The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-11-27 [p 8]. › lccn › sn83030272 › 1913... · 2017-12-16 ·...

8 5) jjfjjjiljiiS! THUBBDAV. NOVK.MIlKlt 'JT, 1018. En land at the Post Office at New York as Second Class Hull Matter. Subscriptions by Mall, Postpaid. DAtl.Y, Per Month BH BO TlAtl.V 1. ar .... M Ml NUNUAV. Per var 71 ho PAii.VANOSu.M.Ay.mvr., m, DAILY AND SUMJAY, Per Month. is mntters leliin to past Tho Per Month , 9K'cnsu of Mr. Hiount ,.?,.Li .T itr Year Sao nniv na regards tho of Ida TliKr.vr.MNO HUN. TUB rVBNINU BUN PosUte to foreltn ronntrlfi added. All rbrrkr, money ordera, Ac,, to be made pay- able to Tuii Sin. PnbllKlied ilAlly, Inrludlnc .Sunday, by the Sun Prlnttnc and Publishing Aiuni'latlon at 170 Nnnsau In the Unrouich of Mnnhattan, New York. President and Trranurrr, William C. Itrlck, 170 NaHaustreet: Kdward P. Mltcbell, 170 Nauaii Ftrcet; Secretary, C. U, Luxton, 170 Naaaau (treet. tendon nfllre, EfBnfham Houie, 4 Arundel street, Strand. . Itorts office. A Hue da la Ulehodlere, oft Due du tjaaue Septcmbre. WaablnKton office, Hlbb DiillfllDf. Brooklyn office, IM U1nirston street. rr mr frUnts ttho fmer us irus manuscript! and Bvtrarbm tor publication trl1 to Aate rtltelii rmtUs relumed thty must in all easit stni stamps ftr Mat purjioie. Thanksgiving. From THS Scs of Sotsmtitr 5. 1?. tT bough ehrill voiced winds eo bawllno; by. And sober sWcs look grim ami murky, Men kwp tho feast of pumpkin pie And slay the pompous bird of Turkey. 1h crop 'haired saluta of Plymouth Kock, Exiled the May flow er'a sacred wood In, At ovary other feast could mock, But they were humun loved their puddln'; With eermon, prayer and psalmody they rendered thanks In meeting, Thn homeward solemnly they trudged and rendered thanks by eating. Far north of Massachusetts Bay, And westward ever wldo and wider, Una spread the honor of the day And flowed Its hospitable elder. For all his roaming prodigals Tho fatted calf the father (daughters, The smiling mother lotind her calls Her lusty sons and llMomo daughters. Love's beacon, lighted from old clays, their honmward steps Is leading. And soron, whom life hus nwlndled, arc not loath to llud good feeding. Happy whose hearth Is spared by fate, Whose calmer pulses do not tingle. As, musing by his lonely grate, Ho minds him of a dearer Ingle. Around who.--e tires with glowing hearts I f fan blood and name were wont to cluster All. well, that kind of wound still smarts Beneath the balm of many a lustre! Shull we glvo thanks that strangers sit within our hallowed places. Or praise thai now the dust of death the dear lost facw? Go buy a turkey for the poor. And make an end to silly questions; Thank fJod, for once, thnt you are Mir To 'scape Thanksgiving Indigestions. Though dark November knows no ruth For flower or Mng the frolic May had Yet for the golden hopes of As for tho memories of the gray head. For the long peace of all the dead, for thn brier tlnya of all men living, May even wandering, homeless hearts make glnd Thanksgiving' Mr. mount's Paramountry;!.. ,t Prci edent for Mr. I.itul mid Mr. Ilulr. The following letter from n son nnd miuicsnke of the late Jamlh IJ. Bloim-o- Georgia has been received and reatl by us with sympathy: "To the Uortoii or Tin: sun no: Some of my friends hero think the rather un- gracious references to my lato honored lather in your leading editorial article of y call for a reply fiom me. and I agree with them. True, the public does not necessarily want to hear frnm some obscure son of a deceased public man, however distinguished ho may have been, every time the history of events In which such oftldal participated Is referred to. Hut as you are claiming that President Wilson's sending Governor I.ind to Mexico Is as unauthorized uu Piisldent t't.KVELANO's sending my father to Hono- lulu In 1S03. let us sen how unauthorized the latter was. True, 1803 Is ipiitn a while ago, but the Hon. Hoke Smith, now 1 'tilted Stales Senator from Georgia, was in Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet at the time nnd will, 1 am sure, corroborate every stutenient of fact I am about to make, ind also indorse my conclusion. "When Mr. Cleveland enmo Into ofllce March , 1SP3. he had Information lead- ing him to suspect that Mr. Stevens. then American Minister to Hawaii, had been a party to tho revolution that over- threw the Government to which he was accredited. So he sent my father out there, mid my father got hold of the legation archives and nil the official docu- ments relating to the revolution, und found that Sir. Stevens hud been advised be- forehand of the exact day nnd hour tho I evolution was to tm 'pulled off,' and nr- - anged to have the United States marines landed svnchronously with the outbreak against the then existing monarchy, nomi- nally to protect American II fa and prop-cit- but really to lend aid and comfort to tho revolution. Tho scheme worked and the Queen was overthrown. "Here was the American Minister to a filrndly foreign Government cooperating secretly with tho domestic enemies of that Govermmnt for Its overthrow. If jour contention id correct, then under such i Ircumstances n President of the I'nltod States la Impotent to safeguard the na- tional honor by preventing n foolish dlplo- - mat from discrediting us with every friendly Government on earth. And ', It makes no difference whether your foo:Ush dlplnmut'n meddling with tho domestlu politics of the country he Is uccredlted to Ih prompted by the motto 'Tho Hawaiian pear Is rlpo and ready to be plucked' or by tho still more brann motto 'Glory lie to government founded upon assnssl. nation.' TAMt.S II. Hl.olT.VT. "Wabiii.ngi on. November II." Our correspondent will surely tlml on loiabiiectioti thai Tut: Sln'h ivmarks i tout hlb fntl ici'coiitnliieil noihing "uu- -- rni'1ou." no wind of crlllclhin. much ess of relnllllg lo lhe i i.i e... .in, I ,. ,, ..tii..l..t I .. .1... it .,wi,,l, l, ml I 'If i . III. UU' llllll, Iv.Mt.b II, ItniLNi of ticorglii in llm cjtruordltiury lulsslnn to lluwail en- - ,i . .. u .,....... v auui u.y 1 icsiueui. twenty years ago. Ho In flllntly oer- - wtinltlvi! If he objects (o the reference to his father UN "I'lirniniiiint" Hlount, tin mljcctlvc derived from Secretary politics. (in'u letter of Instructions the nntl commonly used at the time to fle-- to serine tne hecini commissioner s rune- - to " the ' 1!!: "'KiTVo'iff With the way In which Mr. Hi.ou.nt ier- - ormcti tnc tiutics or ins mission, witn his controversy with Minister Htlvlnb, hut coninci 01 icstimony as 10 inn lri iwrno t,y rm:NH in UK, revoiut.on of 181K1, wo have nothing to do. These nr polnttnent nnd employment. Any Just nth .11. ... l. , l.tiviniii vi iiiiil. IMIIUUIUIllliry tnntlc e.xrlment applies not to Mr. Bixiu.nt but to the Kxeeutlve who np-- pointed and employed him. The simple truth la that Mr. Clrve-lan- d aent Mr. Blount out to Honolulu unconfirmed by tho United States Sen- ate, but with credentials and authority practlcnlly superseding the regularly In continued Minister to Hawaii at that time. He did not wait 'or evidence I'. M?M the. " ot cal tho Minister to Hawaii and then nom-1- . 1,1 tunte Mr. Blount to succeed h In lir and with the ndvlco and consent V of the Senate, ns the Constitution requires. He selectctl .Mr. Blount as his personal envoy, named htm Commissioner, fur-- j nisueii uim wuu cretientiais to rresi-den- t Doi.k, ordered that n revenue cut- ter be put at bis disposal for the out- ward of toy-age- . and put Into his hands a of letter of Instructions signed by the Sec- - rotary of State on March 11. ISlKt, and the containing thee unprecedental orders to apportioning diplomatic nuthorlty: ihet Vn,,w l .11 ma,,A . . . . . .v.. .1.1. r, . nt u .,11. ,ciliuilfl v. &1119 UU CI IllllVllfc IU ut tho existing or other Government of the I inarms sna me proiecnon or our amens I therein is paramount; and In you alone, acting In cooperation with the commander of the naval forces, Is vested full discre- tion and power to determine when such forcea should be landed or wttrrawn." "You are, however, authorized t. avail yourself of such old as you may oeslre from tho present Minister of the United Htates nt Honolulu, Mr. Jons- - l. Stevei'H. who will continue until further notice to perform the usual functions attaching to his olllce not incomlatrnt iclta the po terra rsfrusfeit fo you." Thus from March. 1 SB.':, until May. when Mr. Stevens was recalled and Mr. Blount appointed Minister Plenipotentiary in his stead, Mr. Blount exercised the imwers not only of an observer and Informant and In- vestigator of conditions, directly respon- sible to the President, but also of a dip- lomatic oilicer superior on the sjvit to the constitutional representative of our tiovernment: In short, a Plenipoten- tiary Paramount. Wo have SHkcn of this precedent for the activities of Mr. Wilson's Sieclnl and Personal Envoys In Melen as a "dismal" precedent. It Is dismal In Its to loneliness. Mr.'h son asks us how otherwise a President could safe- guard the nation's honor by preventing u foolish diplomat from discrediting us. liven assuming that Mr. Sraisa was a foolish diplomat nnd was discrediting us. the answer seems not' dlfllcult. The r resident could have nscertalntMl the' facts by the proper agencies of Investl-- 1 - iltlon and Information nnd then hnve proeee ded promptly to recall the foolish ilntnni nnd nnf n wlwn ,1 t.inm., i i.or hi his place. I . The constitutional way is at all times the right way. no ma Itter what are the teniptatlons and supiiosed urgencies of I the occasion. The .Schenectady Strike. Two employees, eager unionists, of the General Electric Company were "laid off." To retrench, tho company snys; because they were active union ists, sny the employees. Here Is n ques tlon of nintlv e, to be determined only inferentlally If at all unless the ein-- i ployces are mind readers. It Is n mat- ter of general observation or belief, however, that business Is "slncklng up." The employees, many thousands, act- ing on their theory, strike. They have no reason thai niieiils lo the public. ' They do tioi complain that their hours ..'