The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-26 [p 6].€¦ · tho blowing tho kinks and cob-webs out of his...

jUi THE SUN TUESDAY 190 I AO l AUGUST 26 N s- F WILLIAM M LAKPAV TUESDAY AUGUST 26 1902 flnbicrlptloni b Mall 1Mtpald DAILY Ier iloutn 0 60- IIA1LV Yrar IX SUNDAY Per YeAr 2 DAILY ASD Per VfaT H IH DAILY AND SUNDAY Ier Uontb Jo- Poiti to fotep added Keir York City Pim EtqU fo 12 und lintel and Kioique No 10 Boulevard del Capucmn- If ou friruii icta aror ui vll nanvienrli for nMltalttl trti 101at rlflti atlttiirnwnni l lt- ntiit Is i am l nJ illnpi tar hat wpoif Word of Wisdom Indeed is one idea of fundamental im in President ROOSEVELTS Provi- dence speech as soundly conceived and maturely considered as It Is beautifully expressed We quote this sentiment of the Chief Magistrates in order that It may he studied admired and remembered for all future time by all concerned- The raMtanlsm of modern trjilne U ai deli- cate and conpllcsled aa It l vast and rcthc be more productive of evil to aU of us and especially lo those least wet of in tli world joodi tbaa Unorunt mrddilo wIts lbU rcecfcan Urn DtJtniit the man wbo offers you a palest core all for the ot the body politic just troud dlitriit him who tnea to tttt you meilcTe to euro all the di ea of your corporeal Uolie- sWwdom Indeed It should be like a torch in the darkness to all Intending meddlers with thnt freedom of business which b the mainspring of its delicate mechanism all tinkcrers of tho United States Constitution including the most eminent of their number tho Hon CHARLES E LirrLEHEiJ of Maine The Hcnl Iowa Platform Afl the first Important Republican upon the Iowa platform de revision successively em phasized their reasons for it M mainly academic tho Fiiixixtion of n ideal orvnnmio ptato without bearing upon tho present party programme the moro eager revisionists jmibably in- clined to think that statesmen wore too prejudiced in behalf of on Ad- ministration more interested in other alms They must ptirrender to a mem- ber of the Administration whose re- ported dicuRreemont with its Cuban jwlicy is said to havn numbered him among the authors of tho plank in ques- tion Secretary Vn soV Wo will quote from the rfTtini Post Too much fctrcss has been laid upon the tariff plank of tim Iowa platform Fays the Secretary of Apiculture It declared for revision when it without injury to the business Interests of the country I am convinced that with the heavy appropriations made by the last Congress Iowa Republicans would not favor tariff tinkering now If the tariff legislation wero before tho Iowa Legislature irutead of Congress nothing would bo done this year So tho Iowa platform demanding no tariff on articles produced by trusts resolves itself virtually into a demand for a committee to investigate how that result can be achieved without Injuring business It presents a problem so com- plicated and today so far out of sight- of solution that the actual and tariff Issue for tho year 1000 becomes clear again Regardless of preference for protec- tion or free trade or friendliness or un- friendliness to truth do you want a Congress elected which Is pledged to start a revision of tho tariff It Is unnecessary to say that the Re- publican party Is not at present for re vision not oven tho great and stalwart division of it that lives in Iowa To Make Money on the Turf Man In a gambling animal and vir- tuous as some specimens pretend to tho desire or easy and sudden gains is Ingrained Save a little every- day never speculate and In time you will have a competence So says Mr addressing tho graduating class of the business college nnd then ho rushes out to read his fnvorito author tho stock ticker Much humbug Is drooled tho dignity of labor There is deal more dignity In rest People work because they have to not because they want to To lw sure some folks pretend or really think that they like to work Such a feeling If genuine is n perversion arising from habit Xot only Is thero no merit in work but the Institution itself has n disgraceful origin and springs from the crafty counsels of tho serpent more pubtlu than any beast of tho field from tho apple and feminine curiosity and ADAMS inexpe- rience As a reminder and memorial of original sin labor and the bread eaten In the sweat of tho taco are justly pain- ful to every sensitive To get rich by slow processes Is in order that your descendants may enjoy Al truism should not go to such excess Who can tell what tho moral fibre of his grandson will be Why should you old frugal grubbing Roman HO that your descendants tony ho soft Cam panlans Every child ought to be ablo to choose Its own grandfathers und grandmothers and see that they ore miflldently fore- handed AH this precaution Is out of the question at present most of us have to shift for ourselves Naturally tho path of least resistance is followed by the seeker No doubt tho cave men rattled the hones or Hints and tho piledwellers lounged in the Hun on their platforms und nhook for mammoth skin rugs nnd reiil antique paltpollthio bracelets anti necklets All occupations tire essentially aleatory and JOHN OAK llunST IH only a shade moro of a gambler than every man In n business or pro- fession Tho unknown what is called chance the my tic x of life the uni- versal lord the whimsical upset tor of nit wl dom plan nnd calculation Lifo Itself Is but a gamble und Death hut stacked tho curds You amid wo and tho life InmiraiKn companies are gam- bling on that gamble So every- body In one way or anotlirr Get ofT er II lI DAr counties near 0 Tee i I would UrDU I com- mentator regarding bc ono abut Haul i L I H N I I eviL I I p i S j can I I deter- minable I ho- t ORAIX1IIIND i be- an I 4 I > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the high horeo man allvet You are no driver but one of the dumb driven cattle that Fortune herds You may bo R fisherman gambling on the of the water a master of on tho the weather of GOD a doctor on constitutions and medicines arid life and death a book- maker at Saratoga Whoever you are you are in tho aleatory class if you are human Tear down flaunting frills then and give ear to the question of n roan and brother gambler- To THE Siyflir I have been a turf speculator lor the put icveral yean and close of every year I find tilt 1 am war behind bookmakers I would like to And tone way my money barn I write to fad out there l any uccr ful way to turf iprustloaA- VI1I you enlteaten me on the lublect C II M- IlftoOSLIX AttC 51 Millions more are In the same boat nnd as eager to know how to steer it If there is a Recording Angel to keep track of the Intd he must bo tho angel in hetivon To play tho races is become almost as common as breath- Ing and COt somewhat more H w can the Ilrooklyn bettor get his money back How can the mill grind with the water that pa t Well If he must stick to the turf the present priro of coal urges him to buy a peat bog nnd rug for turf M they on the Ould Do might buy a acres In Long Island or Jersey anti rais chick ens He might buy a farm and raise grass and sparrowgross beef critters and hull calves hogs and hominy And when ho stands on the green turf and at his garden patch or feels tho blowing tho kinks and cob- webs out of his head or falls to sleep to thn chorus of cricket and katydid- ho will be getting some of his money hark Thats the way to beat the turf And every mornlmi he can read THK Srv inve t J500 in his mind- on the winners of first second and third place In every race and be content All gamble and few win but ho wins much who has his own turf under his feet and lets the racing horses and Black Care their jockey run to tho Devil Upsides you can bet a reasonable amount on th horses nt your cattle show- or county fair Are the IlrttMi Ilbrrnl Tnltod We directed attention the other day to the remarkable Liberal victories at the byelections in and North l eds Since then the candidate of the Halfour Government has been defeated In South Belfast whllo at Pevenoaks in Kent the Conservative majority which was about five thousand two years ago has been cut down to Momo hundreds The striking facts can only bo explained on the assumption that the nf the party which followed Mr GLAD- STONE is once more reunited and that i it has been redniorced by very many UnionistLiberals who supported Lord SALISBURY at tho last two general elec- tions All that to tho opponents of to profit by the pronounced reaction in their favor is shall agree upon n leader There Is no reason In the nature of things why British Liberals should not again form a coherent and harmonious body now that the war id South Africa Is over However thoy may have dif- fered as to the justification of that con test all concur In the belief that the floors should receive generous treat- ment and thnt tho subjugated republics should bo as speedily as possible con- verted Into selfgoverning colonies Touching this point they will have the advantage of n definite that will commend itself to the lovo of fair play which refrains from hitting a man when ho is down On the other hand Mr BALFOVKR followers hold varying opinions on the subject some being disposed to conciliate while others are unwilling to trust Englands late antagonists Magnanimity is likely to prove more potent at the ballot box than revenge With regard to the education Issue also tho concord of the Liberals- is perfect they nit Insist that Bchools supported by taxation should bo secular and not denominational and that those who demand schools In which particular religious doctrines shall be taught ought to pay for such institutions out of their own pockets These opinions are shared by the who constitute the hulk of Mr personal followers who nro Nonconformists almost to a moan Nothing however In more certain to reconsolidato the Gladstonlan Liberals and to augment their strength by acces- sions from tho LiberalUnionist ramp than the profound misgiving caused by tho knowledge that since tho retire- ment of Sir MICHAEL HICKSBEACH thero Is not n single convinced Trader In tIm Balfour Cabinet Thoso who have alleged that Liberalism was moribund have based their assertion on the assumption that Toryism tho essence of which was protectionism was dead No ono can read British news- papers and periodicals of Conservative leanings without observing the signs of a decided revival of protectionist senti- ment Tho National icnctr for Instance Is nn avowed and eulous advocate of such dutles on breadstuff as would not only give colonial food products a ma- terial preference In the Hritish market but raiso land values in Great Britain by replacing tinder wheat- a largo part of tho ami formerly do voted to that That review is understood to HOIIIO of the In- fluential members of tho present Govern- ment and what is event morn ominous those Ministers are no longer counter- balanced by colleagues known to bo un- yielding upholders of freo trade- It Is true that tho present registration duty on grain and flour is too small to affect permanently tho prico of breath or to afford suRlcient margin for preferen- tial trade with tho colonies It is believed to bo no fault of Mr CHAMDKRLAINS