The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

I AM Kenneth Andre of Spirit. I AM a Teacher of God. The Power of Thought, Free-Will and Subconscious. Everything I say and do is for a reason. It’s all from Spirit. Be there understanding. I AM an open door for all that I AM to enter.

Transcript of The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

Page 1: The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

I AM Kenneth Andre of Spirit.

I AM a Teacher of God.

The Power of Thought, Free-Will and Subconscious.

Everything I say and do is for a reason. It’s all

from Spirit. Be there understanding.

I AM an open door for

all that I AM to enter.

Page 2: The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

Thought is the real causative force in life and there is no other. - Neville Goddard.

Miracles are thoughts. Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or

the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates

the spiritual. - ACIM

Man is the creation of thought; what he thinks upon in this life, that, hereafter, he


Proverbs 4:23.

Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your Life.

Thought is extremely powerful, here are some quotes to emphasize this Fact!

Faith “Feeling” is the eternal elixir which gives life, power and action to the impulse of

thought! – Napoleon Hill.

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The law of Mental attraction is an exact parallel to the law of atomic affinity.

Your Assumption, conscious or unconscious, direct all thought and action to their

fulfilment. – Neville Goddard.

Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.

~ Stephen Richards

In your hands will be placed the exact results of your thoughts; you will receive that

which you earn, no more, no less. Whatever your present environment may be, you will

fail, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your wisdom, desire, as great as your dominant

aspiration. ~ James Allen

Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ William Shakespeare

The mind is everything. What you think you become. – Buddha

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No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. ~ Voltaire.

Mind is the Master Power That moulds and makes; And Man is Mind, Who evermore

takes The tool of thought, and Shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand Joys, a

thousand ills; He thinks in secret And it comes to pass, Environment is but His looking

glass. – James Allen.

“There is nothing in the universe that you cannot do or be if you are mentally ready.”

“You can have anything in life that you really want, but you must be prepared to take

the responsibilities that go with it. God is ready the moment you are.” ― Emmet Fox.

Man's greatness lies in his power of thought. - Blaise Pascal.

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative

thought. - Peace Pilgrim.

Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are

pathways to failure. - Bryan Adams.

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Now, do you understand the Power of Thought?

These quotes say it all!

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Your Free-Will is the wonderful ability in Selecting

Thought, that is it! You are a selector of thoughts.

However, this is “CHOICE.” And this is a powerful gift

God has given to his children.

I hope this becomes apparent through your Atonement

and Self-Realization.

If you want to discover the phenomena to life, turn to


Remember: – “Thought is the real causative

force in life and there is no other.”

Page 7: The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

The Wise man knows to be careful in what he says, because his subconscious

cannot take a joke! You are working with the very sensitive substance of


One going through the atonement can experience anxiousness due to the

realisation that their thoughts and feelings are creating their experiences, and so

one can become somewhat worried about their own mind as I did myself going

through the Atonement. And one afternoon driving into town after long periods of

creative visualization, I became aware of a negative thought that appeared in my

mind, whereby a negative feeling started also rising with it. I said to myself: No,

No, No, No and I was right to do so. What you do not accept cannot come into

your experience, - I did not know this at the time and so when I returned home

and prayed, this is what I said: “Please God, How can I stop these negative

thoughts and feelings coming into my experiences?” God gave me a wonderful

quote that I received later that day, and it was like a big weight off my shoulders -

“Relief.” Here is the Quote: -

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All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this

comes from indecision. -Matthew 5:37

Indecision is one coming from the perspective of the Ego in which holds the perception of

Separation, Limitation and Fear. This is one experiencing a very finite aspect with oneself,

whereby you are reacting from the Ego. The Ego is also known as the Evil One!

Hence! Say: No to the Negative and Yes to the Positive.

Come from the Spiritual Mind, Your I AM-ness in which you take control over your

Cardinal Mind. Now you can impress your subconscious with the best thoughts creating

your heaven on earth through your choice. Secret here! Be in accordance with God’s Law

and Will for the best results, this is protection and security within itself.

True Freedom is doing everything in Spirit, Fact! I and My Father are ONE!

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Man’s power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devil, a king or a slave.

Whatever he chooses, mind will create and manifest. ~ Frederick Bailes

Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Deeds upon a Belief, Concept and Assumption

creates your Reality.

What you perceive becomes your perception whereby it becomes your experience.

Sensation precedes manifestation – Fact.

Right is Right. Select That which is Good in Nature in all that you think and do.

Jesus Christ is the only Master in Right thinking. Learn from the Best!

Brothers and Sisters Turn to God for guidance. Seek Wisdom.

By assuming the idea already to be a fact, it is converted into reality.

“Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption

and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfilment.”

“For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives

himself.” ― Neville Goddard

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Now, do you understand the Power of Free-will?

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Your Subconscious is the Cause and everything else is the effect -


Your Subconscious is impersonal, it has no respecter of persons

and it’s non-selective. Its also receptive.


What you accept as a burning desire, a feeling of naturalness and

presence, repetition and acceptance; upon a belief, concept and

assumption of yourself, using your thoughts, feelings, words and

deeds, your subconscious will conceive that idea and bring it into

the external world for expression and experience. Fact!

Page 12: The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

Over 90% of your thoughts today are identical to yesterday, you

are an extension of your past. Why?

Man is what he thinks about all day long. Many select the same

thoughts, feelings, words and deeds from their old beliefs,

concepts and assumptions. Hence, you keep perpetuating the

same cycles and states.

Tomorrow’s expressions and possessions are today’s impressions.

What are you investing upon yourself today?

Select the best thoughts one can imagine.

Be in a state of Gratitude and Love.

Page 13: The Three Basic Mechanics in Creating Your Reality.

Many get blocks with the Law of attraction because they use only imagination and

affirmations of a desired state, without actually changing their Belief, Concept and

Assumption of themselves and thinking from it.

There’s a big difference between thinking from a wish fulfilled, than thinking of it.

Where your attention goes energy flows, where your consciousness goes, life flows.

“Focus” Will-power is used at first in selecting thoughts, feelings, words and deeds in

accordance with the new You. After awhile your subconscious will become aware of

what you are doing and will assist you whereby it becomes natural in behaving as

though you are that which you desire. unexpectedly- the new state will manifest in

your experience as you are assuming - I AM that, I AM.

Create a new divine pattern - “A wish fulfilled,” using the law of concentration,

awareness and consciousness, think from the new you by acting as though you were!

Especially as one is falling to sleep whereby the subconscious is more receptive to

impressions due to the mind going into an alpha state activated by the Pineal Gland.Secret Here

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Now, do you understand the Subconscious?

More information upon this in other slides, especially the

Truth to the Kingdom of God Seminar.

Everything I do and say is for a reason!

Put all the pieces together my brothers and

sisters, the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.

Freedom for all!