aliou IU111 hariug ht•Pfl 011 Jlw For

Ulurl\ to Pru:;pcet �tmet tthmtt. aoo ft•l't tll'i�-tilml ('lllll11 1il tt!U lo:-;t•)p(•l tlu• I{I'Un llth;, uorth of thu propt!rty of ,Tnllll!l� �1. J lu wnK uiK�-l n llll'tlll ll'J' ul' tho Uuul.('l'l 'g'll. French. H wns refm'l'l'll to tho Houd lionul lJhn1·eh, of whioh lw WWi n 'l'm:;-Ur. )Jnt�.\ rlllnr'� 1�I!Cltlrf!. ()'oamJittt'C. tuo for lllllllj' YPI\1'1-i, 1\e\'. 1\ulll•rl Stunrt Mn.,Artlnu·, D. D., 'l'ho i:lltluwnlk Cmnmiltuo wns 1111·

L. L. D., will lectnro Jll'Xt· }.,t•hluy m·c· thuri· to remo\'o certain tt·c� tlll 11i11g nt- tlw Pro�ltyturinn Clmrd1 on Dmllm· A1·e1mo In front uf tho properly "Ameri('tltS Grmt Plucc Amoug tho '1\'u .. of A. �D. Bluotl�oUil whiuh uro in tlw tion!-1., Dr. Mnc.Artlmr no�1ls no recom- wny· of prupol'ie(l new tdrluwulk llte!Hlntion. As 1111 orntor, hu holds mur· tlwro. vclous HWny over his mulicnccl'i. At; ll Bt•ginning- Mny :]1st, tho Council will thoughtful mul ('Jltertuiuing spon1mr ho nwnt ou thu tlrst nucl thil·tl l\low1ny is lmuwn tlti� t•onntry over, nwl l.tuyontl. Tho:w who li:;tcnccl to hh; allclress lust, yt•nr nil "Unssin" will sm·ely wh:h to hcur him uguiu. Those who misse1l that. OJIJKll'httlit�· should eurtninly tnlmtulYnn� tn!(e of thiK.

rrJds JJdug the Jinnl umul.>tJr of t}w :\Itm 's Club com·f:o, tlw conuuittuc tube:-; thi� ocensiou for thnnldng tho,;e who canuot Uu rcnchccl othun\·i�u1 for thu very eot•t1inl support. givuu to thoir ofl'ol't:-;, which hn:-; coutrilmte<l so much to thu :;uceos:; of tlw eutcrtainmcuts. 'l'hcy ilu­sire ul:m to impress tho hopo thnt the toierius tu lm ginm next. l'iensou will re· c.•uiYCl, ns they intmul it. :;hn.ll morit, still 1urgcr iutercst unll attorultutco.

_....., __ _

O ltt!ll ,\th1ctic .'Ject lime. 'l'hu Sounm Athletic Club of West·

flehl, N. J. will holtl 1\11 opou nthlutic meet ou Dccomtion Dny nt Fnir Acres •rn,clt, for umntonr nthlctos under 20 years of ngo. Tbo following is u list of events : Standing broml jum}) ; l'tlll· ning hrOnrl jnmp ; 12 ponnd shot put ; liO y11rtl tlnsh ; 100 yur<l 1111sh ; 220 yarrl <l11sh ; �4ll ynrd d•••h ; 880 ynrtl rn11 ; 220 yurt! dnsh (luuulicnp) boys uurler 1 6 y�m·s uf age ; U O yar(l three legge(l ruce ; I milo reilly (·I men) for lligh Schools only ; 1 mile rolny (4 meu) for O!ult Tenms only. l�tttry Ulnuks cnu bo ob· tn1nctl from Cliutou D Gilpin , 2-l;j Bronil Street, Westfield, N. ,J. Entry for �nch cn:mt i:s iiO cents, except iu tho junior e.vont, Wl1ich 1s -:Hi cents, rolny teums $2.00. Couilitio11s of tho meet nutl Jist of prizes will be fount! on bnek of entry blaul;.

Chnlk ,\ rtist Cmuing. Tho Men's Lt,.tguc · of tlte l\lcthodist Olint•c.h will lioltl n h usinoss· nwotit1g i 1 1 tho church parlor on llloudny ove11ing-,

l\[ny 14th. Sovm'itl mntters of SJlecinl lm­JlOI'tnnce will como hoforo tho mooting-. �\ftcr the busiucsH meeting tho memhOrs will lJe eutortninml lJy S. l\[. SJ>CtlQ;l who I� well known ns n lightniug slwtclt nr­tist, u1so i1l imJwrsountious, reeitutiouH, stnrio�. nml !oiOJJgs. Rumor hns it. that t.lw "inner mnu" will ulso benmply pro· l'iilotl J'or tuul the otlicers of thu Lungue lll'O \)1nllllillg H royn� .goQ([ timo fot• ul\ mCJ'u�Jer:-; awl those wllo llosiro to joiit.

J.!!Uf!f I·'I'OUI .llr. llf!f!M�. E•lilar S/un<l•u·.r:

Winf!cl�l Scott. Post Memorinl Del nil will Ull'ml �OYI}Hty�i\\•o c1u11nr� to ca\'ry out tho u�unl Jli'OI!I'IIIIIIno for Westilultl on Ducorutin11 Duy. l>mty !lnllnrs for sillc flng:.;; fifteen tlol1nrs for plnnt� mul tJowers for f1ecorJiting tlw solllim·,-;1 mul sailors' }>lot in l?nh•\·iow auul twcnt.y c1ol· \nrtl. far !",tUgL'ti.

Contributions may Huulo thl'Ollgh tllll 8TAXIMIW nwl l .. lo!AJJI-.!IC 01' to Ully mmnber of \Yintielcl Scott Post residing i n Wu�tllulol.

S. W. ll1m•1·:, l\Iemhur lllmuoriul Detail,

Winflohl Scott Post G. A. H.

___... ... ._ __

.J nil us smilh Jlls�iu�. ,Julius Smith, u 1Jlnclc�mith, em]JlOyccl

bY H. I.�. b.,iuk, u111l v.-hu�o lmmc i:-; nn Downer 8truet, clit-inppuarctl J'rum hiH homo Oyer week ago uncl his wife hus been mnldng cliJig-1.!llt Nenrch lor hiu1. Up to ilnte neithm· Mrs. Smith 1111r the flO­lice ha\'U lJCclt uhlc to flml nny ulne of tho mi��inv; num. Chief O'Neill, to whom Mrs. Smi l lt tlppenletl , hus put- forth m•m•y oJl'ort, but to JJO tl\'Hil.

When last sueu in Westill!l<l Smith stnrtccl fur work, Jcnving his homu ill his usnnl g{)()(l Hpirit:;. Ho i:; tlcscrihctl ns I.Jciug 4fi ycnrs old1 fi feet. 7 iuchmi tnll, :mmlymnstnchoaud Jm_lWJl eyes. Ilu woro rr Rnit of hlack clothes, 1t white shil't through which rnn 11 ltluo stripe, ami n derby lmt. Besides his wife Smith loft m1c child.

Mr�. Smith fears thnt her hushnnd is �;uiTol'ing fi'Ont somu Ult.mtal clumnge­ment. Jluforo comill!( to Wostllelol the missing man lh-ml ali Newnrk for o"or sixtt:!cu ycm·s.

One Long-Forgotten WoL'l'y, Conditions lm)trOI'e with tlmo nn1i serenity Increases. This tlmo· ten

years ago you 'were worrying about how you could mnnnge to pny lhe dlf· fm·encc when you traded off your old wheel far tho setumu's ' model,_:.ln· dlnnnpolts News.

' Tips Tabooed. Hurned 011 llay \\'ngcau, Lonllo� waiters · hn\'e ammaled to 'l'hc <lril'or of n hny wngon on tho lllll'llnmoul t'o1· 11ld . . At 11. recent meet­Spriufichl r�ml lltMouutniusidowus bn<l· - lug It wns ·rcsoh•ed that Ute Upping ly hm·llml 'fucs<lny morning lJy tiro wl1ich system Is "11 curse, a scnndul nnd · a destroyer! tlw ciltire loarl of hay rmd disgrace to . tho nation anti tltnt It most of the wngou. Dr. ·J. B. Hnrrisou should be sternly ret>l'essed by law." wns t•allml, nml nttond01l tho umu, whO Inter returned to his home in PlninfiL•Id, It i• uot kuo11'u ju•t how the hny cnught fire, though it i�suggestc<l thu..t OOCU})tu\t� or U passiug YUhiulo lllllY hlL\'0 beOil l'U· sponsihle.

, ' ' I-l O W A R E. Y O U R E Y E S ? ' ' ·1 ,. M .t n "y h . n � bl!�· n R U I N £. 0

• . .A � b)' l n L o rn p t> t � n t li � r V I ( f: . f:��.;_.- . � j) I h< E Y E ,. • '"Y d < l o · Jl :,; .... ,( C . .!ltt: ORC.AN t1 n d r. h o u ld � 'J be t r e a t e d by C O M P ( -·��_A. T E N T p 1J r l 1 r. s <N I'1 o t h o r �·...., o u g h l y u n d r r '!> 1 .4 n rl l Y ( DEFECT S P E N C E R S , I } ... A I O F N l .t. N � a r e p T t!! p A T � d \ o c. o · r " � \ ,.,. , ' 1 '.J ' � 'J A I

d t: fect th• l c ,. n ht: c o , <' l l r • l ....,.d h .JilASS E S 'J f v.

In th'e "Know " .uPntlfl, what is au enl


lie Olllnlon 'l" "It is an ncquntntance, my son. with tile _amount titolon."--:Lire

ounces .

In the Cyclone Country, "Why did you leave your

place?" "l didn't ; · the place left me."


]leer Trust In Jnpnn, .Acconllug lo tho Yulwlwmn Mntl n

vm·y receut Uov(2lopnu:mt In .ln)lan lH o. IJcor trust, formed largdy upun tho ntlvlco or tho m\ulstor of !;tnto for ngrlcullurc nnd commerce, The lllllllll· 1'actm·o uf hecr in Japn.n l\mmm\.ctl to �.800,000 gnllons In 1 HO-I, being utmost tlouUlc the tu·oductlon i'ol' 1 90�. l l o w .. 0\'CI', Uae )Jl'Oillletlon or 1001, IJefOI'O the Imposition of a tnx, rcltchctl ·1,800,� 000 galluns. 'fhe expo1·ts of IJec•· In 1 !10-1 were Yalncol at $:176,000, while lor tho first ten months or 130ii tho eX!IOJ'(S I'CUche<l $Go0.0U0,

:ll!odern Sen Voynge. . The ocena has been con·qucred fo such an extent that n llrst-chum ship Is snfer thnn a ruilronol lmln. Tu London In less tlmn six duys Ia notb· l11g, 'fho passengcl' w Ito l lliYs !IIIII· (]reds or dollars for n 10KOa". vuyngo on the oxiJI'ess �oals cannot possibly gel his money's worth unless he wins at jlOI<cr. lie Stops OUt or his city mansion Into a lloating hotel und nl tho end o! the voyage out of I he flout­lug hotel Into a slntluu�I'Y iiuo nnol has hardly bad time to get sm1slclc Ol' get over n scnslclmcss. ·

Lo's Leamlng. lndlnn educallo11 muy not hn ve done

much In general to 11ft 1>oor Lo out of his tn•l mltll·o cstalo 111111 fit him fut' comllcllllon with the whites, ltut it hns lll·ought mllrlted ehnugcs In lndl· vl�unl cases. An Oldahonm l'aJter I'C. tnUI'hs In u most mallcr·of-fncl way t1111t Lone Wolf. one or the ch iefs of the Kiowas, "ta nlso \'CI'Y religion� nnd Is n pt·eacher of considerable rep. utatlon. He Is n highly eolucntctl In· dlun; nnd reads his Greel< Testament e\'en• da)•,"

-::;o_ll_te-,-W-11-ea-t.-'rhe whent ct·ot> or 1V05 Is nearly

700,000,000 llllsllels. Out of tills quan­tity, snys l?na•mlng, the tiomcstlc con· snmptlon, lnclndlng the reqult·emcnls fm• seed nt>on tho bnsls of the stallS: tics of tlw last three years, wlJJ some: wbnt exceed 500,000,000 IJuahcls,-

When '' Whig.'' A 20-ycar-old llllmuer of Stmrgoon's magazine, S \\'OI'd and 'l'rowcl, says; "ln Cromwell's day the royalists lit·st cnlled the llbe1·a1s wh lgs, tnl<lng t11c l!rst letter or ·each word In lhelt· mot­to: 'We hope In Ood,' nnd lol'lnlug them Into this word."

'TO Tllll TltVS'I'ln�� 01'

You .. iwv'cr hcnrcl of · ai1fo116 using Foley's Honey nml T1tr nnrl not ·.h�ing oatisfle•l. Soltl lty ·Frutchey & Hatha­way, Druggists.

Soldier's Grny l'ntch. A <llsiil!gnl•ltc•l captain In the Brit'

lsi! nrmy, rece11tly 111 Now Ym·lt, hlltl ll patch or white nboul lho HI?.C of ll :;I II'CI' hnlf dolln1· juKL nhove his right car nntl nil tho WUIIlen ho met foil In IOI'Il with lt. 'J'I!cy ]lllll llCd lo tho con· chtslun lltnt he ltud !JCen •hol lborc, ltul he salt! It was due to un ubscuco c.! Illgmcnt.

Oothnm School Teachers. nonnl of c<lucnllon ligures show

thnt New York city eml!loys nearly 1-1,000 teachers of nil grntles. On the roll of ncllvo class nnol ileJJRI'Iinent tcnchc•·s Lhls year tlicre nrc ! ! ,Sill names, un lncrcuso of 325 over tho pre>·lous year, with about 2,000 prln· CIJ!Uis nnd assistants.

Lawn Garden


Farm i� Pnrk Around Grant's Tomb, -.--- I

Initial stetls hnvo been tnl<en to create a tmhlfc park Around Ornnt'H lomb, Hil'�rslde, N. Y. It Is lll'OtHJsetl to take in acYern.l blocks t.\l \\ cu�t o( hel\I'Cell $2,000,000 llllll $:1,000,000. Gem. llol'uca l'ortcr, furmcr amJnt.H:iU· dol' to. l•'runce, Is taldng a J>romlncllt pal'l in tne movement.



where it is today, but the incomparable tone - individu1l, tr�e, strong and mellow-is most largely rcs•mnsiblc for its reputation among music:d people.

0lU' long-lime, small payment plan makell IJOII!Ie•loa c•7• Vprlghls amd GrandN, All Slylu, All WO«MMa.

Pianos Rented and Exchanged.



PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. I llllltll•' l'l'l'.ollll Ill' IN'I'IUII'.II'I' 'I'll

M A N \' ,

NIIIII• A iuml l';;;;;;;;l:-;;11 HIIIIW .. IINI'•

IH'llhiK• Ill ""' 'I'UWII 'I'IHI>IIKh IIIII "'t!IJ"· -'l'bu l�nu•l( of Jl>•ulth 11/IIH!H fU·UIHhi. -'l'bu Oultlt'al llatltiNt<l IHHti\IH II ltll\1'

fh1111 fiiiJJII tillXt i'Jtttllllly,

- M t•H, 1 •• M, l't�nl'illtll viHih11l ln Jlrluno· lou htHt flntnnluy,

-MrH. II, H. i'llnuiJ1Ir 11tt1l HUll wuut to At.Jnullu Ulty thiH wuulc,

-'l'l1u lknmlot' liflnclltlon muuiH 'l'uoH· 1lny nl�hf,,

-l lnt•ol•l 'l'hotllJIIII;I l lmH tnltun ttl• hiH roHhluncu In WuHtfhJIII for tl10 Hllllttnur,

-Mt•, Olltl'ur.l l�vuruttll•nl'llHi'lnt.nrclay for ll lltnttlh'H httHi tlllHH l'l'IJl ln thu Hlllllh,

-B, U. Wl•ltulwacl will hulbl nnothur hommcm Cllnlr11hWmmu !WIIr, lto�H l'llwu.

