The Trainer March-May 2010



The Leading Specialized Training Publication in Egypt & The Middle East

Transcript of The Trainer March-May 2010

Page 1: The Trainer March-May 2010
Page 2: The Trainer March-May 2010

Page Content 2-3 How Can We Engage Employers in Education and Training Reform?

5 Organizational Success (ACT Model)

5-29 Training Market

30 Chill Out

Page 3: The Trainer March-May 2010

Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, MasakenSheraton,Cairo,EgyptTel: +202 226 709 44 /55 / Office Mobile: +20123980781 /2Fax: +20123306338Website: w w w.qu e s t . c o m . e g

Page 4: The Trainer March-May 2010

What are the main objectives behind the conference? El-Ashmawi: The conference will focus on how employers and enterprises can be involved in the education and training system and take a proactive approach to the reform. Although the conference will

discuss the experience of three broad sectors, manufacturing, tourism and construction, the discussions and findings are likely to be relevant to all sectors in Egypt and indeed the region. Bartlett: The conference committee will also attempt to practice what

Improving the quality of Technical Education and Vocational Training (TVET) is one of the key reform agendas being addressed by the government of Egypt. According to the 6th Egyptian Competitiveness Report for 2008-2009, the quality of education, the low level of practical training through on the job-training, the skills of teachers and mismatch between the supply of and demand for skills within the labour market are the key factors contributing to the decline of Egypt’s competitiveness ranking. With a few notable exceptions, TVET delivery is supply-led and is often based on outdated curricula that do not adequately prepare trainees for today’s job market. Central to this is the need to bring employers in Egypt closer to the planning and delivery of TVET, as part of the process of making TVET delivery demand-led and more adaptable to change and progress. During a 2 days conference scheduled on 15th and 16th March, 2010, the EU-Egyptian TVET Reform Project in collaboration with the British Council are organizing a series of plenary presentations, panel discussions, workshops, individual exploratory meetings and facilitated group discussion sessions aimed at sharing good international practice, identifying key challenges and opportunities, and agreeing recommendations and practical next steps to help foster engagement between employers and training providers in order to contribute to the increasing employability of TVET graduates in Egypt. In the following interview, Mr. Ahmed El-Ashmawi, Senior TVET Expert and Mr. Tris Bartlett, Assistant Director of the British Council highlight the key challenges and opportunities for building “Effective Employer Engagement” within the TVET system in Egypt.

The TVeT RefoRm PRojecT & The BRiTish council in egyPT ask imPoRTanT quesTions in TheiR uPcoming confeRence… How can we engage employers in education and training reform?

A Project Co-funded by EU & Egypt

Page 5: The Trainer March-May 2010

it preaches. We are aiming to achieve equal participation between employers and TVET service providers. This is to ensure that we get a balanced perspective, but we are also tailoring the event to encourage bilateral discussions & the forging of relations and partnerships between the two broad groups of participants. We also plan to identify some of the key challenges that the participants can address and set up working groups to continue working on these after the conference has finished.

What are the main topics that will be discussed during the conference? El-Ashmawi: The conference will cover a wide range of issues and best practices with the focused theme of “Employer Engagement” as well as policy related discussions in this area. We will be showcasing successful models of employer engagement in the Egyptian private sector. Business leaders will be talking about their experience in being involved in developing curricula, financing schools, establishing training centers and training technical secondary school students in their factories. The conference will also highlight best practices from the UK, the Netherlands, France and Germany. There will be small working groups on where policy-makers, businessmen and training experts will be discussing in details issues of common interest such as quality of education, partnerships and ideas for policy reform.

Who will be addressing the conference audience?El-Ashmawi: First of all, we are planning these two days to be very interactive and dominated by open discussions rather than the participants just listening to presentation after the other. We have invited H.E the Minister of Education and H.E. the Minister to Trade and Industry to provide the keynote speeches at the opening session of the conference because we feel they are the most appropriate people to represent both sides of the partnership, the industry and the education system. The TVET Reform Project represented by Chemist Mohamed Helal, Director of the Project will then highlight the Egyptian Public-Private Partnership model for engaging employers within the TVET system. After that several prominent business people will share their experiences, of those we have invited companies like Americana, Lotus Group, Arab Contractors, BTM and El-Araby Group.Bartlett: There will be many resource people and participants from the UK working to share their experience and forge partnerships with Egyptian counterparts. Paul Smith, the Director of the British Council in Egypt, is a passionate supporter of this work and of Egypt’s ability to meet the employability demands of the 21st century. He will be sharing his insights in the introductory session. Paul Devoy from the UK Commission of Employment & Skills will be presenting on the UK’s Experience of Employer Engagement, including the development of the Sector Skills Councils in the UK, which are great examples of the TVET sector and business working together to develop relevant, demand led TVET.Stephan John, Head of Corporate Qualifications, at People1st, which works in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel & Tourism will lead a case study on the Sector Skills Councils in practice. Tom Gibney the National Manager of Construction Skills will co-lead a workshop on Building Employer Engagement to Ensure Quality. Sandra Partington of the Islington College will share the college’s experience on Approaches to Curriculum Development to Meet Employer Needs. Islington College is regarded in the UK as being at the leading edge of employer engagement. Robert Cranston of Anniesland College will help lead a session exploring institutional partnerships.

Why did the British Council & the TVET Reform Project decide to collaborate together in organising this event & what are the expected outcomes of this event?

El-Ashmawi: One of the common aspects that usually hinders any reform process in Egypt and particularly the TVET system reform is the miss-coordination of activities amongst stakeholders. This is why the TVET Reform Project was very pleased when the British Council approached the project in order to partner with them in organizing this event. The British Council is the UK’s cultural relations and education organization. They work to improve the education and employability prospects of the next generation within the countries they work including Egypt. The British Council is committed to support the Egyptian education system at all levels, from primary education, to continuing professional development. This all comes down to supporting Egypt in developing the employability of its population. We are confident that this event will trigger this issue of employer engagement and will foster further dialogue leading to strong partnerships between training providers and employers as well as between Egyptian institutions and International partners. Bartlett: The EU-Egypt TVET reform project is Egypt’s national initiative designed to lead the reform process and recommend policy change within Egypt’s TVET system. The TVET system in Egypt is incredibly fragmented. Many TVET providers are providing outdated training and support. Many others are providing strong training, but doing so in a limited way and in a way that is not informing other service providers. The TVET Reform Project is essential in addressing this situation and ensuring that modernization and innovation take place at a national level. Their pioneering Enterprise Training Partnerships (ETPs), which involve stakeholders, form all aspects of a given sector, such as manufacturing, construction or tourism provides very strong model of employer engagement and the tailoring of training to workplace demands. The TVET Reform Project is also engaging and networking with most, if not all, of the major players in the sector, so it is helping to unify the different initiatives and drive the process of learning lessons and moving forward. There are numerous common concerns between Britain and Egypt, not least because there are hundreds of British companies investing and operating within Egypt. International experience in general and Britain’s experience in particular is of relevance in the Egyptian context and can help Egypt accelerate its national educational reform process. Britain and Egypt are both working towards increasing the ways in which employers are engaged in technical and vocational education and training. There are two broad reasons for this. The employers need to be sure that they can recruit people with skills appropriate to their needs. TVET providers need to better understand what those demanded skills are and to anticipate future employment and skills trends. Ideally employers need to be engaged at all stages of the TVET process, from:• Trainee identification and selection, • Curriculum development, • Practical skills development and experience, • The setting of occupational standards, • Quality assurance and accreditation, and • Practical work experience. Apart from anything else, such involvement will give the trainees a better understanding and perspective of workplace demands during the training process, and employers will feel much more confident about recruiting the product of the national TVET system. In most of these areas, Britain is further down the road than Egypt in developing employer engagement practices, but the modern employment scene is evolving so rapidly, that it is a road without end and practice will need to continually evolve. Egypt and Britain sharing ideas and developments is mutually beneficial.

For further information about the conference please visit the following link:

Tris BartlettAssistant Director of the British Council in Egypt

Ahmed El-AshmawiSenior TVET Expert

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Many organizations develop great vision/mission statements yet are unable to implement them. After researching a number of organizations with particular concentration on Gulf countries,

we have determined that there are three major cornerstones that an organization must have in place; Organizational Alignment, Open Communication, and Functional Trust in order to succeed.

organiZational alignment refers to focusing the attention of all members of an organization towards the achievement of a common goal. Some common goals include an increase in sales, profitability, or productivity. It can be argued that the single most important alignment goal is customer satisfaction. With customer satisfaction as a common goal, sales, profit, and productivity will follow. One of the best examples of alignment is the story of two bricklayers. One was asked what he was doing. He replied, “I’m laying bricks.” The second was asked the same question and he replied, “I’m building a mosque.” The difference in the answers is alignment. In the second reply the brick layer was given an insight into the total scope of the project. The first was not.Question: Which of the two bricklayers do you think will be more productive?

open communication requires that everyone in an organization has the freedom to communicate both horizontally and vertically. Both horizontal and vertical communication must be focused on a common objective; customer satisfaction.

