THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22,...

THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016 THE FIRST PENTECOST* ACTS 2:1–8 INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The Hub of the Bible.” Old Testament prophecy pointed forward to the church, and in this lesson we shall see that the church that was purposed and prophesied became a reality in this chapter! I. THE _____________ (ACTS 2:1–13) A. The apostles—Matthias and the eleven—were all in ____________ (cf. Luke 24:46–49; Acts 1:4–8). B. There were Jews and ____________ from all over the world gathered for the Feast of Pentecost (cf. Leviticus 23:15–21; Isaiah 2:1–5). C. Jesus’ death and _____________ had taken place just 7 weeks earlier, at the Feast of Passover. D. The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles, resulting in their speaking in various _____________ so that everyone heard in their own language (cf. Joel 2:28–32). E. While most were astonished at what they heard and saw, some mocked and accused the apostles of being ___________. II. THE _____________ (ACTS 2:14–36) A. First, Peter quickly disposes of the charge of drunkenness, and quotes ________’s prophecy as finding fulfill- ment by these events (Acts 2:14–21). B. Next, Peter presents four lines of evidence: 1. The __________, wonders, and signs Jesus did publicly are the evidence of God’s approval of Him (v. 22). In spite of this approval, they had crucified Him (Acts 2:23). 2. Jesus’ _______________ was God’s “reversal” of the death sentence the Jewish leaders had passed upon Him (Acts 2:24; cf. Romans 1:4; Acts 13:30). 3. Jesus’ resurrection was the fulfillment of ___________ (Acts 2:25–28, 34, 35). Peter quotes Psalm 16:8–11 and Psalm 110:1 in support of his proposition. 4. Peter then refers to “this which you see and _______” as further evidence that this occasion is from God. It fulfills the promise Jesus had made to them (cf. John 14:20ff.; Acts 1:4–8). C. Peter concludes this section of his sermon by affirming that “God has made this same Jesus, whom you ____________, both Lord and Christ.” III. THE _______________ (ACTS 2:37–41) A. The multitude is cut by Peter’s words—convicted of the guilt of rejecting their deliverer, their “____________,whom God had sent as promised. They ask, “What shall we do?(Acts 2:37) B. Peter responds by commanding them to “Repent, and be _________ every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; cf. Matthew 28:18–20; Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:44–49). C. Peter continues by assuring them that this promise (forgiveness of sins and gift of the Holy Spirit) is for “ you” (the present generation of Jews), “your children” (future generations of Jews), “and to all who are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call ” (the ___________) (Acts 2:39; cf. Ephesians 2:11–13). D. Peter continued to exhort the audience “with many other words,” the object being for them to __________ your selves from this perverse generation(Acts 2:40). E. As a result of this chain of events and logical presentation of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, those who gladly received his word were ____________, and that day about three thousand souls were added to them(Acts 2:41). (continued on page 2)

Transcript of THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22,...

Page 1: THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016 THE FIRST PENTECOST* ACTS 2:1–8 INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The

THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016


ACTS 2:1–8

INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The Hub of the Bible.” Old Testament prophecy pointed forward to the church, and in this lesson we shall see that the church that was purposed and prophesied became a reality in this chapter!

I. THE _____________ (ACTS 2:1–13)

A. The apostles—Matthias and the eleven—were all in ____________ (cf. Luke 24:46–49; Acts 1:4–8).

B. There were Jews and ____________ from all over the world gathered for the Feast of Pentecost (cf. Leviticus 23:15–21; Isaiah 2:1–5).

C. Jesus’ death and _____________ had taken place just 7 weeks earlier, at the Feast of Passover.

D. The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles, resulting in their speaking in various _____________ so that everyone heard in their own language (cf. Joel 2:28–32).

E. While most were astonished at what they heard and saw, some mocked and accused the apostles of being ___________.

II. THE _____________ (ACTS 2:14–36)

A. First, Peter quickly disposes of the charge of drunkenness, and quotes ________’s prophecy as finding fulfill- ment by these events (Acts 2:14–21).

