The Two ;'..' 'hf'' I'n, Mir' · An order lulled hi--Mnjor-Oe-Sir John Maxwell Indicate that thono...

UH he greatest Importance, to tho exact language, of the German note, which re- fer In modlllciitlnu of Iho German Ad- miralty order of Frluuary 4, Tho word-In- n of the text on this point probably dll decide whether a diplomatic break Is to bo averted Secretary Lansing delivered Mr. Gerard' cable to the Ftcsidciit till morning Later tlx' Scetelury had " ronfcicme with Senator Stone, chair-Inn- ii of the Senate 'oinmltteo mi For-rlit- ti Itolatlniis, lit the Sluto Department Penator Stone said after the conference L. .. ' Jn I n faio of the In.lrm.H- - olll-l- l Infi motion reply " tho statement was made m Wilson will Inline- - -- K-'rcJc.V rLno ::; ,tin from now on, Condition- - .ho Imperial liov- - rrnment might wish to .llseiis with the, J' ,':'.?i"VT . .. .Vf "'ul m InvI ft a" tho In It.tti.ilo.l , iy i.,,, p.,,.... in - pprr.uittn.H "J.. Ihcni on TtlliT IflKIP .I..; i.Urr'1'1 IinlnB hiU maile thU time, In.e the Ii.kI American nie ftnl. lly "rnitner niirfiirn" It I" ninint that Clerni.iti hiltmmriiii'H oprato iiit.ihiH WerHialitnirn Jin-- t 111. woiil, op- erate. The Miliin.irlne-oii- he Mtihjert o the ianie reelrli'tloiiN Inipowil 1,1 I.i on ennnern. " mum warn the Rli .1 , . . .i,.u, .n m,iirtiniltv of surrenderliiK ml visit and search the ship, rescue tlw rhlp's papers .mil pr.nlde for the safety of the r. befoie slnklne the vessel. If the niiTcliaiilman attempts to leslst Or flee. aft. r hclue called on to surrender the cruiser ha a ilKht I" "i' 'ir rut fuithei- ado. but If the merchant- man Indicates wllllneness to surrender vrn after ti.ivmc alU'mpt' d resistance r lllHht the rulser must not sink her. Tho Pies .I "t s attitude Is rcprc-cnto- il 8 beltiR almost linpillint Tho lncli have come from J'.erlln Have vcved the Impn-sl- oli that fk;rmanv .Iu.-- md fully tho grav-M- y of the situation which caused tho President to his note. The Pr.'sldi-ni'- determination tn net drastlcjilly .. soon as an unsatlsfactorj' reply from Itcrl-- Is ecelved vvas re- flected to-d- In a conference ho held With Hay of tho House Com- mittee on Military Affairs. The Presi- dent Is understood to have expressed the, Wish that the coufcience loinmlttee of the Houni and Senate on tho army Mil should expedite its deliberations Instead ef delajlim- - lonx.-- over the pro- - and cons of the House plan for fcderalUltiR the mllltla and the Senate plan for a rational volunteer force. Official- - believe the President's tlrst tep If diplomatic relations are severed Will be to on CoiiKress lo pass the army and navy programme as cmcrf-ncj- - measures. PARIS VIKW ON NOTE. Wr Temps" llellrves t.erntanr Krr Ihi- - t'. f. Srninl Val,!f Itfpnlrh tn Tut r.vms. May 4. - The 7Yihki, comment-In- r on the diplomat h' situation, says! "The Herman, havlUB Issurd .1 medal In honor of the t.ult.uil.i, will be able to roiiniK linn ale the anniversary us a diplomatic triumph by dlplayliiK the Ureal .olle.-tlo- of documents by which the settlement of the difference has been protracted. "The Kaiser has been postponliiK the replj-- , hopliiK that some success would come to facilitate jlcldltiR r to au- thorize bravado, The fall of Kut.e. Amir.i and th" recoustltutlon of the trlpllce, with Turkey irpliicliiK Italj, cannot distract Cernian attention from the ten weeks' . heck at Verdun. "The Irish riots have accomplished nothlnir, The House 'of I'lnnmous has xeated obligatory service. Inder these conditions the Kaiser Muds dancer In yielding to the American ultimatum, but, nevertheless, must resign himself to It, for lie recognizes that ilennHiiy Is Incapable of facing an additional power- ful enemy." MADRID'S INTEREST. pal 11 ( It. inn In ImllrTrrent, I 'orrt-aii- . indent It r ports. tpmal Hhle lfniHch to The St v. Taiiis, May t The Teiiiju's Madrid correspondent telegraphs that the eter-(etl- c attitude taken and maintained by Washington has deeply Imp-ese- po- litical und (iovernmental circles. The correspondent states that he re- ceives the Impression, through conver- sations with nuthoiUed persons that it the I'nlted States ake neutrals to adhete to n general entente t the German pltatlcal submarine warfare Spain would adhere. Wilson's phrases In the note refer-iu- g to the rights of neutrals have greatly pleaded tlie .Madrid (lovernment, the corrospopdent states. The Government gives meat consideration to the oplnloi of South American tepuh'.lcs, which en- tirely conform with those of tho United HUtos. "It Is said here," the correspondent aj-s- , "that n opinion In South America Is notably Influenced by Wash- ington's attitude and on this account It Is Impossible for Spain to remain In- different." The correspondent conclude declar-fn- f that opinion In diplomatic on '"s Is unanimous In believing that tho pr- - "nt moment Is the gravest for neutrals si ice the war began. America's: attitude la taken an showing that nffalr are g. nig veil for the Allies. ASKS TUBANTIA FACTS. kVanalnar JVar. Complications If Germany Ttcplacr.1 Hutch Mi I p. Wasiiinoton, May A. Secretary Lan- sing- cabled lo Ambassador Herard at Iterlln to-d- asking for continuation or denial of tho that Heriminy had admitted torpedoliur tho Dutch steamship Tubanti.i and hud Hjrrecd to provldn tlin owners with a Herman ship In place of tho ship sunk. A American citizens were on iboaid the Tiibnntla, the I'nlted Stales liaa a direct Interest In tho case. Germany has made no olfei- - of i ep iratldn tn the. I'nlted Htatcs for tho damage suffeitd by Amer- icans. It la understood that the Fulled States Government would regard a Herman offer to replace the Tiibnntla by a Ger- man vessel as a ilieM uiable concession to Holland. The Herman stealer owned by the Diltoh could not operate without risking captuie as a prize ny the entente, ana vexing uipiomatie questions are likely to be inuilv.d In the transfer. BRAZIL'S' DEMANDS. Vrcent Iminlry tin ered In Mnkln of the II lo llranco, rtto nr Jankiiio, May 4. An urgent Inquiry concerning the sinking of ihe Brazilian steamship I'.lo liniwn has lieen unified hy the Hrazlllau Hoverii-me- In order (hat the ma- be able to mi in .Icfcucn nf lis uci.lial rights. The Herinan Legatlun here has heed i informed of the nctlon of iic It Is Ntaled In olllclal cable meeeages that tho vicsel was lorpeiloeil by a tier-Ba- n submarine Th" newspaiiets de- nounce the lieilin Goverimient as the fo of hiiiuanlly. Th" (iiitcttn tie Sntinn sajs "To combat Infamous I'nissl.tnlsin Is Die duty of . nation The ronnii ..- tfniiio sajs "li'i. tnimy ceinsld. s Inis.if in a slate of nar the einli.. noii " The .oiirini tin f'nininrrt lit eMi-- i daj urged roop.-rHtl.ii- i nf ,im ni IJlllttd Stali'i is ..pp.isltloii lo the Un- man tubmuilne ARREST SULLIVAN AS IRISH PLOTTER Vnnllnurtt from First I'apr, rented were Peter II. Pi arse, Thomas .1 Clarke and Thomas MaoDonagh. Nothing was Kivrn otlt officially jes- - 'lonlHy,,,. to tlicfatrtlmt iiwhIH Connolly 'r 'h '"nM I'n, ;'..' f'"' ,f Vi,i??r5I Mir' '? ,P0' "''' ' ! if iinml l"der .in J There sllll prevails much mystery a ?y t" ,m.'"l :r."f rebel leaders, .Ml unronnrmru nui per Men repot, u 11 1. l. n.n '"Wi hnonnartrn.. . .: I r-- v J!! "Tnr fh-"- ln ! n romi"M rM (Vmuit ami J(nh I'luhkett, who urt- - Iii'ii t" I"" 'till In MlthouRh ("imreVl or are law U0I11 M.ioNclll. oranl.T of the Sinn In tinlilln, tii)Mrilniiily nt tl" imtcot of tlio rrvolt nnd Ilih not bc'n m i'N or hmril from hlnor. TIip pronlc of Duhlln were tiot ap- - prl-- i il of (he execution of tho three rehe.l lle.l..r until lule We.lnw.lHj- nlnht. Thill, . . . . oil,tH.,i i,nw .,ey re- - the newK. A number of rebel rlnsle.icle ra are on trial before iho oentral eoiirt-umrtla- l. Minor relief m (ho various .IlKtrlel.i are dealt with by I.k-.i- I oourtK-martla- l. In the oiitlylui; .luarleri of lmhlln ItHilated lehel "etrHimlerr" have inirrenilered. An order lulled hi- - Mnjor-Oe- Sir John Maxwell Indicate that thono who to rrfui-- e to slve lip have llltle merry to expect at the h.mdji of the tiovernnient Warned Aanln.t ISIiln A.rlnra. Meaimhlle the rltlzrn ry ra has been urgently WHrned not to harbor any reb- els, arrest and punishment belns threat- ened to offenders, A house to house search Is under way for those of the rebels who have not been accounted for. The HI1111 Felncra have carried on their propaganda so openlj" for years that the (lov.-- t nnient has n fairly com- plete llht of all members of tho movement and their sympat hirers. Thcie are Sinn Keln oriranliatlons In several districts, of Trelind which took no part at all In the revolt. Never- theless they are closely watched by the as It Is knonti that most of Hip Sinn Kelners have quantities of anus ami ammunition. The mllitury orderx haM' posted and a summary wi.rnhiK to uuer all arms anil ammunitions. Out of the ruins of a fiarllj' burned bullillns m-a- tho fola-eu- tlovernmeiit h.iliaee uorkers hae extricated to ltrltlsli soldiers, badly Kor.-he- and thor-ninthl- y cxhausttd from pain and hunRer. They had been taken prisoner by the rebess ami left In tho bulldlnt:. which the terrorists set uflro before evacuating It. The lio It Is expected, will recover. PoMxxr stamps of the "Irish repub lic" have been found. Printed In the republican colors- - (tn-en- , white and orautre- - with lnet pictures of the three 'martyr," Iar'iUi. OTirlcn and Allen, the stamps bear the Inscription "(iod Ireland" upon a harji. They were leady for Issue. Ordinary stamps are not obtainable In Ireland Nor Is there any out-Bol- mall service A provisional lm'tnl service for IrnnnniiK mall has been es- tablished In Dublin and letters from the province" 1. Hi Kuclalld are belllK after a fompleie tleup of ten lavs. Three food distributes station have been established In Dublin and the R of the population ha been greatly relieved. 15 KILLED IN BUDAPEST RIOT. I'rnnil of io.-lnl- houl Demand feir PrMcr mil I.oNt'o?;. Ma 4. Serious rioting took place In Hudao'-s- t on Sunday, acooixUng to a Central ivr despatrti frtiTO Tho Hague, It Is said that a thousand Socialists and women assembled In front of the burgoma tct's hous.- - shouting. ".Make jieace!" "Hive us food!" I'lfteen of the crowd were killer when the llonved garrison fired. Two hundred arrests were made. ASKS LOAN OF SECURITIES. France Nerka far ol Tho.r of n- - trnl Coontrle.. Paris, May I M. Hlbot, Minister of Finance, Issued y the expected ap- peal to holders of securities of neutral countries to lend them to the Govern- ment In order to support the rate of ex- change. Tin- - sccuilties are tn he lent for a year. The owners of the securities will be permitted to negotiate them regard-len- s of the loan to the Government. ERZINOAN NOT CAPTURED. InrkUh Olllcliil Iteport Penle. AN legr.l lliiMlau, tptctnt t'Ahl p. patch to Tub Scv London, Muy 4- .- A Turkish official teport received here y by way of Ilerlln denies an alleged Kusslati state, ment that Krzlngan has been captured. No Itusslan claim of the capture of tho city hns been received . The same Turkish official statement saj-- s that armed bands landed In tho neighborhood of Sofia and Mlla", Asia Minor, seized cattle and recinbarkcd. The Russian official statement Issued on April l' said that Iho Turks had been driven back toward the west In tho dliectlon of Krzlngan. MORE RUSSIANS IN FRANCE. Another Troop Contingent Arrlie. 