The Taney County republican. (Forsyth, Mo.) 1910-10-20 [p ].land.' If you want a quick sale or...

TANEY COUNTY REPUBLICAN Falllnc Hair Dandruff ' Grcuit Court Docket. The. October term of the circuit court wiU' convene next Monday with Judge John T. Moore oh the bench. Following is the docket: CRIMINAL. . Am Hair Vigor promptly destroy the germ Ayer Hair Vigor J.:$t as that cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair-- germs that cause landnirL It ttmmSvwrv Ooes'oTJOd: Oofloir Sine EhBaair We wish you to positively and distinctly understanf ihat Ayefs Kalr 1 . Vigor does not affect the. color of the hair, eve;- - to the slightest degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest ; ;d most delicate blond hairmay useit freely without having the hairmado a shade darker. Ingredients: Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnio. Sx" -- m Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Watt--- . Perfume. Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it. L J. O. Ater Covpajct. Lowell. Mam. jZZ3S R. N. Toler vs. Rebecca J. Toler, di- vorce. Cfera Williams vs. John Z. Williams, divorce. Sarah Brazeal vs. Missouri Mining Co. , et al., suit to quiet title. C. H. Groom and D. F. McConkey vsl Missouri Mining Co., et al. : quiet title. Bank of Humansville vs. Lawson Cupp et al., quiet title. Jesse Nance vs.. Emma Milbourn et al quiet title. C. F. Thurman vs. Sallie M. Sandalls et al., quiet title. Ike Weiner vs. Daniel W. Davies et al., quiet title. C. M. Thompson vs. John Ashmore, suit in partition. Rose M. Weatherman vs. George L. Russell, partition. W. P. Weatherman vs. Lee Haggard, trespass. Taney County vs. Lee Haggard, school note. Taney County vs. J. F. Keithley, W. C. Cross, et al.; Thos. Howe et al.; S. A. Thomas et al.; H. M. Herrodd et al. and C. A. Gulick et al., suits on school notes. Samuel J. Reckendorfer vs. D. P. King, et al., attachment. Mary Wampler vs. P. O. Wampler, di- vorce. There are also several tax suits to be We have bought our 1911 stock of Wall Paper and it will soon begin to arrive. In the meantime we have to close out our present stock to make room forJthe new. To do this we are going to cut Prices to bedrock. 12 1- -2 cent Wall Paper for 9 cents a RoTL 10 cent Wall Paper for 7 1- -2 cents a RolL 8 cent Wall Paper for 6 cents a Roll J cent Wall Paper for 5 cents a Roll This is not old out-of-d- ate stock but are all new 1910 patterns. Come early before the stock is broken. ill 3 'When you buy Drugs of the Nance Drug Co you know they are good' West Side Square - Forsyth, Mo 7 ISTER i. :i. PAUHisn I o. BOOT president Vice-Preside- nt. S." BOSWJtLl. Cafchler. Taney County Bank, FORSYTH, MO. " CAPITAL STOCK. - -- , $20,000. ' gVSPtVS AND UND. TROFITS, $20,000 '' TrajiBactB a generallbanklns business. Collections a specialty. D. F. McCONKEY Attornky-at-La- w Forsyth - - , - . Missouri Will pratice in all the Courts of M tssouri. Votary PcbMC in office and spiclal attention will be given to drawing and taking acknowledg- ments of 'Deeds, Mortgages and Contracts. Side Public Square between Omc-So- uth Postofllce and Bank. D. F. McCosket. Do you .want to go to Oklahoma? T havo a number of good farms in Oklahoma to trade for Taney County land.' If you want a quick sale or ex- change, list your land with me. C. C. BLANSIT Walnut Shade, Mo. DR. G. B. MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office hours 1:30 to 5:30 p. m. DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR Sorcery and Diseases of Women a Specialty. Office over the Parrish Drug Store, FORSYTH - - MISSOURI. All Calls Promptly Answered CASKETS and COFFINS A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL SIZES ALWAYS IN STOCK. BURGER BROS. GARRISON, MO. 22 NOTICE. I am running the Forsyth and Chadwick Daily Hack Line and will furnish good rigs and careful driv- ers who will look to the comfort of passengers. I will furnish from inv barn at Taney ville teams or snddje horses to take you any old place you wish to go. I will buy your