THE Take The Coast ortb tb s t NVauon Sc its Rapid...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 2 I 1906 1- VBTSftANS UMCO TO ATTEND nsral Wiley lasute Addrtca to Georgia Camps Macon Ca Mca 1 Geaeral C M coaamaadlnK the Georgia did too UaKed Coafederate Vetenuu to- issaiac tm addr a to the camps all tkrottchevt tile state calling upon them le for the aaliouAl reoaioa g d to attead as far aa psxslble aot wrUastaadlBg tile fact that Georgia He- BMrtal 4y to aide to be celebrated while Ute rewtott to to progress Thus ate will pretakjr neaa that every Pert to to to node to UTe the state largely represented to New Orleaas Md Nazi alters will assist Geaeral WUejr Ill kffactac the aatloaal reaaloa tsiofa the raters with that cad La let will prataaty reasala at hose to oeesTV Messerial day said Oe ral WMey tlM vetsraas of the data BMke u alert to attest katk sad those who re will lad assistance Memorial day what at MfM to We owe it to the TOtenuuteatteadtheaaUoaal reaaioa tart these wise win leave to remain at will he te charge of tile aaesao- rial exaratoec sad to this Bauer we Mat esT for both eetesratloaa as kit Five Runted to Death by ExpleeleR- wtoa 0 Mch L Five sea were td two fatally by the exptosfam- Bitsjltoe kuBB to the corridor MHMtjr jail The tajwred are TeM Juntos hydreearbea operator fatally AWe fttswater prtoeser fatally Start C C Haaufeosd ateraf HMMT Hanarod Depot a A Bred Jaattoe was to- Mt f HtBctog tINt lump whe tie Hto elothea theos eff were eorered wits fcuttttljr tojalted They aentMy bttTMd before aid could HeIr Yevk af a Olaae- rtf the Cfattt fMUy ef Amrl keM- Tasseay aisjM at UM 8L Deaato O av- ral ftra4artok D Gnat declared tke- tHaUy start tocvUer for that what was rlfat la He t e luatly was a atetoatly aat- nNM aa4 safleleat strsagtk NteT great wet ta4 that its lataa- kMM be oa tae We ef right The uttaiitr was the W6ta aaalTersary V tae birth et Prtsdlla Great wife 0f Matthew Grant foHaded the Gnat feuatly la this eosjitey Killer by Taytar Tea Mel L Crawd with kink sad with the avowed purpose of JriHtog his wife sad three chlMrea- wh had ted frog aha Manta Ju redk a yenag fanaer Uvlas 9 alley aaath ef Taylor weat to the home of Us Jon Zak aid de Mated aaBlttaace He declared he world kill all laslde aid by aarattec la the wladows Whea Ju redk forced the door he was shot and killed by Zak Zak was released on 4500 toad Net Be meeted Upen Foley A Co Chicago originated Iloaey sad Tar a a throat tad lung reair y lad on aeenuat of great rrii and popularity of Money and Tar many iaiitation ir oT i d for the geauiae Thr e worthless im itsMnn have similar sounding nnmo sham The genuine Ue Hoary and Tar i in a jcllo pekaic for it tad refute any substitute It I the bod remedy for coughs ard cold J W McCollum Co Criticises Sanitary Conditions New York Men 1 In a report crit icising the sanitary conditions of the subway made by Uvorge A Super sanitary engineer says that the nanl tary admlnlatnttion of the subway has the most unnatlsfnclory feature brought In his Investigation The stations and toilet rooms have not been kept In a clean orderly condi- tion he says and It la difficult to erltlclxe too severely the fllthy rondt then of the roadbed at the station Cured Consumption Mr B V