4 mill (treat ICnthiislaani, MAnsKliaxs, May 4. Another con- tingent of Itusslan troops disembarked here y amid great popular enthu- siasm. The lauding of the tivops was attended by a military .lafonstratlon similar to that ucconird pic.vloua con- tingents. The Husslans marched through the clly to Camp Mlrabeaii. U BOAT FELLS AEROPLANE. British Machine stuffrra In Plrat Feat of the Kind. Br.iu.tN, via London, May 4. An aero, plane wns brought down by u Gciman submarine on April 30 last, according to an official German statement Issued to- day, This Is th llrst time mtch a feat has been accomplished. The statement Is as follow a: On April 30 a Herman submarine off Ihe Flaiiileis coast shot down a Brit- ish netnplaue, whose occupant were rescued by an ineiny destroyer. SHIP SUNK, 26 MISSING. French .'lninner Torpedoed In A Hi. ii lie, l.-.- O Vlllea From Shore. ,e. lul l nhle tlrsnntt'h til TllV Si Lo inir., Maj I was ollb'i.i ll mi. imiinceii lliiil llie French n1i ing Niionncr llerniuielte was lornedocil lij a suliiliarlne in Ihe Allaiillc on .Monil.iy. I.iii miles fiom lnnl llm ci.-w- or llilrty.rour csc.ip.-i- l n bonis Light of the men h.ivn been ticKcjl ui; twvnU-bl.- x tllll adrift. SULLIVAN'S ARREST IS LAID TO Irihli Leiidfrs I ore Deny Any Kiinwlf'lir of the Cotuplicity. "MKK HITTINtJ IN DA UK"' Several of James Mark Sullivan's .fr".nd" ,n Nw YorU "" ,orw;,r" w t.r.lay to hi defence when the news wa cabled from London that tho British ... nni inr una ini v 1. t..i.ii. laWC of hi nllr.l Hrtlvltlox In . , ,,,,lf "f ,rl"1' "l.clllo,,. jovoph W. was ono of these, and Jereml.ih U'Leary vvas nnolher. "If an audacious piece of 'Hrltlsh sensallonallsm." said Mr. O'licarj'. "a means of whacking at the lllsh Ainerl-- I catis, ngalnst wboin they would take any steps. The chances are they would have arretted imp hail I happened to be In Iielatid, or nny other Irish American on I whom they could lay their hands." Mr. n leary wae asked If ho thoueht thero was any ground for the Hrltlsh allegation that Mr Sullivan had been Implicated In the rebellion, lie teplled I that he it' ! not think so "Rut judging from Mr. Sullivan's nuhlo utterances," Mr. n'taary. "ho Is n republican, h'urtherinore. the Hrltlsh aulhorltles know very well what Mr Sullivan's opinions nre. That Is un- - doiibteilly their basin for arresting an of American citizen who typifies tbe thought . of lilsh America toward the Hrltlh iov eriimrnt" i Drnlea Milllraa'a Artlvitr. "Tho Knglleli (lovrrninent." said Mr. Oavan, "Is like a blind man hitting In Ihn ,l.,-- I I. ...I... ... . 1.1. inl.s manner atlen,.lng to frighten thi ' Irish people, hut that It cannot do. Mr, Sullivan has not been at all active In the Irish revolution, else I would li.ivo heard of him before this. I do not believe he has been connected with the plot In any as I have been In touch with the eltuatlon for months und his name hai never lieen mentioned In connection with II Mr. Sullivan left for Ireland last July, two weeks before he was virtually asked to resign his poet as t'nltcd States Min- ister to Santo Domingo. Ills wife and son accompanied him. and upon sailing ho raid that he was going back to l.lmcilck to visit his mother. He had expected to return last September. Mr Sullivan, who was liorn in on January ti, lSTil, came tn this country when a boy and was brought up In llrooklyu. He studied law at Yale and began practising In Connecticut. Later he came t" New York. During th Itosenthal murder case tie was counsel for Hjld Jack Itose. Ills appointment to the post In Santo Pomlngo was In return Tor political services. At the limn It was said that William J llrjan was responsible for the ap- - MAY RELEASE LEEBKNECHT. Ileanlntlons tn nirii4 Action tgillnst S.ii'lnllut Introduced. lltui.N, via London. May I. -- A reso-'utlo- n requesting the Imperial Chancellor to release to Dr. Kurl l.lebkne. hi fiom arrel and In suspend proceedings agains. mm limn aner me neicnstags uljournnient was Introduced In the Iteichstag y by a Berlin Socialist member. HINT AT REVOLUTION. l.leliUnecht's llelene Maj Be Xreraaarr, nieiihaaeii, Iimmin. May t. The Herman may be compelled to reeae Dr. Ll.bkni-cht- , the radlial Socla'.,t. who was arrested on May Day. In order to prevent a revolution, according to a j Copenhagen dispatch to the exchange Telegraph i Dinpanj It Is Mated that his arrest during the peace demonstration eaue. much excitement among the laboring class and resulted In a new demonstration, which a large force of police managed to sup- press. CALLS COAST RAID A SUCCESS. eppellns Attacked flrlllnh llalter-Ir- a and Warships, Mnsa Herlln. HciiLIN, via Iondon. May t - The offi- cial German account of the Zeppelin raids on the ICngllsh const on Tucuday night stutea that factories, railroads. Indus- trial establishments, coast batteries nnd Hrltlsh wan-hip- s weie attacked with sue-os- The lose, of the o.f Norwaj- - Is admitted, The statement I" as follows: A German naval air squadron on the night of May attacked the tnliHIe and northern parts of the east coast of Lnglatiil Factories, blast furnaces and railroads near Mlddlesbronvh aiul Stockton, industrial near Sunderland, Ihe fortified s.rt of Hartlepool, the coast batteries south of the Itlver Tees and Hrltlsh men-of-w- at the entrance to tho Flrt i of Forth were attacked with many bombs. The ruccrf of these attacks was wit- nessed. All our airships, notwithstanding the f ict that they wete shelled heavllj-- , icturneil tu their home port with tho exception of the which, in conse- quence of a stiolig sollthi'iil wind, was driven off her course to the north and, getting Into dllllculties at sea, was lost off SUviitiKer. The whole crew la safe. C.ale Cnnsed Wreck nf the (. Sptnnl Cithle ttftptttct tn Tub ttv CittuariANiA, May 4, Newspapers here quote tin- - olllci rs of the wiecked Zeppelin L-:- n as sajing that the of tlio airship In Norway was dun to tho stormy weather and snow-- . The alicr.ift was repeatedly- - driven off her course and her gasolene was nearly exhausted In tln light against the gale. Iteallzlng that It vena Impossible to reach Germany, the officers decided to go to Norwaj , as, onn liaised for French Orptinus,, N. J May 4. More than It.Ofln worth of tickets were sold for a ball given at the Moutclalr Club foi the benefit of (ho fund for the fatherless children of France. The sum rca zed from the hall ana other contr bullous by the Montclnll- Committee of the I irphllcnat ries Arniees make a total of IS.fino, which win bo sent tn head quarters In New- York city. In charge of s arrair were Mr. anu Mrs, Heuii Liiicl.., Mr. William r, Camp- bell und Mrs. John V. MrClnln, .rr Smith Wnl.-- s Cn hi net llemnln., Syhnkt, N. H. W May 4,As the result of an agreement to submit the question of the iiholltlon of Iho hpper I house to a leferendiiin, the Ministry- of New South Wales ha decided to with - draw lis resignation. The Labor party tho iiholltlon of th.i upper house, 1,: AH HrllUlirra Killed In Week, Iwnaf Cnhlr linpatrh tn Tin: fcv lir.'tioN, May 4. The casualty list from April 2H to May 4 nnntnlu III tiainrs of ih)2 ofllcers, of whom HQ were killed, and A.i'il men. of whom I, Id wctc killed. THE SUN, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1916. BRITISH SP7E James Mark Sullivan. notntmenl A fen weeks after Inking oflk-- Sullivan was charged with fa- - vorlng certain telativo in rnn tract. among whom were Tlinolhv .1 Sullivan Sprlngllcld, Mass. Mr. Ilrvi mm tn Sullivan s as- - slstance. ridiculing the charges, and .'. rranklln 1'oit. al the President's re- - .piest. Investigated the charge-- , and re-- . ported that they wrro tmfauiidi-- i Uiter tho charge wi re renewed, taking on a more serious aspect, and Sullivan re-- signed bis post two weeld before a iu!,,,7,r.J. ,port r",.," T """1o hy Sullivan Is known to have been In- terested In Irish affairs. When King V. visited Ireland In mil, after his coronation he attended a meeting lit the grav of Wolfe Tone, Iho Irish patriot. Sullivan wns present and spoke. Ills topic on that ovc.ilon was .4 PPEA LS'fO LA NSISG. Mr: Millli.ii. U the erretr lo Interrede. Washington. Mav I.. Mrs Sullivan, wife of James M who ha be.-- arrested In Dublin m the charge "f eompliclly In the irih roUdiion. has appealed to Seer, larv Laning tn Inter cede on behalf of her husband. .Mr. I. using received Hie api' by tele graph a H to innime-i- t m it. lit It l understood that the I'nlte.l States will do no more than Instruct Vmhassadnr Page at Ismdon tn ascertain the facts and protect the legal rights of Mr Sullivan as an Vinericn rlllzen. AMERICANS LEAVE EULGARIA. Dr. Xfornnlls anil Mr. I'nn.'on.l In II. .linn. I. Till. lUnti:, May t fter sixteen months work in the Hung man llul Karl, in ..nny Dr ci..r!i" 1' of Philadelphia and Dr Morowltz of New York luv.. reach Holland. They were the last American tdiv Ici.ins to leave Bulgaria with Hi" exception of Dr Harry liotz of New- - Yolk, who inn. lined In Sofia S great Is the German Influence over Bulgaria, Dr Pamiwt said, that the en tiro countr.v has been practically swept or f'Kiilstuffs and medl aments, The populate inpi-lle- In get sugar, Hour and oilier necessltl.s bj card si lowance. Is glowing ristless, lie said. The feeling of hostility to the Germans and toward the Gov eminent may reult, the puystdnns believe In popular up or a.isslnaton. It Is estl mated that there arc at least 4un,0UO Germans in Bulgaria Dr. Pancoast stated that the Hun garians were lat more humane to their prisoners titan the The Hungarians also mated ihe Americans well, while in Bulgaii.i all Americans ,u n regarded Dr Morowllz will sail on the steam- ship Nleiiiv Amsterdam GIVES PRAISE TO TOWNSHEND, llnngrr Vln.le Km Surrender os l.or.l Hll.-liroi-- l.ONPON, May 4 L'ail Kitchener In the lloui of Lord" y eulogiz"d inn rnwush.'nd ami his army, who were compelieil to siin.-nile- at n Karl Kitchener stated that the surruidcr was made only In the fine of starvation. The relief force under Gen Got tinge was prevented from reaching by adverse elements only he added. The British Secrelaty for War read tills despatch, the last scut hy Geo Townshend: "Wo are pleased to know that we have done our duty and recognize that our situation Is one of tin- - foil lines of wa We thank you. Gen Gorrlnge and all ranka of the Tigris force for the great efforts you have made to save us. T. N. PAGE SEES NO PEACE SOON, F.nvn to Itnlj F.xpecls a lirral Vic lor lo Decide Wnr. Wasiiinuton', May 4 Thomas Nelson Page, American Ambassador to Italy, believes the F.urocaii war will bo de- - clikd by a gteat victory for one side or th" other. The Amnasaitor, win) con ferred wltli President Wilson this morn Ing, said lie hud no Information that the time Is ripe for icucv. Ilo said that nlthniigh the people of all the belligerent nation are weary of the snuggle no basis of peace satisfactory to both sides is discernible. Mr. Page I In the United Stales on n vacation. tnnadn and Australia SatUBrd Spertal Calile Ifpateh to Tur. Six LoNnoN. May 4. Arthur Herbert Conservative member of Parliament from BlnnliighHiu, said In the. Huut-- of Commons this afternoon that there was no reason to bclluve that Canada or Australia vvas dissatisfied with tho assurances given them with regard tn participation In tho peace conferences. (irrnian Merchant Ship Caplnred IxixnoN, May I After drifting to sea last nlKllt from Teneiiffe, wheie she was Interned, the Herman merchant hl Telde has been captuted by a Brltls cruiser and Is being tnwed northward The Telde I of J.nJ.l Ions grins, Is feet long and Is owned In Hhlenhuri fieu. von Sander, at Minirqa, I'AIUS, May despatches to ,nK ,, ;.' Xgency state that Turkish troops (r M,')K mm.,.ntrliM , Smyrna, II I also Mild that Gen. t.lmau von Sanders Iiiih arilvnl at Smyrna and will superintend the defence of tlio coast Ship llnna Aahnrr. lyoNPON, May 4 A