The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-08-12 [p 7]. · SHUBERT E II PLANS inv' 'I'nnny's First Piny" Will...

SHUBERT E II PLANS inv' 'I'nnny's First Piny" Will lit; Most Important of OiTerinjrs). imi m;w nativk plays MiMfiil Piece by Johann Strauss mikI Other by l.ehnr nuil l ull. ,..( its liuit nlglil announced their ,f. f.'- - ili' forthcoming season, which 'tide I he direction of nunc than fi i .tiialt' "Mil miiflcnl companies, li, .l,i: s rii.Uc to productions In which sl'iil"''!." in - directly Interested as .,mo owners nr In conjunction with Low rieiiK Uilll.itn A. Hnidy, Henry W. mv.iw. W 'tithrop Ames, the Authors' Pro iluiing iVmtMtiy, Waller, Fred O. Vh't:- - Hairy Frnzeo, George Lcderer, Walker Whiteside, William Favershnm, John t'ort nl Oliver Moroseo. One of tin' most linpoitant of the new (iMmutlc production to bo offered directly under tlio Shubert management will he ileorie Bernard Shaw's comedy "Fanny's First ri.iy." which Is to be ptcscntcd here by Oram tile Barkers company In asso-uatlo- n with the Klngsway Theatre, I.on-- ,. n Thn piece has been running for more li, hi a year In London, being pre- - ntoil !' the same organization which Is to oiTt it I" New Vork. Wlnthrop Ames . in.i'l'' an arrangement with the Shu-Uit- s wheeby "Funny's First Play" will in- - the initial offering of the season at the -t- il" Theatre, opening on September 16. ttrrn lllo llarker will come to America' llttli! Liter In the season and will present s serle of plays, lmludlnK three of his i,n "The Voyey Inheritance," "Waste" Hnl "I'riinella, or In a Dutch Garden." Hp ttl.l nl-- n probably present Shaw's Jl.ijor lUrbara." The Golden I.ano" Is the name under which will be presented Carl Kossler's icrr.dly called In the original "Tho Five Frankfurters." The English presentation hi! been successful and tho same version, yC.U't Basil Hood, will bn used In New Vork. Tli play treats of the astonishing rtj t power und affluence of the I'.oth'fhlM.H family, though tho name Is dligult-e- The Master of the House," which Is lo open at the Thirty-nint- h Street Thea-t-- e on Thursday, August 22, Is by F.d-p- James, from the German. The piece t"n staged by Julius Steger, who (laved the leading malo role himself h"n 't was done In Chicago last sea- son The cast will Include Malcolm William!1. Florence Heed, Grace Heals, li.ilph Morgan. Mary Servoss, Kva Han-loll- i. Helen ltelmer, Pedro dc Cordoba, , mtoi.i Hyie, ltenjamln Graham and HI! i Ucck. Xnierlcan plays which will be pro-e- l during the early part of the com- - i season are a drama by Constance it. i formerly dramatic, editor of the 'Men .lmrriraii. nnd n farce by Kdgar '! anil Matthew White, Jr. The of the drama by Miss Skinner Is I' "tiF'ert" anil the name of the farce TV Cinch." Lucille I.a Wine's drama-- . l .li of Will N. Horben's novel "Ann will also be produced, f the many German works to which v Shubrta own the American rights following arc scheduled for early i itittlon : I ve and Hate." a play by Louis Lo. h lle Kinder," a German satire, by i n Hehr, known to American audi- - the uuthor of "Tho Concert": " II. k." a thief play by Gustav Es-- . i Dirigible Airship," a fame by i. nil and Ernst Haum. and "A ii'uiwiJ Kronen," by the German farco rltsn Alexander Kngle and Julius Hoist. Tltf onlv drama from the French plumed for production during th early rt ef the season Is an American vsr-'c- n of Petlts," a play by Luclen Nipot-- which wan given In Purls ut the Theatre Antolne. One French com- - iy entttl-- d "Aim des Femmes," Is also 10 t.r Thr tl'st musical opening of the sea-s- oi tinder the Shubert management, apart f'om "The Passing Show of 1912," already n cporntlnn at the Winter Garden, will 'The Merry Countess." All the orig- in! muic hy Johann Strauss has been itamnJ but a thoroughly modern book his teen written by Gladys Unger, with uks by Arthur Anderson. This piece lll h'uln nn IndeMnlte engagement ut '!ie Oalno Theatre on Tuesduy evening, .'Ju.t :o. Him Uernard Is soon to begin rehearsals f his new vehicle, for which the title ttf not yet len chosen. The music of tht- piere is hy Franx Ihar, composer of The M,.rry Wldo ," and tho American 'wk h- - the Joint work of Paul Potter and Edar Smith. Another offering will be 'a IXnhaidt production of Offenbach's fretta, "IJell Helen." "Llebo Augus-Ur- V nhl' h has been a Viennese hit and h4'h Is now running In London under the nam of "Princess Caprice," will also be prente. Tlt. niutlc of the operetta Is Pill the look Is by Itudolf Ber- - drid Krnst Wellsch. Aniotig the strictly American produc-io- r. win b "Tho Girl and tho Miner." which i by Itlda Johncon Young, with yrks hy West and music by Jerome. Krn h new musical comedy, tho book of h!fh n now being written by Geormi riror.sbn Howard, und Gertrude Hoffmartn in a new ieui:. Amr.c th" foreign musical works pre-nt- hi during the season will be "Tho I'Tfami' Shop,' by Cosmo Gordon Len-r- niih music by Leslie Stuart, com-itt- tr n( ' Flnrodora" and "Havana" ; Kat." v.hlrh ifl a musical version of Th lloyal llox," with a book by Charles innwrn and music by Alexander t!a-- ' lis" "fousln Hobby," by Jacob- - n aid Wagner, with muslo by Kail III,i,.,.r "Maijame Flirt," a farce, with mi t Aux lm Until and book by Fritz !,un aiirn and Heinz Helchert, adapted I' ml l.l.hllng; "The Millionaire's '''I' A M. Winner aw K. Line. i'l' n, by Helnrlch Hcitc; "The vtr'i'i;rr by Rudolph Schanzet, with Itkihert Leonard, and it new Ger- - l'1 Wjsu.iI piece entitled "Samples." i Je musical production will be the m us ii pie..i.ntatlon of the French iwjf, "Sherlock Holmes and v I. I n,'" In which thn famous Kng-1,- 1 ' e and the equally famous Lfh i mk urn pitted against each 't T'" Hippodrome entertainment, "' 'a. i Flags," which ulso Includes '' ' .i let uitltled "Flowers of All ii.'ir' i.i.,.ii (in Saturday cvenlnir. '' in ' Itelnhardt's production of a will bo presented by the Vs'il'.t aid wiuiiim A. Brudy. with ."" In the leading rolo; the ""in i' Zatlr of Louisa Alcott'H "Llttlo W, aim a Joint Shubert and "Md- hi I,,. n,i theNd HHinn man- - w ' hImi be partners In "Shan I Irish play by George II. Jes. i w ih Georgu MucFurluno will ' - i id,, iirone," an Irish play lo ' i.fri'Li i,PI, ,y itrrungement with Ve- - "" I Kirllr with a company hcadid ' w' '''id Kane, 7I' '' it iind Sullivan Opera Com- -' ' h Is a permanent Shubert. ' " n ion, Is now on tour pn- -i -- ri noire of "The Mikado," " ' I'lll.nie" nml "The Pirates ' When this company in. ' 'v Vork In the spring two ' t and Sullivan operas will bn I "I One of these w be ' i " fl ihe Shuberls and Arthur Collins of Drury Lane, laindon. will make r V ITouuetioiis together at the Manhattan Opirn House. 'Iheso will be the Drury Lane pantomime " 'Op o' My ... !!""'!" .'V1''. ,h" l,rury mclodramn Uhlp." The entl,0 i:ngllsti scenic PrOdtlCtlnPM fltl.1 Mini,!' f n.lnli..! i.v uitKiiiiii ing- - Msh plajers will comu to this country int'ni'uiHtions. The Shuberts will moke thrco produc. r'iM '" "J'"?tlri with Wlnthrop Ames, will b jn Mn,n,.SBt.. rt mo(). V.," ;V'i"'"0"n. w,llen Wl PtP'dited Pin.Ji ' ''Tl ."faK0" lnc ,1r"ni .i rn" .w,l!cl1 "1P work ot Henrv t'u1,1 1V,l,M,,r: "rnance," by d author of "Salvation Nell," mill Hans Sotmenstossei'H llollenfahrt" Minns Sonn.Mistosser's Itldo to Hell), a German comedy. i Tllp s.h,"ll,rt lire also Interested with rhUi t'!,.,,r"1 ''"I'flng Company In es Klein's dramatization of Rex Pencils novel ..Thp NoVr rj0 W, ,. which is m open th season of tho Lyilc Theutro on t.,.iu. n.,.. "u'l'.i,rvn.i;"l'".r'1 'I1 ,hu WfHluctlon of " .,...1, in,. i,mv. A coiiHlderiibto number of last season's luoducllons will go on tour. K. 11. Soth-ei- n and Julia Marlowe will continue un-d- their direction, playing a season In Ha,.,""'1 "U" "tended road tour same itpertolre of Shake-spearla- n ilramas and comedies as last X-a- Among the musical plays that will contlm... nr.. "The Kiss Waltz" Jiunes T. '.wm. i p.. .. i i,. , a, ,......' iiiie urines. nT.-- i " r "lr1 wl" ""'''' 'it i o iniry anil ".sumttrun" will ,r "7". '" 0,,'or cl"0, "'' 'o Irectlon the Shubcrta and Mr. Ames. Ihp or g nat "ilium. t),,iiu .i... L,.l;: .: company will remain nt William Collier's Comedy Theatre for some time to "Tai other organlzza- - tlons Will Offer ti.u I. ""'"i i imi) s ineairo n Sep- tember wl h a new play by Kdward Knob-lauc- enlltle.1 "Discoloring America!" THE TOURISTS. .ufo I'll riles TrlnK the lllglirraya Tlirongh otv Knglnnd. WTr.nni nv, Conn.. Aug. it. .w York arrivals by motor at tho Klton Hotel to-d- Included: Mls FNchel. Mrs. Chamlrlaln and f.oorco Hsfhel on Ideal tour (Stoddard Dayton). J r, AllHrt Zeiss on Ideal tour (tadlllac). I',. ,1. Leary and Dr. .. It. Con- nolly to Leno (llulck). II. 1:. Daker. F. oodbrldge. H. S. Hoove anil F. S. Kellogg lo (Columbia!, Mr. and Mrs. William I. I'lielps and Miss Mary J. Thomas (Metal-iirglruie- l. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner (Item, II. S, Grimes and J. A. Weed (lajzlcn. Mr and Mis. W. W. Prlco (I'ierce-Arrow- ), Mr. and Mr. Tullmnii, Miss It. Tossler and II. II. Dachler (Wlntonl. Mr. and Mrs. Irving McKesson ((!. J. G.I. William and Donald MacXaiiKliton IF.. M.F.I. Mr. and Mrs. K. 1. Allen (Sharmuti. Mr. and Mrs. K S. Humios (I'ackardl, K. Thayer and party (II.M.F.), Arthur It. Mack and A. J. tiravdon (Puck-ard- i. lllir.TTos Woods, X. H .ue. ll. among 's automobile ar- rivals at tho Mount Washington were' A. tl. laldy. A. K. IMdy. M. II Pddv (Packard). Mrs. A. II. Mngg. Mr.. .1 c su van. Miss Cella SUicey. Miss i.)e Sullivan (lludsoni. Mr. and Mis. John Mr.Naineo G'eerlessi, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V i. IVirce (Cudillaci. F. H Hough, Mr and r1""' Wilkinson and .Miss Caroline Arms ll'lercn-Urow- i. Mrs. L. A. Heywond, Mrs. William llurris and Mr. and Mis ;. s I'lngou (I'ierce-Arro- I. Mr and Mrs Xathnniel Allison, MN K. S. Millar. Henrv lerrill (Flat J. Mr. and Mr .1. W mm .'ir. nun .iirs r, .lie) iiuillll (Mer. iiii air ami .wr i iioyu and Mr. and I.Mrs. F Werner il'aekunli. Mr. and Mrs. It S. I'Nlmeraiid Mr mid Mrs. F. W llemlck ll'uckiirdi, Mr. and Mrs. S. Zollinger. .Mr. . . n li .,ir?i. I niriKiir Miiri i ru i.pi,(ti. McK.wen (()ertandi. Mr. und Mr, J. .V. Wright aud Mr. and Mrs, William Hollo (Fierce-Arrow- l. " At the Mount 1'lcusant: A. S. Waile. Arthur .1. ounir. Mr. and Mrs. K. .1. Powers and Mr. and .Mrs. F.. P. Nichols ( KWn and Peerlel, l)r A. II Talbot and Walter s. rnlhoi illavue.i.Mr and.Mrs. I' .1, Murphv. Mls Kennedy, Mr- - C M.Trilumer und Miss. Vance iSiginu-Knlgh- li , Mrs. John II Weins. Miss A. s. Weiss and John Kox iPremieri, Mr anil Mr. IJ, II lleinenuay and .Mr. and Mrs. (', T. Ho Puv and children Mls yuinn and rlaremo Do Pay ll'nckardi. LfcMix, Mas.. ng It Automobile ar- rivals at tho Hotel Aspinwall from .New ork y included: Mr. and .Mr W. II Search. Mr. and Mr. F. W Sharp Klri-i- n (an, John A. Dillon and John (1. Hovt (Stoddnrdi. H It. Tiffany and Miv Celia Goodwin (Marnioni Nr.w tsn.F, X. II.. Aug. II.- - Autoino-blllst- s from Xew York registering at the Hotel Wentworth y Include. Mr. and Mrs. II, W Phelps IPackardl. .Mr. and Mrs. John Kdward 'lliayer t Loco l. MaNclifcs'rKlt. Vi., Aug II. Arrivals bv uutmoblle at the Driuinoic Hoiim- - y Included the following from New York: Dr. and .Mrs. (illman Thompson (Ford). Mrs. John Van Xotrand (Piercoi. .Mr. and Mrs. F. St. John llavs and .Mrs. S. W Wilson (Fiat). Harold J. Hirst, Mrs L Hirst, Miss Strong and Miss Hirst (t'halmersi. l'ITTm l.n.Mns., Aug.n -- XewYorkers w ho registered at the Touring Club's bureau in Hotel Wendell y Included Mrs. William II, Stout. Mls Blanche A. Stout and Charles I'.. Sammi (.Mitchell). Mr. and Mrs. K.'F. Collins iLlmorei, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Van Hoesen, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van Hoesen and J. K. Anspacher IThomasi: Mr. and Mrs. F. II. II. Paine (Franklin); Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Uary (Hellevlllei, Mrs. C. A. Fox. Mrs. A. Waller, Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Walter and Master Richard Walter (Hoick). Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. (tighter and Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Dals (Hudson): Arthur M. Charles and Francis B. Laud (Mercer): Mr. and Mrs. A. V. W'lckoff, Miss Fannie llom-medle- u and W. L. Peck ( Popo- - Hartford I . Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Store (Ford). C. F. Stoddard, Mrs. A. W. Spoouer. Miss Ada lleaso and Mr. aud Mrs. F. W, (lilmun (Columbia): Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Van Winkle aud Miss Jennie Van Winkle (Cadillac). New London, Conn., Aug. it -- Automo. hlo parties at the Griswold to-d- Included from Xew Vork: Lowell M. Palmer, Grace M. Palmer and F.the! M, Palmer (fadlllaei; M. 8, Mendell (American). Mr. and .Mrs. M. M. rarnachau, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart G Schenck and Mr. and .Mrs. C A. Ilemper (Packard): Dr. Charles A. Holmes (Cadillac) : Henry G. A, Freeman, Jr., Mrs. K. II. Hrnwu, Miss lleatricH Hiown and Miss Louise Smith (Renault): Mr. and Mrs. X, Stantou Gates and Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Wentraub (Alco), Albert Zeiss (Peerless). BABY DEATH RATE DROPS. I.oifrst of s'eoinn nnd Less Than I. nil Year. Thn Babies' Welfaro Association re port that for tho first time this season the total of baby deaths dropped below that of tho week liefore. During tho week ended Saturday noon only 318 babies under I year old died, :i8 less than during thn week of August 3. , In Brooklyn last week there wore only ss deaths, of infanta under 1 year. In the corresponding week of 1911 thern wero 142 Unatiis. unui oi hkiiw ugu rirooH-ly- n had In-e- fulling behind this toil rrmril. Manhattan Borough, which made a ullght Jump during n W0CK or August 3, went back to normal again last week with only 193 deaths aguinst 205 in the corresponding week of tho year Iwforo. Thn three other boroughs are still close to last year's record. There have been 672 fewer deaths of infants under 1 year in thn Greater City this year thun there wnro last year up to this time. It is significant of tho effectiveness of milk station work that In one of thn dis- tricts, that bounded by Thirty-fourt- mil Fourteenth streets. Sixth avenue and North Hivnr, thorn were no deaths among thn liabies enrolled, In fact there has lieeii only mi" death at that station since January I Tim milk stut inns of the Greater City now luive 17,117 babies enrolled, an of .177 over I he week before. There were only 13 deaths ut the milk stations last ween sUeelers Scarce In llHnnnr. Residents of llayotinn are saving nice thing" aboiil Ihn county and local health ofilciuls because of the absence of rnns- - quitocs, which have scarcer this summer uiuu ever ueioro. THE SUN, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1912. llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliPlF IsssssssssTi! sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss A Big Catch. Bathers Lose Lives in Hudson i Hiver With Mny Unnts Around Them. SIXDAY'S DEATH TOLL Two Hoys Disappear NVIiile Wadinp; Several Other I'd tali lies. Two brothers who went swimming yesterday afternoon In the Hudson Itlver off Inwood were drowned In the Night of many persons and In the midst of a number of small craft whose occu pants made no attempt to help them. They were Harry l.ubowltz. 13 ycarB old, and William Luhowltz. 19 years old, both of 1706 Washington avenue. William was not a strong swimmer and when he had ventured out about fifty feet he began to shout for help. Harry went to his aid nnd tried to draw him to the shore, but the exertion proved too much for him and tho two men were soon clasped together, strug- gling nnd crying for help. Within fifteen feet of them were two canoes, each containing two men, who gazed helplessly at the drowning men and made no attempt to reach them-Me- n on tho hanks run up und down shouting or stood and watched. Not a rope nor a plank was found to throw them, and while all were hesitating the brothers went down. Their bodies were recovered. Alfred nnd William Jaciues went for an outing yesterday to Manhattan Hcach with their sister, Marie. The boys arc II and 12 years old und Marie Is 18. Their father. James Jacques, who lives at 1363 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Is employed on the Brooklyn Bridge. The three children had their luncheon on the beach, then the boys went wad- ing. Marie waited for more than un hour und her borthers did not return. The Sheepshead Bap police were notified and a general search was begun. It Is believed the boys fell Into a hole and were drowned. A holiday crowd which was watching some swimming stunts In the Hudson Klvcr from the recreation pier at the foot of Fiftieth street In the afternoon was shocked when an unidentified red haired man, who had Just dived off the pier at the foot of Fortieth street, came to the surface shouting for help. With the aid of a rope thrown by Po- liceman Henry Mlhr, Henry llaffe managed to get the man ashore. An ambulance surgeon suld that ho was dead. In the man's pocket was found a pawnticket for a razor made out to "Walsh." Charles Wlechman, IK years old, of 273 Hutledge street. Brooklyn, was drowned In tho morning while bathing In Lake Honkonkoma, L. 1. Wlech- man was unable to swim. His body was not recovered until late In the afternoon. Several hundred persons walking along the boardwalk at Clason Point late in the afternoon witnessed the rescue of a young man by Sergeant Joe Grlffenstcln of the Volunteer Lite Saving Corps. He swum nearly u hun- dred feet with an unconscious swimmer on his shoulder. Corstar Toppus, L'O years old, of 206 ICast 240th street, was the man rescued. He was swimming nlone when folks on shorn heard him cry for help, Grlffensteln ran out to the end of the dock und dived In. He him and made his wuy to the shore. Artificial respiration was re. sorted to, ufter which Toppus was taken home by friends. Tho catboat John T. of the Diamond Point Yacht Club capsized off Belle Harbor In the ufternoon, throwing four people In the water. Two of the party described themselves us John Smith of Grand tdrcct, Brooklyn, nnd John N'lxon, f.O Montague street, Brooklyn. As the lulter address Is u warehouse, It is thought that both nanus ule fic- titious. The other men refused to glvo their names or to say where they lived. FRENCH ESTATE DISTRIBUTED. Kxci'ufora lleport llrokrr'n Property Wm Worth 1',7 Ill.a.tO. The executors under the will of Seth Barton French, member of the Xew York Stock Kxchange for many years, and known as the intimate friend of and personal broker for J. P. Morgan, have (lied un accounting in the Surrogate's Office. Mr. French died ut Palm Beach, Fla., on February 17, 1010. His executors ure his son-in-la- Churles Steele, of J. P. fflorguti A Co.; his former partner, John T. Atterbury, in th firm of Van Kmburgli A Atterbury; his widow, Mrs, Mary Foam French, daughter of Walter Fearn, at one time United States Minister to Greece; John Herndon French, his son. The executors report that tho total value of thn eIate is $'.',74(1,2.V). The widow received tl.iKlu.nno, of which all but $Iihj,i(i(i is in trust. Thn daughter. Mrs. Nannie French Steele, received 1.100,(100 outright. The son, John H. French of 43 West Fifty-fir- st street, received 300,000 und another son. George French of tho Union Club, got SIti0.