-'l'hu I�mux 1\VUIIUU !Jrlclgu will IJU wlcluuml hy thu llulU'cl of l•'ruuhol•lorH.

-.Tmlgu 'J'cmcuy iH WuHttlolcl'H tuumiKJr of thu Mny Oruncl .Tury.

For Sale $ 1 ,000 1luwn huys new

ten room house, ull im­

provements, lot 60x 1 76, Also for rent hnlf of west

store i n Ahhott Building,

22x30, Rent $ 1 0 n month.

For particulars upply to

\I' l l . I .I" M I I ' " II 110'1"1' I 11\:1 :\o1·l11 A wnu,.,

l'ln in llt•l c l , �. ,f .

-Aifrocl l�. l'earHall hnHHulclhiHOrm•u l�============== homo to Clinton JI. Huvllro, tho author, I of N uw Yurlc.

-llliHH Allllll nlhm1o, of 'J'rcntun, iH

viH!ting llliHH l�mnm l:vurutt uf Cnmbur· latul Htreut,

-ll!rH. B.ll. Suxton lms Jonse,J,tltroul!h thu nguucy of 1!. J,, Abrams, tho Orlck­unhut·gut• JlrOJKJrty on tho llouluvurcl.

-Wullingtnn Jllm·uhouso unci fntnily hu \'u Jlllllll to AHbnry Park whuru tl111y will ruumin throuh tho snmntur scllson.

-Don't forgot tho Him PruuclHt'O )Jon­uHt ontortnimnout 1\louclt•Y ull(ht at tho

111/NI IU:NN I'Oil'�'I'I':IIN,

'l'nr: Wumun'H J<;sululnl!u wl\1 •<•rl'll humu·mutlo icu m·nu111 un tuul nt'tm· Htll· urciuy, Muy r,, Orc\Cl'H lll'OIIlllll)" f!Jiecl.

H.Wt> IUlcll•l 11 !Iii\\' line Uultunhln GrH})IIIL})Iiotml'! nt11l l'lmot•fhi, MnultilltlK .jl�o urul UJ>II'nnl.;, Hccllnls �,; uml iiO uoutl-4. Suytlort�, liO )�lm Struut,

1\luMAllos'�-Thut'H tho plucu to !my your grocuriuH, i l8 llruJul Street.


llllfii{MllonN on J,nndloRJIO Tt·enlm,n t Of Ot'OUtHIM nnd All


lit II iiiCtlll'JJ cJ IIII VIII'Ucl JJtHl Hlllllll\01' ul Ohllltltt\ICJ\1111 I A>Htur• U, lll'litllh lillll· ocl lrt II VOt'Y Jll'lillcul ll\11\lllUI' thu 1111• JiiiUIItlllll nf lllrttl�unjlll Klll'dunltiK Jlrill• ni iliiiH tu rni it'lllli l Jli'OJlUrty, l lo Jlllill�· ocl cmt tltnt Jhu HlllllCJ\11 luciltlliiiK lmllt htllhlluu• "'"' Kt'ull ndH, 1• u lcll'al voinl tht·unuh which tho lt'HVUIIIII! tmhllo 1'\IIIIIIIIIH, 'l'o lllll'lldltllO IIIII( dii'OUt thll jl\lHHOili!UI'H to tho tUW II , lH tho I 011• trul l l nH tlrluciJ•iu 1t1 Htnllun KI'UIIIIIIH i(UHh!\1, NIII Ul'lll UXiNllllg fUIII Iti'IIH llliiY urtun ho mnclo IL must nUrtli!tlvo fllli'L ot tho H!tttlim Jlllt'itH, A Ntt'onm, Jlllllcl or• }Jiorlo 11r wuoclluncl may lm so uu ltecl with tho l'ust o! tho grouuch us to �a uu lntricuto fllll't uucl t1111L with 11 llloHt plonHittg �!Tact,

'l'hu mutot'illlH lllliJllcahlo to railroad Jllnntlng nuuil to �o hurcly on ncconnt of tho clraaty nucl Hlllol<Y coudltlona whld• lltoy must otuluro. 'l'he short llveu lluwur pntch lH 11 Jlo"r und ux­vonslve llillllogy for tlta vastly HllllUt'l• or nntl less oXJIOilHlvo Jloronnlal Jllnnt­lng, �loroovor, with us throughout tho your. ! IUIIVY UJILSSCS of U Hlng!o HjlOC\CS or llllllltB Ul'C more cftoctfVe t!Jnn tho mixing or lndlvlduuls of scv­cl'Ul HIICi!los. 'l'hcae single SIIOcle Ill�···· ure to �0 su vtaced that they easily blond und together malto a hnr­muuloltH Wltulo. Clllll'tlllng seuHonal effects llllly lllccwlso be IH'oduced,

. ·--=

Vnlencien nes the Leader. 'J'ItiH ni•JI·n ull niHn Is tlt11 1111'11 JJI' 11tn Hlllllllllll' Kit'l. J,fKitt, uit•y, nlruotlvu, lnw·tll'lnc•cl, unci l'llr)' lltlwlt thu Hl.yln, Wn ltJIIcln lllll'ly Jll'llVIHion l'ur tltw

t(t'l�tJ cllltlltlllll ul' fhiH !Hllltlilll' ch•t•HH 1\I'I 'I!HHUry,

German , French and Italian Valenciennes. �lt1lw YUill' Hllll'l'tlllll Whlln th" \IMHIU't i\JI II\1 IH l!lllii Jlilllll nncl Hilt� IU'II IUllldJC!il,

F. H . Schaefer & Co. B ROAD IT., WEITFI ELD, N. J.


The corllt:r of Broad and Prospect is fast becoming Westfield 's shopping centre-the reasons for it arc becoming daily mort:: apparent.


8er1111 Val. Lace Ed111 and Insertion•. '1'111' lot is lnrgc•l' l i m n ll11 • fit•st whil!!l 1\'l ' i lt �o <tllic·kly, l l l l l l'l! l'llril•cl llllii Jli'IIJll'r!y tll'ic•l'c) to 1 11 1 1 1'" qnh·k.

Another Corset Bargain. Ladies Li� le Thread 'l'hiH lot of I li clor.c>n is n tnunco�· �11\'c•r unci tmclc• wi ntll't'-you lut\'c• pnicl SI .OO l'cu· no l.• ·ltcl' II\' tllll'nhl., nrtiele, our Jll'ice 5Uc,

Hosiery and Ve�ts, fine• J.islt• llose 2iic to iiOc. Futwy Lisle• Hose, LiHIC! 'l'hrl'l1cl \'c·sts. Cotton Hi l rl l!'t! \'ests

.J:J u����11.�V����,X� ,•:.·,�;.t1�,�:�t·:1,$t'�t�:!111;i,'��1.Y: W oHt.flulcl Olnb. -'l'hu Wmcuuc'H Gullcl of St. Jl1utl's

churuh nuUucl nbont t200, nt tlcu r"cont 11tllllllago sah!,

Dos '•r forgot tlmt wo Jnuullu tho cule­bratcll Cht•so & Suu!Jorn's tens nml cof­f�es. No }Jolter hl'llllll in WcsUlchl. J!OJ!OrH & 'J'rlllll}Hli'O,

Aalciu rr"tn hnvlng Htntlou grounds lUll! the J'lght o! WilY well lll'l'Ungecl Ulld lll'Oilorly k011L for tho goucl o! the jlU8SCIISCl'S of tho road, they should �0 so tJ'eatod bocnuso or tho educlltlonal )ItliUOllCO CXUJ'tccJ U!IOU the COIIIlllUlll• ties t•enched �Y the l'ond, '!'he splrlt ot retlurd fur beauty unil ordet• will ue felt IIU'!hCl' !hun thu �ordeJ'K of the llno. Every passenger will cnrry with him an h111Jrcsslou thut will aooner or lllt�r mnterlnllzc In somo form of do­mostlc or clvlc Improvement. The rulh·ond thus creates em object !esBOn for Jll'Olllotlng good taste In outdoor art unil for civic Improvement. The rail road not only betters Ita own con­dition but at the same time becomes a vubllc benefactor.

Chilclren's Sumnwr Undenl'elll'.

MOSQUITO NETTiNGS. MIJS. l'ii�X'I'ON lm!-t t't•tut t\'t'll lu fJiftmtlt!\'nrd. Huulll lltltl l!tlllt! lllllll'llt'l'li WI&IIlnl. (")Ill N'J'I Nll OU1'HI' lo'OU �A J,g-A """'PI••l" Jlllml t'111'1JI'IIttiu� tJ\tt iiL1 t-�ultnhltJ fm' t\ l1uy I r::� ����·:������ J� ��·:;�'�t�:�w�����·i·���\���� .r·�����·,\.Y, l Itn������rA·\���A nn-H•lltl\l,tu rur t!uttt•l•·, .,

�,r) ���u�:��.NJ��;.�:�;�!II1tJ� I lht�;;�h�i����� ��::'t�t':.::l A\'t'. N1(;�:!.��/ui!�h�:��!: �::�:�����·.1'\.ir� .. ,N�,�l"A�·':; mw.

w A�"�·.�:t;:f:�u·m nt;�::,�rlu)tllllt:�.)u���ul A.':::t;: Hutt-ht·t•, l'ihnalatrtl.

D Jt�;�������f.1')� t�:�=�����n:l�'�� .•. ,�:������g tluuu

FUf!�:��i�J? ��:�';'St\'.;.;';t:nt wit it ''r without

-Hew: nne\ Mrs. llonry UuncllyGuoru­liCY hn\'O fnkun up their reniduucu uu Kimhnll nvouuo.

-Dr. nucl Mrs. ,Jnuw� n. Dauforth left WcclucHcluy to viHit their sou in Now I.ouclou, Conn.

-Miss 1\lulr WilliJtmH roturuod to bur homo in Now York City yostorcllly after n viHit of HO\'cml cluys with friomls bore.

-'111to nmlcrtn.king bntiincKK coutlnctml for many yenrs by tho Into W. W, Conn­olyis to hu coutitmccl.

-WilliJtm .r. O'Blcnis has roturuoci from Wnshington D C.. whcro tic bJtH HJMmt fivo wcolcs, instulling C. & C. motors for tlto Wasltiubotou Post.

'fliP. New Yurlc CatJcly Kitchun's cul­obmtocl leo m•e11m Is thu mo;t popnlur Cl'elllll HCJlll iu WoHtllelcl,

Wt� carry only tho huHt stuple cuul fun· cy grocerim; ut right JH'icm;. Rogut•s & 'rrnllll.Klru.

Tu& !lest, Pnrostnwl FrcHiiestCuntlics nro thoiiU yon gl•t nttlioNow York Cun-c\y Kitchen.

' S•:Ens l Soec\s l SoeclH I Now is tho

time to plunt your Hower llllcl l(llrclen semis. We lull'o n fnl lino of both in auy size packngc yon wnnt. Hogcrs ,c;, 'J'mm­poro.

FAMOUS RAILROAD DOO. Travels on tbe Bangor and Aroostook

Line and Ia l'opuiar and Privileged,

Elbridge Barrows, or Great Works. Me., who has a bar�er shop tn Olcl '!'own, Is tile owner or "Bob," tics

(Furu\l'lll'necl iH �·m·anuucl.) Wn CUl'I'Y the best grnclc only 8-·1 wi•h•-.•xlm linr nwsh , S ynrds to piec�.

Bluek, White nml colul·s-liiic piect•. ·

Ladies Summer \\'niRts-KiH!Oiltts-DI'e�sillg Sacques-Lntlics \\'i'llll(lCI'$-Iloy$ Hlou�es.

Uuquo�tiounbly the cheapest lllace in town for roliuble dry goodH.


w o uu:

ltepnirinl( of UomJ•limletl Wutdw• und Olot�ks u SJM!dulty.

I)()NJ!: .A."[' Nn. ,lfJ J�J__,:\( �'"rllEE,.-.r. traveling dog. Eo� Is !mown all along ������������������������������

WOS.AN tu J.tll iJUt 1·\� thl'llny : Ull)' ,khul ur -Tl•o '"C"t.flolcl fillrl GJir\\'OOCl CotlllCi l worlc. ·c�,n U ';' :-lunth A\'l•mw. • '' o

Co1nnaittces on mljnlihnout of fiJumcos

Pmr.Amn.PIIIA icc crcnm is tho host, unci Dughi 's i• tho plncu to got it.. He nlso 1ms thu host iuo crenm NOlllt nwl fruit flavors in town. HL' fruit uucl cnmly cnnuot Uo benton.

tho line of the Danger It Aroostook · railway nnd Is petted and made mucll Musl in Underwear. ot by the railroad men.

w A �;�:�iff;��!�'»',�· tr ��-��·�{{!}1,'.�:������;����:�ml11/. AvNuu•. lncanlrt• 11f Mr:-�. HrnJit!, cor1Jt>r 'l,ru· tntlut A\'t•II\W M!tlrllto:!t!l :-itl't�l·t , . .

W A. N1'1<�D-Wnmnn t o ud. tl-� lmuHt!kt•t'JWr nn•\ t'nlll]llttlillll [or luvulltl.• J:r.� Pn11-1· \ll'd �tTI'I't, .

MY home furnished to rent for Summer or for sale. Theo. S. Class, 30 Ross Place.

fbe \V estfield Building and Loan Association bas money to

loan on llond and Mortgage. Interest 5 per cent.


in good O}'(lu!', fil'o minutes from Hailruad Station, lot

\ _Wx,l50, to quidi;b\iyer,


(StJLildard Builc\iug-'l'el. l ilfi.J,,

hotwoou tho twomunicipnliticsmcots to­nil(ht . .

-1\lr. uuti 1\!rs. G. A. V. Hnnlduwn have been entortniuiug 1\lrH; Hnuldnson 'M Juirnuts, lllr. uurl llfrs. J. G. Smith, of

Dclnwnrc, N. J.

PltASK L. Nuwmnn, electrical con­trnctor, locksmithiug nml hollhanging.

Olllco ami shOJI, 18 Elm Street, Phone 25:J-J,, Wcstflulcl, N. ,T.


IP yon nro iu nccrl of n H(}()(l rmintor, paper hunger or clccomtor cull on Clnronco C. Hcccl, 18 Elm Stroot. l'ulo­

-Tho Music Lo\'cr'i Concert uoxt Jlhono 2im-J,, Hosiclonco tolophouo 2111-'l'uesclny uight promises to bo largely nt- R. Ho will treat you right. tomlccl, ami au cxcullout Jlrogrnm iH M· 11, you wnnt truuks am\ freight clclil'-surccl. . . creel promptly lllii\'O your orclor nt 18 Elm -Tho B. S, C. will hole\ their second Street. Tel. 2U.w. Orclors nlso tnlcuiJ cmuuul nthlotic moot at Fuir Acres Hnco for Eli>Jibuth unci Pluinllolcl. HcuHoll· Track to·morrow aftornoon ut Jl· m. uhlo prico. .T. SoU. A<lutiHRion t'rco.

-Invitntions to an "ttt homo" �-,-riven hy 1\lrs. B'"'"ut.Jonos, Jr.,ofYoukor�, to­morrow nfternoon, hccn rccoh·ucl by 11 rmmbor ol' Wustlleltl friends.

-Dr. ami Mrs. Willicun Gale of J�lm stroot, uunounce t.hc ongugomontof their duughtor llli•s IIciUJI, to 1\[r. S. Chnso C011lo of this town.

