The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-04-25 [p ].and n number of wellknown Cstliolle Hercy men of the rlty...

flSS PMJ J A It- STBS C we cl Patloi- I Stints Sundays osws in atrcet Slallon York stlnallon- ojyUanla WOOD ft Attn 4 Station U a min SS PulW- Ini Cars Jntanaih- Plnlnj Car and 111 AtLanta pen Cna- rv Wash sdayi and CH ATT A- IYVCH I Roanoke SOUTH Pullnan- Gira New rmlntham- oja ana Sunwl- jui Buff l York to At- SaraanahJ r Nauaiu 1000 P JU 1000 A 1- 1t700 P M- t00 P H- t ftO P M MJOP H- 1H10 A M- KOfl P it 1000 A U 830 P U- J5S P M- S4S P M- 7OA M- 5S A M 803 A II 330 A M 340 A U Jly except StraAar M- aim I Broad wan 33 W i5lh Station and 7Z Fulton Fork Central or rc IANIELS let ActaU- ODft pm Dtntr- pjn Diner im BuSel nit im DlneK- m 13uIt- lpja matt an Diner am Diner pm Diner pm Diner pm Diner pm Dlneu m Duffrt- i nit I Chambers t w 3d it Halo arT 1- a i t stalL Arrt Cleveland 30 p m rnr- lnhamtoaj to Burials 1 and lest tilth York oiiklyn 122 Lion Ne- biggace M Mont- ittlu Serf road ami Chrl- Arrlre 300 p n- M 8p- ri 111 sin U arid I iau- T n 31 burt Putt in Lou La nr s Cr- ATI lfle j- Iftf On- Z3 DI- bIt CM1- gre 32 IL 12ij Il- yo1x L 5A ic 75 1 bintnt 5 I5- LtTei aT 4 3 II 74- ed ass I lDLfllnt I nd 2f- flytbLr nit Y H I OD WAY rLreA RAIL 1 ceutg- kew Yolt- 7OO A M- fG25 P bL 727 A U tel OADU- L Ferry Tn riffrt2 ItI- iDDI train 4waY 343 Ful and Liberl- geaLisncI D d wn OO ant New AD5- sfot1OEt t Ii Aib1n74 4 1 DetkCfli- if St ace A M ii- SIfld oiCeSJ 1 bY WSI- PArent YL t5OI9 121 tf- lfJZOp ii 1- 2165I a 1- 110tO a r I ant V IialW > > ¼ ViVjr r Rain in the morning fair in the afternoon VOL LXVIILNO 237 NEW YORK THURSDAY APRIL 25 lflPt BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS W t un I I J 1901 COPYRIGHT wv I JERSEY BRIDGE RUMPUS DELOS CVLVKR SAYS ITS PROPOSED TO FLOAT 3100000000 ItOXDS Governor to Glr Hearing on the Terminal DUI on Tneeday Mott ot the Tammany Officeholder Fall Into Line Ilthtnd Colcr- tn Attacking the lllll He Sure Oar111ollcy Most of tho Tammany officeholders fol- lowed the lead of Comptroller Coler yester- day In denouncing the bill which will per- mit the New York and Now Jersey Bridge Company to construct an elevated structure along weal waterfront to bo used as a freight terminal In connection with Us brIdge from the Jersey shore to the foot of West Flftynlnth street Comptroller Coler himself continued to talk all d y Ionic about ho called this unconstitutional un- fair inequitable and unjust ineanuro Early In tho morning he went from lilt ofilco to tho Mayors office and had a long talk with Mayor Van Wok Whon he came out something which has not been heard from his lips since the Administration began He said our policy referring to attitude which the city would take toward tho bridge In the past Comptroller Colrr has talked moro frequently about his Tammany fellow edictholders ns thom mid of their policies as their Dut now Mr Coler Is playing tag with tho Tammany nomination for Mayor next fall and he has become very chummy with Tammany Comptroller Coler said that be would test the constitutionality of the act highest eonrtin IhoState If signed It Ho telegram to the Governor early In the morning asking that a publIc hearing bo given and In the afternoon ha received an answer saying that the Governor would give- a hearing on Friday Afterword the day was ch n d to Tuesday Mr Colcr said that If such an elovated railroad WM to be built along the water front It should bo built and controlled absolutely the city tho Department office at Pier A North Itlver ber- ceant Cram rommiiflonor Murphy were denouncing tlm bill as vigorously Mr t okr bill tho tri t would bo turned over lo i railroad company lloth Mr Cram arid Mr Murphy was ridiculous for the oflltern foinimny to maintain their utructuro wuiilU not obnrucl the highway They said If It was to run m ihU- tructuro the Mipportinc coluins would neve- siully b of In uch numbers that thero would b very little leur why left accommodation trucks rind other vehicles on their way to the r- In the meantime Merchants A snciii- tlon cot stirred up it usually t W stirred up whenever Mr Coir Is exclieil lit oltle T- nnnoumed that n meeting would bn held on nt which th of Hreet would HHV an opportunity to aanlnit the riiero w Mime t ilk yesterday about the Cllv Hull to th effect hit Tairniiniiy thirteen who voted In favor of be disciplined be- cause their action prevented Tuinmanv unit from mnklnk n of tho measure me of the n A was Sullivan rind It Bneridlv iu- mtlled that he was not u umtlr of there has not yet been nny tails ivnoiw responsible Inrninanv men abut t e of those who voted hrldc bill Delos K Culver ono of the min who Interested In the plan and nho sail that railroad company could he behind the scheme of Conirress author the hrlden innkes It Incumbent mi this to grant niual to nil companies on Mr Oliver stld that uiln W Mrlabt ienrsH 011 llnusihnll ien Tame R lark son and Dr Kd nrd Mnllory Culver InterettiiJ In It lln hat they owned a majority of the stuck of tln tint w Itrldije fonpanv and thnt tlie proposition now wns to lloat lWii iimi bonds secured by u irortLiiire on tho property for the cnti lriirtloii hrldire that n Wnll Street svndhvto- Is now preparing to underwrltu all of th bonds rillfAnrirniA April t This was Ismiwl trio the of ihi First Vii Presldent of the lenn vlvanli I illrood Company loilnv The Iennsvlvnnii flail Compsnjr hn no connection whatever the et Hridire pns l the New Ynrk scnibv y ferdn which there se ms lie ini- cune ption It is pruiioied bv tiartie Inter- ested In niP New Y rk New Jersey llrloc ciarerd In l itb Stntes whose location crosses the Unison Hlver- nt sireet ior Ins the North Ilvir- Hrldge rurnpanv chnrtered tonereis to the river nut i nneit all the rall- roadsonboih sides In tb vleitltv olTwcnfv thIrd street to with the lecis- la n- cnirn CUIHMS inminr niit- Ho Declare II Carrlri With II Control of lh- Commrrrr of tile Nation Comptroller Inler Iwturml bi l niKht ntder the direction of the St YlneeiitdePnulSurlely- of NOW York nt Ciirnecle Mutc Hall Illhop- Farley presided antI Introduced Mr Color Archbishop Ccrrlsnn Jiitlces Morcun 1 Ollrlen Jatne KltBcrdd 1 A lllaniliard and n number of wellknown Cstliolle Hercy men of the rlty occupied tcati on plat form Mr ronflned Id remark principally to tlie hill passed by th IetU- Utiiro Klvlne the New York nd New Jer cy- Brld e Company tho marulmd otroct rights on street from 1lftyiiintli Rtrrct Jlatteiy He till the lilt nitu oulriTi iJ and kae the cnnipnnr alnolul eontrol of tho roinmcrcn of the port of New York nnd thereby he commerce of tie nation uro rHpldlv beiotnlne the centre of tin world nd Mr Coler The rl he t men eer Known live turn and nt thli point will bo i inrertirmed tlm cointufriO of the earth The Ilrld K tjcnti sild Mr Color mm plain that New Virk IH nit iriv company the ritht to have n In lily o lad to it to the leci lature if- wo didnt allow the rliipany to rob u why the I t iiHirn permit It to rnh IH 1 tint trIll provides thnt the New York anti Now terNey e Mirll given idnmt- b jlute monopoly of tho of HIP t New They snil wnnted a little nt pronrh lu t n little the street Inder that bill IliaC little h will loe to the city millions ir dolluti liui- pery rink Mr Coler sato he thought It would bn A creat IhliiR for the city If the rnilmnd Ioin- i nli run their cnri direct to the bit lie did not believe this i hhould be clven tn H pnrtiiiiiir- roriomtlon Hethouchl thnt KO thor till railroad nul ell steamship compnnles would receive eipial- TOWKKS IKAHEO Alfred iwjnni Vanilrrbllt Anllrr4- iliio Ii the lrwre- ARiislKToxHtDSOX April 24 Tho roth Pioneer made iw regular trip from the nl- ilorfAstorla to the Casino today with Alfred iivvnne VanderbIlt ns nhlp Tho trip oo u pled four hour and when the clubhouse Woe renchfd the couch Ant fur were covered with mud Among Ynnderbiltt eue tH were nrihingtun Vhltehoue II Johti ton I1 i terry and c Dodge At tho rds Onslno it was reported tilt Alfred iwyntio- Yunderbllt Tower iho- honiiiof HarbtT shortly lifter the Pioneer arrived Mr met M mother Mr1 Cornilun YiuulerMIt and ihev were driven In a rarrvall to Ardslet to look over the hou e Wurthlnglun- Vhicln ii e them it that nnderlilll lll pend part iT the Mitnnier with ln r M II nt Ard lV win innM ho aln leaded for tho tinier Manor llouve which Unear Ardtilev I nwers fount Trip Tlrkrts In ullfiirnla- KI ill nllliM of ruiilM rolnr unit rr- t mint via i huviitu A Sixth Vrxlcru nion Southern Iviilt Itjlwnvi Tlir Ofrfl na mutt the MM fvrrynliy tram a Nurlh- VVcitMB Ilnc ouiic 491 llrotdvoy the side what h GOY sent n b ot as aId that Cue WIt III A i wa A lo- rI I I f n f root HI r Iii h 0 th ole I Ih I dod I ohu 11 AnmEI at I Ir hn lsI A I oWN r Ir r tick I I ell t said this Lu the Odehl liowli i lilt n t tie ill afro II il In uhtL n- one 2tng tim ire tail tnt inflt W t I ti II ninth t wihillilIrfi I tie rift an Vt Iii g tin titfl Wed L- ithe fl nan ii Ii tl lii Initial eho ild flflfl lit It toni ret tin t LIu the ctt It I Suit U 1 r the u inner I i iii Inc r I s PlaIt and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ > > > < < < > > < FWllTS SALE or 1AVAIIA CAXAL- M Varllla Start an Acllatlnn In to Pi rnrcbu b the tnllrd Slate Spttial Cafe l TUB SUS- fARin April 24 M Varllla Is dwvotlni- Ll energies to preventing the United States from purchasing tho Panama Canal WIth tho view to arousing French nnd tho worlds opinion against Mich a purchase lie hat token n sage In the largest French to develop his theories and put new Ife Into tho French In u statement thus published ho sets forth tho reasons for hU conviction of tho utter impracticability of tho Nicaragua Canal and his belief that the purchase- of tho Panama Canal by tho United States Is tho only moans by which the Americana ran realize their scheme of an isthmian canal Ho says h doe not Mome tho new Panama company for peeking n solution In the Americanization of tho Panama Canal but blamm them for not having tho civic courage to appeal first to France lo tcllthelr countrymen the truth addds This solution by sale to another nation- to even BO sincere and cordial u friend as America Is a miserable one recourse to which should only bo hail nCr an attempt to flint n noble solution that I a French solution Ho affirms that tho oalo would ho dis- astrous at whatever price watt obtained but It would be ever a greater moral disaster beciueathing to our sons the heritage oj cowardice timid loss of manhood Ho announce his willingness to subscribe JOOOOOO francs toward the completion of the canal and appeals to the public to fol- low lube example He has appealed to President Ionbet to support tliemovement- WAXTSXOHKIrorllAXXKnYAXKKKS lo Oundlrr Ileienti the VMt of Northerner Inlprrstrd In Negro Kdnratlim SAVANNAH Oa April 21 Yhllo Savannah last night Gov amllcr wai- a ked what he thought of tlm present trip through the South of tho party nf wealthy New Yorkers and otheru interested in negro educational Institutions In tho party U the Itev Dr ParUhurnt amid Curry iho Pcabody agent They tpent Sunday- In Atlanta and iov Ciindlcr was naked to miHt them but declined ov Candler wild of the visitors Hooker Washington was the best man in tho party Washington In a good negro and Is doing pretty good work It Is to his Interest to get these Northencrs In- terested In his BchooK He gets money out of thrill and I tent blame him for that nt tilt Dr Curry the Peabody agent Is a good man but 1 dont know much about the others Tho negro colleges of tho South do not need the old of those