...... . i.; i.m. ,iiK .Ft niiiii-- n i - nii They strike "fo show that the tieneral Klectrlc t'otnimny cannot crush union- ism." It is their right to strike for whntever cause seems good to them: but is it wise to strike at this time' The feellns of the strikers Is generous, hut tho success of strikes Is duo to sound economic, not to sentimental, t grounds. A bleuk way of celebrating Thanks- giving and preparing for Chribtmas. The Search for the. Impresario. Tho course of the season nt the Metropolitan Opera House proceeds so 'inletly nowadays, lu contrast tn ecrtnlu discords in tlm past, that Kuropenn operatic dllllcultles of Hie present time hold u puzzle. Various e.xHMllents liavo beMi adopted abroa.l recently III eintllu- - tlon of the contemporary elliclency aild - tranquillity of the .New oera house, i iiiiii nreeiorsiii wnn uiviueii authority having proved a failure at tho Nutlnnul Academy of Music iu Paris, that historic Institution is to hae henceforth a single head. On the, other hand, tho udmlnlstralloii of the Opera C'tFinliHie will hereafter lie In the hands of three dlr.s-lor.s- . Two of these are brothers who evinced Mich a geiiius for lUHirallc management that .hoy have risen lo Ihe Ulm'tlon of the nwuiitl Millie ols'rn house of France, The tmieriinent of Ihree niilllilgers for . . nil iMieni uouse will ne viuvvisl wnn 111- - Il..i...kt I. til llu ii.l..iill.. I... l. . i . Om-a- b Hasimi'.kshin wns the ahso- - iieiiilcuco 1ms Its udvanlnges and, as Hint gifted shim-liu- learned, Its draw- - i I . O'l... ...I, l..l...... ..I .. . .III" II II IMII II II O HI .1.1 I'lO. ! Ihiti.i. litsi year vvus ev lilcnee of lhe tin- - suitability nf tlm codlrccior- - ..... ... ... .. . snip 10 our luauiuuuua, 101 11 was in THE SUN, effect n tlitnl control which hud the nf-- fairs of the Chicago Opera Cumpuhy In hniiil nt the beginning. lln.Mtv Ul'hslll l atone In the active miiimzonioiit of Hoston 0iern Company, which has nil .11 prances oontlnuetl on Its course placidly. To our own conditions Tv ""'"f "em milted, hits usually existed In tills city. With MAtatcr. tAW wn8 llr.snv Anitcv, In the mnnngciiiciit t.f the musical interests of that old linn the balance of, control was with Mr. fln.vt;. The trouhlos of the luteiulnnts and directors of tho foreign opera houses r,,rely nlto'lll'r lietctl. In Venna o10 notel, ,m8lcim lftcr nn. ,,, .... ,..., "...v. , wv- - ,!.-- - i,ta, iiviiiivi 1, tlil' tiAnTsr.n nor his predecessor Mahler satisfied nit the elements ution whose support depends the director's ierma- - nent authority In n subsidized State, theatre. The present director, Hanb fSlirnoa. hns sncrowln,! In oIvIiil- - ..rnntnr us'. .? ". satNfnctlon than elllier of his prede- - cessors. although during his experiences Berlin he seemed to demonstrate ,..tlil.., mn 1. 1.. klmwlp(,K0 of tl,pntrlenl than of mmi. effects. In view of their difficulties ,lm,,nB ,f""lM,tent dlrwtnrs for their operatic Institutions, New York Is hap-- 1 I pier than the foreign capitals. Mr. Churchill's Reappointment. Against the reapointment of Mr. Thomas W. Ciiuni-tiii.t- . as a member tho Board of IMucatlon a number respectable citizens protested seri- ously, alleging that his activities In department had been detrimental Its welfare nnd opposed to the Interests of the schools. Mr. nill'nrllKI. wnil 41m Imtt nt Prnutftnnf .. u 1 ... .... ....a' 1111- - iii'iiiii iir. ii in oirrcn-- V, .1111 has undoubtedly stepped on a good m.iny toes during his Incumbency. Yet. most people will believe thnt Mnvor Ki.ixi: dhl umII tn immo 1.1m This conclusion Is. based on the po sltlon In which the Mayor found him self. Ills term Is too short for him to make effective any policy of his own ... ,.i,ii irj.,!,,, iiiiunni iii.meis. ills successor, wlto lias alreadv been chosen, possesses t more IntlmHe knowledge of the public schools than ; most residents nf the town That .L!L ,,.(i,; CHURCHILL I reappoints. In Mew ..fall theclrcum-- l stances. Mayor Kli.m.'s net was thoi- - Jusl fled ' It inav be reffanle,l ..11 act of the next Mnvor. Mr. Mit. i Clint., and on Mr. MlTCim. the resnou-- ! slblllty must rest. As to tins siiggnstlon that Mayor meek flock the cause tho tho the the bul tho ,he tho the teacl, inni win ' ' tr"11 "umtier printed mo o: runa consist entirely of oil and she will rr aujn m numt,cr of your seats, and t,0 rate of of uble to steam around tho world ?i ,1' in'IT'.' pay him the box onico prlco and 50 cents their salary to rates reaching rPDlenlshlng tanks Tt would P. Mr' .f 1 for each percent. bill that the bo e attaMK "'Vi- - T loi even tickets tho box ret ng twenty " rs K,., ,,, ullp Kl.t in the York city thoTuximn. we nly ,h hlia vrk . am, musl be 65 years old. If - see and his family eat ng 8Uro ,, tll0 ,,, WttH trled .lnd ,nu be 60 old. A s post Sr", hnJ e"rUMciX oltr , York It would ys!eall mual certify able for! "ot aH unlit for duty. , delightful in lLn s, , is physically two hardly worth er trt w ' The present fund decreawd ,,,"ln- - Hn', th" ""-- r Minister to 26. rapdy bcauae ann n I i itn ru,i. r-- , w ;"". ,'. nn nens ons. Mr Klin.: appointed Mr. Ciirrtriiii.L ' a'P'omac tlie board as the price of his own iiPlHiintmeiil ns a romin i ss i oner of i Tuxes, we In It. Noth- - ille In .Mr Mitch 'n nn.l noth in .Mr. Ki.tNi: record warrants the thought that either would enter t... . - . . ... .1 u... lorrup, oargtin or mat sort. ' .nn ii .i ioo- -i suoriguien wiing damn ail administration of whose success nil hive thn u'K"esi popes Ia ( with the Imputation of n debased Io- - deal before It begins. ... . . game and now nwalting their owners lu - the safe ilenoslt vaults, of the llartar.l Athletic Association, no doubt tho spoils the furs, the 'L were eves of the sneetiilniv . jmnj in nuuiii Know less until Homing nlmiit II Ii nf ..m nAnl tidal act. Tbev an. tticre to have been there, to howl like Australian black- - corrolioreelng to devotion old WhntKltsniimt. or to a nigli social act. Wuo have believed there us tiiniiv devil " 1110 ,,s 01,0 at a ;reat game.' As for Jewelry and lhe precious pelts ven If the Is luoiiuL ur splendid at the mightiest etent history up the present dnte the baggage left ill the retreat ine n rur coat apnrnlsel i$is00. not to believe in that' coat and not to believe It Is worth ..I more $H)0. Who was the wearer? Was It a Yalenslau who rushed from the coat his bets or It away lo the earth with foot In the It hundred fur coats SO long lis few thousand hundred bills his change pocket to out as he Is by grouty constables along his for It may said fur coat, allowing for the erroneous rending of $w of silnts to pttsturK. This theory is sup- - If there, had lioon nuv , ,i, tinnno - . n,,,,,,,,,, ,K, milt,K ,i,0 siadluiu Wlfs nnd slrnvs. " w ,M Mv" M,,,,,r nr"- - .Mayor Is expected lo approv n the from "' .i... I'lilted Stales wins the Npeclul privileges they have hitherto the highways of lork. Ill nplto of uiipleiisnnt Incidents llm I'm (Mllce .,.,,., Is unlikely lo make a of the cllsloin of i... i.m i...,i "Mini, inniiiiiiig nun ninum num. of the IVderal Is going lo for the ,cr I ........ r.. ....... 1. ...u Oil I IUU HI lllI-li- : I 1,111111 II. nr.. .Mcillivv Hie city administrators have answer for. Mall . vaua are uoi uie omj agaiaat THURSDAY, NOVEMBER tol?'?"! safety. Fools In employ drive cars, rminlouts nntl trucks dangerously In violation of the rules thn road In nil nnrta of the town. There In nt least enough of statutory enactment to provide for their and tho rigid enforce- - !ir rUld rCdUC them to a approaching reason- - nhlo carefulness. As usual, tho police- - men complain the courts carry lenity to tho point of weakness. Hut this should not discourage In tho a 'pursuit of reckless driven, osalnst whom convincing cases can be mado out. courts will respond to eutlmwit on this subject as they nae. t on others. Nobody travelled the leugth the city recent days can have failed to that it Is high time to ,lle rew on wild men In motor cn" . lr- - I'tNOELL's may expire he gets to 8t. I'etersburg. Ft. Louis oiotc-fiersocro- f, All the bettor for Pindwx, for he will then have saved his entire salary of fl?.r,0a tinvlnir .von tn erottv the ocean. He can lake the LT?JL J0?" iini iivivii ipv naaunae aai pvji nmeen, and then make a grand wlndttp at Peoria. Put your money on Pin- - He will get somewhere. the Genius ot Words speed Columbia Mate. Is that Genius? Battle Ron or Bill? I.okado TArr, the sculptor, has criticism of New which that will hardly forgive In a Intrr Ocrun. Oh. come! To Fra l.oiuno York forgives everything, even his sculptures. louncenin men aeemeu -- I.I f,ir,.. VriM Im prime of life. frnvltlence Journal. Hardly the prime! Forty Is Infancy, the prolongation of which, as we needn't tell the Providence Plantations I.e., ...... lu ii... r... A . ! . . . . tn in,; fFllfllu IVBII11. UIU" tinn and civilization. It is said of the British dreadnought; Wnrsplte, which was )nunc :hed at If the Speaker will nossesi his soul i In patience until the currency bill Is j out of the way. maybe he will get nn- - i si.n.Mt. u- - i. i.. . wonderful ship that ever was known, There will be something about her which w,n ,tnrtIo pH,pe whon ho flntehoct. si, Tunuu t.itmu Thn nronf Is In thn itllinir. All the . ... .... " "" ,SiZ.. )"W "'S;,""Y ' '"'rt tn0 completed a,M,,rn 11 alie to a test. Sir Thomas has seen the of Sham- - rock course, but her keel has cast. He can conjecture what Iter sailing Ciualities will be. and When he rill'M thl.t MltM tu tmini- - "In lui ttiA mn.l """uds llko a sop to the Cerberus of doc- - tflm.l r,,1..rlt.. ll't... ..... t... .....1. ......... ..j. .mi iiuim nun ,liat ethCS and theology are two absolutely separate emireiy 10 no; cnarge 01 ine wnetner cattioiic, I'rotestant, Mnhammc- - dan or Jewish. Is that a valid reason why It must nlwaVM be sn? ,ay not '"H('ren whose parents ate op(;nly not and chil- - dren who are modern enough to he Proposition out for thomselves be ",oral wllhout b,ln religious? Do not m0Bt enlightened people. If they "belong" to any church organization, belong to It onl' fr sncl1'1 reasons? Is not "true called, which puts everything up t0 f!odi practically a dead letter to- - day among highly cultured people? Are 1,01 very people the moral and law abiding the vvllat ,.dcep nJuryi. can flow from ap. plying reason to tho matter of theology, Just as wo apply It to nil other affairs? A "creed "Is a belief based upon no logical foundation. criticise Its absence lu others when we ourselves probably lack l. O. N. .!. .MV TOKIC. lOVemoer 3S, Knalhdi Srnonjmi. To ths l.'DlToa or Tu Scs Sir. I tnok i. . j, . .. speechless, but the waiter out, "Pardon me. ! mlater, but we don't eat ball In this country.- - i , hm ooa want to atlr up that International compliment mu In lhe stAtely column-- , but henest. aren't Herrle Kntlanders "lhe limit I felt as tired when that meal ended as If I had been carrying a grann. piano arounuon my back. New Yosk, 55. Nxw Yorker. In Fame's Lumber It nom. To Tin I'DlToa (lr The Sun- - .S'lr; Timber tc l!lm rrtall furniture fort William, Outario. London, Ont., 34. I" I.. The IWndrivoui. .' "ilh tht trovn ttes and ,,,,, UIVU1I ..I., They met at n dance- - sijueoza and I nhttrA nn.l i, ur t utnl tvalttxl nti.l I He ;en o,chl.U n.x, day with a line 7u .ny that he waltiM unrt wult,,! imd walled. A Phone caiiie 10: "You're the wettest of men! for tea rn i,' tree" ond he waited, lit wired: "Mtet nin ut si inn uooi-- nnii ne ..Horn tiii.1 unit wnlted. A liov enmn t,. "Make li later," she wrote, lln. "e. but he waited and waited. At Pher. . rv's at sho ealu ane. u arrive, nd be amokad and he smoked und he waited. H- -' auggeated that htaven ur -- .M;:,;. V..J!: Kipling l they're all allkti " "ome till io, he drank ""d then hud few mint JulepH and nn ,!,,, frBln, Then the plume; "Ate .lust th-- u the bell rvc ami- - bin . r,r' ""e' la aha vlksd the AngHS Anil , . i i i"'' i"!' "What a Idea In of M.wl'1. call ing on ou o uiironventiniiatly for snpiier .''..' 