The twins who share a body analysis


Transcript of The twins who share a body analysis

Page 1: The twins who share a body analysis
Page 2: The twins who share a body analysis

This is a mixed documentary as it has interviews and also has a narrative/voiceover throughout.

The themes in this documentary include discrimination, or in this case the lack of discrimination. It also shows how these young girls make the most of each day.

Another is strength and how they do not let anything hold them back in the situation they are in.

This documentary has a closed narrative which means no questions are felt unanswered. It also has a single strand narrative, meaning it only explores

one narrative thread. Finally there is a non linear structure which means the documentary follows chronological order.

Page 3: The twins who share a body analysis

The positioning of the interviewees throughout the documentary was good. The person was looking off centre of the camera and was positioned to the right of the camera frame. The shots were filmed in either close up or medium close up.

Zooming in and out was using also, archive material such as babies pictures of the young girls were filmed in a zooming action.

Establishing shots were using showing the twins home town, as it was a real life documentary.

Tracking was also used in some parts of the documentary.

Page 4: The twins who share a body analysis

The parents interview was filmed in the home, this is a similar surrounding for the mother and father. It makes the interview look natural.

A doctor who operated on the twins throughout their lives was filmed in a hospital, this relates to his occupation.

There was also an interview with the twins English teacher who was filmed inside the classroom. This again relates to the interviewee as it is his job.

X-rays of a rib cage where also shown, this relates to the twins as it in their body.

Page 5: The twins who share a body analysis

In the beginning of the documentary slow, sad music was played which sounded like a piano, this is because they were unaware of how life would

pan out when the twins were born.

As the documentary went on and it showed the twins lives now the music was more upbeat and happier.

The voiceover sounded like a middle aged woman, speaking in standard English. This voiceover could represent mothers wanting what's best for their

daughters. She seemed very serious.

Fade to black was used when cutting between still images of the twins when they were younger. And also between home footage clips of the

twins. This could mean there is a change in place or time.

Page 6: The twins who share a body analysis

Home footage was using to show how the twins have grown and developed with them being conjoined.

reconstructions were also used of when the twins had surgery so the people watching have an idea of what might of actually happened.

Still images of the twins when they were younger and also present where shown throughout so we have an insight to how they grew up.

X-ray images were also used to show the twins conjoined bodies.

Name and relevance to the topic were shown in the right and left corner of the camera frame. It was shown in a plain, white text which did not

distract from the interviewee.