The Top 10 Most Effective Tips ... · make things much easier than challenging your willpower....

The Top 10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and better health By Luke Starbuck - 4HB Coach, Blogger and Healthy Fat Loss Fanatic Please feel free to email this to friends

Transcript of The Top 10 Most Effective Tips ... · make things much easier than challenging your willpower....

Page 1: The Top 10 Most Effective Tips ... · make things much easier than challenging your willpower. Throw out any non-slow carb food in your house 10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss

The Top 10

Most Effective Tips for

Fast Fat Lossand better health

By Luke Starbuck - 4HB Coach, Blogger and Healthy Fat Loss Fanatic

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Hey,This book is quickly going to get you up to speed on the 10 keys to fast fat loss using the slow carb diet.

These 10 effective tips are the result of over a year of reading, research, writing, coaching, testing and experimenting with the slow carb principles. Over this time, I have collected data, notes and results, and have provided assitance to thousands of people who have used the diet to achieve their goals.

Though it might not be as glamorous as the latest diet pill, and it might not make the covers of popular magazines every week with outrageous claims, this diet is in fact the most effective, easy to follow and manageable way to eat day to day, month to month, and year in, year out, that I have ever found.

It gets results, and works in with many different lifestyles. So I’ll bet it will work for you!

I know it can be a tough journey. Thanks for grabbing this ebook, and taking the time to read through. Please feel free to read more on our blog, or shoot me a question.

We’d love to help you - through the blog, in personal one-on-one coaching sessions, or with our Complete Bodyfat Control program that gets you confidently started, leaving no questions unanswered, so you can focus on the rest of your life, knowing you’re on your way to achieving your fat loss goals (get more info at

All the best,


10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Welcome

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Tired of ‘trying’ to lose weight?Maybe your last diet didn’t give you the lasting results you hoped for?

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Page 4: The Top 10 Most Effective Tips ... · make things much easier than challenging your willpower. Throw out any non-slow carb food in your house 10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss

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10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 1

Grab a piece of paper, and note down your typical day’s events - getting up, getting to work, lunch break, coming home, chores, and all the other regular routine items of an average day.

Now, take a look at how you can fit in 4 meals, approximately 4 hours apart. No less than 3 hours, no more than 5 if at all possible.

Pre-pack any meals that may not be convenient. Suggestions for on-the-go meals include bean, spinach and cold meat salad, and cold fritatta.

Sticking to the same time of day for each meal allows you to fine-tune your portion sizes over the first week or so, and find what works best for you.

If there’s a day with a sporting event, or a day that’s particularly busy, you’ll learn to add in slightly more food to your meals that day.

Have your meals at the same time each day

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If you are always changing between different kinds of foods and meals, it can be hard to appreciate the simplicity of the slow carb diet, and it can also be difficult to gauge your portion sizes accurately.

Consider having a standard set of 5 or so meals that you most likely eat 3 of each day, and then leave 1 meal per day to experiment and try something new, if you feel doing so.

This makes it more interesting and more likely that you’ll stick with slow carb for the long-term.

Eating the same meals most of the time also makes your shopping trips a breeze, and the more time you save, the easier it is to stick with it.

Start with a template of beans/lentils, low fat meat/protein, green vegetables and work on variations from there. We recommend lentils at breakfast with eggs and spinach, and alternating between chicken, fish and low fat ground beef for other meals, with an assortment of red/green peppers, broccoli, cauliflow, green beans, carrots (sparingly), and all leafy green vegetables such as kale and bok choy.

Eat the same foods 80% of the time

10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 2

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Intense and/or prolonged exercise can have quite an effect on your hunger.

In fact, it’s been shown that intense exercise stimulates your sense of hunger, beyond the amount that is actually needed to replace the energy that was used.

That means if you burned 200 calories in a short intense burst, you might feel like eating 400 calories to replace it. This is how the human body guards against being left starving hungry and having to sacrifice it’s own energy stores.

It can be very difficult to maintain willpower against such a strong drive to eat.

While your goal is losing fat, keep exercise to condensed, short bursts of activity, like kettlebell swings and ab workouts, or short workout sessions with weights, like Occam’s Protocol.

Challenging your muscles helps your maintain what muscle you have, and build more muscle too, while you lose fat.

Only exercise moderately, so not to spike your hunger

10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 3

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Over exercising, or over training as it sometimes is called, is a situation where you are challenging your body more frequently, or more intensely, than it has time to then recover, before the next workout or challenge.

Doing this over a period of time can lead to muscle loss, and can actually stop fat loss, or lead to fat gain, as the stress levels in the body prompt energy storage, and not burning.

Over training can come in many different forms - 2 weights workouts a week, 2 competitive sports events per week plus a hike on the weekend could easily leave your body unable to recover, if that is your regular routine.

Ever tried losing fat with 5x 1 hour cardio sessions at the gym every week?

Most likely results didn’t come, or were short-lived, as the body was fighting to recover, and most likely losing muscle mass in the process.

Don’t forget daily tasks too - if your job is a physical one, be careful with how much additional training or exercise you do in your leisure time. If you are very active at work, you might be better off spending your leisure time doing recovery activities, like taking a bath, an easy walk, a slow bike ride, or relaxing watching a movie.

Avoid over-training, and other activities that leave you exhausted

10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 4

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Sleep is the cheapest supplement known to man. It also has more positive effects than any one herb, vitamin, mineral, tablet, powder or pill you can take.