(O. Upon the death of the widow thn principal of the trust fund left to her Is to go to the children named, and to ,h minor children, Clarice and William Barton French, who live with their mother in Paris. The executors are paying an annuity of 11. Jino to Mrs. Walker Fearn Inkersley mother-in-la- w of the testator. Mr. French left H.iski to lie paid to F.lsie Settlor, his wife's mild, when sho shall have. Is-e- in Mrs. French's employ twentv years. Of K.oun left to Mrs. French to distribute among the servants, the executors report that $3,!5H was paid to a maid, Hose McCoy, 'lwo servants got $350, two, $2nu; two. $150. and one, $100. The report shows that tho real estate holdings of the estate now amount to $279. DDI. and that one parcel of property was sold to Cornelius Vanderbilt for $285,-ou- o. Mr. French's town house waa at 15 West Fifty-fourt- h street, but ho owned an elaborate estato at Hot Springs, Va,, called Barton Hall, and a summer home. Barton Ijodge, ut Newport. Two years before his death he arranged to buy a plot on Fifth avenue just south of Seventy-secon- d street for s5o,(K) on which he Intended to build an elaborate city home but his illness prevented carrying out his plan. NEW $200,000 HOSPITAL Dlrrctnrs iif Montrflorc Home Are Honor. Two hundre. tltouaud dollais has been given to thn Moutellorn Home for Chronic Invalids, a charitable Institution at Broad- way anil l.Wh street, for tho building of a private hospital for Hrioin suffering with chronic Thn donors aro four directors or the homo, Jacob II, Sell Iff, Sol it. Guggenheim, lVrdlnand Sulzberger and Samuel Sachs, each of w horn gave ISO.noo, The new hoipital w ill be the first private hospital exclusively for chronic patients in the city and will lie conducted as an adjunct to the work of the MnntetUuv Home. 'Ihe surplus Iroiu tin) oiieratlon of the hospital will bn used toward the work of the home. It will lie built at niilubrldge avenue, and Gun Hill road In Thn llronx, whern the Montellore llonm Is soon to be removed. Dr. Siegfried Waohsinuhn, medical direc- tor o ihe liome.ln ho will also have charge of tho hospital, said yesterday "'Die uiero fact that an institution like ours Is necessary for the poor ought to be proof enough that a slmflur Institution Is necessary for the middle nnd wealthy classes. Any physician with an extensive practice will testily that It Is almost Impossi- ble to give chronio patients proper treat- ment and accommodations at home, no matter how comfortable that home may bo or how solicitous the members of the pa- tient's family. " NEW VAUDEVILLE STAR IN. Kntlierlne Kennedy nt the London "DnlomnliW" In Do sketches. Katliorlno Kennedy, a little Irish actress from County (lalw ay not her first glimpse of this iiiunlrv from the second cabin of the Aliierliau liner New Vork, which arrived yesterday. She Is 21 years old and has been playing the part of the Saudow Girl In "The afryiimlil- - in London, In lids country she will go into vaiidcvlllu in character sketches, Capt. Domlnlcjt Henry of Ihn Mercer street pollie station arrived on the New Vork. Hit III us Martin. I'lill.uil'.i.flllA, Aug The engage- ment tins linen announced of Ml Manun Martin, daughter of Judge, and Mrs. J, Willis Martin, to Kdwnnl Klorena llivinus, sun ol Mrs llavid Caldwell lilvlnus. The prorpectlM' brnlKHMim ! n well known athlete ami a prominent (Inure in the rowing races mi tint Schuylkill. Miss Murtln made her lU'hut last wlutor W. .1. (inne Tells Why He Put Them Up at Thirty-firs- t Street. INDIVIDUAL PAILS ALSO Water Troughs in Front of Saloons Are Profitable, Say Proprietors. 'el haps you have seen n sign Ht Hroadway and Thirty-fir- st street which says, "Free shower baths for horses only." There are three of these signs, each fastened to the piece of transverse pipe. "I like n shower bnth myrelf when I'm through work," said the man who J fixed up those shower baths, "and I I supposed the horses might feel the j Mime way about It." Now that horses which are accus tomed to pulling loads up and down Hroadway are used to It they come back for n shower day after day. The Bureau of Municipal Research, which has Just put out a bulletin on the care of watering troughs, vouches for It. The man who figured out that a horse might like a shower as much as himself nnd who furnished the three at Hroad- way und Thirty-fir- st street Is William J, Gane, "The way I came to think of It was easy enough," said Gane yesterday. "A horse fell down across the street one afternoon last June, and It looked as though he was going to die. They sent for a policeman to shoot the poor beast, but some of my men happened to be using n hose out In front here and I had them pour water over the horse's head and back for half an hour. Tho policeman didn't have, anything to do, for the horse scrambled to his feet and went on. "The next day I got some sheet Iron troughs, put them out In the itreet and connected them up with hose lines to my building. The horses liked It. Then one night I thought of the shower baths, for I tnlto one myself night and morning. "At first the horses are frightened when the water comes down on their backs, but now they keep coming every day for more," In connection with the showers there are palls from which tho horses can drink and hose lines so that their mouths can bo washed out. The Bureau of Municipal Research, quoting Dr. Lederle of tho Health Department and Secretary Morton of the A. S. P. C. A., says these Individual drinking bucketH are the safest things for horses Just as individual drinking cups are essen- tials nowadays for men nnd women. As for the common drinking trough It Is Just ns bad as the common drinking cup, says Dr. Lederle. The bureau'a report says; Writing for the Health Department Commissioner Lederlo goes .urther nnd suggests that "the department should forbid the further erection of watering troughs of any description and that In future their placo should be supplied by draw hydrants, preferably uso-late- d In summer with the shower bath nnd cared for by an attendant." This means that live wooden troughs and 142 other troughs (particularly thoso whose rovers servo chlctly for hiding dirt and garbage and prevent effective cleaning) should be discontinued and removed. in this extreme position the veteri- narians und the stable superintendents whom we huve ronsulted agree with Commissioner Lederle. So does William K. Horton, secretary of the A. H. V C. A. At present nobody has the duty of caring for filthy or broken city water- ing troughs. Tho Water Department does It when somebody tells about bad conditions, but thero Is no systematic I way of I'.eeplntr them in shape, as for instance tne A. o. I'. C. A. I:eeps Ita troughs In order. LIVE TOPICS ABOUT TOWN. A certain beggar, who evidently believes that originality pays, may be seen almost every afternoon walking along Thirty-fourt- h street tapping the pavement with his cano and calling out " I'm not blind! I'm not blind!" But judging from thn contents of his cup he excites a good deal moro curiosity than symapthy. The Sun's story of the coming changes in the sailors' uniforms reminds me," said the amateur historian, "of tho reasons for the old uniform, which hud reasons indoed for each integral part . 1 he Ameri can uniform was copied with fow changes from the English wear for sailors. "The flat topped hats are relics of the days when sailormen had to go skipping to the tops with ropes. Bo that they could use both hands in climbing tho hats were flattened and tho ropes wero colled and carried on top. Tho broad collars wero worn because, of the pomatum on the pigtails which used to be worn; tho collars kept blouses clean. Tho black band around the hat was a sign of mourning for the death, of Lord Nelson and the three stripes on tho collar were reminders of Nelson's three greatest (victories Cape Ht. Vincent, Trafalgar and Copen- hagen. "The wide trousers were made that way so that sailors slushing the decks could pull them up abovo the kneo without having to roll them." The way modern restaurants keep abreast with the times is Bhown by a large Harlem cafe, where thn latest cocktail has been entitled "Jack Kose." "It Is just like a clover club with a lit- tle vermouth in it," the waiter explained, "but it'a something now. People comtj in and they don't know just what they' want, so they take a Jack Hose just out of curiosity. No, they aro not bald, they will never mako you confess and they only levy !0 cents on you." John Bmlth passed along the Whltn Way in his gray limousine with a Texas license tag at the back. The only thing he saw to comment on was the big sign on tho McAlpin Hotel which read: : 1,500 nOOMH I WITH COMMUNICATING BATHS. ; He said he wouldn't stay at a bote I whero the whole town would know what went on when you took a bath. "Half the fun of a moving picture show is in figuring out what "the actors are saying," said a consistent patron of the movies, "and I hope that they never get the pictures so perfected that they talk. " It is a pleasant exercise for the imagina- tion to invent the dlaloguo as the action In tho picture goes on, and everybody In the audienon can think out a different speech for the hero, each one according to hit education and taste, and so every- body is suited with what is said, which wouldn't be the case if the pictures had a phonographic attachment. The thoughtful mat or woman who inquires will bo surprised to learn how few magazines in this big city of 'New York find their way to the wards of tho city's hospitals. One woman, who re- cently sent a package to a nurse in a crippled children's ward In a hospital right in tho heart of the city was surprised as well as touched by the nurse's almost tearful gratitude. The babies looked at all tho pictures. The nurses read and reread everything especially some gay fashion journals put in with a hope that some little girl might find an hour's solace " playing paper dolls." The patients in the adult wards had their turn next, and then the young resident doctors welcomed what was left. Inquiry proved tliat in almost every hospital in New York the demand for magazines Is far beyond the supply. FIVE CHILDREN RESCUED. Throvrn Into llndsnn Hlver When Launch Canslces llombnat. Five youngsters were rescued from drowning In the Hudson at the foot of West 155th street yesterday after- noon. A rowboat In which they were enjoying themselves was run down and capsized by the launch Hoqitaln. Men on the launch saved the children. Tho youngsters were Hobert Wcnke, 16 years old, of 1076 Ogden avenue, Carl Htelner, 1.'