-A heavy thmulor stmm broko up the cironH pcrfornumce \Veclne6cllly night, nne! throw tho · crowd into confusion . Tho water proof tent dirl not l<cc]l out tho min.

-Tho mnrringo of Miss Florence Dou; nul to 1\lr • . Frunlclin Hill, of : Jlcol>sldll, N. Y., took Jllaco at tho rosicloncri of tho bride's puronts on Cbnrlosslt:cotou· Suu­

If• you nre �oing to move call on 'fho Wcstflolil Mol'iug Comp•u•y. l'hoy do first clnss "ork. H. Willoughby ,c;, Sou�.

FOil thn righ� !duel of lll111ir �nt, sluwn, shampoo or fnc'!l miiAsllge stop nt Phillips' Bnrbor Shop on North Al'cnuc. Instru­ments ancl nuythiug in the lllllsicul lino. Instruments may l>C purchm;cc\ on cnsy pllynwnt plm1.

MANum: for flower heels nml lnwns for salo l1y H. Willoughby. Tulephono con· uoct.iOn.

Lt�·t·r.u's �i'urtili�crs for lnwn, gnrrlun auci fnrm umy .bel obtninocl from 'fnttlo Brothor•. 'fhis is the time to uso thom.

A. E. Doclcor'6 I.ii'Cl'Y Stnble, ou North Aveuue, ·is tho pliwo to hiro cnrringcs, nmi to boarcl your hor•es. Prompt ntton-duy OYOUing,

, tion ttncl oxecllent care ate always given. -C. C. Hall ami fnmily lml'e given up Tul. uti,

thuh· Park street house,ruul willbonrclnt 27 Boulavnr!l until .Tuly, whmi thuy will leave for tho se11Hhoro nne\ reumin until Ootobor.

-Among tho offices to· bo llllcd bysuc­ceSStJrH to tho .Into W. W. Cciunoly ure Li'reoholdor ot' tho County, ConuniHsionor

J,cner to l�clwnrd llc�lnlum. Wostllolcl, N . • T.

· Dear Sb·: ·we "'"'"'\ $-10 m· $.;Q for Mr. ,J, ' .T. Hnll, Sholllulrl, Pu.; nml clicln't lcnow it, till nftcn·\1'1\rd.

Dob scorns the society or other can ines, tai<CS no Interest In the or<ll· nary oports and pastimes or dogland und bas devoted his ll!e to a studying of railroading.

At first Bob's trips wore confined to the short stretch between Great Works and Old Town In company wltlt his master, but ho soon began to essay longer. journeys by hlmselt. At what· ever station the fancy seizes him be alights trom tile train ctnd jJrepares to stay a part or the day and perhaps all night and he never lacks for n

Gowns, Chemises, Corset Covers, Drawers, short' and long Underskirts. Ladies and children's gauze

and ribbed underwear.

JJUOA.U l!l'1'U 1�1�'-L', 'VE8'1'PIELD, N. J,

warm corner to sleep and enough to eat, for the hospitality or nil railroad �---------------------------·. employes Is extended-to hlm

Dob cannot read, ot course, and It Is u·nllkely t11at he can ' tell what time It Is by looidng at a clock. Anyway no one has ever seen h im scannlug either time table or timepiece. Never· theless, Bob always knows, no matter whether he bo In Boston, Old '!'own, Caribou, Bangor or other station, just when the train will stnrt and what route It wlll take. With the last warning signal of the conductor Bob !enps aboaJ·d the tl'llln.

. Dab's favorite , position when tllB car Is not crowded Is the window sldo of a sent, with his paws resting on thO little inble In trout. He Is InvariablY n. model passenger, never growls be-cause tho train Is �ehlad time, doesn't ask the conductor for all !duds of unnecessal'Y Information nnd t1·ents

R. F. Hohenstein Deals Ill Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw, Shavings and Peat Moss, Harness, Blankets and General Horse Equipments and a full line of al l Poultry Supplies.

Prospect Street, Westfield.

Telephone connection,

�����:���:�:�·�01��:./raln �oys with >f,************'************* l'enslons to Railroad Employes, = TUTT LE BROS. : In the six years that tho pension 11<' �

system of the PennHyll'nnla railroad "' JIK' hns been In OilCl'atlon there has been *< c I & L b * nuthorl%ccl to be lllllcl lu pension allow- ¥

.. oa u m e r. ** unce to lllC reth·ed empl -yc� o � 11e company lho sum of $2,00-1,(8 ·.59, nincle up each your us follows: 1905, * ···· *

__________ , _____ of Assessmout of tho '!'own, null 'l'rnstcu '!,his iH how. l.,iyu ymu·s ugo, he lKmHht.

lmul-mul-oil to ma1w .10 gullons of puiut., unci tmintecl it nll on �wu houses, oue eout.

$:1(1�,000; ! 90-1, $:1110,000; 1903, $:ll9,- * * :tH.:J2; 1!102, $:l28,•o:!.1 0 ; 19JJ, $292,- ll<; Yards-Westfield avenue, LoT'l4(/,!:�t.toE .»o:

On Cumberland Street.

J\foc!et·n up-lo-chlc•. Eight I'OOtllH,

_ Rent, $30 and $35. Ooger & Dilts.


with about 23 acres of high ground, 20 minutes to rail­road station. Will sell whole or part or exchange for town property.

WM. S. WELCH & SO" 20/i Broad St.-Tel. J 11-J

ot' li'air,•iew UmuetCt·Y. Bx<Jubito GlctsHwnrc, tlntlcaptimtcs tho uyo uml docs uot muko hclli'Y · clonuunls ou tho pm·sc, iK now on ''iew 1�t 0. DOr­llingur & l:lous, au 1\ltu·ry st1·cut New York.

290.20, mul 1 900, $24-1,019.9(. Dtu•lng "1\" s I nd B ad St w tfl ld i'P£ the SIX .}'CJIJ'3 110 Jess than 2,700 em- )�. pr ng 3 r0 S,, eS e • *

loJlst.SllllllllCI' hu bought ·10 gJillons Do­voc for tho S>Uilll, aJJCl luul l 0 gallons Jon.

Jllo)'es . have been roared and pen- lii!U.Ollo!Y<'Y..*lll!li<':U.. * v.::*�.oll "'��� **** � 11r<llr �.* stoned. It Is 11 singular fact thnt when i'P£�1'1\""'i'l'l\" i'l\"i'l\""11" .on i'7\f.oft'i'l\"i'l\"i'l\" .oni'l\"i'l\"i'l\"'ll' "'" "" "ft illf

-'l'he Now .Torsoy Stnto l!'e<iomtiou of Woman's Clubs will. moot nt Jl!otuchen ou 'fncsclny. Any members of the local orgni>Jition desiring to attend should couuJmuicnto with tho Prosidotlt, ·

Duvoc is worth $-1 ;,,. $U 11 gnllon, pal· 011,

· Yours trnJy,

88 F. W. J)Evol� ,<�:;_Co. P. s. Oha�. Criclrenhorgor so lis our tmint.

Foloy's Honey nne\ Tar is peculinrly aclitptecl t'or nstluun, hl'Onchitis aucl hoorHellcs.•. Solrl by b'rntchoy & llnth­awny, Druggists.

-'J'hc tenth nrmiml hirtluiuy jmrty of The Little llliHsiou11ry's Di1y Nursery. of which 1\liss Surn Curry is muuugur, will bu held on tho oviming of JIIJlY . · 17th . nt Don'l Have Your Honse Vacant 22 Eust 7th Stroot, Now York.

tho ral!J·oad company projected Its pension system strong OJli>Dsl tlou WJS nuHle by many of those who were to be Its beueftclarlcs, fhey aJ'e not crlt­lclslng It now.-Nowark Advertiser.

Her Good Fortune. "I hnve just been to �eo the artist

who is pulitUng· my picture," suld Ml.:m AJII!yuos, "and I t doesn't look n blt lllw mo."

"Let me congnrtulate you," replttJ;I Miss- Cuttlng.-Indlannpolls Sentinel.

Railway Travel Safe -�lnrtin W�llos nud fnmily Mlled on THEUWS NOl'HINc; An amateur Sfatlstlclnn · In one of

tho Fiuhuui lust Snturdlly eu rontc to IN IT }'OU YOU, the govcriuuent departments has fig· Switzcrhu1d. Tlrey held 1111 iuforrtutl rc- ured out the Interesting fact that It Is oe11tion 11t tho St. Denis Hotel on tho 1 1r,,r,,?,·�11111r1111111,111..,1��� �;/',:l�t':IJ;,;,\'�',':;"r;�,.11u10�1111,r.��11111L, about seven times safer to travel on eve ofthoirdepurture when n lnrge Jllllll· 1 tllm i"ml yun ll tt•mmt und n 'r•�lildll�� uJm,

the railways or the United States · 1 b 1 tl f 11 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 than to stay nt home. bur or thmr friom s au o 10111 nrc we • pru/:�,;tl.���'\j�,,:n:�art�:,1,� ;::'utr'Vi��:WHtS. Hn ° __ _

-Arthcr s. Flugg was clcctccl first TJ �t yonr 11rurwrty wfth mL-It�t nw t1o thu

assistant fire cbiof, mui Ed. Willoughby '"'1' --- Coaling on the Run An American ralll'oad Is experiment·

sccou!l nssistnnt fire chief llt the nurmul J OH N F DO RVAL L lng with n device for coaling locomo· mooting. of �he fire do�trrreu� lwlrl l U LI;EilTY STREET. . tlves while traveling at full speed.

'fuesclny cveumg tl� the eugmc honse 011 The trials so far ha vo been very sue· North avenne. · . I Wo."\!!3.1-'kN. ·� . . . . . . ,Tel . . . . . · "fJm�.6;:;:{J.����t ' cossful.-Four·Track New a.

No Pay, No Lessons. The school-teachers o! Pittston, Pd.,

�ecently dismissed their pupils and told them not to J'etuJ•n until the �chool board should pay back salarle• due the teachers.

Neat Car Floors,

Good for an Expert. A famous "diet exper .. " was mftr·

rled In London the other day. The menu or the wedding breakfast was: Clear vegetable soup, Cepes cu let•, cabbage with cheese sauce, mllk pow­der blanc mange, chocolate blanc mange, cheese savm·y, fruit.

In London'• underground railway It has been round that very few men will All Modern Convemencea. spit on the new and bright llnoleum The Hostess-! suppose your new with which the ftOOI'S ot lhe cal's nro l apartment hns all the \'cry latest 1m-covered. provements?

'l'he Vlsllor-Yes, Indeed. Hot and Decision Approved, j cold steum heat, runn ing waaht11b1

''I see tnat trials by phones have ana stationary elevator.-BrooklYII been pronounced Illegal." Life. , • "Glad or lt. I've been severely. tried by mlne."-Phlladell•hla Ledger.


Judge Bacon, a Lon,ton magistrate, remarked the other day fi'Dm the bench: uThere ls many a true word epokeo by accident,"

Still Usable, One day a young rnan from Droolr­

'lyn went to l\lanbattan and prayecl for the brokers. He was protected by the pollee �efore the brokers bad a chance to prey on him. (Patentee! In 1850, but still usable.)

a'!'';," ... :;..;;;.• •.,;_ -- --. ----- ·- .

' J ' I I E UN I ON COU NTY H'I'AN DA I� D. F l��-��1\-��::::I='J!==l�==· ======�=======--.o11111U: _______ -!: SCIENCE AND THE MEDIUMS I LAROE CH�N K.� �F COPPER CONOERNIN � KITCHEN ••• JAMES IOFFEn ... I ----· 1 .rwrnn1·knhla Dlncov�l'lo" or oa·�nt l'ool' Eoononlf to Sca·h�np on OonVtlll• CARPENT

Sale M�n' s �umm�r Unn�rwear. Conti nu in� u n l i l Sat u rd:l.l' rlosi t l� I i ane II'L' ll'i l l

offer the folloll'i l l l!; spl end id specials i n m e n ' s warm­

weather u ndcn:lothin�. This salt· is of a particula rly op­

portune nature, cu m i n � as i t dol's at the \'el',l' he�i n n i ng

of the summer season , and the Yal lJl:s, qual i ty considered,

are abore the arerag-c in erer,r particular.

Men's llnlhrlg�au Underwcnr-�hir l• mul tlriiii'Pr> to mntl'll 2 9 -(•Xtrn goocl l (ll t liit�· ; )niiJ.! Ol' �lllll'l :-;)Pl'\'1':-i ; tl l'llWPI'S hn\'l' t�tl�· c }lt'!Ult•J' fll}lt'/'1 j l't'gU)UI' a."w, ; �l'Pt•iuJ . , , , , , , o • o • o • o , , , • • • • , , • • • •

1\\en'& nerccrllcd un�lcrwenr-t't lt 'llt lll :-;illi: �hirts u w l clrn\\'l•J's: \\'hitl', light hlnP 1 1 1 1 t l ]l ink. YPI',\' goncl t J I1Hli t .'·-�llirt�� with long' 1 00 oJ• :-;hort �lt-'t'\"1.':-i-tlm\\'l'l':-; lutvt• :-ntt•t•n haw h--wor· th J . <J,, , 1 spt•ciu l , 0 0 I 1 o 1 t 0 1 o o , o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 I I • o o • 0 o ' I I 0 0 I o I I o o o o 0 0 I o o I I

Men's Unllcrwenr-:\lwlt • ot' g't>ocl qnality St•n f:-;lntul l'ottnn 69 -Hhirts llm·t• :-;ill;: f w n t s uwl :-. i lk ! illi·d t . . I ) Ju•t•k...:. Long or ,..;htn't �lt.·�,·es. G Dr!tWL'l'l'i with :-att'l ' l l haJHl� a l i i ! ln rgt' gu:--:-ol'l :--:-;tn·dnl ut . . • . . • • • • • •

nen's .lenn llrnwcr>-'l'ho• 1\'o•ll-l;nto\\'H ll. \". D. 111'111\'l'l'>, 4�c mntlt! of tht• hl•:-:t tpmlit�· Pt' ! ljii 'J't•ll jPall. H�lll lt•d or tupt:tl nulclc�- iJ flonblt• 1'\l'llt�-!IJl :-ib'.t':-i fl't l l t l ao IU ·1 1 --... Uit• pl'lt't' l'lj tt'elll )t } IIUI', , , , , , • , , , , ,

A\cn's Untlcrwenr-Xnlnral wool ;-;hil'tl'i ancl th•awt•r:-; in HPl'iiiJ.t" 7Jl. weight. 8hirb ha\·�· �m� tiuh:.lH·tl twt·k:-:. l h"tl\\'t•r:-: fully g-n:-:1'\l'tetl- UC peurl lJntton.-i-hall' wool ! ll ltl lu! l l' l'othH I ;.!ill'l l l t'llls, :oijll�l'iul ut, . . . • . .

nen's Bnlhrl�gan Undcrwcnr-)lll<lt' ol' lwn·throtlll t'olllhL•tl 6 9 BJ.,•yptiau �·urn ; ::hirts havt• loll.� �h·I 'Vt'." j dJ'UWt'l'l'i ill l'egulnr null c r;hort lengths ; s)Jl't'inl, I'Ul'li . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . , , • , • • • • . • • . . . • . •

lt1en's Urtdcrwenr-\\'ool gn:->:':tll\1'1' mHlt•rwt>nt', \'t'I'Y eoo1 for 89 fiUJntllL'l' Wt'Ul'. DmWt'l';o; with �n:-=.Jlt'HdPr 1Upt•:-> nwl ltu·ge gus:->etH- C shirt� ill Jon� or �hurt :ool i 'P\'t! :-�tylt•..;-:-pt'l'ial pt •r g-nrnwut . . , . , • . . • , •

l\1en's UrHicrwear-l •otton JIIP!'ill nwlt•J'\\'t'l\1' mmle nf g-ootl BO l'itroug eottou. �hirt:-: i11 lnu,:..:- 1 11' :-:hort· s}pp\'t' srylt•s nn!l tlrnwcr:-i With C �trn}J}.H.:d lmek n111l sah·Pn h:mtll'l-\rt'll wor t h HHe., :-;pt•dul u L . , , • • , , • •

Boy"'-' Ba l brig-gnn Urulerwear-SJiirt:o: a111l clrm\'t�rs o f exeul· 0 RC lcut. qnaHty-lol lg- tH' :-:ht ,rl slPt·n• �hiz·t:-:-loug- 111111 kuce tlruwer:-; [J iJ with tlonhit� st•ats-rt•;..:-nlar : :.-u: l':�t·h, ou :-all' �Jlt•dnl nt . . . . , . . . . • • • • . .