Northern 10 know thai you can stand dome of the Capitol of Georgia than you can schools W can at- tend to odncatlon of the In the South without Iho aid f thesti dilinneJ- Yuikei and the education they lieed most tun 1 do not ve In the higher education of the He should be ttiiiRht trades but when he the lm art lip tiets educated nbove its caste and it makes liiiu unhappy I am opposed 10 Hitting netfrmH factories and ofllcts When you dn that you will eaum dissatis- faction hetwtvn tin two rniirt and Hiirh- UilinjH wit lead to a nice war Tinsi- Yunkw who die and leave their money tit iieiro rnlleKe do not tho local It may rltrlit bowevi r for wnne of tliein to ncnd ihrir inon y liack- to the Soiiili In this milliner tor in nine cases the fniindations for their the carpet baggers of tho South money coming bark I am nut surprised at Atlanta thoe People lionize In Atlanta All newcomers aro heroes In their eviw Ymi knnw they madn a hero out of Sherman when ho enme there inuMv inuis riant A mtiiwr Commits SuUlde by lp lilas Into the Ohlo riouil at Cliidnnall CINcINNATI April th Ohio of the niiwpcnsion bililgo Into tho Hood n welldressed young woman leaped to till death this afternoon She struck with n splash and by the swift cur rent Iloated a bpfor tho waters clofed over her Tho rapidity of the stream prevented any boats going to the rwcuo or to rerovvr the Lady The Identity of unknown- Sho WHS about 12 o tall nnd wilghed about IID pound On the bridge were found a brown wlihr drf ilH with awliitcvellnnda wooden handled hlllc Thene were taken to tin Hammond Mreet pollen Ktailon Mrn II In a rhllndrlphU- Onirlrrr Anlhoilllri rarlrilP- iillAni irniA April J A peculiar cilia of ufTjIrs at Ilolj OniPtory- Is pntlii rlns fiynn art oilier- dlcnltnrie of Itonian Catholic hore For n lone tliuo the crnve dlirtrers have li atlleil nih ihclr piy n ilollar- a day lIlt th v tech no sctlon until n work nco when tie of their number lirhirffiil They that ho bo rninployivi bin the mportntonilent f the burlnl croiind pil They then ilemnmleil nn lnoreu of a dollar- awrek In which won refused nnd they refund to go to work It WU- Ktlinmrhl llwt II would Ii my to cinirn tIers but till far It has hren Imposslhlo- nnd imw tli yfiiilt l o rrnwileil tjnt it will If liiipn lbli to BI I any more bodies n li- I Me JUDInrfnl OlrrnTrJinjlljnllr tfiiin hlp- iiiiAiio April l Tli it aiiislip North- western whieli nil d from lioro this after- noon will nll lit llulTiiln Oil Hretin pn riut to Liverpool Ilic- Uiil Thi N II flr l teitn lili i leiiruiB frmii tlie port of hleiii t uirrv the roitn u fit e t lo he lllirk tii o tile en erii hlriicn i rijoiiinir oier lhi lint 1 trniu now on Tho print nf Knlckertim i or leurlns Ms liar with nice Nlonn Net lanrt In llnalniii- ltilftlal IaW Itipatlitn Till SIS IiiMiDN April 51 Ijujn the iirrlcal at Ilytniiith today of the I mHrh land Tod Sloan the joker who wan a paf- eruer drrldcd not In Invrland Ho therefore to t hfrhnurc here will lo to Put lie SUIT In Srr M uiri f ur r younhniiiii York iVnlral irinl Ontriil Mili n tie rrnln nt lropl iJilifl Calnnett Moat A good bracer Ur rub lent Panama old In r mill alI Ilark hell hl in iit hi wrr lio ZI From ill horn lid I r U1 lrn t Tlm ear Inn I hlr Tnt I I S w Sir I V news- papers U h110 muoro negro I s give t htemum hit Is I I hi nIcrtt all ii tIt that on I un omits I ii fl I fit iV 0 N lit I N ru a I lzi i loll Ly not I I hurie thie hunt haul i ant lit eiirmae t Lie d e y ii rs reeL I rub is I tutu rillu ov Nit ant roe A e u tin hut rib bee was ask cii ref eu We C rico oh her t t 2 line retul Mat I suIt t I day cli punch clii I cit y be ei I tort mere Pa r t nfl I iii tier me mar it It nil tile tin fri tee Pit nIeu It title ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > > < > ° KAISER EXHORTS STUDENTS M ran IOVALTT AT vxirexsm ills SO MIAS JUST EXTERED Enrolment of tb Cronn Print at ltnal- larkedby a llrllllant C r mony Enthoil- aitlo SUdpnts Cheer for Their lloyal- AMorlate Kalspra Tribal to Victoria Ipttltl CaSt llnpatth to TllR SUN nKniiN April 24 Tho enrolment of the Crown Prince aa student of the Bonn University was performed with brilliant and picturesque ceremony In tho great halt of the university today Ill torn In academic gowns military visitors In and students corps filled the place with color The enthusiasm of tho par- ticipants vented itself in continuous cheer- ing The rector In an address welcomed the Crown Prince and sold he hoped ho would unite serious study with the buoyant spirits of youth The Crown Prince afterward clgncd the university register and sealed lilt promlm of obedience by shaking the reclors linnd The Borussla Corps entertained Em- peror William and the Crown Prince at a Comment In tho evening His mado a speech in which he referred to his own happy student days and made hU Inevitable allusion to hi grandfather which this time was linked to a reference to Queen Victorias consort the lifo companion of that now glorified queenly woman who always strove for peaceful and friendly relations between her people amid ours who Indeed are both of Germanic origin Ho brlelly Kkotehed the downfall of Barbarossas empire anti the rise of the new empire under William Ho told his hearers You are In a German land citizens of a strongly defined German nation to labor for which you are all hero to bo trained Splendidly grown and developed the Km pi re now stands before you n firm manly resolve to work for iermatil1 to raise strengthen anti uphold her keep your hearts aglow The You will need your strength hit not simply to squander It In coitmopoll tan dreams nor In the service of onesided party tendf nclei to foster stability of thought our Ideals ATTACK OV AISTRIAX KOYAJ rtVTVS- nilalUts of nplch rath Still Ktrllpd Orrr- AnhdoUei Alllanre With Clerical p uJ Call nnttJth to TUB Sire VIENNA April 21 The Irritation against Archduko Fran Ferdinand heir prcmimp live to the throne for Ills attitude toward Rome does not Biibside It again pro duced n in tho Ilelchsrath today which ended In n temporary BUS pension of the Hitting In order to prevent- a fight Herr Pernerstorfer a Socialist made n motion to repeal Article 1X1V of the Code under which the offenco of lag or libelling members of the Imperial fntnily is punishable by a year to five years Imprisonment Herr Pernerstorfer mado an angry in which ho declared that In of Archduke Fran Ferdinands action the had arrived lo deprive the members of the Imperial whom then were tteventy of their ei empi ion train public criticism- Ib added that Jisuistii ultramontanUm- which Hpllts tip nation forced tho de- mocracy to combut clericalism which In Austria was embodied In the person of Franz Ferdinand He demanded ur- gency for Ids motion Altercation antI tumult of thn familiar kind followed Fvenlually the Prime Minister refused to accept the motion He declared thin the majesty of tho thmno must extend to nil members of the Im- perial house whoso personal dignity miint not be touched by word or deed lest the monarchical lucia hhould suffer Ir Kowber denied the current report that the Government haul ordered tho wrest of thou who epoki against Ferdinand at public meeting The motion was flimlly rejected srotKX Drrr TO nnii HERE Mr Morgan In Hive llrrldrd to kppp It In London sriH Itipaitn SiN Ivpov Airll 21 it Is utmiithorita- tively slated that thus painting of tho- Duchc of Devonshire which was pur rluiHil n few days ago by Mr J Morgan will tot go to the United States for a long lime If over it goes there Mr Morgan it Is nald win keep tho picture In his London house has been ex- hibited for a prolonged period In Bond street 0US rtrrHvr v PARIS nard and Smooth hat Very Rpinnant and i ppn lTp Spinal Catilt PiiRitrlit lo True SUN PAIMS April 21 Tho municipality It et- pfrlmentlnr with glass paving material A dectinn nf Hue du Havre has been laid with It us a test It l glass subjected to n process called devltrlfaetlon The r ull Is a hard smooth npanue nonporous suh lnnee which doss not retiiln damp or ultra It possesses remarkable re stane- Th Inventors nny that It combines tIC solidity of aranlto with the smoothness of n phnlt If Is riot affected by heat or cell It however Is eipenslve costing from nlnn- lo twelve francs per square tn tre Another dniwbiick IN extreme resonance llIIUMVr fOJIET SEEX Sydney and C Town llpport flaying rorrrrd It t Mshl- ltffl1l C Mt rilfltrh lo ruin Sinxir N S W April 2 comet wn seen throughout Australia to- night It was near Aldebnrnn CAlK Tows April 21 A large cornet was seen in the pattern sky tonight- Sir Sawjrr Win In Sad Hare Arrossthe rrnB- Hftrlst nnpatrh la Tlir SfN- IosnoN April Ji arrival of the steamer DeuUchlund nhciid of the Majestic will allow Mr D M Sawyer of Montclilr N to meet lie wife who Is a passencer on the Intter Henmer nt Liverpool Ilr Hnwyer to Iniiliind to tell her of drowning of their son hn fearing thit the shm I vt hearing the sad nows from strangirn might prove fatal to her Ortopia If you would bwirc no- nuiintpil wOO tlir American lift Itial lisa appeared fur ytaM DrooUyn now hit n tonal Pen Iew fa ranz or all lon lore I u Its lucre urn t ho nlIl bet uni- forms future uiwaits I i fIt e chic P ape lit lad the Tim rte LitVA dv ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < uxcoixs 11011 Plated With the Other of the Family U the New Monument at Hprlaffleld III SritixariEun III April 24 At 2 oclock thU afternoon the remains of Prenldcnt and Mrs Lincoln their three sons and grandson wore transferred from the tem- porary vault In which they have been re- posing during tho reconstruction of the Lincoln Monument to the catacomb in the new structure specially prepared for them The transfer was made iu the pres- ence of the Commissioner of IJncoln Monument grounds nov Yatcs and a few others- In order to avoId a crowd the arrange- ments for tho transfer had boon made quietly those who were present being notified late yesterday afternoon and this morning The only formal action was to make tho formal records of tho fact of the removal and to attest it by wltnoisos chosen for this purpose by the Commissioners When tho hour set for the transfer the lingo stone slabs covering caskets were removed with a derrick amid tho caskets were hoisted from tho vault and placed In position in the new monu- ment Tho caskets containing tho remains of tho threw sons and tho grandson occupied the story of tho vault and were the first to bo taken out With these removed tht boxes Inclosing tho caskets of tho mar- tyred President and Mrs Lincoln were exposed to view These were quickly lifted from the deep vault and with un- covered heads those present witnessed the placing of the remains In their final rest- ing place Formal dedication of tho now monument will take place on Oct 15 It Is hoped by tine Commissioners that President McKlnley will accept their invitation to deliver tho chief address on this occasion TImID OV A STEAMBOAT IX A FlOOD Cltlfn of Pirkertburg TT Ya Shoots at the Uejtton State and Kill n Old Cii t lu- IAHKEnsniRO Va April There Ii an unwritten law in VVc t that any steamboat plying n the Ohio Hlver during the tlmn of a good Is liable to destmc on or at tenet some of the members of the crew to being murdered At 730 oclock this morning Slur Cole of city was sluing on lute secondstory porch nt his home on Front clrcet here and mw the steamer Btato coining toward tlm city He went Into the house and got his rUle and came out waited for thn boat I When the Keystone State stat within range ho fired at lien lint the bullet Mrurk W T Terry of Wheeling III the lipnrt