One of the most important mistakes many organizations make is the assumption that communication with employees is completed when management tells employees what is expected of them. In order for communication to be effective, there must be a feed-back mechanism in place so employees can contribute to the decision making process. Without a feed-back mechanism, the management of the organization is forced to make important decisions without knowing or understanding the real-time conditions of the market place. Imagine two armies, one where the commanding officers issue orders with no input from the soldiers on the front line. The second army requires feed back on such issues as the position of the enemy, weather conditions, casualties, and supply needs.Question: Which of the two armies will be the most successful?

functional trust doesn’t just exist; it is earned on customer expectations that have been met on both an interpersonal and business level. Successful

organizations trust their employees and empower them to make decisions based on satisfying customers. When organizations empower their employees, they do so with the understanding that, from time to time, an employee will make a mistake. When such a mistake occurs, management uses the experience to create a learning environment. Nordstrom, a successful department store in the U.S., encourages their employees to accept returned merchandise with no questions asked. Other department stores require extensive, time consuming paperwork before they will accept returned merchandise.

Question: Which department store is more customer-focused?One of our well-known telecom clients is an excellent example of how ACT worked for them. This client determined that their five-year goal should be to become one of the top ten global telecom companies. Working closely with Linkage MENA, senior leadership developed the goals, strategy and tactics required to proceed with their five year plan. Senior management then aligned divisional leaders so they would buy into the plan. Each division’s senior leadership created a specific departmental plan that was aligned with the over-all corporate plan. These departmental plans were then communicated to all employees. In the process management successfully built a strong culture of trust within the organization. There is a very important element that also must be understood to ensure success; consistency. Too often management announces elaborate programs designed to result in customer satisfaction. They then assume that everything will fall into place without on-going, aggressive support. Furthermore, any customer satisfaction effort should have the flexibility to adjust to changing market conditions. That’s the main reason why communication from employees to management is so important.

By acting you are building and supporting a leadership culture in your organization. This means that everyone within the organization is responsible for leadership within their specific area. It is highly improbable that an organization can be successful by focusing on only one of the three tools. Organizations that take the time to identify meaningful and achievable goals such as Alignment and Trust that occur when these goals are Communicated to all levels of the organization.

So if you really want to achieve the greatest attainable successwith practical, smart solutions – better ACT now!!!

This is the first in a series of articles discussing alignment, communication and trust.

OrganizatiOnal SucceSS

(ACT) ModelAlignment,

Communication, Trust

Page 8: The Trainer March-May 2010








Cambridge International Certificate in Business

Organization & EnvironmentIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this program candidates will learn how to:• Understand and describe the features and objectives of business organizations• Investigate and explain the internal structure of a business organization• Investigate and compare employment arrangements in business organizations• Research and discuss the influences of the environment on business organizations• Investigate and understand the relationship of a business with its markets• This certificate is assessed through an exam which is set& graded by Cambridge but held at IMI premises• Exams are held twice per year in May/October

Course Date: May 8 Course Duration: 5 weeksCourse Time: Twice per week from 6:00 to 8:30 Course Fees: LE 2400E-mail: [email protected] Contact Numbers: (202) 25286837/ (2010) 6008801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Business Process Reengineering

SETTEC • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in key performance indicators like cost, quality, cycle time, and customer satisfaction• The latest information technology is implemented in new designs to provide breakthrough results in the vital performance measures

Date: April 18 - 22, 2010 Time: 4:30 PM till 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2) 0123228395

What is a Business Simulation?

Quest• Allows participants to run companies in groups and make real life decisions such as strategy setting, financial planning, hiring of staff, market positioning, etc.• Among the various learning methods, business simulations stand apart as a unique practical approach to gain management skills because of its close resemblance to business reality

Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2,Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Business Videos: Essentials package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• This package includes customer service, finance, global business, Sales and marketing and Workplace Environment• Each professional video is supplemented with realistic scenarios, audio, interactive quizzes, expert advice, graphics, scrolling text, links to reference material, and a full transcript of the audio portion of the course enabling you to absorb the material in multiple ways

Package (5 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 350 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Business Videos: Six Sigma package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• This package includes an introduction to Six Sigma, through this course you’ll learn techniques for sustaining and growing the Six Sigma effort, the common factors of successful Six Sigma implementations, essential principles of the Six Sigma improvement process, and more….

Package (1 course)Price: L.E. 225 Validity: 12 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Home & Small Business packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• Do you want to run your own business? Are you trying to manage your finances or prepare for retirement? Are you looking for a new job and need to update your resume and gain valuable interviewing skills?• These 10 courses include Budgeting and Saving, Estate Planning, Home Business, Interview Skills, Investing Fundamentals, QuickBooks, Retirement Planning, and many more...

Package (10 courses)Price: L.E. 460 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Business Skills Development package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• Improve your business management, time management, and negotiating skills, these 36 courses, include basics of Business Math course, , Customer Service, Motivation, Negotiation, Project Management Professional Certification and many more ….

Package (736 courses)Price: L.E. 460 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

MINI MBAElegance Training Center

• The certificates are granted by the Management Development Institute through the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University by the Institute of Professional Managers IPM exclusive agent in the Middle East Course Duration: 80 Hours-During The weekends Course Price: 5500 LETraining Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 0111099393– 0171552953 - 25194381 Address: 9A-275 st- Fontana square-Helwan – New Maadi


Generation Innovative Group

• A Program that tackles the complexities of effectively working in & managing a multi-age workforce• Identify defining characteristics of the four generations in the workforce• Recognize issues & situations that may be influenced by generational differences• Apply practical tips for working successfully in a multigenerational workplace• Use the M.E.E.T. model to communicate effectively & maintain a respect-filled workplace

Course Dates: May Course Duration: 3 days Course Price: L.E 1800Training Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 202- 37482942 Contact Person: Howaida MostafaWebsite:

Communication People smartInnovative Group

The 8 Essential People Smart Skills• Understanding people• Expressing your thoughts & feelings• Speaking up when your needs are not met• 6 Ways to Encourage Feedback • Influencing how others think & act

• Resolving conflict• Collaborating with others• Shifting gears when relationships are stuck• 3 Key Steps to Change

Course Dates: May Course Duration: 3 days Course Price: L.E 1800Training Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 202- 37482942 Contact Person: Howaida MostafaWebsite:

Customer Service

Love our top customer Innovative Group

• To analyze the impact of Emotional Intelligence on customer satisfaction, by enhancing the customer’s experience in particular, and serving the organization’s overall goals

Course Dates: April Course Duration: 5 days Course Price: L.E 3000Training Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 202- 37482942 Contact Person: Howaida MostafaWebsite:


Master in EducationA Master Degree in

International EducationAGSE (American Graduate

School of education)• AGSE Master Degree offered by one of the most reputable and accredited educational institution that is recognized worldwide. It satisfies the aspirations of teachers and school administrators with a program that is made by teachers for teachers.• AGSE Master Degree well recognized as a concrete base in case you want to continue and earn a PhD degree in education.• AGSE offers high quality, rigorous educational programs with the convenience and flexibility of 100% online delivery with 24/7 accessibility. • At AGSE, tuition & fees are highly affordable. Our online degrees cost substantially less than what you would expect to pay for a quality regionally accredited program.