Men's Underwenr-:\It•tlimn Wt>ight natural g-ray shii'hl mul A �c · drawt.•r:o; to matdt-t11'1lWt•rs l'n1ly gtl�:->l'lt•fl-... hil'ts with }ll'Ul'l hlltton:-; ,\1 -nU size� up tu ,-J\) mul :-<p�·dal for thb :-all• l)ll]y ul . . , . . . , . , . . , • . • . . •

Full Line of Union Suits, Long and Short Sleeves.

L. BAMBERG ER & CO., N EW :trR I< , N. J.

................ BETF� .... •ww.·Ja. .......... .:

IN THE MALAY PENIN SULA. I INDIAN PROVERBS, --- ·when a fox wall<s l!une ol<l rnbblt

Items of Interest Gleaned by the jiJUJJts. Pennng Naws Gnthel'('l' for J 'file palel'acc·s nrm Is long(Jr. than

the Stmlts Times. hi" word. Lire In the �Ialny venl:lsula has a>lcnly

of variety :mtl sprightliness, '!'he Penang correspondent o[ the Straits Timas of Singapore wl'itoH: "Since all our dogs have been chained up, muzzled

· or shot, pussy has hall it all he1· own way. What 1 o lljected to vm·y su·on;;ly Is the vngat>oncl cut, that 1i res nowhere and looks lt. l\Ir compon iHl Is overrun .-ltb \bern at present anti they are of all

- slzes, breeds and colors. alltl only �tgrctJ 1 ln one particular, whkh hap)Jens to lJn �the unpleasantness or tllelr yulee�. 1They've eaten my cunary nud are tlUW

levying toll upon t110 cool1's rh icl<cns. I wish you coul d tell me If thc1·o is an;· creat for eatsldl\1'; ln SiU�i\jlOt"�. I am also writing for full pnl'l icntars nf the rnbblt-cannlng industry, for 1 filll�'Y that might be added to the fnr·dcalin� business with profit.

"Most of the milk sold In Penang Is shocllh1g stult. The l ntllan milloncn are the biggest rogues in Preatlon. 'file other day I found the mill< parllcnlarly weak. I call ed till !lJe cook nnd examstu­lntetl mildly bu t firnil y about ll. He told '!'" next day that the millm1nn was very sorry: he'd g lVCt\ me 1Hil1t ont or the wrong tln! Jo'nrther lnresli;:atlon showed thttt the lnnn hncl two tin!'l, one of wh ich contained 'oahllls' ant! the other -whnt? I was rathe1' rc11cvetl t o 11cttr that I was a• real sahib, bu l l eXtllninetl t.� the milkman when 1 pnlrl hls hill thnt In future I shonltl 1Ja1'e a sanltaiT In­sPector or something of the sm·t. htcldcn !!�h ind the door to taRe samples of' his wares now nnd ngaln. Sinca then my '."l�k has been 0\'CI'(IO\Ver\ngl)' SI I'OIIj;.

"The men sent out hy the Kednh nu­thorltles to hnnt down the Situ! gang of robbers, or 1)11'\\.les, hn.Yc Rllcceodccl tn klhlng the rl.nglearler. Like mnny oth�r M'al�y bad.chnrncters, he wns populai'ly sp.�po�_ed t� . . bC htnJltJcrable aml I nm Sf.'\'{ely, told by a Mnlny friend t.h:.l the punitive. experlltlon round 111m ahsolnlo­IY hi vul nerabl e to bu llet 01' SJIOIII', nul­lets simply bounded orr hls hotly lllw peas ott n drum hear!, while, whon lw wns thrust at with spears, they cltltcr snapped or had their point s hlnn tcrl til· rf.ctly they tohchetl ltls sldn. He wnultl not hav.e heen lrlllo•l at nll If ono of his J)Ursuer:s, Wiser than tbc rc�t of lhe par­{y· nncl'verse'd'

.lit .. ,vltchcrnft, hnrl not

t.liought of the expedient of a spcnr mndo from the spll<e of a sting rny's tnll. r�o was stnbbed·eventuaiiY. wl.tl1 lhls anti so kJIIed." · · . .

· .. · ' . . ·

1\o lntlian C!\'cr solll h1s daughter ror a JIUIIIU,

Small th lugs talk loud to tho In· <l inn's eye.

A squaw's tongue nms faster than tho wind's Jeg:;,

'!'here Is 110thlng so eloquent as a rnttlt:H:mulw's tail.

The l utllan sca(]ls bls enemy, the paleface slttns hls friends.

llefure the paleFace came there was no poi sou in the I milan ·s corn.

'!'here will ilc hungry palefaces so long us there Is any Indian land to sw:illow.

\Vhen a m:m prays one day nnd stcnls six, tho Great spirit th undel'S und the evll one laughs.

There are three things It tnkea a stl'ong mnn to hold-:-n young warrior, a wild horse and a hundsome s�uaw.

WORDS WRONGLY USED, !\(Jver used tho word "Hable" when

you mcuu "lll<ely," Do not aay, ror lnstnnco, that "he Is l iable to come In at any moment," "Liable" Implies misforltme, and manns "exposed . to," "::;ubject to,'' ·�in danger of."

Why tlo most of us speall of "unrav· veling n DIYSlCI'Y?" Any good die· tionary shows that "ravel'' means to "unwen\'e," You 11ravel " a mystery; thorofare, when you solve Jt. I n "Humlet,'.' ShaJ<eSlJenre snys : 11l\lnke you to ravel all this matter out,"

If you· and your friend Smith know a man cullc<l Jones, tlo not spoa\c to Sm ith of "our mutual frlend"_:.mCnn· lng Jones. Jones Is your common friend. If Yotl are friendly to Smith, and Smith I s friendly to you, you and Smith nrc "mutual fz•londs ; ". but that Is the only sense In which the term may rightly be used.

Wrong Place. Pn Twaddles-Why are you spanking

l'ommy? 1\ln Twaddles-He needs n lesson, and

I'm lmp<·esslng It on his mind; ••\Veil, you've got n queer idea ns to

wllero the lnd's mind Is sltuated."-Ch!· cago Journal.

W. It. Wnrrl, of Dyorslmrg, .Tenn. 1\'J'it<ts: "'rllis ia to certify tbnt.l hnvc nrwcl Oriuo Lnxntivo Fruit. Syrup fol' chronic cnnstipntion, nnd it·hnH prm·cn , without n doubt, to he a thorough, pnw·

India;ii . . Tfme. tir.11l romerly for this . trouble, nml it is

· .The s�cretl �Ill-·or JJimnres now •eta· with ploaRm·o. I olt'cr my CO!lHCieutious

tbe·.standard o! time (o.r all India. ' rcfcrcnco." So\rl hy ·Fmtohey·&,.fiath· . · ··

nwny, Drugt,rists.

Fnah Oncu lltld lo Jlo llth·llclllll, llut Mnua• or Ulr.h Ora no· OliO fiJI Ill 1'11 IN 111\)ICII'IMIIt I'Qf• ER Couoodod b:y Mudurn contly Mndo, Uuu u£ tho llto\IMo !l'houy;bl.

Sl•lrllun\1�111 Ia tho Hll l'eonaur ul !1111 llltlllluuml uuuuliiMIII uud uf tho ul<lul' 11\lt�lo. 'l'o·dtly �clouco, without IICCOJIII• I n!{ ltd munlrowt�tluuH, Klntllun thorn; 1111<1 In thowu ta·oublud WIIIOI'H 11hnu•t u\1

1 hu !net• UIIUU wh ich tho uuw 1111!111•

I >IIYHI<'H IN luuudutl hnvo boon llHIIlltl U(l. Llk" muv;11ullsm, »IIYH Vu11co '1'111>111\1• Hull Ill Jo:VOI'Yinuly'n, It hun tll•nwu lhn Uticllllnlt or llhyHiclulld lo tho (lbOIItllll• onn uf l n<lucotl HIULIJI anti hnH glvun llllliiY of tho duto fur tho dllllly ol hyiiiiONIH lind HllMI!IlH!Iol\. 'J'ho lllodhiiiiH, who bcl lovu, IIIIo tho nnt:lont J•Ythu• uoastla, I hill they nro JIOHYossetl hy fnroh;n KJ>il·lts, lu•vo sorvotl for tho Slu tly of tho rhlllli!S of JIOI'HUIII\IIty Jlllll tolt•Jllllhy, And It h11s •lwwn th11t thu JlrtHIIglos, tllllllollc 111\tl divino, l'ocortl· ctl I n nil ollrly roiiHlons wore not so fu!Julous ns the Cl'lilcul fnnclml.

At ull ovon ls science ndml ta th n t there Is n forco-elll l It (lsyehle us Cnmlies docs, nourlc wllh Dal'olz, vllul with IJaruduc, or l11o odic roroe of Hclchonbrnch-11 force which can he tuensuroll untl doscrlllell, which Jen\'eH Ita lll<U'it on tho Jlhotoa;rn)lhlc pint•, wh ich emanntes from ovary l l v lna; be­Ing, which nets nt a dlslnnce, which saves or des troys. Pl11to know lt. Grcllt wlznrds lll<e Cordon mutlo uso of it. 'rho charltnns \Ike Cng\losti'U blundered upon lt. Tho scientists hlll'e tho lust word,

What definite foots has science nc• qulred ? The chango of porsonnl lty ; that Is classic now, The evidence for telepathy Is ln<lubltnblo, '!'hut nmy seem n bold statement; It Is n cum· monplncc for those who nro In touch with the latest ex11erlmenta of the metaphysic clin ics. Only n few years ago-before Pasteur came-It would have been deemed sheer Idiocy to talk o f studying typhoid fever or cholera or erysipelas In n lalloratory. •rele}lllthy Is an acquired cerl<alnty-11s much ns Harvey's theory of the clrculntlon of the blood, which three acedemles of physicians declared Impossible.

And the explanation ol the strange pbonomonn: Are they hints and In· stlgatlon• from another world-the In­tervention of spirits of tbe dead., of angels or demons? This Is the opln· lon h eld by almost all the sect& of the occult, those who worship In the hun­.dred and one little religions of mystl· clsm. Science does not go quite so fnr. It doclnres:

1. There exist In nature certain un· known forces capable of acting on matter. .

(This covers all the objective phe· l!omena of metaphysics, such ns the trnnsport of bodies from one place to another, luminosity, etc.)

2. We possess other means of know­Ing than those of renaon or the sen1es.

(This applies to the subjective ph.,. nomena of metaphysic•, Including tele­pathy, second sight, clairvoyance.)

GENESIS OF SALLY LUNN. This Was a Toothsome Delicac1

Popular a Oent1117 or More Ago,

How many of our renders know the excellences of a SallY Lunn '! 'l'lle world w hirls round so fast thnt It Is possible not one ln a hundred could tell

what a Sally Lunn ls, says London lllodern Society, The genesis of this toothsome delicacy, Is to be found In Edinburgh society a hundred years ago. It was before rnll wnys had made London U1e capltnl or Drltaln-ln the days when Scotch peers nnd gentlemen had lhelr town houses In Edinburgh and when Edinburgh could offer socl· ety sscond to none ln distinction and chic.

It was when the new regiment of Fenclbles, raised by Lord Dreadal bane at the end of the eighteenth century, wns turning the bends of Edinburgh belles thal the custom of giving teli parties became the fashion. Prince l...eOJIOld, widower of l'rlncess Char­lotte of Wales, loitered In Edinburgh on hIs way south from a visit to 'l'ay­mouth castle, and many of the prJncl· pal hostesses of the city fought for the honor of entertaining 111m to tea. Mlss Saruh Lowndes, "n Jaay of the first fashion ," then Invented the cake called afterward by her name, "Sally Lowndes," n name which slipped easilY Into the "�ally Lunn" known to this duy to north country plllltry cooks, Soon afterward Miss Sally married and a daughter of hers became the Wlte of Maj. Dallas· Yorke of Walmsgate, York­shire, the mother or the present duch­ess of Portland. We have never In­quired If \be ducal tea tables at Wei­heel< or at GrosYenor square are tur­nlshed with the excellent and Dully dainty so nearly l lnked with tbe an· cestress or her grace.

••Shote Anchor." The 11Sheet anchor," the namo gtven

to the lurgest anchor cnrrletl by n vos· sel, Is really "shote anchor," ttnd so called because of Ita great weight, wlllch maltes It easy to shoot out In cuse ,of .emergency.

They Smoked .Up, On the eve or the municipal election

In 1\lllwnukee S herburn M. Decker, tho young. Republican candidate for mayor, distributed 6,000 corncob pipes and as many packages of tobacco.

Long Frlll. The cnnarles of Germany excel all

otlwr caunrles as singers. One bas been recorded to , continue a single trill for 1 >a mloutes, with 20 changes

. of note."

All the Difference, .. Harold-:-Thnt girl Is worth a million

dollars. would you call her hanllsome? Rupert-Yes; If l was courti ng ber!

A ll I'IIUl'IIIIIIIH IIIIIWH ut lliii'O Jl ll l l VO

1'0111 11'1' IH hOllll! lllll'tl\'tJ I'lltl I l l ll 1111110

In l!ntllnllll"ll "lllllly, 'l'h11 hiM 1'11111111

llvH I ll tho lt'llth 1111'111 nt 11 1111 1 1 1 1 lllnolll

11111111 (OUt 1' 1'11111 IIIlO of lhu (ll'lllt'l llnl

HhUIIH, ��� \'111'11 1 llll'IIU llh•t!I!H I ill I'll Ill• ru11iiY ilo/JU cut 11'11111 I I , un<l l ht'Ht•, with

lJHI l't'llllliii<IUI' ur IIIU IIIIIHH Hll I'X (IIIHUd, WI• IH li l ully �IJ luiiH,

l 1 111V IIIIlCh llltll'll thOl'll IH llf !110 1111!

thUIIII Is It lllllltlll' ur cunjoe l lii'O, HllyH tho �L l 'uul lliHJIIItt!h, !Jilt ra·uu1 1111 I n · tllt•ui luns II Ili IIHgi'UKU I O ll't'lHhl uf tho ""'"" will 110 round tu 1'1111 r.u oa· t'\'un lltui'U tlllltt, �lllfhiPH nt' f'Oil lllll' UI'U l!U� tiJIIIIIUI't!il Btl rl!lflllllrly !hill UIIO Ill' HIIV• Crill hHH' UXc\\tn.; 1\U \':\111\1\\e\\l. lt �� only when OliO ur IIIIUNIIIII HI1.U In lu·

t'IIIO!tl thnt It ld dcumctl worthy ur llll· tlt·e.

