The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1905-07-09 [p 11]. · visiting Miss Story Gee, has returned to...

PETERSBURG SOCIAL. (Spedili to Tho Times-Dispatch.) PETERSItmia, VA., Ju|y R.-Trnp/ Blioollng has becotn« so popular at tho Country Club that it lournnmOnt was lìbiti this week which wan a «rent suc· doss, unti despile iinfiivornblo weather conditions, showed some excellent scores, Tim marksmen were Messrs. Frci;inun W. Jones, II. P. Struttoli. Sheldon Uryunt, K. Brown, O. Boll, C. Myors, Thomas Hol¬ den, J. Cuthbort. J. W. Townsontl, Roper, Dr. J. D, Osborne und Josso No*· comb. The first prlzu was won by Mr. F. W. Jones, who broke forty-five out of fifty clny pigeon», und also won the prize for the greatest number of consecutivo ac¬ curate shots with nineteen to hie credit. Mr. Sheldon Bryant won second prize, with a Hcoru of forty-one out of fifty, and Messrs. II. I'. Struttoli und Josse Now- toiiib won third nnd fourth prizes cucii, with a score of thlrly-flvo. Of the mnny Petersburg people who arc going away for the summer Virginia Bench bus probably the largest delegation; Umórig whom nre Mrs. II. P. Strnttoti, Mrs. Bossi«· Struttoli, Mrs. William BriigB und Mrs. IC. II. Patterson. The Fourth of July saw a very largo crowd of Peters¬ burgers at the beach, many business men going down to spend the holiday by, the ecu. Miss Phronle Pogrnm, of Rlclimontl. has been spending several days with her sister, Mis. George Cameron. Captain W. Gordon McCabe, of Rich¬ mond, li.'tfl been visiting In Petersburg. Mise Leila ?. Inns and Mise Eugenia Patterson loft, on Thursday to spend the Buinthcr In England.· Major ami Mrs. Frederick Lcavenworth ind Mis» Lfiavenworth are ntiWaynes- boro, Vn. Mrs. \V. L. Venable Is quite 111 with fever nt ber home on Washington Street. Miss Robbie Berkley, who bus been visiting Miss Story Gee, has returned to her bom«· In Fnrmvllle. Mr. Andrew 11. Allen, of Boston, Mnss., Is visiting hi« family here. Mr.. Benjamin Vnuglinn McCandlish. of this city, hue recently passed his exami¬ nations for entrance to tho United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Mr. Mc- Cnndllsh Is ,1 son of Mrs. J. Gray Mc- Candllsh, and waB appointed to a naval ondetsliip by Congressman R. G. Southall, or this district. Mr. William B. McIIwalne nnd bis family are at their summer home In Dln- wlddle county. AT MILLER SCHOOL f-Riwini to Tli·· Tlinon-Dlnpatch.) MILLER SCHOOL. VA., July S.-The school celebrated the "Glorious Fourth." All departm^ntf» closed except cleansing, "npreito" and postomce. USvcrytlilnc passed off nicely. All meals and medi¬ cine were t:«ken "In-sld-rtr." A terrlfU· min, eleetrlc and wind storm helped to celebrate the Fourth, which ar¬ rived about d o'clock In the afternoon. No speelal ¿damage was done except It deluged ? rourtlng couple, which made them good Methodist, for they believe In sprinkling now. Th/.· old fountain which has been con¬ verted In to a lake, is a grand success, and a thing of beauty. It throws a spray from WO to 120 feet high. The following Is tho present summer ctrsus of Mie pupils: Boys.Lacy Lane, Tnlbot Lane, Frank Forbush, Samuel Jennings. Charle» T. Jennings, Mercer Farrar and C. E. Hnm- ner. Girls.Miss Lizzie McCauley, and "Jim Kirby·» Sister." All departments are rinsed except "ap¬ petite,-' Sunday, postofflco and plumb¬ ing. Nothing much "doing" In postof- flce department, except long hours and short pay. Miss Balli«: Mlehle Is attending ihe Normal School at the University of Vir¬ ginia. The school has a fine prospect for a heavy fruit crop.both apple and peach. Tli" following are the star tennls-play- pr¿: Miss Lily H. Smith. Messrs. E. B. Crltzcr, Chartes ?. Grinstend nnd Mas¬ ter Edmund Vnwter. Master Harry Robertson nnd Miss Vir¬ ginia Robertson, of Danville, are guests of Mrs. Vnwter. Mrs. J. D. Smith spent several days la«t week with her aunt, Mrs. McClun, Batesvllle, Vn. Dr. J. D. Smith's new residence is nfnr- lng completion. It Is strictly up-to-date, wllh every convenience. The lawns will be lovely, and the mountain scenery Is beautiful beyond the descriptive power of the pen. It will be the prettiest resi¬ dence In the town of rVtoivillo. Mr. Tucker Lyons, o5 Washington, D. C. Is on a visit to his father, near the "Hill of Ease and Ptenty." AT OTTERBURN LITHIA (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) OTTERBURN. VA.. July 8..Guests are arriving rapidly, nnd the hotel will bo well filled In a few days. Mr. W. H. Zimmermann, Jr., the proprietor, Is con¬ tinually catering to tho wunts and com¬ forts of his guests. Whist partios, dancing, croquet, lawn tennis and bowling nro some of Ihe amusements which are well patronized. Among the arrivals are Mr. nnd Mrs. P. C. Christian nnd family, Air. and Mrs. Chnrles II. Phillips, Miss Cathorlno i-uil- llp», Mrs. C. V. Kohlor nnd family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Sycle and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Moore, Jr., and family, PURE BLOOD INSURES A CLEAR SKIN When Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Pimples, or other skin diseases make their appear¬ ance it is a sure sign that the blood is filled with humors and burning acids. These being forced through the pores and glands burn and blister the skin, pro¬ ducing the eruptions which are usually accompanied with intense itching, and ore disfiguring and-huuiiliating. Years atro my blood was bad, as evi· danced by ekln eruptions on different parta of the body, and other ay mptoms, eo I concluded to try S. H. 8., knowing it to be highly spoken of. After using a number of bottlos-do not romombor now just how blood was thor¬ oughly purified and enriched and I wm roliovod of all eruptions and manifesta¬ tions of impure blood, I believe T. S> 8. to bo an excellent blood medicina, and any ono in need ot euoh a medloino would do-well to use it, Thoy will And it a perfect euro as it proved to be in my case. MRS. ?. E. HHOEMAKEH. Alliance, ?., 61ß E, Patterson St. While external treatment relieves tem¬ porarily it does not reach the real cauee of the disease, because it does not go into the blood, ß. S. S., a perfect blood pu¬ rifier, neutralizes tlu-se acids and humors, and by strengthening and toning up the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, the natural channels of bodily, waste, disposes of them instead of 41^ áf^k étbi allowing them .