The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine

The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine APRIL/MAY 2014 ISSUE 115

Transcript of The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine

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The Tivetshalls’



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Help us tidy up our villages.

Tivetshall are having a Litter Pick in

conjunction with South Norfolk District

Council – see main article opposite for

full details.

Tivetshall Village Hall

Saturday 12 April 2014 at 10:00 am

Your Parish Councillors will be there to

provide equipment and advice.

Easter Eggs will be given to all children

who take part, with a special one for

the one collecting the most rubbish.

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Tivetshall Parish Council was recently informed of bottles being thrown into the

drainage ditch between the Village Hall and Thwaites Oak Close. We checked it out,

and removed over 120 bottles. Just the other side of the Village Hall car park is a

bottle bank, where the bottles could easily have been properly disposed of.

We all like our villages to be clean and tidy. Unfortunately there are some, with little

respect for their environment, who spoil it for everybody else. Why not help do

something about it?

We are taking part in South Norfolk's 'Big Litter Pick', and organising a clean up of the

villages on Saturday 12 April. Show people that you care and come along and help us.

All equipment is provided by South Norfolk and Tivetshall Parish Council will give an

Easter Egg to every child who takes part, with a special prize for the one collecting

the most rubbish. As well as this, South Norfolk have a prize draw for communities

taking part, with a prize of £200 for the lucky winning community.

The adventure begins at 10:00 a.m on Saturday 12 April 2014 in the Village Hall Car

Park. Councillors will be there to provide equipment and advice – and Easter Eggs!


It was with great sadness we learned of the passing of Horry Self on 6th March; a

well known and loved character. He was born in Tivetshall. After being in the Navy

for many years, he returned to Tivetshall and worked locally. He was a great

supporter of the British Legion and instrumental in getting the WW1 Memorial at St

Mary’s Church refurbished and rededicated. Horry’s cheerful smile, sense of humour

and words of wisdom will be missed by many.


As many of you know, a fish and chip van, "Ed's Plaice", has been coming to the

Village Hall car park on Saturday evenings. Ed has been pleased with the level of

support given to him and is to continue his service. If you've already been you will

know what is on offer; if not, why not give it a try? He is there from around 3:30 until

7:00 p.m. Due to a long-standing commitment, Ed will not be there on 28 June;

otherwise you can expect to see him there on Saturdays for the foreseeable future.

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You may not know it, but the police have officers called "Police Community Support

Officers". Ours, the one assigned to Tivetshall, is Isabelle Agrir, and a nicer police

officer you couldn't wish to meet. She keeps us informed of police matters, and

when able, attends parish council meetings to give us reports.

One of Isabelle's responsibilities is crime prevention, and she regularly reminds us

to lock our doors and windows. I now do this because I wouldn't be able to look her

in the eye were anything to happen to me at my house! You should do the same.

Isabelle has said she is more than happy to visit parishioners in their own homes to

give advice on crime prevention. If you are interested you can get in touch by

telephoning 101 and asking for Diss Police Station, or by e-mail to

[email protected], marking it for Isabelle's attention.


Sometimes I don't think of even the most obvious things. After taking down the

Christmas tree on the Green and clearing all the debris I went home thinking I had

done a good job. It was only when a parishioner telephoned later that I realised how

careless I had been. The hole where the tree had been was an accident waiting to

happen, and a child playing there could easily have been injured. That problem has

now been resolved: Tim Playford has fitted a cover to the hole to make it safe

Please, if you see something that needs attention in the village, do not assume we

know about it, and do not assume we are smart enough to think of it: tell us!


I am very pleased to be able to tell you that a motion-sensitive light has been

installed by the bus stop on the southbound side of the A140. Although the darkest

evenings of this winter are now behind us, I hope this will make it a little safer for

parishioners, especially the younger members of our community, who have to cross

this busy main road when they alight from the bus to come home. I hope the light

helps but there is still danger, and I will continue to encourage everybody to take

responsibility for their own safety and to wear reflective clothing and carry a torch

when out in the dark.


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Despite claims by Saffron Housing to have been working with Tivetshall Parish

Council, they seem to have been working against us. The development has caused

problems for local residents and many of you have complained to us. We have, in

turn, complained to anybody who would listen, and some who probably didn't! We

have, unfortunately, been unable to have any great effect and, for this, we can only


Some of us met on site with Saffron. By then, however, the worst of the problems

were over. The work is now almost finished, there is some hard-standing on site, and

there is now little on-road parking. Saffron has assured us the verges will be properly

reinstated and we can only hope that will happen.