Iilllng him Instantly CoN Terry wns years old nnd had n wlfo and six children He hat been on the river nil Ids life and on this trip was acting us carpenter and was repair- ing tho pilot houee Cole was arrested and taken before Squire Thomas nnd sntd thnt the wave from the bont would overturn several arch en- danger thUv aj manxpcwle and f was protecting his family when the eliot was He raid he did not shoot to hill hut shot up In tho air ilLs story Is well founded as lIeu ball a spent one ant struck Terry- In Its descent coming downward nnd piercing his heart Heveral boat have been fired upon many narrow sscnros have occurred hut this I the flmt fatal shooting during this flood ironuxv ixnirr mxcnEn Oar lonclnn Falls to Sprtre thn Punishment of tho Men Who Klllrd John Uioi- Nrw OmKiXS April 2 Tho second at- tempt of Ciov Loneino of Mississippi to pun- ish lynching lure failed Whfn John Knot a Canadian woe lynched near Scranton Miss for the alleged murder of his MopAoti- Ciov Lonclno exercised nil Influence to liar the engaged in the orlm brought ti justice The AttorneyOnprnl took charge of ilu c sn nnd the District Jlldee rind District Attorney had conferences with the Governor to tee what ceuld bit doim A few doyi ngo DKtrlct Judei Wood om pinolled the n w flrand Jury and Instructed it to Investigate the Irnchlng anti hirIng In Inillrtinents nsHlnst tho n who were Impli- cated The Grand Jury has reported to tho- Indue that titter a thorough and most care- ful of the lynching they failed to discover euOMent testimony upon which thee alleged lynchers oiuld ho Indicted for murder M Ashcroft constable und It r Keymour deputy h rlfr who were nrreted on the charge ft icing Implicated In the lynihlmc and who have l en confined In the county Jnll at Mississippi City to awaIt the action of the Ginnd Jury wore released todu y PUblic ffntlmnnt In Scranton h s been very divided on the subject of punishing till lynchers a majority1 beIng oiiposed lo pun- ishment WOIID HAXISII THE UOSQWTO Jersey City Manilas M rUn to Oat of lb lldghls The ouesUoii of abating tlm mosquito nul lance was discussed Tuesday night at the organization meeting of the Central Im- provement League of Hudson County which took place In FralnrrJly Hull nt Williams and West SIde nvnnues City a sec- tion where mosquitoes are plentiful In sum merPresident fleerr H Iltusell eiphlned that mosquitoes are In the habit of spending their days In the grass on the meadows and are blown in by the winds to the heights He that the association request th health authorities lo compel lu to the rn s und weeds houses mt Vhs mosquitoes he mlil would be iinuble to n In the yards would hick to thin meadows asso dalton took no action COLLEGE 31EX SFELI HAVLT Coarse In Spelling May Added to Colom- bia Currlrilnni Instead of he regular lectures In the de partmsnt of at Columbia this week the members of the sophomore anti freshman classes havn been xuhjeeled to spelling tests The instructors nre looking for practical proof or disproof of the chargo that has Mined currency of latp tint college men can- not upell correctly Thin department will riot announce thn nciiril remilts of the testn up to tutu but It Is known the percentage of errors In spelling comparatively nlmpln words wu surprisingly largo Tho tests will hIs in the establishment of II mlleco class In spelling UK an adjunct to the depart- ment of ITai Imrl Wwlgglliks Partner Janice M Stiirbuck a clerk fit IJrondway bun filed a petition in bankruptcy with lia- bilities I3 S3S1 and no u els Of this lia- bilities lnnvit were Incurred by npr nf Imrl Dwlgirlns the bunker who trove bunks six in hand The Ilrnrt of Nrw Turk is wltlim a Miuires ol the iOimnodli lean sylunla lUllii a stations at feet ul Wilt d street A 4f JOFJII1 the flipper W 4 sad apt 67 was and man 1111111 lion tin MI ft II fw lit M Dead ar- rived tim Virginia I this Key- stone haute fired u ida Drive I beta Sec lion Jersey keep hinr t Eagh eli t lint 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SUICIDE ON WEDDING DAY SPOILS uAir or A IHIIULE cnncaioxv OTHER OVIIE 31A KillKT Staler of the Suicide Led lo the Allar nhlle Hit Intended llrlJe FaIt linlde UIi lucid Ilodj Arrlrrd at hone In Her IlrUal Ilrest Jfo Eiplanatlon Sr Lotris Mo April 24 William I Bender committed suicide at noon today while a carriage was waiting at the door to take him to his weddln Ho was found a few minutes later by tho friends who went to hU room to summon him Ho won to have been married at the church at 2 oclock to Miss Annie Klcnle Sites Kionlo wan at Benders homo this morning but shortly before noon left for her own homo to prepare for tho weddIng Bho Bender appeared In the best of spirits After she left Bender went to his room supposedly to dress for tho ceremony Ho had not been absent more than ten minutes when the carriage up to the decorated with white patln ribbons Ills friend went to his room and found him lying upon Uio bed beside his wedding clothes Ho had shot himself and was unconscious Ho died soon ho was discovered- A little later Miss Klcnlo arrived nt the of her intended husband Sho wan drtHsed In bridal robe ready for the wed dIng Sho found a policeman Ftatidins over Benders dead body and fainted Ilk fliejids can give no reason for Ids etch Tho wedding ceremony this afternoon was to have been a double one Miss Hen rietta Bonder a Hlalnr of the suicide anti Theodore Kllly were to have been married at the atone time as Bender and Miss Klenle They left the houo soon after Bender died arid were married the opinion being that tho weddlm arrangements hUll pone HO tar that tliero was no niwsslty of delay tag tho ceremony on account of tutu brother flue other members of Benders family were absent nt the time of the suicide at- tending the funeral of thin elder Mr Ben roinvw HES IHCET lint of Whnt Crime Xnbodj Ar iiu1nlrri Hill Snlrtrtr Srlionrk Srrms to Know John Bclmnck killed himself lost nigh at tutu liome of Anti ODonnell 12 Ilottiuiii street after rrlling u note In which police ln declared himself Innocen- vt the crimo named Nobody nt hotiKo knew what orbit was referred to Scliunclt was 40 years old and was em- ployed as n clerk by John MiilholUml i real estae deulor havIng an allies on How Ho cumo to this city roceutly from Ijoubsville Ky He went Imrnt to dJnuoi last night with Mrs ODonntUu bouln law In the evening ho was left tile house unit coon afterward tired three hot Two of the bullets went into lib Junes The letter which lie had written wo- ouoti d tho pollen ns Mylng In part Mr DKAII HAHV SHTKH ASP liKrminn I thank Sod I am not of the crlrnn named I know that a loath awaits me so I take life to bring diFgrare with my dying breath I 1 nm not guilty son knows what I Mrs Olionnell that she didnt know about Schunck or his rela- tives whom ho had written She alo saul that her oninlnw didnt know any- thing about the moan and could not seen The soninlaw did not return to tilt hous after the filicide- Mulhollnnd said that Schunck was a goo workman hilt that be had to him a week ago an account of drunkenness vo iticr iiiMiEtt rnt Theory of Alderman llnh About Aldermen Horror st Trark Ilrlllng Alderman Hobert Muh who wn appolntn as the chalrinin of Aldermens com mlttee to lnve tlgat betting nt rnrrirark mid yesterday that he luidnt any Idea what the iMinmilttee would do What was the reison for the introduction of the resolution wns asked Oh uld Muh 1 SIIPPOU they dldut get their budges snw v iwvs A niocK It Takei Oirr the Triangle at llroadwur and roily sfrond Slrrrt The trianfflo bounded by Broadway Sev- enth avenue and Iong Acre Square north of the Talst Ilotol was bought yesterday by the Subway Company through noblnanri Co from Amos Kno iho Subway Realty Company Mil new corporation organized to conduit rent eState trunsuciions for the Subwny Constructinii nnd its personnel praillially Identliul with that of the Utter The purchase was made nciessary by the fact that the Rapid Transit road In turning from Street into Ilr ndwiiy will pa s under th Kno property lifter cutting away Iurt of the street vaults of hue Pubsl Hotel In ciinil street The road also encroaches on the of the St Cloud Hotel belonging to John Jacob Astor on tho south- east cornier of Fortysecond street and Itroud Mr Astor however has agreed to surrender the tumiD required In return for a private entrance from th subway vtatnui to the cew hotel which is about to Cruet The new St Cloud which will be constructed from plans by Bruce Trice will hav an ele ration of twenty storIes and tho work of clearing the lre will be begun next June Two other important Improvements In Long Acre Square bv members of the Astor family an apartment mitel on tho west Mje of the fiiiit n Kortylhlrd and Forty fourth nnd n rn northwest eurnT of Kortyllfth reel hone jcrn nn nnd thi itiliiit Ions by tlw Astor has been followed hy u very cuti ieribe eoii red estate innvotmnt in the Imnieduite neighborhood mnnlly in the hide strf ti VS rEK3IAKT rHoanAJIllE To Keep Ilai lns Inljivfnl Itnorts and Stake TheIr llulnm Ilipriinuhle- Tha Committee of Hfleen his decided t remain in tutu cruiing bu mo hon II year from this premnt tltuo re ardles event of n xt Nuveiuber election Mm theory oti whloh committee will worU- Is that If the from vUo eon be appre- ciably curtailed many persons In Hint out of will be foriid out business utid In that way many ooiertiiiiHbli plues will bn Iiiieen work nmN iiiioutI- HIIHA a inontli For u tlain tho of- llnnnces wits n serious one liit since IIN linen tlon In beeouui IV pennanent lieeaine knatn lonniiltteit bitii- as ir dtlint Us tXprnsiM palil Is not KO mm h the nhU i of tin urgnnl to send of illegal re- ports to jnll us to drive them out i t constant harassing will reduce their inistotn to a iiiliilmuiii and rut oil prollts The lrnnil mils llmllrl Is firellfd by no otlitr train In pains ul djulpmcat- scfirduli seinw Adi Un own door raylr after horn dera brother In the Ill thin alone- In h m Corl hilt II Ir lid Maid I t tie Ir k I wa 11111111 Ion t III I Ill I Ihplr- I the ann drove lJehlevihl- einzc Park thiti Beau y I uuui glue ouul fiLl ii y lort second Fort clue lit et pet S ii t hut u iit Ill orgitiieiI IOu ii i tHu I t hut tel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > < < ¬ < ¬ ° mil lllCK IACKt Alleged From Iretlilrnt HfKlnlrj Said lo lie a by Friends New Mexico April 21 A message was received hero tonight alleged to bo from Presi- dent MeKlnley granting Thomas Ketchum commonly known ns Black Jack who Wits to have been hanged hero on April 8- o reprieve till May Z5 low t ro says time alleged reprieve Is n forgery by Ketchum friends Ketchum arrived hero under n heavy guard at 4 oclock this morning Xo at- tempt has been mndo to rescue him Ho said that the high board fence around tho scaffold should be taken down so thin peo- ple could sco the hiuiclng of a mon who never killed anybody nFfOHXKIlS lOOK FOR CALL TO IKIVE- illes Told to Ilradlnrts for the Km- prrurS llflnrn In ranrrH- OXOLULV April 17 via San Francisco April 21A letter has been received hero by the Chinese Heform Society from Leuni a Chinese reformer now In Austra- lia saying that he has udvlees that Km- peror Kwangsu will soon return to Pckln and put Into operation some of tIme reform measures that were checked limo years ago by the Empress Dowager Ioung says ho lion been advised to he in waiting near China for a call to 1tkln when time Emperor arrives A similar letter has been received from hanK Yti Wel lender of time reformers who Is now at Singapore A HEJIAllKAlllE MAX Prof Crook Says HP vrr 1ned an Oath