The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-11-02 [p...

THE SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2 1902 S 4 1 r e- wIi 4C 1 L I = aennnimaxBMBKKVvranmwuH The Cane Rush Dead Hot Battles Still Between Freshman and Sophomore i Not Yet I m m mm gflllMEl lii C MltliplitlllE iCUilfll- it lffIIldllAlQlOfIDgflpNiRlllNfmltil l1 IItliRRilpi AilNtQipRlGEldLtrJSRGLlt7t3 TiTp he scrambling tugging cihig HjKosinK eyoblackenlng old faldonrl p coon sophomores set up and thy nlo can Kregat- ny ami by nt some Mmehoiuucd spot THE HARDEST RUSH OF ALL of the college freshmen and sopho- mores is rapidly getting to a thing of tho past The average college man thinks that it U because the colleges are getting eo big that class spirit IH no longer strong enough he rush ¬ to mako tho rushes enthusiastic successes The average professor thinks that it Is- localise the indent In better tHhaved and less frivolous mud bloodthirsty fellow Whatever the reason tlm stands out sod it grieve the traditional okltinter of the 70s and Sn away dunn in his reminis- cent heart The rullp f farnlty nover liked the cane rush Ip at Harvard where there is a Itlnody Monday lo talu the plan of the rant ruli the faculty trios to discourage thi ciiioin At Colirnliiu anil at New York tniveisity thi CHUM ipitn has been sub sMuted fur ttin riih Trio only advantage of chimae i that It require only three Inn on a side instead of hundred and thus cut the casualty list down Out in Ilin Inlvoislty of Ciilifornln to taVn a fur VYeatoin exmnplo tho two loner classes fought around stun clam numeral on the hide of a very stop hill Itoccntly the pioffssorn went out In a body find look- down copious notes mime iind thus put a damper on the custom The wine rimli however isnt altogcMier dead M any ono will tied if he visits one of th smaller colleges about this time of the year And whore it is found at all it in lively enough to suit wiybody- Th n are lots of HuplH who are un- fortunate enough never lo have 8 en a c ne rush Ih tint question they ask Is hat i itall for niiywnyV Putting asid ilH usen in working ofT ejntlxront spirits th average under- graduate would answer hut it was a good thing for the fivshliinii lit freshman in the opinion of thfs i always n fresh young Individual who have his blacked his shins whaeked and hi dignity smashed ill frfslriimi wasnt token down a P g whit would hinder him from Iwlng trrsh nil through hi llrnt year what would M hoinorrf Finally what would rr vcnt thin fruni even carrying n earn iji Mroxin of ihi cnllgett town duruig his teat sid shroud lerifH i Ihn rlaHRnni liowever iiuiillr lot tli ill lic Tor for ill ruih i to held dntn Isnt Hindu public usually I nth of thn frt HIP trninc fnr tin battle by their Ira dltlonal iilllrv jinlnrn are II and 11t 11 tMh a for I upper I II I I and for- th n net L the 1 t i a i to- t rrs t lds elders the tin quatI ins days l tIi ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < < one phalanx drawn near tin other The fri tKc iane a I ii stiui of hickory or some other tough N or in toot long anti 2 inches or morn in diiiuieiM- In their pnnule the freshmen wave It in drrllon Some or more of thy stout t lei I v > < SOPHOMORES BOUND TO GET AT THAT CANE 1 fellows In thi then the wool an many ax emi their hands on it Tlw rot serried ranks around the ejinetnin In some mysterious way n commiiteo of cut class I hru hd dfide by the outriders who are I pmctifwd interfnrrnoe men I And than they come with a i hump And out the V out of the human eiitnpuit fly the lighter right over Into the vntre of the And then ouneit till tussle If arn a I nnd if von Are a frt limBn to fight the i opha- oir rules Well you caint bite I eint gouge your opponents eyoit and there Is a tradition that you not to I his point too the question of clothe looms up important Th rusher wears shoes thick tucking football moleskins and a can vn aiivthlng die superfluous I nlmppy is he who puts n 011 i get on that Oll I hair ulntist elan At I I h I fro htnatt r1 y our cane fill hit 1s a + fir a sweater or ordinary I for lie is likely to timerge from heap as imlieil HK fame Into liven noted and moleskin arent invul- nonilli Yell Of cviiirso It keeps up your coiira nnd make the nrent afraid of him and youll stick- tO tin Illlilll- NaiiKhiysU Naughlysixl Give it to am Keep that cane em Vve got three motion tot Vm gold Hooray Out KIM u freshman with n plll hat sends him sliding and hack again giM s for the with a jump in air walking on heads now nail down lighting find Piling I tants emerge o rearrange their clot hs K pull iti belts to nurse shins 01 to sup up bloody noses some dull nut to on the grass awl to keep fmm nain they feel The two up r have meanwhile assembled to It Nod they yell encourage merit seniors for men I ami th juniors fur the freshmen et I nek in there you freshman Oh lli devil Itll feel hotter tomorrow nt in live It lo em- Vaiightyfivu Naughty live iolng to let t linen carry canes and smoke rigid on your cam pi em Hang VVH hot em fHllo H Hang on And then comes the yell of Time Quit rushing Tim The r lasnien pull off the outsiders of tin heap pull off everybody who hatml- K Ids hand on cant anti then count hand And what a show of hands There laid been thirty at first as many a- roiild b squeezed on hut now ncnrlv as again dud they are nil squeexe l and Jam mod many of them MI numb that their owners wont take many lecture notps In the morning I day WIIII 011 I tI I I s pip kirk t1I111 II are mAn tip that l ante yelling at thin set chi year It iii- l iii t < < + + + + + ° CLASSMEN CHEER THEM ON juniors and seniors has bren rnnstitilel one of thin Mennwhlle tho sophomore fKj ft i iwiiy r Hi t ii nil V only n lot liiKgej with n ruiiRii i MIT- on the edge lo keep lln vnv If HI If the fro hni ii win tlioy carry canes wejir old hat th y want to except a and smokn right in the fAro I any on earth And if tin v lon tiny have lo wait fur all tare pleasures until UPPER II ail ill Ilk f n Ia111 nth lion Inte fnrilloI n IIg Ill thin + SOME CRAWL OVER THE HEADS OF TilE STRUGGLING STUDENTS I hirduwl tiihtriictlons are glvwi and want itiRs dwelt Tliin dark evening In IIKO a are nsAinblei at a vn remote from he i t sldentn IIOIIBO dart parade Marled to cH up tho on of crowd All out for thu fieshleM is tho yell the I IhJ nIHn t I LhIl th ill son east a I t her go this from the Judge The sophomore stnrt with sums of th lighter men on shouldns lowly nt first so as lo their moro rapidly the fieshman mid the cane V tow freshmen group of the new men rush out and try to up thu BojiliumoriB but uru usually In t Will format an tin > t hey nri i hem el vet It doesnt mailer do break your arm or your ankle or get your eve blackened In not such an ornament nn honor under the circumstances Be- sides all this you win a beer from your opponents Who wouldnt join In cant oh a 0 ¬ MEN OF INDOMITABLE GRIT CASKS IV TILL EMKllIWi Of- nncrons An UTIIMIS Serious Oprratlon Irrforniril orr- t hand One Who Hid Xn fear r- ncatli Forlltuile of a liirdrrrr 1- flravr Inllrrnun A Sillorn Xcr e- A iatient walked into a Sow York phy- sician oflioe the other day placed u the small of his lank and said Doctor Ive n severe pair hero whats thin trouble Strip 16 the wni t and Ill tell you in- shore order replied Iho it loner After a brief examination ho added Vouvn an ugly tumor on your liver The man thought n moment then 1 want it removed at once he said quietly Tut tut man dont be so hasty re plied the physician Hut the patient morn doggedly than Ix fore answered I moan it doc I want that tumor removed befoie I leave this once The physician