The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September ... · The Sydney Morning...

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September 1896, page 7 National Library of Australia TEY TBM.OHAFU.] (FEOM OUE COJUMISFONDESTS.) CAMP DIAMOND MINES. There u> much actmty nt thoBcçgy Gawtpduinontl mines, about 16 indes f«-n*n boro on the road to Bin- gam Daisy m-d Akcn UTO workmg a 210-ncic block kuv ii n_i tbo Stn of tho couth, ami sonic months ago dia]K>ged of it to an Eiiglioh corni any for whit wa° consideicd ii good Hguio A deposit was paul, and tho coinpauj is to pa} the bul mee ai d to tnko possession in a few duys This claim has been worked for 12 months, tho funking being from -Oft to J5ft, and tho avemgo >iold 10 cnints to tho load In soma citaos they hate obtained nu much as 200 cant« lo tho lo id Pi\e oí tho blocks hivo been pro\cd psyible, tho other block not leaving boon testad the doepest abaft; sunk wis bottomed at lOjft lho present shaft ii oui j 3 »ft desp, and from tbo bottom thoy took 1 )0 cuits I-oui men only hivo boon at work m this chun but they ha\e tukou out duim¿ the time nearly 4000 ci ii ta, besides onough tin to pay Gray ind Co 's Crown Jewel daim ol 40 nciHs has been worked by tinco men foi tho lust si\ rmnths The sinking is i0ft and thora is G£t of wn»li, avoia^iu^ 10 cimfs to tho load In this claim a «i-carst BtDiio was lccontlv unearthed Forman Bl others Koh-i-nooW c1 tun comprises 10 u"res Ino ¡unkiug is fiom 10 to loft deep, with waMidut from I to 7 ft thick nnd they recently \\ nsbod ü0 loada of du t, md obi unod somo 250 carats lilli chum has boon working about 12 months Orifnthfi tud piity s Juanea claim of 80 ncics is bcinn' worked by them on tributo I j nioaus ot a tunnel lho j aro obtaining good tin nnddiiraonJs fakiijpcn and paity arewoikmp Kirk s Hill on tubule, and îoccnth wa-shed out 37b carato fiom a couple of loads of washdtrt, hondeo a consider ib't, quantity of tm Hoonet ind iipper ha\o bot-u woikiug tbiMaUcti raino on tributo toi tho past two mouths, tho gre iter portion of the time bung spent prospecting mid dam making The wash starks from tho sut face, dipniug fiom 3 to Gft , and jit,ldingantt\eiago of tinco carats to tho load, with every appearance oi it improving In addition to diamonds the\ obtsin -01b of tinto the lo id Fome of tho 1 c->t du t has j lelded 1001b to the load In ono} atcb the* took out i couple of loads which j tolde 1 li stones weighing 10*- cants, with Jew t tau lho wash is t>o easily obtained that thoy arc enabled to koop tho washing gonn* oveij day, and aro now obtaining linger diminuís J be spur nins north and south fion tho Malacca Hills Daisy and tipper s, Soldiers' Hill least, consists of 20 acres lins party hacheen at vork h tuco tho new \enr I hoir tunnel is ovci 150tt long, md thoy ha\o i oin 1ft to .1ft of wash.. lho> recently washed 60 londs and obtained 8G0 carats be^de» I5cwt. of tin In this chun thero are about 20 colours of gold to the dish of wash ADELAIDE, Wednesday Thero was no nltorution m the mtrkct for B Hitor linca to-dn} Ttur e .changes took pine, m Wo tem Australian gold-imiitng thaïe», but prices all round wore e is er, and tho luarkot was mom da picsed than lit eon o tme past Falos Brokon 'lill rropnolatv, 10.. Block 11, 20i Gd, Junction North, 33a Central Noith, 2s _d, Baker's Creek, seller 10s ljd, Eleanora, buyer 13s 3d, seller 13s Od, Associated Gold Mines, GJs, G Is, Gd-3d, Ben Lomond, In bid, Is 9d Is Sd, Black Prince, Is 7d, Block -j, 30s Gd, 27s, 28s, Boulder Control Extended, 2s Id, 2s od, 2s ljd, Boulder Consolidated, Is OJd , Boulder Consols No 1, Is Gd, Is Id , Bouldor Ilnlf-mdo South, Is 7d, Is Gd, Boulder Noith Extended, 4s lid, 4s lOd, Brookman's Gobion Ano«-, 9s, 83 3d, Brown lilli Junction, 10a G1, 10s ljd, Brophj's ICtiimtlpi Cinsols, Is 3d, Is Id, ÏB 2d, Coolgardie, 18s 3d, lis C'tre^us Pmpi letaij, Is Tortuuo of War, 2s bil Geneiul Gordon, con- tributing, 1-s, 13s Gd , ditto North, contributing, ¿1 Gd , Golden Vur/lo, Is 2d, Is 3d , Golden llulgo, Is 2d , Golden Zone, eoiitnbuting, 3s Gicat Bouldei, £7 7s, £7Gs, Hannans Contril Lxtendod, is 3d, 3s 7d, 3s Dd, Unnnan's Eist, Is 3d, IIuu nau's Consols, 8d, llaunaii's Wealth, con- tributing, Is , Imperial Boulder, la lil, Is 4d, Is 3d, Island Lako Austin, 1 is Gd, 1G_ Gd, lßa , ditto Consols, Gd, 7d , Island Lako Austin North, la 2d, ditto South, Is 7d, la 5d , Iv.nhoo, ¿8 -Is, £3 3s , ditto South 1 xtomlcd, Os 2d, Gs Id, Ga 3d , Ivanhoo Junction, Is Gil Kalgoorlie Proprie- tory, 5s l_d, os, 5s Id. Bank