The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC Physics program Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of...

The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC Physics program Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration) Rencontres de Moriond – QCD & HEI La Thuile – March 20, 2009 1/1 6

Transcript of The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC Physics program Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of...

Page 1: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Physics program Detector overview

Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN)

(on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Rencontres de Moriond – QCD & HEI La Thuile – March 20, 2009


Page 2: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

TOTEM @ CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)


TOTEM- Total Cross Section- Elastic Scattering - Diffractive Dissociation

LHC- p-p collisions at s =14 TeV- Linst up to ~ 1033 cm-2s-1

- start up ~ Fall 2009 - 6 experiments

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

TOTEM Collaboration: Bari, Budapest, Case Western Reserve, CERN, Genova, Helsinki, Penn State, Pisa/Siena, Prague, Tallin (~ 80 physicists)

Total and Elastic Measurement



Page 3: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Services routing:From Castor to Racks

Patch Panels


Services routing:From Castor to Racks

Patch Panels



T2 Castor (CMS)

Services routing:

From Castor to Racks

Patch Panels


Services routing:

From Castor to Racks

Patch Panels



Castor (CMS)

Leading protons: RPs at 147m and 220mRap gaps & Fwd particle flows: T1 & T2 telescopesFwd energy flows: Castor & ZDC (CMS)


Leading Protons measured at +147m & +220m from IP

Leading Protons measured at-147m & -220m from IP

TOTEM Experiment


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Page 4: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

TOTEM Physics Program OverviewStand-Alone

- TOTpp with a precision ~ 1-2%, simultaneously measuring:

Nel down to -t ~10-3 GeV2 and

Ninel with losses < 3%

- Elastic pp scattering in the range 10-3 < |t| ~ (p)2 < 10 GeV2

- Soft diffraction (SD and DPE)

- Particle flow in the forward region (cosmic ray MC validation/tuning)

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CMS-TOTEM (CMS/TOTEM Physics TDR, CERN/LHCC 2006-039/G-124)

- Soft and hard diffraction in SD and DPE (production of jets, bosons, h.f.)

- Central exclusive particle production

- Low-x physics

- Particle and energy flow in the forward region

Page 5: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)


Total Cross Section PP Current models predict at s = 14 TeV: PP = 90 - 130


TOTEM goal: absolute error ~ 1mb (Linst ~ 1028 cm-2s-1)

possibility to distinguish

among different models

Luminosity independent method:

- elastic scattering (down to |t| ~ 10-3 GeV2)

- inelastic scattering

proper tracking acceptance

in forward region required










mb 1.41.2

2.1 5.111 tot

COMPETE Coll. [PRL 89, 201801 (2002)]

(~ ln2 s )













inelelT NN L

Optical Theorem: 0),(Im8

tT tsFsp

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 6: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

t p2 2

Predicted at LHC:

elpp ~ 18 - 35 mb

Elastic Scattering Cross Section dPPel/dt


(1)* = 1540 m (typical Linst = 1.0 x 1028 cm-2 s-1): |t|min = 0.002 GeV2

(2) * = 90 m (typical Linst = 1.0 x 1030cm-2 s-1): |t|min = 0.04 GeV2

Allowed |t| range depends onbeam optics

Wide range of predictions; big uncertainties at large |t|;whole |t| range measured with good statistics.

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

N Events/GeV2


Diffractive structure


Photon - Pomeron interference

Multigluon (“Pomeron”) exchange e– B |t|

~1 day(1) (2)

Coulomb int.: CKL formula

Dedicated short runs at high-* (and reduced ) are required for precise measurement of the scattering angles of a few rad

Page 7: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)




low |t| elastic,

tot (@ ~1%),

MB, soft diffr.


low/large |t| elastic,

tot (@ ~5%),

MB, soft/semi-h. diffr.


large |t| elastic,

hard diffraction

* [m] 1540 90 2 0.5

N of bunches 43 156 156 936 2808

Bunch spacing [ns] 2025 525 525 25

N of part. per bunch (0.6 1.15) x 1011 1.15 x 1011 1.15 x 1011

Half crossing angle [rad] 0 0 92

Transv. norm. emitt. n [m rad] 1 3.75 3.75

RMS beam size at IP [m] 450 213 32

RMS beam diverg. at IP [rad] 0.3 2.3 16

Peak Luminosity [cm-2 s-1] 1028 2 x 1029 3 x 1030 1033

Running Scenarios


Accessible physics depends on luminosity & *

Optimal * = 1540m optics requires special injection optics: probably NOT available at the beginning of LHC

‘Early’ * = 90m optics achievable using the standard LHC injection optics

* (m)1540 90 2 0.5

L (cm-2 s-1) 1029 1030 1032


TOTEM runs Standard runs

Cross section Luminosity

beam ang. spread at IP: * = / *) beam size at IP: * = (*)