looked the man in the eyes and saw wavered runt He felt Ida examined his heart and found them normal All he said shortly Within fllteeli a man was on a couch and the Physician was making a teninch Incision in an hour later the tumor was removed mud an hour after ho had submitted to the o Mi- llion during which he had refused ether with hi liver cleansed to in n cab calmly undressed went to and then wife what had happened Me never never quivered an eyelid declared the doctor as he re Incident and he would Imve gone bout alone had rot forced into tho cab He showed absolutely no fear at anything and in looks liko n man who only an ordinary amount- of grit Yet his nervy was the most Inspiring that I have ever seen Hut nerve doctor in performing such an operation offhand Interrupted one of the auditors The reply was laconic the fondness fur handling the knife For three hours nfier hue recital of the doctors story the men who had listened to il recounted remarkable cases of nerve that they hart heard or met with mud here are Corn of the storied that they told A physician prominent in New York State was interested in manufacturing While vUiling his factory one day his coat was caught in a shafting nod he was hurled around mud around with terrific force and time he went round hU legs on adjacent will was released he va found to be still alien rind physicians won hurriedly for A half dozen of them came beheld their injured brother and shook their heads 1 know it said Ihe man Ive already diagnosed the case Youd ju t bo wasting your time if you tried to do anything Mm tell me dont von with m Ill lle about five hours before the shock takes effect The six men of medicine nodded Then send for a lawyer The calmly flue crushed man dictated his last testament and aigned il with n Laud MS steady as that of a man in hull health hn said when the last witness had affixed Ills signature please for my wife A little later on he wild up Mr Blank Mr Soandso on the and I want to talk over some im- portant business matters with theta over an hour the lire partners arranged for conduct of the interests after huts death The conference ended the Injured man turned to wife NiiH dearest he said Ive still an hour to live live me a cigar hold of hand and well wait for so IIP died with a smile on his lips arid the blue smoke of his cigar curling atxint his head A man in southern Illinois had committed a murder was n member of a secret society of criminal and had been selected lo out of the way a traitor- to true organization He found his victim scouring I lie country as a member of a Sheriffs for an escaped criminal The man asked his victim If he worn soandso received an- afllrmative then and there shot him dead fought huts way through the PONP and fled Two days later lie was discovered hiding In a house In n neighboring small town II was bored by a dozen bullets but he lived and was sentencH lo be hanged Thru political Influence began working to save him train the gallows A man now prominent in New York city was as- signed to the task of trying to prevent hit execution His attempts resulted in failure and tin day before the don set for the execution ho called nn the murderer nail Informed him that nothing titan could K done All right said the tom hut theyll hang the wrong fellow tomorrow To the politicians whether he could do anything for hint th prisoner answered Hut what nlxiut a privet n kcd the politician said condemned nuns add- ing o moment later lint thorns a Metho- dist preacher in town whos l en kind to- me to toll him goodhy Half HU hour before th wt for ih hanging the Sheriff wnit to the munlrerV roll lie bud been n model prioner nnd the Sheriff wanted in show his appreciation in some hii skod Well I her anything 1 can do for you thfink you for n good cigar writ reply the procession to tom gallow- istnHed prisoner was rnlmly smoking a cigar nook the Sheriff Im bony to interrupt you Jim hint its lime 1 Ug pardon for delaying you Sheriff replied a tremor in his And then tin murderer calmly removed his from his placed it on scaffolds rail Then his Inca hack The cigar the mans life wont out together Fifteen years ago there was a pohco man in Now York named Sheridan He hod a side partner a extraordinarily big a he was little The big man one day interfered with the doings of a notorious Fat Sido gang known us Short Tails nnd he was mur- dered In broad daylight on liU tot for hi pains When Ihe captain of the preeincl heard of the murder he declared that ihe Short Tails would bo broken up cud im- prisoned So he set about forming a platoon of police to take Into the haunt of gang hn was about tills duty the murdered mans cjitim little Sheridan strolled in They murdered him did they yelled theyve got bricks piled on the roofs tho tenements lo throw nt- us when wo march Into their street have they And theyre standing 011 the street comers looking for a fight art they Well theyll get all they wont and Ill it to cm Without club or firearm of any kind Sheridan dashed out of thn station house and ran into the heart of tho Short Tails Ihe his I I to trek RIO the hi Ilk h- ut I IINI Ion 0 ul Inn h Ih A Ant t hand- over hul alt rain home lsd has u neat a r1 hat send fall cold hloaled lie pOe newer n tin way kl the the the tutu glue > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ + + HAIRHEALTH Keeps You Looking Young Teat Its Halts Growled Power j prove what this great Hair Beautifier will do for every reader of this who lo troubled with dandruff or with the or faded hair or bald spots may ha ve by mall a FREE sample bottle Sea Free belo v jJJE Dont Look Old tesfjx z One Bottle Does It iSWB A fffuni of regret runes with the gray hairs They stand In way of business anti social i advancement llrullti afTorils a sure fto- f rutorlne to th hcauty of youth f f- My holr l now icMornlf to Its youthful color I Wf not a ray r fti- Jly husband ray I look I- M years younger and hair cra m to fall hffira I wa In danker oil fC- bi omlns bald A Public Boon Il- ln llnlrllrnllli has tt earned this title and thou sanils enjoyntt line loads of haft product by tills prep oration It quickly rl n s the cnlp r movrs dandruff tops v tr 1l changes It I ray to YIP youthful color TURNS BACK TIME Tint Is expression of in iry who luve has th ir cruy h lrs reMnre1 to and th jf ball k tpot coveted with halt after using one tiotle of lln- V llnlilliuliu- No More Gray Hair should you llvrln iJvanreii- J r If dots HntrllfiiltU oriAFlonnl- ly It I a vltni tiar food Guaranteed TO QflClClY I HAYS- HAWHrALTH uosr sjimMcroiir- urtsstng anti r lfforanl For the hair wiiiu MAM to omh- ful i Dior without stalnhiK rue skin An occasional n- ilH Jllon kitps the hair sat Karry of texture and ills n sert to lemaln In nay 1e sired iiurltion Inly needs tollle on our Jref- Harflna torltiK ray or railed lialr- lo rotor amt irmovia Oa iilrunr trots tli iilp PrfumU nklus due hllr sun Kl axv and Ol iicscd to remain In uiv doKlrrt- pcHlilur licittr than any other priurjtl 1 NOT A DYE Does Not Soil Llnea Cavern liall snots pre vents hair feeds and tin roots Kverybody can Irok young tiy follow Inc HOnORFHAKSH GRAY OR FADED HMR PRICE 60 CENTS pBKrAnrn BK j Hay I rnrr pap Off I Ort tIR HEALTH I f fIn h tl J I i i f nnol r r I I Ilk I UI t t I I suit or the j SOD s f r O I- O I rv To O m iuj I 4 Y I r s tutor tars flair y la I t1y 1 StopsFalingHafr reset anestandHnlth Irt tor na t lhil Its i ave halt au use I c a I1UCD sr air I rectton i falling hair tin NITS FLIGN n naY > > > > ¬ > < + + Stains Nothing It It not greasy or itlcky riot dye does not rub ofT Never soils unythiiiK It Is m 1 