horse, sell you a horse or give you a "swap" day or night. , ' I solicit your patronage. W. M. Hunter. Don't risk even one single penny And I will tell you why I say this. It la because overy package of Dr. Shoop?i medicine w absolutely free f it fails-- . No one need risk even one siajrle penny. ,US ttink What tnIs means to 4,10 suffeiiru? let! i?0 nJWnense, nothing whatever un-J- 9 Health flreuri.For J3 full days, and wttoiit thertsiPyafiiiMle penny, you can use either of my tvfp Jiu4rneiies Dr. Shocp's Restorative orSriwHieuniatic Remedy. . yen why take any chance whatever? W hy purchase any medicine whose maker dare not back it just as I do by this remarkable offer I And besides. I am no staang&r to you. cv r No WpfupaypEta lias made Dr. ??p,s stAfA foAi ofery drug store In the land. Th&jjViiSSsaid. ."We take no chance whatever here." or twenty years Dr. Shoop's medicines hava 4 wme thoroughly standardized all over America. And T f9fjNwSited honest and respond icie crureists village every. wner to ac yours; Theso wieciea arugri araTCTmV frjedicines with we sick iind Tne entire risk rnlr.e alone. But write me first for an ordor. If Pav, B?ent in almost every comrmm-1- 1 druggists are no: putliorized to grant the 30 day test. rtj,idrop mo B ,Ino- - Please and thu3 save aJ disappointments and delays. Besides, you are free to consult me oy letter lr.X ,Y0U$ your home physician. Do so freeiy ana rully- -if you desire. My advice and the book. a7 ai? y"rs-a- nd without cost. Perhaps a PnLl twu iTOm me wiU cJcar UP 801110 eriou ..mem. i have helped thousands upon thousand iaa prlvate Prescription or personal advico hp!nhj3es books will open up new and tr?iLi(Halto,ou They tell of my 30 years ex- - ' v at i vie tols. AUphano! mVh P3e. How the Stomach and Kidney Si;le tneip Inside or power nerve. Hov nfi,ctf?rs 8UrelrfaIter when these controlinj? KrireJV ,ail- - 1Iow Dr- - Sboop' ShuTf to these failing nerve-- . toKenS !5ditW;t restores the lost Son ArlJf 10(10 My t whihf WW016 request. So writ OerVrEwl 'L1 frwh wnind. for tomorrow Dr. Shoop. Box 12. Racine. Wis, WHlch Book Shalt X 6nd Too? No. J "n Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women On the H No. 5 For Men Ao. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheumatism. Marriage Licenses. Licence to wed was issued to the u!l0Wi" '; couPles by Recorder of Deeds I. Moore during the pat week: FreJ Sco", of Bradleyville, and Uura McKinzie, of Kissee Mills. Laurence Johnson, of Wayside, Md Maude Thcrp, of Bradleyville. JOE G. UPTON. EnttTfd at the postofflce at Forsyth, Mo. as second class mail. LOCAL NEWS. . J. D. Cobb was over from Mildied Tuesday. J. H. Kelley, o Pinetop, was in town Monday. VV. P. Hodge, of Nance, was in Forsyth yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bryan were down from Taneyville Monday. S. J. Williams, of Kissee Mills, was a Forsyth visitor Tuesday. Alonzo Scott and E. W. Mozely were down from Hercules yesterday. ivir. ana Mrs. Jesse iNance are in Ava this week allending the big Land Congress. Joe Cranfill, of Bradleyville, and C. S. Adams, of Goodloe, were in town this morning. T. O. Jefferson, of Hercules, and Chas. McKedy and Job Hobbs, of Hilda, were in town Monday. . Clarence O. Wright, of Hollister, and Dr. C. W. Burdett, of Branson; were in Forsyth on business Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pierce, at the home of Mrs. Pierce's father near Goodloe, on Sunday, October 16, a boy. Gaston Lingenfelter, of Hilda, was in town yesterday. He has just re- turned from a visit to his old home in Indiana. Green Berry Brantley, John West Speer and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Welch, of Kirbyville, were transacting busi- ness in Forsyth Monday. Mrs. A. B. Price left Tuesday morn ing on an extended tour. Her many friends in Forsyth hope she may have a very long and pleasant.visit. ' County Superintendent Alfred Ken-n-er and family removed from Taney- ville to Forsyth this week and are oc- cupying the Boles house on the hill. Thomas Warren, L. D. Brown and T. J. Holt, of Groom, were here Tuesday making final proof on Mr. Warren's homestead before County Clerk Hicks. Forsyth was almost deserted yester- - terday, everyone who was able to get away being at Branson attending the b all game and hearing the speech of Hon. Joe Folk. Jesse Nance and family moved to their new home this week. Mr. and Mrs. F.