of England, £j , Lady Mary South, Is Id , Lad} Sherry, paid, Is 3d, , Lady Mary South, Is Id , Lad} Sherry, paid, Is 3d, Is, Is Id , ditto aontrtbutui.r, 2s 8d, 2s Oil, Lake View South, paid, SOs, 10a Gd , Maritana Conti als, Is lid, Maritana Extended, toiitiibulmg, Od, Maritana North, 2s 9d, (at auction, 2s id) , Moii-ioa Tornado, contubuting, is , Moon's, 2s id , No 1 North xvor.oinan, contubuting, 3s lOd , No 2 Gieat Non.oinnn, SJd, 7Jd , Premier South, In Od Queens- land Mou/irs, paid, .Is Gd, 21a, 22s 3d ditto, con- tributing, 20s, 21s, Ilnilwa}, contributing, 7s Gd lteofera' Luicka, contributing, 5a Uti ba , Ii07al Mint and Irou King, paid, 31s 'd, 3111 3d, Slug Hill, 4s, 3n lid , Tharne., 7d , Tnieo Colonic3, paid, Gs'JJ, Gs 01 , United fecotchmati. Is lOd, rs , Vic toiy United, 5s 3d , Wallaroo M 11/ies, Í.G , Whito Teathor Main Koot, Ils Gd BfUbBANE, Welucsday To-days Lxcliiiigo sn]t3 wero -Columbia and Smithfield, 12a , I\o 1 Noith Phoonix, 30s Queens laud Moones, paul up, 22s f 1, 22a, 21s 0d , Golden Hun, contributing, 9d, 8}d, Ort , JCnlgoorlio, Gleu oicb}, contubuling, Sid, Oil Queeuslnnd Exchange sales »eie -Gieat Now Zealand, 100 at _Jrt Wilmot! Extended (thrco parcols of 100), Id, M'Ch}'s Woloomo, contribut- ing, 100 at Sid Mount Ito.o and Stockman No. 1 West, 100 a' OJd BllOKL-v MUT., Wednesday ïkcjutu t 0111111II last weo'-tieiitcd 120 tons crudes, returning 80 tons conce itratcs and IG tons sliuiea of fair silv01 mid good hal contents lho (loin itches for the vv eck comprised 1372 tons, including Iii tona fécond grado ¡iilphidcs locally to Block 14 All sur feco machu ery is repoitcd to ho maning well lho niasoiny work foi the building to contain additional crushers is now completed, mid awaiting tho ainval of.tho plant, vv Inch ia expected next week The vvator has boon bald out of Biowno's shaft, and tomleia aro being called for di tv mg another GOft of tho vve.tcioa.ctit at tho back of lho 700ft lovel Ihisciosscut has alie id} leached 210ft, and woik will bo pushed ahead 11111n.d1u.-l) Biowno's north shaft has 1 cached 9oft btlow lho 200ft lovel, and Ins been stopped pending tho connection with an adjacent cros'ent. Thewtu/o fiom the bottom of tho 150ft lovoi has hoon sunk 8 lft in clean hard sul- phides The leadinir sill Hool seta nro being earned f01 vv ard in tho wostern dovelopmeut north of tlio crosscut at the G75ft level, the distance leached being about 90ft , mid tho tot earning 1 full face of iïittltlo otc, hut the hanging wall sido is much mixed with quaiU 'lho fool«all ia a strong body of compact sulphides standing, some- what troubled w tilt enud-tone On tho second and thud lloois an impiovemeut lins unado during tlio last day or so, strong bright faces of fuablo material showing all round Tho greatest cure has to bo exercised on these lloors to prevoot " run nmg" ns tho damp soft oro on tho hanging VVT.11- I Bido causes a heavy ovoiburdon Samples I iken fiona tho various faces light tlnoiigli thesa atom» nv enge Hw silvoi and 3G poi cont of lead rho slopes in tho south juiiotioii of tho North boundary coiie?ponbiiKto that niiiio's i>70ft lovel continuo (o eua y lino facc3 of fnnblo material, but tho quail - lity lucken lins been toniporanly limited (hrougn an mhunloii of saud->tono luniun1; acioss, being nn paiontly tho samo lib onconutcied at tho wOft levai above Excellent socond-gi ido oro ia bung broken from the csutro of soctiou nt lho bio'' of tho nWfl level, tho faces looking bold and ellong Tho 1 lghci slopes uro yielding tho usual "'ooci milling ore OnAHrCRb TOWERS, Wclnoidi) To-day's Exchange sales vicio -Bonmo Dundoo, forwuid dolivciy, Os Od Brilliant Conli-il, 8s 3d Clark's Bnlliaut Wnioopleraud Victory, Is Ciavou a f akdoma, Is 7d , Wyndham Block, Us lid, 1 Is lOd, forward dolivory, Dav Dawn No aWest Id , Golden bnrpnae, conliibuttng, laid ICPIIV'S Queen Block, contributing, lfs Jil, for« ud delivery 16a Id , ditto, liiul, lGs 7d, 10s Sd , Moonstone, 9d , Queen Cro-,s Hoof, 18s .Id , Quean Central contributing, forward delivery," 0s, ditto paid, 8s 2Jd, 8s Id, Caledonia Block, forward dolivciy, us Od Victoria, Bs Oil Evening sales Brilliant Contrai, Ss 2_tl, 8<¡ Id , Brilliant Pieoliold, coiiliibuting, fs lil, Gi M Biilhant Extended, contributing, Cs 2d, Day Dawn No u West, Id, 3'd, Golden Suipuso, paid 2s Oil, Kolly's Queen Block, paid np, 10s 7Jd Lady I brenco, 8d, 7id , Imperial, dil, Queen Centrai, contributing, la 9d , ditto, paid, 8s 3d Queen Cross Beef gnudings yidilod 291oz , inaknig tho total cruthing 1137 tons of atone for