^ e^^ eC^ to be forctí(1 to ^«^k ^^^ ,^^? tlie \^& ^J ^J| through the ^^ ^"^ ^^ skin. S. S.S. is PURELY VEGETABLE. U»e greatest of , .... , all tonics for building up the entire system, increasing the appetite and helping the digestion, i>. S. b. cures all skin diseases promptly and permanently, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Only by keeping the blood pure can we hope to have a clear skin. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice you may wisli free of charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Ml', nnd Mrs. Ropendorf, Mr. nnd Mrs. James L. Levy, MIkh Florence Levy, Mr. J.ol.ea Levy, Mr. \V, lì. Zimmermann, Sr. Mrs. H. A. Phillips, Miss Anglo Kelly, Mrs. Arthur Levy, Miss Virginia LûVy, Mnstcr Arthur Levy, Mr,'nnd Mrs. A. L. Straus, Miss Bessie Straus,' Mr» A. L. Straus, Jr., MIhs Leonora Slrutls. WYTHEVILLE, VA. (Special to The Tlmoa-Dltjpnlch.) WYTHEVILLE, VA..July S.-Tho gay season oponed In Wythovlllo on Tuesday evening by u largo germait at Fourtn Avenue Hotel, and southern visitors arc dally arriving. Rev. Chntincey Wllllnnie, D. D.. and family, of Augusta, Cleorgln, arrived Sat¬ urday, and will spend the summer at Miss Jnnle Olbboney's, on Mnln Street. Mr. Rughley« Do van la at home from the University of Pdnnpylvanln.. Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Carter, of Rad- ford, and Mr. Robert Ree'd and wife, of lmllnnnn, returned to thnlr homes Satur- dny, nfter ? visit to their grandfather, Coionel R. E. Withers. Mr. R. E Withers, Jr.. and family, of Pittsburg, Mrs. Woodville Smith, of Lynchhurg. Mr«. Norvell, yM Isa Norvol I, and Mrs. Dlllard, of Tcxns, are summer¬ ing nt "Ingrecldc." Miss Peggy Handy, of New Orleans, ar¬ rived Thursday and Is nt Mrs. Hudson's. Mr. Graham SbIoh, of Lynchhurg, vis¬ ited friends In town lust w«v?k. Mr. James CJIbboriey and bride are. vis¬ itimi tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ho. Olhboney. Mrs. Rurk, of Savannah, Gcn,r«ln. and Mrs. HaVlor and family, of Norfolk, ar¬ rived this week and are tho guests of Mrs. Thomas U. Dca. Messrs. C. N. Otey nnd Robert L. Pierce have returned from Indlanappolls, where they attended the Croat American (Shooting) Handicap. MM. J. S. Sexton and daughter, of Mlslsslppl, nre at the Misses Obenchaln for the summer. Mr. Samuel Williams, of Roanoke. Is visiting his parents, Judge nnd Mrs. Sam¬ uel \v\ Williams. Mr. T. Posey and family and Mrs. Honulsteln, of New Orleans, are tho gueBts of Mrs. Moormen for the summer. Mrs. J. W". Crowdcrs and Mrs. George Taylor, of Dallas, Texas, aro spending the summer at Hotel Otey. Miss McHugh, of Greenville, South Car¬ olina. Is visitine Mrs. Constance Oewel. Mrs. Jamerson and Mrs. Fenloy, of Martinsville, Miss Wcntoff, of New Or¬ leans, and Messrs. Karl and Gregg Ewald, are the guests ot Mrs. Bettle Ewald. SCOTTSVILLE, VA. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SCOTTSVILLE VA.. July 8.-The Coun¬ ty Democratic Committee met In Cliar- lottesville Monday. Each candidate for county office was assessed $10.00, with the exception of the clerk, who was as¬ sessed $10.00 for primary expense«. The county of Albemarle will raise funds by private subscription to defray primary for State offices. A number of boys and girls from Scottsvillc, about-fort ? In number, en¬ joyed a liny ride to "Hatton Grunge.'' the home of Captain Cleland, on· July 4th. A four-horse wagon, with a big lead of hoy, was sent down by Captain Cleland from his home for the guests and they spent a very delightful even¬ ing. Refreshments were served und there was a liberal display of fireworks. Mr. Joe Harford, operator at Greenway, Is visiting his brother here. Mr. Har¬ ford is Just back from a northern tour, through Pennsylvania, and to New York. Boston, Niagara, and many places In Canada. Mrs. Annie Council, of Spnrtanburg, South Carolina, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R. Daniel. Dr. James Hart, of Louisa, Is visiting friends here. Mr. John W. Tyler died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Bishop, on July 2d, and was burled on July 4ln, In the Presbyterian Cemetery, the Rev. d.E. Blankcnship conducting the burial services. He leaves nine children: Mrs. W. E. Mallory, of Scotts ville; Messrs; Jas. and Win. Tyler, of Charlottcsvllle; Messrs. Robert and George Tyler, of Carter's Bridge; John Tyler, Fluvanna; Mrs. BlacK;;;<Greon Mountain,' Mrs. Robert Bishop, Albemarle. Mr. Tyler was eighty yeurs old. RADFORD SOCIAL (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) RADFORD, VA., July 8..Mrs. W. A. Wilson, entertained the Current Events Club very delightfully Thursday. About 125 Radford citizens attended the Fourth-of-July celebration at Pu¬ la ski City. A very enjoyable picnic was given the Fourth by the Misses Ingles, about fif¬ teen young people participating. The party went up New River by boat, & distance of five miles, and picnicked on a bluff above the. river. Paymaster George Venable, W. S. W., who lias been stationed for the past nine months at the Boston Navy Yard, visited his sister,' Mrs. Lewis Ingles, this week. Mrs. W. S. Bull.-ird. Mr. and Mrs. Ches¬ ter Bullard and children, and Miss Elsie Bullard, of Texas, are visiting relatives In Radford. Miss Bessie Kenderdlne wns hostess to the Afternoon Idlers, Saturday. Miss Angela Tlnsley entertained St. Martha's Guild Tuesday, a number of ,vls- sltors being present. BLACKSTONE, VA. (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) BLACKSTONE. VA., July 8..Tho Seay-Dlllard Hardware Company are planning on an extensive addition to their present plant. The building will bo devoted almost exclusively to the wagon and carriage department, and will be quite large, facing the Norfolk & Western Railroad. The Stokes-Wllllams Hardware Com¬ pany nre now erecting a wagon and carriage repository on -Main Street. The Euchro Club was entertained by Miss Irby nt tho Blackstone Hotel last night. About seventy-five persons were present. Between tho games delight¬ ful refreshments were served. Tho par¬ lors wore tastefully decorated. Great Interest Is shown In tho Tee-Dee Outing Contest, and thero are many per¬ sons collecting voting coupons. STAUNTON, VA. (By Associated Press.) STAUNTON, ?G?., July S.-Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander F. Robertson gave, a largely attended gorman Thursday even¬ ing in the Timborlako Hall here, m honor of tholr debutante daughter, Misi Sarah Tunstall Robertson, and their nieces, the Misses Robertson, of Char» lotte. ?. C. The hall was beautifully decorated In both national and Federal flags. Tho merry youngsters danced un¬ til 1 o'clock, when thoy adjourned to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert¬ son, on Church Street, whore supper was awaiting them. On. Friday and Snturdny of this wrok tents, provisions and other camping out¬ fit of the Y. M. C. A. wero moved to Cave .Spring, Augusta county, where overythlng will he put In· roadlnoss· fcr the campers on Monday. A larga crowd will spend a month or moro at Cave Springs. Mrs. C, H. Kolley, of this city, whllo hunting penr Greenville, Augusta coun¬ ty, one day this week, killed two squir¬ rels at ono shot. She killed nino during the day. SOUTH BOSTON SOCIAL (Special to The Tlmes-Dispatclt.i SOUTH BOSTON, VA., July 8.Tlio most enjoyable occasion of iho soagon was a trip to Barnott's Pond, "Lock Lily," near Roxhoro, last Tuesday. Tho day was un Ideal ono, nnd old Sol looked down nnd smllPd his sweetest smile upon the merry party. Boating, fishing, and promenading was enjoyed by a number of tho party, while others now and then plucked ? dainty water Illy from tho bosom of the huge lake, nnd Indulged In various pamtimes. The lunch was spread In ? most, delightful spot and heartily enjoyed, na only a plcnlccr enn appreciate and describe. Morn than oncn during the day was cupId 'present, and caused "eyos lo look, lovo (o ovos that spoke again," which augmented tho pleas¬ ure of tho dny tenfold. Mrs. Elma M. Pealck mudo a most excellent ohiii'eron. Mountain Lake Is near Pembroke Station, on tho Norfolk and West¬ ern .Railway.« It Is one of the finest resorts in Amari« a, unsurpassed in scenic effects and near Which are to be found somo of (he most Interesting points, such as "Bald Knob," "The Cascade," "Prospect Rock," "Barney's Wall" and "Bear Cliff." Here is plenty of good hunting and fishing and amusements of all sorts. A beautiful booklet will be sent on application to Mr. G. T. Porterfleld, manager. THE NEW GRAND, Broadway and Thirty-first Street, New York City. This is a most desirable hotel hav¬ ing four hundred guests rooms and two hundred bath rooms, thoroughly modern with all the latest Improve¬ ments, steam heated, local and long distance telephone In each apart¬ ment; three electric elevators, run¬ ning from street level to all floors and private electric light plant The new extension of one hundred and fifty rooms formally opened May 1st, is twelye stories ih height with front on Thirty-first Street is of Lime¬ stone and brick, and is absolutely fireproof.' It Is unsurpassed for shop¬ ping, sight-seeing and right in the theatre district. Buckroo Beach, on the shores of tho Chesapeake Bay, is the Mecca to which thousands turn ¿very summer for rest and amusement. Pine bathing, dailclng, concerts, theatricals, interesting walks and trolley rides', stilling and fishing and a comfortable hotel. With good table, all managed by Mr· Charles W. Rex, are some of the features that the visitor finds at Buckroo Beach. Princess Anne Hotel. The Princess Anne Hotel, at Virginia Beach, Va·,, managed by Mr.'James H. Groves, is about as near^a perfect seaside resort' as is possible to find oii the'. Atlantic coast. It Is within easy reach of Norfolk and near Cape Henry and the celebrated Lynnhaven. Bay. Amusements of all kinds are supplied, and the hotel Is conducted, on strictly first-class lines, nothing being overlooked'-that will add· to the comfbi;t "S'il pleasure of its guests: t-,?. ~*"' a Mt, Elliott Springs. : Mt Elliott Springs-Hotel provides in-every possible way for the comfort and pleasure of all. who visit this well known mountain, resort. Recently .pur¬ chased by Mr. Charles B. Cook, president of the Eve¬ ning Journal Company, and being under the man¬ agement of Mr. John ?. M. Hall, of. the Now Willard, at "Washington, the present season, bids fair to sur¬ pass all preceding years· Delightful scenery, pleasant walks and drives, shade, pure air and water, home¬ like surroundings and plenty of amusements are some of·.the attractions. Write for the Mt· Elliott Springs booklet. The Mecklenburg Hotel. The Mecklenburg, at Chase City, Va., is being conducted by Tho Mecklenburg Hotel, and Springs Company. Everything that goes to make a first-class hotel may be found at Tho Mecklenburg. There is always something doing in the way of pleasure and recreative amuse¬ ments. A.fine table and service, large, airy, clean and'well furnished rooms and a management that loaves no stone unturned in catering -to-its guests, make The Mecklenburg a delightful resort. Ocean View, Say. Ocean View and you say it all.' Whenever there is anything new in amusements it is sure to be found at Ocean View. Gay, and at the same time restful.. You can en¬ joy life just as' you will. YSu can "shoot the shoots" or sit on the ve¬ randa and contemplate the broad ex¬ panse of Chesapeake Bay, go fishing or attend a matinee at the Casino, go shopping in Norfolk or listen to concert by the band; in fact there's everything for everybody at Ocean View. Hotel Wachapreague. Hotel Wachnpreaguo, at Wachapreague, Va., is unequalled for the great variety of its attractions. .Many of the old patrons of Cobb's Island have found Wachapreague to be equally as attractive since the destruction of tho hotel at Cobb's. It Is.specially suited to families. Broad verandas, large, well-furnislied rooms, a fine table, plenty of fish and sea food, boating, fishing and bathing; in fact, all the pleas¬ ures and advantages of a first-class seaside resort are to bo found at Wachapreague. Write to Mr. A. H. G. Mears, proprietor. nnd landed tho party back homo Tues¬ day night. The merry ones wore; Miss Annie Wut- kln3, of Spartanburg, S. C; Miss Vir¬ ginia Wntkins. of Chatam; Miss Susie Morton, of Chuso City; Eoulse Penltk, Will Easley. Louise Owen, Mamie and Virginia Carrlngton, Mamie Easley, of this place. . , John Glenn. Henry nnd Owen Easley, Richard Carrlngton, Charles Ponick. Dr. I. K. Briggs, John. Easley, Lewis John¬ ston and John Lawson, were the valiant escorts. e- AFTON /AFFAIRS (Special to The Tlmes-DI,sp;itch.) AFTON, VA., July 8.