however that the recent Colonial Con- ference lint riot result In an Imperial Xollvercln an indispensable feature of which would have been such an increased duty on breadstuffs imported front for- eign countries ns would have Imparted- a powerful stimulus to grain growing In Englands transmarine dependencies content crop COif OR or al- It Ito It bu 0 l rat fay good look Bur ell poll I JnLusH lid Fro cereal I Q those Till et Radical Unionists ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The notorious fact that the of an Imperial Zollverein was defeated- by tho Colonial Premiers themselves- and especially by Mr BARTON of tho Australian Commonwealth has natu- rally exposed the economic principles- of the Government to suspicion If it is said the Unionists were willing tn tax Hritish consumers of grain in order to please tho Colonials are they not likely to do as much or more for tho liritish- landed interest which fonns the corner- stone of the Conservative organization But it may be a3kod how eon the Liberals prevent the Unionists from raising once more the outcry against Homo Rule and thus retrurJig their hold upon a largo majority of tho Eng- lish constituencies Some Liberals who are practical men disposed t look f IctS in the fare suggest that while tho duty of giving a Eipanite government to Ire- land should bo distinctly recognized In their programme tim truth should also In view that the boon cannot bo bestowed so long as the present House of Lord shall last except by an agree mont between tho two chief political parties like that which preceded the passage of the lost Reform hilt arid the Redistribution of Seats hill in 1SS1 and 1SS5 Meanwhile it would bo reasonable these Liberals assert for Irish National- ists to cooperate with the British party which at least proclaims Its belief in Home anti which undoubtedly would a bill for the compulsory expropriation of Irish landlords For the British Liberals to agree upon- a standard bearer may at first glance seem difficult but it Is certain that tho differences and recrimination of tho last threo years will be lost sight of In the victory If the rank and fl clear prospect of succcs their demand for union among their will prove Irresistible That returning confidence has been exhibited in tho political history of Eng- land since the enactment of tho first Re- form bill Dante and Dcvcry Our amiable contemporary 7Joifon Pilot chides and chastens as with flat- tering blame because of our benevolent apologies for slang Vo wish we rotiM feel iw guilty as our gentle censor bolils us to bo but truth is we must kick away the htool of penitence and can that no reproaching tear in our lachrymal ducts It takes an artist to slang effectively- and of it is better for tho collector titan pponder anti slang with the edge worn out is a weariness to the ear That is as far as wo will go and there we stand Hero is n rich anti strange new world of speech language In the mak- ing and it Is worth studying Cul- tivated mon anti women seem to take an espocial joy in slang with juice and sap in it They need it for variety and condiment It has to them the flavor- of tin wild strawberry tho of the grape tilt lies and beauty of tho gyi sy girl We dont care n dented doit what words else uses Everybody his taste or want of it anti this is a free country But wo aro no beadle anti if we want to jump tho fento onco in a while take a runt around the fouracre lot picnic in tho woods cook a little snack ant uso tho dictionary for fuel wo dont caro who objects- No poaching say the notices of the purist but all their wrath dogs anti guns keep out of tho preserve a word life Mil lungs it 1st us be goodnatured to strange and shabby words They may bo wear- ing purplo anti fine linen anti odmittr without a sniff even into Boston in a few years Besides how do you know that n hit of slang is not of good descent In honor of Boston Cambridge Messor- DANTK and slang we submit tho follow- ing quotations from the rifcnoi odono pet flu ot They p k and and then art tames down When tho Furtcfl ore making a hulla- baloo on the turrets of the City of Dis what dOM VIRGIL tell DAYTE- Ttwlortiorhluio Which in exactly the modern Manhaf- tancso Keep your faro shut In our forthcoming Dante arid an Excursus on Medircval anti Man- hattan Slang we shall steer our Ptlot into the right channel and vlndicato runny despised phrased One M ue In Three States In threo States of tim country North Carolina Alabama and Virginia tho election of candidates this year will bo held under entirely now legal conditions the adoption of which puts to a prac tical test tho claim of many Southern Republicans that by tho offucetnent of tho line a new division of par tiori will bo attained Tho Rtpublicatw hold their State convention in North Carolina at boro on Aug 27 and In Birmingham on Sept 10 In Virginia where Congress anti local candidates only are to bo voted for thoro will bo- no Htato convention anti tho Congress campaign in already in progress Thoro- Is a respect ably largo whito Republican voto in all three State the manufact- uring interests of which have been largely developed in rocont years hilly in Hteelmaking ironforging nnd machine products Whether tho now provisions of suffrage forcibly eliminating tho negro vote will enablo th whito Republicans to gain in these States as recruits former DemoiratH as they claim is a question which this years elections ought cer- tainly to determine In North Carolina tho State Consti- tution ratified by the voters in August lOOD by 51000 majority did riot K into effect as far as tho franchise clauses wero concerned until July 1 Under the disfranchisement amendment which now exists every person presenting him self for registration which U a pro requisite for voting must bo utile to read and writ any section of Consti- tution in English but this literary re- quirement tines not apply to any persons who on or prior to Jan 1 1507 wore par Hull hoP leader n th mot tarns CIt In Infer bur GrecO t I use any- body spring 0 sri ft Des- cry color esp cottonspiriu jag lit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ I entitled to vote or to any of their lineal dwcendantsthe grandfathers clause I In Alabama the new Constitution submitted in September 1001 and ratl- fled by the voters in November by votes In favor and SlOOO against- is now operative It provides that until Jan 1 1003 all electors in order to bo eligible to vote must renter boforo Aug 1 and In order to register j citizens must bo able to read and write aiy article in the Constitution of the Lnited States tho only exemption being of veterans of post wars and their ilsrvndanta and persons of good character who understand the duties anti obligations of citizenship under a republican form of government This vague provision has served to the colored men of Alabama nn has stated from either registering or attempting to register In largo num- ber Practically tho whole vote cast in that State at tho November election will tx tho vote of white citizens in tho proportion of about seventy to one In Virginia under tho new Constitu tion promulgated but riot ratified by tho voters all citizens in order to vote must bo registered prior to Oct 15 anti i to ho registered they must bo nblo to read any section of the new Constitution- or to give a reasonable explanation of any part of it From this require- ment soldiers and sailors of the United Static or of Virginia In nay war are exempted After Jan I 1901 there will bt a property qualification from which f inner soldiers and sailors are also relieved The sons of former sol- diers anti sailors can voto this year In Virginia regardless of educational test Thus far the registration in Virginia has been almost exclusively of white citizen Tim registration of colored citizens small The transition from agricultural to manufacturing pursuits in many parts of Urn south has been going on simul- taneously with tho political changes designed to establish a white and the result in tho Congress elections- of changes will be observed with much iiterest for in South Carolina LouLsian i and Mississippi in which similar disfranchising conditions have established colored citizens pre- dominate and there was not previously- and U not now any whito Republican party of impressive numerical impor- tance North Carolina Alabama anti Vir- ginia States in all of which white voters predominate will vote for tho first time under the disfranchising system this Who Is tho Greatest Mart In tho World Tims blows our esteemed contemporary tta Rim Horn In interrogation So IfroH another symposium nnd voting content Among the candidates voted for are TOLSTOY hOOKER T WASHINGTON Kmcox THEODORE HOOSKVEI CHARLES M SMKLDON Put KntOEn hELEN GOCLD- WJLLIAM BOOTH WILLIAM J BRIAN and Jonv Cl WOOLLET A vnrlod list anti everybody can tako his choice or proposo ft new namu or his own Our own opinion U that Urn Greatest Man in the World U the KALIMI IULLOCK of Fort Hamilton and kind at Kit anti smoke and mohtens Ills clay every day Sundays in- cluded frs SARAH JAKE GRIFFITH of Vineland marie an awful row omo years BRO when l r husband left her Xo mnn hould fi t In her house She has kept the vow and thown great ingenuity In doing to She wtuited a house built according to her design and her vow prevented her hiring men folks to do the job So she U tuililing the house herself She Is tho ittchittt the digger of the ollar the mason the the plasterer tho roofer Sho an do everything that U needful for hour building Great with hammer and trowel and fearless on tho scaffold sho IB- Kjually great Id tanking Imitations of flowers and fruit In factolio seems to lx the real female CRICIITOV and can do well anything- to which sho sets her hand If she wero on- o iKTt Island ih would get along much Ntter than Mr CIICSOE did and if every boiy eleo in the world was wiped out by a cataclysm ferient rumor she turn a hair She would be self and comfortable still Give honor unto Mrs SARAH JANE GRIFFITH thu accomplished nd independent And nolo that men can be dispensed with at a pinch A curious return to tho miracle play and mystery Is to be made in Buffalo The Rev J I CiniFFiv a colored evangelist IA to play tho part of tho Prodigal Sons father anti the Itov W II DOBBINS that of the Prodigal Son After tho 1roiligal Son In rag and full rf husks anti repentance counts into tlio gospel tent where the per fonnnnco Is to take place ho will bo duly forgiven and then tliero will bo nn enlarged version of the Tat toil Calf A barbecuo of two thousand pounds of beef will lx served he tanto for veal being somewhat limited Tho story has much nimplo dramatic force and In Buffalo tho feast that follows will insure a largo audience A man who calls himself Joiiv THOMAS of Manhattan ho boon arrested In South Boston for houfobreaking A New Yorker oliould not wander M fur from his own fire fcldo as South Boston An excellent place hut somewhat prejudiced against strangers and of no hospitable mind THOMAS li 72 and South Boston should have kind mow for ago Hut Mr THOMAS hut only himself to blame Ono of tho tlU- ndvantnipM of the profession of burgling