The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1

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  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    TADPOLE ' T E S T I N G ,

    B n O ' . U G ' ' . H i l i " T o O ' " 'V 0 " . ' lU I B " V ' "I f { . . ' . " . " .1... "- 1 1 II':, ']' "':._.:. I < . , :


  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1



    CONTRJBUTORS f 1DISCLA~ER I 2rv E5 .SAGE TO STUDENTS I 3FtIRPOSE '''''ABOUT TI~ U SM LE / 5OEFICljU ~-: !E I !: 5 a l" _ E ! !L ' .

    im:.\''T_]S.IHILUs:MI..v...U:a:EG[S-'DllUltGJFD,:El"TFJE..:US.Ml.lE J : . 6

    "",,,.fJ: I ilr;; ~~~\!:~v~JR:;;;:~s~,.~~el!I'J1S t i ' l ' ! ? " "Wh"" .~ J(J,.H~f.: .~"t l rA'1I"'~.. ! .~

    . H i r . l J d l . ; - , . . r n~d~(!,duil,.~Ct'!!'l~ .11~~' t l rA '1:~ilisl(J\ldsh;l," &/,'tu' J-:t:Hi:I'j-!Ii'l\! f iJg. i~~'NJ.;J! FT.- ina. '?

    HOMSS-'ill 'EI'.: .::Lwn'ElKS.U.l..;m:.1.,],!.!iiJaNi.IHEJJS1!JLEa~]JIEJ_$1:,.DiOCITS:KLF_{_~

    Wh!!d~.[IiI , ( ! k,i 'J !) ''f'iil'.~~~Ijm'Tiu~;I!Mi;u;ag~~l1ii!utDJii...EfJE ,K":'QU\lJ!

    [[ fM], .'F.'CO:US l.JI1IlI1fh",fJ: ~~1: i!t ' : .l 'oi!lIl izro :tfl .JI ' SCi:l~'o:l ,] l

    , H i r . l J I.~: i ' . i l i i i i : l ' D 1 k- fL K .~iY'i.f'i..1"MaJ;i:s;[J!~d,'];,~C(tlc~ J,,-~'tnk~: ~ l l l i ' J ! ' l ' I I n ; I : . ' "Wh~ i:S:t1iil'piH'fo~'J~I!lI'_r~ pYrnfil ,Pr~!!d' a~ !ilk, tw!:! JijJ#J~'n'~' .' l:'Ci;I'~\~ 1 ! 1 \ 1 1 . !~ 'W . .._:COO~ ~'o:l~'i:ll"1'.?

    ~ E RELEASED ITEM S I Bl ti lH j \ : ~ 'V -.A I I: .A J ! :] .: E !L -SMD!l.E,MSE:SSMENTJ_U!!lfuRE~ED,_Q!]]iE,\iij1'10~S 1 . 1 : 3QESSA, . .AS :S :E :SSJ i ,. ,' [ENTS US,

    r f h , . 1 ? ' I 'a.b: ~\I!' CBS;SA, l i'1!.' l::! '-"'.i' iJ~",fJ! i ! \ r . ; l i h k - - . . L l ' : ~ A l i 'J ! . 'I : '1 Z '1 i ' ~ ' . I ; I . . .li ! l ' . . ! ~ " . tY I l I: ;1P.j\. &F~!tJ12 '

    QEl '_ ' f]! lAffi ])C!U:I :SS,IOiN I~Ui,HOW TO PREF ;.RE /17

    ,H~ I l ! J ( f l g sh(.lildd 1 ,d!ol4',)'.)~.mi ld ,1 hQ,w. j ! '~ :sc-lli!id~t~~.)S_u:b,if /'l b.(!'Ji ' l ld 0.1!' ii':!~n IJ~J.'SI!1~.t:I(IIappl ' ! IK i l ell,C l ! Ii t : f Il P I ' " I l '- J i J ; ! : l U ' ! d J ; ] , ' . ~ VS..M,zoJ

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 o:::NTll!JJTCf,! S J 1


    ntT . rdc Y0rl ~'" t l . ! i ? folllJwing' i~Jfii~}i{hud.'iforI h . i r 1 1 _ ~ ~ J w i i - h . i - h i . ' i g ~ r . i d . G _

    Slbarur:za : 0 1 ! Akbrtar:Kt,!,cJr,&hoo! of :M~diciJ:lii.'!of ' I l .JSCLos Al1 igr :k i, C A:i\iID c r u r : J : r n u d n l t e " Cnil.~[i,of 2007hte:l" Kat!ju:fraki!Sl~:~ MBA:Kt,!ck &hoo! of :M~dici]lIi.'!of ' I l .JSCLos A l1 igd i: :f i, CAA~a[e Dean fio :r S tm :ile~1:1!1 ti ' ! i : i Ja 'u ( " [ i ,Z a i ! o 1 ! :Run:Kt,!d:, &hoo! of :M~dici]1Ji.'!of ' I l .JSCLos A l1 igd ;; :f i, CAMD c r u r : J : r n u d n l t e " Cnil~[i,of 2007Katrima:fu:Kt,!d:, &hoo! of :M~dici]1Ji.'!of ' I l .JSCLos A l1 igd ;; :f i, CAMD c r u r : J : r n u d n l t e " Cnil~[i,of 2007Alny Tu:Kt,!d:, &hoo! of :M~dici]1Ji.'!of ' I l .JSCLos A l1 igd ;; :f i, CAMD c r u r : J : r n u d n l t e " Cnil~[i,of 2007Tantned Sa'xema:Kt,!d:, &hoo! of :M~dici]1Ji.'!of ' I l .JSCLos A l1 igd i: :f i, CAMD, PhD candidate, Class of ,2007M ':a n s:l. S lI Da hCal: i : iD:t"! r . I: i ,a, lJ: l i~ l i : i . tut i ' : of ~h~ f \J: l :s' \hLk~l l Ic i iL,CACm,'!:}" "mid ULY.DILl I t D < E ~ u , g 1 : l ihfM:p:II''''",Iji'I!iI.]Nial:li~~:iih

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    Th{: fOrk~' ' i i l f in,g g t ! ! k k e:x:J !L~~~:- ;OU! ] , " "op,iL' l ' i ,on } ; I . ' L ' l I dQtu l:;il~iCon ~ 'he US1\.fLIF.. It~ade~:~ ihio~;dd'C.jJ!llS'l;~~t ~ ' heN1V~HF .an d a ~ oc i~ h ;d .;a ,g e'L '!I .r ;i~ ~fo: r of f ii c : i ,: ; I ] ~ 'L ' l l' fO \1 ." I :na . : iO ;L ' l'lI"egal'din.,g th eUS1\U.F." The ' inrQl 'mat i , r . :m presented here is correct to ~ 'he ' b - e : - ; ; t .of OU], " "kno l ll . ..kdgc, 'hoiJ'W'--{:V{:l" e....o r~ , d o o C("'1, l ! 1 ' ; ,Aho , N 1 R h 4 : F . Tn:; I ;Yma'b:: . r ;h, :=LI l . .g-e~~'h:d'~ ;I:~ not ~n,V},1:reof and ~' i ;is ; 'I ,' iI lI po~ i b '! e fo l' us ~ 'O 'keep h r . [1~k of such th : in \~" : r . . . I ( : ~ t h C ' 1 i ' , the ~ :u thO :L~ Gotmedbooks .oom . and Ta .dro~ e Te~ ~:in .g;I.:s~'I;~n:lieno "{::jpon~~bl~itylOr "'my dama,ge5 that rnl'ly OC~iU!r f rom th e use of this ' i ,n fol i 'ma-'"P I ." . . 'I~ ' f' " 1 '1 " " d . . J . . J i d 1" .1" l ; i1Qn., , ' ,e,a.:se'~"'Cru:y :;L~ 'mTO 'rn : li ~1 " lon " _ ,,1il:S ,~I _e 'IS 'U{::->"I ,gTl, t : ! l l . - ! ' 1 ; 0 'p m'-)'] {: genen1, ,gwJ.'I~~:;Ln.ceon :ly ~ Jld :-;;'I:muldn,ot be used ' fur an y other purpose ' I Jma:ml' I ; irua;t..h i: s not Tillie.;mmt to re pla ceoffi ic :i,:;L'1~ l' i l ' fo\n:n: ; i, l iOil::l'n' ; ,gal' i l i .ng th .,USl\H,.F..

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    S i ll ! W : m . : if r t t Dual:}M J . / f , 20{J. ' i

    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 "lES5ASE TO STlOENlS !3


    'N!: h~rn, ~:ostart J:iIT])a:r~rilg' 'Il"orO:llir:,oil" ~hr: b:i:ggr:.s~C::"~: , iUl lU~ I f t.ur lives, Tho:; ,~mo~mt of 'urilf:t:l"mat~oril,tha~ yal] wnn hace ~:olearn ~~,Itrr:mErilanm and ulmoubtt:dly liib:us~:ilnHtbe a very ~tIT:;r-;fl]'~ time . . 0 : 1 . ' 1 1to:p 0 1 : " (hu~, nibc :~Og:iSitucsof ~hr:: res~ :nllld hm,~"'Itostudy for it arc 'very cO:l1ifuri:llg w:l:l:ir::nyou ,ullIitua'uybegin, "HIr:: 'ur~fD:rmatuorii ~Hhanded oo'~n fr.O:IN :;~ud.:::nlt ~:,o,sliII:ldr:l1Itand m:l.lNI!:T,Q'I]S'~,\'r::hs:i:tr::;,p,rcs-C::l:lrltfrng:INt:!D:to:;d ,~dvuc.:::'{Ell Iillre t:np:iiC_'~i"[.t!:;sage:boards reveal Sil:udcrilt~' am'i:lo:;ty ,i'lind ~H1t!,sam.:::'basicql,J!r:fiti,{J\llIsare repeared, Therefore, ,'tiC decided ~:o,r.reaJi'e:a, gu~dc th~1t wi l l hr:'~p answer Ii ll l, {J(OC;cg,nr.:s-'tuomL ,/'\u oil" ~he 'uI lifoTm atu0 1 11 ,i:;,here in em.e place and ~:i..r: hope '~h8.ll:~hi!'i ' ~ ! i . , [ U ~help you 1lI!D;[kr-sl:a:nrnthe pmcefir-;, ~Lbi~: easier; This :U!'lour wa,y of :hdr~!Dg carr 'fd.low stl]dr.cnlir-i,out. We a.ho- ha,'Lrt: ' reviewsaf mmlly books a'l,i,~il:n'h~efo r YOIll Oril our '~vr:hs:i:te - !Diltt:p~lt"'L"if'L~~gotn1lLedll!!! l S J r . i then,':)IO'I,J! can 'find :1l1ie~agr: hoards to help .an:S.,..-erOdliO:;T'q~:lo:;'StiO!F.1Syou 'mil.ii'.y:hav.e and o~hr:r ft:atILHe:~de.sugllir:d, to help you_ ]it is a resource ,dr:,,~ll}pr::d fD:l- ' Y O ~ I :;0 we urge: 'youg to l 1 i 1 1 a l u . : : u~e of:", can he: a wry ,!-1l!:rr:.~sf~Jltiimile 8:1:1101L11i1J.myof 'you may 'cg,~JiI!.!-1H]onwhry' 'you are: doul!1ig thus. Re-:rnf!IT.I;b~!T''u~i:;just a part af IH::L;OIL!lI1:i :n,ga, phy,suc~:nmi,just another hurdle, ~&~ny Hrim:egOTlle bc[on,!')IO'I,J! mild got. tI:IiJ:Jl:iugihit, S o w i l l yal,J!-J~Jst ~:nng' 'Uril,th':;TP., 1 / o , . ; Q : r , kh~J.-d, a n d ~liayfi,CIlI~':::d..You w i l l : i i . : : r . I,~I!1i~lmJSa n d stressed :nrild. thialt ir-;oikay; 'Ultir-;,a mil,allllllm"l!riI~:al ~ : a : s : k _Tiy to ~m~:: l \ e : ~ t h e - stress keep 'youfrDL1!I1,your i 1 ! rcml .Do mlN~thin~g tn 'help rda~, yo' ! ] and ,kt~p mo:villg_ libu wil l be f m l c _ C~U 'Yom.:mOI1 l i1" dad, _gi:dfruf.:!Dd, boyfri':::~J;[I, et c , for suppmL Don~~ :iD:rget. (hofie r

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    There ,U !'la lot oi l" cliiiOI'cPmii:r.edand :um:o(l l ! ' lu! ' l l l t , : :n~ini l "rmrTJ],atio:n available n:pmilJg the US1.I;I]]~ESltep L W e ,kilJ:D'\1i11m:. 'haul it c~mhe '00 H,ih through, a. 'U~these Op,ilJ:i,o.TIIS,and caLlind~ :~t~:ateg:i,a;,we dud, it j '1,l!' i~ a, '~'al" ago. Tha~:',s '~;ilhy we're '~:ilrj:tumig'~:hu!'lglJ!uclr.; we're '~' ::Te l tD prm:,ucle' Y ' f l ' 1 I ! '~Muth:UriI,-flJ\rmaturm about how ~:orjJ."{!par~ ~6r this e:.~allTJ1.. , s J / , I if ~tI()~lht l ( ) i~JgwdJ : ' fHL T'1Iit!Si\.'1~MGf\]~and even Sil:e~1:Upale : U r i !comparison to t h e iiigmiifi!l:,;)lIlice ,of ~jhisexam. Reii,id'c~cy prngrams u s eS ltep I scores 'Ito dli:iJ(:T,er~tuatr. between applicams, burt dlJ\n>t '~!o'on-y,'!Ne\t: here' to ho::-lp.'Nr. are not ,A~~~'CI\Spr.rmnmieJ, we are LlTJ]cds!turlr.n:l:fijur;t :~iJL~:')1UUI. 'W~have prm:~d,ed ~1]:1i!'l~N:e~:Sto t h r . L!Til-osl:,f: r4.5q,ul !:" l l ' l t lya s ' k r: d . q l ! J r :: - l t U O l I !lH , by :s:I:~]def!iB:. a n d ' ~ , " ' J : : M i l dl rec l t Y O ' L l ! i t o t~e' cmTec~ placesto gelt !I:~':;' i l1 ! i l "or :mataon you may need,

