The “Tools” you need for this magical 7 - magical...

[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school The “Tools” you need for this magical journey NEWSFLASH! Before we carry on with this lesson please do take note that these tools are not a necessity and that you yourself is the biggest tool in the ritual, your fingers, your mouth, your feet and your body, but most of all your words. Magick can be performed without the standard tools. These are only props to help you focus your energy and concentration. You many collect all of these, a few of these, or none of these. You collect these items and more as you grow on your journey. Introduction: I am going to divide the lesson into these parts: 1. Tool symbology 2. Altar tools those tools you will use on your altar 3. Extra tools other tools you can use before, during or after your ritual or magical worlds 4. Consecration of your tools dedicating your tools for the purpose of magical work 5. Caring for your tools 6. Summary - Your magical cabinet Symbology of these ritual tools: As I said tools are not necessary to the success of any spell or ritual, they are mostly a centring device or and extension of your mind to focus on the magical work at hand. Without the persons focused will and directed energy, the potential in any tool will remain dormant, so you are the enabler and catalyst for a successful magical act. We know that symbols are the language of the subconscious, the place were all ideas begin. Each culture, language group, community, secret society or magical has symbols which are used within itself and these symbols are understood by the community of that culture, language group, community, secret society or magical (more on symbology in our advance courses). And it is the same for those on the Pagan path (just a reminder that by Pagan path I mean all traditions following a tradition which is not aligned to any of the Mayor religions of our world). The use of symbology is an important tool for spiritual and psychic awareness and development. Each of these tools which will be discussed in this lesson represent an idea, a force or an energy which we choose to work with internally or externally. These symbols are designed to focus the mind on ideas or energies dealing directly with the ritual being performed, it is to enable the wielder (you) to effectively use the energy and ideas in a particular ritual working. We can also say that the wielder of these tools use them to build up the mental atmosphere conducive to the evocation from the deeper levels of your mind of the archaic images and powers desired for the ritual or magical act.

Transcript of The “Tools” you need for this magical 7 - magical...

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

The “Tools” you need for this magical journey


Before we carry on with this lesson please do take note that these tools are not a

necessity and that you yourself is the biggest tool in the ritual, your fingers,

your mouth, your feet and your body, but most of all your words.

Magick can be performed without the standard tools. These are only props to help

you focus your energy and concentration. You many collect all of these, a few of these,

or none of these. You collect these items and more as you grow on your journey.

Introduction: I am going to divide the lesson into these parts:

1. Tool symbology 2. Altar tools – those tools you will use on your altar 3. Extra tools – other tools you can use before, during or after your ritual or magical worlds 4. Consecration of your tools – dedicating your tools for the purpose of magical work 5. Caring for your tools 6. Summary - Your magical cabinet

Symbology of these ritual tools: As I said tools are not necessary to the success of any spell or ritual, they are mostly a centring device or and extension of your mind to focus on the magical work at hand. Without the person’s focused will and directed energy, the potential in any tool will remain dormant, so you are the enabler and catalyst for a successful magical act. We know that symbols are the language of the subconscious, the place were all ideas begin. Each culture, language group, community, secret society or magical has symbols which are used within itself and these symbols are understood by the community of that culture, language group, community, secret society or magical (more on symbology in our advance courses). And it is the same for those on the Pagan path (just a reminder that by Pagan path I mean all traditions following a tradition which is not aligned to any of the Mayor religions of our world). The use of symbology is an important tool for spiritual and psychic awareness and development. Each of these tools which will be discussed in this lesson represent an idea, a force or an energy which we choose to work with internally or externally. These symbols are designed to focus the mind on ideas or energies dealing directly with the ritual being performed, it is to enable the wielder (you) to effectively use the energy and ideas in a particular ritual working. We can also say that the wielder of these tools use them to build up the mental atmosphere conducive to the evocation from the deeper levels of your mind of the archaic images and powers desired for the ritual or magical act.

