The tale of a yellow dime

THE TALE OF A YELLOW DIME By Rashmiranjan Sarangi Rashmiranjan Sarangi Abstract A Software Engineer is found dead at side of highway. His beautiful wife is making a million dollar business. A magical brass coin is missing. Two police officer investigating the murder case. Who is the killer? What is the secret of the brass coin? A murder mystery that reveal the culprit after series of incidents.



Transcript of The tale of a yellow dime

THE TALE OF A YELLOW DIME By Rashmiranjan Sarangi

Rashmiranjan Sarangi

Abstract A Software Engineer is found dead at side of highway. His beautiful wife is making a million dollar business. A magical brass coin is missing. Two police officer investigating the murder case. Who is the killer? What is the secret of the brass coin? A murder mystery that reveal the culprit after series of incidents.

The Tale of A Yellow Dime

Rashmiranjan Sarangi pg. 1



Rashmiranjan Sarangi

The Tale of A Yellow Dime

Rashmiranjan Sarangi pg. 2

Table of Content


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

The Tale of A Yellow Dime

Rashmiranjan Sarangi pg. 3


“This is simply a brass coin.” Vicky told to his friend Rajiv who was holding

a coin in his hand and reading the details written on that coin.

“Not a simple one. It was made almost two hundred years ago. When

British people were ruling India.” Rajiv told to Vicky.

“So what would you do with this?” Rohini said to Rajiv.


“Interesting. You are too simple and straight, Rajiv.” Vicky replied. “Now

please put that coin inside that plastic bag. The room is dark. I need my

cell phone to get on.” Rajiv put that coin in the bag and table lamp kept

nearby turned on automatically.

“It is definitely a black magic.” Rohini said.

“No, it is Electromagnetic Interference. That is causing this strange

phenomenon.” Rajiv told keeping that coin in his suitcase.

“All right guys, let’s get ready. We have our flight after three hours.”

Vicky told to Rajiv and Rohini.

“We are not going buy flight.” Rajiv Said.

“What! Why?”

“Metal detector would catch this coin.”

“My goodness. So what’s your plan?” Rohini asked.

“We are travelling by bus.”

“So disgusting. I can’t do that. I am going by flight. You come by bus.”

Rohini told.

“I am catching the flight, too.” Vicky said.

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“All right guys, take the flight and leave. I am coming to Delhi by bus.”

Rajiv packed the coin in the suitcase and locked it properly.

“You will never change Rajiv.” Vicky and Rohini left to catch the flight.

Rajiv opened his laptop. There is a folder named ‘Rajiv’. He created one

document named ‘Yellow Dime’ inside the folder. He wrote something

on that and locked the document with a password.

After One Month:

“Are you sure Piyadarshan, it will be useful for defense system.” Home

minister asked to professor who was explaining him about a Brass Coin.

“Yes! We can use it.”

“How much it would cost in general.”

“Billions, I guess.”

“Hmm. Update me regularly on the progress. Let me think what I can

do.” He said to professor. Professor continued explaining the nature

about certain rare material which have certain different properties,

similar to magnet. Home minister was listening to him carefully. After

almost three to four hours of discussion professor stopped. Then he

departed from that place. He was pretty satisfied that he was able to

convince Home minister about his work.

Next day, he informed Rajiv about his meeting with Home Minister that

he had shown a special interest on the research work about the brass

coin. Rajiv was glad to hear that.

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Chapter 1

Assistant Commissioner of Police Krishnakanth Wagde, was standing

before a dead body. It was laid on one side of the highway. Shot with two

bullets. He observed closely the dead body. The person is shot at chest

two times. He lifted his head from the dead body and observed the

surroundings. It is a lonely place on the highway. There are less chances

somebody would be the eye witness of the incident.

“Any clue officer?” He told to sub inspector standing behind him.

“I don’t think sir, we will get anything from here. I sent three constables

to check around, but they returned hopeless. They didn’t find anything

that could help us. After postmortem perhaps we may get something.”

“Hmm...All right send the body to forensic lab for postmortem.”

“Yes sir”. He ordered the constables to take the body to forensic

department. They loaded the body carefully and left with an ambulance.

Krishnakanth looked at his wristwatch. It is around 10 O clock in the

morning. Winter has just began. Delhi weather is catching cold. The

murder happened at night seems. On the highway may be the killer

threw the body and left. It is clear from the position of the body. He went

towards his police jeep where sub inspector Rohit was waiting for him.

They left toward the police station.

“Did you get any identity of that person”? I mean any driving license or

any other stuff so we can identify him.

“No sir.” There is no as such thing that we can identify him.

“Hmm...We need to identify this person.” Please try to identify him

through newspaper channel or media.

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“Yes sir. I will take care of that.” Rohit replied. He is working closely with

Krishnakanth for almost a year. This is the first case where he is dealing

with a murder.

Inside the city police station, Sub inspector Rohit, is consoling one lady

before him. She is crying heavily. My husband was an innocent person.

He cannot be having any enemy. Please find the killer and punish him.”

She spoke politely but with full of tears.

“We are investigating. Please help us so we shall trace the criminal as

soon as possible. Please answer few of my questions.” Rohit asked her.

“Please go-ahead.”

“When did you meet your husband last time?”

“In the morning, the day before he was killed. He went for his duty and

didn’t return. I called him at evening. He will be late he told me but he

didn’t return.” She replied.

“You could have inform police. And you work in the same company that

he worked. So didn’t you meet him at office?” Rohit asked.

“This was not the first time he didn’t come late night. Our departments

are different. So sometime we never met at office.” She replied just

clearing her tears with a napkin.


“Sometime he used to work late night at office.”

“Ohm I see. So on that day did he returned to home or not?”

“I don’t know”. She started crying heavily. Watching her situation he

didn’t think of asking any more questions. You may leave now Mrs.

Saxena. I will call you if needed.”

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The lady left the police station answering Rohit. He took her statement.

The man who found murdered on the highway, is a software engineer,

Rajiv Saxena. Rohini Saxena is the wife of Rajiv. She is around twenty

eight. Works in same company where Rajiv worked.

Postmortem report reveals Rajiv was murdered at around morning 3 to

3:15 O’ clock. It was discovered around 7 O’ clock by people moving on

the highway. Death happened because of lack of blood. He was heavily

drunk. The ballistics report reveals he was shot by gun using silencer.

Perhaps that was the reason nobody could hear the firing noise. Rohit

started reading the ballistic report. Bullets are fired from close range. He

collected the reports and went to meet Krishnakanth who was eagerly

waiting for it.

Delhi International Airport. Rohini, was seen siting in the AirPort. Waiting

for the flight from Delhi to Kathmandu. It is almost two days gone the

tragedy happened. She is feeling lonely. She is going to meet her parents

who are staying there. She was wearing a pink saree. Her fashionable

hair style and black goggles attracting many and she was enjoying their

attention towards her. After a while a man with Overcoat came to her

and took the adjacent chair. Rohini looked at her and smiled.

“How you were able to kill Rajiv?” she asked the man.

“Wat make you think like that?”

Savitri told me, “She got a call from you that Rajiv has fully drunk, unable

to walk also.”

“I took him to bar where we had few drinks. When he lost control I took

him to highway and shot with two bullets. This is what you want to hear

right?” The man replied carelessly.

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“Nobody were around.” She appears to be curious, how he did that.

“No, it was a lonely place. “The man replied.

“Police has started investigating the case.” Are you aware of that?

“Don’t worry. They will not be able to trace me.” He was speaking as if

he committed the crime without any clue.

After few moments, it was announced about the flight arrival. Rohini

approached towards the security area. The man with overcoat stood up,

looked around, shook hand with her and started leaving the airport. He

took his car from his parking area and started moving. After sometime

behind the car one police jeep started following the car where Rohit was

driving the jeep. He followed the car. The car left the airport and entered

into the city. After driving certain amount of time it stopped at one

restaurant ‘Hotel sweet Moment’. He entered to the restaurant and

took one table. The waiter came and filled one glass of water.

Rohini entered to flight and took her seat. After sometime one person

came to her place and took the adjacent seat. He was none other than


“Hi, Mrs. Rohini. How are you doing?” he said.

She looked at the person with little wide eye. Yes! How do you know me?

“I am ACP Krishnakanth Wagde, investigating your husband murder


Rohini got little disturbed knowing that.” OH is it! Nice to meet you. But

the other one, who interrogated me at police station. Is he not in the


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“Yes, he is Rohit; my assistant, we both are investigating. Now he is

following your partner, who left you at airport.” He tied his seat belt and

replied with a comfortable voice.

Rohini feels the sky fall on her head.’ She is being followed by police. How


“But, what he did?” she asked.

“He is one of the suspect of your husband murder.”

Rohini, couldn’t speak anything. Krishnakanth noticed that. Then he


“You got a soft corner for him I hope.”

“Yeah. I mean. He is a good friend to me and Rajiv.” She replied. She felt

little annoying with his question.

“OH I see. He was with Rajiv the day murder happened.” Krishnakanth

just trying to know if she is really knows the truth or not.

“OH is it? He didn’t tell me that. They were good friends, usually go most

of the places together. There is nothing surprise on this.”

“I guess he has killed Rajiv. But till now we don’t have any evidence.”

“That’s not possible. They were very good friends.”

“Well, we don’t have any proof right now. Till then he can roam free. By

the way how was relationship with your husband?”

“What do you mean officer?” She seems reluctant to answer these type

of questions.

“I mean relationship with your husband.”

“Well, it was good. We had a great affection for each other.”

The Tale of A Yellow Dime

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The pilot announced that plane is going to start.’ Please tie your seat

belts and switch off your cell phones.’ They both tied their seat belts and

remained quiet. Rohini, switched off her cellphone and kept it inside her

bag. She was totally scared. She is going to Nepal to rid of the grief, but

it looks like rather she is now in a big trouble following the death of her


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Chapter 2

Rohit parked his jeep near to hotel and entered to it. He could see the

person sitting at a corner table. He approached there and took a chair.

The man looked at him and told politely

“Excuse me! This table is booked by me.”

“Yes! Mr. Vicky, I have work with you.” Rohit said.

“How do you know me? Who are you?”

“I am sub inspector Rohit, investigating yours friend murder case.” Rohit


Vicky couldn’t speak anything for a moment. How police knew about him

he started thinking. But interrupted by Rohit. “We are behind you for last

two days. So better you cooperate with us.”

“Yes! Sure but what can I do? Why police is behind me.”

“This is the bar you had your last drink party with Rajiv, isn’t it?” Rohit


“Ahh! Yes! But that was means …it happens often. We used to come this


“Yes, I know. You are the last person who met Rajiv before he died.”

“I don’t know officer. I dropped him at his house after leaving the bar.”

“Then how did his dead body found on the road. You would have

dropped body there.”

‘I don’t know officer. How it happened means I am also shocked to know

that.” Vicky looked terrified with the allegations from Rohit.

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Rohit, ordered two glass whisky. He could notice face of Vicky. He is

almost disturbed. The waiter served them. Vicky took the whisky. Rohit

too picked one glass.

“What do you want from me inspector.” Vicky asked him.

“Complete information. I have your total call information. Before the

death of Rajiv, you had a conversation with Rohini. Am I correct?”

“Yes! Like when I dropped him at his house, I called her to take him



“What about your relation with Rohini.” Rohit interrogation continued.

“What do you mean? She is a good friend to me.” Vicky got little


“That’s nice. Since how long you know each other.”

“Well, Rajiv was an old friend to me and I know Rohini after his marriage.

After that we became friends. We all work in same company.”

“I see.”

The hotel boy came and refill the glasses. Vicky couldn’t decide what to seeing his body language, Rohit continued.

“ACP Krishnakanth is with Rohini in the flight. Investigating the matter.”

Vicky couldn’t believe that, “you mean Rohini is not alone.” He asked.

“Yes! “

“But why? What she did?”

“Before death of Rajiv, you two were had a conversation so came under

suspect, so to resolve the case we both are following you.”

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Vicky couldn’t decide what to do? Rohini, is travelling Kathmandu to

meet her parents. What the hell the ACP is doing with her? What this

want from me? I didn’t kill Rajiv. But I didn’t leave any clue that police

can come to me. Well let’s see.” I can’t help you inspector. Death of Rajiv

is a shock to me.”

“Hmm, I can understand. Please tell me details what you both did on that

night.” Rohit asked.

“It was around seven when we left our company. Then made a plan for

drink and came to this bar. After finishing our party I dropped him at his

house and left.”

“Where did you go after leaving him?”

“To my apartment!”

“No, you didn’t, you went to your office.”

“Am I correct? I checked your swiping history. I could see a late night

entry in your office.”

“Ohm, yes left my bag there, so to take that I went there.”

“Ohm is it? What is the distance of your apartment from office?”

“It takes around twenty minutes by driving.”

“So then you left to your home.”


“You are lying. You didn’t. You went to Rajiv’s house and shot him there.

Then dropped his body on highway.”

“No! I didn’t do anything. I went to my apartment. You can check with

security guard. He saw me while I entered.”

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“Yes! I have already done that. You came to your apartment. Parked your

vehicle. But you left immediately.”

“No I didn’t. I was in my apartment. I didn’t go back.”

“I agree. Security guard didn’t see you leaving apartment. But then how

the murder happened.”

“What do you mean inspector! How can I say?”

“You dropped him and he was drunk. His dead body found in the highway

in the morning. Who did that? Rohini cannot be.”

Vicky remained silent. It was around night 12 O clock. He looked at the

watch. Felt little restless. He looked around. As if he was waiting for


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Chapter 3

Rohini is totally disturbed, seeing Krishnakanth at her adjacent seat.

Krishnakanth could feel her uneasiness.

“Are you comfortable Mrs. Rohini?” He asked her reading one magazine.

“Ohm yes! I am fine.” Her reply showing her discomfort with


‘Please switch off your cellphones and tie your seatbelts.’ Hearing the

announcement inside the plane Krishnakanth switched off his cellphone.

He looked around just to give a look towards the passengers travelling.

Then started looking if anybody is noticing them or not.

“Well, you are from Nepal aren’t you?” He asked to Rohini.

“Yes! I am. “She replied.

“So how did you meet Rajiv? I mean was your marriage is arranged one

or by friendship.”

“I came to India for my studies and after that joined the company where

Rajiv was working. We fall in love and got married.”

“Sad news really hearing your death of your husband. It’s very painful

when you lost your loved one.”

“Yes! I lost my strength.”

“What about your parents, you are travelling to Kathmandu for that

purpose I hope. After this big tragedy people usually prefer to go to their

nearest and dearest one.”

“Yes! Exactly. Rohini felt little relaxed hearing that. I am going to meet

them. What about you? Are you going to monitor me at my home also I

hope.” She asked with a twisted eyed face.

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Krishnakanth looked at her with a smiling face. “If I found you guilty then

you may be arrested Mrs. Rohini.” He replied.

“That is not possible, I didn’t do anything. Why should I kill my husband?”

“But we have checked, the night Rajiv died, he came to home with fully

drunk. Even our inquiry tells that Rajiv never used drunk that much. So

what is the reason he was so much drunk on that day. Our postmortem

report also tells the same.”

Rohini remained speechless hearing that. She understood she has been

monitored closely.” I don’t know, I mean I was also surprised to know

that he was drunk.”

“Then you took him to highway and shot him there and threw his body.

Am I correct?”

“Your allegation is baseless officer. I don’t even know how to use a


“You may not be. But your friend could be.”

“Who? Vicky!”

“Yes!” you both have done it seems.

“I don’t know under which ground you are making him guilty and could

you explain me how you conclude like that we both planned it.”

“We have certain evidence that is making us think like that. It is already

a week your husband died. During our investigation we got to know that

he had some breakthrough on his work. He was an efficient engineer,

who used to busy on his research work. And probably before one month

he was able to make it successful. These all we got while investigating.

But his research was confidential. He might have told about it to you or

close friends. So what was that?” Krishnakanth made a stop to his words

by asking another question.

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“I don’t know officer what you are talking about. Rajiv never revealed

anything to me. Well it is true he has been busy on his profession pretty

longer time. But I am not aware of any discovery. And that to what is the

relation with his murder with discovery?” She expressed her innocence.

“Well matter is that, why a person like Rajiv is murdered?” The flight took

off and started to fly in the sky. Krishnakanth observed Rohini, she was

just enjoying the takeoff. He looked at his wrist watch. Switched on his

cellphone. An SMS he received. It was from Rohit. ‘Is everything is all

right sir? ‘. He replied back “Yes”.

“Excuse me! Inspector I have some work at the counter.” Vicky told to


“Ohm sure. I am waiting for you.”

Vicky went to the counter. The bar owner who is simply a body builder,

a bald man, was enjoying the entertainment show which is going inside

the bar. Seeing Vicky he turned his head toward the table where Rohit is


“What happened Mr. Vicky, today your company is a police inspector.”

He asked to Vicky.

“Yes! I am in big trouble. Help me to get rid of this guy. But how do you

know him James. He is in a civil dress.”

“He came to my bar few days back, investigating some case. Now tell me

what can I do? He is a police. I cannot send my boys to beat him. By the

way what happened?” The bald man named James replied with ease.

“He is behind me on a case of murder. I don’t want him to stay with me



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“Yes! Murder of Rajiv Saxena.”

“Ohm I see, your friend, one week before he found dead on the highway.

I read it on newspaper.”

“Yes and he is thinking I am the killer.”

“Ohm no, he is wrong, must be misdirected.”

“Today I have an important meeting with a new person, but if he is not

leaving this place then.”

“Hmm... Ok, let me think what I can do.”

“Thank you so much. Vicky returned to the table.”

Rohit was observing the conversation between two from the table.

When Vicky reached at him he spoke, “Well Mr. Vicky I am leaving, I have

other work to complete. I hope you are waiting for somebody. I may

disturb you once again.”

“Sure Inspector, My cooperation is with you always”. He couldn’t believe

that Rohit is truly leaving that place. Any way he felt very easy. Rohit left.

Before leaving the bar he hinted James by nodding towards him. The bar

owner nodded. Vicky couldn’t noticed that. Rohit came out of the bar

started his jeep and left. It was almost fifteen minutes past twelve. The

bar is catching its harmony. After sometime a beautiful lady came inside

the bar and stare around. When she saw Vicky moved towards that

direction. Vicky also became alert seeing her. She came to the table and

took one chair.

“How long you are waiting for me?” she asked. The waiter came there to

take the order.

“Around half an hour.” Vicky replied with ease and with a smile.

“Well I am at right time. Not that much late.”

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“Ohm yes, let me order some juice for you.”

“Sure! Thank you.” The lady replied with a courteous voice.

He ordered one whisky and one juice. The waiter left with the orders.

Krishnakanth picked one photograph from his pocket. It was the photo

of the dead body of Rajiv. He showed it to Rohini. “Have a look to it.” She

took that photograph.

“It is my husband.” She replied.

“Yes! My interest is on his dress. It is a night dress. Rajiv was drunk on

that night and he returned to home. Changed his dress. Went to sleep.

Then who killed him. It looks like murder happened at your home and

the dead body thrown on the highway.”

“May be, I was asleep. When I woke up I didn’t see him at home.”

“You mean you didn’t even know he came to home that night.”

“Yes! I didn’t know. I knew it later from y maid Savitri.”

“Interesting! How is that possible?”

“I take sleeping tablet, so I am not aware of what is happening around

during night. It is my maid who usually open the door, if Rajiv came on

late night.”

“I see. You mean on that day, there is a call from Vicky’s cell to your cell.

So who responded that call.”

“My maid! She told me in the morning.”

“Ohm, you have provided that much freedom to her.”

“Yes! She is very trustworthy.”

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“Then she might be knowing when Rajiv left or how he was taken from

home. But in our investigation she didn’t tell anything. Simply she told

she doesn’t know anything.”

“She was scared seeing police. So she lied to police because of me. I told

her not to reveal anything.”

“Well I know that. Because later on we went to her house to investigate.

She told all the truth. She doesn’t know how Rajiv went out of his room.