-Historic old Mountain Top, once the .summer resort of tho fashionable und cultured folk "f Ylrginln.'nnd other State.«, was the scene the Fourth of mirth and Joy. The schol¬ ars of tho Afton Baptist Sunday school and their friends hold tholr annual pic¬ nic nt this charming spot. It Is a jrwt- .ter of great regret to many that this most healthy nnd Ideal resort for chil¬ dren Is not open this season. "Avon Cottage" celebrated the "glori¬ ous Fourth" In true patriotic style. The "grown-ups" were children. again, and Joined the little ones In firing the "baby· waiters," Roman candles, etc. -After a most brilliant display of fireworks, the charming hostess. Miss Nana Fuso», loci the way to tho dining room, which was 'beautifully decorated In the national colors, and dnlnty refreshments wore served. Tho tublo decorations wore In keeping with the day, .red, .white and blue; the tiny American flags, tho dollies and centerpieces In the Stars and Stripes, arid little red, white 'and blue candles, taking our thoughts bnck to those glori¬ ous but trying days-when our brave forefathers fought for and gained tho in¬ dependence of our fair land. Guests at Avon cottage are Mrs. Ker· nnghan and two sons, Fort Worth, Texas; Mrs. Gorllck and daughters, Richmond; Mrs. Lofland, Mrs; Turner and Mr. Car¬ roll Payne, Charlottesvllle. » THE MECKLENBURG (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) THE MECKLENBURG, CHASE CITY, VA.,' July '8..The atmosphoro Is cooling and drying hero, with a normal humidity, that makes exertion pleasant, and the nights are delightful for rest. Every train brings a full quota ot guests from all parts to the Mecklenburg, and the week-end tickets are proving most pop-· ular .with families who resido In Ridi¬ li.and, Dnnvllle, Raleigh. Durham nnd Intorniodlato^points, Dances, are now a dully feature here and for which It has been necessary to provide a pavillon, Which Is next to tho new spring house. Tho Mecklenburg Is 'now- In the midst of Its groa test .summer glory and the pleasures of tho guest Is being- dally en- ,hauend by every act nf the management, in proof that the Mecklenburg Is tho The 111,111 «Im drifte canno! BUCCCtll. To gel allenii.lo do· any¬ thing Hint rciilly. oounte. you must lune 11 definite purpose, Say lo yourself, "I win save ten. or twenty or thirty per cant, of my Income," u'nd the battio Ih hule won. Aito Itigli. Then even If you full a 111tit- short you will have ??.?μμf??????? moro Unni II' yin»· simulan! wns lower. Multo up voi»· mimi lo dOpoflt n definiti· amount In olir hunk «rlclllially. Ilejfln to-day. Tim rest will be eltey. Threo Per Cent. PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK, RAVI NOK DRl'AHTM ???, ltlCliMOXl), VA· ! Copifnl.'._#800,000.00 .Surplus timi Profits . . . ,..¡?????,???.?? most favored of resorts In the South, al¬ ways to the Interest and pleasure of pat¬ rons. POWHATAN PEOPLE (Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.) POWHATAN, VA., July 8.-Mrs. W. M. Justls, of Now York, Is visiting her fa¬ ther. Clerk Jus. A. Tllman. Mrs. Gertrude Lantz nnd children, Wes¬ ley and Ruth, aro visiting Mr, and Mrs. Atkinson. Mr. \V. O. Goode, of Manchester, who spent several days of lost week with his parente of this pinco, returned to Man¬ chester yesterday; Garnet, lliu lltllo two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs, M. P. Bonlfunt, of this place. Is very 111. Little Miss Lillian Flanagan, of this place, is visiting lior uncle, Mr. Phillips Trice, of Flanagans Mills, Cumberland county. The Misses nPttorson, of Fiirmvllle, spent last week with their sister, Mrs; A. P. Miller. A fine μ?????? of ball is expected hero .Saturday between Fork Union Academy und Powhatnn Invincibles. BUENA VISTA SOCIAL (Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.) ??G12?? VISTA, VA-, July, 8,.Misses Mary GlhbH, of Lvnchburg. and Ninnilo Twynemaii, of Churlottosvilli, uro vislt- Iliir Miss .lulla Willis. Thu Misses Rlohoson gavo a delightful whist party Monday evening in honor of tho Misses Wuugh, of Lynchbiug. Tho Sumiller Hotel gave the first ger¬ mini oil the season Tuesday evening. This pleasant resort Is attrnctlnn many guests, au«! there Is a proiulso of a stu·- etssl'ui season. Miss iflvn Hamilton, of Bnokhrldge, Is a guest of Mrs, ICdwIn Randolph· Buona Vista Baseball Club defeated tho Timber Bridge tonili Tuesday, by a score of 17 to X. The burglars who broke Into the storo of Mr. 11. L. .Gilkerson, of this city, have pot yet been apprehended, ami them is no clue lo their identity or whereabouts, South Hill Notes. (Special to The Tlinns-Dlsnntcli.) SOUTH HULL. VA.. July K.--J. H. Wall <fc Son lui ve oCGiipJod their now brick «tiütt ou Mei'lileiibiiifi Avenu««, nail French Brothers Ogburii will ojien in a few «lays with a copiploto |lno of shoes inni dry goods In Ilio brick storo adjoining the Friend Drug CO. The Syduuf ?'?????? find W«MI Co., «if Jtli.'liniond, have liulsbeil laying water pipos ami erecting tank and Installed hydniiillo ram. which will furnish On- burn's uililltlnn wl'li ampio water r«ir all purposes, MIhh Annie Norvall, of Charlotte Court- lipusoi MIbs Fll'/.tibeth Boyd, Miss I Men ??-?«???? uinl ???? 1.-.·.·a U'^uU*.». .tí ?..«.·-. Established 1842. Strictly High Grade THE ARTISTIC STIEFF PIANOS Sold Direct From the Factory on Easy Terms. 307 E. BROAD. L B, SLAUGHTER, MGR. CITÏ PUCES ot tini Jefferson lintel ¿Cigar Stand, Franklin Street entrance. Tue pulillc Is also served with Postage Stamps, Newspapers and all Magazines. BARGAIN DAY AT SHEPHERD'S SODA FOUNTAIN. ? Untilo of Pollolous ??????? Ale, a nice Fan and Your Fuen Changed, All for 10 cents'. Just say "BEAUFONT." M. ==i Ion, have been yUjIJliiK Mrs. J. ll. OgbUl« at liar new horn« on'Smith Ulli Avenue. MIhh Klulse Gregory, of Henderson, N- O.i Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. Ü. Nurth- liiKtmi, at her liuiulsumu rusldenco vu HwlilmkM *m-i.,i^ ?? WATCH ^ ATA RELIABLE PLACEE AND BE ON TIME You will never get left if you wear one of our Watches. They are guaranteed to keep accurate time. Try one. They are fine. J. S. JAMES, Jeweler and Optician, Seventh and Main A'ts. CASH OR CREDIT