Footpaths are for people! It might seem like stating the obvious but there have been

complaints within the village about horses being led, or ridden, along footpaths

across the fields. Particularly when it is wet, horses' hooves chew up the ground and

make footpaths difficult for people. If you are on horseback, or leading horses,

please use bridleways or quiet roads, and leave the footpaths fit for use by those on

foot. While on the subject, four wheel drive, or all terrain, vehicles should not be

using footpaths, or bridleways, either. Please show consideration for other

members of your community.


Once again, I must remind parishioners that dog fouling is illegal. The dog warden

now operates patrols in the villages, and will prosecute anybody not cleaning up

after their dog. You can help by reporting offenders on 0808 1682 999.

Please, please, please, clean up after your dogs. Don't just bag it and drop it: take it

home, or place it in one of the special bins provided. If you think there should be

more bins, or bins in different places, let us know.

This is a menace. It offends parishioners. Please let's put an end to it.

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Report on the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at 7.30 pm in Tivetshall Village Hall

Present: Cllr. Pam Carpenter Cllr. Tony Jollans (Chair) Cllr. Claire Kirby Sally Chapman (Clerk) Martin Wilby, District Cllr. Isabelle Agrir, PCSO 1 member of the public Apologies: Cllr. Lynn Jollans

1. Declarations of Interest. Tony Jollans: expense claim.

2. Co-option. There were no applicants.

3. Minutes. Minutes of November meeting agreed. No matters arising.

4. Public participation:

4.1. Martin Wilby (District councillor) reported: SNDC were working on their

budget and currently expecting a 0% council tax rise. Community awards

were to be presented on 7 February. Public Inquiry into the proposed

turbines at Semere Green continuing and due to report in the summer.

SNDC are encouraging recycling of cooking oil and fat, and Martin

reminded all never to put such things down the drain. Finally Martin

reported that here was to be no fracking in Norfolk.

4.2. Bev Spratt (County councillor) not present.

4.3. Isabelle Agrir (PCSO) reported a couple of incidents: one attempt to force

a garage padlock, which failed, and one which succeeded leading to a

bicycle being stolen. She reminded us, again, to keep doors and windows

locked and not to become victims of crime.

4.4. Parishioners' Forum

4.4.1. Concerns were raised about vehicles driving around the village hall

car park at speed, and driving across the grass at the front of the

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Hall to get to the houses further along; this is not a right of way and

the grass was getting cut up. Council to investigate planting hedging

to stop this.

4.4.2. Disgust was expressed at all the dog fouling on the verges and

footpaths. It was asked if there could be more signs and dog bins. It

was asked if more patrols could be done by the dog warden. Council

to investigate possibilities.

4.4.3. Thanks were expressed for the donation of the Christmas tree, and

to the volunteers, in particular Ben Underdown, for their assistance

in erecting, trimming, and removal of the tree.

5. Planning applications.

5.1. 2013/2283, Application for proposed UPVC conservatory at James Bond

Road, Tivetshall St Mary. No objection from the Councillors.

6. Reports from Councillors.

6.1. Playing field / Play area. No update.

6.2. Oil buying group. Val Warren ( 608133) is the coordinator and has

application forms. There have been a few enquiries, and it was suggested

that advertising continue in The Grapevine

6.3. Saffron Affordable Housing on The Street. The state of the roads and

verges around the site was terrible and skidding, even at low speed, was

reported. Builders' vehicles parked on The Street were creating a hazard.

The council's concern had been relayed to Saffron and their reply stated

that they were 'surprised at the lack of mud', and blamed farm vehicles.

Clerk to send a strong letter of disagreement.

6.4. Green Lane/The Street junction. Parishioners had complained that

visibility was obscured because of brambles. Chair to write a polite letter

to the home owner asking that they be trimmed. Editor's note: trimming

was done before any letter was sent – thank you.

6.5. Bunny's Burrow land ownership. Documents obtained from the Land

Registry show that the triangle of land opposite the notice board on

Moulton Road does not belong to Bunny's Burrow. Further enquiries to be

made to determine who does own it.