despatch from Bathunt. Africa. Mates that the Brltlrh iteninfhlp fliillsha, of a,S31 tons, ha been run ashore on Bird Bank Tho steamship I In the British African trade, her huine port being Liverpool FRENCH HOLD NEW POSITION AT VERDUN optilsp Attnoks Soar t he . Mouse: Onhi nt (lie Mort Hoinme. MINK CHATKH OCCUPIED Aimi VnMr Hfrotrh tn Tnr. Sts. I IMBlil. May Tho new- - Krench IhisI- - Hon at Lo Mort Homme, which resulted from the gain made In yesterday' wa enlarged and consolidated last night To-da- y the Hermans bombarded nth Lo Mort llonime and Mill .hm very lolentlv and also directed a small In- - fantrj attack against certain of the trenches taken by tho French III the counter offensive This attack broke down tinder the Krench barrier fire. The French took the offensive to-d- In the Argonne In artillery activity In the Hols ile Cheppy nnd gained the ad- - I'ltage. In mine lighting at La rlllo Morte. Hie official pciinmiinlntic1 Issued by the 'tench Wnr OinVr follows; In the Argonne our artillery bom barded enemy organizations In the Mils do Cbc;v. Al La nile .Morte there were mine combats, which re sulted to our advantage. West of the Meusp the bombard- - nie-ii- t was very violent In the region of III I 304 and I.e Mort Homme. a small Herman attack on one of the .tenches recently captured by us was stopped bv oil'.' fire curtain. Hast of th-- Jleu-- e anu in in WcM-vi- llicrn as I lit t. rill II I tit activ- ity of our ar'lllerj. Thero is nothing l" r. port on the rest of the frjnt aside from the cus- - '.otnarj- - cannonade. I.ertnan Itrcoimalaanrr I'alU. A Htroiie Herman reennnaissmee was vnulsed near Aprcmont, east of St. Mlhlel, ycftcrdaj-- . In the vicinity of Lea Knarcos. on tho Height of tho Meuse, the French exploded a minx and occu- pied the crater. The text of tun unci noon isunmnnique is as follows; In Itelglum our artillery nre dis mantled the works of the enemy nt Hrande Dune and caused the explo sion of a depot of munition". W est of the Meuse thro has la en a violent bombardment in all the sectors, to- gether with fighting Willi grenades In the Hols fl'Avncourt ,s tb night progressed we enlarged and consolidated tin. gains we made terd til I' Molt llolli'lie Pie- - Vinll" te"irt1 that the nf .lie eiieinj wete insidciable have been confirmed The preparatory lire of our artilterv was particularly effective on the cneiiij. At one point two Her nial' "obllers came forward and sur- rendered In the nudtt of our the They explained lliev were the List survivors of the occupants of their tieic-- l;ast of Ihe M.usu there has been .1 bombardment In tho iegon of Vaux. Fr.-n.-- ICCI1I Mine I rater. In Un Woevrc our artillery has taken putt in a number f inaiio-u- res. Including Ihe enureiitr..tloti of u l.eavv-fire- , our troop- - operating In the vicin ity of s l.pargc colnrissei tbe ex- plosion of a mine, other men at onco moved forward nnd occupied tin- - cra- ter Kan of M. Mih:"l jestcrdaj n strong l m no r in.- - party of the enemy came forward from Its Hues in all endeavor to occupy one of our positions not tir froni Aprcmont French forces met the Germans atid they wete driven back. The night passed quietly on tho lenulnder of ihe front. A French avUtor jesleiday, fljlng In the vicinity of Uouauinnnt, met In the sir two German aeroplanes and engaged them in combat. One of th . tiemy machines fell to the ground, while the other tier. BERLIN ADMITS LOSS. French (inln Fniilbol.l In dinnced t.rrnian I'o.l. Br.nt.iN, l.i Lnnilnn, May I The French mane attacks jesi.-rdaj- ' agatnvt the German positions on the slopes west and southwest of I.e Mort Homme, on the went bank of th" Metie. The at- tack west of the bill was repulsed, while to the southwest the attacking fotce gained a foothold In a German ad- vanced post. The olllclal German stute-mi- was as follows In Ihe sector between Armentieres and Arras there has been some lively lighting. Near Souchez and nnrtheat nf Lens then- - have been snm mine engagement, nnd similar lighting near Neuvllle. Northwest of an at- tempt by the British to advance some mine explosions failed. In the sector of the Mcufcc the nr. tlllery tiro on both sides Increased with great violence during the eve- ning, ami vvas exceptionally violent In Ihe night A French atf.-r- against our positions on the slopes of l.o Mort Homme was repulsed South-we- of the hill tin- - enemy obtained a foothold In one of our advanced posts. Of several enetnj aeroplanes which dropped bombs this morning upon the garden of the royal of i it.-n- one was shot down In an aerial bat- tle near Middrlkerke. The pilot, i French officer, was killed. West of Llcvin German an'l- - '"- - raft guns and machine guns hi ought down two enemy aeroplanes In the district nt Fort Vaux two French biplanes were put out of commission by our airmen. RAID BRITISH TRENCHES. Herman. Inflict ( n.unlllr. In Bom bardment at Moni'hy, Speelal Cable leiitrh to The Sin. LoMion, May 4 -- The following re port from British headquarters In France was Issued by the or- - ftcial Press Bureau , Last night there was activity at different parts of the line The art- illery- of both sides was active about Marleourt Near Monehy the enemj-- , after u heavy bombardment, raided our trrnche.s and caused casualties. At Ncuvillc-S- t Vaast tho emmy ex- ploded tw-- mines lueffectuallj'. At Doublo Crassler wc followed a mlns explosion by a small raid successfull-- . Hostile ilugmits were bombarded and casualties weir Indicted. About Iluogo wc sprang a mine, damaging the eucny's undeigro" workings. There was a consl, ...bin bombardment on both side In this seel or. To-da- y there was no special Inci- dent beyond an artillery bombard- ment which was most marked opposite Aug t.i and about lloogn and lilckem, At til" last nami-.- l plnce the French and British artillery cooperated with ITood effect. MANY LEAVE MKT'.. rirnrlnK ol Tnnna May Mean Urn" cral French Advance Soon, Special Cable Heipalcti to Tnr. Sis Lunpon, May 4. Iteports oi move- ments of German Hoops and the evacua- tion by the Inhabitants of towns from Metz to Muelhatisen In Lorraine and Alsace reached hero y from Swiss and Dutch sum cis,. II In possible that Ihe clearing out of the towns may mean that Germany Is preparing for a general French ailv.ii the odvanco which the French troops have been eagerly awaiting ulnce the battlo of tho Marne. According to Amsterdam despatched lljc civilian population of Melz, one of the strongest fortresses In llm world, I leaving the town. Tho i lly has a popu- lation of about fill, ono It I about forty tulles cast of Verdun, and I approxi- mately llftt-c- miles north of tho tiring line. Swiss newspapers publish reportn that the Inhabitant of many villages In Ihe Sundgall, Hi" district iiboilt Muclhauseii, and III Fpper Alsace nrn being remved. It Is stated that great inovetlU-liti- l of troops are In progu-ss- . Thp movement of German troops may possibly mean n new Get man offensive ngalnst a of the French line, although the removal of tho InhahllanlH at Mot would Indicate that pteparatlotts nre In rogrcss to repel n French attack. SHELLINGATIXMUDE. an Belgians Pnrllclp.ite In Intense Bombardment Operations. Special I able DttpnlcS tn Tnr Sin an llAMiK, via Paris, May 4, Tho follow ing otllchil communique'- - vvas Issued to- night by the Belgian War oflieo: The bombardment on both rides vax resumed with considerable lntenlty In the rector of Dl.xmudo and to too north. Our artillery look under It fire Gor- man batterlew and mine throwers, n well as lighters which were observed In tho Handzieme Canal AMERICANS HIT AT VERDUN. Ilavld King and Bob "en ill on e Wound. In (he I'luhtliiK. f pedal Calile lie'pitlei lo Till: Sis of Paiii. Mn 4 -- David King of Pmvl- - drnce, It. I, one of the American volitn- - leet-.- , whs lnjurnl In the rib wnen a shell explosion hurled a stone against tilm Ho wa taken to a hoepltat In the rear of the line at Verdun, Bob Seiiiilnn, the negro boxer, w.i wounded lit the same lime This Is tl.o a etcntid time he has been wounded. RUSSIANS DESTROY BALLOON. Shell Mrlkr. It Xoiilh of Krrrs lirrmniiR llrnp ll.tint... fpeclal ralle Defpntcl, lo Tut Jri. PtrrRinr.Ati, .day 4 The official state- ment Issued by the Husslan War Office sajs: lenemy aeroplanes dropped to the "Ollth of Dwink Soutn of Kri-v- a Kulan shell a German ..iptlve balloon, vvlrMi was corre-iln- g .irllller;- - tlr. Herinnii tlrmrii ttlni-- In F.nsl, IlKtil.lN. Ma London. May I. - Tho Army I leadqti.irters lsue.l the following state ineiit rrgiriling the cistern front : vv. The situation l generalh out airship slice, ssfully at- tacked rillwav cstabllshmentM at Molod-ch- no and Minsk and the rall-wa- v Junction nt Lunlnle-c- , northeast of Pln--k- . Turk lin.'k. tn I o .ten "ii" Hriinl.eil .V;.ecl'll 'lie Penpatch tn Tlt M v I'KTiioi.iivt.. Mav I -- The following of. tlcial statement was lMlod by the War oilli. i regarding the operation-o- f Ihe Caucasus armj ; Turkl-- h iiliMit attack" in tin- region of Halbiirt .Hid Lizlngan were re. pulsed. Ilnl.'h ship In lie llencbcil. lyosiKis. May t According to a des. patih to Lloyd'", the Dutch "Icamshlp Public, whtih va .lamaged by an on Apt II '.'7 near the Galloper Light, has pii.-.-e- , Gravcwt.d ami l bv U.i. lied. Paulino llepnrleil In Lplrii". Blriin, via Lon. Ion, May 4 The Overseas News Agency states that of lb" Allies have entitle-cite- d grain on lh Ilaud of Corfu which was destined for northern liplrus. As a result there Is fam'ne Its linlrus. It is said, and persons have died of starvation there ft in I Aaaln.t Wnr'. F.ii.l In llllil, LovooN. May I Odd" In the new- - In surance rates of only three to one that 'the war will not end before the ctoe of r.Gii wete posted y bj Lloyds BERNHARDT COMING IN SEPT. Will Ho lo xinrrlrn llesplH' the Menace, of Ihe "llnelirs." .Special ''able I'e'pat 'i tn Tnr M Paius. Mav t Sarah Bernhardt I" going in Boiilnurls, on the Klvicra. Li an Interview- in' that 'she wouH leave Fiance at the end of Scpumbi-fo- r Amotica, "despll.. the menaces cf which" she "would continue to be the object from the bo. lies "I shall then return to Pari," she continued, "I" pl.iy hi 'Athahe' and 'l.-- i Princesse Lointalne ' Tin- - w ar by that time will undoubtedly lie over, as our good ftlends the linglllil III" con- vinced." Mme Bernhardt told of Ihe enthusi- astic admiration aroused In liugl md bv the defence of Verdun She said tha she did not s. e a single Zeppelin whip In Ktigland "Anywnj," flic raid, "1 don't kno-- what fear Is. If did. 1 shouldn't go to Amor ca, where death is. prediet.-.- l for tne In a dozen form-- Fear Is an article .Made In Germanj-.- ' BIDDINGER UNDER ARREST. Chlcngn Grand .lory Indict. F.i- - Vleinber of tb. Force, Guy Bliltllng.-r- , former tlctei-tlv- ser-,n;.- tt of Chicago, was Infonmsl at the Holland llouso l...t night bv Dotectlves Brown, Dribben nnd llnskini that he was under arrest Tho nriesi vvas mado al the request nf Chief .if Pollen Lir-ki- ll of Chicago, win tl to Police Headquarters that the Cool, comity Grand Jury jestculav Indicted I iildtngrr Tlio Indictment, n was said, covered ten or twelve count. Including lirlberv, grand larceny, and allow Ing n prlsoiuv tn escape. Ball bad be n s. t at ,, tho telegram said, and an officer was on the way with oxtia.llilon papers KMradltlon prm .iK.iln- -t Bid. .linger reccnllv when Gov Dunne of Illinois sent notice to Gov Whlimiiu uv.illlng hl ngalnst the det.s-tl- c, again- - whom nil morons chare.