B. Next, Peter presents four lines of evidence:

1. The __________, wonders, and signs Jesus did publicly are the evidence of God’s approval of Him (v. 22). In spite of this approval, they had crucified Him (Acts 2:23).

2. Jesus’ _______________ was God’s “reversal” of the death sentence the Jewish leaders had passed upon Him (Acts 2:24; cf. Romans 1:4; Acts 13:30).

3. Jesus’ resurrection was the fulfillment of ___________ (Acts 2:25–28, 34, 35). Peter quotes Psalm 16:8–11 and Psalm 110:1 in support of his proposition.

4. Peter then refers to “this which you see and _______” as further evidence that this occasion is from God. It fulfills the promise Jesus had made to them (cf. John 14:20ff.; Acts 1:4–8).

C. Peter concludes this section of his sermon by affirming that “God has made this same Jesus, whom you ____________, both Lord and Christ.”

III. THE _______________ (ACTS 2:37–41)

A. The multitude is cut by Peter’s words—convicted of the guilt of rejecting their deliverer, their “____________,” whom God had sent as promised. They ask, “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)

B. Peter responds by commanding them to “Repent, and be _________ every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38; cf. Matthew 28:18–20; Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:44–49).

C. Peter continues by assuring them that this promise (forgiveness of sins and gift of the Holy Spirit) is for “you” (the present generation of Jews), “your children” (future generations of Jews), “and to all who are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (the ___________) (Acts 2:39; cf. Ephesians 2:11–13).

D. Peter continued to exhort the audience “with many other words,” the object being for them to “__________ your selves from this perverse generation” (Acts 2:40).

E. As a result of this chain of events and logical presentation of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, those who “gladly received his word were ____________, and that day about three thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41).

(continued on page 2)

Page 2: THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016 THE FIRST PENTECOST* ACTS 2:1–8 INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The





WELCOME Ron Peterson

SONG LEADER Cameron Davis

OPENING PRAYER John Schuhknecht


LORD’S SUPPER Ethan Wright

LESSON Ken Burton

“The First Pentecost” Acts 2:1-8




WELCOME Ron Peterson

SONG LEADER David Pitchford



LESSON Ken Burton

“Gumption” Galatians 6:9


CLOSING PRAYER Bryson Pitchford

(Continued from Page 1)

IV. THE _____________ (ACTS 2:42–47)

A. Luke records the activities of these obedient people:

1. They _______________ (Acts 2:42).

2. They “feared” as the _____________ continued performing “wonders and signs” (Acts 2:43).

3. The ____________ shared their goods to help one another (Acts 2:44, 45).

4. They continued gladly assembling and uniting in their __________ for God

(Acts 2:46, 47a).

B. Then Luke records the activity of the Lord: “And the Lord added to the ___________ daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47


C. Note: this is the first time the church is said to be a present reality!

1. Prior to Acts 2, the church was __________________!

2. From this time forward, the church is always referred to as an existing body of people!

CONCLUSION: Acts 2 is a “watershed” passage, the dividing line between the purpose of God and the accomplishment of His divine purpose!

Honduras Mission Supplies

Just a reminder to turn in your supplies for Honduras Hope 2016.There are boxes in the foyer for items or give them to Dale or Donna Smith by May 29. Items needed: Boxes of Band Aids, Triple Antibiotic Oint-ment, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste (Travel & Full Size), Full Size Shampoo, Deodorant, White Wash Cloths, Flip Flops (Children & Adult Sizes), Seed Packets (Vegetable or Fruit), Ziplock Bags (Gallon, Quart or Snack Sizes)

The Ease of Leaving Him Out

In the case of Nadab and Abihu it was immediate. They offered “unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to His command” and paid the penalty with their lives. The consequence was im-mediate.

In the case of Ananias and Sapphira it was immediate. They lied to the Holy Spirit and paid the penalty with their lives. The consequence was immediate.