In the morning she found the door was open. Now it is only you who can

provide a right direction to the case.”

“I told you ACP I don’t know anything. I was just asleep.”

“Anyway your friend is under monitor of Rohit, he will reveal the truth

to him.”

Rohini, looked at Krishnakanth with funny face and said,” Really officer.

I admire your confidence.”

“Thank You So much.” Krishnakanth replied with a calm voice. He

continued reading the magazine he was holding. Rohini switched on her

cell phone and started chatting with online friends. Two air hostess seen

to deliver soft drinks to passengers. Krishnakanth ordered one coke for

him, Rohini requested for a tea.

Vicky took one pen drive from his pocket and showed to the lady.” Your

deal Mrs. Dutta. This drive contains the all the information related to

Rajiv’s research.”

“That’s very good.” Her face looked little bright seeing the pen drive.

“So what is your demand?” She asked.

“One million dollar. That to cash.” Vicky said.

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“Fantastic, I need to check with this information. Once confirmed you

will get the money.”

“Tell me the place where you are going to do the experiment. I will come


“You need to come now with me now.”

“Sure, I am ready.” Vicky finished his whisky glass. Then they both started

to leave the bar. Vicky left his car there on request of Mrs. Dutta. They

walked towards one corner where the lady had parked her vehicle. The

lady start the vehicle, Vicky took the adjacent seat. They both left. After

sometime it was seen that a bike is following them, where Rohit is the

bike rider. They crossed the city and took the highway, after moving

certain distance the lady stopped the car. Vicky became little surprised

to see that. He was about to ask but could see she has picked up one

revolver and instructed him to deliver the pen drive to her.

“Mrs. Dutta? What is this?” Vicky asked with a surprise look. But he was


“Just do whatever I am telling. I don’t have much time.” Looked like she

was in a hurry.

Vicky gave her the pen drive with a hesitation. Didn’t try to act smart.

The gun was pointed towards him.

“Now you get out of the car.” The lady told him showing the gun towards


“What! Where do I go from here?” it was in the mid of highway. Time is

almost 1 O clock night.

“That’s none of my business.” The lady forced him to get down.

Vicky left the car without telling anything. The lady drove her car without

telling anything. Vicky watched her leaving, then looked around. It’s a

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dark night. No one nearby. What shall he do now? He could see a bike is

approaching towards him. He shocked while he saw Inspector Rohit.

Rohit stopped near to him came down from the bike.

“Mr. Vicky you need to come with me to police station.” Vicky didn’t

reply anything. He knew police was following him from the restaurant.

Krishnakanth is busy reading the magazine. A new SMS he received.” I

have a breakthrough. Now Vicky is talking to one lady called Mrs. Dutta.”

He responded. “Sounds good. Keep me updating”. Rohini seems busy

chatting with any close friend. In the adjacent row a couple is sitting. A

newly married couple perhaps. At the back side few guys are busy

gossiping. Krishnakanth started, “so Rohini. What is father doing? I mean

by profession.”

“He is a retired army.” She replied without lifting her face from cell


“Wow! You belong to an army family.”


“Your friend is making a deal.”

“Deal? What type of deal? Vicky is doing deal! With whom.”

“He has the information related to the research work done by Rajiv.”

“Oh is it? I didn’t know about that. He is dealing with whom.”

“Very soon you will know. Rohit is monitoring him.” He told with a smile

on his face.

“Rohini didn’t speak anything. But after hearing that she became little

alert. “He didn’t tell anything to me.” She spoke with a low voice.

The Tale of A Yellow Dime

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“He is making a million dollar deal. He killed your husband and now

taking the benefit of his research work.”

“That is not possible officer. He cannot be the murderer. He might have

stolen the information from Rajiv, but he will never kill Rajiv.”

“May be you are correct. Let’s see what is the outcome is coming.”

Rohini stopped chatting. She stood up and went to refresh. Krishnakanth

noticed she took her vanity bag with her. He looked around if anybody is

keeping an eye on him or her. No! Looks everybody is busy themselves.

He checked the time. Still there is while to reach at destination.

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Chapter 4

It was around night one O’ clock. Vicky is sitting behind the bike and Rohit

is driving. They were moving towards the police station. He is not able to

decide what to do. The highway is populated with high speed traffic.

Weather is cold. He tried to convince Rohit not to make a police case,

but Rohit didn’t listen a single word. Escaping from police will be

dangerous. What shall I do now? Many thoughts captured his mind. The

lady betrayed him. It was a big shock for him as well. After leaving the

highway, they enter to city. Rohit directed his bike towards police

station. But after sometime they were interrupted by few guys. Rohit

stopped his bike. He could see the guys were fully armed with iron chains

and rods. Two of them were with knife. He couldn’t understand who

these guys are. Vicky by seeing them totally scared. Immediately Rohit

turned his bike and started moving same direction he just came. Very

soon he could hear the noises of few bikes started and following him.

Now it’s became a chase game between him and the unknown people.

“Who are these guys?’ He asked to Vicky.

“I don’t know. I never seen these people.” He told.

“They must be behind us because of you.” He picked the highway again

and start moving. Those guys also started following him. Rohit increased

the speed. In the darkness on the highway the chase game became more

challenging. The bike riders behind also increased the speed. They

started coming closer to Rohit. In the midnight where so many vehicles

were moving with high speed, it became difficult for Rohit to maintain a

high speed. After sometime he asked to Vicky;

“Do you know how to use a gun?”

“Yes! I can.” Vicky replied without thinking anything.

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“Use my gun and shoot their tires.” He said to Vicky.

Vicky took the gun and fired on one bike. The bullet hit on the headlight

of the bike. The person couldn’t drive without his headlight and stopped.

Others still followed them.

“It is difficult to target the bikes just looking back that to in the night. But

if we stop certainly they will kill us.” Vicky replied to Rohit.

“Rohit, didn’t give much interest to his words. Do you have any idea

about this route? Rohit asked to Vicky.”

“After travelling almost two kilometers there is a petrol pump. That I


“That’s nice!” Rohit increased the speed and start moving towards the

petrol pump increasing the distance between him and the bikes behind

him. With less two a minutes he reached at the petrol pump and stopped

the bike.

“Why you stopped?” Vicky asked him.

“We need to wait here for them?”

“For whom? The guys following us!”


Vicky didn’t think much, he gave the gun to Rohit and ran to hide himself.

Rohit put the bike in a corner and waited for the bikers. Very soon the

bike riders crossed the petrol pump without stopping. They couldn’t

follow Rohit perhaps.

They didn’t see us. Rohit told himself. It’s a good time to escape. He

called Vicky, “hurry up they couldn’t see us. Let’s go away from here.”

They both left the petrol pump and start moving towards the city.

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Rohini came after few minutes. She could see, Krishnakanth is still busy

reading the magazine. He looked at Rohini and stoop up. Rohini took her


“Thanks officer.” She looked little comfortable.

“No problem.” Krishnakanth, stood up and left for refresh. After few

seconds an air hostess came to Rohini and gave her one small parcel.

“Mrs. Rohini, this parcel is for you.” She hinted towards one person who

had sent that to her.

“Ok, thank you. I was waiting for it.”

“My pleasure. The air hostess left.”

She took the parcel and opened it. One pen drive is kept inside it. A

beautiful smile came to her face. She kept the pen drive inside the parcel

and put the parcel inside her bag. She noticed Krishnakanth is coming

back. She became alert. Krishnakanth looked very calm and relaxed. He

took his seat and continued speaking with Rohini.

“So, Rohini have you ever faced any type of trouble from Rajiv.”

“Occasionally. I mean it happens with every couple I think.”

“What type of?”

“He was very pessimistic. Never enjoy any party or get together. Very

often busy with his work. That sometime put both of us in quarrelling

with each other. I used to go for outing myself. He never would like to

join with me.”

“You mean to say he was not that much outgoing.”


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“We have the forensic report. He was drunk but one more interesting

point we got. He was shot around early morning. It was foggy day. We

found the dead body at one side of the highway. It was not noticed by

many people moving on the highway. It looks like after shooting his body

was thrown there. His death time tells he died early morning. But the

bullets were shot at him before one hour of his death. So he was alive

while he was thrown there. Because of alcohol he couldn’t move and

asked for help. So it is the alcohol that is the true cause of his death.

Forensic report also reveals that Rajiv might have lost his consciousness

after taking heavy amount of drink. Now what happened to him that

made him take such a heavy drink? He was not alcoholic, that’s what our

report says.”

“How can say officer. I am not aware of anything. Yes, he seldom drink.

But I don’t know why he drunk that much.”

“Usually, it happens when a person get any unexpected shock or change

he usually take the help of alcohol. Mostly it happens in love affairs or

any unfaithful relationship.”

“What do you mean Mr. Krishnakanth?”

“I mean had he any extramarital affair?”

“No, he wasn’t. I mean I don’t think so. Person like Rajiv hardly having

any other relationship at least he wouldn’t cheat me.

“And what about you? Do you have any?”

“No way. I am good to my husband always.”

“Well, I trust you. We are doing a DNA sample check. After all you are

pregnant. That report will reveal the truth about you.”

Rohini, seemed tongue tied hearing that. “How can you do that


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“See, Mrs. Rohini we need to look all the possible cases. If you are clean

then there is no issue. But if it comes different then I will take it

differently. After all it our Job to find out the culprit.” Krishnakanth said.

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Chapter 5

“Mr. Vicky you tell me detail, what you know about the murder case. And

who is this lady? Rohit asked driving the bike.”

“Inspector I will tell you the truth. I am not the killer. But I am the person

who threw the body of Rajiv on the highway. I left my home early

morning to know what happened to Rajiv, as he was fully drunk. But

when I reached there I found the door is opened. I entered to the hall

checked with the maid servant. She was sleeping as if it was midnight.

Then I went to upstairs. I couldn’t Rajiv there. I saw Rohini, she was

sleeping as well. I came down went to garage. There I found the body of

Rajiv. He was shot. I couldn’t understand what to do. From there I took

his body and threw it on the highway and came back. Cleaned the


“Looks like an interesting story. And still the maid was asleep.”

“Yes, it looks like for both of them nothing happened. They were

dreaming perhaps”

“Hmm. then?”

“Then I left to apartment and cleaned my vehicle and erased all the

things that can put me in danger.”

“But why didn’t you tell police all these thing?”

“Due to fear. I was totally scared with the happening. Unable to think

what should I do?”

“Then from where you got the pen drive.”

“Pen drive? Which pen drive.”

“Mr. Vicky, I have all the recording with the lady you have.”

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Vicky realized coming to bar and taking a drink with him was a plan of

Rohit and bar boy is supporting him. “I took it from the desk of Rajiv.

Because I knew about it.”

“Then who killed Rajiv? And what is the reason he drunk that much. He

was not a bad guy.”

“On that day particularly he started drinking himself. I was even

surprised seeing him that way. It looks like he got any shocking


“How was his relationship with Rohini?

Vicky was not prepared for such a question perhaps. “Rajiv was having a

great likeness towards her, I mean to say she was everything for him.”

He answered.

Rohit, looked at his wrist watch. Time is going to be around two O clock.”

We need to visit his house right now.”

“Whose house?”


“Ok, I am fine. But disturbing them this time!”

“We will enter to house from back side.”

Vicky didn’t tell anything.

They drove towards the Rajiv’s house. Rajiv had built his house himself.

It was little outside of the city area the house located. Rohit parked the

vehicle at the backside. It was a dark night. There is no light. His house is

covered with boundary. They both jumped the boundary and entered

into the was very easy for them. “The maid must be inside. She

should not see us.” Rohit instructed to Vicky. They took the pillar to reach

the second floor of the building. With little difficulty they were able to

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reach at top floor. Vicky was fully aware of that building. He helped Rohit

to get into it. It was the room of Rajiv. Vicky was going to turn on the


“Nope! Don’t do that. Rohit told silently. We need to complete our work

with caution.”

“But what we need to do?”

“Searching for clue. The time you dropped Rajiv in this room, the killer

must be inside it.”

“But officer you can do it tomorrow morning in the daylight.”

“Yes! I don’t want to take any chance. Let me see if anything help me.

So you put Rajiv on bed.”

“Not exactly! I helped him to change his dress. I mean to sleep well I took

off his clothes and helped him to wear the night dress.”

“Then you left.”

“Yes. I switched off the light and left.”

“The maid is witness of that.”


“Did you notice any change that time, I mean anybody’s presence.”

“Nope! But how did the killer came inside?”

“May be the way we came in.”

Rohit, switched on the table lamp. Then knelt down and check below the

bed. His suspect was right. The killer was below the bed. He could notice

few hair pieces. He collected them with caution. May be his head is

rubbed with the below part of bed and few hairs fall. It is a great

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evidence. Vicky was watching Rohit. He could see how carefully he kept

those hairpieces in his pocket. But remained silent.

“How can you say inspector it is the killer’s one.” Vicky seems little

curious. “The hairs may belongs to anyone.” He couldn’t kept his silence.

“That we can decide through forensic test. If does belong to any one

other than Rajiv, that would help us. I instructed Savitri not to do

anything to Rajiv’s room as long as the investigation is going on. And the

room is locked from outside from the day of his death. But I didn’t check

below the bed, I mean I couldn’t think that way.” Vicky seems little

tensed. It’s pretty clear that the way the house is built anyone can enter

to it from back side. Rajiv used to study at late night, so he preferred to

make his house own way. They both left as they came. Rohit didn’t arrest

Vicky. But warned him not to leave the city and not to reveal anything to


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Chapter 6

Krishnakanth could notice the face of Rohinis expression has changed

considerably. There is no smile on her face. She stopped talking to him.

The pilot announced, the flight is going to land in Kathmandu with in few

minutes. He checked his wristwatch. It is 2:18 pm. He received a message

from Rohit. ‘I got a clue to trace the killer.’ He replied,” excellent job.”

Very soon I will meet with you. The flight took the ground with in few

minutes and stopped. The passengers started taking their luggage.

Krishnakanth took his bag and started towards the exit door where two

lady air hostess saying good bye to all. Rohini took her vanity bag and

start leaving. One man from behind came closer to her and asked

“Did you tell him anything? I mean who is he?”

“Nothing much, normal gossiping. It is not the right place to talk more.

Anyway I am going meet my parents, in two days I will be back to Delhi.

Till then final the deal. Now bye. She didn’t reveal the true identity of


“All right.” The man started leaving. He was wearing a blue shirt and

black jeans with a briefcase. A well transparent spectacles making his

face more charming. He came out of the flight and start towards the exit.

Krishnakanth came out of the airport, with in few seconds an old

fashioned car came before him. The driver opened the door “welcome

Mr. Krishnakanth”. He took the back seat. “So how are you Gautam? “

“I am fine. I knew your purpose of coming here. I got a command from

IG to take care of you.”

“Yes! I need to perform a very important task. Please follow that car. “He

pointed one direction.

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Gautam turned his head towards one side, where a blue maruti van is

standing. The man whom Rohini met in the flight entered to that van.

The van started running one direction. He started his car and followed

him. Around fifteen minutes, the van entered to a Hotel. It is a luxurious

one. The man from blue car came out and the driver took the car towards

the parking area. He went to reception and talked to the receptionist for

few moments, then took the lift and went up. Krishnakanth monitoring

everything from his car. He came out and told Gautam to leave. Gautam

left giving his contact number to Krishnakanth. He took the stair and

entered to the main hall.

“Good evening sir! The receptionist greeted him.” The receptionist is a

young Nepali lady. Her charming gratitude impress Krishnakanth.

“Good evening. I need a room.” He replied with soft voice.

“For a single person?”


“For how many days.”

“Two days. May I get a room near to the room of the gentleman just

came. He showed his Identity to the receptionist. She looked at it.”

“Sure sir, I can arrange one.”

“Please keep it confidential.”

“Sure. I will take care of that. Your Room no 807. The gentleman is

staying in 808.”

“Ohm... Thanks a lot. I will be grateful for this.”

“No problem sir.”

Krishnakanth took the lift and reached before room no 807. He looked at

808. It is closed from inside. Then opened his door and entered into it.

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Vicky returned to his apartment. Hearing the horn the gatekeeper

opened the gate. He parked his car and took the stair. Few seconds he

was at the door of his flat. He opened it and turn on the light. Divesting

surprise. He could see a disaster of his rooms, kitchen, beds and all. Who

did this? He immediately called the gate keeper.

“Jaggu, who came to my house?”

“I don’t know sir. But before almost an hour ago, one lady with an

unknown man came to meet you. I didn’t check much because I have

seen that lady you with earlier. I was not aware that you are not in the

apartment. I thought might be you have called them this night. So I let

them entered.”

Vicky got it, it was Mrs. Dutta.

“Then?” He asked.

“After sometime they left.”

Hmm... Ok go and sleep. Sorry to disturb you. Jaggu left. Why she came

here? And what is the reason they made my house like this? What they

are looking for. He started arranging his goods. He called Rohit.

“Yes! Rohit here.”

“Sir! They came to my house. I don’t know what they are looking for.”

“Who came?”

“Mrs. Dutta and her friend.”

“Hmm... Be careful. Tomorrow we will look after them. Rohit


Vicky couldn’t sleep. What he had thought and what is happening. He

decided he will explain all the information’s whatever he knows to police.

The clock rang, it is night three O clock. He went to bed and tried to take

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rest, but no, in the past few hours so many things happened. Mrs. Dutta

betrayed him. He would have killed today, incase police were not there

to help him. My dear friend Rajiv, what I am doing, he almost started

crying. Within half an hour he fall asleep.

Krishnakanth after taking cup of coffee, called Rohit. He made the coffee

himself inside the room. He was tired, but wanted to know what

happened with Rohit. Rohit picked up the call after few rings.

“Hello sir, how was your trip?”

“It was good. I had a good gossip with Rohini. So what clue you got.”

“Few hair samples from Rajiv’s room.”

“Clear me.”

“Vicky is the person who threw the dead body on the highway. But he

didn’t kill Rajiv. That is what he is telling.” Then Rohit explained all the

incident happened with them.

Krishnakanth hearing these remained silent for a moment.” I have one


“What is the reason Vicky threw the dead body. I mean he could have

left as it is. He is hiding few things. Interrogate him well. If needed arrest


“Ok sir.”

“Now good night. I need some rest.”

“Good night.”

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Rohini’s parents were waiting for her at the airport. By seeing their

daughter they became overwhelmed with happiness. She hugged both

of them. Her mother was full of tears.

“What happened to my child? Who did this to her. She started sobbing.”

“Mama, it’s all right. Police is trying to nab the culprit.” She tried to calm

her mother. After few moments, they started towards their residence.

Rohini looked around before leaving, she couldn’t see Krishnakanth


“Whom you are looking for beta”, her father asked.

“Nobody papa. Let’s go.” They drove. After driving almost an hour they

reached at their place. Her home is similar to a palace. Her father made

it. It was a dark night. Heavy cold. They parked their vehicle. Rohini’s

father told her to take rest. There servant came and took her luggage’s.

We will talk tomorrow. Rohini went to her room. Her old room, where

she used to her study. She closed the door and took the pen drive from

her vanity bag and connected to her laptop. A beautiful smile came to

her face. She closed the laptop, put the pen drive again in her bag and

went for sleeping.

It was the good morning bell, which make Krishnakanth to open his eyes.

Morning seven thirty. He finished his morning activity and went down to

take breakfast. The breakfast table was full with famous Nepali dishes.

He chooses few of them. He could see the person he followed last night

coming towards the breakfast table. He hide his face by taking a

newspaper. The man couldn’t guess Krishnakanth is around. Almost half

an hour he stayed like that till he finishes his breakfast. The man after

finishing his breakfast went out where his blue van was waiting for him.

He took the van and left. Krishnakanth dialed Gautam, to follow that

vehicle if possible. He went up and stand before room no 808. It is locked.

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He opened his room and opened his windows. There is no way he can

reach to 808. But he could see the window of 808 is not closed. He

opened his bag and took one device looks like a small rod. He pulled one

side of it and it became a more than a meter thin steel rod. He tried to

use that rod to put a spy microphone through the window of 808 room.