- of grafting had been made. Just before Blddlngcr was locked up at Police Headquarters he rtald that he had heard on Wednesday that ef- forts were afoot lo have him Indicted, nnd that he supposed "I hey were after their pound of Hi ah." . V, IT Track Team I. Favorite. The New York t'nlversitv track team will bold Its Hist uicii ol the season tills aflnriiisiu, opposing llaverford's alhleies, The local athletic aiilhorlln'i declare Hint the team that will compile for New York y la ono of the best ever turned out al University llelchls In practically every event a man Is enlered who cmuca clore lo tho record tlm. I' fine. In II i.'bmonil. i.'IIR'Ailo, May t - Joe h . riqlo shnitslop, was relcasul by President C.nulskey In the Itkhniond club ' nf the Inlrrntitiimal League Title, player' went to llm capital city of Vitginl.ti under an option agreement He came In the Sox this spilng fiom lllbblng, Minn MRS. FARWELL DESCRIBES MONASTIR'S EVACUATION American Woman Writes Entertainingly of With-draw- al of Serbians and Arrival of Bulgarian Officers The Two Peoples Compared. Mrs. Mildred Karwell nf t'hlrago ha Just returned from the war strlrhrn Hal-ka- vvlierr she bad many drnturc. A" a newspaper rorresH.n.lrnt Mrs. I'ar-wel- rtM-rlrne- ha. been unliiie, for she herself wa. Inst sight of for aeteral weeks, and fear, for lirr .afrly wrrr by her frl nds In thl. reunlry. him wa. caught up In the Bulgarian rep aernM Serbia and she made It her adtenlarr In follow In Ihe wake of the Bulgarian, and dn what .he rould for the destitute Serbians, fo isequeally h had unusual opportunity lo tudr the Bul- garian army at llrst hand. Mrs. Harwell ha. written a aerlr of rlli Irs detailing hrr experience.. The Iblr.l of the aerie, annrara below. In II she ilcM-rlh- scene, attending the etacua-tlo- n of M.ina.tlr by the Serbian, and Ihe entry of Ihe Bulgarians. lly Mll.llltEIt I'AllWKI.I.. Tho Albanian refugee from the. first Balkan war, cut off from tho Christian population by their religion, Moham medan, and almost forgotten lichlnd the high wall of their courtyard that oisMied Into the narrow, twister! str.ct tho Turkish quarter, for three year huvo been starving. 1 went Into mnt of the houses. The. only furniture was mat on the floor, no fire; the hush of death seem.d already over them. Ono room comes to oy mind always: tail, ragged peasant standing Inside tho threshold, several women huddled on the door In one corner, a tilack cloth thrown hastily over their faces, and sit- ting beside them a baby, perfectty quiet, staring straight with tho wise 'f an old, old man. It had been llkn that for some time starving. We knew Hint If we rould get food at enrc. some of the flour, sugar. &., that If not t over the border by tho Governor would bo destroyed, we could s.ivo hundred rf lives. But Pr. Forbc-- i had only vague prom- ises until wc hit n the Idea of visiting card". Now, in the Balkans these play u serious S'.ial pall. If nu possess them you nr. somebody. If you don't, you arc louk'-i- l mi as utterly beyond the pale. lively morning, afternoon, and some- times evening, he, with olther MIsr Mitcheil or myself, would go to the divi- sion, s- nd in .i card and ask what lliey r. L'olng to do about tho supplies. One afternoon they surprised us by sny-In- g that If we cared tn wo could go to the magazine, see what was there, and settle the matter that day. Several nfllcere. dignified a a commis- sion, and Pr Forbes climbed into the back of tlie automobile, van. I got up In front, a r stretch. . I out on each tnud guard, nnd the driver, with a great air of tier, encss, pull,-.- ! all the levers at once. Wo went up tho street at a terrlio pace. Hi" soldiers on the mud guards shouting warning", turned tho corner on two wheels and came back again to whin- we had started, Tho magazine was right around the corner. The driver unwound H dlrt.v rag from his linger and displayed n tiny in for my sympathetic Inspe.-tlon- . Tho officer bowed us out of the motor and wu went Into the magazine. The next day the news was too serloii" for thoughts of roast pork. That nlgbt sonic one tapped on Pr. Forties's win- dow to say the Si rbi.ui" were lenvinr They faded like sin army of gallant ghost up the tVhslda road on their Into Albania. Ucd Food of A merlon n. All Hi it day III ox carts and on porters' tricks, the supplies for tho poor were b"lng mnveil to tile ambulances. t was to guaid them as they tu"il through the streets, und tho po-te- rs clamored for the protection of tin Bed Cross emblem They all had guns, but It wa with the gtcit.'st .1 . uliy that we convinced them that ill" two lould not be worn s.mullani-oiisl- y .in the walls of the buildings the Ser- bians nail placard" bidding their ib ar friends in Monastlr giKol-b- y for a m ion time only and telling them that fond had been left with tho Americans for them Tho whole population came to us to lie fed The American ambulance had oncuiallj Ik lunged to a family of rich Inside the walled courtyard w. a big white houe In which the In- tel meters ami th" itistor slept and a sui.lller one Used for a clinic. ilio gates of th" courtyard opened lt:o a strict leslde the barracks, and there was a door at the back lead-ti.- g into an alley Above each was a lte.1 Ctos.. tl.ig. Wo had shut tho gates, and at llrst wo kept some scmblanco of old r. A long line of miserable creatures wviien, old men, and a few children clutching their tickets, stood along the outside wall. Tin- - man on guard at the Uooi vv uhl allow them to enter by turns and empty out of an oil tin Into the cloth they carr.rd their measure of flour There was no Mopping, In gossip or to thank Thev would mutter a blensing, and, holding the Hour as If afraid hiiiiii one would l ike It away, hurry off old womi ii, bent snd twisted with rheuma- tism, after standing for hours sat to nst in the melting snow. The in.t day I . irted for the ambu- lance ; ono person. 1 grew to be a cioird. Women Joined mo at i stitfi. They waMed before me backward, behind atul b. side mc clutching at my arms, each one trving tn get as close as possible, nil talking at once. A small dog whoso ancestors eon before had been Pomer.inl-in- had adopted me. I struggled against it. but. lliid'tig it in vain, nave given It a name - Fl.lo Why ? Because it looked It. It wa puffed up over becoming an iueiioaii citizen and led the van In an ecstasy of proud harks. In tho alley behind the ambulance was p:n kid n sollil luase. of peasants, I IP AT rutxtht a glimpse of Ml tip ngalnat Iho gale. Her .draw i,,. Hwam In a sea nf natlvo headdresses ti, lexze. Tlie Turkish hoja slnoil i,..i, hei, shouting at the top of his im .. admonitions to the crowd At the big gaton It was r.ors. u.i. the people In MotuiHtlr were ."mi i tiUehltig Pr. Forhc wa valnli r lliaj lo keep some sort of order. Il.ituls ,rm ciisiiea paper written In tn.m i,(r KUates atsive their heads to attract or attention--n- ot only our own Hon- - ii. t,, k hut pupera written In their tiatli. , guago by their priests and litei.u friends. "Doha gaspodja '" ( 't Is good I h The hennaed lingers of a Turkish wo null In her hungry eyes., vvo.i ,i a hieroglyphic under my noe -- ii,iiM ganpodja 1" And hnnds would frit dirty paper toward me. front evetj ii iccllon, Cripple nnd diseased person, that would ordinarily have pone a tune of my way to avoid clung to tnr Th gypslc from tlio Dragor, in llerre, crowded and pushed the wen. people. Boy ran In und out, :t t waj- - of bo nil over the world, sil-- r . up mischief Belief work In the Bnlkans i not . ladylike operation conduct, d 'o, benefit of clean and deserving p W had no time to be grntle. I remember giving sharp nudte-- i slap, when the ni"ii crowded t te foo much. A gytiey Ict forth u s'- abuse at one of the Interpreter, v dently strong, tlrst principle repartee The whoki crowd laughed. When , stopped nt noon we were sprip, n wn had been swimming again-"- . : wave for a long lime, hut In a da and n half we distributed enmiei 'oo tn last more than l.nnn families for s week, Arid TBI nf Bulgarian.. The Bulgarian were expected to l possession that afternoon. When heard the new our Serbian Interprcie' put hi rap In the tire. Tired out, w took an afternoon to see tlio sight. For three day a big crowd had in front of the division on nth side of the little river spanned by brldci that run In front of It Yoi mi see the Prelep road hi 'ween tbe the houses, nnd against the in.m hills climbing black dotr, ant. Bulirarlans Impatient to be tin th t f greet tho army. IJaeh day two soldier nf the rjmi watch had ridden In un far hs ts bridge, their cap at a dashing ,ir had he.wi cheered by tho Bulgarian p. ' of the population, and had rldd-- fit again Bulgarian boys, some In whit" fur caps with red crown., (the distinctive badge of their nationality during Turk jh rulel, were marching In the streets, :ins-In- "Shemn Mnrllza," their iutio.ul song. They had been hiding In the hnut-e- s for months to escape tho Serbian military service. The proprietor of the Bosnia, who for iho same reason was supposed to out of town, issued from the cellar wi he bad lived for a long time, a secret ar-r- i hj every one in Monastlr. Includ ..' tl- Serbian otllcl.ils. who nightly playe-- t domino In the oafo 0fr hrat, H made on- - tin ir bills from tho cellar. The tablecloth.-- , in the same C.lfe veers washed. It takes somethli.t; k i change of Uivt niincnt to g. t this dp. nod ucv.-- had it before o niter, and Bulgarian ymputh v whu hail a gun wont out and shot It " It was much mote dangerous tl,u battle Tliete wns no front and no r They shot In everv direction. A I, plunked perllou-d- y near one of the r ' Cross Interpretert, standing on steps of Ihe clinic You could hen steady plug of somo would-b- e pi- firing over the roof. H waN a Kood time to settle old if you shot any one you could down as ,i mlntako or an excess f cent rejoicing. Mlrts Mitchell and I dodged . . down tho street and stood in t . our lio.sen pressed against the ra ; ' the Obstlnn (the clt hall) te children viewing a partj. Ilalunrtiui. Without Several motors drove up. H ofllcers got out and went up i They were qultn a elifferei t -- tho Serbians, fat most ,,f tb, s mutid. sleepy, brown f.nis T'i, v Ilea- - uniforms of ,i light to!- i.-- i had fur collars that we rnvie,, bu had no Individuality of femr, . nothing of the dash that af-- the Serbs we associated w i n Balkan. Tlie two Germans Co . - -- ofllcers In high fur hats, we . j more the typo of dashing s.,' i could see thoy thought the ' a great bore, and the Bulganais i" the sort of persons thev would ,ar to le seen associating with p The were the German eq i.nsianu s smart cavulrj, ' Haw brigade" As wc clung to the rai. ntr .w across a sea nf red. tho sr . solidly packed with people, mn Ing the fez the Serbian e.ip-- i ' appeared like magic and i spare. In the centre, four nc hind the other, solemnh circle. Civilian otllclals, with the . poua undertakers, would dH-- time to time In dilapidate! disappear Into the ohst Ma cart brought tho Serbian - r, , which during tin stay w. . placed by any others S rl s them Into the Obstlna gar.:.- them In a corner. The nlllcers came ou n.1 Steps again The people n cheered feebly. Mnn.Kfir w Bulgarian. ISee the repnr-- - b fell That's the way a ' t'optrlpht by the t hi r SfcCONL) STREET FOUNDED 1356 Quality cannot possibly mean more to you than it does to us, for it is upon quality tbe highest known that the continuation of out success depends, just as it always has. And when we say quality, we embrace in the general term everything that goes to make perfect clothes, such as materials, fast color-- . design, tailoring, fit, wealing endurance and modest prices. Our clothes do not invite comparison they challenge it. Brokaw Brothers 1457-14G- 3 BROADWAY FORTY- -