!,urge ns this 1111\Rs will tlou h llcss pro\'u, however, It wll ho u 11lg-my l'uJn ..

par01l with tiiU fnmuuu IIIIIHS l'ountl In tho ,\l lehlglln, thou l<nown IIH tho Min· IIOHilt:t, Ill 1805, This WIIS 12\lt by 18\lt by 16 l'cot I n •lzo IIIHi wulghutl 527 Ions. 11 rottllii'Otl 20 111011 WOI'k lng l fi monthH with lung-hnndled ch lsols tu cut this ma<s Into Jlleces amnii enough fur hol<llng, nnd 27 tons of copJIOr chl(ls wero mudo In doing this worl!.

l!ouutless stuull musses, oomo or

which, llowever, wetghe<l soveml llnn· tlre•l tons, were tnltcn tram lhht mlno, u ntl there Is no qncHllon thnt It de­sun·cs tho title of tho richest copper mine ever opened. 'l'he Calumet nn<l l leclll l s u far more l'nlunhle mlno, !Jut no othor mine OJIOI!etl hllS ovor yleltletl such N1ormoua quantities of COJlllcr lrom Ruch Rmal l openings ns were rur­nlslled by tho best S(OIJCS of the O\tl

�llnnosotn. It Is Interesting to note lhut tho Mlncnsotn mlno was d iscov­ered In ISH, through finding an lntllan 11lt In wltlch was n alx ton muss or me­live cop(>er that hnd been brolwn from Its mutrlx or roc!< nn11 raised on skids.

Tho s l! ltls had rotted centuries before nnd ou tho soli thnt covere<l the mag. get grew u hem lock tree showing near­ly 400 r·Ings or nnnunl growth. Tho oltl company suspended operations In 1870 -why, hna nover been snllsractorlly cxplulned-and since Its reorgunlzntlon In Detl'olt In 1899 the ]lresenl com1mny, operating under the title of the Michl· cun, has beeu ongnged In developing Ute mine anew.

'!'he biggest mass of copper ever dis· covered In the worl d wns n 600-ton chunk found In tho old Phoenix mlno In Keweenaw county, the Minnesota mass rnnk lng second. Tho Phoenix mass, with copper ut tho time selling nt :111 cents per pounrl, was worth about $350,000, yet It Is chronicled that so In· elllclent were the people In control of the property that l ittle, If any, profit was made rrum the magnificent find,

SAL TON DESERT TALES The Formerly Saline and Jlarren Re·

glon Was Not Unproduc-tive of Yarns.

"Wlerd and wonderful are the stories wblclt have come out of the great Sal· lou dose1'1 In Cnllrornla," writes J�dgnr 1'. Howe In 'J'eehnleal World Magazine,

·•tt wns thoro, on the lower (]olorndo river, that 'lJupt, Smllh' round tho lame turtle, and so won Its gratl\utle by healing It that It returned I n tater years and olfored Its services ns nn •mlmated terry wltcn the Cll!llnln wns on an Island tb reatened with a rising nood.

"On yonder mesa, sloping upward from Volcano Springs, Is the 'lnvl>lblo city,' where tl1e clangor of street car bells nud n i l the hubbub or n metrO)IO· lis cun be beard, but whel'e only tho gravelly soli, the dreary mountnlns, nnd the scant, dwnrfed vegetation can IJe seen.

"Near Superstition mountnlns ls the sprlug of natural gin, where tho coy­ole., the g1·ay wolf, the fox and the Wild fowl are on perpetual debauch; and uenr by Is the hill from which nows na tural Ink. In the same vicinity Is the mlne or e�ystnls wh lcll maltc per· feet )lens, and tho de1>oslt of ushcstos where one can tear on: sheets or illot­tlng paper ready made.

"It wus In tile SU(Ierstltlon moun­tains tbnt Otto Schmidt found the In­visible serpents with gluss cups on tho lulls that revolved and produced bonn · Umul music. It was In this desert, too, lhnt no Ingenious Yankee f<J\lntl a group of camels, abandoned In early days by the army, and, by syphonlng th� water f�m their sacks, wns nblo to Irrigate a fo.rm, while the anlmnls 111led back and forth between the river and the farm, ever keeping UJl the wu· ter supply, ·

"Now the grim valley, rendered won· derfully fertile by Irrigation, Is the home of 8,000 thriving people, Hecent­ly the Colorado river, breaking through Its old bounds, began again lc run Into the valley, which It formerly occupletl, but now great steel and concrete dnms nre being built und by 1\lny 1 the river will be forever shut out, except as It Is needed tor Irrigation purposes."

Hydrophobia In Europe, · HYdrophobia, which has practically

bc�n stamped out In England, sUII nourishes In most continental coun. tries. Germany tops the list wllh an annual average of 2,682 dogs nnd cats destroyed for tbls reason, while the flgures of France are 2,263. In Bel· glum, Switzerland and Holland cases of hydrophobia are rare, tho total for all three countries combined being un· der 60.

'l'hn (11'11!>11• whu 11llnt ll1nlr kltPII�n" In lnllllll II ti iMIIIHY Ill llaoO!h' lllll'IOI'H lllllf tnlw Kl'ttlll Mlllh•tuctlun In the nrtlolu11 llUI't!IIIIHIIIl llY K lluh l(lltl!IMiiDIInliln IIIKII• n�"""'nt, hu t lhuy NUI'oly cnunot onJoy ( il'l ' } lll l'l iiU Lilli l.lii'Utl IIIOOIWIH l1111t 111118( (til IIIIIIIU I'UIIIIy UVUI¥ d�y. A lady who "t!llnl•l 1111t n"ord au 111111 boater," llllt 1111111rlu11Hiy Whl,>llltll OKKif by 111111111 waH nhl u ill huy t<HioiloClllllr uurtnllaH lu1· thu 111 1'!4" w lutl owH 111 bo1· Hlttlnu­l'num wl thu ul u IUIII'II'SIII', 111111 thoa·o 11 1'11 WUIUI!II "'hO, Oil lb&J lllfH\ or OCOU• nmr. lll!\'1!1' JliiHHtHIH Jl (!In oJmuor In H}lll" nl thu h1ct th�l theso utonlll ln t•n•t lt•HH lh >lll ll tllmo, 'l'hoy will ruin 11 �uml hutelu>i' 1111 1 111 o� tho oovor to HIII'U llvo ""uta, nntl 111·1ue tbomsuiVIlll on tliCII' HIIVIIIK l(llltll!l1}21,

'l'lw lnhul'-HIIVlnH duvl�llfl tl!nt really Rni'O ln!Joa• I n lilY k l tehi!'II Uro tho wlro MJmoua, �Hg bcntor, JniCill Rrlndcr, knlfu Hhlll'}lel\111', IIICR8Ur'lllg KIRHH, dOU• !Jiu bul let•, hl'lll•hcR, lnrHo aatl Rtnllll tllpporH, tiny alevo, dovicu for poU I'illK hut 11'1 1 1 1 Into can•, nabcoH!oY 11111ts nnd mnny other n1nu11 nrtlcleH. I t Ia Juuhlful If tliU whole Ollllllt wou ld coat moru thou lour dollnr:s, yet ( hnvo sn\'etl h uud rctiH of dol lars' worth of vnlunhlc tlmt•, to say �o<Jlhlng ot tern. per, by hnvlug th em, 'l'ho usoa to which a mont grinder cnn be put arc mnnllnlrl , nml tho WO:IIIRn who bas 1 1Rc<l ono will nove.• 1..., without lt. Dy pultlug In tho smaJicat grinder I tl lspone or horS<!I'nd IHh without shot). tllng lenl's n1ul wn,.,tln,:; hours ns on fo1·mm· occnslons, nntl tblu Is ouly one o f llH extra UHc:H, In !net It ahou ld hnrdly he callcti n mont gri nder since It gl'lntls "" lUIInY -<>Iller o.rtlclcs prom pt ly an ti \veil,

Whenever I seo exucoslve cut·glasa, OJ' the more common article, wllh tire c!'cl'lces l!lled Willi dirt, I feel sorrr for the womn11 who cna niYord It and yet not lle nblo to buy a live-cent brush lo ltcep l l In Ol'dcr. lly using a little hot soup su d s nnd a brusb, glass can he lteJit free fl'olll dire by even the busiest bousclmevor, lor 11 few rotnry moi"Cmcnts dig Into c1•ery crack, nntl pollsh It till It glows with clennllness. For wnshlng ttotntoes a.n1l oU1or vege. tables nn<l, lu fac� nil 11orts of cl ean. lng, brushes hn vc no cgual.

Many a time I have seen women mako )lOJicr run nels and spill vinegar or other liquids on the :11oor anti tnblo to save buy i ng 11 ten·cent tin funnel. And ,we nil know eC"<�nomlcnl ( 1 J housewives who wnsto more rood In a year than would pay lor- a double boll. er In trying to cook oat:ntcal anti slnll· Jar foods In a tin pan,

Some or tim best tb.lngs In my lll lchcn did not cost n::>uch, but they nrc jnat as highly prLzcd. Tho old magazines to sl111 unrler hot vessels ; the squaa·es ol IVhlte paper all ready to lny cakes on ; tb.e wall pocllet for tluat rags anti other small nrtlcles, made out of tho best (oart of an oltl skirt ; tho elenn hol1lers ma1I.c out of coat l inings, the small l1onr·ds for culling meat and bl'end, eacl1 wlth Its loo11 to bnng It to !be wall; the pocl<et on my l ronh1g board wl1lcll lioltls the wax and other nccessm•y orliciCH ; the stool thnt slips un der t11e tn�lo, anti nil tho other tlevlccs that rcq1x.lro only a lit· tlc time and trouble help to mnlte my kitchen n very cnjoya.ulc place In which to be.-Ohio Fnrooer.


The circular skirt eOJt stl'nlght at sides nnd Willi a sennl 1111 tho mldolle front Is th" one lens! likely to sag or d raw nncl Is being generally adotlt· etl for the l l nc<l wnlldng; skirt.

Sntln, the trntlltlonnl mnterlal for tl1o wedding gown, has been In high favor this senaon, nut It Is the chit. fon weight, not the "sta.nd alone" lab. ric of Jlllsl yen1·s, tb.nt Is In usc,

A chron lclor or l'a.rlslan modes writes concerning sprlag colors that for chapeaux the shade"' ol green will prevail, and for dresses, brown willa all It• k indred nuisances, will lend. , 'rile ten <lency townrcL plainness ot sk i rt observed In white•· !I'Ocks Is nin. nlng over Into tho coml:Jig season and one sees some ol tho very prettiest new vollos, silks, coltons,. etc., trimmed only ln self tucks.

•ro lake tho (IInce of "the sblrt-wnlsl :!rOSS a SCVCI'C lnllor Still Of l'a]ll]l slllc Is excel lent. Tl1ls should be of a shade that· will not· SOJ!I so <rnlelcly, but eon! d !Je. w:tshod or cleaned.

A new way of gctllug;: thnt touch or gold nnd nt the . same t:hne halt con­ceallllg it Is by \he use of the now. erod gold tlssne-benulifnl, wlde rib· bon of gold, with llower"' scntlo<·ed well over It, so sliCer that tho colors anti l.he gold melt Into each o.:�ther In an ln. doscrlbaltly sort, jJretly way.

Girdles made or gold ..,r si lver braid �the wide, ao!t kind Lhal tlraues so well-mnke tho only bright touc11 about some of tho ]ncttlest cos. tumes. But be cnrefnl :tlow you mnl<e It; those dee11 girdles, flltlng almost like a aheath nbout the figure, make what should be trimmed Into aome. thlng unplensnntly doml nant.

Tho black velvet coat collars and cuffs ll'hlch wore In trod '1ltcd upon the tailor coat coslu mcs of -white Panama serge,• mohair cl oth anil even linen last summer, ltre once more In evl: donee upon white tailored frocks and In some motlolu are su pplemented b' bands of black velvet upon the skirt. Y

Tho most recent departure of tl lingerie blouse sleeve Ia a deep pol�� at tho bottom that falls ovor the back or tho hand, an In novation Probabl due to the revival of MDie. Bernhard[ Extremes. whose sleeve always rrxns down In� "Woman's taste runs to small shues a mlttllke point over tho hand d and large !tats," remarked the observ· some say, to lhe rather clawllke �:: er of events and thlngs.-Yonl<crs Hclencles of lhe ;llvlno sarah' h d Stntrsman. , -chicago Dally Newa. · . .. 8 __ a� • ·


BUILDER. -Prt,.pe�l 81reet, We11tfteld, New Je....,,

lo:�timutcH <..:hccrfully Fur. l l iHhcd .


Welch Bros., DocomtnrH nml Dcl\lorH In

Artistic Wall Paper, Artists' Materials, Picture Frames, Painters' Supplies. Weatfleld, Naw .J• ,.••y.


All:.TtJltl,lng;f'r•cnnJltly Attt•rJth'tl tn. • ���TlMATJo:S )'UilNIHHI!D. 1'. 0. w,tllultl. I& Oarlel. AYoau.

Eve1'!Jildng IIH!t!lll!J ja11111l in a llnrclwcere iWore.

HOYAL G RANI'rJ� STEI�f, WARE is nhsolutcly snfc.

H1�A'l'JNG STOVES nn!l RANGES It fine line.

Gayle H1rdw1re Do., 1'11rk avenue and Front Street, l'LAINI!�JELD, N, J.

Steam Marble and Granita1olla }'ENUINU HJJ! UEMf:'J'Jo:IIY I'I.<Yl'H,

t.ar1e Variety of oranlte Monum•ll Paeu.•aUe Teola ter Letter••• ••• '-'' ... • L. L lll.t.NNING a IION1

F .. at It,, Cor, Oeatnl An.. PLAI.FIELD, •• ol.

John L. Miller, SANI'l'AUV J.•:r�U.&lJJI NO•

Hteam, Hut WntHr 1nu.l Hut Air Ht'ltiJII, 'l'!u HouJln�, tJU:, SPEVIA L A Tl'ENTION GIVEN TO LO··


215 Proepact ltreet, w .. lflo .. Tl.'ltrJlhOiltJ 8.)-ti,

No'rJe�: To UI!EDl'l'DnH,

li:6'I'ATV. or AAIION M, PAIIKIIUJUIT Dt�t'Jilltll, Pnr�munt tu thu ortlllr of Heorga' T J,arrol Snrroguttj or tlw Uotmty ut Union inade oD thu llJlJilicntlon or tim undendgllt.'(1 .ulmlnll-f�1��� ���:Nl�!�\�t":!J�\· (�������!i ���r��hn�\': thu HU1lKCt11wr Ulltlur Utlth nr nHlMIIHtlon thtd.r t:lnlnlH nnd tlmunud� 8Kn.hJNt the f!t.ltatll of l!lld tlt;�Cen�<�td within nluu 1unntllJ.I fruru tlw twenty· third dny or .. �llllr\U"ry' 11.0\, nr tlu�y will bt: tor-�����.}::�����nY:�' J�:!ri�����lf or rt.�ovurtnr Uw ENOOH D. IIIJLI,Ei!. Admlnt•trator.

HUN. DAVID 0. ROBINSON ll•ne/lted by \'lnol Aller All ot�or

.'Jedtchll\0 llad t'nlled,

1'ho Hon. Dnl'id 0. Jtobiusou, County l'rcul-inrur of Frunkfort, Ky. , writes: "l WUH \'cry much ruu-dowll from overwork', mnl •ulforud from indigestion aud a BO· vero nervou• trouble. The metliclnllll proHcrihcd , all fuile<l to bciJl me, and I

conltl not ti1ko c01l lh·er oil or emulsloua, IL� tho gren>!y lltiXtUn!!! U(liiOt IIIV HtOIIIIICh, One of our county oftlcials told me about your tloliclous CO!l li\•or prcpnrati011, Vi· no!, nut! whnt it lu..t douc for him. I tlecitlet! to try it, nut\ iii a rcmar!mbli short tlmo I was n woll Jmm. Viool !milt mo up, cured my stomach und uer· vous trouble 1111<1 1 have not been so well for yenrt�. '' · ·

· A member of the Hnn of .Fruoohey � Ht�thi\WIIy, our locnl druggists, says, "Vinal cnres conditions liko this becaWMl it contains. iu � h ighly eonoontrated f�nn all oftbo ntnhty-making nml body·build· iug )lroperties or COil liver oil 11Ctuall1 tuken from frosh oodH' livol'll, sud not 1 rlrop of oil to UJlsot tho otomach· tam! ito work. '

"We aok overy ron down, nerviiiJII, rlcbilitutetl, IIJo!crl or weak poi'IIOn In Westfield nnd every person 11111Yorln1J from stu hborn colds, hnnging on, bronchitis or incipient oonoumptioo to try Vinol 011 our guarantee to r��lurP your money if it fails to give I!BIIBfiiC· tiun. "-'Frutohoy & Hathaway, Drug· !,'isis.