• With AGSE Master Degree you will:1) Enrich your Knowledge2) Sharpen your Skills3) Groom your Attitude4) Endorse your Status5) Boost your Income

Mobile: (+2) 0184405054

Email: [email protected]

Page 9: The Trainer March-May 2010







QES - Qualified Export SpecialistForeign Trade

Training Centre – FTTC• The main course objective is to create a nucleus generation of export marketing specialists who can work as export marketing managers• This course is mainly designed for participants to be fully acquainted with all factors dealing with international marketing and integrated elements of exporting systemAt the end of the course participants will be expected to gain the following:• Get familiar with the international trading system and managing regulatory issues in exporting• Grasp Knowledge and add skills of export services needed in export process• Apply advanced export promotion and total quality management techniques for export development• The course is implemented in cooperation with the UK Export Institute. • British & Egyptian trainers will deliver this course. • The trainees who will pass an online exam will be accredited from both the UK Export institute and FTTC)

Duration: The programme (six modules) requires 30 working

days 5 hours per day Price: LE 500 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

BS2 - Export Basic CourseForeign Trade

Training Centre – FTTC• The components of the export internal environment are vital factors that contribute to the exporter business success• Such components are the economic and trade environment, the institutions, regulations, policies, documentations, and customs• Understanding these internal components helps the exporter in determining the route and the procedures that should be followed as well as knowing how to benefit from the services offered to enhance exportsBy the end of the program, participants will be able to gain the following knowledge and skills:• Understand the Egyptian strategy and national plan for export development• Identify the economic importance of exports• Understand the different rules and regulations that govern the export process• Identify the main documents required for the completion of export procedures• Learn how to benefit from the

services offered by the different organizations working in the export sector• Gain knowledge about the Egyptian customs system & process

Duration: 10 working days 5 hours per dayPrice: L.E 340 per day Contact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

TIA - Trade Information AnalysisForeign Trade

Training Centre – FTTC• Where is the demand? What markets are growing? Who is competing to serve those markets? What are the market access conditions? How do we position our products? • These are questions to address the current trade environment, and this course is designed to answer these questionsBy the end of the program, participants will be able to gain the following knowledge and skills:• Identify the main concepts and methodologies in marketing research• Understand the fundamentals of marketing research• Understand the development of international tradeDuration: 10 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per day

Contact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

ECP - Export Costing & Pricing

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

• Costing and pricing is a crucial process for exporters to attain or maximize the desired profit• This course is designed to reflect the importance of calculating the actual cost for export goods to lead to appropriate export pricing decisionBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:• Determine the factor cost of a product from required data• Identify different types of costs with respect to fixed & variable costs• Understand price policy and export price decision

Duration: 2 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

Page 10: The Trainer March-May 2010







MTL - Modern Trends of LCs under UCP 600

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

At the end of the course participants will be expected to gain the following:• Know the new international rules of Documentary credits ( UCP600) • Understand technical aspects of credits according to the new version of international standard regulations of documentary credits (bulletin 600/2006) valid from 1/7/2007• Understand interrelated obligations & Commitments of banks in implementing the documentary credit according to the new version UCP600• Understand the common terminology of international trade (Incoterms) and its impact on the documents required for the credit

Duration: 5 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905


Cambridge International Certificate in Business Finance

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this program candidates will learn how to:• Understand the importance and use of finance in different types of business organization• Understand the need for & use of financial procedures & reporting• Understand and explain the need for & use of financial, management and cost accounting methods• Understand and explain the use and procedures of accounting and accounting records• Demonstrate knowledge and application of accounting techniques• This certificate is assessed through an exam which is set& graded by Cambridge but held at IMI premises• Exams are held twice per year in May/October

Course Date: March 9 Course Duration: 10 weeksCourse Time: Once per week from 6:00 to 8:30. Course Fees: LE 2400E-mail: [email protected] Contact Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Budgeting & Financial Control SETTEC

• Introduction, Definition, Objectives and Uses• Prepare Subsidiary / Budgets

• Master Budget – Financial Statements Projection• Projected Financial Statements• Budgeting for Control Purpose

Date: May 2 - 6 Time: 4:30 PM - 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0123228395

Apples & Oranges - Retail: (Finance for Non Finance)

Quest• Invite people to think like Business owners so they can base their future decisions on sound business thinking• Teams learn how to monitor cash flow, make resource utilization improvement and measure results in the Balance sheet and income statement Duration: 2 days Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2,Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Apples & Oranges - Manufacturing:

(Finance for Non Finance)Quest

• Focuses on the utilization and productivity improvements in the manufacturing industry where the main challenges are production flow, lead times, service ratios and capacity utilization Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Apples & Oranges - Knowledge:

(Finance for Non Finance)Quest

• Focuses on basics of business finance in the knowledge industry• Helps everyone understand the critical importance of intangible assets- including employee competence, customer relationships & internal processes & tools- on the bottom line

Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Apples & Oranges - Service: (Finance for Non Finance)

Quest• Focuses on resource utilization, flexibility and planning in a service environment where the challenge is to meet the demand with the right capacity as well as adding value, and increasing cash flow

Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Finance packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• These 16 courses cover the most essential topics & skills related to Finance such as Basics of Business Math, Budgeting & Saving, Investing Fundamentals, Project 2007, Office Applications, and many more...

Package (16 courses)Price: L.E. 360 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Global Market

SCM – International Purchase & Supply Chain Management

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

• Enterprises can greatly enhance their competitiveness and delivery performance through improved supply chain management• The programme consists of 16 modules which can lead you to obtaining an International Certificate or Diploma in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management developed by the International Trade Centre (ITC) based in Geneva, Switzerland• ITC is the focal point UN technical co-operation agency in the area of international trade promotion & development• The motto of this program is “Buying into Competitiveness”. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:• Ensure their continuity of supply;• Reduce supply lead-times;• Optimize the quality of their supply of inputs;• Promote supply innovation; and• Reduce supply & inventory costs.

Duration: From 3 to 5 working days, 5 hours each per modulePrice: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

Defensive Driving & First Aid on the Road

SETTEC• Defensive driving is essential to all organizations in order to maintain maximum safety for its employees and protect company fleet• Total loss or even less severe accidents cost a lot in terms of lives and money in addition to increasing the insurance premium

Date: April 18 - 21 Time: 4:30 PM - 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0123228395

HSE Risk Management and Control

SETTEC• Risk management and control is the processing of identifying, analyzing and quantifying risks, responding to them with a Risk Strategy, and then perhaps most important of all; controlling them• On completion of the course the participants will be able to understand clearly the basic steps such as:

1) To be aware of the principles risk assessment & control2) To identify sources of risk3) To quantity the effects of risks4) To undertake a simple risk analysis5) To be aware of the role of risk assessment & control

Date: May 9 - 13 Time: 4:30 PM till 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0123228395

Human Development

Stress Management SETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATE Looking for More Vitality & Balance in Your Life?Are you seeking higher levels of clarity, vitality, and balance? Are you reaching a point where you are willing to take greater responsibility in shaping your health and wellbeing?The Wellness Inventory may be your personal wellness solution.Workshop objectives: • Identify the areas of life you are most motivated to change• Create & follow your personalized wellness action plan• Learn more efficient ways to make changes in your life• Enhance your ability to effectively respond to stress• Learn to better manage your energy• Achieve a higher level of vitality, health, and wellbeing

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• Create more balance in your life• Enjoy the process of building success

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Communication SETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATEEffective Communication Derailed • Tackle even the most difficult communication problems with Communication Derailed, an engaging simulation game that demonstrates the profound impact of poor communication – and then teaches the skills needed to communicate effectively• This popular game addresses three common communication challenges: communication in teams, lateral communication, and communication during organizational stress. The modules can be run independently or in a series, depending on your learning goalsLearning Outcomes:• Discover the impact of both effective and ineffective communication• Identify damaging communication techniques and environments• Improve communication behavior• Learn to handle unique communication problems

Course dates & prices: customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Team Performance SETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATEPlay out vital team skills such as leadership, creative problem-solving, planning, & communication, with our newest game, Maestro: The Team Performance Game. Hands-on and engaging, this interactive game leads to a rich and meaningful dialogue that prepares teams to perform more effectively in the workplace.Teams are challenged when they rehearse to audition for the honor of playing at Carnegie Hall. First, they must decide who will lead the team as maestro. Then they practice together as an ensemble. But the problem is that they don’t know the name of the song they must perform - and they must play

it using only hand bells. Worse yet, teams don’t gain access to the instruments until it’s time to audition! The activity draws to a close when teams perform and a winner is chosen by a select panel of judges.Teams experience the real-life team dynamics in the process of forming team roles and responsibilities, planning, and execution. Infuse fun into your next training session. Maestro is the perfect kick-off for your team building initiative, team energizer, or standalone learning eventLearning Outcomes: • Give teams the opportunity to experience problem-solving • Prepare teams and leaders to develop key team skills • Understand leadership under pressure • Learn what makes teams successful

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Problem solving & Decision Making


Workshop objectives: Black Bear• Training tool for making quality decisions in a crisis situation• Formulating strategy under pressure, consensus decision making with 5 strategy alternatives and 10 backpack items• On an early-morning hike in the Great Smokey Mountains your group surprises a huge black bear - with near-fatal results. Challenging your group to make quality decisions in a crisis situation, Black Bear is the training tool for any group that works in a high-pressure environment.Learning Outcomes:• A guide for improving the team discussion • Insights on making decisions under pressure• Situation analysis, goals, & strategies• A guide for improving team discussion • A basis for group decision making • Making decisions by group consensus • Team Synergy