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Most of all the tools correspond to other aspects of the magical path and thus we can see that all are interlinked in describing the fundamental life energies and our interaction with the world and magical world around and inside of us for example: Athame = air (depending on which tradition you follow) = tarot suit of words. One can also see that most of the tools we use correspond and symbolising parts of the human body for example: Athame = masculine power and phallic; chalice = feminine power and womb.

Altar tools These are the tools mostly used in ritual work. Before I am going to introduce you to the sacred tools I am going to stop by the Altar. This is the place where most of our devotion, magical act and spell work will take place. The Altar

An altar is any structure upon which offerings such as sacrifices and votive offerings are made for religious purposes, or some other sacred place where ceremonies take place. Altars are usually found at a shrines, and they can be located in temples, churches and other places of worship. Today they are used particularly in the religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, as well as Christianity, LaVeyan Satanism, Thelema, Neopaganism, and in Ceremonial magic. Many historical faiths also made use of them, including Greek paganism and Norse paganism.

Your altar is your private special place where you communicate with the Divine, and as such it should carry our feelings in it. The way I set up my altar is my way and you will find your way to do it, all I can do is advice you on certain issues to take into consideration when erecting an altar. Your altar set up will depend on the mood which you want to create, your tradition which you follow, the season you are celebrating, the also the type of God or Goddess you are devoted to. Just remember the altar symbolizes the representation of the Spirit of the individual practitioner in the ritual as well as the Divine. Altars are normally set up facing the East as everything starts from there and end in the West. The sketch above gives you an indication of what an average altar should look like, but again it is up to you – what feels right to you. Altars have many variations. The simplest altar need be no more than a picture on the wall or a clear space on a table. The most elaborate altars are masterpieces of exquisite art. Most altars are somewhere in between.

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

An altar is part of the space between the worlds that you create, and where you do magical works. It is apart from the mundane, every day, life of your household. Even if you must use your dining room table or an old coffee table in the spare bedroom, visualize it as sacred space. In a perfect world we would all have permanent altar space that could be set up as magical space all the time, but that may not be possible for you. Don't think you can't do magic because of that, you can if you want to. If you live alone and can do as you like in your home, fabulous, if not then you must deal with the situation that you have. There are certain considerations that you must take into account when deciding where to place your altar. If possible it should be in a space where it can remain undisturbed. If you leave your altar set up all the time, and you do not live alone, you must let your housemates know that the items on your altar are not objects of curiosity or stage props, and should not be handled. Ideally, no one should touch your ritual tools except you. If your altar is going to be just another coffee table filled with weird looking stuff to paw over, you should consider either placing it in your private portion of the premises, or not leaving it set up between workings. If you have more understanding housemates, or none at all, setting up the altar in either a private or public position in the home depends upon your lifestyle. Are you 'out' as a witch to your friends and family? If so, it's presence won't bring about difficult questions when your parents, who "never come over", decide to stop by. Some of the accoutrements of an altar are easy to explain, a vase of flowers and some candles are home decor, but the Athame and that great copper wand with the huge quartz crystal you found at that funky shop aren't. Of course a lot depends on how theatrical a witch you are. If you love the atmosphere created by massive candlesticks, linen altar cloths, loads of crystals, images of the Goddess and all the trappings, it's going to be harder to hide than if your more minimalist. The main purpose of an altar is to provide focus. It can be used to focus on the Divine Powers -this is worship. It can be used to focus energy for making changes in our lives -this is magic. It can be used to focus on communication with our Higher Selves and SPIRIT GUIDES -this is meditation. All of these -worship, magic, meditation -are ways of focusing our psychic energy to accomplish specific ends. The altar can aid in that focus, and can be used to augment that energy and enhance the result. Because so much of this process depends on the energy of YOU, your altar should be so designed as to have meaning for YOU and to provoke an emotional and spiritual reaction from you. This is particularly important because no matter how beautiful or correct your altar is, it won’t matter to you if it doesn’t help you access your own inner energies. The right side of the altar is usually dedicated to the

God. A red, yellow or gold candle, or an appropriate

figure, is usually place there, as are the censor, wand,

athame, bolline and a bowl of salt.