6.6. Distribution of correspondence. It was asked if all councillors could be

copied into Clerk's correspondence so that they were kept up to date.

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7. To discuss the purchase of computer equipment.

7.1. Computer equipment on hold as clerk is happy to use her own equipment. T.J. to look at current working practices and allowances.

7.2. Clerk Initial Training. Councillors were unanimous that the clerk should go on Initial Training at Loddon on 11 February at a cost of £45.

8. Correspondence Received.

8.1. Tivetshall Rainbows letter of thanks for donation.

8.2. NCC Temporary Traffic Restriction Orders related to development on The


9. Finance.

9.1. Balance of accounts to 10 January received; C.K. to arrange an immediate

transfer of £2,000 from the Business Saver to the Community Account.

9.2. Letter to Barclays signed, requesting closure of the Saver account.

9.3. Risk assessment: P.C. to deliver to T.J.

9.4. Half-year review: T.J. to organise after receipt of Risk Assessment. T.J. and

Clerk to update Asset Register.

9.5. Payments of invoices as follows were agreed:

9.5.1. Royal British Legion, wreath donation £60.00

9.5.2. Primrose Press £124.60

9.5.3. Tony Jollans, expenses £22.05

9.5.4. Vivienne G. Dennis £40.00

9.5.5. Clerk, salary and expenses £286.96

9.5.6. HMRC, PAYE £62.40

Invoices inspected & cheques signed at meeting.

9.6. Budget 2014/15.

T.J. gave all councillors a proposed budget, suggesting a precept of £8967.45. After some discussion, T.J. proposed to adjust the budget to lower the precept to £8,500.00 (£42.50 per Band D household) and this was unanimously agreed. The precept form was completed and signed.

10. Councillors Comments / Future Agenda Items.

10.1. Donations to local children's charities.

11. Date of next meeting. Tuesday 11th February, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting closed at 9:40 p.m.

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Save Money on Heating Oil TIVETSHALL is a member of Thinking Fuel

oil buying scheme

This means all households in the parish can benefit for free. Thinking Fuel on average saves 6ppl or around £120 a year.

The scheme’s key features include:

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Bulk ordering is on the first working day of every month, balancing the benefits of bulk buying with ease of ordering more regularly.

Flexibility allows for ordering at anytime for emergencies

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You need to register to benefit from the scheme. To get a joining form please contact your local coordinator Val Warren on

608133 or collect one from the Post Office

More information can be found about the scheme at

Norfolk Rural Community Council, Ambassador Way, Greens Road, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 3TL. Registered Charity No: 1056750. Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales No: 3190820

Page 11: The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine



Report on the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 7.30 pm in Tivetshall Village Hall

Present: Cllr. Lynn Jollans Cllr. Tony Jollans (Chair) Cllr. Claire Kirby Sally Chapman (Clerk) Martin Wilby, District Cllr. Bev Spratt, County Cllr. Isabelle Agrir, PCSO 2 members of the public Apologies: Cllr. Pam Carpenter

1. Declarations of Interest. None.

2. Co-option. There were no applicants.

3. Minutes. Minutes of January meeting approved and signed. No matters arising.

4. Public participation:

4.1. Bev Spratt (County councillor) reported: NCC have agreed a 0% rise in

council tax; plans for the incinerator at King's Lynn still await approval;

government are proposing a cut of £1M in the road maintenance budget.

4.2. Martin Wilby (District councillor) reported: SNDC have agreed a 0% rise in

council tax; community awards were presented to Rector Norman Steer,

and Stuart Filmer; the outcome of the Public Inquiry into the proposed

wind turbines at Pulham should be known in 6 weeks, and there will be a

separate Public Inquiry into the proposal at Hempnall.

4.3. Isabelle Agrir (PCSO) reported that have been several recent thefts of

catalytic converters in the area, and that a house in Fersfield had been

ransacked with jewellery and cash being taken. She also advised that she

was available, and willing, to visit parishioners who asked, to give crime

prevention advice.

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4.4. Parishioners' Forum

4.4.1. Concerns were raised regarding vehicles parking on the road, and

mud in the verges, at the Saffron Housing Development on The

Street. The parishioners were informed that the Parish council have

been complaining to the CEO of Saffron, and will be contacting him

again to arrange a site visit. Both County and District councillors

stated that they will, independently, be contacting Saffron.