from pure limrwdlcnts and may be safety und bv old or ynuiiK llnv flair llriillli Is a clean creamy dreolnif delicately perfutnnl and hlKhly desirable In every way In 19UMM1 this iireparittliin w f tested to th extent of over hive million bottlri lu the tnltrd States and Hrltlnh porsetclans It Ii highly endorsed by the uoblllty anl a ati lately II n H raid by lending drugjlsts everywhere A larce W bottle sent prcpaM In plain sealed package by PII1IO HAY SPECIALTIES COM1 st Newark X J also a t cake lUrftnn Mrdlealril Soup hest soap for toilet skit and hair till on receipt of ii- and thi advertisement Never accept n substitute for either of these preparation Large 5Oc Bottles at Leading Druggists Try at once HAYS HAIRHEALTH md HARFINA SOAP all substitutes wilil offi in 0lv fllib your NAMi O IIAV 111 t N J nrlolnc rite Mail or m b tn pij pnttsee lau j rt 1 and refuse lh 1jiI T sly and AUnnrsii l ra and i ti tl + ground Itecognling a gn u jf heir lenders on corner in1 walked to them kiwked down oveiy one of theme KrablMd two of the morn iintorioiis by their coat collar dud turning his pork on the crowd marched them to- ward the station hois- On the way there another Short Tall nod a remark iibout the nninleivd iiliit man nid as n ihn b lirtlo Sheridan ordeied lii two prisoners to halt ktiiMkcd the third short Tall down dragged him over to where the other two were standing stood the third prisoner in and without further ado them into the station house Sheridan reached jut us the was issuing forth He quickly handed has over to the joined the and in the ceneral roundup iliit foloweil took a leading iir- reMed a dii n Short Tall Werner wins a i rman forester Oie day n slug gored him frightfully in As the infuriated anim l pulled out hi anllifs backed away and prepared for n- sicond charge tin injured Ulan propped himself on nn elbow and fired just as the SHIR was closing In on tin The animal fell deal rind the fainted away When he consciousness he found thai he could tint nt tract attention by showing He realized tint h was out of the beaten mills mid that unties he blurelf tu a frequented place hn- ttuiild surely die So he began draggng himself through the forest in tin direction of his employers three miles away He started on journey m noon at 1 nevl morning ili ncnupaiitN of the wciv aroused bv the Sinn uf nearby Investigating tiny found loivster in a dean faint deal from loss of blond lying mi the Hv hi side pun hen die injured non gut so Mini ho oiilil told tell its story his iiin ior asked Hut why did your dung that heavy gun nil the wiv I knew tint I couldnt ihuiit when 1 did leich nn inhihitihl pluif was lhi teply- so I brought It along in attract I didnt think II umil I hnd crawled for nil then I crawled got it Dr T H Itejin nf 1iiileil Slatos fish tommi ion whtl on lniaid tin Kovenini fuller Hier off Ilinliiska witnessed a re- lilirknble fiisi nf nerve A winder signnlliil ihe eiitter for medienl aid Dr lean taken alxiatd He found that a Kanaka sailor had hind n foot- sinashml some vitks befor by a hugs head of oil rotting on it The injured member wa in a terrible and tin man exldintly Intensely Im gave no nut ward sigh When the captain asked the doctor what eolild dune the latter started to lell him III mnllditice At that the sailor sH ko- up Dont be nlrniil to tell me doctor he aid I tutu stand it all right Well my man n ponded Dr llean- ainpuiaiioii i the only that will reliivi yon but I havii neither llie ne es Miry iiiviruneiii nor I lie iillur rtniled- Dniii mini about little things like that he began Dr IJean Tin Kiiiiir sinllid ngrin- linsiiiit in now r lleilli had with him I IMS tif s kel Instrument fur ui birds When he pulled ibis out lie sllilur tinted bjii- isnf in a roar crowed his leg mil held out tin injured foul The ilMiiir htnrtrd to Ire first remiivid thi ti s hli the lit lie bird knife which haelii d mule than ii rut h found thin under the Hush the was affected for nearly an inch So he hud in i u in nnd turn flesh Then with tweeyers fur he hail no saw he oil Ihedieased part of Ihe bond Thai done hn pulled the llosb dawn and- s wed the After an hours work annotmrcd that the jolt ions fln stud I be sailors fiMii rued oar a niuclf in hire muted In jwiln Smilingly tho sailor uniiiwMd fits lets slid off cnh reached fut tlie doctors hnnil shook II heartily roared a irralelul thank ye sir and then Imbblrd off toward thi for le whistling a rollicking Mndlcal HaplMf- lllll tltt I IlitltH- IDKvli Col Oil i The HIV ln liiii- liraviti neatid a lively nt the- HiptioL 1astor Iliih today lie deiiiirerl the Ten roiniiiiiiiiiient nut the rule lu he olloucil in tlie ire i nt day were of with pniiiii e of enrllily ivward or earthly JinUiiieiit nnd were not Ihe ii- tlaiiiniirl etrriifil life Mr lirnvrlt Mild hi onlil not Imve the In Id chnrHi If us IhrUlian said Jlr e urn roninmiuleil in kern the law of the Ten In order to retain imr xdviitlon ne h d cliiik our IKIK for hell for o hull eiirelr 10 there for no one hit ever kent them He lor our salvmlon I do nut ineiniire oivhiit lo TP If I am plenxlnc n n lirl hut I IIICHIC ore ty the ei tl s lmrrh u H I ralllI t Iron Inn J d hOI hOI ur lilly n n Ink r half a and all I TIn lpl I h hi llorl UU hit a Com hut IIrl m tan run rekli d rnvP purl Fritz the nlKlhuem tIiagg cluck tin tIn the uul bark the was ii hide state ins suffer log out hough ie 11101 holies wts nil t lint he sand nhrW Imo tin hit Ihuu it i bed quiv jig o dl rn lon wr oyuaut Lenwrru tad and tin I raI it l ertetll Iw it t tit ¬ ¬ < < < > > < > < < < + + + + + + + + Nuthlnc HKe It for keeping the scu p free from dandruff the hair illken and the clear and rosy DandruT enures bnlilnejs Tu keep the filp and biunl in hrillhy run illtlun make u strong lather nf iriiia Koup and If It Is deslriil to gray to youthful iiltir apply lln after The crayne will disappear und the Inilr row forth In Us ruler rued beauty Ko eakis lit leailliiKdniK shops or JtiillPl on riept f price Ililo tout j si Ijifayettf ft Newark N J Free uottlo Offer IIAVH IIAIII I Al III lit tmliur Him a ira f i nr lut pen Illllllx lir iih I t llr- nh tin trliil t l i i urn L I Iliri y null ilvo i CIIIK dint ll hw to Lir- IMIIIllflll hlllr ntlll nMllllllMI Kll- Iihlilo tp tliiuiiliil4 nf many nh Int rimluml nnif mii rmbf l n- ni l lt IIAIIt I I hall lot ht i eat t IJ M iII I skit ban n rep tnrt end itd Ilalr t s Iii wK 1 s 1re futaulutee II > > > > > NEW PUPILS FOR UNCLE SAM inns i nun rit in MI s7f in i n int TIIOSI itrin The llntc llie Same Ta l a inrilran- riilldrin lint Their lollies IT- Hllfrrenl Sii Are llrlr Siirl a Past line lor llojs In four years 1ncleSam ha laleii under his rare many thousand ufchlldnn living in islands Ii Is always sum- mer In these islands and not a child of all the thousand ever had an uvercuat In life Suit one ev r had tu wear thick ln o- in furl the majority of lhe ilanil children do tint wear sinus ni all and there are whol villages in wlileh there is nut n who a single pair of island children ot rout e dress ju t as you dress In the warm summer limn hint majority of them when they wake up in Ihe morning if they are linyx a plunge in a neichl oii pond or or In the sea then jump into n shirt nnd a pair of trimmer and err ready for the school hell The cirN devote more that their put on curious dresses of Rally fidlcn or Cloth woven of the fibre or native plants Hut however they dross and wherever they live they hurry off lo school in the mornlni ju t nu you do for it is our of Sinis inflexllile rules tint very child who lives unler the Stars nnd must go to Hitiil Ii i a Urn island ehildteil uew- iMiiiKly