Drunk Mgunror Uls iil a Simian CnicAno April Algie H rook the bachelor member of the faculty of North- western Vriverslty surprised tutu students during a heart lo heart talk in the laboratory yesterday by wiylng that frivolities of tho world had not tempted him I have never tittered a profane word Raid Irof Crook never have smoked chewed tobacco drank Intoxicants nor hugged or kissed a woman The confession brought blushes to the eherk of tho young women of the class tho young morn looked and wondered Thi Is true added thin Professor Well spoke up a student you dont know what youve nilsned professor Prof Crook alter n moments Mlmce anti as If talking to himself remarked Per- haps not rook Is 1 graduate of Ohio Wcsleynn- InlvBWlty anti s 87 years old anti l known one of tho most nthlctln and learned men nt tho KvnnMnn Institution nnd H a fttvorlto at Womans 1U1- 1mm KTiiiKFnn jv 1 rrncB IUOT Throw a Girl Who Wootrd to Work and right the Police PATIISOV April 14 Girl strikers at the American Cigar Companys factory in Pas solo cau l nriot this morning It the pollen an hour to quell About four hun- dred gIrls at the factory went on strike last Saturday for nn odvatico In wages About two hundred ef them were about the mill this morning anti when ten girls started for till mill gate to as for work thus joo made n riikh for them For half nn hour there was a lively scone Skirts were torn arid ono of the ten girls was thrown into the canal near the faetory She was pulled out again by the strikers anti disappeared The police hud no terrors fur tho strikers One girl wielded an umbrella In a rush upon them nnd the point of the umbrella pierced Bergt Kellys hand TIT HATE rXHEH SS4 Itrdortlon Hipertrd From the rtfvrrs- or moo Deputy Tax Commissioner Frank J lull n hi yesterday that Judging from the present Indlratlon the tax rate for this year would bo- one or two points under 2 24 the general role for Manhattan borough III iouu Mr hell that It would be Impossible to get the rate down to 200 There U about tlOOOOOOPOO real estate on the book and n largely increased personal tax rate noman lls With Slot for Her llor Hurt null to Prosrrutr Him Stcddurd alias Hart tho Tombs Hwliidler Is stIlt keeping at It Stonn walls di rot a prison nuku for lui gonlus woman from up tho State ralleil at the 1ombs yt- terday and said sin wanted to see her toy It turned out that hn had gut a letter pit portinz to come from her son saying tlmt ho was In a scrape nnd was ui iho Tombs under the name tart Tho loiter asked for stile to jet him out flue mother decided to ioiiin III person with tbo inonuy- Shi wns lit Tombs that Hurt would s o vittorj Tell him It U hue mother liar sent buck this message My mother must lit mile in a cell Thn be too iniirh lor hr Tell her to hn iiiit toMivo me Then the woman engaged Itwyer Hueli i Pentecost to do wlmi he tnsnvulier boy Hefure nhe and the lawyer had tlni- ID do iniirh MefntiVllle hoard of untIe latest link Hiowrd the woman 1 of tliu prisoner That put nn end tobut J A l of Toronto from whose wife Hart iM 1M by n letter pretending to be written by her husband in under thn name camo to this nnd after a tdlt with District Attorney JMlbln decided lo pro ocut Mrs turre- ulx The letter llarf was tearing when De- tective MoConville went to hula cell In the Tombs mi for Mrs rles tnotiev nnd found 111111 was addressed to Seiintir l rv Dollar Sullivan nnd was a THREE iMTriwiir Aitnirn- Uenrorge Alabama unit lla ahaiftts In From lamnlrH Three of tug battleships of the North Atlantic Hifron the Kenr arge thn Ala- bama lImit th Mns niihu ets arrived yes terdny front Klntrton Jaiimien They lire There lsoo oHUnrs and men iihonrd the and s not one Pete of serial sicknes ninong the hnrdy bliieinckeis and Two new drills were Introduced while the hips were ii Sjintii Ilo a A 5Inch gun was dismounted taken ashore in u st arn and tired nine times Two iiiiratn landing neither knowing ntivliing 11111111 the tuber were sent ushore- nt Hiinta llisi Kiied sent sculls liiroimli the wood midi 1 to- iliwover fi other llr Ilinprr Horse M tin hiie ol Dr William II Draper in West fortyseventh reel tin bulletin wis Issued at inidnhtht lat might Dr Draper has fulled somewhat tb afternoon pr IIHH been ill of pnnumonli sim- i iHP lOr iltar Is a brnrMilor to tko hdlfs iw aroma and friciancp Is rronounird Ue li hy thra Ye tnK dear twts but a dlo I To l tail of leading ftjrywlitte tcr nJoIRlFJE One run III CI TOO l Chit litso Its 23 lint Ion roC Into Canal Wit took A Sitaht sail Ont lituil lIt till IIIIIIh H iII IlIo la uulir IIIII1u1 tIlIinll UIIIIIIr- Ii CIIIIIll III I him flu lie cms ON suiiuia ix pzucox Ant h t lit lit shut tealut ui itt Pet Attuve urn uih I coitus an begging letter Cut the ui Icr a uut ii tuehi uuit w- it iiirn fir w lilt it I nit I lion ins ri hut rh r 11 oruult rut 4 ta I iii Ofle flu I ella rt t cI ore S I mutter C flenefattor dealers Tu1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ° BOY XSCIENCE VICTIM TOO or sicon cuiiit run HVOJT- HOTiiEit wot invr CALL hOrTon A llanihtrr Dlrd Ial and Two Other Children Are III All of IllphihrrU Jlothcr- Inshlrd on XSclrnrr Trralmrnt tntll Too Ialf Ilfr Stint llai liven Way FiAimin N 1 April 21 William tho eldest son of Mr and Mrs leroy J Kill of Forest avenue Innwood died of diphtheria at parents home at night He I the tee iid child In Iho family to micciimh to the disease Dorothy the daughter who Is Ill with the same dlseuse IH much worse and James u year and a half old developed dlph- therltlu symptoms this morning Ills condi- tion ls critical the other con Ieroy 4 years old U 111 today and It U feared that he may develop tlipdlsease The Lucy who U dead wise token ill on Aprl- II tint did not have medical treatment dur- ing the first part of Id Illne for the same reason that huts sister lila the Mxyearnld girl who died last week did not have It Mrs Kills the mother Is n believer In Christian Science Slue visited and advised by Mr and Mr Joseph II See leader and healers of thin Christian Science Church at Cranford and held tennciously to their treat- ment Mr Kill protested against the treat meat by the Scientist Lout to no purpose at Hrst Mrs KIIU contended that her chil- dren were not really Ill and would be nil ugh In n short time At flrnt there was no Quarantine at thn Klii home anti Mr and Mm See made frequent visits lucre to apply their treat- ment Later Dr Went cot t IVesldent of the 1anwood Hoard of Health become o- qualnted with the forts antI established a quarantine despite tlm proteM of Mm Kills IOKT still Dr Smith a homosnpathlo- physlclnn at VestneIil was railed and has flnco been treating the children The beliefs lucid by Mrs Kills and the strong opposition to them by lien hushnnd and thus health official have caused a break down In her health and her mind be- come affected A few days Mrs F C Maury mother of Kills who lIves nt Nashville Titm arrived at the Kills h lire arid today Mr Kills was taken to n retreat In New York Although many attempts have been mode to have tho qunrnntlno removed nt thee Hen homo In Crnnford tho Hoard of Health of that placo refuses to grant the request until oclock neit Sunday evening A polio mills U on duty nt thin house There Is a strong feeling both nt Fnnwood anti Crams ford ngainn the Scientist BOV ASLEEr IX THE RAIN Carriage StopsITnman Drops a Lap Kobe Orer- Htm Inllfmrri l rd Him A woman on her way home from the tbeatro lost nisht happened to look out of her carriage window Just in time to see n tenycnrold boy sound asleep in a Thirtyfifth sheet loorwny off Broad way The boys head was on tbe step and hU body was coiled up on the nldc walk It was mining in torrents The woman Rot out of her carriage tong enough to throw n lap robe over the boy anti then told lien driver to get a In the meantIme score of other thentro folks stopped nnd stood around the sleep IIIK boy makIng a canopy for him with their umbrellas One moan lifted thn limp robe far enough to push a quarter Into the urchIns pocket nnd everybody In the crown followed suit When Policeman Donovan showed up lie took the boy In Ills nrms and carried him to thin station Tho childs clothing was soaked through his teeth chattered and ho M as no hoarse that ho hind to In a whisper that was Patrick Cum mini a dead irk newsboy too tired to walk to his home nt 211 Hast 12lst street Th nt tln bought him a supper and after Patrick had It and u lit lie hn was sent to tho- licrry foclety for the niilit- tuooTixn iv POLICE rirovPo- llrpman and an Angry f Illpn Kirhance shots In Itolh Slay PnirAOo April SiA revolver fight bs- twe n It 1 Houchtalinijion one side ant two policemen on the other took place todsy In Hnrrisoti street pollc station shortly belie noon As n result HouchtnllnR and William Mesenger were wiunded mortally Shortly before noon lollci men Messencer oil Ileiek while htnndlni at Harrison anti wcr npprnn beth by two girls who sulil they hail been Insulted by a man amid they pointed out lloiichtnllnir Me sender reprimanded him nnd started for the sntlon Soon nfter lliiinthtaUni appeared arid ileinaniled hunt ho take tuck what he said to him t th corn r Messenger ordered him out of thn station whereupon the man drew n revolver and tired tho shots Ten shots weri tired two it Is believed tnklnar- eflVt In hit holy of Messenger who drew his revolver and tired threo times at would Im murderer before fnlllns moonscloui to tho lloor HoiiBhtallns M believed to havi been ururk Ilvo times by thn from the revolvers of Messoticer Sergt Scully- He wu token in Ibo County Jail Hospital whew it li ald that hits chances of recovery are small As thin woiindej policeman fell Serot Soiilly- rusied from behind his desk and begun unfit t Houchinlliii who witS running The shot from Bcullys pistol hrouchtthemun lo the cround but crawling on his hundt anti knees und still I rlnfhe at tenpted to escape throiiih the squad room dour Hy tbU time however a dozen police- men were in the room revolver In hand ansI llouKhtalinir hIs revolver rendered uie less by one of Si allys bullets surrendered ovr Rid TrxxEi imrEH norne with Srvprsl llMtrlbnllnc Stations Stain Ml Sot Vpl Cbnspi- iTliofucstlon whether there will be one or several power houses for the Hiipld Transit has been practically decided by the cuuineerN of the coniany Then will be ono main power house larger limn either the Manhattan or Metropolitan with several for time distribution of electrical energy AiiDilur departiinti of the Transit Huliwitv inn been istnl iisnd Ih appointment of J Van Vlirl IIH incriiunirnl engineer with author- ity tn onMiil7 u force and coopernto with iMtrieiil etitfliiiir I In the i mist ruth Ion of the power plant Tho SIt of the power his not yet been iMcrmined H n iiestionof real estate valuta principally tai li fiitlon i n i v payment plan and lor AI n m KIOI ifin Yojfc elty- AntrdllnTlaa lift ArUtooatlc oltlaadnne Atlt lILt Til sleek his I I I was this r has ago Mrs t 0 4 5 Cr police- man S a I hue tflhhi tel it Ion eat ems 4 hiram Ilk the lurk christ I his bullets ito iu t tin iy first I imI iwo y coast ruuu luifi it ii sum hitnt ions t huts I niil rum i I Ii I use iuy lit utus I terre t lntl minooi S tnt St ldp i eic F ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < ¬ > >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-04-25 [p ].and n number of wellknown Cstliolle Hercy men of the rlty...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-04-25 [p ].and n number of wellknown Cstliolle Hercy men of the rlty occupied tcati on platform Mr ronflned Id remark principally to tlie hill passed