U that It offers no promt of a career An Id man has no chance In It Kvcn a middle uged burglar has to stir his stumps to make a living Thoro should be a Honw for Super imnunted Hurglarw No burglar should be fiiced to stick to his profession after ho 1s- 5o or M Wo dont recommend a largo liriine for the proposed home A system of mail cottages would bo preferable Every cottager could break Into every other premises and thus have a suitable amusement wherewith to solace hjs declin- ing years It would be cruelty to make an old burglar try to sleep o nights The Putnam Phalanx of Hartford Is known and loved around the world for Its radiant and resplendent lowliness Kvcn- tho lion WILLIAM lixiru OMUISON of MiifKachtihcitN the warrior ugalnst war can hardly enlisting in that corps of hearts of Charter Oak There may b a doen or so ImpOHing cheats In the Ancient awl Horiorablo Artillery Company but no other hatch of martlallnts can show a full set of legs that van compare for a fixond with those of the Putnam Sculp ton swear by Tailors cry for them They are They are to up tutu Whito Mountains this week Thirteen cars full of cameras are on their 10 W I kelp i I I l then lon fr- t OWl i Ir respect J CIt I thor J 0 boon ynir carpenter supporting co- ttar be- taken ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > way New Hampshire We congratulate the tuio Mountains The Rockies Ande the Himalayas await impatiently the hour when they too shall feel the weight of thw perfect pillars tho thrust of those pcrfe arches OF LOCOMOTIVES 3Mn Valnrtl at 830noJ4snTnrnr Out IMirtiiK the IVnsiu sear WASHINGTON Aug IS Tho Census Bu- reau today Lmued a report on tho manU locomotives whiili shows a 0s37J3 invested In the twenty eX t locomotive works reporting for the tMtd Stat r The value of tho products ii returned a 3320901 tj produce which Involved an outlay of Jiososoii for wages H3J83U for mlscvllanvoiM expenses and IJI74303 for materials IK X At the twentyeight establishments J774 locomotives of all clasc were built with 01 aggregate value of 17121063 compared ith 2IOU locomotives valued at JI0712 0 built in nineteen establishment In IiM In addition 272 locomotives valued at 3378391 wero constructed at twenty MX railroad shops making a total of 3010 locomotive at 3030745H built in tlftyfour establishments during the cen tH year lBi was a considerable Increase In the value uf locomotive during the ten years Tho 2W locomotives built In ISM had an average value of 3109 while tho 2774 built at loooinutive works In 190 averaged IU777 in value an IncreaM of 1574 or 19 2 per cent duo In part to changes in site construction Increase in the number of locomotives built in 160- 0ut compared with IMK was largely duo to ItO foreign demand the number ex- ported In lw j being 523 compared with 161 In 1M0 an increase of Pennsylvania led in the manufacture in 1KJU with 42 per tho total of produetH In 1W that State also in value of products with tiM cent of the total Now York was second with 27 per cent Now Jersey won third CHIKP ClHtKEK Some DhlntcreMrit llrmarKi Upon the Value of III Nrrtlrr To THU KPlion or TimE Srs Sir When Chlt Croker of the 1lru Department availed himself of tha first days of his vacation command of the uniformed fore fell upon the sbouldvr of Peputy Chief Iurroy who hail had his vacation during July Nuturully would expect that Purroy would a unio- romnmnd but he MraiKbtway applied lor fortyeight hours leavo of nb eni durltitf the month of August thus the rt- kponxlhillty nnd duty ho owd the city onto thoulders of another 1eputy Chief This leave of absence he npplled for when the llrnn Ilkht of piibllv rrltirltm was not turned oil the FIre Now that tho citizens of Now York are Interested In the matters of vncntion relief from duty and other periods of time lurroy gracefully relitmulhe hi leave of fortyeight hour nnd applies hlnwelf to duty as he fhould hive done before- If application to ones duty and fulfilment In the carrying out of the MInI la to bo consid- ered then Croker will always be Chief and IMnoy will remain Deputy Any one who knows will rotrnlz the fact that Croker attends to buribvti whll 1urroy IH wsuitiK to There Hr two kinds of oKlcers la the fire that do ahead nij ntid the others who Come ahead n Tho one leads the other urges hU men I id Crokr 1 of the come ahead 1urroy Is In the no ahead rU What the want I this Allow a rood man to stay at the head of the Fire Depart- ment If thU ono reijueit ls granted then Croker U the AUTIED 1 Inmzr NEW YOHK M To THE Kniron or THE Brs Sir I wish to thank you for the stand you Late taken In the of Chief Croker of the New York Fire Department In your editorial of Aug It The public knows that Chief Croker Is best Chief tho Fire Department has ever had and for strict attention to duty his record has never been equalled by any officer or private in the hiMory of the Department a foot not to the public that Chief Croker did not sleep In his own for eighteen months with the exception of one single night and that was when not to live Kvery night of that period was tpent at hU head- quarter In street responding to tiro over greater city and averaging about two or three a night That U what I call a record for devotion I feef that this attempt to put him out of the department is a political to a nina in the back a chance to defend hlm elf but I know that the press and the public will not stand for any such nonsense The majority of the men In the department that have of the department at heart wish Chief Croker cess against a cruel hops to him iief of the Fire Depart- ment for runny years to come A NEW YeaR Aug 14 StEel at the 2nd Hull llun Statue to Him To THE EDITOR or TImE Brs Sr The death on Aug 21 of Gen Franz Blgel suggests on Incident of his military service which may or not be worthy of mention It U remarked In the despatches tint he won distinction In the second battle of Hull Run in one en t of the phrase I agree but that tho force under hi command took part I know personally to be untrue I was with the broken ranks that left In haste halt Hill and gathered Into the reiervo the rear commanded by fien Site 1 MW him chafing to get In nnd turn the tide of have never got over the idea aside Slgel with force he had would have whipped nn already defeated rebel army our re- treit to the contrary notwithstanding I commend to the testimony of ten Sigel- l foro th Committee on of to verify statement I have n dl llnrt rerollertlon of such n testimony giver shortly hut It Is to mo more n recollection than a Such nn event would have an hltoricnl Intercut If worked nit JAMES II IOWELU- HOLTOX Kan Aug To THE KoiTon or THE fivs Sr Cer- tainly the German citizens of Greater New York who nro characteristic In commem- orating th great deeds of their fellowcoun- trymen who conic to our shores from the Fatherland will without arty reluctnncy forthwith raUo n fund for u magnificent statute In homo public or of thnt Illustrious soldier ien who gallantly III Civil ar under 1re coin thit the I nina und lit glorious Hug might be united forever Such noble valor in the Held on the of a foreign I doubly cherish ablo by un American lovirnment Congress should likewise erect a statue of in the city of Washington Gen Slgel trill Jen Stvubtn stand side lde In the estimation of the American ople nnd their names will go on the piges of II the triumphant com- putrlotle heroes of liberty and the union of States under one Stnrs anti Stripe May Cods wilt send other warrior across the deep sen to beacon light or liberty CIVIL WAII VFTFIUN 363 WEST iient STKKK- TJapanrne Stroke frorri tbl 6M At the Itoysl Rfiatta hrtd ycsteriiajr t Ryd thtre was rare for mon of war cutters In wMrh a boats crew the Jnpanf wnnhlp Tni sp wa among the comptltjri the novelty WM pro 1il U by Ibo style of oar maninlp MTfctfil by them This Is the way you do It according to clnse ob- servation Stand up at the tirgtnnlnir of the straits dig your blade as you can teach and then drop suddenly backward with your legi In the air Somcthlnj will happen t the boat then If It ton forward welt and good If riot CD- oa dropping backwards In the same way till u does The Jap came In third as fresh as paint which neemi to how there Is somctliln In the Tuklo style after all Suggestive Illustrated Articles of Interest will be found In the UorJc for September on The United Latin America on Ily Trolley Prom New York to Chlcarn and on A- Typical Irrigated Community There la the usual variety of papers on topics of present moment Tbe frontispiece U a fuirpaje portrait of Attorney General Knoi t InlIO ran t r flue r one holt r mal the xpt tIck FUr ma In 1 bat 3 lu th l Jar ft from a a deep lord the Fin the shl hug the I iartjI tit tho ease wet the see 1 the tli slim 115005 cit ittlofl tlit imugit ii itt a tot pitt I rot 1 mhz Sigl ton clii I lie W a nil a rid I or ft rut harm ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° ILLITERACY V TIlE STATES It It L In thC CItIeS Than In the Red of the Country WAanctOTOv Aug 25 A statement issued today by the Census Bureau ShOWS that in tho United Statea o a whole ex- cluding Alaska anti Hawaii the male popu- lation at lea t 21 years of age and living in cities having nt 25 X inhabitants was fissSMi of whom 33ai23 or 6S jxsr cent were reported nd Illiterate In the rent of the cvmntr the number of men of voting ape was li24ftiii of which 1940217 or 12 per cent were reported as This indicate that illiteracy among adult nale is than an prevalent In flue large dies as It U Lnited The difference however is duo tie fact that the urban popu- lation cf the country is massed mushily m the Northern arid Western States and il- literacy IH less frequent there tnan in other parts of tho country Rut in oil dlvisioius tit the oimtry Illiteracy among adult moles Is lei prevalent in the large cities than In the test of the division and In all divisions the north Atlantic and north ointral it is lew than half an In thos two divisions tho recent immigration of foreigners many of them illiterate is massed in th titles anti Increases tho II of the urban population What Is trueof the States as a whole and of the main diUkns namely that Illiteracy among adults Is the large cities les frequently than elsewhere is true also of the States and Territories except New Hampshire New York Kan- sas Oregon difference between Country and rltv of Uliteray H much greater In continental jilted States for th population titan when immigrants are In the Southern States the sine difference may 1 affected bv the presence- of the negro population The figures as- a whole shnw a difference be tween population of large cities And the rest of country and the deduction may bo made as a rule that the population living in large cities is likely to a smaller proportion of Illiterates than a population over n sparsely settled area more difficult to reach an effec- tive system of public school ron IxiFiHtMiTr OF LAWS National Conference of State Hotrrli- Ilrctni In Saratoga SAHATOOA Aug 15 The twelfth annual conference of tho State Boards of Com- missioners for Promoting Uniformity of hngblntlnn In the United States began at the