But no, the rod is not reaching there. The microphone work through

Bluetooth technology. He used another device show he can trigger the

spy microphone through wire. It was like a wire gun. With little difficult

he was able to do that. Now he will be able to hear what is going on inside

that room. He came down and waited for that unknown man. After

sometime he got a call from Gautam.

“He is returning to hotel. Two businessmen are with him.” Gautam told

to Krishnakanth.

“Fine, I am waiting for them.” After sometime the man came with two

Nepali gentleman. Looks rich and domineering. They were greeted well

at the reception. The man took them to his room 808. Krishnakanth

immediately reached at his room and switched on his laptop putting a

headphone to hear their conversations. After sometime he was able to

understand they were talking about some deal. But for his

embarrassments they all were talking in Nepali Hindi mix languages. Any

way he tried to capture what is their plan.

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Chapter 7

When Vicky opened his eyes, he could see Inspector Rohit is sitting

beside him reading the daily newspaper.

“Good morning Vicky! You had kept your door opened. So I came in.”

“Ohm, that’s all right. Yeah… I mean I was totally stressed.”

“I know, I can see your house. Tell me one think, the pen drive you gave

to that lady. What is it all about?”

“You know about it inspector.”

“Yes! I had kept a transmitter below your table with the help of bar boy.”

“The pen drive contains the research work of Rajiv. But I don’t know what

is that, means never tried to understand.”

“Who else knows about it?

“Mrs. Dutta only.”

“Who is this Mrs. Dutta?”

“Rajiv introduced her to me few months back. We used have get

together. Sometime at restaurants.”

“Where is she live?

“I don’t know. I mean I never need that.”

“You must be having her contact number.”


“How she knew about Rajiv research work.”

“Rajiv introduced me on that basis.”


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“She was partner with his research work. They used to sit and discuss

about it long time. And most of the conversation happens either in

restaurant or park. I never saw her coming to our office.”

“I see. It looks like there is a plan behind her meeting with you guys. What

exactly Rajiv was working on.”

“I am sorry inspector, I never gave interest on his work. I mean we are

good friends. But Rajiv was a genius. His contribution to our organization

is enormous. But what exactly his project was unknown to me. The pen

drive I stole from him, to get a good amount of money. It was a plan of

Mrs. Dutta. But I never knew he would be killed. I lost my best friend.

Few days before Mrs. Dutta called me and told me about her intensions.

That day I came to know about her. But I didn’t think twice before making

a deal with her and I agreed.”

“But why did you shifted the body of Rajiv from his residence.”

“Vicky remained silent for a moment. Then continued, I was totally

shocked when I saw his dead body in the garage. I was unable to think

anything. A fear catch my mind. Is it because of my plan Rajiv is

murdered, I mean I felt if anybody is planning to trap me. So I shifted his

body from there. That to on that night I had heavy drink with him.

“Hmm... Rajiv was not such a drunkard. Why did he drank that mush on

that day?”

“It was Rohini, she is pregnant. He got a medical report that the child is

not of him.”

“Ohm. Is that? Did Rajiv reveal that to you?”

“Yes! Because of that he was drinking heavily.”

“Poor Rajiv. So, Mr. Vicky get ready. I have lot of work finish. You need

to come with me. We need to finish few official formalities.”

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“All right inspector. Let me finish my bath.”

“Sure! I am waiting.” Rohit replied. Vicky called Jaggu to arrange two

coffee and breakfast for both of them and went to finish his morning

activity. Rohit continued reading newspaper.”

From the conversation, krishnakanth could feel that they are talking to a

third person online. Who is that? The unknown man is calling her

madam. She is a lady. They were dealing a business. Some ten million

dollar. The business persons were speaking very few words like ‘yes’, ‘No’

‘Ok’. Later on he could hear one deal word from the conversation. It is in

Delhi. Then there was a long silence. Perhaps they are done with their

job. He came out of his room and reached at the reception area, took the

newspaper and started waiting for them. After few minutes the

unknown man and the two business men came down. They started

leaving with the blue van. Krishnakanth also left the hotel and called

gautam. Within few seconds gautam reached and both of them started

following the blue van. The blue van after running for almost one hour

stopped at front of a company. It looks like a mines company. The two

business man got down from the van and went into the company. The

blue van started leaving. Krishnakanth couldn’t understand what to do.

He noted the address of that place and instructed gautam to follow the

van. What a mines business linked with murder of Rajiv. He called Rohit.

Rohit speaking!

“Try to get to know what exactly profession of Rajiv. I need a detailed

report of his professional background as well as his education details and


“Sure sir! I will take that. By the way when are you returning?”


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“I am waiting for you.”

Gautam followed the van. The van reached at the hotel where the

unknown man is staying. Krishnakanth after talking to Rohit, started

talking to him

“Gautam, I have a task for you.”

“Order me sir!”

“I need the detail information about that mines company as well as the

two business man. What is the dealing they are going to make? May be

this is our last meeting, tomorrow I will leave for India.”

“Sure sir! Very soon I will update you.”

“Now good bye.” He got down and went into the hotel.

Gautam left promising he will be looking after about the case.

Krishnakanth came to his room. He ordered his lunch to his home. After

finishing lunch came out and took a tourist bus to make a trip of

Kathmandu. It was cold. He was wearing dark overcoat with a round cap

and it making him distinguished from other tourists. His thick moustache

and sometime funny gesture simply started attracting small kids in the

bus. Within few moments he started enjoying with the tourists from

different locations.

Rohini, was sitting in a hill station area, in a restaurant, she has opened

her laptop and talking. Taking a cup of coffee and she was simply busy

talking to somebody. After talking for pretty long time, she closed her

laptop. People around enjoying the sites. Her face looks bright after

talking for long time. She was finalizing any deal. She got a call from her


“Where are you dear?”

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“I am enjoying the hill station papa. It’s so nice.”

“That’s good, when are you planning to back.”

“Within few hours, I will be at home.”

“Be careful beta. Come soon. We are waiting for you. Bye.”

“Bye, papa see you soon.” She disconnected.

She started taking photographs of various sites. How time passed she

didn’t notice. But a voice made her alert. She turned around.

”Hello Mrs. Rohini, nice to see you again.” It was Krishnakanth.

“Hi officer, you are still following me.”

“Nope, it’s a coincidence we met here. I am enjoying site seeing here”

“Oh is it?” she looked at him. He was having camera with him taking



“So did you get any breakthrough?”

“OH yeah, I got a reason to murder Rajiv.”

“What’s that?”

“The father of your baby is not Rajiv.”

“Rohini couldn’t describe anything. How can you say like that?”

“And that is the reason Rajiv was full of wine on that day. That is what

our latest investigation.”

Rohini looked disturbed. She put her camera in her bag. “Officer I need

to go home, my parents are waiting for me.”

“Sure, anyway we will be meeting very soon in India.”

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Rohini left horribly, without telling anything. Krishnakanth looked at her

and smiled then started taking photographs of hill station area.

“Tell me the brief story behind these all events. I assure you if you are

innocent, nothing will happen to you. What is the deal you were doing?”

Rohit asked Vicky. They were in the policed station. He was eager to

know what the relationship of deal with the murder is.

Vicky knew he needs to reveal whatever he knows. He started speaking,

“It started around eight months back, when I with Rajiv and Rohini visited

to Kerala for a trip. It was beginning of summer. We had a week plan to

stay there and visit different places. After taking an air trip of few hours

we reached a Trivandrum, where our plan was to stay for a night. We

took a taxi and reached at one hotel. We kept put our luggage’s there

and came out to make a visit to the city. We enjoyed and next day we

went to Padmanabha temple. Rajiv insisted us to move to interior area

of Kerala where I and Rohini rather like travel to different cities of Kerala.

We couldn’t deny him. We went interior of the city. I could feel the

internal culture of Kerala. As if our old Indian traditions are still alive

there. We were able to accommodate in old fashioned guest house for

our night stay. It was the guest house keeper who was with us for next

five days. With help of we were able to discover so many mystery hidden

in Kerala.” Vicky took a glass of water and relaxed little bit.

“Mystery, what type of mystery?”

“Have you ever heard of brass coins, those are capable of stopping

electronic devices even a vehicle?”

“I know brass coins those are sold with little price but never heard of

such coins you are talking about. Rohit, seems curious.”

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“While visiting inside the villages and enjoying the sites we came across

one place where our vehicle didn’t start at all. I checked all the parts and

it was all good. The gas tanks was seventy percent full. One old man

sitting nearby came to us and showed us one brass coin. Then he put that

inside a cover of thick rubber and told us to start the vehicle. And to our

surprise the engine started. Then he took out the coin and engine

stopped itself. Rajiv became curious to see that and asked that man to

sell that coin to him. I and Rohini were disinterested thinking it could be

some black magic and advise him not to take that. But by paying around

thirty thousand rupees Rajiv took that from him. It seemed crazy to me.

Spending such a well amount on a brass coin. The next day we returned.

We didn’t reveal about it to anyone. Rohini and I didn’t care, thinking it

is a waste of money. But Rajiv started working on it. He tested it on his

vehicle many times and every time it stopped the engine and his research

work started from that day. It was the day when he introduced me with

Mrs. Dutta and talked me about his findings. That the brass coin is really

having certain power that can useful. It has capability of stopping a bus

as well and if used more than one has the ability to stop a plane. I was

surprised hearing all these things from him. I assumed he has lost his

mind. But I knew Rajiv. He never bluff. Before few days I got a call from

Mrs. Dutta and her surprised deal of stealing the research information’s

from Rajiv. I agreed to do that as it was just an information to be taken

from Rajiv. No other threat I found. So started monitoring closely where

usually Rajiv is going to store his information. Once I was able to log in to

his laptop, but I couldn’t find it. But two days before his death he

revealed me that he is going to share this information with ministry of

defense. He showed me one pen drive that contains all the information.

Next day suddenly at evening he requested me to go for a drink and

drank heavily. I took that opportunity and went to office to steal the pen

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drive from his drawer. He was drunk so it became easy for me. The next

day I found him dead.”

“All right, Mr. Vicky let me believe your story. If that coin was so

powerful, Rajiv might have kept it some safe place. “

“Of course yes. But I don’t know where it is? Rohini may have some idea.”

“Well, let Krishnakanth return from Kathmandu. Now we need to look

after about Mrs. Dutta. Any idea where we can find her.”

“I don’t know where she stays. Rajiv introduce me her as a mineral

expert. She is doing her research at different mines in Delhi.”

Rohit, and Vicky they both left to trace the identity of Mrs. Dutta. The

only way of finding her to move different mines and search about her

identity. But Rohit can sense Vicky is hiding something from him.

Delhi airport. Time around night three thirty. The flight from Kathmandu

to Delhi is about to reach. Rohini who is passenger to that flight getting

ready. Behind couple of seats Krishnakanth who is returning on the same

flight also started to get down. Within few minutes the flight touched the

ground with her typical style. Running for few seconds on the way of aero

drum, it stopped with a big hissing noise. Passengers didn’t wait for

announcement of the pilot and started getting off their seats and stood

up to get down as soon as possible. They started leaving the flight.

Rohini, came out of the airport, few taxi driver hurried to her, but she

was waiting for someone else. After sometime it was seen Vicky coming

towards her with a smiling face.

“I hope you didn’t wait much.” Vicky replied.

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“I am fine.” The expression of Rohini doesn’t look friendly. She didn’t

speak much. They both left towards her home. And for krishnakanth

Rohit was there to pick him up.

“How was your trip sir?” .He shook his hand with him and asked.

“Interesting and useful as well. The Rajiv murder case put me in big


“What happened?”

Krishnakanth took one letter and showed to Rohit. Rohit started reading

with full interest.

From Ministry of defense this letter has come. “They are more curious to

the true reason behind the murder.” Krishnakanth continued. “The day

Rajiv died and we flashed the news. I got a call from IG. After having a

discussion on that, he told me that Deputy Home minister showed a

special interest on his death inquiry. So I made a plan to visit to

Kathmandu. I guess this death is not meant for any love interest as we

guess earlier. There is a big plan behind it.”

“I am aware of that.” Vicky revealed so many things about Rajiv’s

research work. Then he described detailed to Krishnakanth, as they were

driving towards Krishnakanth’s apartment.

“But I didn’t understand one thing, sir. If it is matter about money. Why

somebody kill that innocent guy.” Rohit had a question.

Krishnakanth took one cigar and started thinking. “We need to

investigate.” Rohit focus is on the way driving with caution.

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Chapter 8

It is a warm sunny day. Delhi weather is normal cold today. Rohini with

her professional get up seen at her boss chamber. Her boss Mr. Baxi, who

is around at mid-forty, making a brief conversation on her activity.

“I hope you are ok now, I mean you are ready to take your work now.”

Am I correct?” He asked.

“Yes sir! I am now almost out of my psychological pain.”

“That’s good. I am really very sorry for what happened to you. But bad

incidents cannot be avoided. My full support is with you. By the way how

is your parents? Are they good enough.”

“Yeah, pretty much. They will be visiting to Delhi very soon.”

“That’s a good news. Well, you may leave now. Catch you later.”

“Good day sir.” Rohini left.

Vicky watched her coming from boss’s chamber. She was looking little

tensed. What’s the matter? It is not wise to interrupt her now. He went

to her and took a chair to sit.

“Hey what you have brought for me from Kathmandu?” He started a


Rohini, looked at her and replied,” I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Did our boss! “

“No, it is a different matter.”

“Then let’s go outside and talk about it.”

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“No I won’t.” Rohini keep busy herself with her work. “Please don’t

disturb me now.” She told him. Vicky totally got surprised by her

behavior. He came to his desk, but couldn’t sit there. Immediately he

went out of the wing, and went to cafeteria to smoke. Ater a while he

heard Rohini is calling.” Hello Vicky”, Rohini was standing behind him.

“I came to know, you were making a business deal with one lady on

research work of Rajiv.” Is that true?

“I see, this is the matter. Ah that’s not true. I mean who told you.”

“Krishnakanth, the ACP, he was travelling to Kathmandu too.”

“It was just a different matter. What he knows about it. I mean how he

knew it.”

“Don’t act. You know everything. So what happened! How much you got.

One million dollar.” Rohini wants to hear from Vicky.

Vicky looked at her! Speechless unable to explain,” Rohini I couldn’t do

anything. The pen drive was taken from me and I didn’t get a penny. In

fact because of Inspector Rohit, I am alive now.”

“Wow! Great plan. After killing Rajiv, you are dealing a business behind

me. Smart guy.”

“And what you did with him, betrayed him. Back stabbed him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Rajiv knew he is not the father of your child. On that day he could have

died by simply drinking. I stopped him. Poor Rajiv.”

“Then why did you kill him. He would have died on his way.”

“I didn’t kill him. I don’t know who killed him.”

“Shh... Now you are faking that.”

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“No, I am not. I told to inspector everything. They knew about you also.

God knows who killed my friend.” They both remained silent, looked at

each other. After finishing smoking, came together and took their work

place and became busy with their work. There was no communication

between them, as if they understood each other very well that

something fishy is there unknown to both of them perhaps.

Krishnakanth was holding two sketches with his hands and addressing to

team of police working under him. One sketch is about the unknown man

with Rohini and other one was about Mrs. Dutta. He is telling all of them,

it’s very important to find these two people. “The details, I need in two

days. Search everywhere. The lady is a mineral expert and other one

unknown to us. Everybody agree with that.”

“Yes sir! A group approval from team.” The team left, Krishnakanth

addressed towards Rohit.

“Rohit, we need to know about Rajiv more detail. “

“Sir, we can interrogate Rohini about the unknown man.”

“Nope! She would be alert. Our job is not only find the murderer but also

to trace the plan. We need to meet the maid servant of Rohini once


When both reached at the house of Rohini, the lady servant was busy

with gardening. Hearing the noise of vehicle she came and opened the

front gate. But the seeing the two police officer at front instantly she

spoke “madam is in office, she will return at evening.”

“We have work with you.” Rohit told.

“With me? Saab I didn’t do anything, I am poor woman.” She was little


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“We know that. But need some help from you.” Rohit could understand

her emotions.

“Saab, ask me what you want to know.”

“Tell me what happened on that night. We want to know more detailed.

You have hidden few things to us. So better you tell us the reality.”

“It was around night elven thirty or nearly. Our madam used to take

sleeping tablets to sleep well. She went for sleeping waiting Rajiv Saab.

Almost after half an hour Vicky Saab came with Rajiv Saab. Rajiv Saab

was fully drunk. He was not even able to speak properly. I had never seen

him like that. They both went upstairs and after sometime Vicky Saab

came down and left. I closed the door and locked the front gate as well

and went for sleeping. While I woke around six thirty morning, I found

madam is still asleep but I didn’t find Rajiv Saab at his room.”

“Are they using separate room to sleep?”

“Actually when madam knew that she is pregnant, she preferred to sleep

alone not to get disturbed.”

“I see. Then what happened.”

“Then I went down to but I saw door is opened. Initially I assumed Saab

may have gone to walk. I found the front gate also opened. Then I started

cleaning. But I found that the garage is cleaned by somebody else, I mean

it is poured with water. Little doubt and fear came to my mind. I

immediately I went up and woke up madam and told everything. She

called Rajiv Saab but it was coming cell is switched off. Then from the

news we came to know about the incident.”

Krishnakanth went to the garage. Gave a clear look to it. Then he went

to Rajiv’s room. It was locked from outside. The maid opened the door.

He check all the portion of the room. He was looking for something

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related to research work of Rajiv. But he didn’t find it.” Where is Rajiv’s

laptop? He must be his laptop. And he might have kept some important

data in it.” He asked to Savitri.

“Saab, I don’t know. His laptop also gone from the day he died.”

“Ohm is it?”

“You didn’t tell me earlier.” Rohit interrupted. “You didn’t reveal this in

our earlier interrogation.”

“We had no idea about it.”

“It might be with Vicky.” Rohit told to Krishnakanth.

“Can you confirm it now?” He replied.

Rohit dialed to Vicky.

“Yes Rohit, Vicky here.”

“Do you have the laptop of Rajiv? I mean his personal laptop.”


“We are not finding it. Does Rohini knows about it?”

“I have no idea.”

“All right. Sir he doesn’t about it.” Rohit relied holding the call.

“The killer has stolen it perhaps. That is one tool may contains all the

information. Whoever it is he is well known to Rajiv. I hope the necessary

things he has stolen from his room and may be Rajiv has seen him and

because of that he is murdered. But why did he put the body at garage.”

“Is Vicky lying?” Rohit had a question.

“Nope he won’t. I believe he is not the killer.” Krishnakanth replied.

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“Tell me one thing,” Krishnakanth interrogated to the servant, “who are

the people generally come this place to meet Rajiv.”

“Saab, mostly his colleagues, those work with him. Both madam and

Saab work in same company. So many friends come to his house. They

do a lot of fun. Saab our Rajiv Saab was a very generous person. I don’t

know who killed him. He cannot make enemy.”

“I understand. Now we are leaving. But you are under our suspicion.”

They both started leaving.

“Saab wait please, let me make some tea for you people.”

“No thanks, we are leaving.” They both left.

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Chapter 9

Vicky was feeling somehow lucky, that police has not arrested him yet.

Though they were having many reasons to put him into custody but till

now he is safe. He looked at the clock that was at the wall at his wing. It

is time to go home. He packed his bag and started leaving office. He came

to parking area and started his car. After crossing the main gate he

caught the traffic populated road. Many vehicles, impossible to catch a

speed of ten to fifteen also. After sometime the traffic thickness became

thinner. He took a right turn towards the highway road. He could hear

the ringing sound of his cell phone. An unknown number. “Vicky here.”

He picked the call.

“Mr. Vicky where is the original research information?”

“Who is this?” He randomly took his car to left corner of the road and


“Where is the original pen drive?”

“Which pen drive you are talking about?”

“The one contains the research information.”

“I don’t have that. It is taken from me.”

“That is false one. That one doesn’t contain the real one.”