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 f .I DJ T THEJ 9Y L l: 16



    WHAT' 18 THlE USMLE;'USJVKLE ,U ! ' l~ h r : ' Il J Il iuM !d S l ta tE ! 'l ,G l .c l :ed i ,c : ; u .l ..i iCCr r l f i, i ng~ ! 'XRI1 i iliCk! ' lUgl : l iEdhy the NIUv~.E (N ariona] BlOHm,of 1v~~dur .8 . [ ,Ex8 . ] :b i . i ;m: : r u )and hy FSM:Bl (.Fcf.Lernt~o!r.l. I f Slta~:e M:cd:i ,ca l :Ei la li ls} . 1"~e actual leit u sadmul ' ! i ~H tEn ; !d at PrJ \I : b i. i. :; t ri cc c r r l tr : rs a . nd by s om r: m r:d ~ O ::~ l~, ! ' lr ::hOCik T1hEIT . are three P.(](t 'I I . io.1:b! 'lo f '~jheUS~~~:U: : ,_ StEp ' 1, 2, and ~. Y ou mlllii!!: p~ aU ~hm:::'pon l : uor r l ~ ' of t l : I iE 'ILTSM:U!_ ~:obe a licensed] ii :J ly .: "i o: :: iu , i n t he l i_S_

    To learn more basic :i:nllhaboun the 'i[lS:1\in~E,v~su~here::hMJ ' .i : !. I ' . .."V\ I" : ' l Is l :b i . i le '_onrg/b lJ. l letur r l , l .2000r rOC_htm1 " 0 . - h 1 ' :q , ~ ] e l 1 i d y ad: : ! ! ! " !ql ! l . : : :s tUOr! l~ 'about ' ' U S : 1 \ o . 1 : L t : :hilt~dt~;iIiIsmille.o~FA,Q.~FA,Q..5...htm,h1ttrnn;dt~.!nlliI!n1Le.iM'gtp!OOgra!mlnlslll!!!imille.a:sffi!i;

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 A B C U T T H E U S Y L l: I ()


    lWGI.1J5IUNG 'fOO mEHSMT,"EII I order to :rcgU!-1M;T;,;ifi,it the NBM~['1 . . .r:b:i,i~:E:here:h1ttf f i !l5~l l i~,er.!rul. l l . '[] ;Ih!i(f1L'JIje.. Ii I l i 'rg/dw'2l 'p['odl]!!i i [EI!I. l i l l !gi l ' ! l .J':s,p

    Yom: sihool !'lhm:lld gu:idr: f"ClU as to w:i:lir:n yDILI !'l~,j,muldreg'u!'liter' for the eum_ 1-1:~!""'Er;, fitLl!deT'lIlil"usually reguSItCl"abour 6, I b i i O ! l l .t h s . : before tal\; ]!I lg t & r i o : ; ' USM:U~_ Sihor:!~!'l must 'veru~y tha.~a r;tLl!deT.l.~ i~re:,gistr:recl, and ~.J:igihl~ to nuke stf!p, 1 . (thcre' is u~'LI!allya,d:o.:rm ,thrut Lliimst be fulled OILl~:,signed by tho:;,schoo'~, and sent ~lD:l1ig with a, piL~!'l,porH.ypr.' phOIiTI to thr: NB:~U::whcrii regiitr:r:i:I1ig)_

    Ohlain app~uc~Ltionill :INRte'L"~8]fi'COI!iJ1.jiUr:itI!n::gu.!'lltraturm materialsSud}n1iu~Receive ,!'lchcd,l]~uriig permit5d1iedl!,lh"! te!'lll:date S3: Si-DTIIa:!'J ytliLl! receive permit,

    'Nh~TII[U!llg, a, :-ituclr.TIi~mlLls~ dr.:sugrmtc a 3 : lITI1i1J(l1i~hperiod ,dur.uri ig 'I!..h.ich he Mil l take thec::.~am.. A'INi~!'t:ucal1imedica] ,slill]dt"!~J:L~oll"rtcrii,chH}SC ,llpriiU - J]]lIi."! o n rJ Il I! J], e - ,i\'I!J.,gI,J!!'l1i.T H r i o l ' ! ' test 'U!-1oll"-:ii::mdye~Ll" round (except h~ t~!..n '~,...ceks oil"Jmu1!ary}, but mo!'l~ !\.lNier.iiCall LIlI1C{luc~LI,sihoo'~!'l req'lJiu~'thnll: ' f 'D"Il! take' the C:J",ilim'be{[D:rc:'beg1!Jl]:I!uriig''YOlllr third 'year cJ.crl\;;:;Ih:i,p!-1_lit i s . : pO!'l!'l~h~clin chsJ:lige ~hedate and the 3-'L'lI1,D:l1Ithd~gi.b~~uty period; 'tll1U!'l'usdiscussed h.:]onw.

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENll GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 NlOJT l 1 - E IJ:M..E J 7


    T he tr :! l it 'u ~administered lilt : PmL! if ]c l! :r ~ cc e n te rs ( an d , a t f iD I !1 I1 .cl !1I1.cdl5.c: ; l~s ih oo l! 'i)_ O nc e ) / 'O ' I , ] ! rece ivethe sC: ] : li r :d :LU l : i:ngperm ir, you w ill n eed ro ,! 'id l i~ !d l! l'U r:8. date a n d, tu m c '~ 'o ',~ thPrnmetric. Sch.cdl l ! l l -ir llg c an b e don e via th E: :P ml!1 l1 .c l!ru C'~ ,.. .ebs i te (~pro.1l1!ett, I f,a . te .! 'it td ae e n ee ds I l.n b ec~uI1l1,ged, 'u tni i l ! . l ! ' l~ :be .mO!r .1C th m l! lg h, :P ro me ltr uc a nd lJ ,G t th e NE:Wm ..

    Y ou a re ' ,a Um ,'o 'r :d.:0 r eschedu le you.- tE!'l~da te \ 'i li i( i15n Y D U . - ! I : ' i1i r : -o: ;e1!1I1;[ I( l : I i l t ihd ug i, h ii L1 . type r iod , . .I kcm :d -,: in_gt o : pohc5es in dl iec i! : w] :J i r:n th : i3 : ,ar i l 'l ,1 ,ucr :was w.-: i : t l teu, '~r'you : t 'e! ' lch.~! ; [ I I !JIr :a t k a!'i~ ~ihl . ] ! ' lUnef 'Spr io r to 'Y O~ lJ :tes t. da te , ith r:n th ere 5~ no Ic e, O th En ,.,i~ , NB~1]:'ih m~ s a '~ l'I '! [ic hC 'c lu I5n g ru ' " ofabou t $51]_ See ~'RC::! ' ld~edl , ] ! '~uf i ig 'Tes t Dares" i ll th e '1lJS.~1:L[ 'b1! . i~UElt i ] : l il i .Th : f igure: Ol!.lt t he ' fr :e a r nou u t,at"call t he ' :NUM:E.

    Y on a re ' :n o~ a 'U Um !ie rn ,to take t h~ ! ' tc : Y o u il Eir lE : o f d li r: 3 -L 'ii1 i1 J (I 1I ~ hdugi ,hi iUi i ty period, H:mJi ."e, , ; , ' r : . - ,yo n c:.a nl 'equ iL"St in change : } '"OuU' ~ -T b 1io !D :the lig 1h il5 ty p er io d, O l! l C ~ Lm i(I,D t his i l\ 1: liD r :'Y{I!l,I!l" d5gi ib51~~yper iodbe_gi :n. ! ' ia nd u p ' to 25 d ,ay s a f tE r - you.- d ig iib i. lity p cr .u od ~ xp iJ :e .! ' l. T he IT iii , a S51] 'f f !e ' an d a f{l\rm: I l1i I !JS~:be ' fi lH r :d .DUlL The farm can be ,a i! l:c ;e~ d wh cm i you . ]i I l'~ n here _,IlfIiltt!p~~U~t:er!nan .nb!m.ii?~Il!l!rgli~~w2f[E!ir(j;llffifj!5,pt.l.ogfo!n~j!!ii'i: ;md , i s ; l '. \! :; L 'i i~a . h l . chy' didking the 1 .!-1~li !DJr,~]!IJrl i . '! r:

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 ABOJT T l - E U S W U !:s


    H'OW 8TEr-'l 'WORKsTh~ USMLE ~HRn. 8-HrioHr exam, Itis . ! ' rp~~ii~ill Ii l l le rjJI:u~m.",.ullig'mi1,aIli:I ll'!I":I ~ j. :I:b'!iUIlitl!Jtm~ual. 1 6 l t :n!1 i~i I l . l l i te'S]>EI" block, T~hE IT ' a TC '} hriX.k.'i. of Sill qU!r.~t. i , {)(I l ! '1 r. ; iU:: '~_ 00, '}11l1"l i 'f ; o , : t "~ ~ in ql,1!r.sti,{)(I:li~_45 mi1:i:l}mtnl hn'!ak ~:i: l : lrue'w:i:l!uch, he -d~Ht t '~ l l I IJ t i . ' ! .dbetween th~! hkiCk~_ " i {. iJ ; U !decidehjJIw ' l !1rmih ~mr: y 'O u w an t between .::ac'h, block, hut ' rol l l carmot exceed 45 Lrtrr iJ}IkiI:nL 1fbu maysbp the 15!Jl'O:[ual; :if y < Y l U do, Mhel l i th~s, nme :isaddem ! : 0 1 I il ll c b reak time, : ul ii c rea. ,; ,i ng the ' tntaltiene I i ' C i 60 mUIli_ We ~ugge~~ : f ' I l 'U ! f::t:llITi~lua't'~l".eYO'LI!rneJfwith th~ :ro.:r:mat D r ~hr. exam 1J;[!Jo.-e)"D'LI!I"E'CilLLrtl ldare, and , sk ip t he I iI Iltm :.i ,a 1.Ar~:e; l "'you finus'h a h~or . :k , yoU! mnst .press a bUltt-TIUltD start th e n exlt b lo ck , YOI!J an;': only allawed tontake breaks between blocks, you may noll: PiUISE n ihe l L i : I : b i i E J : {](IlCC- y n U ! srart a new blcck. Y.[1iU!arcre:~po~Jsih]er O I l " mon~~:oriingy'Oul.' m,\,11ihl.'1:ak.'i_ It , u ~ Dl1ity dUlr i: lJI_g bl.'1:a'k.'i, ~:hat yml ar e aUm,v1:Q. to getOUit. fi'{I(1N y!:lUl" ,sEal ! : and go mJt! ' l~c le '_WHNP'S ON THlE USMLE;'USM:U!:_org pl'Jllv:ide.~ content o~:I!t'~uriie~.f i n : t " ~,V'hHIt ~s,COIn':Tern em . Srep-l:h1ttrnn; ' I1t~. i I ! l ! ! imru e"ol 'gl !! i i t :E[El l l l~lJItro"brtm1L'!LT~e genr:I",~~'COrii~I:b~U~, ~fi' I I :hat thr:~.::C{l(Il~:e:I1i!t{tlJiltl~llesare rii,ot '~d]lful_ E,!;Il.'.:iD.t~e' USM.U~ onfflt:i,iI 1 : ; ,a gree ' - '< Th E! S to l;p 1 coarent ol!Jll li :r Iir. describes n ih e , sm p.:: o f ,t he CKilmUl1imt~onnin derail hut ~~,not: in l ienmed ,a.f i, a cUJrncul:1;I!1N d.e\ /donpmEi I l : t OJ.' ~t l l ld.y gl.!lirll'!_'" OUt" fcd:i:n_g is thilt a, g.o-OO way In stud,yis . : 0 U ~ o : ; ! l"Eviie'Wbooks tn ' umeT I I~ [ , y ''~ ,~b,atis impcrtanr, n.i ' : 'Jr i.c~,vhccks are mu ! ' lc u s sed :~a t 'r : r. .