The left half of the altar is usually dedicated to the

goddess. Tools sacred to Her are placed there: the cup,

the pentacle, bell, crystal, cauldron and the bowl of

water. An image of the Goddess may also stand there,

or a green, silver or white candle can be substituted.

The besom or broom may be laid against the left side of

the altar. The cauldron is also sometimes placed on the

floor to the left of the altar if there isn't room on top.

Deities Images or representations of any gods and goddesses who are special to you are always welcome on an altar. These statues, posters or images are more than reminders of Divinity. Statues of the gods and goddesses can actually hold the vibrations of the Divine. So your altar becomes a living temple - a place where the Divine dwells.

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Tools of the Craft: Altar tools are symbols, remember. It is the meaning we invest in them that gives them their power. So listen to your heart; it's the seat of your Power. If something else would be a better symbol for you than what's listed here, it is probably wise for you to use it. Choose What Suits Your Soul. In all cases, do not use a tool that you have a negative association with. For instance, if knives make you think of violence first and foremost, then find an alternative for an Athame. Find what focuses the energy for you. After all, the gods and goddesses speak to each of us in our own unique language. As in every aspect of your Spirituality, it is what makes your heart sing that is the right thing for you. But if you're unsure of what to use, the altar tools listed below are good starting points. Once you've used them for a while, you'll begin to sense what tool works well for you. I will only discuss the most important tools: Athame The ritual knife, or athame, is one of the prime Wicca/Witchcraft altar tools. (It is pronounced AH-tha-may or ah-THAW-may.) It symbolizes as a tool for invoking and controlling through the use or will lower forms of Spirit to control and summon the raw elements into the circle. Traditionally black-handled, the athame lives in the East, the direction that represents mind, thought, and choice and correspond to Air and is represented by the Tarot suit of Swords. An athame doesn't have to be metal. You can find ones made out of wood or carved stone, if you prefer. It's not used as a physical knife, anyway, but a symbolic one. Athames hold yang [god] energy. Athames are used to direct energy, typically in casting ritual Circles and recalling them. They may also be used to cut energetic ties. Ordinarily, an athame is not used to cut anything on the physical plane. (Please note that some traditions associated the Athame with Fire element and with the south) Sword Some people like to use a sword for casting in groups. (The difficulty may be emotional safety in addition to physical safety. The symbolic hostility inherent in swords is more than many sensitive people can cope with, especially in as intimate a situation as ritual.) Often awkward around an altar, swords may be kept near or under it to be held in the magical aura. In the past, swords were the athame of the nobility, but this custom is obviously ridiculous from a spiritual standpoint. Blue blood does not equal spiritual nobility! Unlike knives, however, swords have no practical use other than as weapons. This link with violence makes swords unadvisable as altar tools for most people.

Chalice The chalice is one of the most important altar tools. It signifies the Mother Goddess. As such, it is a "yin" altar tool. It symbolizes as a tool for evocation from within emotions or love and trust. Some people like very fancy bejeweled cups for their altar chalice, but this is not necessary. A cup or wine-type glass of any material will do, or even a bowl. Something that holds water and, ideally, is round or curvy is good. Silver is always nice for Goddess tools - a silver chalice.

The altar chalice is placed in the West, the direction of Water and the yinnest of the yin. The chalice is used for ceremonial drink, offering libations to the Divine, or holding the salt-water solution.

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Wand or staff

The wand is like a portable, handy version of a broom. A wand can be made of any natural material.

Wood is traditional. Since all woods have unique Powers, you may like to choose the wood to suit

your particular needs. The staff is the sword and wand rolled into one, and as such is a symbol of

both magical knowledge and the right to petition deities or archetypal powers.

