The two dimensional wave equation - Trinity...

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples The two dimensional wave equation Ryan C. Daileda Trinity University Partial Differential Equations March 1, 2012 Daileda The 2D wave equation

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The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

The two dimensional wave equation

Ryan C. Daileda

Trinity University

Partial Differential EquationsMarch 1, 2012

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Physical motivation

Consider a thin elastic membrane stretched tightly over arectangular frame. Suppose the dimensions of the frame are a × b

and that we keep the edges of the membrane fixed to the frame.

Perturbing the membrane from equilibrium results in somesort of vibration of the surface.

Our goal is to mathematically model the vibrations of themembrane surface.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

We let

u(x , y , t) =deflection of membrane from equilibrium atposition (x , y) and time t.

For a fixed t, the surface z = u(x , y , t) gives the shape of themembrane at time t.

Under ideal assumptions (e.g. uniform membrane density, uniformtension, no resistance to motion, small deflection, etc.) one canshow that u satisfies the two dimensional wave equation

utt = c2∇2u = c2(uxx + uyy) (1)

for 0 < x < a, 0 < y < b.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples


For the derivation of the wave equation from Newton’s secondlaw, see exercise 3.2.8.

As in the one dimensional situation, the constant c has theunits of velocity. It is given by

c2 =τ


where τ is the tension per unit length, and ρ is mass density.

The operator

∇2 =∂2




is called the Laplacian. It will appear in many of oursubsequent investigations.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

The fact that we are keeping the edges of the membrane fixed isexpressed by the boundary conditions

u(0, y , t) = u(a, y , t) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ b, t ≥ 0,

u(x , 0, t) = u(x , b, t) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ a, t ≥ 0. (2)

We must also specify how the membrane is initially deformed andset into motion. This is done via the initial conditions

u(x , y , 0) = f (x , y), (x , y) ∈ R ,

ut(x , y , 0) = g(x , y), (x , y) ∈ R , (3)

where R = [0, a] × [0, b].

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Solving the 2D wave equation

Goal: Write down a solution to the wave equation (1) subject tothe boundary conditions (2) and initial conditions (3).

We will follow the (hopefully!) familiar process of

using separation of variables to produce simple solutions to(1) and (2),

and then the principle of superposition to build up asolution that satisfies (3) as well.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Separation of variables

We seek nontrivial solutions of the form

u(x , y , t) = X (x)Y (y)T (t).

Plugging this into the wave equation (1) we get

XYT ′′ = c2(

X ′′YT + XY ′′T)


If we divide both sides by c2XYT this becomes

T ′′


X ′′


Y ′′


Because the two sides are functions of different independentvariables, they must be constant:

T ′′

c2T= A =

X ′′


Y ′′


Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

The first equality becomes

T ′′ − c2AT = 0.

The second can be rewritten as

X ′′

X= −Y ′′

Y+ A.

Once again, the two sides involve unrelated variables, so both areconstant:

X ′′

X= B = −Y ′′

Y+ A.

If we let C = A − B these equations can be rewritten as

X ′′ − BX = 0,

Y ′′ − CY = 0.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

The first boundary condition is

0 = u(0, y , t) = X (0)Y (y)T (t), 0 ≤ y ≤ b, t ≥ 0.

Since we want nontrivial solutions only, we can cancel Y and T ,yielding

X (0) = 0.

When we perform similar computations with the other threeboundary conditions we also get

X (a) = 0,

Y (0) = Y (b) = 0.

There are no boundary conditions on T .

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Fortunately, we have already solved the two boundary valueproblems for X and Y . The nontrivial solutions are

Xm(x) = sinµmx , µm =mπ

a, m = 1, 2, 3, . . .

Yn(y) = sin νny , νn =nπ

b, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

with separation constants B = −µ2m and C = −ν2

n .

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Recall that T must satisfy

T ′′ − c2AT = 0

with A = B + C = −(

µ2m + ν2



< 0. It follows that for any choiceof m and n the general solution for T is

Tmn(t) = Bmn cos λmnt + B∗

mn sinλmnt,


λmn = c

µ2m + ν2

n = cπ





These are the characteristic frequencies of the membrane.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Assembling our results, we find that for any pair m, n ≥ 1 we havethe normal mode

umn(x , y , t) = Xm(x)Yn(y)Tmn(t)

= sinµmx sin νny (Bmn cos λmnt + B∗

mn sinλmnt)


µm =mπ

a, νn =

b, λmn = c

µ2m + ν2

n .

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples


Note that the normal modes:

oscillate spatially with frequency µm in the x-direction,

oscillate spatially with frequency νn in the y -direction,

oscillate in time with frequency λmn.

While µm and νn are simply multiples of π/a and π/b,respectively,

λmn is not a multiple of any basic frequency.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples


According to the principle of superposition, because the normalmodes umn satisfy the homogeneous conditions (1) and (2), wemay add them to obtain the general solution

u(x , y , t) =





sinµmx sin νny (Bmn cos λmnt + B∗

mn sinλmnt).

