The tress and the forests, services to industry august 2012


Transcript of The tress and the forests, services to industry august 2012

The Tress and the Forests has been established to provide a complete outsourced digital, social media and search services to advertising, marketing, promotional, PR and digital agencies.

We can create and implement strategies, and provide clients with the expertise, resources and technologies that make campaigns – and we can ‘white label’ everything we do.

If you outsource digital, maybe we can help.

What we do...

Our services fall into five primary areas:

1. Social media – including community management, Facebook specific work and strategy.

2. Data – including management, database acquisition and eDM services.

3. Search - including conversion optimisation, SEM, SEO and mobile.

4. Content – developing content across all channels and optimising content for search.

5. Design, build, test - we can design, develop and build everything from e- sites to Facebook

and mobile apps.

A very brief discussion of each follows.

Our services...

Community management The moderation, maintenance and development of conversations. Community growth The acquisition of genuine fans or followers on channels including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. Blogger outreach The identification of blogs and bloggers, to provide editorial support for campaigns and the managing of blogger relationships. Content creation The development of content, stories, interviews, conversations, images and infographics for social media Social media optimisation Increasing the efficiency of social media through linking and deep linking. Promotions The development and implementation of promotions and competitions specific to social media channels. Monitoring The use of monitoring and analytics to track and measure campaign performance. The use of social media listening - to identify negative comments, track sentiment, track conversations and competitor activity.

1.Social media

Social Media - Facebook

The acquisition of genuine ‘likes’ for fan pages.

The development of promotional campaigns in the Facebook environment.

The building and development of applications for Facebook.

The integration of Facebook into broader social media and cross platform/ channel campaigns.

Facebook advertising: the development, testing, measurement and buying of Facebook ads.

Social media strategy - development and implementation

We can develop and implement social media strategy and integrate social media strategy into broader digital, brand, PR, promotional or advertising campaigns.

Propagation strategy

Identifying and developing the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and mechanisms for social sharing.

Channel strategy

Channel planning for social media, including channels such as Pinterest, Instagram Foursquare,, Tumblr and Twitter.

1.Social media continued...

Data acquisition

We have permission to access market lists with over 200,000 individuals.

We can negotiate and purchase additional data.

We can provide a full database management service, including database testing, AB testing and database cleaning.

Data - eDM Services

Our services include eDM bulk broadcast, eDM design and layout, and campaign specific eDM landing pages.



Our search services include conversion optimisation, SEM setup, new PPC a/c, reconfiguration of existing PPC, SEM landing page optimisation, SEM A/B Split Testing, meta data creation and strategy, Google Analytics setup and monthly Ranking Reports.

Our SEO services also include linking strategy, link building, off-page optimisation, on-page optimisation, monitoring and reporting

Mobile search:

Optimising search for mobile devices.

3. Search...

Content strategy and development

The Trees and the Forests are a partner in the digital magazine Warhol’s Children (please see appendix and It gives us access to an extensive Australia-wide team of content creators, writers and community managers – as well as a content distribution and social media channel.

We can develop strategy and implement content as it relates to search optimisation and site authority. We can optimise web content for search engines. We can create SEO rich content for B2B and B2C ecommerce websites.


We can produce infographics specifically for websites, social media applications (such as PR and SEO).

We can also identify on-line channels and platforms to which your infographic can be posted in order to build links and optimise infographics for search visibility. Please find two samples in the appendix to this document.

Our team can design, build, and test anything from Facebook apps to mobile apps. We can also develop and build in platforms including Ruby on Rails, Drupal and Magento.

4. Content...

5. Design, build and test...

We understand that our clients may choose to keep our working relationship confidential, it’s for this reason we are happy to ‘white label’ our services across all reporting and documentation.

We can provide a completely confidential service and the systems, processes and resources that ensure ‘end to end’ confidentiality – upon request we’re happy to keep all work for your business and on your clients ‘off the record’ and off our credentials.

White label...

While we’re relatively new, our clients already include, Salesforce, Community First Credit Union, Telstra and PointPal. Our individual team members also have considerable experience on other brands, and we’ve included some of their logos above. Detailed case studies, a portfolio of work or briefings for individual team members experience on any of these brands is available on request.

Many of our team members projects have won, or been a finalist in, awards including APMA, ADMA, AIMIA, the Asia Pacific Advertising Festival, the LACP in Los Angeles and W3 in New York.

Our experience...

If you’d like to find out more about us, our team and what we can do, please call Ullash Tiwari on 0433 785 846 or email [email protected]

Talk with us...

The end, thank you...

Appendix. Infographics, two samples...

Appendix: Introducing Warhol's Children...

The magazine about other people... Warhol’s Children is an online magazine. A free print version will hit the streets of all major Australian capital cities, starting with Sydney, in October 2012. The print edition is interesting – using QR codes throughout its print that takes you straight to digital content using any smart phone. Warhol’s Children are interested in the world from other people’s point of view, in their words, and not ours. We’re interested in what they like, and what they don’t. We’re interested in the subcultures, the obsessions, the possessions, the status symbols, the ambitions, the relationships, the careers, and the lives of other people. We’re interested in what interests them. Brands, music, sex, shopping. What they wear. What they believe. We open a little window into the parallel universe that is the life of another person; the view can be interesting. It means we draw a slightly different crowd than all the ‘what’s on’ and city guide media properties out there.

On-line we look like this...

Our print edition looks like this...

It’s starts out small.... It unfolds...

Then unfolds again.... Each story and every ad-unit has a QR code that takes

you direct to digital content using any smart phone; we’re print

to digital, and we’re the fist magazine to do that in a big way...

Our target market... Our reader surveys tells us this: - About 70% can be described as early adoptors, influencers and opinion leaders. - Nearly 80% are ‘open to trying new products’. - Nearly 80% will ‘recommend a new brand to a friend, colleague or family member’. - Nearly 85% will have ‘gone to a movie, club, bar or event in the last 2 weeks’. - Just over 80% live, work in, or study in the inner city. Locations: NSW: 47% Vic: 34% Rest of Australia: 15% Rest of the world: 4% Our typical reader is 16 to 29, lives mostly in Sydney or Melbourne and earns an average of $65,000 a year. Our typical reader has an average of 360 friends on Facebook and has shared either a recommendation, story or content in the last week of the survey. Essentially, our target market have a high disposable income, they go out very frequently, like to try new things and like to tell their friends, family and colleagues about it.

We cover society and culture, but we make it fun. We also do a lot of ‘long form’ content, like our story on overprivileged.tumblr .com (pictured above), there are not many magazines these days that do much in the way of long form, it keeps us interesting.

Thank you.