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FLOAT 3100000000 ItOXDS

Governor to Glr Hearing on the TerminalDUI on Tneeday Mott ot the Tammany

Officeholder Fall Into Line Ilthtnd Colcr-

tn Attacking the lllll He Sure Oar111ollcy

Most of tho Tammany officeholders fol-

lowed the lead of Comptroller Coler yester-

day In denouncing the bill which will per-

mit the New York and Now Jersey BridgeCompany to construct an elevated structurealong weal waterfront to bo usedas a freight terminal In connection with UsbrIdge from the Jersey shore to the foot ofWest Flftynlnth street Comptroller Colerhimself continued to talk all d y Ionic about

ho called this unconstitutional un-

fair inequitable and unjust ineanuro EarlyIn tho morning he went from lilt ofilco to thoMayors office and had a long talk withMayor Van Wok Whon he came out

something which has not been heardfrom his lips since the Administration beganHe said our policy referring to attitudewhich the city would take toward tho bridgeIn the past Comptroller Colrr has talkedmoro frequently about his Tammany fellowedictholders ns thom mid of their policiesas their Dut now Mr Coler Is playingtag with tho Tammany nomination for Mayornext fall and he has become very chummywith Tammany

Comptroller Coler said that be would testthe constitutionality of the act highest

eonrtin IhoState If signed It Ho

telegram to the Governor early In themorning asking that a publIc hearing bo

given and In the afternoon ha received ananswer saying that the Governor would give-

a hearing on Friday Afterword the day was

ch n d to Tuesday Mr Colcr said thatIf such an elovated railroad WM to be builtalong the water front It should bo built andcontrolled absolutely the city

tho Department office atPier A North Itlver ber-

ceant Cram rommiiflonor Murphy weredenouncing tlm bill as vigorously Mr t okr

bill tho tri twould bo turned over lo i railroad companylloth Mr Cram arid Mr Murphywas ridiculous for the oflltern foinimnyto maintain their utructuro wuiilU notobnrucl the highway They said If Itwas to run m ihU-

tructuro the Mipportinc coluins would neve-

siully b of In uch numbersthat thero would b very little leur why left

accommodation trucks rind othervehicles on their way to the r-

In the meantime Merchants A snciii-

tlon cot stirred up it usually t W stirred upwhenever Mr Coir Is exclieil lit oltle T-

nnnoumed that n meeting would bn heldon nt which th ofHreet would HHV an opportunity toaanlnit the

riiero w Mime t ilk yesterday about theCllv Hull to th effect hit Tairniiniiy

thirteen who votedIn favor of be disciplined be-

cause their action prevented Tuinmanv unitfrom mnklnk n of thomeasure me of the n A was

Sullivan rind It Bneridlv iu-

mtlled that he was notu umtlr of there has not yet been

nny tails ivnoiw responsible Inrninanv menabut t e of those who voted

hrldc billDelos K Culver ono of the min who

Interested In the plan and nhosail that

railroad company could he behind thescheme of Conirress author

the hrlden innkes It Incumbent mi thisto grant niual to

nil companies on Mr Oliverstld that uiln W Mrlabt ienrsH

011 llnusihnll ien Tame R larkson and Dr Kd nrd Mnllory CulverInterettiiJ In It lln hat they owneda majority of the stuck of tln tint

w Itrldije fonpanv and thnt tlieproposition now wns to lloat lWii iimi

bonds secured by u irortLiiireon tho property for the cnti lriirtloiihrldire that n Wnll Street svndhvto-Is now preparing to underwrltu all of thbonds

rillfAnrirniA April t Thiswas Ismiwl trio the of ihi First ViiPresldent of the lenn vlvanli I illroodCompany loilnv The Iennsvlvnnii flail

Compsnjr hn no connection whateverthe et Hridire pns l

the New Ynrk scnibv y ferdnwhich there se ms lie ini-

cune ption It is pruiioied bv tiartie Inter-ested In niP New Y rk New Jersey llrloc

ciarerd In l itb Stnteswhose location crosses the Unison Hlver-nt sireet ior Ins the North Ilvir-Hrldge rurnpanv chnrtered tonereisto the river nut i nneit all the rall-roadsonboih sides In tb vleitltv olTwcnfvthIrd street to with the lecis-la n-

cnirn CUIHMS inminr niit-

Ho Declare II Carrlri With II Control of lh-

Commrrrr of tile NationComptroller Inler Iwturml bi l niKht ntder

the direction of the St YlneeiitdePnulSurlely-of NOW York nt Ciirnecle Mutc Hall Illhop-Farley presided antI Introduced Mr ColorArchbishop Ccrrlsnn Jiitlces Morcun 1

Ollrlen Jatne KltBcrdd 1 A lllaniliardand n number of wellknown Cstliolle Hercymen of the rlty occupied tcati on plat formMr ronflned Id remark principallyto tlie hill passed by th IetU-Utiiro Klvlne the New York nd New Jer cy-

Brld e Company tho marulmd otroct rightson street from 1lftyiiintli Rtrrct

Jlatteiy He till the lilt nitu oulriTi iJand kae the cnnipnnr alnolul eontrol oftho roinmcrcn of the port of New York nndthereby he commerce of tie nation

uro rHpldlv beiotnlne thecentre of tin world nd Mr Coler Therl he t men eer Known live turn and nt thlipoint will bo i inrertirmed tlm cointufriO ofthe earth

The Ilrld K tjcnti sild Mr Color mmplain that New Virk IH nit irivcompany the ritht to have n Inlily o lad to it to the leci lature if-

wo didnt allow the rliipany to rob u whythe I t iiHirn permit It to rnh IH

1 tint trIll provides thnt the New York anti NowterNey e Mirll given idnmt-b jlute monopoly of tho of HIP

t New They snil wnnteda little nt pronrh lu t n little thestreet Inder that bill IliaC little hwill loe to the city millions ir dolluti liui-pery rink

Mr Coler sato he thought It would bnA creat IhliiR for the city If the rnilmnd Ioin-i nli run their cnri direct to thebit lie did not believe this i

hhould be clven tn H pnrtiiiiiir-roriomtlon Hethouchl thnt

KO thor till railroad nulell steamship compnnles would receive eipial-


Alfred iwjnni Vanilrrbllt Anllrr4-iliio Ii the lrwre-

ARiislKToxHtDSOX April 24 Tho rothPioneer made iw regular trip from the nl-

ilorfAstorla to the Casino today with Alfrediivvnne VanderbIlt ns nhlp Tho trip oo u

pled four hour and when the clubhouse Woe

renchfd the couch Ant fur were coveredwith mud Among Ynnderbiltt eue tH

were nrihingtun Vhltehoue II Johtiton I1 i terry and c Dodge At tho rds

Onslno it was reported tilt Alfred iwyntio-Yunderbllt Tower iho-honiiiof HarbtT shortlylifter the Pioneer arrived Mrmet M mother Mr1 Cornilun YiuulerMItand ihev were driven In a rarrvall to Ardslet

to look over the hou e Wurthlnglun-Vhicln ii e them it

that nnderlilll lll pend partiT the Mitnnier with ln r M II nt Ard lVwin innM ho aln leaded for tho

tinier Manor llouve which Unear ArdtilevI nwers

fount Trip Tlrkrts In ullfiirnla-KI ill nllliM of ruiilM rolnr unit rr-

t mint via i huviitu A Sixth Vrxlcru nionSouthern Iviilt Itjlwnvi Tlir Ofrfl na

mutt the MM fvrrynliy tram a Nurlh-VVcitMB Ilnc ouiic 491 llrotdvoy

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M Varllla Start an Acllatlnn In to Pirnrcbu b the tnllrd Slate

Spttial Cafe l TUB SUS-

fARin April 24 M Varllla Is dwvotlni-Ll energies to preventing the United Statesfrom purchasing tho Panama Canal WIththo view to arousing French nnd tho worldsopinion against Mich a purchase lie hattoken n sage In the largest French

to develop his theories and put newIfe Into tho French

In u statement thus published ho setsforth tho reasons for hU conviction of thoutter impracticability of tho NicaraguaCanal and his belief that the purchase-of tho Panama Canal by tho United StatesIs tho only moans by which the Americanaran realize their scheme of an isthmiancanal

Ho says h doe not Mome tho newPanama company for peeking n solutionIn the Americanization of tho PanamaCanal but blamm them for not havingtho civic courage to appeal first to France

lo tcllthelr countrymen the truthadddsThis solution by sale to another nation-

to even BO sincere and cordial u friend asAmerica Is a miserable one recourse towhich should only bo hail nCr an attemptto flint n noble solution that I a Frenchsolution