Transcript of The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September ... · The Sydney Morning...

Page 1: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September ... · The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September 1896, page 7 National Library of Australia

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September 1896, page 7

National Library of Australia




There u> much actmty nt thoBcçgy Gawtpduinontl

mines, about 16 indes f«-n*n boro on the road to Bin-

gam Daisy m-d Akcn UTO workmg a 210-ncic

block kuv ii n_i tbo Stn of tho couth, ami sonic

months ago dia]K>ged of it to an Eiiglioh corni any for

whit wa° consideicd ii good Hguio A deposit was

paul, and tho coinpauj is to pa} the bul mee ai d to

tnko possession in a few duys This claim has been

worked for 12 months, tho funking being from -Oft

to J5ft, and tho avemgo >iold 10 cnints to tho load

In soma citaos they hate obtained nu much as 200

cant« lo tho lo id Pi\e oí tho blocks hivo been

pro\cd psyible, tho other block not leaving boon

testad the doepest abaft; sunk wis bottomed at

lOjft lho present shaft ii oui j 3 »ft desp, and from

tbo bottom thoy took 1 )0 cuits I-oui men only hivo

boon at work m this chun but they ha\e tukou out

duim¿ the time nearly 4000 ci ii ta, besides onoughtin to pay Gray ind Co 's Crown Jewel