Grand Union lintel today and will con- tinue during the better portion of the week The address was delivered by Presi- dent who in detail reviewed what had accomplished by the several conferences ofliccrs were elected President Amasa M Eaton of Providence H I vicepresident H W Williams of Tal Kla secretary All rt E lien schel of New York city assistant and treasurer J Moss Ives of Danbury Conn Judge M D Chalmers of London Eng sat with the Commissioners liar Association hero this week and will tend a on Codification of Commer- cial Mw before that The Com today resumed consideration- of the necessity a uniform law relating to migratory laws Attention was given to advisability of adopting an Americanized form Sales of G ods act and the necessity of such a national act by Congress GIFT TO TIlE SVriSOVMV Collection of Articles Pertaining to Bar mrae Iluyalty and Hcllglon- WABIIIXOTOX Aug 25 Tho Smithsonian Institution has received from S S a wealthy former resident of a valuable collection of articles pertaining to Burmese royalty and religion which were collected the donor In his travels The articles comprise a house- hold arid Burmese including a bed nn inlaid cabinet anti a velvet The religious relics Include three bronze figures of Buddha a of altos bowls like thoso used by tho Buddhist nrieitfl in logging and a god nnd Ills fourteen A valuable manuscript of the Pentateuch dating back to century U a feature of the collection manu- scripts are the Koran or Bible of the Mo tho and gospels of St John in Ethiopia and a the Pentateuch on parchment Among the other articles are a of the sacred white elephant of Burmah two carved figures the Chinese gods of war and n Buddhist wheel a of sacred writing on palm leaves two bronze temple a temple prayer drum noois riTiFs OF TUE v s Immigration Commissioner Issues Instruc- tions an to Aliens Wrongly Listed Commissioner of Immigration Williams Issued yesterday to alt the steamship lines passengers from a circular letter the immigration laws the interpretation of which as t caused misunderstanding and complaint Tho steamship companies have lux In the case passengers in filling out the Information Government requires concerning all for- eigners who come Into this Since January Inspectors nt Quarantine collected f2Ell head front on Incoming ve s ls falsely manifested as American cltiens Proposed Memorial to Senator McMillan In vtmliliiKton- WASHISOTOX Aug 25 With a view to erecting in Washington a permanent and suitable memorial to tlio lato Senator Mc Milan of Michigan it is thought that unit of thin great ornamental fountains provided for in Park Commissions b iir hU anne Meter Burn nnd McKIm nf tho Park Commission the with favor although no definite proposition has yet Wn mad for carrying It out It wan rejorted Augustus St tiers has been enRasexl Senator Millans to mako a of the Sena- tor and it U thought a replica can bo f e cuml anti suitably Indiana Here for a Tho battleshIp Indiana at Tomp klnsvlllo yesterday after her summer cTUlifl with tin middles of Annapolis aboard Commander Colahan Commandant of the Naval Academy was In command en tho crulsj the ship at Annapolis William II com- mand of ler when she arrived at this port Thu Indium wilt mal nt nnd on Saturday with the state Naval ItewiVrt salt to Hear Ad mlrnl HlKRlnwmM North Atlantic squadron in tIme war game Secretary of State Dickinson at Work AenJn Secretary of State Samuel D Dickinson of Now Jersey who returned from n trip- to holland anti Belgium on resume his duties nt Trenton today lie went abroad on 5 who the acknowledged Republican leader in Democratic Hudson county yesterday that the Republi- cans have a chance of their ticket this if they work hard success Marcnnt Station on Labrador OTTAWA Aug 2V Francois Breton clerk of worksof the Department of Public Works has received orders to got ready to start this week for Antlcostl and Labrador where stations will l built to tho Marconi wireless of telegraphy Mr Breton wilt superintend l r hal re tall It t th annul I to A or the I e pe Howl numb Kin le or the o row lamp pled latel lao today Gal h tamn Pen 0 July I runt Cal least illiterate less been dur- Ing tie day be guest Aniericsn lie wooden shrine figures has haiti a ¬ ¬ < > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OUR TRADE WITH rr nt Balance Decidedly In Kaior of thP During Anndean WASHINGTON Aug sne M rt t Insular Affairs tf the WIt r f made public today th las rurrrtjiT the cummeree of islar i f i tt i w Issued by the bureau T rf K i that the total value of rrerriaji- ve of gold and silver itj r i during American occujwitiun wa Ji i- 13iof which 74 cent was r iv i lt 9 Port of Havana The rejmrt The balance nf trmlc t v j the United States dirirg Am r a tl m has l Hn dfifJedl irt fa1 r former althnugh not to si gr- as in previous years During j Cuba while linjxirtlng i r 44 CMJ worth more than s Tt exixjntl moon than t37w i the l States in i xces i u fromthe Uttr It is to U n i r that till of imp rt fr in ti Stme is matf tl 1U during the Smish regime thiii OH r r cent of H during Amineon cortrol onslsr t cultural irixiuits antI 47 VT ports coiisibod ffxxi nrl and other ir v and mules in large nmmitie WI from the tnidd States whlf ca procured front Mexico Ontri rn South America It Ih riis t0 suppose that there will j n grndu nu th iiniHirtat Ion of live M n Sugar ruMtitiittd jjrnfticaJv Telajf of the exports for idol anti wi it IAT to the lendirc pri d ro are other Interests wlich are cr i p TJJ which may Uconio of vtal ur raiic to the future prosperity ff tie islur i B far thus Kr a ft these is t tf which in its different forms th r i ex- ported In 1W1 more than IKWWM worth CAPT ijoiiv or iiTTir mc The Man Hlio Made Illi Illrthplace ramota Hearty at II- LrrriE XECK J I Aug IS Saturday wastliesseventyninthjljirthdayof Capt John Brown of Little Neck Inpt Brown settled In Little Neck in 1S60 and has lived here ever since the first sloplnad nf ilarrj away from the place and sod them n Triton Market The clams were so good that ths little Bettlement on the Sound becama famous Capt Brown hits raised three boys end five girls iowa hero in Little Neck all Rt wives and the husband and moved away hut the public who first introduced clams to a world was satisfied to stay down hereOn Saturday all of the children brought their families and a great clambake in honor of the captains birth day Ono of the sons had way out to but ho brought lila wife children to the clambake the Farr Brown was Introduced to thirty four grandchildren some of whom never seen had such a Rood time that there will lx a series of clambakes during this week Capt Brown Is ftii halo and hearty that he thiciii lie could skipper another sloop full of clars to the city AVTO lllCFS IX ITASinXGTOX Plan to nnnTIirm on Avrnne During the 3 A n WABHINOTOX Aug 25 If the eonsem of the District Commissioners can be se- cured a series of championship automobie races will bo held in Washington dunne the O A R Encampment here In Octet The unique feature of the proposition that is attracting attention U the plan to h i the races on Pennsylvania avenue tween Peace Monument at the foot of the grounds anti Thirteenth street This the big machines two squares in which to slow down and stop before reaching Fifteenth street the avenue makes n sharp turn and as it is n measured mile from Pence Monument to the Treasury building this would leave n long course to result In some trials It U to all the big machines present which recently participated in the races nt Lnrchmont GOLD STAXHMin FOIl TIlE EAST Prof Jrnki Saj It Is tire Solution of time In the PhlllpplnrsW- ASIIISUTON Aug 25 Tho report f Dr Jeremiah W Jenks professor of pilii cal economy anti polities In Cornell Un- iversity who was sent to the Orient by the Secretary of War ns Special Commissioner of the Philippine Government to investigate the questions of currency Internal tnia lion muor niui inunuiiHi Kuiruiiiiuuv been received nt the Wnr Department On the question of currencv agrees with the maun by Chirli A Connnt who prepared n currency plan for the on the use of g as a standard of value Prof Jcnlts at one- time with this plan but his b wfVdtlons have convinced that It is the solution of the problem in the Philippines XOXCOXFOUV I STS A The littler IlMlstnnec They Vllll OtTer to I diipallon Mill tf fonorraaticiut Prior to the adjournment of the Trltlsh Parliament the Mlnbtry under Mr Halfoiir s- ezas erutins leadership carried throutr under cloiure the most objectionable c ut i of tho Education bill The practical outcome of the effort to rio InjUitlco to the Nonconformists by sidire the establishment hat bten rceistrreu for the MiuUtrys edillcntion at the byccitcn at eeds which Liberal victory event O- ifipcclalor admits is prophetic although fti- dcavorinc to minimize Its nrloun intent Moreover tho free Church Council a icco- bluation of nit evancrlimr churcLM for cooperative dTorttl formulated it- olllclal condemnation of the bill und via begun tho e Hep whlrh will enlitt BKuiut it the determined oppoition of filters u remote hamlitn as wilt in in the larger to r Tim Ministry must bo aware never Noncouformity In arty of past cruppifs with a Ministry wedded to Anelican ei Js hart so effective n piece of muchiiiery rs i Frco Church Council IH for ecclrsmst political warfare Tho reeinieuts now uu tight as a brltfude not as isolated regiment Moreover the Ministry already ha lad nottO served on it with unnnstnkabe rri- phttalu that If the law li passed in abytri like Its preacut form It must make up lt mind to sen Nonconforrnlts for consciet sake refsulnir to school rates und ferlntf the con e iiencen of such detarie of law such aa eviction and sale of tou e oU- eood sow when Journals like the Kranntt anti the liritiitt irklu and men like Irii ipiv- lFalrbalrn John Clifford Hush True Ilccei and Jo Parker deliberately ni that they will the hlKhcr law inaninaaii law and that they will r loss of property arid sit conflict with arid all the oppruliriui of a with tit Irown ouirtit to dawn on the minds of men us imeuUTii as King Ktlwurd and Mr Hulfour nat f worst way of heRinnlni the new reun the nnd so burg solr sff and lodfearlnc sri ent of r population ns the KnelUh arid Vrlsh Nct to clash Judge OlIver Wrndrll Holmes Stole t notice It has point ii out br oni i- mcntator that bis point of view is HUc that ir l cus Aurellus which It not unapt I hsvf bear or read an oplninn of his whlrh la I the Stole and Sal dtxtluetly Cbruitiin t In him we have a mine oowrr of riilmalcn- he COM to take his pla e on the brrh iionf of lioman Catholics line Justices Wtit I llcKrnn A stanch 1resbyterMn like Marian mU our own orthodox Juitire llrwrr The Triumph nf Itlchmond from li Ulehmmi Teats Rklunond U flirty rrreUlne to pwtVMMK laDe P th t frt t 01 Ir Cut n J n f Oedipal Ion per save a mat atr i a i lie took The sumrtse Pennsylvania Encampment ho the have Protd era baa i RD Sri lit eS Prom the Pins lint has Its 5 a pay jut I i o ouifnrt a- very roan a Pror Oiid cireQ2uulJ4bsi that been a has itt < < > > < > ° ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < thu 4 a hi C S a S