-F- . Baily have moved into the Nance house on the hill and Mr., and Mrs. M.' G. Fallon are occupying the Jennings cottage. There is a game of base ball sched- uled at the S. of O. campus for next Saturday between the school team and the Branson team, but if the weather continues as it is today it will be pretty cold ball playing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bennett, of Moore's Ferry, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Bennett informs us that he has sold out his Taney county property and will return to the west in the spring. They have made many friends during their short stay in Taney county and it hurts to have such people leave. All subscribers who are in Forsvth next week are requested to call at the office and see how they stand. I am going to turn the business over to Messrs. Bailey and Fallon next month and I want to turn the books over in good shape. If there are any mistakes they should be corrected before I go out. JOE G. UPTON. Otis Getman, of Walnut Shade, was in town Tuesday to see the collector. Mr. Getman says he can't afford to take the county paper, but he lost a day coming to Forsyth to see the col- lector when that official was in Beaver township as advertised collecting taxes. Most any kind of a day's work will pay for the paper a year, but maybe Ots doesn't like to work. Walter Diple, the man who killed Stanley Ketchel, the world's champion middle-weig- ht pugilist, in Webster county last week, was raised on Bilyeu creek in the north part of Taney coun- ty, and is remembered by some of our citizens who describe him ss a I rag- ging ccward. He left here some ten years ago to work in the mines at Webb City. , . HOLLISTER, MO. Carry a Complete Line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists' Sundries, Paints and Wall Paper. , 8UR SODA FOUNTAIN IS OUR PRIDE. PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY. State vs. C. W. Corpron, attempted rape. . ' it vs. Henry Sullenger, selling liquor without license, it vs. Ben Logan, felonious assault vs. . $arah Jackson, criminal slander. vs.. Wm. R., May and Willie McLain, stealing chickens, it vs. James Johnson, carrying weapons into public assembly, tt vs. Lewis Wein and Ralph El- lison, gambling, vs. Frank Coy, carrying wea- pon into courtroom, vs. Wm. Holt, felonious as- sault. vs. Martin Boyd, felonious as- sault. vs. Geo. Payne, assault, vs. Geo. Payne, violating lo- cal option law, two cases, vs. Geo. Payne, filling prescrip- tions when not a registered pharmacist. vs. Joel H. Haden, storing liquor, six cases. 11 vs. Billie Cummings, carrying concealed weapons. t vs. Brooks Williams, carrying concealed weapons. tt vs. Wesley Williams, felonious assault. vs. Levi Russell, felonious as- sault. tt vs. J. S. Fronabarger, common assault. vs. Chas. McKedy, felonious assault. i vs. W. T. MeGee, felonious assault. vs. H. A. McVay, felonious assault. vs. H. A. McVay, exhibiting deadly weapons, vs. Ge. Vanzandt, larceny from dwelling. t vs. Russell Ward, disturbing peace of assembly, vs. Sam Ward, disturbing peace of person. vs T. Z. Ward, disturbing peace of family. tt vs. Walter McMillan, felonious assault. t vs. Walter McMillan, carrying concealed weapons, vs. R. F. Davidson, disturbing the peace. it vs.' Ben Layton and Zack How- ard, affray. vs. John Burnett, felonious as- sault. ( vs. Ralph Ellison, et al., gam- bling. . 