daim ol 40 nciHs has been worked by tinco men foi

tho lust si\ rmnths The sinking is i0ft and thora

is G£t of wn»li, avoia^iu^ 10 cimfs to tho load In

this claim a «i-carst BtDiio was lccontlv unearthed

Forman Bl others Koh-i-nooW c1 tun comprises 10

u"res Ino ¡unkiug is fiom 10 to loft deep, with

waMidut from I to 7 ft thick nnd they recently

\\ nsbod ü0 loada of du t, md obi unod somo 250 carats

lilli chum has boon working about 12 months

Orifnthfi tud piity s Juanea claim of 80 ncics is bcinn'

worked by them on tributo I j nioaus ot a tunnel

lho j aro obtaining good tin nnddiiraonJs fakiijpcn

and paity arewoikmp Kirk s Hill on tubule, and

îoccnth wa-shed out 37b carato fiom a couple of loads

of washdtrt, hondeo a consider ib't, quantity of tm

Hoonet ind iipper ha\o bot-u woikiug tbiMaUcti

raino on tributo toi tho past two mouths, tho gre iter

portion of the time bung spent prospecting mid dam

making The wash starks from tho sut face, dipniugfiom 3 to Gft

, and jit,ldingantt\eiago of tinco carats

to tho load, with every appearance oi itimproving

In addition to diamonds the\ obtsin -01b of tinto

the lo id Fome of tho 1 c->t du t has j lelded 1001b to

the load In ono} atcb the* took out i couple of

loads which j tolde 1 li stones weighing 10*- cants,

with Jew t tau lho wash is t>o easily obtained that

thoy arc enabled to koop tho washing gonn* oveij

day, and aro now obtaining linger diminuís J be

spur nins north and south fion tho Malacca Hills

Daisy and tipper s, Soldiers' Hill least, consists of

20 acres lins party hacheen at vork h tuco tho new

\enr I hoir tunnel is ovci 150tt long, md thoy

ha\o i oin 1ft to .1ft of wash.. lho> recently

washed 60 londs and obtained 8G0 carats be^de»

I5cwt. of tin In this chun thero are about 20

colours of gold to the dish of wash

ADELAIDE, WednesdayThero was no nltorution m the mtrkct for B Hitor

linca to-dn} Ttur e .changes took pine, m Wo tem

Australian gold-imiitng thaïe», but pricesall

round wore e is er, and tho luarkot was mom da

picsed than lit eon o tme past Falos Brokon

'lill rropnolatv, 10.. Block 11, 20i Gd,Junction North, 33a Central Noith, 2s _d,

Baker's Creek, seller 10s ljd, Eleanora,

buyer 13s 3d, seller 13s Od, Associated

Gold Mines, GJs, G Is, Gd-3d, Ben Lomond, In bid,

Is 9d Is Sd, Black Prince, Is 7d, Block -j, 30s Gd,

27s, 28s, Boulder Control Extended, 2s Id, 2s od,

2s ljd, Boulder Consolidated, Is OJd,


Consols No 1, Is Gd, Is Id ,Bouldor Ilnlf-mdo

South, Is 7d, Is Gd, Boulder Noith Extended, 4s

lid, 4s lOd, Brookman's Gobion Ano«-, 9s,

83 3d, Brown lilli Junction, 10a G1, 10s ljd,

Brophj's ICtiimtlpi Cinsols, Is 3d, Is Id, ÏB 2d,Coolgardie, 18s 3d, lis C'tre^us Pmpi letaij, Is