6'f.?r,"'" .f!"4 i - t wir T"0MS Mltl.otit pearls great. Football, the,03'"'8 ,or many centuries etlilcs was fellows testify ierrorm would most tiling madly U'llhmit Dollar hurry. plans entities ffT thf J)rton snnko dance? was It hvm,A ,D elp;e,ion would hsvc who wouldn't Ittelf had addrctsed htm. held passage "speedliiR"? (but instead "$S,(KK1," withdrawing certain fertile in.n.-s.- i uueauara that made aerenfU'r" atheists, November November lilihballa minded proprlate serious niggle 27, 1913. ALEXAXOER'S FALL. a Melanchol) Passage In the Mfe the ncv. Absalom Pair, Tn t'tiimn nt- - tup. Mr: I am superstitious nnd yet I often recall 0unroermof' the ltvrXbiiom Pair. 1 thought of It yesterday as I took a TUt Jl .Happened! of courso Pair was not his name; the sood man may still bo living, for all I ' 11 "ru,"-- r lu jy,', Four years ago Mr. Pair In utile namiet tar rrom the maaamg X,,? r Zrr he was mild mannered and bland, ha was not, strictly speaking, a soul. At mes became rebellious, as mlRht bo u,d of , ob)1 cke out an exlstqnce on plttanco that was Proposals paid him as pastor of his little Britain tries stretch Its feelers In all being cautious nnd politic he never directions around Pattnma Canal himself to his congregation, the completion of a fortified canal. will understand without fur- - the key to the Pacific, In tho exclusive pos-th- rr rvit:iii:itlin he revelled In Wars ftesnloti at tlin tTnlti-- Mtules. Is thorn In the ,he I with nemeii nothing the last row. by , b,B CBU(le fho c ar ,,, spoka about neceaalty . thn and upon tho tne rrl""r" stuobio from 4 hn,,.e her also o In person must , " New t tuin , , woman, ,n , must I lK'e" tl,e New it that applicant three oftlces ,nv your. a take stock rnennt niul has money rmt-L- . May the moat In Whv n .villi . " ...vk , , l.A ..1 I. . .... ....11.1. ...nil.. shl,. ever - w , " " u II iH 0,(1 Hlr given Mrs. .... j0rp. tor lu Uwhn the fat purses ,,f t i. t'ootly The snffrnglsts and Kiigilsh " on 'V nt L ii V"" 15" V 1 " 1 " lK tho i', m .. In left mn ' ' ,1 mlliiUne 1 their in I from Miitlium is In bent mind hand enjoyed light llllll private them In learn 'nlt year Dev- - whn only Mate whole obom heart thl Or that If in , , ' "U t i u - i' . a ' n ' , JK I .i .. ... ' I 1. t i n n B 11 ' Hits- - not ,n,nK preached WUH , the ; but you ithv n left EduV Pla t.i and It only bo staled by way detail that revelled scornco to in person, he whs a great success as a at ....... 1. ...! TI11. Alm.ilnm 1'nlr was a noultrv fancier In a way. und tho pride his bartoard was .a llhodo Island lied trtmod a stately proud and which Mr. Pair would often gaze on Its pedigree, which he knew Ing but Imagined much. truth, the I bird was a solace to Iiltn. Tho mnrtlal wero numerous and decisive. Many rivals entered thn lists ngulust him and were removed for burial by loving he nns o' tho wnlk and his challenge went brought Mr. Pair much In .1 little hamlet take satisfy a m.m's vanity. In fart, th" reveiend looked upon Ids rooster with degree of tegor.l the worldly of a great seldom bestow upon iinythliiK less Important than a full . blooded bulldog or Pekingese spaniel. Perhaps should forulven for feel- - Ing a inlde. for as a worker in tho Lords vineyard tho part ho pliyed was and obscure, whereas as the ow ner Alexander held a unique position In the commmi ty. , last came n time there weie no tnoie worlds for Alexander to con- - ! I .. . .. - I. n nll V. ... ' i V....U "'"V""" "" greeted the morning sun. weenerl self in its beams, and dismissed It Its ,htfi. ,1,f,ernoon i.tum 1,1 lir"lld ceuOdence One day at the height roach rain. . Mr. Pair spoke in a tone raillery. m arrald," said he. "that Alexander tias neconm reconclleil to .1 or quiet the begarl lie fecms con- - tent to strut about like n , .i ...i- - i.- -j . .. I uiiieiini-.'- wish in urn nun- - ..t, i...i v.,.. and Mr. Pair looked out wist- - fully on the happy llelds. I we discerned the strange bird ni.rv,.t ...m from a clump tre. siitne distance ntt'.iv In H nflffhlmrlni? n:ittlrt. tiracefnlly It lis way toward and, alighting in the b.irnyurd, set about briskly picking up the scattered kernels of corn. recognized at as a cock pheasant a large and beautiful Pc!e found far north, but In rec-n-l years bred with success In cionrtie- - mr niiiiai. t'urfly ho was u prince thn feathered ander with master, but In I...IF , 1... I. ...I t ii .1. illinium nn ii.iu n.inu.i m vi-- o his opinion. In the Interests of truth It Is mv dutv to st.ue such .1 Ing as Alexander thai and received nas rarely neen meieu out auoincr niro. As rim or the (laming orh of day behind the distant Alex .miter's kM. hllnrllv ' mado his way low.ud the barn, his Nemesis half dying, half In re- - lentless pursuit. Then It was that Mr. Pair telted a stout stick and rushed to tho aid of the But the conqueror, as If conceding that the odds were now ngalns.t him. n last cruel thrust at his vie-i- lr thn. roso gracefully Into th- - and winged Ids MUht watched him fade in lhe gathering dusk, my filled with strange lations. When Mr. I'air returneil the ham whither ho. had carried that remained Alexander. I a s id and ihmignt- - ful on his face. He too to musing on Inscrutablt- "Very peculiar," reiuarkt-- .is h.. dropped into a ehalr beside me. Mtv peculiar, lndei-d- . I've lived ln thesn part" over twenty ear nnd I never saw sucli a bird before. 1 can't ileum out lion, lu me ,orld 11 ever Happened to ny in here Vrt ..i,M I I'.'n ulinilt it sage: "A man's pride shsll bring him low." nnd I know full well that the ways are past tlndlng .nn. AI.HANV, November '.'3, scotch IrMi nntl lrih ".eotcli. To tub KniTon or Tun St'N S'lr: lie. ferring to the letter "sicottlsli permit me to say that It Is proper to call the Inhabitants tho north Ireland Scotch Irish, then it would be equally pioper to call a majority tlm of Scotland Irish Scotch, for certainly Scotland was largely peopled from Ireland. As the of t.'lster. about which we so ; they would say over there. "Why wouldn't It pros- - pelous? It 1ms received the fosteilng cHi'it and palronagn for over i'l.AIN ll'.ISIIMAN Ni:v Yetik, N ember Hill Men's Homes. anreaWX ,!: obtained "old mens liom.s Ihe cuse wiih of person over vims, rcllned, iilucated. falrlv healthy, a 13.00(1 I I and I il s"tit-il- liuiile tin? noi1i.1iiiif nt In linil lit The Huh) I'uel w its mn tie ed I" s.i'ithr' U. Z. 1 "iuaioBre mnncr, wnen me . . - smcken neil ami cast UIS tlins since then. I ve even utile neck clamt were placed him, many from him 111 despair audi perfectly Iced, raonoclfd uiem smt dered If Its vvus In th" nature of rushed to PARKER'S and bucked bar? ". "Oh' Fancy!" The and I a visitation on the Hev A.ilom Pair, txth brUUed. The Ulander swallowed a repeat. I am nut Hut It n Cantahriglatl his. .ob N Coekiea - i'l remember the words of the ancient free merely some clam he It ... 1 .0v agency llienl n, oniue git-a- t that the one mill inirliii'i.liiiiil tllnl thn ll.'iil nn hAmat Muv T hrtne sliaiw-rni- i V tr. r.ih ..m, ...iti. PERFWWVS EStiLASn. to Prevent llrr Adding, the Panama Canal llrr I'erhnpi alarums. "U'erlor running. forgot Govern- - To tub I'orron or Tun Hun Sir. The result tho Mexican tmrrel la. of vital question urlaes : Should Mexico belong to the sphere of influence of circat Britain mrernberUw0ner0 t'col niaiest or iw tnc Suez Canal Great Hrltaln I lirvnt the Hues Canal. Conditions uro ,0.cBlled tho rmVama Canal, the llallroad, in rrom ino Atiuntic to tiie racnic, e ween two , .e. cV'Vhcm, eo enough to recclvo Meets of any size, to control t ucatan chnnnet nno to scizo tho outlying lslamls In the harbor of ,,u,inmll Commercially and strategically Great her side Our nnswer should be framed! correspondingly, nnd earlier better: Selxure of all outlying Islands Panama Bay and entire control, supplo- - by of Yucatan rlmnnel. All shins enterlnir thn Mexican bay through the Yucatan and Florida straits should to a heavy toll, to be refunded If they only touch fnlted States ports. Should this not - ulate the Mexico, then wo must throw a force of 10,000 or J3.000 regulars across the Tehuantepec Isthmus, an excellent liaso for any future opera- - tlon, and hold It as a hostage until a Is formed In harmony with our Interesti. Amadi heljzar. York, November 23. THEATRE A Plan of Iximlon or Paradise That Broke Mown In f'hleago. Tn mi, Tun K I V !r "A. S. II." refers to the system of selling ,hcHtr,. tickets In Ixmdon. t Imagine be ,, mado ft ml!l,nk , ,hfi locality; It mU((t mve hvfn i.nrn,llw j Uon.t Uuow nhoM ,,,(, i ,i0 k h ,h .,. ,n work oul ch, wnpr ,t ,, trltd for p. yfaTB OT n,orc An or,,lnnllco prohn,ta .aU. of theatre tickets x- - t t box of,,cei ,ld , , lhe r,.MI RO , , lhcatle aru a6k for R roll)lo 0O(1 seat8 orchestra. Ynll inform..,!, n. In x York, that ne'&tH , thfi fourth row on ,h tnem umler ordor b i.'hO." and gives ou an order nrllona In Pettlenals. I To tub KoiTon or Tics Sex Mr: Your paper can uiwnjs n ,.,... Biuicoitio ui i.iir, I nun iu express my your impar- - tlal attitude valuable on ,t.A .,er.' ... n,,uuit.. um .,,n.. uv...."... it n,.r tr. iinn- - im emotional nature of this movement raising of I2,r.00 In nfteen minutes at Pankhurst meeting last evening Is stiltl- - ..i-- nt Pmhaiiiv nnn,. nt ii, o ,tniinm nue. tioneci now tneir money was to no spem, as rational 'are Inclined to do; and If they had. they may not been told of tho plan to tlnance uu or Kast I hid toughs who have no Interest In tho suffrage cause except the money the lawlessness Involved. Your London cotiespondent's opinion that tho proceeds of Mrs. Patikhurst's American tour will bo iievoieil 10 socn a purposo entirety i iu view the recent an-- 1 ment that suffragists will not long endure ... . ............... ,. ... .1 neing ineir otm.inos,, .,n the American people meielv good ,..r.i n,- - , tiw.v l..- - iil,l,l.,i. ,1 hv comparatively small group nf Insistent women? At.ici: liniTll Alir.LU i New YortK, November Blessing to ilum. lo Tift. r.iiiuu ui tut. .'ii . The' , there la but Mayor Kline yesieraay ne- - Vou thn dlop , nt any of hotcls of ,,, oppolluion of Hoard of d k clclk nt lhe critics, the . i,nn ..,. h.m. m onpori yesiernuy. ner ruei on It, also ment beneficiaries that search tno date, and ou plrb.-- 1 per cent, be with- - varying I m aildltlonal seat. The provides r. with tho rl have been l J 4 T,10" ,fir could on fm no npttt.r c,,nnce to service of h(, Now Alexander large nm , years fnt, outside of offices. have work out as does the been to secure email it afternoon a1nd l1'.". " district, of them pension has Ij , in r I'iiilawj-hia- . November many t;, rrttr.-.- ! no ins too touring nf vaaaian century .. doctrinal lie- - aBnogtcs. at u .v 11,.. .fl, 1,1. ..I.H. 1...... ...,...tu ..t I. ... .....i peoial unor"c'? 