Ho affirms that tho oalo would ho dis-

astrous at whatever price watt obtained butIt would be ever a greater moral disasterbeciueathing to our sons the heritage oj

cowardice timid loss of manhoodHo announce his willingness to subscribe

JOOOOOO francs toward the completion ofthe canal and appeals to the public to fol-

low lube example He has appealed toPresident Ionbet to support tliemovement-


lo Oundlrr Ileienti the VMt of NorthernerInlprrstrd In Negro Kdnratlim

SAVANNAH Oa April 21 Yhllo

Savannah last night Gov amllcr wai-

a ked what he thought of tlm present tripthrough the South of tho party nf wealthyNew Yorkers and otheru interested in negroeducational Institutions In tho party U

the Itev Dr ParUhurnt amid Curryiho Pcabody agent They tpent Sunday-In Atlanta and iov Ciindlcr was nakedto miHt them but declined ov Candlerwild of the visitors

Hooker Washington was the best manin tho party Washington In a good negroand Is doing pretty good work It Is tohis Interest to get these Northencrs In-

terested In his BchooK He gets moneyout of thrill and I tent blame him for thatnt tilt Dr Curry the Peabody agentIs a good man but 1 dont know muchabout the others

Tho negro colleges of tho South do notneed the old of those Northern

10 know thai you can standdome of the Capitol of Georgia

than you can schools W can at-

tend to odncatlon of the In theSouth without Iho aid f thesti dilinneJ-Yuikei and the education theylieed most tun

1 do not ve In the higher educationof the He should be ttiiiRhttrades but when he the lm artlip tiets educated nbove its caste and it

makes liiiu unhappy I am opposed 10Hitting netfrmH factories and ofllcts

When you dn that you will eaum dissatis-faction hetwtvn tin two rniirt and Hiirh-UilinjH wit lead to a nice war Tinsi-Yunkw who die and leave their moneytit iieiro rnlleKe do not tholocal It may rltrlit bowevi rfor wnne of tliein to ncnd ihrir inon y liack-to the Soiiili In this milliner tor in ninecases the fniindations for their

the carpet baggers of tho Southmoney coming bark

I am nut surprised at Atlantathoe People lionizeIn Atlanta All newcomers aro heroesIn their eviw Ymi knnw they madn ahero out of Sherman when ho enme there

inuMv inuis riant A mtiiwrCommits SuUlde by lp lilas Into the Ohlo

riouil at Cliidnnall

CINcINNATI April th Ohioof the niiwpcnsion bililgo Into tho Hood

n welldressed young woman leapedto till death this afternoon She struckwith n splash and by the swift current Iloated abpfor tho waters clofed over her Thorapidity of the stream prevented any boatsgoing to the rwcuo or to rerovvr the Lady

The Identity of unknown-Sho WHS about 12 otall nnd wilghed about IID pound Onthe bridge were found a brownwlihr drf ilH with awliitcvellnnda woodenhandled hlllc Thene were takento tin Hammond Mreet pollen Ktailon

Mrn II In a rhllndrlphU-Onirlrrr Anlhoilllri rarlrilP-

iillAni irniA April J A peculiarcilia of ufTjIrs at Ilolj OniPtory-Is pntlii rlns fiynn art oilier-dlcnltnrie of Itonian Catholichore For n lone tliuo the crnve dlirtrershave li atlleil nih ihclr piy n ilollar-a day lIlt th v tech no sctlon until n worknco when tie of their number lirhirffiilThey that ho bo rninployivi bin themportntonilent f the burlnl croiind pil

They then ilemnmleil nn lnoreu of a dollar-awrek In which won refusednnd they refund to go to work It WU-Ktlinmrhl llwt II would Ii my to cinirntIers but till far It has hren Imposslhlo-nnd imw tli yfiiilt l o rrnwileil tjnt it willIf liiipn lbli to BI I any more bodies n li-

I Me JUDInrfnl OlrrnTrJinjlljnllr tfiiin hlp-

iiiiAiio April l Tli it aiiislip North-western whieli nil d from lioro this after-noon will nll lit llulTiiln

Oil Hretin pn riut to Liverpool Ilic-Uiil Thi N II flr l teitn lili i leiiruiBfrmii tlie port of hleiii t uirrv the roitn ufit e t lo he lllirk tii o tile enerii hlriicn i rijoiiiniroier lhi lint1 trniu now on Tho print

nf Knlckertim i or leurlnsMs liar with nice

Nlonn Net lanrt In llnalniii-

ltilftlal IaW Itipatlitn Till SISIiiMiDN April 51 Ijujn the iirrlcal at

Ilytniiith today of the I mHrhland Tod Sloan the joker who wan a paf-eruer drrldcd not In Invrland Hotherefore to t hfrhnurc here

will lo to Putlie SUIT In Srr M uiri

f ur r younhniiiii York iVnlralirinl Ontriil Mili n tie rrnln ntlropl

iJilifl Calnnett MoatA good bracer Ur









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Enrolment of tb Cronn Print at ltnal-

larkedby a llrllllant C r mony Enthoil-

aitlo SUdpnts Cheer for Their lloyal-

AMorlate Kalspra Tribal to Victoria

Ipttltl CaSt llnpatth to TllR SUN

nKniiN April 24 Tho enrolment ofthe Crown Prince a a student of the BonnUniversity was performed with brilliantand picturesque ceremony In tho greathalt of the university today Ill torn In

academic gowns military visitors In

and students corps filled the placewith color The enthusiasm of tho par-

ticipants vented itself in continuous cheer-ing

The rector In an address welcomed theCrown Prince and sold he hoped ho wouldunite serious study with the buoyant spiritsof youth The Crown Prince afterwardclgncd the university register and sealedlilt promlm of obedience by shaking thereclors linnd

The Borussla Corps entertained Em-

peror William and the Crown Prince at aComment In tho evening

His mado a speech in which hereferred to his own happy student daysand made hU Inevitable allusion to higrandfather which this time was linkedto a reference to Queen Victorias consortthe lifo companion of that now glorified

queenly woman who always strove forpeaceful and friendly relations betweenher people amid ours who Indeed are bothof Germanic origin

Ho brlelly Kkotehed the downfall ofBarbarossas empire anti the rise of thenew empire under William Ho told hishearers

You are In a German landcitizens of a strongly defined Germannation to labor for which you are all heroto bo trained Splendidly grown anddeveloped the Km pi re now stands beforeyou n firm manly resolve to workfor iermatil1 to raise strengthen antiuphold her keep your hearts aglow The

You will need your strengthhit not simply to squander It In coitmopolltan dreams nor In the service of onesidedparty tendf nclei to foster stability of

thought our Ideals


nilalUts of nplch rath Still Ktrllpd Orrr-AnhdoUei Alllanre With Clerical

p uJ Call nnttJth to TUB SireVIENNA April 21 The Irritation against

Archduko Fran Ferdinand heir prcmimplive to the throne for Ills attitude towardRome does not Biibside It again produced n in tho Ilelchsrathtoday which ended In n temporary BUS

pension of the Hitting In order to prevent-a fight

Herr Pernerstorfer a Socialist made nmotion to repeal Article 1X1V of theCode under which the offenco oflag or libelling members of the Imperialfntnily is punishable by a year to five yearsImprisonment Herr Pernerstorfer madoan angry in which ho declared thatIn of Archduke Fran Ferdinandsaction the had arrived lo deprivethe members of the Imperialwhom then were tteventy of their eiempi ion train public criticism-

Ib added that Jisuistii ultramontanUm-which Hpllts tip nation forced tho de-

mocracy to combut clericalism whichIn Austria was embodied In the personof Franz Ferdinand He demanded ur-

gency for Ids motionAltercation antI tumult of thn familiar

kind followed Fvenlually the PrimeMinister refused to accept the motionHe declared thin the majesty of tho thmnomust extend to nil members of the Im-

perial house whoso personal dignity miintnot be touched by word or deed lest themonarchical lucia hhould suffer

Ir Kowber denied the current reportthat the Government haul ordered thowrest of thou who epoki againstFerdinand at public meeting

The motion was flimlly rejected

srotKX Drrr TO nnii HERE

Mr Morgan In Hive llrrldrd to kppp ItIn London

sriH Itipaitn SiNIvpov Airll 21 it Is utmiithorita-

tively slated that thus painting of tho-

Duchc of Devonshire which was purrluiHil n few days ago by Mr JMorgan will tot go to the United Statesfor a long lime If over it goes there MrMorgan it Is nald win keep tho pictureIn his London house has been ex-

hibited for a prolonged period In Bondstreet

0US rtrrHvr v PARIS

nard and Smooth hat Very Rpinnant andi ppn lTp

Spinal Catilt PiiRitrlit lo True SUN

PAIMS April 21 Tho municipality It et-pfrlmentlnr with glass paving materialA dectinn nf Hue du Havre has been laid withIt us a test

It l glass subjected to n process calleddevltrlfaetlon The r ull Is a hard smoothnpanue nonporous suh lnnee which dossnot retiiln damp or ultra It possessesremarkable re stane-

Th Inventors nny that It combines tICsolidity of aranlto with the smoothness ofn phnlt If Is riot affected by heat or cellIt however Is eipenslve costing from nlnn-

lo twelve francs per square tn tre Anotherdniwbiick IN extreme resonance


Sydney and C Town llpport flayingrorrrrd It t Mshl-

ltffl1l C Mt rilfltrh lo ruinSinxir N S W April 2

comet wn seen throughout Australia to-night It was near Aldebnrnn

CAlK Tows April 21 A large cornet wasseen in the pattern sky tonight-

Sir Sawjrr Win In Sad Hare Arrossthe rrnB-

Hftrlst nnpatrh la Tlir SfN-

IosnoN April Ji arrival of thesteamer DeuUchlund nhciid of the Majesticwill allow Mr D M Sawyer of MontclilrN to meet lie wife who Is a passencer

on the Intter Henmer nt Liverpool IlrHnwyer to Iniiliind to tell her ofdrowning of their son hn fearing thit theshm I vt hearing the sad nows from strangirnmight prove fatal to her

Ortopia If you would bwirc no-nuiintpil wOO tlir American lift Itiallisa appeared fur ytaM DrooUyn


hitn tonal












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future uiwaits

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uxcoixs 11011

Plated With the Other of the Family Uthe New Monument at Hprlaffleld III

SritixariEun III April 24 At 2 oclockthU afternoon the remains of Prenldcntand Mrs Lincoln their three sons andgrandson wore transferred from the tem-

porary vault In which they have been re-

posing during tho reconstruction of theLincoln Monument to the catacomb inthe new structure specially prepared forthem The transfer was made iu the pres-

ence of the Commissioner of IJncolnMonument grounds nov Yatcs and a fewothers-

In order to avoId a crowd the arrange-ments for tho transfer had boon madequietly those who were present beingnotified late yesterday afternoon and thismorning The only formal action was tomake tho formal records of tho fact of theremoval and to attest it by wltnoisos chosen

for this purpose by the CommissionersWhen tho hour set for the transfer

the lingo stone slabs coveringcaskets were removed with a derrick amid

tho caskets were hoisted from tho vaultand placed In position in the new monu-

mentTho caskets containing tho remains of

tho threw sons and tho grandson occupied

the story of tho vault and were thefirst to bo taken out With these removedtht boxes Inclosing tho caskets of tho mar-

tyred President and Mrs Lincoln wereexposed to view These were quicklylifted from the deep vault and with un-

covered heads those present witnessedthe placing of the remains In their final rest-

ing placeFormal dedication of tho now monument

will take place on Oct 15 It Is hoped bytine Commissioners that President McKlnleywill accept their invitation to deliver thochief address on this occasion