“OH, then you are the partner of Mrs. Dutta.”


“You broke into to my house. Right?”

“Yes. Now tell me where it is?”

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“I told you, I was having that one only. Now please don’t disturb me.” He

cut the call and started leaving. He is surprised. If that was not the real

one, where is it? He called Rohit and informed about the truth, that the

pen drive looted from him is not the real one. Means Rajiv tricked with

him or he assumed wrongly. But somehow he felt relaxed that now there

is no as such matter that he would be in trouble. But who is this guy

called him? He drove towards his apartment thinking so many things.

Krishnakanth sitting in his study room. It is not a study room, better to

say part of his office. No of books with so many files. He was reading the

full report of Rajiv murder case as well as the reports made so far about

the people involved. He took a cigar. His door bell started ringing. His pet

Dike started barking and reached at the door. Krishnakanth opened the

door. Rohit was standing before him. Seeing Rohit Dike stopped barking

and went inside like a nice doggy.

“What happened, you didn’t go to home. It is already seven thirty

evening. Please come in.”

“I got a call from Vicky, the pen drive taken from him is not the real one.”

“Is it? I see, now I understand the unknown man in Kathmandu perhaps

making the deal of the original one. I hope original pen drive is with

Rohini or with that person. Interesting, then Rohini is hiding her real

identity. Well after all going through all the reports, I am not getting one


“What is that?”

“I checked the call records of Rajiv, Vicky and Rohini for last one month.

It is difficult to figure out who to suspect. All doubts focusing on Vicky.

But his story and the story of maid servant almost matching. It looks like

a third person was there inside the room.”

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“I am not able to guess you sir.”

“Why the killer stole the laptop. And if the unknown man is the person

who murdered Rajiv, there was no need of stealing the laptop, I mean no

need to kill him.”

“Sir! It may happen while taking the pen drive, Rajiv might have seen him

and he shoot him to die. I mean to say it’s a probable case.”

“On that case, he wouldn’t have killed him. After all it’s a stealing job.

But killing a man and leaving his dead body at the garage. Case looks

complex. That to Rajiv was out of his control. Less chances are that he

would even know somebody is inside his room. I think Vicky is lying. I

mean he is the person who took the dead body of Rajiv from his room

and threw it on highway.”

“But why would he do so? In fact Vicky confessed before me the same

thing. But he didn’t murder Rajiv.”

“While he left Rajiv’s house, the maid only saw him leaving. She didn’t

check upstairs what happened. And if I am not wrong Vicky came to

Rajiv’s room one more time but that time he found he is killed.”

“But the gatekeeper where he stays didn’t see him leaving.”

“It is simple he didn’t use the front gate.”

Vicky didn’t understand properly. Krishnakanth continued explaining “He

used Rajiv’s car. And the maid servant has helped her.”

“OH my god!”

“It is because of that the story of both are matching. And they did

because they shouldn’t be framed for killing him.”

“Sir! I think your interpretation is correct.”

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“He didn’t use any backside to enter to Rajiv’s house, rather he came

from front gate, and all the drama he made to save himself.”

“But he could have informed Rohini about it.”

“We need to know so many things before getting a conclusion. What is

the reason he came once again to Rajiv’s house, we need to know.”

“Perhaps to take the pen drive. But he told me that he got it from the


“Yes! That is the only possibility. He told he took that from his office

drawer, but that story may be false. And to protect himself he helped

you to enter Rajiv’s house from back side. It looks like he is innocent. I

mean not the killer. But I cannot trust the maid. She was in the house

while death happened. Well what about the forensic reports on the hairs

you got.”

“It is not matching with anybody, I mean it doesn’t belong to Rajiv, Vicky,

Rohini anybody who are under our suspect.”

“I knew it. What is the way we can get the maternity test report about


“Perhaps Mr. Baxi can help us.”

“Baxi? Who is he?”

“He is the boss of Rohini. By help of him we may get the mail details

about Rajiv’s mail box.”

“Usually such report doesn’t come online. Rajiv might have got it

through postal services.”

“Then we can check it through post office.”

“Yes. Be fast Rohit.”

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Manoroma hospital. An old man is requesting for help to a nurse to get

some report.

“Sir, usually we don’t disclose the maternity report to anyone.” The lady

nurse explaining to the old man.

“Please madam, I lost the report that I got through post. It is about my

daughter. Please help. She couldn’t come because of her work. Please

provide me another copy.”

“Look Mr., Doctor is not available, she is in an operation. So wait for an

hour and you need to identify your identity.”

“Madam, I need to go back, I just need to see it once. Later on please

send that to my address. Unfortunately I lost that report. Please help.”

The lady nurse looked at him and then told him to follow her. The old

man followed her. They entered to one cabin. The nurse logged in to one

computer. ‘So what your daughter’s name?” she asked.

“Rohini Saxena!” he replied.

After few seconds she opened one report. “This one is yours daughters

report. I am giving a print, please hold.”

“Thank you madam.” The old man lifted his left arm and that covered

with a glove and put his left palm on the face of nurse. Within few

seconds she remained unconscious. Then he deleted the report from the

computer. He pulled his gloves and pulled his hairs, those were nothing

but he had put it to make a disguised old man. Threw those stuff there.

He looked towards the nurse. She is still not aware of anything. Laid on

the ground. Then without telling anybody he left the cabin.

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Rohit, became surprised to see a crowd inside the Manoroma hospital.

He went inside. Seeing a police officer many people give him a way. He

asked one doctor, “What happened?” The doctor looked at him, we are

about to call police inspector. Our one lady nurse, we found her

unconscious in a cabin. Now she is getting sense.

“What happened?”

One old man came here before sometime. He made her unconscious

using chloroform. He also deleted one maternity report from our system.

“Maternity report? Could you please tell me detail?”

“The report is about one woman called Rohini Saxena, he deleted that

and left.”

Rohit got a shock hearing that.” That’s impossible”, he exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” The doctor looked at him with a surprise.

“I came here for same purpose doctor. I was in need of that report.”

“Is it? You mean something is wrong. It is a crime case. Better you deal

with. ”

“Sure. Where is the nurse?” The doctor took him to the lady nurse. She

was relaxing on a bed. “Tell me what happened to you?” Rohit asked her.

She explained the incident. She showed the gloves and the hair of the

old man. He instructed her to lodge a police complain. After taking her

statement he collected those stuff and returned to police station. He

requested the forensic expert to have test on the gloves and hair.

Mr. Baxi and Rohini both were sitting in a restaurant and sharing their

life events with each other. It is evening. The light music appealing itself

for a beautiful get together. Many couples are just busy with their

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romantic dates. Mr. Baxi, taking a light whisky simply trying to impress

Rohini for any special purpose.

“So what is your future plan?” he asked her.

“Haven’t decided yet. It’s difficult to forget memory of Rajiv. I never

thought I would see such a day.”

“Well, I agree. But how long would you stay like this? You are too young

to stay alone.”

“Don’t know sir! I am feeling really out of my life. My parents are much

worried about it.”

“I can understand their pain. But I would suggest think about yourself.”

Rohini was looking like a sweet charming woman, anybody would be

simply pulled towards him by her beauty. Baxi was feeling like a super

cool guy dating her. But unable to express his softness towards her.

“Sir, actually I am more concerned on the death of Rajiv. I need the killer.

I want to punish him.”

Her words screwed his thinking. His attitude became different. “Yeah,

sure. Anyway police will catch him. I am with you.” He started completing

his whisky. Looked disturbed. “Shall we leave? “Asked to her.

“Yeah, we shall, but what happened sir. We can sit for few more time.”

“Not exactly, I have some important work. I will drop you at your house.”

They started leaving. Mr. Baxi paid the bill and started leaving the

restaurant. From a distance corner table Vicky was watching them. They

were not aware about it. He also started leaving and followed them. Mr.

Baxi dropped her at her house and left. After sometime the maid came

out and Rohini locked the front gate. Vicky was watching it from a

distance place. Vicky parked his car and started following the maid.

Nobody could notice that. She walked for almost ten minutes, then went

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to one grocery shop. Took few stuff from there and again started leaving.

After sometime she reached at her house. It was her own. She opened it

and closed the door from inside. Vicky came back to his car and went to

his apartment.

It was almost night eleven O clock. A man almost six feet with a black

overcoat whose dark beard and moustache giving him a furious look,

walking towards the house of maid servant of Rohini. Few street dogs

started barking, seeing that lonely man, but he was least bother of it. He

came to the house and looked around then knocked at the door. One

woman opened, but seeing a stranger at her door she initially scared. But

the man took out his moustache and beard. He was Vicky. The woman

nothing but the maid let him to come inside and closed the door. Vicky

came in and took one chair.

“You lied to me Savitri?” He told taking a deep breathe laying his body

on the chair.

“About what Vicky Saab.” The maid replied.

“The pen drive I took from Rajiv’s room is not the right one. Now you tell

me where it is?” He asked.

“Saab, I even don’t know what is a pen drive, I did as you instructed me.

Why should I lie to you?” Savitri told him.

“Then who take that? You only know that I am looking for his pen drive.

The one I was having is not the real one. “

“Saab, I told the same story to police, that you told me. There was

somebody inside the room, who killed Rajiv Saab. Memsaab was

sleeping. She woke up in the morning. I am not hiding anything to you.”

“Hmm. No issues. I will find out the real one. Rajiv might have put it

somewhere, I am not aware of that. Then he looked at the maid and told

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“I want something now.” He stood up. Came closer to the maid. The maid

who is around mid-thirty wearing a transparent blouse. Vicky saw

towards her with a tempting eye. Then suddenly he lifted her and took

her into another room where the maid used to sleep.

“Saab my husband will come, the maid said with a suppressed voice.”

Vicky didn’t listen to her and made her fully necked. Then he switched

off the light of the room. After sometime it is heard both were busy with

intimacy and the maid is laughing with a joyful voice.

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Chapter 10

Krishnakanth looked very puzzled hearing that the report is stolen from

the hospital. “Is killer is tracing our moves? Did you informed anyone

about it?” He questioned Rohit, who was sitting before him on a sofa

thinking deeply about the case.

“Nope sir. I spoke to nobody.”

Krishnakanth said, “It could be a coincidence as well. I told Rohini about

our findings and Vicky also aware that we may check about it. It may

happen one of these two is involved. But now onwards keep matter

confidential. We need to check Rajiv’s room once again. Something we

may get there. Let’s have a deeper investigation, certainly we will get

some clue.”

They both reached at Rajiv’s home. It was mid-day Saturday. Rohini, was

busy with watching some television program. Seeing both of the officer

she couldn’t imagine their plan.

“Hello, Mr. Krishnakanth. I hope my husband made your profession

tougher for you.” She asked. Rohit, felt bit insulted.

“Yes! Pretty much. We want to check Rajiv’s room once more time.”

“Sure. You can.” They all went upstairs. The maid who was standing

below, Krishnakanth looked at her and gave a sharp smile. Very soon it

was noticed that Rohini’s cell phone started ringing. It was Vicky. Rohini

didn’t pick the cell. Krishnakanth opened the room, started looking each

corner of the room for a clue. His search didn’t bring any significant

result. His laptop is stolen, who took that laptop! He opened the drawer

of the table where Rajiv used to do study. Few papers and electronic

gadgets. One sticky notebook. He took that notebook. Some random

numbers are written on it. He kept it on his pocket. Perhaps the sticky

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notebook would help him. His instinct directed him. Then he looked

towards the window. It is a big window. A person can easily come

through it.

On returning he started checking the notebook. Few numbers. Perhaps

cell numbers. At some point certain random words were written.

“What are you are looking at.” Rohit questioned to Krishnakanth.

“Usually person like Rajiv do not remember their passwords. I mean they

use complex password so no one can crack it easily. They write it at any

point where they can refer easily. So I an assuming among these words

we may get his laptop password.”

“But where is his laptop?”

“I am much sure it is with the maid. We need to follow her. Put somebody

behind her or try to do any other way to get the laptop from here.”

Vicky reached at Rohini’s house after sometime. He was in hurry. Rang

the main door bell. The maid opened the door.

“Is Rohini here?” he asked.

“Yes, she is.” She replied with a strange look.

Without waiting he entered and went to Rohini’s room.

“What happened, you look so worried!” Rohini asked him, when saw

Vicky in her room came without any knock.

“You didn’t pick my call, so …”

“Well, both Krishnakanth and Rohit were here. Checking Rajiv’s room.”

“Oh I see… what they were looking for?”

“Rajiv’s laptop.” I told them” it is stolen.”


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“Yes! Somebody has taken from his room. It is not there.”

Vicky looked at the maid. She is standing and listening to both of them.

She denied by moving her head.

“I will check. It may be at his office.” Then he left without speaking a


It was Sunday morning. Gopal who is the husband of maid servant, asked

to his wife “what is going on about your Rajiv Saab case?” last night he

came late around two O clock. Now it is around nine morning. He was

getting ready to his workshop.

“So many things are going on. Police is behind Rohini memsaab. They are

suspecting she has killed Rajiv Saab. His laptop also stolen from his

room.” She replied making some breakfast for Gopal.

“You don’t get involved much on that matter.” Just do your work and

come home.

“Don’t worry.” I am careful.

I am going to my shop. Then he left with his bike. After almost ten

minutes driving he reached at his shop. His service boy has already

started his shop.

“All are good.” He asked the boy parking his bike.

“Yes, Gopal Bhai. Yesterday you were late. Today you came early. I think

you are working little more.”

“Yes! We have few more work to finish soon.” Gopal went inside the

shop. Then he took out one laptop from his bag. He start the laptop. It

asked for password.

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I need the password to open it. Where do I get it? He looked round if

anybody watching him. The service boy is busy with his job. He closed

the laptop and put it back in the bag.

I mustn’t inform about it to anyone. He told himself.

“Saab I don’t know who stole the laptop.” The maid speaking to Vicky on

her cell phone.

“Then how come it is not there. Who else could be? Is Rohini is lying? I

didn’t find at office also.”

“That is not possible. On that case at least I would know the truth. From

the day of Saab death, I am the person who is taking care everything

closely. And I don’t remember I saw his laptop afterwards.”

“Yes, I agree. Rohini wouldn’t lie to me as well. Then who else. Did

anybody came to that room after us? You must be hiding something with

me. Don’t play with me.”

“No Vicky Saab, I have no idea.”

Vicky disconnected the call. The maid started getting busy with her

homework. After sometime she could hear a knock at the door. May be

Gopal! She assumed and opened the door. No! It is a stranger. She

looked at him.” What do you need? “She asked.

“I am a friend of Gopal. Is he at home?”

“No, he is at his shop. You can meet him there.”

“Ohm k, Thank you.” The man started leaving. Then he stopped. “Did he

mentioned about any laptop?”

“Laptop? Which laptop.”

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“He called me and asked me he has one laptop to sell.”

The maid little scared by hearing it.” He doesn’t have any laptop. He

didn’t tell me anything.”

“All right. I will catch him at his shop. Thank you.” The stranger left. The

maid looked at him with a question on her mind. Was he talking about

Rajiv Saab laptop? She called Gopal.

“Your guess is correct sir. We can get the laptop from the maid. Rohit

talking to Krishnakanth through his phone.”

“That’s a great news. When can I have the laptop?”

“I have sent one our officer for that purpose. Very soon we will get any

good news. After a while one police van reached at the police station.

From the van Gopal, his wife and the stranger came out. Three went into

the station where Rohit was waiting for them. Gopal was totally scared.

The maid was speechless. The stranger who is a head constable there

started speaking, “sir I got this laptop from Gopal. He was trying to

escape but we caught him. This one belongs to Rajiv, the maid has

confirmed it.”

Rohit looked at the maid and interrogated, “why you lied to us.”

“Sir, I didn’t. Actually I was about to give it to you.”

“It looks like you both have murdered Rajiv for sought of money. I am

filing murder case on both of you.”

‘Gopal started speaking’, “sir I stole the laptop from Rajiv house. My wife

is innocent. She doesn’t know anything about it. We don’t know about

the murder. Please leave us.” He was trembling with fear.

“When did you steal it?”

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“On the same night the murder happened. When I was into the room, I

couldn’t find anyone. Only the laptop was kept on the bed. So I took it.”

“Why laptop? You could have taken other stuff.”

“Saab, I was planning to have a good amount of money by selling this


“You are still lying. Tell me the reason.” Rohit doesn’t look easy to him.

‘Gopal didn’t speak anything.’ Rohit ordered one constable to keep him

inside the custody for further investigation and left the maid go. After

sometime Krishnakanth came to police station. His face became little

bright seeing the laptop. He took the sticky note and tried to open it.

Randomly he entered few passwords. After trying for couple of minutes

he was helpless. “Where is Gopal?” He asked.

“Inside the custody.” Rohit replied who was simply watching him.

“We need to know more from him. Let’s talk to him.” He told Rohit to

bring him for further interrogation.

“I am bringing him.” Rohit left. Within few minutes they three were

inside a room. Looking at Krishnakanth, Gopal spill the truth.

“Sir, I came to know from my wife that Rajiv Saab has done something

amazing that can make a lot of money. So I told my wife to collect what

exactly he has discovered. Almost two weeks before my wife told me

that he has done some scientific research and all the information’s are in

his laptop. So I planned to steal it. I was looking for opportunity. I had a

complete idea about their house, so it became easy for me to enter to

his room. I choose the night time. Rajiv Saab used to his work late night.

He usually keeps his window open. So my plan is to enter to his room

while he will go for sleep and steal the laptop.”

“And you were able to do it.” Krishnakanth interrupted.

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“But sir, when I entered the room there were nobody. I didn’t think

much. Just took the laptop. But, I didn’t reveal this to my wife. She didn’t

know that I was there that night.” He replied.

“What was the time when you took the laptop? “

“It was around eleven thirty. I called my wife to confirm if Rajiv Saab is at

home or not. Also I came to know Rohini madam also went for sleeping.

I knew about them very well. I found the laptop on the bed and no one

inside.” Gopal replied.

“You may leave now.” Krishnakanth told Rohit to free him. Rohit

astonished hearing that, but he let Gopal to leave.

“He is one of our great evidence sir.” We shouldn’t let him go like this.

“I agree. But he doesn’t know what is going on in reality. I don’t want to

keep him here. It’s a big conspiracy. He should not be victim of that.”

“I didn’t understand.”

“Well, death of Rajiv is not an ordinary murder case. Some big peoples

are behind it. Gopal just wanted the laptop to steal the information

without knowing it. And when he entered to the room it was open. Delhi

weather is now cold enough to close it, if someone inside it. So I think he

is telling the truth.” Krishnakanth said to Rohit.

“But he could have killed Rajiv. He might be the person who was below

the bed hiding himself.”

“That’s impossible. On that case he would never keep the stole laptop

in his bag. His intention was simply to steal the laptop. But I don’t know

how to crack this machine. We need to try as much as possible

combinations. But check all finger prints and make a forensic report

about Gopal. We cannot keep him out of suspect.”

“Yes sir! “ Rohit looked little convincing.

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Chapter 11

“I don’t have the pen drive with me.” Mrs. Dutta is sitting before one

person and telling him the events that happened with her. “Vicky

cheated me. He gave me the false pen drive. We checked at his home to

get the right one but didn’t get it. Now police is always behind him. Any

of our wrong move will lead us to big trouble.” The man who was with

his night dress, taking whisky and listening to her but no response from

him. After sometime he said.

“I told you honey, be careful. But you took it easy. It was actually death

of Rajiv Saxena twisted everything. Now keep yourself underground. I

am much sure police has started tracing you all around. I cannot keep

you here more. We will be in trouble.”

“Yes, I know that.” She looked at the clock. It was night twelve thirty. She

took her whisky peg and closed her eyes. The man who was making the

whisky, came to her and looked at her. She was lying on sofa. Then he

lifted her and went inside the bed room.

“I am trying to make a connection between the incidents. Rajiv’s murder,

Rohini’s connection with mines business people, unknown lady Mrs.

Dutta and Gopal stealing the laptop. Beyond all I am not able to

understand who is the person that destroyed the maternity report.”