Clearwat r K n write My hu bind lay sick for three month dcctori laid he had quick cnm utnition We pneurid a of Ualiardii llorehound Syrup Vd it cured him That wn ii years o and tinco then VH have always kept a bottle in the hntie V without it For cou h and cold it ha no equal 5 c and 1 Sold by W M Johnson Treaty Reported Favorably Washington Mch 1 Tho senate eommltteo on foreign relations today y a party vote agreed to report fa Terably the Santo Domingo treaty Btmber of anea aeats were made te the treaty before It wu reported i i i the Wile will Osrpa t n eaa sky eirred aU- nt ater weN LAt who t o the Beware of Ask I I I Evan do U A y prepare 4 r trw lit p elelrM eve NaN Ia 5 oafs I 1 h I ban M i of- f Dip t tlttsrlt fib plada lIlae v 11 tbta- J iraM RaaHy Aanlvrary- HeN the psvera eat lisle r et to- t d 1 Fathenln Law fir father la law beg t Foley been r The but tie can- not 3 of i 2 z > < > > < ¬ < > WANT AND NEED Theres a big difference between what a baby wants and what he needs Deny him the one give him the other Most babies need Sc its Emulsion it the right for a baby It contains a lot of strength building qualities that their food may not contain After a while they get to want it Why Because it makes them comfortable Those dimples and round cheeks mean health and ease Scotts Emulsion makes children easy keeps them so too SCOTT BOWS 4 IY rl SI Sew Yolk WHI Meet May lat PIttsburg Mch 1 Notices have b n sent out by the Amalga- mated Association of Iron Steel and Tla Workers to all noti- fying them that the annual convention will open at Cincinnati May 1 and re questing them to send resolutions re- garding any change In the wage scale or wording rules to the national head quarters before March 31 An Impor tact matter to be taken up aside from the wage scale will be the unionizing of tho eastern plants Will Make Wireless Tests New York Mch 1 Wireless tests are to be made for the next thirty days by officers la charge of the tart o s stations established by the nary department to determine If possible the cause of maay failures to re cetre cad to lead messages at and sunset Repeated tests have shown this Is the case aad It Is said that the navy operators were the first to sake the of this strange cad Important phenomena Dangers of Pneumonia A eold at time If neglected is liable to eauie pneumonia which ia so often fatal and when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption Fo Honey and TST will the cough heel and strengthen the lung and prevent pneumonia LsGrippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualitip of Foles Honey and Tar There is nothing jut as good J W MeColhim A Co- Te Lip Off ft F O Routes Acworth Ga Mcb 1 Notice from the postofflcc department at Washing- ton D C has been received at the postoalce at this place that after March 31 all five of the rural free delivery mall routes from this place will be discontinued This Intelli- gence comes as a disappointment to the whole community and much dis- appointment Is manifested Schooner Grant Ashore Cape Henry Va Mch 1 The namo of the schooner ashore here Is the George M Grant of Went Haven lum- ber laden Attempts to shot a line to the vessel were iinHiircessfnl Tho sea Is Iou hush for surf boats The if hav askrrt that