Transcript of The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1905-07-09 [p 11]. · visiting Miss Story Gee, has returned to...

Page 1: The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1905-07-09 [p 11]. · visiting Miss Story Gee, has returned to her bom«· In Fnrmvllle. Mr. Andrew 11. Allen, of Boston, Mnss., Is visiting hi«

PETERSBURG SOCIAL.(Spedili to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

PETERSItmia, VA., Ju|y R.-Trnp/Blioollng has becotn« so popular attho Country Club that it lournnmOnt was

lìbiti this week which wan a «rent suc·

doss, unti despile iinfiivornblo weatherconditions, showed some excellent scores,Tim marksmen were Messrs. Frci;inun W.Jones, II. P. Struttoli. Sheldon Uryunt, K.Brown, O. Boll, C. Myors, Thomas Hol¬den, J. Cuthbort. J. W. Townsontl, 0«Roper, Dr. J. D, Osborne und Josso No*·comb.The first prlzu was won by Mr. F. W.

Jones, who broke forty-five out of fiftyclny pigeon», und also won the prize forthe greatest number of consecutivo ac¬

curate shots with nineteen to hie credit.Mr. Sheldon Bryant won second prize,with a Hcoru of forty-one out of fifty, andMessrs. II. I'. Struttoli und Josse Now-toiiib won third nnd fourth prizes cucii,with a score of thlrly-flvo.Of the mnny Petersburg people who arc

going away for the summer VirginiaBench bus probably the largest delegation;Umórig whom nre Mrs. II. P. Strnttoti,Mrs. Bossi«· Struttoli, Mrs. William BriigBund Mrs. IC. II. Patterson. The Fourth ofJuly saw a very largo crowd of Peters¬burgers at the beach, many business mengoing down to spend the holiday by, theecu.Miss Phronle Pogrnm, of Rlclimontl.

has been spending several days with hersister, Mis. George Cameron.Captain W. Gordon McCabe, of Rich¬

mond, li.'tfl been visiting In Petersburg.Mise Leila ?. Inns and Mise Eugenia

Patterson loft, on Thursday to spend theBuinthcr In England.·Major ami Mrs. Frederick Lcavenworth

ind Mis» Lfiavenworth are ntiWaynes-boro, Vn.Mrs. \V. L. Venable Is quite 111 with

fever nt ber home on Washington Street.Miss Robbie Berkley, who bus been

visiting Miss Story Gee, has returned toher bom«· In Fnrmvllle.Mr. Andrew 11. Allen, of Boston, Mnss.,

Is visiting hi« family here.Mr.. Benjamin Vnuglinn McCandlish. of

this city, hue recently passed his exami¬nations for entrance to tho United StatesNaval Academy at Annapolis. Mr. Mc-Cnndllsh Is ,1 son of Mrs. J. Gray Mc-Candllsh, and waB appointed to a navalondetsliip by Congressman R. G. Southall,or this district.Mr. William B. McIIwalne nnd bis

family are at their summer home In Dln-wlddle county.

AT MILLER SCHOOLf-Riwini to Tli·· Tlinon-Dlnpatch.)

MILLER SCHOOL. VA., July S.-Theschool celebrated the "Glorious Fourth."All departm^ntf» closed except cleansing,"npreito" and postomce. USvcrytlilncpassed off nicely. All meals and medi¬cine were t:«ken "In-sld-rtr."A terrlfU· min, eleetrlc and wind storm

helped to celebrate the Fourth, which ar¬rived about d o'clock In the afternoon.No speelal ¿damage was done except Itdeluged ? rourtlng couple, which madethem good Methodist, for they believe Insprinkling now.

Th/.· old fountain which has been con¬verted In to a lake, is a grand success,and a thing of beauty. It throws a sprayfrom WO to 120 feet high.The following Is tho present summer

ctrsus of Mie pupils:Boys.Lacy Lane, Tnlbot Lane, Frank

Forbush, Samuel Jennings. Charle» T.Jennings, Mercer Farrar and C. E. Hnm-ner.Girls.Miss Lizzie McCauley, and "Jim

Kirby·» Sister."All departments are rinsed except "ap¬

petite,-' Sunday, postofflco and plumb¬ing. Nothing much "doing" In postof-flce department, except long hours andshort pay.Miss Balli«: Mlehle Is attending ihe

Normal School at the University of Vir¬ginia.The school has a fine prospect for a

heavy fruit crop.both apple and peach.Tli" following are the star tennls-play-

pr¿: Miss Lily H. Smith. Messrs. E. B.Crltzcr, Chartes ?. Grinstend nnd Mas¬ter Edmund Vnwter.Master Harry Robertson nnd Miss Vir¬

ginia Robertson, of Danville, are guestsof Mrs. Vnwter.Mrs. J. D. Smith spent several days

la«t week with her aunt, Mrs. McClun,Batesvllle, Vn.Dr. J. D. Smith's new residence is nfnr-

lng completion. It Is strictly up-to-date,wllh every convenience. The lawns willbe lovely, and the mountain scenery Isbeautiful beyond the descriptive powerof the pen. It will be the prettiest resi¬dence In the town of rVtoivillo.Mr. Tucker Lyons, o5 Washington, D.

C. Is on a visit to his father, near the"Hill of Ease and Ptenty."

AT OTTERBURN LITHIA(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

OTTERBURN. VA.. July 8..Guests arearriving rapidly, nnd the hotel will bowell filled In a few days. Mr. W. H.Zimmermann, Jr., the proprietor, Is con¬tinually catering to tho wunts and com¬forts of his guests.Whist partios, dancing, croquet, lawn

tennis and bowling nro some of Iheamusements which are well patronized.Among the arrivals are Mr. nnd Mrs.

P. C. Christian nnd family, Air. and Mrs.Chnrles II. Phillips, Miss Cathorlno i-uil-llp», Mrs. C. V. Kohlor nnd family, Mr.nnd Mrs. Lawrence Sycle and family,Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Moore, Jr., and family,

PURE BLOODINSURES A CLEAR SKINWhen Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Pimples,

or other skin diseases make their appear¬ance it is a sure sign that the blood isfilled with humors and burning acids.These being forced through the poresand glands burn and blister the skin, pro¬ducing the eruptions which are usuallyaccompanied with intense itching, andore disfiguring and-huuiiliating.Years atro my blood was bad, as evi·

danced by ekln eruptions on differentparta of the body, and other ay mptoms,eo I concluded to try S. H. 8., knowing itto be highly spoken of. After using anumber of bottlos-do not romombor nowjust how blood was thor¬oughly purified and enriched and I wmroliovod of all eruptions and manifesta¬tions of impure blood, I believe T. S> bo an excellent blood medicina, andany ono in need ot euoh a medloinowould do-well to use it, Thoy will Andit a perfect euro as it proved to be in mycase. MRS. ?. E. HHOEMAKEH.Alliance, ?., 61ß E, Patterson St.