One Prlvilege of the Bleil. "What would you de If . J'Oll wart

rich?" asked the Now York man. "Well," replied the man from 0111-

cago, "I s'pose the llrst thing I waalll 1o wculd be to have dinner at aup� time, like tho rest of the rich lo!Uo,,. -Pbll911elpbla Record.

TilE UNION COUNTY S'I'AN J)A R D, F R I DAY, MA\' 4, 1 906. 7 ::::============-==-=-=··=·-=--=--=-=--=-· -=--==o=-··_ - :--1 . .

. =-.:-::-'"·"·=·c--:=:=�-----·· · -· - =-=��---========== ==-


OUJ,IAI\ 11'0 A DIG OlTY, CIIIAI!U WUl& �Ul'l'OU'l'B, --'--


���estp""'t;'y jiC ii'ii�h �

PIANo 1'\ where it is today, but the incomparahle tot.te - inJ.ividual, tr?••

stroug and mel low _ is most largely res•Ionstble for us reputation among musical people.

Our Jong·llme, fllnall paymenl plan maketiJ poaaeMIOil e•r• IJprlglllo and Grand-. i\11 SIJie"' i\11 W­

PianOM Realed aad t:Jiclluged.

Economy In tho URo o£ n l1l'oduot Wlllch b In Ot'l'ltt Demnntl

nu<l llnjlluly Jlun• ttllll!' Ottt,

With Utn llfu ul tulnphtmn nne! tole· l{l'llllh 111111/H Ill IIH III'UKUIIL 1 1 11111.1 Lh<l HIIIJ,IIII!I illliciH 111' llXIHLillll III IIIH0 1'1111111 1'• lug a�,uuu,uuo 11nl""• muHL lm t•unuwCJcl IIIIJII'I IXIIUIItuly llltll' liiiii!H l llliii i'U li'tJUH Hllllnhlo tu tulill thuh• plueu Utili l(t'LJW, A l lltlll luHIH In Hu i'V It!tl ultout 1 2 yultl"H, u11 thu uvut'llll"• 11111 I� ll!lltlll 1'1'11111 II ii'CJO nhul tt UIJ yunrK uhl, In othur 1\'lli'ciH, Ill ltlllhttnlll II Culltl ll liiiiiH Hllll• 11ly llvn l ln tu• nH ltll li!Y ti'L•uH lltllHL lm gruwln� In 111 1 1 l'lli'UHt I IH thoro lli'U JIUIUH In IIHU. 'i'hu HuVUl'llY O[ tl t iH t lrnlll IIJIUil fUI'UHl I'UtoJOUrCUii hy lhU lL• Iu(Jluuw nrul luli•'Hl•h t!ntll(tllllh!� It; oiJ\' IouH t•nuu,.;h. ,I I IHI. UH I n lllu etulo O [ I'Ulli'IIUtl li!!H, l ito I[UUHl illll Of polO �ll!ll>ly hna l h t'UHL ltHel! Into Jll'Uiltl­uautu. 'fll h!IIHlilllll l lw lifo of l lUIUii1 unil lu t 111K wny lu wudorato tlcnuuul lUll! CO/lf:ICI'\'U 1'Ullli'U HlliJJlJic�, hllti I.Ju .. CO!IIU 1111 l lli!IUI'llllll lttattur, urfccUng the puh l lu na well as ru·imto lnloJ'u<t� .

8lnro 1UU2 thu lurc�t am·vl<:u hllH houn tttnklng a thot·ough stntly of lim jii'O�· CI'VULIUII lnmlllltlll l O[ j)Oh.!H UUt.J. U[ tlJiJ \'lllue or tho sca�un lng In rolnlluu to tt·uutmcat, in lhiH wurl< I ta llt·st uh­jccl lill!:l !JCUII, llK in llti SllllliCK Of CJ'(JSS .. tins n111l coustru<!tloa llmbm·s, lo mnlw the t i m ber last as long ns lJOS�Iblu, till n� tu clwck tho nnaunl dcmnncl for t'U· newal null thu� l etmen 110 fur· 1u1 JIOS­alhlc the tlt•nln UlJOII thu fut·cat. Co· OIWI'Hllng with lele)lhouo ttllll teJe .. gl'UJlt.. comjmnles, mll roads, l u 1J1Ler compnnlua, nntl hullvlumtla, it has urged (OI'WUI'tl U f:lCI'iCH U[ CXlJCI'imeutli covering nil Jlhnscs of the problem, ft·om tho ctuoatlun o! t he heat sonson lot· cuttln�. through Mllll�o<ptenl st11ges or hnndl ln!l, to tho llnal wetl!ng of tho }Jolc, Some of the must lmJ•m·tuut re­sul ts ohllline� �cal with tho sensonlng }lrocesll.

Seasoning was stu�lml In \he 11rst place to determi ne the rute at which poles llecomc ulr d1·y, thnt Is, lose us lllUCh tuOISllll'e US they Will ]H\I'l With thmugh e\·a iJOJ'atloll i n the open air. '!'be time or cutting was ulso carerully 164 Fill II A venue, near 22d Street

� •nd 68 West 12Stll Street New York ll --...•

consldere<l. Expct·lmr.nt ]Jrovcd lllat poles cut in wlntet• dry more regularly than those cut at other seasons, and nlso show a greato1' loss In moisture nt •• the en� of six months' seasoning, The

The Cranford Gas Light Co. advantages of winter culling nrc, therefore, even drying, wlllt n mini­mum llublllty to cllecl<, and light welghl-nn obvious udyantnge for

l!�:rlures and SujJplies for l . 1[ ' f' shipment by freight. S[!rlng or sum· fl/ il lfll/, uas met• cutting secures n more rUJ>Id loS3

StoJ'es for healing, rJlan,qe }Or cooking at cost. of molsturo n� first, owing to the tem· perature, but only tor tttree of four months. At the ond ol fmm sl� to

51 E\m Street, eight monti1s spring and sununer llllt

W tf• ld poles are found to havo dried only es ae . three-quarters n• much as win ter-cut poles. SjJrlng and summer cutting, however, would result In snvlng In freight und ittcreasecl durabJilty !! 'tho poles are to he shiJJpetl imd used with­iu throe or lour mouths after cutllug, Beds and Bedding . Matll'esses made over. Awnings and The seconcl point to IJe determtnecl was the degree o f shrinkage I n cir­cumference during afr seasoning, This Slip Covers m�de lo order.

G EORG E R. GROMISCH, 1 38 was found to llo very slight, n1•ernging

Broad Street. IJut IILllo over 0.5 11er cent. nt the butt and 0.6 por cent, nt the top. The rail· itl sh rln knge or woud does not IJoglu

BITTNER & FITZPATRICK until the pet·centage o f moisture i s re:

CO., tluced lower thnn Is possible ln tlw CI\HO o! telcJ>hone tmcl tolcgruJih poles lu out-ot-doo1' seasoning,

. m:,l l.�;ll IN Be�t :r�ebig;h I-Iiu;hht.ud Coal,

Lim�. Sand and Cement. 1'ho cffact or souktng I n water upon

the rate or season ing was the thlt'd of the lll'olllems deal t wllh. 1'he experi­

PICTON, N, J, 1 Ineuts su hstantlttle Ute common ·opl n­on thnt Jloles soal<ecl !rom two to four ,;..---------..;.,�-----�"!"'�"""'���!'.'-���"""'!'"""'!'"""'!'"""'!'� weeks suiJsC£:Urmtl�· semmn ut n mn-



-.· -----· -.· ·------ ---------- �---------.. terlnlly l ncrensml rate.

J. W. Manhattan DEALER I N

All Kinds of BLUE STONE. Rultlence so Elm Place, Plainfield, N, J,

· Flauina, Cnrbinal Sills an� CoDiD[. '�wnrk tlonc nuder my pcm•unal supm·l'isicon n ne! gnamnl.,<•cl .

Finally, It wus found lhnt cheokh1g In lhc cont'SE\ or semwnfng Is not sari­Oil� when ]>oles Ita ve lie en cat·efnlly cut. ]hlphl-growu tlm!Jer, howe\•cr, when so Clll'ulesaly cut n� to leave jng· gcd emls, was found to split h>t<l ly at tho hull and at tho tOJl, 'l'hls I� doubt· less merely tho wltlenlng or crltclrs itu t·ted when the sUck }larllally brol<e off in stoatl of bol ng cnl clear througll. Just ho1v much thorough seasoning will add to the life of poles cnu not be told until the nctunl tests m·a macle In �eJ'I'ieo. '!'Ito poles u pon whieh the tests are helug nuule have been set in n l ine where l heh· hehn\'lor enn · he com ,uu·cd with thut of unsc:tsone1l poles, nntl will IJC closely watched. Up· on a large numhot• or the seasoned .------------------------••* 1polos il test was also mndr:: ta show tho � 'lic'i' 'llllle or mrlous preseJ'I'Iliii'C Ironi-A Payln£ Profession. meut•, which Is expccled lo throw ad-

A C<lllf<U ill Ht•·nogl'lliOh\' or lloul<i<P<•JOIIIg Ill thoo Union ltn<low�� Unllt·�u 'Ylll l"'"i tlitlounl light 011 the subject or d UI'· 1111r�t ycm tn ilw Hl;u,•tc�t. l•���t)Jit' t1m11 ru1t·1

n1 �.Jo11>1ol 11'1n)0·ln'-: '::���lt1Wl:,11l ��:S::::�l.!� 11�'!��f!f11!'r ability, n�tructlon-nu J't.d tuJW m• non t'Sl-!t•ll u !', o l I&} "'

· , Now. U nlon Business College,

:llo8•210 BROAD. STREET, (Dix Building) , ELIZABETH, N. J, F. R. UERI(IMAN, Prlnr.I)JIII.

Cook's :Perquisites, E. z. G1·oss, the mayor or 1-lnrrlsbnrg,

was condemning the fees nnd · unfair ]JerQuisltes which Slvell unduly the salu­l'ies of mnny uni mportant officeholders, Telephone 60J•W

"Fees unci pm•quisl tes," ho said, "tethl :���:::::::::::::::::::::��������· to onuse unjust denll ugs, E1•en In the '¥ tdlehen this is so.

"A bu tohe t• told me the other clay that �•��"�""""'�'�•••n••·••••t<t. 1 1 . · Alexan dar Hunt, � '11 n young womnn, t.ho coo t n n pl'omincnt

* THE f and said :

iii CLARK ; fnmlly hercuhouts, cmne Into his sllop

: t u 1Ghnme n fine large roast o' beer

P • I d D I : HATTER : with (llenty o' bones.' ' Ill er an . acara .,. •••·• •. . . ;_ _ " 'Plenty of bones?' said the butcher

"' In amazement. * Furnishings Cloth· ; " 'Yes,' answered the · young woman. Latest tle�ign in Wnll p11per nl =

1. ng, Trunks and !I' 'Dones ts my perquisite.' "-Milwaukee • :!: Sentinel. · '


ways on ha!Jtl. * Bags. j : . . Elm and Quimby Streets, t 134 Broad street, Westfield. ; Tel. 97.w \:.,.,.,.,.:tU'I:t.iieenu>�.>t:tt:t'l.l Weallleltl, N. J,


Muscular. "Yes, Harker matTied n physical cul­

ture girl." · "Did eh? Is she a better housekeeper

than other girls?" "I should sny so. She cnn tnke the

toughest steak nn<l pouncl on llmitlllt is u tender ns quaii.''-Chlcn�o'rrlbuno.

Gl'lpa nntl Dundi<R of Tt•twolers Ooln11 To Rttd lll'olll DupotH Alful'tl

Ohnnoo1 or Eat•nhtg Money,

In tiurtnln tlCJIVlllown Hli'>tots that lui!cl tn l'll il l'llllll (Ui'I'IIIH 1111<1 Ill Rlllllltl• hunt lun tl lllUH ul'tl ttJ ho !'tJI!Iltl yu<li!U 111<'11 nut! huYH luulllnl! l'tll' joiJH u l c:nl'· I'YI IIl! tltu iiiH�tl"ll Ill' l l'llVIliUI'H llllllli lllt !'Ill' I IJIIHU jllliiiiH Ill' cluptll'l !II'O, \I'll!'• ron Hl i'Uol, fill' lnHtlliii'IJ, HIIYH tho Nnw Yul'lt Huu, IH t r••oVOI'Hllli lly ll ttt iiY t>uuplu hutm d lot' tit" t>rlo furry, HUt! of lhu•u tl't! VlliOJ'H II H'llltl llllllly CIIIIIU liiiWII· town hy lhu N lu th nvonuo oluvutut! l'l l l ll'tltttl tu g11l nfl' ttl thu Wurt·uu Htl'eUt HllltiiJI\ ,

/1 1111 HIJ, t!HIOCWillliy Ill UliOIIL tho HUIJ• lug l i me uf 1 hn Hotuul IHJuts, theJ'O Ia niWilYII lu l.Ju futi iHI ut tlw foot. or t ho Hlllh'H Ill' lho c]oWIIIIIWil Htut lo tt of tiiC oluvntot! t'n lh"nd nt Wnrrou •IJ·out n bliiH'h U[ YOIIII� tnon Wl lit ln� fur ll ch!IIICU to lllll l!u lL l l t t lo SUIIIUtlt l l lK car· J'y ln�-; !Jag11 und bundleH fur tl'll\'eler·s !rum lllut·o to tho bout.

I t Is ut thiR jlolut unci nt this hour thut most 111 tho l ug�;ngo etmylug bu•I­IWH!I In \\'nrr�n IHHI!Ot nntmu lly totl­r.enl l'iltl'�, lliH( thcro, llltltirttlly, lllOHt Of thu htg-gugu ctli'I'IHt'K nssumhl�, tm· thoro they unu nail tho peo]>lu cuny!ng heavy huuclleH nncl hllllH who might lll<o tn IJ iro n e!n'l'ler us they come down tho stairs.

�ltlliY of lhcHe cnrrlers mnlte mo 1·e or JeHu of n lJ•tulo or this work: thnt Is to Huy, UJOY ure not clrlven to It by dire nco11, to get a feW cents l'or lmmecllate !oo>l, bat they mnke n sort of bus lue5" of It nncl hustlo for the business in II bmlincsli !<e way uml come there every clay.

'!'hen there are tl'ltnslents nt It, who tnl<e n look lu here occasionally wllh the liii!Je ol !Jioklng 1111 u dlmo which they may Itood very much t•lght then. nut as n 1 ule uo conslaeratlon or sen­llment enters into the account be· tween the traveler nncl the luggage cur­rier. If the traveler wnnts somebody to curry his IJag he is likely to tnl<e the fii'Ht cn rrler that offers, nne! that's all there is to Jt; It's servlco ror money and money for serv ice, and It couldn't \'ery well bo otherwise at this point, where the poople come clown the stah·s from the cie1·ated road all In n bunch to meet that buuch of cm•rlors waiting and bltlcllng ror jails at the bottom.