Krishnakanth who was thinking deeply about the case expressed his

enigma to Rohit.

“But sir, what will we get from maternity report.”

“I cannot say, but that will open one door. So we can investigate more.

The hairs we collected also not matching with anybody’s DNA. Means

killer is someone who is having idea about Rajiv but may not related to

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him. And that is the only evidence we have. By the way who are the

frequent contacts that Rohini is making.” He asked.

“Call reports telling her parents, mostly her mother, the maid, Vicky and

Mr. Baxi. “ Rohit replied.

“She is smart. Means, she is using any other way to communicate to the

business men and the unknown person I saw at flight.”

“I am guessing so. We can check her personal email.” Rohit said.

“No we can’t. We need proof against her. We cannot check someone

personal email. I am waiting a report from Gautam about their plans and

the identity about the unknown person.” By the time he finishes his

words, he could see a call from Kathmandu. He picked up his cell phone.

‘Sir! Gautam here! I have something very important to tell you but I

cannot talk to you now in detail. But I have collected some useful

informations. You will receive a fax report on my investigation.’

“Excellent! Hurry. I am much curious to know what is happening there.”

He rushed to the fax machine. After sometime he received a fax report.

It was from Nepal. A report about a metallic coin. He started reading the

report. It was a report about the general observations by few mineral

experts during an excavation of a mines in Nepal. They found the metallic

coin has certain electromagnetic properties. It can deactivate electronic

devices kept nearby. But nobody knows how it is formed. Which metallic

content causes it?

“So, Vicky was correct. He was also talking about a brass coin.” Rohit

expressed his thoughts.

“Yes, you are right. We need to find out the coin.” Krishnakanth said.

Rohit looked at Krishnakanth with a different mood. “What the coin will

do for us.” He asked.

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“Yes! This coin is the cause of death of Rajiv. We need to get it. It must

be kept some place.”

“How is that possible sir? On that case it would have caused many

magical events that would catch public eye, but nothing reported like


Krishnakanth, gave him the fax report and told him to read full.” It has

the certain way to keep it that can deactivate the power like if you keep

it inside any rubber bag or keep it between two magnets. Just read the

details.” He gave the report to Rohit.

Rohit read the fax report in details. “So does it mean Rajiv have kept it

some secret place.” He replied.

“Yes. We need to find that. That would help us to trace the plan behind.

Try to find out the lady who tried to steal the data from Vicky. She must

be the master mind. She must be knowing where is the coin is.”

“Yes, I don’t have any information’s from our people about Mrs. Dutta.

We didn’t get any particular biodata about her. I think she is


“Yes! Could be.”

Vicky is trying his best to find out Mrs. Dutta. He went all the places

where he used to meet her. Traced all the call records he made with her.

But unfortunately he didn’t get anything. What a smart woman? He

started recalling the day he was introduced to her by Rajiv. She is a

mineral expert that’s what she told about herself. He looked into his

violet. There are so many cards he was keeping. He started searching

something, yes he got it. There is one card, it was given by Mrs. Dutta to

him. Her cell number and address is mentioned there. He made a search

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for that address. A residential apartment area. Within few minutes he

started to that address. After driving couple of minutes driving he

reached there. He went to the gatekeeper and showed him the card and

asked about the lady. The gatekeeper denied that he knows anyone on

that name neither he was able to identify anyone named Mrs. Dutta. All

are false. She tricked with me. He was about to leave suddenly his eyes

fixed on a man. Looked familiar to him. Yes Vicky has seen this guy few

times with Mrs. Dutta. He randomly closed his windows and waited

inside his car. The man who was going away from the apartment talked

to guard and left. Vicky started following him. He thought of calling Rohit,

but no he didn’t. The man who was driving a black CRV, ran across many

street before taking the main road. He ran for certain amount of time

and reached before ministry of defense and entered into it. The security

guard checked his identity card and let him go inside. This man is a part

of defense ministry. Vicky didn’t wait assuming meaningless and drove

towards his office. At least he got something to nab the lady.

Sydney grand hotel. Inside the room number 82, Mrs. Dutta was waiting

for someone. It was evening. After sometime the door was knocked. She

eagerly opened the door. It was the same person Vicky was following.

The man came inside with a stressful face.

“What happened? You are looking stressed.” She said.

“We are in great trouble. If we don’t get the pen drive then we will get

no mercy. They are suspecting us that we have the original one.” The

man replied taking a seat on the sofa.

“How come? We don’t have means we don’t have.” She replied with an

annoying voice. “They should trust us. I did my best to get it. But failed

what we can do. I was cheated.”

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“Malini, I told you to be very careful. The data is stolen, no doubt. But

who did that? If your friend Vicky is not having those information’s, who

else can be?” the man addressed Mrs. Dutta as Malini.

“Darling! Relax. I will trace it.” She told.

“Please don’t go out. I need find a different place for you. You are now

underground. Don’t even think about contacting anybody.”

“Manish, it’s all right. No one can harm us. It’s not our fault. Vicky is a

fool or he was tricked by Rajiv or someone else. But it’s our bad luck he

is dead now.”

“That’s correct. Who the hell is that who kill that guy? Because of that

police is investigating about this matter with special interest. We are not

safe. Anyway I am leaving for home. In case you need call me. Then he

left. Mrs. Dutta closed the door and turned on the TV.”

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Chapter 12

“It is not easy to get so much money in a short period of time.” Nancy

told to Jeff.

“Yes! It is possible. You will see, very soon we will be very rich. Just

yesterday I had a deal with few businessmen.”

“Where you did the deal? She asked with a surprise voice.

“In Kathmandu.” Jeff replied.

“What type of deal? You visited to Kathmandu for business deal! You

didn’t tell me about it. You selfish.” She showed her eagerness to know

what Jeff did there.

“God has created so many amazing things. I got one. You will be surprised

when you know what I am doing.” He looked very happy.

“Don’t get involve yourself in anything wrong work. Chasing for quick

money is not wise.” She appeared little concerned on Jeff words.

“Don’t worry sweet heart, we will be fine. After all I am not doing

anything wrong. Simply a business just dealing. He replied with a smiling


Nancy looked puzzled. But she trusted Jeff. Jeff is working in an insurance

company. Nancy runs a beauty parlor. They are a happy couple. But Jeff

is not satisfied with the life he is leaving. He wants more money to lead

a big life. She is happy whatever they are having. Now they are enjoying

weekend afternoon on a coffee shop.

“What you did in Kathmandu? Did you visited any Place?” she asked.

“No, I was with two businessman. Then he stopped. Never mind, I will

tell you all, once I get the deal.” After sparing sometime they both

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returned to their home. It was around evening eight O clock. His cell

phone started ringing. He picked up the call. Call was from Kathmandu.

‘Jeff speaking!’ He picked up the call.

“Hey Jeff, we are planning to do the dealing on coming Friday. You should

be all right.”

“Sure sir! Glad to hear that. I will be ready.”

“The deal will happen India.”

“That’s good.”

“So, good bye. See you soon in India.”

“Good night sir.”

On the same night, Jeff is seen online sitting before his laptop and

chatting with Rohini Saxena. It was around midnight. Nancy is sleeping.

“They have decided to make the deal on this Friday. We have only five

days for this deal.” He typed.

“That is a very good news. I have all the informations. Inform them the

place where you want to make it.” Reply from the Rohini.

“I will contact you on Wednesday. Tell you the details. The place and

timing and people who will be there.”

“All right. One thing I want to tell you. Do you remember the person who

was travelling to Kathmandu and disturbing me?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“He is ACP Krishnakanth. I didn’t inform you there. They are now

watching my moves and tapping my phone calls. So don’t call me. Mail

me whichever information you want to share.”

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“But madam, why police is behind you. He has seen me in the flight

talking to you. I shouldn’t be in trouble.”

“Don’t worry. They are investigating my husband’s murder case. So

anybody contacting me coming under their suspicion. Never mind it just

part of their investigation process.”

“I see. Then I need to be very careful.” He said good bye to Rohini and

closed his laptop. He became little stressful knowing that the person is

an ACP. Anyway no need to worry. I have done nothing wrong. But what

is the reason police is behind Rohini madam. Many questions surfaced

on his thoughts. But he didn’t get any clue. An unknown fear started

surrounded on him before going to sleep. He looked at Nancy. She is still

in deep sleep. Then switched off the light.

Rohit is reading a detailed report about a person. It was all about Jeff. As

per order of Krishnakanth two officer investigated the biodata of Jeff. For

them it was not difficult to trace Jeff. He is an insurance agent. His wife

runs a beauty parlor. There was detail report about his call details. Rohit

marked few numbers. One of them is Rohini’s number. There were call

from Kathmandu as well. He called to Krishnakanth.

“Sir, we have tracked the guy who was travelling with Rohini.” He said.

“That’s very good news. Can you come to my house, I am trying to crack

the laptop. Please bring the file about Jeff. I want to have a look to it.”

Krishnakanth replied.

“Sure sir. I will be there in few minutes. Rohit start driving towards

Krishnakanth residence. His mind was totally occupied with the murder

case he is handling. Who could be the person that he deleted the

maternity report? How a third person knew it. It was a conversation

between him and Krishnakanth. There were nobody. How is that

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possible? How the information leaked. He reached at his destination in

few moments. The gatekeeper opened the gate. Krishnakanth was

waiting for him. His dog dike rush to Rohit seeing him.

“Good morning Rohit.” He told him to take a chair patting dike.

“Good morning sir!” Rohit noticed he is trying his best to open the

laptop. On a notebook before him he has made many possible

combinations to find out the password of the laptop. “I have a questions,


“Yes! Carryon.”

“What you are expecting from this device.”

Krishnakanth looked at him with a strange face. “The information that

Rohini is selling is in this laptop. All are taken from here.” He replied

gazing at Rohit.

“On that case we can directly interrogate her to get that. We have proof

for that.”

“That is our assumption only. That will not solve the case. How do you

find the killer? That too she has already denied she doesn’t know

anything. We cannot approach legally towards her as well. After all she

is wife of deceased Rajiv. We will be in trouble.” Krishnakanth explained

his view. He tried to explain that would be a wrong move.

Rohit remained silent hearing that. But he was not convinced. He showed

the report about Jeff. Krishnakanth started reading it.” Keep a close

watch on him. They are certainly planning something. If we would know

about their plan, then we can catch them. That time we will having

enough proof against Rohini. Now please help me to crack the laptop

password. Rohit didn’t think much. “They both started decoding all the

letters and symbols those were on the notebook. It almost two hours

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gone. Rohit got tired. “It’s impossible sir. We cannot open this laptop.

“We can talk to Ronini. She may help us to find the password.

Krishnakanth looked at him and said” I doubt Rohini knows the password

of this laptop. I will crack it.”

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Chapter 13

After departing from Krishnakanth, Gautam prepared himself to

investigate the link between the Nepali business people and unknown

man. He was strictly told not reveal about it to anyone anything. The Rai

brothers are the customer for the deal. Rai brothers are noted for their

business success in Nepal on mineral trade. Gautam, works for police as

an informer. He got a call from IG to help Krishnakanth. He knows him

almost last five years.

The very next day, he reached the hotel where they were made the deal.

Introduced him as a photographer to the hotel managers and hotel boys.

Rai brothers usually prefer that hotel for their business dealings that is

what he got the information from one waiter. He bribed the waiter and

told him to book a table for him near to rai brothers in case they are

coming to that hotel. Around mid-day he got a call from the waiter, that

today at night two brothers are coming there for a get together. Gautam

told him to be keep him informed.

It was night 8 PM. Rai brothers were seen with a group of people

gossiping and enjoying their get together. Gautam was sitting just behind

them one table and taking his drinks. Trying to hear what they are


“We are going to make a wonderful break very soon.” One among the rai

brothers started speaking.

“Wonderful break! Did you get diamonds from your mines?” One of their

member made a fun.

“Better than that.”

“OH is that, what is that. We never heard anything precious than


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“Yes it is. It is brass.”

“Brass! Huh a great laughter from the members, but only Rai brothers

were silent. What you are going to make with brass?” One of the

member became curious.

“We didn’t get from our mines. It is a different deal. A brass coin that is

having certain magnetic power to disable electric devices.” The rai

brother said taking a whisky glass.

“Interesting. Where did you get that?”

“Well, that is confidential.”

“But what is the use of that?”

We have some information’s on that. That particular coin can be used in

certain area to control electric devices.”

“Wow! A metallic coin that can deactivate electric devices! Hmm. so how

much price you are paying for that.”

“Around million dollar.”

“Huh! Is it a joke?”

“No, we are serious. We are making it, that to in India.”

“Do you have the coin?”

“No we don’t have. We are going to get it.”

“You don’t have it and making the deal. Spending much money on the

information’s you are getting.”

“Yes! Deal is like that.”

“Anyway! We all should be having great party.” They all told to both

brothers with a cheerful voice.

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“Sure! We both brothers are waiting for that great deal. It is going to

change our future miraculously.” There was a big cheers.

Gautam, who was just trying to capture as much possible information’s

finished few drinks. Around 11 PM they all left. After sometime he woke

up from his table and paid a well tips to the waiter and left. After a while

he reached at his apartment. He opened his PC and started looking into

the murder case of Rajiv. After sometime a little smile became visible on

his face. He prepared a small report about his investigation so far and

went to sleep. Next day morning he faxed the report to Krishnakanth.

“According to fax report from Gautam, the brass coin is not with Rajiv.

That means somebody has stolen it or he himself had given to that

person.” Krishnakanth suddenly twisted the focus from laptop towards

fax report.

“I think Rajiv might have kept it at some secret place.” Rohit replied

taking his tea.

“Then how the dealing is going on. Somebody is keeping it and he is

making the deal.”

“Who could be that?”

“Rohini is having the research information and Rai brothers are going to

purchase it. But they don’t have the coin. Then who else is there who is

making it. I mean did anybody have it?”

“Yes! A third person. Do you have any suspect?”

“Mrs. Dutta, could be one possibility. The way she is behind the pen drive

it looks like she might be having it. Or it may possible two groups are

there who is behind the research data. One is Mrs. Dutta group and

another one is Rai brothers. Rai brothers are rich, they don’t care about

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money but the other one is not having such ability, so probably they are

stealing the information. Or, maybe there is other reason.”

“Sir! It may possible that the person who killed Rajiv is having the coin.

And that was the reason he was murdered.”

“Krishnakanth remained silent hearing that. How is that possible? The

killer would like to take all, I mean the coin, information etc.… I mean it

will be complex scenario if that was the truth. We need to investigate.

Who is behind this dealing? Keep an eye on Jeff.”

“Sure sir,” Rohit left. Krishnakanth kept himself busy cracking the

password. He reached at police station. Ordered one tea and started

reading the ballistic report. It is a small range gun. The fires are at chest

with no faults. Looks like killer shot with cold blooded. Rascal! What he

got by killing this poor guy? He was simply drunk. Then he took the file

of Jeff. He made up his mind to crack this case. Came out of office and

started driving towards the insurance company where Jeff was working.

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Chapter 14

Inside the ministry of defense, it was a private room or can be described

as a small chamber. On a round table five members were on a meeting.

Home minister who was the organizer of the meeting was addressing to

all others. The other members were Inspector General, ACP

Krishnakanth, Deputy Home minister and Inspector Rohit.

“Where we are Krishnakanth on the death case of Rajiv Saxena.” He was

curious about the investigation.

“We have gathered enough information’s about the plans of selling the

brass coin. But till we are not in a situation to say who murdered Rajiv

Saxena.” Krishnakanth replied.

“Well, what your evidence are telling.” IG questioned.

“Sir! I am pretty sure Rajiv is murdered by a person well known to him.

The way murder happened only a person who is close to him can do

that.” Rohit replied.

IG looked at Krishnakanth. Krishnakanth nodded his head with approval.

“Do you have any suspect?” IG asked to Rohit.

“All most every member of his family is under scrutiny.” Rohit answered.

“What about the coin.” Deputy Minister asked to Krishnakanth.

“I think that is stolen and few groups are trying to purchase that.”

Krishnakanth replied.

“That mustn’t happen. We will lose a great opportunity. And if it goes to

other country I mean we will definitely be looser.” Deputy Home

Minister looked little serious.

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Rohit became curious hearing such words from Deputy home minister.

“Sir may I ask you one question?”

“Sure officer.” He replied.

“If that coin was so important, it should be kept under high security. I

mean it looks like there is a negligence.”

“I agree with you Rohit. But the time we know about it was too late. It

was only Rajiv who knew it properly how to use it. But we lost him.” Then

home minister who was silently listening, showed one letter from Rajiv

to him. The letter describe his success on his hard work.

Home minister said “He was about to give me the details with the coin.

But the day I got and started thinking about it, it became late. He was

killed. So I wish we must trace the culprit as well as the coin and the

research information’s.”

“Well, sir we don’t know where is the information is, but we have certain

clue and we will be succeed.” Krishnakanth replied.

Rohit got astonished hearing that. They know well Rohini is having that.

But he remained silent assuming his superior must be having different


As this conversation going on, behind the window Manish who is PA to

Deputy home minister hearing the whole story. He has been tracing all

from the beginning. No one usually doubts on him when he walk around

during any important meeting as he is the PA. Couple of times he tried

to participate. But because of home minister he never got a chance. He

could see a peon is coming with a tray with drinks. He picked up one drink

from there and started singing. The peon looked at him and told,” You

will never change sir.” Manish ignored his words. The peon left. After

sometime he could see all ae departing. Manish saw the persons who are

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now in charge of investigation leaving the ministry of defense. At evening

he returned to the hotel where Malini was waiting for them.

“I think we lost everything.” He told under frustration to Malini.

“What happened?” you look very nervous.

“Police is nabbing the murderer of Rajiv.”

“Not a new news. Why are you so worried?”

“Police already proceed long way. I think your friend Vicky has revealed

all to police.”

“That’s possible. I am not surprised hearing that.” She said.

“Better loose hope for money.”

Malini looked at him but didn’t speak a word for a while. Then she replied

“after all I know the person who is having the coin.”

Manish looked at her. “I know as well. But it is also true other groups are

there who are behind this coin. We don’t have the right information to

sell it. We could grab a good amount of money from government as well

as a good reputation. But your friend Vicky is a stupid. One interesting

point I heard. Rajiv is killed by someone who is close to him. I mean what

police investigation said anybody who is very much aware of him and his

work. On that regard Vicky is one of the major suspect.”

“That is possible! He might have killed Rajiv.” Malini replied.

“Yes! But they traces few hair samples and tested the DNA and it is not

matching with either Vicky or Rohini. So there is no solid evidence who

is the killer.” Manish said.

“Hair samples? Those can be planted there to divert the investgation.”

She replied.

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“Yes! Possible. Anything may happen.” Manish started leaving. He told

his wife to be very careful. Then left the hotel for his residence. After

sometime he reached at his residence. Vicky who was waiting for Manish

inside his van became alert seeing Manish has reached his apartment.

He took a photograph of the car and left. After reaching he called

inspector Rohit and informed the vehicle number and informed him that

this is the car Mrs. Dutta used while dealing the pen drive.

“Are you sure Vicky?” Rohit asked.

“Yes! I am much sure.” Vicky was confident.

“But why didn’t you tell earlier.”

“Sorry sir, I couldn’t remember, but I am confident this is vehicles she

used.” He didn’t tell that he is tracing the lady himself.

“All right, we will investigate. Thank you so much for your information.”

Rohit disconnected.

Next day it was not difficult for Rohit to get the information about the

vehicle. The car belongs to Manish Joshi. Within few hour he was having

details about Manish. He is PA of deputy home minister. Wow!

Interesting, but is Vicky is true. He called Vicky to be at police station.

Within few minutes Vicky appeared at the police station. Rohit showed

him the details about Manish.

“I have seen this person couple of times with Mrs. Dutta.” Vicky said

seeing the photo of Manish Joshi.

“Are you sure?” Rohit asked him to be sure that he is getting the right


“Yes! Cent percent.” Vicky replied without any hesitation.