While external treatment relieves tem¬porarily it does not reach the real caueeof the disease, because it does not go intothe blood, ß. S. S., a perfect blood pu¬rifier, neutralizes tlu-se acids and humors,and by strengthening and toning up theLiver, Kidneys and Bowels, the naturalchannels of bodily, waste, disposes of

them instead of41^ áf^k étbi allowing them.^ e^^ eC^ to be forctí(1 to^«^k ^^^ ,^^? tlie\^& ^J ^J| through the^^ ^"^ ^^ skin. S. S.S. isPURELY VEGETABLE. U»e greatest of

, .... ,all tonics for

building up the entire system, increasingthe appetite and helping the digestion,i>. S. b. cures all skin diseases promptlyand permanently, leaving the skin softand smooth. Only by keeping the bloodpure can we hope to have a clear skin.Book on Skin Diseases and any medicaladvice you may wisli free of charge.THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.

Ml', nnd Mrs. Ropendorf, Mr. nnd Mrs.James L. Levy, MIkh Florence Levy, Mr.J.ol.ea Levy, Mr. \V, lì. Zimmermann,Sr. Mrs. H. A. Phillips, Miss AngloKelly, Mrs. Arthur Levy, Miss VirginiaLûVy, Mnstcr Arthur Levy, Mr,'nnd Mrs.A. L. Straus, Miss Bessie Straus,' Mr»A. L. Straus, Jr., MIhs Leonora Slrutls.

WYTHEVILLE, VA.(Special to The Tlmoa-Dltjpnlch.)

WYTHEVILLE, VA..July S.-Tho gayseason oponed In Wythovlllo on Tuesdayevening by u largo germait at FourtnAvenue Hotel, and southern visitors arcdally arriving.Rev. Chntincey Wllllnnie, D. D.. andfamily, of Augusta, Cleorgln, arrived Sat¬urday, and will spend the summer atMiss Jnnle Olbboney's, on Mnln Street.Mr. Rughley« Do van la at home from

the University of Pdnnpylvanln..Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Carter, of Rad-

ford, and Mr. Robert Ree'd and wife, oflmllnnnn, returned to thnlr homes Satur-dny, nfter ? visit to their grandfather,Coionel R. E. Withers.Mr. R. E Withers, Jr.. and family, of

Pittsburg, Mrs. Woodville Smith, ofLynchhurg. Mr«. Norvell, yM Isa Norvol I,and Mrs. Dlllard, of Tcxns, are summer¬ing nt "Ingrecldc."Miss Peggy Handy, of New Orleans, ar¬

rived Thursday and Is nt Mrs. Hudson's.Mr. Graham SbIoh, of Lynchhurg, vis¬

ited friends In town lust w«v?k.Mr. James CJIbboriey and bride are. vis¬

itimi tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.J. Ho. Olhboney.Mrs. Rurk, of Savannah, Gcn,r«ln. andMrs. HaVlor and family, of Norfolk, ar¬rived this week and are tho guests ofMrs. Thomas U. Dca.Messrs. C. N. Otey nnd Robert L.

Pierce have returned from Indlanappolls,where they attended the Croat American(Shooting) Handicap.MM. J. S. Sexton and daughter, of

Mlslsslppl, nre at the Misses Obenchalnfor the summer.Mr. Samuel Williams, of Roanoke. Is

visiting his parents, Judge nnd Mrs. Sam¬uel \v\ Williams.Mr. T. Posey and family and Mrs.

Honulsteln, of New Orleans, are thogueBts of Mrs. Moormen for the summer.Mrs. J. W". Crowdcrs and Mrs. GeorgeTaylor, of Dallas, Texas, aro spendingthe summer at Hotel Otey.Miss McHugh, of Greenville, South Car¬

olina. Is visitine Mrs. Constance Oewel.Mrs. Jamerson and Mrs. Fenloy, of

Martinsville, Miss Wcntoff, of New Or¬leans, and Messrs. Karl and GreggEwald, are the guests ot Mrs. BettleEwald.

SCOTTSVILLE, VA.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)SCOTTSVILLE VA.. July 8.-The Coun¬

ty Democratic Committee met In Cliar-lottesville Monday. Each candidate forcounty office was assessed $10.00, withthe exception of the clerk, who was as¬sessed $10.00 for primary expense«.The county of Albemarle will raisefunds by private subscription to defrayprimary for State offices.A number of boys and girls from

Scottsvillc, about-fort ? In number, en¬joyed a liny ride to "Hatton Grunge.''the home of Captain Cleland, on· July4th. A four-horse wagon, with a biglead of hoy, was sent down by CaptainCleland from his home for the guestsand they spent a very delightful even¬ing. Refreshments were served undthere was a liberal display of fireworks.Mr. Joe Harford, operator at Greenway,Is visiting his brother here. Mr. Har¬

ford is Just back from a northern tour,through Pennsylvania, and to New York.Boston, Niagara, and many places InCanada.Mrs. Annie Council, of Spnrtanburg,South Carolina, Is visiting her sister, Mrs.J. R. Daniel.Dr. James Hart, of Louisa, Is visitingfriends here.Mr. John W. Tyler died at the home of

his daughter, Mrs. Robert Bishop, onJuly 2d, and was burled on July 4ln,In the Presbyterian Cemetery, the Rev.d.E. Blankcnship conducting the burialservices. He leaves nine children: Mrs.W. E. Mallory, of Scotts ville; Messrs;Jas. and Win. Tyler, of Charlottcsvllle;Messrs. Robert and George Tyler, ofCarter's Bridge; John Tyler, Fluvanna;Mrs. BlacK;;;<Greon Mountain,' Mrs. RobertBishop, Albemarle. Mr. Tyler was eightyyeurs old.

RADFORD SOCIAL(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

RADFORD, VA., July 8..Mrs. W. A.Wilson, entertained the Current EventsClub very delightfully Thursday.About 125 Radford citizens attended

the Fourth-of-July celebration at Pu¬la ski City.A very enjoyable picnic was given the

Fourth by the Misses Ingles, about fif¬teen young people participating. Theparty went up New River by boat, &distance of five miles, and picnicked ona bluff above the. river.Paymaster George Venable, W. S. W.,

who lias been stationed for the past ninemonths at the Boston Navy Yard, visitedhis sister,' Mrs. Lewis Ingles, this week.Mrs. W. S. Bull.-ird. Mr. and Mrs. Ches¬

ter Bullard and children, and Miss ElsieBullard, of Texas, are visiting relativesIn Radford.Miss Bessie Kenderdlne wns hostess to

the Afternoon Idlers, Saturday.Miss Angela Tlnsley entertained St.

Martha's Guild Tuesday, a number of ,vls-sltors being present.

BLACKSTONE, VA.(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

BLACKSTONE. VA., July 8..ThoSeay-Dlllard Hardware Company areplanning on an extensive addition to theirpresent plant. The building will bodevoted almost exclusively to the wagonand carriage department, and will bequite large, facing the Norfolk & WesternRailroad.The Stokes-Wllllams Hardware Com¬

pany nre now erecting a wagon andcarriage repository on -Main Street.The Euchro Club was entertained by

Miss Irby nt tho Blackstone Hotel lastnight. About seventy-five persons werepresent. Between tho games delight¬ful refreshments were served. Tho par¬lors wore tastefully decorated.Great Interest Is shown In tho Tee-Dee

Outing Contest, and thero are many per¬sons collecting voting coupons.