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 t I8 0J T THEL t3YLl: I~_


    THE TEST' DAY J.'ISiELf:M:mt ,s~l.Iidl':nt~.aIT: very :=u1Ix-;. .ouso~ an d around dlll':~J:t':;fitdat.:;(ud. r~ghl! .ly ,so). l~:~~.:1! l ; "ooc l~:o hi. ':,a.~...are on f '!ii,rhill!:to expect OD" l .te~ t day and h.a:.....:::a .sl t l 'ateg' j l_ The :first f i~ :Cp i i i . ~:o.figurt: out ,~,...h~LIt'YOLl!will need to ~kc ~,....i f th } ' " C I 1 l a Ito the I i ( , ! ' S ' L

    C h; \Jifi~::* Or:a!r . lge t~r:kelt* :ForTbi i on f ":~D~l Ihont. f l , :ci~gn.aI! :L~re,~m t .-expired]* n.evll?w brmk....*Ll ; l !D" lch* CaiJ~:,i:[1I8.'1:r:d. k u r ! lk ( .u f n'C!l?dr:d.}* A s' ! , ' iC:=Ltcr~t'li.a gHKI id ea I!.nwe81r : n a. ~ ~ r. s ,: u l i : may be wanl l i1 .1 cold at Y(JUl' exam [ i , i ~ : e ): i\ 1: oo t I teS~~Jg s i re s a . s s : i gn . YDU a locker; where ' you ar e :=LH. f l ' ! , red.1 1 . ' 0 put you r fn-lJd and. p.r ,T,sorm~u~t; ' your locker an d access (hcm dur. i:ng breaks, Yr!~ , s ome . si tU r l C! r. l. tf ipu t t h e ir . : rev : ie~ ,. .. b ononb : i : r l l thc i rlockers and Uri!?' d1ieu i i d:1 , I ! t "UD" lgbreaks, K!r . IDW yo'lJ!r.;df and knDw wha t ~.. .o.-l~ best fOI" :f'CiU, hl,l!~:r emembe r yOUll" ~Xa:lNi f i . : ! i J hmL(":i. lml~!, and }''(Ju heve a t :iNmt 61l minuses of t l lJ! taJ b reak t im e ' torl'istrihlJ!li:e' o1S~'CiU chonse,

    1\~blkc: . ! 'l l ! .l l reyOIla [kT l IOW',~ ,...i 'r ie'l"J:!the ~:i' !! ' l~a !D" l t c r is o1D "ldo1J :r i ,, ' IJ; '011 lea s t hdf ru n hon m:.c a rTy: Th e bs4 :th i [11! : f O i L l l Wa: l :b ' ~ :t o ~ ;v on :y abou t r lID " lY ' f J ' 1 U ~!xam d.areus 1 ! . r :a~: f l t : ! :par l \ ; ; ing/bc i [1)! late, " i f ' i i r h r . n ) / ' l J ' L I larrive ,ill!:the- tr:~t center Yol!.I I Mil c i ' r i I?Ck- :U~lLAt t h e ceTb l i: t! :r th e l ,( ,! ' are ml!.llnUty lockers mm:ibIJk for: w i :L I diCnl ls to us e, StJL: li tkD" lt ! '1can :put If0 a d . 8.D" l . c l:r t: . . r i i l . . "!o' ib0 onbill th e 1'lJ;'_1 ' 1 : : ' 1 "use .QIm:. i .11Igt~ l iC i : ' ! .Kam, CRCi ' r iH~LI lde' l1 l l ti H . gU~T l i thre.:; d r y erase IID';U:d~~.~,...o markers, and : h cadphones to ~:I~ a f i c a l l: p'~I,]g Some CC[1 :tC I ."Smay [1 ;[ 1 i1 :aU ! }w yml t n I ;L Si. ':' : rn~n ' i J lWD" l .e.ilIl Il:;~l!.IIg~.

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    SOl1l l1e ! ' l Ii l l: l iCI r . r r I :L ' lcheck J.'C';~U r.whO Q]{ between sec tma[Js and :~onk U]1 ~. . ,hmti lh l f .y do ITtot : k n m o , , : , Olf-te n tUl!lI1e~,the .~a:Iliii.'!cpJ}r.Siti,{I;Tb01" cn:nci.'!pt l i i l1, i'I IY repeat, .! 'l0 ii~may hdp to n ti'IIlkr. a look. at some~h fur r l g 'you did. not J. ' i ( . ' :Jb1i~ !Tb1ibc t ' :But be c. .amious of hnw VOi la . ! 'lP ' ::T l lc l . ~'JlJUl" : ~ U r r i 1 : i . t r : d .break tUl!lI1e,dTiIf. la..'l~:t~inrgyou '~!i..a:I : l i1tto ,d a is s trp .s s,~ 'C iu t ' ~df : ' out, or s4:a:t '1t\ ;mrryul i ig ' abm.l l t qllJr .HtUDrr i f i , : ! f ' ( l~1 Ibliay ha-,\n! 'mU! ' l !' lr .d . .T~is , is a :~o l1ig ' ! . ':K i 'I Im; ' r o l l a diOTltt '11.'a:nitto gc:~:d:iscmuaged, c r to :~osr. :;~:i'I Imul1ia.. Know yOl la r se :~ f ,and00 w:i:llatr.vcl"wmi.."5 .: be st fo r Y {1 iL l!. You mmy be br..:lic.T ofi: u six lig exam time It ' !} snac k, to stretch, tot alk 0 !T i y o 'L I! t" c ell p:i:l!om!', 01.' if ytJ'LI! 'I,..,a:nit,to :~ODlI ;, t ~ i[ JgH . ~ J l) ..

    A passin g sco re uS 182 (75 Orr l , !I:~!"Oduzit fi ....a..h:)' l fm:step I. 'l[,hcrr: ifi, [1;0 ] l'ug:l:l!r :~t SCOIT', [RCllUi ' I IUY, Ibe :~ u r : ~ ' ~OO is the thoo:reti,c:a.l t'r:tp sco re - :~~KJIa'~thOl]g]:li L ! i J 1 , n s t ,!'lr:m:lf.3:fa ll ix:1i'! i if t!c l1 i :~4 [1 al1id, 2 60 ..T~e , i 'I I '.~'1':J. ', i 'I Igl. ':iii ,usuilIUy around 21 S -220 w id : 1 f a s tandard dL':viia~ono f a b .o 'u lt 2 0. . :Pm ra te s ( 200 4)were ~ I ! J / , , ( ; fOl"lv~n s t l l adcn~ 69% fOI"DO f i t l ladt. :T l I ts,and 67'% :far 1!T i~ :er . [1fatuo!T i .n '~~lill]dr.n'L"l. Thetable ~.Le: l . 'epro vidb m,f.I( t"e :ipecii~ir: I1iUINbeTs, (htiltp:IJ~:Il!!5jJI([\~.s/2;004perlJlitm1l'lL}.

    S C O I T . ' S a re gt:TtJr.r,,.Uy sent {)!~ult4- 6 weeks a:fl i 'el . 'th e exam , I l I l l ! L ' i ! 1 J . g t:hr=peak t m m i . ' :: s ( a . T o l ll ! 1 J d J ~ : I :I . 'I i i .' :: ) ,t~t" l'esllJh~take c loser to aJHt . l1 !1 t f . l M:cll; r i . I lk l1~ul i ig other i tUl im:: ! i : ,t~ l f . wait 'u s'1!lI1,{t:reI ~k If . ~ ''i iC r:ik s. ~ t:o stUS mcd scho-o]s r e c e i v e t h E : i r st l lJdcr l l l l : :s t scn : t ' ~s , b e f o r e t~ey a re L ! i J 1 . a . i l r : d . OiLl !~ HO', ' you : INa)!, be ab le to cal l )/'O'IU i i chool and f~l1 id . 0 1 1 1 1 : y 'C i~~ l "sccre b do J.'e 'U I!:iii ,mailed til)/'Ou.. Sor .hoo ]shave access to ~:h~:NI~~lE ' ' i iCh ,! 'lul ie, where new s cm :c !'l m e posred each lNr:d l l csday

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 A B C U T T H E U S Y L l: I II


    It realty dot:~riI.'~ matter how N~~M]:' SOO(rcfltht: ~:t:~It.However; ~1iII];[bJ:L"lofte~. w.afite vahsable nmmt:deb:atilJg thu~ li';I l]1'UCand '!. 'lml'.ryi:l: lig .aOOIJiIti~:_ So here are Oil..l!r2 thconr.i.e~ o~. this (bont.h pTnbably\'i,l'{I(ng and bon~]l1put~ally correct], :EIIiItplease drm'lt waste 'YOlll r time o~ !I:'hi:-l':a~y :fi;lirthcr:Tho:!Tp. m:p. o r, eTlt.aun,e:..~:p.(!rimi:'!n:tal CflI1!t!stin:nfi o~ th~ teHL Sonmi:'!!lecl:l!~r;.IJC~iil!' ~:he:l'e are acmuil: 51 )of !1:'hel:b1i,so there arc 300 "real" questions.: and }'"Our score i~j~~.st300 1 1 ! l 1 : i : r 1 I I I I fi, how :marn,y missed,50 'u!f'Y0l l l golt 70 W,t'{I(I:li,goul!: of those ~OO, thell 'your ~i:DIT.' is .ablllut a 230_ The :riJ:o~o:!cl:l!iiwiththi:i Itheory iH,iii:dae[i:n:~: dufliieIT.ntiate t & r i c : ' easy' l t I . : '~tH fl'O;Tbiit'he' hard Ill!st~_TIJu,: o~hr:r theo:ry is th alttht;: blocks ~LIT adaptive. In athcl" '~,VjJIrdfi,if 'you do ' ~ , \ : e : u t on (he' ti:r!'ilt block, ~hr.:n block 2 iii, harder;Th~!y get. p:l'&g:l'c..,,~ii\!Cly'h.:ardJ:'!Tor easier ,dlepe~di:l.lig .on 'YIllm:l,)i:'!rfor:lNia~ce' .on '~ht! pl'if'!;!ian~ block,Thi:i, Il ;xphruDiifi 'why sometimes ~~:lJ)dent:i \ 1 , ' 1 1 1 , 0 :fu;IJ!I~(I,the test l in be :ul1li1.Jl 'GI~siib~r::itiII, do :r:e:al~,y'~,...cU andothecr,!'i '\!;"hn thotlght '~ht! q:ll'f::!'1lti,O\n!'l'~,Vi'!re"l1Io[1!t< 1 3 : had" gi'!~ .a,Imlo"scerre,:Howr: .. .I'C:L'~NmvD~E.h~L~i:l:Iid~.:;.a1ted~hat Ilhey do IIiOIt c'LIin:ently 1lI~1l;'.ailapti i\!"t: tr.:chnolngy.: I II other1o'P\D(I.d!'1,101M!,mlllill'lt know hm\i 'ut is. fiC IIIrem, and ,thiLl!:sJho'l]'~cln,~1!:really '11li1:a1lA:'i:'!I;ju~t.rna roll!t" best.

    WA. t, - ' . . . . ,J., . ,;Iit"lrna:. illS a ~G\u; S,CO(f';e.",~,,,",,,.A goad scn:t"'c U!'1a relative cnT1lceplt. It J:'e',aUyrlepeclldlr;. on 1o'i:hat IT~irle.~cy pJ: 'Cigr , i ' I Im a 8tlLld,en~:is:i]:l!IteTl'!.s~:ccl'UDii,etc. HD'wr:~L'; the gtTIir.r.a1 .:::a:nSEDiiS~:lSis thaI!: a 230 is a crJ(rnpclti~:ir...r.::score '!far ma~!I:re~udle:lli:y programs_......;,.~,.1""""" t ~,ii'_ -, , , . : r . , , , , , .t....,.. ; I ' ,!l.i-~_I......l~ I' ~! .~ ~n!I:P .I:"-~ j[.gjIf )!01Ll p:a~~ a 5l tep exam, ~:hcn ' YO I l l may rriOtretake d:lic o:!X:aLr!.J"J_:~fyou !f:rL'U"~,' YO I L I aIT' :a'nU1o\iCmto.renake ~Ci :illlml.c:r than i S O . Q j a ' ] l ! i ' dter t'h", :r.t~led CK.i ' I Im_ ''.o-I,IiI1li1Hyr a k e the' ~'::iil~!dO\t"'UnCO:lNp']f:'ti'! SIll!1)I'mmare ~hall '~Jhl'P.~!'tUI1li1.c:~'~,...u~hu~ R 12;,-manth period, AlthilU-g1h there i:i, no US:NU~E l imult (Jillhm'ii 'm.a.~y times a ]1i:'!TW:n can ~:.aiki:'!a S~)(!p, lilhis docs V.ail,YMIt'h, each j'l1!l'i~d~ctuo~; somi:'! schoolsan d mn1ie' statp.~. h3l',1n,:']imu~ " " _ g : . , af~il::Tthree f ru i t ; , 'you are dU!'ll1li1jSS{."[t' 'ili:m can contact the 1'1SMUfl\l" lITiH](l'if::unfm'matuoDii a~"d.v i f i ' i t here: hrtiltp:tlW 'filtl'W ..U:5fl.'6..1ie..iiJ!~gi bllUetlnJ21 lJ1lJ5Jeliig:llbi~ i:ty.htm .

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 A B O U T T ' ! - E . . n .A L E 1 l 1 "


    l N h ~ T l I ' y o n a J:OCC~'I,r-e'Yol!lrgaTE, y m a also :get a performance p:rDfi~c \ V 1 i d : 1 l ~ ~ : . The performancep:mf i i~r : gnLphi,r-;aUy dU!'Iphy.!'I ']o'llUT relative st.J.'~'llgths and ~,..,eiklJ.e~!'1e!'1un.t h e "m:uollllfi. !l'Dpuc!'1Ite~~)!'!d0:11 tihe CKaXbIL V i J , ' I ] ~ , . . , m abo gEt a pr::rii:iJ:mallcE p,mf[l.e ' l, v h o : : ! C I : 1 I' y o u U~E n h c .!'1df-~~!'1L!iJ1.en~:services{~!~p]R'Uf~~d:natcr) and. yuu can us e t h ~ s . to glJ!idr: } ' m : l : t " ' ! ' l [u!i : l lyin_g. 'YCiU c a n Sl!E R : tamp! '?" p.r : : l i lorm~mr:r :pmfnh : by 'Vusi i l t inghere ht~;!ii~N!I!ll:jlD~l"'J1l8in.d\lne.!l;l

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'liE S T U D E N l l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    It . i i i , impor t8J l I Ii : t o fRLf! i 'l il~ar i r.~ :' ynllirse.lf w i:th w lH L t services NI~L\.;~:Ehas made availab le [flJ: ,SIill'ldf.':rri,t.~.These: resnurces are a rr i i [l, v, ;) lmLb k to o iU becaus .e th~!y gi,'!;,\l!~l!:udt:[I:t~a peek at 1I l i1l l~: Oldy what ~ype '.of '"1.'11,t '!f i tinTlI! 'lart'! a!'lk ed , b lL ll~a ho 'h flW th ey are ask ed " th e fo r:m al!: ofth .:;.e:: ..ii:n m . t he t:rp uc al tum ccon!'l~rai:I:1i~:i,1~a!J::o::d,m i l d ! o~hr.J . ' 81;1;h~:lcd~slti:[1Ii::~io:n!'1.T h cn :. : a re 'I ,I ar .i n ll !s a ss e. ssm cl lt 5J , ;l',Vi iL '~U ah leIb r ~~u-d e:n t~ . T he chmlt h elm! . . ' h a! 'l ~ h !u !'l, un f 'C ia nd , i s : in l lmJ i. l' ed 'bv dcm~~ t'! d i [l fi ll a lX l iL l! Iieach service.~ -

    Cn~SSI\,l~t'm 1cnSSI\, l~t'm 2

    The ' nmp 'U t '! R ! ' l! 'l !: !! 'l !'l l1 ll 1cn ll :h:;L!'l,only Ii} qJlLllp.s t~Dn.s ,'b l ll ~:i t dn c :s : i h rm! . . :f'Jl:iU th~! ' mFliwar .: ;' thi 'l iJ !:, the test' I ,l!tih;O!!.' :H.It als o h OI!!,II :h 0 : ; ' t ll l~ :o \l 'i al m t ha!1 t y ou call f:;:Lmj]iarir.o:: ')lnu...reUl: w~th it now and .s ll;ir it o n th o:;'real C X R L1JIlS3 ' . v i i ~ l ! , g yal ; l ! 15 lnn i !I J .l J !~~1 i .The' gm~"ih:assessmen t 'U !'1f r e e and 'y cJu can look, at ~ ha.t rig ht:1 1m ',!b y g nun g' h ec re ( lw t l lrp! i 'i l fe :K te :I 'nall ! l. J i l .bn lHE!"Ql"~ 'ns :a :s 'w ,eb l ! !i le :1 'Vle : it l : iL_ Jnain) all1id,click-i r l ! _ g ' ' ' , ! ' lalNpk assessmen t" from the l\C :fll:hand menui No answ ers are' p rovided for th e' ten qUC5-'tuons .