Transcript of The Two ;'..' 'hf'' I'n, Mir' · An order lulled hi--Mnjor-Oe-Sir John Maxwell Indicate that thono...

Page 1: The Two ;'..' 'hf'' I'n, Mir' · An order lulled hi--Mnjor-Oe-Sir John Maxwell Indicate that thono who to rrfui--e to slve lip have llltle merry to expect at the h.mdji of the tiovernnient


he greatest Importance, to tho exactlanguage, of the German note, which re-

fer In modlllciitlnu of Iho German Ad-

miralty order of Frluuary 4, Tho word-In- n

of the text on this point probablydll decide whether a diplomatic break

Is to bo avertedSecretary Lansing delivered Mr.

Gerard' cable to the Ftcsidciit tillmorning Later tlx' Scetelury had "ronfcicme with Senator Stone, chair-Inn- ii

of the Senate 'oinmltteo mi For-rlit- ti

Itolatlniis, lit the Sluto DepartmentPenator Stone said after the conference

L. .. '

Jn I n faio of the In.lrm.H- - olll-l- l

Infi motion reply"tho statement was made m

Wilson will Inline- -


rLno ::;,tinfrom now on,

Condition- - .ho Imperial liov- -

rrnment might wish to .llseiis with the, J'

,':'.?i"VT . .. .Vf "'ul m InvIft a" tho In It.tti.ilo.l ,iy i.,,, p.,,....

in -pprr.uittn.H "J..Ihcni on TtlliT IflKIP .I..; i.Urr'1'1IinlnB hiU maile thUtime, In.e the Ii.kI American nieftnl.

lly "rnitner niirfiirn" It I" ninint thatClerni.iti hiltmmriiii'H oprato iiit.ihiH

WerHialitnirn Jin-- t 111. woiil, op-

erate. The Miliin.irlne-oii- he Mtihjerto the ianie reelrli'tloiiN Inipowil 1,1 I.i on ennnern. "mum warn the Rli .1

,. .

.i,.u, .n m,iirtiniltv of surrenderliiKml visit and search the ship, rescue tlw

rhlp's papers .mil pr.nlde for the safetyof the r. befoie slnklne the vessel.

If the niiTcliaiilman attempts to leslstOr flee. aft. r hclue called on to surrenderthe cruiser ha a ilKht I" "i' 'irrut fuithei- ado. but If the merchant-man Indicates wllllneness to surrender

vrn after ti.ivmc alU'mpt' d resistancer lllHht the rulser must not sink her.Tho Pies .I "t s attitude Is rcprc-cnto- il

8 beltiR almost linpillint Tholncli have come from

J'.erlln Have vcved the Impn-sl- oli thatfk;rmanv .Iu.-- md fully tho grav-M- y

of the situation which caused thoPresident to his note.

The Pr.'sldi-ni'- determination tn netdrastlcjilly .. soon as an unsatlsfactorj'reply from Itcrl-- Is ecelved vvas re-

flected to-d- In a conference ho heldWith Hay of tho House Com-

mittee on Military Affairs. The Presi-dent Is understood to have expressed the,Wish that the coufcience loinmlttee ofthe Houni and Senate on tho army Milshould expedite its deliberations Insteadef delajlim-- lonx.-- over the pro- - andcons of the House plan for fcderalUltiRthe mllltla and the Senate plan for arational volunteer force.

Official- - believe the President's tlrsttep If diplomatic relations are severed

Will be to on CoiiKress lo pass thearmy and navy programme as cmcrf-ncj- -



Wr Temps" llellrves t.erntanrKrr Ihi-- t'. f.

Srninl Val,!f Itfpnlrh tn Tutr.vms. May 4. - The 7Yihki, comment-In- r

on the diplomat h' situation, says!"The Herman, havlUB Issurd .1 medal

In honor of the t.ult.uil.i, will be ableto roiiniK linn ale the anniversary us adiplomatic triumph by dlplayliiK theUreal .olle.-tlo- of documents by whichthe settlement of the difference has beenprotracted.

"The Kaiser has been postponliiK thereplj-- , hopliiK that some success wouldcome to facilitate jlcldltiR r to au-thorize bravado, The fall of Kut.e.Amir.i and th" recoustltutlon of thetrlpllce, with Turkey irpliicliiK Italj,cannot distract Cernian attention fromthe ten weeks' . heck at Verdun.

"The Irish riots have accomplishednothlnir, The House 'of I'lnnmous hasxeated obligatory service. Inder theseconditions the Kaiser Muds dancer Inyielding to the American ultimatum,but, nevertheless, must resign himselfto It, for lie recognizes that ilennHiiy IsIncapable of facing an additional power-ful enemy."

MADRID'S INTEREST.pal 11 ( It. inn In ImllrTrrent,

I 'orrt-aii- . indent It r ports.tpmal Hhle lfniHch to The St v.

Taiiis, May t The Teiiiju's Madridcorrespondent telegraphs that the eter-(etl- c

attitude taken and maintained byWashington has deeply Imp-ese- po-

litical und (iovernmental circles.The correspondent states that he re-

ceives the Impression, through conver-sations with nuthoiUed persons thatit the I'nlted States ake neutralsto adhete to n general entente t

the German pltatlcal submarine warfareSpain would adhere.

Wilson's phrases In the note refer-iu- g

to the rights of neutrals have greatlypleaded tlie .Madrid (lovernment, thecorrospopdent states. The Governmentgives meat consideration to the oplnloiof South American tepuh'.lcs, which en-tirely conform with those of tho UnitedHUtos.

"It Is said here," the correspondentaj-s-

, "that n opinion In SouthAmerica Is notably Influenced by Wash-ington's attitude and on this accountIt Is Impossible for Spain to remain In-

different."The correspondent conclude declar-fn- f

that opinion In diplomatic on '"s Isunanimous In believing that tho pr- - "ntmoment Is the gravest for neutrals si icethe war began. America's: attitude lataken an showing that nffalr are g. nigveil for the Allies.

ASKS TUBANTIA FACTS.kVanalnar JVar. Complications If

Germany Ttcplacr.1 Hutch Mi I p.Wasiiinoton, May A. Secretary Lan-

sing- cabled lo Ambassador Herard atIterlln to-d- asking for continuation ordenial of tho that Heriminy hadadmitted torpedoliur tho Dutch steamshipTubanti.i and hud Hjrrecd to provldn tlinowners with a Herman ship In place oftho ship sunk.

A American citizens were on iboaidthe Tiibnntla, the I'nlted Stales liaa adirect Interest In tho case. Germany hasmade no olfei- - of i ep iratldn tn the. I'nltedHtatcs for tho damage suffeitd by Amer-icans.

It la understood that the Fulled StatesGovernment would regard a Hermanoffer to replace the Tiibnntla by a Ger-man vessel as a ilieM uiable concessionto Holland. The Herman stealer ownedby the Diltoh could not operate withoutrisking captuie as a prize ny the entente,ana vexing uipiomatie questions arelikely to be inuilv.d In the transfer.


Vrcent Iminlry tin ered In Mnklnof the II lo llranco,

rtto nr Jankiiio, May 4. An urgentInquiry concerning the sinking of iheBrazilian steamship I'.lo liniwn haslieen unified hy the Hrazlllau Hoverii-me-

In order (hat the ma- beable to mi in .Icfcucn nf lis uci.lialrights. The Herinan Legatlun here hasheed i informed of the nctlon of iic

It Is Ntaled In olllclal cable meeeagesthat tho vicsel was lorpeiloeil by a tier-Ba- n

submarine Th" newspaiiets de-

nounce the lieilin Goverimient as thefo of hiiiuanlly.

Th" (iiitcttn tie Sntinn sajs "Tocombat Infamous I'nissl.tnlsin Is Dieduty of . nation

The ronnii ..- tfniiio sajs "li'i.tnimy ceinsld. s Inis.if in a slate of nar

the einli.. noii "The .oiirini tin f'nininrrt lit eMi-- i daj

urged roop.-rHtl.ii- i nf ,im niIJlllttd Stali'i is ..pp.isltloii lo the Un-man tubmuilne



Vnnllnurtt from First I'apr,

rented were Peter II. Pi arse, Thomas .1

Clarke and Thomas MaoDonagh.Nothing was Kivrn otlt officially jes- -

'lonlHy,,,. to tlicfatrtlmt iiwhIH Connolly

'r 'h '"nM I'n,;'..' f'"' ,f Vi,i??r5I Mir''? ,P0'"''' ' ! if iinml l"der .in


There sllll prevails much mystery a

?y t" ,m.'"l :r."frebel leaders, .Ml unronnrmru nuiper Men repot, u

11 1. l. n.n'"Wi hnonnartrn.. .

.:I r-- v J!! "Tnr fh-"- ln!

n romi"M rM(Vmuit ami J(nh I'luhkett, who urt- -

Iii'ii t" I"" 'till In MlthouRh

("imreVl or are lawU0I11 M.ioNclll. oranl.T of the

Sinn In tinlilln, tii)Mrilniiilynt tl" imtcot of tlio rrvolt nnd

Ilih not bc'n m i'N or hmril from hlnor.TIip pronlc of Duhlln were tiot ap- -

prl-- i il of (he execution of tho three rehe.llle.l..r until lule We.lnw.lHj- nlnht. Thill,

. . . . oil,tH.,i i,nw .,ey re- -

the newK.A number of rebel rlnsle.icle ra are on

trial before iho oentral eoiirt-umrtla- l.

Minor relief m (ho various .IlKtrlel.i aredealt with by I.k-.i- I oourtK-martla- l. Inthe oiitlylui; .luarleri of lmhlln ItHilatedlehel "etrHimlerr" have inirrenilered.An order lulled hi-- Mnjor-Oe- Sir JohnMaxwell Indicate that thono who

to rrfui-- e to slve lip have llltlemerry to expect at the h.mdji of thetiovernnient

Warned Aanln.t ISIiln A.rlnra.Meaimhlle the rltlzrn ry ra has been

urgently WHrned not to harbor any reb-els, arrest and punishment belns threat-ened to offenders, A house to housesearch Is under way for those of therebels who have not been accountedfor. The HI1111 Felncra have carriedon their propaganda so openlj" for yearsthat the (lov.-- t nnient has n fairly com-plete llht of all members of tho movementand their sympat hirers.

Thcie are Sinn Keln oriranliatlonsIn several districts, of Trelind whichtook no part at all In the revolt. Never-theless they are closely watched by the

as It Is knonti that mostof Hip Sinn Kelners have quantities ofanus ami ammunition. The mllituryorderx haM' posted and asummary wi.rnhiK to uuer all armsanil ammunitions.

Out of the ruins of a fiarllj' burnedbullillns m-a- tho fola-eu- tlovernmeiith.iliaee uorkers hae extricated toltrltlsli soldiers, badly Kor.-he- and thor-ninthl- y

cxhausttd from pain and hunRer.They had been taken prisoner by therebess ami left In tho bulldlnt:. whichthe terrorists set uflro before evacuatingIt. The lio It Is expected, willrecover.

PoMxxr stamps of the "Irish republic" have been found. Printed In therepublican colors- - (tn-en- , white andorautre- - with lnet pictures of the three'martyr," Iar'iUi. OTirlcn and Allen,the stamps bear the Inscription "( Ireland" upon a harji. They wereleady for Issue.

Ordinary stamps are not obtainableIn Ireland Nor Is there any out-Bol-

mall service A provisional lm'tnlservice for IrnnnniiK mall has been es-

tablished In Dublin and letters from theprovince" 1. Hi Kuclalld are belllK

after a fompleie tleup of tenlavs.

Three food distributes station havebeen established In Dublin and the R

of the population ha been greatlyrelieved.


I'rnnil of io.-lnl- houl Demandfeir PrMcr mil

I.oNt'o?;. Ma 4. Serious rioting tookplace In Hudao'-s- t on Sunday, acooixUngto a Central ivr despatrti frtiTO ThoHague,

It Is said that a thousand Socialistsand women assembled In front of theburgoma tct's hous.- - shouting. ".Makejieace!" "Hive us food!"

I'lfteen of the crowd were killer whenthe llonved garrison fired. Two hundredarrests were made.


France Nerka far ol Tho.r of n- -

trnl Coontrle..Paris, May I M. Hlbot, Minister of

Finance, Issued y the expected ap-peal to holders of securities of neutralcountries to lend them to the Govern-ment In order to support the rate of ex-

change.Tin- - sccuilties are tn he lent for a

year. The owners of the securities willbe permitted to negotiate them regard-len- s

of the loan to the Government.


InrkUh Olllcliil Iteport Penle. ANlegr.l lliiMlau,

tptctnt t'Ahl p. patch to Tub ScvLondon, Muy 4- .- A Turkish official

teport received here y by way ofIlerlln denies an alleged Kusslati state,ment that Krzlngan has been captured.No Itusslan claim of the capture of thocity hns been received .

The same Turkish official statementsaj-- s that armed bands landed In thoneighborhood of Sofia and Mlla", AsiaMinor, seized cattle and recinbarkcd.