But not all or the luggage carriers that work 'Varren street always con­grcgato at the bottom of those stairs. Occasionally o ne, and this likely to be an nmntear casunl, wanclers up Warren street to Intercept possible jobs coming toward the river from Broadway, nnd these wanclererH may have experiences,

In the crowd at the [oat of the stnh•s It's all over in a minute with tho train· )dad : It's 1\ crowd meeting n crowd; !Jut up there hi the street it's an Indi­vidual man bidding for n job meeting an lncllvldnal person carrying n Yailse.

There was a big, stout m1m, com­fortably clacl, and comfm'table and cheerful looldng himself, mol<ing down the st1·cet from Broadway, carrying n hlg telescope cnnvns ease at his sl<le in the usual wuy by the handle wltll the straps running through It around the bag. And coming up the street at this tlme-·not 11 regular at the worlt, this mnl), bu� loolilng fur n joll nt It now-waR another big man with on eye out fol' bags to cnrt·y; u t1tll nntl rat11er spare man this wus, and a man or some yeat•s, and lncldentlliiY, with· out nu overcoat, and apparently he really wanted such jobs as he coulcl plek up, and could make use or the money,

And wllon he met the b ig mnn com­

lu� 'along w ith the big tcieswpo bag he slwerc{l over· toward h im nnd rcncltml llown iownrd the lmg ond afferod lo carry it. And t11o big man · with tho bng didn't sheer orr from tho other, or Etecr - clenr of· him,or go IIy wlthmft paying any atlcntion to ltlm whatuver, but h� sir.etl 111m 1111 In 11 minute, nntl In tho mo•t nutnml way In the worltl he held the big bug Ull high to RhoiV how l igh t ll wns, tmd snld, smilingly, to the other big mun: "It's empty!" and the other man sal� : "Oh, thnul< you."

Now tills was a meeting ns lletween mun and man ; fur which l>oth no doubt felt better, nnrl then th e big mnn wllh the bng helcl h is way toward the river, and tlm CJther big man ltept along to­ward Broadway, Jooldng ror somc lJotly with a bu!: thnl wn• iouclecl.

Harnessing t11e Rhone. 'l'he French l'iver Hhono Is 11 subter­

mnean stream nenr Bellcgarlle, vanish­Ing In a subtet•t·anenn gutr nne! lhet'e renminln!l for a considerable distnnca Tho engineers propose to change tills romantic geology by damming thn river nncl turn ing the water into two 11arnllel

. tun nels whleh will oomluct the river two miles and n hnlf to two power generntlng stations. Here n fall of 200 feet wi ll yield 150,000 horsepower ror 300 days In the year. 'J'he cost is JJincod at about $5,000,000, nnd the use of the power Is estimated ns cqulvtlient to worl< lng nn lnexlumstlble coal be� supplying 1,600,000 tons a year.

Hint for the Women. It Is. as bad n plnn to tire a man with

too much honey talk and caresses ns it ts to neglect him al together. He must do · the wooing; you !mow. It is por· !cctly legitimate to coax him nlong a little with smiles and gunrded compll· ments, . but watch out that you don't overdo, Wh enever n wornnn gets t� begging a man to love ber she loosens Iter grtlps on his henri. If you do lol'e him n l i ttle, mnlte him laney It Is the greatest hOnor to him. Women often cheapen themselvN, and when they do men not only lose lnterset, but respect too.

· ... ;c --:.::�·- : .::

I ll j [!. I CASTO RIA

'"''"'"''�'"'''··· , '''" '' ''' .-.- . . ,� ,:1 1 For Infanta and CbiJdren, 45TDRIA 1 The Kind You Have ., , , , . ., , , · l:c= !I I Always Bou,hr

A\t·�clnblcl'rejJnMiionlill'As- ,, ' a slmilnllll� lhc l1l1tlctoudllc�ulu­litl� the Stumuchs nnd Uowcls of l l'o l \ N l 'o ,-' ( ll l l ll ll i . N

l'romolcl-1 Oijl,esllmtChrerrul· nc�snntiRt��t.Cunliilns neither OJilum.:Motllhinc nor Jllincral. JIIOT 'NAil C O'l'IV .

J/x .• I'Nina �

Bears the Signature


J�<II'IJM Jlr.�IMUEll'lrr:Ja'/1 Jlomp/11it S«J• l Ht�rltttr� .'M/a • � .r,.,, ,. �:tr::.:Zf.�� ,u,,._,,�,J -t'�4=:_�

Apctfo�cl llcmmly l'orConslipll­llu\1 , Sour Slumach,IJ i,ltThom \\'orms ,t:onvul�iuns ,t'cvcrish­mss nml Loss ot· St.Et:I•.

___ , __ _

I n Usc

For Over Th i rty Ya ars FacSimile Si�nnluro or �

Nt;w YORK. \ I h • l • l l l l l h " ( l i d



r:A� -�-�-: : AmDS H. Van Horn, ltd.

: DO YOUR BUYING NOW ! I whil e housecleaning time i s o n and wh i le I; the house is all torn up-besides there [ ) are special prices now on lots of the · �,\� ,,! things you n eed-Look 'em over below. : . . I ? o ? , ,

) : I PARLO� SUITS I Bedroom Suits $20 Suits . . . . . . l 6.00 · $25 Suits . . . . . . 1 8.00

$25 Suits . . . . . . 20.00 $30 Suits . . . . . . 22.50 • ) ' $30 S11its . . . . . . 24.50 $·l0 Snits . . . . . . 32.00

COUCHES Enameled Beds $ 7 Couches . . . . .4.98 S·l Beds . . . . . . . . . . 2.69

$ !J Couches . . . . . . 6. 25J SG . . . . . . . . . . 3.49

$12 Couches . . . . . . 7. 98 SS Beds . . . . . . . . · . .4.98 ---

CHIFFONIERS SIDEBOARDS $ 6 Chiffoniers . . . 4.49 $Hi Sideboards 1 1 .89

$10 Chiffonier5 . . . 6.98 $:!0 Sideboards 1 5 .00 '

$15 Chiffoniers I 0.69 1 9.98 $�;) Siclcbo:tnb

· - I �� ,._

Refrigerators Extension Tables GUA�ANTEEO MAKES. $ G 'l'ables . . . . . :.4.89

I 4.98 u p S fl 'l'ables . . . . . . :. 6.25 ' Ice Chests 3.4 9 and up $12 'l'ables . . . . . . · .7.98

- -

� !\ Send for 44 page il lustrated Catalog IT'S FREE ---

� AMOS H. VAN HORr�, Ltd. � De suru you see 11No. 'i3" nnd firsl tmmo "l\)105" l.JcCore cntcdng 'OUT store,

ACCOUNTS 73 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. � �=:�ED- Nenr Plnno St., Wo•t o£ Droond St. ! :� PAYMENTS AfltrollrJ6•Ir4nsJf" ti1 ... ,.J�JW, Telephone, 580. --���liiii-�......_..... .......... ;;;:...,�,....,�illi��--

J O H N COL T RA, Carpenter & Builder.

JOBBING A SPEC I A LTY. Plans Furnished If Desired,

Reshlcncc 11!4 Pn.rlc �trcct.. \VE.":iTF'IJ.JT)D, Nm\V .TEUSEY. '1\:1, :!H--1<'.

'l'o Cnrr. n Cu ltl in One U1•r• Tnlm Lnxativo Bromo Qniuiuo 1.'ulllcts. DmugistR refund mmtoy if it fnil• to curo. E. \V. Groye's Mignaturo is on each box. 25c. Wi lcox. Theo, A. Pope,


42 & 44 C u mberland St. Tel . 139•J. Westfield, N, J .

Estimates Cheerfully FnrniRhed.

JoiJiliug Pt•omptly Attcndetl to. ..

;ri l E UN I ON COU NTr S' I 'ANDA I� D. Ff{ I IJAY, �!��:>-���·-- -=-=-=-==========� 1

======��.=--�-���-=- .�--=-�����-���i�-�= B�NCH M I� �����"�H � � �� •

�I I'; , l .on/;n l•'l'l' l l < 'h, wl l'o • � •l' Wl u l\t<h l 1� ... � I I I 'NN I Me Man u s Bros, l.t ii�IIA/, 'l'/r 11 t l , 1•:, ;o'l'l'i<'ll 1111 rlllt l <lll)' l l\'<•l llrll( 1(, 1•' 1'1'111'!1, ollt'l' 11 l'l •;lo\o•lll 1 1 \' J l t l• plno•o• , � l•l i'I�N IN II/! I 'llM I ' IM'I'M J i l l .\I 10 l ll l'l'l•'I 'I"I'ICIIH OI!Mnl1'


WE Ci\N Hal'c volt . money on yoll l' Gas nnd !o:lcctl'ic Fixw rcs, and n vis it to Ol l l' sholl' f"Uot 1 1S nt 903-!JIJS

Broad Stn.:ct, Nell'a rk, N • .J . , wi l l t·onv i m.:L� ymt of t l t is fuct.

O u r ston.: is OJX' I l Satnnlny c\'en i ngs. l f it he not conl'c nicnt for \'nu to call du r­ing the day, ot' on Saturday L'l'ct t i ng, you c11n make your oll'n appoi ntment hy d rop­ping 11s a l i ne, stal in!!,' when yon wi l l cal l .

l - Ioping t o hear fal'orahlr from you , we rcmai n . Very truly yours,

The B rowe Com pany. J. P. /JrtmhoiiSf', .7�1Jl'.

Wohlfert's Westfield StoPe.

Garden Seeds. Shovels, Fot'l\s, Rakes, Wheelbarrows, Poul try

Netting, Nest Eggs, Rooti ng Pa11er, Wiss Cutlery, Starrett's �\achine Tools, Buck's Carpenter Tools, Bui lders Hardware

Telephone 6:z· W. Broad Street.

Exquis ite J�welry :\ot ,,.,.n olming t ill' I l ul i <lny li111c h:t\'C T ili'Pn nhl<• tu l'how a largo•r aml llll ll'l< t'OIIIpldl' ;;\1 11'k of Exqui>'ile and l 1p·lo-Daie .fo•wdry than I um lll'L']JHI'o.·d lu l'lww tny l>:tlrun,; :t! thi� tinw.

Everything New A111l inelndt•s the \'t't'Y la\o•,;t nuwltit•s in .Tewelry, Wa!eht·�, Solid and P!alctl Si!Ycr, from a Thimble (u a S I OO.OO Si!Yel' ant! C:olt! '!'able Sen·icc.

Step in-glatl (o "'''' �·ou-t hero may be something in

my elabm·ntt• array tlmt will he just what y11LI ha1·e !Jel'll looking for. l'l'ice::; aml qualit.y will ::;uit yun l ' nt sure.


Baker's l ine of usual RELIABLE SEEDS ·

. is now complete, and it is not too early to begin. planting · so1rie of them. Don't forget to ca 11 at BAKER'S for your seeds.

B r u n n e r, \\'E:-i'I'F l !W1, N . .T.

Stationer a n d Ne\\'sdealer,

56 Elm Str�et, Westfield , N . J .



1\. J . . HORNEt\ a. ·co. Furni lure ":'Makers· anti: Importers: We1t 23d"St •.

l.We.&t 24th. Sf,

61·63·65 ' '36..!_3��4.D.'

lo•tl h,l' I I, \\', l•'l't•olo•rh•lt 11'11" l'l'l',l' wo•/1 ollo •ol nl ho•l' h11111o• hi No•wnt·h with 11111•11· IOn· lllloi UII 111'1 Kt., l!ll••b•lltpurt, N• J, 1 1 1 1 "11""' 1 . 'I'll•• •nhjPo•t, " t hll' l•'ol'�< fllll• 1111111 1 11. 'I' ill' 1'111 11'1'111 11'11" h"lol l'l'tJI I I 111•1' ---------.J 1>111'11 ,\lll l'l'h•n11• " 11'11" 1'o;r·,1· prutlwhl)' t·•••hl�< ll<•o•, � \\' l l i•:.S \'I ll ! A, I l l<: J t lo: A i l Y to l tlly 1 1 1 1,\'t hlttl.! in t l �t� l luttKtl· "'"''11••···1. M I'H, A. ll. l\ 101 1 )'1"" I• I hoi ) I ll I' � I ' I II t II I I I I I J>l'll\'ll;t•>l lo•lloh•r l'lll' r!lllloln,l' 111.,, 1111111, �I I ;. Ulnll'lo•; H. I 111<1

'""11 II•< I I I ll • • . . • l'lll' l t i ; l r i l l� 1 .1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 t I I I I I'll 1 1, I i l l i' I I{ � III'PH 11111 lnu)1 l l\'1'1' " 1111'1 '1 1 111( of 1111' Hllllllll \' ""''' "'' l llll 'l ' i l l lf( Hrrll< lll)' 10\'1 ' 1 1 111(. � I I III' 1 .\ 1 .II I•:SH I•: •l•wk. No lllill!I'J' whuf. ,\'IIII III II,Y II'I I IIL \1'1) hnt'll It

1,1,1,111,1, c111111 1 1 1 1 1 1,11 will hu ' 111,111 1111 �I I·, l 'o•l• •l' 1\"""'ll hn• l <lllll(hl. tho ""1'1 ' 1 n 11 o l ,\' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 li t 11l IIII I' / ll'l l!t•H l l l ll i !h 1111\'t!t' ll l l t l l N"ll'ltrk 111111 1·'1'1<111\: , .,.,. l r l l lf( I l l o i l"''''"" plnn• l'nl' �C'/IIH >IIIl\'1'11 hnll"''• i\1'11' \'ork �I I I I'I'H,

lfhl'll l';' wnl'lt. �lr•, 111111 ���·�. Jl, Uoii'M lu1M l l llll't•ol l n SANITARY REPRIOERt\TORS. �II•• 1•:1'1'1\'11 �l'lu·lo•nln•"l' nf 'l'o•l'l'ill I I"' �1 1"" lllllilllllll 11"11""· II I ( tl f I 1 , 1 .111"1 111 1\\' \I'll \1'11111, ( 1 1 1!11 )'1 1\11' II 1!11 1 1 1 1 I) I II I I' I g "} lll\V(IJI! 111111<1, o • l l l l•t•l u l ll<'tl n l'�<w 1' 1•lo•llll• "" �I I '" 1.111\nu "'"' "ll'llll'll' lnt• l'oilll'lll" � ol' I !Jo1'1. iw•l'llfol'�, \\'o 1 1 1'1' ""h' 11�1'1 11� in tldt1 li!ITi lot•y lor llm•o �lollllll,l' t'l't' l l l l lf( lll'l. l l iii•MI M lllllllhl 'f· l'l'l llll lh< • r:lllllh � f'utl loll� llln ko•": 'l'lw W l l l'l ' lo: � I O I I!>;'I'A I N , A IJ'l'OMA'I'IU IIIII} hl!l l l lu onl t wo•llt�· 1'1'1111 1 �c•ut 10h l'lulrl>!, --- - · - -- � \\' l l i 'I ' Jo: Jo'ltO�'I' l'o u ll l pro·�t'l'\'1 '1'" •

1\ffMt� Kmmmw lll'lhnrn, ol' IHooiU/Ii•ltl , Dt�IIHlt'l'tw�·, t•t1ht�d l1y l fou. 'rl!wo�. B. 'f':ij��h l'lulnlld<l 111111 l ltmld,l'll 11'1'1'11 Jll'IW'II I '1'111• Nlllllcllll'd 111111 n· .. , .. w •.. I 1 1 1111 I' I I,JII,\'I'<l n i JII >rllll!lhi)' I(IHIII 11111 1< , 'I'IIII