The wand is a symbol for working with higher forms of Spirit. The staff is also seen as the Axis Mundi if you plants it in the center of the circle. Wands can be used for divination and channelling magical energy. They can be used to cast and recall circles, in place of the athame. The magical wand goes in the South, for the power of will, magick, and transformation. It also represents yang, or god, energy and corresponds to the element Fire and aligned with the South, and in Tarot to the suit of Wands. (Note: Some traditions see the staff representing the power of mind and an extension of the power of Air and aligned with the East.) Traditionally, both a wand and staff should be of wood and made by the person who will use them. If

your purchase these or have them made, fill them with your own vibrations before using them. This is

easily done by handling them often and deliberately sending you own positive thoughts into the

object. The wand and staff can be naturally-formed tree branches or made of dowels ornamented with

crystals, stones, wooden beads, or whatever else you fancy.

The length of the wand depends upon what feels comfortable to you, but tradition states that it should

be no longer than your forearm. The staff should be at least shoulder-high and as thick as is

comfortable to hold, usually about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. It should be cut during the waxing moon

and allowed to dry out thoroughly at room temperature. You may strip the bark off of it or leave it on,

whichever you prefer. It may be left natural or stained/varnished/oiled.


The Pentacle, a 5-point star within a circle, usually is placed in the centre of the altar. The pentacle is one of the most important altar tools, offering protection and power in magical work. It is a symbol of banishing through grounding and also for consecration to cause a physical-astral link. A pentacle is traditionally a flat disk made of metal or wood and inscribed with a pentagram. It is used as a power point for consecrating ritual objects, such as water or wine in a chalice, amulets and tools; and is associated with the Earth Element and

aligned with the North. It can also be used for grounding stray energy in a room. The pentacle was "borrowed from ceremonial magick. In this ancient art it was often an instrument of

protection, or a tool used to evoke spirits. Pentacles are also hung over doors and windows to act as

a protective devices, or are ritually manipulated to draw money owing to the pentacle's Earth


(The Pentacle will be discussed in detail in our advanced lessons) Candles

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Often large candles, such as pillar candles, are used to represent the God and the Goddess. These are usually set on either side of the Pentacle, or somewhere in the centre of the altar. These candles invoke the Energies of the Divine. Other options are having just one large candle for the Great Goddess, or three - white, red, and black - for the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Where they go is up to you. Somewhere they won't drip onto delicate items or catch things on fire is always good. Candles are associated with Fire and Air, and are used for everything from lighting the altar to specifics in spells. The type of wax does not matter, Color is what is important here. For basic magickal working the basic candle colors needed are white, black, green, red, yellow, blue, gold, and silver. Then you need direction candles. One candle for each of the directions, colour-coded, are often used on the altar or at the “directional corners” of the sacred circle. One would go in each appropriate direction . . .

For North: black, green, or brown

For East: yellow or white

For South: red or orange

For West: blue or aqua (Correspondences will be discussed in advance course)

Other Items on your altar: Altar Cloth An altar cloth is optional, but useful. By choosing one with an appropriate colour or design, you set the stage for the energy of your altar. It's also handing on a pragmatic level. It keeps dripping wax from marring your altar top. And since dripping candles are a hazard common to all witches, you may want to choose a cloth that isn't too hard to remove wax from. Or so expensive you'll cry if it gets ruined. Salt Water A small bowl of water with salt dissolved in it, for cleansing. This would be appropriate in the centre. Alternatively, the altar chalice may be used to hold the salt water. Water and salt are both purifying agents, not only in the physical realm but the energetic as well. Salt water also represents the energies of earth and water united, the ocean womb which gave birth to all life on the planet. So while this may seem an insignificant addition to your altar tools, it holds great power. Scent or Feather Some representation of air, commonly something scented like incense, essential oils, or smudges, or else a flying bird's feather goes in the East, to represent Air. Sacred scents are used to cleanse an area energetically, call in certain powers, or help witches shift consciousness. Feathers can also be used to cleanse energy fields, and to fan incense or smudge smoke.