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“Do you know he is PA of deputy home minister?” Another question from


Vicky seems silent, but told “I had no idea about it.”

“We need to investigate with a lot of caution. Now tell me one thing, do

Rajiv have any relatives that you know personally.”

“Sir! He had lost his parents long time back. And as of my knowledge, he

hardly any connections with rest of his known.”

“Do you believe Rohini could have any affair with any one?”

“Yes! Mr. Baxi our boss.”

“You mean the child belongs to Mr. Baxi.”

“I am not sure. May be possible. Mr. Baxi is not good with his wife. And

he is trying to make a relationship with Rohini.” He replied.

“I see. All right Mr. Vicky you can leave now. I will call you in case I need.”

Rohit told. Vicky left the police station.

Rohit got little confused. Mr. Baxi cannot be responsible for deleting the

maternity report. Something is missing. He opened the computer before

him and started seeing the footage taken by the camera at the

Manoroma hospital. The footage collected by him from the hospital

during his investigation .The old man who was wearing a round cap.

Difficult to see his face through the footage. But while leaving he didn’t

use the main gate. So he was not captured. Who could be this guy? His

total focus went to Vicky only. He was the only person who was

interrogated. It is only possible by him only. He has been the prime

suspect from the beginning. Is there anyone with him? Helping him? He

puzzled. Didn’t get any conclusion.

He called Krishnakanth and updated him about Manish Joshi.

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Chapter 15

Delhi International Airport. Rohini was waiting for their parents. It was

Tuesday. Her parents are coming to see their child. They have plan to

stay for couple of days. She could hear the announcement of flight

arrival. Almost after twenty minutes one old gentle couple appear before

Rohini. Her parents. She greeted them with tearful eyes. Within few

minutes it was seen her van is running on highway towards her

residence. Time around evening 8 PM. When they reached the maid was

waiting for them eagerly. She rushed to the van and showed her panama

to them.

“How is everything going beta?” her father asked to Rohini.

“Am fine papa,” Rohini replied opening the room where her parents are

going to rest?

Her father noticed Rajiv’s room is locked. Rohini understood it.” Police is

still investigating the matter, we may need keep it closed for few more

days.” She said.

“Okay. So did they find anything?” her father asked.

“Not yet! “

Her mother changed the topic,” let’s forget about that matter. It is

already going to be 9PM. Let’s take the dinner. We need some rest.”

Rohini, asked the maid to make ready the dinner stuff. After having their

dinner they departed for sleeping.

Next day early morning around 8:30 AM before leaving for office, Vicky

appeared there. He was heartily welcomed by her parents. They knew

him earlier during the marriage of Rajiv.

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“How are you young man?” Her father greeted Vicky.

“I am good uncle. How was your journey?” Vicky replied.

“Quite good. Thanks to you that you are taking care of Rohini. I am much

worried about my daughter.”

“Don’t worry, we all are here to take care.” After sometime Rohini and

Vicky left for their duty. Her father went to balcony where the maid was

cleaning the floor. He took a chair and started reading the newspaper.

“How long you have been working here?” he asked to the maid servant.

The maid smiled and replied “almost a year. When Rajiv Saab got married

from that time.”

“You have been very loyal to my daughter, she used to praise you. The

way you supported her at her need.” He said.

“Sir! Our madam is like a child. Rajiv Saab was like a godly man. I am very

happy to work with them.” She replied cleaning the floor.

“Yes, that is true. My daughter is like a child. She is my true happiness.

Why this bad luck happened with her”. He took a deep breathe. Then

started reading the paper. The maid who was cleaning there went down

to cook.

It was around midday, Rohini’s mother was talking to Rohini through her

cell phone. The front door bell started ringing. The maid already left for

the day. She should come at evening. Who could be this? She opened the

door. A police officer before her. She became little scared but controlled


“Who you want meet?” she asked.

“No one, I just want to see Rajiv room once more time. Are you her

mother?” the police officer asked.

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“AA all right. I am Inspector Rohit, investigating your son in law’s murder

case. Anyway I will come later, you please take rest. May be at evening.”

He could hear a grave voice from inside. Turned back.

“What happened, anyone wants to meet Rohini.” It was her father.

Rohit saw Rohini’s father is coming down from the stair. He greeted him.

“Please come in officer, have a cup of tea. I have heard about you from

Rohini.” He told shaking his hand with Rohit.

Rohit couldn’t deny him and went inside. He took a chair and became


“So officer how do you find my daughter. Helping you?” he asked.

“Yes! Pretty much.” Rohit felt perhaps the old gentleman not aware of

Rohini’s originality.

“I am retired army officer, I can understand your duty.” He said. Looked

very worried about his daughter.

“Oh is that? Nice meeting you sir. Yeah, I am much involved in this

murder case.” Rohit replied. In the meantime Rohini’s mother came with

coffee and made for both.

“Well, I want to know something about Rohini.” Rohit told to their


“Sure, what you want to know.” Her father looked tensed.

“From the day I got the case, I got one particular confidence that the

person who killed Rajiv is closer to him. I mean to say might be one of his

relative and or friend.”

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“Is it?” the old man turned his head towards his wife who was standing

near to him.

“Yes! So till now we didn’t find anyone whom we could arrest.” Rohit

spoke taking the tea.

“I disagree with you. Rajiv was such a nice fellow, someone would never

think like that. As of my knowledge he is rarely in touch with any of his

relation. And if you take consideration of his friends, I doubt anybody

would kill him. He has less friends. And those are well settled and

established person. I didn’t find any reason. Do you?” her father said.

“Are you aware he was doing some research on a brass coin?”

“Yes! I know about that.”

“That was the true reason behind his murder. That is our investigation


“How come? What is strange on that? Such research are happening in so

many places. Why someone would kill him?”

“For money! To sell the research work.”

“No officer. You are wrong. I agree whatever he was doing is precious.

But that someone can take from him without killing him as well. He was

shot to die. The reason must be solid. He must be having some secrets

that he knew only.”

Rohit could feel the words of the old man, who was sitting before him

and explaining him. After all he is a retired army officer. His experience

is speaking. It is true that day Rajiv dead he was fully drunk. There was

no reason to kill him. The research information is with Rohini. Then why

he was killed? Is it because she is pregnant. Is the killer is Rohini’s hidden

lover. Many questions ripped off on his mind. He didn’t like to stay there

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more. Ok sir, let me go for my duty. Please to meet you. He shook his

hand with her father. It’s still an army man’s hand he could feel that.

“My pleasure. I will inform about your coming to Rohini.” Her father said.

Rohit turns his jeep towards Manoroma hospital. Some important event

strike his mind. When he reached there, he could see the same

receptionist is sitting and taking care of people. He went to reception and

asked “Can I meet Miss Verma?”

Receptionist took her head up and replied please wait for few minutes.

“I will call her.” She said.

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Chapter 16

Vicky was determined to trace Mrs. Dutta at any cost. He planned to

follow Manish from his residence. It was around morning 7 am.

Wednesday. He could see Manish drove his vehicle towards a different was not the same way before. After sometime he reached at

hotel Sydney grand. He could see Manish didn’t get down from his car.

But within minutes a lady came out from the hotel. She had covered her

face with a scarf and having a wheel chair bag. But Vicky could well

identify her, she is Mrs., Dutta. Immediately from his cell phone he took

few photographs of that lady. Manish drove his vehicle towards another

direction with an increased speed. Vicky tried to follow them but lost

them after sometime. But he was happy he got something he was looking

for. He returned to his apartment and got ready for his duty. After

sometime whatever information’s he was having, he composed all and

dropped an email to Rohit. He attached the photographs he took from

his cell phone.

After getting the email from Vicky, Rohit didn’t stop a moment and went

to meet Krishnakanth. Krishnakanth was eagerly waiting for Rohit. Few

moments later it was seen both were busy reading the email from Rohini

and the photographs he sent. “We should have a clear knowledge about

it. Let me have a visit to this hotel now. Better you once crosscheck with

Rohini in case some more information’s we can get.” Krishnakanth said

to Rohit. Rohit finished his coffee and left for the office.

Krishnakanth met with the manager of hotel Sydney grand. Introduced

himself. He was having a photograph of a lady. Time is around two O

clock. Day time. “Since how long this woman was staying in your hotel.”

He asked to manager showing the photograph.

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“Around two weeks.” Manager replied politely checking the details.

“Was she alone?”

“No sir! Her husband was also with her. He used to come at night.”

“Her husband!”

“Yes! The person who was coming here, is her husband.” Then he

showed the Register. The names were Manish Joshi and Malini Joshi.

“Can I get a detail copy of this entry as well as the phone call records

made by them?”

“Sure sir! I will send you one online copy. But one thing they vacated this

hotel today morning.”

“I know that. Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure sir.” The hotel manager cooperated well with Krishnakanth

knowing him as the ACP. He revealed all the detail call records and

entries made by Joshi couple.

Krishnakanth left the hotel almost after finishing his job. He started

moving towards the city police station. Behind him two bike riders

started following him. It was the city road where he was in his police van

suddenly he could hear one of back tire blasted. He started losing control

of his vehicle. After struggling for few second he was able to stop it. He

came out from his van with his gun. The two bikes those are following

him crossed him with high speed. Before he could do anything they

moved away. He understood it was a warning for him, not to investigate

the case. He couldn’t read the numbers of the bikes. But it’s confirmed

him about the involvement of couple just left the hotel.” You don’t know

with whom you guys are dealing with. He whispered to himself.

Challenging Krishnakanth! Good luck friends.” In the meantime he could

see many people gathered there. He told all of them to leave showing

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his identity. Within few minutes Rohit reached at the spot with two

constable. He was bit surprised hearing the event.

“What the hell, these guys are thinking about themselves.” He was

totally out of his control. Anger was reflecting from his face.

“They need a good care Rohit.” Krishnakanth said entering to another

police van.

“Yes! Definitely.” They both left for the police station leaving the

constables taking care of the van that was on roadside. On the way they

both hardly spoke anything to each other. Rohit got Krishnakanth. He is

now in a different mood. After dropping Krishnakanth at his office he left

to meet Rohini on instruction of him.

Near to Delhi Airport, the New Way Insurance Pvt. Ltd. Is located. When

Rohit reached there, it was morning around 11 am. He was in his civil

dress. So no one give any interest on him when he entered to reception

area. But within couple of seconds he could see a person came to him

and asked “what can I help you, do you need to insure something.”

“Yeah, I want to meet Mr. Jeff. “ He replied with a polite gesture with a

nice smile.” I have some work with him. Is he available now?”

“Please wait. I will inform to receptionist, she will inform him. Please

have a seat.” The man requested to take a chair.

“Thanks to you.” Rohit said and took a seat on the sofa kept there. It was

a while goes, he could see a man well dresses with specs came to him.

“Hello, I am Jeff. How can I help you?” Jeff shook his hand with Rohit.

Rohit looked at him, yes this is Jeff. The sketch made is almost matching

with this guy. “I am Sub Inspector Rohit. I am investigating the murder

case of Rajiv Saxena.” Rohit showed his identity to Jeff.

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Jeff was totally shocked hearing that he is standing before a cop. He feels

his throat getting choked.

“I didn’t do anything.” He spoke with a pale face.

“I haven’t asked you anything yet. But it looks like you know something.

We know that you are no way involved. But I want to know about the

dealing you are doing with the Rai brothers.” Rohit replied.

‘Police has already behind him, Rohini alerted him.’ Now Jeff is feeling

the reality.

“You need to come with to police station with me.” Rohit said to him.

“What is my fault officer?” Jeff voice little choked.

“See you cooperate with us. I assure you nothing will happen. You need

to appear at police station for further investigation. We have collected

all information’s about you. Now I am in civil dress, so no one will

understand what is going on. So please let’s go.” Rohit commanded him

to come with him.

Jeff couldn’t decide what to do. But he came to police station with Rohit,

where Krishnakanth is already waiting for both of them. By seeing

Krishnakanth, Jeff totally became out of his thought and started pleading

before him that he is no way involved in the murder case.

“I may agree with you Jeff unless I see you with Rohini. Could you please

elaborate us what you are dealing with. Don’t hide anything. We are

smart enough to dig out whatever we want. Tell us how you know Rohini

and the about the business people, I mean Rai brothers. Rohini is in

contact with you almost every day. May I know the details?”

Krishnakanth asked so many questions to him randomly. Looks like he

wants to know every minutes of the business dealing Jeff is doing. Jeff

became little astonished hearing all these things.

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He replied, “Sir! Those all are our clients. I mean client to New Way

insurance company. And I am the person who handles them as a

representative from our company.”

“I see.”

“After death of Rajiv, Rohini is the sole owner of all the insurance

benefits.” Jeff continued.

“Hmm… what else?” Krishnakanth hearing him calm and quietly.

“So, I used to connect with both for their insurance policy and benefits. I

remember the day when I read about Rajiv death case. The next day I got

a call from Rohini to talk about the insurance plan. But when I met her

she talked about the brass coin and its magical effect. Initially I couldn’t

decide what to do? But as there was a great monetary benefit I took

interest on her proposal.”

“But what is the reason she talked to you only.” Rohit asked.

“She is smart. She knows well our company deals with big clients. And

during our meetings she knew about me that I do have personal interests

on antique materials. So she put her plans before me.”

“What plan?” Rohit showed little more interest.

“She is having some important research work done by Rajiv. But

unfortunately the coin is not with her.”

“Then where is the coin?”

“I don’t know, who is having that. But, Rohini knows. I am just acting as

dealer who is connecting the Rai brothers. She is not having the coin that

is what she told me.”

“So Rohini is the master mind behind this?” Krishnakanth said.

“Yes sir.” Jeff voice was little low with fear and hesitations.

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“See, police is nothing to do with business dealings. But we need take

your finger print and DNA samples to make sure your involvement on

murder.” Krishnakanth told with a commanding voice. Jeff remained

silent. After sometime he left with one constable for finger print etc.

“We need to arrest Rohini.” Rohit asked Krishnakanth.

“On which basis. Jeff is not an eye witness. Only a suspect. But we need

have a close monitor on her. Put few people and see who the people she

is meeting with.” Krishnakanth replied taking his cigar.

“Sure sir.” Rohit left that place to check with Jeff.

After leaving police station, Jeff initially thought of calling Rohini. But he

was sure police will track his call. Neither had he used a public booth as

well. He came to his office and informed her through an email. After few

minutes he got a reply from Rohini to cancel the date of dealing and

advised him to delete the mails for further caution. Jeff without any delay

went to meet Nancy who was busy in her parlor. Jeff asked to her give

her cell number and dialed one number to Kathmandu. Nancy couldn’t

understand what’s going on and stayed silent till Jeff finished his


“So Miss Varma, I need your help to make a sketch of the person who

made you senseless.” Rohit was talking to the nurse. He insisted her to

remember the face of the old man who came to hospital.

“Yeah, I fairly remember his face. I will give a try.” The sketcher started

making the sketch as she instructed. Almost one hour she described his

face and the sketch was ready. Rohit looked at it. The face is covered

with beard and moustache. Difficult to know. Krishnakanth arrived there

and started looking at the sketch. “We need to meet Manish.” He said to

Rohit. Rohit looked happy hearing that.

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“When are u going to meet him?” Rohit asked.

“Let’s go to ministry of defense.” They both started within moments.

Within few minutes there van was before the main gate of ministry of

defense, where the security personnel checked their identity cards and

let them in. Rohit parked the van and they both started riding the stairs

towards the deputy home minister cabin. Nevertheless Rohit was in a

thought to take Manish into the custody and interrogate him. But it is

always decision of Krishnakanth he waited for. Before entering to the

cabin they could hear one voice from back side.

“Sir! Is not in his cabin. You guys can talk to me. “They both turned

around. It was Manish behind them.

“Hello, Mr. Manish Joshi! We were looking for you actually.”

Krishnakanth said seeing him at front.

“For me. What happened officers?” Manish looked at them with a wired


Then Krishnakanth picked one photograph from pocket and showed to

Manish. By looking at the photograph he could realize it is of Malini taken

from outside the hotel. He understood police is already nabbed about

his wife.

“Yes! She is my wife. Malini Joshi. Anything wrong officers?” he asked.

“You need to come to police station with us. We need few information

about your wife.” Krishnakanth told him.

“Are you gone mad Krishnakanth. Do you know whom you are talking

to?” Manish felt his dignity went down by such statement.

“Yes! Very well. Personal Assistant of Deputy Home minister. We need

you. Could you come with us, or I will issue an arrest warrant against

you.” Krishnakanth is a strict officer. Manish aware of him.

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“Arrest warrant! What I did and what my wife did?” still he tried to show

his innocence.

“That you and your wife know only. We yet to know. Let’s go to police

station and we will have a good talk there.” Krishnakanth said to Manish.

Manish looked helpless. Reluctantly he went with both of them to police


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Chapter 17

Post graduated from mining department of Indian Institute of

Technology Delhi, Rajiv Saxena preferred to be a software engineer

rather continuing as a scientist. It was his personal decision. He was the

dearest student of professor Priyadarshan. But professor was not happy

when he choose to be a software professional.

“You are ruining a genius brain inside you Rajiv.” He persuaded him not

to choose a career that doesn’t suit his ability.

“Sir! If you think I am a genius I can do well in software industry as well.”

Rajiv expressed his interest.

“As your wish. It is your career. All the best for your future.” Professor


It was the wedding ceremony, when professor was introduced to Rohini

and other friends of Rajiv. Rajiv was only praising professor for his great

talent and contribution to research and development. Professor

Priyadarshan who was at his forties, still bachelor developed a crush with

Rohini on first meeting. He visited once or twice to Rajiv’s house after

their wedding. When Rajiv return from their Kerala trip he met professor

Priyadarshan and showed him the brass coin. Professor became curious

to do research on it by seeing its magical power. He could see his table

lamp stop working. The fan stopped running. Rajiv gave the coin to him

but usually visited his lab to work with Priyadarshan. After working

certain months they could understand that the coin is really having

ability to control many powerful electrical devices if used in a certain

way. It became a passion for both of them to work on that. Priyadarshan

instructed Rajiv to keep it secret till they discover the real use of the coin.

Then after Rajiv devoted his spare time on research. It was the day when

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both of them testing in the lab, one interesting event happened. The coin

was kept under two magnet. It was electrified with certain voltage. They

both could observed that it is creating a certain electromagnetic field

that deactivated almost all the electrical equipment around it. Professor

instructed Rajiv keep that vertical, and again energized it. But result was

different. All the devices started functioning well. Then he tied the coin

with a small thread and kept it as a pendulum between two electrical

magnets and energized it. Surprisingly the power of the coin increased

and it pulled both of the magnets towards it. Even it started pulling

almost all the objects nearby. As a mineral expert professor confirmed

that this coin can definitely be used in our defense system.

“Is it sir? Rajiv exclaimed.”

“Yes! We need to have little big laboratory to perform certain


“Wow! Then shall we approach home minister.” Rajiv suggested.

Priyadarshan was not expecting such a view from Rajiv. He looked at

Rajiv and told you are getting more ambitious my friend.” In any case if

this research will be leaked then believe me our lives may be in danger.”

He replied.

“Why sir! We are not doing anything wrong. After all it’s a scientific


“Yes, certainly you are true.” He smiled. “You are a good person and

perhaps not aware of the dangers of scientific advancement. Any way we

will talk about it later. Let’s go somewhere today to celebrate on our

achievement.” On that day it was a day Rajiv, Rohini and Priyadarshan

had a good party. Priyadarshan drunk, enjoyed and danced with Rohini

as well. Rajiv was happy heartily that he has made something valuable in

his life. The next day he started drafting all his work and experience on

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his personal laptop but keep that data protected, so no one could see

that without his permission. After a week Priyadarshan heard that Rajiv

is murdered. He went to meet Rohini but she was not in a mood to talk

more. It was an unexpected incident happened. He couldn’t understand

anything and returned with a lot of questions on his mind. After

returning to home he immediately went to his lab and collected all the

content related to coin and the coin .Cleaned the lab as there was no

research had happened about the coin. Then he came to his home and

keep all those research content along with the coin in a bag and put that

in the store room. A fear pushed him to do all these things. He deleted

all the mail from Rajiv he communicated also erased all the call history

from his cell phone. The very next day he got an email from Rohini to

meet her at one restaurant. It was evening when he and Rohini were just

talking to about some serious and secret topic.