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Time ManagementSETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATE• We all have our own style of managing time, which is expressed in everything we do, from beginning new projects to managing multiple tasks to arranging personal workspace. While traditional time-management systems take a one-size-fits-all approach, what’s My Time Style? Helps people identify their own personal time style and learn how to make that style work for them rather than against them• The model breaks down the process of managing time into these headings: managing what you do, managing where you work, managing communications, managing to work with others, and managing every day• Skills covered include: objective setting, decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, assertiveness, listening, questioning, reading, writing, and handling paperwork and phone callsWorkshop objectives: • Identify preference for one of 4 time management styles: Direct, Spirited, Considerate, or Systematic • Learn how to capitalize on strengths and overcome the trouble spots of their styles • Learn how to interact effectively with other styles • Time management techniques

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Emotional Intelligence Leader (EQL)

Training Center Coaching Emotional Intelligence CEQ

• The Emotional Intelligence Leader (EQL) assessment and training program will provide you with a top-tier emotional intelligence education program so leaders will understand their own EQ competencies, learn tools, build skills and set goals for professional and personal development, and apply their EQ strengths for personal and team effectiveness to raise performance at work

• The purpose is to Enhance leadership and team performance using Six second’s model which will focus on increasing self-awareness, self-management, self-direction, recognizing emotional intelligence needs and assets in team performance & application in workplace to set positive, optimistic culture leads to increase (internal & external) customer satisfaction & employees retention

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202)37614343 - (+2)0111444440 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

CMCCareer Management Clinic

Heart to Heart Consultancy & Human Development

• CMC is designed for job seekers, career shifters & competency builders looking for bright career• CMC suites for organizations that are looking for either developing career paths & succession plan or performing competencies gap analysis• CMC is empowered by TWO distinguished American organizations specialized in career development• CMC evaluates your knowledge, skills & behaviors• CMC explores your abilities aspirations and personality• CMC draws your career map• CMC builds your competencies• CMC executes job matching and fitting for individuals and organizations• CMC programs support individuals from KG to senior management level

Email: [email protected] :( +2) 0184405054


• Innovation exists everywhere! Use this creative tool to help everyone think a bit differently and to reevaluate your internal structures so they foster breakthrough ideas• The Medici Game transports participants into the “intersection”—that creative place described by Frans Johansson in his ground-breaking book “The Medici Effect”—where perspectives from • More than one culture, gender or professional field come together to break down linear thinking and associative barriers, creating an explosion of remarkable ideas Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

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Young Professionals packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• These 26 courses cover the essential skills that any young professional needs: Effective Business Communications, Time Management Fundamentals, Computing Concepts, Office Applications, Interview Skills, Grammar, and many more...

Package (26 courses):Price: L.E. 360 Validity: 12 months

Single Course:Price: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Secretarial packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• These 26 courses cover the essential Secretarial/Administrative related skills: Word 2007, Excel 2007, Outlook 2007, Power Point 2007, Access 2007, Time Management Fundamentals, Effective Business Communications and many more...

Package (26 courses)Price: L.E. 360 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Personal Development packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• This package includes career development, work and life balance, self-management and communication• Each professional video is supplemented with realistic scenarios, audio, interactive quizzes, expert advice, graphics, scrolling text, links to reference material, and a full transcript of the audio portion of the course enabling you to absorb the material in multiple ways

Package (4 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single course Price: L.E. 350 Validity: 6 months To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Human Resources

Succession Planning & Career Development

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• Human resources functions and their interactions• Relationship between succession planning and management• What is a replacement chart and how can it be used in career planning

• A framework for identifying fast track employees• Competency-based job profiling• Design & implementation of IDPs (Individual Development Program)• Importance of developing succession plans• Scientific & practical applications to building career development plans

Course Date: 14, 15 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1600 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202)2528 6837/ (2010)6008801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Staffing for Success: Interviewing & Selecting

Outstanding PeopleIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• Types of interviews and when to use them • Conducting a goal-directed interview • Developing your own interviewing strategy • Avoiding the most common pitfalls of interviews• Uncovering interviewee weaknesses • Assessing the fit between job and candidate• Making the most of your interview time

Course Date: 16 – 17 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 2300 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202)2528 6837/ (2010)6008801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Cambridge International Certificate in Human

Resources ManagementIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this program candidates will learn how to:• Understand Human Resource Management, its development, purpose and organization• Understand how the employment market, and how the framework within any organization operates, & affects the management of people• Understand how organizations plan & meet their human resources’ requirements• Describe and evaluate the methods used to enable individuals and groups to work together effectively and resolve conflict• Explain and analyze how organizations reward, motivate and develop employees• This certificate is assessed through an exam which is set& graded by Cambridge but held at IMI premises• Exams are held twice per year in May/October

Course Date: May 8 Course Duration: 5 weeksCourse Time: Twice per week from 6:00 to 8:30. Course Fees: LE 2400E-mail: [email protected] Contact Numbers: (202)2528 6837/ (2010)6008801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Recruitment & Head Hunting SETTEC

• The headhunting importance evolves from being able to head-hunt and allows you to handle vacancies that you would otherwise find impossible• It ensures that the candidates you put forward are the best available• Head-hunted candidates are highly in demand and unlikely to be available in the usual way • The HR segment targeted for Head hunting are of a very rare skills and of exclusive quality

Date: June 6 - 10 Time: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

Training need analysis Innovative Group

• What is Needs Assessment?• What is a deficiency?• Why conduct a Needs Assessment?• Why are Needs Assessments valuable to an organization?• How can a trainer set expectations and gain participation when conducting a Needs Assessment?• How are problems and barriers overcome when conducting a needs assessment?• What is Performance Analysis?• How is performance analysis conducted?

Course Dates: June Course Duration: 3 days Course Price: L.E 1800Training Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 202- 37482942 Contact Person (if any): Howaida MostafaWebsite:

Career ManagementCareer Coach Certification

WorkshopHeart to Heart Consultancy &

Human Development• Participants will be awarded TWO internationally recognized certificates that are valuable assets in the Career Coaching Field• The workshop will be conducted by Richard L. Knowdell (USA), the president of Career Research & Testing Inc., author of six books and distinguished instructor at the University of California, San Diego• Who should attend: HR & Training specialists and all levels of management professionals who work in organizations, coach employees and for freelancer who

train and coach job seekers

Dates: 13, 14, 15 April 2010 Duration: 3 days.Contact info: email: [email protected]: (+2) 0184405054


• Helps people understand how to generate business from knowledge assets• Develop a practical understanding of how employee competence and development, customer relationships and organizational tools & processes can be managed to improve business performance

Duration: 2 days Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Human Resources packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• These 6 courses, cover the H.R. related skills: Effective Business Communications, Fundamentals of Business Management, Interview Skills, Motivation, Negotiating, Time Management Fundamentals

Package (6 courses)Price: L.E. 360 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Information Technology

Technical Web Development package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• Learn how to create everything from simple to complex, interactive Web sites with our Web development courses, covering the latest in Web technologies, this package of 39 courses, helps you develop Web applications by mastering HTML, DHTML, XML, FrontPage, Photoshop, CGI/Perl, Java• You will find the E-Commerce course, GUI course and much more in this package

Package (39 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single course Price: L.E. 250 Validity: 6 months To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Page 15: The Trainer March-May 2010







Moltaka El Araby district block 28, Massaken Sheraton, Heliopolis, Cairo Tel: +202 2267 4342 Fax: +202 2267 4320 E-mail: [email protected]

Why FTTC Specialized training centre for export promotion Accredited programmes by international institutes Flexible, adaptable to your needs National & international trainers Integrated & comprehensive subjects tackles all

aspects of export

Foreign Trade Training Centre

Learn to reach for The Better


FTTC Integrated Modules covers > Internal environment > Product development > External environment > Export Services > Export Marketing > Export business skills

Page 16: The Trainer March-May 2010







Technical Microsoft packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• Learn the latest in technical Microsoft topics and help prepare for the MCSE core and elective exams required to earn Microsoft certifications, this Package of 63 courses, will help you to develop your skills in latest Microsoft topics• It covers courses to prepare you for MCSE and MCSA certifications• Package includes Visual C# Web Applications, Visual C# XML, Visual Studio .NET, Visual Studio .NET and ASP .NET course, Windows Server, Windows,IIS, MS Exchange Server, SQL Server and Admin course, and TCP/IP• You’ll have access TO ALL these courses for12 months to help you master the skills and get a certificate

Package (63 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single course Price: L.E. 250 Validity: 6 months To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Technical Mainframe package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• These 18 courses cover training on the most common legacy applications used by major enterprises• Learn from these courses that are designed to develop the skills necessary to run a mainframe operation using CICS, COBOL, JCL, ISPF, MVS, VSAM, and related technologies

Package (18 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single course Price: L.E. 250 Validity: 6 months To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

IT Professional packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• Study the latest technical topics from CompTIA to Oracle to Novell; using the 61 courses in this package, you can learn the basic to advanced computing, programming and database skills• Courses include latest technical topics from CompTIA, Oracle, Novell, CCNA, CNE, Unix, C++, Sybase, .Net etc, some of the most popular skills in use today • From basic database concepts to troubleshooting and network administration, you’ll find a vast array of expert content in this library

Package (61 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single course Price: L.E. 250 Validity: 6 months

To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Desktop Computing packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• Want to learn computer basics? Find out how to use common desktop computing applications, the 53 courses in this package, cover courses that are essential for smooth and efficient working for the workplace• Package includes Microsoft Office, PC Basics, Lotus Notes, Outlook, Project, Internet, Email, MOS etc.