The Russian official statement Issuedon April l' said that Iho Turks hadbeen driven back toward the west In thodliectlon of Krzlngan.


Another Troop Contingent Arrlie.4 mill (treat ICnthiislaani,

MAnsKliaxs, May 4. Another con-tingent of Itusslan troops disembarkedhere y amid great popular enthu-siasm. The lauding of the tivops wasattended by a military .lafonstratlonsimilar to that ucconird pic.vloua con-tingents.

The Husslans marched through theclly to Camp Mlrabeaii.


British Machine stuffrra In PlratFeat of the Kind.

Br.iu.tN, via London, May 4. An aero,plane wns brought down by u Gcimansubmarine on April 30 last, according toan official German statement Issued to-day, This Is th llrst time mtch a feathas been accomplished. The statementIs as follow a:

On April 30 a Herman submarine offIhe Flaiiileis coast shot down a Brit-

ish netnplaue, whose occupant wererescued by an ineiny destroyer.


French .'lninner Torpedoed InA Hi. ii lie, l.-.-O Vlllea From Shore.

,e. lul l nhle tlrsnntt'h til TllV SiLo inir., Maj I was ollb'i.i ll mi.

imiinceii lliiil llie French n1iing Niionncr llerniuielte was lij a suliiliarlne in Ihe Allaiillcon .Monil.iy. I.iii miles fiom lnnl

llm ci.-w- or llilrty.rour csc.ip.-i- l nbonis Light of the men h.ivn beenticKcjl ui; twvnU-bl.- x tllll adrift.


Irihli Leiidfrs I ore Deny AnyKiinwlf'lir of the



Several of James Mark Sullivan'".nd" ,n Nw YorU "" ,orw;,r" wt.r.lay to hi defence when the newswa cabled from London that tho British

...nni inr una ini v 1. t..i.ii.laWC of hi nllr.l Hrtlvltlox In . ,

,,,,lf "f ,rl"1' "l.clllo,,. jovoph W.

was ono of these, and Jereml.ih U'Learyvvas nnolher.

"If an audacious piece of 'Hrltlshsensallonallsm." said Mr. O'licarj'. "ameans of whacking at the lllsh Ainerl-- I

catis, ngalnst wboin they would take anysteps. The chances are they would havearretted imp hail I happened to be InIielatid, or nny other Irish American on I

whom they could lay their hands."Mr. n leary wae asked If ho thoueht

thero was any ground for the Hrltlshallegation that Mr Sullivan had beenImplicated In the rebellion, lie teplled I

that he it' ! not think so"Rut judging from Mr. Sullivan's nuhlo

utterances," Mr. n'taary. "ho Is nrepublican, h'urtherinore. the Hrltlshaulhorltles know very well what MrSullivan's opinions nre. That Is un- -doiibteilly their basin for arresting an ofAmerican citizen who typifies tbe thought .

of lilsh America toward the Hrltlh ioveriimrnt" i

Drnlea Milllraa'a Artlvitr."Tho Knglleli (lovrrninent." said Mr.

Oavan, "Is like a blind man hitting InIhn ,l.,-- I I. ...I... ... . 1.1.

inl.s manner atlen,.lng to frighten thi 'Irish people, hut that It cannot do. Mr,Sullivan has not been at all active In theIrish revolution, else I would li.ivo heardof him before this. I do not believe hehas been connected with the plot In any

as I have been In touch with theeltuatlon for months und his name hainever lieen mentioned In connectionwith II

Mr. Sullivan left for Ireland last July,two weeks before he was virtually askedto resign his poet as t'nltcd States Min-ister to Santo Domingo. Ills wife andson accompanied him. and upon sailingho raid that he was going back tol.lmcilck to visit his mother. He hadexpected to return last September.

Mr Sullivan, who was liorn inon January ti, lSTil, came tn this

country when a boy and was broughtup In llrooklyu. He studied law at Yaleand began practising In Connecticut.Later he came t" New York. During thItosenthal murder case tie was counselfor Hjld Jack Itose. Ills appointmentto the post In Santo Pomlngo was Inreturn Tor political services.

At the limn It was said that WilliamJ llrjan was responsible for the ap- -


Ileanlntlons tn nirii4 Actiontgillnst S.ii'lnllut Introduced.

lltui.N, via London. May I. -- A reso-'utlo- n

requesting the Imperial Chancellorto release to Dr. Kurl l.lebkne. hi fiomarrel and In suspend proceedingsagains. mm limn aner me neicnstagsuljournnient was Introduced In theIteichstag y by a Berlin Socialistmember.

HINT AT REVOLUTION.l.leliUnecht's llelene Maj Be

Xreraaarr, nieiihaaeii,Iimmin. May t. The Herman

may be compelled to reeaeDr. Ll.bkni-cht- , the radlial Socla'.,t.who was arrested on May Day. In orderto prevent a revolution, according to a j

Copenhagen dispatch to the exchangeTelegraph i Dinpanj

It Is Mated that his arrest duringthe peace demonstration eaue. muchexcitement among the laboring class andresulted In a new demonstration, whicha large force of police managed to sup-press.


eppellns Attacked flrlllnh llalter-Ir- a

and Warships, Mnsa Herlln.HciiLIN, via Iondon. May t - The offi-

cial German account of the Zeppelin raidson the ICngllsh const on Tucuday nightstutea that factories, railroads. Indus-trial establishments, coast batteries nndHrltlsh wan-hip- s weie attacked with sue-os-

The lose, of the o.f Norwaj- - Isadmitted, The statement I" as follows:

A German naval air squadron on thenight of May attacked the tnliHIeand northern parts of the east coast ofLnglatiil Factories, blast furnaces andrailroads near Mlddlesbronvh aiulStockton, industrialnear Sunderland, Ihe fortified s.rt ofHartlepool, the coast batteries southof the Itlver Tees and Hrltlsh men-of-w-

at the entrance to tho Flrt i ofForth were attacked with many bombs.The ruccrf of these attacks was wit-nessed.

All our airships, notwithstanding thef ict that they wete shelled heavllj-- ,

icturneil tu their home port with thoexception of the which, in conse-quence of a stiolig sollthi'iil wind, wasdriven off her course to the north and,getting Into dllllculties at sea, was lostoff SUviitiKer. The whole crew la safe.

C.ale Cnnsed Wreck nf the (.

Sptnnl Cithle ttftptttct tn Tub ttvCittuariANiA, May 4, Newspapers

here quote tin- - olllci rs of the wieckedZeppelin L-:- n as sajing that the

of tlio airship In Norway wasdun to tho stormy weather and snow-- .

The alicr.ift was repeatedly- - driven offher course and her gasolene was nearlyexhausted In tln light against the gale.Iteallzlng that It vena Impossible to reachGermany, the officers decided to go toNorwaj ,

as,onn liaised for French Orptinus,, N. J May 4. More than

It.Ofln worth of tickets were sold for aball given at the Moutclalr Clubfoi the benefit of (ho fund for thefatherless children of France. The sumrca zed from the hall ana other contrbullous by the Montclnll- Committee ofthe I irphllcnat ries Arniees make a totalof IS.fino, which win bo sent tn headquarters In New- York city. In charge of

s arrair were Mr. anu Mrs,Heuii Liiicl.., Mr. William r, Camp-bell und Mrs. John V. MrClnln,

.rr Smith Wnl.-- s Cn hi net llemnln.,Syhnkt, N. H. W May 4,As the

result of an agreement to submit thequestion of the iiholltlon of Iho hpper I

house to a leferendiiin, the Ministry- ofNew South Wales ha decided to with -draw lis resignation. The Labor tho iiholltlon of th.i upperhouse,

1,: AH HrllUlirra Killed In Week,Iwnaf Cnhlr linpatrh tn Tin: fcv

lir.'tioN, May 4. The casualty listfrom April 2H to May 4 nnntnlu IIItiainrs of ih)2 ofllcers, of whom HQ werekilled, and A.i'il men. of whom I, Idwctc killed.



James Mark Sullivan.notntmenl A fen weeks after Inkingoflk-- Sullivan was charged with fa- -vorlng certain telativo in rnn tract.among whom were Tlinolhv .1 Sullivan

Sprlngllcld, Mass.Mr. Ilrvi mm tn Sullivan s as- -

slstance. ridiculing the charges, and .'.rranklln 1'oit. al the President's re- -

.piest. Investigated the charge-- , and re-- .ported that they wrro tmfauiidi-- i Uitertho charge wi re renewed, taking on a

more serious aspect, and Sullivan re--signed bis post two weeld before a

iu!,,,7,r.J. ,port r",.," T """1o hy

Sullivan Is known to have been In-

terested In Irish affairs. When KingV. visited Ireland In mil, after

his coronation he attended a meetinglit the grav of Wolfe Tone, Iho Irishpatriot. Sullivan wns present and spoke.Ills topic on that ovc.ilon was


Mr: Millli.ii. U the erretrlo Interrede.

Washington. Mav I.. Mrs Sullivan,wife of James M who ha be.--

arrested In Dublin m the charge "feompliclly In the irih roUdiion. hasappealed to Seer, larv Laning tn Intercede on behalf of her husband. .Mr.

I. using received Hie api' by telegraph a

H to innime-i- t m it. lit It l

understood that the I'nlte.l States willdo no more than Instruct VmhassadnrPage at Ismdon tn ascertain the factsand protect the legal rights of MrSullivan as an Vinericn rlllzen.


Dr. Xfornnlls anil Mr. I'nn.'on.lIn II. .linn. I.

Till. lUnti:, May t fter sixteenmonths work in the Hung man llulKarl, in ..nny Dr ci..r!i" 1' ofPhiladelphia and Dr Morowltz of NewYork luv.. reach Holland. They werethe last American tdiv Ici.ins to leaveBulgaria with Hi" exception of Dr Harryliotz of New- - Yolk, who inn. lined InSofia

S great Is the German Influence overBulgaria, Dr Pamiwt said, that the entiro countr.v has been practically or f'Kiilstuffs and medl aments,The populate inpi-lle- In get sugar,Hour and oilier necessltl.s bj card silowance. Is glowing ristless, lie said.The feeling of hostility to the Germansand toward the Gov eminent may reult,the puystdnns believe In popular up

or a.isslnaton. It Is estlmated that there arc at least 4un,0UOGermans in Bulgaria

Dr. Pancoast stated that the Hungarians were lat more humane to theirprisoners titan the TheHungarians also mated ihe Americanswell, while in Bulgaii.i all Americans,u n regarded

Dr Morowllz will sail on the steam-ship Nleiiiv Amsterdam


llnngrr Vln.le Km Surrenderos l.or.l Hll.-liroi--

l.ONPON, May 4 L'ail Kitchener Inthe lloui of Lord" y eulogiz"dinn rnwush.'nd ami his army, who werecompelieil to siin.-nile- at n

Karl Kitchener stated that the surruidcrwas made only In the fine of starvation.The relief force under Gen Got tinge wasprevented from reachingby adverse elements only he added.

The British Secrelaty for War readtills despatch, the last scut hy GeoTownshend:

"Wo are pleased to know that we havedone our duty and recognize that oursituation Is one of tin- - foil lines of waWe thank you. Gen Gorrlnge and allranka of the Tigris force for the greatefforts you have made to save us.


F.nvn to Itnlj F.xpecls a lirral Viclor lo Decide Wnr.

Wasiiinuton', May 4 Thomas NelsonPage, American Ambassador to Italy,believes the F.urocaii war will bo de- -clikd by a gteat victory for one side orth" other. The Amnasaitor, win) conferred wltli President Wilson this mornIng, said lie hud no Information thatthe time Is ripe for icucv. Ilo said thatnlthniigh the people of all the belligerentnation are weary of the snuggle nobasis of peace satisfactory to both sidesis discernible.

Mr. Page I In the United Stales onn vacation.

tnnadn and Australia SatUBrdSpertal Calile Ifpateh to Tur. Six

LoNnoN. May 4. Arthur HerbertConservative member of

Parliament from BlnnliighHiu, said Inthe. Huut-- of Commons this afternoonthat there was no reason to bclluve thatCanada or Australia vvas dissatisfiedwith tho assurances given them withregard tn participation In tho peaceconferences.