Tortuuo of War, 2s bil Geneiul Gordon, con-

tributing, 1-s, 13s Gd , ditto North, contributing,

¿1 Gd, Golden Vur/lo, Is 2d, Is 3d

,Golden llulgo,

Is 2d,Golden Zone, eoiitnbuting, 3s Gicat Bouldei,

£7 7s, £7Gs, Hannans Contril Lxtendod, is 3d,

3s 7d, 3s Dd, Unnnan's Eist, Is 3d, IIuu

nau's Consols, 8d, llaunaii's Wealth, con-

tributing, Is , Imperial Boulder, la lil, Is 4d,Is 3d, Island Lako Austin, 1

is Gd, 1G_ Gd,


ditto Consols, Gd, 7d ,Island Lako Austin

North, la 2d, ditto South, Is 7d, la 5d, Iv.nhoo,

¿8 -Is, £3 3s, ditto South 1 xtomlcd, Os 2d, Gs Id, Ga

3d,Ivanhoo Junction, Is Gil Kalgoorlie Proprie-

tory, 5s l_d, os, 5s Id. Bank of England, £j 1«,

Lady Mary South, Is Id, Lad} Sherry, paid, Is 3d,


Lady Mary South, Is Id, Lad} Sherry, paid, Is 3d,

Is, Is Id , ditto aontrtbutui.r, 2s 8d, 2s Oil, Lake

View South, paid, SOs, 10a Gd,Maritana Conti als,

Is lid, Maritana Extended, toiitiibulmg, Od,Maritana North, 2s 9d, (at auction, 2s id)


Tornado, contubuting, is, Moon's, 2s id

, No 1

North xvor.oinan, contubuting, 3s lOd,No 2 Gieat

Non.oinnn, SJd, 7Jd,Premier South, In Od Queens-

land Mou/irs, paid, .Is Gd, 21a, 22s 3d ditto, con-

tributing, 20s, 21s, Ilnilwa}, contributing, 7s Gdlteofera' Luicka, contributing, 5a Uti ba

, Ii07al

Mint and Irou King, paid, 31s 'd, 3111 3d, SlugHill, 4s, 3n lid , Tharne., 7d , Tnieo Colonic3, paid,Gs'JJ, Gs 01

,United fecotchmati. Is lOd, rs


toiy United, 5s 3d , Wallaroo M 11/ies, Í.G, Whito

Teathor Main Koot, Ils Gd

BfUbBANE, WelucsdayTo-days Lxcliiiigo sn]t3 wero -Columbia and

Smithfield, 12a , I\o 1 Noith Phoonix, 30s Queenslaud Moones, paul up, 22s f 1, 22a, 21s 0d


Hun, contributing, 9d, 8}d, Ort,JCnlgoorlio, Gleu

oicb}, contubuling, Sid, Oil

Queeuslnnd Exchange sales »eie -Gieat Now

Zealand, 100 at _Jrt Wilmot! Extended (thrco

parcols of 100), Id, M'Ch}'s Woloomo, contribut-

ing, 100 at Sid Mount Ito.o and Stockman No. 1

West, 100 a' OJd

BllOKL-v MUT., Wednesdayïkcjutu t 0111111II last weo'-tieiitcd 120 tons crudes,

returning 80 tons conce itratcs and IG tons sliuiea of

fair silv01 mid good hal contents lho (loin itches

for the vv eck comprised 1372 tons, includingI i i


fécond grado ¡iilphidcs locally to Block 14 All sur

feco machu ery is repoitcd to ho maning well lho

niasoiny work foi the building to contain additional

crushers is now completed, mid awaiting tho ainval

of.tho plant, vv Inch ia expected next week The

vvator has boon bald out of Biowno's shaft, and

tomleia aro being called for di tv mg another GOft

of tho vve.tcioa.ctit at tho back of lho 700ft lovel

Ihisciosscut has alie id} leached 210ft, and woik

will bo pushed ahead 11111n.d1u.-l) Biowno's north

shaft has 1 cached 9oft btlow lho 200ft lovel, and

Ins been stopped pending tho connection with an

adjacent cros'ent. Thewtu/o fiom the bottom of

tho 150ft lovoi has hoon sunk 8 lft in clean hard sul-

phides The leadinir sill Hool seta nro being

earned f01 vv ard in tho wostern dovelopmeut north

of tlio crosscut at the G75ft level, the distance

leached being about 90ft , mid tho tot earning 1

full face of iïittltlo otc, hut the hanging wall sido

is much mixed with quaiU 'lho fool«all ia a

strong body of compact sulphides standing, some-

what troubled wtilt enud-tone On tho second and

thud lloois an impiovemeut lins unado duringtlio last day or so, strong bright faces of fuablo

material showing all round Tho greatest cure has

to bo exercised on these lloors to prevoot"


nmg" ns tho damp soft oro on tho hangingVVT.11-


Bido causes a heavy ovoiburdon Samples I iken

fiona tho various faces light tlnoiigli thesa atom»

nv enge Hw silvoi and 3G poi cont of lead rhoI

slopes in tho south juiiotioii of tho North boundary

coiie?ponbiiKto that niiiio's i>70ft lovel continuo

(o eua y lino facc3 of fnnblo material, but tho quail-

lity lucken lins been toniporanly limited (hrougn

an mhunloii of saud->tono luniun1; acioss, being nn

paiontly tho samo lib onconutcied at tho wOft

levai above Excellent socond-gi ido oro ia bungbroken from the csutro of soctiou nt lho bio'' of tho

nWfl level, tho faces looking bold and ellong Tho

1 lghci slopes uro yielding tho usual "'ooci milling ore

OnAHrCRb TOWERS, Wclnoidi)

