The truth about Tigers

The Truth About Tigers


Chirdeep's Pecha Kucha

Transcript of The truth about Tigers

Page 1: The truth about Tigers

The Truth About Tigers

Page 2: The truth about Tigers
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Page 13: The truth about Tigers

Poachers tools

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Conflict with Humans

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Conflict with Humans

Page 16: The truth about Tigers

Why save the Tiger ?

Page 17: The truth about Tigers

Food Chain

Page 18: The truth about Tigers

Source of Life

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How can you help ?

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When the buying stops the killing will too.

Create awareness

Work with NGOs

Page 22: The truth about Tigers

Recap History 

 Behaviour & Prey

 Coun3ng methods


 Human‐Animal Conflict

 Why save the Tiger ?

 How we can help  

Page 23: The truth about Tigers

Future genera*ons would be truly saddened that this century had so li5le foresight, so li5le compassion, such lack of generosity of spirit for the future that it would eliminate one of the most drama*c and beau*ful animals this world has ever seen.‐‐‐ George Schaller