    Last } 'P .a r t he ' NEiJ\II:E fitmlted I L I I s , i ! l l ! , gH n ew mF t. '!N1 iI .I "I f.'p : m g r 1 i LT b 1 i tuded Fred, SOl!!"],!! of til],!! centersused :rred and Illth l':l'!'l used th e' o ld sof~w aJ:e. :Hm:"EVIi;cl; w e belie ....! f. ':~ ha t , !'l ta rt ung t ib : u! 'l'YE a r a l~ ,USiVKLE ' I t e : : ! ' l t ' i , will be administered 'u n , th e ' F re d fcu:mall:. The , ! ' lampk ' a f if i es s :l :t ! !l en t ~~ ,no t th t! :rREI~fm :mat, but utt~s,c lc se to how :rred '!iiml1h. :E'u~hi.'!J.'w ay it ~fi a _ g H H 1 iden '~:(l !!:l_'l;I!uriklyfami.liaril ' .e') / 'D 'urno :] f \ 'i i :i th th iH.

    1 : 5 4 , 2 '

    T he se ,t'l~ u! ~tu on s, a 1 "0 : ; ' a,viI :i ina!ble ': inr fret: . ~ 1 l 1 i . . 1 1 'c a~. he d m , ' ; I l I l i k m d ! e d here:ht~t :1t ' !N'L' ! i rW~i I! I5mi l l e~o:rgJOrlent :a i t ti l il l !\n. t2 ' !lJ! lJ6J2IJl06!11! lLelJl lJ! . ! l li i ii t ll l ,Thec t'e a xe :i L nf i~ !T ,! 'lI 'J l'O v :i d ec l fC ir ~~lis:assessment ,

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 t - I I V f R E L E A S E D nEMS, / ' 1 1 1 ,


    Th.:;se are the 1 1 1 i ~ U J - S t important , [ 1 ( [ :ilUUthe Ilih:umig!'1a"'3ii~ahl.c I t o :;t~ldt!:1.'II1!s.The CBSSA asseasrneutsarc' :mini US-M'LE !tc!'11i:fS(:and arc actual qlla~stuon~. frO\rbii p revious cxams)_ E~cti farm ~.m.s200ql,J!r:fiti,o(l:II!'1(4 b~O!::l\::!i:, [ 1 ( [ ~j.Oqllar:fi.t~OmiS.!?ar:h),whereas 'lil:u'! acltual . : ! ' X . 8 . I . ' b 1 i ih.aH.3S0 o::pJit!!'llti,nu!'l( I ' bUocll:3:.o f S O ql,J!i.'::;~i{l\llISl':ach)_ "ii'iJc~;..iiUUdU!'1Cl!lfi~.~:h~value of b~1iI.':.!'1!:'::lL!'1Sl'!SSm!':r.itsa!lJ;d how to l!lri!?th':;:1:b1idltera:pLt~!!Iing a.b5t more about these li'a.tfi_

    THrieTl': are duet:: Il"or:m:;.available, Farm 3 : u.s8,v,anlahUr.:fitarl:ing thr~s'year and. '!;'ioI! -do nDit.l\;:nm.\,.'Il1il!lch about ~ I tyelt. The :inll"m:LfT.i1.alti,o(llial:mult th~ i.' !.";:8.'[ 'b'!L~ h~i]lg ~od. predictors, etc, 5fi.bafiol;!d.0\11:fu..l'm 1 . and 2 - :Hopd:l.Jir~)I; ,!;'Ie ~;..ii(Ureceive f ( !c rn lmdk froL1TJ1.those of 'YOIll ~:hat l!I.tiil~xe lihis !test and wewill report that unf:D:rmatuon. !:o fl la~:IlaIT.test-takers,

    U p o n pll!r:c'ha~ung an a~!'l!'1LIlf].c:nl!:{ : S A { ~}, Y O ' L l !~!..[UUb e required ltD :OC::I.eCIi:whdhr:r to cnmplr.!:r. :ultill _"ltRndud ,[I(t" .!'1df:'

    Slt.andard L1TJ1,iHk- up tn 1 . hI: to complete (::ach block. ' D I l " 50 .quErtions5df-rmr:r:d. rneide - 'I)!p tG 4 JIIJ:S to r:omFi~r:te r:adh h ! o n o : : : : ! k iJlf 5 1 ] .qlllesturmsSo bas~cally ~U~ Hock will. close adh:r I houror 4 hDiIJirr;.dcpr:ndu~g' Omiwhiih optuon r "CiU choose.You may not ~~:l!Im to a. black OrriCCit doses a.nd answers are' NOT prmruukd for these qJlLlest~omis_TheTell"mc, ' !NIl: ' SI.. I ! .@g' f .S' t 'lihat } 'UlILI choose ~lr: .sdf:'pliLc!?d. made, Thi~. Mil nUDw a. b!oc.ik I i C i rcmaun,npe~. fio:r 'fmn: hours. IfY0I!I 'IN'iI.!!I11:to fi,imuiUartr: a rea] cxam, firilifih the bUor-k :ixil 1 hour and use'cLIlf],aill:i:l1I,g~ hours to rc'!; '~r:w those' ~]Oqm:sIt'Uom'_ Onc e agai:n, all.s~!v e]1i: to th~ aTC I'1I0t pm-....udled, .a~ld om:c the bUor-k closes yOIla CRnir.l,DtH!?!?those q.l!.I!?st~Oll'!ifiagaiir.l.. YOII] are :proviid!l.5d M~:h.a. :pr.Tform;m!CC profile thaI!: '!N:iJIinducatl': f ' D i l u r ' relative ~;..e~LIkrn.i.':!'l!'1l':fi.and. strl?:l1Igths on ~1.cvarioustopics; yml! call Ilarie'the' a.fifi!?fififfir:n.t to :iOCl!.Is.y "Ciur !'lI!Jl:l&yijlJg..

    THrie' aasessmeut also provides a. score. In the pcrl~rmmlicr: p,rnfl!lle is a. chart shoMiIlg whatthis. score '~volll lcl cnl'rda!te to on thol; !'.i lLctl!lal USMLE_ Thru!'l ~!'l!'lL1TJ1.c!lit in !lin w.a:y guU.alJ:I:E!eS ,,":hru:)IO'LI!~....ii~U~'t on tti!? real tesr, bl!l~: it i:;.a . ! '1u."Ci[ l_gpredictor, The iLixuraC)!' oil" lihi.': ri(!U:'mssr:fififfii.':mi.tin comparison to the .!'1CiJ1IT.'on lu'he il'SMI-E is a. hOit~y &.::bat~:d topic ill Internet f i r i l . ' lJ! l1 l11S_ Don>twaste birbiir: arguul!'!ig al:ml lat this typr: of . ! ' 1 l i : l . . I ! f l [ The r ;ad :U!'1'~l,at :l:b1ior-;t.!'1b~]dr:I!1I:L'l:fm~d t his tn be a. rela-t H ' L J ' ( ' ! l y gO-lld pmd'i,cltm' of the::ur actual scare, thus VOila ! '1hould I!lSr.~ :h!?~ to jud~ w:l:liE:rc )lOI!I Htalld_Nn .call :pmd~c~ :111m....nllsi lJicile'l lts wil l pe:rianr r r . 1 . {]ill lihr: acl!Jl].a1eX8.llii, hu.t m,osl: fitll'dleCilts. findlthru!'ltn be' a gooclum:lic.atn:r: Therefore : f "CiU shOl!Jlcl. use ~J.CSi.':~:e.sltsH~ various ltiXb1iIl;:Il&IJinn! }"Dil, l il - fitu!cly-irl!,g tn g'UIgt,! :l:IIOW'YOIil aIT. pil'{}'

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 tNI: R E L E A S E D nEMS, /'1&


    On,[;i'! '::mu purchase 8. _~i'!H.:'H!;s.(!~~L!,j~:,yOU] ha',\!i'! 3[1 doa,ys to comri~r.~)I! :~~, It you start ar,j assess-mcnt, yon have ' I D : ; j , compl.::tc i~:w,~bhi:11I2 1 ) dU:fi_ YiJu molY pa'LL~ '~hi.': a~~slfiller,jt and thcil1 :n, ':! 'il t iU:t. asIbli:3J1i'y!I:~mr:J.e:s:afi, you l i k e , YOll! , d o n not hin.'i. ': to ,ffiir,j~~hthe 8 .H~~:SS:I:b1 i~:~Il~in om::' ~,iu~n,g,I:"'I 't '; ]:' IT ,_ 'LiHtn,~,J', " ',I b: . ,', .._} II', '" '. . . " " r ; c ' ,~ , ,; j. ,' ;- '~ I , . I ., ~SSi.':iIl~a, ,l.IlfvO ,1!l!~)~r.'~/.~J1I. m.e .O :L 8'[E! i1:\ i l ; I igram!:>:l ' ! ! ; i ias~ !l!:55Bh!l!;,u,,8!5PTn purchase t ~ o : ; : ' afirir.'S:m1it;!;,,sltaJ.t.~e'l'l.': -hJIt~'.s~lf~tlf2'r!nal1.[];ihl!ifm'ljji!'.!iIl!'rgm5'8!~b"s;f!'rv].ertJ!m.e5'8!:_ im1l;B!lnYon will need Ito r::reaJte < I N ' o : : : w Ao::ol!Jnt" 0,ef~ hand mr:JcmJ)in an'1k~I."M:!p:I.I!n:~8.!-1l'!:;C::T\~Ces,

    These ~sL" l are thr: lJ;e,s~predictors t~:il.1i: are aMRilahk,_ ThEy al!'io _g:i:vl.':the s!l:ude~ll'~anot~e'l.' rlIp-]){J(t'liur,j.ity t-f} practice and are t H r i o : : : - mliTy actual res!!:qm::fitin:llf i 8.v.alhLh~t:_ Il l ' thus :~sr,jontcOr,j1~m:'~lIlig'C'l:liough, !'itl!JdeTlIb::s::report that .!'lOI!il1!1!of lilhr:!'ii'!!l':I.'LI!r.!'llti'(](I:li~!'l~OW up ''iI'f!l.'bat~mil al:1l~hi.': aCIiliJoll exam, ] : 1 1 1{}'t~el" '1Io'OI'ds, same of tllli.':~e'qUl'!r;~ialls an.': fiei.': p.[t;in~li aad that alone is a, good hC::CO:Il1Ir.'fa.mii~iial" ,~;.,~th[illest: questions,

    0,1:11" .!mgge..~~':m. :is that y a L l ! ~~auJd tljl' !I:-f}take . a ~ .mml{~{ af dlli.':~e'afir;eHr;mi.' po,s.~~bk_ How-cvel', we strongly l'l.':comL1!l1,end.j:~:;rli: Y'Il ' IJ! do at :~l' !a~tonne , One .!'llT8.ti.':g'ffis to ltal\;,cone cally I D : ; j iL!'lSt::i!11;\ie.aikm;:~, T~o::n use t~i~ 1: 0 _gL1lidr:f'llJUl" .s ltu dy ln g , T ak e oniDeab[mb: I. ,~iwee:ks before the actua]e.'i:UI! see w:l:l I i. '!J.'e yoU) stand_ If:' :r'llJu. are :1: l i0~at YUUI' goal., ) I , j ] ! 1 ; I ! ma,jl w.ant in jll!dgp. '~f 'Yonu{":.anle'arilli what YIlIU IIliCCd! ! i ; { I ; by' ~)I!~1 i :dol,r- If ynu re!l:[LI!i:rl.':mon;'II:~I!!I1c, it 1!!I1a',ybe ~:ar;llJl]olbk to :posllpone t~ r . 'exam. H,:t::ilHist~cn'H'y.fip~:'a.k~riig; if Y O L l ! ~t a . 2 0 0 . 0 : 1 : 1 1 (hi.': :nS!'it:~r;meriit am) f'llJUl" _g.o,a!:Us241], ~hi.':nit :~!'l~igMy 'l.l!nlike:~y t~:nt ymJ . ",,,ill h~~:24[1 on the Stt:p' I a. ' ! N ' e , , ! 1 \ ; , later; If'you are p].alJ]:1r~lIlig'on tale-:iJl_galt three- farms, bJh.entake one :U r i t h e muddle- at YOUI' r;~:lLIdly:in,gton a~SESS' y o n m " l ' ' . i r n i 1 ! p . - , : ; s s . . YOI!Jp:robahi~y ge~: the idea that you emll spread ~l~~malt any '~,...ay 'Yonuli.b!, hUll: ,Q'L1ll".~ugge!'llti,-f}:rli~~Ijhol~:YO' l l ! till\(! allie' close ton exam d,aJtc to gl.':t ,an idea of where YOILIO:;XiLr::~ty,StiLriid.and r lb,; l t way 'you canre ..ddiiDIi! your gonal!' i :~f lIli,ece..~!'1ar'jl_