A good incense burner is essential, especially if you plan to use the better incenses that are burned

on charcoal. Choose a burner that has some sort of a foot or stand under it. Fill it with a layer of fresh

sand, which makes it easier to clean and cuts down on the heat that will pass into the altar. If you

can't find a suitable censor make one. Any bowl or cup will serve well provided that you fill it at least

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

half-way with salt or sand. If you plan to move it as all while hot, chains or handles are a necessity.


The cauldron is a symbol of the Goddess, and it's all about femininity. The cauldron is the womb in which life begins. Although it usually represents the element Water, the cauldron is an interesting tool because it can tie in to all four elements. You place it upon the Earth, heat it with Fire, fill it with Water, and send the steam up into the Air. In Celtic legend, the goddess Cerridwen possessed a cauldron of immortality and inspiration.

In some traditions, a cup or chalice is used in place of a cauldron, and in others the cauldron and cup are used together. A cup is just a small cauldron, and can be made of any material.

Traditionally cast iron, a cauldron is like a 3-legged rounded cooking pot. You can get them in sizes from huge to tiny. Cauldrons are handy items for burning things, like incense and herbs. This is one of the reasons it is one of the most common altar tools. Put an incense charcoal in the bottom, and sprinkle the herbs and powders onto it for very pagan incense. Cauldrons can also be used to hold "witches' brews," that is, magickal spells in liquid form. These range from simple salt-water purifications to complex spells. (Caution is required when burning anything, of course. Cast iron on legs, if made properly, will keep the heat from the surface it's standing on, but check to make sure. Also be aware of anything flammable nearby or above the cauldron - particularly sleeves and hair!)

Libation Dish

A small dish, bowl, or cup can go in the centre, ready to receive offerings for the gods and goddesses. You can also use your altar chalice or cauldron for this purpose. Later, pour or bury the offerings in the Earth, or into living water (rivers, lakes, etc) to carry them to the Divine. Offerings When you would honour the Divine with a gift of thanks or prayer, you can bring them to the Altar as an offering. Often flowers are kept on the altar as an offering. Anything that is beautiful or special to you, or symbolic of the purpose for the offering, can be offered. It is probably not necessary to point out that offerings should not be anything that could harm anything. Offerings are that of increasing spiritual power and thus have importance.

Additional altar Tools There are additional tools which may be kept near the altar, or on it, or elsewhere, at the your discretion. Stones or Crystals For the Earth element, in the North, stones and sometimes crystals are used. These bring in Earth energy, which helps with grounding (except perhaps for quartz crystals). Gem stones also carry certain energies which can be invoked by having them on your altar.

Colourful stones of various shapes and sizes are used in some spellworks. Whether you purchase

them or find them yourself, be certain that their vibrations feel comfortable to you. Crystals and other

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

stones are good conductors of magical energy in their natural state and need not be polished to be of



Some Wiccans use a bell in their rituals, though certainly not all. Sound is vibration and vibrations are

important, not only in everyday life but, especially, magick. To help achieve the right vibrations, the

right "mood" or "frequency", it helps to ring a bell. It can actually be just as effective-and thereby as

important-as the burning of incense, which also affects vibrations. Don't overdo the bell ringing. A very

occasional single-, double-, or triple-ring, scattered throughout the ritual, can be far more effective

than a constant jangling.

The bell you use should be chosen carefully. Don't just take any bell - each has its own particular

timbre. Find one which seems "right" to you, one which soothes and mellows rather than one which is

harsh and strident. The bell is a feminine symbol and so is often used to invoke the Goddess in ritual.

It is also rung to ward off evil spells and spirits, to halt storms, or to evoke good energies. Placed in

cupboards or hung on the door, it guards the home.