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 8: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)



/16 el t



i el

dN dt





/16el inel

el t


dN dt


Combined Uncertainty in tot


* = 90 m 1540 m

Extrapolation of elastic cross-section to t = 0: ± 4 % ± 0.2 %

Total elastic rate (strongly correlated with extrapolation): ± 2 % ± 0.1 %

Total inelastic rate: ± 1 % ± 0.8 %

(error dominated by Single Diffractive trigger losses)

Error contribution from (1+2): ± 1.2 %

(using full COMPETE error band d/ = 33 %)

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Total uncertainty in tot including correlations in the error propagation:

* = 90 m : ± 5% * = 1540 m : ± (1 ÷ 2) % Slightly worse in L (~ total rate squared) : ± 7 % (± 2 %)

Precise Measurement with * = 1540 m requires: improved knowledge of optical functions; alignment precision < 50 m* = 90 m required for early tot measurement during the first year of LHC running at s = 10 TeV

Page 9: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

CMS/TOTEM Common Physics Program

CMS + TOTEM largest acceptance detector ever built at a hadron collider: the large coverage and p detection on both sides allow the study of a wide range of physics processes in diffractive interactions

Charged particles

Energy flux








n P


T1,T2 T1,T2 Ro


n P


LHC, inelastic collisions



9/16Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC


MDouble Pomeron Exchange

Double Diffraction

Single Diffraction

Elastic Scattering

~ 60 mb

18 - 35 mb

10 - 16 mb

4 - 14 mb

0.2 - 1.5 mb

<< 1 mb

Page 10: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)


Early TOTEM Measurents (p = 5 TeV, * = 3m)

T1/T2• Charged multiplicity studies (min. bias and cosmic ray MC generators tuning/val.)

• Rapidity gap studies (topologies of diffr. events)




Roman Pots• Sing. Diff. (horizontal RPs): dSD/dM at high masses, 1.4 < M < 4.2 TeV, (M)/M < 10 %• DPE (horizontal RPs): dDPE/dM at high masses, 0.2 < M < 1.8 TeV, (M)/M < 10 %• El. Scatt. (vertical RPs): dES/dt for 2 < |t| < 10 GeV2, (t)/t ~ 0.2/|t|

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Acceptance: 0.02 < = p/p < 0.18Resolution: () ~ 1 6 · 10-3, () ~ 15 rad

Page 11: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

TOTEM Detectors: Setup in CMS



T1:3.1 << 4.7

T2: 5.3 < < 6.5

Inelastic Telescopes:Inelastic Telescopes:reconstruction of tracks and interaction vertex;trigger capability with acceptance > 95 %

T1: 18 - 90 mrad

T2: 3 - 10 mrad

= - log(tg(/2))

~14 m10.5 m T1T1


Detectors on both sides of IP5Detectors on both sides of IP5

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Elastic Detectors (Roman PotsElastic Detectors (Roman Pots):): position of p scattered elastically at small anglesActive area up 1-1.5 mm from beam: 5-10 rad


Page 12: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Horizontal Pot: extend acceptance; overlap for relative alignment using common track.

Absolute (w.r.t. beam) alignment from beam position monitor (BPM)


Roman Pots

Each RP station has 2 units, 4m apart.Each unit has 2 vertical insertions (‘pots’) and 1 horizontal

Units installed into the beam vacuum chamber allowing to put proton detectors as close as possible to the beam Protons at few rad angles detected at 10 + d from beam (beam ~ 80m at RP)

‘Edgeless’ detectors to minimize d

Horizontal Pot Vertical Pot BPM

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Page 13: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

200m thick200m thick


Roman Pots Each Pot:

10 planes of Si detectors 512 strips at 45o orthogonal Pitch: 66 m Total ~ 5.1K channels Digital readout (VFAT): trigger/tracking Resolution: ~ 20 m

Readout chip VFAT

Edgeless Si detector:

50 μm of dead areaMoriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Integration of traditional Voltage Terminating Structure with the Current Terminating Structure


Detectors expected to work

up to Lint ~ 1 fb-1

Installation ongoing: RP220 (147) m

fully (partially) equipped by June

Page 14: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Each arm: 5 planes with 3 coordinates/plane, each formed by 6 trapezoidal CSC detectors 3 degrees rotation and overlap between

adjacent planes Trigger with anode wires Digital readout (VFAT) for ~ 13.5K ch. Resolution: ~ 1 mm

T1 Telescope3m

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009

1/4 of T1

Ageing studies at CERN GIF: no loss of performance during 12-month test, with ~ 0.07 C/cm accumulated charge on wires, a dose equivalent to ~ 5 years at Linst=1030 cm-2s-1

Installation foreseen for May/June (if necessary also in September)

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Page 15: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009

Each arm: 10 planes formed by 20 triple-GEM

semi-circular modules, with “back-to-back assembly and overlap between modules


Test Beam

T2 Telescope



Castor Calorimeter (CMS)

~ 0.4 m

T2: “GEM” TechnologyGEM Technology:

Gas Detector Rad-hard High rate Good spatial and timing resolution

T2 Triple GEM technology adequate to work at least 1 yr at L=1033 cm-2s-1

Double readout layer: Strips for radial position (R); Pads for R,

Trigger from Pads (1560/chamber)

Digital readout (VFAT) for ~ 41.4K ch.