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-26 [p 6].€¦ · tho blowing tho kinks and cob-webs out of his...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-26 [p 6].€¦ · tho blowing tho kinks and cob-webs out of his head or falls to sleep to thn chorus of cricket and katydid-ho will be getting some





N s-




flnbicrlptloni b Mall 1MtpaldDAILY Ier iloutn 0 60-




Poiti to fotep addedKeir York City

Pim EtqU fo 12 und lintel andKioique No 10 Boulevard del Capucmn-

If ou friruii icta aror ui vll nanvienrli fornMltalttl trti 101at rlflti atlttiirnwnni l lt-

ntiit Is i am l nJ illnpi tar hat wpoif

Word of Wisdom Indeedis one idea of fundamental imin President ROOSEVELTS Provi-

dence speech as soundly conceived andmaturely considered as It Is beautifullyexpressed

We quote this sentiment of the ChiefMagistrates in order that It may hestudied admired and remembered forall future time by all concerned-

The raMtanlsm of modern trjilne U ai deli-

cate and conpllcsled aa It l vast and rcthcbe more productive of evil to aU of us and

especially lo those least wet of in tli worldjoodi tbaa Unorunt mrddilo wIts lbU rcecfcan

Urn DtJtniit the man wbo offers you a

palest core all for the ot the body politicjust troud dlitriit him who tnea to ttttyou meilcTe to euro all the di ea of your

corporeal Uolie-

sWwdom Indeed It should be like atorch in the darkness to all Intendingmeddlers with thnt freedom of businesswhich b the mainspring of its delicatemechanism all tinkcrers of tho UnitedStates Constitution including the mosteminent of their number tho HonCHARLES E LirrLEHEiJ of Maine

The Hcnl Iowa PlatformAfl the first Important Republican

upon the Iowa platform derevision successively em

phasized their reasons for it Mmainly academic tho Fiiixixtion of nideal orvnnmio ptato without bearingupon tho present party programme themoro eager revisionists jmibably in-

clined to think that statesmenwore too prejudiced in behalf of on Ad-

ministration more interested in otheralms They must ptirrender to a mem-

ber of the Administration whose re-

ported dicuRreemont with its Cubanjwlicy is said to havn numbered himamong the authors of tho plank in ques-

tion Secretary Vn soV Wo will quotefrom the rfTtini Post

Too much fctrcss has been laid uponthe tariff plank of tim Iowa platformFays the Secretary of Apiculture Itdeclared for revision when itwithout injury to the business Interestsof the country I am convinced thatwith the heavy appropriations made bythe last Congress Iowa Republicanswould not favor tariff tinkering nowIf the tariff legislation wero before thoIowa Legislature irutead of Congressnothing would bo done this year

So tho Iowa platform demanding notariff on articles produced by trustsresolves itself virtually into a demandfor a committee to investigate how thatresult can be achieved without Injuringbusiness It presents a problem so com-plicated and today so far out of sight-of solution that the actual and

tariff Issue for tho year 1000

becomes clear againRegardless of preference for protec-

tion or free trade or friendliness or un-

friendliness to truth do you want aCongress elected which Is pledged tostart a revision of tho tariff

It Is unnecessary to say that the Re-

publican party Is not at present for revision not oven tho great and stalwartdivision of it that lives in Iowa

To Make Money on the TurfMan In a gambling animal and vir-

tuous as some specimens pretend totho desire or easy and suddengains is Ingrained Save a little every-day never speculate and In time youwill have a competence So says Mr

addressing tho graduatingclass of the business college nnd then horushes out to read his fnvorito author thostock ticker Much humbug Is drooled

tho dignity of labor There isdeal more dignity In rest People

work because they have to not becausethey want to To lw sure some folkspretend or really think that they like towork Such a feeling If genuine is nperversion arising from habit Xotonly Is thero no merit in work but theInstitution itself has n disgraceful originand springs from the crafty counselsof tho serpent more pubtlu than anybeast of tho field from tho apple andfeminine curiosity and ADAMS inexpe-rience As a reminder and memorial oforiginal sin labor and the bread eatenIn the sweat of tho taco are justly pain-ful to every sensitive To get richby slow processes Is in orderthat your descendants may enjoy Altruism should not go to such excessWho can tell what tho moral fibre of hisgrandson will be Why should you

old frugal grubbing Roman HO thatyour descendants tony ho soft Campanlans

Every child ought to be ablo to chooseIts own grandfathers und grandmothersand see that they ore miflldently fore-handed AH this precaution Is out ofthe question at present most of us haveto shift for ourselves Naturally thopath of least resistance is followed bythe seeker No doubt tho cave menrattled the hones or Hints and thopiledwellers lounged in the Hun on theirplatforms und nhook for mammothskin rugs nnd reiil antique paltpollthiobracelets anti necklets All occupationstire essentially aleatory and JOHN OAK

llunST IH only a shade moro of a gamblerthan every man In n business or pro-fession Tho unknown what is calledchance the my tic x of life the uni-

versal lord the whimsical upset tor of nitwl dom plan nnd calculation LifoItself Is but a gamble und Death hut

stacked tho curds You amid wo andtho life InmiraiKn companies are gam-bling on that gamble So every-body In one way or anotlirr Get ofT

er II

lI DAr













bc ono









I eviL

















4 I



























the high horeo man allvet You are nodriver but one of the dumb driven cattlethat Fortune herds You may bo R

fisherman gambling on the ofthe water a master ofon tho the weather of GOD adoctor on constitutions andmedicines arid life and death a book-

maker at Saratoga Whoever you areyou are in tho aleatory class if you arehuman Tear down flauntingfrills then and give ear to the questionof n roan and brother gambler-

To THE Siyflir I have beena turf speculator lor the put icveral yean and

close of every year I find tilt 1 am war behindbookmakers I would like to And tone way

my money barn I write to fad outthere l any uccr ful way to turf iprustloaA-VI1I you enlteaten me on the lublect C II M-

IlftoOSLIX AttC 51

Millions more are In the same boatnnd as eager to know how to steer itIf there is a Recording Angel to keeptrack of the Intd he must bo thoangel in hetivon To play tho racesis become almost as common as breath-Ing and COt somewhat more H wcan the Ilrooklyn bettor get his moneyback How can the mill grind withthe water that pa t Well If he muststick to the turf the present priro ofcoal urges him to buy a peat bog nndrug for turf M they on theOuld Do might buy a acresIn Long Island or Jersey anti rais chickens He might buy a farm and raisegrass and sparrowgross beef critters andhull calves hogs and hominy Andwhen ho stands on the green turfand at his garden patch or feelstho blowing tho kinks and cob-

webs out of his head or falls to sleepto thn chorus of cricket and katydid-ho will be getting some of his moneyhark Thats the way to beat theturf And every mornlmi he can readTHK Srv inve t J500 in his mind-

on the winners of first second and thirdplace In every race and be contentAll gamble and few win but ho winsmuch who has his own turf under hisfeet and lets the racing horses and BlackCare their jockey run to tho Devil

Upsides you can bet a reasonableamount on th horses nt your cattle show-

or county fair

Are the IlrttMi Ilbrrnl TnltodWe directed attention the other day

to the remarkable Liberal victories atthe byelections in and Northl eds Since then the candidate of theHalfour Government has been defeatedIn South Belfast whllo at Pevenoaks inKent the Conservative majority whichwas about five thousand two years agohas been cut down to Momo hundredsThe striking facts can only bo explainedon the assumption that thenf the party which followed Mr GLAD-

STONE is once more reunited and that i

it has been redniorced by very manyUnionistLiberals who supported LordSALISBURY at tho last two general elec-

tions All that totho opponents of to profitby the pronounced reaction in theirfavor is shall agree upon nleader

There Is no reason In the nature ofthings why British Liberals should notagain form a coherent and harmoniousbody now that the war id South AfricaIs over However thoy may have dif-

fered as to the justification of that contest all concur In the belief that thefloors should receive generous treat-ment and thnt tho subjugated republicsshould bo as speedily as possible con-

verted Into selfgoverning coloniesTouching this point they will have theadvantage of n definite that willcommend itself to the lovo offair play which refrains from hitting aman when ho is down On the otherhand Mr BALFOVKR followers holdvarying opinions on the subject somebeing disposed to conciliate while othersare unwilling to trust Englands lateantagonists Magnanimity is likely toprove more potent at the ballot box thanrevenge With regard to the educationIssue also tho concord of the Liberals-is perfect they nit Insist that Bchoolssupported by taxation should bo secularand not denominational and that thosewho demand schools In which particularreligious doctrines shall be taught oughtto pay for such institutions out of theirown pockets These opinions are sharedby the who constitutethe hulk of Mr personalfollowers who nro Nonconformistsalmost to a moan

Nothing however In more certain toreconsolidato the Gladstonlan Liberalsand to augment their strength by acces-

sions from tho LiberalUnionist rampthan the profound misgiving causedby tho knowledge that since tho retire-ment of Sir MICHAEL HICKSBEACHthero Is not n single convincedTrader In tIm Balfour Cabinet Thosowho have alleged that Liberalism wasmoribund have based their assertionon the assumption that Toryism thoessence of which was protectionism wasdead No ono can read British news-papers and periodicals of Conservativeleanings without observing the signs of adecided revival of protectionist senti-ment Tho National icnctr for InstanceIs nn avowed and eulous advocate ofsuch dutles on breadstuff as would notonly give colonial food products a ma-terial preference In the Hritish marketbut raiso land values inGreat Britain by replacing tinder wheat-a largo part of tho ami formerly dovoted to that That review isunderstood to HOIIIO of the In-

fluential members of tho present Govern-ment and what is event morn ominousthose Ministers are no longer counter-balanced by colleagues known to bo un-

yielding upholders of freo trade-It Is true that tho present registration

duty on grain and flour is too small toaffect permanently tho prico of breath orto afford suRlcient margin for preferen-tial trade with tho colonies It is believedto bo no fault of Mr CHAMDKRLAINS

however that the recent Colonial Con-

ference lint riot result In an ImperialXollvercln an indispensable feature ofwhich would have been such an increasedduty on breadstuffs imported front for-eign countries ns would have Imparted-a powerful stimulus to grain growingIn Englands transmarine dependencies