Package (52 courses)Price: L.E. 460 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 months

To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit

Interpersonal Skills

NCS - Negotiation & Contracting Skills

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

• Negotiation and Contracting Skills course is designed for exporters to be acquainted with various negotiation techniques and formulating export contractsBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:• Understand the common concepts and types of negotiation• Discover strengths & weaknesses points of negotiation process• Know various negotiation strategies and policies with respect to the application of different negotiation tactics• Acquaint with main characteristics of professional negotiator and success method of negotiation• Understand the main aspects to be included in trade contract with emphasis on international disputes, arbitration, settlement of disputes and Intellectual property right• Identify the main items of export contracts

Duration: 3 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

MAP - Smart Technology for Smarter Business

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

• Unlike traditional training experiences that focus on either technology or business the smart program targets the integration of both, problems and solutions are presented using virtual case studies

brought to life, enabling you to truly connect with and gain practical skills At the end of this course, participants will be able to do the following:• Describe different ICT technology solutions that address different challenges businesses face in the areas of Management & Operations, Finance, Communication, & Marketing• Explain the application of various ICT technologies that may enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their businesses• Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of certain technologies• Apply ICT technologies to different business challenges and opportunities• Evaluate and upgrade their skills using different ICT technologies• Evaluate their need for, or interest in, further knowledge, training, or ICT purchases

Duration: 10 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

PRS - Presentation SkillsForeign Trade Training

Centre – FTTCThis course is designed for exporters to increase their capabilities of presentation. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:• Understand the main characteristics of effective presentation, its preparation & planning process• Analyze audience behavior & needs• Use appropriate training audio-visual aids & power point techniques• Identify the most appropriate communicational tools for conveying the presentation message• Improve ability of handling and reacting positively to questions and remarks from audience

Duration: 4 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

Becoming a Brilliant Presenter: How to Create Powerful Presentations

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Improve your overall presentation skills • Understand how to use the core elements of effective presentation design• Develop an effective delivery method• Evaluate your presentation skills for continuous improvement

Course Date: 4, 5, 6 April 2010 Course Duration: 3 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 2300 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

A+ Business Reports: Professional Report WritingIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• Writing in a persuasive style • Supporting & presenting an argument, concept, idea or information to its best advantage• Writing for different target audiences • Using graphical information, diagrams, tables and charts appropriately• Critically reviewing draft reports • Editing draft reports quickly and constructively

Course Date: 6, 7, 8 April 2010 Course Duration: 3 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1900 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

The Professional Receptionist How to Project the Best Image for Your Company

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Make a first impression people will remember • Appearance and dress code• Managing telephone contacts successfully and efficiently• Interpersonal skills in the receptionist’s role • Developing effective listening skills and focus on customer care• Behavior, manners & assertiveness• Statements to avoid• Principles of prioritization, planning and organization• Strategies for handling difficult people and situations• Professionally receiving visitors & VIPs• Staying motivated and being part of the company team

Course Date: 11, 12 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202)2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

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From IQ to EQ: Emotional Intelligence at Work

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• The importance of EQ and how it contributes to higher levels of performance, innovation & creativity• How much EQ you have • How to use hands-on tools and proven techniques to increase it• Understand & effectively respond to “people” situations

Course Date: 14, 15 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

You’ve Only Got 3 Seconds: Successful Image and

Impression ManagementIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn to:• Understand what you are judged on• Enhance your professional image • Become comfortable with business etiquette• Project the successful image you want to project

Course Date: 18, 19 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1450 L.E E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Stop Living your Job, Start Living your Life: Creating a

Work-Life BalanceIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Understand what life balance means and how to achieve it• Balance your social, career, spiritual and intellectual needs • Develop your personal goals using an action plan • Use a repertoire of effective coping techniques

Course Date: 20 April 2010 Course Duration: 1 DayCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 900L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Mind-Map Your Way to Success: A Tool for Creative,

Organized ThinkingIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Improve your thinking, planning, and problem solving skills• Increase your ability to generate ideas and organize them• Make better presentations and run more effective meetings• Wake up your brain and make thinking FUN!

Course Date: 27 April 2010 Course Duration: 1 DayCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1050 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Business EtiquetteIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• What is business etiquette? • The role of good manners in business• General Workplace Etiquette and Tricky Situations• Networking & making introductions • Building better business relationships• Dress for Success• Building a Professional Image• Cell Phone, Voice Mail and E-mail Etiquette • Business Dining

Course Date: 2, 3 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1600 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

The Magic of “We”: Team Building for Success

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn to:• Understand how teams work and know the essential factors to consider in building a team• Build a team that can perform with maximum effect• Keep a team motivated and productive

Course Date: 4, 5 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Smart Negotiating Moves: Developing Negotiation Skills

& Strategies that WorkIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn to:• Manage the process of negotiating • Use the most effective negotiating tactics• Provide opportunities to practice certain win-win techniques• Negotiate with confidence

Course Date: 5, 6 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1600 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Timing is everything! How to Make the Best Use of Your Time

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• Your personal action plan for long term success• Your time-management strengths and opportunities for improvement• Goal-setting techniques• Structuring your time so you can respond to new opportunities• Reducing time wasters• Increasing your productivity • Using hands-on techniques to plan, organize, communicate & delegate• Getting more value out of meetings• Reducing stress in your personal and professional life

Course Date: 19, 20 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

From No to Yes: The Power of Persuasion and InfluenceIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Develop the skills and confidence to influence others • Use effective, non-confrontational techniques for building positive future relationships• Become a more effective team leader/player• Use a variety of influencing and persuading skills

Course Date: 23, 24 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1450 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers &

Trainers-Module 1- Design: Planning& Preparation

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this program candidates will learn how to:• Identify learners’ needs• Specify the learning objectives• Plan content, methods & resources• Complete the program plan• Specify the requirements for each learning session• Complete session plans• Prepare learning materials• Prepare equipment and learning facilities• Plan for evaluation• Prepare the learning environment• This module is assessed through an assignment which is pre-set& graded by Cambridge

Course Date: May 8 Course Duration: 5 weeksCourse Time: one session per week from 5:00 to 8:00 Course Fees: LE 4200E-mail: [email protected] Contact Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa


For a Multinational Company

Customer support professional- English or French- fluency is a must

- No experience Required

E-mail: [email protected]

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Business Writing with an Edge: Quick, Clear,

Concise CommunicationIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn:• The “Golden Rules for Letter Writing” • Writing advanced memo & faxes• Writing different types of business letters• Preparing written agendas • Writing a standard report• Using concise & coherent sentences and paragraphs• Using correct business terminology

Course Date: 26, 27 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

After all you are the supervisorInnovative Group

You will have the opportunity to:• Enrich an Environment of Empowerment• Motivate High Performance • Delegate• Recognize and Reward

Course Dates: June Course Duration: 3 days Course Price: L.E 1800Training Center email: [email protected] Numbers: 202- 37482942 Contact Person (if any): Howaida MostafaWebsite:

Job MatchingCareer Management and Job

Matching ForumHeart to Heart Human

DevelopmentIn collaboration with

ESLSCA (Ecole Supérieure Libre Des Sciences

Commerciales Appliquées)• Learn how to plan your career from Richard L. Knowdell, the American career development expert• Leverage the competencies building opportunities represented by the distinguished educational expert, Dr. Ali El-Meligi, the program director of the distinguished business school ESLSCA• Enrich your knowledge about career management opportunities and challenges in Egypt with Dr. Hesham Mansour, the Career Guru and the founder of CMC (Career Management Clinic)• Get an access to top notch employers who will be exhibiting during the event.