for In Itiele Siim took iliem- inchnrge very few with the except inn of i children of llawnii had any ehiinU IORIHO- VaiMliun is all very well or iwu incinihs- in the ytMr bill snppOM it limn vaaiiun nil t Imt iine awl von had up without iiriiintc huw rind write nr cipher anti knowing of ufrnphy or how would van like thai Thai was ihe condition of these children a fi v yenrsago Hut now the snme Hag that waves over your sehuolhouse wave over bundled nnd hundred of sHioolhoues scnllerid among islnniN lying thousands of miUs allay in the iropio s s and black brown white not coppercolored children in Ilico liiintu Tiilnila Hawaii and the Phil- ippines are puzzling today uver the siune stun in decimal frnillons that you are If you look nt your geugrnphy you will find near tin middle of ilic 1ncilii Jivau n group of lauds called Hawaii The larger iflmids lie lust wwili ol Tropic of tnncer while some of the smuller ones extend north of it Though Ihesn Hands land V en won bv while men liefore It was apt Cook brought Ibeiiito attention of I hi uKipln living in other lands M whil our Ilevoliitiunary War was Kiing on and ih very year that Washington and unity surferii so in the Iud winter MI Valley Wliiilcrs front Now lledfurd nail Nnn tucket on their way in rule fi Mil with the whalers rune I nii iouii win iiinveilPil the unlives In tlnl li and civiliiil them p ipe from nt h T cuiml lies In van in settle In tlielKlands- nnd when duriiii th Spanish tear the Inltid Si tile annexed Ilnvnli ii was n prosperoiH and rlvllliil Island nut ion Tin re are 150ml children Iilnr lo sdiniil in the llnwiillaii Islands now Kvery hint In the island has tn lioglu tn go In school The schools In Hawaii sure jusl Hint the schools in tlie Iutied Slates ibn v rv same ecio I b inks being llod lilll the hug of I he schuul houses nr i vast ly dllferent- Tliiii err firiit niuiiniaiiis lull around near tin schoolhmisr door stay be a pluntntloll With Its rn K nf irecs bunt tight feet high covilrd with white lowers ur lilt red birrbt or perhaps there i n field of pineapples lih limit plickly leaves m n grits banntin trto with the lull hangiig in Rival biinihis upon t heii- Ilawniian childien have ilnir fimiliilI and teinis just us liililiii in the Slalis do but those of native blmul have other spurts peculiar in ilniiisflves riiief- ainont these Is turf tldlui A Hawaiian child is peilccily at li niii in flue water and nil nwlin like a lung swell of Ilie Pacific comes HnmdTing in upon beaches mlleM and miles III hngth the gnat wavi s chaiiKiiiK into brenkno Hawaiian Ixiys will miri a canoe two working the paddles anti one steering and take heroul beyond tin llncof hanker Then turning the stein of llie Imai n ward the sea Ihe slwrer will until he a particularly big wve approach v t Call la I last hit pOI I Ilk 1 Ill I I nit Ill h t tn I hll to I It 1 hal I lid ill Old l ha ltd few In hatch try lit in the In r ofT ills vast too kings the ii tit rile rnl i huh grow hut history r ia Pe who tin ions leis Iurgr in tin North P uifirlwgau in vjsht hut rill iilan n untst slily eehonl nntii 15 bail Ihru at hnrlots the Idnud us they vu rnr the shle acre > > < ¬ < > < + + + hog when he will cry mil Hoi which means Paddl hi strong young arms will send ih innon shuoling nliiNid ill a unto toward tin bench It must irnwl fal inciimlng way will swamp il mud send it whirling nsh r Us n Hiiiilits iuini in the bacli- as bent they can Dm if th ratine is fully steerid nnd he buys their pad- dles qiiiikly enough the wave will pick it up gently old send it darting lo the bench on an even keel Irolil Ihe Nun the wave Mete Jip the canoe il like roasting down a hill of water as the Ixml Hies duuii thus foiiinlinj declivity to tin shining sjindy Ictnli In old limes mien anl boys used to go out beyond tilt breakers on boards nud- I rid the incniniiiK WIVIH to shore Si ex- piit were they in handling tins board that sometimes when thy werv mi erest of n wave they could even stand Ui on them few seconds In morn remote of Hawaii boys may still li dl i ortiiiR lliem- MV in breakers with these surf IxKinls lint In mure mpuloils region canoeu are generally used for tin gun When IlnwnilaM lays of until blood wroll a mat Is ICIK un Ih Rround- nnd the tvu wnxtlerr slum facing neh oilier Then they rnl help stuns and clasping each others hands try with- out touching any other of llie budy- lo push each other off tin real Tlie onn who siicueds wins th l iui- Anolh c Hawaiian came whHi used to M popular hull now is lust v iilig oven in tin reiuule distiiclr before Ii siii orior atra1 lions of Ivtfcbnll and football wns tin1 bowling of flat round stones l et con Iwn vtiiks liik uptight ill i he grouiil a fow iinhes apart alsiin feel irvny front tin Imwle- rHiiwirsri IxVs nand to very nxperf- nl tbrowing the javelin a long slender pleco of hard wood TIO Imys would fare each riher suns dlstiine apart anrl one would hurl the javelin iliteclly at hi- uppniiiiit The ulher toe niild ondeavnr o cnt41 the pli e nf mutt ihtiW it bark wit nit letting II Ifilicbirklmdv This gilll jftllH In havudiivlmil In late yenr Its placnlxing taken by handball nr ialch- AmoilK th children iendlng school 111 Ibrvali ate more than a iioiis nil lilnen- Ixiys nul girl Neil the teicmrs ay they niiiTig th briithlfl pupils There are also altoui IIKW Ioilugue hildreii whus work on ill big plant at ion itnm ni 7 TOO Uniilile Unle marBitl fur the Triinr Hi line Iliilel OHlnc In Ills HiniRerl- lMTIMiiHK Nov 1 Ill of Ili story in lt t Smid ivs srx abitilt lh- enornii isjipiHiliesof Iliiipatilnillictennr- a nmiiiigr viiiiing hero aid Tainivinlnls apihtite wn not n rirenm font in lint f the uroii Urlfuinli I i II iievenl I rmlie wbili Rfnatir the vuli of lb or Ills tippet I- tTVibsl Mni iiiit hi ibuuninl capacity dawned upon m u illy serious la hal it III Mill HU II III 1Als lit Itilitidn- V airbed titer winiernfieniutin- Allhuiigh Sicnur HrU inll bid hnrliI- hiriil n l ird Mi iriin ili li tanl h leiehed hlj roam ni tilt lion bo- orderil cold cci K whirh hr eiillrelr- devmiMil with fuvirly n lurtf nf- hn nil A 0 nelnk II ie r i In III ll ml- linnl dliiier f neruly every- thing oil llie hill of Ill11 otter Ml perfulllliuife ndujllrned- m n ierman risiaiinint III which drover flivelnnd al ihni layin plfificrit- HS hi1 linhlor ivi inii fill H lillk H llelllOllsl cud n ir frieil polntM- nf course drunk iiiiy quiiiMiy of hirer nr- wlii l here fiirjollen which At breakfast Hie nevi moinini- iisiuiilslied me by entitle tvn Invgu two unieleiiS ntnl a nilliilxir of other 11is my lust experience with hint and wus insult duly when Ioi Tutllll keeper uf tom hunt li that buiird hill n double the UMinl nnd he hud so ibiuged il on other I nlMiti ntly fniiiil that wilt view nl iiininiercinl in all tin ales and Ii Ixcnine a must annoying foatuio of our Vfslern trip Some Paper Claim Itrrylliliic Tin SIN i It unit ho Km h t In tho I tilted MMe oin lull think II l tent il u It u ht tn- i It puts ii premier i un bruin md the I ri ini i iar itiiii- itfHlnst inedioorlly nlil maintains i Mie hliliest pi r n w p p tMOT In I h le nl work rv nf mud Ihf UM YodifU of brain arc tumid in Tiik PX Ado n Hoi rid I t I t t i f t I for a par I I I I dl I rH I I t I t I t ni 1 I I I hal 111 i w O 1 jl l I I Il I beef I Ur I Iii Jt C i I l old In their lt F nr tit leaving cars work y 1 f 1 Ills s 1 i the Nun tin tin n pun j ii t i 1 it wood t nun e fat hrh 4 I peaking lorlny i ion thi ill tin n tunlion II 4 ai hit ion tune t site and he sleek dish ion rare ttslis It w f dot r and Iu1 pay Ialf I rte w er sit rler ¬ < ¬ > < < > > < ¬ > > > > < > < + + +