It rv nn cutter out and send a boat to the schooner from Windward The Bet Cough Syrup- S L Apple reprobate JndRit n tawa county Kanss write i to that I have need Ballard Hor hound Syrup for year and that I do not hesitate to reommnd it a the bet cough syrup I have ever need 1 Sold by W M John M n Wants Institutes Recognized Ctmstaiitrriiplr Mrli 1 The ne rpshlty i i prompt onViul r of th i iuaiil that th Aiinriranc- holaAtic u rut unl Syria IK onitl l tu iiUtittiMl treat went of tier natiDnallticdI- n prclttl on the porto by the tu rtan li satton Sentenced for Attempted Assault Fort Worth Tx Mch I IIouMi n Thona n iiiiii neino way given 9l year n hir l Uwir u Jury an- attfUpt on Miss Koeltmuu a young wrote girl The negro plead- ed guilty thing > Pa the even stop come This 20060 and nit Im It HI lit twillS urgently t for utll a aub lodges sun- rise discovery this Icy else lit p may Idol Ito rents It a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > > > Students Gather at Nashville Nashville Mch 1 Students by the hundreds picked dtlfjrntf from HtO coll ms unlv Tfftii and tbioto 1 leal HomfnarbH of tlu fatted Stattn anti Canmla are In Nashville num- HT of which will reach a total of more than Every wotlun of the land Is represented from the mart time provltirei of Cnnaila to Cnllfor nla This I th flfh convention of the Htu J n voluntf r movement for foreign missions conventions being held quadrentilally or once In a veneration Illicit Nashville Mch 1 A dispatch from Wayneaboro Tcnn says that two brothers named Henson have been killed by deputy marshals In Wayne county Tennessee The Hensons were moonshiners and defied the off- icers who have been waging a vigor- ous campaign against Illicit distillers along the borders of Alabama and Tennessee A Scientific Wonder The cures that stand to credit make Buckleu Arnica Salve a cien title wonder It cured E R Mulford lecturer for the Patron Husbandry Waynetboro Pa of of fills It heals the worst burns boils ulcers wound chil blsin and rheum Only 25c at all drug Denies Kings Illneu- Vknna itch 1 Dr Ot King E l ward MuiittixUil pitsit Ian has tale en the occasion of his return from his visit to England to publicly deny the rumors of the kings These Dr Ott dor in res are malicious Inven- tions pOKRlbly with political motives He says King Edward was never In better health than at present CASTOR DH KM YH Afnp lMtt Bean the Improved Train Service via Atlantic Coast Line The Atlantic Coat Line and con are now operating solid through trains from Jacksonville to Atlanta via Vaycro Tifton and Ma- con with through coaches to Nashville and Pullman buffet sleeping care to St and Chicago Train leave Jaekonvillc Atlan tie Liae daily at 900 p m and arrive Tiftoa 125 a m Macon 440 a m Atlanta 780 a m Chattanooga 115 p m Nashville 655 p m Evans yule 135 a m St Louie 708 and Chicago 930 a m Good connections are made at Jack- sonville from all Florida points thus affording the quickest and moat ssnrice from territory to Wet For further information tee ticket agent or consult The Purple Folder Through Train and Sleeping Car i Between Jacksonville Fla and Augusta Ga Effective January the Atlan tic Coast Line win inaugurate Pull- man sleeping car service between Jacksonville Fin