To-day's Exchange sales vicio -Bonmo Dundoo,

forwuid dolivciy, Os Od Brilliant Conli-il, 8s 3d

Clark's Bnlliaut Wnioopleraud Victory, Is Ciavou a

f akdoma, Is 7d , Wyndham Block, Us lid, 1 Is lOd,

forward dolivory, Dav Dawn No aWest Id , Golden

bnrpnae, conliibuttng, laid ICPIIV'S Queen Block,

contributing, lfs Jil, for« ud delivery 16a Id ,


liiul, lGs 7d, 10s Sd , Moonstone, 9d , Queen Cro-,s

Hoof, 18s .Id, Quean Central contributing, forward

delivery," 0s, ditto paid, 8s 2Jd, 8s Id, Caledonia

Block, forward dolivciy, us Od Victoria, Bs Oil

Evening sales Brilliant Contrai, Ss 2_tl, 8<¡


Brilliant Pieoliold, coiiliibuting, fs lil,

Gi M Biilhant Extended, contributing,

Cs 2d, Day Dawn No u West, Id, 3'd, Golden

Suipuso, paid 2s Oil, Kolly's Queen Block, paid np,10s 7Jd Lady I brenco, 8d, 7id ,

Imperial, dil,

Queen Centrai, contributing, la 9d ,ditto, paid, 8s

3d Queen Cross Beef gnudings yidilod 291oz ,

inaknig tho total cruthing 1137 tons of atone for

Key Excerpt BOGGY CAMP DIAMOND MINES. TINGHA, Wednesday. There is much activity at the Boggy Camp diamond mines, about 16 miles from here on the road to Bingara. Daisy and Aitkin are working a 210-acre block known as the Star of the South, and some months ago disposed of it to an English company for what was considered a good figure. A deposit was paid, and the company is to pay the balance and to take possession in a few days. This claim has been worked for 12 months, the sinking being from 20ft to 35ft, and the average yield 10 carats to the load. In some cases they hate obtained nu much as 200 carats to the load. Five of the blocks have been proved payable, the other block not having been tested. The deepest shaft sunk was bottomed at 105ft. The present shaft is only 35ft deep, and from the bottom they took 150 carats. Four men only have been at work in this claim but they have taken out during the time nearly 4000 carats, besides enough tin to pay expenses. Gray and Co 's Crown Jewel claim of 40 acres has been worked by three men for the last six months. The sinking is 50ft and there is 6ft of wash, averaging10 carats to the load. In this claim a 3 carat stone was recently unearthed. Foreman Bothers Koh-i-noor claim comprises 40 acres. The sinking is from 10 to 15ft deep, with washdirt from 2 to 7 ft thick, and they recently washed 30 loads of d1rt and obtained some 250 carats. This claim has been working about 12 months. Griffith and party's Banca claim of 80 acres is being worked by them on tribute by means of a tunnel. They are obtaining good tin and diamonds. Skippen and Paity are working Kirk's Hill on tribute and recently washed out 376 carats from a couple of loads of washdirt, besides a considerable quantity of tin. Rooney and Tipper have been working the Malacca mine on tribute for the past two months, the greater portion of the time being spent prospecting and dam making. The wash starts from the surface, dipping from 3 to 6ft, and yielding an average of 3 carats to the load, with every appearance of it improving. In addition to diamonds they obtained 20lb of tin to the load; some of the best dirt has yielded 100lb to the load. In one patch they took out a couple of loads which yielded 41 stones weighing 153/4 carats, with 3/4 cwt tin.
Page 2: The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September ... · The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 24 September 1896, page 7 National Library of Australia

inaknig tho total cruthing 1137 tons of atone for

382ooz. of gold

COBAR, Wednesday,

Vory rich stone has been slruik at BciribungieGRAFTON, Wedneeda.