., of 163 West 165th street; William Iiushart, 13, of 100 West l2d street; his sister, Anna, 1., und . Nellie Thelan, IT. of 2S5C Eighth I avenue. DOWAGER COUNTESS DE SIB0UR. Die at llrr summer Home nt Xnr- - raaansett. .Vahiiagansett l'lhP. It. I., Aug. Countes de Slbour of Washing- ton. I). C, died this alternoon at Chuwana Villa, Narragsnsett. Kor some months the Countess md been an Invalid and she was brought to Narragansstt esrlv in thn (summer In hopei that her health might Improve. At the time of her death her two nn were present the Count Louis de Slbour nd llenrl de Slbour of Washington. D. C. VUcount Jack de Slbour arrived here from abroad recently and I now in America. 'Ihe Counters de Slbour, wife of Count I.oult de Slbour, Is also here. Dowager Counters de Kibour was an aunt of Mrs. F. A.M. Hopkins and a great-su- of Dr. A. F. Hopkins of Washington, D. C, members ot the villa colony at the Pier. The funeral of the Dowager Counters will take place afternoon In Washington, D. C. and the Interment will be In Itlchuiond. va. The late Dowager Countess was formerly Miss Mary Johnson of Uotton, Mass., and was the wife of an officer In the French army. Khe was well known In the cottage colony of Narragan-set- t OBITUARY. Ilrnry H, Vsndjck. NOHTHPORT, I.. I., Aug. 11 -- Henry II. Vandyck. Dlitrlct Deputy Grand Master of thn First Maaonlc district, comprising Ivoni Island outilde ot Brooklyn, riled y at hla summer borne here. He practised law In rtrooklyn, Mr, Vantlyrk was born at Csnajoharle, N. V. Ktbruary 21, 186S, He was a aon ot the Rev. L. H. Vandyck ot the Dutch Reformed Church. Fifteen year ago h moved to Northport from Now Vork, where he waa employed on Tho Sun aa a proofreader, to accept a similar place wtth the Edward Thompson Company, law publisher. Ho took up the study ot law, wi admitted to thn bar and for the past two years had practised. Five yeara ago he wa Aaslstant Urand Lecturer of the Urand Lodge of Masons. The cause of death eras typhoid pneumonia. Plays ana Players. "The Polish Wedding." a musical farce, I being prepared by Cohan A Harris. Us Initial preaentatlon will be at the Detroit Opera Houae on Monday, Beptcmiier :. "The Polish Welding" was first produced at the Thalia Theatre In Berlin, where It hea already passed Its 700th performance and I still running. The book Is by Curt Krsats and Georc Okonkowskl, Ihe lyrics by Albert Hchonfeld and the music hy Jean Gilbert, and It ha been adapted for the American stage by George V Hobart and Jerome D. Kern. The company now re. hearsing tho principal roles Includes Will-Is- Burress. l.ouls Casavant, ttldney llrucy, Jack Horwlti, Arnmnri Kallas, John llrln-har- Lincoln Plumer, Valll Valll. Winona Winter, Louise Alrhoi and Mine. Msihllde Cottrelly. Chsrlrs Frohman plans to help ecral deaervlni young men through tollegr hy employing them as chorus men In "The Girl From Mnntniartri'" it ihe Criterion Theatre. They will work only evenings and t the Saturday tnstln'e sn1 HI f I3t a week. Selections will Im marie frm Columbia, Near York University and reni- ns m YACHT LUNCHEONS ON 1 T Other Mold in Homes Knjovcd hy Those Shut. In by Heavy Storm. .1. I MOIKIAX A VISITOR Secretary Meyer at Itosort on Dolphin Mrs. Drcxel to flivc Dinner. It. I., Aug. 11. A heavy rain- storm upset many il m.i The Caolno nnd other out of door mcctlns places wero practically desi rtcd. Thcro were several luncheons on boaid tho yachts, uniting the hostcsiea being Mrs. Henry H. Kcdmond, Mrs. Pembroke Jones and Mrs. Hobert I. Gerry. Luncheons wero given nt their homea by Mrs. William K. Vnnderbllt, Jr., Mr. J. Fred I'lerson und Mrs. Itcglnald Nor- man. Mrs. Itlchard T. Wilson gave one of the largest dinners of thn day t, her guests numbering forty. Dinners wero also given by Mrs. r.ugeno 8. Rrynal, Egerton I.. Wlnthrop and Hobert lvcs Qammel. Heplsterrd y nt tho Casino were Franklin A. I'lumincr, Henry J. White-hous- e, Hobert lUcon, J. rlcrpont Mor- gan und W. Fltzhugh Whltchousc. Becrctary of tho Navy George von L. Meyer was hero y on board the Dolphin, but did not uccept any social attention. Hn left Dinners will bo given night by Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan and Mrs. W. Ktorrs Wells. Mrs. Pembroke Jones will glvo a dance for young people on Friday night. Hobert Uooracm of New York Is vis- iting Gen. ami Mrs. J. Fred Plerson. I In will go to Europe In October to re- main for mi Indefinite period. Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly will give a dinner on Thursday. Mrs. John It. Drexel has sent out in- vitations for a dinner on September 6. After the Newport season Mrs. Drcxel and her daughter will go to Kurope. Preparations have been begun on the temporary room for too ball Mrs. Btuy-vesa- nt Fish will give at tho Crossways on August 10. Amung' the professional entertalnets to appear that night will be the Kusslan bullet dancers, who were seen In New York last winter. The room will Ira of Louis NVI. design und supper will be served In It. Mrs. Henry S. Kcdmond's luncheon party on board the Margaret Included Mr. and Mrs. Stuyvtsant Fish, Mr. arid Mrs. Kllsha Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. It. Hor- ace Gallatin, Mrs. Hermann Oelrlchs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Curtis James, Mr. and Mrs. Itlchard Stevens, Mrs. Hurke Hoche. Mr. und Mrs. Oliver ltarrlmun, Mr. und Mrs. Paul A. Andrews, Mr. nnd Mrs. James II. Hnggln, Mr. und Mrs. Frank K. Sturgls, Miss Lotta Hoblnson. Miss Lydlu Itedmond, Henry Clews, Thomas Kearny, Henry F. Kldrldge. Franklin A. Hummer, Phillip I. Bunkard. Henry ti. Black, Charles Haycfen and W. J. Math-eso- The guests were seated at small tables, which wero decorated with ros tree. SOCIETY AT LENOX. Nevrral Jadtres Accept Invitations ta Attend Jtog Shoir. Lenox. Mass.. Aug. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert W. Chapln of London have arrived ut their country place In Tyrlngham. where they have with them their son. IajuIs Chapln u f Chicago, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Heese AIsop of New York, their daughter ami Mr. and Mrs. Chapln will be In thu Uerkshlres through- out the autumn. Miss Meyer has gone to Hamil- ton. Mass., to visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Von L. Meyer. Daniel Chester French, who has been In New York, has returned to Chester-woo- d, In lllendale. Mrs. French was at the tea table at the Btockhrldge Country club yesterday ufternoon. With Mr. anil Mrs. French are Miss Mildred Hurbeck of New York and Lawrence Fletcher of Huston. Mr. and Mis. Cl.fford V. Brokaw aud Clifford V. llrukaw, Jr., motoring from Glen Cove, L. I., have arrived at tho Cui-t- ls Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Plummcr of New York have arrived at Klmwood In PittsHeld for the remainder of 'the Berk- shire season. Miss Mabel Choate will go to Newport for a short visit. Murshall P. Kcrnochan, 7.. Marshall Crane, Irvln P. Thompson. Miss Mary L. Hinsdale nnd Miss Elizabeth C. Dutton arc sending out Invitations for the Berk- shire county tennis championships at the Country Club. Plttsfleld, August SO. Frederick S. Delafteld. secretary of the Lenox Kennel Club, has received ac- ceptances from J. T. Frothlngham, J. W. Spring of Boston. Robert Sedgwick, Jr., of Newport, Dr. James Hare of Bridgeport, Theodore Offerman nnd Henry Fleltman of New York to Judge their specialties at the Lenox show. THEATRE OPENINGS tt tlroadhnrat Play Goes On at Fort Street House, William A. Brady's new theatre, Th Foity-elght- h Street Theatre, will be opened wtth a new play, "Just Like John," by Georgo Broadhurst and Murk Swan. .In addition two of .last eeasan.'s,, of- ferings will resume their runs: "Robin Hood," with Bessie Abott as the .Yew Jf old Marian, at the Knickerbocker Theatre and "Officer 666." with Douglas Fairbanks as tho new Tracers Gludicin, at tho Gaiety Theatre. The regular season of the Columbia Theatre will open In the afternoon with "The Golden Crook," During the three weeks the theatre has been closed It has been redecorated. DIED. BAUF.n August , John O. nauer, asjed 51, Body lying In state In "TPS KunssalCHi'kch.-2- U West Md at. (Campbell lluiLDixqi. CI.AHK.-- At llurllnrton, Vt.,on Friday, August 8. Marian de Forest Clark, wife of linlt Craw-for- d Clark and daughter of the late Grand It. and Mary de Forest Cannon, In the &7IU ear of her age. Funeral at fit. Paul's Church. Durllngton. t on Monday mornlnc, Ausust 1?, at half past 10 o'clock, lutrrmrnl In Greenwood Ceme- tery, Tuesday. August 13. HANKY. At Newark, N. J on Saturday, Auf usl to, lII, Charles A, llaney, In his 47th year. Funeral services will be held at hl lato home, 74 North 7th st., Newark, N. J., on Tucsdaj Aiifint 13, at :.J0 l M, KlItHV -- Chrle II. Klrhy, aged 7S tuneral al 'Thk I'CNfcRAi. Cm'Hrii," :it w'rt.1 3d st. (Fa ink II. OauriihLi. Hi.wi,i VANIIKHIKIIU.. In Loudon, Kngland on Sat- urday, July ?7, 1017, ef pneumonia, Adalls r.llratieth, widow of Hon Aaron J. Vandtr-pur- l, runeral al hrr lite residence, KlnrterhooV, ,V , on Tuesday, Amust IJ, at & o'clock, Train leavrt New York al :W1 A, II , con- necting al Hudson with trolley for hlndrt-he- CNniRTAkKKS. Cimr F. C1MMFII Auto i,ervlr. :il West i. UnTAI UBaMrt OwNEli. OI'EHATKO