and Augusta ia Trains will leave Jacksonville at 855 a m and arrive at Augusta at 045 p m affording service between the two ioiuu Dining car service will be operated between Jack onvill and Yamaiee for breakfast and lunch Evening train from all South Flori- da points make direct connection at Jacksonville affording the quickest and bet service between Florida and Augusta For further information sea ticket agent or write Frauk C Boyls tOO Diitrict PaMenger Agent Jack- sonville Fin City Directory For Sale We have H number of eopitit of Kurtz City for Bale tit The btiii olllce It i a dandy nfrrence book fur btii in i and profe rionhl men ginp tin nnnu of rtiiUiitii with treot and numi rr Price Leduc iil Seaboard Parlor Cars The seabonnl fir Line operates huf fet pirlor car ictwren Waldo and Tampa on train leavitiK Waldo that connect with the morning train from Gnu a care salt stores of its Louis Coast a m this the Ser- vice 10 1908 Iljrt I I lens x the these Dletl Killed its Sorts cuts y ill health FK Iik its moil Ckflirs leas via con- venient daylight dory toll lainrevilk ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > + ± I II j t I I t I tVTe aI rnJJ A nAIJrl he 1 D I k or J tors OS I 100 I tim all O t I v lu t r r C I MI 10 d I r 0 Trust hit rxn vii vour S 4oi- uo C < < Take The Atlantic Coast Line fOR ALL EARTHLY POINTS J orlUe Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed ServiceI- lruf TAt e ta Fb 1 1 GAINESVILLE Arrive 310pm High spring and Inter mrdiat Point 160 pia Daily Dally Ocala Uebrg and Tampa and I nt mediate Pomu Palatka Jacksonville Nonh Eat and West Daily Atlaata all Points North EMI Wet Rochelle Mieanupy Citra 8 80 a Dally 840pm Dally Daily a 13pm Daily High Springs Daii- j720p Sunday Interchangeable Mileage Ticket acod over 13U miles the pris the Southern are on sale by the principal Through Pullman Port to New Cou Line Tia Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway For complete information call OB J A GOODWIN Ticket Agent Qalnesvlll Di Ajtt W D STARK TraY rail Arj- I W Bay t Astor Hniiding JacksoBTllla Fla H M EMERSON Gen Traf Mgr J CRAIG Pa Traf Mgr Wilmington N C WU ia on N O Florida East Coast Railway Local Time Card No M In Effect January 9 MKIO- UTHBOUNDIEAB 99 No 35 So 19 Ni Dally batty I lly l 9 S 10 p in 1 U U 6 III It It 10 31 p 37 i 4 a 4 p 7 VI II M I ID- v M ft i n v ra i j v- i I rr M 5 t Oi HTATIONH- St AiiiCUttUiv 7 10 IJM 8 21- l J p 31 M i I s r 7 i i M tro- M tto- lM1llll rur n NOMTNSOUNOREAO o UP- o 7N No 74 No I llalljr Hally Dally lul I I ti II M- V I IS J 1 M 1 41 lux iiii- Ttliivliii II IT t i I r- II S Iliir- A I Jl IH II 12 421 JicliMiiiriiv 12 i i vi i1 i I n r ii 1 t in i i 3U l Kott rn- rir fJ i C I p M IMrn r r i 2 li Si i i II 7 U4 llott irtltlil ail 751 t Jilplt r 4 In 7 f p 0 p ArVe t Ii 4 i MM r 3 Lv l lm Ufm h 6 7 SO H3I 5 40 l lni IU 5 8 Vi i Ihiyntun lit JH1 ftil 100 6 4 IOW PIH M 10 p l IUn lnt- W 10 4 M Lvtnon itt 10 M 72iilAr Miami HO M n- I 3 I lArf llifiMi- Iiffct r rlnrC non tr lni23J7171 IluJ t ie ij cifopt Sunda- ycoMirNsKD Hciirnnr n Tvtiv JACKSOM Ir 310- Ar Iv AI lif TIM Iv Jrk nvlllf 8 O- Ar t Viciltlli t 0- MITHltrfM 2 it 3 i 3 J I 28t10 M AuKintlicr 44 p u to pi 0 i ii it pllio all 40 M- At Jn iivill 7 