Resolution: R ~ 100 m, ~ 1o

Installation ongoing: fully done by May

G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 16: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)


TOTEMTOTEM will be will be ready ready for data taking at the LHC restart for data taking at the LHC restart and will run under all beam conditions.and will run under all beam conditions. Measurement of Measurement of total pp cross-sectiontotal pp cross-section (and (and LL) with a precision ) with a precision of of 1-2%1-2% ( (2%2%) with * = 1540 m (dedicated runs).) with * = 1540 m (dedicated runs). Measurement of Measurement of elastic scatteringelastic scattering in the range in the range 1010-3-3 < |< |t| < 10 GeVt| < 10 GeV22

Early measurementsEarly measurements low *:low *: - study of SD and DPE at high masses- study of SD and DPE at high masses - elastic scattering at high |t|- elastic scattering at high |t| - measurement of forward charged multiplicity- measurement of forward charged multiplicity * = 90 m:* = 90 m:

- first measurement of - first measurement of tottot (and (and LL) with a precision of ~ ) with a precision of ~ 5%5% (~ (~ 7%7%)) - elastic scattering in a wide |t| range- elastic scattering in a wide |t| range - inclusive studies of diffractive processes- inclusive studies of diffractive processes - measurement of forward charged multiplicity- measurement of forward charged multiplicity

Later: common CMS/TOTEM Physics ProgrammeLater: common CMS/TOTEM Physics Programme

Summary & Conclusions

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Page 17: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Backup Slides

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 18: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

= fine structure constant = relative Coulomb-nuclear phaseG(t) = nucleon em form factor = (1 + |t|/0.71)-2

= Re/Im f(p p)

Measurement of the exponential slope B in the t-range 0.002 - 0.2 GeV2 needs beams with tiny angular spread large *

Model dependent uncertainty due to Coulomb interferences

Determination of d/dt at t=0



4 2 c 2G4 t t


totG2 t

te B t / 2

tot2 1 2

16 c 2e B ' t

Coulomb scattering

Nuclear scattering



- - - BSW

Very approximate formula:West and Yenneie model for Coulomb-Nuclear interference ((t) = const)

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 19: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Try to reach the Coulomb region and measure interference:• move the detectors closer to the beam than 10 + 0.5 mm• run at lower energy @ √s < 14 TeV

asymptotic behaviour:1 / ln s for s pred. ~ 0.13 at LHC

sss tot

tot lnd



Possibilities of measurement

La Thuile – March 1, 2008 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at LHC B2

Page 20: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Details on Optics

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC B3

= p/p; t = tx + ty; ti ~ -


(x*, y*): vertex position at IP


*): emission angle at IP

Proton transport equation:

x = Lxx* + vxx

* + D

y = Lyy* + vyy *

Optical functions: - L (effective length); - v (magnification);

- D (machine dispersion)

Describe the explicit path of particles through the magnetic

elements as a function of the particle parameters at IP.

Define t and range (acceptance)


same sample of diffractive protons at different *

- low *: p detected by momentum loss ()

- high *: p detected by trans. momentum (ty)

Page 21: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)


L = (*)1/2



Ly large Lx=0

vy = 0

y(220) = /2x(220) =

(parallel-to-point focussing on y)


hit distribution (elastic)x = Lxx

* + vxx*


y = Lyy* + vyy *

Optical Functions (* = 90 m) v = (/*)1/2


Optical functions:

- L (effective length)

- v (magnification)

defined by (betatron function)

and (phase advance);

- D (machine dispersion)

describe the explicit path of particles through the magnetic elements as a function of the particle parameters at IP


= p/p

(x*, y*): vertex position at IP


*): emission angle at IP

t = tx + ty

ti ~ -(pi*)2Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 22: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Detector distance to the beam: 10+0.5mm

-t = 0.01 GeV2

-t = 0.002 GeV2


* = 1540 m

*=1540 m

*=2 m

*=90 m

log(-t / GeV2)