COif OR oral-






rat fay






I JnLusHlid








Radical Unionists


> >






















The notorious fact that the ofan Imperial Zollverein was defeated-by tho Colonial Premiers themselves-and especially by Mr BARTON of thoAustralian Commonwealth has natu-rally exposed the economic principles-of the Government to suspicion If it issaid the Unionists were willing tn taxHritish consumers of grain in order toplease tho Colonials are they not likelyto do as much or more for tho liritish-landed interest which fonns the corner-stone of the Conservative organization

But it may be a3kod how eon theLiberals prevent the Unionists fromraising once more the outcry againstHomo Rule and thus retrurJig theirhold upon a largo majority of tho Eng-

lish constituencies Some Liberals whoare practical men disposed t look f IctSin the fare suggest that while tho dutyof giving a Eipanite government to Ire-

land should bo distinctly recognized Intheir programme tim truth shouldalso In view that the boon cannotbo bestowed so long as the present Houseof Lord shall last except by an agreemont between tho two chief politicalparties like that which preceded thepassage of the lost Reform hilt arid theRedistribution of Seats hill in 1SS1 and1SS5 Meanwhile it would bo reasonablethese Liberals assert for Irish National-ists to cooperate with the British partywhich at least proclaims Its belief inHome anti which undoubtedlywould a bill for the compulsoryexpropriation of Irish landlords

For the British Liberals to agree upon-a standard bearer may at first glanceseem difficult but it Is certain that thodifferences and recrimination of tholast threo years will be lost sight of Inthe victory If the rank and fl

clear prospect of succcs theirdemand for union among theirwill prove Irresistible Thatreturning confidence has beenexhibited in tho political history of Eng-

land since the enactment of tho first Re-

form bill

Dante and DcvcryOur amiable contemporary 7Joifon

Pilot chides and chastens as with flat-

tering blame because of our benevolentapologies for slang Vo wish we rotiMfeel iw guilty as our gentle censor bolilsus to bo but truth is we must kick awaythe htool of penitence and can that noreproaching tear in our lachrymal ductsIt takes an artist to slang effectively-and of it is better for tho collectortitan pponder anti slang with theedge worn out is a weariness to the earThat is as far as wo will go and therewe stand

Hero is n rich anti strange newworld of speech language In the mak-ing and it Is worth studying Cul-

tivated mon anti women seem to takean espocial joy in slang with juice andsap in it They need it for variety andcondiment It has to them the flavor-of tin wild strawberry tho ofthe grape tiltlies and beauty of tho gyi sy girl Wedont care n dented doit what words

else uses Everybody his tasteor want of it anti this is a free countryBut wo aro no beadle anti if we wantto jump tho fento onco in a while takea runt around the fouracre lot picnic intho woods cook a little snack ant usotho dictionary for fuel wo dont carowho objects-

No poaching say the notices ofthe purist but all their wrath dogsanti guns keep out of thopreserve a word life Mil lungs

it 1st us be goodnatured to strangeand shabby words They may bo wear-

ing purplo anti fine linen anti odmittrwithout a sniff even into Boston in afew years

Besides how do you know that n hitof slang is not of good descent Inhonor of Boston Cambridge Messor-DANTK and slang we submit tho follow-

ing quotations from the

rifcnoi odono pet flu otThey p k and and then art tames


When tho Furtcfl ore making a hulla-baloo on the turrets of the City of Diswhat dOM VIRGIL tell DAYTE-

TtwlortiorhluioWhich in exactly the modern Manhaf-

tancso Keep your faro shutIn our forthcoming Dante arid

an Excursus on Medircval anti Man-hattan Slang we shall steer our Ptlotinto the right channel and vlndicatorunny despised phrased

One M ue In Three StatesIn threo States of tim country North

Carolina Alabama and Virginia thoelection of candidates this year will boheld under entirely now legal conditionsthe adoption of which puts to a practical test tho claim of many SouthernRepublicans that by tho offucetnentof tho line a new division of partiori will bo attained

Tho Rtpublicatw hold their Stateconvention in North Carolina atboro on Aug 27 and InBirmingham on Sept 10 In Virginiawhere Congress anti local candidatesonly are to bo voted for thoro will bo-

no Htato convention anti tho Congresscampaign in already in progress Thoro-Is a respect ably largo whito Republicanvoto in all three State the manufact-uring interests of which have beenlargely developed in rocont yearshilly in Hteelmakingironforging nnd machine productsWhether tho now provisions of suffrageforcibly eliminating tho negro votewill enablo th whito Republicans togain in these States as recruits formerDemoiratH as they claim is a questionwhich this years elections ought cer-tainly to determine

In North Carolina tho State Consti-tution ratified by the voters in AugustlOOD by 51000 majority did riot K intoeffect as far as tho franchise clauseswero concerned until July 1 Underthe disfranchisement amendment whichnow exists every person presenting himself for registration which U a prorequisite for voting must bo utile toread and writ any section of Consti-tution in English but this literary re-

quirement tines not apply to any personswho on or prior to Jan 1 1507 wore
















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I entitled to vote or to any of their linealdwcendantsthe grandfathers clause

I In Alabama the new Constitutionsubmitted in September 1001 and ratl-fled by the voters in November by

votes In favor and SlOOO against-is now operative It provides thatuntil Jan 1 1003 all electors in orderto bo eligible to vote must renterboforo Aug 1 and In order to register

j citizens must bo able to read and writeaiy article in the Constitution of theLnited States tho only exemptionbeing of veterans of post wars and theirilsrvndanta and persons of goodcharacter who understand the dutiesanti obligations of citizenship under arepublican form of government Thisvague provision has served to thecolored men of Alabama nnhas stated from either registering orattempting to register In largo num-ber Practically tho whole vote castin that State at tho November electionwill tx tho vote of white citizens in thoproportion of about seventy to one

In Virginia under tho new Constitution promulgated but riot ratified bytho voters all citizens in order to votemust bo registered prior to Oct 15 anti

i to ho registered they must bo nblo toread any section of the new Constitution-or to give a reasonable explanationof any part of it From this require-ment soldiers and sailors of the UnitedStatic or of Virginia In nay war areexempted After Jan I 1901 therewill bt a property qualification fromwhich f inner soldiers and sailors arealso relieved The sons of former sol-diers anti sailors can voto this year InVirginia regardless of educational testThus far the registration in Virginiahas been almost exclusively of whitecitizen Tim registration of coloredcitizens small

The transition from agricultural tomanufacturing pursuits in many partsof Urn south has been going on simul-taneously with tho political changesdesigned to establish a whiteand the result in tho Congress elections-of changes will be observed withmuch iiterest for in South CarolinaLouLsian i and Mississippi in whichsimilar disfranchising conditions have

established colored citizens pre-dominate and there was not previously-and U not now any whito Republicanparty of impressive numerical impor-tance North Carolina Alabama anti Vir-

ginia States in all of which white voterspredominate will vote for tho first timeunder the disfranchising system this

Who Is tho Greatest Mart In tho WorldTims blows our esteemed contemporarytta Rim Horn In interrogation SoIfroH another symposium nnd votingcontent Among the candidates voted forare TOLSTOY hOOKER T WASHINGTON

Kmcox THEODORE HOOSKVEI CHARLESM SMKLDON Put KntOEn hELEN GOCLD-WJLLIAM BOOTH WILLIAM J BRIAN andJonv Cl WOOLLET A vnrlod list antieverybody can tako his choice or proposoft new namu or his own Our own opinionU that Urn Greatest Man in the World Uthe KALIMI IULLOCK of Fort Hamilton

and kind at Kit anti smoke andmohtens Ills clay every day Sundays in-


frs SARAH JAKE GRIFFITH of Vinelandmarie an awful row omo years BRO whenl r husband left her Xo mnn hould

fi t In her house She has kept the vowand thown great ingenuity In doing toShe wtuited a house built according to her

design and her vow prevented herhiring men folks to do the job So she

U tuililing the house herself She Is thoittchittt the digger of the ollar the masonthe the plasterer tho rooferSho an do everything that U needful forhour building Great with hammer andtrowel and fearless on tho scaffold sho IB-

Kjually great Id tanking Imitations of flowersand fruit In factolio seems to lx the realfemale CRICIITOV and can do well anything-to which sho sets her hand If she wero on-o iKTt Island ih would get along muchNtter than Mr CIICSOE did and if everyboiy eleo in the world was wiped out by acataclysm ferient rumor she

turn a hair She would be selfand comfortable still Give

honor unto Mrs SARAH JANE GRIFFITHthu accomplished nd independent Andnolo that men can be dispensed with at apinch

A curious return to tho miracle play andmystery Is to be made in Buffalo The RevJ I CiniFFiv a colored evangelist IA toplay tho part of tho Prodigal Sons fatheranti the Itov W II DOBBINS that of theProdigal Son After tho 1roiligal Son Inrag and full rf husks anti repentancecounts into tlio gospel tent where the perfonnnnco Is to take place ho will bo dulyforgiven and then tliero will bo nn enlargedversion of the Tat toil Calf A barbecuo oftwo thousand pounds of beef will lx servedhe tanto for veal being somewhat limited

Tho story has much nimplo dramatic forceand In Buffalo tho feast that follows willinsure a largo audience

A man who calls himself Joiiv THOMAS

of Manhattan ho boon arrested In SouthBoston for houfobreaking A New Yorkeroliould not wander M fur from his own firefcldo as South Boston An excellent placehut somewhat prejudiced against strangersand of no hospitable mind THOMAS

li 72 and South Boston should have kindmow for ago Hut Mr THOMAS

hut only himself to blame Ono of tho tlU-

ndvantnipM of the profession of burglingU that It offers no promt of a career An

Id man has no chance In It Kvcn a middleuged burglar has to stir his stumps to makea living Thoro should be a Honw for Superimnunted Hurglarw No burglar should befiiced to stick to his profession after ho 1s-

5o or M Wo dont recommend a largoliriine for the proposed home A system ofmail cottages would bo preferable Everycottager could break Into every other

premises and thus have a suitableamusement wherewith to solace hjs declin-ing years It would be cruelty to make anold burglar try to sleep o nights