Broom or Besom While it comes in handy during a good game of Quidditch, the broom - or besom - is also useful for sweeping a ceremonial area out before ritual. A light sweeping not only cleans the physical space, it also clears out negative energies that may have accumulated in the area since the last cleaning. The broom is a purifier, so it is connected to the element of Water. It is not uncommon to meet witches who have broom collections, and it is fairly easy to make your own besom if you don’t wish to buy one. The traditional magical formula includes a bundle of birch twigs, a staff of ash or oak, and a binding made from willow wands.

Boline As opposed to the athame, and like the boline, the sacred blade is used as a functional tool. Usually

double-edged blade, it is used to move and direct energy in a much focused manner, and for the

purposes of cutting or bloodletting. This is usually a white handled knife traditionally used for physical

cutting if you don't want to use your Athame for that. It is simply a practical, working as opposed to a

purely ritualistic magick knife. It is used to cut wands or sacred herbs, inscribe symbols onto candles

or on wood, clay or, wax, and in cutting cords for use in magick.

Some Wiccan dictate that the white-handled knife be used only within the magick circle. This would, of course, limit its usefulness. Do what feels right to you. Book of Shadows If you have a Book of Shadows it should be kept on your altar, preferably. It is one of your most important altar tools. If your altar is not private enough, or you can't keep it there for another reason, then keeping it under your altar is best. If you have other books that you use for reference for spells or rituals, it may be handy to keep nearby. It's better to remain within the cast circle than to leave it to look up something. Spells and Spell Casting Materials Spells which don't belong elsewhere are usually kept on the altar, and materials for future spells kept within the energy field. They may be stored under the altar or nearby. Song Books

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

If you have a collection of song books with chants you like to sing, its useful keep it close to hand. Tool note:

There are magnitudes of tools which can be used during the magical processes and you will discover

them as you grow on your path.

Consecration of your tools

Here is a basic consecration ritual:

You will Need



A candle, preferably white

A cup of water

The tool to be consecrated

Each will corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

North/Earth: salt

East/Air: incense

South/Fire: candle

West/Water: water

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:

Powers of the North, Guardians of the Earth, I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc) and charge it with your energies. I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say:

Powers of the East, Guardians of the Air, I consecrate this wand of willow and charge it with your energies. I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle -- be careful if it's a flammable material, and say:

Powers of the South, Guardians of Fire, I consecrate this wand of willow

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

and charge it with your energies. I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say:

Powers of the West, Guardians of Water, I consecrate this wand of willow [or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc] and charge it with your energies. I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Face your altar, hold the (wand/athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say:

I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones, the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars. By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water I banish the energies of any previous owners, and make it new and fresh. I consecrate this ___________ (item) and it is mine.

“I charge you by the Ancient: the Goddess and the God for the virtues of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars by the powers of Air, Fire, Water and Earth May I get everything I want through you. Ancient Gods, charge this tool with Your powers.”

At this point – I also asked the Goddess and God to keep an eye over me and the usage of the tool, and dedicate it to their glory.

“O mighty sun! I call upon your energy, your strength, your power! I use your fire to make this tool sacred and strong. May the power of the sun live each day in this tool. May the fire of the sun blaze each day in this tool. May the warmth of the sun carry on each day in this tool. As I will, so it shall be.”

“Oh great Goddess Mother and Father God, Please look down upon me in your service Grant me the wisdom to only use this tool for the greater good of myself and humanity, And to use it always in your service in an honourable and productive manner. As is my will, So mote it be!”

Now you've not only consecrated the tool, you've claimed ownership. In many traditions, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool.

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Caring of your tools

Although some witches display their tools on their altars, most people recommend storing tools in a safe place, such as a trunk or chest, when you're not using them. Wrap them in silk to protect them from dust, dirt, and ambient vibrations. If you drink wine or another beverage from your chalice during a ritual, of course you'll want to wash it before putting it away. However, there's no need to wash your other tools after using them — the more you handle them and do magick with them, the more you imprint them with your energy.