Today, He does not seem to be operating in that fashion. In fact, many of us can sigh a huge relief that He doesn’t! We sin against Him, but the consequence is not immediate. We are given the opportunity to repent, if we will avail ourselves of it. Unfortunately, this circumstance—of no immediate consequence– builds complacency. Whenever the schedule gets filled with activities-including those we choose freely and yet are not pressing, or essential—we look for what can be “set aside” or “put off.” Because we do not have to face Him immediately, it is easy to set God aside. Others are present; they press for attention. Their demands must be met. We feel the pressure of the presence of other folks, whether they be employers, clients, family or friends and we also feel the need to be involved in recreational pursuits. But God doesn’t press us with His presence. Thus it is easier to ignore Him; to delete ministry and even worship from our schedules. But, God is ever present. Just because He is not breathing down your neck at every turn, doesn’t mean that an attitude of complacency escapes His notice. Putting Him at the end of the line, giv-ing Him the scraps of time you have left over, and leaving Him out of your schedule do not go un-noticed. The consequences may not be immediate, but there will be a consequence...unless of course, there is repentance, including amendment to the position of putting Him first.

Senior Banquet — Building B

This Evening Following Services

Honoring seniors Bodie Cotter,

Grant Dodson, Bryan Kellem,

Gracie Lance, Zach Martin,

Ashlyn Paden, Mason Rosson,

Reagan Shrable

Page 3: THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016 THE FIRST PENTECOST* ACTS 2:1–8 INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The


Please keep all of these people in your prayers as they contend with illness and other situations

in their lives.

…Rhonda Anderson had surgery in Little Rock on Tuesday.

...Kathy Tackett had surgery on Wednesday.

...Leo Fortenberry & Family….Gus & Betty Carlson….Virdo Anderson ......Freda Evans ….Christine

Cordial…..Jodi Carney……..Darrell Lute….….Cindy Shaw….Deidree Smalec…..Angel LeBlanc…..

.Betty Simpson….. Uneda Watters….. Betty Ripple…..Jo Baker….. Dorothy Kitchens….. Carolyn

McCullough….. Bessie Saxion.

Family and Friends….

….Leslie Cones (Leo & Shelia Fortenberry’s daughter), Naomi Pearson (Sylvia Harden), Glen

House, Donald Warren (Dimple Mitchell), Joyce Lansdown (Deloris Larson), Susan & Roger Pitch-

ford, Pat Martin (Bill Martin), Alice Clark (Mary Ann Dillard), Jim Douglas, Sr., Jim Douglas, Jr.,

Cindy Gibson (Deloris Larson), Jeff Quick, Jeff Townsley (Terri Holsonbake’s son), Brent Horton

(Louise Suddeth), Aubrey Williams, Mary Scheer (Dimple Mitchell), Brenda Brock (Jim Gilliland),

Jim McCord (Clarene Morrow), Jim Gilliland’s dad, Margaret Ellis (Brad Ellis), Larry Davenport

(Linda Rucker), Douglas Jones (Rector Jones), Harley Roswell (Kyle Camp), Linda Dabney (Larry

Green), Thelma Pendergrass (Mickey Pendergrass), Willis Cheatham (Pat Cheatham), Eulah

Anderson (Richard Morris), Myrtle Jones (Adam Jones), Hugh Dewey (Chad Dewey), David Bur-

leson (Jessie Camp).

Baxter Retirement Village Troy Massey Mike Nash Danny Phelps Deidree Smalec

Care Manor Lozell Pitchford Mary Scheer

Good Samaritan Naomi Britt Lovene Thomas

Homebound Veneda Hayes Bessie Saxion Uneda Watters

Monroe House Charlotte Burton Doyle Hammack

Pine Lane Juanita Stone

River Lodge Fay Miculka


Throwing Rocks

The Old Testament law stated that in capital offenses, the primary witness was the one who would cast the first stone at the point of execution (Deut. 17:7). In the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11 Jesus refers to this point of law when speaking to the woman's accusers, however He changes the rules for this occasion.

In verse 7, He says, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." In other words, He gave the right to begin the execution, not to the one who caught her in her sin, but to the one who could look inwardly at his own life and find no sin. Of course we all know how the story ends, there was no execution that day.

This acknowledgment of personal sin is very helpful for those who, like me, have a critical nature. It forces criti-cal people to see that finding fault within others is a very easy thing to do. The difficult thing to do, the right thing to do, is to examine ourselves in order to discover our own faults.