'T"'. ',n'l J".v "'"cues abamlomsl to that than has Ki.ini: until fast The who berora day. Who York city New boats IV., Just been think t''e8e would right, Quaint K'th to vicariously, small Alexander, Imperious, admiringly, achievements absolutely cock hap- piness. doesn't gentleman metropolis humble ..I.... him- - ease, proud premacy." autumn us rarely agretd his thrash- - disappeared hills vamiulshcd. gave mind from expression seemed things. tVi.iiinSt enn," as of Infotnialloii concerning possibility rhimc. purpurinn dainty, Was iiiiii I'oairialonx. competitor mented pacification (tovernment Naw nun). accuriuu Information subscribers haxe llcnlcil T"'0;1 that "amJ exdor- -. ."V "My tween dear day rtnce and burst need noth- - much secret knew ",lt.1 there aw.i. noted hear much with l'uulliiurnl.. stlm I'r.tTrtn bren ..,,ut army Iceland mother-in-la- rather than never thnt kind. probably, because, know, sons-in-la- might have cracked jokes Mother I've. And mother-in-la- no means joke. She Is often serious peaco and happiness of oung couple, many homo has been wrecked presence. only to counteract her evil Inlluencc iu opinion, that prescribed In "Therefore doth man leave and mother, cleave unto wlfo (Genesis Koch Hlble npptovn one's parents? at means slmtilv If meddling mother Is nag. wife In finds nothing to nnd to should rise ln manhood and "cleave unto ivile The best mother-in-la- is an absent mnther-in-law- . thoy islta-tlnn- s. S. Cohen. New Vobk, Worrying About the Tarllf. tub Kditor or Tub Hun Sir: Ques tion: If after bounding owing iiiinh conllnues to rlso and numbir 'factories moving to anada i ontlnnes, to lilicreasii, what shall we have achieved market foreign goods'.' Answer: great moral victory. In the bank, Hollo, anil fear future. Siitn-Ks- . I'Ki.pEMicKsnuno. Vn., November Chinese tViim.n at Tbeutreo. From Prkin llatelte. In order prevent trmiblu vallum 1'liluene thsfitrns mimical perinltte.1 Chinese with their women fnlk; th"r ,are sum., foreigners vrho wiili tinn they MiiiuM be treated In chlueae wninrn girls, owners allow foreign women utregors their mule rhlnene fcumlei, Hill allowrd to enjoy th privl- - lenes. The Youngetd Bank Pretldenl, flan Ionian V. L. prtrldvnt ut Amtri- - while U .Mnodi Jr heml of City Nalluuid Hank lore. nf HuHeaton'a Iriistest i.ilul I he,l .Miierl-m- Nailomil (',.,n. patij, l.Hiik of I.. Mooil) 5.1 rrld-n- t - organised toint-u- capltallatd al ttO.000. oilier lilirtM . u tll.,uy tho (Wr,u,n ''i' .T"-'- 1V. TJVZ'VZ?:" tl ",k.n S? l.a.l,k,';VAei;,u4''.n ItSuS lhe nialls. abuse "" towel u,. utur or thes. luie director, by tradition, tended this truffle bus head ready Led. ,,i..ct., extremely dlfticuit M"': J" Ills Such tide- - self defence withdraw grant. ,"!,. leMv." C.V!.' h' line. b.nj jiuody'teaig BOARD WILL APPEAL PEIXOTTO DECISION By-la- Committee Report Car- ried Orer Winthrop's Objections. leappointed U:y,, ,n0,M,t,,t; t'"I,Jf0ffo- - Bolivia.."';, comparatively punishment, especially condescension swashbuckler, SELLtXO TICKETS. ,?PL?F lorrripuiidenc ounBert ',"", individual. KXF.KNHE UNFAIB, HE SAllt ronsion Fund Called Bankrupt and Jtevlsion Needed Crit- icism Passed By. The by-la- committee the Board Education reported yesterday reference justice Beabury's decision the I'rcme the Mrs. aP,ip Pclxotto, a teacher Who was Ulsmissei because she absent from school with permission become a mother, T''. h,ll",,mm',, recommended that the instructed take appeal from Justice fcalur decision tho Appellate Division the Appeals. ICgerton 8. Wlnthrop made motion, that appeal taken. Is unfair to put teachers to tho expense employing lawyers," said. Is perfectly plain that Seabury considered the matter from every point and ho will sustained Anmlhitn Division. The courts have held that teacher cannot removed because she gets married, and they must rule that cannot removed for having baby." r,m. Wlngate said the board owed uuly to tho pupils to their parents taltB ,ppeai tho hlghcs Mr, urged the board to bad; the by-la- committee this matter, v,ry important, Mr. wmthrop's motion was voted down ani, COmmlttee report adopted. Abraham Stern, chulrmnn the el- - m.nturv nr.hoots cotntnittee. who era' pension fund. said committer board had preparea Din troduced Albany to change asses:- - Martin said to admitted that retlremenl fund practicall y Bn""'y' . . . .. .. , .miwut, umi .in - public statements rencctin. on Hoard Kducatlon were trtio or false. , th lettet sent to .Mn'!' . mmiirr l'j and gnnd by lr. Murray Putter and eral others. Abraham f'"''". who appointed member ti.ii.rii Kdiir.-itlii- yesterday. Mr. saw it wuuiu drop, as "the Maor's appointments lo day willed th controversy as as . conccni-d.- " TO oUXIt SVIIOOI. IX ELAXIl. i'nliiralti- Profeaaor Hopt i...i-iiu..- - That New York University taken jf Iceland had accepted mm an ciiuc.itiomu mivi'-- to ,m l,pout 0",Ul, vc hem.- - upbuilding or Higher .Uioii and public scliuol nysit-tn- s nr tn lo In America tho.!' purposes. Ltorcntzcn Ii undertaking this. l.orentzen expressed tha nnu ill.- - - people . ... or Krgl.tnd guidance progres- sive awakening and that nearly one-thlt- d tli Icelanders are American cit- izens. that Icelanders wero mi point breaking their ties vvltv, Government of Denmark and ttab '.'fhinsr an Independent vm healthiest rEiit Week Show l.ovrcst Death Hull- - llrcord, The 1!':S promises year ln experience of York as gauged general dc:i rule, which first forty. seven wee'- fear 13.71 1,000 pnpuisiioii. no lowesr rale that of previous year, win death rato eamo decrease In rate ot point. Tills means that In the neighbor hood l.POu deaths will be ' twitted during present year than The autumn seaeon has been very fre. rrom sickness, ns pinged numbc cnse of Infectious diseases ,,r"J, wonderful wa, known" ' ,S S ,n " " !"!,.ave. While some discount may made fpeaklng. of brilliant The enthusiastic ovation "";';' 1 a enthusiasm esllumtlnp tit $10.rt(io Ln "TlnZ !n.'t ,Vo., T .LfnlZn?.1 reptesentatlve of diversity value of the Moralio Religion. great excitement L ,,i m:,ti- - llddlefnddles. Jewels, ?" Enwor Tim Snj-i- lr, I goodness!" he exclaimed, "look at American ,m'(ver.'ltv Atnerlcnn principles or forgotten i.,u u.L'Z i.Tm." ' ',;:. . nfter I,t rvn ..i.o.i. .. ... .1.- - " ' . wstfrday that the t'n ' eft were W''S wh.iiiuih: to ut Impossible hem plutncrul the without IK)rt. Pittsburg. - ninlliiance altogether fright- - ., M someUilng to public community? at ho of ho uui bystander lli.v. bird, upon speculating In of Alexander subsequently friends. Soon unan- swered, Alexander It to champion n Inhabitants he be he of he At when ... . .. he kindly of Alexanders ,,( of ' lire .. nmi think ... .......... I It of some irooi nt of leH .1.... iii.ui .i n- - that to sioi iiIm.i slowly I epeou- - all of bo he of i,rovj,,c of Ameii- - If of inhabitants to prosperity be of A Jj. loi": be 0" of rue th. ruij inu before small, he advent the waiter I superstitious. Who the the in l.A to tiviW and In Mexico to Tehuantepco stretch- - In fortifications, subjected nt nt- - J ,n . ymj of two aim appreclallon and and seeuis reasonable of Government. C''"'rs ,,u r . most ancient jokes are those concerning Columbus. sa'd Is look-h- e Adam was probably ".g to America o Denmaric only man who heard one Its I say for alt we his about jet the a a menace to the a mar- ried nnd a by her way I Is my the good old Hook, which tells us; n his father his ana his II.. 2U." the of ..nt nil. It this: I ing her son nhout his whom she commend nver thing londiinn, lhe son Ills his Occasional visits ore all light, but must bo visits, not November 26. To nil the and bel- - iiuoiti nn- - uu in mn n the of our . ( lie- - jond a wider for A De posit It not tor tlm SS, tht tn tho and are nm tn sell tlcketa tn visitor hut us tn hesr Chl- - nrl. not the jinc way b nd ro Hie arc tu the m nlt together with frltriil.i, but are not Burnt 'out Moody 3d, Hie the parent Institution, -- A". nr the ' '. Ii the ,,ltc fin. Ii nt Li ue .u rt ai el the The h W. ii Is a . two W ill II lllli nr . .... .i..i - i.. ,- -i i. , , , , , i . , - .. . Hh. ' ,R lm,0, 1rIOM , of ex- - " 8 put u , . In and ami bm it is ,.. " ol" " In 10 .. big M of uf In In Ru Court In of C. was out to be to an it to Court of no be "It those of he "It bo by the a bo a bo s houlJ an l0 up In u wlui the of was not I!n of the a to re in at the be ts . .. ... ... If recent the of Ti,ia ....... tn s Low, Including was a of the .if tm o- - i'nn - - far at H lias m the ity of a, for the euu- - tlie n funds If for Mr. now Mr. Ills belief "4 . Ol inn ..u-i.- .. for of all j He milled the the of the raw 's riii i uu i" to be Ihi the Nc by the for the of the per t1 i V).i tho 1911, In tho for w 14.07, tho of of fewer re tho 191 1. ny the reported " c L" , . ,.v " ef lee- - '"'- - ... at . in r....ii.,,n i.. p,',mt III ,,,. of of lie ot of "' of oe i..m, i, of so he of of ,i of be of of Ho tha the nm In , of of ,. of In a w tiuritig ino past seven weeks 2,602 cw ..f K, t. i... .........I .. ihi'm. nuin lunorir-'a- i llt...,n, ,.rr.Knnn,,. the ,,,,r wi re "getting It In tl,e neck. ' 'T "r hservB ii . ru e Th. n. "'..""r" ,mJ"l ..t0.. P""1" " as we say here. muel(Ml nni, , r"oret ll.mcvn'. vetitllle to lemark that there 1),l.tno,i tt,uut tlfl mutter. In i .ortliern stock. V.ilued at Jt.3 Is -- ally something Is., wot t, vv bile In the cMe n 00. frnm Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Tuck t vvoi Id bcsldi s inei e smug pioHperlty, and tuielRii ami wonieii enjoy mual rlshu In endowment fund, according to Mini .V u .i hhhi nun iiiiii in- nine i" Dietr own rmintrles and lire permitted to ..i n. nut'u.iiiioiiutiiiu - n look ilscvvline lor II limn III I'lster. .... ...... .i... soclatlon a deficit at th xnrl nf llm II cllv vv'l.i.i two n,.me once The Hull lore whl. tnn Hmw) of .1:.m!.,.,':,.!i, 5 I lie n lavor II , ,,,01, K hpodemile. i.tumi conllnuallv now 'd unhampered compelled It hi. got for t..i,i to ', ,'nk" ,, 11 " "l Pl '' " uu I tlm "IL, v ? 1. r the case ami a Justice teacher a and , oillcsplo a It had was iu Nicholas Sev Mer- - ter f nsli'1 s l i7iii nas next ' thn period J ,3t " be n I bo of by ,,,i...,.,,ii.. niwuiq ,,. ... I nion m ... had pei-lo- of lOP.', a decrease of 7 ner ctr Tin. number of cases of diphtheria was 14 per cent, less, and that of scarlet fe. r 17 per cent, less. The number of oases of measles was about G per cent, greater than In 19U'. .w:t ,mo ran care of badii. s. Mr. and Mra. Eel ward Tack OH Stock to Diet Kltchea. Tho New York Diet Kitchen Assorts tlon of I West Thirty-fourt- h street, whlrh ""''I of ,91J f more than 113,00", uul "ow auiucicni lunas aeem assured edueatn mothers In tho care of tt.'' children. Tho unnlial income from the Tu'l" donation will be used In maintaining tt - J tuck Kitvncn at 3b West 139th etrWt, nn of the eight stations of the sssoclatlor J no station now has 300 babies register. It is tho only milk station he city dssroted to negro bablet, and tl.J ouiy station in that aecuen. A nurse wB bo .stationed there to Instruct mothers. Cardinal to Dedicate Cfcarck. Cardinal Farley will officiate tu lJron. ln y at the dedication of the new Hoinau r.ithnllc Church of Queen nf Ml Saints, nf which Vuxllliiry Hlshop Mm - ileen Is lector. The eerrmonles will hi. UU at 7 o'clock this morning. Caldll' I Parley will nfllcUlii at the. ponlllleal mat ,u II o'clock. '1 lie sermon will be presents by Abbot Oasauet. O. U. B.