    I'e.-Tbli 3 ~~.lJ,e~~l~taJ:t~~Jgilh~!'i ye'al' Sf} ''iC canaor evaluate (hat ~~ at yl.':!t, OUI' ~mde:rsl:amld:in_g :is t~8.1ts 1 : I!J d.e:nlt!i:: I l l ave Ed II : tholt : iD:nNi 2 . ~ ! -1 . ~ ~ arde 1 ', 1m~ :: iNime f0 I " g ' i i . . .~ n,g on!IJ.'llibc .SC01-':;' fal.- '~I:mt IT. ' ,a."l0 riI , 1 "0I':m :~is r;lig~tTy .::'a~~t:l'than :OC!;l ']Ni2, hUll: _g:nLdr.:[1,mLl!c~. harder;

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    THriir;,n U o ; ! . I T : 5 ;stud cl1Its ~ VU! ' lU I ia c e n te r and practice tak u~g ' ~h r: US.~]:U!. There i s a 642 'rr:c:'f { l ( r 'this_ It h~L!'l~ih:n.~t;! '!-hG' l; I !r b lonclk! 'l or 5C i 'q,ua~mionr.l:seach, The se ar e th e 1SiD ":1.'1;I!l"!sti,o,:ll!'l~ha t 'Y0llflC,'II!11.dml-irrilooo and p Tac t~ ce :iitr free. The f r : . : ; is : i D : r ' ':ron ~:Dgo throug]lI ~heL'lI1I0t~D~S {If ! :aJ : :~ !1I~raUSlvKLE_ v;,;r~,dD ~ ,\ r C CD lI TI 1u lI t: [J d~h8JI:r : . . . -e: rymJi l . : :, dD ~ h fU ! '1a s it does ta ke m Dr~ t:y and t irn e, H :o wC '! ; , 'e r,fo r ~hi::t!'lr;: ,!'l~:IJ}d!e!IJ.t:;, who are c :x treJ Nd y U llx in u! 'l al:m 1J!1 it~ e' tesr, , ! ' l r :ef ingth~' proCi::fiS, m ay alleviate: oomr: a~xur :t y . Sorne H~1l!dr.[ l~r; , may fe el : mm -.: :' cml l i1 f :D: r~;a 'b I t ' :gD~~g ' '~hmllflgh . :IlL': mDlj:i,O:I:1i!'lDITter.' br:ronretak u~ g lih i:"!n r : : I tLha lexa ra ; ~ :'h e s- e s tu d r. :~ t! 'l 'L1li1.a'y fmld thus a .....aluable serv i ce ,

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    i fHE l l lJ IM\ " ' liE S T U D E N l l GU DE TO U SIAE S iltP 1 HaNTO P R E ~ R E !17


    So 'VClIILI :iLIT.:reM",!" to attm:.l\;: stl!ld,'I,I'un"" 'This Ht!st is,unlike an,'L

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    Mt ' ITk rMS.Q1S/St : t rc / l . i~s r t f &l l fNJ l~f .Tmdling - S ~ h - l H J o ] s t ': ; il .c h , i n d U . f i " i ! : . - e " l . ' tmaJ1Dl l I?T. ! ' l .Sonml ' ! a r e S~Jbj l ' !c l I :- ,based, ' 1 1 1 0 1ho : ; : t "casiJ . thCl :" f i .are f i .ySM:Tb i i - bas i . ' :(L I t mit.y h i .' : ~ h a t f "O u r l "' j: iL r ti iC l J. "~ a l ":UDl l~ t u l l ) n t~ rm,W , i i l I i , f i l t l "ODl l ;g '' ~Dl I0:1:1I t :s l ! .d>: jec l l :and weaker il l anothe); T h er ef m :e ', i~ :'~ I im l !. a'h :lbe w~s t : tu ~ t:D lId le ss ! l im t: on ,t h e s t J. "l :J n gSI I1bj t :o : : : tand . do :: d~ c a t t: appmp : r i a to : ;: t iim . c t on (h~ : '! .' ll e a i k r. :. -area, :ro.r example the : I? : a th r : ;r ogy Do : : ~ pa r ~ -'ment a t o n u r ,s c h on o nld id . an e:xCCl lCI l i~ job t e ,a ! ch ing ailJd ~1 lJ ! ! 'l' ~ I . 'r :dL " , 'oocd SDLI l f ]C1. 't r : luL t~ l " :~ : ; ,~ :ULl l i ' lO: ; : 'to n: ~~ h o ~ on g y CV i" !! I1 .th on ug ih it is p roh a!b ly th e h lrgo ::g t top iic O Dllth o:; :e:x~LLI l f ]. . Y o n u , . . .. .ill :ha' l .

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    A d!::It.a~Ir:d,sd:1i!::d,1Il1cIl"jJll'"some is an ab~o:~l!Jte mmst, :Fb:r 'o~h!::rs it ~~'n'lt ll It:cess~ry: 1rh~s, wil l dependon ,t':aih :ulTid:i.,,~d~].aI,hut 'you :iiho'I.Ji~dha,w. ~Lplan, So the questumTi really becomes how to .QI~s:igr.1.YOUI'" schedule a.nd YOUl" stl!Jd.y,ung.. The fiu:~:is thill!: the'!."!'! ~fi~Llut. of materia], b~JiI:not ev!,!J:)'thrurng'i~eqlLl:i't'Hy:uL'!I1,portal1rt. : K t : t ' : p th e fflUm;v ~ng thur:lg!'l :Umimrurnd w:i:lIr:n dt':fi,jgn~iJ]g ylllHl" ,sch~:du'rt'::* Con,centratt' : more au 'h~gh,-yicld m,~l!:ct"~al low y.udd m2UI:r:J.",ial ~~:ediCJiI fii l:udeTIlIiI;,by naturewant Ito learn a :~ol!:and it ~H not '~'~'(lIn:~,spending too much ,oil" -w'ruabllc '~mr:: on the :row yield rna-terial, V\fol;'dU!-lr:Ufifi,high y~dd \!, ! 'l_ 1 \ o . W y~dd. lNate,rual ~n the r : I . ~ : X ~ :ser:Ii.iO:ll undel'" each ~lJibjec'L* Dir.:ID::Tmrum:'ymu fi~:IT.1:1igt~r;,and, weaknesses, YIllHl" ,sch~:du'rt': fi~mLJiltl dedicate m,{I\l."'J::tiniiol;' to '~,\'orton '~,...! '!ak a rc a s,* Dr.:cude, if Y O - I J ! llike to .do q:I,L'E~liif}TlI!-lr . . . . . - c I , y d , ; I ' . f _ SOTbliol;'r;tudt!nl!3:: pri:!fier !In do a certain number. I fql.J!r::riti,OiIl!-l:U!Ti,th,e :iliianTI.i!Dg, certain nUmhEl"' at n:ipt, and, material :un,the' middle of the day ATI!-othet"' ,~I!:rati.'!gy ~s,1 1 : 0 ,sIDudy f ,D : r . .. .-~idaY,!-l and da o!:l.'lJ!l:!!'lli:imll!-lfol '" a,day 0 1 : twa_ T':I."I!us'~,\'orl\::5:: i D : I . " ' peopl\ewho ~8.tol;'~""itc~~n,g gearu, ~:'~rl!u,!h'ml!l!:tho:;'day and wm:l~dl"at~eT concentrate on loUt':th~ing at ~LtUllTI1e.: H m ! i t r . : " " I l . : T ~ e::u~hr.rway ym.ll ,!'lhould conceutrate more on ]li ialit:T~al earlier 0!Ti,~n yDllDr s'tudyuriI!!rand more ol~, qU'E!-llti ,{ I( ll !- l1~te:1'"~n your "tIlDQyung:.'W'e' , ...., 1 1 . dU!::UHS,more about 'i1~H':'St~ons\'iI:l:Ii!::n...vedixUl!'i~ Kaplan Q-banik.* DiI!liet"mune' hm,~l'many ,day;, :iLwi.'!t:1k'you Mil be' stl!Jldyung:. ,i\[: 'c you ~:ht! type I f ]l'i.'!J."so\ll'\,~lho...rnrk.s 7 ,da':fi!' ,Arc yOI!J t h e type of 11t':J:sOi1lwho .... , . . , r m l l d I1'LIi~H!1'"work hal'"der fCiJ:, daY,!-land, ukc 1d~.y ail? ,f\I!-lD determine the h,Q'IUfi,'yf}U '~;vii~Ustud.y and! :;t~d\;' to ~ho!-li.'!hOUl"Ii_ It is furnll;'to attend so-ci~1gath,~:t"urng!-l, l:m~ Yf}U ,~hm:lkl, tr.1I fr.iends and f3]l ii~ly! : you wiiUU'be' h'U.~y dnn:ung' ~hus ~mi.': ar:l,d,) / 'D ' I J ! shau.ld, 1:i:llii~tY D U . - s e : U r . h is e.afiY 'to be ~n~d, and g r : . : d~!'lltracto::d hlJ!lt !:.-y 'till rita}' Il"ocmr.d d!ur.i:ng'th~!i, ~lIl1ipOJ.t8.UiIttume.* Con:l:unllm~ly re-evaluate '~iVh':;:TC:'yon f ital1id and. modify '~Ut"' , !' lc'hedl.l i'~i.':and material yml need tostudy 8 , P J I I I " l J l P r.ia.teUy..* :L.~a'I,iCf.l\l:Iiol;'weel\;' ali: tht:, end to O review all ll1iate:r:,ual_

    Ano~hr:1'" qUr::iti,OiIl ~hat ,!'1ItUt:Ir:~J:L'l -oftr:n, "''iiO:t"1}' abou r is hml i . " 'Ito apP'l,fr.i!lch stu;[~rul1l~ Should they doa,,~llIbjC:i:1tbased app.-ona{:h 01'"a, s,yst~ms-bas.edl appraar:h? ]it ,dol:ie[i!D.'~:really llTI1atteT;YOIll ,sho~]Jd _ g i l lw1:l:h whart wooo fOit"''YO~'I_M:.ost ,!-lltludi.'!iIJ:t~,fiiIJrl '~1L'!!-lystL'!m b ased approac h "''iiO\l."kHIK~t. fCir thCL'!I1"whr:IT.',~~ othr.r,!-l :fr :d thaI!: subject based U!'leasier :inr them, YDUI'" preference nury depend Omi,t~~:,way )IOU '~,\' talLlg]lIl1:dl!lr.i:ng the' :fu~t twa y-e'ar,!j oil" Ibiieducal schm:':U_ Or 'YO~:I,may decide to do acf.tTb1ihi:l:b8Jtuonof bOil:~_ : r : e : r h ~ p [ i . ,:Phys:i.f .t ]fl~"Yand P~Lnh{tl{tID' (and m.a.ybc even, :Phal'"macalo,gy) can,be !'lltut:l/u~d,to,gc:~liI.!:1'"~n an l\t"gan : tystcmr.l :s approach, TO:p~CH's~]dll < 1 3 : bL'!ha,viim:al science, LI!I1:i,cro'buoI-{}'~ biochemistry etc, can be s"tudi,ed, as ,!':uhjecl:s_

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    Sltudl'!!IJ:L"1oftt!~, arpe' about l1!i]iI.'.:l'li':I,I(ru;mturm,",!'i,.comp:rehil.'.:n~,io!ll I f rnaterial, T l l r i t ! , fact :U!'i,th::vl:'YOIllneed tn ,do roth, If YOIll don'~: 'IJ!~dil.'.:r.i~;allJda topic, d!i'::'11'mr:lcmif](ruzurilg '~!ilOI:i'1the mrmih hdp aH,~"CiU\ . . . . . :Kl :1t~: bi.'! nh~i'! to :r!,'!a~or~thITi~]g'h, a 'qU!E~ij]O!ll, AI!: th.:;, :mli1i1~:i]:b1ii:'!,:uf ' you n:~aml:li I lhrDugh a qllles'tuorri,hlJit.~mJ. do r!iO~: have ,tht' ! name ,of til1.i:'!l'!117,;ymt::mEl1iI1ill;T,U;-:l'!d,it'~,'o'Oukl,he detrimental. So ~"Cin havetn do ooth_ The!l:efDIT.', read bnnlc..., tD help, YOIll understand material (tht: paJihoph,ysinlogy andre3Sl(nurilg' 'be]:1luruddisease Firnc::e~!'i), A150 Y0l!ll sihiJ!Lllld memorize mareria] that is :i:mpi(J(rllarilL F:i:r,!'i~:Aid usa great resource Ito use Ito di:' !lte:rnii~!lJ.e'~!..~.mltHh;(]iLli~clhe memorised, There are lists 'khat }'"CiUcan Ib1ieclNor:iz,cto consolidate ,unfKrmaluDrri, dti:'!r ' Y ' fl " U ! ha\,\l! gn:lli: '! d:lIl,mJgih a.nd 'umdcfli~:,omil a gm'I,:ICrrito:pic So -do , ! ' IF.!CTl id t ime' \~i:th this book and :I:b1il '!mDnZt;'this il1!fDrmanaon ali,well as understand it-

    'Q-harilik is a 'nll!ry pop'IJ!laJ." qUl'!H4:UOmi,damhRSl'! ~ a J :the 'LS:~1:LE oSrep 1_ DIlI '~,'I.'inu~Jdolllh!tl'!dlybecome fmill1:i]i~Lrwi:th the' 10gu.~li. ics{If the' lllrogram on 'your OWIl_ We wun CKnCeTII~J:ateDD1I,th~!' dif-: re :r .: :n lI W3 ,YS )11!lJ!can u~:iJ:i7JCtill:is :I:i,'!sourct'!,