(irrnian Merchant Ship CaplnredIxixnoN, May I After drifting to sea

last nlKllt from Teneiiffe, wheie she wasInterned, the Herman merchant hlTelde has been captuted by a Brltlscruiser and Is being tnwed northwardThe Telde I of J.nJ.l Ions grins, Isfeet long and Is owned In Hhlenhuri

fieu. von Sander, at Minirqa,I'AIUS, May despatches to

,nK ,, ;.' Xgency state that Turkishtroops (r M,')K mm.,.ntrliM ,

Smyrna, II I also Mild that Gen. t.lmauvon Sanders Iiiih arilvnl at Smyrna andwill superintend the defence of tlio coast Ship llnna Aahnrr.lyoNPON, May 4 A despatch from

Bathunt. Africa. Mates that the Brltlrhiteninfhlp fliillsha, of a,S31 tons, habeen run ashore on Bird Bank Thosteamship I In the British Africantrade, her huine port being Liverpool



optilsp Attnoks Soar t he

. Mouse: Onhi nt (lie Mort



Aimi VnMr Hfrotrh tn Tnr. Sts. I

IMBlil. May Tho new-- Krench IhisI- -

Hon at Lo Mort Homme, which resultedfrom the gain made In yesterday'

wa enlarged and consolidated lastnight To-da- y the Hermans bombarded

nth Lo Mort llonime and Mill .hm verylolentlv and also directed a small In- -

fantrj attack against certain of thetrenches taken by tho French III thecounter offensive This attack brokedown tinder the Krench barrier fire.

The French took the offensive to-d-

In the Argonne In artillery activity Inthe Hols ile Cheppy nnd gained the ad- -

I'ltage. In mine lighting at La rllloMorte.

Hie official pciinmiinlntic1 Issued by the'tench Wnr OinVr follows;

In the Argonne our artillery bombarded enemy organizations In theMils do Cbc;v. Al La nile .Mortethere were mine combats, which resulted to our advantage.

West of the Meusp the bombard- -

nie-ii- t was very violent In the region ofIII I 304 and I.e Mort Homme. asmall Herman attack on one of the.tenches recently captured by us wasstopped bv oil'.' fire curtain.

Hast of th-- Jleu-- e anu in inWcM-vi- llicrn as I lit t. rill II I tit activ-ity of our ar'lllerj.

Thero is nothing l" r. port on therest of the frjnt aside from the cus- -

'.otnarj- - cannonade.I.ertnan Itrcoimalaanrr I'alU.

A Htroiie Herman reennnaissmee wasvnulsed near Aprcmont, east of St.

Mlhlel, ycftcrdaj-- . In the vicinity of LeaKnarcos. on tho Height of tho Meuse,the French exploded a minx and occu-

pied the crater.The text of tun unci noon isunmnnique

is as follows;In Itelglum our artillery nre dis

mantled the works of the enemy ntHrande Dune and caused the explosion of a depot of munition". W estof the Meuse thro has la en a violentbombardment in all the sectors, to-

gether with fighting Willi grenades In

the Hols fl'Avncourt,s tb night progressed we enlarged

and consolidated tin. gains we madeterd til I' Molt llolli'lie Pie- -

Vinll" te"irt1 that the nf .lieeiieinj wete insidciable have beenconfirmed The preparatory lire ofour artilterv was particularly effectiveon the cneiiij. At one point two Hernial' "obllers came forward and sur-rendered In the nudtt of our the Theyexplained lliev were the List survivorsof the occupants of their tieic--

l;ast of Ihe M.usu there has been .1

bombardment In tho iegon of Vaux.Fr.-n.-- ICCI1I Mine I rater.In Un Woevrc our artillery has

taken putt in a number f inaiio-u- res.Including Ihe enureiitr..tloti of u l.eavv-fire- ,

our troop- - operating In the vicinity of s l.pargc colnrissei tbe ex-

plosion of a mine, other men at oncomoved forward nnd occupied tin- - cra-ter

Kan of M. Mih:"l jestcrdaj n strongl m no r in.-- party of the enemy cameforward from Its Hues in all endeavorto occupy one of our positions not tirfroni Aprcmont French forces metthe Germans atid they wete drivenback. The night passed quietly on tholenulnder of ihe front.

A French avUtor jesleiday, fljlngIn the vicinity of Uouauinnnt, met Inthe sir two German aeroplanes andengaged them in combat. One of th. tiemy machines fell to the ground,while the other tier.

BERLIN ADMITS LOSS.French (inln Fniilbol.l In dinnced

t.rrnian I'o.l.Br.nt.iN, l.i Lnnilnn, May I The

French mane attacks jesi.-rdaj- ' agatnvtthe German positions on the slopes westand southwest of I.e Mort Homme, onthe went bank of th" Metie. The at-

tack west of the bill was repulsed,while to the southwest the attackingfotce gained a foothold In a German ad-vanced post. The olllclal German stute-mi-

was as followsIn Ihe sector between Armentieres

and Arras there has been some livelylighting. Near Souchez and nnrtheatnf Lens then- - have been snm mineengagement, nnd similar lighting nearNeuvllle. Northwest of an at-tempt by the British to advance

some mine explosions failed.In the sector of the Mcufcc the nr.

tlllery tiro on both sides Increasedwith great violence during the eve-ning, ami vvas exceptionally violent InIhe night A French atf.-r- againstour positions on the slopes of l.oMort Homme was repulsed South-we-

of the hill tin- - enemy obtained afoothold In one of our advancedposts.

Of several enetnj aeroplanes whichdropped bombs this morning upon thegarden of the royal of i it.-n-

one was shot down In an aerial bat-tle near Middrlkerke. The pilot, iFrench officer, was killed. West ofLlcvin German an'l- - '"-- raft guns andmachine guns hi ought down twoenemy aeroplanes In the district ntFort Vaux two French biplanes wereput out of commission by our airmen.

RAID BRITISH TRENCHES.Herman. Inflict ( n.unlllr. In Bom

bardment at Moni'hy,Speelal Cable leiitrh to The Sin.

LoMion, May 4 --The following report from British headquarters InFrance was Issued by the or- -

ftcial Press Bureau ,

Last night there was activity atdifferent parts of the line The art-

illery- of both sides was active aboutMarleourt Near Monehy the enemj-- ,

after u heavy bombardment, raidedour trrnche.s and caused casualties.

At Ncuvillc-S- t Vaast tho emmy ex-

ploded tw-- mines lueffectuallj'. AtDoublo Crassler wc followed a mlnsexplosion by a small raid successfull-- .

Hostile ilugmits were bombarded andcasualties weir Indicted.

About Iluogo wc sprang a mine,damaging the eucny's undeigro"workings. There was a consl, ...binbombardment on both side In thisseel or.

To-da- y there was no special Inci-dent beyond an artillery bombard-ment which was most marked oppositeAug t.i and about lloogn and lilckem,At til" last nami-.- l plnce the Frenchand British artillery cooperated withITood effect.


rirnrlnK ol Tnnna May Mean Urn"cral French Advance Soon,

Special Cable Heipalcti to Tnr. SisLunpon, May 4. Iteports oi move-

ments of German Hoops and the evacua-tion by the Inhabitants of towns fromMetz to Muelhatisen In Lorraine andAlsace reached hero y from Swissand Dutch sum cis,.

II In possible that Ihe clearing out ofthe towns may mean that Germany Ispreparing for a general French ailv.ii

the odvanco which the French troops

have been eagerly awaiting ulnce thebattlo of tho Marne.

According to Amsterdam despatchedlljc civilian population of Melz, one ofthe strongest fortresses In llm world, I

leaving the town. Tho i lly has a popu-

lation of about fill, ono It I about fortytulles cast of Verdun, and I approxi-mately llftt-c- miles north of tho tiringline.

Swiss newspapers publish reportn thatthe Inhabitant of many villages In IheSundgall, Hi" district iiboilt Muclhauseii,and III Fpper Alsace nrn being remved.It Is stated that great inovetlU-liti- l oftroops are In progu-ss- . Thp movement ofGerman troops may possibly mean nnew Get man offensive ngalnst a

of the French line, although theremoval of tho InhahllanlH at Motwould Indicate that pteparatlotts nre In

rogrcss to repel n French attack.

Belgians Pnrllclp.ite In IntenseBombardment Operations.

Special I able DttpnlcS tn Tnr Sin anllAMiK, via Paris, May 4, Tho follow

ing otllchil communique'- - vvas Issued to-

night by the Belgian War oflieo:The bombardment on both rides vax

resumed with considerable lntenltyIn the rector of Dl.xmudo and to toonorth.

Our artillery look under It fire Gor-

man batterlew and mine throwers, n

well as lighters which were observedIn tho Handzieme Canal


Ilavld King and Bob "en ill on e

Wound. In (he I'luhtliiK.fpedal Calile lie'pitlei lo Till: Sis of

Paiii. Mn 4 -- David King of Pmvl- -drnce, It. I, one of the American volitn- -leet-.- , whs lnjurnl In the rib wnen ashell explosion hurled a stone againsttilm Ho wa taken to a hoepltat In therear of the line at Verdun,

Bob Seiiiilnn, the negro boxer, w.iwounded lit the same lime This Is tl.o aetcntid time he has been wounded.


Shell Mrlkr. It Xoiilh of KrrrslirrmniiR llrnp ll.tint...

fpeclal ralle Defpntcl, lo Tut Jri.PtrrRinr.Ati, .day 4 The official state-

ment Issued by the Husslan War Officesajs:

lenemy aeroplanes droppedto the "Ollth of Dwink

Soutn of Kri-v- a Kulan shella German ..iptlve balloon,

vvlrMi was corre-iln- g .irllller;- - tlr.Herinnii tlrmrii ttlni-- In F.nsl,

IlKtil.lN. Ma London. May I. - ThoArmy I leadqti.irters lsue.l the

following state ineiit rrgirilingthe cistern front :


The situation l generalhout airship slice, ssfully at-

tacked rillwav cstabllshmentM atMolod-ch- no and Minsk and the rall-wa- v

Junction nt Lunlnle-c- , northeastof Pln--k- .

Turk lin.'k. tn I o .ten "ii" Hriinl.eil.V;.ecl'll 'lie Penpatch tn Tlt M v

I'KTiioi.iivt.. Mav I --The following of.tlcial statement was lMlod by the Waroilli. i regarding the operation-o- f

Ihe Caucasus armj ;

Turkl-- h iiliMit attack" in tin- regionof Halbiirt .Hid Lizlngan were re.pulsed.

Ilnl.'h ship In lie llencbcil.lyosiKis. May t According to a des.

patih to Lloyd'", the Dutch "IcamshlpPublic, whtih va .lamaged by an

on Apt II '.'7 near the GalloperLight, has pii.-.-e-

, Gravcwt.d ami l

bv U.i. lied.

Paulino llepnrleil In Lplrii".Blriin, via Lon. Ion, May 4 The

Overseas News Agency states thatof lb" Allies have entitle-cite- d

grain on lh Ilaud of Corfuwhich was destined for northernliplrus. As a result there Is fam'ne Its

linlrus. It is said, and persons have diedof starvation there

ft in I Aaaln.t Wnr'. F.ii.l In llllil,LovooN. May I Odd" In the new-- In

surance rates of only three to one that'the war will not end before the ctoe of

r.Gii wete posted y bj Lloyds


Will Ho lo xinrrlrn llesplH' theMenace, of Ihe "llnelirs."

.Special ''able I'e'pat 'i tn Tnr M

Paius. Mav t Sarah Bernhardt I"

going in Boiilnurls, on the Klvicra. Lian Interview- in' that 'she wouHleave Fiance at the end of Scpumbi-fo- r

Amotica, "despll.. the menaces cfwhich" she "would continue to be theobject from the bo. lies

"I shall then return to Pari," shecontinued, "I" pl.iy hi 'Athahe' and 'l.-- i

Princesse Lointalne ' Tin- - w ar by thattime will undoubtedly lie over, as ourgood ftlends the linglllil III" con-

vinced."Mme Bernhardt told of Ihe enthusi-

astic admiration aroused In liugl md bvthe defence of Verdun She said thashe did not s. e a single Zeppelin whipIn Ktigland

"Anywnj," flic raid, "1 don't kno--

what fear Is. If did. 1 shouldn't go toAmor ca, where death is. prediet.-.- l fortne In a dozen form-- Fear Is an article.Made In Germanj-.- '


Chlcngn Grand .lory Indict. F.i- -

Vleinber of tb. Force,Guy Bliltllng.-r- , former tlctei-tlv- ser-,n;.- tt

of Chicago, was Infonmsl at theHolland llouso l...t night bv DotectlvesBrown, Dribben nnd llnskini that hewas under arrest Tho nriesi vvas madoal the request nf Chief .if Pollen Lir-ki- ll

of Chicago, win tl toPolice Headquarters that the Cool,comity Grand Jury jestculav IndictedI iildtngrr

Tlio Indictment, n was said, coveredten or twelve count. Including lirlberv,grand larceny, and allow Ing n prlsoiuvtn escape. Ball bad be n s. t at ,, telegram said, and an officer was onthe way with oxtia.llilon papers

KMradltlon prm .iK.iln- -t Bid..linger reccnllv when GovDunne of Illinois sent notice to GovWhlimiiu uv.illlng hlngalnst the det.s-tl- c, again- - whom nilmorons chare.- of grafting had beenmade. Just before Blddlngcr was lockedup at Police Headquarters he rtald thathe had heard on Wednesday that ef-

forts were afoot lo have him Indicted,nnd that he supposed "I hey were aftertheir pound of Hi ah."