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-08-12 [p 7]. · SHUBERT E II PLANS inv' 'I'nnny's First Piny" Will...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1912-08-12 [p 7]. · SHUBERT E II PLANS inv' 'I'nnny's First Piny" Will lit; Most Important of OiTerinjrs). imi m;w nativk plays MiMfiil Piece by Johann Strauss



inv' 'I'nnny's First Piny"Will lit; Most Important

of OiTerinjrs).

imi m;w nativk plays

MiMfiil Piece by Johann StraussmikI Other by l.ehnr

nuil l ull.

,..( its liuit nlglil announced their,f. f.'- - ili' forthcoming season, which

'tide I he direction of nunc thanfi i .tiialt' "Mil miiflcnl companies,li, .l,i: s rii.Uc to productions In which

sl'iil"''!." in - directly Interested as.,mo owners nr In conjunction with Low

rieiiK Uilll.itn A. Hnidy, Henry W 'tithrop Ames, the Authors' Proiluiing iVmtMtiy, Waller, Fred O.

Vh't:- - Hairy Frnzeo, George Lcderer,Walker Whiteside, William Favershnm,John t'ort nl Oliver Moroseo.

One of tin' most linpoitant of the new(iMmutlc production to bo offered directlyunder tlio Shubert management will he

ileorie Bernard Shaw's comedy "Fanny'sFirst ri.iy." which Is to be ptcscntcd hereby Oram tile Barkers company In asso-uatlo- n

with the Klngsway Theatre, I.on-- ,.

n Thn piece has been running formore li,hi a year In London, being pre- -

ntoil !' the same organization which Isto oiTt it I" New Vork. Wlnthrop Ames

. in.i'l'' an arrangement with the Shu-Uit- s

wheeby "Funny's First Play" willin-- the initial offering of the season at the-t- il" Theatre, opening on September 16.

ttrrn lllo llarker will come to America'llttli! Liter In the season and will present

s serle of plays, lmludlnK three of hisi,n "The Voyey Inheritance," "Waste"Hnl "I'riinella, or In a Dutch Garden."Hp ttl.l nl-- n probably present Shaw'sJl.ijor lUrbara."

The Golden I.ano" Is the name underwhich will be presented Carl Kossler'sicrr.dly called In the original "Tho FiveFrankfurters." The English presentationhi! been successful and tho same version,yC.U't Basil Hood, will bn used In New

Vork. Tli play treats of the astonishingrtj t power und affluence of theI'.oth'fhlM.H family, though tho name Isdligult-e-

The Master of the House," which Islo open at the Thirty-nint- h Street Thea-t-- e

on Thursday, August 22, Is by F.d-p-

James, from the German. The t"n staged by Julius Steger, who(laved the leading malo role himself

h"n 't was done In Chicago last sea-

son The cast will Include MalcolmWilliam!1. Florence Heed, Grace Heals,li.ilph Morgan. Mary Servoss, Kva Han-loll- i.

Helen ltelmer, Pedro dc Cordoba,, mtoi.i Hyie, ltenjamln Graham andHI! i Ucck.

Xnierlcan plays which will be pro-e- lduring the early part of the com- -

i season are a drama by Constanceit. i formerly dramatic, editor of the

'Men .lmrriraii. nnd n farce by Kdgar'! anil Matthew White, Jr. Theof the drama by Miss Skinner Is

I' "tiF'ert" anil the name of the farceTV Cinch." Lucille I.a Wine's drama-- .l .li of Will N. Horben's novel "Ann

will also be produced,f the many German works to which

v Shubrta own the American rightsfollowing arc scheduled for early

i itittlon :I ve and Hate." a play by Louis Lo.

h lle Kinder," a German satire, byi n Hehr, known to American audi- -

the uuthor of "Tho Concert":" II. k." a thief play by Gustav Es-- .

i Dirigible Airship," a fame byi. nil and Ernst Haum. and "A

ii'uiwiJ Kronen," by the German farcorltsn Alexander Kngle and Julius

Hoist.Tltf onlv drama from the French

plumed for production during th earlyrt ef the season Is an American vsr-'c- n

of Petlts," a play by LuclenNipot-- which wan given In Purls utthe Theatre Antolne. One French com- -

iy entttl-- d "Aim des Femmes," Is also10 t.r

Thr tl'st musical opening of the sea-s- oi

tinder the Shubert management, apartf'om "The Passing Show of 1912," alreadyn cporntlnn at the Winter Garden, will

'The Merry Countess." All the orig-in! muic hy Johann Strauss has beenitamnJ but a thoroughly modern book

his teen written by Gladys Unger, withuks by Arthur Anderson. This piecelll h'uln nn IndeMnlte engagement ut

'!ie Oalno Theatre on Tuesduy evening,.'Ju.t :o.

Him Uernard Is soon to begin rehearsalsf his new vehicle, for which the title

ttf not yet len chosen. The music oftht- piere is hy Franx Ihar, composer ofThe M,.rry Wldo ," and tho American'wk h- - the Joint work of Paul Potter and

Edar Smith. Another offering will be'a IXnhaidt production of Offenbach'sfretta, "IJell Helen." "Llebo Augus-Ur- V

nhl' h has been a Viennese hit andh4'h Is now running In London under the

nam of "Princess Caprice," will also beprente. Tlt. niutlc of the operetta Is

Pill the look Is by Itudolf Ber- -drid Krnst Wellsch.

Aniotig the strictly American produc-io- r.

win b "Tho Girl and tho Miner."which i by Itlda Johncon Young, withyrks hy West and music by Jerome.Krn h new musical comedy, tho book of

h!fh n now being written by Geormiriror.sbn Howard, und Gertrude Hoffmartnin a new ieui:.

Amr.c th" foreign musical works pre-nt- hi

during the season will be "ThoI'Tfami' Shop,' by Cosmo Gordon Len-r-

niih music by Leslie Stuart, com-itt- tr

n( ' Flnrodora" and "Havana" ;

Kat." v.hlrh ifl a musical version ofTh lloyal llox," with a book by Charlesinnwrn and music by Alexandert!a-- ' lis" "fousln Hobby," by Jacob- -n aid Wagner, with muslo by KailIII,i,.,.r "Maijame Flirt," a farce, withmi t Aux lm Until and book by Fritz

!,un aiirn and Heinz Helchert, adaptedI' ml l.l.hllng; "The Millionaire's

'''I' A M. Winner aw K. Line.i'l' n, by Helnrlch Hcitc; "The

vtr'i'i;rr by Rudolph Schanzet, withItkihert Leonard, and it new Ger- -

l'1 Wjsu.iI piece entitled "Samples."i Je musical production will be the

m us ii pie..i.ntatlon of the Frenchiwjf, "Sherlock Holmes and

v I. I n,'" In which thn famous Kng-1,- 1

' e and the equally famousLfh i mk urn pitted against each't

T'" Hippodrome entertainment,"' 'a. i Flags," which ulso Includes

'' ' .i let uitltled "Flowers of Allii.'ir' i.i.,.ii (in Saturday cvenlnir.

'' in ' Itelnhardt's production of awill bo presented by the

Vs'il'.t aid wiuiiim A. Brudy. with."" In the leading rolo; the""in i' Zatlr of Louisa Alcott'H "LlttloW,

aim a Joint Shubert and"Md- hi I,,. n,i theNd HHinn man- -

w ' hImi be partners In "ShanI Irish play by George II. Jes.

i w ih Georgu MucFurluno will' - i id,, iirone," an Irish play lo

' i.fri'Li i,PI, ,y itrrungement with Ve- -"" I Kirllr with a company hcadid

' w' '''id Kane,7I' '' it iind Sullivan Opera Com- -'

' h Is a permanent Shubert.' " n ion, Is now on tour pn- -i

-- ri noire of "The Mikado,"" ' I'lll.nie" nml "The Pirates

' When this company in.' 'v Vork In the spring two' t and Sullivan operas will bn

I "I One of these w be' i

" fl ihe Shuberls and Arthur

Collins of Drury Lane, laindon. will maker V ITouuetioiis together atthe Manhattan Opirn House. 'Iheso willbe the Drury Lane pantomime " 'Op o' My

... !!""'!" .'V1''. ,h" l,rury mclodramnUhlp." The entl,0 i:ngllsti scenicPrOdtlCtlnPM fltl.1 Mini,!' f n.lnli..!i.v uitKiiiiii ing- -Msh plajers will comu to this country

int'ni'uiHtions.The Shuberts will moke thrco produc.r'iM '" "J'"?tlri with Wlnthrop Ames,

will b jn Mn,n,.SBt.. rt mo().V.," ;V'i"'"0"n. w,llen Wl PtP'ditedPin.Ji ' ''Tl ."faK0" lnc ,1r"ni

.i rn" .w,l!cl1 "1P work ot Henrvt'u1,1 1V,l,M,,r: "rnance," by d

author of "Salvation Nell,"mill Hans Sotmenstossei'H llollenfahrt"Minns Sonn.Mistosser's Itldo to Hell), aGerman comedy.i

Tllp s.h,"ll,rt lire also Interested withrhUi t'!,.,,r"1 ''"I'flng Company Ines Klein's dramatization of RexPencils novel ..Thp NoVr rj0 W, ,.which is m open th season of tho LyilcTheutro on t.,.iu. n.,.."u'l'.i,rvn.i;"l'".r'1 'I1 ,hu WfHluctlon of

" .,...1, in,. i,mv.A coiiHlderiibto number of last season'sluoducllons will go on tour. K. 11. Soth-ei- n

and Julia Marlowe will continue un-d-

their direction, playing a season InHa,.,""'1 "U" "tended roadtour same itpertolre of Shake-spearla- n

ilramas and comedies as lastX-a- Among the musical plays that willcontlm... nr.. "The Kiss Waltz"Jiunes T. '.wm. i p.. .. i i,. ,

a,,......' iiiie urines.nT.--i

" r "lr1 wl" ""'''' 'it

io iniry anil ".sumttrun" will,r "7". '" 0,,'or cl"0, "'' 'oIrectlon the Shubcrta and Mr. Ames.Ihp or g nat "ilium. t),,iiu .i... L,.l;: .:

company will remain nt William Collier'sComedy Theatre for some time to"Tai other organlzza- -tlons Will Offer ti.u I.

""'"i i imi) s ineairo n Sep-tember wl h a new play by Kdward Knob-lauc-enlltle.1 "Discoloring America!"


.ufo I'll riles TrlnK the lllglirrayaTlirongh otv Knglnnd.