The Putnam Phalanx of Hartford Isknown and loved around the world for Itsradiant and resplendent lowliness Kvcn-

tho lion WILLIAM lixiru OMUISON ofMiifKachtihcitN the warrior ugalnstwar can hardly enlisting inthat corps of hearts of Charter Oak Theremay b a doen or so ImpOHing cheats In theAncient awl Horiorablo Artillery Companybut no other hatch of martlallnts can showa full set of legs that van compare for afixond with those of the Putnam Sculpton swear by Tailors cry for themThey are They are to

up tutu Whito Mountains this weekThirteen cars full of cameras are on their









































way New Hampshire We congratulatethe tuio Mountains The RockiesAnde the Himalayas await impatiently thehour when they too shall feel the weightof thw perfect pillars tho thrust of thosepcrfe arches


3Mn Valnrtl at 830noJ4snTnrnr OutIMirtiiK the IVnsiu sear

WASHINGTON Aug IS Tho Census Bu-

reau today Lmued a report on tho manUlocomotives whiili shows a0s37J3 invested In the twenty

eX t locomotive works reporting for thetMtd Stat r The value of tho productsii returned a 3320901 tj produce whichInvolved an outlay of Jiososoii for wagesH3J83U for mlscvllanvoiM expenses andIJI74303 for materials IK X

At the twentyeight establishments J774locomotives of all clasc were built with01 aggregate value of 17121063 compared

ith 2IOU locomotives valued at JI07120 built in nineteen establishment In

IiM In addition 272 locomotives valuedat 3378391 wero constructed at twentyMX railroad shops making a total of 3010locomotive at 3030745H builtin tlftyfour establishments during thecen tH year lBi

was a considerable Increase In thevalue uf locomotive during the ten yearsTho 2W locomotives built In ISM had anaverage value of 3109 while tho 2774built at loooinutive works In 190 averagedIU777 in value an IncreaM of 1574 or19 2 per cent duo In part to changes insite construction Increase inthe number of locomotives built in 160-0ut compared with IMK was largely duoto ItO foreign demand the number ex-ported In lw j being 523 compared with161 In 1M0 an increase of

Pennsylvania led in the manufacturein 1KJU with 42 per tho totalof produetH In 1W that State alsoin value of products with tiM centof the total Now York was second with27 per cent Now Jersey won third


Some DhlntcreMrit llrmarKi Upon theValue of III Nrrtlrr

To THU KPlion or TimE Srs Sir WhenChlt Croker of the 1lru Department availedhimself of tha first days of his vacationcommand of the uniformed fore fell uponthe sbouldvr of Peputy Chief Iurroy whohail had his vacation during July Nuturully

would expect that Purroy would a unio-romnmnd but he MraiKbtway applied lorfortyeight hours leavo of nb eni durltitfthe month of August thus the rt-

kponxlhillty nnd duty ho owd the city ontothoulders of another 1eputy Chief

This leave of absence he npplled for whenthe llrnn Ilkht of piibllv rrltirltm was notturned oil the FIre Now thattho citizens of Now York are Interested Inthe matters of vncntion relief from dutyand other periods of time lurroy gracefullyrelitmulhe hi leave of fortyeight hournnd applies hlnwelf to duty as he fhouldhive done before-

If application to ones duty and fulfilmentIn the carrying out of the MInI la to bo consid-ered then Croker will always be Chief andIMnoy will remain Deputy Any one whoknows will rotrnlz the fact that Crokerattends to buribvti whll 1urroy IH wsuitiKto There Hr two kinds of oKlcers la thefire that doahead nij ntid the others who Comeahead n Tho one leads the other urgeshU men I id Crokr 1 of the comeahead 1urroy Is In the noahead rU

What the want I this Allow a roodman to stay at the head of the Fire Depart-ment If thU ono reijueit ls granted thenCroker U the AUTIED 1 Inmzr


To THE Kniron or THE Brs Sir I wish tothank you for the stand you Late taken Inthe of Chief Croker of the New York FireDepartment In your editorial of Aug It

The public knows that Chief Croker Is

best Chief tho Fire Department has ever hadand for strict attention to duty his recordhas never been equalled by any officer orprivate in the hiMory of the Department

a foot not to thepublic that Chief Croker did not sleep In hisown for eighteen months with theexception of one single night and that waswhen not to live Kverynight of that period was tpent at hU head-quarter In street respondingto tiro over greater city and averagingabout two or three a night

That U what I call a record for devotion

I feef that this attempt to put him out ofthe department is a political

to a nina in the backa chance to defend hlm elf but I

know that the press and the public will notstand for any such nonsense

The majority of the men In the departmentthat have of thedepartment at heart wish Chief Crokercess against a cruelhops to him iief of the Fire Depart-ment for runny years to come A

NEW YeaR Aug 14

StEel at the 2nd Hull llun Statue to HimTo THE EDITOR or TImE Brs Sr The

death on Aug 21 of Gen Franz Blgel suggestson Incident of his military service whichmay or not be worthy of mention ItU remarked In the despatches tint he wondistinction In the second battle of Hull Runin one en t of the phrase I agree but thattho force under hi command took part Iknow personally to be untrue

I was with the broken ranks that left Inhaste halt Hill and gathered Into the reiervo

the rear commanded by fien Site 1

MW him chafing to get In nndturn the tide of have never gotover the idea aside Slgelwith force he had would have whippednn already defeated rebel army our re-

treit to the contrary notwithstanding I

commend to the testimony of ten Sigel-l foro th Committee on of

to verify statementI have n dl llnrt rerollertlon of such n

testimony giver shortlyhut It Is to mo more n recollection than a

Such nn event would have anhltoricnl Intercut If worked nit


To THE KoiTon or THE fivs Sr Cer-

tainly the German citizens of Greater NewYork who nro characteristic In commem-orating th great deeds of their fellowcoun-trymen who conic to our shores from theFatherland will without arty reluctnncyforthwith raUo n fund for u magnificentstatute In homo public or ofthnt Illustrious soldier

ien who gallantlyIII Civil ar under 1re

coin thit the I nina und lit glorious Hugmight be united forever

Such noble valor in the Held on theof a foreign I doubly cherishablo by un American lovirnmentCongress should likewise erect astatue of in the city of Washington

Gen Slgel trill Jen Stvubtn stand sidelde In the estimation of the American

ople nnd their names will go on the pigesof II the triumphant com-putrlotle heroes of liberty andthe union of States under one Stnrsanti Stripe May Cods wilt send otherwarrior across the deep sen to beaconlight or liberty CIVIL WAII VFTFIUN

363 WEST iient STKKK-

TJapanrne Strokefrorri tbl 6M

At the Itoysl Rfiatta hrtd ycsteriiajr t Rydthtre was rare for mon of war cutters In wMrha boats crew the Jnpanf wnnhlp Tni spwa among the comptltjri the novelty WM pro1il U by Ibo style of oar maninlp MTfctfil by them

This Is the way you do It according to clnse ob-

servation Stand up at the tirgtnnlnir of the straitsdig your blade as you can teach and thendrop suddenly backward with your legi In theair Somcthlnj will happen t the boatthen If It ton forward welt and good If riot CD-

oa dropping backwards In the same way till u doesThe Jap came In third as fresh as paint whichneemi to how there Is somctliln In the Tuklostyle after all

Suggestive Illustrated Articles of Interest willbe found In the UorJc for September onThe United Latin America on Ily

Trolley Prom New York to Chlcarn and on A-

Typical Irrigated Community There la theusual variety of papers on topics of present momentTbe frontispiece U a fuirpaje portrait of AttorneyGeneral Knoi




















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tlit imugit ii itta tot pitt I rot 1 mhz Siglton clii I lie W

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It It L In thC CItIeS Than In the Red ofthe Country

WAanctOTOv Aug 25 A statementissued today by the Census Bureau ShOWS

that in tho United Statea o a whole ex-

cluding Alaska anti Hawaii the male popu-lation at lea t 21 years of age and living incities having nt 25 X inhabitantswas fissSMi of whom 33ai23 or 6S jxsrcent were reported nd Illiterate In therent of the cvmntr the number of men ofvoting ape was li24ftiii of which 1940217or 12 per cent were reported as

This indicate that illiteracy amongadult nale is than an prevalentIn flue large dies as It ULnited The difference however isduo tie fact that the urban popu-lation cf the country is massed mushily mthe Northern arid Western States and il-

literacy IH less frequent there tnan in otherparts of tho country Rut in oil dlvisioiustit the oimtry Illiteracy among adult molesIs lei prevalent in the large cities than Inthe test of the division and In all divisions

the north Atlantic and north ointralit is lew than half an In thostwo divisions tho recent immigration offoreigners many of them illiterate ismassed in th titles anti Increases tho II

of the urban populationWhat Is trueof the States as a whole

and of the main diUkns namely thatIlliteracy among adults Is thelarge cities les frequently than elsewhereis true also of the States and Territoriesexcept New Hampshire New York Kan-sas Oregon difference betweenCountry and rltv of Uliteray H much greaterIn continental jilted States for thpopulation titan when immigrants are In

the Southern States the sinedifference may 1 affected bv the presence-of the negro population The figures as-a whole shnw a difference between population of large cities Andthe rest of country and the deductionmay bo made as a rule that the populationliving in large cities is likely toa smaller proportion of Illiterates than apopulation over n sparsely settledarea more difficult to reach an effec-tive system of public school

ron IxiFiHtMiTr OF LAWS

National Conference of State Hotrrli-Ilrctni In Saratoga

SAHATOOA Aug 15 The twelfth annualconference of tho State Boards of Com-

missioners for Promoting Uniformity ofhngblntlnn In the United States began atthe Grand Union lintel today and will con-tinue during the better portion of the weekThe address was delivered by Presi-dent who in detail reviewed whathad accomplished by the severalconferences ofliccrs wereelected

President Amasa M Eaton of ProvidenceH I vicepresident H W Williams of Tal

Kla secretary All rt E lienschel of New York city assistantand treasurer J Moss Ives of DanburyConn