    SDI1iil !'lli.luiCli:'!rri:L'luse q-h,a~Jk arrid. ge!IJ.e:mlte'te~t!'l based O!IJ,spt:c~fic subje.::t!'l (for eXR'I:b1iplc, rough!!:afterthey hR'n1l!,!'l~:l,ld~t'!d.a particular [i~:lbjer.:It}. 1rhi~, hd)lI!'l "lin rr:unfio:rcl'! '~he tOl)~C_ O~hl'!r.s fed that 'you~l.OIll'h:9 geD1lcratt: calJl1ipktdy random b~Dr.:~ to giw :f"Ciu' a, better idea af your acItLhall lcrkil: l1iI1am:t: ,SUrrice studCr!iil:s lea ....n :in diK!.'!J."c:1:Ii1tw,ays, we recommend, dai:l.l I_gw:hat '~.. .ml.'i bi:'!~k.for :f"

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    ifHE lllJIM \" 'liE STU DENll GU DE TO U SIAE SiltP 1 I - + : Y N TO PREFt i.RE I 21


    THr ieTr : :arc severn] p ' rn h~o : :m ! 'l ' w i~J : 1 !q-hank. .oil;::: ir ;, t h at c ~ ~ r ~ :; l. 'u n ,O;: I . l : I i i ; : :~~: i , { I (11Sare 'IiCTY I IU I t -p : ii k, I lI ll l[ l, '1 t\\i,[l.:t'ry a,bol ! ] l t it. LS;~lLE. is 'U ! ' l l !Ja l1 .ynoni l :~hru. ! ' lr , i i~:- 'p: i ik So learn fmL!TJ l ,t h e q l! ]eS 'i :U i : lI n fi ,: ;Lr , id,:rbiim"?'IlllLD { I \ l 1 t ~ : ' ~ , \ 'astei l :U I ! lI 1 C - c ld }, ~ J ti :n , g a n d ' ~ ,v o n :y .i ll [J a h on u t }'"OI!JJ: pr : : r, i it ; r nuLT l l c " , { l (1 l Iq-bank, ' Q ; h~ l JJ : :, , s honu l d be' 1~ ' iC:dIfor practice, it i f i , [I;Dt th r : : 'llSM:L'[.Yon n ~holl!.~d g {l ; b a c k , and . r r : :v i io: :w '~ f iJe' i : '1u o: : 'St ionm ;;YOll!g at '~ ;. 'm [lg . A gonl l ld goal to n hin:r: if l, 1 1 : 0 p~ tth r ,Qug ih aU of Q -bm lik an d go ' i l: h l"C iUg i h t h c q l !] e 'S t uom. ; mU ! 'l !' lr . d .a . _~t::cO\nd I t i :me_S om c s liI I: ld r. r, i: L'lsave 'Q ;h a nk u n ti l the very end, T he y rkd uc ru :r . th r. h L~ 1ttw o '~ ,v r ::r : :k ! 'lD f ' ~ J cu r I I :UL !TJ l . ': :: :jU3 : t dn.i:ng ql1 ' r . : ; ( ioT1l ! '1all my l { l ( I: II_g . '' 'Vr:: f iei . ' : : '~th a t ~ l: is is : Il ol t a , g rm d l ,s lt ra tr :: gy _ 'This done~ ,giivt~)!iJ!1.J!practice in c lon i [ l~g' ;1 . 'LI !EslLin :nsmu l l probably does build stamina fo .. th r. tr : :s L However; ~Jj:s aUm,~ ' , ! ' 1no ~mt:: it 'D !Ill hac i k an d r :on! lT. l ip r . l l$ .~. ) I !' fo . . a r ri Y wea km !~e : !'l an d does n . n lt a Um , v ~ h i .': :m r . lt h od. n !D gy ofa r i i~we r u ! ! i g ' lI : li ! .' :: fi e 't .ype: olf i : '1 .~: lest iom:;to s U r,ik :U !! i_ Ab o ~ :'h i: i 'can gr::~:....r : :r y IH t :r ~ r r ig and aiJ,.:ct. ~ "C iU l ~d:' ,f l c ien! l :~

    I ..afitJy,; s tu dc nts { l(f lte n W . : 1 [ 1 ' & " how ' ~ Jeur p c : :r iOT ! l T .l !a l J ,c r : :a n q -,h ~ [lk o r.:m.r e la te s \'.ith USM~U~_Th i ll ~ : I .g i ht h . e :r I ': : i fl, !no(} r r : :a l C\/ i & 1 :11r :e .a l ; Ia i l ahk - .oTIi ' t f i J : i : : s , alJ i I5Cti l 0 ta l ev,ud i ' : :[I,c r: : UI' !i d ie r u I : ' i ' : : ~ ~ h ar 'UIf 'Y O I!] a rege: t ta l J~ggIT . ,~ te . . ~ :ha r , i ," l O ! J Y " , { o :n r n f ~dn ;1N g1 : :r r i. e ra t r :: d t i .' :: fi ~ : ),yo u are r :rn ba b ly :roo l\; ]n g in the 2 3 : (H range.. Greater th an '] ~-.:fj[l%c o r r ec t is ]J lmha 'b~y c loser ltD t~~:2 ' ~ i { l iIbiiarlL :~t-ost : - ; . tudlei l : r tH,f in d ,th atw h r: :n . t h. ey ,S ~ :i'L n :~1C)1' te nd , to gc :~ a rn ~m dl SO;% .of t h e q l! ll es t ~ i: lIm ; ,c o r re c t an d \1Ti : th ,st i l l d.y : i : l lg improve~:r : : i1 .di i l~_

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1

    ' N ! . ' : ar e hsl t i : l1 Ig~, ' I :J ' . i I I~ to p rea au rc es [o r e a c h mp:i iC. 0 ' 1 ; 1 1 ' " ' ! i iR!hs~~i r . ,hJlttffi! idr~~g'iII!: ttIn.edll!! i. ' i : ; I!O:k~ii!:o!l!1n JULS:n: :v i ie ' !N. ! ' iaV .i II l! a h le fo r mo!' i~ of these books and f o r manyoth.:;y bcoks. Alm the , . . .-cb:-;,iteha! '1 1 1 1 i 1 . i 1 1 ! r . 1 y ;(}"ther r es o ur ce s lis ted th aI! : c an hdp f"OU p IT .]u J:e . 'N t:urge 'YOILIt o v ir ;,i ~:an d : ~DDI : \ ; .t hCTC I!.nsee '~!..~.m~else us av , iI " u~ah] c : , here ,'tie ~!..u ~ ~l : iIb"iii~:ourselves to : i :nl):r f r- 'dl; l ! i : : :u~!o~].y several top J : " I l :S O ' lJ ! n : : e f i _ :K.ap.]nlTi,ref ' : ; l :_"l m Kap l an ].er:li.lluI!bi lJalks . :n r e s o u r c e s are l iH tec lOTl I!. ' : after another {,~i ,thf}l I i l : , iIlulNhern), it means th. i l l l !:we feel the1 l1 i to hi ' ! equally , i . ' : f fJier: l !: i :. . . .e. If I l l h e . - eis a number :U I1 I ,f rD !T i t of the resource, ' u ~ imphi ' ! [ i , !I:~Rt i l l : : i s better than the resource '~!.ith t h i'! h .i g1 h c .. .Il ilJ! . . . {~io:t"! . ': x ,< lImp l t : , I l I nd i' ! J " :1 l t: ~JJ "n i l i n il l J in :mywe f i ' !d ~:~Rt :Lp] . i I I1Ti is better than t~I?' l - l igh,-" ' i l : idldNeuroanatomy).


    l. Kapbll, 2 ' . HY nA! : l !Jml iL~m~:om' t l 'HY Grns.s AITi:atCim~!; R a a r n M'apGm! '1S A. !Ti . i l l . l ! .nn1 l ' i l'Nastl?' af t ~ l 11 i 1 i1 ! - '%.'I: recommend VL~J " yhT~d'ql i l~r :1k: re\ f . i c~,, , ' :Do : I :1 iD~wa f it i' ! l ti ]l 1i i? 'r e oo~ ! T ig ' ab e m ' l : \ ; . on th is top ic .

    I . Kapbll, 2 ' . L~pp in ,cD i i t ': i :m~ntJ: " . i I IJ tcdEi ionchcl l l l1 : is t . ryI . :m lS :P :a tl:liD :~DP', 2 ' . GD:~. i I IJ l ' ,S ' 1 1 1 i 1 . i 1 1 ~ r i a Kr. : 1 ' : 1 \ ,, 2 ' . Kap:~8:11~ . L~pp i J J ,cD I i t' :; :m~]S"trated P'ha r : l l i i a i : : :D :~DD 'I . nns l ~ ~ y s i , I \ l ! l J g y, 2 ' . Cos~;< l i nz l , " : ;: P ~ . ' i l S i , o ] ! l J g ' l , \ '~Ka] : : i lm l lI. Clul1 i : iJC. l l I),.,1:i.:;mbinlD"g)",~HtS.

    , 2 ' . :FA:;;].Mierocards

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    ANktTOMThO:;T-l'.:are severa] sec tio ns IlJn dc l" th i~, h cad un g: :Neilil~an:ajlDilli'Jn~ : iE1l ' l Ib~yo1, ' i I I !g,~G~iII!:!ii$AnajlDiIl!'~ M~c ['o:an8!!1DiII!!J!1l'1i.y!Hi5toJ!iI l!gy;.

    & it.b -, T ~~ c:: 'hC !'l1 i:DOD!: \ ; :fo l' b il1 !1 !I topic :u~11rn !y th e K uplm :li '11I.,h itc h ook _ ,t\,b !'l~ stlL ld erlits U !'lC BYNeUm 8:llatm 1ll1 .y ; h ut til1 U!,]beck ha s ,S i: !IL1l I1Ct'r.l"{I(I.":i,HO 'yon have to be a , h it o :::n IT f: ui~ ., j; ~ W J H J 7 J ! y ll.'r Je a - Y{I! l1 !, !'1 h ,mJl d : k now the l :U 'l iLUm;t i: '! L! l1 lulLldC::ci ,, 00n ,dC r .J In ia l Nc: :c n .I '( '! ~,dnW.ll cold, : ~ : I lbilJ!I!recent '~'I?'.alJ:S, USM:U~ h.aH,also tested c ' - r " ' , ! ' ] o r brain and 'b rn un a rtc J.jt n ng uo graI b1 i~ _ Yo'!] shouldlook ru: bi lU!,!' lt :h r. ur .f iy a nd 'b~ !'C- f] (I :b1 ii f, !':famu~ua't"''~,~~uthbilU'::L1lI1,.Alm study ~hr. Oi:rdr: of W u"H u!'land ,~~3]as -SIllc:i.aJtecl areeries c.arciidly_ ViJ;1,I!,should. aho !knmv',spin-OIl tracn:i, and, 11lrllw :~i :!!'1 uon ~to certain areas o rtho:;' ~]}'u~e lead to , spec if l'C ,dur ri io : ::n Ipn :~ntal i, { I( I l! 'l_

    &itb -, E Ul"St a id is g.o.od fo r e : 1 : b 1 i b : r y o l o g y _ I-If c L ! ! I 1 h : r y d o g y is '~TIIJ(rlLha read, 'Vile , ' , ; . c H l l l ! IT.cnU1i-mend ,!'il\;]r'Pu~g' obscure ch.a:p~t:1"S ill BY el1!l1,bl]"Olog~, j ; ~ ~ q H , e J 7 J t y n :rit? d - :I!k8:l1ichi:n'~ arch ,do?:I:Uo..'Rnavc..'l,ddli: lip an d ,d t:ft. p dO ltc , an d r:o ng 1':n ital.ab JlIo r:l} iia '~ ~-ties (L1lI1!1!ckch,di....erticahim, h yp Dsp ad uas, c ::pu!'1p ad i:as, etc ) are tDp5o:::~,t'hnt aIT usually teseed,

    l7 ,d d - GrilJ;SSA:rmtmny :~sanother ~D pic that is lo w' yic1t1, even thDuglllthr:re is s uc h ami o ?:l :b 1ip ll la si s0(1l this in medical school..,li9L'th-, lvl:mt. Si tUJqr.ntr-; ,usc :HY g'l":f.tSS al!l.aliu:my_ L'SM:U:' n , f r . a i l , Map Gross an a1to l1 !l1Y i !'1abo 'VCl}'g o D d ! and hes c l:i :l.1 i~ ca lC flT rdO lti ,GTl !! '1 th at m e '~ "'D rt h, r {~ di:l :l Ig . I n, ~ :h e' end thO~Jgih, g r { J ( ' S amialin:my iH , alonw-y:idld Ii.TIP:i,cand 'y o n s hmal dl ~~:l J!d y t h is to pi c hilt do noli : d,ecl~CRto::: 't on L1 lI 1~ :l ih~ il li ir : j: o b il 1i s., j; ~ W J H J 7 J ! y l l. 'r Jed ' - Con co ?n itr ru :r :d , h ,( !a 'i,li i~ y o n t he :I 1I i: '! D:CS ,i :' !: ir ecua l~y t he 'b r. ai h: i. a:~ p~O:: :X I l JH 'Rnd , a J: I1 !I 1,IIlj IIIr:liCS.