“I am pregnant and child is yours!” Rohini said to professor.

“What do you mean?”

“Yes! I checked with doctor.”

“But how do you know that child is mine.”

“For the last three months I haven’t any relation with Rajiv and it was

you only I slept with. Then who could be the father of this child?” she

annoyed with Priyadarshan.

“Are you serious?” That day it was a big shock for Priyadarshan knowing

that he is going to father.” Then better abort it.” He suggested

“No, I won’t. Better you marry me and I have plan for our better future.”

Priyadarshan looked at her and she started telling about her plan. After

sometime he looked little relaxed and told “all right. I am good. Let’s

think about a new future. Cheers!”

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Inside the chamber of Krishnakanth, before him Malini and Manish both

were sitting and waiting for Vicky. They were just sitting silently and

listening to him.

Mrs. Joshi, you named yourself as Mrs. Dutta and tried to steal the pen

drive from Vicky. Am I correct?

Yes! I did.

May I know the reason?

I wanted to sell it with a high price.

How much?

Ten million dollar.

So much money! So what was the information about?

It was the research work of Rajiv Saxena.

Rajiv Saxena, who was murdered couple of days ago. Are you behind his


“No officer! Manish started speaking, my wife is innocent.”

“Innocent! Fantastic. She sent few men to kill Vicky and Rohit. Isn’t it?”

Malini looked silent.

“And even two men attacked on me also. Those are your men right?

“Krishnakanth voice was little harder this time.

“Yes! Officer those were my people. But my plan was to scare you, not

to harm you.”

“And you entered to Vicky’s house in search of the pen drive original one.

Am I correct?” he asked.

“Yes, that is also true.” She replied.

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“So I have enough reason to arrest you and put you under jail for almost

ten years and to your husband for five years for supporting you.” There

was sharp smile on Krishnakanth face. There was a silence afterwards.

Vicky entered the camber. The moment he saw Malini his face became

little furious, but presence of Rohit and Krishnakanth made him


“Good afternoon sir!” Vicky addressed to Krishnakanth.

“Welcome Vicky! Your culprits are here.”

“Yes sir, she is Mrs. Dutta.”

“No! She is Mrs. Malini Joshi and he is her husband Manish Joshi.”

Krishnakanth pointed towards the Manish.

“So now all of you tell me who killed Rajiv and why?”

All stared at Krishnakanth with this enigmatic question. Perhaps they all

want to know who killed Rajiv and their plans got punctured. After few

moments of silence Krishnakanth ordered Rohit put all into custody, till

we get the killer.

“Yes sir.” Rohit replied.

“Vicky exclaimed, sir I have already explained I am not the killer.”

“You and the house maid have messed up everything that I can

guarantee.” Krishnakanth spoke.

Vicky’s thoughts got paralyzed. “The maid and me! Think about my

position sir. No way can I imagine like that.”

“Mr. Vicky your story and maid story is matching. So I am sure you and

she killed Rajiv to make money.”

“You are true, officer. Malini, started speaking with an eagerness to

explain that she is not involved in the murder of Rajiv. This guy helped

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me to get the data from deceased Rajiv. He must have killed him.” She

pointed towards Vicky.

Vicky became furious hearing that.” I will kill you culprit lady. You put me

in danger. My life and career are spoiling because of you. Don’t trust her

sir. She is very smart. Remember she tried to kill Rohit also.” He said.

“Hold on Vicky! I know well who the real planner is. Tell me one thing

when did you meet Rajiv? You represent yourself as a mineral expert.

Looks like you knew about him well. Tell me the truth.” Krishnakanth

asked Malini.

‘It was a plan of Manish. He instructed me to do friendship with Rajiv to

know about the coin?” She told.

“Coin? Which coin you are talking about.” Rohit spoke out.

“It is a brass coin with certain magical power.”

“Oh is it? How did you know about that?”

“Officer, if I will reveal the truth they will kill us.”

“Who will kill you? Who is behind you?”

“Krishnakanth please leave us.” Manish started pleading.” Our lives will

be in danger.”

“I have a lot of pressure Mr. Manish about this case. You people need to

cooperate. If you guys didn’t kill him, then tell me who is behind this


Both duo remained silent.” Better you leave us officer. You don’t have

any proof against us to interrogate us. Or I know well how to use my

ability. If deputy home mister will know about it, then that will not be

good for you.” Manish replied.

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“You are threating us.” Krishnakanth looked rigid. “I have many witness

against your wife to arrest her. Wait and watch. Very soon you both will

be inside the custody.”

Manish, Malini and Vicky left police station after a while. Krishnakanth

told Rohit to make an arrest warrant for Malini Joshi.

“Sir! I have something in my mind.” Rohit said.

“Please go ahead.”

“We can interrogate these guys in our way. Why we shouldn’t issue an

arrest warrant against Rohini as well.”

“We cannot. She is pretty smart and intelligent. Any wrong step would

lead us to failure of our mission. No doubt we have the leads to know

who is behind these planning. Still my concern is what the reason person

is like Manish is involved.”

“It is money, what else could be?”

“It is the coin itself.”

“What do you mean sir?”

“The coin is precious, and I guess someone from ministry is either having

that or he knows where the coin is? By the way did you get the

educational background of Rajiv?” Krishnakanth asked to Rohit.

“Yes! We collected all details about him. I am bringing the report for


“That’s good.”

It was month of December. Night around one A.M. Manish and Malini

Joshi were returning from a get together. Tomorrow it is going to be

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Friday. After police interrogation they both were enough stressed. But

they didn’t reveal that matter to anyone.

“I never imagined police would come to us.” Malini said.

“It’s all your fault. I told you now to be careless. You took Vicky very

easy.” Manish replied who was driving the car.

“It was not Vicky, it is Krishnakanth who is the smartest.” She replied.

“Yes! I know about him. Very tough officer. I don’t know what will

happen to us? They were about to cross a narrow bridge. There is little

darkness. Traffic is almost none. On the bridge Manish could see two bike

with four men were standing on the mid-way. He slowed down his car

and stopped before them. One men came to him and told him to open

the window. Manish looked at Malini and opened the glass of the

window. Without waiting for a moment the men fired three bullets on

Manish. There was no sound. Because of silencer. Manish couldn’t speak

anything and died on the spot. On the other side another who already

reached at Malini’s door, broke the window with an iron hammer. Few

pieces of glasses stroke on her head. She screamed with a high voice, but

no one was there to listen. Then the man put a small piece of cloth that

was dipped with chloroform on the face of her. Within few seconds she

became out of sense. Then the unknown men left that place leaving the

duo on that situation. It was mid night where the darkness rules on the

street and city. A crime happened witnessed by the dark and it was

waiting for next day morning to be known.

When Malini opened her eyes she found herself inside a cabin seems to

be in hospital. She could see inspector Rohit is standing before her. She

felt few stiches on her head. Severe pain she was feeling. She could

remember last night incident.

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“Where is Manish?” She tried to lift her head spoke with a face filled with


Rohit consoled her and said “He is no more. I am waiting for your

statement. What happened yesterday night?”

It appears she is not capable of accepting the truth of her husband’s

death. “That cannot possible. They cannot kill him. It’s my fault. Because

of me he died.”

“Who killed him? Why are you responsible?”

“Those are the same people attacked on Vicky and you as well.”

“I see. We will talk details later, now you take rest.” Krishnakanth arrived

at the hospital around noon hearing the murder of Manish. There was a

huge rush before the hospital as both home minister and deputy home

minister were with Krishnakanth. Krishnakanth answered the media it

was an unplanned murder, no way linked to political rivalry. May be any

enemy of Manish has done it. We are investigating this case. By the time

he was able to finish his job with media people, he could see IG also

reached there.

“We need an immediate action. Find out the culprits at any cost.” He

told to Krishnakanth.

“Yes sir. They will be in jail by tomorrow.” Krishnakanth assured him.

“How is the lady? Is she fine now? What about Manish.” he asked.

“Yes, she is good. Rohit is with her. Manish body is sent for postmortem.

Sir, I want to tell you one very important matter.” Krishnakanth told.

“Yes! Go ahead.”

Krishnakanth requested him to come one side of hospital corridor where

there was less crowd and then he described the incident so far happened

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and there could be a link between Rajiv’s murder and Manish. It was an

unexpected and unwanted scenario for both of them. They both silently

approached towards the cabin where Malini was admitted.

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Chapter 18

Professor Priyadarshan, was absolutely at surprise when he saw deputy

home minister was standing at his door. It is already evening eight

O’clock. He couldn’t see his bodyguards either.

“Are you not going to call me in Priyadarshan?” Deputy Minister asked

to professor.

“I am sorry sir! Please get in. you could have called me. “

“It’s a very important and serious issue. Last night my personal assistant

was murdered by few unknown men.” He told to professor.

“That’s very sad.”

“So I came here to meet you.”

“I didn’t understand.” Priyadarshan couldn’t figure out his intentions.

“I will explain you in details. I only know that you have the coin. Does

anybody know?” he asked to Priyadarshan.

Priyadarshan, became little alert hearing that. ”No sir! I didn’t tell

anyone.” He was about to tell Rohini knows about it but somehow his

sixthsense stopped him to reveal the truth.

“After the death of Manish, many question has come up. Yesterday he

and his wife was in police station.”

“Police station? On which occasion?”

“Few days back few men attacked on inspector Rohit and Rajiv’s friend


“Vicky? I know him. He is a very close to Rajiv.”

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“Yes! He was trying to sell some secret research work to Manish wife.

But the information’s were false.”

“Secret information’s?”

“Yes, it was about the metallic coin.”

“Oh my god! How did he get that?”

“No, he didn’t. That’s the reason he was attacked. By the way police was

able to trace all these incidents while investigating the murder case.”

“I see.”

“Now, my PA killed. So I am much sure these killings are connected. And

very soon police will reach to you and me as well.”

“Why we need to be worry sir. Keeping the coin is not a crime. It was the

gift from my beloved student. And after all we didn’t do anything.”

Professor became stammering.

“Deputy Minister looked puzzled and silent. I am worried about you. You

shouldn’t be harmed.” He said.

“Don’t worry sir! No one knows about it. So I am safe.”

“All right, take care. I should leave now. It is already night.” He started

leaving. Priyadarshan watched him leaving his apartment. It was almost

dark. He came and left without anyone’s attention, nobody noticed. But

one men from a distance corner, witnessing this. He is Krishnakanth. The

time deputy minister left the apartment, he entered to his van and

started watching. Priyadarshan couldn’t notice that. After few minutes

he came out with a big bag and started driving towards the educational

institute where he does his research work. Krishnakanth started

following him. The time he reached at his destination it was almost

evening ten o clock. He parked his vehicle and went inside. After almost

twenty minutes he came back and started returning to home. This time

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he was not having the bag with him. Krishnakanth who was following him

observed it. But he didn’t trail anymore and lost in the darkness.

Next day morning, when he woke up it was almost eight O clock. It was

Saturday. There is no office today. He made his breakfast and got ready

to meet Rohini. He knew her parents are now in Delhi. Around morning

ten he reached at her apartment. Knowing Priyadarshan has come, her

mother greeted him and asked him to take a seat. Her father came along

with Rohini, and they all started sharing their ongoing life experience.

Almost after half an hour they here a knock on front door. Her mother

opened the door. It was Rohit and Krishnakanth. See both of the officer

she couldn’t express anything but asked them to come in. all members

looked surprised seeing both officer at this time. Krishnakanth

introduced himself to her parents. Then he looked at Priyadarshan.

“Hello, I am Priyadarshan. Professor at mining department IIT Delhi. Nice

meeting you.” Priyadarshan shook his hand with both officer.

“Actually we are looking for both of you.” Rohit replied.” Mrs. Rohini and

you need to come with us to police station. Something important

regarding the death of Rajiv.”

Priyadarshan felt a tremor in his mind, as if a flow of electric current

passed from top to bottom of his body. “Why officers? What happened?”

He asked.

“We need few information’s related to Rajiv, so you two need to come

with us.” Rohit replied.

“Officers, can’t we talk here.” Her father spoke out.

“No sir! We cannot talk here. There are few things we don’t want you

should know. I mean it is a part our investigation process.” This time

Krishnakanth interrupted.

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Her father looked at Rohini, and instructed her to cooperated police.

They all left with in few moments. Her father took a seat. The house maid

who was standing nearby couldn’t control her emotions.

“Saab, shall I tell one thing?” She said.

“Yes! Go ahead.” The old man looked at her.

“There is something going on between Rohini madam and Priyadarshan


“What do you mean? What you know.”

“I mean there are couple of times Priyadarshan sir used to drop Rohini

madam at night. It happens when Rajiv sir comes very late night from

office. I never asked anything. Just informing you.” She told.

Her father and mother remained silent, looked at each other.” What else

you know. Tell us everything.” Her mother asked. The maid couldn’t

think anything. But seeing the old couple, she started telling the incidents

but she didn’t reveal her and Vicky’s involvement.

By knowing the originality of their daughter, tears came out of her

mother’s eyes. Her father seems calm. Didn’t spoke a word for a

moment. Then he replied “the child that Rohini I containing doesn’t

belongs to Rajiv.”

“What! What did you say! Say it again. Did I hear properly?” her mother


“Yes! It is not Rajiv’s child.”

“Then who is the father of her child.”

“Professor Priyadarshan.” Her father replied closing his eyes and sitting

on sofa.

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Her mother simply started crying. The maid seems little shocked. “What

happened to my family? Who killed my son in law? He was such kind and

nice person. Why Rohini did this?” She started sobbing. The old man

continued, I knew all these things, but kept it quite so all should go well.

But maybe I need to reveal the truth to police now.

“I have no doubt that it is you only, who deleted the maternity report

from Manoroma hospital. Am I correct Mr. Priyadarshan?” Krishnakanth

interrogated to professor. We have the sketch and I am sure if I remove

the moustache and beard from the sketch the face will match with you.

Where professor is sitting calm and quite, doesn’t know what to answer.

“Yes! That was me. I only deleted that.”

“How did you know that we are going to Manoroma hospital?”

“Rohini, informed me. She told to remove the data anyhow from the

database. Even she helped me how to that.” After telling that he took

some water. Feeling little relaxed after answering to Krishnakanth, who

is just in a mood to fire all his frustration so far.

“Well, Mrs. Saxena, it looks like you are the master of all plans. Is it you

behind the two murders?” Krishnakanth focus was on Rohini, who was

listening silently. Her face looked pale with no words.

“Look officer, your allegations are totally baseless. The reason I told to

remove the information because we had an affair. So I didn’t want any

trouble should arise.” She replied. “When I came to know from Vicky that

you guys are already knew about it, I told Priyadarshan to delete that

information so we should be safe side.”

“Yes, we know that you both had an affair and the child doesn’t belong

to Rajiv. So you didn’t want that anybody should know it. But the day

Rajiv died he took lot of drink because he knew it, and that night he was

murdered. Now tell me who the father of that child is. Professor Right?”

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“Yes, officer I am the father of the child. But no way are we connected

killing Rajiv.” Priyadarshan replied with a moderate voice. “We are also

surprised the way he died.”

“We have enough proof and witness to frame you guys. But I know well

you can escape easily with help of powerful connections. By the way

Rohini where is the research information. Don’t tell me you are hearing

it first time. I just exactly want to know where the brass coin and all the

research data made by Rajiv is.” Krishnakanth asked to both. Rohit was

waiting for his turn to ask. He had some different questions.

“Officers, looks like you have enough information’s collected. All right I

will give you all. But trust me we are innocent.” Professor said.

“Then why didn’t you helped us. You wanted to sell to Nepal

businessmen rai brothers. You guys need to answers me, or it will not be

difficult for us to find out who murder Rajiv.”

“I have kept all our research work at my lab and Rohini is having the

details of research work.” Professor replied.

“I know about that. Krishnakanth responded without any surprise. But

others were little surprised. Especially professor. “Yes! Professor we

have been tracking Rohini since the incident happened. Also last night I

followed you till your institution. I guess you kept it there last night, after

meeting with deputy home minister. So please tell me the internal story,

what is going on and what is your plans. Why minister visited your house

last night. He was alone. No guard.”

“It all started when I got the coin from Rajiv. He was a genius, who

insisted me to work on the coin. Initially I was reluctant but knowing its

significant powers we started experimenting on it. In between I

developed friendship with Rohini and we developed likeness to each

other. We meet usually in get together and sometime personally. And

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Rajiv was not aware of it. Though Rajiv never revealed our research

progress to any one not even to Rohini but I used to tell her about it

during our conversations. I remember almost a month ago she told me

she is pregnant and I am the father of her child. She did a maternity test

and the report went to her office address. Unfortunately it was received

by Rajiv and that day he drank heavily and killed.”

“What you are explaining to us is not new. Almost we figured out what

could be the reason. Vicky told us the truth while interrogated. But what

is the reason deputy minister came to your house?”

“He is my old friend. He comes often to my house.” Professor replied.

“Is that all? I can understand there is link between two murders. The day

Manish killed, he came to your house and that to at night without any

security guard. After that you left with a bag and put it in you lab. That is

because to be safe. Am I right? Just tell me yes or no. so that police

shouldn’t get anything from your home.”

“Yes! I was scared.”

“Sir, we can test the DNA sample of Priyadarshan.” Rohit interrupted

who was silent till now.

“Yes! Sure. Check and let’s find whether he was there or not. Professor,

I need full cooperation. If proven guilty you cannot escape. Krishnakanth

continued. Professor went with Rohit for testing. Where Rohini just

waiting for further questions from Krishnakanth.

“Rohini, you may leave now. Your parents may be worried. We have

certain formalities to finish with professor.” She left without speaking a


After completing the basic formalities, professor requested a take some

rest and he was granted for fifteen minutes. He was just totally out of his

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mind. Unable to balance himself emotionally. What these guys want

from me. What will happen to my career and reputation? Many random

thoughts pupping on his mind. Just after fifteen minutes Rohit came to

him. Professor you need to come with me. He went with Rohit, but this

time he was taken to another place with a van. The van was driven by

Krishnakanth and at the back seat he and Rohit was sitting.

“Where are we going?” professor asked.

“To meet IGP.” Rohit replied.

“IG! Ohm my god. I mean he knows about me.”

“Yes, of course. It was his order to investigate this matter minutely.”

Professor continued thinking. But he was helpless. It will take a while to

reach the destination. Perhaps the planner doesn’t want him to reach at

IG and reveal the truth. Within few moments of their departure, around

six people with motor bikes started follow them. Rohit was aware of that

perhaps, so he was suspecting something. When he saw them he

immediately realized they are going to be attacked on the way and

alerted Krishnakanth. Krishnakanth called police head quarter and

requested for few more police force to help them. But he drove as if

nothing happened. Perhaps the group following them were looking for a

place where it less crowded and it was highway where they started

chasing Krishnakanth van with high speed. They were almost close to

them where immediately Krishnakanth slowed down his van and turned

it towards another direction away from highway. But the followers didn’t

stop and started following it. But without any delay Krishnakanth could

hear gun fires from back side. He knew they are trying to stop the vehicle.

He suddenly stopped it and turned the vehicle towards them. They were

not prepared for such a change but still continued firing. Krishnakanth

instructed all to put their head down to be safe and stopped the van. But

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Rohit came down from back side and fired almost five to six bullets on

the bikers. He could see two bike drivers just fell down by bullet hit.

Seeing this Krishnakanth fired the third one and put the third one down.

By the time they all ready to fight, another two police jeep reached there.

The biker tried to drove away, but police were able to catch them by

firing their bike tiers. They were taken to custody on instruction of

Krishnakanth. Then KK and Rohit drove towards IG office, where took

almost fifteen to twenty minutes to reach there. When they reached at

his chamber they could see IGP with deputy home minister with them.

