The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

The The Truman Truman Years Years 1945-1952 1945-1952 The Age of The Age of Suspicion Suspicion 25.3 25.3

Transcript of The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

Page 1: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

The The Truman Truman YearsYears1945-1945-19521952

The Age of The Age of SuspicionSuspicion


Page 2: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

The Second Red Scare: The Second Red Scare: 1947-541947-54

Anti-communist hysteria Anti-communist hysteria

Created a culture of Created a culture of conformityconformity

Truman imposed loyalty tests Truman imposed loyalty tests on govt. employeeson govt. employees 1,200 were fired & 5,000 1,200 were fired & 5,000 resignedresigned

Page 3: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.
Page 4: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

House Committee on Un-House Committee on Un-American Activities American Activities


Began to investigate Began to investigate Hollywood for “subversives” Hollywood for “subversives” in 1947.

Many writers & actors were Many writers & actors were blacklistedblacklisted

Page 5: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.
Page 6: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

Hiss Trial Hiss Trial 1948-501948-50 Alger Hiss Alger Hiss (formerly of State (formerly of State

Dept.)Dept.) is accused of spying is accused of spying for Soviets for Soviets He denies the allegationsHe denies the allegations

HUAC & FBI investigate and HUAC & FBI investigate and “claim” to find evidence“claim” to find evidence Hiss is convicted of perjury Hiss is convicted of perjury

Page 8: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

Soviet Spies Soviet Spies UncoveredUncovered

1950: Klaus Fuchs 1950: Klaus Fuchs (of (of Manhattan Project) Manhattan Project) confesses confesses to being a being a spy.

His story led to the conviction His story led to the conviction and execution of Ethel & and execution of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg = Americans Julius Rosenberg = Americans who gave A-Bomb secrets to who gave A-Bomb secrets to SovietsSoviets

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Page 10: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.

Rise of McCarthyismRise of McCarthyism Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI)

created an anti-commie witch created an anti-commie witch hunt to advance his career.hunt to advance his career.

Claimed Claimed (w/out proof)(w/out proof) that that “Reds” were in every branch of “Reds” were in every branch of Govt.Govt.

He ruined careers, gained He ruined careers, gained popularity with conservativespopularity with conservatives

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Page 12: The Truman Years 1945-1952 The Age of Suspicion 25.3.