The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500 Crises of the Third Century Christianity The...

The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500 Crises of the Third Century Christianity The “Barbarianization” of the West

Transcript of The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500 Crises of the Third Century Christianity The...

Page 1: The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500 Crises of the Third Century Christianity The “Barbarianization” of the West.

The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500

Crises of the Third Century


The “Barbarianization” of the West

Page 2: The Transformation of the Classical World, 192 - 500 Crises of the Third Century Christianity The “Barbarianization” of the West.

I. Crises of the Third Century,192 - 305

Why did the Pax Romana deteriorate?

Assassination of Commodus, 192

Between 235-284, 17 “Emperors” assassinated or killed in civil war

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A. Economic instability

1. Inequitable taxation

2. Decline in investment capital

3. Environmental factors

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B. Return of military “strongmen”

1. Challenges from outsideMarcommani


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2. “Enrich the Army and Scorn the Rest”

- Septimus Severus

3. Decline of central Imperial control

4. Urbanization of the Empire

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* by 284, Empire was a confederation of military dictatorships

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C. The Empire Restored (temporarily)

1. Diocletian (284-305)

“divide the empire to save it”

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2. Diocletian’s legacy and the West

a. Byzantine Empire preserves Roman ideals

b. Beginning of serfdom and feudal system

c. Cult of Diocletian (backfired)

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II. The Role of Christianity in Reshaping the Classical World

“strana et illicita” - Senatorial Decree, 35 AD

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A. Tradition of Roman religion

1. De-centralized

2. Cult of Emperors

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B. The Hebrew Resistance

1. Monotheism v. the Cult of the Emperor

2. Hebrew “nationalism” v. the Idea that was Rome


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3. Sadducees

4. Hasidim

Pharisees, Hillel


5. Joshua ben Joseph

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C. Early, early Christianity

1. Sermon on the Mount - “spirit of the law”

2. Cult kept alive by Peter - took the show to Rome

maintained the Cult of Christ within the Hebrew faith; strictly observed Hebrew Law

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3. Paul of Tarsus, 5 - 67 AD

- Roman citizen, Hebrew

- emphasized Greco-Roman concept of jurisprudence “spirit and letter of the law”

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- Paul blended Greco-Roman humanism with Hebrew/Christian “covenant”

- creation of “other”: exclusivity of Christianity

- Paul pries Christianity away from Hebrew roots

- organized Christianity on Roman model


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**Paul organized early Christianity and made it appealing to a wide array of people...

- but it was Roman oppression that gave Christians an added sense of identity through shared hardship

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III. Imperial Christianity, 312 A.D. -

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A. Constantine

1. Persecutor of early Christians

2. Saw Christianity as a

unifying political, social


3. Christians believed that they

could use Constantine

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B. Imperial Patronage

1. Financed churches

2. Growing civil power of Bishops

- Ambrose of Milan, 390 AD

- Pope Leo I and Attila the Hun, 450

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C. Roman politics affect Christian Theology

1. Arian Heresy


2. Latin Christianity

(Bishop of Rome)

3. 325, Constantine and the Council of Nicaea

= Chalcedon Formulation -- the Trinity

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D. Demise of the (western) Roman Empire and the

Ascendancy of Christianity1. Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

2. Response to Donatists and Pelargins

3. City of God

city of God (Christianity) endures

city of Man (Rome) is falling

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* Augustine argues for universal salvation…

BUT, must be a member of the Church

- would give Roman Church unrivaled power and legitimacy for the next 1000 years

* Christianity rejects rationalism, humanism in favor of mysticism and ritual

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IV. The Barbarianization of the West

The Germanic Invasions and the Decline of the Roman Empire

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A. Traditional equilibriumMarcomanni







1. Roman influence

2. West Germanic Revolution, 200s-400s

1. Roman influences

2. 200-400 AD, West Germanic Revolution

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B. Barbarians at the Gate

1. Huns moving across Asia

2. 370s, Germanic Visigoths turn to Romans for help

378 - Battle of Adrianople

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3. Alaric (Visigoths) sacks Rome 410

“Fall of the Roman Empire?”

4. Attila and the Huns tour Italy

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C. Fusion of Germanic-Roman cultures

1. From classical to medieval

From Roman to European

2. Gallo-Roman land system

3. Christianity

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*Germanic tribes break down Roman political control

* Maintain some Roman institutions

* With classical humanism in decline, mysticism (Christianity) will hold sway over the West for the next 1000 years