An extra hour or two of sleep, each night, can have so many positive effects on your body that you might wonder if someone’s slipped something in your morning coffee (or you might no even feel like having the coffee).

Compromised sleep over time leads to the body being under more stress, and leaves you less able to deal with day-to-day stressors that come in normal life.

If you average 6 hours of sleep per night, then the chances of you feeling a benefit from 8 hours per night are very high. If you feel like you don’t have the time to get this much rest, think about what you might be able to get done more efficiently if you had more energy, more focus and less worries, during the day.

Starting this might be a challenge, but once you get going, you might find that better and easier decisions allow you more free time than you had before.

For 2 weeks, commit to 8-9 hours of sleep

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This tip comes straight from the kitchens and pantries of thousands of slow carb followers - if the food is there, and you see if often enough, it will probably get eaten.

And seeing it more than once a day makes it that much more difficult to wait until cheat day. Stock you cupboard with beans and lentils, your fridge with low fat meats, fish and chicken, plus green vegetables and cabbage, and when you feel hungry, you’ll be presented with the best solution.

Leave all the other things around, and your mind might start wandering.

If you really can’t throw things out, take the next best step and confine all those items to a cupboard you don’t regularly visit.

Consider labelling items in the fridge with a piece of colored tape to clearly show the difference between slow carb foods and cheat day foods. This will help you every day, and make things much easier than challenging your willpower.

Throw out any non-slow carb food in your house

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This tip comes with an extra bonus tip - shop on the same day each week if you can.

If it’s Sunday, then stick to it, if it’s Tuesday, then make it happen. Shopping in one go, and shopping as a routine makes it go by faster, take less time and take less out of your life.

Most people visit the grocery store 3 times per week - imagine cutting out 2 visits, every week, and getting back 2 hours of spare time?

There’s a lot you could do with that.. including sleep more!

Write out your list, and no matter how crazy the amounts seem (4 dozen eggs might be what you need, and likewise 2 dozen cans of beans), then shop once and forget about it for a week.

The convenience of having everything you need, every day, can’t be beaten, and makes sticking at slow carb far easier than if you’re shopping every day (and having the navigate past all the treats at the grocery store).

Stock up so you only need to shop 1 time each week

10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 7

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Cheat day is the yin to the slow carb week’s yang.

It is the balance that you need, every week, in order to stay satisfied with this way of life.

Its up to you how you choose to do it, but make sure it’s enjoyable, and don’t try to manage it too carefully.

Eating what you like from lunchtime to bed time is a real treat, and one that’s just as much part of the slow carb diet as all those meals of beans, veges and protein. So make it happen, and stay committed to it.

People who skipped cheat days lost less fat on average, and were more likely to drop slow carb after a few weeks, so keep at it - during the week, and with cheat days on the weekend.

Never miss cheat day - enjoy it!

10 Most Effective Tips for Fast Fat Loss and Better Health Tip 8

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Feedback is important. We all want to see progress, and we want to know what we’re putting our effort in to is worth the trouble.

The short answer is that the slow carb diet works for all those who stick at it. Time can be different for different people, however most people lose in the first 4 weeks, and those who don’t generally see changes in the first 8 weeks. Make sure you are weighing and measuring too - many times your weight may not change, but your body will. This is because fat can be lost, while muscle is being gained, and a little bit of (sometimes unnoticable muscle) weighs a lot more than some (very noticeable) fat.

Pick a day of the week - we suggest the morning of your Cheat Day, or the middle of the week - and stick to that day. Refuse to weigh or measure the rest of the week, as your body will change. If one week you don’t see the result you had hoped for, don’t use it as an excuse to leave the diet behind, instead stick at it, check your meals that week, consider if you’ve been more stressed than usual, or lost sleep, and commit to a great next week.

We’re sure you’ll continue to see the results you’d like to see over time - look for a month-to-month trend and you most likely won’t be disappointed.

Only weigh and measure 1 time per week, same time each week

Image by peter_w

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This is all about learning - learning about your body, about food and about exercise. And how your individual body responds to food and exercise - everyone’s a bit different!

So much of what we learn and have learned from the media, and from popular medicine is not and has not been correct, that we find ourselves lost in a sea of confusion.

The key is to stick with the slow carb regime, and to check the results that you get. It’s not about average amounts, or what ‘most people’ get - this is about you!

So keep track, and keep learning more as you go.

Some people respond well to different approaches, and it’s worth reading further to discover more about exercise, different foods and other related things like sleep and stress.

See how your body responds and you will not only get the results you want, but you will gain knowledge that will help you be healthy long into the future.

This is your experiment - take notes, observe, and learn

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Having spent years looking for effcient ways to lose fat (I was pretty big when I was growing up), reading about the slow carb diet was an exciting moment in my life.

Since then, Kat and I have blogged about our experiences with the principles described in the book - the food, the workouts and the lifestyle.

With over a year of experience working with people working to achieve their goals with these principles, we have collected a lot of data, results, and hands-on experience with what to expect, how it works, and the most efficient ways to make it work for you.

We love helping people achieve their goals. We want to help you achieve yours!

If you have questions, we’re confident you’ll find the answers you want on our website. We also offer one-on-one coaching, if that’s something you feel could help you achieve your goals.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-follow program that doesn’t leave you guessing, or having to do all the planning and preparation by yourself, our Complete Bodyfat Control could be perfect for you - it’s a 6 module short program that gets you confidently started, leaving no questions unanswered, so you can focus on the rest of your life, knowing you’re on your way to achieving your fat loss goals.

You can read more about Complete Bodyfat Control by clicking here (

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