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'liE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    ,& L lb _ , T H lt o l: !T I! :u~a hu~O:rb 'm.i.cro,analTI\IlfiiY in F:i:n;~:Aid and d:ULt sihould , ~ l L a f [ i i C C . If ' Y O I L I rc.aUy w,ant to~:ii~~st~],Dy''micmanat(lll!iil:f, Y O ' L l ! can gla.iJlJL art l : ' : ~ Y :hu~ltolag:f., r l W j H . - S J r J ! J u :r J tH i - S t~ ], {~1' t il r: o :.: p'~ thdua l cd l j' l; Ii fo ic t~O~B C R I T . f u i H y ( Z i : t : l 1 I a ~dude~llIs, adherens, _g.apj T J Il l C ! l: i; [} ,T 1 1s, r:oc.}(~fJ[;rL,& '~10'LECIJJ:...m'BIOLa GYl7 .d d - THrii~ depends O fo iw hiih 'W : T,!'1~O n.o f te~~: )!DILa receive. StudCfoit~ I1':]>O\r~tHri,al!:tHri(',:yr:util!:'!r see'.-!Cry' fe\\-iq~]ef i t .u rm! ' i ' an this; OT' see lab of them, T h iif i, ii i a ltapic liib,at t h e GS:M:U:' has starlted rotr:~t :Il1iCiJ:C '~foirecesrt 'yea.-s. : lE . i th . e . . ' !N ' i I . y ~i I : is _ g o - l H l 00 p:n '"!pnIT. ' :inT ~:hu~_~ect~oIL

    T~e: r! ." ! a r e v ar io u s ~i:lpicsunde ..dllus 'h e.ailillg - huo~~n~ : ; t u c s , ethi:.s, psychiatry" ,d( ' ,:ve:~o:rW !rtentai]JIS)'C Hria logy, r:tc,

    ~ f F .- s J d - : i ! l eHr imr .uo r .a1s ci en c e i r; ,m ed i~ ]X b " !iyiel\d_ N o~ .a. f ih:i~h-'lC:~d:a s :~"atholD'ID'fOI" ' : ; X a L 1 i J 1 p ] . e , buthughr:r y~r : ld I ti'riafoi. ~ : O ] > U C ! - l such . as ,Grm3: Anatomy:B lJ itb _ ,EUl"St,A id . ifi actually very good f~n:behavioral science, Y {HJ ! ~lIriauld suppl~:~l:Iin:~1l1t!l:hifi,M~:Hrieith e .. ~hi.':Kaphn whi i l te hook m- iillJeHY hr :ha :v lC i J:". a1 f ic i e;11C ': ;'_, r ~ ' C t J l 1 , c J 1 J ! y T f: f J c 4 - USM:LIE. likes t(ll 1 i : e . ! ' 1 t . t; !th ic s , ...ith tH rit;! ,stem o f '~h i.': ' qu iE! ' l tnon hr:ing "what wouldyou say ~ex~?" Bes t . '1lio"aYtn . a [ l l >wc r !l:ht;:He'is ta nsl\;.f"Ci~'I;r:idtf _ '~I"hiLltw {l!L I! ld J~ l]s ,s ay .? Sp~ci i f f i i r ; i ty;: f . I l : T I I ~ i i l l . i . v u l t y ; and relative ru~k are .al~o frequcll'uy'lta:te-d.

  • 8/8/2019 The Ultimate Student Guide to Step1


    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 M t Q I D l A L S !:2'5


    ,& Llb -,K apI'll 1 1 , has an C :: 1"A!:1~ iEmi~ :boa;k, perhaps the bes t in tlll!.'! series of:"~h! . ' !:K .aph!1 i . books, Lip-pincort's :mlJ!slt ratc(i , J: !l ;uochemuslt ry is a.l:Li}t~o:::T''b aak th at :m arny s tl!JoiI,c l!lil:Suse, ~my:e 'I ,iCr' t llUS 'bonalk i s'.-!ery.' detailed, v " r e ' \ 'MJ!uiL!dreco.:l:b1imL'!nd lU.SUmig'ultas, 8. :ri '!fie:n'!ll ,["' ;oEfar huoch.r,m usltry and .oJlly readul!1i '~c~aills th ,ait you rrI( ':crn!Inbrusb up', j ; ~ ' C t J H e J 1 J ! y n .1 J cT J ' - I .y so so l' 1l1aJ s .t n: rage' d li scas :c :. s, r :e c (' :111I tCi r, !-1 ,qu~!'Sturms, l:cpThn,g :ratt:-lumf]:i:t~llg &: dis-,ease a~~m:::i8.ID:";dr:miZY.l'1I1iE.S,a nd g lYCOg cII i :rag c d us L':ru;c s are Dftcr!!, resred,Ml'CROUIO!LO GY'

    ,&J.tb -,CUullliica'~ ,M uc rJllb iolog y an d Fir~ t A ~d ,s~ auld he SUiT!CUf!llt f6r this suibjf!O:::'L Lippincott Mi-crocards are also an escellenr resource , for ITIiuerahi .o l lJ 'gy., j ; ~ ' C t J H e J 1 J ! y n .1 J cT J ' - USMI.I. 'l '1I1,iJ-S'tHylik~ 1 i . ' G concentrate Ol ll i,h i li .c~:f !r ii al ag: f. T~hus ,U!'lfO:~.b'iCd hy vi -ruses, :r~:m ,g :i "and 't ~l emi, t~e' rC !'l 1t0.:[ t~ e s l;li bli .' tp uc s. S a concentrate :1:b1ia:iltlyan ha..:: : tr.rinl0ID' and :~C8.SIt0.:11FjM!tm:n,a, hdl:l!1iin:ths, etc,Ot~er' T'ih{I;l]gJlIl):.~, - Here : is GUf! ~.t ra tL ' !gy for mucmbia!agy.. Grab I

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 M A l E P I A L S !:20



    ,&Llb _,Yon : ;i houiUd mi l? ": n :: v: i, e~ ! .'b o ob 'l J! c h, R ! '1F ir !'1 !! :A id , S~ :l::pUp, and l~l .'t h np 'Hr i ': fi ,i o logy Ior th eUoards & . W ru:ds alo :ng ""ith a, f~JJl resource, Th e' review b OjJIll;riw ill g l!l~d ,e-Y0I!I ~ h r: mo !'i ~ i rn p o r-ta ul t th ~ !F .I g s,yo'l;I! shOl !l ld , l 'cL I ! I1LI1I1 .l> l!1"about a g l , \ i o I ! 1 T i d isease and !ilJ full J:e'SliLl!I"C~' shoI !J11d hdp ' youincrease yo'l;I!l"' mJd!.':~t8 .rild :ing and k now ledge base, Y on S : 1 : 1 I D I l d d a '~so 3 : ll I lT iort a tc :~hr : ~ :e, ,;~ r:wbook s\\ {i :th , : i nf o t hm : }rOI!l ! ' Il iI1A!:n l lo r .i y . .c .

    T H r i e ' 1 " ' 1 1 , , ' 0 :popui[aI : SliLl!I"CIl':'S : i D r Pa~jh ,n l frgy ' c l !I~ , n : :T . I, tl yar e , 1 3 : : R S :rn th on ljJIg y an d n saterial h :y [j,jJI 'ljan _: ~ n ' 1 L S PaJihol\' 'u! ' l cO~Jsi .d!. ': .-. : :!d"bread an d bu:tlter" : F o : I . " ' US~'J:LE._ lit lists :l!T:pO~!F.I.t_"lf or e a.d l dU !'i r.a !'li "!{liiri:th,a kt.')!' !'1yniiho:ll~J..e:.~.tLn impm :t alT it f ae tH ) a n d. o rg n !1 l~ :i ': e'Sto :lp i o: :~\!cry' '~,...d l_:~'bl"p,aJihjJI 'Uo,gy'~~:is :i:mp .o:rt~mt '~ unders tand '!ill p roc~s behurrtd , the d iseases. These boobshjJIllJiUdH~!TVL":well i io :r !i lJ ,a i. A s }rOI!l g o Mh ro l! Jg h th r::f i~ !'bOOl\;li, 'Yonushol!l ld USE 1 1 j ' h c ~!vur:~""books:Jl1iP.!F.I.t~olJ~JiI5dabove, The .-eVUE!~\'bolJo:lb w ~ u ~l" 'JOUlTitOl!l~:the I l iI1 f ls t i "! [1f i~ 'I : li t aR '~f"H:::~'Sfio r a g i . ' ' v eT I l .rnise'as~'an d YOIll i 'i ihlil;llld ;~mr1lCJtarelhr :se' l i i ri . th ~nfDr:J l1iatao:l !F.I.thaJt w ill hd ,p ~"(ln retain th e tnp ic , H.i'!L!iI1iJ:::Ll!I1hEI"l l ' :pr . ' tu~i{}:J1I ,u ~ : kcy an d th ese l"r:v:iL ,,\Vb olJo lJb m ak e it eas ier to ' g o. th r{ ]!L I!_g 11!, th r : ma te ri a] repeatedly asYO'IJ!'~,'I.'jJln,~th ~ ,v e tUI 1i i1 to read the bug boo1l ..., O\!ccr' a nd o ve J:" a g ai[l! _

    I tllh h urlI S h as , a qU l3 t~O! F.I .Sl:m o l\;: a ...a ila bk a nd it is , e xc ellen t, T he ,;:p J!i.'!H lti, I\Il~are not LS:1\~1:LE.~yle', but i .'! ac h , a n sw e r ,e 'h oi c,," ' i s cJcaxly explained an d ' ~ I > ' h y c ne .us co rrec t and "),...h ,y th .:; o thers areWlallg. StJlg d~!n l! w 1 110 tirim -reused th e b o:lok fed d !iat iii:is a, g re'at w ay ton learn p atilm l{ )"~

    , j ; 1 ~HJ7J !y n ,'fJ c 1i - M 'os~: ~p ics un der p \ath o~o~t are h :i~h-:y ,ud d_ :H r:m i'll.tulogy " and :Reprnd:uctavcp i 'l lt ho'Uogy iL IT . 't h~ ' { l( ll~ y Im ,, ,,- '~ d d '~ p :i n ;: ll !r 1I d .e 1"( h r u ~ c at eg o 1 ) 1 :O th e r '~ h ou gl l1 ~:S _ , J. i; ~~ 'o stjJlf 'fi:!ll!I rtU mi1 ,~ ho :luld b e d ed ic ated to H ~ :JJ!d yin _g]uth f.ilo gy _ T here is a :U ol!o fm aterial un der th is :l:1Ii"!ad ~~lg ..

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1


    ,Edw,;udJ. Gnljal1i, (proIlJl!lmJiD;r;r:d GiJ!lJi~-y::n'ill) :~sa. pa~]lo~D,gy p:r{tfr:HHm:fmL1ii1,OH:ihoWl.ol. and hetr::;I.i::HrieH,~ i o : t " 'K a p l a n Live C:mU'"fi~!'_T h e l i v e COl!IlU :U! 'lo l i ' " t . . c 1 1 iattended by : i D : l ' ,e ~ g ' l' li .mr:d~ca:~ ,grndl!nLlte:i.CII'f]-Jj.anis an teachet and his material ifi, highly OIT\!I?tl'!d_ :Hu!'1!Tiott:[i, and lectures areOT1;~yavailable to studt::l1Its t'iiLl\;:i:l:Ii,gth.e Kaplan :hvc Cllml''liC_ But his :n!!;~[~alis c:i:l.'cl ,1i~arl:cdnL1ii1,{}TIi_gstg:ud,(!'I:liIL~and ke1)~v e r y ' quiet,:i\~fc.!'l.~ageboards are u!'lllla'[~y [iJ!Ua[CJlLl!t:fitiil}n~IT.g:>Ln;I:in,gC'1I'I}]janl,so 'I,'iC '~:.'uU~a.ddIT.fifi tHrienruhere,.oiIJe ~llU!Tig',!'l~nJd!.':D"ii:t.~'11l.'ol!'iid!l!1"~fi.w]u~ a.olr:tly:U!'l a\ iailab~t: f iom Goljal1i.? There are a set of ll'!ctlllJ:'ol;!'I I IOOC'S i [ U u . . n d e d by l\l'g'aiIJ.s)!,SlteU1ifi,there are about 4 { t hours 'I,'M](r~:hoil" ,~r:tl] (m~"j3fcu'm,at}, thereare se....' l~ral h!' lts - hug]:Ii '~dd lists, p~ctUIT.'S ]~st (p~CtlJ!'used on tHrierea] USM:Ll~ e~liI.L1ii1.},h:igihyudd q,ur:.!'1lti,iJ\lls,actaa] remembered L'S:M:U!. qlll'E!'l'You e V p . r y t l l iU I l 'i ig . . Time usually , ...ill :l: l iO~a'~~rn'"'Y01lJto go thl'O!LI!gh ~1:i.s:I.n~J.;h :rbliaM!T~81:iu ~Jjs dCllall, ~o If;itHri~T,si!:al,t'JJ't!'I."yeail:ly 01" ch~ tnpics fromh!~s L1ii1alte:l.:ualCiIIl 'dlLllI .IUso Goljal1l thrn~,"'f i, everyli ih: i:ng' ' I;md,el" ~L~:opic and !'lm1ii1e~mE:i, th~Lt ifi,nat agood ~:hiiIJg,HRS :rathology :1itl ':J: 'fiJ\l" poiiIJ.ti~Jg m:ul::~l1lI1pOl'il::iiilJtclinical fiiIJd~I!I~!'l. So tt-y to useboth :if PiJt! 'lsuh~r..