WTr.nni nv, Conn.. Aug. it. .w Yorkarrivals by motor at tho Klton Hotel to-d-

Included:Mls FNchel. Mrs. Chamlrlaln andf.oorco Hsfhel on Ideal tour (StoddardDayton). J r, AllHrt Zeiss on Ideal tour(tadlllac). I',. ,1. Leary and Dr. .. It. Con-nolly to Leno (llulck). II. 1:. Daker. F.oodbrldge. H. S. Hoove anil F. S. Kellogg

lo (Columbia!, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamI. I'lielps and Miss Mary J. Thomas (Metal-iirglruie- l.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner (Item,II. S, Grimes and J. A. Weed (lajzlcn. Mrand Mis. W. W. Prlco (I'ierce-Arrow- ), Mr.and Mr. Tullmnii, Miss It. Tossler and II. II.Dachler (Wlntonl. Mr. and Mrs. IrvingMcKesson ((!. J. G.I. William and DonaldMacXaiiKliton IF.. M.F.I. Mr. and Mrs. K. 1.Allen (Sharmuti. Mr. and Mrs. K S. Humios(I'ackardl, K. Thayer and party (II.M.F.),Arthur It. Mack and A. J. tiravdon (Puck-ard- i.

lllir.TTos Woods, X. H .ue. ll.among 's automobile ar-rivals at tho Mount Washington were'

A. tl. laldy. A. K. IMdy. M. II Pddv(Packard). Mrs. A. II. Mngg. Mr.. .1 csu van. Miss Cella SUicey. Miss i.)eSullivan (lludsoni. Mr. and Mis. JohnMr.Naineo G'eerlessi, Mr. and Mrs. ThomasVi. IVirce (Cudillaci. F. H Hough, Mr andr1""' Wilkinson and .Miss CarolineArms ll'lercn-Urow- i. Mrs. L. A. Heywond,Mrs. William llurris and Mr. and Mis ;. sI'lngou (I'ierce-Arro- I. Mr and MrsXathnniel Allison, MN K. S. Millar. Henrvlerrill (Flat J. Mr. and Mr .1. W M....remm .'ir. nun .iirs r, .lie) iiuillll (Mer.iiii air ami .wr i iioyu and Mr. andI.Mrs. F Werner il'aekunli. Mr. and Mrs.It S. I'Nlmeraiid Mr mid Mrs. F. W llemlckll'uckiirdi, Mr. and Mrs. S. Zollinger. .Mr.

. .n li .,ir?i. I niriKiir Miiri i ru i.pi,(ti.McK.wen (()ertandi. Mr. und Mr, J. .V.Wright aud Mr. and Mrs, William Hollo(Fierce-Arrow- l. "

At the Mount 1'lcusant: A. S. Waile.Arthur .1. ounir. Mr. and Mrs. K. .1. Powersand Mr. and .Mrs. F.. P. Nichols ( KWn andPeerlel, l)r A. II Talbot and Walter s.rnlhoi illavue.i.Mr and.Mrs. I' .1, Murphv.Mls Kennedy, Mr- - C M.Trilumer und Miss.Vance iSiginu-Knlgh- li , Mrs. John II Weins.Miss A. s. Weiss and John Kox iPremieri,Mr anil Mr. IJ, II lleinenuay and .Mr. andMrs. (', T. Ho Puv and children

Mls yuinn and rlaremo Do Payll'nckardi.

LfcMix, Mas.. ng It Automobile ar-rivals at tho Hotel Aspinwall from .New

ork y included:Mr. and .Mr W. II Search. Mr. and Mr.F. W Sharp Klri-i- n (an, John A. Dillon and

John (1. Hovt (Stoddnrdi. H It. Tiffany andMiv Celia Goodwin (Marnioni

Nr.w tsn.F, X. II.. Aug. II.- - Autoino-blllst- sfrom Xew York registering at the

Hotel Wentworth y Include. Mr. andMrs. II, W Phelps IPackardl. .Mr. and Mrs.John Kdward 'lliayer t Loco l.

MaNclifcs'rKlt. Vi., Aug II. Arrivals bvuutmoblle at the Driuinoic Hoiim- - y

Included the following from New York:Dr. and .Mrs. (illman Thompson (Ford).

Mrs. John Van Xotrand (Piercoi. .Mr. andMrs. F. St. John llavs and .Mrs. S. W Wilson(Fiat). Harold J. Hirst, Mrs L Hirst, MissStrong and Miss Hirst (t'halmersi.

l'ITTm l.n.Mns., Aug.n -- XewYorkersw ho registered at the Touring Club's bureauin Hotel Wendell y Included

Mrs. William II, Stout. Mls Blanche A.Stout and Charles I'.. Sammi (.Mitchell).Mr. and Mrs. K.'F. Collins iLlmorei, Mr. andMrs. H. L. Van Hoesen, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Van Hoesen and J. K. Anspacher IThomasi:Mr. and Mrs. F. II. II. Paine (Franklin);Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Uary (Hellevlllei, Mrs.C. A. Fox. Mrs. A. Waller, Mr. and Mrs, A.A. Walter and Master Richard Walter(Hoick). Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. (tighter and Mr.and Mrs. F. II. Dals (Hudson): Arthur M.Charles and Francis B. Laud (Mercer): Mr.and Mrs. A. V. W'lckoff, Miss Fannie llom-medle- u

and W. L. Peck ( Popo- - Hartford I .Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Store (Ford). C. F.Stoddard, Mrs. A. W. Spoouer. Miss Adalleaso and Mr. aud Mrs. F. W, (lilmun(Columbia): Mr. and Mrs. Marshall VanWinkle aud Miss Jennie Van Winkle(Cadillac).

New London, Conn., Aug. it -- Automo.hlo parties at the Griswold to-d- Includedfrom Xew Vork:

Lowell M. Palmer, Grace M. Palmer andF.the! M, Palmer (fadlllaei; M. 8, Mendell(American). Mr. and .Mrs. M. M. rarnachau,Mr. and Mrs. Stewart G Schenck and Mr.and .Mrs. C A. Ilemper (Packard): Dr.Charles A. Holmes (Cadillac) : Henry G. A,Freeman, Jr., Mrs. K. II. Hrnwu, MisslleatricH Hiown and Miss Louise Smith(Renault): Mr. and Mrs. X, Stantou Gatesand Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Wentraub (Alco),Albert Zeiss (Peerless).


I.oifrst of s'eoinn nnd Less ThanI. nil Year.

Thn Babies' Welfaro Association report that for tho first time this seasonthe total of baby deaths dropped belowthat of tho week liefore. During thoweek ended Saturday noon only 318babies under I year old died, :i8 less thanduring thn week of August 3. ,

In Brooklyn last week there wore onlyss deaths, of infanta under 1 year. Inthe corresponding week of 1911 thern wero142 Unatiis. unui oi hkiiw ugu rirooH-ly- n

had In-e- fulling behind this toilrrmril.

Manhattan Borough, which made aullght Jump during n W0CK or August 3,went back to normal again last weekwith only 193 deaths aguinst 205 in thecorresponding week of tho year Iwforo.Thn three other boroughs are still closeto last year's record. There have been672 fewer deaths of infants under 1 yearin thn Greater City this year thun therewnro last year up to this time.

It is significant of tho effectiveness ofmilk station work that In one of thn dis-tricts, that bounded by Thirty-fourt- milFourteenth streets. Sixth avenue andNorth Hivnr, thorn were no deaths amongthn liabies enrolled, In fact there haslieeii only mi" death at that station sinceJanuary I

Tim milk stut inns of the Greater Citynow luive 17,117 babies enrolled, an

of .177 over I he week before. Therewere only 13 deaths ut the milk stationslast ween

sUeelers Scarce In llHnnnr.Residents of llayotinn are saving nice

thing" aboiil Ihn county and local healthofilciuls because of the absence of rnns--quitocs, which have scarcer thissummer uiuu ever ueioro.



IsssssssssTi! sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

A Big Catch.

Bathers Lose Lives in Hudson i

Hiver With Mny UnntsAround Them.


Two Hoys Disappear NVIiileWadinp; Several Other

I'd tali lies.

Two brothers who went swimmingyesterday afternoon In the HudsonItlver off Inwood were drowned In theNight of many persons and In the midstof a number of small craft whose occupants made no attempt to help them.They were Harry l.ubowltz. 13 ycarBold, and William Luhowltz. 19 years old,both of 1706 Washington avenue.

William was not a strong swimmerand when he had ventured out aboutfifty feet he began to shout for help.Harry went to his aid nnd tried to drawhim to the shore, but the exertionproved too much for him and tho twomen were soon clasped together, strug-gling nnd crying for help.

Within fifteen feet of them were twocanoes, each containing two men, whogazed helplessly at the drowning menand made no attempt to reach them-Me- n

on tho hanks run up und downshouting or stood and watched. Nota rope nor a plank was found to throwthem, and while all were hesitating thebrothers went down. Their bodieswere recovered.

Alfred nnd William Jaciues went foran outing yesterday to ManhattanHcach with their sister, Marie. Theboys arc II and 12 years old undMarie Is 18. Their father. JamesJacques, who lives at 1363 Fultonstreet, Brooklyn. Is employed on theBrooklyn Bridge.

The three children had their luncheonon the beach, then the boys went wad-ing. Marie waited for more than unhour und her borthers did not return.The Sheepshead Bap police were notifiedand a general search was begun. It Isbelieved the boys fell Into a hole andwere drowned.

A holiday crowd which was watchingsome swimming stunts In the HudsonKlvcr from the recreation pier at thefoot of Fiftieth street In the afternoonwas shocked when an unidentified redhaired man, who had Just dived off thepier at the foot of Fortieth street, cameto the surface shouting for help.

With the aid of a rope thrown by Po-

liceman Henry Mlhr, Henry llaffemanaged to get the man ashore. Anambulance surgeon suld that ho wasdead. In the man's pocket was founda pawnticket for a razor made out to"Walsh."

Charles Wlechman, IK years old, of273 Hutledge street. Brooklyn, wasdrowned In tho morning while bathingIn Lake Honkonkoma, L. 1. Wlech-man was unable to swim. His bodywas not recovered until late In theafternoon.

Several hundred persons walkingalong the boardwalk at Clason Pointlate in the afternoon witnessed therescue of a young man by SergeantJoe Grlffenstcln of the Volunteer LiteSaving Corps. He swum nearly u hun-dred feet with an unconscious swimmeron his shoulder. Corstar Toppus, L'O

years old, of 206 ICast 240th street, wasthe man rescued. He was swimmingnlone when folks on shorn heard himcry for help, Grlffensteln ran out tothe end of the dock und dived In. him and made his wuy to theshore. Artificial respiration was re.sorted to, ufter which Toppus wastaken home by friends.

Tho catboat John T. of the DiamondPoint Yacht Club capsized off BelleHarbor In the ufternoon, throwing fourpeople In the water. Two of the partydescribed themselves us John Smith ofGrand tdrcct, Brooklyn, nnd JohnN'lxon, f.O Montague street, Brooklyn.As the lulter address Is u warehouse,It is thought that both nanus ule fic-

titious. The other men refused to glvotheir names or to say where they lived.


Kxci'ufora lleport llrokrr'n PropertyWm Worth 1',7 Ill.a.tO.