Judge M D Chalmers of London Engsat with the Commissioners

liar Association hero this week and willtend a on Codification of Commer-cial Mw before that The Com

today resumed consideration-of the necessity a uniform law relatingto migratory laws Attention wasgiven to advisability of adopting anAmericanized formSales of G ods act and the necessity of

such a national act byCongress

GIFT TO TIlE SVriSOVMVCollection of Articles Pertaining to Bar

mrae Iluyalty and Hcllglon-

WABIIIXOTOX Aug 25 Tho SmithsonianInstitution has received from S Sa wealthy former resident ofa valuable collection of articles pertainingto Burmese royalty and religion whichwere collected the donor In his travelsThe articles comprise a house-hold arid Burmese

including a bed nn inlaid cabinetanti a velvet The religious relicsInclude three bronze figures of Buddha a

of altos bowls like thoso used by thoBuddhist nrieitfl in logging and a

god nnd Ills fourteenA valuable manuscript of the Pentateuch

dating back to century U afeature of the collection manu-scripts are the Koran or Bible of the Mo

tho and gospels ofSt John in Ethiopia and a thePentateuch on parchment

Among the other articles are aof the sacred white elephant of Burmahtwo carved figures the Chinesegods of war and n Buddhistwheel a of sacred writing on palmleaves two bronze temple atemple prayer drum

noois riTiFs OF TUE v sImmigration Commissioner Issues Instruc-

tions an to Aliens Wrongly ListedCommissioner of Immigration Williams

Issued yesterday to alt the steamship linespassengers from a

circular letter the immigrationlaws the interpretation of which as

t causedmisunderstanding and complaint

Tho steamship companies havelux In the case passengers infilling out the InformationGovernment requires concerning all for-eigners who come Into this

Since January Inspectors nt Quarantinecollected f2Ell head

front on Incomingve s ls falsely manifested as AmericancltiensProposed Memorial to Senator McMillan

In vtmliliiKton-

WASHISOTOX Aug 25 With a view toerecting in Washington a permanent andsuitable memorial to tlio lato Senator McMilan of Michigan it is thoughtthat unit of thin great ornamental fountainsprovided for in Park Commissions

b iir hU anne Meter Burnnnd McKIm nf tho Park Commission

the with favoralthough no definite proposition has yetWn mad for carrying It out It wanrejorted Augustus Sttiers has been enRasexl SenatorMillans to mako a of the Sena-tor and it U thought a replica can bo f ecuml anti suitably

Indiana Here for aTho battleshIp Indiana at Tomp

klnsvlllo yesterday after her summercTUlifl with tin middles of Annapolis aboardCommander Colahan Commandant of theNaval Academy was In command en thocrulsj the ship at Annapolis

William II com-mand of ler when she arrived at this port

Thu Indium wilt mal ntnnd on Saturday with the state NavalItewiVrt salt to Hear Admlrnl HlKRlnwmM North Atlantic squadronin tIme war game

Secretary of State Dickinson at Work AenJnSecretary of State Samuel D Dickinson

of Now Jersey who returned from n trip-to holland anti Belgium onresume his duties nt Trenton today liewent abroad on 5

who the acknowledgedRepublican leader in Democratic Hudsoncounty yesterday that the Republi-cans have a chance oftheir ticket this if they workhard success

Marcnnt Station on LabradorOTTAWA Aug 2V Francois Breton clerk

of worksof the Department of Public Workshas received orders to got ready to startthis week for Antlcostl and Labradorwhere stations will l built totho Marconi wireless of telegraphyMr Breton wilt superintend



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dur-Ing tie day be guest Aniericsn


wooden shrine figures
































OUR TRADE WITH rr ntBalance Decidedly In Kaior of thP

During AnndeanWASHINGTON Aug sne M rt t

Insular Affairs tf the WIt r fmade public today th las rurrrtjiTthe cummeree of islar i f i tt i


Issued by the bureau T rf K ithat the total value of rrerriaji-ve of gold and silver itj r i

during American occujwitiun wa Ji i-

13iof which 74 cent was r iv i lt 9Port of Havana The rejmrt

The balance nf trmlc t v jthe United States dirirg Am r atl m has l Hn dfifJedl irt fa1 rformer althnugh not to si gr-

as in previous years During jCuba while linjxirtlng i r

44 CMJ worth more than s Ttexixjntl moon than t37w i

the l States in i xces i ufromthe Uttr It is to U n i rthat till of imp rt fr in tiStme is matf tl 1Uduring the Smish regime

thiii OH r r cent of Hduring Amineon cortrol onslsr tcultural irixiuits antI 47 VTports coiisibod ffxxi nrl

and other ir vand mules in large nmmitie WIfrom the tnidd States whlf caprocured front Mexico Ontri rnSouth America It Ih riis t0suppose that there will j n grndu nu

th iiniHirtat Ion of live M nSugar ruMtitiittd jjrnfticaJv Telajf

of the exports for idol anti wi it IATto the lendirc pri d ro

are other Interests wlich are cr i p TJJwhich may Uconio of vtal ur raiicto the future prosperity ff tie islur i Bfar thus Kr a ft these is t tfwhich in its different forms th r i ex-ported In 1W1 more than IKWWM worth

CAPT ijoiiv or iiTTir mcThe Man Hlio Made Illi Illrthplace ramota

Hearty at II-

LrrriE XECK J I Aug IS Saturdaywastliesseventyninthjljirthdayof Capt JohnBrown of Little Neck Inpt Brown settled InLittle Neck in 1S60 and has lived here eversince the first sloplnad nf ilarrjaway from the place and sod them n TritonMarket The clams were so good that thslittle Bettlement on the Sound becamafamous

Capt Brown hits raised three boys endfive girls iowa hero in Little Neck

all Rt wives and the husbandand moved away hut the publicwho first introduced clams to a

world was satisfied to stay down

hereOn Saturday all of the children broughttheir families and a greatclambake in honor of the captains birthday Ono of the sons had wayout to but ho brought lila wifechildren to the clambake the Farr

Brown was Introduced to thirtyfour grandchildren some of whomnever seen had such a Roodtime that there will lx a series of clambakesduring this week Capt Brown Is ftiihalo and hearty that he thiciiilie could skipper another sloop full of clarsto the city


Plan to nnnTIirm on AvrnneDuring the 3 A n

WABHINOTOX Aug 25 If the eonsemof the District Commissioners can be se-

cured a series of championship automobieraces will bo held in Washington dunnethe O A R Encampment here In OctetThe unique feature of the proposition thatis attracting attention U the plan to h i

the races on Pennsylvania avenuetween Peace Monument at the footof the grounds anti Thirteenthstreet This the big machinestwo squares in which to slow down andstop before reaching Fifteenth street

the avenue makes n sharp turnand as it is n measured mile from PenceMonument to the Treasury building thiswould leave n long course to resultIn some trials It U toall the big machines present which recentlyparticipated in the races nt Lnrchmont


Prof Jrnki Saj It Is tire Solution of time

In the PhlllpplnrsW-

ASIIISUTON Aug 25 Tho report f

Dr Jeremiah W Jenks professor of piliical economy anti polities In Cornell Un-

iversity who was sent to the Orient by theSecretary of War ns Special Commissionerof the Philippine Government to investigatethe questions of currency Internal tnialion muor niui inunuiiHi Kuiruiiiiuuvbeen received nt the Wnr Department

On the question of currencvagrees with the maun by ChirliA Connnt who prepared n currency planfor the on the use of gas a standard of value Prof Jcnlts at one-

time with this plan but his bwfVdtlons have convinced that It is thesolution of the problem in the Philippines


The littler IlMlstnnec They Vllll OtTer toI diipallon Mill

tf fonorraaticiutPrior to the adjournment of the Trltlsh

Parliament the Mlnbtry under Mr Halfoiir s-

ezas erutins leadership carried throutrunder cloiure the most objectionable c ut i

of tho Education billThe practical outcome of the effort to rio

InjUitlco to the Nonconformists by sidirethe establishment hat bten rceistrreu for

the MiuUtrys edillcntion at the byccitcnat eeds which Liberal victory event O-

ifipcclalor admits is prophetic although fti-

dcavorinc to minimize Its nrloun intentMoreover tho free Church Council a icco-

bluation of nit evancrlimr churcLMfor cooperative dTorttl formulated it-

olllclal condemnation of the bill und viabegun tho e Hep whlrh will enlitt BKuiutit the determined oppoition of filters u

remote hamlitn as wilt i n in the larger to rTim Ministry must bo aware neverNoncouformity In arty of past cruppifswith a Ministry wedded to Anelican ei Jshart so effective n piece of muchiiiery rs i

Frco Church Council IH for ecclrsmstpolitical warfare Tho reeinieuts now uutight as a brltfude not as isolated regiment

Moreover the Ministry already ha ladnottO served on it with unnnstnkabe rri-phttalu that If the law li passed in abytrilike Its preacut form It must make up ltmind to sen Nonconforrnlts for conscietsake refsulnir to school rates undferlntf the con e iiencen of such detarie oflaw such aa eviction and sale of tou e oU-

eoodsow when Journals like the Kranntt

anti the liritiitt irklu and men like Irii ipiv-

lFalrbalrn John Clifford Hush True Ilcceiand Jo Parker deliberately nithat they will the hlKhcr lawinaninaaii law and that they will rloss of property arid sitconflict with arid all the oppruliriuiof a with tit Irown ouirtitto dawn on the minds of men us imeuUTiias King Ktlwurd and Mr Hulfour nat fworst way of heRinnlni the new reun

the nnd so burg solr sffand lodfearlnc sri ent of r

population ns the KnelUh arid Vrlsh Nctto clash

Judge OlIver Wrndrll Holmes Stole

t notice It has point ii out br oni i-

mcntator that bis point of view is HUc that ir l

cus Aurellus which It not unapt I hsvfbear or read an oplninn of his whlrh la I

the Stole and Sal dtxtluetly Cbruitiin t

In him we have a mine oowrr of riilmalcn-he COM to take his pla e on the brrh iionfof lioman Catholics line Justices Wtit I

llcKrnn A stanch 1resbyterMn like Marian mUour own orthodox Juitire llrwrr

The Triumph nf Itlchmondfrom li Ulehmmi Teats

Rklunond U flirty rrreUlne to pwtVMMK








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