Tifty-throo tons of stouo from the lott level in

thoBluo Mvslery claim, Bucca Cieck, vieldcd HOoz

lôdwt of goldGULGONG, Wcdnosday

Tho Happy Valloy Syndicato opened out to-day at

ISOit, and broko dow a a rich ho ly of quartz ¿ft

wide, showing coarse gold butty-four ounces of

specimens were obtained, mid lim manager

of tho Bank of New South Wales esti-

mates that they contain fully one-third

gold No doubt non exists (lint this reof caused tho

richness of No i Jluipy \ alley c1 um, winch

nvcinged 15oz lo lho load lho lenso lukes in Hie

old alluvial claim, and lho paltv has broken into lho

old workings of No > A\ilhim 1 hempson and

paity havo leased all the nvailablo out»ido ground,

which is now being floated into a, btronj compauy of

Sydney shareholders

GYMPIE, Wednesday

Mi Tliomns Smilh lopoiti that No 1 Noith Gum-

nut a finished ciu«hmg for a yield of SiJoz gold A

dividend of Is poi bhuio bus been dcclaied pa.abloon Siturday lho fconth Glanmire und Moni land

ciushcd Jil tons of fctono foi a jield of 200o7 goll

bales Lady Mary and New Zealand 8d feimth

flold No 1 Noith, 8s 0] lo-night's quotations

Coítinihia and Sniithhold, Fcllei Us, buver 11s 5d

Columbi 1 ISO 1 Noith coiiliibUiiií*, rcllei 3s 9d,

buvci 3s G1, \ietory lio 1 North seller Is lid,

bujei Is Od ,Sinithfie'd and Golden Pilo 6eller 10s

buyei8sGd, Golden Pile, Eelloi US .d, buyer 11s,

Phoenix No 1 Noith, seller ¿li buyer 30s

M.ÜLBOURNF, Wednesday

Tho market for Broken Hill silver conipamos con-

tinued voiy inactive to-dav, but late quo'atioiis

woro nominally unaltered Sales Block 10,

Ola Gd, B H Piopnetary, 40s, IDs Gd, North

Bioken, 7s Only a modéralo huntings took

placo 111 Tasmanian companies, the tendenej

of prices goueially downwards lho principal

sales nore -Mount Iyoll, £8 Gs, £8 3s, IS 4s

Contml Mount lyell, 3s id, Comet, 10s Cuitm

nnd Davis, 11s Gd, 11s 7.(1, lim' Lyall, 3s 9J, 3s

O.d, Lyell Tharsis, 83 3d,North Mount LyoII, 18s

18s 3d ditto, paid, 18s Gd, bouth Curtin and

Davis, 2s Sd Tasmania Lyoll, Gs 7d Gs l.d,Ciovvn

Lyell, 9d,

Lyell Dundas South, 3d,


paid, 4d ,south lyell Consols, pad, Is

Business in Wctcrn Australian gold shares con

tinucd lestnctod to a verv í<¡w commutes, and

furthoi íeduced pneoi Ulled Sales Blown Hill

Junction, 10s Gd, Ivanhoe, £8 8s £8 rn Alaritima

tis Od, Queen Mirgnrtl, 3JS, MB Aictoncn

gold cmnaiues had 11 inn extent of business,

mostly, hovovei, confine1

to a fow com-

panies Salos Central Plateau, Us, lGs 0d,

Black Horso TJnttod, lGs, Hnulon's, 10s ljd,

Kohinoor, 2s 5d,Sir Henry Loch, lia 3d, lis Gd ,

South Star, 37«, 37s Gd Star of lho East, <¡7s,

28s 3d, 27s lO.d, Chalk's No 1, 31s Gd, 32s,North Duke, Is lOld. Great SouthernJunction, Is Gd, 4s 4d Norlh Prentico,