Cltlfn of Pirkertburg TT Ya Shoots at theUejtton State and Kill n Old Cii t lu-

IAHKEnsniRO Va April ThereIi an unwritten law in VVc t thatany steamboat plying n the Ohio Hlverduring the tlmn of a good Is liable to destmc

on or at tenet some of the members of thecrew to being murdered At 730 oclockthis morning Slur Cole of city was sluingon lute secondstory porch nt his home onFront clrcet here and mw the steamer

Btato coining toward tlm city He

went Into the house and got his rUle and cameout waited for thn boat I

When the Keystone State stat within rangeho fired at lien lint the bullet MrurkW T Terry of Wheeling III the lipnrt Iilllnghim Instantly CoN Terry wns yearsold nnd had n wlfo and six children He

hat been on the river nil Ids life and on thistrip was acting us carpenter and was repair-ing tho pilot houee

Cole was arrested and taken before SquireThomas nnd sntd thnt the wave from thebont would overturn several arch en-

danger thUv aj manxpcwle and f wasprotecting his family when the eliot was

He raid he did not shoot to hill hutshot up In tho air ilLs story Is well foundedas lIeu ball a spent one ant struck Terry-

In Its descent coming downward nnd piercinghis heart

Heveral boat have been fired uponmany narrow sscnros have occurred hutthis I the flmt fatal shooting during thisflood

ironuxv ixnirr mxcnEnOar lonclnn Falls to Sprtre thn Punishment

of tho Men Who Klllrd John Uioi-

Nrw OmKiXS April 2 Tho second at-

tempt of Ciov Loneino of Mississippi to pun-

ish lynching lure failed Whfn John Knota Canadian woe lynched near ScrantonMiss for the alleged murder of his MopAoti-

Ciov Lonclno exercised nil Influence toliar the engaged in the orlm broughtti justice The AttorneyOnprnl tookcharge of ilu c sn nnd the District Jlldeerind District Attorney had conferences withthe Governor to tee what ceuld bit doim

A few doyi ngo DKtrlct Judei Wood ompinolled the n w flrand Jury and Instructedit to Investigate the Irnchlng anti hirIng InInillrtinents nsHlnst tho n who were Impli-

cated The Grand Jury has reported to tho-

Indue that titter a thorough and most care-

ful of the lynching they failedto discover euOMent testimony uponwhich thee alleged lynchers oiuld ho Indictedfor murder M Ashcroft constable undIt r Keymour deputy h rlfr who werenrreted on the charge ft icing ImplicatedIn the lynihlmc and who have l en confinedIn the county Jnll at Mississippi City to awaItthe action of the Ginnd Jury wore releasedtodu y

PUblic ffntlmnnt In Scranton h s beenvery divided on the subject of punishing tilllynchers a majority1 beIng oiiposed lo pun-



Jersey City Manilas M rUn to Oatof lb lldghls

The ouesUoii of abating tlm mosquito nullance was discussed Tuesday night at theorganization meeting of the Central Im-

provement League of Hudson County whichtook place In FralnrrJly Hull nt Williamsand West SIde nvnnues City a sec-

tion where mosquitoes are plentiful In sum

merPresident fleerr H Iltusell eiphlnedthat mosquitoes are In the habit of spendingtheir days In the grass on the meadows andare blown in by the winds to the heightsHe that the association requestth health authorities lo compel lu to

the rn s und weeds housesmt Vhs mosquitoes he mlil wouldbe iinuble to n In the yardswould hick to thin meadows assodalton took no action


Coarse In Spelling May Added to Colom-

bia CurrlrilnniInstead of he regular lectures In the de

partmsnt of at Columbia this weekthe members of the sophomore anti freshmanclasses havn been xuhjeeled to spelling testsThe instructors nre looking for practicalproof or disproof of the chargo that hasMined currency of latp tint college men can-

not upell correctly Thin department will riotannounce thn nciiril remilts of the testn up totutu but It Is known the percentage oferrors In spelling comparatively nlmpln wordswu surprisingly largo Tho tests willhIs in the establishment of II mllecoclass In spelling UK an adjunct to the depart-ment of

ITai Imrl Wwlgglliks PartnerJanice M Stiirbuck a clerk fit IJrondway

bun filed a petition in bankruptcy with lia-

bilities I3 S3S1 and no u els Of this lia-

bilities lnnvit were Incurred bynpr nf Imrl Dwlgirlns the bunkerwho trove bunks six in hand

The Ilrnrt of Nrw Turkis wltlim a Miuires ol the iOimnodli leansylunla lUllii a stations at feet ul Wilt dstreet A 4f




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Staler of the Suicide Led lo the Allar nhlleHit Intended llrlJe FaIt linlde UIi

lucid Ilodj Arrlrrd at hone In HerIlrUal Ilrest Jfo Eiplanatlon

Sr Lotris Mo April 24 William IBender committed suicide at noon todaywhile a carriage was waiting at the doorto take him to his weddln Ho was founda few minutes later by tho friends whowent to hU room to summon him

Ho won to have been married at thechurch at 2 oclock to Miss Annie KlcnleSites Kionlo wan at Benders homo thismorning but shortly before noon left forher own homo to prepare for tho weddIngBho Bender appeared In the best ofspirits

After she left Bender went to his roomsupposedly to dress for tho ceremonyHo had not been absent more than tenminutes when the carriage up tothe decorated with white patlnribbons Ills friend went to his roomand found him lying upon Uio bed besidehis wedding clothes Ho had shot himselfand was unconscious Ho died soonho was discovered-

A little later Miss Klcnlo arrived nt theof her intended husband Sho wan

drtHsed In bridal robe ready for the weddIng Sho found a policeman Ftatidinsover Benders dead body and fainted Ilkfliejids can give no reason for Ids etch

Tho wedding ceremony this afternoonwas to have been a double one Miss Henrietta Bonder a Hlalnr of the suicide antiTheodore Kllly were to have been marriedat the atone time as Bender and Miss KlenleThey left the houo soon after Bender diedarid were married the opinion being thattho weddlm arrangements hUll pone HO

tar that tliero was no niwsslty of delaytag tho ceremony on account of tutu brother

flue other members of Benders familywere absent nt the time of the suicide at-

tending the funeral of thin elder Mr Ben

roinvw HES IHCETlint of Whnt Crime Xnbodj Ar iiu1nlrri Hill

Snlrtrtr Srlionrk Srrms to Know

John Bclmnck killed himself lost nighat tutu liome of Anti ODonnell 12 Ilottiuiiistreet after rrlling u note In whichpolice ln declared himself Innocen-vt the crimo named Nobody nthotiKo knew what orbit was referred to

Scliunclt was 40 years old and was em-ployed as n clerk by John MiilholUml i

real estae deulor havIng an allies onHow Ho cumo to this city roceutly fromIjoubsville Ky He went Imrnt to dJnuoilast night with Mrs ODonntUu boulnlaw In the evening ho was left

tile house unit coon afterward tired threehot Two of the bullets went into lib

JunesThe letter which lie had written wo-

ouoti d tho pollen ns Mylng In partMr DKAII HAHV SHTKH ASP liKrminn I

thank Sod I am not of the crlrnnnamed I know that a loathawaits me so I take life

to bring diFgrare with my dyingbreath I 1 nm not guiltyson knows what I

Mrs Olionnell that she didntknow about Schunck or his rela-tives whom ho had written She alosaul that her oninlnw didnt know any-thing about the moan and could notseen The soninlaw did not return totilt hous after the filicide-

Mulhollnnd said that Schunck was a gooworkman hilt that be had to hima week ago an account of drunkenness

vo iticr iiiMiEtt rntTheory of Alderman llnh About Aldermen

Horror st Trark IlrlllngAlderman Hobert Muh who wn appolntn

as the chalrinin of Aldermens commlttee to lnve tlgat betting nt rnrrirarkmid yesterday that he luidnt any Idea whatthe iMinmilttee would do

What was the reison for the introductionof the resolution wns asked

Oh uld Muh 1 SIIPPOU they dldutget their budges

snw v iwvs A niocKIt Takei Oirr the Triangle at llroadwur and

roily sfrond SlrrrtThe trianfflo bounded by Broadway Sev-

enth avenue and Iong Acre Square north ofthe Talst Ilotol was bought yesterday by theSubway Company throughnoblnanri Co from Amos Kno ihoSubway Realty Company Mil new corporationorganized to conduit rent eState trunsuciionsfor the Subwny Constructinii nndits personnel praillially Identliul with thatof the Utter

The purchase was made nciessary by thefact that the Rapid Transit road In turningfrom Street into Ilr ndwiiywill pa s under th Kno property lifter cuttingaway Iurt of the street vaults of hue PubslHotel In ciinil street The road alsoencroaches on the of the St Cloud Hotelbelonging to John Jacob Astor on tho south-east cornier of Fortysecond street and Itroud

Mr Astor however has agreed tosurrender the tumiD required In return for aprivate entrance from th subway vtatnui tothe cew hotel which is about to Cruet

The new St Cloud which will be constructedfrom plans by Bruce Trice will hav an eleration of twenty storIes and tho work ofclearing the lre will be begun next June

Two other important Improvements InLong Acre Square bv members of the Astorfamily an apartment mitel on tho west Mjeof the fiiiit n Kortylhlrd and Fortyfourth nnd n rn northwesteurnT of Kortyllfth reel hone jcrn nn

nnd thi itiliiit Ions by tlw Astor hasbeen followed hy u very cuti ieribe eoiired estate innvotmnt in the Imnieduiteneighborhood mnnlly in the hide strf ti


To Keep Ilai lns Inljivfnl Itnorts and StakeTheIr llulnm Ilipriinuhle-

Tha Committee of Hfleen his decidedt remain in tutu cruiing bu mo hon II

year from this premnt tltuo re ardlesevent of n xt Nuveiuber election Mm

theory oti whloh committee will worU-Is that If the from vUo eon be appre-ciably curtailed many persons In Hint out of

will be foriid out business utid Inthat way many ooiertiiiiHbli plues will bn

Iiiieen work nmN iiiioutI-HIIHA a inontli For u tlain tho of-

llnnnces wits n serious one liit since IIN linentlon In beeouui IV pennanentlieeaine knatn lonniiltteit bitii-as ir dtlint Us tXprnsiM palil

Is not KO mm h the nhU i of tin urgnnlto send of illegal re-

ports to jnll us to drive them out i t

constant harassing will reducetheir inistotn to a iiiliilmuiii and rut oilprollts

The lrnnil mils llmllrlIs firellfd by no otlitr train In pains ul djulpmcat-scfirduli seinw Adi

Un own

door raylr



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mil lllCK IACKt

Alleged From Iretlilrnt HfKlnlrj Saidlo lie a by Friends

New Mexico April 21

A message was received herotonight alleged to bo from Presi-dent MeKlnley granting Thomas Ketchumcommonly known ns Black Jack whoWits to have been hanged hero on April 8-

o reprieve till May Z5

low t ro says time alleged reprieve Is nforgery by Ketchum friends

Ketchum arrived hero under n heavyguard at 4 oclock this morning Xo at-

tempt has been mndo to rescue him Hosaid that the high board fence around thoscaffold should be taken down so thin peo-

ple could sco the hiuiclng of a mon whonever killed anybody


illes Told to Ilradlnrts for the Km-prrurS llflnrn In ranrrH-

OXOLULV April 17 via San FranciscoApril 21A letter has been received heroby the Chinese Heform Society from Leuni

a Chinese reformer now In Austra-lia saying that he has udvlees that Km-

peror Kwangsu will soon return to Pcklnand put Into operation some of tIme reformmeasures that were checked limo yearsago by the Empress Dowager