40 p 7 l 7 3J t 1 tO 12 10 p 12 10 f 7 10 Train rotnf e 1 pirtinlvflyof Pitlmanor Parlor CAM n l pTtr tnew i t luy i otic hi o ratft on uMij r i i i 34 plOU p O p It 13 lv Atlantic UvacH 4 s- FENINSUUI AN8 eCCHflfTAl STEAMSIIIP CONNEQIONS AT MIAMI Close Cosacctlaa Male at Must with StSMuhlp the P ft 0 SS Coopiny Ice Havana West and Nassau Three Sailings Each Week Tralaa discharge passcag ra at ships side No transfer For Copy of the LOCAL TIME CARD or Other Information SEE THE TICKET AGENT J D RAHNER Asst Qenl Pass Agt ST AI itSTINn in Need JOB PRINTING Order to THE SUN JOB OFFICE E S tb t P 0 1I or J IIr s tJ r N ortb asL on s eec for i- 1ul l16 pm I Daily 1 16 p m 1906 pm I Bilk prinKl savannah ranwiak I Albany wMam and Jall1 of among ea also Address C t i r H 1 Iowa 41 > aU u r T I U a H lilt J l I II I Jo a I a JIIII1 IJ I It a Lr a I a a J a r S ut 1tll II fi a > u J a 1 u I I 111 j If 2- j 1ll J 0 jr IJ I J H II I i I II It 1 a1I4 a lIrmllll1 t I a 11 I loa I I a a i 3 a I IU II a r z J rj a I I t 1 rUI It 111 tv ll I ri p 1 J 11 I I Jt L I V I a v I t I P 11 II l l 6 1 I l II r LJ I I a a II alt 6- O J I r I J I I I A I I I U i IU I I I JI l I vIlla t to r It I a Io 11 r I is I I tItCj II H tlol I A tU t I I TItUs t 11 1 1 H 101t t N I H Stuart UI a H I I I J a 18 1 a j I P Iii a I 1 I alJ 0 6 I P I UN 1 a I J- H I H H H a I r H H I s II a i a I 1 a i t p t I I Dally It f T l lII t 2310 27t No 29 I 35 e 93 OaUr oau I EMonE Jot OJllr Dail i a I t 7J 7 t IOC I tl I I 7s 3 tI 7a 32 N u 0 981to 92 0111 SIjE Dailr Datl DaU A I IJ ft 11Ie tram I II uu J- i o17 No I t No 19 Su 411 t I lJc No It 14 nail n ItJ1I- I i1 1 Utacb a II rg a I a II I I I 7 P a H eo l1 1 I t 0 n TIm Table bG tb UUI al bleb I I tDalerend their arrtnl fa aa lIta be at 111- 11MrLlUtaOo CObeb I atatal mpJIf 0 oS fesQattble ror Dd Iaorl3coa uDcU 41 nt r When of Your rte rl r r t a Uaw1 a cr e ay lJoe NVauon 1 Depart Frog i Wayctoae i- 896pm 850m exMonday ex in State sleeper FRANK BOYISTON Pals Nol i 5i p Imps H oLvJrkwlnrllte p W I 7 121 p l u J Iv 2 31 I p 6 p 6 a < tl S p 5 1 tlrLuln Ls 1 p a- Ir 1n erkr L p i u p e Ir 1Ir tr P I rill v 1 of I lr- M U i Is tr i M1 S t 1- 4It ea Lt I Ii p 1 r p I Iuahtlt l a4 1 17 I I p 1 P 1 P 111 l p I U Sid I Ugttis 32 p 4I i urtce 31l p p 1M ra m1r Iv 3 3 It- 3I i 11 I dt is 11 p 5 p h Ur4Lr1Vy U3ii P- r S d p t Ira tr Jenru 1il p S Iv r a > rrrtd 1 In p Iv 11 p- I J Ai p t p I L- t n 9 1 a Sr rah I 51 v- ti I all D IIx auhtl Sr t a Di t 11 11241 I Lv 1u t tlr 2I s p w t 1v 13 1 a p p p a- t p e Ilntrl p 13 p p I nallt p p a tt1 p a iuet eK p 9 a U 11 3 1 luIy e 9t p a I Irurn 9 a I0 9 a p t y p a SSr P Yt 6 S AA a Ty h U t I p Vet volt 1t y 10 of a 7 lr y a I Lv a- a p t p turt Iaudrdato 6 I t p I p fi 601 p d a- S a73 n1 1 a l 1t tri StJ 4 I5 5 N No 31 ho 3TNo ho Inr oau1 I DecI DI I Et No s 1 j i p t 1 I aIn0 a la t No lNo No No i Nt No ti- Oah D1 Dally Daly Dally Dally Es Sus Et S In > a e l p r a aaUr fait L 2J io b117 lo 1 ling nun 9rayport Nur 01117 Only t na truly I lu lO 6 p I v JackonNlletr t t7 1 ti to 10 S 9 51 a Ar 6n I p s 615 a Ii 9 IS NayportLv rthl lorrlr t tiros bat ordparturat Iha dons Is t ta LA r Send < < > > > <<> > > > > < < > < < << = = = = = = = = ° = + + + + + + < + +