We must use a double series since the indices m and n varyindependently throughout the set

N = {1, 2, 3, . . .}.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Initial conditions

Finally, we must determine the values of the coefficients Bmn andB∗

mn that are required so that our solution also satisfies the initialconditions (3). The first of these is

f (x , y) = u(x , y , 0) =





Bmn sinmπ

ax sin


and the second is

g(x , y) = ut(x , y , 0) =






mn sinmπ

ax sin

by .

These are examples of double Fourier series.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Orthogonality (again!)

To compute the coefficients in a double Fourier series we canappeal to the following result.


The functions

Zmn(x , y) = sinmπ

ax sin

by, m, n ∈ N

are pairwise orthogonal relative to the inner product

〈f , g〉 =

∫ a


∫ b


f (x , y)g(x , y) dy dx .

This is easily verified using the orthogonality of the functionssin(nπx/a) on the interval [0, a].

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Using the usual argument, it follows that assuming we can write

f (x , y) =





Bmn sinmπ

ax sin

by ,


Bmn =〈f ,Zmn〉


∫ a


∫ b


f (x , y) sinmπ

ax sin

by dy dx

∫ a


∫ b


sin2 mπ

ax sin2 nπ

by dy dx



∫ a


∫ b


f (x , y) sinmπ

ax sin

by dy dx (4)

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples


The question of whether or not a given function is equal to adouble Fourier series is partially answered by the following result.


If f (x , y) is a C 2 function on the rectangle [0, a] × [0, b], then

f (x , y) =





Bmn sinmπ

ax sin

by ,

where Bmn is given by (4).

To say that f (x , y) is a C 2 function means that f as well asits first and second order partial derivatives are all continuous.

While not as general as the Fourier representation theorem,this result is sufficient for our applications.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples



Suppose that f (x , y) and g(x , y) are C 2 functions on the rectangle

[0, a] × [0, b]. The solution to the wave equation (1) with

boundary conditions (2) and initial conditions (3) is given by

u(x , y , t) =∞∑




sinµmx sin νny (Bmn cos λmnt + B∗

mn sinλmnt)


µm =mπ

a, νn =

b, λmn = c

µ2m + ν2

n ,

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Theorem (continued)

and the coefficients Bmn and B∗

mn are given by

Bmn =4


∫ a


∫ b


f (x , y) sinmπ

ax sin

by dy dx



mn =4


∫ a


∫ b


g(x , y) sinmπ

ax sin

by dy dx .

We have not actually verified that this solution is unique, i.e.that this is the only solution to the wave equation with thegiven boundary and initial conditions.

Uniqueness can be proven using an argument involvingconservation of energy in the vibrating membrane.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Example 1


A 2 × 3 rectangular membrane has c = 6. If we deform it to have

shape given by

f (x , y) = xy(2 − x)(3 − y),

keep its edges fixed, and release it at t = 0, find an expression that

gives the shape of the membrane for t > 0.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

We must compute the coefficients Bmn and B∗

mn. Sinceg(x , y) = 0 we immediately have


mn = 0.

We also have

Bmn =4

2 · 3

∫ 2


∫ 3


xy(2 − x)(3 − y) sinmπ

2x sin

3y dy dx



∫ 2


x(2 − x) sinmπ

2x dx

∫ 3


y(3 − y) sinnπ

3y dy




16(1 + (−1)m+1)



54(1 + (−1)n+1)





(1 + (−1)m+1)(1 + (−1)n+1)


Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

The coefficients λmn are given by

λmn = 6π




9= π

9m2 + 4n2.

Assembling all of these pieces yields

u(x , y , t) =576







(1 + (−1)m+1)(1 + (−1)n+1)



× sinnπ

3y cos π

9m2 + 4n2t)


Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Example 2


Suppose in the previous example we also impose an initial velocity

given by

g(x , y) = sin 2πx .

Find an expression that gives the shape of the membrane for t > 0.

Because Bmn depends only on the initial shape, which hasn’tchanged, we don’t need to recompute them.

We only need to find B∗

mn and add the appropriate terms tothe previous solution.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Using the values of λmn computed above, we have


mn =2


9m2 + 4n2

∫ 2


∫ 3


sin 2πx sinmπ

2x sin

3y dy dx



9m2 + 4n2

∫ 2


sin2πx sinmπ

2x dx

∫ 3



3y dy .

The first integral is zero unless m = 4, in which case it evaluatesto 1. Evaluating the second integral, we have


4n =1


36 + n2

3(1 + (−1)n+1)


1 + (−1)n+1


36 + n2

and B∗

mn = 0 for m 6= 4.

Daileda The 2D wave equation

The 2D wave equation Separation of variables Superposition Examples

Let u1(x , y , t) denote the solution obtained in the previousexample. If we let

u2(x , y , t) =∞





mn sinmπ

2x sin

3y sinλmnt

=sin 2πx




1 + (−1)n+1


36 + n2sin

3y sin 2π

36 + n2t

then the solution to the present problem is

u(x , y , t) = u1(x , y , t) + u2(x , y , t).

Daileda The 2D wave equation