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-11-02 [p...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-11-02 [p 3] · THE SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2 1902 S wIi 4 1 r e- 4C 1 L = I aennnimaxBMBKKVvranmwuH


4 1 r e-

wIi 4C



The Cane Rush Dead

Hot Battles Still Between Freshmanand Sophomore

iNot Yet


m mm

gflllMEl lii C MltliplitlllE iCUilfll-


lffIIldllAlQlOfIDgflpNiRlllNfmltil l1 IItliRRilpi AilNtQipRlGEldLtrJSRGLlt7t3 TiTp

he scrambling tuggingcihig HjKosinK eyoblackenlng

old faldonrlp coon

sophomores set up and thy nlo canKregat-

ny ami by nt some Mmehoiuucd spot


of the college freshmen and sopho-mores is rapidly getting to a thing oftho past

The average college man thinks that itU because the colleges are getting eo bigthat class spirit IH no longer strong enough

herush ¬

to mako tho rushes enthusiastic successesThe average professor thinks that it Is-

localise the indent In better tHhavedand less frivolous mud bloodthirsty fellow

Whatever the reason tlm stands outsod it grieve the traditional okltinter ofthe 70s and Sn away dunn in his reminis-cent heart

The rullp f farnlty nover liked the canerush Ip at Harvard where there is aItlnody Monday lo talu the plan of therant ruli the faculty trios to discouragethi ciiioin At Colirnliiu anil at New Yorktniveisity thi CHUM ipitn has been subsMuted fur ttin riih Trio only advantageof chimae i that It require only threeInn on a side instead of hundred andthus cut the casualty list down

Out in Ilin Inlvoislty of Ciilifornln totaVn a fur VYeatoin exmnplo tho two lonerclasses fought around stun clam numeralon the hide of a very stop hill Itoccntlythe pioffssorn went out In a body find look-down copious notes mime iind thusput a damper on the custom

The wine rimli however isnt altogcMierdead M any ono will tied if he visits oneof th smaller colleges about this time ofthe year And whore it is found at all it inlively enough to suit wiybody-

Th n are lots of HuplH who are un-

fortunate enough never lo have 8 en ac ne rush Ih tint question they ask Is

hat i itall for niiywnyVPutting asid ilH usen in working ofT

ejntlxront spirits th average under-graduate would answer hut it was a goodthing for the fivshliinii lit freshmanin the opinion of thfs i alwaysn fresh young Individual whohave his blacked his shins whaeked andhi dignity smashed

ill frfslriimi wasnt token down aP g whit would hinder him from Iwlngtrrsh nil through hi llrnt year what would

M hoinorrf Finally what wouldrr vcnt thin fruni even carrying n earn iji

Mroxin of ihi cnllgett town duruig histeat sid shroud lerifH i

Ihn rlaHRnni liowever iiuiillr lottli ill lic

Tor for ill ruih i to helddntn Isnt Hindu public usually

I nth of thn frtHIP trninc fnr tin battle by their Iradltlonal iilllrv jinlnrn are





tMh a forI

upperI II


and for-th



L the1






rrs t lds eldersthe


quatI insdays










one phalanx drawn near tin other Thefri tKc iane a I ii stiuiof hickory or some other toughN or in toot long anti 2 inches or morn indiiiuieiM-

In their pnnule the freshmen wave It indrrllon Some or more of thy stout

t leiI

v > <


fellows In thi then the woolan many ax emi their hands on it

Tlw rot serried ranks around theejinetnin

In some mysterious way n commiiteo of

cut class

I hru hd dfide by the outriders who areI pmctifwd interfnrrnoe menI And than they come with ai hump And out the V out of the human

eiitnpuit fly the lighter rightover Into the vntre of theAnd then ouneit till tussle If arn a


nnd if von Are a frt limBn to fight the i opha-oir

rules Well you caint biteI eint gouge your opponents eyoit and there

Is a tradition that you not to

I his point too the question of clothe loomsup important

Th rusher wears shoes thicktucking football moleskins and a canvn aiivthlng die superfluousI nlmppy is he who puts n


i get on that


I hair ulntist elan At

I I h


fro htnatt

r1 y our cane


hit 1s



fir a sweater or ordinaryI for lie is likely to timerge from heap

as imlieil HK fame Intoliven noted and moleskin arent invul-nonilli

Yell Of cviiirso It keeps up yourcoiira nnd make thenrent afraid of him and youll stick-tO tin Illlilll-

NaiiKhiysU Naughlysixl Give it toam Keep that cane

em Vve got threemotion tot Vm gold Hooray

Out KIM u freshman withn plll hat sends him sliding and hack again

giM s for the with a jump in airwalking on heads now nail downlighting find Piling

I tants emerge o rearrange theirclot hs K pull iti belts to nurse shins01 to sup up bloody noses somedull nut to on the grass awl to keepfmm nain they feel

The two up r have meanwhileassembled to It Nod they yell encouragemerit seniors for men

I ami th juniors fur the freshmenet I nek in there you freshman Oh

lli devil Itll feel hotter tomorrownt in live It lo em-

Vaiightyfivu Naughtylive iolng to let t linen carrycanes and smoke rigid on your campi em

HangVVH hot em fHllo H Hang on

And then comes the yell of Time Quitrushing Tim

The r lasnien pull off the outsidersof tin heap pull off everybody who hatml-K Ids hand on cant anti then counthand

And what a show of hands Therelaid been thirty at first as many a-

roiild b squeezed on hut nowncnrlv as again

dud they are nil squeexe l and Jammod many of them MI numb that theirowners wont take many lecture notps Inthe morning







I I s


t1I111 II






yelling at thin

setchi year

It iii-













juniors and seniors has bren rnnstitilelone of thin

Mennwhlle tho sophomore fKj ft i iwiiyr Hi t ii nil

V only n lot liiKgej with n ruiiRii i MIT-

on the edge lo keep lln vnv If HI

If the fro hni ii win tlioy carry caneswejir old hat th y want to except a

and smokn right in the fAroI any on earth

And if tin v lon tiny have lowait fur all tare pleasures until


II ailill


n Ia111 nthlion

Inte fnrilloI n IIg Ill



SOME CRAWL OVER THE HEADS OF TilE STRUGGLING STUDENTSIhirduwl tiihtriictlons are glvwi and wantitiRs dwelt

Tliin dark evening In IIKO aare nsAinblei at avn remote from he i t sldentn IIOIIBO

dart parade Marled to cH up tho onof crowd

All out for thu fieshleM is tho yell the


IhJ nIHn tI

LhIl th




I t her go this from the JudgeThe sophomore stnrt with sums of th

lighter men on shouldns lowly ntfirst so as lo theirmoro rapidly the fieshman mid thecane V tow freshmen groupof the new men rush out and try toup thu BojiliumoriB but uru usually


Willformat an


> t hey nri i hem el vetIt doesnt mailer do breakyour arm or your ankle or get your

eve blackened In not such an ornamentnn honor under the circumstances Be-sides all this you win a beer fromyour opponents Who wouldnt join Incant






Serious Oprratlon Irrforniril orr-

t hand One Who Hid Xn fear r-

ncatli Forlltuile of a liirdrrrr 1-

flravr Inllrrnun A Sillorn Xcr e-

A iatient walked into a Sow York phy-sician oflioe the other day placed u

the small of his lank and saidDoctor Ive n severe pair hero whats

thin troubleStrip 16 the wni t and Ill tell you in-

shore order replied Iho it lonerAfter a brief examination ho added

Vouvn an ugly tumor on your liverThe man thought n moment then 1

want it removed at once he said quietlyTut tut man dont be so hasty re

plied the physicianHut the patient morn doggedly than Ix

fore answered I moan it doc I wantthat tumor removed befoie I leave thisonce

The physician looked the man in the eyesand saw wavered runt He feltIda examined his heart and foundthem normal