Transcript of THE Take The Coast ortb tb s t NVauon Sc its Rapid...




nsral Wiley lasute Addrtca toGeorgia Camps

Macon Ca Mca 1 Geaeral C McoaamaadlnK the Georgia did

too UaKed Coafederate Vetenuu to-

issaiac tm addr a to the camps alltkrottchevt tile state calling upon themle for the aaliouAl reoaioag d to attead as far aa psxslble aotwrUastaadlBg tile fact that Georgia He-

BMrtal 4y to aide to be celebratedwhile Ute rewtott to to progress Thusate will pretakjr neaa that everyPert to to to node to UTe the statelargely represented to New OrleaasMd Nazi alters will assist GeaeralWUejr Ill kffactac the aatloaal reaaloatsiofa the raters with that cad La

let will prataaty reasala at hoseto oeesTV Messerial day said Oe

ral WMey tlM vetsraas of thedata BMke u alert to attestkatk sad those who re

will lad assistanceMemorial day what

at MfM to We owe it to theTOtenuuteatteadtheaaUoaal reaaioatart these wise win leave to remain at

will he te charge of tile aaesao-rial exaratoec sad to this Bauer weMat esT for both eetesratloaa as kit

Five Runted to Death by ExpleeleR-wtoa 0 Mch L Five sea weretd two fatally by the exptosfam-Bitsjltoe kuBB to the corridorMHMtjr jail The tajwred are

TeM Juntos hydreearbea operatorfatally AWe fttswater prtoeserfatally Start C C Haaufeosd

ateraf HMMT Hanarod Depota A Bred Jaattoe was to-

Mt f HtBctog tINt lump whe tieHto elothea

theos eff were eorered witsfcuttttljr tojalted They

aentMy bttTMd before aid could

HeIr Yevk af a Olaae-rtf the Cfattt fMUy ef Amrl keM-Tasseay aisjM at UM 8L Deaato O av-

ral ftra4artok D Gnat declared tke-tHaUy start tocvUer for thatwhat was rlfat la He

t e luatly was a atetoatly aat-

nNM aa4 safleleat strsagtkNteT great wet ta4 that its lataa-

kMM be oa tae We ef rightThe uttaiitr was the W6ta aaalTersaryV tae birth et Prtsdlla Great wife0f Matthew Grant foHaded theGnat feuatly la this eosjitey

Killer byTaytar Tea Mel L Crawd with

kink sad with the avowed purpose ofJriHtog his wife sad three chlMrea-wh had ted frog aha Manta Juredk a yenag fanaer Uvlas 9 alleyaaath ef Taylor weat to the home ofUs Jon Zak aid deMated aaBlttaace He declared heworld kill all laslde aid byaarattec la the wladows Whea Juredk forced the door he was shot andkilled by Zak Zak was released on4500 toad

Net Be meeted UpenFoley A Co Chicago originated

Iloaey sad Tar a a throat tad lungreair y lad on aeenuat of great

rrii and popularity of Moneyand Tar many iaiitation ir oT i dfor the geauiae Thr e worthless imitsMnn have similar sounding nnmo

sham The genuine UeHoary and Tar i in a jcllo pekaic

for it tad refute any substituteIt I the bod remedy for coughs ardcold J W McCollum Co

Criticises Sanitary ConditionsNew York Men 1 In a report crit

icising the sanitary conditions of thesubway made by Uvorge A Supersanitary engineer says that the nanltary admlnlatnttion of the subway has

the most unnatlsfnclory featurebrought In his Investigation Thestations and toilet rooms have notbeen kept In a clean orderly condi-tion he says and It la difficult toerltlclxe too severely the fllthy rondtthen of the roadbed at the station

Cured ConsumptionMr B V Clearwat r K n

write My hu bind lay sick forthree month dcctori laid hehad quick cnm utnition We pneurida of Ualiardii llorehound SyrupVd it cured him That wn ii years

o and tinco then VH have alwayskept a bottle in the hntie V

without it For cou h andcold it ha no equal 5 c and 1

Sold by W M Johnson

Treaty Reported FavorablyWashington Mch 1 Tho senate

eommltteo on foreign relations todayy a party vote agreed to report fa

Terably the Santo Domingo treatyBtmber of anea aeats were made

te the treaty before It wu reported








n eaa


eirred aU-nt ater







Beware of






do U







litp elelrM eve

NaN Ia5 oafs

I 1

h I ban


i of-





lIlae v11 tbta-

J iraM RaaHy Aanlvrary-HeNthe

psvera eatlisler et to-




Fathenln Law


father la law







but tie


not3 of




> <







WANT AND NEEDTheres a big difference

between what a baby wantsand what he needs Denyhim the one give him theother Most babies needSc its Emulsion it theright for a baby Itcontains a lot of strengthbuilding qualities that theirfood may not contain Aftera while they get to want itWhy Because it makesthem comfortable Thosedimples and round cheeksmean health and ease ScottsEmulsion makes childreneasy keeps them so tooSCOTT BOWS 4 IY rl SI Sew Yolk

WHI Meet May latPIttsburg Mch 1 Notices

have b n sent out by the Amalga-mated Association of Iron Steel andTla Workers to all noti-fying them that the annual conventionwill open at Cincinnati May 1 and requesting them to send resolutions re-garding any change In the wage scaleor wording rules to the national headquarters before March 31 An Importact matter to be taken up aside fromthe wage scale will be the unionizingof tho eastern plants