Ioung says ho lion been advised to hein waiting near China for a call to 1tklnwhen time Emperor arrives

A similar letter has been received fromhanK Yti Wel lender of time reformerswho Is now at Singapore


Prof Crook Says HP vrr 1ned an OathDrunk Mgunror Uls iil a Simian

CnicAno April Algie H rookthe bachelor member of the faculty of North-western Vriverslty surprised tutu studentsduring a heart lo heart talk in the laboratoryyesterday by wiylng that frivolities oftho world had not tempted him

I have never tittered a profane wordRaid Irof Crook never have smoked chewedtobacco drank Intoxicants nor hugged orkissed a woman

The confession brought blushes to theeherk of tho young women of the class

tho young morn looked and wonderedThi Is true added thin ProfessorWell spoke up a student you dont

know what youve nilsned professorProf Crook alter n moments Mlmce anti

as If talking to himself remarked Per-

haps notrook Is 1 graduate of Ohio Wcsleynn-

InlvBWlty anti s 87 years old anti l knownone of tho most nthlctln and learned men

nt tho KvnnMnn Institution nnd H a fttvorltoat Womans 1U1-

1mm KTiiiKFnn jv 1 rrncB IUOT

Throw a Girl Who Wootrd to Workand right the Police

PATIISOV April 14 Girl strikers at theAmerican Cigar Companys factory in Passolo cau l nriot this morning Itthe pollen an hour to quell About four hun-

dred gIrls at the factory went onstrike last Saturday for nn odvatico Inwages About two hundred ef them wereabout the mill this morning anti when tengirls started for till mill gate to as for workthus joo made n riikh for them For half nnhour there was a lively scone Skirts weretorn arid ono of the ten girls was thrown intothe canal near the faetory She was pulledout again by the strikers anti disappeared

The police hud no terrors fur tho strikersOne girl wielded an umbrella In a rush uponthem nnd the point of the umbrella piercedBergt Kellys hand


Itrdortlon Hipertrd From the rtfvrrs-or moo

Deputy Tax Commissioner Frank J lulln hi yesterday that Judging from the present

Indlratlon the tax rate for this year would bo-

one or two points under 2 24 the general rolefor Manhattan borough III iouu Mr hell

that It would be Impossible to get therate down to 200

There U about tlOOOOOOPOO real estate onthe book and n largely increased personaltax rate

noman lls With Slot for Her llor Hurtnull to Prosrrutr Him

Stcddurd alias Hart tho Tombs HwliidlerIs stIlt keeping at It Stonn walls di rot a prisonnuku for lui gonlus womanfrom up tho State ralleil at the 1ombs yt-

terday and said sin wanted to see her toyIt turned out that hn had gut a letter pitportinz to come from her son saying tlmtho was In a scrape nnd was ui iho Tombsunder the name tart Tho loiter asked forstile to jet him out flue mother decidedto ioiiin III person with tbo inonuy-

Shi wns lit Tombs that Hurt woulds o vittorj Tell him It U hue mother

liar sent buck this messageMy mother must lit mile in a cell Thn

be too iniirh lor h r Tell herto hn iiiit toMivo me

Then the woman engaged Itwyer Huelii Pentecost to do wlmi he tnsnvulier

boy Hefure nhe and the lawyer had tlni-ID do iniirh MefntiVllle hoard ofuntIe latest link Hiowrd the woman1 of tliu prisoner That putnn end tobut

J A l of Toronto from whose wifeHart iM 1M by n letter pretending to bewritten by her husband in under thnname camo to thisnnd after a tdlt with District Attorney JMlblndecided lo pro ocut Mrs turre-ulx

The letter llarf was tearing when De-

tective MoConville went to hula cell In theTombs mi for Mrsrles tnotiev nnd found 111111 was addressedto Seiintir l rv Dollar Sullivan nnd was a

THREE iMTriwiir Aitnirn-

Uenrorge Alabama unit lla ahaiftts InFrom lamnlrH

Three of tug battleships of the NorthAtlantic Hifron the Kenr arge thn Ala-

bama lImit th Mns niihu ets arrived yesterdny front Klntrton Jaiimien They lire

There lsoo oHUnrs and men iihonrdthe and s not onePete of serial sicknes ninong the hnrdybliieinckeis and

Two new drills were Introduced whilethe hips were i i Sjintii Ilo a

A 5Inch gun was dismounted taken ashorein u st arn and tired nine times Two

iiiiratn landing neither knowingntivliing 11111111 the tuber were sent ushore-nt Hiinta llisi Kiied sent sculls liiroimlithe wood midi 1 to-iliwover fi other

llr Ilinprr HorseM tin hiie ol Dr William II Draper in

West fortyseventh reel tin bulletin wisIssued at inidnhtht lat might

Dr Draper has fulled somewhattb afternoon

pr IIHH been ill of pnnumonli sim-i

iHP lOr iltar Is a brnrMilor to tkohdlfs iw aroma and friciancp Is rronounird Ueli hy thra Ye tnK dear twts but a dlo I

To l tail of leading ftjrywlitte tcr


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Into Canal

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begging letter



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or sicon cuiiit run HVOJT-HOTiiEit wot invr CALL hOrTon

A llanihtrr Dlrd Ial and Two OtherChildren Are III All of IllphihrrU Jlothcr-Inshlrd on XSclrnrr Trralmrnt tntllToo Ialf Ilfr Stint llai liven Way

FiAimin N 1 April 21 William thoeldest son of Mr and Mrs leroy J Kill ofForest avenue Innwood died of diphtheriaat parents home a t night He I thetee iid child In Iho family to micciimh tothe disease Dorothy the daughter who IsIll with the same dlseuse IH much worse andJames u year and a half old developed dlph-

therltlu symptoms this morning Ills condi-

tion ls critical the other con Ieroy 4 yearsold U 111 today and It U feared that he maydevelop tlipdlsease

The Lucy who U dead wise token ill on Aprl-

II tint did not have medical treatment dur-ing the first part of Id Illne for the samereason that huts sister lila the Mxyearnldgirl who died last week did not have It MrsKills the mother Is n believer In ChristianScience Slue visited and advised byMr and Mr Joseph II See leader andhealers of thin Christian Science Church atCranford and held tennciously to their treat-ment Mr Kill protested against the treatmeat by the Scientist Lout to no purposeat Hrst Mrs KIIU contended that her chil-

dren were not really Ill and would be nil ughIn n short time

At flrnt there was no Quarantine atthn Klii home anti Mr and Mm See madefrequent visits lucre to apply their treat-ment Later Dr Went cot t IVesldent ofthe 1anwood Hoard of Health become o-

qualnted with the forts antI established aquarantine despite tlm proteM of MmKills IOKT still Dr Smith a homosnpathlo-physlclnn at VestneIil was railed and hasflnco been treating the children

The beliefs lucid by Mrs Kills and thestrong opposition to them by lien hushnndand thus health official have caused a breakdown In her health and her mind be-come affected A few days Mrs F CMaury mother of Kills who lIves ntNashville Titm arrived at the Kills h lirearid today Mr Kills was taken to n retreatIn New York

Although many attempts have been modeto have tho qunrnntlno removed nt thee Henhomo In Crnnford tho Hoard of Health ofthat placo refuses to grant the request until

oclock neit Sunday evening A poliomills U on duty nt thin house There Is astrong feeling both nt Fnnwood anti Crams

ford ngainn the Scientist


Carriage StopsITnman Drops a Lap Kobe Orer-Htm Inllfmrri l rd Him

A woman on her way home from thetbeatro lost nisht happened to look outof her carriage window Just in time tosee n tenycnrold boy sound asleep ina Thirtyfifth sheet loorwny off Broadway The boys head was on tbe stepand hU body was coiled up on the nldcwalk It was mining in torrents

The woman Rot out of her carriage tongenough to throw n lap robe over the boyanti then told lien driver to get a

In the meantIme score of other thentrofolks stopped nnd stood around the sleepIIIK boy makIng a canopy for him withtheir umbrellas

One moan lifted thn limp robe far enoughto push a quarter Into the urchIns pocketnnd everybody In the crown followedsuit

When Policeman Donovan showed uplie took the boy In Ills nrms and carriedhim to thin station Tho childs clothingwas soaked through his teeth chatteredand ho M as no hoarse that ho hind toIn a whisper that was Patrick Cummini a dead irk newsboy too tiredto walk to his home nt 211 Hast 12lst street

Th nt tln boughthim a supper and after Patrick hadIt and u lit lie hn was sent to tho-licrry foclety for the niilit-

tuooTixn iv POLICE rirovPo-

llrpman and an Angry f Illpn Kirhanceshots In Itolh Slay

PnirAOo April SiA revolver fight bs-

twe n It 1 Houchtalinijion one side ant twopolicemen on the other took place todsyIn Hnrrisoti street pollc station shortlybelie noon As n result HouchtnllnR andWilliam Mesenger were wiunded mortallyShortly before noon lollci men Messenceroil Ileiek while htnndlni at Harrison anti

wcr npprnn beth by two girlswho sulil they hail been Insulted by a manamid they pointed out lloiichtnllnir Mesender reprimanded him nnd started for thesntlon

Soon nfter lliiinthtaUni appeared aridileinaniled hunt ho take tuck what he saidto him t th corn r Messenger orderedhim out of thn station whereupon the mandrew n revolver and tired tho shots Tenshots weri tired two it Is believed tnklnar-eflVt In hit holy of Messenger who drewhis revolver and tired threo times at wouldIm murderer before fnlllns moonscloui totho lloor HoiiBhtallns M believed to havibeen ururk Ilvo times by thn fromthe revolvers of Messoticer Sergt Scully-He wu token in Ibo County Jail Hospitalwhew it li ald that hits chances of recoveryare small

As thin woiindej policeman fell Serot Soiilly-rusied from behind his desk and begununfit t Houchinlliii who witS running

The shot from Bcullys pistolhrouchtthemun lo the cround but crawlingon his hundt anti knees und still I rlnfhe attenpted to escape throiiih the squad roomdour Hy tbU time however a dozen police-men were in the room revolver In handansI llouKhtalinir hIs revolver rendered uieless by one of Si allys bullets surrendered

ovr Rid TrxxEi imrEH nornewith Srvprsl llMtrlbnllnc Stations Stain Ml

Sot Vpl Cbnspi-

iTliofucstlon whether there will be one orseveral power houses for the Hiipld Transit

has been practically decided bythe cuuineerN of the conianyThen will be ono main power house largerlimn either the Manhattan or Metropolitan

with several for timedistribution of electrical energy

AiiDilur departiinti of the TransitHuliwitv inn beenistnl iisnd Ih appointment of J VanVlirl IIH incriiunirnl engineer with author-ity tn onMiil7 u force and coopernto with

iMtrieiil etitfliiiir I Inthe i mist ruth Ion of the power plant ThoSIt of the power his not yet beeniMcrmined H n iiestionof real estatevaluta principally

tai li fiitlon i n i v payment plan and lorAI n m KIOI ifin Yojfc elty-

AntrdllnTlaa liftArUtooatlc oltlaadnne Atlt

lILt Til















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