All he said shortlyWithin fllteeli a man was

on a couch and the Physician was makinga teninch Incision in anhour later the tumor was removed mud anhour after ho had submitted to the o Mi-llion during which he had refused ether

with hi liver cleansed toin n cab calmly undressed went

to and then wife what hadhappened

Me never never quiveredan eyelid declared the doctor as he re

Incident and he would Imve gonebout alone had rot forced intotho cab He showed absolutely no fear atanything and in looks likon man who only an ordinary amount-of grit Yet his nervy wasthe most Inspiring that I have ever seen

Hut nerve doctor in performingsuch an operation offhand Interruptedone of the auditors

The reply was laconicthe fondness fur handling

the knifeFor three hours nfier hue recital of the

doctors story the men who had listenedto il recounted remarkable cases of nervethat they hart heard or met with mud hereare Corn of the storied that they told

A physician prominent in New York Statewas interested in manufacturing WhilevUiling his factory one day his coat wascaught in a shafting nod he was hurledaround mud around with terrific forceand time he went round hU legs

on adjacent willwas released he va

found to be still alien rind physicians wonhurriedly for A half dozen of themcame beheld their injured brother andshook their heads

1 know it said Ihe man Ive alreadydiagnosed the case Youd ju t bo wastingyour time if you tried to do anything Mm

tell me dont von with m Illlle about five hours before the shock takeseffect

The six men of medicine noddedThen send for a lawyer

The calmlyflue crushed man dictated his lasttestament and aigned il with n Laud MS

steady as that of a man in hull healthhn said when the last witness

had affixed Ills signature please formy wife

A little later on he wild up MrBlank Mr Soandso on theand I want to talk over some im-portant business matters with theta

over an hour the lire partnersarranged for conduct of the

interests after huts death Theconference ended the Injured man turnedto wife

NiiH dearest he said Ive still anhour to live live me a cigar hold of

hand and well wait for

so IIP died with a smile on his lipsarid the blue smoke of his cigar curlingatxint his head

A man in southern Illinois had committeda murder was n memberof a secret society of criminal and hadbeen selected lo out of the way a traitor-to true organization

He found his victim scouring I lie countryas a member of a Sheriffs for anescaped criminal The man asked hisvictim If he worn soandso received an-

afllrmative then and there shothim dead fought huts way through thePONP and fled

Two days later lie was discovered hidingIn a house In n neighboring small townII was bored by a dozen bullets but helived and was sentencH lo be hanged

Thru political Influence began workingto save him train the gallows A mannow prominent in New York city was as-

signed to the task of trying to preventhit execution

His attempts resulted in failure and tinday before the don set for the executionho called nn the murderer nail Informedhim that nothing titan could K done

All right said the tom hut theyllhang the wrong fellow tomorrow

To the politicians whether hecould do anything for hint th prisoneranswered

Hut what nlxiut a privet n kcd thepolitician

said condemned nuns add-ing o moment later lint thorns a Metho-dist preacher in town whos l en kind to-me to toll him goodhy

Half HU hour before th wt for ihhanging the Sheriff wnit to the munlrerVroll lie bud been n model prioner nndthe Sheriff wanted in show his appreciationin some hii skod

Well I her anything 1 can do foryou

thfink you for n good cigar writreply

the procession to tom gallow-istnHed prisoner was rnlmly smokinga cigar nook theSheriff

Im bony to interrupt you Jim hintits lime

1 Ug pardon for delaying youSheriff replied a tremorin his

And then tin murderer calmly removedhis from his placed iton scaffolds rail Thenhis Inca hack

The cigar the mans life wont outtogether

Fifteen years ago there was a pohcoman in Now York named Sheridan Hehod a side partner a extraordinarily big ahe was little

The big man one day interfered withthe doings of a notorious Fat Sido gangknown us Short Tails nnd he was mur-dered In broad daylight on liU tot for hipains When Ihe captain of the preeinclheard of the murder he declared that iheShort Tails would bo broken up cud im-

prisonedSo he set about forming a platoon of

police to take Into the haunt of ganghn was about tills duty the murdered

mans cjitim little Sheridan strolled inThey murdered him did they

yelled theyve got bricks piled onthe roofs tho tenements lo throw nt-

us when wo march Into their street havethey And theyre standing 011 the streetcomers looking for a fight art they Welltheyll get all they wont and Ill it

to cmWithout club or firearm of any kind

Sheridan dashed out of thn station houseand ran into the heart of tho Short Tails



I to

















hul alt




a r1 hat



cold hloaled lie





way kl



















HAIRHEALTHKeeps You Looking YoungTeat Its Halts Growled Power j

prove what this great Hair Beautifier will do for everyreader of this who lo troubled with dandruff or withthe or faded hair orbald spots may ha veby mall a FREE sample bottle Sea Free belo v jJJE

Dont Look Old tesfjx z One Bottle Does It iSWBA fffuni of regret runes with the

gray hairs They stand Inway of business anti social i

advancementllrullti afTorils a sure fto-f rutorlne to thhcauty of youth f

f-My holr l now icMornlf

to Its youthful color I Wfnot a ray r fti-

Jly husband ray I look I-

M years younger andhair cra m to fallhffira I wa In danker oil fC-bi omlns bald

A Public Boon Il-

ln llnlrllrnllli has ttearned this title and thousanils enjoyntt line loadsof haft product by tills preporation It quickly rl n s thecnlp r movrs dandruff tops v

tr 1lchanges It I ray to YIP youthful color


Tint Is expression of in iry wholuve has th ir cruy h lrs reMnre1

to and th jf ballk tpot coveted with halt after

using one tiotle of lln-V llnlilliuliu-

No More GrayHair

should you llvrln iJvanreii-J r If dotsHntrllfiiltU oriAFlonnl-ly It I a vltni tiar food

GuaranteedTO QflClClY


uosr sjimMcroiir-urtsstng anti r lfforanl

For the hair

wiiiu MAM to omh-ful i Dior without stalnhiK

rue skin An occasional n-

ilH Jllon kitps the hair satKarry of texture and

ills n sert to lemaln In nay 1e

sired iiurltion Inly needstollle on our Jref-Harflna

torltiK ray or railed lialr-lo rotor amt

irmovia Oa iilrunrtrots tli iilpPrfumU nklus due hllrsun Kl axv and Ol iicscdto remain In uiv doKlrrt-pcHlilur licittr than anyother priurjtl 1

NOT A DYEDoes Not Soil LlneaCavern liall snots pre

vents hair feedsand tin rootsKverybody can Irok youngtiy follow Inc








I ffInh


i i

fnnol r



IlkI UIt

t I

Isuit or thejSOD

s f

r O I-

OI rv

To Omiuj


4 Y Ir


tutortars flairy

la It1y


StopsFalingHafr reset anestandHnlthIrt tor na t

lhil Its iave halt au use



I1UCD sr

airI rectton


falling hair tin NITS FLIGN nnaY










Stains NothingIt It not greasy or itlcky riot dye does

not rub ofT Never soils unythiiiK It Is m 1

from pure limrwdlcnts and may besafety und bv old or ynuiiK llnv flairllriillli Is a clean creamy dreolnif delicatelyperfutnnl and hlKhly desirable In every way