1 tt vs. Henry and Noon Thomp- son, felonious assault, 4.t vs. Wm. J. Roberts, felonious assault. CIVIL. J. Id- Barker, et al., vs. E. E. Barker, et al., suit in equity. Bank" of Humansville vs. Jas. A. St. Clair, ejectment. H. A- - McVay vs. Nancy J. McVay, divorce. C. C. Xirkham vs. G. R. Powers, et al., suit on. note, Wm. Parsley vs. Mrs. G. B. Mathews, sui on account. Dr. 1 Herman E. Pearse, vs. estate of Elizabeth Conner, suit on ac- count. J. T.. R. Ladd vs. Geo. Hunt, suit on attatchment. J. WJ-- Smith vs. Emma Smith, divorce. L. T. Corvett vs. John T. Taylor, et al., suit to determine title. J. A. Snider -- vs, O. C. Huston, attach- ment. Rot t. L Parnell vs. R. C. Springer, attachment. Geo.1 A. Watson vs. Jos. Schneller,1 damages. Haimey Morrison vs. Claude Morrison, divorce. Grace Plummer vs. Harry Plummer, divorce. M&ry 'tier vs. J. L. Stier, divorce. Icy Ow en vs. Jas. R. Owen, divorce. N. D. I oles vs. Eva Boles, divorce. Addie V 'eatherman vs. Rums' Weath- - e: man, divorce. P. M. Bn rns vs. Martha J. Burns, di- - vo. .ce. Frank L- - i Downs vs. Katie M. Downs, divv )rce. . Frederick-- 1 ". Hillhouse vs. Mary Hill- - fcora e, divorce. Gaston: L Lingenfelter vs. Margaret A..;"T ;ngenfelter, divorce. Th3 oily Dru? Store in Tansy Pharmacist When in Stop r 0 3C ar rot Lay County Having a Registered in Charge. 331 -- 7 Hollister at the S' CAFE s ervice KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST AND NORTHWEST i heard at this tesm of court. Win Three Game; Lose One. The past week has been a great one for athletics at the School of the Ozarks. On Friday, two basket ball teams from the school, one of boys and one of girls, went to Kirbyville to meet similar teams from the public schools of that place. The S. of O. girls went down to defeat by the score of 8 to 7. The S. of O. boys won their game by a score of 17 to 7. On Saturday the sixteen year o'd baseball team of the school went to Branson to meet the Covenanter's team of that town. The game result- ed in a victory for the S. of O. team by a score of 25 to 16. Both teams played a better game than when they met in Forsyth a few weeks ago. Yesterday the regular S. of O. base- ball team went to Branson to play the best that Branson could gather up from the surrounding country. The score was 19 to 4 in favor of S. of O. This team is getting in good shape and it is hoped that in the Spring they will be able to make a road trip meet- ing teams from some of the other col- leges in southwest Missouri. Notice to Tazpayers. Notice is hereby given that I will meet the taxpayers at the following times and places to receive and collect taxes: Kirbyville, Oct. 10 Hollister, Oct. 11 Branson, Oct. 12-1- 3 Day, Oct. 14 Walnut Shade, Oct. 15 Hercules, Oct. 17 Brown Branch, Oct. 18-1- 9 Bradleyville, Oct. 20-2- 1 Swan, Oct. 22 Dit, Oct. 31 Protem, Nov. 1- -2 Cedar Creek, Nov. 3-- 4 Under the law I am required to levy upon personal property for land as well as personal tax. I must comply with this or pay the tax myself. So you must pay or I will be compelled to make siezure after January 1, 1911. E. HULL, Collector. Sunday Schocl Convention There was a Sunday School conven- tion held at Flag last Sabbath and it proved to be a most enjoyable affaif. The Sunday School was conducted in the usual manner in the forenoon. Then followed dinner under the oak trees in the school yard. The con- vention was called to order on the platform un.der the trees used for such purposes on former occasions. The weather conditions were pertect. The young fol k cf the Surda School rendered an interesting pro- gram after which the work of the con- vention was carried out. A formal ad- dress of welcome was given by the superintendent after which addresses were listened to with much interest by those present. The speakers were Geo. E. Knepper of the School of the Ozarks; Rev. Rennick, Sunday School missionary, and Mrs. Rennick. Steps were taken to arrange for the county convention, but as all the officers ex- cept Mrs. McConkey have moved away, the preliminary anangements will devolve upon her. Andy Eversole, Proprietor Rooming House in Connection Good Meals, Good Beds 25 cents each. or s uperior TO M ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST Write a Postal for Particulars. C C. CARSON, D- - R A. Joplin, Mo. 3