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-11-27 [p 8]. › lccn › sn83030272 › 1913... · 2017-12-16 ·...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-11-27 [p 8]. › lccn › sn83030272 › 1913... · 2017-12-16 · Impresario. Tho course of the season nt the Metropolitan Opera House proceeds so 'inletly


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rmtUs relumed thty must in all easit stni stampsftr Mat purjioie.

Thanksgiving.From THS Scs of Sotsmtitr 5. 1?.

tT bough ehrill voiced winds eo bawllno;by.

And sober sWcs look grim ami murky,Men kwp tho feast of pumpkin pie

And slay the pompous bird of Turkey.1h crop 'haired saluta of Plymouth

Kock,Exiled the May flow er'a sacred wood In,

At ovary other feast could mock,But they were humun loved their

puddln';With eermon, prayer and psalmody they

rendered thanks In meeting,Thn homeward solemnly they trudged

and rendered thanks by eating.

Far north of Massachusetts Bay,And westward ever wldo and wider,

Una spread the honor of the dayAnd flowed Its hospitable elder.

For all his roaming prodigalsTho fatted calf the father (daughters,

The smiling mother lotind her callsHer lusty sons and llMomo daughters.

Love's beacon, lighted from old clays,their honmward steps Is leading.

And soron, whom life hus nwlndled, arcnot loath to llud good feeding.

Happy whose hearth Is spared by fate,Whose calmer pulses do not tingle.

As, musing by his lonely grate,Ho minds him of a dearer Ingle.

Around who.--e tires with glowing heartsI f fan blood and name were wont to

clusterAll. well, that kind of wound still smarts

Beneath the balm of many a lustre!Shull we glvo thanks that strangers sit

within our hallowed places.Or praise thai now the dust of death

the dear lost facw?

Go buy a turkey for the poor.And make an end to silly questions;

Thank fJod, for once, thnt you are MirTo 'scape Thanksgiving Indigestions.

Though dark November knows no ruthFor flower or Mng the frolic May had

Yet for the golden hopes ofAs for tho memories of the gray head.

For the long peace of all the dead, forthn brier tlnya of all men living,

May even wandering, homeless heartsmake glnd Thanksgiving'

Mr. mount's Paramountry;!.. ,t Prciedent for Mr. I.itul mid Mr. Ilulr.The following letter from n son nnd

miuicsnke of the late Jamlh IJ. Bloim-o-Georgia has been received and reatl

by us with sympathy:"To the Uortoii or Tin: sun no: Some

of my friends hero think the rather un-gracious references to my lato honoredlather in your leading editorial article of

y call for a reply fiom me. and I

agree with them. True, the public doesnot necessarily want to hear frnm someobscure son of a deceased public man,however distinguished ho may have been,every time the history of events In whichsuch oftldal participated Is referred to.Hut as you are claiming that PresidentWilson's sending Governor I.ind toMexico Is as unauthorized uu Piisldentt't.KVELANO's sending my father to Hono-lulu In 1S03. let us sen how unauthorizedthe latter was. True, 1803 Is ipiitn awhile ago, but the Hon. Hoke Smith, now1 'tilted Stales Senator from Georgia, wasin Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet at the timennd will, 1 am sure, corroborate everystutenient of fact I am about to make,ind also indorse my conclusion.

"When Mr. Cleveland enmo Into ofllceMarch , 1SP3. he had Information lead-ing him to suspect that Mr. Stevens.then American Minister to Hawaii, hadbeen a party to tho revolution that over-threw the Government to which he wasaccredited. So he sent my father outthere, mid my father got hold of thelegation archives and nil the official docu-ments relating to the revolution, und foundthat Sir. Stevens hud been advised be-

forehand of the exact day nnd hour thoI evolution was to tm 'pulled off,' and nr- -

anged to have the United States marineslanded svnchronously with the outbreakagainst the then existing monarchy, nomi-nally to protect American II fa and prop-cit-

but really to lend aid and comfortto tho revolution. Tho scheme workedand the Queen was overthrown.

"Here was the American Minister to afilrndly foreign Government cooperatingsecretly with tho domestic enemies of thatGovermmnt for Its overthrow. If jourcontention id correct, then under suchi Ircumstances n President of the I'nltodStates la Impotent to safeguard the na-tional honor by preventing n foolish dlplo- -

mat from discrediting us with everyfriendly Government on earth. And', Itmakes no difference whether your foo:Ushdlplnmut'n meddling with tho domestlupolitics of the country he Is uccredlted toIh prompted by the motto 'Tho Hawaiianpear Is rlpo and ready to be plucked' orby tho still more brann motto 'Glorylie to government founded upon assnssl.nation.' TAMt.S II. Hl.olT.VT.

"Wabiii.ngi on. November II."Our correspondent will surely tlml on

loiabiiectioti thai Tut: Sln'h ivmarksi tout hlb fntl ici'coiitnliieil noihing "uu-

-- rni'1ou." no wind of crlllclhin. muchess of relnllllg lo lhe

i i.i e... .in, I ,. ,,..tii..l..t I .. .1... it.,wi,,l, l, ml I 'If i . III. UU' llllll,Iv.Mt.b II, ItniLNi of ticorglii in llmcjtruordltiury lulsslnn to lluwail en- -

,i . .. u .,.......v auui u.y 1 icsiueui.

twenty years ago. Ho In flllntly oer- -

wtinltlvi! If he objects (o the referenceto his father UN "I'lirniniiiint" Hlount,tin mljcctlvc derived from Secretary

politics. (in'u letter of Instructions thenntl commonly used at the time to fle-- toserine tne hecini commissioner s rune- -


the' 1!!: "'KiTVo'iff

With the way In which Mr. Hi.ou.nt ier- -

ormcti tnc tiutics or ins mission, witnhis controversy with Minister Htlvlnb, hut

coninci 01 icstimony as 10 innlri iwrno t,y rm:NH in UK, revoiut.onof 181K1, wo have nothing to do. These


polnttnent nnd employment. Any Just nth.11. ... l. ,

l.tiviniii vi iiiiil. IMIIUUIUIlllirytnntlc e.xrlment applies not to Mr.Bixiu.nt but to the Kxeeutlve who np--

pointed and employed him.The simple truth la that Mr. Clrve-lan- d

aent Mr. Blount out to Honoluluunconfirmed by tho United States Sen-ate, but with credentials and authoritypractlcnlly superseding the regularly Incontinued Minister to Hawaii at thattime. He did not wait 'or evidence

I'. M?M the. " ot caltho Minister to Hawaii and then nom-1- .

1,1tunte Mr. Blount to succeed h In lirand with the ndvlco and consentV of theSenate, ns the Constitution requires.He selectctl .Mr. Blount as his personalenvoy, named htm Commissioner, fur-- j

nisueii uim wuu cretientiais to rresi-den- t

Doi.k, ordered that n revenue cut-ter be put at bis disposal for the out-ward


. and put Into his hands a ofletter of Instructions signed by the Sec- -

rotary of State on March 11. ISlKt, and thecontaining thee unprecedental orders toapportioning diplomatic nuthorlty: ihet

Vn,,w l .11 ma,,A. . . . ..v.. .1.1. r, . ntu .,11. ,ciliuilfl v. &1119 UU CI IllllVllfc IU ut

tho existing or other Government of theI

inarms sna me proiecnon or our amens I

therein is paramount; and In you alone,acting In cooperation with the commanderof the naval forces, Is vested full discre-tion and power to determine when suchforcea should be landed or wttrrawn."

"You are, however, authorized t. availyourself of such old as you may oeslrefrom tho present Minister of the UnitedHtates nt Honolulu, Mr. Jons-- l. Stevei'H.who will continue until further notice toperform the usual functions attaching tohis olllce not incomlatrnt iclta the po terrarsfrusfeit fo you."

Thus from March. 1 SB.':, until May.when Mr. Stevens was recalled

and Mr. Blount appointed MinisterPlenipotentiary in his stead, Mr.Blount exercised the imwers not onlyof an observer and Informant and In-

vestigator of conditions, directly respon-sible to the President, but also of a dip-

lomatic oilicer superior on the sjvit tothe constitutional representative of ourtiovernment: In short, a Plenipoten-tiary Paramount.

Wo have SHkcn of this precedent forthe activities of Mr. Wilson's Sieclnland Personal Envoys In Melen as a"dismal" precedent. It Is dismal In Its toloneliness. Mr.'h son asks ushow otherwise a President could safe-guard the nation's honor by preventingu foolish diplomat from discrediting us.liven assuming that Mr. Sraisa was afoolish diplomat nnd was discreditingus. the answer seems not' dlfllcult. Ther resident could have nscertalntMl the'facts by the proper agencies of Investl-- 1

- iltlon and Information nnd then hnveproeee ded promptly to recall the foolish

ilntnni nnd nnf n wlwn ,1 t.inm., i i.orhihis place.

I .The constitutional way is at all times

the right way. no maItter what are theteniptatlons and supiiosed urgencies of I

the occasion.

The .Schenectady Strike.Two employees, eager unionists, of

the General Electric Company were"laid off." To retrench, tho companysnys; because they were active unionists, sny the employees. Here Is n questlon of nintlv e, to be determined onlyinferentlally If at all unless the ein-- iployces are mind readers. It Is n mat-ter of general observation or belief,however, that business Is "slncklng up."

The employees, many thousands, act-ing on their theory, strike. They haveno reason thai niieiils lo the public.

'They do tioi complain that their hours..'...... .i.; i.m. ,iiK .Ft niiiii-- n i - niiThey strike "fo show that the tieneralKlectrlc t'otnimny cannot crush union-ism." It is their right to strike forwhntever cause seems good to them:but is it wise to strike at this time'The feellns of the strikers Is generous,hut tho success of strikes Is duo tosound economic, not to sentimental,

tgrounds.A bleuk way of celebrating Thanks-

giving and preparing for Chribtmas.

The Search for the. Impresario.Tho course of the season nt the

Metropolitan Opera House proceeds so'inletly nowadays, lu contrast tn ecrtnludiscords in tlm past, that Kuropennoperatic dllllcultles of Hie present timehold u puzzle. Various e.xHMllents liavobeMi adopted abroa.l recently III eintllu- -

tlon of the contemporary elliclency aild-

tranquillity of the .New oerahouse, i iiiiii nreeiorsiii wnn uiviueiiauthority having proved a failure attho Nutlnnul Academy of Music iuParis, that historic Institution is to

hae henceforth a single head. On the,other hand, tho udmlnlstralloii of theOpera C'tFinliHie will hereafter lie In

the hands of three dlr.s-lor.s- . Two ofthese are brothers who evinced Mich ageiiius for lUHirallc management that.hoy have risen lo Ihe Ulm'tlon of thenwuiitl Millie ols'rn house of France,The tmieriinent of Ihree niilllilgers for

. .nil iMieni uouse will ne viuvvisl wnn 111- -

Il..i...kt I. til llu ii.l..iill.. I... l. . i

. Om-a- b Hasimi'.kshin wns the ahso- -

iieiiilcuco 1ms Its udvanlnges and, asHint gifted shim-liu- learned, Its draw- -

i I . O'l... ...I, l..l...... ..I .. ..III" II II IMII II II O HI .1.1 I'lO. !