In 19UMM1 this iireparittliin w f tested to thextent of over hive million bottlri lu the tnltrdStates and Hrltlnh porsetclans It Ii highlyendorsed by the uoblllty



ati lately

II n H raid by lending drugjlsts everywhere A larce W bottle sent prcpaM In plainsealed package by PII1IO HAY SPECIALTIES COM1 st Newark X J also a tcake lUrftnn Mrdlealril Soup hest soap for toilet skit and hair till on receipt of ii-

and thi advertisement Never accept n substitute for either of these preparation

Large 5Oc Bottles at Leading DruggistsTry at once HAYS HAIRHEALTH md HARFINA SOAP all substitutes

wilil offi in 0lv fllib yourNAMi

O IIAV 111 tN J nrlolnc rite Mailor m b tn pij pnttsee


j rt

1and refuse lh 1jiI T


and AUnnrsiilra


i ti


ground Itecognling a gn ujf heir lenders on corner in1

walked to them kiwked down oveiyone of theme KrablMd two of the morniintorioiis by their coat collar dud turninghis pork on the crowd marched them to-ward the station hois-

On the way there another Short Tallnod a remark iibout thenninleivd iiliit man nid as n ihn blirtlo Sheridan ordeied lii two prisonersto halt ktiiMkcd the third short Tall downdragged him over to where the other twowere standing stood the thirdprisoner in and without further ado

them into the station houseSheridan reached jut us the

was issuing forth He quickly handedhas over to the joinedthe and in the ceneral roundupiliit foloweil took a leading iir-reMed a dii n Short Tall

Werner wins a i rman foresterOie day n slug gored him frightfully in

As the infuriated anim l pulled out hianllifs backed away and prepared for n-

sicond charge tin injured Ulan proppedhimself on nn elbow and fired just as theSHIR was closing In on tin The animalfell deal rind the fainted away

When he consciousness hefound thai he could tint nt tract attentionby showing He realized tint h was outof the beaten mills mid that unties he

blurelf tu a frequented place hn-ttuiild surely die So he began draggnghimself through the forest in tin directionof his employers three miles away

He started on journey m noon at1 nevl morning ili ncnupaiitNof the wciv aroused bv theSinn uf nearby Investigating tinyfound loivster in a dean faint

deal from loss of blond lying mi theHv hi side pun

hen die injured non gut so Mini hooiilil told tell its story his iiin ior

askedHut why did your dung that heavy gun

nil the wivI knew tint I couldnt ihuiit when 1 did

leich nn inhihitihl pluif was lhi teply-so I brought It along in attract

I didnt think II umil I hnd crawled fornil then I crawled got it

Dr T H Itejin nf 1iiileil Slatos fishtommi ion whtl on lniaid tin Koveninifuller Hier off Ilinliiska witnessed a re-

lilirknble fiisi nf nerveA winder signnlliil ihe eiitter for medienl

aid Dr lean taken alxiatd Hefound that a Kanaka sailor had hind n foot-

sinashml some vitks befor by a hugshead of oil rotting on it

The injured member wa in a terribleand tin man exldintly

Intensely Im gave no nut wardsigh

When the captain asked the doctor whateolild dune the latter started to lellhim III mnllditice At that the sailor sH ko-

upDont be nlrniil to tell me doctor

he aid I tutu stand it all rightWell my man n ponded Dr llean-

ainpuiaiioii i the only that willreliivi yon but I havii neither llie ne esMiry iiiviruneiii nor

I lie iillur rtniled-Dniii mini about little things like that

hebegan Dr IJean

Tin Kiiiiir sinllid ngrin-linsiiiit in nowr lleilli had with him I IMS tif s kel

Instrument fur ui birds Whenhe pulled ibis out lie sllilur tinted bjii-isnf in a roar crowedhis leg mil held out tin injured foul

The ilMiiir htnrtrd to Ire firstremiivid thi ti s hli the lit lie bird knifewhich haelii d mule than ii ruth found thin under the Hush the

was affected for nearly an inch Sohe hud in i u in nnd turn fleshThen with tweeyers fur he hail no sawhe oil Ihedieased part of Ihe bond

Thai done hn pulled the llosb dawn and-s wed the After an hourswork annotmrcd that the jolt ions fln

stud I be sailors fiMiirued oar a niuclf in hire muted In jwiln

Smilingly tho sailor uniiiwMd fits letsslid off cnh reached fut tlie doctorshnnil shook II heartily roared a irralelul

thank ye sir and then Imbblrd offtoward thi for le whistling a rollicking

Mndlcal HaplMf-

lllll tltt I IlitltH-IDKvli Col Oil i The HIV ln liiii-

liraviti neatid a lively nt the-HiptioL 1astor Iliih today lie deiiiirerlthe Ten roiniiiiiiiiiient nut the rulelu he olloucil in tlie ire i nt day were

of with pniiiii e of enrllily ivwardor earthly JinUiiieiit nnd were not Ihe ii-tlaiiiniirl etrriifil life

Mr lirnvrlt Mild hi onlil not Imve theIn Id chnrHi

If us IhrUlian said Jlr eurn roninmiuleil in kern the law ofthe Ten In order to retainimr xdviitlon ne h d cliiik our IKIK

for hell for o hull eiirelr 10 therefor no one hit ever kent themHe lor our salvmlon

I do nut ineiniire oivhiit lo TP If Iam plenxlnc n n lirl hut I IIICHICore t y the ei tl s lmrrh











lillyn n


rhalf a and











hut IIrlm


run rekli

d rnvP



the nlKlhuem


cluck tintIn

the uul




ii hide

state ins suffer logout hough


11101 holies

wts nil t lint he sand



hit Ihuu


i bed quiv



dl rn lon

wroyuaut Lenwrru tad and tin

I raI


l ertetllIw



















+ +



Nuthlnc HKe It for keeping the scu p freefrom dandruff the hair illken and theclear and rosy DandruT enures bnlilnejs Tukeep the filp and biunl in hrillhy runilltlun make u strong lather nf iriiia Koupand If It Is deslriil togray to youthful iiltir apply lln

after The craynewill disappear und the Inilr row forth In Us

ruler rued beautyKo eakis lit leailliiKdniK shops or

JtiillPl on riept f price Ililo toutj si Ijifayettf ft Newark N J

Free uottlo OfferIIAVH IIAIII I Al III lit

tmliur Him a ira f i nr lut penIllllllx lir iih I t llr-nh tin trliil t l i i urn

L I Iliri y null ilvo iCIIIK dint ll hw to Lir-IMIIIllflll hlllr ntlll nMllllllMI Kll-

Iihlilo tp tliiuiiliil4 nf many nhInt rimluml nnif mii rmbf l n-

ni l lt IIAIIt



halllotht i




bann rep tnrtend itdIlalr t s

Iii wK 1


futaulutee II







inns i nun rit in MIs7f in i n int TIIOSI itrin

The llntc llie Same Ta l a inrilran-riilldrin lint Their lollies IT-

Hllfrrenl Sii Are llrlr Siirla Past line lor llojs

In four years 1ncleSam ha laleiiunder his rare many thousand ufchlldnnliving in islands Ii Is always sum-mer In these islands and not a child of allthe thousand ever had an uvercuat Inlife

Suit one ev r had tu wear thick ln o-

in furl the majority of lhe ilanilchildren do tint wear sinus ni all and thereare whol villages in wlileh there is nut n

who a single pair ofisland children ot rout e

dress ju t as you dress In the warm summerlimn hint majority of them when theywake up in Ihe morning if they are linyx

a plunge in a neichl oii pond oror In the sea then jump into n shirt

nnd a pair of trimmer and err ready for theschool hell

The cirN devote more that theirput on curious dresses of Rally

fidlcn or Cloth woven of the fibreor native plants Hut however they drossand wherever they live they hurry off loschool in the mornlni ju t nu you do for itis our of Sinis inflexllile rules tintvery child who lives unler the Stars nnd

must go to HitiilIi i a Urn island ehildteil uew-

iMiiiKly for In Itiele Siim took iliem-inchnrge very few with the except inn of i

children of llawnii had any ehiinU IORIHO-VaiMliun is all very well or iwu incinihs-

in the ytMr bill snppOM it limn vaaiiunnil t Imt iine awl von had up withoutiiriiintc huw rind write nr cipher antiknowing of ufrnphy orhow would van like thai Thai was ihecondition of these children a fi v yenrsago