Transcript of The Taney County republican. (Forsyth, Mo.) 1910-10-20 [p ].land.' If you want a quick sale or...

Page 1: The Taney County republican. (Forsyth, Mo.) 1910-10-20 [p ].land.' If you want a quick sale or ex-change, list your land with me. C. C. BLANSIT Walnut Shade, Mo. DR. G. B. MITCHELL,


' Grcuit Court Docket.The. October term of the circuit

court wiU' convene next Monday withJudge John T. Moore oh the bench.Following is the docket:


Am Hair Vigor promptly destroy the germ Ayer Hair Vigor J.:$t asthat cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair-- germs that cause landnirL It ttmmSvwrv

Ooes'oTJOd: Oofloir Sine EhBaairWe wish you to positively and distinctly understanf ihat Ayefs Kalr


.Vigor does not affect the. color of the hair, eve;- - to the slightestdegree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest ; ;d most delicateblond hairmay useit freely without having the hairmado a shade darker.

Ingredients: Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnio. Sx" --m Chlorid.Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Watt--- . Perfume.

Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it.L J. O. Ater Covpajct. Lowell. Mam.


R. N. Toler vs. Rebecca J. Toler, di-

vorce.Cfera Williams vs. John Z. Williams,

divorce.Sarah Brazeal vs. Missouri Mining Co. ,

et al., suit to quiet title.C. H. Groom and D. F. McConkey

vsl Missouri Mining Co., et al.: quiet title.

Bank of Humansville vs. Lawson Cuppet al., quiet title.

Jesse Nance vs.. Emma Milbourn et alquiet title.

C. F. Thurman vs. Sallie M. Sandallset al., quiet title.

Ike Weiner vs. Daniel W. Davies etal., quiet title.

C. M. Thompson vs. John Ashmore,suit in partition.

Rose M. Weatherman vs. George L.Russell, partition.

W. P. Weatherman vs. Lee Haggard,trespass.

Taney County vs. Lee Haggard,school note.

Taney County vs. J. F. Keithley, W.C. Cross, et al.; Thos. Howeet al.; S. A. Thomas et al.; H.M. Herrodd et al. and C. A.Gulick et al., suits on schoolnotes.

Samuel J. Reckendorfer vs. D. P.King, et al., attachment.

Mary Wampler vs. P. O. Wampler, di-

vorce.There are also several tax suits to be

We have bought our 1911 stock of Wall Paper andit will soon begin to arrive. In the meantime we have toclose out our present stock to make room forJthe new. Todo this we are going to cut Prices to bedrock.

12 1- -2 cent Wall Paper for 9 cents a RoTL

10 cent Wall Paper for 7 1- -2 cents a RolL8 cent Wall Paper for 6 cents a Roll

J cent Wall Paper for 5 cents a Roll

This is not old out-of-d- ate stock but are all new1910 patterns. Come early before the stock is broken.

ill 3

'When you buy Drugs of the NanceDrug Co you know they are good'West Side Square - Forsyth, Mo



i. :i. PAUHisnI o. BOOT

presidentVice-Preside- nt.

S." BOSWJtLl. Cafchler.

Taney County Bank,FORSYTH, MO. "

CAPITAL STOCK. - -- , $20,000.'gVSPtVS AND UND. TROFITS, $20,000

'' TrajiBactB a generallbanklns business.Collections a specialty.

D. F. McCONKEYAttornky-at-La- w

Forsyth - - , -.


Will pratice in all the Courts of

M tssouri.

Votary PcbMC in office and spiclal attentionwill be given to drawing and taking acknowledg-

ments of 'Deeds, Mortgages and Contracts.Side Public Square between

Omc-So- uth

Postofllce and Bank.D. F. McCosket.

Do you .want to go to

Oklahoma?T havo a number of good farms in

Oklahoma to trade for Taney County

land.' If you want a quick sale or ex-

change, list your land with me.

C. C. BLANSITWalnut Shade, Mo.


Office hours 1:30 to 5:30 p. m.


Sorcery and Diseases ofWomen a Specialty.

Office over the Parrish Drug Store,FORSYTH - - MISSOURI.All Calls Promptly Answered






NOTICE.I am running the Forsyth and

Chadwick Daily Hack Line and willfurnish good rigs and careful driv-ers who will look to the comfort ofpassengers. I will furnish from invbarn at Taney ville teams or snddjehorses to take you any old place youwish to go.

I will buy your horse, sell you ahorse or give you a "swap" day ornight. , '

I solicit your patronage.