The executors under the will of SethBarton French, member of the Xew YorkStock Kxchange for many years, andknown as the intimate friend of andpersonal broker for J. P. Morgan, have(lied un accounting in the Surrogate'sOffice. Mr. French died ut Palm Beach,Fla., on February 17, 1010. His executorsure his son-in-la- Churles Steele, of J.P. fflorguti A Co.; his former partner,John T. Atterbury, in th firm of VanKmburgli A Atterbury; his widow, Mrs,Mary Foam French, daughter of WalterFearn, at one time United States Ministerto Greece; John Herndon French, his son.

The executors report that tho totalvalue of thn eIate is $'.',74(1,2.V). Thewidow received tl.iKlu.nno, of which all but$Iihj,i(i(i is in trust. Thn daughter. Mrs.Nannie French Steele, received 1.100,(100

outright. The son, John H. French of 43

West Fifty-fir- st street, received 300,000und another son. George French of thoUnion Club, got SIti0.(O. Upon the deathof the widow thn principal of the trustfund left to her Is to go to the childrennamed, and to ,h minor children, Clariceand William Barton French, who live withtheir mother in Paris.

The executors are paying an annuityof 11. Jino to Mrs. Walker Fearn Inkersleymother-in-la- w of the testator.

Mr. French left H.iski to lie paid toF.lsie Settlor, his wife's mild, when shoshall have. Is-e- in Mrs. French's employtwentv years. Of K.oun left to Mrs.French to distribute among the servants,the executors report that $3,!5H was paidto a maid, Hose McCoy, 'lwo servantsgot $350, two, $2nu; two. $150. and one, $100.

The report shows that tho real estateholdings of the estate now amount to$279. DDI. and that one parcel of propertywas sold to Cornelius Vanderbilt for $285,-ou- o.

Mr. French's town house waa at 15West Fifty-fourt- h street, but ho ownedan elaborate estato at Hot Springs, Va,,called Barton Hall, and a summer home.Barton Ijodge, ut Newport. Two yearsbefore his death he arranged to buy aplot on Fifth avenue just south of Seventy-secon- d

street for s5o,(K) on which heIntended to build an elaborate city homebut his illness prevented carrying out hisplan.


Dlrrctnrs iif Montrflorc Home AreHonor.

Two hundre. tltouaud dollais has beengiven to thn Moutellorn Home for ChronicInvalids, a charitable Institution at Broad-way anil l.Wh street, for tho building of aprivate hospital for Hrioin suffering withchronic Thn donors aro fourdirectors or the homo, Jacob II, Sell Iff, Solit. Guggenheim, lVrdlnand Sulzberger andSamuel Sachs, each of w horn gave ISO.noo,

The new hoipital w ill be the first privatehospital exclusively for chronic patients inthe city and will lie conducted as an adjunctto the work of the MnntetUuv Home. 'Ihesurplus Iroiu tin) oiieratlon of the hospitalwill bn used toward the work of the home.It will lie built at niilubrldge avenue, andGun Hill road In Thn llronx, whern theMontellore llonm Is soon to be removed.

Dr. Siegfried Waohsinuhn, medical direc-tor o ihe liome.ln ho will also have chargeof tho hospital, said yesterday

"'Die uiero fact that an institution likeours Is necessary for the poor ought to beproof enough that a slmflur Institution Isnecessary for the middle nnd wealthyclasses. Any physician with an extensivepractice will testily that It Is almost Impossi-ble to give chronio patients proper treat-ment and accommodations at home, nomatter how comfortable that home may boor how solicitous the members of the pa-tient's family. "


Kntlierlne Kennedy nt the London"DnlomnliW" In Do sketches.

Katliorlno Kennedy, a little Irish actressfrom County (lalw ay not her first glimpse ofthis iiiunlrv from the second cabin of theAliierliau liner New Vork, which arrivedyesterday. She Is 21 years old and has beenplaying the part of the Saudow Girl In "The

afryiimlil- - in London, In lids countryshe will go into vaiidcvlllu in charactersketches,

Capt. Domlnlcjt Henry of Ihn Mercerstreet pollie station arrived on the NewVork.

Hit III us Martin.I'lill.uil'.i.flllA, Aug The engage-

ment tins linen announced of Ml ManunMartin, daughter of Judge, and Mrs. J,Willis Martin, to Kdwnnl Klorena llivinus,sun ol Mrs llavid Caldwell lilvlnus. TheprorpectlM' brnlKHMim ! n well knownathlete ami a prominent (Inure in the rowingraces mi tint Schuylkill. Miss Murtln madeher lU'hut last wlutor

W. .1. (inne Tells Why He PutThem Up at Thirty-firs- t



Water Troughs in Front ofSaloons Are Profitable,

Say Proprietors.

'el haps you have seen n sign Ht

Hroadway and Thirty-fir- st street whichsays, "Free shower baths for horsesonly." There are three of these signs,each fastened to the piece of transversepipe.

"I like n shower bnth myrelf whenI'm through work," said the man who

J fixed up those shower baths, "and II supposed the horses might feel thej Mime way about It."

Now that horses which are accustomed to pulling loads up and downHroadway are used to It they comeback for n shower day after day. TheBureau of Municipal Research, whichhas Just put out a bulletin on the careof watering troughs, vouches for It.

The man who figured out that a horsemight like a shower as much as himselfnnd who furnished the three at Hroad-way und Thirty-fir- st street Is WilliamJ, Gane,

"The way I came to think of It waseasy enough," said Gane yesterday."A horse fell down across the streetone afternoon last June, and It lookedas though he was going to die. Theysent for a policeman to shoot the poorbeast, but some of my men happenedto be using n hose out In front hereand I had them pour water over thehorse's head and back for half an hour.Tho policeman didn't have, anything todo, for the horse scrambled to his feetand went on.

"The next day I got some sheet Irontroughs, put them out In the itreetand connected them up with hose linesto my building. The horses liked It.Then one night I thought of the showerbaths, for I tnlto one myself night andmorning.

"At first the horses are frightenedwhen the water comes down on theirbacks, but now they keep coming everyday for more,"

In connection with the showers thereare palls from which tho horses candrink and hose lines so that theirmouths can bo washed out. The Bureauof Municipal Research, quoting Dr.Lederle of tho Health Department andSecretary Morton of the A. S. P. C. A.,says these Individual drinking bucketHare the safest things for horses Justas individual drinking cups are essen-tials nowadays for men nnd women.

As for the common drinking troughIt Is Just ns bad as the common drinkingcup, says Dr. Lederle. The bureau'areport says;

Writing for the Health DepartmentCommissioner Lederlo goes .urther nndsuggests that "the department shouldforbid the further erection of wateringtroughs of any description and that Infuture their placo should be suppliedby draw hydrants, preferably uso-late- d

In summer with the shower bathnnd cared for by an attendant." Thismeans that live wooden troughs and142 other troughs (particularly thosowhose rovers servo chlctly for hidingdirt and garbage and prevent effectivecleaning) should be discontinued andremoved.

in this extreme position the veteri-narians und the stable superintendentswhom we huve ronsulted agree withCommissioner Lederle. So does WilliamK. Horton, secretary of the A. H. VC. A.

At present nobody has the duty ofcaring for filthy or broken city water-ing troughs. Tho Water Departmentdoes It when somebody tells about badconditions, but thero Is no systematic

I way of I'.eeplntr them in shape, as forinstance tne A. o. I'. C. A. I:eeps Itatroughs In order.


A certain beggar, who evidently believesthat originality pays, may be seen almostevery afternoon walking along Thirty-fourt- h

street tapping the pavement withhis cano and calling out " I'm not blind!I'm not blind!" But judging from thncontents of his cup he excites a good dealmoro curiosity than symapthy.

The Sun's story of the coming changesin the sailors' uniforms reminds me,"said the amateur historian, "of tho reasonsfor the old uniform, which hud reasonsindoed for each integral part . 1 he American uniform was copied with fow changesfrom the English wear for sailors.

"The flat topped hats are relics of thedays when sailormen had to go skippingto the tops with ropes. Bo that they coulduse both hands in climbing tho hats wereflattened and tho ropes wero colled andcarried on top. Tho broad collars weroworn because, of the pomatum on thepigtails which used to be worn; tho collarskept blouses clean. Tho black bandaround the hat was a sign of mourningfor the death, of Lord Nelson and thethree stripes on tho collar were remindersof Nelson's three greatest (victoriesCape Ht. Vincent, Trafalgar and Copen-hagen.

"The wide trousers were made thatway so that sailors slushing the deckscould pull them up abovo the kneo withouthaving to roll them."

The way modern restaurants keepabreast with the times is Bhown by a largeHarlem cafe, where thn latest cocktailhas been entitled "Jack Kose."

"It Is just like a clover club with a lit-tle vermouth in it," the waiter explained,"but it'a something now. People comtjin and they don't know just what they'want, so they take a Jack Hose just outof curiosity. No, they aro not bald, theywill never mako you confess and theyonly levy !0 cents on you."

John Bmlth passed along the WhltnWay in his gray limousine with a Texaslicense tag at the back. The only thinghe saw to comment on was the big signon tho McAlpin Hotel which read:

: 1,500 nOOMH I


He said he wouldn't stay at a bote I

whero the whole town would know whatwent on when you took a bath.

"Half the fun of a moving picture showis in figuring out what "the actors aresaying," said a consistent patron of themovies, "and I hope that they never getthe pictures so perfected that they talk.

" It is a pleasant exercise for the imagina-tion to invent the dlaloguo as the actionIn tho picture goes on, and everybody Inthe audienon can think out a differentspeech for the hero, each one accordingto hit education and taste, and so every-body is suited with what is said, whichwouldn't be the case if the pictures hada phonographic attachment.

The thoughtful mat or woman whoinquires will bo surprised to learn howfew magazines in this big city of 'NewYork find their way to the wards of thocity's hospitals. One woman, who re-cently sent a package to a nurse in acrippled children's ward In a hospital rightin tho heart of the city was surprised aswell as touched by the nurse's almosttearful gratitude.

The babies looked at all tho pictures.The nurses read and reread everythingespecially some gay fashion journals putin with a hope that some little girl mightfind an hour's solace " playing paperdolls." The patients in the adult wardshad their turn next, and then the youngresident doctors welcomed what wasleft. Inquiry proved tliat in almostevery hospital in New York the demandfor magazines Is far beyond the supply.


Throvrn Into llndsnn Hlver WhenLaunch Canslces llombnat.

Five youngsters were rescued fromdrowning In the Hudson at the footof West 155th street yesterday after-noon. A rowboat In which they wereenjoying themselves was run down andcapsized by the launch Hoqitaln. Menon the launch saved the children.