Hut now the snme Hag that waves overyour sehuolhouse wave over bundlednnd hundred of sHioolhoues scnlleridamong islnniN lying thousands of miUsallay in the iropio s s and black brownwhite not coppercolored children inIlico liiintu Tiilnila Hawaii and the Phil-

ippines are puzzling today uver the siunestun in decimal frnillons that you are

If you look nt your geugrnphy you willfind near tin middle of ilic 1ncilii Jivaun group of lauds called Hawaii Thelarger iflmids lie lust wwili ol Tropicof tnncer while some of the smuller onesextend north of it

Though Ihesn Hands land V en won bvwhile men liefore It was apt Cookbrought Ibeiiito attention of I hi uKiplnliving in other lands M whil ourIlevoliitiunary War was Kiing on and ihvery year that Washington and unitysurferii so in the Iud winter MI Valley

Wliiilcrs front Now lledfurd nail Nnntucket on their way in rule fiMil with the whalers rune I nii iouiiwin iiinveilPil the unlives In tlnl liand civiliiil them p ipe fromnt h T cuiml lies In van in settle In tlielKlands-nnd when duriiii th Spanish tear theInltid Si tile annexed Ilnvnli ii was n

prosperoiH and rlvllliil Island nut ionTin re are 150ml children Iilnr lo sdiniil

in the llnwiillaii Islands now Kvery hintIn the island has tn lioglu tn go In school

The schools In Hawaii sure jusl Hint theschools in tlie Iutied Slates ibn v rv sameecio I b inks being llod lilll thehug of I he schuul houses nr i vast ly dllferent-

Tliiii err firiit niuiiniaiiis lull aroundnear tin schoolhmisr door stay be a

pluntntloll With Its rn K nf irecsbunt tight feet high covilrd with whitelowers ur lilt red birrbt or perhapsthere i n field of pineapples lih limitplickly leaves m n grits banntin trtowith the lull hangiig in Rival biinihisupon t heii-

Ilawniian childien have ilnir fimiliilIand teinis just us liililiii in theSlalis do but those of native blmul haveother spurts peculiar in ilniiisflves riiief-ainont these Is turf tldlui

A Hawaiian child is peilccily at li niiiin flue water and nil nwlin like a

lung swell of Ilie Pacific comes HnmdTingin upon beaches mlleM and miles III hngththe gnat wavi s chaiiKiiiK into brenkno

Hawaiian Ixiys will miri a canoetwo working the paddles anti one steeringand take heroul beyond tin llncof hankerThen turning the stein of llie Imai nward the sea Ihe slwrer will untilhe a particularly big wve approach



Callla I


hit pOII


Ill I

I nit







I It

1 halI

lid ill




ltdfew In



lit in


In r ofT



too kings



tit rilernl i huh


hut historyr

iaP e





in tin North P uifirlwgau in vjshthut


iilan n untst slily eehonl nntii 15


Ihru at hnrlots the Idnud

us they vu rnr the shle












hog when he will cry mil Hoiwhich means Paddl histrong young arms will send ih innonshuoling nliiNid ill a unto toward tinbench

It must irnwl fal inciimlng waywill swamp il mud send it whirling nsh r

Us n Hiiiilits iuini in the bacli-as bent they can Dm if th ratine isfully steerid nnd he buys their pad-dles qiiiikly enough the wave will pick itup gently old send it darting lo the benchon an even keel

Irolil Ihe Nun the wave Mete Jip thecanoe il like roasting down a hill ofwater as the Ixml Hies duuii thus foiiinlinjdeclivity to tin shining sjindy Ictnli

In old limes mien anl boys used togo out beyond tilt breakers on boards nud-

I rid the incniniiiK WIVIH to shore Si ex-

piit were they in handling tins boardthat sometimes when thy werv mierest of n wave they could even stand Uion them few seconds

In morn remote of Hawaiiboys may still li dl i ortiiiR lliem-

MV in breakers with these surfIxKinls lint In mure mpuloils regioncanoeu are generally used for tin gun

When IlnwnilaM lays of until bloodwroll a mat Is ICIK un Ih Rround-nnd the tvu wnxtlerr slum facing nehoilier Then they rnl help stuns andclasping each others hands try with-

out touching any other of llie budy-

lo push each other off tin real Tlie onnwho siicueds wins th l iui-

Anolh c Hawaiian came whHi usedto M popular hull now is lustv iilig oven in tin reiuule distiiclrbefore Ii siii orior atra1 lions of Ivtfcbnlland football wns tin1 bowling of flat roundstones l et con Iwn vtiiks liik uptight illi he grouiil a fow iinhes apart alsiinfeel irvny front tin Imwle-

rHiiwirsri IxVs nand to very nxperf-nl tbrowing the javelin a long slenderpleco of hard wood TIO Imys wouldfare each riher suns dlstiine apart anrlone would hurl the javelin iliteclly at hi-

uppniiiiitThe ulher toe niild ondeavnr o cnt41

the pli e nf mutt ihtiW it bark wit nitletting II Ifilicbirklmdv This gilll jftllHIn havudiivlmil In late yenr Its placnlxingtaken by handball nr ialch-

AmoilK th children iendlng school111 Ibrvali ate more than a iioiis nil lilnen-Ixiys nul girl Neil the teicmrs ay they

niiiTig th briithlfl pupils There arealso altoui IIKW Ioilugue hildreii whus

work on ill big plant at ion

itnm ni 7 TOO

Uniilile Unle marBitl fur the Triinr Hi

line Iliilel OHlnc In Ills HiniRerl-

lMTIMiiHK Nov 1 Ill ofIli story in lt t Smid ivs srx abitilt lh-

enornii isjipiHiliesof Iliiipatilnillictennr-a nmiiiigr viiiiing hero aid

Tainivinlnls apihtite wn not n rirenmfont in lint f the uroii Urlfuinli I

i II iievenl I rmlie wbili Rfnatirthe vuli of lb or Ills tippet I-

tTVibsl Mni iiiit hi ibuuninl capacitydawned upon m u illy serious lahal it III Mill HU II III 1Als litItilitidn-

V airbed titer winiernfieniutin-Allhuiigh Sicnur HrU inll bid hnrliI-hiriil n l ird Mi iriin ili li tanl h

leiehed hlj roam ni tilt lion bo-

orderil cold cci K whirh hr eiillrelr-devmiMil with fuvirly n lurtf nf-

hn nilA 0 nelnk II ie r i In III ll ml-

linnl dliiier f neruly every-

thing oil llie hill of Ill11otter Ml perfulllliuife ndujllrned-

m n ierman risiaiinint III which droverflivelnnd al ihni layin plfificrit-HS hi1 linhlor ivi inii

fill H lillk H llelllOllslcud n ir frieil polntM-nf course drunk iiiiy quiiiMiy of hirer nr-

wlii l here fiirjollen whichAt breakfast Hie nevi moinini-

iisiuiilslied me by entitle tvn Invgutwo unieleiiS ntnl a nilliilxir of other

11is my lustexperience with hint and wus insult duly

when Ioi Tutllllkeeper uf tom hunt li that

buiird hill n double the UMinlnnd he hud so ibiuged il on other

I nlMiti ntly fniiiil thatwilt view nl iiininiercinl

in all tin alesand Ii Ixcnine a must annoying foatuioof our Vfslern trip

Some Paper Claim ItrrylliliicTin SIN i It unit ho Km h t

In tho I tilted MMe oinlull think II l tent il u It u ht tn-

i It puts ii premier i un bruin mdthe I ri ini i iar itiiii-itfHlnst inedioorlly nlil maintains

i Mie hliliest pi r n w p ptMOT In I h le nl work rv

nf mud Ihf UM YodifUof brain arc tumid in Tiik PX Ado







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for apar




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old In




nr tit







1 ithe




pun j

ii t






fat hrh 4




ion thi

illtin n


II 4 ai


ion tunet



sleek dish ion




dotr and


IalfI rte w er

sit rler






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