Ihiti.i. litsi year vvus ev lilcnee of lhe tin- -

suitability nf tlm codlrccior- -..... ... ... .. .snip 10 our luauiuuuua, 101 11 was in


effect n tlitnl control which hud the nf--

fairs of the Chicago Opera Cumpuhy Inhniiil nt the beginning. lln.Mtv Ul'hsllll atone In the active miiimzonioiit of

Hoston 0iern Company, which hasnil .11 prances oontlnuetl on Its

course placidly. To our own conditions

Tv ""'"f "emmilted, hits usuallyexisted In tills city. With MAtatcr.

tAW wn8 llr.snv Anitcv,In the mnnngciiiciit t.f the musical

interests of that old linn the balance of,control was with Mr. fln.vt;.

The trouhlos of the luteiulnnts anddirectors of tho foreign opera houses

r,,rely nlto'lll'r lietctl. InVenna o10 notel, ,m8lcim lftcr nn.,,, .... ,...,"...v. , wv- - ,!.--- i,ta, iiviiiivi 1, tlil'tiAnTsr.n nor his predecessor Mahlersatisfied nit the elements ution whosesupport depends the director's ierma- -nent authority In n subsidized State,theatre. The present director, HanbfSlirnoa. hns sncrowln,! In oIvIiil- - ..rnntnrus'. .? ".satNfnctlon than elllier of his prede- -

cessors. although during his experiencesBerlin he seemed to demonstrate

,..tlil.., mn 1. 1..

klmwlp(,K0 of tl,pntrlenl than of mmi.effects. In view of their difficulties

,lm,,nB ,f""lM,tent dlrwtnrs for theiroperatic Institutions, New York Is hap-- 1 I

pier than the foreign capitals.

Mr. Churchill's Reappointment.Against the reapointment of Mr.

Thomas W. Ciiuni-tiii.t- . as a membertho Board of IMucatlon a numberrespectable citizens protested seri-

ously, alleging that his activities Indepartment had been detrimentalIts welfare nnd opposed to the

Interests of the schools. Mr.nill'nrllKI. wnil 41m Imtt nt Prnutftnnf.. u 1 ... .... ....a'1111- - iii'iiiii iir. ii in oirrcn-- V, .1111

has undoubtedly stepped on a goodm.iny toes during his Incumbency. Yet.most people will believe thnt MnvorKi.ixi: dhl umII tn immo 1.1m

This conclusion Is. based on the posltlon In which the Mayor found himself. Ills term Is too short for him tomake effective any policy of his own

...,.i,ii irj.,!,,, iiiiunni iii.meis.ills successor, wlto lias alreadv beenchosen, possesses t more IntlmHeknowledge of the public schools than ;

most residents nf the townThat .L!L ,,.(i,; CHURCHILL I

reappoints. In Mew ..fall theclrcum-- l

stances. Mayor Kli.m.'s net was thoi--Jusl fled ' It inav be reffanle,l..11 act of the next Mnvor. Mr. Mit. i

Clint., and on Mr. MlTCim. the resnou-- !

slblllty must rest.As to tins siiggnstlon that Mayor




tho thothe







inni win ' ' tr"11 "umtier printed mo o: runaconsist entirely of oil and she will rr aujn m numt,cr of your seats, and t,0 rate of of

uble to steam around tho world ?i ,1' in'IT'.' pay him the box onico prlco and 50 cents their salary to rates reachingrPDlenlshlng tanks Tt would P. Mr' .f 1 for each percent. bill that the

bo e attaMK "'Vi- - T loi even tickets tho box ret ng twenty" rsK,., ,,, ullp Kl.t in the York city

thoTuximn. we nly ,h hlia vrk . am, musl be 65 years old. If- see and his family eat ng8Uro ,, tll0 ,,, WttH trled .lnd ,nu be 60 old. A

s post Sr", hnJ e"rUMciX oltr, York It would ys!eall mual certify

able for! "ot aH unlit for duty., delightful in lLn s, , is physicallytwo hardly worth er trt w ' The present fund decreawd

,,,"ln- - Hn', th" ""-- r Minister to 26. rapdy bcauaeann n Iiitn ru,i. r-- , w ;"". ,'. nn nens ons. Mr

Klin.: appointed Mr. Ciirrtriiii.L ' a'P'omactlie board as the price of his owniiPlHiintmeiil ns a romin i ss ioner of i

Tuxes, we In It. Noth- -

ille In .Mr Mitch 'n nn.l nothin .Mr. Ki.tNi: record warrants

the thought that either would entert... . - . . ... .1u... lorrup, oargtin or mat sort. '

.nn ii .i ioo- -i suoriguien wiingdamn ail administration of whose

success nil hive thn u'K"esi popesIa (

with the Imputation of n debased Io- - deal before It begins.

... . .

game and now nwalting their owners lu-

the safe ilenoslt vaults, of the llartar.lAthletic Association, no doubt tho spoils

the furs, the


wereeves of the sneetiilniv


jmnj in nuuiii Know less until Homingnlmiit II Ii nf ..m nAnl

tidal act. Tbev an. tticre to have beenthere, to howl like Australian black- -

corrolioreelng todevotion old WhntKltsniimt. or to

a nigli social act. Wuohave believed there us tiiniiv devil

" 1110 ,,s 01,0 at a;reat game.' As for Jewelry and lhe

precious pelts ven If the IsluoiiuL ur splendid at

the mightiest etent history upthe present dnte

the baggage left ill the retreatine n rur coat apnrnlsel

i$is00. not to believe in that'coat and not to believe It Is worth..Imore $H)0. Who was the wearer?Was It a Yalenslau who rushed from the

coat his bets or It awaylo the earth with foot In the

It hundred fur coats SO long lisfew thousand hundred bills

his change pocket to out as heIs by grouty constables along his

forIt may said fur coat,

allowing for the erroneous rending of

$w of silnts topttsturK. This theory is sup- -

If there, had lioon nuv, ,i, tinnno- .

n,,,,,,,,,, ,K, milt,K ,i,0 siadluiuWlfs nnd slrnvs."

w ,M Mv" M,,,,,r nr"- -

.Mayor Is expected lo approv n

the from "'.i...

I'lilted Stales wins the Npeclul

privileges they have hithertothe highways of lork. Ill

nplto of uiipleiisnnt Incidentsllm I'm (Mllce .,.,,., Is

unlikely lo make aof the cllsloin of

i... i.m i...,i"Mini, inniiiiiiig nun ninum num.

of the IVderalIs going lo for the ,crI ........ r.. ....... 1. ...uOil I IUU HI lllI-li- : I 1,111111 II. nr..

.Mcillivv Hie city administratorshave answer for. Mall

.vaua are uoi uie omj agaiaat



safety. Fools In employ drivecars, rminlouts nntl trucks

dangerously In violation ofthe rules thn road In nil nnrta ofthe town. There In nt least enoughof statutory enactment to provide fortheir and tho rigid enforce--

!ir rUld rCdUCthem to a approaching reason- -

nhlo carefulness. As usual, tho police- -

men complain the courts carrylenity to tho point of weakness. Hutthis should not discourage In tho a

'pursuit of reckless driven, osalnstwhom convincing cases can be madoout. courts will respond toeutlmwit on this subject as they nae. t

on others.Nobody travelled the leugth

the city recent days can havefailed to that it Is high time to

,lle rew on wild men Inmotor cn"

. lr- - I'tNOELL's may expirehe gets to 8t. I'etersburg. Ft. Louisoiotc-fiersocro- f,

All the bettor for Pindwx, for he willthen have saved his entire salary offl?.r,0a tinvlnir .von tn erottvthe ocean. He can lake the

LT?JL J0?"iini iivivii ipv naaunae aai pvjinmeen, and then make a grand wlndttpat Peoria. Put your money on Pin- -

He will get somewhere.

the Genius ot Words speedColumbia Mate.

Is that Genius? Battle Ron orBill?

I.okado TArr, the sculptor, hascriticism of New which thatwill hardly forgive In a IntrrOcrun.

Oh. come! To Fra l.oiuno Yorkforgives everything, even his sculptures.

louncenin men aeemeu-- I.I f,ir,.. VriM Im of life. frnvltlence Journal.

Hardly the prime! Forty Is Infancy,the prolongation of which, as weneedn't tell the Providence PlantationsI.e., lu ii... r... A . ! . . . .

tn in,; fFllfllu IVBII11. UIU"tinn and civilization.

It is said of the British dreadnought;Wnrsplte, which was )nunc:hed at

If the Speaker will nossesi his soul i

In patience until the currency bill Is j

out of the way. maybe he will get nn- -


si.n.Mt. u-- i. i.. .

wonderful ship that ever was known,There will be something about her whichw,n ,tnrtIo pH,pe whon ho, Tunuu t.itmu

Thn nronf Is In thn itllinir. All the. ... ...." "" ,SiZ.. )"W"'S;,""Y '

'"'rt tn0 completeda,M,,rn 11 alie to a test. SirThomas has seen the of Sham- -rock course, but her keel has

cast. He can conjecture whatIter sailing Ciualities will be. and When herill'M thl.t MltM tu tmini-- "In lui ttiA mn.l

"""uds llko a sop to the Cerberus of doc- -tflm.l r,,1..rlt.. ll't... ..... t... .....1.......... ..j. .mi iiuim nun

,liat ethCS and theologyare two absolutely separate

emireiy 10 no; cnarge 01 inewnetner cattioiic, I'rotestant, Mnhammc- -

dan or Jewish. Is that a valid reason whyIt must nlwaVM be sn?

,ay not '"H('ren whose parents ateop(;nly not and chil- -

dren who are modern enough tohe Proposition out for thomselves be

",oral wllhout b,ln religious? Do notm0Bt enlightened people. If they "belong"to any church organization, belong to Itonl' fr sncl1'1 reasons? Is not "true

called, which puts everythingup t0 f!odi practically a dead letter to- -day among highly cultured people? Are1,01 very people the moral andlaw abiding the

vvllat ,.dcep nJuryi. can flow from ap.plying reason to tho matter of theology,Just as wo apply It to nil other affairs?A "creed "Is a belief based upon no logicalfoundation. criticise Its absence luothers when we ourselves probably lack

l. O. N. .!..MV TOKIC. lOVemoer 3S,

Knalhdi Srnonjmi.To ths l.'DlToa or Tu Scs Sir. I tnoki. . j, . ..

speechless, but the waiter out, "Pardon me.! mlater, but we don't eat ball In this country.- -

i, hm

ooa want to atlr up that Internationalcompliment mu In lhe stAtely column-- , buthenest. aren't Herrle Kntlanders "lhe limit Ifelt as tired when that meal ended as If I had beencarrying a grann. piano arounuon my back.

New Yosk, 55. Nxw Yorker.

In Fame's Lumber It nom.To Tin I'DlToa (lr The Sun- - .S'lr; Timber tc

l!lm rrtall furniture fort William, Outario.London, Ont., 34. I" I..

The IWndrivoui.

.' "ilh tht trovn ttes and,,,,, UIVU1I ..I.,

They met at n dance- - sijueoza andI nhttrA nn.l i, ur t utnl tvalttxl nti.lI He ;en o,chl.U n.x, day with a line 7u

.ny that he waltiM unrt wult,,! imdwalled. A Phone caiiie 10: "You're thewettest of men! for tea rn i,' tree"

ond he waited, lit wired: "Mtet nin utsi inn uooi-- nnii ne ..Horn

tiii.1 unit wnlted. A liov enmnt,. "Make li later," she wrote, lln.