Will Make Wireless TestsNew York Mch 1 Wireless tests

are to be made for the next thirtydays by officers la charge of the tarto s stations established by the narydepartment to determine If possiblethe cause of maay failures to recetre cad to lead messages at

and sunset Repeated tests haveshown this Is the case aad It Is saidthat the navy operators were the firstto sake the of this strangecad Important phenomena

Dangers of PneumoniaA eold at time If neglected is

liable to eauie pneumonia which ia sooften fatal and when the patienthas recovered the lungs are weakenedmaking them peculiarly susceptible tothe development of consumption Fo

Honey and TST will thecough heel and strengthen the lungand prevent pneumonia LsGrippecoughs yield quickly to the wonderfulcurative qualitip of Foles Honey andTar There is nothing jut asgood J W MeColhim A Co-

Te Lip Off ft F O RoutesAcworth Ga Mcb 1 Notice from

the postofflcc department at Washing-ton D C has been received at thepostoalce at this place that afterMarch 31 all five of the rural freedelivery mall routes from this placewill be discontinued This Intelli-gence comes as a disappointment tothe whole community and much dis-

appointment Is manifested

Schooner Grant AshoreCape Henry Va Mch 1 The namo

of the schooner ashore here Is theGeorge M Grant of Went Haven lum-

ber laden Attempts to shot a lineto the vessel were iinHiircessfnl Thosea Is Iou hush for surf boats The

if hav askrrt that It rv nncutter out and send a boat tothe schooner from Windward

The Bet Cough Syrup-

S L Apple reprobate JndRit ntawa county Kanss writei to that I have need BallardHor hound Syrup for year and thatI do not hesitate to reommnd it athe bet cough syrup I have everneed 1 Sold by WM John M n

Wants Institutes RecognizedCtmstaiitrriiplr Mrli 1 The ne

rpshlty i i prompt onViul rof th i iuaiil that th Aiinriranc-holaAtic u rut unl

Syria IK onitl l tu iiUtittiMl treatwent of tier natiDnallticdI-n prclttl on the portoby the tu rtan li satton

Sentenced for Attempted AssaultFort Worth Tx Mch I IIouMi n

Thona n iiiiii neino way given 9lyear n hir l Uwir u Jury an-attfUpt on Miss Koeltmuua young wrote girl The negro plead-ed guilty









20060 and

nit ImIt


littwillS urgently

t forutll


aub lodges






lit p


Idol Ito

rents It


















Students Gather at NashvilleNashville Mch 1 Students

by the hundreds picked dtlfjrntf fromHtO coll m s unlv Tfftii and tbioto 1

leal HomfnarbH of tlu fatted Stattnanti Canmla are In Nashville num-

HT of which will reach a total of morethan Every wotlun of theland Is represented from the marttime provltirei of Cnnaila to Cnllfornla This I th flfh convention ofthe Htu J n voluntf r movement forforeign missions conventionsbeing held quadrentilally or once In aveneration

IllicitNashville Mch 1 A dispatch

from Wayneaboro Tcnn says that twobrothers named Henson have beenkilled by deputy marshals In Waynecounty Tennessee The Hensonswere moonshiners and defied the off-

icers who have been waging a vigor-ous campaign against Illicit distillersalong the borders of Alabama andTennessee

A Scientific WonderThe cures that stand to credit

make Buckleu Arnica Salve a cientitle wonder It cured E R Mulfordlecturer for the Patron HusbandryWaynetboro Pa ofof fills It heals the worst burns

boils ulcers wound chilblsin and rheum Only 25c atall drug

Denies Kings Illneu-Vknna itch 1 Dr Ot King E l

ward MuiittixUil pitsit Ian has taleen the occasion of his return from hisvisit to England to publicly deny therumors of the kings TheseDr Ott dor in res are malicious Inven-tions pOKRlbly with political motivesHe says King Edward was never Inbetter health than at present