Jo•tlllllll( I'XIKII II!II ( I I f ,lo<IJ'o • I'NIII IJII II N. ,t , wtn "i"'"'l i'!n 111lny wllh �II>H WIIIMnn, nt' Clo•ot'l(lu , thn l'nl ho•l' �tl' rul'lll li;;�• �·'·""'" ., Littl•ll. t't'l'n tlt•lh•t•l'.\': nut hot' nf • • 'l'ho :r-ltm·y ol' �

--- - .. � ;\lr. n111l !\ll'ri, ,Tohu !\lonnoy n.wl l�t·unt•t•, 11 •• LHt� ut' Nupnlt•tm, " . . Lifo !) ��.�.;,f � i'lnmlny ut ��� ..... . 1mwt �tl•l'lu'�. 1111y " 111111 nllu•r l >ml<M. �11·. \\'11' "''" wn• � rL�\.;.;,;...;,lJi .Mmdt'l' Olu\t'h•ti, or Ht'lllt•h PlniltH, /'llftllll Ulll l 'rlmt�� uf'J'honllltot.h1tl'nl·�oll , 1 1 1 1 Bt•th· l t�.ii\'i.��c:l-J,.Tr J

illr, ,\, II. Durhy l· lsito:ol with l'do•J I Ils till> l'o•nplo• '• l'm·tr unmh"'" l'or Ylo•,.. � -� �� .. "�•,j\ hi N<>w Ynr)1 Oily o\'1'1' Hn>lllll\'. !'l'to,o;l<lo>llt iu J XIIII, am1 for l'n••i•h•nl in � �[ P.�.;��.-_ .·---- tiltH. l lu I• t u·olll,\' ill'n<lilll! 11 mlol<llo•· �· -" '"'"• ........ �..-;.,. St•nlm· eln"'s l1lHlltN 'l'rt!l!,

'l,Jw SPUior OlnsJo! of thn \\'psfflt!lll to KWUl'P llll! t�uuutr�· in II slmrt t i llll!.

l•:u�i l ,l' tlt11 l tt•HL Itt lhoh• l 'ri cc1l frum

5.95 to 45.00 . \\'1·itu fo1• l•'1·eo ]!ooltlciH whid1 f"lls all llll'lll . d11ss l'llt'nl'lll 11111\'l'lllllllt whkh is honiHl I �

\\'111"'>11 's 1\rn/,�tr.irw Js not 11 , t li].th HehCX>) lwlo1 IIIII 111111 11111 Arhnr Dll)' puhlic•ut ion, It ol·�·· nnt sln1111 J'or 1'111· !'All I'Alm Me M an u s Bro ...

t•lnHI'i �lll'l'lltl, 'l'l !ur:o�cluy, of 1nst w<•d::. ll'<'lil'll llii' IIIII'Mhip uf nll th" IIH'nnsof pro· ' .At.l.nwtm lOt 10" 109 fiRST Sf lli918(1HPORT I

PIIOMI'T ntt:T,JVEIIIES 'rlwy �l'1t•t'h.•!l tllil" dny bPt'Hll�tJ tlHJ Olll· chu�tion. MJ•. 'Vnti"OII l)t�lhJ\'P!'i in pnhlic� �\ IJ' I ' I I Ln ' n. J. <•inl .Arhor Dny t•unw thu·iug l�HNter• riL or gm·t•rt!lllllllt oWllt'l'shlp of rnilrouclH , t1 L-----•--------------..L-----.1 t•ntinn. 'rho Jlcw lmwh l'I>OIH )n·un''1 u h•lt•g-rnt•hs n1ul toh!pluuw); i in muniPiptt l �:.""''·'•t...-.e..awetetA.tft-Jt;;;;;t�.,..,e.t:&..'Sft? ' .... , "''li'·'ti'&"t" -ace n·r�· th·�irnhll� plnt•u l'nr tlw o�x·nsiun, lw- 0\\'ner·ship of Htrt•ut milwap;, gu • ..;, eh•e· ing tlo•t'UI'Iltl\11 \'tory pn•llily mth thu d><'o triu lighiH, wnter \\'nJ•ks, uh•. ; 111111 Jw

t·nlm·•· llohl nud ":hltl>.,

· 1111litli'I'S in )ll'ii'IIIO oi\'Juorship ul' nll ln-Phwting H wlnto lncrh trco 011 tim tlnxtril'H not. rmtnrnl muml}lnlies.

:;dmnl l'llHllHl� wns thn,

H�L�Illltl vnrl tlf Thu lt lill11lo elns...;-thu homn 0\\'Jllli'H, the 1lay's }JJ'ngmmnw. hm:h uunn�n·r tlf farntt•r:;, tilllltll lmsiw11'S mm1 uml Jll'ollt'l'· thu St•nior Cln�s null U\'l!l'Y tt��tdwr tn th� t \· O\\'lllm;-wou ,Tcll'ernon't-; Yictury iu llil(h School put. in unu Mhlll'cl·full of t'soo ; "'"" .Tnckson 's victorr oYer Nlel< dirt. Aftt•r tlw IreD wns JU'opurly }Jluut· Bitldlu'x mnntn.· pOWlll' in 18:!2 i won !Jil l· t•tl tlw foHowiug reumr]\.:o; wcru nutdu JJy t•oln 'l'l victory 'iu 18UO. But tliWh timu tlw Senior <O!n<s nrut•:r: nftor tho llnHh of yict11ry luul olieol nwny, "'1\•nelllll':; UlHl lellnw ulttsl'i·tnalt•s: they becumu �n.ruleHH of tJwir rh.;:Jth; uncl Lilw many otlwr goool thiHfl"• tllll plnu.l·

wont tu sleup. 'l'hey lull'll Hlept IL l(llO<l iu� uf our eln�H t rt•tt hnpptmM u,nt onee 111

portion of tho timu Hin�e 181\0, hut­n 1it'u timL•. 'rlw gm·t•rum·. of Now .Tt•r· 'Vntson's �ln�o,'ltZino iH wnlduu tl!mll hPY sets npart two tiny� tlnnug t•nch yt•ur

up. A nolhor grcnt \'ictory is in tho nir. for tlw plll'l1o:-:uof plnuttn�-th·m•.o�. 'Jllmnlo{h KeetJ in touch with lho moruure11t. this is not tho 'ln�· sut hy Go\'cruor Piftcun cuuh; n cnpy nt nuws-stmHls ;

Stokes, \\'ll n . ..; n �t·mut· cln�s �lll\'O sulm·�- $1.50 n year lJy ml\il, Sumplu copy for cd it. for two rt•�ISi first, fur counmt�

·I two-cent stnm}JH uwl four nmnoK of uuc�, nwl H(!COI�tT, for pleasnr�. rending frietultl. Adclrcs�, Let. l�S COJl:-iHhH' �lw great liU})OrtmJct) rf0.\1 "'·\1'HO.S's .:U ... \OA?.ISR, of vlnutmg mul ha,·mg tre�s; tlwy not 121 '\\rest 42(1 Street, only ntrtml :;;luulo :uul hl!r�utlful l'iceuery, Now York City.

lmt thu lmnlKH' 1s nsetl tn mnuy, mnuy o1itl'm·eut. wnys 111111 munufactnreol into SPI.:CIAJ, Or.uumso HA'l'F.. wuuy, mtuly ditl' thiugs. 'l'his is "\Yittsmt's �lngnzino awl tho UXlO� es}leeiltlly !i•no of tho white IJirch, 'l'hc OouXT\' S'I'ASilAill> n ymr for oulr *2.::m. I111liuu use<! tl<c l oireh hnrk to lmilo1 his Why not snl'e tho RUI'tmt.y.livu eunts. cnuoc; m·on now the white umn m;cs it Lcaye orders nt S-rASDAltD ntlicu. for writing pnpor. Let us build our enll· --------•-

S�ring �xfar�s.

The smnrt mannish " Queen Quality " Col lege Boot made Lhe h i t of last season. The Spring Oxfords, wh ich are now fn , will make even a grenter hit .

Their comfort is delightful , style inimitable and they can be obtained in a superb variety of shapes, patterns and leathers at

The Piker Shoe Co. oes of hirch bark, 1Jnt let tlw lmrk con· l•'noc l'nltllc r.ilmlfr llnms. si�t of ki1111 wom1s, thunghlfnl nutions 'l'he LilJt'm·y is opon tLt the followiug �������������������������� 111111 hl'lJOtl tleetls. Ld m; pmhlle it with tL tinm� : -

puru hc•m·t an<l f(uiolu it. with 1\11 honest �[umluy el'oning. , , . f'rom 7 to D o'clock . ..;oul. 'l'Jw wuys we :;JmJJ 1m:,.-.; tJJrougJJ Tuesday nftoruoou , , 11 8 11 (i 11

will Ue wn�·� nr plonsnt·e nwl hnppinuss; 'Vt.ltlnosdny owming. " 7 11 !J u

the rcwnr!l we reccivu wil l he coutout� rl'hur�duy nfteruoou, u 3 ° tl lll<liJt. nml �tltisfnction. Frif!t\Y ovening . . · " 7 ' ' ll ...,

Snturrlay morning.. " n jj 12 The cl11ss of 1!1011 solectc<1 the birch s1ttnrtluy nfternouu, " 3 " 11


Food for Lhe Dead,

Saturdny ovoniug .. 7 II n

NOTES ON NATIONALITIES, The Eskimo gives his doctor a foe

as soon liB he comes. If th� tJntient recovers, It Is l<cpt ; if not, It Is J'e· turned,

Dt·y·snlted salmon Is much used In Jn]>nn for New Year's m·esants. After tho Now Ycnr, the domnnd lessens, and prices decllno 20 to 30 per cent.

Natives of the Znmbesl valley In Africa nre very fond or pcrrurnes nnd the more violent kinds are espectnlly ln great demand. 'J'hey are sold In cardboard boxes containing 12 as­sorted bottles.

'l'lte S wlss federal engineers, It Is snld, have succeeded with great dlm­culty in arresting the mo1•ement or two miles of debi'IS, which threatened to destroy tho villages of Gruquay and Chnmoson, situated In the Canton of Vlllals.

�'he Hindu holy boolts forlJid a woman to see dancing, l1ear music, wcnr jewels, blacken her cyeiJI·ows, 'eat dainty rood, olt at a window, or: view herself In ll mirror dm·lng tho aiJsence of hor hus!Jand ; and alloll's him to divorce her If she has no so us, Injures his property, scolds blm, qunr rels with o.nother.woman, or ))resume� to cat before he has finished IJ!s meal.

COSTLIEST lN !I.'BE WORLD. 'fl1e costliest building Is tl>e Mllnn cathedral,


W OR1C DE8IG.N"BD and EXEC UTED . Concrete Work, Railroads, Sewers, Macadam Roads and

Pavements, Sidewalks, Curbing. Etc. Equitable Building, 120 Broadway, Te lephone 230 Cortlandt, New York.

Residence, Cr�tnford, N. J.

W E D E L I V E R Standard

Con creta B u i I d i n g Material lN


mul elscwhuru in Union Count.y, llllcl Gunrnu teo to save yun timo ntul mmwy. Semi sketch for cstirnnto hy umil.

Standard Concrete Stone Go. 829 Elizabeth Ave , Elizabeth. t20 First A venue, Rose llt' , N . J . r .... n. 'l'cle t)llfllll)!ll.••r, l!i. "r' ·�lb:ubulh .

7'·1 1., llu•elle.

! W A L L P A P E R I P A I N T S I

I F O S T E R - C O R Y C O I · - - • . •. . . . . . � · · . .

I ' W A L L P A P E R I P A I N T S

F 0 S T E II c l l fi 'r C < > ,i 0 " " . 0 0 ' , • •

'I W A L L P A P E R P A I N T S 1 F 0 S T F' II ( C l H y 1 () l 0 ' " 0 ' , , • • -

Corn and IJrcnd nrc still' offered by the pious llnsque3 of t110 Pyrenees to the dear dCIIRI'te<l on thelr death · ann I· vcrsary. A trnyclm· . In Spain · de· scri!Jes how at San Sebastian he hns often seen some IlOot' ftsherman's daughlc1· praying in a church for a dead relative, "amid IJnsltcts ruu of fruit, loaves of bread and ·corn, . ·and Jmcellug UJlOII the tomb Of her aJiCCS• tors."

'fhe costliest dot: was n St. Bernard, Plinlimmon, who sold for �21,250. -------------- W A L L P A P E f�

P A I N T S Tbe costliest modern t>alnt lng Is Real Thing in Ancestors, Meissonier's "18H," which sold for

"Haye ye nnny nnclsters, Mrs. Kel; �175,000. '

!)•?" nsl<ed 1h's. O'Brien. ; The costliest.

cigars are the Vuclta "An' phwnt's nnelstet•s?" ·:-;,,... AIJajos, which sometimes retail at "Why, people you shprung from." .:� four. dollars · apiece, "Listen to me, Mrs. O'Brien;'.- said I The '.costliest government Is I he

Mrs. Kelly, l mprcssll'oly. "I ., .. conie French> The government snlnrlcs ag. ft•om the rnle shtoclr av Donnhues· that gmgnte f3, 750,000. · shprtng from no booty, 1'hcy shprliig ' ' ·The �ostl!cst d iamond Is the hn· nt thlm! "-Plttslmrg Press, t>erial;, for which the nizam of· JIY. "t ' del'abad ·paid $2,1601000.·.

Shclltlsh Spinner, Silk Is ohtntned !rom n species of

shellflsh !mown as the plnnn, round . In the Mediterranean. The shellfish has the power of spinning a silk which the

. . T,he _costliest 1ll11e belongs tl) the -shah' of Persia. · It' Is a jeweled hookah, and Its value Is put at •·100 : ooo.

. � •

Sicilians mnl<e lnlo n vc1·y handsome MultipliEII Words, fntn·lc. The S!JI{ Is SjJUIJ by tho shell· "All ' da't education docs fob soma

Mountn.inear's Fnll. Wlil lc cl l inbing In tho New Zealand Alps a mnn of !he name of · Low

slipper! on a snow couloir and fell till he struclt a l'ock, dlsloc<Ltlng ·an nnldo and lncch·utlng a knee. For

· four days !Je ern wtcd over brolccn Ice and moraine, half lho time In a se· vere snowstorm, unll nt lnst ma<lo a hl\'ounc under the shelter of a rock. Ue 1\ved ton d:tys on OliO day'& fOOd, lie was lhcn rescued,

F 0 5 T � II ( I l li Y 1 1

W A L L P A P E I� P A I N T S F 0 S T F 11 ( ( l H I 1 1

' " . ' ' .

CwioWI BooiU. II :�Adlo!nlu� Eoicn' liitili;:>J fish In the llrst !ns!anco for the pur· folks," snirl Uncle Eben, "Is to learn ;l'i•••'Tortr:cur;; ;:.:'• pose of nttachln:; Itself to the rocks� 'em a few mo' words to talk toollsb·

Tbe British muacum contalol �"' written on oyster sbella, brlckl, betP' bones, 'vory, read, Iron, copper, • skin, wood and palm lea�e�.

• I ness wlt."-Washlngton star. rrn w BAKER Boats of Hide. Foloy's����insnoop· Tag N'ece"Ssary. lJ [U 1 1 f\ Tra,·elcrs In Africa cross some rtv- intos 1111<1 cnn snfllly ho �>lyon to children.. A dog which has traveled round !ht er$ In small, round !Joats made or lJ!dc. j Sol<! hy Frutchey & Hathaway, Dnig- world wns sent back across the chan·

124 BROAq STREET 1 The boats nrc pushed across by ne- b�•t•. · ' nel from Dover untu the owner could uroes. · I 1 '.��" Ucense.

._ __ __ ···- ··-·· '

As " Rule. tDI It Is mighty easy ta 'pick ou:..,.,. married mnn'o wire. · Sbe .. lh1 •11a�"' an .to ,wnom he. d9csn't !Itt b 9 Topeka Capital. ·