Tho youngsters were Hobert Wcnke,16 years old, of 1076 Ogden avenue,Carl Htelner, 1.'., of 163 West 165thstreet; William Iiushart, 13, of 100 Westl2d street; his sister, Anna, 1., und

. Nellie Thelan, IT. of 2S5C EighthI avenue.


Die at llrr summer Home nt Xnr- -

raaansett..Vahiiagansett l'lhP. It. I., Aug.

Countes de Slbour of Washing-ton. I). C, died this alternoon at ChuwanaVilla, Narragsnsett. Kor some monthsthe Countess md been an Invalid and shewas brought to Narragansstt esrlv in thn

(summer In hopei that her health mightImprove.

At the time of her death her two nnwere present the Count Louis de Slbour

nd llenrl de Slbour of Washington. D. C.VUcount Jack de Slbour arrived here fromabroad recently and I now in America.'Ihe Counters de Slbour, wife of CountI.oult de Slbour, Is also here.

Dowager Counters de Kibour was anaunt of Mrs. F. A.M. Hopkins and a great-su-

of Dr. A. F. Hopkins of Washington,D. C, members ot the villa colony at thePier.

The funeral of the Dowager Counterswill take place afternoon InWashington, D. C. and the Interment willbe In Itlchuiond. va. The late DowagerCountess was formerly Miss Mary Johnsonof Uotton, Mass., and was the wife of anofficer In the French army. Khe was wellknown In the cottage colony of Narragan-set- t


Ilrnry H, Vsndjck.NOHTHPORT, I.. I., Aug. 11 -- Henry

II. Vandyck. Dlitrlct Deputy Grand Masterof thn First Maaonlc district, comprisingIvoni Island outilde ot Brooklyn, riled y

at hla summer borne here. He practisedlaw In rtrooklyn, Mr, Vantlyrk was bornat Csnajoharle, N. V. Ktbruary 21, 186S,He was a aon ot the Rev. L. H. Vandyckot the Dutch Reformed Church. Fifteenyear ago h moved to Northport from NowVork, where he waa employed on Tho Sunaa a proofreader, to accept a similar placewtth the Edward Thompson Company, lawpublisher. Ho took up the study ot law,wi admitted to thn bar and for the pasttwo years had practised. Five yeara ago hewa Aaslstant Urand Lecturer of the UrandLodge of Masons. The cause of death erastyphoid pneumonia.

Plays ana Players."The Polish Wedding." a musical farce,

I being prepared by Cohan A Harris. UsInitial preaentatlon will be at the DetroitOpera Houae on Monday, Beptcmiier :."The Polish Welding" was first producedat the Thalia Theatre In Berlin, where Ithea already passed Its 700th performanceand I still running. The book Is by CurtKrsats and Georc Okonkowskl, Ihe lyricsby Albert Hchonfeld and the music hy JeanGilbert, and It ha been adapted for theAmerican stage by George V Hobart andJerome D. Kern. The company now re.hearsing tho principal roles Includes Will-Is-

Burress. l.ouls Casavant, ttldney llrucy,Jack Horwlti, Arnmnri Kallas, John llrln-har-

Lincoln Plumer, Valll Valll. WinonaWinter, Louise Alrhoi and Mine. MsihlldeCottrelly.

Chsrlrs Frohman plans to help ecraldeaervlni young men through tollegr hyemploying them as chorus men In "TheGirl From Mnntniartri'" it ihe CriterionTheatre. They will work only eveningsand t the Saturday tnstln'e sn1 HI fI3t a week. Selections will Im marie frmColumbia, Near York University and reni-ns m




Other Mold in Homes Knjovcdhy Those Shut. In by

Heavy Storm.


Secretary Meyer at Itosort onDolphin Mrs. Drcxel to

flivc Dinner.

It. I., Aug. 11. A heavy rain-storm upset many il m.i TheCaolno nnd other out of door mcctlnsplaces wero practically desi rtcd.

Thcro were several luncheons on boaidtho yachts, uniting the hostcsiea beingMrs. Henry H. Kcdmond, Mrs. PembrokeJones and Mrs. Hobert I. Gerry.

Luncheons wero given nt their homeaby Mrs. William K. Vnnderbllt, Jr., Mr.J. Fred I'lerson und Mrs. Itcglnald Nor-

man.Mrs. Itlchard T. Wilson gave one of the

largest dinners of thn day t, herguests numbering forty. Dinners weroalso given by Mrs. r.ugeno 8. Rrynal,Egerton I.. Wlnthrop and Hobert lvcsQammel.

Heplsterrd y nt tho Casino wereFranklin A. I'lumincr, Henry J. White-hous- e,

Hobert lUcon, J. rlcrpont Mor-gan und W. Fltzhugh Whltchousc.

Becrctary of tho Navy George von L.Meyer was hero y on board theDolphin, but did not uccept any socialattention. Hn left

Dinners will bo given nightby Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan and Mrs.W. Ktorrs Wells.

Mrs. Pembroke Jones will glvo adance for young people on Friday night.

Hobert Uooracm of New York Is vis-iting Gen. ami Mrs. J. Fred Plerson.I In will go to Europe In October to re-main for mi Indefinite period.

Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly will givea dinner on Thursday.

Mrs. John It. Drexel has sent out in-

vitations for a dinner on September 6.After the Newport season Mrs. Drcxeland her daughter will go to Kurope.

Preparations have been begun on thetemporary room for too ball Mrs. Btuy-vesa- nt

Fish will give at tho Crosswayson August 10. Amung' the professionalentertalnets to appear that night willbe the Kusslan bullet dancers, who wereseen In New York last winter. Theroom will Ira of Louis NVI. design undsupper will be served In It.

Mrs. Henry S. Kcdmond's luncheonparty on board the Margaret IncludedMr. and Mrs. Stuyvtsant Fish, Mr. aridMrs. Kllsha Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. It. Hor-ace Gallatin, Mrs. Hermann Oelrlchs, Mr.nnd Mrs. Arthur Curtis James, Mr. andMrs. Itlchard Stevens, Mrs. Hurke Hoche.Mr. und Mrs. Oliver ltarrlmun, Mr. undMrs. Paul A. Andrews, Mr. nnd Mrs.James II. Hnggln, Mr. und Mrs. FrankK. Sturgls, Miss Lotta Hoblnson. MissLydlu Itedmond, Henry Clews, ThomasKearny, Henry F. Kldrldge. Franklin A.Hummer, Phillip I. Bunkard. Henry ti.Black, Charles Haycfen and W. J. Math-eso-

The guests were seated at smalltables, which wero decorated with rostree.


Nevrral Jadtres Accept Invitations taAttend Jtog Shoir.

Lenox. Mass.. Aug. 11. Mr. and Mrs.Hobert W. Chapln of London have arrivedut their country place In Tyrlngham.where they have with them their son.IajuIs Chapln u f Chicago, nnd Mr. andMrs. Heese AIsop of New York, theirdaughter ami Mr. and Mrs.Chapln will be In thu Uerkshlres through-out the autumn.

Miss Meyer has gone to Hamil-ton. Mass., to visit with Mr. and Mrs.George Von L. Meyer.

Daniel Chester French, who has beenIn New York, has returned to Chester-woo- d,

In lllendale. Mrs. French was atthe tea table at the Btockhrldge Countryclub yesterday ufternoon. With Mr. anilMrs. French are Miss Mildred Hurbeckof New York and Lawrence Fletcher ofHuston.

Mr. and Mis. Cl.fford V. Brokaw audClifford V. llrukaw, Jr., motoring fromGlen Cove, L. I., have arrived at tho Cui-t- ls

Hotel.Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Plummcr of

New York have arrived at Klmwood InPittsHeld for the remainder of 'the Berk-shire season.

Miss Mabel Choate will go to Newportfor a short visit.

Murshall P. Kcrnochan, 7.. MarshallCrane, Irvln P. Thompson. Miss Mary L.Hinsdale nnd Miss Elizabeth C. Duttonarc sending out Invitations for the Berk-shire county tennis championships at theCountry Club. Plttsfleld, August SO.

Frederick S. Delafteld. secretary of theLenox Kennel Club, has received ac-ceptances from J. T. Frothlngham, J. W.Spring of Boston. Robert Sedgwick, Jr., ofNewport, Dr. James Hare of Bridgeport,Theodore Offerman nnd Henry Fleltmanof New York to Judge their specialties atthe Lenox show.


tt tlroadhnrat Play Goes On atFort Street House,

William A. Brady's new theatre, ThFoity-elght- h Street Theatre, will beopened wtth a new play, "JustLike John," by Georgo Broadhurst andMurk Swan.

.In addition two of .last eeasan.'s,, of-

ferings will resume their runs: "RobinHood," with Bessie Abott as the .Yew Jf oldMarian, at the Knickerbocker Theatre and"Officer 666." with Douglas Fairbanks astho new Tracers Gludicin, at tho GaietyTheatre.

The regular season of the ColumbiaTheatre will open In the afternoon with"The Golden Crook," During the threeweeks the theatre has been closed It hasbeen redecorated.

DIED.BAUF.n August , John O. nauer, asjed 51,

Body lying In state In "TPS KunssalCHi'kch.-2- U

West Md at. (Campbell lluiLDixqi.CI.AHK.-- At llurllnrton, Vt.,on Friday, August 8.

Marian de Forest Clark, wife of linlt Craw-for- d

Clark and daughter of the late GrandIt. and Mary de Forest Cannon, In the &7IU

ear of her age.Funeral at fit. Paul's Church. Durllngton. t

on Monday mornlnc, Ausust 1?, at half past10 o'clock, lutrrmrnl In Greenwood Ceme-

tery, Tuesday. August 13.

HANKY. At Newark, N. J on Saturday, Auf uslto, lII, Charles A, llaney, In his 47th year.

Funeral services will be held at hl lato home,74 North 7th st., Newark, N. J., on TucsdajAiifint 13, at :.J0 l M,

KlItHV --Chrle II. Klrhy, aged 7S tuneral al'Thk I'CNfcRAi. Cm'Hrii," :it w'rt.1 3d st.(Fa ink II. OauriihLi. Hi.wi,i

VANIIKHIKIIU.. In Loudon, Kngland on Sat-urday, July ?7, 1017, ef pneumonia, Adallsr.llratieth, widow of Hon Aaron J. Vandtr-pur- l,

runeral al hrr lite residence, KlnrterhooV,,V , on Tuesday, Amust IJ, at & o'clock,Train leavrt New York al :W1 A, II , con-

necting al Hudson with trolley for hlndrt-he-


Cimr F. C1MMFII Auto i,ervlr.:il West i.