Perhaps no one was expecting that. Professor was totally terrified with

the incident just took placed.

“Are you all right. We heard about the gun fire incident. IG asked


“Yes sir! We are fine. They all are now in custody.” He replied.

“I know that. I appreciate your bravery. But, Krishnakanth I am little

disappointed with you. Why did you suspect professor? I mean we know

each other for pretty long time. He has a lot of contribution on research

work. I don’t understand.” IG said.

“I agree with you sir. But we have strong evidence against him.”

“What is the evidence? The sketch.”

“Yes sir!”

“What else? “

“He confessed that he has the coin.”

“That is not his confession. The coin is with him because of Rajiv, the

victim. Professor is innocent. After all that precious coin is kept safely.

He is just innocent. Just leave him. Then he turned towards professor.

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Sorry Priyadarshan, perhaps my officers didn’t know about your


“It’s fine. Professor replied with a relief. No worry. I am always with

police. I can realize the situation now. But why did we attacked? I am

really scared.” Professor spoke.

“Don’t worry we will take care of that. Deputy home minister told who

was standing nearby and listening to them. Relax. No one can harm you.

I should leave officers. I am taking professor with me. Deputy Minister

left with professor. Krishnakanth and Rohit simply watched their way

helpless. Didn’t interrupted. They know well he is having his own


“Sir we risked our lives to bring professor here. And…”

“I know that. But I have pressure from ministry. We need proof. Without

any proof we are nothing. Find out something solid against him, then I

can do something.”

“We have requested for a DNA test. Rohit replied.”

“That’s very nice. In case that one match then we don’t have to worry.”

IG replied. Krishnakanth remained silent.

“So what shall we do now sir? Rohit asked?”

“Get the coin and detail information from professor. I will tell him to

provide you all those related stuff. But do it in a fair way. I will request

home mister for his cooperation.”

“Sure sir! Then they duo left the IG chamber. IGP dialed to home minister

and briefed all the incident.” On returning, Rohit was totally frustrated

and disappointed with the decision of IG.

“I am sure now deputy home minister is behind this all conspiracy. Any

way we have the people today we captured. Let’s interrogate them.

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What about Malini? Is she OK now to provide her statement.”

Krishnakanth asked to Rohit.

“I think so. She was given some injections to take rest. I hope we can

meet her.”

“Let’s go to hospital then.”

Rohit turned the direction of the van towards the hospital. When they

reached there Malini was taking her lunch. They waited for some time.

After finishing lunch when they met her, she looked relaxed.

“Malini, are you ready to go to police station? We want to identify few

people.” Rohit asked her. The doctor who was taking care of her replied


“You can officers. She is good now. But I wish better do it tomorrow. We

have some patient release process and it will take few hours. Then you

can take her.” Both officers agreed with that and left the hospital.

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Chapter 19

“I knew that you are doing something wrong. I warned you earlier. Nancy

talking to Jeff with a tensed voice. Now what will happen to us?” she said

to Jeff.

“Look, I did nothing. I don’t know who killed that guy. Even no way I am

in any other conspiracy.” Jeff replied.

“I don’t know. Only god can save us now. Just get disconnected from that

lady Rohini. I am sure if your boss will know about it, you will lose your

job.” Her words were like hammer to Jeff. Then she looked around if

anybody hearing to them. No one. They were sitting in road side

restaurant. It was Saturday evening around 6 pm. The Delhi weather has

already equipped with cold air. Jeff and Nancy paid their bill and started

leaving for their home. It was midnight Jeff came out of his residence.

Nancy was in deep sleep. He took his bike and reached before the

institution where professor used to do his research work. He went to

back side and jumped the wall and reached before the lab. On his

surprise he could see there is no luck on it. He opened the door and using

his cellphone light started searching something. Yes it was the bag he

was looking for. It was kept on a table. Where few other stuffs are there.

He checked that bag and opened it. Yes it is the same bag that Rohini had

described him. He was about to lift it, but he could feel another person

presence there and he was back side of him. Instantly he could hear a

voice. “Stay calm raise your hands or I will shoot.”

“Who are you?” Jeff asked raising his hands.

“Just give me the bag. I have gun pointed towards you with silencer. No

one will know if I kill you.”

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“All right,” he handed the bag but turned around. It was dark. On his cell

phone light, he could see a man pointed a gun. Difficult to recognize him.

But he handed the bag to him. The bag was heavy and Jeff took that

opportunity. He threw it over him and kicked him. The man fall down but

he fired a bullet that hit the stomach of Jeff. He screamed and fall down.

The man came forward and hit his head with that gun. Jeff lost his

consciousness. The man took the bag and ran away. Almost after one

hour Jeff regained his conscious. He dialed to inspector Rohit and

explained his location and situation. But because of heavy pain he lost

his sense again. Almost after half an hour, inspector Rohit with

Krishnakanth with a police team reached there. They found bleeding Jeff

laid on floor. Immediately he was taken into hospital with ambulance.

They both studied the situation and location. The fingerprint experts as

well as forensic department was informed. They came and started taking

the photos of foot prints and finger prints. It was going to be around early

morning five O clock. Krishnakanth got a call from IGP. After talking for a

moment he came to Rohit. Home mister has asked for a meeting today.

Rohit nodded. Complete the basic formalities and lock the lab. Very soon

we are going to crack this mystery.

“Are you sure Krishnakanth deputy home minister is behind the killing of


“Yes sir! We have already confessions from the bikers attacked on us.

Also I am sure Malini Joshi wife of deceased Manish definitely has link

with deputy minister.” Krishnakanth replied.

“I see. Also the bag that contains the all related material to coin is stolen.

It is very serious. “Home minister said.

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“I believe it may be done by him as well. But we tracked the call of Jeff.

It looks like he was informed by Mrs. Rohini to steal that. I was earlier

guessing two groups involved. One is Rohini and Jeff and other is our

deputy minister.”

“All right. Take statement of Malini and if that is against deputy minister,

then arrest him. Arrest Rohini and professor as well.” Home minister

ordered to IG.

“Sure! Thank you so much sir.”

“Please find the coin and all information and who killed Rajiv.”

“Definitely. We are very closer to this case.”

“Good. Then he turned towards IGP. Be cooperative and help

Krishnakanth and Rohit in all sense.”

“Yes! Of course I am glad to be.”

Rohit, looked extremely satisfied and happy. While returning from the

meeting he turned his vehicle towards hospital where Jeff was under

treatment. Nancy was sitting before him taking care of him. Seeing both

officers they were became alert.

“Jeff, can you tell me what happened?” Rohit asked him.

“Jeff described the incident and told he did because of Rohini.”

“Can you identify that unknown person?”

“No sir! It was dark, and he had covered himself very well.”

“Anyway we are investigating. But you will be in custody once released

from here.”

They both looked at each other. But helpless. Krishnakanth and Rohit left

the hospital. For Rohit it looks like case is resolved. Only he is waiting for

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the ballistic report of bullet that was fired to Jeff. The day next arrest

warrant issued against Rohini, Vicky and deputy home minister. Due to

medical condition Malini and Jeff were kept under medical supervision.

But they were guilty too. So warrant was there name as well. But there

was no as such evidence that could prove him guilty. But he was taken

to custody for deleting the maternity report from hospital. Rohit

collected the pen drive from Rohini. But they couldn’t find the bag.

Malini, explained it was the plan of deputy minister to do friendship with

Rajiv, to know about the coin. He sent the bikers to kill Manish. But she

doesn’t know why they didn’t kill her. Deputy Minister persuaded her in

the hospital not to tell anything to police and she will be benefited for

that. But after losing Manish she changed her mind and confessed all

before police. After two days they received the ballistic report. And for

a surprise it was the same gun used for killing Rajiv.

“Whom do you suspecting Rohit?” Krishnakanth asked to him after

getting the ballistic report.

“It could be only Vicky. From the beginning he was on my eye. Who else

could be? He knows how to fire. I have seen that.”

“Then what about the hair samples you collected.”

“It could belong to anybody sir. Mere hair samples are not enough to

track a culprit.”

“I agree. On that case he must be having that bag.”

“Yes! We can search his home.”

“Sure! Issue a search warrant. I will talk to IG about it.”

“All right sir.”

“Police made a search for Vicky’s house. After searching for almost ten

minutes they found a bag. It was the same bag. Perhaps the verdict was

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near. Rohit, who was the key investigator of this case was really surprise

finding the Bag in Vicky’s house. They found the gun as well. There are

three bullets remaining. The scene was clear to him now. It was Vicky

who killed and put body on the road. The maid helped him. Rohini with

help of professor and Jeff try to sell the information’s to Rai brothers.

And deputy minister with help of Malini and Manish made their different

plan. He needs to create a detailed report of their investigation. He need

to work with Krishnakanth before filing the charge sheet. But he wants

to meet the parents of Rohini before processing anything. After all the

retired army man is going to bear a lot of changes and pain in the near

future. He drove towards Rohini’s house. When he rang the bell, it was

the maid who opened the door. Rohit, looked at her, then heard a grave

voice from inside that he is familiar with. “Please come in inspector. I am

waiting for you.”

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Chapter 20

Krishnakanth, sitting inside his personal chamber, trying to crack the

laptop. He has been trying this for a while. He studied the sticky notes.

With difficulty he was able to get the password for the laptop with the

help of a computer expert. When he opened it. He started searching in

case he would get some important information’s. There was one folder

named ‘Rajiv’. Inside that one folder, he saw one document written

“Yellow Dime”. But it is password protected. He became frustrated. The

expert who was helping him couldn’t help him to open that document.

“Sir! It is password protected. I can try. But I am much sure it will be

impossible to get it. Usually software engineers keep their data

protected by using password so no one can access it. I don’t have any

way to crack such password. That will be a guess only. I don’t have any

tool that can crack this password.” He replied.

“Fine! I will try my way. You can leave now.”

Rohini’s father was expecting Rohit perhaps. He requested him to take a

seat. Rohit took a chair.

“You may be knowing that we have already got the culprit.” Rohit said

taking a chair.

“Is it officer? Who is he?”

“Vicky! He planned the murder of Rajiv and your maid is with him.” By

hearing that he almost frowned.” That’s a very surprise news. Then he

turned towards the maid.” Is that true?” He asked.

“No Saab, I didn’t do anything. I just helped Vicky Saab to shift the dead

body of Rajiv Saab from home. By hearing that the old man almost got

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out of his control. “Till now you didn’t tell me about this. You should have

told me.”

“Saab, actually you would have get disturbed. So I didn’t tell anything.”

“But why police is charging you.”

“I am innocent, it is only Vicky Saab I helped him.”

“We have investigated every matter sir. From the beginning I had doubt

on Vicky. He was the first person we suspected of involvement. Later on

interrogation we found that your maid is supporting her. Though we

don’t have any evidence on this. The coin and the gun were recovered

from Vicky’s house. That’s enough for us.” Rohit told.

“Officer, are you sure enough he killed my son in law.”

“Pretty much.”

“Think twice. “

“It is love for money only.”

“So you mean does he need to come to home to kill him and then again

threw his body on the road. He could have done it on the way itself.” The

old man replied.

By listening that Rohit remained silent for a moment and told “So you

mean someone framing him.”

“Yes! Absolutely. There must be somebody who knows everything from

the beginning and he knows your moves very well. Think little out of box.

You may see something that you are not able to notice.”

Rohit impressed by the analysis made by Rohini’s father. May be he is

right. He started leaving. Behind him he could hear the old man voice,

“you please leave us alone. I didn’t know about your reality. Perhaps he

was addressing to the maid.”

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Rohit went to hospital where Jeff was under treatment. Perhaps he could

help. Jeff was on his bed. Rohit took a seat near to him. I want to know

about the person who shot you. Did you notice anything specific on him?

“It was dark. So I couldn’t see him properly. But his voice is little familiar

to me. I mean I have met with him earlier.”


“I cannot recall.”

“If that person comes before you can you figure out?”

“I will try. He was covered fully.”

Rohit tracked the phone call details of Rohini and professor. The culprit

could be professor. He might have framed Vicky. But he needs proof.

Only few people knew about the bag. There is communication happened

between professor and Rohini. She has called her father as well. But she

didn’t call Vicky. Then how Vicky knew about the bag. May be the old

man is correct. His interpretation seems logical. He went to forensic lab

where the medical experts denied any specific traces from Vicky. The hair

samples is not matching with anyone. Neither the professor is involved.

Interesting. He called IGP and requested him to meet personally. IGP was

waiting for him. But he was bit stressed and seems wired. “Please take a

sit.” He told to Rohit.

“Thank you sir! Sir I have certain things to discuss.”

“Yes! Carry on.”

“I just want to know who are the persons knew about Rajiv prior to his

murder. I mean have you ever talked about it to anyone.”

“I didn’t understand you officer. What exactly you want to know?”

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“My investigation pointing towards any person who knows about Rajiv,

very well. He was aware that he is doing some scientific contribution.

And that person is not connected to him in any sense. Someone

external.” He tried to explain his thoughts.

“Well, I remember the initial call I got from home minister. And on first

meeting, me, home minister and deputy home minister with professor

and Rajiv. We five were knew about it. But once home mister called me

and disclosed one particular matter, that Rajiv has cracked something

critical and he is going to patent it. That would help us greatly in our

defense system. And after that I don’t remember anyone knows about

it.” IG replied.

“Sir! In that case I am pretty sure either professor or deputy minister is

behind Rajiv murder. But the way the murder happened it looks like a

person only wants to kill him and nothing else.”

“I see. So you are guessing professor.”

“No sir! I don’t think so. Rohini was with him. They just wanted to make

a deal. And the patent is a new to me. So my concern is towards deputy

home minister. We should rule out Vicky.”

“All right. You are free to discuss with me. We have lot of evidence

against deputy minister. He is the master mind. Collect some solid proof

against him.” IG assured him for cooperation.

“Thank you sir.” Rohit left. He went to meet Krishnakanth. When reached

at his chamber, he was not there. He could see the laptop of Rajiv kept

on his table and it was open. He started looking into it. The password is

cracked he understood. Then he surf the folders. After sometime he also

hit the document ‘Yellow Dime’. He tried to open the document but it

asked for password. He typed one password and it opened. He started

reading it and after reading it closed it. Then he kept the laptop as it is.

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Almost after couple of minutes Krishnakanth arrived.” What’s up Rohit,

how long you have been waiting for me?”

“Just fifteen minutes.” Rohit said.

“Sorry for that. Well we need to file charge sheet. “He told to Rohit.

“Sure sir. When shall we start?” he asked.

“I am waiting from IG. After all we need to arrest deputy minister. So let’s

arrange all evidence and proofs.”

“Definitely. All right sir I should leave now.”

“Fine. See you soon.” Krishnakanth felt Rohit, appeared different to him

this time. He looked at the laptop. It is locked. He couldn’t figure out

what could be the reason.

“Rohit, reached at Hotel sweet Moment, where the bar guy by seeing

him greeted with a smile.”

“Hello inspector. How are you doing?”

“Hi, I need your help. “

“Order me sir! Can you show me the footage of the night Rajiv Saxena


“Yes of course.” Then he took his laptop and started searching video files.

“Here I got it.” He said. Then he played the video. Rohit could see both

Vicky and Rajiv taking drinks. Rajiv is telling or shouting something and

drinking. Then other corners moments were captured. At one corner he

saw a person sitting. He recognized him. The person was waiting for the

duo to leave the restaurant perhaps. When they started leaving, he also

started leaving. Rohit He stopped the video at that point.

“Can I get a copy of it?” He asked to bar guy.

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“Sure! I will make a copy for you.”

“Thanks you so much.” Then he left with hurry. He reached at the

forensic lab, where usually they test all evidence. The DNA expert who

was busy with her work. Rohit knocked at her door.

“Please come in.” Rohit entered into the room. Took a chair.

“Can I get the report of the hair samples we collected from Rajiv’s house?

“Well can you do me a favor?”

“Yes sure.”

“How do you verify DNA samples?” he was eager to know the verification


“Well, after creating DNA profile we check if it matches with DNA

samples of suspects or not.”

“It may possible it belongs to someone from DNA database. I mean we

suspect somebody and samples are belong to someone we may never

thought about.” Rohit states.

“Yes! May be. Possible. We have DNA database. Possibilities are many.”

She replied.

“Can you please do that? Can you once check if it is matching with your


The lady looked at him.” Yes I can do that.” Then she entered the report

to a database and run a check report. A match found. It is matching with

one person. She told.

“Is he Krishnakanth Wagde, our ACP?” Rohit asked.

The lady exclaimed,” yes! It is”. She became spell bound. Couldn’t speak

for a moment.” How did you know? And is ACP is involved in this murder


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“He is not involved. He is the murderer of Rajiv. Please keep it

confidential, till I explain everything to IGP.” Rohit told.

“Yeehhh. I will.” Needless to say it was all set by Krishnakanth. ‘But why

he did that? Only he can explain it.’ Rohit left the forensic lab, couldn’t

decide what to do? He turned towards one certain direction, where he

usually meets Krishnakanth, his home. When he reached there it was

almost evening seven O clock. He knocked the door. After sometime the

servant opened the door. Please come inside. Krishnakanth is here.

Rohit, entered the drawing room, where Krishnakanth was waiting for


“What happened Rohit, I am surprised to see you here this time,

anything important?” He said.

“Yes! Very important. I knew who killed Rajiv.” He replied. His gesture

was straight. There was no blink on his eyelids.

Krishnakanth seems little disturbed seeing him this way. “He is Vicky

right!” He said.

“No, it is you only. You murdered Rajiv Saxena” Rohit told.

Krishnakanth remained speechless for some time hearing the words

from Rohit. Then said “Do you have any proof on this allegation?”

“The hair samples. Those were yours. You were below the bed on that

day. You were in the same restaurant where Rajiv and Vicky were having

drinks on that night. You followed them. You set it all, to get the coin.

Am I correct?” Rohit words were straight.

“Yes! You are right. I didn’t know where is the coin was? But now I have

it.” Krishnakanth said with a calm voice.

“But, why sir! What make you to do such a crime? That to murder an

innocent man.”

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“I want to be a rich man Rohit, very rich. My job cannot give me so much

money. And after all I wanted to be a hero before our department.”

“Wow! By trapping many innocent men and killing.”

“They are not innocent. Look, everybody looks for opportunity. I had

one. You may get one day. So take the chance.”

“It’s over now. I am now standing between you and your dream. You

have been my teacher, guide idol. But now my duty forcing me to think

differently. Very soon you will inside the custody.” He didn’t wait much

and left that place. Krishnakanth looked at his departure but didn’t stop

him. He went inside his bedroom from the drawer of his table he took

one packed. It contains something. Covered with a plastic pack with

certain rubber insulation. He opened it, it contains a brass coin. When he

took that out, his cellphone switched off automatically. The table lamp

turned off itself. He put it back as it is. He turned on his cell phone and

dialed an international number.

“What’s up Papa? When are you coming?”

“Very soon my son. May be day after tomorrow and this time I won’t be

back. Will stay with you.”

“That’s great.” We are glad to.

He told his servant to go home early and not to come for two days. He

will be on vacation. The servant left without asking anything. Before

leaving Krishnakanth gave him a check of two lakhs rupees. He

understood it’s a message to leave, perhaps he is leaving the country,

going to his son permanently.

Next day morning, it was around nine. A team of police with IGP and

Rohit appeared before Krishnakanth apartment. Rohit knocked the door.

Nobody opened the door for a pretty long time. But they could hear the

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voice of dike from inside who is barking nonstop. On the order of IG two

constables broke into the house. But within few seconds they found

Krishnakanth, is sitting on his sofa dead. His gun is in his hand floated one

side. He had committed suicide. The whole police team remained mute

for a while. IG ordered to take the body and ordered for postmortem.

Then he told Rohit to inform his relatives. “I hope he has killed himself

finally.” IG said.

Rohit replied with a soft and mourning voice. “Yes! Sir. The yellow Dime

finally end its story.”