"e. but he waited and waited. At Pher..rv's at sho ealu ane. u arrive, nd be

amokad and he smoked und he waited. H- -'auggeated that htaven ur--.M;:,;. V..J!:Kipling l they're all allkti

" "ome till io, he drank""d then hud few mint JulepH and nn,!,,, frBln, Then the plume; "Ate

.lust th-- u the bell rvc ami- - bin. r,r' ""e' la aha vlksd the AngHS Anil

, .i i i"'' i"!'"What a Idea In of M.wl'1. calling on ou o uiironventiniiatly for snpiier

.''..' 6'f.?r,"'" .f!"4i - t wir



great. Football, the,03'"'8 ,or many centuries etlilcs was

fellows testify

ierrorm would


tiling madly






ffT thf J)rtonsnnko dance? was It hvm,A ,D elp;e,ion would hsvc

who wouldn't Ittelf had addrctsed htm.

heldpassage "speedliiR"?


instead "$S,(KK1,"




in.n.-s.- i









minded proprlate



27, 1913.


a Melanchol) Passage In the Mfe thencv. Absalom Pair,

Tn t'tiimn nt- - tup. Mr: I amsuperstitious nnd yet I often recall

0unroermof' the ltvrXbiiom Pair. 1

thought of It yesterday as I took aTUt Jl .Happened!of courso Pair was not his name; thesood man may still bo living, for all I

' 11 "ru,"-- r lujy,',Four years ago Mr. Pair Inutile namiet tar rrom the maaamg

X,,? r Zrr hewas mild mannered and bland, ha wasnot, strictly speaking, a soul. At

mes became rebellious, as mlRht bou,d of , ob)1 cke

out an exlstqnce on plttanco that was


paid him as pastor of his little Britain tries stretch Its feelers In allbeing cautious nnd politic he never directions around Pattnma Canal

himself to his congregation, the completion of a fortified canal.will understand without fur- - the key to the Pacific, In tho exclusive pos-th- rr

rvit:iii:itlin he revelled In Wars ftesnloti at tlin tTnlti-- Mtules. Is thorn In





nothing the last row. by, b,B CBU(le

fho c ar ,,, spoka about neceaalty. thn

and upon tho tnerrl""r" stuobio from4

hn,,.eher also

o In person must, " Newt tuin , , woman,

,n , mustI

lK'e" tl,e New it that applicantthree oftlces



take stockrnennt




rmt-L- .

May the





. " ...vk , , l.A ..1 I. . .... ....11.1. ...nil..shl,. ever - w , " " u II

iH 0,(1 Hlr given Mrs. .... j0rp.tor lu Uwhn the

fat purses ,,f t i.t'ootly The snffrnglsts and Kiigilsh "on

'V nt L ii V"" 15" V1 " 1 " lK

tho i', m ..

In leftmn' '

,1 mlliiUne1



fromMiitlium is












Dev- -








Or thatIf


, ,










n ',JK


.i .. ...








B 11 '





WUH ,the



youithv n




and It only bo staled byway detail that revelled

scornco to in person, hewhs a great success as a at

....... 1. ...!TI11. Alm.ilnm 1'nlr was a noultrv

fancier In a way. und tho pridehis bartoard was .a llhodo Island liedtrtmod a stately proudand which Mr. Pair wouldoften gazeon Its pedigree, which he knewIng but Imagined much. truth, the I

bird was a solace to Iiltn.Tho mnrtlal

wero numerous and decisive. Many rivalsentered thn lists ngulust him and were

removed for burial by lovinghe nns o'

tho wnlk and his challenge went

brought Mr. Pair muchIn .1 little hamlet takesatisfy a m.m's vanity.

In fart, th" reveiend lookedupon Ids rooster with degreeof tegor.l the worldly ofa great seldom bestow uponiinythliiK less Important than a full .

blooded bulldog or Pekingese spaniel.Perhaps should forulven for feel- -

Ing a inlde. for as a worker in thoLords vineyard tho part hopliyed was and obscure, whereasas the ow ner Alexander held aunique position In the commmi ty. ,

last came n time there weieno tnoie worlds for Alexander to con- -

! I .. . .. - I. n nll V. ...' i V....U "'"V""" ""

greeted the morning sun. weenerlself in its beams, and dismissed It

Its,htfi. ,1,f,ernoon

i.tum1,1 lir"lld ceuOdence

One day at the height

roach rain. .

Mr. Pair spoke in a tone raillery.m arrald," said he. "that Alexander

tias neconm reconclleil to .1 or quietthe begarl lie fecms con- -

tent to strut about like n, .i ...i- - i.- -j . ..I uiiieiini-.'- wish in urn nun- -..t, i...i v.,..

and Mr. Pair looked out wist- -fully on the happy llelds.

I we discerned the strange birdni.rv,.t ...m

from a clump tre. siitne distancentt'.iv In H nflffhlmrlni? n:ittlrt.

tiracefnlly It lis way towardand, alighting in the b.irnyurd, set aboutbriskly picking up the scattered kernelsof corn. recognized at as acock pheasant a large and beautifulPc!e found far north, but In

rec-n- l years bred with success Incionrtie- - mr niiiiai.t'urfly ho was u prince thn feathered

ander with master, but InI...IF , 1... I. ...I tii .1. illinium nn ii.iu n.inu.i m

vi-- o his opinion. In the Interests of truthIt Is mv dutv to st.ue such .1

Ing as Alexander thai and receivednas rarely neen meieu out auoincr niro.

As rim or the (laming orh of daybehind the distant Alex

.miter's kM. hllnrllv '

mado his way low.ud the barn, hisNemesis half dying, half In re- -lentless pursuit.

Then It was that Mr. Pair telted astout stick and rushed to tho aid of the

But the conqueror, as Ifconceding that the odds were now ngalns.thim. n last cruel thrust at his vie-i- lr

thn. roso gracefully Into th- - andwinged Ids MUht

watched him fade in lhe gatheringdusk, my filled with strangelations.

When Mr. I'air returneil the hamwhither ho. had carried that remained

Alexander. I a s id and ihmignt- -ful on his face. He too

to musing on Inscrutablt-"Very peculiar," reiuarkt-- .is

h.. dropped into a ehalr beside me. Mtvpeculiar, lndei-d- . I've lived ln thesn part"over twenty ear nnd I never saw suclia bird before. 1 can't ileum out lion, lume ,orld 11 ever Happened to ny in here

Vrt ..i,M I I'.'n ulinilt it

sage: "A man's pride shsll bring himlow." nnd I know full well that the ways

are past tlndlng .nn.

AI.HANV, November '.'3,

scotch IrMi nntl lrih ".eotcli.To tub KniTon or Tun St'N S'lr: lie.

ferring to the letter "sicottlslipermit me to say that

It Is proper to call the Inhabitantstho north Ireland Scotch Irish, then itwould be equally pioper to call a majority

tlm of Scotland Irish Scotch,for certainly Scotland was largely peopledfrom Ireland.

As the of t.'lster. aboutwhich we so ; they wouldsay over there. "Why wouldn't It pros- -pelous? It 1ms received the fosteilngcHi'it and palronagn for over

i'l.AIN ll'.ISIIMANNi:v Yetik, N ember

Hill Men's Homes.

anreaWX ,!:

obtained "oldmens liom.s Ihe cuse wiih ofperson over vims, rcllned, iilucated.falrlv healthy, a 13.00(1

I I and I il

s"tit-il- liuiile tin? noi1i.1iiiif ntIn linil lit

The Huh) I'uel w its mn tie edI" s.i'ithr'

U. Z. 1

"iuaioBre mnncr, wnen me . . -smcken neil ami cast UIS tlins since then. I ve evenutile neck clamt were placed him, many

from him 111 despair audi perfectly Iced, raonoclfd uiem smt dered If Its vvus In th" nature ofrushed to PARKER'S and bucked bar? ". "Oh' Fancy!" The and I a visitation on the Hev A.ilom Pair,

txth brUUed. The Ulander swallowed a repeat. I am nut HutIt n Cantahriglatl his. .ob N Coekiea - i'l remember the words of the ancient

freemerely some


he It







git-a- t




mill inirliii'i.liiiiil tllnl thn ll.'iil nn hAmat Muv T hrtne sliaiw-rni- i V tr. r.ih ..m, ...iti.


to Prevent llrr Adding, thePanama Canal llrr






Govern- -

To tub I'orron or Tun Hun Sir. Theresult tho Mexican tmrrel la. of vital

question urlaes : Should Mexico belong tothe sphere of influence of circat BritainmrernberUw0ner0 t'col niaiest

or iwtnc

Suez Canal Great Hrltaln I lirvntthe Hues Canal. Conditions uro

,0.cBlled tho rmVamaCanal, the llallroad,in rrom ino Atiuntic to tiie racnic,

e ween two , .e. cV'Vhcm, eoenough to recclvo Meets of any size, tocontrol t ucatan chnnnet nno to scizotho outlying lslamls In the harbor of,,u,inmll

Commercially and strategically Great

her side Our nnswer should be framed!correspondingly, nnd earlier better:Selxure of all outlying IslandsPanama Bay and entire control, supplo- -

by of Yucatanrlmnnel. All shins enterlnir thn Mexicanbay through the Yucatan and Floridastraits should to a heavy toll,to be refunded If they only touchfnlted States ports. Should this not -

ulate the Mexico, then womust throw a force of 10,000 or J3.000regulars across the Tehuantepec Isthmus,an excellent liaso for any future opera- -tlon, and hold It as a hostage until a

Is formed In harmony withour Interesti. Amadi heljzar.

York, November 23.

THEATREA Plan of Iximlon or Paradise That Broke

Mown In f'hleago.Tn mi, Tun K I V !r "A.

S. II." refers to the system of selling,hcHtr,. tickets In Ixmdon. t Imagine be,, mado ft ml!l,nk , ,hfi locality; ItmU((t mve hvfn i.nrn,llw

j Uon.t Uuow nhoM ,,,(, i ,i0k h ,h .,. ,n work oulch, wnpr ,t ,, trltd forp. yfaTB OT n,orc An or,,lnnllcoprohn,ta .aU. of theatre tickets x- -

t t box of,,cei ,ld , , lher,.MI

RO , , lhcatle aru a6k for Rroll)lo 0O(1 seat8 orchestra.Ynll inform..,!, n. In x York, that

ne'&tH , thfi fourth row on ,htnem umler ordor

b i.'hO." and gives ou an order

nrllona In Pettlenals. I

To tub KoiTon or Tics Sex Mr: Yourpaper can uiwnjs n ,.,...

Biuicoitio ui i.iir, I nun iuexpress my your impar- -

tlal attitude valuable on,t.A .,er.' ... n,, .,,n.. uv...." n,.r tr. iinn- - imemotional nature of this movementraising of I2,r.00 In nfteen minutes atPankhurst meeting last evening Is stiltl- -..i-- nt Pmhaiiiv nnn,. nt ii, o ,tniinm nue.tioneci now tneir money was to no spem,as rational 'are Inclined to do;and If they had. they may not beentold of tho plan to tlnance uu orKast I hid toughs who have no InterestIn tho suffrage cause except the moneythe lawlessness Involved. Your Londoncotiespondent's opinion that tho proceedsof Mrs. Patikhurst's American tour will boiievoieil 10 socn a purposo entirety i

iu view the recent an-- 1

ment that suffragists will not long endure... . ............... ,. ... .1neing ineir otm.inos,,.,n the American people meielv good

,..r.i n,- - , tiw.v l..- - iil,l,l.,i. ,1 hvcomparatively small group nf Insistentwomen? At.ici: liniTll Alir.LU i

New YortK, November

Blessing to ilum.lo Tift. r.iiiuu ui tut. .'ii . The'


there la but Mayor Kline yesieraay ne- -

Vou thn dlop , nt any of hotcls of ,,, oppolluion of Hoard ofd k clclk nt lhe critics, the. i,nn ..,. h.m. m

onpori yesiernuy. ner ruei on It, also ment beneficiariesthat search tno date, and ou plrb.-- 1 per cent,

be with- - varyingI

m aildltlonal seat. The providesr. with tho rl have beenlJ 4 T,10" ,fir

couldon fm no npttt.r c,,nnce to service of

h(, NowAlexander large nm , years

fnt, outside of offices. have work out as does thebeen to secure email it afternoon a1nd l1'.". "

district, of them pension hasIj , in r I'iiilawj-hia- . November manyt;, rrttr.-.- !









doctrinallie- -




.v 11,.. .fl, 1,1. ..I.H. 1...... ...,...tu ..t I. ... .....i


unor"c'? 'T"'.',n'l J".v

"'"cues abamlomsl












York city



IV., Justbeen













absolutely cock

hap-piness. doesn't





him- -

ease, proud




agretd his

thrash- -

disappeared hills










Infotnialloii concerning


















that"amJ exdor- -.