W. M. Hunter.

Don't risk even one single pennyAnd I will tell you why I say this.It la because overy package of Dr. Shoop?i

medicine w absolutely free f it fails-- .

No one need risk even one siajrle penny.,US ttink What tnIs means to 4,10 suffeiiru?let!i?0 nJWnense, nothing whatever un-J-9Health flreuri.For J 3 full days, and

wttoiit thertsiPyafiiiMle penny, you can useeither of my tvfp Jiu4rneiies Dr. Shocp'sRestorative orSriwHieuniatic Remedy. .

yen why take any chance whatever?Why purchase any medicine whose

maker dare not back itjust as I do bythis remarkable offer I

And besides. I am no staang&r to r No WpfupaypEta lias made Dr.

??p,s stAfA foAi ofery drug storeIn the land. Th&jjViiSSsaid. ."We takeno chance whatever here."or twenty years Dr. Shoop's medicines hava

4wme thoroughly standardized all over America.And T f9fjNwSited honest and respondicie crureists village every.

wner to ac yours; Thesowieciea arugri araTCTmV frjedicines withwe sick iind Tne entire risk rnlr.e alone.

But write me first for an ordor.If Pav, B?ent in almost every comrmm-1- 1

druggists are no: putliorized to grantthe 30 day test.rtj,idrop mo B ,Ino- - Please and thu3 save aJdisappointments and delays.

Besides, you are free to consult me oy letterlr.X ,Y0U$ your home physician. Do so freeiyana rully--if you desire. My advice and the book.a7 ai? y"rs-a- nd without cost. Perhaps aPnLl twu iTOm me wiU cJcar UP 801110 eriou..mem. i have helped thousands upon thousandiaa

prlvate Prescription or personal advicohp!nhj3es books will open up new andtr?iLi(Halto,ou They tell of my 30 years ex--' v at ivietols. AUphano!

mVh P3e. How the Stomach and KidneySi;le tneip Inside or power nerve. Hovnfi,ctf?rs 8UrelrfaIter when these controlinj?KrireJV ,ail- - 1Iow Dr- - Sboop'ShuTf to these failing nerve-- .

toKenS !5ditW;t restores the lost

SonArlJf 10(10 My twhihf WW016 request. So writ

OerVrEwl 'L1 frwh wnind. for tomorrowDr. Shoop. Box 12. Racine. Wis,WHlch Book Shalt X 6nd Too?

No. J "n Dyspepsia No. 4 For WomenOn the H No. 5 For MenAo. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 On Rheumatism.

Marriage Licenses.Licence to wed was issued to the

u!l0Wi" '; couPles by Recorder of DeedsI. Moore during the pat week:

FreJ Sco", of Bradleyville, andUura McKinzie, of Kissee Mills.

Laurence Johnson, of Wayside,Md Maude Thcrp, of Bradleyville.


EnttTfd at the postofflce at Forsyth, second class mail.


. J. D. Cobb was over from MildiedTuesday.

J. H. Kelley, o Pinetop, was intown Monday.

VV. P. Hodge, of Nance, was inForsyth yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bryan were downfrom Taneyville Monday.

S. J. Williams, of Kissee Mills, wasa Forsyth visitor Tuesday.

Alonzo Scott and E. W. Mozely weredown from Hercules yesterday.

ivir. ana Mrs. Jesse iNance are inAva this week allending the big LandCongress.

Joe Cranfill, of Bradleyville, and C.S. Adams, of Goodloe, were in townthis morning.

T. O. Jefferson, of Hercules, andChas. McKedy and Job Hobbs, ofHilda, were in town Monday. .

Clarence O. Wright, of Hollister,and Dr. C. W. Burdett, of Branson;were in Forsyth on business Saturday.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pierce,at the home of Mrs. Pierce's fathernear Goodloe, on Sunday, October 16,a boy.

Gaston Lingenfelter, of Hilda, wasin town yesterday. He has just re-

turned from a visit to his old home inIndiana.

Green Berry Brantley, John WestSpeer and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Welch,of Kirbyville, were transacting busi-

ness in Forsyth Monday.

Mrs. A. B. Price left Tuesday morning on an extended tour. Her manyfriends in Forsyth hope she may havea very long and pleasant.visit. '

County Superintendent Alfred Ken-n-er

and family removed from Taney-

ville to Forsyth this week and are oc-

cupying the Boles house on the hill.