Date: 16 April, 2010Fees: 250 EGPContact info: email: [email protected]

Linguistic Skills

BEC - Business English & Commercial Correspondence

Foreign Trade Training Centre – FTTC

• Effective business writing can be described as career skills• Not only they are tasks that form part of an increasing number of business jobs, but also they can make a huge difference to how you are perceived and even how well you get on in your careerBy the end of this course, participants will be able to gain the following knowledge and skills • Identify the different formats & styles for effective business correspondences• Enhance the participant’s skills on writing letters, e-mails, faxes and memos

Duration: 5 working days 5 hours per day Price: L.E 340 per dayContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 02-22674342 Fax: 02-22674320Mobile: 018-2444905

Logistics & Transportation

Logistics ManagementSETTEC

• More and more organizations worldwide want to develop products for global markets. At the same Time, they need to source material globally to be competitive• One of today’s trends to solve this problem is outsourcing logistics or using third-party logistics (3PL) to manage complex distribution requirements

Date: May 9 - 13 Time: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

Introduction to Supply Planning SETTEC

• Increase profitability by increasing the inventory turnover• Reduce distribution & freight cost• Minimize the needed storage areas• Increase sales value through maintaining in demand stocks• Reduce scrap products value• Reduce dead stock value

Date: May 9 - 13 Time: 4:30 PM till 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395


Effectively Developing OthersIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Identify how people learn• Identify employee developmental stages• Recognize the blocks & barriers to people showing their true potential• Choosing the “right” development technique • Develop planning, assessment and feedback processes

Course Date: 18, 19 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1600 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Effective Supervisory SkillsIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Gain insight into basic supervisory responsibilities and goals • Improve their communication skills and tools to effectively interact with others • Effectively set objectives and utilize planning tools for improved performance• Understand the different leadership styles and how to manage different people and different situations• Resolve conflicts in the workplace

Course Date: 9, 10, 11 May 2010 Course Duration: 3 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 2300 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Would I Follow Me? : Unlocking the Leader within You

IMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• motivate others to follow • Analyze situations like a leader• Apply appropriate leadership styles for different situations • Develop staff to assume delegated responsibilities

Course Date: 9, 10 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

For Women Only: Becoming a Powerful Female LeaderIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Understand the power structure of the workplace• Develop strategies for furthering your career• Market yourself for a higher position• Successfully compete with men

Course Date: 12, 13 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

First Time Manager: Making the Transition from

a Staff to a BossIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Gain insight into basic supervisory responsibilities and goals • Effectively set objectives and utilize planning tools for improved performance• Understand the different leadership styles and how to manage different people and different situations• Effectively lead their teams, practice effective delegation and resolve conflicts in the workplace

Course Date: 16, 17, 18 May 2010 Course Duration: 3 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 2100 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Managing Time & Surviving Stress

SETTEC• With modern developments, the enterprise’s procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, transportation, and information systems must be aligned to efficiently serve the ultimate customer• Our course focuses on effective planning and management of highly integrated product and information flow from sub-suppliers, through the organization, to the customer and the consumer

Date: May 9 - 13 Time: 4:30 PM - 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

Page 21: The Trainer March-May 2010

To learn more about our hotels,call +20 65 366 0000 or visit



Port a is a state-of-the-art resort built on 8,000,000 square meters with an ideal location on the Red Sea shore, the richest sea in the world. Amongst this magnificent environment, 4 hotels are built and run by one of the greatest hotel industry chains around the world InterContinental Hotels Group – IHG. At IHG, we employ people who pay the same amount of care and passion to their jobs as they do their hobbies - people who put our guests at the heart of everything they do. We are looking for more people like that to join our friendly and professional team.Currently, IHG – Port Ghalib has more than 1,000 full time team members benefiting generous financial and benefits packages including accommodation, meal on duty, hotel discounts worldwide and the chance to work with a great team of people. The most important is that, they are given room to be themselves.

Job VacanciesRecreation & Activities SectionKids Club Attendant (0-3 years of experience)Job Description:• Ensure First Aid Kits are maintained regularly and filled when necessary• Ensure constant monitoring on available kids at the Kids Club• Participate and ensure all activities are run as scheduled in the program, and on time• Ensure all equipments are maintained and ready before the activities beginJob Qualifications:• Excellent English (written & spoken)• Another language preferable (French, German, Russian, Italian)• Excellent relation with children• Excellent team work skills

Information technology SectionPersonal Assistant (0 – 3 Years)Job Description:• Reports directly to and communicates with the Area IT - Egypt Resort on all administrative matters• Storing and keeping all confidential information• Ensures training needs analysis of the department is carried out and training programs are designed and implemented to meet needs• Takes minutes of Department Heads /Executive Committee meetings as requestedJob Qualification: • Fluent English (written & spoken)• Excellent Computer Skills• Excellent business writing skills

Information Technology Coordinator (0 – 3 years)Job Description:• Provide first level support for all hardware and software problems• Execute change control work orders as assigned within the required SLA• Ensure maximum stability of IT facility infrastructure components by performing systems maintenance tasksJob Qualification:• MCSA or CCNA Certificates• Experience in hospitality system (preferable)• Very Good English (written & spoken)

Front Office SectionReceptionistJob Description:• Perform check in, check out and room change procedures and ensure all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation• Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received• Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaintsJob Qualifications: • Customer Oriented • Excellent English (written & spoken)• Another language preferable (French, German, Russian, Italian) • Excellent team work skills• Excellent up selling skills

Guest Service AgentJob Description:• Perform check in, guest scoring and hotel orientation to all guests• Daily courtesy call and inspection on the pool and beach to ensure guest satisfaction with the provided service• Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints• Handle guest request from wakeup calls, transportation request, ticket confirmation Job Qualifications: • Customer Oriented • Excellent English written & spoken (another language preferable)• Very Good computer skills • Excellent team work skills• Excellent up selling skills

Human Resources SectionTraining OfficersJob Description:• Design, produce and implement training programs which meet specific departmental needs• Maintain all hotel training records • Assist in conducting essential courses like: Orientation program, Train the Trainer (etc)• Assist in analyzing training needs of the hotel in general and individual departmentsJob Qualifications: • Customer Oriented • Excellent team work skills• Excellent impact & influence skills• Excellent English (written & spoken)

Food and Beverage SectionWaiter Job Description:• Deliver Food and Beverage service of high standard and in according to departmental standards and procedures• Establish and maintain effective employee working relationships• Take appropriate actions to resolve guest complaints• Perform related duties and special projects as assignedJob Qualifications: • Customer Oriented • Excellent team work skills• Excellent up selling skills• Excellent English (another language preferable)

Location & Contact InfoAddress: Port Ghalib, PO Box 23, Marsa Alam, Red Sea, Egypt Tel.: +20 (65) 336 0000Fax: +20 (65) 336 0027E-mail: [email protected]: Working hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

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Supply Chain Management SETTEC

• With modern developments, the enterprise’s procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, transportation, and information systems must be aligned to efficiently serve the ultimate customer

Date: April 11 - 15 Time: 4:30 PM - 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

How to Manage a BusinessCorNu Enterprises Inc.

(Canada) & Heart to Heart Human Development

• Well developed practical business management educational materials for large, small and medium-size businesses• The CorNu is represented into six modules that could be conducted either separated or combined:1) The business Plan2) Personal Management3) Sales & Marketing Management4) Financial Management5) The Management suite6) Interactive excel workbooks• These modules are designed to produce operational level knowledge that focuses on the processes involved in everyday business practice and helps in making good business decision• The design format is quite unlike standard academic texts so that the information would be easily understood

Email: [email protected]: (+2) 0184405054


• Helps people without project experience to secure a successful outcome of an internal project• Designed for all involved to prepare for project work and deal with unexpected events and changing project conditions

Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Decision BaseQuest

• Help managers become better decision makers• Create a shared understanding about how actions taken in one part of the company can impact others aspects of operations and the company as a whole• Manage a company during ten simulated years in harsh competitionDuration: 2 days Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Business Videos: Management package

AmCham online Training Service (OTS)

• This package includes Leading teams, Leadership, Management, Coaching and Managing within the law• Each professional video is supplemented with realistic scenarios, audio, interactive quizzes, expert advice, graphics, scrolling text, links to reference material, and a full transcript of the audio portion of the course enabling you to absorb the material in multiple ways

Package (5 courses)Price: L.E. 700 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 350 Validity: 6 months

To Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit


Excellence in Customer ServiceIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn how to:• Recognize the importance of providing effective customer service• Deliver creative customer service• Handle customer complaints and minimize customer dissatisfaction• Avoid common customer service pitfalls• Deploy retention strategies to keep customers for life

Course Date: 7, 8 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 Days

Course Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.EE-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Effective Marketing ResearchIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn to:• Understand marketing research principles• Realize the importance of marketing research• Fully comprehend the essence of marketing, and the research involved• Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative methodologies• Understand the usage of focus groups and in-depth interviews• Understand the marketing research process• Understand the usage of descriptive and causal research• Understand the usage of different survey methods• Plot observations & analyze them• Utilize Marketing Research as a Decision Support Tool (particularly strategic & marketing mix decisions)• Analyze and interpret marketing research results

