The Symfony CLI


Transcript of The Symfony CLI

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Tom Corrigan / @thetommygnr

Page 2: The Symfony CLI

ABOUT MEDeveloping Symfony apps since 2.0Lead Developer of Co-Founder of Attended Symfony Live 2012 in Paris

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THE CONSOLE ITSELF$ app/consoleSymfony version 2.5.3 - app/dev/debug

Usage: [options] command [arguments]

Options: --help -h Display this help message. --quiet -q Do not output any message. --verbose -v|vv|vvv Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for --version -V Display this application version. --ansi Force ANSI output. --no-ansi Disable ANSI output. --no-interaction -n Do not ask any interactive question. --shell -s Launch the shell. --process-isolation Launch commands from shell as a separate process. --env -e The Environment name. --no-debug Switches off debug mode.

Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commandsassetic assetic:dump Dumps all assets to the filesystemassets assets:install Installs bundles web assets under a public web directorycache cache:clear Clears the cache cache:warmup Warms up an empty cacheconfig

This will list every command registered in your application$ app/console | grep twigtwig twig:debug Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and twig:lint Lints a template and outputs encountered errors

Combine it with grep

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SHORTCUT SYNTAX$ app/console d:s:v

The above is equivalent to:$ app/console doctrine:schema:validate

If the shortcut is ambiguous the console helps you out

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COMMANDS ARE SELF DOCUMENTING$ app/console help twig:lint

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OTHER GENERAL NOTESAlways be aware of what environment you need to run yourcommand inDon't use interactive mode without a good reason. It will biteyou

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ASSETICDumps all your assets (CSS/JS) and applies all configured filters$ app/console assetic:dump

Scans your files for changes and reprocesses any modified files.

Combine this with the following configuration for a hugespeedup in dev

$ app/console assetic:dump --watch

#config.ymlassetic: use_controller: false

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ASSETS:INSTALL$ app/console assets:install

Copy Resources/public from every bundle to the webdirectorySymfony has a composer post install/update hook to do this for


Tip: put this in your composer.json and you'll never have to runthis command again

"extra": { "symfony-assets-install": "symlink"}

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CACHE:CLEAR$ app/console cache:clear

Clears the application cache for a given environment

This is the first thing I try whenever I encounter weirdness

Note the importance of specifying an environment. Each env hasits own cache

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CONFIG:DUMP-REFERENCE$ app/console config:dump-reference

First run this without any arguments to see all registered bundles

$ app/console config:dump-reference twig

Then supply a bundle name or alias to view all configurationoptions and defaults

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CONFIG:DEBUG$ app/console config:debug

Very similar to config:dump-reference except that it shows youractual configuration

$ app/console config:debug twig

Like the last command you can then view the configuration for abundle

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CONTAINER:DEBUG$ app/console container:debug

I use this heaps with grep$ app/console container:debug | grep form

Also useful:$ app/console container:debug --tag=form.type

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GENERATE:BUNDLE$ app/console generate:bundle

This is the first thing I do when starting a new project

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DOCTRINE:GENERATE:ENTITY$ app/console doctrine:generate:entity

Fantastic for quickly stubbing out entities on the command line


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DOCTRINE:GENERATE:CRUD$ app/console doctrine:generate:crud

Creates a form type, controller and templates

Another massive timesaver

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DOCTRINE:GENERATE:ENTITIES$ app/console doctrine:generate:entities

Creates entity class from your mapping

The secret trick is it safely updates existing entities too!

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OTHER HANDY DOCTRINE COMMANDSdoctrine:database:create Creates the configured databasesdoctrine:database:drop Drops the configured databasesdoctrine:mapping:convert Convert mapping information between supported formats.doctrine:mapping:import Imports mapping information from an existing databasedoctrine:mapping:info Shows basic information about all mapped entitiesdoctrine:query:dql Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.doctrine:query:sql Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.doctrine:schema:create Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schemadoctrine:schema:drop Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schemadoctrine:schema:update Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadatadoctrine:schema:validate Validates the doctrine mapping files

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SECURITY:CHECK$ app/console security:check

Sends your composer.lock file to the to see if any dependencies have know security issues

SensioLabs SecurityChecker

Work this in to your CI environment!

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SERVER:RUN$ app/console server:run

Spin up a webserver on Single threaded, so serving assets takes a whilePHP 5.4+It should go without saying but don't use this in production!


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