0.002 0.06 4.0A




Roman Pots Acceptances

B5Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Det. dist. 1.3 mm 6 mm

= 1540 m L = 1028 – 2 x 1029 95% of all p seen; all

= 90 m L = 1029 – 3 x 1030 65% of all p seen; all

= 0.5 – 2 m L = 1030 – 1034 p with seen; all t

= 0.5m - 2m

r e



RP 220m

Elastic Scattering (RP220)

Page 23: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

0.10.1----3030Elastic ScatteringElastic Scattering

0.020.02----11Double PomeronDouble Pomeron diffractiveDouble diffractive diffractiveSingle diffractive biasMinimum bias

Uncertainty after Uncertainty after Extrapolation (mb)Extrapolation (mb)

Single arm Single arm T1/T2T1/T2

Double Double arm T1/T2arm T1/T2


Trigger Losses (mb):





Pythia generatorLoss at low masses

Total 0.8%

Error on B6

Measurement of TOT at 1%

T/T ~ [(0.006)2 + (0.002)2 + (0.012)2] ~ 0.014

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009Inelastic + Elastic Error

Extrapolation t=0 Error

Page 24: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Forward Physics: VHE Cosmic Ray Connection


Interpreting cosmic ray data dependson hadronic simulation programs. Forward region poorly known/constr.Models differ by factor 2 or more. Need forward particle/energy measurements e.g. dN/d, dE/d…

Total multiplicity in T2 (5<<7)

p-p collisions @ LHC as predicted by generators tipically used to model hadronic showers generated by VHE CR

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 25: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Expected Radiation Dose in CMS/TOTEM

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC B8

In 1 year @

Linst = 1034 cm-2s-1

At RPs locations =>

Page 26: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Planar technology with CTS(Current Terminating Structure)

50 µ




biasing ring Al



cut edge

current terminating




n-type bulkp+


AC coupled microstrips made in planar AC coupled microstrips made in planar technology with novel guard-ring design technology with novel guard-ring design and biasing schemeand biasing scheme

50 μm of dead areaB9

Si CTS Edgeless Detectors for Roman Pots

bias gard/clean-upbias gard/clean-upring (CR)ring (CR)

Integration of Integration of traditional traditional Voltage Voltage Terminating Terminating StructureStructure with the with the Current Current Terminating Terminating StructureStructure

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 27: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

T1 Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC)


Cathode strips – 5mm pitch Detector design similar to CMS

CSC muon chamber

Gas Mixture Ar/CO2/CF4

Max size: ~ 1m x 0.68 m Gas gap: 10 mm Anode wires: 30m, 3mm pitch Cathode strips: 4.5 mm width, 5mm pitch Digital readout (VFAT)

Ageing studies at CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility:

no loss of performance during 12-month test, with ~0.07 C/cm accumulated charge on wirescorresponding to a dose equivalent to ~ 5 years at L=1030cm-2s-1

Anode wires – 3mm pitch

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 28: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM)

5 µm Cu

70 µm

55 µm

50 µm Kapton

70 µm

140 µm





Developed at CERN (F. Sauli ~ 1997)Developed at CERN (F. Sauli ~ 1997) Used in COMPASS, LHCb, …Used in COMPASS, LHCb, … Gas DetectorGas Detector “ “Rad-hard”, high rate, good spatialRad-hard”, high rate, good spatial and timing resolution and timing resolution Electrodes: 50 m kapton + 2x5 m CuElectrodes: 50 m kapton + 2x5 m Cu Density:Density: 50-100 holes/mm 50-100 holes/mm22

Electric field (channel) ~ 100 KV/cm Electric field (channel) ~ 100 KV/cm

(V(Vgemgem = 500 V) = 500 V) electron cascade electron cascade

Gain: 10 - 100Gain: 10 - 100

GEM TechnologyGEM Technology

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 29: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

T2 Triple-GEM Detectors

HV Divider

Gas in/out


Digital R/O padsVFAT for Trigger

17 VFAT / module



65() x 24(= 1560 pads

Pads: x = 0.06 x 0.018 ~2x2 mm2 - ~7x7 mm2

Strips: 256x2 (width 80 m, pitch 400 m)

Ar/CO2 70/30 gas mixture Operating gas gain M = 8000 Digital readout (VFAT) T2 Triple GEM technology adequate to work at least 1 yr at L=1033 cm-2s-1

B12Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC

Page 30: The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC  Physics program  Detector overview Giuseppe Latino (University of Siena & Pisa INFN) (on behalf of the TOTEM Collaboration)

Totem Electronics VFAT Chip

Developed at CERN by the Micro-Electronics group

128 channels of tracking front- end with digital storage and data transmission 8 programmable trigger outputs Designed for radiation tolerance


Standardization for all detectors: identical front-end electronics (VFAT chips); identical DAQ and trigger cards

Moriond QCD & HEI – March 20, 2009 G. Latino – The TOTEM Experiment at the LHC