Bean the

Improved Train Service via AtlanticCoast Line

The Atlantic Coat Line and conare now operating solid

through trains from Jacksonville toAtlanta via Vaycro Tifton and Ma-

con with through coaches to Nashvilleand Pullman buffet sleeping care to St

and ChicagoTrain leave Jaekonvillc Atlan

tie Liae daily at 900 p m andarrive Tiftoa 125 a m Macon 440 am Atlanta 780 a m Chattanooga115 p m Nashville 655 p m Evansyule 135 a m St Louie 708and Chicago 930 a m

Good connections are made at Jack-sonville from all Florida points thusaffording the quickest and moat

ssnrice from territory toWet

For further information tee ticketagent or consult The Purple Folder

Through Train and Sleeping Car i

Between Jacksonville Flaand Augusta Ga

Effective January the Atlantic Coast Line win inaugurate Pull-man sleeping car service betweenJacksonville Fin and Augusta iaTrains will leave Jacksonville at 855a m and arrive at Augusta at 045 pm affording service betweenthe two ioiuu Dining car service willbe operated between Jack onvill andYamaiee for breakfast and lunch

Evening train from all South Flori-da points make direct connection atJacksonville affording the quickestand bet service between Florida andAugusta For further information seaticket agent or write Frauk C BoylstOO Diitrict PaMenger Agent Jack-sonville Fin

City Directory For SaleWe have H number of eopitit of

Kurtz City for Bale tit Thebtiii olllce It i a dandy nfrrencebook fur btii in i and profe rionhlmen ginp tin nnnu of rtiiUiitiiwith treot and numi rr Price Leduciil

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe seabonnl fir Line operates huf

fet pirlor car ictwren Waldo andTampa on train leavitiK Waldo thatconnect with the morning train from


a care






a m



10 1908







Dletl Killed


Sorts cuts


ill health

FK Iik its moil Ckflirsleas
















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Take The Atlantic Coast LinefOR ALL EARTHLY POINTS

J orlUe

Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed ServiceI-

lruf TAt e ta Fb 1 1


310pm High spring and Intermrdiat Point

160 piaDaily


Ocala Uebrg and Tampa andI nt mediate Pomu

Palatka JacksonvilleNonh Eat and West


Atlaata all Points North EMI Wet

Rochelle Mieanupy Citra

8 80 aDally



a 13pmDaily

High Springs




Interchangeable Mileage Ticket acod over 13U miles the pristhe Southern are on sale by the principal

Through Pullman Port to New CouLine Tia Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway

For complete information call OB

J A GOODWIN Ticket Agent Qalnesvlll

Di Ajtt W D STARK TraY rail Arj-I W Bay t Astor Hniiding JacksoBTllla Fla

H M EMERSON Gen Traf Mgr J CRAIG Pa Traf MgrWilmington N C WU ia on N O

Florida East Coast RailwayLocal Time Card No M In Effect January 9 MKIO-


99 No 35 So 19 NiDally batty I lly l

9 S 10 p in 1 U U6 III It It

10 31 p 37 i 4 a4 p 7 VI II M I ID-

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10 M 72iilAr MiamiHO M n-

I 3 I lArf llifiMi-Iiffct r rlnrC non tr lni23J7171 IluJ t ie ij

cifopt Sunda-

ycoMirNsKD Hciirnnr n Tvtiv JACKSOM

Ir 310-ArIv

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2 it 3 i

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M AuKintlicr 44 p u to pi 0 i ii i t pllio all 40 M-At Jn iivill 7 40 p 7 l 7 3J t 1 tO 12 10 p 12 10 f 7 10

Train rotnf e 1 pirtinlvflyof Pitlmanor Parlor CAM n l pTtr tnew it luy i otic hi o ratft on uMij r i i

i34 plOU pO p It 13 lv

Atlantic UvacH 4 s-


Close Cosacctlaa Male at Must with StSMuhlp the P ft 0 S S Coopiny Ice

Havana West and NassauThree Sailings Each Week

Tralaa discharge passcag ra at ships side No transfer

For Copy of the LOCAL TIME CARD or Other InformationSEE THE TICKET AGENT

J D RAHNER Asst Qenl Pass Agt ST AI itSTINn

in Need



E S tb tP 0 1I orJIIr s tJ rN ortb asL on s



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