. V, IT Track Team I. Favorite.The New York t'nlversitv track team

will bold Its Hist uicii ol the seasontills aflnriiisiu, opposing llaverford'salhleies, The local athletic aiilhorlln'ideclare Hint the team that will compilefor New York y la ono of the bestever turned out al University llelchlsIn practically every event a man Isenlered who cmuca clore lo tho recordtlm.

I' fine. In II i.'bmonil.i.'IIR'Ailo, May t - Joe h .

riqlo shnitslop, was relcasul byPresident C.nulskey In the Itkhniond club '

nf the Inlrrntitiimal League Title, player'went to llm capital city of Vitginl.tiunder an option agreement He cameIn the Sox this spilng fiom lllbblng,Minn


American Woman Writes Entertainingly of With-draw-al

of Serbians and Arrival of BulgarianOfficers The Two Peoples Compared.

Mrs. Mildred Karwell nf t'hlrago haJust returned from the war strlrhrn Hal-ka-

vvlierr she bad many drnturc.A" a newspaper rorresH.n.lrnt Mrs. I'ar-wel-

rtM-rlrne- ha. been unliiie, forshe herself wa. Inst sight of for aeteralweeks, and fear, for lirr .afrly wrrr

by her frl nds In thl. reunlry.him wa. caught up In the Bulgarian

rep aernM Serbia and she made It heradtenlarr In follow In Ihe wake of theBulgarian, and dn what .he rould for thedestitute Serbians, fo isequeally h had

unusual opportunity lo tudr the Bul-

garian army at llrst hand.Mrs. Harwell ha. written a aerlr of

rlli Irs detailing hrr experience.. TheIblr.l of the aerie, annrara below. In IIshe ilcM-rlh- scene, attending the etacua-tlo- n

of M.ina.tlr by the Serbian, and Iheentry of Ihe Bulgarians.

lly Mll.llltEIt I'AllWKI.I..Tho Albanian refugee from the. first

Balkan war, cut off from tho Christianpopulation by their religion, Mohammedan, and almost forgotten lichlnd thehigh wall of their courtyard thatoisMied Into the narrow, twister! str.ct

tho Turkish quarter, for three yearhuvo been starving.

1 went Into mnt of the houses. The.

only furniture was mat on the floor, no

fire; the hush of death seem.d alreadyover them.

Ono room comes to oy mind always:tail, ragged peasant standing Inside

tho threshold, several women huddled on

the door In one corner, a tilack cloththrown hastily over their faces, and sit-

ting beside them a baby, perfectty quiet,staring straight with tho wise

'f an old, old man.It had been llkn that for some time

starving. We knew Hint If we rould getfood at enrc. some of the flour, sugar.&., that If not t over the border bytho Governor would bo destroyed, wecould s.ivo hundred rf lives.

But Pr. Forbc-- i had only vague prom-ises until wc hit n the Idea of visitingcard". Now, in the Balkans these play userious S'.ial pall. If nu possess themyou nr. somebody. If you don't, youarc louk'-i- l mi as utterly beyond the pale.

lively morning, afternoon, and some-

times evening, he, with olther MIsrMitcheil or myself, would go to the divi-

sion, s- nd in .i card and ask what llieyr. L'olng to do about tho supplies.

One afternoon they surprised us by sny-In- g

that If we cared tn wo could go tothe magazine, see what was there, andsettle the matter that day.

Several nfllcere. dignified a a commis-sion, and Pr Forbes climbed into theback of tlie automobile, van. I got up Infront, a r stretch. . I out on each tnudguard, nnd the driver, with a great air oftier, encss, pull,-.- ! all the levers at once.

Wo went up tho street at a terrliopace. Hi" soldiers on the mud guardsshouting warning", turned tho corneron two wheels and came back again towhin- we had started, Tho magazinewas right around the corner.

The driver unwound H dlrt.vrag from his linger and displayed ntiny in for my sympathetic Inspe.-tlon- .

Tho officer bowed us out of the motorand wu went Into the magazine.

The next day the news was too serloii"for thoughts of roast pork. That nlgbtsonic one tapped on Pr. Forties's win-dow to say the Si rbi.ui" were lenvinrThey faded like sin army of gallantghost up the tVhslda road on Into Albania.

Ucd Food of A merlon n.All Hi it day III ox carts and on

porters' tricks, the supplies for tho poorwere b"lng mnveil to tile ambulances.t was to guaid them as they

tu"il through the streets, und thopo-te- rs clamored for the protection oftin Bed Cross emblem

They all had guns, but It wa with thegtcit.'st .1 . uliy that we convincedthem that ill" two lould not be worns.mullani-oiisl- y

.in the walls of the buildings the Ser-

bians nail placard" bidding theirib ar friends in Monastlr giKol-b- y for am ion time only and telling them thatfond had been left with tho Americansfor them

Tho whole population came to us to liefed The American ambulance hadoncuiallj Ik lunged to a family of rich

Inside the walled courtyardw. a big white houe In which the In-

tel meters ami th" itistor slept and asui.lller one Used for a clinic.

ilio gates of th" courtyard openedlt:o a strict leslde the barracks, andthere was a door at the back lead-ti.- g

into an alley Above each was alte.1 Ctos.. tl.ig. Wo had shut tho gates,and at llrst wo kept some scmblanco ofold r.

A long line of miserable creatureswviien, old men, and a few childrenclutching their tickets, stood along theoutside wall. Tin- - man on guard at theUooi vv uhl allow them to enter byturns and empty out of an oil tin Intothe cloth they carr.rd their measure offlour

There was no Mopping, In gossip orto thank Thev would mutter a blensing,and, holding the Hour as If afraid hiiiiiione would l ike It away, hurry off oldwomi ii, bent snd twisted with rheuma-tism, after standing for hours sat tonst in the melting snow.

The in.t day I . irted for the ambu-lance ; ono person. 1 grew to be a cioird.Women Joined mo at i stitfi. TheywaMed before me backward, behind atulb. side mc clutching at my arms, eachone trving tn get as close as possible,nil talking at once.

A small dog whoso ancestors eonbefore had been Pomer.inl-in- hadadopted me. I struggled against it. but.lliid'tig it in vain, nave given It a name- Fl.lo Why ? Because it looked It.It wa puffed up over becoming an

iueiioaii citizen and led the van In anecstasy of proud harks.

In tho alley behind the ambulance wasp:n kid n sollil luase. of peasants, I



rutxtht a glimpse of Ml Mlti.ittip ngalnat Iho gale. Her .draw i,,.Hwam In a sea nf natlvo headdresses ti,lexze. Tlie Turkish hoja slnoil i,..i,hei, shouting at the top of his im ..

admonitions to the crowdAt the big gaton It was r.ors. u.i.

the people In MotuiHtlr were ."miitiUehltig Pr. Forhc wa valnli r lliajlo keep some sort of order. Il.ituls ,rmciisiiea paper written In tn.m i,(rKUates atsive their heads to attract orattention--n- ot only our own Hon- - ii. t,, khut pupera written In their tiatli. ,

guago by their priests and litei.ufriends.

"Doha gaspodja '" ( 't Is good I hThe hennaed lingers of a Turkish wo

null In her hungry eyes., vvo.i ,ia hieroglyphic under my noe -- ii,iiMganpodja 1" And hnnds would fritdirty paper toward me. front evetj iiiccllon,

Cripple nnd diseased person, thatwould ordinarily have pone a tuneof my way to avoid clung to tnr Thgypslc from tlio Dragor, inllerre, crowded and pushed the wen.people. Boy ran In und out, :t twaj-- of bo nil over the world, sil-- r .up mischief

Belief work In the Bnlkans i not .

ladylike operation conduct, d 'o,benefit of clean and deserving p W

had no time to be grntle.I remember giving sharp nudte-- i

slap, when the ni"ii crowded t te ve.mefoo much. A gytiey Ict forth u s'-

abuse at one of the Interpreter, vdently strong, tlrst principle repartee

The whoki crowd laughed. When ,

stopped nt noon we were sprip, nwn had been swimming again-"- . :wave for a long lime, hut In a daand n half we distributed enmiei 'ootn last more than l.nnn families for sweek,

Arid TBI nf Bulgarian..The Bulgarian were expected to l

possession that afternoon. Whenheard the new our Serbian Interprcie'put hi rap In the tire. Tired out, w

took an afternoon to see tlio sight.For three day a big crowd had

in front of the division on nthside of the little river spanned by brldcithat run In front of It Yoi misee the Prelep road hi 'ween tbe

the houses, nnd against the in.mhills climbing black dotr, ant.

Bulirarlans Impatient to be tin th t fgreet tho army.IJaeh day two soldier nf the rjmi

watch had ridden In un far hs tsbridge, their cap at a dashing ,irhad he.wi cheered by tho Bulgarian p. '

of the population, and had rldd-- fitagain

Bulgarian boys, some In whit" furcaps with red crown., (the distinctivebadge of their nationality during Turk jhrulel, were marching In the streets, :ins-In-

"Shemn Mnrllza," their iutio.ulsong. They had been hiding In thehnut-e- s for months to escape tho Serbianmilitary service.

The proprietor of the Bosnia, who foriho same reason was supposed to outof town, issued from the cellar wi hebad lived for a long time, a secret ar-r- ihj every one in Monastlr. Includ ..' tl-

Serbian otllcl.ils. who nightly playe-- tdomino In the oafo 0fr hrat, Hmade on- - tin ir bills from tho cellar.

The tablecloth.-- , in the same C.lfe veerswashed. It takes somethli.t; k ichange of Uivt niincnt to g. t this dp.nod ucv.-- had it before oniter, and Bulgarian ymputh vwhu hail a gun wont out and shot It "

It was much mote dangerous tl,ubattle Tliete wns no front and no rThey shot In everv direction. A I,plunked perllou-d- y near one of the r '

Cross Interpretert, standing onsteps of Ihe clinic You could hensteady plug of somo would-b- e pi-firing over the roof.

H waN a Kood time to settle oldif you shot any one you coulddown as ,i mlntako or an excess fcent rejoicing.

Mlrts Mitchell and I dodged . .

down tho street and stood in t .

our lio.sen pressed against the ra ; 'the Obstlnn (the clt hall) techildren viewing a partj.

Ilalunrtiui. Without motors drove up. H

ofllcers got out and went up i

They were qultn a elifferei t --

tho Serbians, fat most ,,f tb, smutid. sleepy, brown f.nis T'i, vIlea- - uniforms of ,i light to!- i.-- i

had fur collars that we rnvie,, buhad no Individuality of femr, .

nothing of the dash that af--

the Serbs we associated w i nBalkan.

Tlie two Germans Co . - --

ofllcers In high fur hats, we . jmore the typo of dashing s.,' icould see thoy thought the 'a great bore, and the Bulganais i"

the sort of persons thev would ,arto le seen associating with pThe were the German eqi.nsianu s smart cavulrj, 'Haw brigade"

As wc clung to the rai. ntr .wacross a sea nf red. tho sr .

solidly packed with people, mnIng the fez the Serbian e.ip-- i '

appeared like magic and ispare. In the centre, four nchind the other, solemnhcircle.

Civilian otllclals, with the .poua undertakers, would dH--

time to time In dilapidate!disappear Into the ohst Macart brought tho Serbian - r, ,

which during tin stay w. .

placed by any others S rl sthem Into the Obstlna gar.:.-them In a corner.

The nlllcers came ou n.1Steps again The people ncheered feebly. Mnn.Kfir w

Bulgarian.ISee the repnr-- - b

fellThat's the way a '

t'optrlpht by the t hi r



Quality cannot possibly mean more to youthan it does to us, for it is upon quality tbehighest known that the continuation of outsuccess depends, just as it always has.

And when we say quality, we embrace in thegeneral term everything that goes to makeperfect clothes, such as materials, fast color-- .

design, tailoring, fit, wealing endurance andmodest prices.

Our clothes do not invite comparison theychallenge it.

Brokaw Brothers1457-14G- 3 BROADWAY