STAUNTON, VA.(By Associated Press.)

STAUNTON, ?G?., July S.-Mr. nndMrs. Alexander F. Robertson gave, alargely attended gorman Thursday even¬ing in the Timborlako Hall here, mhonor of tholr debutante daughter, MisiSarah Tunstall Robertson, and theirnieces, the Misses Robertson, of Char»lotte. ?. C. The hall was beautifullydecorated In both national and Federalflags. Tho merry youngsters danced un¬til 1 o'clock, when thoy adjourned tothe residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert¬son, on Church Street, whore supperwas awaiting them.On. Friday and Snturdny of this wrok

tents, provisions and other camping out¬fit of the Y. M. C. A. wero moved toCave .Spring, Augusta county, whereoverythlng will he put In· roadlnoss· fcrthe campers on Monday. A larga crowdwill spend a month or moro at CaveSprings.Mrs. C, H. Kolley, of this city, whllo

hunting penr Greenville, Augusta coun¬ty, one day this week, killed two squir¬rels at ono shot. She killed nino duringthe day.

SOUTH BOSTON SOCIAL(Special to The Tlmes-Dispatclt.iSOUTH BOSTON, VA., July 8.Tliomost enjoyable occasion of iho soagonwas a trip to Barnott's Pond, "LockLily," near Roxhoro, last Tuesday. Thoday was un Ideal ono, nnd old Sol looked

down nnd smllPd his sweetest smile uponthe merry party. Boating, fishing, andpromenading was enjoyed by a numberof tho party, while others now andthen plucked ? dainty water Illy fromtho bosom of the huge lake, nnd IndulgedIn various pamtimes. The lunch wasspread In ? most, delightful spot andheartily enjoyed, na only a plcnlccr ennappreciate and describe. Morn than oncnduring the day was cupId 'present, andcaused "eyos lo look, lovo (o ovos thatspoke again," which augmented tho pleas¬ure of tho dny tenfold. Mrs. Elma M.Pealck mudo a most excellent ohiii'eron.

Mountain Lake Is near Pembroke Station, on tho Norfolk and West¬ern .Railway.« It Is one of the finest resorts in Amari« a, unsurpassedin scenic effects and near Which are to be found somo of (he mostInteresting points, such as "Bald Knob," "The Cascade," "ProspectRock," "Barney's Wall" and "Bear Cliff." Here is plenty of goodhunting and fishing and amusements of all sorts. A beautiful bookletwill be sent on application to Mr. G. T. Porterfleld, manager.

THE NEW GRAND,Broadway and Thirty-first Street,

New York City.This is a most desirable hotel hav¬

ing four hundred guests rooms andtwo hundred bath rooms, thoroughlymodern with all the latest Improve¬ments, steam heated, local and longdistance telephone In each apart¬ment; three electric elevators, run¬

ning from street level to all floorsand private electric light plant Thenew extension of one hundred andfifty rooms formally opened May 1st,is twelye stories ih height with fronton Thirty-first Street is of Lime¬stone and brick, and is absolutelyfireproof.' It Is unsurpassed for shop¬ping, sight-seeing and right in thetheatre district.

Buckroo Beach, on the shores of tho Chesapeake Bay, is the Meccato which thousands turn ¿very summer for rest and amusement. Pinebathing, dailclng, concerts, theatricals, interesting walks and trolleyrides', stilling and fishing and a comfortable hotel. With good table, allmanaged by Mr· Charles W. Rex, are some of the features that thevisitor finds at Buckroo Beach.

Princess Anne Hotel.The Princess Anne Hotel, at Virginia Beach, Va·,,

managed by Mr.'James H. Groves, is about as near^a

perfect seaside resort' as is possible to find oii the'.Atlantic coast. It Is within easy reach of Norfolkand near Cape Henry and the celebrated Lynnhaven.Bay. Amusements of all kinds are supplied, and thehotel Is conducted, on strictly first-class lines, nothingbeing overlooked'-that will add· to the comfbi;t "S'ilpleasure of its guests: *· t-,?. ~*"'


Mt, Elliott Springs. :

Mt Elliott Springs-Hotel provides in-every possibleway for the comfort and pleasure of all. who visitthis well known mountain, resort. Recently .pur¬chased by Mr. Charles B. Cook, president of the Eve¬ning Journal Company, and being under the man¬

agement of Mr. John ?. M. Hall, of. the Now Willard,at "Washington, the present season, bids fair to sur¬pass all preceding years· Delightful scenery, pleasantwalks and drives, shade, pure air and water, home¬like surroundings and plenty of amusements are someof·.the attractions. Write for the Mt· Elliott Springsbooklet.

The Mecklenburg Hotel.The Mecklenburg, at Chase City, Va., is being conducted by Tho

Mecklenburg Hotel, and Springs Company. Everything that goes tomake a first-class hotel may be found at Tho Mecklenburg. There isalways something doing in the way of pleasure and recreative amuse¬ments. A.fine table and service, large, airy, clean and'well furnishedrooms and a management that loaves no stone unturned in catering-to-its guests, make The Mecklenburg a delightful resort.

Ocean View,Say. Ocean View and you say it

all.' Whenever there is anythingnew in amusements it is sure to be

found at Ocean View. Gay, and at

the same time restful.. You can en¬

joy life just as' you will. YSu can

"shoot the shoots" or sit on the ve¬

randa and contemplate the broad ex¬

panse of Chesapeake Bay, go fishingor attend a matinee at the Casino,go shopping in Norfolk or listen toconcert by the band; in fact there'severything for everybody at OceanView.

Hotel Wachapreague.Hotel Wachnpreaguo, at Wachapreague, Va., is unequalled for the

great variety of its attractions. .Many of the old patrons of Cobb'sIsland have found Wachapreague to be equally as attractive since thedestruction of tho hotel at Cobb's. It Is.specially suited to families.Broad verandas, large, well-furnislied rooms, a fine table, plenty offish and sea food, boating, fishing and bathing; in fact, all the pleas¬ures and advantages of a first-class seaside resort are to bo found atWachapreague. Write to Mr. A. H. G. Mears, proprietor.

nnd landed tho party back homo Tues¬day night.The merry ones wore; Miss Annie Wut-kln3, of Spartanburg, S. C; Miss Vir¬ginia Wntkins. of Chatam; Miss SusieMorton, of Chuso City; Eoulse Penltk,Will Easley. Louise Owen, Mamie andVirginia Carrlngton, Mamie Easley, ofthis place. . ,John Glenn. Henry nnd Owen Easley,Richard Carrlngton, Charles Ponick. Dr.I. K. Briggs, John. Easley, Lewis John¬ston and John Lawson, were the valiantescorts.


AFTON /AFFAIRS(Special to The Tlmes-DI,sp;itch.)