Course Date: 25, 26 April 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Brand ManagementIMI-International Company for Human Resources and Management Development

By attending this Course candidates will learn to:• Create and Implement brand and product plans• Analyze financial data to make decisions for effective brand management• Effective evaluation of profit performance• Provide extensive control systems for product consistency & continuity

Course Date: 2, 3 May 2010 Course Duration: 2 DaysCourse Time: 9 am to 4 pm Course Fees: 1500 L.E.E-mail: [email protected] Numbers: (202) 2528 6837/ (2010) 600 8801/3Contact Person: Nevine Salousa

Successful Sales Performance & Account

Management SETTEC

• The “Successful Sales Performance and Account Management” course enables participants to develop a structured account management approach in order to make them more effective at finding their own successful selling solutions• Throughout the seminar, participants are prompted to respond to self-assessment exercises, carry out role plays, exchange experience in small groups’ teamwork, & answer written exercises

Date: April 11 - 15 Time: 9:30 AM till 3:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

Livon LiteQuest

• Helps people understand the need for a clear consistent identity and strong brand• Livon lite is designed for organizations with wide spread sales and distribution network Duration: 1 day Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]


• Designed for people holding direct responsibility of making strategic marketing decisions with organizations with widespread sales and distribution networks• Coordination of local marketing with head office strategies and policies, monitoring clients and competitors and adjustments of the strategy is essential Duration: 2 days Address: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt Telephone: +202 226 709 44 /55, +20 123 980 781 /2, Fax: +20 123 306 338, Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Page 23: The Trainer March-May 2010

* open to organisations using the Hay Guide chart method

Visit our website for a full list of training courses and brochure:

For enquiries and reservations please contact Ms. Bhagini Paranawidana in our Dubai office:Email: [email protected] Direct dial: +971 (4) 705 9507Switchboard: +971 (4) 232 9555

Course name Course details Date Venue

Hay Group job evaluation* (intermediate)

Become proficient in the Hay Guide chart method used as worldwide benchmark for job evaluation

1–2 June Cairo

Hay Group job evaluation* (intermediate)

Learn the process of valuing work using the Hay Guide chart profile methodology

6–7 June Dubai

Performance management and implementation

Understand how to evaluate competencies, provide feedback, develop KPIs and a balanced scorecard

8–9 June Dubai

Executive reward Masterclass in long term and short term incentives, structure and contents of the executive package

10–June Dubai

Job analysis Use the Hay Group methodology to prepare job descriptions, determine accountabilities, and link jobs to organisational goals

21 June Beirut

Hay Group job evaluation (introduction)

Learn the process of valuing work using the Hay Guide chart profile methodology

22 June Beirut

Design of incentive bonus schemes

Gain an understanding of incentives in the total reward packages, types of incentive bonus, and linking incentives to performance management

23 June Beirut

Emotional intelligence and competencies

A growing area of interest-learn how behaviours and competencies differentiate the best employees to drive higher performance

24 June Beirut

Managing talent Discover how to define and identify talent in your organisation, create a talent management plan, and look at talent management tools and processes

25 June Beirut

Certified training courses for HR professionals from Hay Group

Hay Group is offering a selection of courses in Cairo, Dubai and Beirut. Learn how to use Hay Group’s globally recognised methodologies and implement them in your organisation.


Book a week of training

and receive a 10% discount

HG The Trainer Ad.indd 1 24/02/2010 12:40

Page 24: The Trainer March-May 2010







Procurement & Contracts

Mastering Project Management SETTEC

• Define Project Scope• Plan a project• Manage project quality• Schedule project activities and deliverables• Budget for projects• Control project costs• Develop project teams• Manage contracts & procurement• Optimize and control project communication

Date: May 2 - 6 Time: 4:30 PM till 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395

Quality & Auditing

Quality Assurance and Management

SETTECParticipants will be trained to gain:• An understanding of the basic quality concepts• The ability to use quality tools for data analysis• Knowledge of alternative quality measures• The ability to use quality measurement and control tools• The ability to identify quality improvement opportunities• Knowledge of quality assurance and management systems• The ability to assess the process capability• Knowledge of the basics of total quality management and its implementation• Knowledge of the basics of quality engineering• The ability to develop an integrated plan to improve quality and create the required awareness for its success

Date: May 30 - June 3 Time: 4:30 PM till 10:00 PMKindly reserve on: [email protected] or visit Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 012 3228395


Sales packageAmCham online Training

Service (OTS)• These 7 courses, Cover the most essential Sales skills: Effective Business Communications, Fundamentals of Business Management, Customer Service, Home Business, Motivation, Negotiating, and Time Management Fundamentals

Package (7 courses)Price: L.E. 360 Validity: 12 months

Single CoursePrice: L.E. 140 Validity: 6 monthsTo Access FREE sample courses or order Online, Visit


Team-work productivity Teambuilding: Jungle Escape


• Through an introductory scenario, teams learn that their helicopter has crash-landed in a remote jungle• To survive, each group must build an escape helicopter with spare parts, 3 diagrams, and limited access to a completed model. Learning Outcomes: • Discover their current level of group development• Learn the group-process skills vital to effective teamwork, including communication, decision-making, problem solving, & conflict resolution• Understand the effect of individual behavior on group productivity• Discover their current level of group development

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Contact Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 0111 44444 0 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Interdependent teams at workSETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATEMars Surface Rover• First, participants work independently — each performing a confidential task for building a prototype astronaut vehicle

• Then they complete the vehicle as a team, discussing ideas and sharing their individual expertise• Finally, participants evaluate and discuss 3 key elements of teamworkLearning Outcomes: 1. Recognize the distinction between a team and a group2. Understand how teammates’ responsibilities are interdependent, 3. Appreciate the importance of continual communication within the team

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 0111 44444 0 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Building Effective TeamsSETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATE• The Seven skills for effective teams Tall Ships: A Game for Building Effective Teams Clarity, Capability, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Continuous Improvement, Creativity• Three game rounds reveal the team dynamics that impact team effectiveness• In Round 1, teams are asked to assemble the tallest ship possible in the least amount of time• Lessons learned from this round are discussed and applied to the Seven C’s model• Round 2 challenges teams to rethink their strategy and build yet a taller mast in the same amount of time, but at the lowest costWorkshop objectives: • Learn seven factors that are important to effective teamwork • Explore strategies that contribute to improved team effectiveness • Identify and apply actions real-life team situations go through• Perfect for both newly formed and intact teams

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needsCourse Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 0111 44444 0 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

Conflict Management SETTEC & WELLNESS

ASSOCIATE• Resolving Conflicts helps managers -employees develop skills to identify the source of team member conflicts• Using effective communication and management techniques, managers can help individuals understand another point of view and move beyond the conflict• Throughout the workshop managers will review video presentations and case studies, participate in group discussions, practice new skills, and receive immediate feedback• Managers leave with imple-mentations tools, troubleshooting guides and additional resources to help them apply the skills they have learned on the job & includes the following: • Sources of team member conflict • Effective ways to resolving conflict • Mismanaged agreement appearing to be conflict • Positive and negative aspects of conflict Workshop objectives: 5 Conflict Strategies:1. Avoiding: Staying away from or withdrawing from a conflict2. Smoothing: Giving in to the other party and ignoring one’s own goals3. Competing: Forcing an issue to one’s own way4. Compromising: Giving in on one need in order to get another satisfied5. Integrating: Focusing on one mutually satisfying outcome

Course Dates & prices: Customized according to the client needs Course Duration: 2 daysTraining Center email: [email protected] or [email protected] Numbers: (+202) 37614343 - (+2) 0111 44444 0 Contact Person: [email protected] or [email protected]

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ETP: The Egyptian Association for Research & Training Services – TraintexSpecialization: Readymade GarmentsETP Director: Mr. Moshir AliTelephone: 252 864 81-2Fax: 252 86483Website: www.traintex.orgE-mail: [email protected]: 90, Street No.105, Hadayek El Maadi

ETP: Engineering Enterprise TVET Partnership Specialization: Engineering IndustriesETP Director: Eng. Essam El ZomorTelephone: 33365071Fax: 333 68571Website: [email protected]: 3 Nawal St, Elshorta Tower ,Agouza,

ETP: Woodworking & Furniture Enterprise TVET PartnershipSpecialization: Woodworking & FurnitureETP Director: Mr. Hussein Motawi Telephone: 25287025 /6Fax: 252 87027Website: [email protected]: 90, Street No. 105, Hadayek El Maadi

ETP: ETP Building MaterialsSpecialization: Building & Construction MaterialsETP Director: Eng. Sameh El KashefTelephone: 25761128Fax: 257 61128Website: [email protected]: 1127 Cornish El Nil, Maspiro