When we focus on our own sins and weaknesses first, it becomes a lot easier to offer mercy to others. After all, it becomes very difficult to refuse to give someone grace after observing that we ourselves beg for grace several times a day. Once we truly recognize that all are sinners, ourselves chief among them, it makes it easier to let God handle the judgment.

So next time we see a person caught in caught in the midst of sin, we should remember Jesus' admonition to the execution squad. Let's be quicker to look into our own hearts rather than looking around for rocks to throw.

Your Brother, Chase

Register now for Green Valley Bible Camp at See Chase for financial

assistance information. Camp date is July 17-23.

VBS will be June 26-28 (Sunday-Tuesday).

Sign-up sheets will be posted in the foyer.

Everyone is encouraged to help.

Ladies will meet Thursday, the 26th, from

9-11 in building B to work on the

Bears & Bunnies project for the hospital.

For more information see Hattie Barnhart. Sewers are needed!!!

New Address for Nell Williams:

205 S. Kingswood Dr., Mtn. Home.

Tuesday morning ladies’ Bible class will have their final class of the year this week. Kojo will be teaching. The monthly lunch-eon will follow class. Class begins at 10:30. All ladies are encouraged to attend. Class will resume in the fall.

Page 4: THE MESSENGER · THE MESSENGER The Weekly Newsletter of the Mountain Home Church of Christ May 22, 2016 THE FIRST PENTECOST* ACTS 2:1–8 INTRODUCTION: Acts 2 has been called “The

Mountain Home Church of Christ

380 North College

Mountain Home, AR 72653

A friendly cha with a vital message!

Phone: 870-425-4330 Fax: 870-425-8118

E-mail: [email protected]

Service Times

Sunday Morning Bible Class............. 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship................ 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Evening Worship...................5:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Class............6:30 p.m.

T.V. Programs

“In Search of the Lord’s Way”

With Bro. Phil Sanders

Sunday Morning 7:00 A.M.

KOLR Channel 10, Springfield, Missouri

A friendly church with a vital message!




CLOSING PRAYER: Dennis Tindall



SONG LEADER Cameron Davis Richard Byrd

OPENING PRAYER Tim Paden Tim Burnley

SCRIPTURE READING Eddie Lawson Bryson Pitchford

CLOSING PRAYER George Rowlett Lloyd Camp

GREETERS Dennis & Kathleen Priborsky

Ellis & Jackie Jones

FOR THE RECORD May 15, 2016


Preaching the Gospel currently airs on DirecTV, Channel 376, Dish Network, Channel 276, and You Tube every Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. reaching more than 30 million homes. It also airs daily on Gospel Broadcasting Network. Visit for times. Sponsored by White Oak Church of Christ, P. O. Box 15148, Chattanooga, TN 37415. [email protected]

Mountain Home Church of Christ, Inc., 380 N. College, Mtn. Home, AR 72653

The Word of God says... Hear...Romans 10:17

Believe...Hebrews 11:6 Repent...Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38; 17:30

Confess...Matthew 10:32,33; Romans 10:10 Be Baptized...Mark 16:15,16; Galatians 3:27;

I Peter 3:21; Romans 6:3,4 Be Faithful...Revelation 2:10

Monday Night Ministries meets each week

at 6:30 in building B

Devo at

Baxter Retirement Village

Wednesdays at 1:30

Our Shepherds

Wayne Camp 404-3000

Frank Daniels 405-9821

Cameron Davis 404-7367

David Pitchford 425-8554

John Schuhknecht 404-0114

Dennis Tindall 481-5063

Our Servants

Our Staff Minister, Ken Burton 405-0865

Associate Minister, Chase Almond 501-454-4378

Secretary, Donna Smith (M-T-W) 425-4330

Secretary, Kelda Jones (Th-F) 425-4330

Andy Bell Bruce Caldwell JR Camp Lloyd Camp Rodney Covington Chad Dewey Delbert Dover

Jim Estes Ellis Jones Jerry Maleare Landon Pitchford Dennis Priborsky George Rowlett