Thomas Warren, L. D. Brown andT. J. Holt, of Groom, were hereTuesday making final proof on Mr.Warren's homestead before CountyClerk Hicks.

Forsyth was almost deserted yester- -

terday, everyone who was able to getaway being at Branson attending theb all game and hearing the speech of

Hon. Joe Folk.

Jesse Nance and family moved totheir new home this week. Mr. andMrs. F.-F- . Baily have moved into theNance house on the hill and Mr., andMrs. M.' G. Fallon are occupying theJennings cottage.

There is a game of base ball sched-

uled at the S. of O. campus for nextSaturday between the school team andthe Branson team, but if the weathercontinues as it is today it will be prettycold ball playing.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bennett, of

Moore's Ferry, were in town Tuesday.Mr. Bennett informs us that he hassold out his Taney county propertyand will return to the west in thespring. They have made manyfriends during their short stay inTaney county and it hurts to havesuch people leave.

All subscribers who are in Forsvthnext week are requested to call at theoffice and see how they stand. I amgoing to turn the business over toMessrs. Bailey and Fallon next monthand I want to turn the books over ingood shape. If there are any mistakesthey should be corrected before I goout. JOE G. UPTON.

Otis Getman, of Walnut Shade, wasin town Tuesday to see the collector.Mr. Getman says he can't afford totake the county paper, but he lost aday coming to Forsyth to see the col-

lector when that official was in Beavertownship as advertised collecting taxes.Most any kind of a day's work willpay for the paper a year, but maybeOts doesn't like to work.

Walter Diple, the man who killedStanley Ketchel, the world's championmiddle-weig- ht pugilist, in Webstercounty last week, was raised on Bilyeucreek in the north part of Taney coun-ty, and is remembered by some of ourcitizens who describe him ss a I rag-

ging ccward. He left here some tenyears ago to work in the mines atWebb City. , .


Carry a Complete Line of Drugs, Patent Medicines,Druggists' Sundries, Paints and Wall Paper. ,



State vs. C. W. Corpron, attemptedrape. .


it vs. Henry Sullenger, sellingliquor without license,

it vs. Ben Logan, felonious assaultvs. . $arah Jackson, criminalslander.vs.. Wm. R., May and WillieMcLain, stealing chickens,

it vs. James Johnson, carryingweapons into public assembly,

tt vs. Lewis Wein and Ralph El-

lison, gambling,vs. Frank Coy, carrying wea-

pon into courtroom,vs. Wm. Holt, felonious as-

sault.vs. Martin Boyd, felonious as-

sault.vs. Geo. Payne, assault,vs. Geo. Payne, violating lo-

cal option law, two cases,vs. Geo. Payne, filling prescrip-

tions when not a registeredpharmacist.vs. Joel H. Haden, storingliquor, six cases.

1 1

vs. Billie Cummings, carryingconcealed weapons.

t vs. Brooks Williams, carryingconcealed weapons.

tt vs. Wesley Williams, feloniousassault.vs. Levi Russell, felonious as- vs. J. S. Fronabarger, common

assault.vs. Chas. McKedy, feloniousassault.

i vs. W. T. MeGee, feloniousassault.vs. H. A. McVay, feloniousassault.vs. H. A. McVay, exhibitingdeadly weapons,vs. Ge. Vanzandt, larcenyfrom dwelling.

t vs. Russell Ward, disturbingpeace of assembly,vs. Sam Ward, disturbing peaceof person.vs T. Z. Ward, disturbing peaceof family.

tt vs. Walter McMillan, feloniousassault.

t vs. Walter McMillan, carryingconcealed weapons,vs. R. F. Davidson, disturbingthe peace.

it vs.' Ben Layton and Zack How-

ard, affray.

vs. John Burnett, felonious as-

sault.( vs. Ralph Ellison, et al., gam-

bling. .1

tt vs. Henry and Noon Thomp-

son, felonious assault,4.t vs. Wm. J. Roberts, felonious


J. Id- Barker, et al., vs. E. E. Barker,

et al., suit in equity.Bank" of Humansville vs. Jas. A. St.