Don't use your magick tools for mundane purposes. Use a regular kitchen knife, not your athame,

for cutting food and herbs; drink everyday beverages from an ordinary glass, not your ritual chalice. Reserve these tools for spellworking and ceremonial occasions.

It's usually not a good idea to allow anyone else to handle your magick tools. These tools are

consecrated to you and carry your energy. The same is advised not to use other’s tools as these tools carry the owners energy.

Your Magickal Cabinet This is a list of the things you may end up with. Depending on the type of magick you perform, or

should I say types, your list will vary, and likely grow longer! However by having an idea of the most

likely items you can keep your eyes open for bargains and save and collect those things which seem

useful. It can take a considerable time to get everything together, so collecting now will save you time


Altar cloths - different colors (you can make these yourself).

Amulets - If you collect a supply of suitable items, you will have a

supply if you decide to given them away.


Baskets - Different sizes and shapes, especially very small.

Beads (for making jewelry and talismans/amulets)

Bell - a good think to collect

Bolline - the bolline is actually like a small, sharp sickle, (the

curved shape connects with the Goddess) but any sharp knife for

cutting is suitable.

Book of Shadows

Bowls, - glass, metal, ceramic, wooden (not plastic) for holding

salt, water, soils, oils, herbs etc.

Candles - all colors and styles, including beeswax.

Learn candle craft. Handmade candles are excellent. You can also add

more into the ingredients to personalize it.

Candle holders - several types. For candle burning spells you will

need holders with narrow bases, so that candles can come close to

touching. You will need fireproof also - metal.

Candle snuffer

Capes and robes or costumes.- Depending on your love of sewing, the

choice is personal.


Chalices - ceramic, glass, crystal, metal, wood

Compass - helps you find true North

Corn - dried and powdered

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school

Crystals and gems - It is really useful to save heaps of those tiny

crystal bits that you buy in packets. Great additions to spells and

also to plants for growth.

Decanter - for wine, mead or drinks

Divination tools - wide variety. You may be surprised at those that

suit you apart from Tarot and Runes.

Earth - fine soil, especially from your property. Dry it off and

store in a jar.

Feathers - all colors and bird types

Felt - all colors

Garden fertilizer - e.g. Osmocote

Gifts of the Goddess/God - any object, especially natural, that you

find that you feel is special or are drawn to.

Glass jars with screw-on caps - all sizes. Best with a wide neck to

get your hand in.

Glue - various types

Herbs, dried plants and spices

Holy water - You will make this yourself. When traveling keep eye

open for running creek or spring. If this is not possible, collect

rain water.

Incense - Cone, stick, be careful of cheaply made incenses that smell

awful, make your own

Incense burner and holders.

Feathers - all colours, but especially the element colours.

Fire resistant plate (metal), or stand on bricks or rocks.

India ink - for writing spells on parchment

Ink - various colors

Lighters - not matches. Disposable lighters and taper candles. You

light one candle and use it to light the other candles - can save

burnt fingers.

Magickal jewelry

Mortar and pestle - essential for crushing herbs etc.

Musical and subliminal tapes (maybe)

Oils (various selection)

Parchment paper

Pens (watercolor)


Pentacles - various sizes are useful.

Pocket knife

Potpourri pot

Pouches - much less expensive to hand make

Quill pens

Rawhide, jewelry clasps, chains etc.

Ribbons - collect in 3 metre lengths. Red, white and black, but

other colors also.



Seashells - all kinds, all sizes

Scales - you can use your kitchen scales


Sea salt

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[LESSON 7: MAGICAL TOOLS] Sacred Ankh Magica school



String - different colors

Tarot cards (several decks)

Wands - you will find that different woods and trimmings can have

different effects. For example you may use a wand just for healing.

Wheat and grain.

Wooden boxes - various sizes. Cardboard boxes are useful also.

Wooden spoons.