    T~e:l'r:'usI!'iiOwily to kgally bl!ly this material Mt~OUI: ~!kiug the Kaplan ceiuzse, "I,Ne'will notdebate' on ~le ethruc~LUissues ~n\iOlvedl MJl:Hriufi,in,g cO]1)Iriightedl material Mthout permu!':Si,ou, weare' :me'l 'dy repm:tul!Ig on, tHri~:I.nHteT~al it!' ldf and, how stlLlde!TiB.:ob~in it, It is youu dt:r:is~oiIJ. to IJJfie'tHriiri 'material 01"not, ~1]Dst SliudciIJ:t :-.,,ge~ tHrii~,material fi:mbli fi:.iernds at" purchase: :~~enline a~ web-si~:EH,sudh as dm)~ Hm,'i,1evcl'; Go'ijal:l i does h;) ',\ !1?se....eral 'hooiks ou~ a.n! ~J!I.::)I'are e~lI'ii!tiany all1ll1,ostthe' same ru: hus !Tiotl'::i, (althmrglh there HIT' :1110 cm1ii1:rbli~!'rci,aUyiI.~~L'u[ab]c :l:Ii1ip~]cr.tnnes)_ There aret'lI.'Dbooks i}U~ by GClljall '~it~ed. :P~:Hriolo,gy (p'l1hi~~sheoil,by El Sevier), Ol!'ii.eis a, rc_g1lJbr book (jmrn,-graph 'fonni'lll!:} : i L l l 1 i d .the second :isan ml!ltli~Je form.olJi: 1\[ this: fil',!'l~hook Th"i!!' ontiul!le book is dighdy'I,'tiCaikr.1"thRI1i t '~o:: ' hig ho-o:k, ru:th;[liLrgih it does contain practice 'quEstions_ :H:m,'i.'C\!I?T;more ,sli '!ndr.l1Itsuse Hri~H,otHriecrbook {ami rave abo'l,l!~ it), ~t~cd "Rapid ,R:i.'!\!iC'l,'ii"dmt iH sort of the ~q'lJi ii \!R'~cill .toil":mlS P3liholfrgy: II!:ifi. a L1ii1~'I!I:hL1ii1,iJ\l'r:ma~Jagc:;Lh~l': booik_ 'Vn-u shm:lkl, looik at all j:~:r.:;e boob andmake )lliLl!1"d;cr::u!'lU0 1 1 1 . according to your ,!' ll tyk

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    ,&Llb -,Fol'" thi:;, section, jU3;t meru:to(l:UZI.'!' : ;' \- fC . . 'V~J:1iUl1ig':UI1i,: F : U r . i t AUD_',!' l repeat Hihwt, memorize a l l of:1i'!'ul'"st,Aid Em'~his secticn, Did, ,'tie IbiieTllltiml! 'I llhat yo~ should memorize F:i:l"liJl:A'~rn rm: th~:; r;e;c~on?It '!Ilmuld:n/t hnu'lt fD:t' mi, til:rr:pent Hib:i:sOVCI'" ar!td. .rt.~'I,"aga:uru_ :R..e:ally:rbiios4:r:vet'yl:~i~lg u'Srv~u~ 'II"U'U~tf.'!:;~:YOIll an is here 00please .alOil1.~!!:waste li:i:mr: gI1lU!!Ig'IiTIother resoueces,

    Som;[~ ,!'lIi!l];[Ir:!!I'L'lUlfie'Lippi~J,COltt':;, :Ph~LI'L!!I1CaJ,d:!>fol'" tI:lfU!'l_V1,7e,:Ii!:d (hat ~lliO!'i1.'!cards giivt!, too L!!I11],ih:i:[llrOITbiia~ml for dlie' p'IJiI']1I0se:;,or thr: '[I'S~~IJ!'_The mlily thing :ilii~r;:;,ing fr:am fil's!!: :il.'uclir;,theory be-h~rrtd, same of ~:'hefie'df"ll: l~gs,:Uu!:\;,e,:i:1lm,'iI~ : l : 1 i L ' ! a'U!Iin:110L!!I1:i;edf'llJgs, wmfu, eec , :m it mill.y hi.'! good . : 1 , Cmiifi~]ltanotheT'IDe:."(iI:'rol'" !l:hi:;,i~J:fn,;rTbiiation, The' Kaplan lecture I J . o o . k 16Uml.'s exactly ,alorug' '11v i ih Fil.' :i4: A u c l ,and is "lin, cxa!:l~cl1i~: adjuruct t.a it_ If 'ya~lOOIl't m,'ii'n,dm~ tHrie'l'c'U!'1Lippincott l;IUUU!!'1li:r::u:r:d,:Ph.iu:IIii1,a,-colO'g)' and K.ilII!2;IJiUTIg'& . Tre'l,iJl:ir1l. :P1J.ilIiI.'Lfli1,a.c::olo;b"Y- :EKam!urunltion ru:1 :i3Bo ard l teviiew (]~rt!vol'" i.~,alsothe ,author 0([ Kn:p~an '~c.'.N:t'bool\;.}.

    OtheT'T1hO!L1!ghliIi' - Go thmugh p'hnr:mncoIDgy once ':;iuly .on, blllt it :;ihnuil\cl be ~:he' ]R!'l~ topic you~Uld,~ :PhnrLITJ1ar:Jl:i!ogyir-;FU!IT.':iliii:moriZoiIIlti,o(ll and, thf.'!re is a, lot 0([ it, : ~ Tyall! SIi!IJdy~hifi, early on,th':;TIi 'YOIll are l>Dmrtd, to ~6rgt,!;t ,!'lOL!!I1Cderails, If yotLU st~]rl)1' 'u~].a.~~:it ,~,...iU be' frefih and '~jh:i:sstraltl!,gy':may ,Sl.'!rvl.'!J'On bl.'!fi~:, However; '~I.'!a.vcaraple tiimc M 'l get ~~U'mJlgh all of phm'Tb1I3.-co'fiJ'gy:

    Bmtb -,This ifl, a ~:ap:iiC}'Dill : ;hcmTd f'Jl~aUy~:I]:IIrnr.T,!'lItill.iD.d,If 'yau ha!l!If.' .ill, :;,trol1ig :phy-si,t],ogy 'back-gr:m:mrn, the]l -tihc mCOTb1Iml.'!rudaii.o(l:1I'1,'0' '01111(1, be IiTI 'L~ ~ : ' : m : t S :phyr+ionlag}\- ,., h iii, also 'CiJlrufi,idered,"bread and bllllttel"" alu:ng' wunh ":B:RS P:a~:h{tliJ'IDt"

    l[ YOIll mqUlirlf.' dl.'!~:ajkd explanarions, Hillere ~~,anather book by. thf.' : iial!!l1C,author ,or ~:'E:RS:ph:f~,{tl-,~" Linda COS[':;LrilZO'_:~ t' U ! ' l called ':Ph~'Si,{tlo-ID''''' and, is .w:;L'~tahliE th.'ro.ugJII E1 SEvier: This hook isin pm~gL'aph, format and "',I3:llS :Ph'Yfiiolag~i" ifl,e!1s':;Trlii,aHytht!, ;[J;'lJitli~JCforTbiia:~ ad:'~:hifi,haok_ Thisis aru,C',"(celleTIi~book, :tike\1l!ise, the Kaplan lecarrc baonk fol'" :Ph:y-s:i,o],o-ID'usaha ~',"(celk[tL, l< l W j H _ , s J r J ! J ll,:-rJd - Ca;a:dinlfrgy' :usa \;cry high yudd ~:o:pic for US:M:U:" E,e w:-:ry f8m~Uear :~nti.'!I'])IT.tUr!ig'cardi.ology ,diagl'am~, ~~lch a~ tht.:' cardiac cyde, cardiac & . vascular fl !lm:tuoru, curves, etc,

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 M A l E P I A L S !:2:9


    T~e US,li;~~I.E~s,a 'lies!:,of L 1 T i m l t u p l r . - o d J , o j i L questious, Srl!'~,\~~k~t:~!'i:~l1!I1p{t;r~;a!ntt{l; know t~e' rnateri-a~,:~ !11, t H r i . : : : ' end yOU!:havc I D r . i he able b r . i app!y['his lNiRM!tiial to a:1lI.!'i~!..t:rirl!g ql!Jt::it~OIliS,_ So t ~ o : ; : , bi. ':. ! ' i l ! :'!Nayto prepa:rr: is , to d o q ,u cs ti o!D ~ and . d Io :Uol tsof t~(!n1i_ Ollie of th e bt:~:IieT ITsm:u:'cl'!S, available ~ o J :thisis KapbiD.'! ' i q-hank. A'U[l. l!imtal l r;~l]deT.I.'~:i,uturu;iI1t:~:his'U!Ti,t~ei:t"preparation : 0 0 , 1 " lht: L'S'Ml~E, Ollit::1lt:gatUIli'! filltru" ~H ,that. Q-ba :n il \; , i s l'a:t~et" t :xpi ' !~J :s : i ,....c . There aIT' SE";!t:r,a1othl'!l' q l !JeHt~m! l da t : .a 'ba . ! ' ii '!H ,. al ;l ii I: iJ ,a h k' b u t d ll ll, :Y ,a J:C rmt a s , good, ~LSQ-hlll!Dk Therefore, we '!NCi~:I]d:rr:coml1!l1'(!'!Ti'i!.t~alt ym~:payt & r i r . ' fE~!i{e.xltra dolla rs and go ,~ i : t ib. KapUa:1l on , t h i~ ! 'i, one . . Q-ba r il k lUL~ ,a!1H}1II1i:20[1[1+ qUt:iiilio:ll!'i,:I f )1m.!_~ltillr :c q u~ ir e mo re 'q u! l! Sti o~ Js , yall! calli ,!'i~:udyKap lan ' Q : - I H H 1 : k , Nl/! . r~:S.Rfviie'!N :fo.. lJS~1]~'ES~ iCp 1 , oW"Ap:pk~:orrl &: : ta :nge R f! \F iiC~ , \" for t~~,USM:U!: S' l :I?P 1_

    nie'! ;!~Il, :"" ' i1:1I0011;1"i,- There M.C severa l books tha t ccntain a reviC'');'l! of a ll ~ :~ I? 'G:I,'galli,Sy,SIt(:~IliiH_ Th et~l'oI!:i.'!L r T . i 1 , o S tp.o]1'u;Ua:rones are Sltl!:}''!Up, : F ' u r n ~ : , i ' ! . ; u d , arrld.l~t~Cip]:Ii)lTi~ology fi or t!h c Board3: & V V i L m s . .Yon sh[t'U!'~clpick Orrl(:'or ItWil of t~(:~ boob an d beco;me' very fal1!l11liaW"" ,vi id1i I l , :ve.-y~~J:~~g''u n th;;:book i\, good ~tt'atl'!gy is to mill:'milt: IxHJk and aunotate i t '~Nuthmateria] yOI!J are st l1!d ly ing, Thisw.a:y aU dill'! :ur~:iDTmat~orrl,~ :ha t ,'(lUneed ' ~ : o n l'il."!;:iew is a,Vi iL ' ii t l llb l~: 'in rm"e' p:Uru::e..

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 M A l E P I A L S ! . : ro


    :Ii'!'urst.,A id -, . i \ud hoar- ;u[I ,clouhtr :dly become tHri~: ':lliimt popular rt. '" '!;!iewbook iiD:rStt:p' I and lots.o f s~ : ll iI d t ,!T I lt !:'U!~lil".e'tHriiH,n ' :.~ourc~! '_ T .h~1 :doIT . ', we a IT .' g ' lv : i: ll g YOl l ila d i '! ti I I. i kd : t" t !v : i,e 'l ,Vor F : i:L ':1~ :A id 'h ~T .J.,!an d ,o;e '~I",~~~rmumit ml~:what ~t:ctum!l: i ' in the 'b oo 'k arc g

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    ifHE lllJIM\"'l iE STUDENl l GUDE TO USIAE SiltP 1 F I ' < ! A L VJCf.ID I .3 1


    lIr.;p~!fl!l~~y ~ :& r i ~ ~ ,gl!J~de'g l ' i , I C 5 J yDILI a br::tM!T~Dlean;'gRri l~!I1g~ :hoeUS1vm~E_ Thu s ,u sa "ClY ~mpC!lrtanl!tl'!st and ':rnn shQ'LJ!Malw.a,f-S remember t ~a l t . :fj,~]1!n rum: c ' : i :l l li p .o : ri l nndy 1 ' ' (! L r r Il ! l! l ll i b i !r that I ! h~s ~~ ,s l ti J Ijustan exam, DQ:I1I ' t '~gI1lC!lre')/'OlU f:am~tyand fr~!. ': iD.ds'i . ' : ;~l:IlIddn:I1I ' t 'bre.ak 'up Mt~ ymI l , - ,S~ ,g l ll ~ f1CiL f il to t~er . ! ' l jUfit I!(l p:n::paIT.'fo l " lihi~.~' 1 i 'C s t . (=m LI1 IlCs~ :Ildr :!I lh;'I': done (hat and are' very pJ : (Jud ,olf ~ jb .a t fac t )_I tcm.e: l l l ihe:r per.;Fi~r:are more' ~mpm: ta f i lA : than an y exam , ye.s ' I llhis is y o IIII:' career .and YDU shD ' IJJddecl~ca~t:' y o ' U ! r s e : l f to prepan:' iio:r th is exam, But m:,!;lcr f:D:r~~tY(JUl" o~hr:r priorities, ,I\[i, 'y'CiU pro,g-'re ss ,u n medicine, l~fr:Mil gC:1 !busier and busier am:1 'Y0lLlrtime ,~!v ~IU'become' more ]~.m~l!cd,event&r im: lg lh it Lrr I l .a.yI I iOI ! seeen like ~t r i gt .i ~ : t h is mernent, ' ' ' ! { { I ! I J ! '~!..~ U ~~ a vc 'L n m a ir sr ain balance ,and rmyalltr:nt~C!ln,to I~lfr:,otherwise u l! will p\illfifi~mu l~'r isit (JU t " 'I:ilr:b~~tr.,brt1ttp:tl~gotm.edb(l;O!Jk!Si"ci lI! ' I l1!, and ta lk,1. " :ad~ntagc (J f : ' t '~ "o: : '(J t~"o: :T 'I l lh:~r i I .g : ! ' l' ~ , ' i . ' r : :have i[ t i .1l l i i?'to d~ !vc l ,op ' ung ' for Y'D' I .I !- A~~ol ' i ll r .a! ' l t : J 'J ] , 'nv i iCI l ' . !kedlmeik a~Jdyou] , ' :ontt'~bllltuomi,ro t~8.'~ (J th~!T! ' l 1 1 ! I 1 . ; l ' . y hr : I ! ! i i [ ' : f~1!hn:1 l1 i' YO ' lUL" , : ; 'X,p~!T~r :nor ; , Y an c a n a h:> 'a y:;, c em ta ct u s ,a t~id~@gptMm1lii![](m_

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