31s, ¿li, 31s 3d, Koch's Pioneei, ¿Is

Gd, Now Moon, 20s, JOs 3d, Landy's

Dream, 7s Od, Bs Loug lui no1, £91, £06, Long

lunnel Extended, 2ds,Noith Lou" luiiuol, 27s Gd,

27s New Loch Tyne, 67s ,Now Chum, fat Arnaud,

Is 3d Pndo and String«, Is, Is 2d ,South German,

70s, Proj rietary, 9d North Landy's

Dioam, Is Id, North Birmingham, 2s 8d, Wahgun-

yah, 2s 2dii A telegram fiom Omeo stales that the Mcorschaum1111110 ut Mount Wills has eriuhel 19 lons nt stone lor

nu avoinge if ioz per ton Rich } aids of ¡.old aro

also roport d from JTi magullaMODULE, Wednesday

Tho Bank if New South V ales Ins desjatehel989oz of gold lo Svduoy Gold u coining fomuid

fieely in suiill lola-

FAMBUL\, Wednesday

Work has been suspende 1 at the Mount Gillian

mino owing to the coiihucton for sinking the bhuft

h wing struck vory hird ¡,'onc, which H 113 likely to

cost double tho ongiual pneo for sinking boiuo

capital specimen* both of uiver nnd (.old, hnvo lpon

brought tuto town trom "-catehio s Creek lho

miucr-, thcioaro ende i-ouniig to got a Government


PLA1. HILL, \\ ednosdnyMead anl Eilyrny havo erin lied ni tho Ci-own

1GJ tom tulon from

Mead anl Eilyrny havo erin lied ni tho Ci-own

Batter}, I'eik Hill, 1GJ tom quail/ tulon from

Air Bcaslcv's pin itoprui »itv, whichyicldcl 10Jo_

rotoi te 1 ¿oui md sa\ ed eoncßiiti ates w 01 th lOoz

llNUHA, WednesdayMiuiug locally is getting into a verj lwd stale,

owing 111 a gicat nie iruio to tho low puco of oro

hi 3ides vv Inch most oi tho alluv tal 11 worko 1 out

IIope3 wero ontei tamed th it reofs would be opened

np, which would hive m ide this Held as good 113

cvor but reeling requires11 larger cxpcrdituio of

capital thnn our business men aro 111 a position to lay

out and the workmg miner ps a 1 nie is only makingttirkor, and in niall) c isea not th it Numhors havo

left during tho past nine months lho principil

occupation of miners is either wollong soft loaders

which gonciallv eut out 111 a week or two, or oho

fossick ng nmong tho old woikmgs, nnd washing

up h"ndin_,s nuil surfa-ing when asfi"ll

of ram sets


WEM WYALONG, 'WednesdayAn important development occuiied vcaterdny at

tho Barriei mino A shot put 111 at the 235ft level

dislod0cd a largo quantity of reef disclosing tho

nchoat mineiiili'-ed stono hitherto diacorero 1111 (ho

claim 1 ho rubble on boin,; w ashed gave cxcollent

prospects of freo gold, in ono instance olio diuli

giving nn estimated yield of Uoz to lloz

per ton The dtscoveiv has caused a coiiDiloiablc

amount of e,citoaiont lho adjoining mino noith,

rho White lie f, is also on good mineral at tho JlOitI

lfivil south of shalt while lho 1101 thorn duvo at thoI

same level .hows fioo gold in nddilnn Dempsejand paity who hold a Inbti'o 111 Whito Reef are

raising splendid '?tone fiom tho etopes at the l^Oit

lovel lins party aven gpel ovu £13 per week por

man foi tho lnst cnishtn_r lho Democrat lmo is

highlv promising, both the Hill lop and tho SunnyHill claims r using rich stono wlnlo the claims noith

and south of them hav 0 boon taken up and aio boni)'

vvoiked Pros¡ oolin ' for alluvial al Buddigower, 12

miles south fiom Wyulong, is &till commandingattention M'D"iiagh and 1 arly h ive bottoj ed a

shaft tluro ni baodwiu's paddocl nt 3Jft the vvaMi

being lGin in depth hy 30in norois the channel, and

supposed 1 avablo prospects ure b nig got, but tho

scuioily of water piacni los tho estons on of the u"ld

at pieiont

The wash is so easily obtained that they are enabled to keep the washing going every day, and are now obtaining larger diamonds. The spur runs north and south from the Malacca Hills. Daisy and Tipper's, Soldiers' Hill lease, consists of 20 acres. This party have been at work since the New Year. Their tunnel is over 150ft long, and they have from 1ft to 3ft of wash. They recently washed 60 loads and obtained 860 carats besides I5cwt. of tin. In this claim there are about 20 colours of gold to the dish of wash.