ETP Food Processing Enterprise TVET Partnership Specialization: Food Processing ETP Director: Dr. Khaled El Saadany Telephone: 23925115Fax: 239 63624Website: [email protected]: 26 Sherif st., Down Town

ETP Leather Train LineSpecialization: Leather & Tanning Industry ETP Director: Dr. Khaled Abd El AzimTelephone: 23929347/192Fax: 23929213E-mail: [email protected]: 27 A Abdel Khalek Sarwat St., Down Town

ETP PETRASpecialization: Printing & Mass MediaETP Director: Mr. Hamdy KobaisyTelephone: 23929347/192Fax: 23929213E-mail: [email protected]: 27 A Abdel Khalek Sarwat St., Down Town

ETP KEMTSpecialization: Chemical IndustriesETP Director: Dr. Ehab ShawkyTelephone: 23929347/192Fax: 23929213Website: www.kemtegypt.comE-mail: [email protected]: 27 A Abdel Khalek Sarwat St., Down Town

ETP BCCESpecialization: Civil EngineeringETP Director: Eng. Ahmed El HadidyTelephone: 23424203 / 23424204Fax: 23420265E-mail: [email protected]: Arab Contractors Building, Nasr Road, Nasr City

ETP BC&HESpecialization: Building & Housing ConstructionETP Director: Eng. Farouk FahmyTelephone: 23420265/23420271Fax: 23420265E-mail: [email protected]: Arab Contractors Building, Nasr Road, Nasr City

ETP TradcomSpecialization: Tourism CompaniesETP Director: Mr. Ismail AbazzaTelephone: 33023691Fax: 32023628Website: www.tradcom.orgE-mail: [email protected]: 2 26th July St., Lebanon Sq., 11th Floor

ETP HorestSpecialization: Hotels & RestaurantsETP Director: Mr. Hany BakriTelephone: 33023691Fax: 32023628Website: www.horestrain.orgE-mail: [email protected]: 2 26th July St., Lebanon Sq., 11th Floor

CEQ Coaching Emotional Intelligence

CEQ Coaching Emotional Intelligence with it’s Emotional Intelligence international certification focus only on the human emotional wellness dimension & how to boost the associate capacity by delivering interactive workshops about: Self-confidence, Intrinsic motivation, Emotional & Social Intelligence, Stress & Wellness management, Self-awarenessAddress: 15 A 26 of July Street, Lebanon squareTelephone Numbers: 02 33042102, 0111444440, 0100383804Website: Email: [email protected] Contact Person: EQ coach & Positive Psychology Associate: Yasser Shaker

AmchamAmerican Chamber of Commerce in EgyptBusiness Information Center (BIC)Address: 33 Soliman Abaza St. , DokkiTel: 3338-1050 Direct: 3761-9641 Fax: 33389896Email: [email protected] URL: person: Sherine Ramzy

Steps Solutions Consulting - STEPS Address. 16 Nehro St. Merryland, Heliopolis, CairoTelephone: 24559128 Mobile: 0166636995Email: [email protected] website: Contact person: Shorouk el basha

FTTCContact person: Ms. Engy Badwy Email: [email protected] Fax: 02-22674320Telephone: 02-22674342 Mobile: 018-2444905

EleganceEmail: [email protected] Telephone: 25194381 Contact Numbers: 0111099393– 0171552953 Address: 9A-275 st- Fontana square-Helwan – New Maadi

Innovative GroupTraining Center email: [email protected]

Contact Numbers: 202- 37482942

Contact Person (if any): Howaida Mostafa


Address: Agooza Police Tower, Nawal St., Agooza, Giza, EgyptTelephone Numbers: +20 (2) 37614343 - 8 linesWebsite: Email: [email protected] Person: Liza Moustafa Position: Training Director


QuestAddress: 2 Al-Wozaraa Square 1169, Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, EgyptTelephone Numbers: +202 226 709 44 /55Office Mobile: +20 123 980 781 /2 Fax: +20 123 306 338Website: Email: [email protected] Person: Yousra Amin Mohamed Contact Number: 010-1080885

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Page 30: The Trainer March-May 2010

The Employer’sMiddle Management

9th-10th Apri l 2010Platinum Sponsor

Page 31: The Trainer March-May 2010

For Registeration, visit our

(starting from Mid. March)

Free training sessions & interview rooms are available

Looking for a BETTER CAREER?

Attend The Employer's Middle management employment fair to be

able to meet the best employer's in town.

STEPS TO BE DONE PRIOR THE FAIR:- Register on our website & build your self a profile, in order for employer's to view your CV, & ask for an interview- Registration will also grant you the access to view the available positions and apply- As a registered candidate you will be granted a pin code for entrance

Formal attire is requested

Entrance fee for registered candidates: 20L.EEntrance fee for un-registered candidates: 50L.E

Organized by

Media Sponsor

Official Media PartnerAssociate PartnerAssociate SponsorBronze Sponsor

Page 32: The Trainer March-May 2010





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Page 34: The Trainer March-May 2010

Heliopolis & Nasr City: Virgin , Marly Gift Shop, C&CO(Heliopolis club), Heliopo-lis Bookshop (Heliopolis club), El Maairgy Bookshop(Roxy), Magad Stationery, Wave(El-korba), Dar El Sherok (El-korba), Book Center(El-korba) Air Port El (Goumhoria Book store), Dar El Sherok (City Stars), On The Run ,World Gym, Konoz (City Stars), Alfredo, Planet Africa, Pietro , Costa Coffe (Heliopolis Club), Café Mo, Zodiac, Cilantro, Segafredo(City Stars), Aroma, , Beanos Café, Makani, Tres Bon, Harris Café, Wow Gift Shop , Arab Academy for Graduate School ,Ceramic Café, Africano, Zine Coffee, Maged Ayoub Sedhom Jewelry

Mohandessin:Madboly Book Shop, Wave (Mo-handessin), Wave (Lebanon St ,Volume One, C&Co, Malibu, Gozour Center, On The Run, Colombus Café, Trianon, Charwoods, Lipstick, Costa Coffee, Spectra, Pasqua Cafe, Café Mo, Cilantro, Zodiac, Logic Train-ing Center, , Beano’s Café, Makani, Living Room, Shooting Club), Arab Academy for Science and Technolo-gy Graduate School of Business, IMI (International Marketing Institute), , Sports Cafe, Zinc Cafe, Tarakeeb Training Center, Planet Africa , Beano’s (British Council)

Maadi:Bakier Book Shop, Volume One, Stop and Shop , Shell Shop (Degla) , On the Run , Spectra, Green Mill, La Casetta, Samia Allouba, Sakura Suchi, Cilantro, Deals Automotive, , Shell Shop (Nasr St.) , Columbus Café, Beanos’s Café, Cata Comb, Greco, Redens Hotel, Piraeus Bank, NSGB.

Zamalek:Romancia Book Shop, Zamalek Bookshop, Arabica, Orangetta, Nile City, Costa Coffee, Maison Thomas, Cilantro, Mom & Me, Beano’s café, Arabica, Vivant Cafe, Costa Cafe, Eldiwanن Bookstore, Ali Masoud Book Shop.

Down town:AUC Bookshop, Nahdet El Mah-rousa, El Balad Book Shop(Infront of AUC), On The Run, Bookshop, Khaled Bookshop, El Shrouk Interna-tional), Omar Book Store, Lehnertd Book store, Egypt train Station & Mubarak Subway Station (El Goum-horia Book store), Costa Caffee, Zo-diac, Cilantro, , Pottery café (Infront of AUC), Beanos Café.

Bab El Luk:El Adeeb Kamel El Kelany Bookshop

Garden City:El Araby Bookshop , Roze El Youssef Book shop.

Haram:Cilantro, Sbarro, On The Run.

El Manial:El Kelany Bookshop.

Universities:Cairo (El Gokkar), Zakzeek, Assyout, El Menia, El Wadi El Gedeed (El Goumhoria Book store)

Giza Sq:El Ahram Bookshop, Dar El Shero2 (First Mall)

6th of October & Cairo-alex Road:Costa Caffee, Beano’s , Trianon (Car-forr), On the Run(Shak Zayied) , On the Run 6 Oct), On the Run Dream, Bernasos book shop .

Alexandria:Cilantro, Beanos, On the Run, Harris Café Sporting Club.

Sharm El sheikh:Cilantro

CUFF & COLLAR:Korba, City Stars, Obour building, Mohandessin, Maadi, Alexandria, Tanta, Mansoura, El Mahalaa

El Rehab City:Bernasos book shop.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S).Naser City, Ibn Elnafes St(


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