4.4.2. It was reported that 5 or 6 Ash trees on Church Lane were unsafe,

and one had recently fallen. Council will investigate.

4.4.3. Council were advised that trees in Green Lane had been cut back but

that the stumps were dangerous. Council will investigate.

5. Planning applications. There were none.

6. Reports from Councillors.

6.1. Playing field / Play area. The edge of the play pit has been renewed, and a

cover placed over the hole on the green at the Christmas tree site.

Continuing maintenance will be carried out later in March, and new

quotes obtained for play bark.

6.2. The chairman had received a report of glass bottles in the drainage ditch

beside the village hall. To be investigated.

6.3. Oil buying group. Councillors had no knowledge of further interest being

expressed, but it was still early days.

6.4. Saffron Affordable Housing on The Street. See 4.4.1 above.

6.5. A140 / Rectory Road junction. Agreed to make enquiries regarding

planning requirements and cost of placing reflective posts at the junction.

6.6. Bunny's Burrow land ownership. No response from Land Registry

6.7. Donations to local children's charities. It was discussed and agreed to give

a further £50 to each of the Sea Scouts and the Rainbows, as well £100 to

the Friends of Tivetshall School.

6.8. Dog fouling stickers. It was agreed that the council would purchase 50

stickers for sensitive use around the village.

7. To discuss employment and administration arrangements.

7.1. Clerk attended NALC training on 11 February.

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7.2. Clerk would be attending 'End of Year' training, booked and paid for by Ditchingham PC.

7.3. Chairman confirmed he would issue clerk's contract, and obtain costs for computer hardware and/or software.

7.4. L.J. to speak to SNDC Compliance about e-mail addresses

7.5. It was discussed and agreed that the clerk would be paid for her 6.4 hours overtime

7.6. Lynn Jollans confirmed that she was happy to continue in the rôle of RFO.

8. Correspondence Received.

8.1. Royal British Legion: receipt of donation.

8.2. Letter from Saffron Housing – see 4.4.1. above.

9. Finance.

9.1. Draft balance of accounts given to all, pending receipt of bank statement.

9.2. Risk assessment: still awaited

9.3. Half-year review: discussed and proposed completed by end March.

9.4. Payments of invoices as follows were agreed:

9.4.1. Community Car Scheme £13.90

9.4.2. Primrose Press £84.00

9.4.3. Tivetshall Village Hall £233.75

9.4.4. Buildbase £62.78

9.4.5. Clerk training £45.00

9.4.6. Clerk, salary and expenses £139.61

9.4.7. HMRC, PAYE £31.20

9.4.8. Tim Playford £85.83

Invoices inspected & cheques signed at meeting.

10. Councillors Comments / Future Agenda Items. None given.

11. Date of next meeting. Tuesday 11th March, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting closed at 9:20 p.m.

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To advertise in ..

The Grapevine

Contact [email protected]

or call 01379 677881

A box like this costs just £2.50 per issue.


Your Parish Councillors:

Chair: Tony Jollans 677881, e-mail: [email protected]

Vice-chair: Claire Kirby 677373, e-mail: [email protected]

Lynn Jollans 677881, e-mail: [email protected]

Pam Carpenter 677781, e-mail: [email protected]

Clerk: Sally Chapman 855486, e-mail: [email protected]

Address for correspondence: 19, Gawdy Close, Harleston, Norfolk, IP20 9ET

Parish web-site:

Next Council Meeting: Tuesday 8 April 2014, 7:30 p.m., at the Village Hall

Your District Councillor: Martin Wilby ( 01379 741504)

Your County Councillor: Beverley Spratt ( 01508 489746)

Your Member of Parliament: Richard Bacon ( 01379 643728)

Village Hall Bookings: 07983 742784, e-mail [email protected]


Your council now has a new clerk, who takes some of the load, but it still needs new

blood. There are only four councillors, and three vacancies that urgently need filling.

Can you help? Can you dedicate a few hours a month to help your local community?

Even if you feel the rôle of councillor is more than you can commit to, perhaps there

is something else, some smaller duty, you may be able to dedicate yourself to. If you

think you can help, in any capacity at all, please get in touch with one of us.

Page 15: The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine


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Page 16: The Tivetshalls’ Grapevine






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