Clair, ejectment.H. A- - McVay vs. Nancy J. McVay,

divorce.C. C. Xirkham vs. G. R. Powers, et

al., suit on. note,Wm. Parsley vs. Mrs. G. B. Mathews,

sui on account.Dr. 1 Herman E. Pearse, vs. estate of

Elizabeth Conner, suit on ac-

count.J. T.. R. Ladd vs. Geo. Hunt, suit on

attatchment.J. WJ-- Smith vs. Emma Smith, divorce.L. T. Corvett vs. John T. Taylor, et

al., suit to determine title.J. A. Snider --vs, O. C. Huston, attach-

ment.Rot t. L Parnell vs. R. C. Springer,

attachment.Geo.1 A. Watson vs. Jos. Schneller,1

damages.Haimey Morrison vs. Claude Morrison,

divorce.Grace Plummer vs. Harry Plummer,

divorce.M&ry 'tier vs. J. L. Stier, divorce.Icy Ow en vs. Jas. R. Owen, divorce.

N. D. I oles vs. Eva Boles, divorce.

Addie V 'eatherman vs. Rums' Weath- -

e: man, divorce.P. M. Bn rns vs. Martha J. Burns, di--

vo. .ce.Frank L- - i Downs vs. Katie M. Downs,

divv )rce. .

Frederick--1 ". Hillhouse vs. Mary Hill- -

fcora e, divorce.Gaston: L Lingenfelter vs. Margaret

A..;"T ;ngenfelter, divorce.

Th3 oily Dru? Store in Tansy


When inStop


3C ar



County Having a Registeredin Charge.



Hollisterat the


s ervice






heard at this tesm of court.

Win Three Game; Lose One.The past week has been a great one

for athletics at the School of theOzarks. On Friday, two basket ball

teams from the school, one of boys

and one of girls, went to Kirbyville to

meet similar teams from the publicschools of that place. The S. of O.girls went down to defeat by the scoreof 8 to 7. The S. of O. boys won

their game by a score of 17 to 7.

On Saturday the sixteen year o'dbaseball team of the school went toBranson to meet the Covenanter'steam of that town. The game result-

ed in a victory for the S. of O. teamby a score of 25 to 16. Both teamsplayed a better game than when theymet in Forsyth a few weeks ago.

Yesterday the regular S. of O. base-

ball team went to Branson to play thebest that Branson could gather upfrom the surrounding country. Thescore was 19 to 4 in favor of S. of O.

This team is getting in good shapeand it is hoped that in the Spring theywill be able to make a road trip meet-

ing teams from some of the other col-

leges in southwest Missouri.

Notice to Tazpayers.Notice is hereby given that I will

meet the taxpayers at the followingtimes and places to receive and collecttaxes:

Kirbyville, Oct. 10Hollister, Oct. 11Branson, Oct. 12-1- 3

Day, Oct. 14Walnut Shade, Oct. 15Hercules, Oct. 17Brown Branch, Oct. 18-1- 9

Bradleyville, Oct. 20-2- 1

Swan, Oct. 22Dit, Oct. 31Protem, Nov. 1- -2

Cedar Creek, Nov. 3-- 4

Under the law I am required to levyupon personal property for land as wellas personal tax. I must comply withthis or pay the tax myself. So youmust pay or I will be compelled tomake siezure after January 1, 1911.

E. HULL, Collector.

Sunday Schocl ConventionThere was a Sunday School conven-

tion held at Flag last Sabbath and it

proved to be a most enjoyable affaif.

The Sunday School was conducted in

the usual manner in the forenoon.

Then followed dinner under the oaktrees in the school yard. The con-

vention was called to order on theplatform un.der the trees used for suchpurposes on former occasions. Theweather conditions were pertect.

The young fol k cf the SurdaSchool rendered an interesting pro-

gram after which the work of the con-

vention was carried out. A formal ad-

dress of welcome was given by thesuperintendent after which addresses

were listened to with much interest by

those present. The speakers were

Geo. E. Knepper of the School of theOzarks; Rev. Rennick, Sunday Schoolmissionary, and Mrs. Rennick. Steps

were taken to arrange for the countyconvention, but as all the officers ex-

cept Mrs. McConkey have movedaway, the preliminary anangementswill devolve upon her.

Andy Eversole, Proprietor

Rooming House in Connection

Good Meals, Good Beds 25 cents each.








Write a Postal for Particulars.C C. CARSON, D- - R A.

Joplin, Mo.3