"My tween







noth- -







hear much









rather thanneverthnt kind. probably, because,

know, sons-in-la- might havecracked jokes Mother I've. And

mother-in-la- no meansjoke. She Is often serious

peaco and happiness of oungcouple, many homo has been

wrecked presence. onlyto counteract her evil Inlluencc iuopinion, that prescribed In

"Therefore dothman leave and mother,cleave unto wlfo (Genesis

Koch Hlble npptovn nrglcct.eeone's parents? at meansslmtilv If meddling mother Is nag.

wife In

finds nothing to nndto should rise lnmanhood and "cleave unto ivileThe best mother-in-la- is an absentmnther-in-law- .

thoy islta-tlnn- s.

S. Cohen.New Vobk,

Worrying About the Tarllf.tub Kditor or Tub Hun Sir: Ques

tion: If after boundingowing iiiinh

conllnues to rlso and numbir'factories moving to anada i ontlnnes, tolilicreasii, what shall we have achieved

market foreign goods'.'Answer: great moral victory.

In the bank, Hollo, anil fearfuture. Siitn-Ks- .

I'Ki.pEMicKsnuno. Vn., November

Chinese tViim.n at Tbeutreo.From Prkin llatelte.

In order prevent trmiblu vallum1'liluene thsfitrns mimical

perinltte.1 Chinesewith their women fnlk; th"r

,are sum., foreigners vrho wiili

tinn they MiiiuM be treated Inchlueae wninrn girls,

owners allow foreignwomen utregorstheir mule rhlnene fcumlei,Hill allowrd to enjoy th privl- -lenes.

The Youngetd Bank Pretldenl,flan Ionian

V. L. prtrldvnt ut Amtri- -

while U.Mnodi Jr heml of CityNalluuid Hank lore. nf HuHeaton'aIriistest i.ilul I he,l

.Miierl-m- Nailomil (',.,n.patij, l.Hiik of I.. Mooil) 5.1

rrld-n- t - organised toint-u-capltallatd al ttO.000.

oilier lilirtM .

u tll.,uy tho (Wr,u,n ''i' .T"-'- 1V. TJVZ'VZ?:" tl ",k.n S? l.a.l,k,';VAei;,u4''.n ItSuSlhe nialls. abuse ""towel u,. utur or thes.

luie director, by tradition, tended this truffle bus head ready Led. ,,i..ct., extremely dlfticuit M"': J"Ills Such tide- - self defence withdraw grant. ,"!,. leMv." C.V!.' h' line. b.nj jiuody'teaig



By-la- Committee Report Car-

ried Orer Winthrop'sObjections.



t'"I,Jf0ffo- -

Bolivia.."';, comparatively











ronsion Fund Called Bankrupt

and Jtevlsion Needed Crit-

icism Passed By.

The by-la- committee the BoardEducation reported yesterday reference

justice Beabury's decision theI'rcme the Mrs. aP,ip

Pclxotto, a teacher Who was Ulsmisseibecause she absent from school with

permission become a mother,

T''. h,ll",,mm',, recommendedthat the instructed

take appeal from Justice fcalurdecision tho Appellate Divisionthe Appeals.

ICgerton 8. Wlnthrop made motion,

that appeal taken.Is unfair to put teachers to

tho expense employing lawyers,"said. Is perfectly plain thatSeabury considered the matter from everypoint and ho will sustainedAnmlhitn Division. The courts have heldthat teacher cannot removed becauseshe gets married, and they must rule that

cannot removed for havingbaby."r,m. Wlngate said the board owed

uuly to tho pupils to their parentstaltB ,ppeai tho hlghcs

Mr, urged the board to bad;the by-la- committee this matter,

v,ry important,Mr. wmthrop's motion was voted down

ani, COmmlttee report adopted.Abraham Stern, chulrmnn the el- -

m.nturv nr.hoots cotntnittee. who

era' pension fund. said committerboard had preparea Din

troduced Albany to change asses:- -

Martin said to admitted thatretlremenl fund practicall y Bn""'y' .

. .

.. .. ,.miwut, umi .in -

public statements rencctin. onHoard Kducatlon were trtio or false.

, th lettet sent to .Mn'!'.mmiirr l'j and gnnd by

lr. Murray Putter anderal others. Abraham f'"''".who appointed memberti.ii.rii Kdiir.-itlii- yesterday. Mr.

saw it wuuiudrop, as "the Maor's appointments lo

day willed th controversy as as .

conccni-d.- "


i'nliiralti- Profeaaor Hopti...i-iiu..- -

That New York University taken

jf Iceland had accepted an ciiuc.itiomu mivi'--

to ,m l,pout 0",Ul, vchem.- - upbuilding or Higher

.Uioii and public scliuol nysit-tn- s nrtn lo In America

tho.!' purposes. Ltorcntzcn Iiundertaking this.

l.orentzen expressed thannu ill.- -- people . ...

or Krgl.tnd guidance progres-sive awakening and that nearly one-thlt- d

tli Icelanders are American cit-

izens. that Icelanders weromi point breaking their ties vvltv,

Government of Denmark and ttab'.'fhinsr an Independent

vm healthiest rEiitWeek Show l.ovrcst Death

Hull- - llrcord,The 1!':S promises

year ln experience ofYork as gauged general dc:irule, which first forty. seven wee'-

fear 13.71 1,000pnpuisiioii. no lowesr ralethat of previous year, win

death rato eamodecrease In rate ot

point. Tills means that In the neighborhood l.POu deaths will be 'twitted during present year than

The autumn seaeon has been very fre.rrom sickness, ns pinged numbc

cnse of Infectious diseases

,,r"J, wonderful wa, known" ' ,S S ,n " " !"!,.ave.While some discount may made fpeaklng. of brilliant The enthusiastic ovation "";';' 1

aenthusiasm esllumtlnp tit $10.rt(io Ln "TlnZ !n.'t ,Vo., T .LfnlZn?.1 reptesentatlve of diversityvalue of the Moralio Religion. great excitement L ,,i m:,ti- -

llddlefnddles. Jewels, ?" Enwor Tim Snj-i- lr, I goodness!" he exclaimed, "look at American ,m'(ver.'ltv Atnerlcnn principlesor forgotten i.,u u.L'Z i.Tm." ' ',;:. .

nfter I,t rvn ..i.o.i. .. ... .1.- - " ' . wstfrday that the t'n






hemplutncrul the

withoutIK)rt. Pittsburg.




fright- -.,


someUilng to





of houui




upon speculating


of Alexander

subsequentlyfriends. Soon




champion nInhabitants

he be


of he

At when... . . .



of Alexanders




think... ..........

I Itof

someirooi nt


leH.1....iii.ui .i n--



sioi iiIm.i


epeou- -



of i,rovj,,c

of Ameii- -Ifof


to prosperity










inubefore small,

he adventthe waiter

I superstitious.Who



in l.A


tiviW andIn Mexico

toTehuantepco stretch- -




nt- - J







seeuisreasonable of


C''"'rs ,,u r .most ancient jokes are those concerning

Columbus. sa'd Is look-h- eAdam was probably ".g to America o Denmariconly man who heard one ItsI say for

alt we hisabout

jet the aa menace to

the a mar-ried nnd a

by her way I

Is mythe good old

Hook, which tells us; nhis father his anahis II.. 2U."

the of..nt nil. It

this:I ing her son nhout his whom she

commend nver thinglondiinn, lhe son Ills


Occasional visits ore alllight, but must bo visits, not

November 26.

Tonil the and bel- -

iiuoiti nn- - uu in mn nthe of our.

(lie- -

jond a wider forA De

posit It not tortlm


thttn tho

and arenm tn sell tlcketa tnvisitor hut us

tn hesr Chl- -

nrl. not thejinc way b nd ro

Hie arc tuthe m nlt together with

frltriil.i, but arenot Burnt

'outMoody 3d, Hie

the parent Institution, --A".

nr the ' '. Ii the,,ltc

fin. Ii nt Li ue .u rt aiel the

The h W.ii Is a


two W ill II lllli nr . .... .i..i - i.. ,- -i i., , ,

, ,

i .


- .. .


,R lm,0, 1rIOM ,

of ex- - " 8put u , .In and ami bm it is ,..

" ol" "In 10 .. big


of ufIn

In Ru

Court In ofC.

wasout to

beto an it

toCourt of

no be"It those

of he"It

bo by the

a bo

a bo


houlJ an l0

up Inu wlui


was not

I!nof the a to re in

at the

be ts

. .. ... ...

If recentthe ofTi,ia....... tn


Includingwas a of the

.iftm o- - i'nn - -




mthe ity of

a,for the euu- -

tlie n

funds Iffor

Mr. Ills belief"4 . Ol inn

..u-i.- ..


of all jHe milled the

the ofthe

raw 's

riii i

uui" to be Ihi

the Ncby the

for theof the per t1

i V).itho 1911, In

tho for w14.07, tho of

of fewer retho

191 1.

ny thereported

" c L", . ,.v"

ef lee- -

'"'- - ...

at . inr....ii.,,n i..












i..m, i,of










Ho thathe







of In



tiuritig ino past seven weeks 2,602 cw..f K, t.i... .........I .. ihi'm. nuin lunorir-'a- illt...,n, ,.rr.Knnn,,.

the ,,,,r wi re "getting It In tl,e neck. ' 'T "r hservB ii . ru e Th. n. "'..""r" ,mJ"l ..t0.. P""1" "as we say here. muel(Ml nni, , r"oretll.mcvn'. vetitllle to lemark that there 1),l.tno,i tt,uut tlfl mutter. In i .ortliern stock. V.ilued at Jt.3Is -- ally something Is., wot t, vv bile In the cMe n 00. frnm Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Tuck tvvoi Id bcsldi s inei e smug pioHperlty, and tuielRii ami wonieii enjoy mual rlshu In endowment fund, according to Mini .Vu .i hhhi nun iiiiii in- nine i" Dietr own rmintrles and lire permitted to ..i n. nut'u.iiiioiiutiiiu - nlook ilscvvline lor II limn III I'lster. .... ...... .i... soclatlon a deficit at th xnrl nf llm

II cllv vv'l.i.i








tnn Hmw) of .1:.m!.,.,':,.!i,5

I lie n lavor II , ,,,01, K hpodemile. i.tumi conllnuallvnow 'd

unhampered compelled It hi. got for t..i,i to ', ,'nk" ,,11 " "l Pl '' "uu I tlm "IL, v ? 1. r the









It hadwas


Nicholas Sev

Mer- -




l i7iii


'thn period

J ,3t







,,,i...,.,,ii..niwuiq,,. ...



... had

pei-lo- of lOP.', a decrease of 7 ner ctrTin. number of cases of diphtheria was

14 per cent, less, and that of scarlet fe. r17 per cent, less. The number of oasesof measles was about G per cent, greaterthan In 19U'.

.w:t ,mo ran care of badii. s.

Mr. and Mra. Eel ward Tack OHStock to Diet Kltchea.

Tho New York Diet Kitchen Assortstlon of I West Thirty-fourt- h street, whlrh

""''I of ,91J f more than 113,00",uul "ow auiucicni lunas aeem assurededueatn mothers In tho care of tt.''children.

Tho unnlial income from the Tu'l"donation will be used In maintaining tt - J

tuck Kitvncn at 3b West 139th etrWt,nn of the eight stations of the sssoclatlor J

no station now has 300 babiesregister. It is tho only milk stationhe city dssroted to negro bablet, and tl.J

ouiy station in that aecuen. A nurse wBbo .stationed there to Instruct mothers.

Cardinal to Dedicate Cfcarck.Cardinal Farley will officiate tu lJron.

ln y at the dedication of the newHoinau r.ithnllc Church of Queen nf MlSaints, nf which Vuxllliiry Hlshop Mm -

ileen Is lector. The eerrmonles will hi.UU at 7 o'clock this morning. Caldll' I

Parley will nfllcUlii at the. ponlllleal mat,u II o'clock. '1 lie sermon will be presentsby Abbot Oasauet. O. U. B.