AFTON, VA., July 8.-Historic oldMountain Top, once the .summer resortof tho fashionable und cultured folk "fYlrginln.'nnd other State.«, was the scenethe Fourth of mirth and Joy. The schol¬ars of tho Afton Baptist Sunday schooland their friends hold tholr annual pic¬nic nt this charming spot. It Is a jrwt-.ter of great regret to many that thismost healthy nnd Ideal resort for chil¬dren Is not open this season."Avon Cottage" celebrated the "glori¬

ous Fourth" In true patriotic style. The"grown-ups" were children. again, andJoined the little ones In firing the "baby·waiters," Roman candles, etc. -After amost brilliant display of fireworks, thecharming hostess. Miss Nana Fuso», locithe way to tho dining room, which was'beautifully decorated In the nationalcolors, and dnlnty refreshments woreserved. Tho tublo decorations wore In

keeping with the day, .red, .white andblue; the tiny American flags, tho dolliesand centerpieces In the Stars and Stripes,arid little red, white 'and blue candles,taking our thoughts bnck to those glori¬ous but trying days-when our braveforefathers fought for and gained tho in¬dependence of our fair land.Guests at Avon cottage are Mrs. Ker·

nnghan and two sons, Fort Worth, Texas;Mrs. Gorllck and daughters, Richmond;Mrs. Lofland, Mrs; Turner and Mr. Car¬roll Payne, Charlottesvllle.


THE MECKLENBURG(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

THE MECKLENBURG, CHASE CITY,VA.,' July '8..The atmosphoro Is coolingand drying hero, with a normal humidity,that makes exertion pleasant, and thenights are delightful for rest. Everytrain brings a full quota ot guests fromall parts to the Mecklenburg, and theweek-end tickets are proving most pop-·ular .with families who resido In Ridi¬li.and, Dnnvllle, Raleigh. Durham nndIntorniodlato^points, Dances, are now adully feature here and for which It hasbeen necessary to provide a pavillon,Which Is next to tho new spring house.Tho Mecklenburg Is 'now- In the midst

of Its groa test .summer glory and thepleasures of tho guest Is being- dally en-,hauend by every act nf the management,in proof that the Mecklenburg Is tho

The 111,111 «Im drifte canno!BUCCCtll.To gel allenii.lo do· any¬

thing Hint rciilly. must lune 11 definitepurpose,Say lo yourself, "I win

save ten. or twenty or thirtyper cant, of my Income,"u'nd the battio Ih hule won.

Aito Itigli. Then even Ifyou full a 111tit- short youwill have ??.?µµf??????? moroUnni II' yin»· simulan! wnslower.

Multo up voi»· mimi lo dOpoflt n definiti· amount In olir hunk«rlclllially. Ilejfln to-day. Tim rest will be eltey. Threo Per Cent.


ltlCliMOXl), VA·! Copifnl.'._#800,000.00

.Surplus timi Profits . .. ,..¡?????,???.??

most favored of resorts In the South, al¬ways to the Interest and pleasure of pat¬rons.

POWHATAN PEOPLE(Special to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatch.)

POWHATAN, VA., July 8.-Mrs. W. M.Justls, of Now York, Is visiting her fa¬ther. Clerk Jus. A. Tllman.Mrs. Gertrude Lantz nnd children, Wes¬

ley and Ruth, aro visiting Mr, and Mrs.Atkinson.Mr. \V. O. Goode, of Manchester, who

spent several days of lost week with hisparente of this pinco, returned to Man¬chester yesterday;Garnet, lliu lltllo two-year-old child of

Mr. and Mrs, M. P. Bonlfunt, of thisplace. Is very 111.Little Miss Lillian Flanagan, of this

place, is visiting lior uncle, Mr. PhillipsTrice, of Flanagans Mills, Cumberlandcounty.The Misses nPttorson, of Fiirmvllle,

spent last week with their sister, Mrs;A. P. Miller.A fine µ?????? of ball is expected hero

.Saturday between Fork Union Academyund Powhatnn Invincibles.

BUENA VISTA SOCIAL(Special to Tho Times-Dispatch.)

??G12?? VISTA, VA-, July, 8,.MissesMary GlhbH, of Lvnchburg. and NinniloTwynemaii, of Churlottosvilli, uro vislt-Iliir Miss .lulla Willis.Thu Misses Rlohoson gavo a delightful

whist party Monday evening in honorof tho Misses Wuugh, of Lynchbiug.Tho Sumiller Hotel gave the first ger¬mini oil the season Tuesday evening.This pleasant resort Is attrnctlnn manyguests, au«! there Is a proiulso of a stu·-etssl'ui season.Miss iflvn Hamilton, of Bnokhrldge, Is

a guest of Mrs, ICdwIn Randolph·Buona Vista Baseball Club defeated thoTimber Bridge tonili Tuesday, by a scoreof 17 to X.The burglars who broke Into the storo

of Mr. 11. L. .Gilkerson, of this city, havepot yet been apprehended, ami them isno clue lo their identity or whereabouts,

South Hill Notes.(Special to The Tlinns-Dlsnntcli.)SOUTH HULL. VA.. July K.--J. H. Wall

<fc Son lui ve oCGiipJod their now brick «tiüttou Mei'lileiibiiifi Avenu««, nail FrenchBrothers &¦ Ogburii will ojien in a few«lays with a copiploto |lno of shoes innidry goods In Ilio brick storo adjoining theFriend Drug CO.The Syduuf ?'?????? find W«MI Co., «if

Jtli.'liniond, have liulsbeil laying waterpipos ami erecting tank and Installedhydniiillo ram. which will furnish On-burn's uililltlnn wl'li ampio water r«ir allpurposes,MIhh Annie Norvall, of Charlotte Court-

lipusoi MIbs Fll'/.tibeth Boyd, Miss I Men??-?«???? uinl ???? 1.-.·.·a U'^uU*.». .tí ?..«.·-.

Established 1842.

Strictly High GradeTHE ARTISTIC

STIEFF PIANOSSold Direct From the Factory on Easy Terms.


CITÏ PUCESot tini Jefferson lintel ¿Cigar Stand,

Franklin Street entrance.Tue pulillc Is also served with


Newspapers and all Magazines.


SHEPHERD'S SODA FOUNTAIN.? Untilo of Pollolous ??????? Ale, a nice

Fan and Your Fuen Changed,All for 10 cents'.

Just say "BEAUFONT."M. ==iIon, have been yUjIJliiK Mrs. J. ll. OgbUl«at liar new horn« on'Smith Ulli Avenue.MIhh Klulse Gregory, of Henderson, N-

O.i Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. Ü. Nurth-liiKtmi, at her liuiulsumu rusldenco vuHwlilmkM *m-i.,i^



BE ON TIMEYou will never get left if you

wear one of our Watches. Theyare guaranteed to keep accuratetime. Try one. They are fine.

J. S. JAMES,Jeweler and Optician,

Seventh and Main A'ts.